Certificate of The Examiner: This Is To Certify That

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This is to certify that


Our heart pulsates with the thrill for te !eri " "ratitu!e to those perso s who helpe! us i the co#pletio of the pro$ect% Frist a ! fore#ost we woul! li&e to e'press our "ratitu!e a ! i !e(te! ess to our "ui!e Prof M. Bhuyan and Miss P . kakoty for assi" i " us these i teresti " pro$ect a ! for their ace "ui!a ce a ! co structi)e criticis# i #oul!i " our a(le u !ersta !i " of these pro$ect% A asse#(la"e of these ature coul! e)er ha)e atte#pte! without refere ce to a i spiratio fro# the wor&s of others whose !etails are #e tio e! i refere ce sectio % *e ac& owle!"e our i !e(te! ess to all of the#%

The title of our pro$ect is + SE,-ENTIAL MACHINE O.ERATION/% The purpose of our pro$ect is to !esi" a !i"ital syste# co sisti " of four #achi e that will wor& o se0ue tial #o!e% For this purpose we use! two 111 ti#ers ICs a ! four D2 flip flops% The output of o e ti#er is use! as i put for the 3 stflipflop a ! the other as cloc& for all the flip flops % The four D2flip flops are co ecte! i casca!e% The output of 3stflipflop acts as the i put for 4 !flipflop a ! so o % Thus we are a(le to !esi" a syste# of #achi e where the 3st #achi e starts a ! after so#e !elay the 4 ! a ! the the 5r! a ! 6th 7 each #achi e perfor#i " loa!i " a ! u loa!i " operatio %

Cont nts
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I tro!uctio 888888888888888888888881 O($ecti)e888888888888888888888%% 1 *or&i " pri ciple 888%%888888888888881

Circuit !ia"ra#888888888%88888888888%9 .ro$ect phase8888% 888888888888888888923: Co#po e t use!8888888888888888888888%3: Co clusio 88888888888888888888888% 4; <i(lio"raphy888888888888888888888%%8 43

Nearly all se0ue tial lo"ic to!ay is cloc&e! or sy chro ous lo"ic% I a sy chro ous circuit7 a electro ic oscillator calle! a cloc& "e erates a se0ue ce of repetiti)e pulses calle! the cloc& si" al which is !istri(ute! to all the #e#ory ele#e ts i the circuit% The (asic #e#ory ele#e t i se0ue tial lo"ic is the flip2flop% The output of each flip2flop o ly cha "es whe tri""ere! (y the cloc& pulse7 so cha "es to the lo"ic si" als throu"hout the circuit all (e"i at the sa#e ti#e7 at re"ular i ter)als7 sy chro i=e! (y the cloc&% The output of all the stora"e ele#e ts >flip2flops? i the circuit at a y "i)e ti#e7 the (i ary !ata they co tai 7 is calle! the state of the circuit% The state of a sy chro ous circuit o ly cha "es o cloc& pulses% At each cycle7 the e't state is !eter#i e! (y the curre t state a ! the )alue of the i put si" als whe the cloc& pulse occurs% The #ai a!)a ta"e of sy chro ous lo"ic is its si#plicity% The lo"ic "ates which perfor# the operatio s o the !ata re0uire a fi ite a#ou t of ti#e to respo ! to cha "es to their i puts% This is calle! propa"atio !elay% The i ter)al (etwee cloc& pulses #ust (e lo " e ou"h so that all the lo"ic "ates ha)e ti#e to respo ! to the cha "es a ! their outputs @settle@ to sta(le lo"ic )alues7 (efore the e't cloc& pulse occurs% As lo " as this co !itio is #et >i" ori " certai other !etails? the circuit is "uara tee! to (e sta(le a ! relia(le% This !eter#i es the #a'i#u# operati " spee! of a sy chro ous circuit%

The pri#ary o($ecti)e of the pro$ect title! + SE&"ENT!AL MAC'!NE OPERAT!ON/ is to !esi" a syste# co sisti " of four #achi es which operates o se0ue ce o e after a other perfor#i " operatio s li&e loa!i " a ! u loa!i " of #aterials for )arious i !ustrial applicatio s%

The wor&i " of the pro$ect is (ase! o two 111ti#er ICs a ! four D2flipflops% I o e ti#er we ha)e chose the )alues of Ra7R( a ! C i such a way that the rise ti#e (eco#es twice of the fall ti#e where the rise ti#e will i !icate loa!i " operatio a ! fall ti#e i !icates u loa!i " operatio % The output of this ti#er is applie! as cloc& to the first flipflop% I a other ti#er we "e erate! a s0uare wa)e (y #a&i " its !uty cycle 1;B a ! this ti#er output is use! as a cloc& for the D2flipflop% Now the four D2flipflops are co ecte! i casca!e% The D2flipflop will !elay the i put !ata (y o e cloc& pulse% So there will (e a !elay of o e cloc& pulse (etwee the co si0uiti)eflipflops i put% *e also co ecte! four le! at the output of four flipflops to i !icate loa!i " a ! u loa!i " operatio % A 1C !c power supply is supplie! to the circuit fro# !i"ital trai er (oar!% Duri " the 3st pulse the flipflop 3 output "oes hi"h a ! this will i !icate loa!i " operatio of 3st #achi e% The output "oes low after rise ti#e a ! i !icates u loa!i " operatio % After so#e !elay the pulse for the 4 !flipflop "oes hi"h i !icati " the operatio s of 4 ! #achi e a ! sa#e is the process for 5r! a ! 6th #achi e%


3? Desi" 4? Si#ulatio 5? Fa(ricatio

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) IC111 ti#er% Delay flip flop> IC:6hc:6?% Resistors Capacitors Co ecti " wires% Di"ital trai er (oar!% Le!%

!C ((( ti) r
The 111 ti#er IC is a i te"rate! circuit >chip? use! i a )ariety of ti#er7 pulse "e eratio 7 a ! oscillator applicatio s% The 111 ca (e use! to pro)i!e ti#e !elays7 as a oscillator7 a ! as a flip2flop ele#e t% Deri)ati)es pro)i!e up to four ti#i " circuits i o e pac&a"e%The NE111 parts were co##ercial te#perature ra "e7 ; EC to F:; EC7 a ! the SE111 part u#(er !esi" ate! the #ilitary te#perature ra "e7 G11 EC to F341 EC% These were a)aila(le i (oth hi"h2relia(ility #etal ca >T pac&a"e? a ! i e'pe si)e epo'y plastic >C pac&a"e? pac&a"es% Thus the full part u#(ers were NE111C7 N

Pin dia*ra)

B+o,k dia*ra)

P!N d s,ri-tion of !, ((( ti) r

The co ectio of the pi s for a DI. pac&a"e is as followsA





Drou ! refere ce )olta"e7 low le)el >; C?


The O-T pi "oes hi"h a ! a ti#i " i ter)al starts whe this i put falls (elow 3H4 of CTRL )olta"e >which is typically 4H5 of VCC7 whe CTRL is ope ?%



This output is !ri)e to appro'i#ately 3%:C (elow FVCC or DND%


A ti#i " i ter)al #ay (e reset (y !ri)i " this i put to DND7 (ut the ti#i " !oes ot (e"i a"ai u til RESET rises a(o)e appro'i#ately ;%: )olts% O)erri!es TRID which o)erri!es THR%


.ro)i!es @co trol@ access to the i ter al )olta"e !i)i!er >(y !efault7 4H5 VCC?%


The ti#i " >O-T hi"h? i ter)al e !s whe the )olta"e at THR is "reater tha that at CTRL >4H5 VCC if CTRL is ope ?%


.ositi)e supply )olta"e7 which is usually (etwee 5 a ! 31 C !epe !i " o the )ariatio %

Mo!es The 111 has three operati " #o!esA 1) Asta(le #o!eA i our pro$ect we use! this #o!e% 2) Mo osta(le #o!e 3) <ista(le#o!e

Asta.+ o- ration
Asta(le #ulti)i(rator or free ru i " #ulti)i(rator !oes ot re0uire e'ter al tri""er to cha "e state of the output%Fi" shows the 111 ti#er co ecte! as a asta(le #ulti)i(rator% I itially whe the output is hi"h capacitor C starts char"i " towar! Ccc throu"h Ra a ! R(%

% As soo as )olta"e across the capacitor e0uals 4H5Ccc7co#parator 3 tri""ers the flip2flop7a ! the output switches low% Now capacitor c starts !ischar"i " throu"h R<7 a ! tra sistor ,3%*he the )olta"e across C e0uals 3H5 )cc7 co#parator 4Js output tri""ers the flip2flop7a ! the output "oes hi"h% The capacitor is 11

perio!ically char"e! a ! !ischar"e! (etwee 4H5 Ccc a ! 3H5Ccc respecti)ely% The ti#e !uri " which the capacitor char"es fro# 3H5 Cccto 4H5 Ccc is e0ual to the ti#e the output is hi"h a ! is "i)e (y TcK;%9L>RaFR(?C *here Ra a ! R( are i oh#s a ! C i fara!s% The ti#e !uri " which the capacitor !ischar"es fro# 4H5 Ccc to 3H5 Ccc is e0ual to the ti#e the output is low a ! is "i)e (y T! K ;%9LR(C *here R( i oh#s a ! C i fara!s% The total perio! of wa)efro# is T K Tc F T! K >3%61H>RaF4R(?C? The fre0ue cy of oscillatio is F K 3HT K >3%61H>Ra F 4R(?C? Duty cycleA The !uty cycle is the ratio of ti#e Tc !uri " which the output is hi"h to the total ti#e perio! T% Duty cycle>i B? K >TcHT?M3;; For s0uare wa)e !uty cycle shoul! (e 1;B%

R sistors#
The operatio that a co !uctor offers to the flow of curre t is calle! resista ce% It is i !icate! (y sy#(ol R a ! its #easuri " u it is oh#% The applicatio s of resistor i electro ic circuit are usi " it as a loa! for acti)e !e)ice i a#plifiers% <asically resistors are of two &i !sA fi'e! a ! )aria(le% Circuit sy#(olA

(a) Fi'e! resistor


(b) Caria(le resistor

Capacitors are electric co#po e ts which ha)e the a(ility of stori " electric e er"y% Capacita ce opposes a y cha "e of )olta"es i the circuit i which it is co ecte!% The u it of capacita ce is fara!>F?%The capacitors are use! to #a&e fre0ue cy !epe !e t )olta"e !i)i!ers li&e (ypass7 coupli "7 filteri "7 e er"y stora"e a ! reso ati " circuits% Circuit sy#(olA

Conn ,tin* /ir s#

Co ecti " wires are use! to co ect !iffere t electrical co#po e ts%


Di*ita+ train r .oard#

Di"ital (oar!s are i te !e! for ele#e tary as well as a!)a ce trai i " of !i"ital electro ics a ! for (rea! (oar! circuits %

S- ,ifi,ations#

I TTLHCMOS Lo"ic Le)el I puts with i !icator LED for Lo"ic Low N Lo"ic Hi"h% 3; output LEDOs for Lo"ic le)el I !icators% Fi'e! >TTL? Cloc& "e erator of 3H=7 3;;H=7 3;PH=7 3;;PH=% Four .ulser De erator with Ei"ht !e(ou ce! Output% Two !i"it <CD to : se"#e t !eco!er% O 2(oar! two 3;P Caria(le .ote tio#eter% O 2(oar! F34C S.DT Relay for Co trol applicatio % O 2(oar! two <CD Thu#(wheel switch% O 2(oar! <u==er for alar# applicatio % O 2(oar! 34I; TIE poi ts <rea! <oar!% O 2(oar! Capacitor of 3;; f 7 44; f 7 3uf73;uf73;;uf76:;uf% Fi'e! DC .ower SupplyA F1CH3A7 Q34CH41;#A% Caria(le DC .ower supply of ; to F31CH41;#A output%

All I putsHOutputs are (rou"ht o 4## soc&et% Set of 4## <a a a .atch Cor!s% Shoul! support DN series rea!y to use Electro ics (oar!% <are (oar! Teste! Dlass Epo'y SMO<C .C< is use!% -serOs Ma ual.

A li"ht2e#itti " !io!e >LED? is a se#ico !uctor li"ht source% LEDs are use! as i !icator la#ps i #a y !e)ices a ! are i creasi "ly use! for "e eral li"hti "% *he a li"ht2e#itti " !io!e is switche! o 7 electro s are a(le to reco#(i e with holes withi the !e)ice7 releasi " e er"y i the for# of photo s% This effect is calle! electrolu#i esce ce7 a ! the color of the li"ht >correspo !i " to the e er"y of the photo ? is !eter#i e! (y the e er"y (a ! "ap of the se#ico !uctor% A LED is ofte s#all i area >less tha 3 ##4?7 a ! i te"rate! optical co#po e ts #ay (e use! to shape its ra!iatio patter % LEDs ha)e #a y a!)a ta"es o)er i ca !esce t li"ht sources i clu!i " lower e er"y co su#ptio 7 lo "er lifeti#e7 i#pro)e! physical ro(ust ess7 s#aller si=e7 a ! faster switchi "% Howe)er7 LEDs powerful e ou"h for roo# li"hti " are relati)ely e'pe si)e7 a ! re0uire #ore precise curre t a ! heat #a a"e#e t tha co#pact fluoresce t la#p sources of co#para(le output% Li"ht2e#itti " !io!es are use! i applicatio s as !i)erse as a)iatio li"hti "7 auto#oti)e li"hti "7 a!)ertisi "7 "e eral li"hti "7 a ! traffic si" als% LEDs ha)e allowe! ew te't7 )i!eo !isplays7 a ! se sors to (e !e)elope!7 while their hi"h switchi " rates are also useful i a!)a ce! co##u icatio s tech olo"y% I frare! LEDs are also use! i the re#ote co trol u its of #a y co##ercial pro!ucts i clu!i " tele)isio s7 DCD players a ! other !o#estic applia ces% LEDs are also use! i se)e 2se"#e t !isplay% Sy).o+ of LED#



The !esi" of se0ue cial #achi e has wor&e! successfully%


1. Di"ital !esi"

M% Moris Ma o


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