The Logic of Causation: Definition, Induction and Deduction of Deterministic Causality.

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Definition, Induction and Deduction of Deterministic Causality



COPYRIGHT AVI SION, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010.



Previously published, 1999 (rev. 2000), 2003 (rev. 2005), 2008 (internet only).
Third edition, 2010.
By Avi Sion, Geneva, Switzerland.

Library Cataloguing Information:

Sion, Avi.
The Logic of Causation.
Phases I, II and III.

No index, no bibliography.

ISBN 978-2-9700091-3-9

The Logic of Causation is a treatise of formal logic and of aetiology. It is an original and
wide-ranging investigation of the definition of causation (deterministic causality) in all its
forms, and of the deduction and induction of such forms. The work was carried out in three
phases over a dozen years (1998-2010), each phase introducing more sophisticated
methods than the previous to solve outstanding problems. This study was intended as part
of a larger work on causal logic, which additionally treats volition and allied cause-effect
relations (2004).
The Logic of Causation deals with the main technicalities relating to reasoning about
causation. Once all the deductive characteristics of causation in all its forms have been
treated, and we have gained an understanding as to how it is induced, we are able to
discuss more intelligently its epistemological and ontological status. In this context, past
theories of causation are reviewed and evaluated (although some of the issues involved
here can only be fully dealt with in a larger perspective, taking volition and other aspects of
causality into consideration, as done in Volition and Allied Causal Concepts).
Phase I: Macroanalysis. Starting with the paradigm of causation, its most obvious and
strongest form, we can by abstraction of its defining components distinguish four genera of
causation, or generic determinations, namely: complete, partial, necessary and contingent
causation. When these genera and their negations are combined together in every which
way, and tested for consistency, it is found that only four species of causation, or specific
determinations, remain conceivable. The concept of causation thus gives rise to a number
of positive and negative propositional forms, which can be studied in detail with relative
ease because they are compounds of conjunctive and conditional propositions whose
properties are already well known to logicians.
The logical relations (oppositions) between the various determinations (and their
negations) are investigated, as well as their respective implications (eductions). Thereafter,
their interactions (in syllogistic reasoning) are treated in the most rigorous manner. The
main question we try to answer here is: is (or when is) the cause of a cause of something
itself a cause of that thing, and if so to what degree? The figures and moods of positive
causative syllogism are listed exhaustively; and the resulting arguments validated or
invalidated, as the case may be. In this context, a general and sure method of evaluation
called matricial analysis (macroanalysis) is introduced. Because this (initial) method is
cumbersome, it is used as little as possible the remaining cases being evaluated by means
of reduction.
Phase II: Microanalysis. Seeing various difficulties encountered in the first phase, and the
fact that some issues were left unresolved in it, a more precise method is developed in the
second phase, capable of systematically answering most outstanding questions. This
improved matricial analysis (microanalysis) is based on tabular prediction of all logically
conceivable combinations and permutations of conjunctions between two or more items
and their negations (grand matrices). Each such possible combination is called a modus
and is assigned a permanent number within the framework concerned (for 2, 3, or more
items). This allows us to identify each distinct (causative or other, positive or negative)
propositional form with a number of alternative moduses.
This technique greatly facilitates all work with causative and related forms, allowing us to
systematically consider their eductions, oppositions, and syllogistic combinations. In fact,
it constitutes a most radical approach not only to causative propositions and their
derivatives, but perhaps more importantly to their constituent conditional propositions.
Moreover, it is not limited to logical conditioning and causation, but is equally applicable
to other modes of modality, including extensional, natural, temporal and spatial
conditioning and causation. From the results obtained, we are able to settle with formal
certainty most of the historically controversial issues relating to causation.
Phase III: Software Assisted Analysis. The approach in the second phase was very
manual and time consuming; the third phase is intended to mechanize much of the work
involved by means of spreadsheets (to begin with). This increases reliability of calculations
(though no errors were found, in fact) and also allows for a wider scope. Indeed, we are
now able to produce a larger, 4-item grand matrix, and on its basis find the moduses of
causative and other forms needed to investigate 4-item syllogism. As well, now each
modus can be interpreted with greater precision and causation can be more precisely
defined and treated.
In this latest phase, the research is brought to a successful finish! Its main ambition, to
obtain a complete and reliable listing of all 3-item and 4-item causative syllogisms, being
truly fulfilled. This was made technically feasible, in spite of limitations in computer
software and hardware, by cutting up problems into smaller pieces. For every mood of the
syllogism, it was thus possible to scan for conclusions mechanically (using spreadsheets),
testing all forms of causative and preventive conclusions. Until now, this job could only be
done manually, and therefore not exhaustively and with certainty. It took over 72000
pages of spreadsheets to generate the sought for conclusions.
This is a historic breakthrough for causal logic and logic in general. Of course, not all
conceivable issues are resolved. There is still some work that needs doing, notably with
regard to 5-item causative syllogism. But what has been achieved solves the core problem.
The method for the resolution of all outstanding issues has definitely now been found and
proven. The only obstacle to solving most of them is the amount of labor needed to
produce the remaining (less important) tables. As for 5-item syllogism, bigger computer
resources are also needed.

Phase One: Macroanalysis.

Chapter 1. The Paradigm of Causation ........................................................................... 11
1. Causation. ................................................................................................................ 11
2. The Paradigmic Determination................................................................................ 12
Chapter 2. The Generic Determinations ......................................................................... 16
1. Strong Determinations. ............................................................................................ 16
2. Parallelism of Strongs.............................................................................................. 19
3. Weak Determinations. ............................................................................................. 21
4. Parallelism of Weaks. .............................................................................................. 28
5. The Four Genera of Causation................................................................................. 29
6. Negations of Causation............................................................................................ 31
Chapter 3. The Specific Determinations.......................................................................... 34
1. The Species of Causation. ....................................................................................... 34
2. The Joint Determinations. ....................................................................................... 36
3. The Significance of Certain Findings. ..................................................................... 43
Chapter 4. Immediate Inferences ..................................................................................... 46
1. Oppositions. ............................................................................................................. 46
2. Eductions. ................................................................................................................ 47
3. The Directions of Causation. ................................................................................... 55
Chapter 5. Causative Syllogism........................................................................................ 58
1. Causal or Effectual Chains. ..................................................................................... 58
2. Some Instructive Examples. .................................................................................... 59
3. Figures and Moods. ................................................................................................. 62
Chapter 6. List of Positive Moods .................................................................................... 69
1. Valid and Invalid Moods. ........................................................................................ 69
2. Moods in Figure 1. .................................................................................................. 71
3. Moods in Figure 2. .................................................................................................. 75
4. Moods in Figure 3. .................................................................................................. 79
Chapter 7. Reduction of Positive Moods ......................................................................... 85
1. Reduction. ................................................................................................................ 85
2. Reductions in Figure 1............................................................................................. 90
3. Reductions in Figure 2............................................................................................. 96
4. Reductions in Figure 3........................................................................................... 102
Chapter 8. Matricial Analyses ........................................................................................ 109
1. Matricial Analysis. ................................................................................................ 109
2. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 1. ................................................................ 112
3. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 2. ................................................................ 127
4. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 3. ................................................................ 133
Chapter 9. Squeezing Out More Information ............................................................... 141
1. The Interactions of Determinations. ...................................................................... 141
2. Negative Moods..................................................................................................... 145
3. Negative Conclusions from Positive Moods. ........................................................ 148
4. Imperfect Moods. .................................................................................................. 152
Chapter 10. Wrapping Up Phase One ........................................................................... 155
1. Highlights of Findings. .......................................................................................... 155
2. The Modes of Causation........................................................................................ 157
3. Gaps and Loose Ends. ........................................................................................... 159
Appendix 1: J. S. Mills Methods: A Critical Analysis. .................................... 161
Preamble ................................................................................................................ 161
1. The Joint Method of Agreement and Difference........................................... 162
2. The Method of Agreement ............................................................................ 165
3. The Method of Difference ............................................................................. 167
4. The Method of Residues................................................................................ 170
5. The Method of Concomitant Variations ........................................................ 172
Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................. 174

Phase Two: Microanalysis.

Chapter 11. Piecemeal Microanalysis. ........................................................................... 179
1. Binary Coding and Unraveling.............................................................................. 179
2. The Generic Determinations. ................................................................................ 181
3. Contraction and Expansion. .................................................................................. 183
4. Intersection, Nullification and Merger. ................................................................. 187
5. Negation. ............................................................................................................... 190
Chapter 12. Systematic Microanalysis. ......................................................................... 193
1. Grand Matrices. ..................................................................................................... 193
2. Moduses in a Two-Item Framework. .................................................................... 195
3. Catalogue of Moduses, for Three Items. ............................................................... 199
4. Enumeration of Moduses, for Three Items. ........................................................... 204
5. Comparing Frameworks. ....................................................................................... 206
Chapter 13. Some More Microanalyses. ....................................................................... 209
1. Relative Weaks. ..................................................................................................... 209
2. Items of Negative Polarity in Two-Item Framework. ........................................... 212
3. Items of Negative Polarity in Three-Item Framework. ......................................... 216
4. Categoricals and Conditionals. .............................................................................. 221
Chapter 14. Main Three-Item Syllogisms. .................................................................... 231
1. Applying Microanalysis to Syllogism. .................................................................. 231
2. The Moduses of Premises...................................................................................... 233
3. The Moduses of Conclusions. ............................................................................... 236
4. Dealing with Vaguer Propositions. ....................................................................... 243
Chapter 15. Some More Three-Item Syllogisms........................................................... 246
1. Special Cases of Three-item Syllogism................................................................. 246
2. Dealing with Negatives. ........................................................................................ 256
Chapter 16. Outstanding Issues. .................................................................................... 261
1. Four-Item Syllogism.............................................................................................. 261
2. On Laws of Causation. .......................................................................................... 262
3. Interdependence..................................................................................................... 267
4. Other Features of Causation Worthy of Study. ..................................................... 270
5. To Be Continued. .................................................................................................. 271
Phase Three: Software Assisted Analysis.
Chapter 17. Resuming the Research. ............................................................................. 275
1. History of the Research. ........................................................................................ 275
2. Matrices of the Frameworks. ................................................................................. 276
3. Comparing Frameworks. ....................................................................................... 278
Chapter 18. Moduses of the Forms. ............................................................................... 280
1. 2-Item Framework Moduses.................................................................................. 280
2. 3-Item Framework Moduses.................................................................................. 281
3. 4-Item Moduses of the Forms................................................................................ 282
4. Interpretation of the Moduses. ............................................................................... 283
Chapter 19. Defining Causation. .................................................................................... 294
1. Back to the Beginning. .......................................................................................... 294
2. The Puzzle of No Non-connection. ....................................................................... 297
3. The Definition of Causation. ................................................................................. 301
4. Oppositions and Other Inferences. ........................................................................ 303
Chapter 20. Concerning Complements. ........................................................................ 306
1. Reducing Numerous Complements to Just Two. .................................................. 306
2. Dependence Between Complements. .................................................................... 307
3. Exclusive Weak Causation. ................................................................................... 308
4. The Need for an Additional Item (or Two). .......................................................... 311
Chapter 21. Causative Syllogisms. ................................................................................. 313
1. Methodology.......................................................................................................... 313
2. 3-Item Syllogisms. ................................................................................................. 314
3. 4-Item Syllogisms. ................................................................................................. 316
4. About 5-item Syllogism. ....................................................................................... 326
Chapter 22. Scanning for Conclusions. ......................................................................... 328
1. Methodology.......................................................................................................... 328
2. Forms Studied and their Oppositions. ................................................................... 330
3. 3-Item Syllogisms. ................................................................................................. 331
4. 4-Item Syllogisms. ................................................................................................. 334
Chapter 23. Exploring Further Afield. .......................................................................... 351
1. Possible Forms of Premises. .................................................................................. 351
2. Dealing with Negative Items. ................................................................................ 352
3. Preventive Syllogisms and their Derivatives. ........................................................ 354
4. Syllogisms with Negative Premise(s). ................................................................... 356
5. Causal Logic Perspective. ..................................................................................... 358
Chapter 24. A Practical Guide to Causative Logic....................................................... 361
1. What is Causation? ................................................................................................ 361
2. How is Causation Known? .................................................................................... 363
3. A List of the Main Causative Arguments. ............................................................. 367
4. Closing Remark. .................................................................................................... 369
Diagrams 370
Tables 370




Phase I: Macroanalysis. Starting with the paradigm of causation, its most obvious and
strongest form, we can by abstraction of its defining components distinguish four genera of
causation, or generic determinations, namely: complete, partial, necessary and contingent
causation. When these genera and their negations are combined together in every which
way, and tested for consistency, it is found that only four species of causation, or specific
determinations, remain conceivable. The concept of causation thus gives rise to a number
of positive and negative propositional forms, which can be studied in detail with relative
ease because they are compounds of conjunctive and conditional propositions whose
properties are already well known to logicians.
The logical relations (oppositions) between the various determinations (and their
negations) are investigated, as well as their respective implications (eductions). Thereafter,
their interactions (in syllogistic reasoning) are treated in the most rigorous manner. The
main question we try to answer here is: is (or when is) the cause of a cause of something
itself a cause of that thing, and if so to what degree? The figures and moods of positive
causative syllogism are listed exhaustively; and the resulting arguments validated or
invalidated, as the case may be. In this context, a general and sure method of evaluation
called matricial analysis (macroanalysis) is introduced. Because this (initial) method is
cumbersome, it is used as little as possible the remaining cases being evaluated by means
of reduction.


1. Causation.

Causality refers to causal relations, i.e. the relations between causes and effects. This
generic term has various, more specific meanings. It may refer to Causation, which is
deterministic causality; or to Volition, which is (roughly put) indeterministic causality; or
to Influence, which concerns the interactions between causation and volition or between
different volitions.
The term causality may also be used to refer to causal issues: i.e. to negative as well as
positive answers to the question are these things causally related? In the latter sense,
negations of causality (in the positive sense) are also causality (in the broad sense). This
allows us to consider Spontaneity (i.e. causelessness, the lack of any causation or volition)
as among the causal explanations of things.
A study of the field of causality must also include an investigation of non-causality in all
its forms. For, as we shall see, even if we were to consider spontaneity impossible, the
existence of causality in one form or other between things in general does not imply that
any two things taken at random are necessarily causally related or causally related in a
certain way. We need both positive and negative causal propositions to describe the
relations between things.
In the present work, The Logic of Causation, we shall concentrate on causation, ignoring
for now other forms of causality. Causative logic, or the logic of causative propositions,
has three major goals, as does the study of any other type of human discourse.
(a) To define what we mean by causation (or its absence) and identify and classify the
various forms it might take.
(b) To work out the deductive properties of causative propositions, i.e. how they are
opposed to each other (whether or not they contradict each other, and so forth), what
else can be immediately inferred from them individually (eduction), and what can be
inferred from them collectively in pairs or larger numbers (syllogism).
(c) To explain how causative propositions are, to start with, induced from experience, or
constructed from simpler propositions induced from experience.
Once these goals are fulfilled, in a credible manner (i.e. under strict logical supervision),
we shall have a clearer perspective on wider issues, such as (d) whether there is a universal
law of causation (as some philosophers affirm) or spontaneity is conceivable (as others
claim), and (e) whether other forms of causality (notably volition, and its derivative
influence) are conceivable.
Note well, we shall to begin with theoretically define and interrelate the various possible
forms of causation, leaving aside for now the epistemological issue as to how they are to
be identified and established in practice, as well as discussions of ontological status.
We shall thus in the present volume primarily deal with the main technicalities relating to
reasoning about causation, and only later turn our attention to some larger epistemological
and ontological issues (insofar as they can be treated prior to further analysis of the other
forms of causality). The technical aspect may at times seem tedious, but it is impossible to
properly understand causation and its implications without it. Most endless debates about
causation (and more generally, causality) in the history of philosophy have arisen due to
failure to first deal with technical issues.

2. The Paradigmic Determination.

Causation, or deterministic causality, varies in strength, according to the precise
combinations of conditioning found to hold between the predications concerned. We may
call the different forms thus identified the determinations of causation.
The paradigm, or basic pattern, of causation is its strongest determination. This has the

If the cause is present, the effect is invariably present;

if the cause is absent, the effect is invariably absent.
Our use, here, of the definite article, as in the cause or the effect, is only intended to
pinpoint the predication under consideration, without meaning to imply that there is only
one such cause or effect in the context concerned. Use of an indefinite article, as in a cause
or an effect, becomes more appropriate when discussing a multiplicity of causes or effects,
which as we shall later see may take various forms.
We may rewrite the above static formula in the following more dynamic expression:

If the cause shifts from absent to present, the effect invariably shifts from absent to
if the cause shifts from present to absent, the effect invariably shifts from present to

We shall presently see how this model is variously reproduced in lesser determinations.
For now, it is important to grasp the underlying principle it reflects.
The essence of causation (or effectuation) is that when some change is invariably
accompanied by another, we say that the first phenomenon that has changed has
caused (or effected) the second phenomenon that has changed. In the above model,
the changes involved are respectively from the absence to the presence of the first
phenomenon (called the cause) and from the absence to the presence of the second
phenomenon (called the effect); or vice versa. We may, incidentally, commute this
statement and say that the effect has been caused (or effected) by the cause.
Now, some comments about our terminology here:
The term change, here, must be understood in a very broad sense, as referring to any
event of difference, whatever its modality.
Its primary meaning is, of course, natural change, with reference to time or more to the
point with respect to broader changes in surrounding circumstances1. Here, the meaning
is that some object or characteristic of an object which initially existed or appeared,
later did not exist or disappeared (ceasing to be), or vice-versa (coming to be); or
something existed or appeared at one place and time and recurred or reappeared at

The difference between time and circumstance as concepts of reference seems very slim.
How do we pinpoint an undefined 'circumstance' other than with reference to time? Yet the
distinction seems important, since we construct two different types of modality or modes on its
basis. The only answer I can think of for now is that whereas times (e.g. on 17 August 1999, I
wrote this footnote) are unrepeatable, circumstances (e.g. at the time Turkey experienced an
earthquake, I wrote this footnote) are in principle repeatable. A circumstance is loosely specified
by describing some events in a time (without always intending that reference item to be more than
coincidental i.e. the earthquake did not cause me to write these comments).

another place, at another time (mutation, alteration or movement). This gives rise to
temporal and natural modalities of causation.
Another, secondary sense is diversity in individuals or groups. This signifies that an
individual object has different properties in different parts of its being2; or that a kind of
object has some characteristic in some of its instances and lacks that characteristic (and
possibly has another characteristic, instead) in some other of its instances. This gives
rise to spatial and extensional modalities of causation.
Tertiary senses are epistemic or logical change, which focus respectively on the
underlying acts of consciousness or the status granted them: something is at first noticed
and later ignored, or believed and later doubted, or vice-versa, by someone. This gives
rise to epistemic and logical modalities of causation.
Regarding the terms present and absent (i.e. not present), they may be understood
variously, with reference to the situations just mentioned. They may signify existence or
appearance or instancing (i.e. occurrence in some indicated cases) or being seen or being
accredited true or the negations of these.
The term phenomenon is here, likewise, intended very broadly, to include physical,
mental or spiritual phenomena (things, appearances, objects), concrete or abstract. Also, a
phenomenon may be static or dynamic: that is, the changing cause and effect need not be a
quality or quantity or state or position, though some such static phenomena are always
ultimately involved; the cause and effect may themselves be changes or events or
movements. For instance, motion is change of place, acceleration is change in the speed or
direction of motion. What matters is the switch from presence to absence, or vice-versa, of
that thing, whatever its nature (be it static or dynamic). The cause and effect need not even
be of similar nature; for example, a change of quality may cause a change of quantity.
Another term to clarify in the above principle is accompanied. Here again, our intent is
very large. The cause and effect may be in or of the same object or different objects,
adjacent or apart in space, contemporaneous or in a temporal sequence. The definition of
causation contains no prejudice in these respects, though we may eventually find fit to
postulate relatively non-formal rules, such as that in natural causation the effect cannot
precede the cause in time or that all causation at a distance implies intermediate contiguous
Indeed, it is in some cases difficult for us, if not impossible, to say which of the two
phenomena is the cause and which is the effect. And this often is not only an
epistemological issue, but more deeply an ontological one. For, though there is sometimes
a direction of causation to specify, there is often in fact no basis for such a specification.
The phenomena named cause and effect are in a reciprocal relation of causation; the
terms cause and effect are in such cases merely verbal distinctions. All that we can say is

This is the basis for a concept of spatial modality, which I did not treat in Future Logic. At
the time I wrote that book, I did not take time to think about it. However, I can predict that the
properties of this mode should be very similar to those of extensional modality, just as temporal
modality is akin to natural (or circumstantial) modality. Spatial and temporal modality should
behave in similar ways in various respects.
Be it said in passing, these specific rules, mentioned here for purposes of illustration,
though seemingly true for natural causation, are certainly not relevant in the extensional or logical
modes of causation. Indeed, it is no longer sure that a 'contiguity principle' applies universally even
to natural causation: recent discoveries by physicists may suggest the existence of 'instant action
at a distance' between pairs of particles, which seemingly goes against Relativity Theory prediction
since the limit of the speed of light is not maintained. Whatever the theoretical physics outcome of
such discoveries, the current question mark demonstrates that logic theory must remain open in
such issues; i.e. principles like that of contiguity must be regarded as generalizations which might
be abandoned if the need to do so is found overwhelming.

that the phenomena are bound together, and either can be accessed through the other; the
labels applied to them become a matter of convenience for purposes of discourse.
Finally, the term invariably has to be stressed. How such constancy is established is not
the issue here; we shall consider that elsewhere. In the paradigm of causation given above,
it would not do for the conjunction of the cause and effect, or the conjunction of their
negations, to be merely occasional. We would not regard such varying conjunctions as
signifying genuine causation, but quite the opposite as signs of mere coincidence,
happenstance of togetherness. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. The problem is complicated in
lesser determinations of causation; but as we shall see it can be overcome, a constancy of
conjunction or of non-conjunction is always ultimately involved.
In this context, a warning is in order. When something is invariably accompanied by
another, we say that the first (the presence or absence of the cause) is followed by the
second (the presence or absence of the effect). This refers to causal sequence and should
not be confused with temporal sequence; the term followed is ambivalent (indeed, it is
also used in relation to spatial or numerical series). Even though causal and temporal
sequence are often both involved (which is why the term to follow is equivocal), causal
sequence may occur without temporal sequence (even in natural causation) or in a direction
opposite to temporal sequence (though supposedly not in natural causation, certainly in
logical causation, and by abstraction of the time factor also in extensional causation). The
context usually makes the intent clear, of course.
Now, for some formal analysis:
In our present treatment of causation, we shall focus principally on the logical mode of
causation, note well. There are (as we shall later discuss) other modes, notably the natural,
the temporal, the spatial and the extensional, whose definitions differ with respect to the
type of modality considered. Having investigated modality and conditioning in detail in a
previous treatise (Future Logic, 1990), I can predict that most of the behavior patterns of
logical causation are likely to be found again in the other modes of causation; but also, that
some significant differences are bound to arise.
Returning now to the paradigm of causation, it may be expressed more symbolically as
follows, using the language of logical conditioning (as developed in my Future Logic, Part

If C, then E; and
if notC, then notE.

A sentence of the form If P, then Q means the conjunction of P and the negation of Q is
impossible, i.e. there are no knowledge-contexts where this conjunction (P + notQ)
credibly occurs. Such a proposition can be recast in the contraposite form If notQ, then
notP, which means the conjunction of notQ and the negation of notP is impossible the
same thing in other words.
Such a proposition, note, does not formally imply that P is possible or that notQ is possible.
Normally, we do take it for granted that such a proposition may be realized, i.e. that P is
possible, and therefore (by apodosis) Q is possible and the conjunction P and Q is
possible; and likewise that notQ is possible, and therefore (by apodosis) notP is possible
and the conjunction notQ and notP is possible.
However, in some cases such assumption is unjustified. It may happen that, though If P,
then Q is true, P is impossible, in which case If P, then notQ must also be true; or it may
happen that, though if P, then Q is true, notQ is impossible, in which case If notP, then
Q must also be true. These results are paradoxical, yet quite logical. I will not go into this
matter in detail here, having dealt with it elsewhere (see Future Logic, ch. 31). It is not

directly relevant to the topic under discussion, except that it must be mentioned to stress
that such paradox cannot occur in the context of causation (except to deny causation, of
Therefore, when discussing causation, it is tacitly understood that:

C is contingent and E is contingent4.

That is, each of C, E is possible but unnecessary; likewise, by obversion, for their
negations, each of notC, notE is possible but unnecessary. If any of these positive or
negative terms is by itself necessary or impossible, it is an antecedent or consequent in
valid (and possibly true) propositions, but it is not a cause or effect within the causation
specified. This is, by the way, one difference in meaning between the expressions
cause/effect, and the expressions antecedent/consequent. We shall see, as we deal with
lesser determinations of causation, that their meanings diverge further. All the more so,
when the terms cause/effect are used in other forms of causality.
Furthermore, as above shown with reference to P and Q, granting the contingencies of
C and E, each of the propositions If C, then E and If notC, then notE implies the
following possibilities:

The conjunction (C + E) is possible; and

the conjunction (notC + notE) is possible.

All this is hopefully clear to the reader. But we must eventually consider its implications
with reference to statements dealing with lesser determinations of causation or statements
denying causation.

To avoid any confusion, we should add in the type of modality characterizing the causal
relation. But this specification would be incomprehensible to most readers, as the issue of mode of
causation is dealt with in a later chapter.


1. Strong Determinations.

The strongest determination of causation, which we identified as the paradigm of

causation, may be called complete and necessary causation. We shall now repeat the three
constituent propositions of this form and their implications, all of which must be true to

(i) If C, then E;
(ii) if notC, then notE;
(iii) where: C is contingent and E is contingent.

As we saw, these propositions together imply the following:

The conjunction (C + E) is possible;

the conjunction (notC + notE) is possible.

Clauses (i) and (iii) signify complete causation. With reference to this positive component,
we may call C a complete cause of E and E a necessary effect of C. Where there is
complete causation, the cause is said to make necessary (or necessitate) the effect5. This
signifies that the presence of C is sufficient (or enough) for the presence E.
Clause (ii) and (iii) signify necessary causation. With reference to this negative component,
we may call C a necessary cause of E and E a dependent effect of C. Where there is
necessary causation, the cause is said to make possible (or be necessitated by) the effect.
This signifies that the presence of C is requisite (or indispensable) for the presence E6.
Clause (iii) is commonly left tacit, though as we saw it is essential to ensure that the first
two clauses do not lead to paradox. Strictly speaking, it would suffice, given (i), to
stipulate that C is possible (in which case so is E) and E is unnecessary (in which case so is
C). Or equally well, given (ii), that C is unnecessary (in which case so is E) and E is
possible (in which case so is C). The possibilities of the conjunctions (C + E) and (notC +
notE), logically follow, and so need not be included in the definition.

Looking at the paradigm, we can identify two distinct lesser determinations of causation,
which as it were split the paradigm in two components, each of which by itself conforms to
the paradigm through an ingenuous nuance, as shown below.
Also below, I list the various clauses of each definition, renumbering them for purposes of
reference. Then a table is built up, including all the causal and effectual items involved
(positive and negative) and all their conceivable combinations7. The modus of each item or
The expression X makes Y impossible means that X makes notY necessary, incidentally.
We commonly say, in such case, that C is a sine qua non (Latin for 'without which not') or
proviso of E.
I use the word 'item' to refer to a cause or effect (or the negation of a cause or effect),
indifferently. An item is, thus, for the logician, primarily a thesis (in the largest sense), i.e. a
categorical or other form of proposition. But an item may also signify a term, since theses are
ultimately predications. An item, then, is a thesis, or term within a thesis, involved in a causal

combination, i.e. whether it is defined or implied as possible or impossible, or left open, is

then identified. In each case, the source of such modus is noted, i.e. whether it is given or
derivable from given(s).

Complete causation:

(i) If C, then E;
(ii) if notC, not-then E;
(iii) where: C is possible.

Table 2.1. Complete causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C possible (iii)
2 notC possible implied by (ii)
3 E possible implied by (i) + (iii)
4 notE possible implied by (ii)
5 C E possible implied by (i) + (iii)
6 C notE impossible (i)
7 notC E open
8 notC notE possible (ii)

Complete causation conforms to the paradigm of causation by means of the same main
clause (i); whereas its clause (ii), note well, concerning what happens in the absence of C,
substitutes for the invariable absence of E (i.e. then notE), the not-invariable presence of
E (i.e. not-then E). However, remember, contraposition of (i) implies that If notE, then
notC, meaning that in the absence of E we can be sure that C is also absent8.
Clause (ii) means that (notC + notE) is possible, so we are sure from it that C is
unnecessary and E is unnecessary; also it teaches us that C and E cannot be exhaustive.
Technically, it would suffice for us to know that notE is possible, for we could then infer
clause (ii) from (i); but it is best to specify clause (ii) to fit the paradigm of causation. As
for clause (iii), we need only specify that C is possible; it follows from this and clause (i)
that (C + E) is possible and so that E is also possible.
Note well the nuance that, to establish such causation, the effect has to be found invariably
present in the presence of the cause, otherwise we would commit the fallacy of post hoc
ergo propter hoc; but the effect need not be invariably absent in the absence of the cause: it
suffices for the effect not to be invariably present.
The segment of the above table numbered 5-8 (shaded) may be referred to as the matrix of
complete causation. It considers the possibility or impossibility of all conceivable
conjunctions of all the items involved in the defining clauses or the negations of these

Necessary causation:

(i) If notC, then notE;

(ii) if C, not-then notE;
(iii) where: C is unnecessary.

In some but not all cases, notE not only implies but causes notC, note.

Table 2.2. Necessary causation

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C possible implied by (ii)
2 notC possible (iii)
3 E possible implied by (ii)
4 notE possible implied by (i) + (iii)
5 C E possible (ii)
6 C notE open
7 notC E impossible (i)
8 notC notE possible implied by (i) + (iii)

Necessary causation conforms to the paradigm of causation by means of the same main
clause (i)9; whereas its clause (ii), note well, concerning what happens in the presence of C,
substitutes for the invariable presence of E (i.e. then E), the not-invariable absence of E
(i.e. not-then notE). However, remember, contraposition of (i) implies that If E, then
C, meaning that in the presence of E we can be sure that C is also present10.
Clause (ii) means that (C + E) is possible, so we are sure from it that C is possible and E is
possible; also it teaches us that C and E cannot be incompatible. Technically, it would
suffice for us to know that E is possible, for we could then infer clause (ii) from (i); but it is
best to specify clause (ii) to fit the paradigm of causation. As for clause (iii), we need only
specify that C is unnecessary; it follows from this and clause (i) that (notC + notE) is
possible and so that E is also unnecessary.
Note well the nuance that, to establish such causation, the effect has to be found invariably
absent in the absence of the cause, otherwise we would commit the fallacy of post hoc ergo
propter hoc; but the effect need not be invariably present in the presence of the cause: it
suffices for the effect not to be invariably absent.
Note the matrix of necessary causation, i.e. the segment of the above table numbered 5-8

Lastly, notice that complete and necessary causation are mirror images of each other. All
their characteristics are identical, except that the polarities of their respective cause and
effect opposite: C is replaced by notC, and E by notE, or vice-versa. The one represents the
positive aspect of strong causation; the other, the negative aspect. Accordingly, their
logical properties correspond, mutatis mutandis (i.e. if we make all the appropriate

Following the preceding analysis of necessary and complete causation into two distinct
components each of which independently conforms to the paradigm, we can conceive of
complete causation without necessary causation and necessary causation without complete
causation. These two additional determinations of causation are conceivable, note well,
only because they do not infringe logical laws; that is, we already know that the various
propositions that define them are individually and collectively logically compatible.

Notice that clause (i), here, in necessary causation, was labeled as clause (ii) in complete
and necessary causation. The numbering is independent.
In some but not all cases, E not only implies but causes C, note.

2. Parallelism of Strongs.
Before looking into weaker determinations of causation, we must deal with the
phenomenon of parallelism.
The definition of complete causation does not exclude that there be some cause(s) other
than C such as say C1 having the same relation to E. In such case, C and C1 may be
called parallel complete causes of E. The minimal relation between such causes is given by
the following normally valid 2nd figure syllogism (see Future Logic, p.162):

If C, then E (and if notC, not-then E / and C is possible);

and if C1, then E (and if notC1, not-then E / and C1 is possible);
therefore, if notC1 not-then C (= if notC, not-then C1 by contraposition).

The possibility of parallel complete causes is clear from the logical compatibility of these
premises, which together merely imply that in the absence of E both C and C1 are absent.
The main clauses of the premises can be merged in a compound proposition of the form If
notE, then neither C nor C1, which by contraposition yields If C or C1, then E. Thus,
such parallel causes may be referred to as alternative complete causes (in a large sense of
the term alternative).
Since the conclusion of the above syllogism is subaltern to each of the propositions if
notC1, then notC and if notC, then notC1, it may happen that C implies C1 and/or C1
implies C but they need not do so. Likewise, since the conclusion is compatible with the
proposition if C1, then notC or if C, then notC1, it may happen that C and C1 are
incompatible with each other but they do not have to be. The conclusion merely specifies
that C and C1 not be exhaustive (i.e. be neither contradictory nor subcontrary; this is the
sole formal specification of the disjunction in If C or C1, then E).
Similarly, still in complete causation, E need not be the exclusive necessary effect of C;
there may be some other thing(s) such as say E1 which invariably follow C, too. In such
case, E and E1 may be called parallel necessary effects of C. The minimal relation between
such effects is given by the following normally valid 3rd figure syllogism (see Future
Logic, pp. 162-164):

If C, then E (and if notC, not-then E1 / and C is possible);

and if C, then E1 (and if notC, not-then E1 / and C is possible);
therefore, if E1, not-then notE (= if E, not-then notE1 by contraposition).

The possibility of parallel necessary effects is clear from the logical compatibility of these
premises, which together merely imply that in the presence of C both E and E1 are present.
The main clauses of the premises can be merged in a compound proposition of the form If
C, then both E and E1. Thus, such parallel effects may be said to be composite necessary
Since the conclusion of the above syllogism is subaltern to each of the propositions if E1,
then E and if E, then E1, it may happen that E1 implies E and/or E implies E1 but they
need not do so. Likewise, since the conclusion is compatible with the proposition if notE1,
then E or if notE, then E1, it may happen that E and E1 are exhaustive but they do not
have to be. The conclusion merely specifies that E and E1 not be incompatible (i.e. be
neither contradictory nor contrary).

Again, mutatis mutandis, the definition of necessary causation does not exclude that there
be some cause(s) other than C such as say C1 having the same relation to E. In such
case, C and C1 may be called parallel necessary causes of E. The minimal relation between
such causes is given by the following normally valid 2nd figure syllogism (see Future
Logic, p. 162):

If notC, then notE (and if C, not-then notE / and notC is possible);

and if notC1, then notE (and if C1, not-then notE / and notC1 is possible);
therefore, if C1, not-then notC (= if C, not-then notC1 by contraposition).

The possibility of parallel necessary causes is clear from the logical compatibility of these
premises, which together merely imply that in the presence of E both C and C1 are present.
The main clauses of the two premises can be merged in a compound proposition of the
form If E, then both C and C1, which by contraposition yields If notC or notC1, then
notE. Thus, such parallel causes may be referred to as alternative necessary causes (in a
large sense of the term alternative).
Since the conclusion of the above syllogism is subaltern to each of the propositions if C1,
then C and if C, then C1, it may happen that C1 implies C and/or C implies C1 but they
need not do so. Likewise, since the conclusion is compatible with the proposition if notC1,
then C or if notC, then C1, it may happen that C and C1 are exhaustive but they do not
have to be. The conclusion merely specifies that C and C1 not be incompatible (i.e. be
neither contradictory nor contrary; this is the sole formal specification of the disjunction in
If notC or notC1, then notE).
Similarly, still in necessary causation, E need not be the exclusive dependent effect of C;
there may be some other thing(s) such as say E1 which are invariably preceded by C,
too. In such case, E and E1 may be called parallel dependent effects of C. The minimal
relation between such effects is given by the following normally valid 3rd figure syllogism
(see Future Logic, p. 162-164):

If notC, then notE (and if C, not-then notE / and notC is possible);

and if notC, then notE1 (and if C, not-then notE1 / and notC is possible);
therefore, if notE1, not-then E (= if notE, not-then E1 by contraposition).

The possibility of parallel dependent effects is clear from the logical compatibility of these
premises, which together merely imply that in the absence of C both E and E1 are absent.
The main clauses of the premises can be merged in a compound proposition of the form If
notC, then neither E nor E1. Thus, such parallel effects may be said to be composite
dependent effects.
Since the conclusion of the above syllogism is subaltern to each of the propositions if
notE1, then notE and if notE, then notE1, it may happen that E implies E1 and/or E1
implies E but they need not do so. Likewise, since the conclusion is compatible with the
proposition if E1, then notE or if E, then notE1, it may happen that E and E1 are
incompatible with each other but they do not have to be. The conclusion merely specifies
that E and E1 not be exhaustive (i.e. be neither contradictory nor subcontrary).

It happens that parallel causes or parallel effects are themselves causally related. That this
is possible, is implied by what we have seen above. Since each of the following pairs of
items may have any formal relation with one exception, namely:

parallel complete causes cannot be exhaustive (since if notC, not-then C1 is true for
them); and parallel necessary effects cannot be incompatible (since if E, not-then
notE1 is true for them);
parallel necessary causes cannot be incompatible (since if C, not-then notC1 is true for
them); and parallel dependent effects cannot be exhaustive (since if notE, not-then E1
is true for them);
... it follows that either one of parallel causes C and C1 may be a complete or necessary
cause of the other; and likewise, either one of parallel effects E and E1 may be a complete
or necessary cause of the other.
In certain situations, as we shall see in a later chapter, it is possible to infer such causal
relations between parallels. But, it must be stressed, the mere fact of parallelism does not in
itself imply such causal relations.

In sum, complete and/or necessary causation should not be taken to imply exclusiveness
(i.e. that a unique cause and a unique effect are involved); such relation(s) allow for
plurality of causes or effects in the sense of parallelism as just elucidated.
Indeed, it is very improbable that we come across exclusive relations in practice, since
every existent has many facets, each of which might be selected as cause or effect. Our
focusing on this or that aspect as most significant or essential, is often arbitrary, a matter of
convenience; though often, too, it is guided by broader considerations, which may be based
on intuition of priorities or complicated reasoning.
In any case, it is important to distinguish plurality arising in strong causation, which
signifies alternation of causes or composition of effects, as above, from plurality arising in
weak causation, which signifies composition of causes or alternation of effects, which we
shall consider in the next section.

3. Weak Determinations.
Having clarified the complete and necessary forms of causation, as well as parallelism, we
are now in a position to deal with lesser determinations of causation. Let us first examine
partial causation; contingent causation will be dealt with further on.

Partial causation:

(i) If (C1 + C2), then E;

(ii) if (notC1 + C2), not-then E;
(iii) if (C1 + notC2), not-then E;
(iv) where: (C1 + C2) is possible.

Table 2.3. Partial causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C1 possible implied by (iii) or (iv)
2 notC1 possible implied by (ii)
3 C2 possible implied by (ii) or (iv)
4 notC2 possible implied by (iii)
5 E possible implied by (i) + (iv)
6 notE possible implied by (ii) or (iii)
7 C1 E possible implied by (i) + (iv)
8 C1 notE possible implied by (iii)
9 notC1 E open
10 notC1 notE possible implied by (ii)
11 C2 E possible implied by (i) + (iv)
12 C2 notE possible implied by (ii)
13 notC2 E open
14 notC2 notE possible implied by (iii)
15 C1 C2 possible (iv)
16 C1 notC2 possible implied by (iii)
17 notC1 C2 possible implied by (ii)
18 notC1 notC2 open
19 C1 C2 E possible implied by (i) + (iv)
20 C1 C2 notE impossible (i)
21 C1 notC2 E open
22 C1 notC2 notE possible (iii)
23 notC1 C2 E open
24 notC1 C2 notE possible (ii)
25 notC1 notC2 E open
26 notC1 notC2 notE open

Two phenomena C1, C2 may be called partial causes of some other phenomenon E, only
if all the above conditions (i.e. the four defining clauses) are satisfied. In such case, we
may call E a contingent effect of each of C1, C2. Of course, the compound (C1 + C2) is a
complete cause of E, since in its presence, E follows (as given in clause (i)); and in its
absence, i.e. if not(C1 + C2), E does not invariably follow (as evidenced by clauses (ii) and
(iii)). Rows 19-26 of the above table (shaded) constitute the matrix of partial causation.
We may thus speak of this phenomenon as a composition of partial causes; and stress that
C1 and C2 belong in that particular causation of E by calling them complementary partial
causes of it. Indeed, instead of saying C1 and C2 are complementary partial causes of E,
we may equally well formulate our sentence as C1 (complemented by C2) is a partial
cause of E or as C2 (complemented by C1) is a partial cause of E. These three forms are
identical, except for that the first treats C1 and C2 with equal attention, whereas the latter
two lay stress on one or the other cause. Such reformatting, as will be seen, is useful in
some contexts.
We may make a distinction between absolute and relative partial causation, as follows. The
absolute form specifies one partial cause without mentioning the complement(s)
concerned; it just says: C1 is a partial cause of E, meaning C1 (with some unspecified

complement) is a partial cause of E. This is in contrast to the relative form, which does
specify a complement, as in the above example of C1 (complemented by C2) is a partial
cause of E. This distinction reflects common discourse. Its importance will become
evident when we consider negations of such forms.
One way to see the appropriateness of our definition of partial causation, its conformity to
the paradigm of causation, is by resorting to nesting (see Future Logic, p. 148). We may
rewrite it as follows:

From (i) if C2, then (if C1, then E);

from (ii) if C2, then (if notC1, not-then E);
from (iii) if notC2, not-then (if C1, then E).11

Clause (i) tells us that given C2, C1 implies E. Clause (ii) tells us that given C2, notC1
does not imply E. Thus, under condition C2, C1 behaves like a complete cause of E.
Moreover, clause (iii) shows that under condition notC2, C1 ceases to so behave. Similarly,
mutatis mutandis, C2 behaves conditionally like a complete cause of E.12

Let us now examine the definition of partial causation more closely. The terminology
adopted for it is obviously intended to contrast with that for complete causation.
Clause (i) informs us that in the presence of the two elements C1 and C2 together, the
effect is invariably also present. However, that clause alone would not ensure that both C1
and C2 are relevant to E, participants in its causation. We need clause (ii) to establish that
without C1, C2 would not by itself have the same result. And, likewise, we need clause (ii)
to establish that without C2, C1 would not by itself have the same result.
Suppose, for instance, clause (ii) were false; then, combining it with (i), we would obtain
the following simple dilemma:

If (C1 + C2), then E and if (notC1 + C2), then E;

therefore, if C2, then E.

That is, C2 would be a complete cause of E, without need of C1, which would in such case
be an accident in the relation If (C1 + C2), then E, note well. Similarly, if clause (iii)
were false, it would follow that C1 is sufficient by itself for E, irrespective of C2. In the
special case where both (ii) and (iii) are denied, C1 and C2 would be parallel complete
causes of E (compatible ones, since they are conjoined in the antecedent of clause (i)).
Therefore, as well as clause (i), clauses (ii) and (iii) have to specified for partial causation.
Furthermore, our definition of partial causation thus mentions three combinations of C1,
C2 and their respective negations, namely:

C1 + C2
notC1 + C2
C1 + not C2

These three forms are implied, respectively, by our first givens; but they do not imply them
We can also, incidentally, view the matter as follows, by focusing on the nested clauses.
Clauses (i) and (iii) mean that the partial cause C2 of E may be regarded as a complete cause of
the new effect if C1, then E. Similarly, mutatis mutandis, clauses (i) and (ii) can be taken to mean
that C1 is a complete cause of if C2, then E.

And it tells us what happens in relation to E in each of these situations: in the first, E
follows; in the next two, it does not. One might reasonably ask, what about the fourth
combination, namely:

notC1 + notC2?13

Well, for that, there are only two possibilities: either E follows or it does not. Note first that
both these possibilities are logically compatible with clauses (i), (ii) and (iii).
Suppose that If (notC1 + notC2), then E is true. In that case, notC1 and notC2 would
each have the same relation to E that C1 and C2 have by virtue of clauses (i), (ii), (iii). For
if we combine this supposed additional clause with clauses (ii) and (iii), we see that,
whereas E follows the conjunction of notC1 and notC2, E does not follow the conjunction
of not(notC1) with notC2 or that of notC1 with not(notC2). In that case, we would simply
have two, instead of just one, compound causes of E, namely (C1 + C2) and (notC1 +
notC2), sharing the same clauses (ii) and (iii) which establish the relevance of each of the
elements. Though at first sight surprising, such a state of affairs is quite conceivable, being
but a special case of parallel causation! Thus, the proposition If (notC1 + notC2), then E
may well be true. But may it be false? Suppose that its contradictory If (notC1 + notC2),
not-then E is true, instead. Here again, the causal significance of the first three clauses
remains unaffected. We can thus conclude that what happens in the situation notC1 +
notC2, i.e. whether E follows or not, is irrelevant to the roles played by C1 and C2. Our
definition of partial causation through the said three clauses is thus satisfactory.
Lastly the following should be noted. If we replaced clauses (ii) and (iii) by If not(C1 +
C2), not-then E, to conform with clause (i) to the definition of complete causation, we
would only be sure that the compound (C1 + C2) causes E. It does not suffice to establish
that both its elements are involved in that causation, since it could be adequately realized
by the eventuality that If (notC1 + notC2), not-then E. For this reason, too, clauses (ii)
and (iii) are unavoidable.
Regarding clause (iv), which serves to ensure that the first three clauses do not lead to
paradox, it is easy to show that the possibility of the conjunction (C1 + C2) is the minimal
requirement. For this through clause (i) implies that E is possible and (C1 + C2 + E) is
possible. Additionally, clause (ii) means that (notC1 + C2 + notE) is possible, and
therefore implies that (notC1 + C2) is possible and each of notC1, C2, notE is possible.
Similarly, clause (iii) means that (C1 + notC2 + notE) is possible, and therefore implies
that (C1 + notC2) is possible and each of C1, notC2, notE is possible. It is thus redundant
to specify these various contingencies.

The methodological principle underlying the definition of partial causation is well known
to scientists and oft-used. It is that to establish the causal role of any element such as C1,
of a compound (C1 + C2...) in whose presence a phenomenon E is invariably present, we
must find out what happens to E when the element C1 is absent while all other elements
like C2 remain present. That is, we observe how the putative effect is affected by removal
of the putative cause while keeping all other things equal14. Only if a change in status

Note that the combination notC1 + notC2 may occasionally be impossible. In such case,
notC1 implies C2 and notC2 implies C1. But according to syllogistic theory (see Future Logic, pp.
158-160), this would not allow us to abbreviate clauses (ii) and (iii) of the definition to If notC1, not-
then E and If notC2, not-then E. Thus, even in such case, the definition remains unaffected.
This phrase keeping all other things equal is not mine but a consecrated phrase often
found in textbooks. I do not know who coined it first.

occurs (minimally from then E to not-then E), may the element be considered as
participating in the causation, i.e. as a relevant factor.
Once this is understood, it is easy to generalize our definition of partial causation from two
factors (C1, C2) to any number of them (C1, C2, C3...), as follows:

(i) If (C1 + C2 + C3...), then E;

(ii)if (notC1 + C2 + C3...), not-then E;
if (C1 + notC2 + C3...), not-then E;
(iv)if (C1 + C2 + notC3...), not-then E;
...etc. (if more than three factors);
and (C1 + C2 + C3...) is possible.

Clause (i) establishes the complete causation of the effect E by the compound (C1 + C2 +
C3...). But additionally there has to be for each element proof that its absence would be
felt: this is the role of clauses (ii), (iii), (iv)..., each of which negates one and only one of
the elements concerned. Thus, the number of additional clauses is equal to the number of
factors involved.
Whatever the relation to E of other possible combinations of the elements and their
negations, the partial causation of E by elements C1, C2, C3... is settled by the minimum
number of clauses specified in our definition. As we saw, with two factors the combination
notC1 + notC2 is not significant. Similarly, we can show that with three factors the
following combinations are not significant:

notC1 + notC2 +C3

notC1 + C2 + notC3
C1 + notC2 + notC3
notC1 + notC2 + notC3

And so forth. Generally put, if the number of elements is n, the number of insignificant
combinations will be is 2n (1 + n). Whether any of these further combinations implies or
does not imply E does not affect the role of partial causation signified by the defining
clauses for the factors C1, C2, C3... per se. Other causations may be involved in certain
cases, but they do not disqualify or diminish those so established.
The very last clause, that (C1 + C2 + C3...) is possible, is required and sufficient, for
reasons already seen.
Clearly, we can say that the more factors are involved, the weaker the causal bond. If C is
a complete cause of E, it plays a big role in the causation of E. If C1 is a partial cause of E,
with one complement C2, it obviously plays a lesser role than C. Similarly, the more
complements C1 has, like C2, C3..., the less part it plays in the whole causation of E. We
may thus view the degree of determination involved as inversely proportional to the
number of causes involved, though we may (note well) be able to assign different weights
to the various partial causes15.
Note finally that we can facilitate mental assimilation of multiple (i.e. more than two)
partial causes through successive reductions to pairs of partial causes, one of which is
compound. Thus, (C1 + C2 + C3 + ...) may be viewed as (C1 + (C2 + C3 +...)), provided
all the above mentioned conditions are entirely satisfied.

For instance, with reference to concomitant variations (see Appendix on J. S. Mill's
Methods); if the C1 and C2 enter in a mathematical formula like, say, E = C1 + C2, C1 has less
weight than C2.

Let us now turn our attention to contingent causation.

Contingent causation:

(i) If (notC1 + notC2), then notE;

(ii) if (C1 + notC2), not-then notE;
(iii) if (notC1 + C2), not-then notE;
(iv) where: (notC1 + notC2) is possible.

Table 2.4. Contingent causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C1 possible implied by (ii)
2 notC1 possible implied by (iii) or (iv)
3 C2 possible implied by (iii)
4 notC2 possible implied by (ii) or (iv)
5 E possible implied by (ii) or (iii)
6 notE possible implied by (i) + (iv)
7 C1 E possible implied by (ii)
8 C1 notE open
9 notC1 E possible implied by (iii)
10 notC1 notE possible implied by (i) + (iv)
11 C2 E possible implied by (iii)
12 C2 notE open
13 notC2 E possible implied by (ii)
14 notC2 notE possible implied by (i) + (iv)
15 C1 C2 open
16 C1 notC2 possible implied by (ii)
17 notC1 C2 possible implied by (iii)
18 notC1 notC2 possible (iv)
19 C1 C2 E open
20 C1 C2 notE open
21 C1 notC2 E possible (ii)
22 C1 notC2 notE open
23 notC1 C2 E possible (iii)
24 notC1 C2 notE open
25 notC1 notC2 E impossible (i)
26 notC1 notC2 notE possible implied by (i) + (iv)

Two phenomena C1, C2 may be called contingent causes of some other phenomenon E,
only if all the above conditions (i.e. the four defining clauses) are satisfied. In such case,
we may call E a tenuous effect16 of each of C1, C2. Of course, the compound (notC1 +
notC2) is a necessary cause of E, since in its presence, notE follows (as given in clause (i));
and in its absence, i.e. if not(notC1 + notC2), notE does not invariably follow (as

I use the name tenuous effect for lack of a better one, to signify a lesser degree of non-
independence than a dependent effect. Alternatively, broadening the connotation of dependence,
we might say that the effect of a necessary cause is strongly dependent (it depends on that one
cause) and the effect of a contingent cause is weakly dependent (it depends on that cause, if no
other is available).

evidenced by clauses (ii) and (iii)). Rows 19-26 of the above table (shaded) constitute the
matrix of contingent causation.
We may thus speak of this phenomenon as a composition of contingent causes; and stress
that that C1 and C2 belong in that particular causation of E by calling them complementary
contingent causes of it. Indeed, instead of saying C1 and C2 are complementary
contingent causes of E, we may equally well formulate our sentence as C1
(complemented by C2) is a contingent cause of E or as C2 (complemented by C1) is a
contingent cause of E. These three forms are identical, except for that the first treats C1
and C2 with equal attention, whereas the latter two lay stress on one or the other cause.
Such reformatting, as will be seen, is useful in some contexts.
We may make a distinction between absolute and relative contingent causation, as follows.
The absolute form specifies one contingent cause without mentioning the complement(s)
concerned; it just says: C1 is a contingent cause of E, meaning C1 (with some
unspecified complement) is a contingent cause of E. This is in contrast to the relative
form, which does specify a complement, as in the above example of C1 (complemented
by C2) is a contingent cause of E. This distinction reflects common discourse. Its
importance will become evident when we consider negations of such forms.
Here again, we can demonstrate that our definition of contingent causation conforms to the
paradigm of causation through nesting. We may rewrite it as follows:

From (i) if notC2, then (if notC1, then notE);

from (ii) if notC2, then (if C1, not-then notE);
from (iii) if C2, not-then (if notC1, then notE).

Clause (i) tells us that given notC2, notC1 implies notE. Clause (ii) tells us that given
notC2, C1 does not imply notE. Thus, under condition notC2, C1 behaves like a necessary
cause of E. Moreover, clause (iii) shows that under condition C2, C1 ceases to so behave.
Similarly, mutatis mutandis, C2 behaves conditionally like a necessary cause of E.
Note well that the main clause of contingent causation is not If not(C1 + C2), then
notE17, but more specifically If (notC1 + notC2), then notE. Considering that in partial
causation the antecedent is (C1 + C2) and that this compound behaves as a complete cause,
one might think that in contingent causation the antecedent would be a negation of the
same compound, i.e. not(C1 + C2), which would symmetrically behave as a necessary
cause. But the above demonstration of conformity to paradigm shows us that this is not the
case. The explanation is simply that two of the alternative expressions of If not(C1 + C2),
then notE, namely If (C1 + notC2), then notE and If (notC1 + C2), then notE are
contradictory to clauses (ii) and (iii), respectively. Therefore, only If (notC1 + notC2),
then notE is a formally appropriate expression in this context. Our definition of contingent
causation is thus correct.
We need not repeat our further analysis of partial causation for contingent causation; all
that has been said for the former can be restated, mutatis mutandis, for the latter. For partial
and contingent causation are mirror images of each other. The one represents the positive
aspect of weak causation; the other, the negative aspect. All their characteristics are
identical, except that the polarities of their respective causes and effect are opposite: C1 is
replaced by notC1, C2 by notC2, and E by notE, or vice-versa.

Note that partial and contingent causation each involves a plurality of causes, though in a
different sense from that found in parallelism.
This form, note well, does not specify which of the three alternative combinations (C1 +
notC2), (notC1 + C2) or (notC1 + notC2) implies notE; it means only that at least one of them does.

We should also mention that partial causation often underlies alternation or plurality of
Consider the form If C, then (E or E1), which may be interpreted as the conjunction (C
+ notE + notE1) is impossible, and therefore implies If (C + notE), then E1 and If (C +
notE1), then E. Take the latter, for instance, and you have a type (i) clause. If additionally
it is true that (notC + notE1 + notE), (C + E1 + notE), (C + notE1) are possible
conjunctions, you have clauses of types (ii), (iii) and (iv), respectively. In such case18, C is
a partial cause of E (the other partial cause being notE1 or, more precisely, some complete
and necessary cause of notE1).
Just as we may have plurality of effects in partial causation, so we may have it in
contingent causation.
Note, concerning the term occasional. When parallel complete causes may occur
separately (i.e. neither implies the other), they are often called occasional causes; however,
note well, the same term is often used to refer to partial causes, in the sense that each of
them is effective only when the other(s) is/are present. The term occasional effect is used
with reference to alternation of effects; i.e. when a cause has alternative effects, each of the
latter is occasional; but the term is also applicable more generally, to any effect of a partial
cause as such, i.e. to contingent effects.

Partial and contingent causation may conceivably occur in tandem or separately; i.e. no
formal inconsistency arises in such cases.

4. Parallelism of Weaks.
Before going further let us here deal with parallelism in relation to the weaker
determinations of causation.
In partial causation, this would mean, that there are two (or more) sets of two (or more)
partial causes, viz. C1, C2... and C3, C4... (and so forth), with the same effect E:

If (C1 + C2...), then E; etc.

If (C3 + C4...), then E; etc.

Clearly, we have plurality of causes in both senses of the term at once, here. By etc., I
refer to the further clauses involved in partial causation, such as if (C1 + notC2), not-then
E and so on, here left unsaid to avoid repetitions. Such statements may be merged; thus,
the above two become a single statement in which each bracketed conjunction constitutes
an alternative complete cause:

If (C1 + C2...) or (C3 + C4...) or..., then E; etc.

The bracketed conjunctions, as we have seen when dealing with parallel complete causes,
may be interrelated in various ways except be exhaustive. These interrelations would be
expressed in additional statements. The resulting information, including the above
statement where all the conjunctions are disjoined in a single antecedent and all statements
not explicitated19 here, can then be analyzed in great detail by tabulating all the items and

As can be seen by renaming C as C1 and notE1 as C2.
i.e. made explicit.

their negations, and considering the modus of each combination. We can, in this way, have
a clear picture of all eventualities, and avoid all ambiguity.
Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for contingent causation:

If (notC1 + notC2...), then notE; etc.

If (notC3 + notC4...), then notE; etc.

We may merge these complex causal statements, consider additional specifications

regarding the opposition of alternatives, and analyze the mass of information through a

Note the following special cases of the above parallelisms.

A partial cause may be found common to two (or more) such causations with the same
effect; if say C3 is identical with C1, C1 would have C2... as complement(s) in the first
relation and C4... as complement(s) in the second, without problem. But may something
(say C1) be a partial cause in one relation and its negation (say, notC1 = C3) a partial cause
in the other? Yes, since the negation of E would imply both not(C1 + C2...) and not(notC1
+ C4...), which is consistent; except that in such case the two compounds could not occur
Similarly, a contingent cause may be found common to two (or more) such causations with
the same effect; if say C3 is identical with C1, notC1 would have notC2... as
complement(s) in the first relation and notC4... as complement(s) in the second, without
problem. But may something (say C1) be a contingent cause in one relation and its
negation (say, notC1 = C3) a contingent cause in the other? Yes, since the negation of notE
would imply both not(notC1 + notC2...) and not(C1 + notC4...), which is consistent; except
that in such case the two compounds could not occur together.

5. The Four Genera of Causation.

We have found the minimal formal definitions of, respectively, complete, necessary, partial
and contingent causation. We are now in a position to begin synthesizing our accumulated
findings concerning these determinations of causation. Remember how we developed these
four concepts....
We started with the paradigm of causation (later named complete and necessary causation).
From this we abstracted two constituent forms, or (strong) determinations, which we called
complete causation and necessary causation. Then we derived by means of an analogy two
additional forms, or (weak) determinations, which we called by way of contrast partial
causation and contingent causation.
These four constructs apparently exhaust what we mean by causation, in view of their
respective conceptual derivations from the paradigm of causation, and of their symmetry in
relation to each other and the whole. No further expressions of the concept of causation,
direct or indirect, seem conceivable.
The four forms thus identified can thus be referred to as the genera of causation, or as its
generic determinations. And we can safely postulate that:

Nothing can be said to be a cause or effect of something else (in the causative
sense), if it is not related to it in the way of at least one of these four genera of

We shall need symbols for these four genera, to facilitate their discussion. I propose
(remember them well) the following letters, simply:

n for Necessary causation,

m for coMplete causation (to rhyme with n),
p for Partial causation, and
q for Qontingent causation (to rhyme with p)20.
This notation will be found particularly useful when we deal with causative syllogism. We
will also occasionally distinguish between absolute and relative partial or contingent
causation, by means of the symbols: pabs and qabs for absolutes (i.e. those not mentioning
any complement) and prel and qrel for relatives (i.e. those specifying some complement).
Unless specified as relative, p and q may always be considered absolute.
It follows from what we have just said that we may interpret the causative proposition P is
a cause of Q as P is a complete or necessary or partial or contingent cause of Q (or a
consistent combination of these alternatives).
It is easy to demonstrate that any compounds of the four genera involving both m and p,
and/or both n and q, are inconsistent, i.e. formally excluded. That is, one and the same
thing cannot be both a complete and partial cause of the same effect; for if clause (i) of m,
namely if C1, then E, is true, then clause (iii) of p, namely if (C1 + notC2), not-then E,
cannot be true, and vice-versa. Similarly, necessary and contingent causation, i.e. n and q,
are incompatible. We shall see at a later stage that certain other combinations are also
formally impossible.
We shall consider the remaining, consistent compounds involving the four generic
determinations, which we shall call the specific determinations, in the next chapter.

We may, as already suggested, refer to something as a strong cause, if it is a complete

and/or necessary cause; and to something as a weak cause, if it is a partial and/or
contingent cause. Conversely, a necessary and/or dependent effect may be said to be a
strong effect; and a contingent and/or tenuous effect, it may be said to be a weak effect.
Mixtures of these characters are conceivable, as we shall see.
Another classification based on common characters: if something is known to be a
complete or partial cause, it may be called a contributing cause21; and if something is
known to be a necessary or contingent cause, it may be called a possible cause. Likewise,
if something is known to be a necessary or contingent effect, it may be called a possible
effect; and if something is known to be a dependent or tenuous effect, it may be called
(say) a subject effect.
Moreover: we have characterized complete and partial causation as positive aspects of
causation; and necessary and contingent causation as its negative aspects, comparatively.
We may in this sense, relative to a given set of items, speak of positive or negative
causation. The latter, of course, should not be confused with negations of causation.
Accordingly, we may refer to positive or negative causes or effects.

I have previously used, in my work Future Logic, the letters n and p for the modalities of
necessity and possibility (or more specifically, particularity or potentiality). These should not be
confused, note well. In any case, their relations are very different. In modality, n implies p (i.e. if
something is necessary, it is possible). But here, in causation, as we shall soon see, n and p are
merely compatible (i.e. a necessary cause need not be a partial cause, though something may be
both a necessary and partial cause).
In the sense that it is a cause to some extent, sufficient or not.

The reader is referred to the Appendix on J. S. Mills Methods, for comparison of our
treatment of causation in this chapter (and the next).

6. Negations of Causation.
So far, we have only considered in detail positive causative propositions, i.e. statements
affirming causation of some determination. We must now look at negative causative
propositions, i.e. statements denying causation of some determination or any causation
whatever. For this purpose, to avoid the causal connotations implied by use of symbols like
C and E for the items involved, we shall rather use neutral symbols like P and Q.
Statements denying causation may be better understood by studying the negations of
conditional propositions.
A positive hypothetical proposition has the form If X, then Y (which may be read as X
implies Y, or X is logically followed by Y); it means by definition the conjunction (X +
notY) is impossible. Its contradictory is a negative hypothetical proposition of the form
If X, not-then Y22 (which may be read as X does not imply Y, or X is not logically
followed by Y); it means by definition the conjunction (X + notY) is possible.
In the positive form, though X and notY are together impossible, they are not implied (or
denied) to be individually impossible. In the negative form, since X and notY are possible
together, each of X, notY is also formally implied as possible. In either form, there is no
formal implication that notX be possible or impossible, or that Y be possible or impossible.
As for the remaining conjunctions (X + Y), (notX + Y), (notX + notY) nothing can be
inferred concerning them, either.
However, as we have seen, when such statements appear as implicit clauses of causation,
the interactions between clauses will inevitably further specify the situation for many of the
items concerned.

The negation of complete causation or necessary causation, through statements like P is

not a complete cause of Q or P is not a necessary cause of Q, is feasible if any one or
more of the three constituent clauses of such causation is deniable. That is, such negation
consists of a disjunctive proposition saying not(i) and/or not(ii) and/or not(iii), which
may signify non-causation or another determination of causation (necessary instead of
complete, or vice-versa, or a weaker form of causation).
To give an example: the denial of P is a complete cause of Q means if P, not-then Q
and/or if notP, then Q and/or P is impossible. These alternatives may give rise to
different outcomes; in particular note that if P is impossible is true, then P cannot be a
cause at all, and if if P, then Q and if notP, then Q are both true, then Q is necessary, in
which case Q cannot be an effect at all.
The negation of strong causation as such means the negation of both complete and
necessary causation.

With regard to negation of partial or contingent causation, we must distinguish two

degrees, according as a given complement is intended or any complement whatever.
The more restricted form of negation of partial causation or contingent causation mentions
a complement, as in statements like P1 (complemented by P2) is not a partial cause of Q

The proposition If X, not-then Y is not to be confused with If X, then notY, note well. The
latter implies but is not implied by the former.

or P1 (complemented by P2) is not a contingent cause of Q. Such negation is feasible if

any one or more of the four constituent clauses of such causation is deniable. That is, such
negation consists of a disjunctive proposition saying not(i) and/or not(ii) and/or not(iii)
and/or not(iv).
In contrast, note well, the negation of partial causation or contingent causation through
statements like P1 is not a partial cause of Q or P1 is not a contingent cause of Q, is
more radical. P1 is not a partial cause of Q means P1 (with whatever complement) is not
a partial cause of Q it may thus be viewed as a conjunction of an infinite number of
more restricted statements, viz. P1 (complemented by P2) is not a partial cause of Q, and
P1 (complemented by P3) is not a partial cause of Q, and... etc., where P2, P3, etc. are all
conceivable complements. Similarly with regard to P1 is not a contingent cause of Q.
A restricted negative statement is very broad in its possible outcomes: it may signify that
P1 is not a cause of Q at all, or that P1 is instead a complete or necessary cause of Q, or
that P1 is a weak cause of Q but a contingent rather than partial one or a partial rather than
contingent one, or that P1 is a partial or contingent cause (as the case may be) of Q but
with some complement other than P2.
A radical negative statement comprises many restricted ones, and is therefore less broad in
its possible outcomes, specifically excluding that P1 be involved in a partial or contingent
causation (as the case may be) with any complement(s) whatsoever. A restricted negation
is relative to a complement (say, P2); a radical negation is a generality comprising all
similar restricted negations for the items concerned (P1, Q), and is therefore relative to no
complement (neither P2, nor P3, etc.).
The negation of weak causation as such means the negation of both partial and contingent
causation, either in a restricted sense (i.e. relative to some complement) or in a radical
sense (i.e. irrespective of complement).

This brings us to the relation of non-causation, which is also very complex.

As we saw, the positive causative proposition P is a cause of Q may be interpreted as P
is a complete or necessary or partial or contingent cause of Q. Accordingly, we may
interpret the negative causative proposition P is not a cause of Q as P is not a complete
and not a necessary and not a partial and not a contingent cause of Q, i.e. as a denial of all
four genera of causation in relation to P and Q (with whatever complement).
It is noteworthy that we cannot theoretically define non-causation except through
negation of all the concepts of causation, which have to be defined first23. In contrast, on
a practical level, we proceed in the opposite direction: in accord with general rules of
induction, we presume any two items P and Q to be without causative relation, until if ever
we can establish inductively or deductively that a causative relation obtains between
Nevertheless, non-causation refers to denial of causation, and is not to be confused with
ignorance of causation; it is an ontological, not an epistemological concept.
Note well that non-causation is not defined by the propositions if P, not-then Q, and if
notP, not-then notQ. Such a statement, though suggestive of non-causation, is equally
compatible with partial and/or contingent causation; so it cannot suffice to distinguish non-
causation. To specify a relation of non-causation, we have to deny every determination of
Furthermore, P is not a cause of Q refers to relative non-causation it is relative to the
items P and Q specifically, and does not exclude that Q may have some other cause P1, or

We shall later see that this truism is ignored by some philosophers.
The philosophical problems of defining causation (its forms) and identifying specific cases
of causation (its contents), are distinct, as we shall see.

that P may have some other effect Q1. Two items, say P and Q, taken at random, need not
be causatively related at all (even in cases where they happen to be respectively causatively
related to some third item, as will be seen when we study syllogism in later chapters). In
such case, P and Q are called accidents of each other; their eventual conjunction is called a
Relative non-causation is an integral part of the formal system of deterministic causality.
We have to acknowledge the possibility, indeed inevitability, of such a relation. If I say
the position of stars does not affect25 peoples destinies, I mean that there is no causal
relation specifically between stars and people; yet I may go on to say that stars affect other
things or that people are affected by other things, without contradicting myself.
Relative non-causation should not be confused with absolute non-causation. The
causelessness of some item A would be expressed as nothing causes A, a proposition
summarizing innumerable statements of the form B does not cause A; C does not cause
A;...etc., where B, C,... are all existents other than A. Similarly, the effectlessness of some
item A would be expressed as nothing is caused by A, a proposition summarizing
innumerable statements of the form B is not caused by A; C is not caused by A;... etc.,
where B, C,... are all existents other than A.

We thus see that whereas positive causative propositions are defined by conjunctions of
clauses, negative ones are far more complex in view of their involving disjunctions.
The negations of determinations, or the negation altogether of causation, should not
themselves be regarded as further determinations, since they by their breadth allow for
non-causation (between the items concerned), note.

To 'affect' some thing is to cause a change in it.


1. The Species of Causation.

We shall now look into the consistent combinations of the four genera of causation,
symbolized as m, n, p, q, with each other or their negations. Implicit in our gradual
development of these concepts of causation from a common paradigm, was the idea that
they are abstractions, indefinite concepts that are eventually concretized in the more
specific and definite compounds.
We have already found some of their combinations, namely mp and nq to be inconsistent.
This was due to incompatibilities between clauses of their definitions, or in other words,
certain rows of their matrices. Thus, row 6 of m (C + notE is impossible) is in conflict with
row 22 (C1 + notE is possible) of p; similarly, row 7 of n (notC + E is impossible) is in
conflict with row 23 (notC1 + E is possible) of q.
It is also possible to prove certain other combinations to be logically impossible. This can
be done formally, but not at the present stage of development, because we do not yet have
the technical means at this stage to treat negations of generic determinations. To define
notm, notn, notp, notq in verbal terms would be extremely arduous and confusing. I will
therefore for now merely affirm to you that combinations of any one positive generic
determination with the negations of the three other generic determinations, for the
very same terms, are inconsistent.
By elimination, we are left with only four consistent compounds, i.e. remaining
combinations give rise to no inconsistency, i.e. whose respective clauses do not contradict
each other. This means that, from the logical point of view, they are conceivable, and
therefore worthy of further formal treatment. We may refer to them as the specific
determinations, or species of causation.
The following table (where + and signify, respectively, affirmation and denial of a
determination) lists all combinations of the generics and identifies the logically possible
specifics among them:

Table 3.1. Possible specifications of the 4 generic determinations.

No. of genera Compound m n p q Modus
Four mnpq + + + + mp, nq impossible
Three mnp + + + - mp impossible
mnq + + - + nq impossible
mpq + - + + mp impossible
npq - + + + nq impossible
Two mp + - + - mp impossible
nq - + - + nq impossible
mn + + - - possible
mq + - - + possible
np - + + - possible
pq - - + + possible
Only one m-alone + - - - will be proved impossible
n-alone - + - - will be proved impossible
p-alone - - + - will be proved impossible
q-alone - - - + will be proved impossible
None non causation - - - - possible

The formulae given in the above table for each specific determination is as brief as
possible. For instance, since m implies the negation of p and n implies the negation of q,
mn (meaning both complete and necessary causation) tacitly implies notp and notq
(neither partial nor contingent causation, with whatever complement); the latter negations
need not therefore be mentioned. Similarly, an expression like m-alone signifies the
affirmation of one generic determination (here, m) and the denial of all three others (i.e.
notn and notq, as well as notp). This notation is far from ideal, but suffices for our current
needs, since many combinations are eliminated at the outset.
We see that four specific determinations, namely mn, mq, np, pq, are formed by
conjunction of positive causative propositions; these we shall call (following J. S. Mills
nomenclature) joint determinations. It follows from the above table that each generic
determination has only two species. Each generic determination may therefore be
interpreted as a disjunction of its two possible embodiments; thus, m means mn or mq; n
means mn or np; p means np or pq; and q means mq or pq. Also note, we could refer to
mn as only-strong causation and to pq only-weak causation, while mq and np are
mixtures of strong and weak.
The four specific determinations formed by composing positive causative propositions
with negative ones, namely m-alone, n-alone, p-alone, q-alone, will be called lone
determinations. This expression is introduced at this stage to contrast it with generic and
joint determinations. Clearly, one should not confuse an isolated generic symbol such as m
with the corresponding specific symbol m-alone; I use this heavy notation to ensure no
confusion arises. Moreover, nota bene: In the above table, these forms are eliminated at the
outset, because they concern absolute partial or contingent causation, i.e. they are
irrespective of complement and mean m-aloneabs etc. But as we shall later see, when they
involve relative partial or contingent causation, i.e. when some complement is specified (in
prel or qrel or their negations), so that they mean m-alonerel etc., they remain possible forms.
This need not concern us at the moment, but is said to explain why these forms need to be

We would label as, simply, causation (or any causation), the disjunctive proposition m
or n or p or q, or the more specific mn or mq or np or pq. Such positive propositions
merely imply causation, if they involve less disjuncts or an isolated generic or joint
determination. The contradictory of causation, non-causation, is the only remaining
allowable combination, our table being exhaustive. This last possible combination involves
negation of all four generic or joint determinations, note well. That is, it means neither m
nor n nor p nor q or equally neither mn nor mq nor np nor pq.
The above table also allows us to somewhat interpret complex negations. The negation of
any compound is equivalent to the disjunction of all remaining four compounds (three of
causation and one of non-causation). For instance not(mn) means mq, np, pq, or non-
causation. Similarly with any other formula.
Note that where one of the weak determinations is denied by reason of the affirmation of
the contrary strong determination (m in the case of p, or n in the case of q), any and all
proposed complements are denied. Where one of the weaks is affirmed (even if the other is
radically denied), at least one complement is implied; and of course, the contrary strong
determination is denied. In all other cases, we must remember to be careful and distinguish
between restricted and radical negations of p or q, as already explained in the previous

2. The Joint Determinations.

We shall now examine in detail the four joint determinations, symbolized by mn, mq, np,
and pq, each of which is obtained by consistent conjunction of two generic determinations.
Each is thus a species shared by the two genera constituting it. Thus, mn is a specific case
of m and a specific case of n; and so forth.
We have already encountered one of these joint determinations, viz. complete and
necessary causation, the paradigm of causation. We shall now examine it in further detail,
and also treat the other three joint determinations.

Complete and Necessary causation by C of E:

(i) If C, then E;
(ii) if notC, not-then E (may be left tacit);
(iii) where: C is possible.
(iv) if notC, then notE;
(v) if C, not-then notE (may be left tacit);
(vi) where: C is unnecessary.

Table 3.2. Complete necessary causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C Possible (iii)
2 notC Possible (vi)
3 E Possible implied by (v)
4 notE possible implied by (ii)
5 C E possible (v) or implied by (i) + (iii)
6 C notE impossible (i)
7 notC E impossible (iv)
8 notC notE possible (ii) or implied by (iv) + (vi)

Notice how the merger of clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) with (iv), (v) and (vi) renders clauses (ii)
and (v) redundant (though still implicit). Rows 5-8 of the above table (shaded) constitute
the matrix of complete-necessary causation.

Complete but Contingent causation by C1 of E:

(i) If C1, then E;

(ii) if notC1, not-then E (may be left tacit);
(iii) where: C1 is possible (may be left tacit).
(iv) if (notC1 + notC2), then notE;
(v) if (C1 + notC2), not-then notE;
(vi) if (notC1 + C2), not-then notE;
(vii) where: (notC1 + notC2) is possible.

Table 3.3. Complete contingent causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C1 possible (iii) or implied by (v)
2 notC1 possible implied by (vi) or (vii)
3 C2 possible implied by (vi)
4 notC2 possible implied by (v) or (vii)
5 E possible implied by (v) or (vi)
6 notE possible implied by (iv) + (vii)
7 C1 E possible implied by (v)
8 C1 notE impossible (i)
9 notC1 E possible implied by (vi)
10 notC1 notE possible (ii) or implied by (iv) + (vii)
11 C2 E possible implied by (vi)
12 C2 notE open if #12 is impossible, so is #24; and in
view of (i): if #12 is possible, so is #24
13 notC2 E possible implied by (v)
14 notC2 notE possible implied by (iv) + (vii)
15 C1 C2 open if #15 is impossible, so is #19; and in
view of (i): if #15 is possible, so is #19
16 C1 notC2 possible implied by (v)
17 notC1 C2 possible implied by (vi)
18 notC1 notC2 possible (vii)
19 C1 C2 E open if #19 is possible, so is #15; and in
view of (i): if #19 is impossible, so is
20 C1 C2 notE impossible implied by (i)
21 C1 notC2 E possible (v)
22 C1 notC2 notE impossible implied by (i)
23 notC1 C2 E possible (vi)
24 notC1 C2 notE open if #24 is possible, so is #12; and in
view of (i): if #24 is impossible, so is
25 notC1 notC2 E impossible (iv)
26 notC1 notC2 notE possible implied by (iv) + (vii)

Notice how the merger of clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) with (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) renders
clauses (ii) and (iii) redundant (though still implicit). Rows 19-26 of the above table
constitute the matrix of complete-contingent causation.
Concerning the four positions labeled open in the above table, note that the moduses of
Nos. 12 and 24 are tied and likewise those of Nos. 15 and 19. Proof for the first two: if #12
(C2 + notE) is impossible, #24 (notC1 + C2 + notE) must also be impossible; if #24 (notC1
+ C2 + notE) is impossible, then knowing #20 (C1 + C2 + notE) to be impossible, #12 (C2
+ notE) must also be impossible; the rest follows by contraposition. Proof for the other
two: if #15 (C1 + C2) is impossible, #19 (C1 + C2 + E) must also be impossible; if #19
(C1 + C2 + E) is impossible, then knowing from (i) that #20 (C1 + C2 + notE) is
impossible, #15 (C1 + C2) must also be impossible; the rest follows by contraposition. The
interpretation of these open cases is as follows.

(a) Suppose #12 is impossible; this means that If C2, then E. We know from #14 that If
notC2, not-then E; and from #3 that C2 is possible. Whence, C2 satisfies the definition
for being a complete cause of E, just like C1. Thus, in such case, C1 and C2 are simply
parallel complete (and contingent) causes of E. This is quite conceivable, and as we have
seen in an earlier section such causes may be compatible or incompatible. If #15 is
possible, they are compatible; and if #15 is impossible, they are incompatible.
(b) Suppose #12 is possible; this means that If C2, not-then E, in which case C2 is not a
complete cause of E. This is quite conceivable, covering situations where one of the
contingent causes (namely, C1) is also complete, while the other (C2) is not complete.
Additionally, we can say: if #15 is possible, they are compatible; and if #15 is impossible,
they are incompatible; there is no problem of consistency either way.
However, a very interesting question arises in such case: is a contingent but not complete
cause (like C2, here) bound to be a partial cause? C2 is certainly not a partial cause of E in
conjunction with C1, since C1 is a complete cause of E. Therefore, if C2 is a partial cause
of E, it will be so in conjunction with some other partial cause of E, say C3. But since C3 is
unmentioned in our original givens, its existence is not formally demonstrable. We thus
have no certainty that an incomplete contingent cause is implicitly a partial contingent
cause! We will return to this issue later.

Partial yet Necessary causation by C1 of E:

(i) If notC1, then notE;

(ii) if C1, not-then notE (may be left tacit);
(iii) where: C1 is unnecessary (may be left tacit).
(iv) if (C1 + C2), then E;
(v) if (notC1 + C2), not-then E;
(vi) if (C1 + notC2), not-then E;
(vii) where: (C1 + C2) is possible.

Table 3.4. Partial necessary causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C1 possible implied by (vi) or (vii)
2 notC1 possible (iii) or implied by (v)
3 C2 possible implied by (v) or (vii)
4 notC2 possible implied by (vi)
5 E possible implied by (iv) + (vii)
6 notE possible implied by (v) or (vi)
7 C1 E possible (ii) or implied by (iv) + (vii)
8 C1 notE possible implied by (vi)
9 notC1 E impossible (i)
10 notC1 notE possible implied by (v)
11 C2 E possible implied by (iv) + (vii)
12 C2 notE possible implied by (v)
13 notC2 E open if #13 is impossible, so is #21; and in
view of (i): if #13 is possible, so is #21
14 notC2 notE possible implied by (vi)
15 C1 C2 possible (vii)
16 C1 notC2 possible implied by (vi)
17 notC1 C2 possible implied by (v)
18 notC1 notC2 open if #18 is impossible, so is #26; and in
view of (i): if #18 is possible, so is #26
19 C1 C2 E possible implied by (iv) + (vii)
20 C1 C2 notE impossible (iv)
21 C1 notC2 E open if #21 is possible, so is #13; and in
view of (i): if #21 is impossible, so is
22 C1 notC2 notE possible (vi)
23 notC1 C2 E impossible implied by (i)
24 notC1 C2 notE possible (v)
25 notC1 notC2 E impossible implied by (i)
26 notC1 notC2 notE open if #26 is possible, so is #18; and in
view of (i): if #26 is impossible, so is

Notice here again how the merger of clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) with (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii)
renders clauses (ii) and (iii) redundant (though still implicit). Rows 19-26 of the above
table (shaded) constitute the matrix of partial-necessary causation.
Concerning the four positions labeled open in the above table, note that the moduses of
Nos. 13 and 21 are tied and likewise those of Nos. 18 and 21. These statements may be
proved in the same manner as done for the preceding table; this is left to the reader as an
exercise. We can also interpret these situations in similar ways. If #13 is impossible, C2 is
a partial and necessary cause of E, parallel to C1; and notC2 is either compatible or
incompatible with notC1 according to whether #18 is possible or impossible. If #13 is
possible, C2 is a partial but not necessary cause of E, and notC2 is either compatible or not
with notC1, according to whether #18 is possible or not.

However, it is not formally demonstrable that an unnecessary partial cause is implicitly a

contingent partial cause; and the implications of this finding (or absence of finding) will
have to be considered later.

Partial and Contingent causation by C1 of E:

(i) If (C1 + C2), then E;

(ii) if (notC1 + C2), not-then E;
(iii) if (C1 + notC2), not-then E;
(iv) where: (C1 + C2) is possible.
(v) if (notC1 + notC2), then notE;
(vi) if (C1 + notC2), not-then notE;
(vii) if (notC1 + C2), not-then notE;
(viii) where: (notC1 + notC2) is possible.

Table 3.5. Partial contingent causation.

No Element/compound Modus Source/relationship
1 C1 possible implied by (iii) or (iv) or (vi)
2 notC1 possible implied by (ii) or (vii) or (viii)
3 C2 possible implied by (ii) or (iv) or (vii)
4 notC2 possible implied by (iii) or (vi) or (viii)
5 E possible implied by (vi) or (vii)
6 notE possible implied by (ii) or (iii)
7 C1 E possible implied by (vi)
8 C1 notE possible implied by (iii)
9 notC1 E possible implied by (vii)
10 notC1 notE possible implied by (ii)
11 C2 E possible implied by (vii)
12 C2 notE possible implied by (ii)
13 notC2 E possible implied by (vi)
14 notC2 notE possible implied by (iii)
15 C1 C2 possible (iv)
16 C1 notC2 possible implied by (iii) or (vi)
17 notC1 C2 possible implied by (ii) or (vii)
18 notC1 notC2 possible (viii)
19 C1 C2 E possible implied by (i) + (iv)
20 C1 C2 notE impossible (i)
21 C1 notC2 E possible (vi)
22 C1 notC2 notE possible (iii)
23 notC1 C2 E possible (vii)
24 notC1 C2 notE possible (ii)
25 notC1 notC2 E impossible (v)
26 notC1 notC2 notE possible implied by (v) + (viii)

Rows 19-26 of the above table (shaded) constitute the matrix of partial-contingent
causation. We note that here none of the original clauses are made redundant by the
combination of partial and contingent causation. Furthermore, no position in the above

table is left open, with regard to the possibility or impossibility of the item or combination
Additionally we can say that if C1 and C2 are, as here, complementary partial contingent
causes of E, then they have the same set of relations to each other and to E. But this does
not mean that if C1 and C2 are complementary partial causes of E, they are bound to be
complementary contingent causes of E, since as we have seen both or just one of them may
be necessary cause(s) of E. Similarly, we cannot say that if C1 and C2 are complementary
contingent causes of E, they are bound to be complementary partial causes of E, since as
we have seen both or just one of them may be complete cause(s) of E.

There may, of course, be more than one complement to C1 (i.e. complements C3, C4..., in
addition to C2) in the last three joint determinations, mq, np or pq. Such cases may be
similarly treated, as we have explained when considering the weaker generic
determinations separately.
It is with reference to the joint determinations mq and np that the utility of reformatting
sentences about partial or contingent causation becomes apparent. An mq proposition is
best stated as C1 is a complete and (complemented by C2) a contingent cause of E, and
an np proposition is best stated as C1 is a necessary and (complemented by C2) a partial
cause of E.

We must now consider the hierarchy between the above four forms, since there are clearly
differences in degree in the bond between cause(s) and effect. Causation is obviously at
its strongest when both complete and necessary (mn). It is difficult to say which of the
next two forms (mq or np) is the stronger and which the weaker, they are not really
comparable to each other; all we can say is that they are both less determining than the first
and more determining than the last; let us call them middling determinations. Causation is
weakest for each factor involved in partial and contingent causation (pq).

With regard to parallelism, we can infer that it is conditionally possible with reference to
our previous findings in the matter.
Two complete-necessary causes, C, C1, of the same effect E, may be parallel, provided
they are neither exhaustive nor incompatible with each other, i.e. provided if C, not-then
notC1 and if notC, not-then C1 is true.
For complete-contingent causation, it is conceivable that C1, C2 have this relation to E and
C3, C4 have this same relation to E, provided the complete causes C1 and C3 are not
exhaustive and the compounds (notC1 + notC2) and (notC3 + notC4) are not exhaustive.
An interesting special case is when C2 = C4, i.e. when the two complete causes have the
same complement in the contingent causation of E.
For partial-necessary causation, it is conceivable that C1, C2 have this relation to E and
C3, C4 have this same relation to E, provided the necessary causes C1 and C3 are not
incompatible and the compounds (C1 + C2) and (C3 + C4) are not exhaustive. An
interesting special case is when C2 = C4, i.e. when the two necessary causes have the same
complement in the partial causation of E.
For partial-contingent causation, the same condition of non-exhaustiveness between the
parallel compounds involved applies. And here, too, note the special case when C2 = C4 as
Tables involving all the items concerned and their negations in all combinations may be
constructed to analyze the implications of such parallelisms in detail.

The negations of the four joint determinations may be reduced to the denial of one or both
of their constituent generic determinations. That is, not(mn) means not-m and/or not-n;
not(mq) means not-m and/or not-q; not(np) means not-p and/or not-n; and not(pq)
means not-p and/or not-q. Each of these alternative denials in turn implies denial of one
or more of the constituent clauses, obviously.

3. The Significance of Certain Findings.

Let us review how we have proceeded so far. We started with the paradigm of causation,
namely, complete necessary causation. We then abstracted its constituent determinations,
the complete and the necessary aspects of it, and by negation formulated another two
generic determinations, namely partial and contingent causation. We then recombined
these abstractions, to obtain all initially conceivable formulas. Some of these formulas
(mp, nq) could be eliminated as logically impossible by inspecting their definitions and
finding contradictory elements in them. Others (the lone determinations, obtained by
conjunction of only one generic determination and the negations of all three others) were
eliminated on the basis of later findings not yet presented here. This left us with only five
logically tenable specific causative relations between any two items, namely the four joint
determinations (the consistent conjunctions generic determinations) and non-causation (the
negation of all four generic determinations).
When I personally first engaged in the present research, I was not sure whether or not the
(absolute) lone determinations were consistent or not. Because each lone determination
involves three negative causative propositions in conjunction, and each of these is defined
by disjunction of the negations of the defining clauses of the corresponding positive form,
it seemed very difficult to reliably develop matrixes for them. I therefore, as a logician26,
had to assume as a working hypothesis that they were logically possible. It is only in a later
phase, when I developed matricial microanalysis that I discovered that they can be
formally eliminated. Take my word on this for now. This discovery was very instructive
and important, because it signified that causation is more deterministic than would
otherwise have been the case.
If lone determinations had been logically possible, causation would have been moderately
deterministic. For two items might be causatively related on the positive side, but not on
the negative side, or vice-versa. Something could be only a complete cause (or only a
partial cause) of another without having to also be a necessary or contingent one; or it
could be only a necessary cause (or only a contingent cause) of another without having to
also be a complete or partial one. But as it turned out there is logically no such degree of
freedom in the causative realm.
If two things are causatively related at all, they have to be ultimately related in one (and
indeed only one) of the four ways described as the joint determinations27, i.e. in the way of
mn, mq, np, or pq. The concepts m, n, p, q are common aspects of these four relations
and no others. There is no softer causative relation. Causation is full or it is not at all;
The logician must keep an open mind so long as an issue remains unresolved. Logic cannot at the
outset, without good reason, close doors to alternatives. Where formal considerations leave spaces, we cannot
impose prejudices or speculations. The reason being that the aim of the science of logic is to prepare the
ground for discourse and debate. If it takes arbitrary metaphysical positions at the outset, it deprives us of a
language with which to even consider opposite views. So long as formal grounds for some thesis is lacking,
its antithesis must remain utterable.
It is interesting to note that, although J. S. Mill did not (to my knowledge) consider the issue
of lone determinations, he turned out to be right in acknowledging only the four joint

no holes are allowed in it. We can formulate the following laws of causation in
If something is a complete or partial cause of something, it must also be either a
necessary or (with some complement or other) a contingent cause of it.
If something is a necessary or contingent cause of something, it must also be either
a complete or (with some complement or other) a partial cause of it.
In short, since a lone determination is impossible, if something is at all a causative
of anything, it must be related in the way of a joint determination with it.
These laws have the following corollaries:
If something is neither a necessary nor contingent cause of something, it must also
be neither a complete nor (with whatever complement) a partial cause of it.
If something is neither a complete nor partial cause of something, it must also be
either neither a necessary nor (with whatever complement) a contingent cause of it.
In short, since a lone determination is impossible, if two things are known not to be
related in the way of either pair of contrary generic determinations (i.e. m and p, or
n and q), they can be inferred to be not causatively related at all.
The complement of a partial cause of something, being also itself a partial cause of
that thing, must either be a necessary or (with some complement or other) a
contingent cause of that thing.
The complement of a contingent cause of something, being also itself a contingent
cause of that thing, must either be a complete or (with some complement or other) a
partial cause of that thing.

With regard to the epistemological question, as to how these causative relations are to be
established, we may say that they are ultimately based on induction (including deduction
from induced propositions): we have no other credible way to knowledge. Causative
propositions may of course be built up gradually, clause by clause (see definitions in the
previous chapter).
As I showed in my work Future Logic, the positive hypothetical (i.e. if/then) forms, from
which causatives are constructed, result from generalizations from experience of
conjunctions between the items concerned (which generalizations are of course revised by
particularization, when and if they lead to inconsistency with new information). The
negative hypothetical (i.e. if/not-then) forms are assumed true if no positive forms have
been thus established, or are derived by the demands of consistency from positive forms
thus established. In their case, an epistemological quandary may be translated into an
ontological fait accompli (at least until if ever reason is found to prefer a positive
We may first, by such induction (or deduction thereafter), propose one of the four generic
determinations in isolation. The proposed generic determination is effectively treated as a
joint determination in-waiting, a convenient abstraction that does not really occur
separately, but only within conjunctions. We are of course encouraged by methodology to
subsequently vigorously research which of the four joint determinations can be affirmed
between the items concerned. In cases where all such research efforts prove fruitless, we
are simply left with a problematic statement, such as (to give an instance) P is a complete
cause, and either a necessary or a contingent cause, of Q.
But, since lone determination does not exist, we can never opt for a negative conclusion,
like P is a complete cause, but neither a necessary nor a contingent cause, of Q. We may
not in this context effectively generalize from I did not find to there is not (a further

causative relation). We may not interpret a structural doubt as a negative structure, an

uncertainty as an indeterminacy.

In the history of Western philosophy, until recent times, the dominant hypothesis
concerning causation has been that it is applicable universally. Some philosophers
mitigated this principle, reserving it for purely physical objects, excepting beings with
volition (humans, presumably G-d, and even perhaps higher animals). A few, notably
David Hume, denied any such law of causation as it has been called.
But in the 20th Century, the idea that there might, even in Nature (i.e. among entities
without volition), be spontaneous events gained credence, due to unexpected
developments in Physics. That idea tended to be supported by the Uncertainty Principle of
Werner Heisenberg for quantum phenomena, interpreted by Niels Bohr as an ontological
(and not merely epistemological) principle of indeterminacy, and the Big-Bang theory of
the beginning of the universe, which Stephen Hawking considered as possibly implying an
ex nihilo and non-creationist beginning.
We shall not here try to debate the matter. All I want to do at this stage is stress the
following nuances, which are now brought to the fore. The primary thesis of determinism
is that there is causation in the world; i.e. that causal relations of the kind identified in the
previous chapter (the four generic determinations) do occur in it. Our above-mentioned
discovery that such causation has to fit in one of the four specific determinations may be
viewed as a corollary of this thesis, or a logically consistent definition of it.
This is distinct from various universal causation theses, such as that nothing can occur
except through causation (implying that causation is the only existing form of causality), or
that at least nothing in Nature can do so (though for conscious beings other forms of
causality may apply, notably volition), among others.
We shall analyze such so-called laws of causation in a later chapter; suffices for now to
realize that they are extensions, attempted generalizations, of the apparent fact of
causation, and not identical with it. Many philosophers seem to be unaware of this nuance,
effectively regarding the issue as either causation everywhere or no causation
The idea that causation is present somewhere in this world is logically quite compatible
with the idea that there may be pockets or borders where it is absent, a thesis we may call
particular (i.e. non-universal) causation. We may even, more extremely, consider that
causation is poorly scattered, in a world moved principally by spontaneity and/or volition.
The existence of causation thus does not in itself exclude the spontaneity envisaged by
physicists (in the subatomic or astronomical domains); and it does not conflict with the
psychological theory of volition or the creationist theory of matter28.
Apparently, then, though determinism may be the major relation between things in this
world, it leaves some room, however minor (in the midst or at the edges of the universe),
for indeterminism.
We will give further consideration to these issues later, for we cannot deal with them
adequately until we have clarified the different modes of causation.

Note incidentally that to say that G-d created the world does not imply that He did so
specifically as and when the Bible seems to describe it; He may equally well have created the first
concentration of matter and initiated the Big-Bang. Note also, that Creationism implies the pre-
existence of G-d, a 'spiritual' entity; it is therefore a theory concerning the beginning of 'matter', but
not of existence as such. G-d is in it posited as Eternal and Transcendental, or prior to or beyond
time and space, but still 'existent'. With regard to such issues, including the compatibility of
spontaneity and volition with Creation, see my Buddhist Illogic, chapter 10.


1. Oppositions.

The logical interrelations between the truths and falsehoods of propositions involving the
same items are referred to as their oppositions. This expression is unfortunate, because in
everyday speech (and often in logical discourse) it connotes more specifically a conflict
between propositions; whereas in the science of logic, the term is intended more broadly as
a face-off. Thus, the possible oppositions between two propositions are:
contradiction (provided they cannot be both true and they cannot be both false);
contrariety (provided they cannot be both true);
subcontrariety (provided they cannot be both false);
subalternation (provided one, called the subalternant, cannot be true if the other,
called the subaltern, is false though the latter may be true if the former is false);
equivalence (provided neither can be true if the other is false, and neither can be
false if the other is true);
neutrality (provided either can be true or false without the other being true or
Contradictory or contrary propositions are incompatible or mutually exclusive;
propositions otherwise related are compatible or conjoinable. Equivalents mutually imply
each other; among subalternatives, the subalternant implies but is not implied by the
subaltern. Propositions are neutral to each other if they are not related in any of the other
ways above listed.

Let us now consider the oppositions between the four generic determinations. We can
show, with reference to the definitions in the preceding chapter, that:
If P is a complete cause of Q, then (whatever P is complemented by) P is
not a partial cause of Q;
if P (with whatever complement) is a partial cause of Q, then P is not a
complete cause of Q.
If P is a necessary cause of Q, then (whatever P is complemented by) P is
not a contingent cause of Q;
if P (with whatever complement) is a contingent cause of Q, then P is not a
necessary cause of Q.
For clause (i) of complete causation, viz. if P, then Q, implies both if (P + R), then Q
and if (P + notR), then Q, for any item R whatsoever; whereas clause (iii) of partial
causation implies that there is an item R such that if (P + R), then Q. Similarly, necessary
and contingent causation have conflicting implications, and therefore cannot both be true.
More briefly put, m and p are incompatible and n and q are incompatible. Other than that,
no incompatibilities or implications exist between the four generic determinations. P may
have no causative relation to Q at all, without any inconsistency ensuing. Thus, m and p
are contrary (but not contradictory) and n and q are contrary (but not contradictory). As for
the pairs m and n, m and q, n and p, p and q they are all neutral to each other.
With regard to the negations of generic determinations, it follows that they are all neutral
to each other. Of course, by definition, not-m is the contradictory of m, not-n is the
contradictory of n, not-p is the contradictory of p, and not-q is the contradictory of q.

Also, as above seen, m implies not-p, and n implies not-q. But between the four negations
themselves, no incompatibilities or implications exist.
It should be stressed that partial causation is not to be considered as identical with the
negation of complete causation, but only as one of the possible outcomes of such negation.
That is, it would be illogical to infer from P is not a complete cause of Q that P is a
partial cause of Q, or from P is not a partial cause of Q that P is complete a cause of
Q. The labels complete and partial could be misleading, connoting a relation of
inclusion between whole and part; here, note well, complete excludes partial, and vice-
versa. Similarly, of course, contingent causation is not equivalent to the negation of
necessary causation.
Most importantly, keep in mind the inferences already mentioned in the last section of the
preceding chapter, namely:
If m is true, then n or q must be true.
If n is true, then m or p must be true.
If p is true, then n or q must be true.
If q is true, then m or p must be true.
If neither m nor p is true, then neither n nor q can be true.
If neither n nor q is true, then neither m nor p can be true.

With regard to the oppositions between the four joint determinations.

Each of the four joint determinations obviously implies but is not implied by its constituent
generic determinations. That is, m and n are subalterns of mn, m and q are subalterns of
mq, and so forth. It follows that each joint determination is contrary to the negations of its
constituent generic determinations. That is, mn is contrary to not-m and to not-n; and so
forth. Or in other words, if either or both of its constituent generic determinations is/are
denied, the joint determination as a whole must be denied.
Furthermore, the four joint determinations are all mutually exclusive. That is, if any one of
them is true, the three others have to be false. For if mn is true, mq cannot be true (since n
and q are incompatible), and np cannot be true (since m and p are incompatible), and pq
cannot be true (for both reasons). Similarly, if we affirm mq, we must deny the
combinations mn, np, pq; and so forth. On the other hand, the negation of any joint
determination has no consequence on the others; they may all be false without resulting

2. Eductions.
Immediate inference is inference of a conclusion from one premise, in contrast to
syllogistic (or mediate) inference. Opposition is one form of it, in which the items
concerned retain the same position and polarity. Eduction is another form of it, involving
some change in position and/or polarity of the items occurs.
Let us now look into the feasibility of eductions from causative propositions, with
reference to their definitions. We shall for now ignore the issue of direction of causation,
dealt with further on. All the usual eductive processes29, namely inversion, conversion, and
contraposition, obversion, obverted-inversion, obverted-conversion, and obverted-
contraposition, can be used in the ways shown below. First however, we must consider
eduction by negation of the complement, a process applicable to the weak determinations.

The terminology here used is the same as that traditionally used in other fields of logic,
except for "negation of complement".

a. Negations of the complement (from R to notR) for the same items (P-Q). This
concerns the weak determinations, and results in a negative conclusion.
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies P (complemented
by notR) is not a partial cause of Q.
Proof: Clause (i) of P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q and clause (iii) of P
(complemented by notR) is a partial cause of Q contradict each other; therefore they
are incompatible propositions.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with P
(complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of Q.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies P
(complemented by notR) is not a contingent cause of Q.
Proof: In a similar manner, mutatis mutandis.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible with
P (complemented by notR) is a partial cause of Q.
Negation of the complement for the joint determination pq follows by conjunction:
If P (complemented by R) is a partial and contingent cause of Q, then P
(complemented by notR) is neither a partial nor a contingent cause of Q.

b. Inversions (changes from P-Q to notP-notQ); the conclusion is called the inverse
of the premise.
All four generic determinations are invertible to a positive causative proposition, simply by
substituting not{notP} for P, not{notQ} for Q. In the case of weak determinations,
additionally, not{notR} replaces R; and moreover, eduction by negation of the complement
of the positive conclusion yields a further negative conclusion. Thus,
P is a complete cause of Q implies notP is a necessary cause of notQ.
And vice-versa. In contrast, note, P is a complete cause of Q and notP is a complete
cause of notQ are merely compatible.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies notP is a complete cause of notQ.
And vice-versa. In contrast, note, P is a necessary cause of Q and notP is a necessary
cause of notQ are merely compatible.
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of notQ.
And vice-versa. It follows by negation of the complement that:
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of notQ.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with notP
(complemented by R) is a partial cause of notQ and with notP (complemented by
notR) is a partial cause of notQ.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by notR) is a partial cause of notQ.
And vice-versa. It follows by negation of the complement that:
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of notQ.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible with
notP (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of notQ and with notP
(complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of notQ.
Notice, with regard to the positive implications of the weak determinations, that P, Q, and
R all change polarity. Evidently, inversions involve a change of determination from

positive (complete or partial) to negative (necessary or contingent, respectively), or vice-

With regard to the joint determinations, their inversions follow from those relative to the
generic determinations.
Inversion of mn or pq is possible, without change of determination (i.e. to mn or pq,
respectively), since the changes for each constituent determination balance each other out;
and all items change polarity. Thus:
If P is a complete and necessary cause of Q, then notP is a complete and necessary
cause of notQ.
If P (complemented by R) is a partial and contingent cause of Q, then notP
(complemented by notR) is a partial and contingent cause of notQ; also, notP
(complemented by R) is not a partial or contingent cause of notQ.
Inversion of mq or np is possible, though with changes of determination (i.e. to np or mq,
respectively); and all items change polarity. Thus:
If P is a complete and (complemented by R) a contingent cause of Q, then notP is
a necessary and (complemented by notR) a partial cause of notQ; also, notP
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of notQ.
if P is a necessary and (complemented by R) a partial cause of Q, then notP is a
complete and (complemented by notR) a contingent cause of notQ; also, notP
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of notQ.
With regard to negative causative propositions, we can easily derive analogous inversions
on the basis of30 the above findings:
P is not a complete cause of Q implies notP is not a necessary cause of notQ.
P is not a necessary cause of Q implies notP is not a complete cause of notQ.
P (complemented by R) is not a partial cause of Q implies notP (complemented
by notR) is not a contingent cause of notQ.
P (complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of notQ.
Similarly for the negations of joint determinations.

c. Conversions (changes from P-Q to Q-P); the conclusion is called the converse of
the premise.
The strong generic determinations are convertible, as follows:
P is a complete cause of Q implies Q is a necessary cause of P.
Proof: Clause (i) of the given proposition may be contraposed to if notQ, then notP;
clauses (i) and (iii) together imply that (P + Q) is possible, which means that if Q, not-
then notP; and clause (ii) implies notQ is possible. Thus, the conditions for the said
conclusion are satisfied, and conversion is feasible.
And vice-versa. In contrast, note, P is a complete cause of Q and Q is a complete cause
of P are merely compatible.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies Q is a complete cause of P.
Proof: In a similar manner, mutatis mutandis.
And vice-versa. In contrast, note, P is a necessary cause of Q and Q is a necessary cause
of P are merely compatible.
The weak generic determinations are also convertible, as follows:
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies Q (complemented
by notR) is a contingent cause of P.

Specifically, by contraposition of the positive implications.

Proof: Clause (i) of the given proposition means that (P + R + notQ) is impossible, which
may be restated as if (notQ + R), then notP; clauses (i) and (iv) together imply that (P
+ R + Q) is possible, which means that if (Q + R), not-then notP; clause (iii) means
that (P + notR + notQ) is possible, which may be restated as if (notQ + notR), not-then
notP; and clause (ii) implies (notQ + R) is possible. Thus, the conditions for the said
conclusion are satisfied (reading not{notR} instead of R), and conversion is feasible.
And vice-versa. It follows by negation of the complement that:
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies Q (complemented
by R) is not a contingent cause of P.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with Q
(complemented by R) is a partial cause of P and with Q (complemented by notR) is a
partial cause of P.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies Q
(complemented by notR) is a partial cause of P.
Proof: In a similar manner, mutatis mutandis.
And vice-versa. It follows by negation of the complement that:
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies Q
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of P.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible with
Q (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of P and with Q (complemented by
notR) is a contingent cause of P.
Note well, with regard to the positive implications of the weak determinations, that R
changes polarity, while P, Q do not; in this sense, their conversion may be qualified as
imperfect. Evidently, conversions involve a change of determination from positive
(complete or partial) to negative (necessary or contingent, respectively), or vice-versa.
With regard to the joint determinations, their conversions follow from those relative to the
generic determinations.
Conversion of mn is possible, without change of determination (i.e. to mn), since the
changes for each constituent determination balance each other out. Thus:
If P is a complete and necessary cause of Q, then Q is a complete and necessary
cause of P.
Conversion of pq is possible, without change of determination (i.e. to pq), for the same
reason; but the subsidiary item (R) changes polarity in the positive implication. Thus:
If P (complemented by R) is a partial and contingent cause of Q, then Q
(complemented by notR) is a partial and contingent cause of P; also, Q
(complemented by R) is not a partial or contingent cause of P.
Conversion of mq or np is possible, though with changes of determination (i.e. to np or
mq, respectively); also, the subsidiary item (R) changes polarity in the positive
implication. Thus:
If P is a complete and (complemented by R) a contingent cause of Q, then Q is a
necessary and (complemented by notR) a partial cause of P; also, Q
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of P.
If P is a necessary and (complemented by R) a partial cause of Q, then Q is a
complete and (complemented by notR) a contingent cause of P; also, Q
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of P.
With regard to negative causative propositions, we can easily derive analogous conversions
on the basis of the above findings:
P is not a complete cause of Q implies Q is not a necessary cause of P.
P is not a necessary cause of Q implies Q is not a complete cause of P.

P (complemented by R) is not a partial cause of Q implies Q (complemented

by notR) is not a contingent cause of P.
P (complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of Q implies Q
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of P.
Similarly for the negations of joint determinations.

d. Contrapositions (changes from P-Q to notQ-notP); the conclusion is called the

contraposite of the premise.
All four generic determinations are contraposable, simply by conversion of their inverses:
P is a complete cause of Q implies notQ is a complete cause of notP.
And vice-versa. In contrast, note, P is a complete cause of Q and notQ is a necessary
cause of notP are merely compatible.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies notQ is a necessary cause of notP.
And vice-versa. In contrast, note, P is a necessary cause of Q and notQ is a complete
cause of notP are merely compatible.
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by R) is a partial cause of notP.
And vice-versa. It follows by negation of the complement that:
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of notP.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with
notQ (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of notP and with notQ
(complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of notP.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by R) is a contingent cause of notP.
And vice-versa. It follows by negation of the complement that:
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by notR) is not a contingent cause of notP.
In contrast, note, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible with
notQ (complemented by R) is a partial cause of notP and with notQ (complemented
by notR) is a partial cause of notP.
Notice, with regard to the positive implications of the weak determinations, that while P, Q
change polarity, R does not; in this sense, their contraposition may be qualified as
imperfect. Evidently, contrapositions distinctively do not involve changes of
With regard to the joint determinations, their contrapositions follow from those relative to
the generic determinations.
Contraposition of mn is possible, without change of determination (i.e. to mn). Thus:
If P is a complete and necessary cause of Q, then notQ is a complete and
necessary cause of notP.
Contraposition of pq, mq or np is possible, without change of determination (i.e. to pq,
mq or np, respectively); and the subsidiary item (R) does not change polarity in the
positive implication. Thus:
If P (complemented by R) is a partial and contingent cause of Q, then notQ
(complemented by R) is a partial and contingent cause of notP; also, notQ
(complemented by notR) is not a partial or contingent cause of notP.
If P is a complete and (complemented by R) a contingent cause of Q, then notQ is
a necessary and (complemented by R) a partial cause of notP; also, notQ
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of notP.

If P is a necessary and (complemented by R) a partial cause of Q, then notQ is a

complete and (complemented by R) a contingent cause of notP; also, notQ
(complemented by notR) is not a contingent cause of notP.
With regard to negative causative propositions, we can easily derive analogous
contrapositions on the basis of the above findings:
P is not a complete cause of Q implies notQ is not a complete cause of notP.
P is not a necessary cause of Q implies notQ is not a necessary cause of notP.
P (complemented by R) is not a partial cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of notP.
P (complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of notP.
Similarly for the negations of joint determinations.

e. Obversions (changes from P-Q to P-notQ); the conclusions are called obverses of
the premise.31
All four generic determinations are obvertible in various ways, though the obverses are
negative causative propositions.
P is a complete cause of Q implies P is not a complete cause of notQ and
P is not a necessary cause of notQ.
Proof: Clauses (i) and (iii) of P is a complete cause of Q together imply that (P + Q) is
possible, whereas clause (i) of P is a complete cause of notQ implies that conjunction
impossible; therefore they are incompatible propositions. Also, clause (i) of P is a
complete cause of Q and clause (ii) of P is a necessary cause of notQ contradict each
other; therefore they are incompatible.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies P is not a necessary cause of notQ and
P is not a complete cause of notQ.
Proof: In a similar manner, mutatis mutandis.
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies P (complemented
by R) is not a partial cause of notQ and P (complemented by notR) is not a
contingent cause of notQ.
Proof: Clauses (i) and (iv) of P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q together
imply that (P + R + Q) is possible, whereas clause (i) of P (complemented by R) is a
partial cause of notQ implies that conjunction impossible; therefore they are
incompatible propositions. Also, clause (ii) of P (complemented by R) is a partial
cause of Q and clause (i) of P (complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of notQ
contradict each other; therefore they are incompatible. Notice in the latter case, the
change in polarity of the complement (from R to notR), as well as the change in
determination (from p to q).
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of notQ, and with P (complemented by
notR) is a partial cause of notQ.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies P
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of notQ and P
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of notQ.

The form "P causes notQ" is often reworded in everyday speech as "P prevents Q" (or
other similar words see your thesaurus). We could treat the latter expression as a form in its own
right, and look into all the logic of its four genera: complete, necessary, partial and contingent
prevention. But we do not need to do so, for all that logic is implicit in the work here in process.

Proof: In a similar manner, mutatis mutandis. Notice in the latter case, the change in
polarity of the complement (from R to notR), as well as the change in determination
(from q to p).
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible
with P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of notQ, and with P (complemented
by notR) is a contingent cause of notQ.
With regard to the joint determinations, their obversions follow from those relative to the
generic determinations.
If P is a complete and necessary cause of Q, then P is neither a complete nor a
necessary cause of notQ.
If P is a complete and contingent cause of Q, then P is neither a complete, nor
(complemented by R) a contingent, cause of notQ, and P is neither a necessary,
nor (complemented by notR) a partial, cause of notQ.
If P is a necessary and partial cause of Q, then P is neither a necessary, nor
(complemented by R) a partial, cause of notQ, and P is neither a complete, nor
(complemented by notR) a contingent, cause of notQ.
If P (complemented by R) is a partial and contingent cause of Q, then P (whether
complemented by R or notR) is neither a partial nor a contingent cause of notQ.

f. Obverted inversions (changes from P-Q to notP-Q); the conclusions are called
obverted-inverses of the premise.
All four generic determinations may be subjected to obverted-inversion, by successive
inversion then obversion. The conclusions are therefore negative causative propositions.
P is a complete cause of Q implies notP is not a complete cause of Q and
notP is not a necessary cause of Q.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies notP is not a necessary cause of Q and
notP is not a complete cause of Q.
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of Q and notP (complemented
by notR) is not a contingent cause of Q.
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with
notP (complemented by notR) is a partial cause of Q, and with notP (complemented
by R) is a contingent cause of Q.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies notP
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of Q and notP
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of Q.
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible
with notP (complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of Q, and with notP
(complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q.
With regard to the joint determinations, their obverted-inversions follow from those
relative to the generic determinations, as usual.

g. Obverted conversions (changes from P-Q to Q-notP); the conclusions are called
obverted-converses of the premise.
All four generic determinations may be subjected to obverted-conversion, by successive
conversion then obversion. The conclusions are therefore negative causative propositions.
P is a complete cause of Q implies Q is not a complete cause of notP and
Q is not a necessary cause of notP.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies Q is not a necessary cause of notP and
Q is not a complete cause of notP.

P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies Q (complemented

by R) is not a partial cause of notP and Q (complemented by notR) is not a
contingent cause of notP.
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with
Q (complemented by notR) is a partial cause of notP, and with Q (complemented by
R) is a contingent cause of notP.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies Q
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of notP and Q
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of notP.
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible
with Q (complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of notP, and with Q
(complemented by R) is a partial cause of notP.
With regard to the joint determinations, their obverted-conversions follow from those
relative to the generic determinations, as usual.

h. Obverted contrapositions, also known as conversions by negation (changes from

P-Q to notQ-P); the conclusions are called obverted-contraposites of the premise.
All four generic determinations may be subjected to obverted-contraposition, by successive
contraposition then obversion. The conclusions are therefore negative causative
P is a complete cause of Q implies notQ is not a complete cause of P and
notQ is not a necessary cause of P.
P is a necessary cause of Q implies notQ is not a necessary cause of P and
notQ is not a complete cause of P.
P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by R) is not a partial cause of P and notQ (complemented
by notR) is not a contingent cause of P.
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a partial cause of Q is compatible with
notQ (complemented by notR) is a partial cause of P, and with notQ (complemented
by R) is a contingent cause of P.
P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q implies notQ
(complemented by R) is not a contingent cause of P and notQ
(complemented by notR) is not a partial cause of P.
In contrast, note well, P (complemented by R) is a contingent cause of Q is compatible
with notQ (complemented by notR) is a contingent cause of P, and with notQ
(complemented by R) is a partial cause of P.
With regard to the joint determinations, their obverted-contrapositions follow from those
relative to the generic determinations, as usual.

We may finally note the following derivative eductions, though they are virtually useless
except that they partly summarize the preceding findings:
If P is a strong cause of Q, then notP is a strong cause of notQ (inversion), and Q
is a strong cause of P (conversion), and notQ is a strong cause of notP
If P (complemented by R) is a weak cause of Q, then notP (complemented by
notR) is a weak cause of notQ (inversion), and Q (complemented by notR) is a
weak cause of P (conversion), and notQ (complemented by R) is a weak cause of
notP (contraposition).
If P is a cause of Q, then notP is a cause of notQ (inversion), and Q is a cause of P
(conversion), and notQ is a cause of notP (contraposition).

Moreover, we can say:

If P is a strong cause of Q, then P is not a strong cause of notQ (obversion), and
notP is not a strong cause of Q (obverted inversion), and Q is not a strong cause of
notP (obverted conversion), and notQ is not a strong cause of P (obverted
But similar negative implications are not possible for P (complemented by R) is a weak
cause of Q, in view of variations in the complement in such cases. It follows that similar
negative implications are not possible for P is a cause of Q.
Finally, concerning the weak determinations, it should be noted that wherever the inference
results in no change of complement, i.e. wherever the premise and conclusion concern the
same complement, the complement need not be mentioned at all. That is, we can in some
cases simply say: if P is a partial (or contingent) cause of Q, then (the new cause) is (or
is not) a partial (or contingent) cause of (the new effect) (as the case may be), on the tacit
understanding that the complement, whatever it happens to be, has not been altered.
More broadly, whether or not the complement changes polarity, it is clear that we do not
need to specify or even remember its precise content, in order to perform the inference.
When the complement is unchanged, we need not mention it at all (or, to be sure, we can
say in the conclusion with the same complement, whatever it be); and when it is
changed, we can add in the conclusion with the negation of the initial complement,
whatever it be, as complement. It is good to know this, because it allows us to proceed
with inferences without immediately having to or being able to pin-point the complement

Note lastly, that all immediate inferences could also be validated or invalidated, as the case
may be, by means of matricial analysis (see later). I have here preferred the less systematic,
but also less voluminous, method of reduction to conditional arguments.
All these inferences add to our knowledge and understanding of causative propositions, of
course. Some of them will prove useful for validations or invalidations of causative
syllogisms by direct reduction to others.

3. The Directions of Causation.

Now, the implications between different forms of causative propositions identified above,
such as that P is a complete cause of Q implies Q is a necessary cause of P,
demonstrate that our definitions of causation were incomplete. For we well know that
causation has a direction! However, bear with me we deal with this issue.
Strictly-speaking, when we utter a statement of the form P is a (complete, necessary,
partial, contingent) cause of Q, we imply a tacit clause specifying the direction (or
ordering of items), in addition to the various clauses (treated in the preceding chapter)
concerning determination. This means that denial of the tacit clause on direction would
suffice to deny the causation concerned, even if all the other clauses are affirmed.
However, there are good reasons why in our formal treatment we are wise to keep the issue
of direction separate.
First of these is the epistemological fact that the direction of causation is not always
known. We may by inductive or deductive means arrive at knowledge of all the other
clauses, and yet be hard put to immediately specify the direction. If we wished to
summarize our position in such case, and were not permitted to use the language of
causation, we would have to introduce a relational expression other than is a ... cause of
(say, is a ... determinant of) to allow us to verbalize the situation. Causation would then

be defined as the combination of this relation (determination) with a directional clause.

This is feasible, but in my view redundant; we can manage without such an artifice.
Secondly, we have to consider the ontological fact that causation does not always occur in
only one direction: it may occur in both. Sometimes, the direction is exclusively from P to
Q, or from Q to P; but sometimes, the causal relation is two-way or reversible. Moreover,
reversible causation is not always reciprocal: there may be one determination in one
direction, and another in the opposite sense; or there may, in the case of weak causations,
be different complements in each direction. For this reason, too, we are wise to handle the
issue of direction flexibly, considering it expressed in an additional clause, but left hidden
or ignored until specifically dealt with. This is the course adopted in the present work.

The directional clause for a causative proposition can be a phrase qualifying the sentence
P is a ... cause of Q, a phrase of the form in the direction from P to Q (which is
identical with notP to notQ) and/or in the direction from Q to P (which is identical
with notQ to notP). We must additionally allow for (hopefully temporary) ignorance with
the phrase direction unknown.
We allow for only two directions, not four, note well. P to Q and its inverse notP to
notQ are one and the same direction; likewise Q to P and notQ to notP are identical in
direction. In this manner, causative statements remain always or formally invertible but
strictly-speaking only sometimes or conditionally convertible or contraposable, specifically
when the causation is known to be reversible. That is, whereas inversion is ontologically
universal, conversion and contraposition have the status of formal artifices until and unless
their ontological applicability is established in a given case. The latter two eductions, of
course, go together; if either is applicable, so is the other (since the contraposite is the
inverse of the converse).
As we shall see, consideration of direction of causation affects other deductive processes in
a similar manner, i.e. making them conditional instead of universal. Thus, in causative
syllogism, arguments in the first figure guarantee the direction implicit in the conclusion
(given the directions implied by the premises), whereas arguments in the other two figures
cannot do so.
However, this is not a great difficulty, because we know that wherever a causative
conclusion is drawn, the direction of causation has to be either as implied by that
conclusion or as implied by its formal converse or both. Thus, the issue of direction is
relatively minor. It is without impact on the inferred bond, on the fact that there is a
certain (strong or weak) causative relationship between the items concerned; the only
problem it sets for us is in which form this relationship is expressed, as P-Q or its
converse Q-P.
The real problem with direction of causation is identifying how it is to be induced in the
first place. We shall try to solve this problem later, in the chapter on induction of causation.
For now, suffices to say the following. In de dicta (logical) causation, theses are
hierarchized by their epistemological roles (an axiom causes but is not caused by a
resulting theorem, even if the latter implies the former, for instance); in de re (natural,
temporal, spatial or extensional) causation, the order of things is often dictated by temporal
or spatial sequences, for instances (logical issues also come into play).
There are cases in practice where deciding which item is the cause and which is the effect
is virtually a matter of convention. This may occur in reciprocal causation, as well as in
causation with permanently unknown (i.e. practically unknowable) direction. In such cases,
the expressions the cause and the effect merge into one, becoming mere verbal
differentiations. This is often true in the logical mode, and in the spatial and extensional
modes; it occurs more rarely in the temporal and natural modes. The reason being that the

only really absolute rule of direction we know is temporal sequence; other rules, though
credible, are open to debate.

It should be stressed that the concept of direction (or orientation) concerns not only
causation, but more broadly space and time in a variety of guises. It is therefore an issue in
a wider and deeper ontological and epistemological context, not one reserved to causation.
It might be viewed as one of the fundamental building-blocks of knowledge, and therefore
not entirely definable with reference to other concepts.
It may be exemplified concretely by drawing a line on paper (this expresses its spatial
component), and running a finger along it first one way, then the other (this expresses its
temporal component, since the movement takes time to cover space); and saying though
the path covered is the same in both instances, the first movement is to be distinguished
from the second and this difference will be called one of direction. In this manner, the
words from and to, though very abstract32, are shown to be meaningful, i.e. to symbolize
a communicable distinction, which can by analogy be applied in other contexts.
Such visual and mechanical demonstration merely aids the intuition33 in focusing upon the
intention of verbal expressions of direction. It does not, of course, by itself suffice to
clearly define directionality in the context of causation, or to establish the direction of
causation in particular cases. We must search for more precise means to achieve these
ends. But we at least have a sort of ostensive-procedural definition of directionality in
general, which gives some meaning to clauses like from P to Q and from Q to P.
The propositions P causes Q and Q causes P are simply declared unequal. Causation
in general is symbolized by a string of words, namely P-causation-Q, analogous to a
line; this line of relation is, however, to be taken as two-fold, i.e. as occasionally different
in the senses P-Q and Q-P. What this difference signifies more deeply in formal terms, we
cannot yet say; but we do believe that it exists, and wish to prepare for its linguistic
expression by such declaration.

We cannot physically point to cases of 'direction', we can only point a finger in the direction
of concrete objects (dogs, trees) which is not the same act. A special mental capability and effort
is required to transcend the object pointed to and shift attention to the act and significance of
pointing, of which direction is an abstract aspect.
Incidentally, even animals seem to intuitively (in the sense of wordlessly, effectively)
understand direction. This is suggested, for instance, by their homing abilities, based on visual,
auditory, and other sensory data (such as olfactory or gustative, in the case of ants, or magnetic, in
the case of migrating birds). They can evidently even grasp direction of causation, knowing and
remembering who or what hurt or pleased them. In my experience, however, dogs do not seem to
understand finger-pointing; but some people claim that they do.


1. Causal or Effectual Chains.

The topic of concatenation of causations is an important field of research, though a tedious

one. It is important not only to the natural sciences, which need to monitor or trace causal
or effectual chains, but also to law and ethics.
To grasp its practical value in legal or ethical discourse, consider this example34: a motorist
overruns a pedestrian, who in the hospital where he is rushed is additionally the victim of
some medical mishap can the motorist be blamed for the poor pedestrians subsequent
misfortunes? Such questions can only be convincingly answered through a systematic and
wide-ranging reflection on causal logic.

The concept of concatenation refers primarily to chain reactions: P causes Q, which

causes R, and so on; or conversely, R is effected by Q, which is effected by P, and so forth.
Clearly, the concepts of cause and effect here are relative to each other. In the context of
deterministic causality, nothing is absolutely a cause or absolutely an effect; it is always
the cause or effect of something.
All we wish to point out here is the obvious: that a phenomenon Q which is a cause in
relation to another phenomenon R may itself stand as effect in relation to yet a third
phenomenon P. Similarly, a phenomenon Q which is an effect in relation to another
phenomenon P may itself stand as cause in relation to yet a third phenomenon R.
When we speak in terms of chains like P-Q-R, we stand back from the underlying bipolar
relations of cause and effect and focus on the wider picture. The items P, Q, R may then be
referred to, more indifferently, as successive links in the chain.
Needless to say, concatenation of events implies but is not implied by the seriality of
events (in whatever appropriate sense of the term series). Furthermore, even knowing that
P causes Q and that Q causes R, we cannot presume concatenation. A series P-Q-R may be
said to really form a chain, only if we can demonstrate that P, through the intermediary of
Q, indeed causes R. This is not always feasible, for as we have seen the verb causes has a
large variety of meaning.
You cannot just say P causes Q and Q causes R, therefore P causes R
indiscriminately. This is one reason why a theoretical treatment of causal logic is essential
to scientific thinking.

The search for concatenations varies in motive. Sometimes we are looking for the cause(s)
of a cause, sometimes for the effect(s) of an effect, sometimes for some intermediary
between a cause and an effect. We need not assume at the outset that all phenomena are
bound to have causes and effects ad infinitum, nor that there has to be an infinity of
intermediaries between any two given items.
A cause without apparent prior cause would be called a primary cause; an effect without
apparent posterior effect would be called an ultimate effect. A cause and effect without
apparent intermediary would be referred to as immediate or contiguous; if they have an
intermediary, they would be referred to as mediated.
This example is based on one given by H. L. A. Hart and A. M. Honor in Causation in the
Law (Oxford: Oxford, 1959).

If we speculate that Existence as a whole has a Beginning and/or an End, then of course we
may speak of that as a First Cause and/or a Last Effect. Likewise, we need not ab initio
prejudice the issue concerning specific events within Existence, be it infinite or finite, and
at least to start with make allowances for (in some sense) causeless or effectless

We have so far mentioned what may be called orderly concatenation. We also search for
chains in the context of parallelism of causes, or of effects. We may need to know whether
parallel causes or parallel effects are themselves causally related, and thus order them in
relation to the initial cause or terminal effect concerned. In such case, we are identifying
one of the two causes or two effects (as the case may be) as an intermediary between the
other two items.
It should be stressed, however, that the arguments about parallelism considered here cannot
strictly-speaking tell us which one of the two causes (or two effects) causes the other; for
as we have mentioned in the preceding chapters, sometimes there is a hidden issue of
direction of causation to consider. This issue has to be resolved separately, with reference
to spatial, temporal, or other conceptual or logical considerations35. We shall simply ignore
this problem of ordering for now, and regard the tacit condition as always satisfied.

We should, additionally, in passing, mention the phenomenon of spiraling causation,

which we commonly refer to as vicious circles. This phenomenon is a special case of
concomitant variation36. It occurs when an increase or decrease in a cause C (C x1) causes
an increase or decrease in an effect E (E y1), which in turn causes another increase or
decrease in C (C x1 x2), which in turn causes another increase or decrease in E (E y1
y2), and so forth.
The spiral need not constitute an infinite chain, even if complete causation is involved at
each step, because each of the causations involved is independent of (i.e. not formally
implied by) its predecessors, note well. Even so, a spiral may come to a halt because it is in
fact implicitly conditional, i.e. partial causation is involved at each step. But we can also
conceive of infinite spirals, in the case of ongoing processes continuing as long as the
universe lasts.

The problem of causal or effectual chains is, as we shall see, essentially syllogistic. We
need to identify which syllogisms involving causative propositions as premises yield such
propositions as conclusion. In this research, it is as important to expose the invalidity of
certain syllogisms as to identify the valid syllogisms, for inappropriate reasoning is

2. Some Instructive Examples.

Before undertaking a systematic presentation and evaluation of causative syllogisms, I will
propose some formal examples to acquaint the reader with some of the issues involved.
Consider, to begin with, the two causative syllogisms listed below (on the left):

Meaning, ultimately, with reference to our insights and hypotheses concerning the
phenomena of nature in question, and more radically to our philosophical ordering of knowledge on
a grand scale.
See Appendix on J. S. Mill's Methods.
As a prescriptive science, Logic is ultimately only interested in valid argument. But as a
descriptive one, it is very interested in knowing how (and how often) people tend to err in their
reasoning processes. In this context we might apply the rule, if it can happen it will happen!

Q is a complete cause of R; => Given that if Q then R

P is a complete cause of Q; => and that if P then Q,
so, P is a complete cause of R. <= it follows that if P then R.

Q is a necessary cause of R; => Given that if notQ then notR

P is a necessary cause of Q; => and that if notP then notQ,
so, P is a necessary cause of R. <= it follows that if notP then notR.

These typify orderly concatenation. Here, Q may be viewed as an intermediate cause of R

after P, or as an intermediate effect of P before R. This arrangement of items is known to
logicians as a first figure syllogism. The first sentence in each case is called the major
premise; the second one, the minor premise; the third, the conclusion.
In each case, notice, the premises and conclusion involve the same strong determination.
We know that the conclusion may legitimately be drawn from the premises, because we
can readily reduce the argument to one previously known to logical science (shown on
the left). That is, each premise given in the former implies a premise of the latter, whose
conclusion in turn (granting certain provisions) implies that of the former.
The minimal provisions, as we have seen when defining these determinations, is as
follows: in the case of complete causation, they are that P be possible and R be
unnecessary; and in the case of necessary causation, they are that P be unnecessary and R
be possible. We know these provisos are indeed met, in each case, being implied by the
minor and major premises, respectively.
Ergo, these syllogisms are valid, they can be freely used, irrespective of what the items P,
Q, R symbolize.
In contrast, consider the following two causative syllogisms:

If Q is a complete cause of R => That if Q then R

and P is a necessary cause of Q, => and if notP then notQ,
how are P and R then related? ... yield only if P, not-then notR.

If Q is a necessary cause of R => That if notQ then notR

and P is a complete cause of Q, => and if P then Q,
how are P and R then related? ... yield only if notP, not-then R.

These examples differ from the preceding two in that the premises are of different (though
equally strong) determination, note. If we attempt to reduce these arguments as before,
we find no way to do so. We must thus admit that, in their case, we cannot demonstrably
conclude either complete or necessary causation, and it would be misleading to think of the
series P-Q-R as a chain. These combinations of premises are therefore invalid arguments;
we cannot reason with them without risking errors.
To be precise, these two arguments merely teach us that it would be wrong to deduce
complete and/or necessary causation; but they do not exclude the possibility of such strong
relations between P and R occurring independently of the intermediate item Q. The
conclusion if P, not-then notR only precludes that if P, then notR (i.e. that P and R be
incompatible), but not for instance that if P, then R. Similarly, the conclusion if notP,
not-then R only precludes that if notP, then R (i.e. that P and R be exhaustive), but not
for instance that if notP, then notR. Alternatively, for all we know, weaker forms of
causation may apply or no causation at all.

Now, consider the following two causative syllogisms:

R is a complete cause of Q;
P is a necessary cause of Q;
therefore, P is a necessary cause of R.

R is a necessary cause of Q;
P is a complete cause of Q;
therefore, P is a complete cause of R.

These typify parallelism of causes. Notice the positions of the items involved, here: Q is
an effect in common to P and R (whereas in orderly concatenation it was an effect of P and
a cause of R); this is known to logicians as second figure argument. In this case, as we
shall later show, the syllogisms are valid38, i.e. logically acceptable, albeit their having
premises of different (though equally strong) determinations. The conclusion, notice, has
the same determination as the minor premise. On the other hand, as we will show later, if
the premises (with P, Q, R in a similar arrangement) have the same determination, i.e. both
concern complete causation or both necessary causation, we are not permitted to draw any
causative conclusion.
Finally, consider the following two causative syllogisms:

Q is a complete cause of R;
Q is a necessary cause of P;
therefore, P is a complete cause of R.

Q is a necessary cause of R;
Q is a complete cause of P;
therefore, P is a necessary cause of R.

These typify parallelism of effects. Notice the positions of the items involved, here: Q is a
cause in common to P and R (whereas in orderly concatenation it was an effect of P and a
cause of R, or in parallelism of causes it was an effect in common to P and R); this is
known to logicians as third figure argument. In this case, as we shall later show, the
syllogisms are valid39, i.e. logically acceptable, albeit their having premises of different
(though equally strong) determinations. The conclusion, notice, has the same determination
as the major premise. On the other hand, as we will show later, if the premises (with P, Q,
R in a similar arrangement) have the same determination, i.e. both concern complete
causation or both necessary causation, we are not permitted to draw any causative

These examples reveal some of the complexities of causative argument.

We see from them that the ordering of the items involved in the premises affects the logical
possibility of drawing a conclusion. In the first figure, two identical strong determinations
yield a valid conclusion (of the same determination), whereas a mixture of such

Strictly speaking, the conclusion is permitted only if we can separately establish that the
ordering of P and R as respectively cause and effect is acceptable. We shall deal with such details
Strictly speaking, the conclusion is permitted only if we can separately establish that the
ordering of P and R as respectively cause and effect is acceptable. We shall deal with such details

determinations is fruitless. In the second and third figures, the opposite is true; and
furthermore, these differ from each other, in that a valid conclusion in the second figure
follows the determination of the minor premise, whereas one in the third figure follows that
of the major premise.
The problem becomes even more complicated when we investigate weak causations, which
involve at least three items each (instead of two, as with strong causations). We discover,
to give an extreme example, that whatever the figure considered, no conclusion can be
drawn from two premises each of which concerns partial or contingent causation only. We
then wonder what combinations of premises may be used to draw a conclusion about weak
More broadly, considering that we have to deal with three figures, and eight possible
determinations of causation for each premise, we have to examine 3*64=192 combinations,
or moods (as logicians say). What conclusion, if any, can be drawn from each one of
those arguments; and how do we go about demonstrating it? Furthermore, we have so far
mentioned syllogisms with only affirmative causative propositions; what of syllogisms
involving propositions denying causation or a particular determination of causation?
Clearly, we cannot hope to reason correctly about causation without first dealing with
causative syllogism in a thorough and systematic manner, so that we know precisely when
an argument is valid and when it is not. If we limit our research to a few frequently used
arguments, like those above shown, we will miss many opportunities for valid inference
and risk making some invalid inferences. And in view of the volume of the problem, it has
to be treated in as global a manner as possible.
This is our task in the next few chapters.

The research is tedious, because causative propositions are, as we have seen, very
complex; they are each composed of two or more clauses, and most of these clauses are
positive or negative conditional propositions, i.e. themselves complex.
In the simplest syllogisms, those involving strong determinations of causation only, and
therefore the minimum number of (i.e. three) items, we can readily reduce causative
reasoning to syllogism involving conditional propositions. The latter are reasonably well-
known to logicians and to the public at large; a full treatment of them may be found in my
work Future Logic.
But soon we find such simple methods inadequate. Syllogisms involving weak
determinations or mixtures of strong and weak determinations are too complicated for us to
feel secure with the results obtained by means of reduction. For certainty, I have had to
develop a more complex method, called matricial analysis.

3. Figures and Moods.

A syllogism, we know thanks to Aristotle, consists of at least two premises and a
conclusion. The premises together contain at least three items (terms or theses), at least one
of which they have in common, and the conclusion contains at least two items, each of
which was contained in a premise not containing the other.
Our job in syllogistic reasoning is to obtain from the premises, i.e. the given data, the
information we need to construct the putative conclusion. If the premises, together and
without reference to unstated assumptions, justify the conclusion, the syllogism proposed is
valid deduction; otherwise it is invalid.
Validation (i.e. showing valid) justifies a form of reasoning; removing any uncertainty we
may have about it or teaching us a new way of inference. Invalidation (i.e. showing

invalid) is just as important, to contrast valid with invalid moods and thus set the limits of
validity, and most of all to prevent us making mistakes in our thinking.
A putative conclusion may be invalid in the way of a non-sequitur, meaning that the
conclusion does not conflict with anything in the premises, but just does not logically
follow from them. Or, worse, it may be invalid in the way of antinomy, meaning that the
conclusion is inconsistent (contradictory or contrary) with something in the premises40.
In the case of a non-sequitur, we may be able to save the situation by stipulating some
condition(s) under which the conclusion would follow; in that event, we may call the
conclusion conditionally valid, or add the condition(s) to be satisfied to our premises as an
additional premise to obtain an unconditionally valid conclusion, or again consider that we
have a disjunctive conclusion whose alternatives include the satisfaction or non-
satisfaction of the said condition(s).
In the case of an antinomy, we can redeem things by proposing the contradictory or a
contrary of our invalid conclusion as a valid conclusion; if the invalid conclusion is a
compound, we may be able to obtain a valid conclusion of the kind desired by negating
some element(s) in it.
We are usually able to infer some information from the premises; but if this information
does not add up to a causative proposition of some kind, we here consider the conjunction
of the premises as a failure. For our task, in the present context, is not an investigation of
deduction in the broadest sense, but specifically deduction of causative propositions from
other causative propositions. Thus, do not be surprised if a syllogism is declared invalid
even though some elements of a putative compound conclusion were inferable.
The evaluations of some moods may seem immediately or intuitively obvious; but some
moods are too complicated for that and require careful examination. Some causative
syllogisms, as already mentioned, can be validated by direct reduction to already
established, non-causative syllogisms. Others are too complex for that, and can only be
validated through matricial analysis, i.e. with painstaking reference to their corresponding
matrix; this method will be described in detail later. Still others, though complex, can be
validated by direct and/or indirect reduction (also known as reduction ad absurdum) to
causative syllogisms already validated by other means (namely by matricial analysis).

Aristotle taught us that a syllogism may have one of three figures, according to the
placement of the three items (terms or theses) in its premises and conclusion, as follows:

Table 5.1. The figures of (three-item) syllogism.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Major premise: Q R RQ QR
Minor premise: P Q PQ QP
Conclusion: PR PR PR

Notice, in each of the figures, the positions of the item found in both premises but not in
the conclusion (namely Q; this is known as the middle item). Notice also the various
positions of the other two items, one of which (R, the major item) is found only in the
major premise (traditionally stated first) and conclusion (traditionally stated last), and the
other of which (P, the minor item) is found only in the minor premise (traditionally stated

Non-sequitur is a generic term, including both antinomy and non-antinomic non-sequitur (or
'merely' non-sequitur) as its species.

second) and conclusion. The positions of the items tell us which figure the reasoning is
Each Aristotelian figure refers to three items (P, Q, R). But in the present context we are
also dealing with some four-item (P, Q, R, S) arguments, which as we shall see can be
combined in three different ways (and many more, which we shall deal with in a later
chapter). Thus, we shall have to refer to subfigures. We can call Aristotles primary
arrangement subfigure (a), and the three additional arrangements subfigures (b), (c), (d).

Table 5.2. Subfigures of each figure.

Subfigures a b c d
Definitions both major minor neither
premises premise premise premise
strong only strong only strong only strong only
Figure 1 QR QR Q(S)R Q(P)R
Figure 2 RQ RQ R(S)Q R(P)Q
Figure 3 QR QR Q(S)R Q(P)R

In (a), both premises involve strong determinations only; that is why there are only two
items per premise (and in the conclusion). In (b) and (c), one premise (the major or minor,
respectively) has only two items (implying the presence of only strong determination) and
the other premise (and conclusion) has three items (implying the presence of joint strong
and weak, or of only weak, determination). In (d), each premise (and the conclusion)
involves three items (implying the absence of only-strong determination).
It is seen that the three-item symbolism (P, Q, R for the minor, middle and major items,
respectively) is retained in four-item figures, except that we have an additional item (call it
the subsidiary item, symbol S) appearing in a premise and the conclusion: S represents
outside interference, as it were, in relation to the triad P-Q-R.
The important thing to note about this subsidiary item is that though it has to be mentioned
in theoretical exposition and evaluation, as here, to place it and judge its impact, it need
not be mentioned42 in practice, because the conclusion follows the premises whatever its
content happen to be. That is, the premise concerned and the conclusion need not specify
(complemented by S).
On the other hand, the clause (complemented by P) in the major premise of subfigures
1d, 2d and 3d, cannot be ignored in practice, since the middle item Q might well cause
There is, in fact a fourth figure, viz. Z-Y/Y-X/X-Z, in which the major and minor premises of
the first figure are effectively transposed or whose conclusion is converse compared to a first figure
conclusion. But as Aristotle argued, this is not a natural movement of thought, even though we can
occasionally make some interesting inferences through it. Considering the matter insignificant,
nothing more will be said about it, here. See Future Logic, p. 38.
The content of S has to be ultimately known, otherwise the clauses involving it cannot be
claimed to be known true. Nevertheless, if the premise involving S is a product of previous
inductive and deductive arguments, and thus considered reasonably settled, the content of S can
be ignored contextually. The same applies, of course, when there are a plurality of complements,
i.e. when S itself stands for a composite of partial causes.

the major item R with some complement(s) other than the minor item P, rather than with P.
Even though P is mentioned in association with Q in the minor premise, that in itself does
not imply the causation in the major premise to be true with it: this knowledge must be
obtained by other means to enable the inference of the conclusion.

If, in our present context, we specify as well as the figure the precise determination and
polarity involved in each of the premises and in a putative conclusion, we have pinpointed
the precise mood under discussion. This expression refers to the formal aspects of a
syllogism, which distinguish it from all others. Thus, for each figure of syllogism, there are
many conceivable moods.
The mood determinations (numbered 1-9 for reference) found in each subfigure are given
in the table below. These tell us the determinations of the premises involved, which may be
strong only (abbreviation, so), a mix of strong and weak (sw/ws), or weak only (wo).
Due to the numbers of items allowed for a premise in each subfigure, the number of
determinations found in each subfigure varies.

Table 5.3. Determinations found in each subfigure.

Subfig. a b c d
Determ. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Major so so so sw/ws wo sw/ws sw/ws wo wo
Minor so sw/ws wo so so sw/ws wo sw/ws wo

There are 64 positive moods per figure, a total of 192 moods in all three of them. The
system proposed now is to use three-digit identification numbers, or mood numbers. The
hundreds will identify the figure 1, 2 or 3. The tens (#s 1-8, no 0 or 9) will tell us the major
premises determination. The units (#s 1-8, no 0 or 9) will specify the minor premises
determination. The subfigures (above labeled a-d) and modes (above labeled 1-9), shown
in the preceding tables, are not explicitly mentioned in the mood number, but are tacitly
implied by it.

Table 5.4. Subfigures, modes and moods.

Subfig. Determ. Premises Moods Nos. Qty
a 1 major strong only tens 1, 4, 5 9
minor strong only units 1, 4, 5
b 2 major strong only tens 1, 4, 5 6
minor sw, ws units 2, 3
3 major strong only tens 1, 4, 5 9
minor weak only units 6, 7, 8
c 4 major sw, ws tens 2, 3 6
minor strong only units 1, 4, 5
5 major weak only tens 6, 7, 8 9
minor strong only units 1, 4, 5
d 6 major sw, ws tens 2, 3 4
minor sw, ws units 2, 3
7 major sw, ws tens 2, 3 6
minor weak only units 6, 7, 8
8 major weak only tens 6, 7, 8 6
minor sw, ws units 2, 3
9 major weak only tens 6, 7, 8 9
minor weak only units 6, 7, 8

I could of course have used letters instead of numbers to symbolize the different moods,
but fearing to confuse the reader with yet more letter-symbols (the science of logic
abounds with them) I have preferred number-symbols. Note that there are no moods
numbered 01-10, 19-20, 29-30, 39-40, 49-50, 59-60, 69-70, 79-80, or 89+. The table below
clarifies the meaning of each mood number within any given figure.

Table 5.5. Mood numbers in each figure.

Minor Major premise
premise mn=1 mq=2 np=3 pq=4 m=5 n=6 p=7 q=8
mn=1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81
mq=2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82
np=3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83
pq=4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84
m=5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
n=6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86
p=7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87
n=8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88

It is useful to expand the above table as done below, to show precisely what combination
of determinations in the premises each mood number refers to.

Table 5.6. For each figure, mood numbers and determinations of major and minor
Minor Major premise
premise mn=1 mq=2 np=3 pq=4 m=5 n=6 p=7 q=8
mn=1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn
mq=2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor mq mq mq mq mq mq mq mq
np=3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor np np np np np np np np
pq=4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
m=5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor m m m m m m m m
n=6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor n n n n n n n n
p=7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor p p p p p p p p
q=8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88
major mn mq np pq m n p q
minor q q q q q q q q

Note that if you divide the above table in four equal squares, the top left square involves
premises with only joint determinations, the bottom left one a joint major premise with a
generic minor premise, the top right square involves a generic major premise with a joint
minor premise, and finally the bottom right square premises with only generic

In my listing of moods in the next chapter, I do not follow their numerical order. Rather, I
present the moods in a diagonal order with reference to the above table, starting with the
strongest (top left hand corner) and ending with the weakest (bottom right hand corner).
Four moods, involving only strong determinations (namely, Nos. 11, 14, 41 and 44), have
no mirror images; the remaining sixty moods may be treated in pairs, for each has a
mirror image (thus, 12 and 13 are essentially the same, as are 21 and 31, and so forth). I
present explicitly the more positive mood of each pair (e.g. 12), and only mention its
mirror image (e.g. 13).
Moods with a stronger major premise are listed before moods with a stronger minor
premise (e.g. 12, 13 before 21, 31). Moods with premises of uniform determination are

listed before moods of mixed determination (e.g. 22, 33 before 23, 32). And so forth, the
goal being to present all moods in a natural order.


1. Valid and Invalid Moods.

As we have seen in the preceding chapter, causative syllogism with both premises
affirmative has 64 conceivable moods in each of three figures. In the present chapter, we
shall list all these moods, and for each mood specify whether it is valid or invalid, and
briefly the basis of this evaluation.
For any positive mood, there are four initially conceivable, putative conclusions,
corresponding to the four generic determinations, which we have symbolized as m (for
complete causation), n (for necessary causation), p (for partial causation) and q (for
contingent causation). However, at most two such conclusions may be valid for any given
mood, since the determinations m and p are contrary and n and q are contrary. Thus, there
are eight logically possible conclusions for any positive causative syllogism, namely:

mn, mq, np, pq, m, n, p, q.

A putative conclusion is valid if it logically follows from the given premises, i.e. if its
contradictory is logically incompatible with them or any of their implications. A putative
conclusion is declared invalid if it is not valid, for whatever reason; the reason may be
that the premises themselves are inconsistent, or that the contradictory of the putative
conclusion is compatible with them (in which case the putative conclusion is a non-
sequitur), or that the putative conclusion is incompatible with the premises (in which case
the putative conclusion is an antinomy and its contradictory is valid).
If one of the eight joint or generic determinations is demonstrably inferable from the
premises concerned, the mood is valid. If none of them can be legitimately drawn from the
premises, the mood is invalid. Additionally, some moods are invalid at the outset because
the premises concerned are in fact incompatible in some respect(s); i.e. at least one clause
of each is implicitly denied by at least one clause of the other.
We shall, to repeat, in the present chapter only list the moods and their valid conclusion(s)
if any, and state succinctly the basis of these results. In the next two chapters, we will show
how these results were obtained, systematically and in detail; i.e. we will justify our
Note that, in accord with the tradition in logic, if a mood is valid, only the correct
conclusion(s) is/are mentioned in the listing; other conclusions, not mentioned, are tacitly
implied to be incorrect. But it is well to keep both the valid and invalid conclusions in
mind; for the purpose of the whole exercise is not only to instruct us in proper reasoning,
but also to save us from improper reasoning!

As will be seen, some conclusions have to be validated or invalidated by matricial analysis;

moods with at least one conclusion treated by matricial analysis may be called primary.
The remaining conclusions may be validated or invalidated by reduction to the primary
moods; moods all of whose conceivable conclusions have been treated by reduction may
be called secondary or derived.
As for moods invalid due to inconsistency between the premises, they need not of course
be subjected to matricial analysis or reduction. Note that it may be possible to affirm or

deny some conclusion(s) from some of their clauses, if the inherent contradiction is
disregarded; but that would be nonsensical, for if all the clauses are taken into
consideration, we have to admit that the premises in question cannot in fact come together
to yield such conclusion(s).
All evaluations could be performed by matricial analysis; but this process is long-winded,
so we try and avoid it as much as possible. Such avoidance is anyway not sheer laziness on
our part, for it is instructive to be aware of the interrelations between moods which
reduction reveals. We learn, in this way, that causative syllogisms together constitute a
close-knit totality, a system.

It should be stressed that the issue of direction of causation is ignored throughout the
present formal treatment. In figure 1, this is no problem; i.e. given the directions of
causation implied in the premises (namely, from P to Q and from Q to R), the direction of
causation implied in an eventual valid conclusion (viz. from P to R) follows necessarily.
But in figures 2 and 3, any eventual valid conclusions must be regarded as conditionally
valid, i.e. on the proviso that the implied direction of causation (viz. from P to R) is
established by other means.
However, if it turns out that a figure 2 or 3 conclusion is found not to satisfy this condition,
the underlying implications between the items concerned (P and R) may still in certain
cases result in a causative conclusion in the reverse direction. Such cases are formally
predictable, simply by transposition of the premises concerned. If such transposition has
some causative conclusion, then the direction of causation implied by that conclusion (i.e.
from R to P) will be unconditionally valid. For if there is causation between P and R, it is
bound to be in one direction or the other.
a. Strong determinations. If two premises yield the conclusion P is a complete cause of
R, then their transposition will yield the converse conclusion R is a necessary cause of
P. If we do not know the direction of causation, we cannot know which of these
conclusions is the correct one, but we do know that at least one of them must be. If we
know that it is not this one, then we know it must be that one. Similarly, with the
eventual conclusions P is a necessary cause of R and R is a complete cause of P.43
b. Weak determinations. If two premises yield the conclusion P (complemented by S) is a
partial cause of R, and this conclusion is found unjustified with regard to the issue of
direction of causation, then its converse has to be admitted as valid, viz. R
(complemented by notS) is a contingent cause of P (note well the change of polarity of
the complement). Similarly, if we know that an eventual conclusion of the form P
(complemented by S) is a contingent cause of R is inapplicable with respect to the issue
of direction of causation, then we may affirm R (complemented by notS) is a partial
cause of P instead.

The following statistics, based on the listings below, are of interest:

In figure 1, out of 64 conceivable positive moods, 30 are valid and 34 are invalid
(of which 10, due to inconsistency in the premises).
In figure 2, out of 64 conceivable positive moods, 18 are valid and 46 are invalid
(of which 6, due to inconsistency in the premises).
In figure 1, out of 64 conceivable positive moods, 18 are valid and 46 are invalid
(of which 10, due to inconsistency in the premises).

We can on this basis anticipate, in figures 2 and 3, the validity or invalidity of some moods
on the basis of others. For the order of the premises in these figures is arbitrary.

Thus, out of the 192 positive moods considered, 66 (34%) are valid and 126 (66%) are
invalid. Obviously, in view of this validity rate, such reasoning cannot be left to chance!

2. Moods in Figure 1.
1. Mood No. 111 = mn/mn/mn. VALID
Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; moods 155, 166.
so, P is a complete and necessary cause of R.
No mirror mood.

2. Mood No. 112 = mn/mq/mq. VALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; moods 118, 155.
so, P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R.
No. 113 = mn/np/np (similarly, through 117, 166).

3. Mood No. 121 = mq/mn/mq. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; moods 155, 181.
so, P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R.
No. 131 = np/mn/np (similarly, through 166, 171).

4. Mood No. 122 = mq/mq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; due to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 133 = np/np (similarly).

5. Mood No. 123 = mq/np. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; due to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 132 = np/mq (similarly).

6. Mood No. 114 = mn/pq/pq. VALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; moods 117, 118.
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R.
No mirror mood.

7. Mood No. 141 = pq/mn/pq. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; moods 171, 181.
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R.
No mirror mood.

8. Mood No. 124 = mq/pq/q. VALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; 128 or 184 and by
so, P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 134 = np/pq/p (similarly, through 137 or 174 and MA).

9. Mood No. 142. pq/mq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R; due to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 143 = pq/np (similarly).

10. Mood No. 144 = pq/pq/pq. VALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; moods 147+148,
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R. or 174+184.
No mirror mood.

11. Mood No. 115 = mn/m/m. VALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; moods 111, 112,
so, P is a complete cause of R. 155.
No. 116 = mn/n/n (similarly, through 111, 113, 166).

12. Mood No. 151 = m/mn/m. VALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; moods 111, 121,
so, P is a complete cause of R. 155.
No. 161 = n/mn/n (similarly, through 111, 131, 166).

13. Mood No. 125 = mq/m/m. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; 121, 155 and by
so, P is a complete cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 136 = np/n/n (similarly, through 131, 166 and MA).

14. Mood No. 126 = mq/n. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P is a necessary cause of Q; mood 121 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 135 = np/m (similarly, through 131 and MA).

15. Mood No. 152 = m/mq/m. VALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; 112, 155 and by
so, P is a complete cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 163 = n/np/n (similarly, through 113, 166 and MA).

16. Mood No. 153 = m/np. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of Q; mood 113 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 162 = n/mq (similarly, through 112 and MA).

17. Mood No. 117 = mn/p/p. VALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; 113, 114 and by
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 118 = mn/q/q (similarly, through 112, 114 and MA).

18. Mood No. 171 = p/mn/p. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; 131, 141 and by
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 181 = q/mn/q (similarly, through 121, 141 and MA).

19. Mood No. 127 = mq/p. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 124 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 138 = np/q (similarly, through 134 and MA).

20. Mood No. 128 = mq/q/q. VALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q; 122, 124 and by
so, P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 137 = np/p/p (similarly, through 133, 134 and MA).

21. Mood No. 172 = p/mq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; due to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 183 = q/np (similarly).

22. Mood No. 173 = p/np. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; due to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 182 = q/mq (similarly).

23. Mood No. 145 = pq/m. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; mood 141 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 146 = pq/n (similarly, through 141 and MA).

24. Mood No. 154 = m/pq. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; 114, 124 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 164 = n/pq (similarly, through 114, 134 and MA).

25. Mood No. 147 = pq/p/p. VALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 144 and by
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 148 = pq/q/q (similarly, through 144 and MA).

26. Mood No. 174 = p/pq/p. VALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; mood 134 and by
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 184 = q/pq/q (similarly, through 124 and MA).

27. Mood No. 155 = m/m/m. VALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; 111, 112 and by
so, P is a complete cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 166 = n/n/n (similarly, through 111, 113 and MA).

28. Mood No. 156 = m/n. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P is a necessary cause of Q; moods 111, 113,
does it follow that P is a cause of R? No! 121.
No. 165 = n/m (similarly, through 111, 112, 131).

29. Mood No. 157 = m/p. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; moods 113, 114,
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! 124.
No. 168 = n/q (similarly, through 112, 114, 134).

30. Mood No. 158 = m/q. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q; moods 112, 114,
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! 152.
No. 167 = n/p (similarly, through 113, 114, 163).

31. Mood No. 175 = p/m. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; moods 131, 135.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 186 = q/n (similarly, through 121, 126).

32. Mood No. 176 = p/n. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
P is a necessary cause of Q; moods 131, 136,
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! 141.
No. 185 = q/m (similarly, through 121, 125, 141).

33. Mood No. 177 = p/p. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; 133, 134 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 188 = q/q (similarly, through 122, 124 and MA).

34. Mood No. 178 = p/q. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q; moods 134, 138.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 187 = q/p (similarly, through 124, 127).

3. Moods in Figure 2.
1. Mood No. 211 = mn/mn/mn. VALID
R is a complete and necessary cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; mood 111.
so, P is a complete and necessary cause of R.
No mirror mood.

2. Mood No. 212 = mn/mq/mq. VALID

R is a complete and necessary cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; mood 112.
so, P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R.
No. 213 = mn/np/np (similarly, through 113).

3. Mood No. 221 = mq/mn/n. VALID

R (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; mood 256 and by
so, P is a necessary cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 231 = np/mn/m (similarly, through 265 and MA).

4. Mood No. 222 = mq/mq. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by matricial
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 233 = np/np (similarly, through MA).

5. Mood No. 223 = mq/np. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; due to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 232 = np/mq (similarly).

6. Mood No. 214 = mn/pq/pq. VALID

R is a complete and necessary cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; mood 114.
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R.
No mirror mood.

7. Mood No. 241 = pq/mn. INVALID

R (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; by matricial
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No mirror mood.

8. Mood No. 224 = mq/pq. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by matricial
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 234 = np/pq (similarly, through MA).

9. Mood No. 242. pq/mq. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; due to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 243 = pq/np (similarly).

10. Mood No. 244 = pq/pq. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; by matricial
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No mirror mood.

11. Mood No. 215 = mn/m/m. VALID

R is a complete and necessary cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; mood 115.
so, P is a complete cause of R.
No. 216 = mn/n/n (similarly, through 116).

12. Mood No. 251 = m/mn/n. VALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; mood 161.
so, P is a necessary cause of R.
No. 261 = n/mn/m (similarly, through 151).

13. Mood No. 225 = mq/m. INVALID

R (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; moods 221, 222.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 236 = np/n (similarly, through 231, 233).

14. Mood No. 226 = mq/n/n. VALID

R (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a necessary cause of Q; moods 221, 256.
so, P is a necessary cause of R.
No. 235 = np/m/m (similarly, through 231, 265).

15. Mood No. 252 = m/mq. INVALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; mood 162.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 263 = n/np (similarly, through 153).

16. Mood No. 253 = m/np/n. VALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of Q; mood 163.
so, P is a necessary cause of R.
No. 262 = n/mq/m (similarly, through 152).

17. Mood No. 217 = mn/p/p. VALID

R is a complete and necessary cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 117.
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R.
No. 218 = mn/q/q (similarly, through 118).

18. Mood No. 271 = p/mn. INVALID

R (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete and necessary cause of Q; moods 231, 241.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 281 = q/mn (similarly, through 221, 241).

19. Mood No. 227 = mq/p. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 224.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 238 = np/q (similarly, through 234).

20. Mood No. 228 = mq/q. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q; mood 222.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 237 = np/p (similarly, through 233).

21. Mood No. 272 = p/mq. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial cause of Q; due to
P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of Q; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 283 = q/np (similarly).

22. Mood No. 273 = p/np. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of Q; mood 233.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 282 = q/mq (similarly, through 222).

23. Mood No. 245 = pq/m. INVALID

R (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; mood 241.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 246 = pq/n (similarly, through 241).

24. Mood No. 254 = m/pq. INVALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; mood 164.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 264 = n/pq (similarly, through 154).

25. Mood No. 247 = pq/p. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 241.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 248 = pq/q (similarly, through 244).

26. Mood No. 274 = p/pq. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q; mood 234.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 284 = q/pq (similarly, through 224).

27. Mood No. 255 = m/m. INVALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; mood 165.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 266 = n/n (similarly, through 156).

28. Mood No. 256 = m/n/n. VALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a necessary cause of Q; mood 166.
so, P is a necessary cause of R.
No. 265 = n/m/m (similarly, through 155).

29. Mood No. 257 = m/p. INVALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 167.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 268 = n/q (similarly, through 158).

30. Mood No. 258 = m/q. INVALID

R is a complete cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q; mood 168.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 267 = n/p (similarly, through 157).

31. Mood No. 275 = p/m. INVALID

R (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a complete cause of Q; moods 231, 241.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 286 = q/n (similarly, through 221, 241).

32. Mood No. 276 = p/n. INVALID

R (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P is a necessary cause of Q; moods 231, 233.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 285 = q/m (similarly, through 221, 222).

33. Mood No. 277 = p/p. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q; mood 233.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 288 = q/q (similarly, through 222).

34. Mood No. 278 = p/q. INVALID

R (complemented by P) is a partial cause of Q; by reduction to
P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q; mood 234.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 287 = q/p (similarly, through 224).

4. Moods in Figure 3.
1. Mood No. 311 = mn/mn/mn. VALID
Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete and necessary cause of P; mood 111.
so, P is a complete and necessary cause of R.
No mirror mood.

2. Mood No. 312 = mn/mq/n. VALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of P; mood 365 and
so, P is a necessary cause of R. matricial analysis.
No. 313 = mn/np/m (similarly, through 356 and MA).

3. Mood No. 321 = mq/mn/mq. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete and necessary cause of P; mood 121.
so, P (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R.
No. 331 = np/mn/np (similarly, through 131).

4. Mood No. 322 = mq/mq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; due to
Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of P; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 333 = np/np (similarly).

5. Mood No. 323 = mq/np. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; due to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of P; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 332 = np/mq (similarly).

6. Mood No. 314 = mn/pq. INVALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by matricial
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No mirror mood.

7. Mood No. 341 = pq/mn/pq. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete and necessary cause of P; mood 141.
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R.
No mirror mood.

8. Mood No. 324 = mq/pq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by matricial
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 334 = np/pq (similarly, through MA).

9. Mood No. 342. pq/mq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R; due to
Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of P; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 343 = pq/np (similarly).

10. Mood No. 344 = pq/pq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by matricial
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P; analysis.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No mirror mood.

11. Mood No. 315 = mn/m/n. VALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete cause of P; mood 116.
so, P is a necessary cause of R.
No. 316 = mn/n/m (similarly, through 115).

12. Mood No. 351 = m/mn/m. VALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete and necessary cause of P; moods 151.
so, P is a complete cause of R.
No. 361 = n/mn/n (similarly, through 161).

13. Mood No. 325 = mq/m. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete cause of P; mood 126.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 336 = np/n (similarly, through 135).

14. Mood No. 326 = mq/n/m. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a necessary cause of P; mood 125.
so, P is a complete cause of R.
No. 335 = np/m/n (similarly, through 136).

15. Mood No. 352 = m/mq. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of P; mood 312 and by
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! matricial analysis.
No. 363 = n/np (similarly, through 313 and MA).

16. Mood No. 353 = m/np/m. VALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of P; moods 313, 356.
so, P is a complete cause of R.
No. 362 = n/mq/n (similarly, through 312, 365).

17. Mood No. 317 = mn/p. INVALID

Q is a complete and necessary cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of P; moods 313, 314.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 318 = mn/q (similarly, through 312, 314).

18. Mood No. 371 = p/mn/p. VALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete and necessary cause of P; mood 171.
so, P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R.
No. 381 = q/mn/q (similarly, through 181).

19. Mood No. 327 = mq/p. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of P; mood 324.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 338 = np/q (similarly, through 334).

20. Mood No. 328 = mq/q. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a complete and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of P; mood 324.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 337 = np/p (similarly, through 334).

21. Mood No. 372 = p/mq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; due to
Q (complemented by S) is a complete and contingent cause of P; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 383 = q/np (similarly).

22. Mood No. 373 = p/np. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; due to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and necessary cause of P; inconsistency of
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No! premises.
No. 382 = q/mq (similarly).

23. Mood No. 345 = pq/m. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete cause of P; mood 146.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 346 = pq/n (similarly, through 145).

24. Mood No. 354 = m/pq. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P; mood 314.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 364 = n/pq (similarly, through 314).

25. Mood No. 347 = pq/p. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of P; mood 344.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 348 = pq/q (similarly, through 344).

26. Mood No. 374 = p/pq. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P; mood 334.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 384 = q/pq (similarly, through 324).

27. Mood No. 355 = m/m. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete cause of P; mood 156.
does it follow that P is a cause of R? No!
No. 366 = n/n (similarly, through 165).

28. Mood No. 356 = m/n/m. VALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a necessary cause of P; mood 155.
so, P is a complete cause of R.
No. 365 = n/m/n (similarly, through 166).

29. Mood No. 357 = m/p. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of P; moods 313, 314.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 368 = n/q (similarly, through 312, 314).

30. Mood No. 358 = m/q. INVALID

Q is a complete cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of P; moods 312, 314.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 367 = n/p (similarly, through 313, 314).

31. Mood No. 375 = p/m. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a complete cause of P; mood 176.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 386 = q/n (similarly, through 185).

32. Mood No. 376 = p/n. INVALID

Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
Q is a necessary cause of P; mood 175.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 385 = q/m (similarly, through 186).

33. Mood No. 377 = p/p. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of P; mood 334.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 388 = q/q (similarly, through 324).

34. Mood No. 378 = p/q. INVALID

Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R; by reduction to
Q (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of P; mood 334.
does it follow that P is (complemented by S) a cause of R? No!
No. 387 = q/p (similarly, through 324).


1. Reduction.

The method of reduction was first theoretically identified by Aristotle, though of course it
had been practically used by human beings long before. Reduction, in its broadest sense,
consists in showing that an argument is valid or invalid because another argument is valid
or invalid. Thus, reduction is not a primary process of evaluation but a method for
transmitting validity or invalidity, and therefore presupposes that we have some other
means for establishing certain fundamental validities or invalidities.
The other means, in our case, is matricial analysis; we shall use this method for a number
of validations and invalidations, but before we do so we want to find out the minimum
number of moods of causative syllogism which have to be so treated. For as already said,
matricial analysis is a cumbersome, though essential and certain, method; and we wish to
facilitate our task. Furthermore, while this method treats each mood as an island onto
itself, reduction reveals the precise interrelations between moods, which we ought to be
aware of.
Reduction is a short-cut. In the field of causative syllogism, reduction has many guises.
The broad Aristotelian distinction between direct reduction and indirect (or ad absurdum)
reduction is of course applicable here; but we may find fit to subdivide the concept of
direct reduction.
Within the domain of positive moods of any figure, the validity of conclusions is
transmitted by direct reduction and the invalidity of conclusions is transmitted by indirect
reduction, within the same figure. The main implication which concerns us here is
subalternation by joint determinations of generic determinations (thus, mn implies m and
n, mq implies m and q, np implies p and n, and pq implies p and q). Since subalternation
is one-way implication, different implications are used for validations and invalidations.
But there is also reduction from one figure to another, for which the eductive process of
conversion is appropriate. Some second figure moods may be directly reduced to first
figure moods, by conversion of the major premise; and some third figure moods may be
directly reduced to first figure moods, by conversion of the minor premise. Since
conversion works both ways, such reductions serve for both validation and invalidation.
We can thus distinguish between two sorts of direct reduction of positive moods, with
reference to the precise sort of implication appealed to, i.e. subalternation (within the same
figure) or conversion (across figures).44
It should be noted that the validity of any conclusion implies the invalidity of conflicting
putative conclusions (thus if m is true, p cannot be, and vice versa; and if n is true, q
cannot be, and vice versa); though note well that the invalidity of a putative conclusion
does not imply the validity of its opposite, i.e. both m and p or both n and q may be
invalid). We can on this basis save ourselves some work; this also might be viewed as a
sort of indirect reduction.

Negative moods might be evaluated by indirect reductions to the positive moods, across
figures. Imperfect moods might be evaluated by means of direct reductions consisting of eductive
processes which result in negations of the complement. Well check into that later.

Before going further, let us point out that some moods are composed of incompatible
premises. Such moods may be declared invalid without further ado. This occurs
specifically in subfigure (d) of each figure, where the premises have two items in common
(namely, P and Q). Here, if the minor premise has a strong component, it may conflict with
the weak component(s) of the major premise.
We shall now identify the implications between moods within any of the figures, due to
inclusion within compound forms (joint determinations) of their constituent forms (generic
determinations). The following table lists all implications between premises (note well) of
moods; it is based on information given in Table 5.6, developed in the chapter on causative
syllogism, listing the 64 moods conceivable in each figure.

Table 7.1. Implications between premises of moods, in all figures.

The mood numbers on the left imply the adjacent mood numbers on the right.
Along rows of table listing all moods:
11 51 12 52 13 53 14 54 15 55 16 56 17 57 18 58
11 61 12 62 13 63 14 64 15 65 16 66 17 67 18 68
21 51 22 52 23 53 24 54 25 55 26 56 27 57 28 58
21 81 22 82 23 83 24 84 25 85 26 86 27 87 28 88
31 61 32 62 33 63 34 64 35 65 36 66 37 67 38 68
31 71 32 72 33 73 34 74 35 75 36 76 37 77 38 78
41 71 42 72 43 73 44 74 45 75 46 76 47 77 48 78
41 81 42 82 43 83 44 84 45 85 46 86 47 87 48 88
Down columns of table listing all moods:
11 15 21 25 31 35 41 45 51 55 61 65 71 75 81 85
11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86
12 15 22 25 32 35 42 45 52 55 62 65 72 75 82 85
12 18 22 28 32 38 42 48 52 58 62 68 72 78 82 88
13 16 23 26 33 36 43 46 53 56 63 66 73 76 83 86
13 17 23 27 33 37 43 47 53 57 63 67 73 77 83 87
14 17 24 27 34 37 44 47 54 57 64 67 74 77 84 87
14 18 24 28 34 38 44 48 54 58 64 68 74 78 84 88

Note well that each implication may in turn imply others, i.e. one must follow up
implications of implications. For instance, 11 implies 15 and 16, and 51 and 61; in turn, 15
implies 55 and 65, and 16 implies 56 and 66; also, 51 implies 55 and 56, and 61 implies 65
and 66. Similarly for other premises, as shown in the above table.
Also note, some of the implications shown in the above table may be useless in practice for
a given figure: this occurs when a mood referred to has inconsistent premises.

The following are the principles for inference of validity or invalidity. Note well the
condition that the validating or invalidating mood be internally consistent; as we explained,
it can happen, in a given figure, that they are not so.

1. If the premises of one of the above moods, say Y, are consistent and imply those of
another, say X, then any validated conclusion of X, say c1, is also a valid conclusion of
Y. (But an invalidated conclusion of X, say c2, cannot be inferred to be an invalid
conclusion of Y.)
Proof: Since Y implies X and X implies c1, it follows that Y implies c1.
(But that X does not imply c2, does not mean that Y does not imply c2.)

2. If the premises of one of the above moods, say Z, are consistent and imply those of
another, say Y, then any invalidated conclusion of Z, say c2, is also an invalid
conclusion of Y. (But a validated conclusion of Z, say c1, cannot be inferred to be a
valid conclusion of Y.)
Proof: Since Z implies Y and Z does not imply c2, it follows that Y does not imply c2;
for given that Z implies Y, if Y implied c2, Z would imply c2.
(But that Z implies c1, does not mean that Y implies c1.)

One should be careful not to confuse the premises of a mood with a mood as a whole.
Referring to the above rules, in case (1), while Y implies X, the validity of X+c1 implies
the validity of Y+c1 (this is a direct reduction). In case (2), while Z implies Y, the
invalidity of Z+c2 implies the invalidity of Y+c2 (this is an indirect reduction).
Generally, then, to establish a mood Y+c1+notc2 by reduction, we must look for two
moods X and Z, such that (1) Y implies X, which concludes c1, and (2) Y is implied by Z,
which fails to conclude c2. The following diagram illustrates these principles:

Diagram 7.1. Pathways of Reduction, for Validation (right) and Invalidation (left).

3. The above applies to reductions within a given figure, by subalternation. In the

special case of direct reduction across figures, by conversion of the major premise (to
derive figure 2) or the minor premise (to derive figure 3), the implications between the
premises concerned are two-way; it follows in such case that both validity and invalidity
are transmitted by the same mood of figure 1.

The following table, based on the preceding one, shows more explicitly the possible
sources of validity or invalidity by reduction, for each mood within any figure. It should be
noted that we cannot (as far as I can see) predict from it, at the outset for all figures, which
moods will require matricial analysis; such knowledge has to be acquired in each figure by
judicious trial and error.

Table 7.2. For each mood (central col.), those which imply it and those it
Moods implying central mood Mood Moods implied by central mood
(if any of them is invalid, (if any of them is valid,
the central mood is also invalid) the central mood is also valid)
11 15 16 51 55 56 61 65 66
12 15 18 52 55 58 62 65 68
13 16 17 53 56 57 63 66 67
14 17 18 54 57 58 64 67 68
11 12 15 55 65
11 13 16 56 66
13 14 17 57 67
12 14 18 58 68
21 25 26 51 55 56 81 85 86
22 25 28 52 55 58 82 85 88
23 26 27 53 56 57 83 86 87
24 27 28 54 57 58 84 87 88
21 22 25 55 85
21 23 26 56 86
23 24 27 57 87
22 24 28 58 88
31 35 36 61 65 66 71 75 76
32 35 38 62 65 68 72 75 78
33 36 37 63 66 67 73 76 77
34 37 38 64 67 68 74 77 78
31 32 35 65 75
31 33 36 66 76
33 34 37 67 77
32 34 38 68 78
41 45 46 71 75 76 81 85 86
42 45 48 72 75 78 82 85 88
43 46 47 73 76 77 83 86 87
44 47 48 74 77 78 84 87 88
41 42 45 75 85
41 43 46 76 86
43 44 47 77 87
42 44 48 78 88
11 21 51 55 56
12 22 52 55 58
13 23 53 56 57
14 24 54 57 58
11 12 15 21 22 25 51 52 55
11 13 16 21 23 26 51 53 56
13 14 17 23 24 27 53 54 57
12 14 18 22 24 28 52 54 58

Table 7.2 continued.

11 31 61 65 66
12 32 62 65 68
13 33 63 66 67
14 34 64 67 68
11 12 15 31 32 35 61 62 65
11 13 16 31 33 36 61 63 66
13 14 17 33 34 37 63 64 67
12 14 18 32 34 38 62 64 68
31 41 71 75 76
32 42 72 75 78
33 43 73 76 77
34 44 74 77 78
31 32 35 41 42 45 71 72 75
31 33 36 41 43 46 71 73 76
33 34 37 43 44 47 73 74 77
32 34 38 42 44 48 72 74 78
21 41 81 85 86
22 42 82 85 88
23 43 83 86 87
24 44 84 87 88
21 22 25 41 42 45 81 82 85
21 23 26 41 43 46 81 83 86
23 24 27 43 44 47 83 84 87
22 24 28 42 44 48 82 84 88

Remember that breaks will occur in such implications, if any mood is invalid due to
inconsistency between premises.

The following tables summarize the results obtained by such reductions, for each of the
figures. Conclusions not validated or invalidated by such means must be evaluated through
matricial analysis (which is done in the next chapter). The tables below may be read as

yes = element of conclusion (m, n, p or q) are implied by the given premises.

no = element of conclusion (m, n, p or q) are not implied (which does not mean
denied) by the given premises.
by = by any sort of reduction to (number of mood used) or MA (matricial analysis).
Elements of conclusions for which matricial analysis is required are shaded.
since = for given premises, if an element of conclusion is valid (yes), then its
contrary element is invalid (no).
** = incompatible premises.
nil = no valid conclusion.

2. Reductions in Figure 1.
First, note that ten moods in subfigure 1d have inconsistent premises. Specifically, if the
minor premise (which has form P(S)Q) involves a strong determination, then it conflicts
with the weak determination(s) of the major premise (which has form Q(P)R).
For if the minor concerns complete causation, clause (i) of which means that (P + notQ) is
impossible it is incompatible with the major, which implies (P + notQ) is possible,
whether it concerns partial causation (see clause (ii) of that) or contingent causation (see
clause (iii) of that). Similarly, if the minor concerns necessary causation, clause (i) of
which means that (notP + Q) is impossible it is incompatible with the major, which
implies (notP + Q) is possible, whether it concerns partial causation (see clause (iii) of that)
or contingent causation (see clause (ii) of that).

Table 7.3. Sources of validity or invalidity in figure 1.

Ref. Mood # Elements of conclusion implied?
1 111 m n p q
major mn yes yes no no
minor mn by by since since
concl. mn 155 166 m n
2 112 m n p q
major mn yes no no yes
minor mq by since since by
concl. mq 155 q m 118
2 113 m n p q
major mn no yes yes no
minor np since by by since
concl. np p 166 117 n
6 114 m n p q
major mn no no yes yes
minor pq since since by by
concl. pq p q 117 118
11 115 m n p q
major mn yes no no no
minor m by by since by
concl. m 155 112 m 111
11 116 m n p q
major mn no yes no no
minor n by by by since
concl. n 113 166 111 n
17 117 m n p q
major mn no no yes no
minor p since by by by
concl. p p 114 MA 113
17 118 m n p q
major mn no no no yes
minor q by since by by
concl. q 114 q 112 MA

Table 7.3 continued.

3 121 m n p q
major mq yes no no yes
minor mn by since since by
concl. mq 155 q m 181
4 122 m n p q
major mq q of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
5 123 m n p q
major mq q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
8 124 m n p q
major mq no no no yes
minor pq by since by by
concl. q MA q MA 128,184
13 125 m n p q
major mq yes no no no
minor m by by since by
concl. m 155 121 m MA
14 126 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil MA 121 121 MA
19 127 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 124 124 124 MA
20 128 m n p q
major mq no no no yes
minor q by since by by
concl. q 124 q 124 MA
3 131 m n p q
major np no yes yes no
minor mn since by by since
concl. np p 166 171 n
5 132 m n p q
major np p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
4 133 m n p q
major np p of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
8 134 m n p q
major np no no yes no
minor pq since by by by
concl. p p MA 137,174 MA

Table 7.3 continued.

14 135 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 131 MA MA 131
13 136 m n p q
major np no yes no no
minor n by by by since
concl. n 131 166 MA n
20 137 m n p q
major np no no yes no
minor p since by by by
concl. p p 134 MA 134
19 138 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 134 134 MA 134
7 141 m n p q
major pq no no yes yes
minor mn since since by by
concl. pq p q 171 181
9 142 m n p q
major pq p, q of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
9 143 m n p q
major pq p, q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
10 144 m n p q
major pq no no yes yes
minor pq since since by by
concl. pq p q 147,174 148,184
23 145 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 141 141 MA MA
23 146 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 141 141 MA MA
25 147 m n p q
major pq no no yes no
minor p since by by by
concl. p p 144 MA MA
25 148 m n p q
major pq no no no yes
minor q by since by by
concl. q 144 q MA MA

Table 7.3 continued.

12 151 m n p q
major m yes no no no
minor mn by by since by
concl. m 155 121 m 111
15 152 m n p q
major m yes no no no
minor mq by by since by
concl. m 155 112 m MA
16 153 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor np by by by by
concl. nil 113 MA MA 113
24 154 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 114 114 124 MA
27 155 m n p q
major m yes no no no
minor m by by since by
concl. m MA 112 m 111
28 156 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 113 121 111 111
29 157 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 113 114 124 113
30 158 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 114 112 112 152
12 161 m n p q
major n no yes no no
minor mn by by by since
concl. n 131 166 111 n
16 162 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor mq by by by by
concl. nil MA 112 112 MA
15 163 m n p q
major n no yes no no
minor np by by by since
concl. n 113 166 MA n
24 164 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 114 114 MA 134

Table 7.3 continued.

28 165 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 131 112 111 111
27 166 m n p q
major n no yes no no
minor n by by by since
concl. n 113 MA 111 n
30 167 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 113 114 163 113
29 168 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 114 112 112 134
18 171 m n p q
major p no no yes no
minor mn since by by by
concl. p p 141 MA 131
21 172 m n p q
major p p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
22 173 m n p q
major p p of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
26 174 m n p q
major p no no yes no
minor pq since by by by
concl. p p 134 MA 134
31 175 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 131 135 135 131
32 176 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 131 141 136 131
33 177 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 134 134 MA 134
34 178 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 134 134 138 134

Table 7.3 continued.

18 181 m n p q
major q no no no yes
minor mn by since by by
concl. q 141 q 121 MA
22 182 m n p q
major q q of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
21 183 m n p q
major q q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
26 184 m n p q
major q no no no yes
minor pq by since by by
concl. q 124 q 124 MA
32 185 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 141 121 121 125
31 186 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 126 121 121 126
34 187 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 124 124 124 127
33 188 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 124 124 124 MA

Summary of figure 1.
30 valid moods:
111-118, 121, 124-125, 128, 131, 134, 136-137, 141, 144, 147-148, 151-152,
155, 161, 163, 166, 171, 174, 181, 184.
24 moods without conclusion (nil):
126-127, 135, 138, 145-146, 153-154, 156-158, 162, 164-165, 167-168, 175-
178, 185-188.
10 impossible moods (**):
122-123, 132-133, 142-143, 172-173, 182-183.
Total of moods = 30 valid and 34 invalid = 64.

3. Reductions in Figure 2.
First, note that six moods in subfigure 2d have inconsistent premises. Specifically, if the
minor premise (which has form P(S)Q) involves a strong determination, then it conflicts
with any weak determination of same polarity in the major premise (which has form
For if the minor concerns complete causation, clause (i) of which means that (P + notQ) is
impossible it is incompatible with the major, which implies (P + notQ) is possible when
it concerns partial causation (see clause (ii) of that). Similarly, if the minor concerns
necessary causation, clause (i) of which means that (notP + Q) is impossible it is
incompatible with the major, which implies (notP + Q) is possible when it concerns
contingent causation (see clause (ii) of that).

Additionally, we may directly reduce a number of moods in figure 2 to figure 1, by

converting the major premise. This is feasible when the major premise involves only strong
causation; i.e. subfigures 2a and 2b are thus reducible respectively to subfigures 1a and 1b.
This is not feasible when the major premise involves weak causation, since its conversion
results in negation of the complement; which means that subfigures 2c and 2d have to be
evaluated relatively independently (i.e. within the same figure, even if possibly through
some moods reduced to figure 1).

Table 7.4. Sources of validity or invalidity in figure 2.

Ref. Mood # Elements of conclusion implied?
1 211 m n p q
major mn yes yes no no
minor mn by by since since
concl. mn 111 111 m n
2 212 m n p q
major mn yes no no yes
minor mq by since since by
concl. mq 112 q m 112
2 213 m n p q
major mn no yes yes no
minor np since by by since
concl. np p 113 113 n
6 214 m n p q
major mn no no yes yes
minor pq since since by by
concl. pq p q 114 114
11 215 m n p q
major mn yes no no no
minor m by by since by
concl. m 115 115 m 115
11 216 m n p q
major mn no yes no no
minor n by by by since
concl. n 116 116 116 n

Table 7.4 continued.

17 217 m n p q
major mn no no yes no
minor p since by by by
concl. p p 117 117 117
17 218 m n p q
major mn no no no yes
minor q by since by by
concl. q 118 q 118 118
3 221 m n p q
major mq no yes no no
minor mn by by by since
concl. n MA 256 MA n
4 222 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor mq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
5 223 m n p q
major mq q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
8 224 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
13 225 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 221 222 221 221
14 226 m n p q
major mq no yes no no
minor n by by by since
concl. n 221 256 221 n
19 227 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 224 224 224 224
20 228 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 222 222 222 222
3 231 m n p q
major np yes no no no
minor mn by by since by
concl. m 265 MA m MA
5 232 m n p q
major np p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible

Table 7.4 continued.

4 233 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor np by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
8 234 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
14 235 m n p q
major np yes no no no
minor m by by since by
concl. m 265 231 m 231
13 236 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 233 231 231 231
20 237 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 233 233 233 233
19 238 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 234 234 234 234
7 241 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor mn by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
9 242 m n p q
major pq p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
9 243 m n p q
major pq q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
10 244 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
23 245 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 241 241 241 241

Table 7.4 continued.

23 246 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 241 241 241 241
25 247 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 244 244 244 244
25 248 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 244 244 244 244
12 251 m n p q
major m no yes no no
minor mn by by by since
concl. n 161 161 161 n
15 252 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor mq by by by by
concl. nil 162 162 162 162
16 253 m n p q
major m no yes no no
minor np by by by since
concl. n 163 163 163 n
24 254 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 164 164 164 164
27 255 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 165 165 165 165
28 256 m n p q
major m no yes no no
minor n by by by since
concl. n 166 166 166 n
29 257 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 167 167 167 167
30 258 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 168 168 168 168
12 261 m n p q
major n yes no no no
minor mn by by since by
concl. m 151 151 m 151

Table 7.4 continued.

16 262 m n p q
major n yes no no no
minor mq by by since by
concl. m 152 152 m 152
15 263 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor np by by by by
concl. nil 153 153 153 153
24 264 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 154 154 154 154
28 265 m n p q
major n yes no no no
minor m by by since by
concl. m 155 155 m 155
27 266 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 156 156 156 156
30 267 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 157 157 157 157
29 268 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 158 158 158 158
18 271 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor mn by by by by
concl. nil 241 231 231 231
21 272 m n p q
major p p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
22 273 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor np by by by by
concl. nil 233 233 233 233
26 274 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 234 234 234 234
31 275 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 241 231 231 231

Table 7.4 continued.

32 276 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 233 231 231 231
33 277 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 233 233 233 233
34 278 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 234 234 234 234
18 281 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor mn by by by by
concl. nil 221 241 221 221
22 282 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor mq by by by by
concl. nil 222 222 222 222
21 283 m n p q
major q q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
26 284 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 224 224 224 224
32 285 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 221 222 221 221
31 286 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 221 241 221 221
34 287 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 224 224 224 224
33 288 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 222 222 222 222

Summary of figure 2.
18 valid moods:
211-218, 221, 226, 231, 235, 251, 253, 256, 261-262, 265.
40 moods without conclusion (nil):
222, 224-225, 227-228, 233-234, 236-238, 241, 244-248, 252, 254-255, 257-
258, 263-264, 266-268, 271, 273-278, 281-282, 284-288.
6 impossible moods (**):
223, 232, 242-243, 272, 283.
Total of moods = 18 valid and 46 invalid = 64.

4. Reductions in Figure 3.

First, note that ten moods in subfigure 3d have inconsistent premises. Specifically, if the
minor premise (which has form Q(S)P) involves a strong determination, then it conflicts
with the weak determination(s) of the major premise (which has form Q(P)R).
For if the minor concerns complete causation, clause (i) of which means that (notP + Q) is
impossible it is incompatible with the major, which implies (notP + Q) is possible,
whether it concerns partial causation (see clause (iii) of that) or contingent causation (see
clause (ii) of that). Similarly, if the minor concerns necessary causation, clause (i) of which
means that (P + notQ) is impossible it is incompatible with the major, which implies (P +
notQ) is possible, whether it concerns partial causation (see clause (ii) of that) or
contingent causation (see clause (iii) of that).
Additionally, we may directly reduce a number of moods in figure 3 to figure 1, by
converting the minor premise. This is feasible when the minor premise involves only
strong causation; i.e. subfigures 3a and 3c are thus reducible respectively to subfigures 1a
and 1c. This is not feasible when the minor premise involves weak causation, since its
conversion results in negation of the complement; which means that subfigures 3b and 3d
have to be evaluated relatively independently (i.e. within the same figure, even if possibly
through some moods reduced to figure 1).

Table 7.5. Sources of validity or invalidity in figure 3.

Ref. Mood # Elements of conclusion implied?
1 311 m n p q
major mn yes yes no no
minor mn by by since since
concl. mn 111 111 m n
2 312 m n p q
major mn no yes no no
minor mq by by by since
concl. n MA 365 MA n
2 313 m n p q
major mn yes no no no
minor np by by since by
concl. m 356 MA m MA

Table 7.5 continued.

6 314 m n p q
major mn no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
11 315 m n p q
major mn no yes no no
minor m by by by since
concl. n 116 116 116 n
11 316 m n p q
major mn yes no no no
minor n by by since by
concl. m 115 115 m 115
17 317 m n p q
major mn no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 314 313 313 313
17 318 m n p q
major mn no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 312 314 312 312
3 321 m n p q
major mq yes no no yes
minor mn by since since by
concl. mq 121 q m 121
4 322 m n p q
major mq q of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
5 323 m n p q
major mq q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
8 324 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
13 325 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 126 126 126 126
14 326 m n p q
major mq yes no no no
minor n by by since by
concl. m 125 125 m 125
19 327 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 324 324 324 324

Table 7.5 continued.

20 328 m n p q
major mq no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 324 324 324 324
3 331 m n p q
major np no yes yes no
minor mn since by by since
concl. np p 131 131 n
5 332 m n p q
major np p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
4 333 m n p q
major np p of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
8 334 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
14 335 m n p q
major np no yes no no
minor m by by by since
concl. n 136 136 136 n
13 336 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 135 135 135 135
20 337 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 334 334 334 334
19 338 m n p q
major np no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 334 334 334 334
7 341 m n p q
major pq no no yes yes
minor mn since since by by
concl. pq p q 141 141
9 342 m n p q
major pq p and q of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
9 343 m n p q
major pq p and q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible

Table 7.5 continued.

10 344 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil MA MA MA MA
23 345 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 146 146 146 146
23 346 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 145 145 145 145
25 347 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 344 344 344 344
25 348 m n p q
major pq no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 344 344 344 344
12 351 m n p q
major m yes no no no
minor mn by by since by
concl. m 151 151 m 151
15 352 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor mq by by by by
concl. nil 312 MA 312 312
16 353 m n p q
major m yes no no no
minor np by by since by
concl. m 356 313 m 313
24 354 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 314 314 314 314
27 355 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 156 156 156 156
28 356 m n p q
major m yes no no no
minor n by by since by
concl. m 155 155 m 155
29 357 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 314 313 313 313

Table 7.5 continued.

30 358 m n p q
major m no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 312 314 312 312
12 361 m n p q
major n no yes no no
minor mn by by by since
concl. n 161 161 161 n
16 362 m n p q
major n no yes no no
minor mq by by by since
concl. n 312 365 312 n
15 363 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor np by by by by
concl. nil MA 313 313 313
24 364 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 314 314 314 314
28 365 m n p q
major n no yes no no
minor m by by by since
concl. n 166 166 166 n
27 366 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 165 165 165 165
30 367 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 314 313 313 313
29 368 m n p q
major n no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 312 314 312 312
18 371 m n p q
major p no no yes no
minor mn since by by by
concl. p p 171 171 171
21 372 m n p q
major p p of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
22 373 m n p q
major p p of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible

Table 7.5 continued.

26 374 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 334 334 334 334
31 375 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 176 176 176 176
32 376 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 175 175 175 175
33 377 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 334 334 334 334
34 378 m n p q
major p no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 334 334 334 334
18 381 m n p q
major q no no no yes
minor mn by since by by
concl. q 181 q 181 181
22 382 m n p q
major q q of major premise and
minor mq m of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
21 383 m n p q
major q q of major premise and
minor np n of minor premise
concl. ** are incompatible
26 384 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor pq by by by by
concl. nil 324 324 324 324
32 385 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor m by by by by
concl. nil 186 186 186 186
31 386 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor n by by by by
concl. nil 185 185 185 185

Table 7.5 continued.

34 387 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor p by by by by
concl. nil 324 324 324 324
33 388 m n p q
major q no no no no
minor q by by by by
concl. nil 324 324 324 324

Summary of figure 3.
18 valid moods:
311-313, 315-316, 321, 326, 331, 335, 341, 351, 353, 356, 361-362, 365, 371,
36 moods without conclusion (nil):
314, 317-318, 324-325, 327-328, 334, 336-338, 344-348, 352, 354-355, 357-
358, 363-364, 366-368, 374-378, 384-388.
10 impossible moods (**):
322-323, 332-333, 342-343, 372-373, 382-383.
Total of moods = 18 valid and 46 invalid = 64.


1. Matricial Analysis.

We will in this chapter show the matricial analyses on the basis of which moods were
declared valid or invalid in previous chapters.
Now, the matrix underlying a syllogism may be defined as a table with a listing of all
conceivable conjunctions of all the items involved in its premises and conclusion and/or
the negations of these items. Thus, for instance, the matrix of three items P, Q, R, will look
like this:

P Q notR
P notQ R
P notQ notR
notP Q R
notP Q notR
notP notQ R
notP notQ notR

(With four items, the table would be twice as long; with five items, four times as long; and
so on.)
Briefly put, matricial analysis is a process which seeks to answer, for each of the
conceivable conjunctions in the matrix, the question as to whether it is implied impossible
or possible or neither; in the latter case, if the conjunction is neither implied impossible nor
implied possible, it is declared open. In other words, matricial analysis is a pursuit of the
modus of the matrix.
The answers to this question for each row must be derived from the premises, singly or
together, by established means; the conclusion is valid only if it may be entirely (with all
its implicit clauses) constructed from these answers. As we shall see, this process relies
heavily on paradoxical logic, or more simply put, on dilemmatic argument.
The process is, as you will presently discover, long and difficult. I have unfortunately
found no better short-cut, maybe other logicians have or eventually do. However, its
advantage over reduction is that it provides us with sure results; for with reduction we
cannot always be sure to have applied all possible means, whereas with a matricial analysis
we know we have exhausted the available information. We are free to choose the
appropriate method in each case: certain crucial syllogisms are best subjected to matricial
analysis, and then we can use reduction to derive others.

To begin with, here is a step by step description of this method of evaluation. The reader is
requested to follow the procedure concretely by referring to one of the examples given in
the following sections. It is much less complicated than it sounds.

a. Write down the premises constituting the mood and the putative conclusion(s) to be
evaluated. Translate all these causative propositions into conditional or conjunctive
propositions, i.e. make their constituent clauses (as elucidated in the chapter on the

determinations of causation) explicit. Number the clauses involved for purposes of

reference (Roman numerals are used for this, here).
b. Construct a table with a matrix involving all the items and negations of items
concerned, in orderly sequences. If there are three items (P, Q, R), the table will have 23
= 8 rows; if there are four items (P, Q, R, S), it will have 24 = 16 rows.
c. Consider first all the positive conditional propositions found in the premises. Every
causative proposition contains at least one positive conditional clause; therefore, there
will be at least two such clauses per mood. These tell us which conjunctions in the
matrix (rows) are implied impossible.
In a three-item matrix, each such statement (e.g. if P, then Q, which means P+notQ is
impossible) will imply two rows to be impossible (namely, P+notQ+R and
P+notQ+notR). Similarly, in a four-item matrix, each if/then statement involving two
items will imply four rows impossible; while each if/then statement involving three
items will imply two rows impossible.
d. Only thereafter, deal with the remaining clauses found in the premises (because their
impact will depend on the results of the preceding step), which imply the possibility of
certain conjunctions of two or three items in the matrix.
These include negative conditional propositions (e.g. if P, not-then Q, which means
P+notQ is possible); as well as bare statements of possibility of an item or of a
conjunction of items. The latter are to be enlarged with reference to the corresponding
positive conditional proposition (e.g. P is possible and if P, then Q, together imply
P+Q is possible).
In a three-item matrix, a possibility of conjunction of two items will imply that at least one
of two rows is possible. In a four-item matrix, a possibility of conjunction of two items
will imply that at least one of four rows is possible; while a possibility of conjunction of
three items will imply that at least one of two rows is possible.
Note this well: whereas the impossibility of a conjunction entails the impossibility of all its
expressions in the matrix, the possibility of a conjunction is satisfied by only one
expression. Thus, the knowledge that two or more rows are collectively possible does
not settle the question of the possibility of each of these rows individually.
Only if all but one of these rows are declared impossible by other means (i.e. the preceding
step of the procedure), can we declare the remaining one possible. Otherwise, if two or
more rows are left unsettled, they must each be considered open (i.e. possible or
impossible). That is, even though we know that at least one of them must be possible,
we cannot specify which one.
e. When all the information implicit in the premises has been thus systematically included
in the table, we can evaluate the putative conclusion(s). Taking one of the clauses at a
time, check out whether it can be inferred from the table.
If the clause in question is a positive conditional, every row corresponding to it in the
matrix must have been declared impossible to allow us to accept the clause as implied.
If the clause in question is a negative conditional or bare statement of possibility, it
suffices that one row in the matrix has been declared possible, even if the other(s)
was/were declared impossible or left open. (Often, the last clause of the putative
conclusion can be inferred directly from a premise, note.)
f. If, and only if, all the clauses of the putative conclusion are thus found to be implied by
the data in our table, we may admit that conclusion to be drawable from the premises. If
any clause(s) of the putative conclusion is/are left open or worse still denied, by the
table, that conclusion must be declared a non-sequitur or antinomy, respectively.

A computer could be programmed to carry out this evaluation process. Once it is

understood, it requires no great intelligence to perform. It is tedious detail work, no more.45
What is matricial analysis, essentially? A causative proposition is a complex of simpler
statements, which affirm the impossibility or possibility of certain conjunctions of items or
individual items. But causative propositions differ in their forms and implications, so that
comparisons between them are difficult. By recapitulating or recoding all the information
in a table, we are better able to judge their mutual impact. The matrix is the common
denominator of these disparate forms. The annotations down the comments column of the
table comprising it, record the answers to the question we must settle for each row (or
conjunction of all the items involved): is this possible, impossible or open (i.e. unsettled)?
The premises collectively structure this table, filling in all or only some of the answers to
the question. The mutual impact of the determinations of the premises produces the result.
This in turn allows us to judge, with absolute certainty, the logical impact on any of the
four putative generic conclusions, and thence evaluate the validity or invalidity of that

The main form of reasoning used in matricial analysis is dilemmatic argument that is, we
use paradoxical logic (the branch of logic concerned with paradoxes46). This is clear in the
above account.
First, with regard to expansion: for example, knowing that P+Q is impossible, we can infer
that P+Q+R and P+Q+notR are both impossible, or again knowing that P+Q+R is
impossible, we can infer that P+Q+R+S and P+Q+R+notS are both impossible. And
conversely, regarding contraction: we can infer a two-item impossibility from two three-
item ones or a three-item impossibility from two four-item ones.
Likewise, by contraposition, when we argue from a two-item or three-item possibility to
the possibility of at least one of two contrary conjunctions (e.g. from P+Q is possible, to
P+Q+R and/or P+Q+notR is/are possible; or from P+Q+R is possible, to P+Q+R+S and/or
P+Q+R+notS is/are possible), we rely on dilemma.
Such reasoning is especially productive when, from one clause we know some row(s) of
the matrix to be impossible (say, P+Q+R), while from another clause we know that a set of
rows including the preceding row(s) is possible (say, P+Q+R and P+Q+notR); for then, if
the latter set exceeds the former by only one row, we can infer that remaining row (viz.
P+Q+notR, in this example) to be possible.

Matricial analysis can be used to evaluate, and validate or invalidate, any putative
conclusion of any mood in any figure of the syllogism (as well as in immediate inferences).
It is a universal method.
It could in principle be replaced by use of logical compositions47; but we are more likely to
be confused in practice by the techniques of symbolic logic; and they are in any event
themselves ultimately based on matricial analysis. Similarly, reduction of causative
syllogisms to conditional syllogisms48 is a conceivable method; but in practice we are much
more likely to make mistakes with it, so that we will at the end remain uncertain about the
reliability of our results; and anyway, matricial analysis is the ultimate basis of conditional
syllogism, too.

Of course, it was not immediately evident; I had to develop the method gradually. The work
took me a month or so. I was motivated to do it by the thought that once done by one human being,
the formal research would never have to be repeated.
See Future Logic, ch. 31.
See Future Logic, ch. 28.
See Future Logic, ch. 29.

As we have seen, to avoid having to use matricial analysis everywhere, since it is time-
consuming, it is wise to first identify the minimum number of conclusions, required to be
validated or invalidated that way, from which all other conclusions can be derived by direct
or indirect reduction. This is the approach adopted here.
Another short-cut resorted to, here, is to identify moods which are mirror images of each
other, i.e. whose forms are identical in every respect, except that each item in the one is
replaced by the contradictory item in the other. In such cases, the matrices of both moods
are bound to be identical, except that the polarity of every symbol will be reversed, i.e.
notP will replace P wherever it occurs, P will replace notP, and so forth.
Since the great majority of moods have a mirror image (all but four in each figure, viz.
mn/mn, mn/pq, pq/mn, and pq/pq), this diminishes the work required by almost half (at
most thirty moods per figure, instead of sixty).

We shall in the next three sections evaluate by matricial analysis the positive moods we
identified in the preceding chapter as needing evaluation, with respect to some or all (as the
case may be) of their conceivable conclusions.

2. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 1.

Evaluation of mood # 117. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 118.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and necessary cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If notQ, then notR;
(v) if Q, not-then notR;
(vi) where: notQ is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q:
(vii) If (P + S), then Q;
(viii) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(ix) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(x) where: (P + S) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
YES! P is a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (vii);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (iv) + (viii);
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (iv) + (ix);
where: (P + S) is possible same as (x).

Table 8.1. Evaluation of mood # 117.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (vii) + (x)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (v)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (iv) or (vii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (vii)
P notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (ix)
notP Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (v)
notP Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (v)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (viii)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii), or (iv) + (vi)

Evaluation of mood # 124. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 134.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by P) a contingent cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If (notQ + notP), then notR;
(v) if (Q + notP), not-then notR;
(vi) if (notQ + P), not-then notR;
(vii) where: (notQ + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:
(viii) If (P + S), then Q;
(ix) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(x) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(xi) where: (P + S) is possible.
(xii) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(xiii) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(xiv) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xv) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P a complete or (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? open;
if notP, not-then R implied by (iv) + (ix), or (iv) +
(xii) + (xv);
where: P is possible implied by (vi) or (x) or (xi) or

Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:

If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (viii);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (iv) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then R? open;
where: (P + S) is possible same as (xi).

Table 8.2. Evaluation of mood # 124.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (viii) + (xi)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (xiii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ R notS implied possible by (ii) + (iv) + (viii), or (vi) + (viii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ notR notS see (ii) or (x)
notP Q R S implied possible by (v) + (xii), or (i) + (xiv)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (xii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (xii)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (xii) + (xv)

Evaluation of mood # 125. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 136.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If (notQ + notS), then notR;
(v) if (Q + notS), not-then notR;
(vi) if (notQ + S), not-then notR;
(vii) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete cause of Q:
(viii) If P, then Q;
(ix) if notP, not-then Q;
(x) where: P is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR? open;
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (vi) + (viii);
where: (notP + notS) is possible implied by (iv) + (vii) + (viii).

Table 8.3. Evaluation of mood # 125.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (viii) + (x)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (v), or (viii) + (x)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv) or (viii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R S see (i) + (iii)
notP Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (v)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R S implied possible by (vi) + (viii)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S see (ii) or (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (vii) + (viii)

Evaluation of mood # 126. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 135.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If (notQ + notS), then notR;
(v) if (Q + notS), not-then notR;
(vi) if (notQ + S), not-then notR;
(vii) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a necessary cause of Q:
(viii) If notP, then notQ;
(ix) if P, not-then notQ;
(x) where: notP is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P a complete or (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? open;
if notP, not-then R? open;
where: P is possible implied by (v) + (viii), or (ix).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR implied by (iv) + (viii);
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (v) + (viii);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? open;
where: (notP + notS) is possible? open.

Table 8.4. Evaluation of mood # 126.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (ix)
P Q R notS implied possible by (v) + (viii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S see (vi)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR S see (ii)
P notQ notR notS see (ii), or (iv) + (vii)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP notQ R S see (vi), or (viii) + (x)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S see (ii), or (viii) + (x)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii), or (iv) + (vii), or (viii) + (x)

Evaluation of mood # 127. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 138.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by P) a contingent cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If (notQ + notP), then notR;
(v) if (Q + notP), not-then notR;
(vi) if (notQ + P), not-then notR;
(vii) where: (notQ + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q:
(viii) If (P + S), then Q;
(ix) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(x) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(xi) where: (P + S) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (vi) + (viii);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? open;
where: (notP + notS) is possible? open.

Table 8.5. Evaluation of mood # 127.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) +(viii) + (xi)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ R notS implied possible by (vi) + (viii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ notR notS see (ii), or (x)
notP Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (v)
notP Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (v)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (ix)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii), or (iv) + (vii)

Evaluation of mood # 128. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 137.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by P) a contingent cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If (notQ + notP), then notR;
(v) if (Q + notP), not-then notR;
(vi) if (notQ + P), not-then notR;
(vii) where: (notQ + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a contingent cause of Q:
(viii) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(ix) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(x) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xi) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R?
YES! P is a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR implied by (iv) + (viii);
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (i) + (ix);
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (v) + (viii), or (i) + (x);
where: (notP + notS) is possible same as (xi).

Table 8.6. Evaluation of mood # 128.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (ix)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S see (vi)
P notQ R notS see (vi)
P notQ notR S see (ii)
P notQ notR notS see (ii)
notP Q R S implied possible by (v) + (viii), or (i) + (x)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S see (ii), or (iv) + (vii)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (viii) + (xi)

Evaluation of mood # 145. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 146.)

Major premise: Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of R:

(i) If (Q + S), then R;
(ii) if (notQ + S), not-then R;
(iii) if (Q + notS), not-then R;
(iv) where: (Q + S) is possible.
(v) If (notQ + notS), then notR;
(vi) if (Q + notS), not-then notR;
(vii) if (notQ + S), not-then notR;
(viii) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete cause of Q:
(ix) If P, then Q;
(x) if notP, not-then Q;
(xi) where: P is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a partial or contingent cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (ix);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (ii) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then R? open;
where: (P + S) is possible? open.
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR? open;
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (vii) + (ix);
where: (notP + notS) is possible implied by (v) + (viii) + (ix).

Table 8.7. Evaluation of mood # 145.

P Q R S see (i) + (iv), or (ix) + (xi)
P Q R notS see (vi), or (ix) + (xi)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS see (iii), or (ix) + (xi)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (v) or (ix)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (ix)
notP Q R S see (i) + (iv)
notP Q R notS see (vi)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS see (iii)
notP notQ R S implied possible by (vii) + (ix)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (v)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (ii) + (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (v) + (viii) + (ix)

Evaluation of mood # 147. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 148.)

Major premise: Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R:

(i) If (Q + P), then R;
(ii) if (notQ + P), not-then R;
(iii) if (Q + notP), not-then R;
(iv) where: (Q + P) is possible.
(v) If (notQ + notP), then notR;
(vi) if (Q + notP), not-then notR;
(vii) if (notQ + P), not-then notR;
(viii) where: (notQ + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q:
(ix) If (P + S), then Q;
(x) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(xi) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(xii) where: (P + S) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a partial or contingent cause of R?
YES! P is a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (ix);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (v) + (x);
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (ii) + (ix);
where: (P + S) is possible same as (xii).
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (vii) + (ix);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? open;
where: (notP + notS) is possible? open.

Table 8.8. Evaluation of mood # 147.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (ix) + (xii)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iv)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ R notS implied possible by (vii) + (ix)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ notR notS implied possible by (ii) + (ix)
notP Q R S see (vi)
notP Q R notS see (vi)
notP Q notR S see (iii)
notP Q notR notS see (iii)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (v)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (v)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (v) + (x)
notP notQ notR notS see (v) + (viii)

Evaluation of mood # 152. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 163.)

Major premise: Q is a complete cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of Q:
(iv) If P, then Q;
(v) if notP, not-then Q;
(vi) where: P is possible.
(vii) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(viii) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(ix) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(x) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (i) + (viii);
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (i) + (ix);
where: (notP + notS) is possible same as (x).

Table 8.9. Evaluation of mood # 152.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (iv) + (vi)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (viii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP Q R S implied possible by (i) + (ix)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (vii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (vii)
notP notQ R S see (v)
notP notQ R notS see (v), or (vii) + (x)
notP notQ notR S see (ii) or (v)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii), or (v), or (vii) + (x)

Note that although the above matrix does not show it, the conclusion m of mood 152
(which we uncovered through reduction) is valid. Judging from the last two lines of this
matrix, one would think that (notP + notR) is open. However, it is in fact possible. This can
be seen as follows.
Clause (ii) above tells us that (notQ + notR) is possible; but two of its possible expressions
are implied impossible by (iv); therefore at least one of the remaining two possible
expressions has to be possible. This implicit disjunctive result suffices to prove that (notP
+ notR) is possible, considering that its other two possible expressions are implied
impossible by (i).
Compare the matrix of mood 155, whose last line corresponds to the last two lines of the
matrix of mood 152. Thus, the above matrix fails to make something significant explicit
for us. But this is a mere difficulty of notation, when something about more than one line
has to be specified.
The same can be said for the conclusion n of mirror mood 163 and other cases. However, a
similar problem does not arise with regard to any of the conclusions tested by
matricial analysis in this chapter (as can be verified by reexamining all clauses of tested
conclusions which were left open where a possibility was required). So it does not seem
worthwhile our trying to remedy this difficulty with more elaborate notational artifices
(better than see (ii)).
The lesson taught us by this special case is the wisdom of using matricial analysis only for
crucial questions and using reduction for all others, as we did. Without awareness of the
relation between moods 152 and 155 (or similarly 163 and 166), we might not have spotted
the positive conclusions validity, unless we had developed a straddling notation.

Evaluation of mood # 153. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 162.)

Major premise: Q is a complete cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
Minor premise: P is a necessary and (complemented by S) a partial cause of Q:
(iv) If (P + S), then Q;
(v) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(vi) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(vii) where: (P + S) is possible.
(viii) If notP, then notQ;
(ix) if P, not-then notQ;
(x) where: notP is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P a necessary or (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (iv);
if (notP + S), not-then R? open;
if (P + notS), not-then R? open;
where: (P + S) is possible same as (vii).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? open;
if P, not-then notR implied by (i) + (iv) + (vii);
where: notP is possible same as (x).

Table 8.10. Evaluation of mood # 153.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (iv) + (vii)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (ix)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ R notS see (vi)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR notS see (ii) or (vi)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP notQ R S see (v), or (viii) + (x)
notP notQ R notS see (viii) + (x)
notP notQ notR S see (ii), or (v), or (viii) + (x)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii), or (viii) + (x)

Evaluation of mood # 154. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 164.)

Major premise: Q is a complete cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:
(iv) If (P + S), then Q;
(v) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(vi) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(vii) where: (P + S) is possible.
(viii) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(ix) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(x) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xi) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (i) + (ix);
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (i) + (x);
where: (notP + notS) is possible same as (xi).

Table 8.11. Evaluation of mood # 154.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (iv) + (vii)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (ix)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ R notS see (vi)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR notS see (ii) or (vi)
notP Q R S implied possible by (i) + (x)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP notQ R S see (v)
notP notQ R notS see (viii) + (xi)
notP notQ notR S see (ii) or (v)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii), or (viii) + (xi)

Evaluation of mood # 155. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 166.)

Major premise: Q is a complete cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete cause of Q:
(iv) If P, then Q;
(v) if notP, not-then Q;
(vi) where: P is possible.
Putative conclusion: P is a complete cause of R?
YES! P is a complete cause of R:
If P, then R implied by (i) + (iv);
if notP, not-then R implied by (ii) + (iv);
where: P is possible same as (vi).

Table 8.12. Evaluation of mood # 155.

P Q R implied possible by (i) + (iv) + (vi)
P Q notR implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ notR implied impossible by (iv)
notP Q R see (i) + (iii)
notP Q notR implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R see (v)
notP notQ notR implied possible by (ii) + (iv)

Evaluation of mood # 171. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 181.)

Major premise: Q (complemented by S) is a partial cause of R:

(i) If (Q + S), then R;
(ii) if (notQ + S), not-then R;
(iii) if (Q + notS), not-then R;
(iv) where: (Q + S) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete and necessary cause of Q:
(v) If P, then Q;
(vi) if notP, not-then Q;
(vii) where: P is possible.
(viii) If notP, then notQ;
(ix) if P, not-then notQ;
(x) where: notP is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
YES! P is a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (v);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (ii) + (v);
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (iii) + (viii);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (i) + (iv) + (viii).

Table 8.13. Evaluation of mood # 171.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (iv) + (viii)
P Q R notS see (v) + (vii), or (ix)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied possible by (iii) + (viii)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (v)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (v)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (v)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (v)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP notQ R S see (vi), or (viii) + (x)
notP notQ R notS see (vi), or (viii) + (x)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (ii) + (v)
notP notQ notR notS see (vi), or (viii) + (x)

Evaluation of mood # 174. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 184.)

Major premise: Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R:

(i) If (Q + P), then R;
(ii) if (notQ + P), not-then R;
(iii) if (Q + notP), not-then R;
(iv) where: (Q + P) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:
(v) If (P + S), then Q;
(vi) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(vii) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(viii) where: (P + S) is possible.
(ix) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(x) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(xi) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xii) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
YES! P is a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i) + (v);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (iii) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (ii) + (v);
where: (P + S) is possible same as (viii).

Table 8.14. Evaluation of mood # 174.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (v) + (viii)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (x)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (v)
P notQ R notS see (vii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (v)
P notQ notR notS implied possible by (ii) + (v)
notP Q R S see (xi)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (ix)
notP Q notR S implied possible by (iii) + (ix)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (ix)
notP notQ R S see (vi)
notP notQ R notS see (ix) + (xii)
notP notQ notR S see (vi)
notP notQ notR notS see (ix) + (xii)

Evaluation of mood # 177. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 188.)

Major premise: Q (complemented by P) is a partial cause of R:

(i) If (Q + P), then R;
(ii) if (notQ + P), not-then R;
(iii) if (Q + notP), not-then R;
(iv) where: (Q + P) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial cause of Q:
(v) If (P + S), then Q;
(vi) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(vii) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(viii) where: (P + S) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
NO! P (complemented by S) is not implied to be a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R implied by (i)+ (v);
if (notP + S), not-then R? open;
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (ii) + (v);
where: (P + S) is possible same as (viii).

Table 8.15. Evaluation of mood # 177.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (v) + (viii)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iv)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (v)
P notQ R notS see (vii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (v)
P notQ notR notS implied possible by (ii) + (v)
notP Q R S
notP Q R notS
notP Q notR S see (iii)
notP Q notR notS see (iii)
notP notQ R S see (vi)
notP notQ R notS
notP notQ notR S see (vi)
notP notQ notR notS

3. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 2.

Evaluation of mood # 221. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 231.)

Major premise: R is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of Q:

(i) If R, then Q;
(ii) if notR, not-then Q;
(iii) where: R is possible.
(iv) If (notR + notS), then notQ;
(v) if (R + notS), not-then notQ;
(vi) if (notR + S), not-then notQ;
(vii) where: (notR + notS) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete and necessary cause of Q:
(viii) If P, then Q;
(ix) if notP, not-then Q;
(x) where: P is possible.
(xi) If notP, then notQ;
(xii) if P, not-then notQ;
(xiii) where: notP is possible.
Putative conclusion is P a complete or (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (vi) + (xi);
if notP, not-then R implied by (iv) + (vii) + (viii);
where: P is possible same as (x).
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? denied by (vi) + (xi);
if (notP + S), not-then R? open;
if (P + notS), not-then R? denied by (iv) + (viii);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (vi) + (xi).

Table 8.16. Evaluation of mood 221.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (viii) + (x), or (xii)
P Q R notS implied possible by (v) + (xi)
P Q notR S implied possible by (vi) + (xi)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (xi)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (xi)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (xi)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (iv) or (xi)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ notR S see (ii), or (ix), or (xi) + (xiii)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (vii) + (viii)

Evaluation of mood # 222. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 233.)

Major premise: R is a complete and (complemented by P) a contingent cause of Q:

(i) If R, then Q;
(ii) if notR, not-then Q;
(iii) where: R is possible.
(iv) If (notR + notP), then notQ;
(v) if (R + notP), not-then notQ;
(vi) if (notR + P), not-then notQ;
(vii) where: (notR + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of Q:
(viii) If P, then Q;
(ix) if notP, not-then Q;
(x) where: P is possible.
(xi) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(xii) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(xiii) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xiv) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? open;
if notP, not-then R implied by (i) + (xi) + (xiv);
where: P is possible same as (x).
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? open;
if (notP + S), not-then R? open;
if (P + notS), not-then R? open;
where: (P + S) is possible? open.

Nor a necessary cause of R:

If notP, then notR? denied by (v) + (xi), or (iv) + (xiii);
if P, not-then notR? open;
where: notP is possible implied by (v) or (vii) or (ix) or
(xiii) or (xiv).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR implied by (i) + (xi);
if (P + notS), not-then notR? open;
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (v) + (xi), or (iv) +
where: (notP + notS) is possible same as (xiv).

Table 8.17. Evaluation of mood 222.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (viii) + (x)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (viii) + (x), or (xii)
P Q notR S see (vi), or (viii) + (x)
P Q notR notS see (vi), or (viii) + (x), or (xii)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R S implied possible by (v) + (xi), or (iv) + (xiii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (xi)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (iv)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (iv) or (xi)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ notR S see (ii), or (iv) + (vii), or (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (i) + (xi) + (xiv)

Evaluation of mood # 224. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 234.)

Major premise: R is a complete and (complemented by P) a contingent cause of Q:

(i) If R, then Q;
(ii) if notR, not-then Q;
(iii) where: R is possible.
(iv) If (notR + notP), then notQ;
(v) if (R + notP), not-then notQ;
(vi) if (notR + P), not-then notQ;
(vii) where: (notR + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:
(viii) If (P + S), then Q;
(ix) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(x) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(xi) where: (P + S) is possible.
(xii) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(xiii) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(xiv) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xv) where: (notP + notS) is possible.

Putative conclusion is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?

NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (i) + (x);
if notP, not-then R implied by (i) + (ix), or (i) + (xii) +
where: P is possible implied by (vi) or (x) or (xi) or
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? open;
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (i) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (i) + (x);
where: (P + S) is possible same as (xi).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? denied by (iv) + (xiv), or (v) +
if P, not-then notR? open;
where: notP is possible implied by (v) or (vii) or (ix) or
(xiv) or (xv).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR implied by (i) + (xii);
if (P + notS), not-then notR? open;
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (iv) + (xiv), or (v) +
where: (notP + notS) is possible same as (xv).

Table 8.18. Evaluation of mood 224.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (viii) + (xi)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iii), or (xiii)
P Q notR S see (vi), or (viii) + (xi)
P Q notR notS see (vi), or (xiii)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (viii)
P notQ notR notS implied possible by (i) + (x)
notP Q R S implied possible by (iv) + (xiv), or (v) + (xii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (xii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (iv)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (iv) or (xii)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (i) + (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (i) + (xii) + (xv)

Evaluation of mood # 241.

Major premise: R (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:

(i) If (R + S), then Q;
(ii) if (notR + S), not-then Q;
(iii) if (R + notS), not-then Q;
(iv) where: (R + S) is possible.
(v) If (notR + notS), then notQ;
(vi) if (R + notS), not-then notQ;
(vii) if (notR + S), not-then notQ;
(viii) where: (notR + notS) is possible.
Minor premise: P is a complete and necessary cause of Q:
(ix) If P, then Q;
(x) if notP, not-then Q;
(xi) where: P is possible.
(xii) If notP, then notQ;
(xiii) if P, not-then notQ;
(xiv) where: notP is possible.
Putative conclusion is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (vii) + (xii);
if notP, not-then R implied by (ii) + (ix), or (v) + (viii)
+ (ix);
where: P is possible same as (xi).
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? denied by (vii) + (xii);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (ii) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then R? denied by (v) + (ix);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (i) + (iv) + (xii), or (vii)
+ (xii).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? denied by (iii) + (ix);
if P, not-then notR implied by (i) + (iv) + (xii), or (vi)
+ (xii);
where: notP is possible same as (xiv).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? denied by (iii) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (vi) + (xii);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? denied by (i) + (xii);
where: (notP + notS) is possible implied by (iii) + (ix), or (v) +
(viii) + (ix).

Table 8.19. Evaluation of mood 241.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (iv) + (xii)
P Q R notS implied possible by (vi) + (xii)
P Q notR S implied possible by (vii) + (xii)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (v)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (i) or (ix)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (ix)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (xii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (xii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (xii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (v) or (xii)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R notS implied possible by (iii) + (ix)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (ii) + (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (v) + (viii) + (ix)

Evaluation of mood # 244.

Major premise: R (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:

(i) If (R + P), then Q;
(ii) if (notR + P), not-then Q;
(iii) if (R + notP), not-then Q;
(iv) where: (R + P) is possible.
(v) If (notR + notP), then notQ;
(vi) if (R + notP), not-then notQ;
(vii) if (notR + P), not-then notQ;
(viii) where: (notR + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: P (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of Q:
(ix) If (P + S), then Q;
(x) if (notP + S), not-then Q;
(xi) if (P + notS), not-then Q;
(xii) where: (P + S) is possible.
(xiii) If (notP + notS), then notQ;
(xiv) if (P + notS), not-then notQ;
(xv) if (notP + S), not-then notQ;
(xvi) where: (notP + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (i) + (xi), or (ii) + (ix);
if notP, not-then R? open;
where: P is possible implied by (ii) or (iv) or (vii) or
(xi) or (xii) or (xiv).

Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:

If (P + S), then R? open;
if (notP + S), not-then R? open;
if (P + notS), not-then R implied by (i) + (xi), or (ii) + (ix);
where: (P + S) is possible same as (xii).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? denied by (v) + (xv), or (vi) +
if P, not-then notR? open;
where: notP is possible implied by (iii) or (vi) or (viii) or
(x) or (xv) or (xvi).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? open;
if (P + notS), not-then notR? open;
if (notP + S), not-then notR implied by (v) + (xv), or (vi) +
where: (notP + notS) is possible same as (xvi).

Table 8.20. Evaluation of mood 244.

P Q R S see (i) + (iv), or (ix) + (xii)
P Q R notS see (i) + (iv), or (xiv)
P Q notR S see (vii), or (ix) + (xii)
P Q notR notS see (vii), or (xiv)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (i) or (ix)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ notR S implied impossible by (ix)
P notQ notR notS implied possible by (i) + (xi), or (ii) + (ix)
notP Q R S implied possible by (v) + (xv), or (vi) + (xiii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (xiii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (v)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (v) or (xiii)
notP notQ R S see (iii) or (x)
notP notQ R notS see (iii), or (xiii) + (xvi)
notP notQ notR S see (v) + (viii), or (x)
notP notQ notR notS see (v) + (viii), or (xiii) + (xvi)

4. Crucial Matricial Analyses in Figure 3.

Evaluation of mood # 312. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 313.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and necessary cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If notQ, then notR;
(v) if Q, not-then notR;
(vi) where: notQ is possible.

Minor premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of P:

(vii) If Q, then P;
(viii) if notQ, not-then P;
(ix) where: Q is possible.
(x) If (notQ + notS), then notP;
(xi) if (Q + notS), not-then notP;
(xii) if (notQ + S), not-then notP;
(xiii) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P a complete or (complemented by S) a partial cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (iv) + (xii);
if notP, not-then R implied by (iv) + (x) + (xiii);
where: P is possible implied by (vii) + (ix), or (xi), or
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? denied by (iv) + (xii);
if (notP + S), not-then R? open;
if (P + notS), not-then R? denied by (i) + (x);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (xii).

Table 8.21 Evaluation of mood # 312.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (v), or (vii) + (ix)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (xi)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv) or (x)
P notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (xii)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (x)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (vii)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (vii)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (vii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (vii)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S see (ii), or (iv) + (vi), or (viii)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (x) + (xiii)

Evaluation of mood # 314.

Major premise: Q is a complete and necessary cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If notQ, then notR;
(v) if Q, not-then notR;
(vi) where: notQ is possible.

Minor premise: Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P:

(vii) If (Q + S), then P;
(viii) if (notQ + S), not-then P;
(ix) if (Q + notS), not-then P;
(x) where: (Q + S) is possible.
(xi) If (notQ + notS), then notP;
(xii) if (Q + notS), not-then notP;
(xiii) if (notQ + S), not-then notP;
(xiv) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (iv) + (xiii);
if notP, not-then R implied by (iv) + (viii), or (iv) +
(xi) + (xiv);
where: P is possible implied by (vii) + (x), or (xii), or
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? denied by (iv) + (xiii);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (iv) + (viii);
if (P + notS), not-then R? denied by (i) + (xi);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (vii) + (x), or (xiii).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? denied by (i) + (ix);
if P, not-then notR implied by (i) + (vii) + (x), or (i) +
where: notP is possible implied by (viii), or (ix), or (xi) +
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? denied by (i) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (i) + (xii);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? denied by (iv) + (vii);
where: (notP + notS) is possible implied by (ix), or (xi) + (xiv).

Table 8.22 Evaluation of mood # 314.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (vii) + (x)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (xii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv) or (xi)
P notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (xiii)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (xi)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (vii)
notP Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (ix)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (vii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (viii)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (xi) + (xiv)

Evaluation of mood # 324. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 334.)

Major premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by P) a contingent cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
(iv) If (notQ + notP), then notR;
(v) if (Q + notP), not-then notR;
(vi) if (notQ + P), not-then notR;
(vii) where: (notQ + notP) is possible.
Minor premise: Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P:
(viii) If (Q + S), then P;
(ix) if (notQ + S), not-then P;
(x) if (Q + notS), not-then P;
(xi) where: (Q + S) is possible.
(xii) If (notQ + notS), then notP;
(xiii) if (Q + notS), not-then notP;
(xiv) if (notQ + S), not-then notP;
(xv) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? open;
if notP, not-then R implied by (iv) + (ix), or (iv) +
(xii) + (xv);
where: P is possible implied by (vi), or (viii) + (xi), or
(xiii), or (xiv).

Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:

If (P + S), then R? open;
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (iv) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then R? denied by (i) + (xii);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (vi) + (xii), or (viii) +
(xi), or (xiv).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? denied by (v) + (viii), or (i) + (x);
if P, not-then notR implied by (i) + (viii) + (xi), or (i)
+ (xiii), or (vi) + (xii);
where: notP is possible implied by (v), or (ix), or (x), or
(xii) + (xv).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? denied by (v) + (viii), or (i) + (x);
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (i) + (xiii);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? denied by (iv) + (viii);
where: (notP + notS) is possible implied by (v) + (viii), or (x), or
(xii) + (xv).

Table 8.23 Evaluation of mood # 324.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (viii) + (xi)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (xiii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied possible by (vi) + (xii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (xii)
P notQ notR S see (ii) or (xiv)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (xii)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (viii)
notP Q R notS implied possible by (v) + (viii), or (i) + (x)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (viii)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (iv) + (ix)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (iv) + (xii) + (xv)

Evaluation of mood # 344.

Major premise: Q (complemented by P) is a partial and contingent cause of R:

(i) If (Q + P), then R;
(ii) if (notQ + P), not-then R;
(iii) if (Q + notP), not-then R;
(iv) where: (Q + P) is possible.
(v) If (notQ + notP), then notR;
(vi) if (Q + notP), not-then notR;
(vii) if (notQ + P), not-then notR;
(viii) where: (notQ + notP) is possible.

Minor premise: Q (complemented by S) is a partial and contingent cause of P:

(ix) If (Q + S), then P;
(x) if (notQ + S), not-then P;
(xi) if (Q + notS), not-then P;
(xii) where: (Q + S) is possible.
(xiii) If (notQ + notS), then notP;
(xiv) if (Q + notS), not-then notP;
(xv) if (notQ + S), not-then notP;
(xvi) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P (complemented by S) a cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a complete cause of R:
If P, then R? denied by (ii) + (xiii);
if notP, not-then R implied by (iii) + (ix), or (v) + (x),
or (v) + (xiii) + (xvi);
where: P is possible implied by (ii), or (iv), or (vii) +
(xiii), or (ix) + (xii), or (xiv) or
Nor (complemented by S) a partial cause of R:
If (P + S), then R? denied by (ii) + (xiii);
if (notP + S), not-then R implied by (v) + (x);
if (P + notS), not-then R? denied by (i) + (xiii);
where: (P + S) is possible implied by (ii) + (xiii), or (vii) +
(xiii), or (ix) + (xii), or (xv).
Nor a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? denied by (vi) + (ix);

if P, not-then notR implied by (i) + (ix) + (xii), or (i) +

(xiv), or (vii) + (xiii);
where: notP is possible implied by (iii), or (vi), or (viii), or
(x), or (xi), or (xiii) + (xvi).
Nor (complemented by S) a contingent cause of R:
If (notP + notS), then notR? denied by (vi) + (ix);
if (P + notS), not-then notR implied by (i) + (xiv);
if (notP + S), not-then notR? denied by (v) + (ix);
where: (notP + notS) is possible implied by (iii) + (ix), or (vi) +
(ix), or (xi), or (xiii) + (xvi).

Table 8.24 Evaluation of mood # 344.

P Q R S implied possible by (i) + (ix) + (xii)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (xiv)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S implied possible by (vii) + (xiii)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (xiii)
P notQ notR S implied possible by (ii) + (xiii)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (xiii)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (ix)
notP Q R notS implied possible by (vi) + (ix)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (ix)
notP Q notR notS implied possible by (iii) + (ix)
notP notQ R S implied impossible by (v)
notP notQ R notS implied impossible by (v)
notP notQ notR S implied possible by (v) + (x)
notP notQ notR notS implied possible by (v) + (xiii) + (xvi)

Evaluation of mood # 352. (Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for mood # 363.)

Major premise: Q is a complete cause of R:

(i) If Q, then R;
(ii) if notQ, not-then R;
(iii) where: Q is possible.
Minor premise: Q is a complete and (complemented by S) a contingent cause of P:
(iv) If Q, then P;
(v) if notQ, not-then P;
(vi) where: Q is possible.
(vii) If (notQ + notS), then notP;
(viii) if (Q + notS), not-then notP;
(ix) if (notQ + S), not-then notP;
(x) where: (notQ + notS) is possible.
Putative conclusion: is P a necessary cause of R?
NO! P is not implied to be a necessary cause of R:
If notP, then notR? open;
if P, not-then notR implied by (i) + (viii);
where: notP is possible? implied by (v), or (vii) + (x).

Table 8.25 Evaluation of mood # 352.

P Q R S see (i) + (iii), or (iv) + (vi)
P Q R notS implied possible by (i) + (viii)
P Q notR S implied impossible by (i)
P Q notR notS implied impossible by (i)
P notQ R S see (ix)
P notQ R notS implied impossible by (vii)
P notQ notR S see (ii) or (ix)
P notQ notR notS implied impossible by (vii)
notP Q R S implied impossible by (iv)
notP Q R notS implied impossible by (iv)
notP Q notR S implied impossible by (i) or (iv)
notP Q notR notS implied impossible by (i) or (iv)
notP notQ R S see (v)
notP notQ R notS see (v), or (vii) + (x)
notP notQ notR S see (ii) or (v)
notP notQ notR notS see (ii) or (v), or (vii) + (x)


1. The Interactions of Determinations.

Before considering the possibility of other inferences from causative propositions, let us
summarize and extend the results obtained thus far, and especially try and understand them
in a global perspective. We have in the preceding chapters identified, in the three figures,
66 valid positive conclusions obtainable from positive premises, out of 192 (3*8*8)
possible combinations of generic and joint premises. We thus found a validity rate of
34.4% - meaning that reasoning with causative propositions cannot be left to chance, since
we would likely be wrong two times out of three! The table shows the distribution of valid
and invalid moods in the three figures:

Table 9.1. Valid and Invalid Moods

Figure Valid Moods Invalid Moods
(positive) (impossible or nil)
1 30 34
2 18 46
3 18 46
Total 66 126

Moreover, not all of the valid moods have equal significance. As the table below shows,
some moods (20, shaded) are conceptually basic, while others (46) are mere derivatives of
these, in the sense of compounds (16) or subalterns (30) of them. We shall call the former
primary moods, and the latter secondary moods. Note that these terms are not
intended as references to validation processes, but to comparisons of results. By which I
mean that some of the moods here classed as primary (such as #217, to cite one case)
were validated by reduction to others; whereas some of the moods here classed as
secondary (such as #117, for example) were among those that had to be validated by
matricial analysis.
A primary mood teaches us a lesson in reasoning. For instance, mood 1/m/m/m (#155)
teaches us that in Figure 1, the premises m and m yield the conclusion m. A secondary
(subaltern or compound) mood has premises that teach us nothing new (compared to the
corresponding primary), except to tell us that no additional information is implied. For
instances, 1/m/mq/m (#152) is equivalent (subaltern) to 1/m/m/m; and 1/mn/mn/mn
(#111) is equivalent to (a compound of) 1/m/m/m plus 1/n/n/n.
Such equivalencies are due to the fact that the premises of the secondary mood imply those
of the primary mood(s), while the conclusion(s) of the latter imply that of the former. We
can thus reconstruct the derivative mood from its conceptual source(s). Effectively,
primary moods represent general truths, of which secondary moods are specific
expressions. This ordering of the valid moods signifies that we do not have to memorize
them all, but only 20 out of 66.
In the following table, the valid positive moods of causative syllogism are listed for each
figure in order of the strength of their conclusions (joint determinations before generics).
Within each group of moods yielding a given conclusion, moods are ordered in the reverse

order with reference to their premises (the weakest premises capable of yielding a certain
conclusion being listed first, so far as possible - some are of course incomparable).
Explanations will be given further on.
Primary moods (shaded) are distinguished from compounds and subalterns, and the
primary sources of the secondaries are specified. Notice that all moods with a joint
determination as conclusion are compounds.

Table 9.2. Valid Positive Moods, Primaries and Secondaries.

No. Major Minor Conclusion Relation to mood
Figure 1 (12 primaries, 8 compounds and 10 subalterns)
111 mn mn mn compound 155 + 166
121 mq mn mq compound 155 + 181
112 mn mq mq compound 155 + 118
131 np mn np compound 166 + 171
113 mn np np compound 166 + 117
141 pq mn pq compound 171 + 181
114 mn pq pq compound 117 + 118
144 pq pq pq compound 147 + 148,
compound 174 + 184
155 m m m primary
152 m mq m subaltern 155
125 mq m m subaltern 155
151 m mn m subaltern 155
115 mn m m subaltern 155
166 n n n primary
163 n np n subaltern 166
136 np n n subaltern 166
161 n mn n subaltern 166
116 mn n n subaltern 166
147 pq p p primary
174 p pq p primary
137 np p p primary
134 np pq p subaltern 137 or 174
171 p mn p primary
117 mn p p primary
148 pq q q primary
184 q pq q primary
128 mq q q primary
124 mq pq q subaltern 128 or 184
181 q mn q primary
118 mn q q primary

Table 9.2 continued.

Figure 2 (4 primaries, 4 compounds and 10 subalterns)
211 mn mn mn compound 256 + 265
212 mn mq mq compound 265 + 218
213 mn np np compound 256 + 217
214 mn pq pq compound 217 + 218
265 n m m primary
262 n mq m subaltern 265
235 np m m subaltern 265
261 n mn m subaltern 265
215 mn m m subaltern 265
231 np mn m subaltern 265
256 m n n primary
253 m np n subaltern 256
226 mq n n subaltern 256
251 m mn n subaltern 256
216 mn n n subaltern 256
221 mq mn n subaltern 256
217 mn p p primary
218 mn q q primary
Figure 3 (4 primaries, 4 compounds and 10 subalterns)
311 mn mn mn compound 356 + 365
321 mq mn mq compound 356 + 381
331 np mn np compound 365 + 371
341 pq mn pq compound 371 + 381
356 m n m primary
353 m np m subaltern 356
326 mq n m subaltern 356
351 m mn m subaltern 356
316 mn n m subaltern 356
313 mn np m subaltern 356
365 n m n primary
362 n mq n subaltern 365
335 np m n subaltern 365
361 n mn n subaltern 365
315 mn m n subaltern 365
312 mn mq n subaltern 365
371 p mn p primary
381 q mn q primary

As already stated, we need only keep in mind the 20 primaries, the remaining 46
secondaries being obvious corollaries. It is implicitly understood that, had any of the latter
been primary (e.g. if 1/m/mq had concluded mq, say, instead of just m), it would have
been classified as such among the former.
We can further cut down the burden on memory by taking stock of mirror moods. As we
can see on the table above, among the primaries (shaded): in Figure 1, mood 166 is a
mirror of mood 155, 148 of 147, 184 of 174, 128 of 137, 118 of 117, and 181 of 171. In

Figure 2, mood 256 is a mirror of mood 265, and 218 of 217. In Figure 3, mood 365 is a
mirror of mood 356, and 381 of 371. In this way, we need only remember 10 primary
moods (6 in the first figure, 2 in the second and 2 in the third), and the 10 others follow by
To better understand the results obtained, we ought to notice the phenomenon of
transposition of determinations in the premises. Moods can be paired-off if they have the
same premises in reverse order. Note that, for each pair, the figure number (hundreds) is
the same, while the numbers of the major and minor premises (tens and units, respectively)
are transposed.
Thus, among primaries, we should mentally pair off the following: 147 and 174, 117
and 171, 148 and 184, 118 and 181. In these paired cases, the combination of the
determinations involved has the same conclusion, however ordered in the premises.
Take, for instance, moods 147 and 174, i.e. 1/pq/p/p and 1/p/pq/p; the conclusion has
the same determination p, whether the determinations of the premises are pq/p or p/pq.
This allows us to regard, in such cases, the determination of the conclusion as a
product of the determinations of the premises, irrespective of their ordering. (We can
similarly pair off many secondary moods: for instances, 125 and 152, 115 and 151,
In the case of the following transposed pairs, 265 and 256, 356 and 365, the
conclusions are of similar strength, but not identical determination. Thus, for instance,
1/n/m/m (#265) and 1/m/n/n (#256) are comparable although only by way of
mirroring. (We can similarly pair off some secondaries, like 226 and 262, 235 and 253,
Some individual moods have the same determination in both premises, and thus cannot
be paired with others. These, we might say, pair off with themselves. Thus with Nos.
155, 166 among primaries; and some likewise among secondaries.
But, note well, some moods are not similarly paired; specifically, the primary moods
128, 137, 217, 218, 371, 381 are not; similarly some of the secondaries. For instance,
mood 1/np/p/p (#137) is valid, but mood 1/p/np/p (#173) is invalid. This teaches us
not to indiscriminately look upon the order of the determinations in the premises as
Moreover, transposition of the determinations of the premises should not be confused with
transposition of the premises themselves. For if the premises are transposed, the conclusion
obtained from them is converted. Additionally, in the case of the first figure, transposition
of the premises would take us out of the first figure (into the so-called fourth figure49),
since the middle item changes position in them. As for the second and third figures, though
transposition of premises does not entail a change of figure (the middle item remains in the
same position either way), it entails a change of determination in the conclusion (since the
items in the premises change place); see for instances moods 256 and 265, or 356 and 365.
Nevertheless, awareness of the phenomenon of transposition of determinations is valuable,
because it allows us to make an analogy with composition of forces in mechanics.
Syllogism in general may be viewed as a doctrine concerning the interactions of different
propositional forms. With regard to the determinations of causation, we learn from the
cases mentioned above something about the interactions of determinations, i.e. how their
forces combine.

Aristotle regarded the fourth figure (PQ/QR/PR) as an impractical way of thinking, and so ignored
it. My own position is more mitigated (see discussion in FL, p. 38). I have nevertheless disregarded
it in the present treatise, to avoid excessive detail.

We can push this insight further, with reference to the hierarchies between the significant
moods (primaries) and their respective derivatives (secondaries). Consider, for instance,
the primary mood 1/m/m, which has conclusion m; if we gradually increase the strength of
the major premise (to mq or mn), while keeping the minor premise the same (m), or vice
versa, the determination of the conclusion remains unaffected (m). In contrast, if we
increase the strength of both premises at once to mn, the conclusion increases in strength
to mn. Similarly in many other cases. Thus, some increases in strength in the premises
produce no additional strength in the conclusion; but at some threshold, the intensification
may get sufficient to produce an upward shift in determination.
We can in like manner view changes in conclusion from p to m or from q to n (and
likewise to the joint determinations mq or np). For instance, compare moods 1/mn/p/p and
1/mn/m/m; here, keeping the major premise constant (mn), as we upgrade the minor
premise from p to m, we find the conclusion upgraded from p to m. Similarly with moods
1/p/mn/p and 1/m/mn/m, keeping the minor constant while varying the major. Let us not
forget that the determinations of causation were conceived essentially as modalities: p and
m, though defined as mutually exclusive, are meant as different degrees of positive
causation; similarly for the negative aspects of causation, q and n. Thus, some such
transitions were to be expected.
We can in this way interpret our list of valid moods as a map of the changing topography
in the field of determination. This gives us an interesting overview of the whole domain of
causation. This is the intent of Table 9.2, above.

2. Negative Moods.
Thus far, we have only validated causative syllogisms with positive premises and positive
conclusions. We will now look into the possibility of obtaining, at least by derivation from
the foregoing, additional valid moods involving a negative premise and, consequently, a
negative conclusion.
This is made possible by using Aristotles method of indirect reduction, or reduction ad
absurdum. To begin with, let us describe the various reduction processes involved. Note
the changed positions of items P, Q, R, in each situation. The mood to be validated (left)
involves a positive premise (indicated by a + sign) and a negative premise (-) yielding a
negative putative conclusion. The reduction process keeps one of the original premises (the
positive one), and shows that contradicting the putative conclusion would result, through
an already validated positive mood (right), in contradiction of the other premise (the
negative one). Notice the figure used for validation purposes depends on which original
premise is the positive one, staying constant in the process.

Figure 1 Reduction process: Figure 2

major premise +QR keeping the same major, +QR
minor premise -PQ if we deny the conclusion, +PR
Conclusion -PR then we deny the minor. +PQ

Figure 1 Reduction process: Figure 3

major premise -QR if we deny the conclusion, +PR
minor premise +PQ keeping the same minor, +PQ
Conclusion -PR then we deny the major. +QR

Figure 2 Reduction process: Figure 1

major premise +RQ keeping the same major, +RQ
minor premise -PQ if we deny the conclusion, +PR
Conclusion -PR then we deny the minor. +PQ

Figure 2 Reduction process: Figure 3

major premise -RQ keeping the minor as a major, +PQ
minor premise +PQ if we deny the conclusion, +PR
Conclusion -PR then we deny the major. +RQ

Figure 3 Reduction process: Figure 1

major premise -QR if we deny the conclusion, +PR
minor premise +QP keeping the same minor, +QP
Conclusion -PR then we deny the major. +QR

Figure 3 Reduction process: Figure 2

major premise +QR keeping the major as a minor, +PR
minor premise -QP if we deny the conclusion, +QR
Conclusion -PR then we deny the minor. +QP

Consider, for instance, a first figure syllogism QR/PQ/PR, which we wish to reduce ad
absurdum to a second figure syllogism of established validity. Knowing that the given
major premise (QR), and the negation of the putative conclusion (PR), together imply (in
Figure 2) the negation of the given minor premise (PQ) - we are logically forced to admit
the putative conclusion from the given premises (in Figure 1). Similar arguments apply to
the other three cases, as indicated above.
Using these reduction arguments, we can validate the following moods, in the three
figures. In the following table, all I have done is apply indirect reduction to the primary
moods listed in Table 9.2. I ignored all subaltern and compound moods in it, since they
would only give rise to other derivatives.

Table 9.3 Valid Negative Moods, Primaries only.

Major Minor Conclusion Source
Figure 1 from Figure 2 - keep same major
n not-m not-m 265
m not-n not-n 256
mn not-p not-p 217
mn not-q not-q 218
Figure 1 from Figure 3 - keep same minor
not-m n not-m 356
not-n m not-n 365
not-p mn not-p 371
not-q mn not-q 381

Table 9.3 continued.

Figure 2 from Figure 1 - keep same major
m not-m not-m 155
n not-n not-n 166
mn not-p not-p 117
np not-p not-p 137
pq not-p not-p 147
mn not-q not-q 118
mq not-q not-q 128
pq not-q not-q 148
p not-p not(mn) 171
q not-q not(mn) 181
p not-p not(pq) 174
q not-q not(pq) 184
Figure 2 from Figure 3 - keep the minor as a major
not-n n not-m 365
not-m m not-n 356
not-p p not(mn) 371
not-q q not(mn) 381
Figure 3 from Figure 2 - keep the major as a minor
n not-n not-m 256
m not-m not-n 265
p not-p not(mn) 217
q not-q not(mn) 218
Figure 3 from Figure 1 - keep same minor
not-m m not-m 155
not-n n not-n 166
not-p mn not-p 171
not-p pq not-p 174
not-q mn not-q 181
not-q pq not-q 184
not-p p not(mn) 117
not-q q not(mn) 118
not-q q not(mq) 128
not-p p not(np) 137
not-p p not(pq) 147
not-q q not(pq) 148

Obviously, the significance of not-p or not-q in a premise or conclusion must be carefully

assessed in each case. This is best done by writing it out in full.
Take for example 1/mn/not-p/not-p, which we derived ad absurdum from mood 217, i.e.
2/mn/p/p. The major premise in both cases has form QR. The Figure 1 mood has minor
premise of form P(S)R and conclusion of form P(S)Q. The Figure 2 minor premise and
conclusion have form P(S)Q and P(S)R, respectively. We thus indirectly reduce subfigure
1b to subfigure 2b. The complement is S everywhere and the negative propositions not-p
can be read as not-pS. We may also generalize this argument to all complements, since
whatever the complement happen to be it will return in the conclusion. It follows that if the
minor premise is absolute, so is the conclusion.

In some other cases, however, the transition is not so simple. For example, when 2/p/not-
p/not(mn) is reduced ad absurdum to 1/p/mn/p, we apparently have subfigure 2d (say)
derived from subfigure 1c. But the number of complements does not match, so this case is
rather artificial in construction. But I will not delve further into such issues here, not
wanting to complicate matters unnecessarily. The conscientious reader will find personal
investigation of these details a rewarding exercise.
Nevertheless, many of the above results are not without practical interest and value. For a
start, they allow us to squeeze a bit more information out of causative propositions, and
thus tell us a little more about the topography of the field of determination mentioned
earlier. Most importantly, all the moods listed in this table involve a negative generic
premise. Until now, we have only managed to validate moods with positive premises, i.e.
positive moods. These are the first negative moods we manage to validate, by indirect
reduction to (primary) positive moods.
This supplementary class of valid moods yields negative conclusions, whether the negation
of a generic determination or that of a joint determination. Remember that the conclusions
not(mn), not(mq), not(np), or not(pq) can be interpreted as disjunctive propositions
involving all remaining (i.e. not negated) formal possibilities. Thus, for instance, not(mn)
means either mq or np or pq or non-causation.
Summarizing, we have a total of 20 valid moods with a negative major premise, and 20
with a negative minor premise, making a total of 40 new moods. In Figure 1, the statistics
are 4 + 4 = 8; in Figure2, they are 4 + 12 = 16; and in Figure 3, they are 12+ 4 = 16. We
could similarly derive additional negative moods, by indirect reduction to compound and
subaltern moods: this exercise is left to the reader.

3. Negative Conclusions from Positive Moods.

We have in the preceding chapters evaluated all conceivable positive conclusions from
positive moods, i.e. from moods both of whose premises are positive (generic and/or joint)
causative propositions. But we have virtually ignored negative conclusions from these
(positive) moods, effectively lumping them with non-conclusions (labeled nil), which
they are not. We shall consider the significance of negative conclusions now50.
In this context, it is important to keep in mind the distinction between a mood not
implying a certain conclusion (which is therefore a non-sequitur, an it does not follow,
which is invalid, but whose contradictory may yet be a valid or invalid conclusion), and a
mood implying the negation of (i.e. denying) a certain conclusion (which is therefore
more specifically an antinomy, so that not only is it invalid, but moreover it is so because
its contradictory is a valid conclusion).
a) For a start, we have to note that wherever a positive mood yields a valid positive
conclusion, it also incidentally yields a valid negative conclusion, namely one denying
the contrary determination(s). Thus, for example, mood 111 (mn/mn) yields the
positive conclusions "P is a complete and necessary cause of Q" (mn); it therefore also
yields as negative conclusions "P is not a partial and not a contingent cause of Q" (not-
p and not-q). We thus have at least as many valid negative conclusions as we have
valid positive ones. Such syllogisms with negative conclusions are, of course, mere
subalterns of those with positive conclusions they are derived from.

That is to say, more precisely, conclusions that deny generic determinations. As we shall see
further on, there are additionally (and derivatively from the present investigation) positive moods
yielding negations of joint determinations, such as mood numbers 126, 135, 326, 335 (see Table
9.5, below).

b) Moreover, we may notice that some of the crucial matricial analyses developed in the
previous chapter invalidated certain conclusions, not merely by leaving one or more of
their constituent clauses open, but more radically by denying, i.e. implying the
negation of, some clause(s). Specifically, this occurred in the 14 cases listed in the
following table (where + means implied, - means denied, and ? means neither
implied nor denied).
Notice that this table concerns negations of p or q relative to the complement S
(whence my use here of the notation ps or qs), which is not the same as absolute
negation. It is very important to specify the complement, otherwise contradictions
might wrongly be thought to appear at later stages. In the case of negations of m or n,
they are absolute anyway since there are no complements for them. Also note that:
Where m or n is affirmed (as in moods 221, 231, 312, 313), then p or q (respectively)
may be denied absolutely, i.e. whatever complement (S, notS or any other) be
considered for p or q. That is, m implies not-p and n implies not-q. This can also be
stated as m = mn or mq and n = mn or np, wherein the complement is unspecified
(possibly but not necessarily S, or notS, or any other).
Although not-m by itself does not imply p, not-m + n = np (moods 221, 312).
Likewise, although not-n by itself does not imply q, not-n + m = mq (moods 231,
313). This is evident from the fact that absolute lone determinations are impossible.
Here again, note well, the complement concerned is not specified (i.e. it may be, but
need not be, S, or notS, or any other, say T).
Furthermore, where m and/or n is/are denied (as occurs in all 14 cases to some extent),
the additional denial if any of p and/or q (as in 221, 231, 241, and the six moods of
Figure 3) has to initially be understood as a restricted negation, i.e. as not-pS or not-qS.
Additional work is required to prove radical negation of the weak determinations.
Since causation is by joint determination or not at all, not-m + not-n = pq or no-
causation. But, not-m + not-n + not-pS + not-qS may not offhand be interpreted as
no-causation, since pq remains conceivable as pnotSqnotS or relative to some other
complement T. Note well that p+ not-pS does not imply pnotS and likewise q+ not-qS
does not imply qnotS.

Table 9.4. Positive (generic and/or joint) premises whose conclusion includes
additional negative elements.
No. Premises m n ps qs Full conclusion Comments
Figure 1
Figure 2
231 np mn + - - - mq and not-qs Since m + not-n = mq
221 mq mn - + - - np and not-ps Since n + not-m = np
233 np np - ? ? ? not-m Many outcomes
222 mq mq ? - ? ? not-n Many outcomes
224 mq pq - - ? ? pq or no-causation Since not-m + not-n
234 np pq - - ? ? pq or no-causation Since not-m + not-n
244 pq pq - - ? ? pq or no-causation Since not-m + not-n
241 pq mn - - - - pq but not-ps + not-qs Since if causation, then
or no-causation not-m + not-n = pq
Figure 3
313 mn np + - - - mq and not-qs Since m + not-n = mq
312 mn mq - + - - np and not-ps Since n + not-m = np
324 mq pq ? - - - not-n and not-ps + Various outcomes
not-qs possible
334 np pq - ? - - not-m and not-ps + Various outcomes
not-qs possible
314 mn pq - - - - pq but not-ps + not-qs Since if causation, then
or no-causation not-m + not-n = pq
344 pq pq - - - - pq but not-ps + not-qs Since if causation, then
or no-causation not-m + not-n = pq

There are thus 8 moods in the second figure and 6 in the third figure with additional
negative conclusions (as revealed by matricial analysis in the preceding chapter). The
differences between these two figures are simply due to moods 322 and 342 being self-
contradictory, as already seen.
Note in passing that the conclusions of moods 231, 313 and 221, 312 may be read as the
relative to S lone determinations m-alonerel and n-alonerel, respectively; but it of course
does not follow from this that absolute lone determinations exist indeed we see here that
in absolute terms the respective conclusion is mq or np. The latter imply that relative to
some item other than S, be it notS or some other item T, q or p (as applicable) is true. That
is of course not much information, but better than nothing.
It should be noted that none of these moods is implied by others, so that the negative
conclusions implied by them are not repeated in such putative other moods. (See Diagram
7.1 and Table 7.2, in chapter 7, on reduction.) An issue nevertheless arises, as to whether
the moods mentioned, above under (a) and (b), exhaust negative conclusions drawable
from positive moods. The answer seems to be yes, we have covered all negative
conclusions. This may be demonstrated as follows.
Suppose a mood (i.e. premises) labeled A is found by matricial analysis to not-imply
some positive conclusion C. Consider another mood B, such that A implies B. It

follows that B does not imply C, since if B implied C, then A would imply C - in
contradiction to what was given. But our question is: may B still formally imply notC?
Well, suppose B indeed implied notC, then A would imply notC, in conflict with the
subalternative result of our matricial analysis that A does not imply C. Granting that
matricial analysis yields the maximum result, such conflict is unacceptable. Therefore, it is
not logically conceivable that B imply notC as a rule.
We can thus remain confident that the negative conclusions of positive moods mentioned
above make up an exhaustive list, provided of course that we remain conscious of the
complement under discussion at all times.
In any case, we have in this way succeeded in squeezing some more information out of
causative propositions occurring in syllogistic conjunctions. No moods of this sort were
found in Figure 1. In Figure 2, two moods (221, 231) were already valid in the sense of
yielding positive conclusions; their validity has now been reinforced with additional
information; six other moods in this figure (222, 224, 233, 234, 241, 244) were previously
classed as invalid, in the sense of yielding no positive conclusions; but here they have
been declared valid with regard to certain negative conclusions. Similarly, in Figure 3,
two moods (312, 313) have increased in validity, while another four (314, 324, 334, 344)
have acquired some validity. So, in sum, we have four moods with reinforced validity and
ten with newly acquired validity.51

We can derive additional valid moods from these, as we did before, by use of indirect
reduction, or reduction ad absurdum. If we focus, for the purpose of illustration, on the
negative conclusions not-m and/or not-n in Table 9.4, we obtain the following:

Table 9.5 Positive moods with a negative conclusion

Major Minor Conclusion Source
Figure 1 from Figure 2 - keep same major
pq n and/or m not(mn) 241
mq m not(mn) 221
np n not(mn) 231
mq n not(mq) 222
np m not(np) 233
mq or np or pq n and/or m not(pq) 224, 234, 244
Figure 1 from Figure 3 - keep same minor
n and/or m pq not(mn) and not(pq) 314, 344
n mq not(mn) 312
m np not(mn) 313
n pq not(mq) 324
m pq not(np) 334

Note also that some of these are pairs of mirror moods (viz. 221-231, 222-233, 224-234,
312-313, 324-334), others (241, 244, 314, 344) have no mirrors.

Table 9.5 continued.

Figure 2 from Figure 3 - keep the minor as a major
m mn not(mq) 312
n mn not(np) 313
n and/or m mn or pq not(pq) 314, 344
n mq not(pq) 324
m np not(pq) 334
Figure 3 from Figure 2 - keep the major as a minor
pq n and/or m not(mq) and not(np) 224, 234
mn m not(mq) 221
mq n not(mq) 222
mn n not(np) 231
np m not(np) 233
mn or pq n and/or m not(pq) 241, 244

We can analyze these results as follows, for examples.

With regard to the Figure 1 moods in the above table derived ad absurdum from Nos. 222
and 233, namely mq/n/not(mq) and np/m/not(np), they correspond respectively to moods
126 and 135. Until here, these moods were invalid, because we had no positive conclusions
from them. But here we have found some very vague conclusions, which negate joint
determinations (a relatively indefinite result, since it signifies a disjunction of possible
conclusions: i.e. either the remaining joint determinations or no-causation).
The same moods in Figure 3, correspond to the moods 326 and 335. In their case, however,
we had positive conclusions from them, namely m from mq/n and n from np/m. The
additional negative conclusions obtained from them here, namely not(mq) and not(np),
respectively, constitute further information extraction, since they are not formally implied
by the previous conclusions.
Note well that p and q in these four cases mean ps and qs, respectively, since we are in
subfigure (c). Therefore, in Figure 3, we should not go on to infer that m + not(mq) = mn,
or that n + not(np) = mn, i.e. that both moods 326 and 335 yield the full conclusion mn!
They only in fact yield m and n in absolute terms, the rest of the conclusions being only
relative to S. It would not be reasonable to expect more determination than that, because it
would mean we are getting more out of our syllogism than we put in to it, contrary to the
rules of inference.

4. Imperfect Moods.

Imperfect moods52 of causative syllogism are those involving negative items as terms. That
is, instead of directly concerning P, Q, R, S, they might relate to notP, notQ, notR and/or
notS. We would not expect the investigation of such negative terms to enrich us with any
new formal information, but rather to unnecessarily burden us with useless repetition. All
the logic of such propositions can be derived quite easily from that of propositions with
positive terms. We certainly will not engage in that exercise here (although some logician
may be tempted to develop this field once and for all for the record). But we need to point
out a couple of interesting facets of this issue.
a) As pointed out in a footnote in the chapter on immediate inferences, we commonly
use positive forms with a negative intent, i.e. whose terms are positive on the surface but
The expression is Aristotelian in origin.

negative under it. Thus, the expression P prevents Q may be explicated as P causes
notQ. Rather than work out all the logical properties of this new copula called
prevention, we can simply reduce it to that of causation, by changing all occurrences of
Q in causative logic to notQ. We could thus speak of complete or partial prevention,
necessary or contingent prevention; and we could correlate such various forms with each
other, in oppositions, eductions and syllogisms.
However, we could additionally correlate the forms of prevention in every which way with
the forms of causation. It is in the event that we wish to do this, that the need to develop a
logic of imperfect moods would arise. Such an enlarged logic would concern not only
forms like P causes Q (causation) and P causes notQ (prevention), but also forms like
notP causes Q and notP causes notQ. The latter two may be called inverse forms of
causation and prevention, respectively.
b) A particularly interesting negative term is when a partial or contingent causative
proposition involves a negative complement. For example, the proposition P (with
complement notR) is a partial cause of Q, involving the negative complement notR, needs
to be investigated to fully comprehend the proposition P (with complement R) is a partial
cause of Q, involving the positive complement R. Some of this work has been done in the
chapter on immediate inferences.
We saw there that the absolute proposition pabs P is a partial cause of Q
(irrespective of complement) is implied by either of those relative propositions pR
or pnotR (that specify the complement). It follows of course that the negation of the
absolute implies the negation of both the relatives. Also, pabs may be true while only
one of pR or pnotR is true and the other is false. That is, the conjunctions pabs + not-
pR or pabs + not-pnotR are logically possible. Similarly with regard to contingent
causation, q.
Now, what shall arouse our interest in syllogistic theory are occurrences of a negative
minor or subsidiary item. As the reader may recall, in Table 5.2 we identified four
subfigures (labeled a, b, c, d) for each of the three figures of causative syllogism,
according to the presence and position of a positive complement in either premise or in the
conclusion. We can here identify five more subfigures (to be labeled e, f, g, h, i) for each of
the three figures. These imperfect subfigures are clarified in the table below:

Table 9.6. Imperfect subfigures of each figure.

Subfigures e f g h i
Figure 1 QR Q(S)R Q(P)R Q(notP)R Q(notP)R
P(notS)R P(notS)R P(notS)R P(S)R P(notS)R
Figure 2 RQ R(S)Q R(P)Q R(notP)Q R(notP)Q
P(notS)R P(notS)R P(notS)R P(S)R P(notS)R
Figure 3 QR Q(S)R Q(P)R Q(notP)R Q(notP)R
P(notS)R P(notS)R P(notS)R P(S)R P(notS)R

Subfigures e and f are the most interesting. In both, the complement in the conclusion is
negative compared to its origin in one of the premises; the subsidiary term has thus
changed polarity. In subfigure e, the original complement is in the minor premise; in f,
it is in the major premise. Subfigures g, h, i are more complicated, since they involve

the minor item or its negation as complement in the major premise. This is a conceivable
situation, though one we are not likely to encounter often.
The layouts described by e and f are relatively common in our causative reasoning,
inasmuch as we often have to distinguish between absolute and relative partial or
contingent causation, or their negations. To make such distinctions, and decide just how
much can be inferred from given premises, we have to refer to these subfigures. Logicians
are therefore called upon to develop this particular field further, although the information is
already tacit in the results of the subfigures we have already dealt with.
This work will not be pursued further here, except for the following general contribution.
The table below predicts how subfigures may be derived from others by direct reduction
(i.e. conversion of major or minor premise), i.e. it shows the logical interrelationships
between the various subfigures in the different figures. Included in this table are
indications for the reduction of perfect as well as imperfect subfigures of Figures 2 and 3 to
subfigures of Figure 1. In one case, we reduce a subfigure of Figure 1 to subfigures of
Figures 2, 3. This table, obtained by reflection on Tables 5.2 and 9.4, can be viewed as a
guide to action for a future logician who may volunteer to finish this job.

Table 9.7. Reductions of Moods between Figures.

Stages of If mood is evaluated Then mood is
development in subfigure derivable in
of study subfigure
Firstly, 2a 1a
perfect 2b 1b
moods 2c 1f
2d 1h
3a 1a
3b 1e
3c 1c
3d 1g
Secondly, 2e 1e
main 2f 1c
imperfect 2h 1d
moods 2i 1g
3e 1b
3f 1f
3g 1d
3i 1h
Thirdly, 1i 2g, 3h


1. Highlights of Findings.

I will stop the first phase of my research on the logic of causation at this point. Not just
because I do not think it is worth going further into minutiae. I in fact do not consider that
all the important formal issues have been covered. However, I do regard the logical
techniques applied so far to have come close to the limits of their utility. That is why I have
been developing more precise techniques, which I will publish eventually as Phase Two.
Let us meanwhile review some of our main findings thus far in Phase One, and what
information we are still missing.
We have succeeded in defining the various determinations of causation, by means of
propositional forms already known to logic. These forms involve conjunctions (and),
conditionings (if-then), modalities (possibly, actually), and of course negations of all
those (not).
The mechanics of these various source forms are thoroughly treated in my work Future
Logic, and need not be reviewed here. Since we already know the deductive properties of
these underlying forms (how they logically interact) and how they can ultimately be
induced from experience (abstraction, adduction, generalization and particularization,
factorial analysis, factor selection and formula revision), these formal problems are in
principle already solved for causative propositions. It is only a question of finding ways
and means to extract the implicit information systematically and reliably.
I have tried to perform just this job in the preceding pages. The difficulties
encountered are never such as to put the whole enterprise in doubt, note well. They
are only due to the complexity of forms involved, since each positive causative is a
conjunctive compound of several simpler forms, and all the more so in the case of
negative propositions, which are disjunctive compounds of such simpler forms. The
main problem is thus one of volume of information to be treated; there is so much
data to sort out, order and organize, that we can easily get lost, forget things, make
minor errors with numerous hidden repercussions.
I am only human, and may well have made some mistakes in this process. A major
annoyance for me is that I am often forced to interrupt my research work due to the
need to earn my living by other means. In such circumstances, my attention is
diverted for long periods; my mind loses its thorough concentration on the subject
matter, and I have to later re-learn it all. Hopefully, I have nevertheless succeeded in
spotting and removing all eventual inconsistencies. Certainly, I have tried: always
making consistency checks, painstakingly reviewing large bodies of data and long
chains of reasoning, doing what I call quality control.
The best way to do this is to arrive at the same results using different means. That is one
reason why, although the above Phase One work apparently stands up well on its own, I
will not be entirely satisfied until Phase Two is complete and I arrive there at consistent
results. But to return for now to our findings thus far

It must be understood that this research has not been idle reshuffling of information and
symbols. It had both practical and theoretical purposes in mind.

The practical questions relate to everyday reasoning about causes and effects. One of the
principal questions we posed, you will recall, was whether the cause of the cause of
something is itself a cause of that thing or not, and if it is, to whether it is so to the same
degree or a lesser degree. This issue of causal (or effectual) chains is what the
investigation of causal syllogism is all about. What our dispassionate research has shown is
that it is absurd to expect ordinary reasoning, unaided by such patient formal reflections, to
arrive at accurate results. The answer to the question about chains is resounding and
crucial: the cause of a cause is not necessarily itself a cause, and if it is a cause it need
not be one to the same degree. Once the scientific impact of this is understood, the
importance of such research becomes evident.
But this syllogistic issue has not been the only one dealt with. We have in the process
engaged in many other investigations of practical value. The definitions of the
determinations causation by means of matrixes can help both laypeople and scientists to
classify particular causative relations, simply by observing conjunctions of presences and
absences of various items. Generalizations may occur thereafter, but they should always be
checked by further empirical observation (at least, a readiness to notice; eventually, active
experiment) and adjusted as new data appears (or is uncovered).
Another interesting finding has been the clarification of the relationships between positive
and negative, absolute and relative causative propositions: for instance, that we may
affirm partial or contingent causation, while denying it of a particular complement.
One very important principle that we have assumed in this volume, but not proved,
because the proof is only possible in the later phase of research is that (absolute) lone
determinations are logically impossible. This means that we may in practice consider that
if there is causation at all, it must be in one or the other of the four joint
Another finding worth highlighting is that non-causation is denial of the four genera (or
four species) of causation, and before these can be definitely denied we have to go
through a long process of empirical verification, observing presences and absences of items
or their negations in all logically possible conjunctions. It is thus in practice as difficult to
prove non-causation as to prove causation! Indeed, to be concluded the former requires a
lot more careful analysis of data than the latter. Of course, in practice (as with all
induction) we assume causation absent, except where it is proved present. But if we want
to check the matter out closely, a more sustained effort is required.
With regard to the theoretical significance of our findings, now. By theoretical, here, I
mean: relevant to philosophical discussions and debates about causality. Obviously, so far
we have only treated causation, and said nothing about volition and allied cause-effect
relations, so we cannot talk about causality in its broadest sense.
What our perspective makes clear is that the existence of causation is indubitable,
once we apprehend it as a set of experiential yes or no answers to simple questions, leaving
aside references to some underlying force or connection (which might be discussed as
a later explanatory hypothesis). If we look upon causation in a positivistic manner, and
avoid metaphysical discussions that tend to mystify, it is a simple matter. Causation is an
abstraction, in response to phenomenologically evident data. It is a summary of data.
It is not purely empirical, in the sense of a concept only summarizing presences of
phenomena. It involves a rational element, in that it also summarizes absences of
phenomena. Affirmation may only be acknowledgment of the empirically apparent.
But negation, as I have stressed in my work Phenomenology53, is a partly rational act
(a question is asked: is the thing I remember or imagine now present to my senses?),

This final chapter of Phase One was written in 2003, after publication of Phenomenology.

as well as a partly empirical act (the answer is no: I see or hear or otherwise sense
nothing equivalent to that image!). Absence does not exist independently like
presence, but signifies an empirically disappointed mental expectation.
Reading debates between philosophers (for example, David Humes discussions), one
might get the impression that non-causation is an obvious concept, while causation needs
to be defined and justified. But, as we have seen here, non-causation can only be
understood and proven with reference to causation. Before we can project a world without
causation, we have to first understand what we mean by causation, its different
determinations, their interactions, and so forth. But the moment we do that, the existence of
causation is already obvious. However, this does not mean that non-causation does not
exist. Quite the contrary. Since, as we have seen, some formal processes like syllogism
with premises of causation are inconclusive, we may say that the existence of causation
implies that of non-causation! This finding has two aspects:
(a) The more immediate aspect is inferred from the fact that the cause of a cause of
something is not necessarily itself a cause of it: taking any two things at random,
they may or not be causatively related. This implication is valuable to contradict the
Buddhist notion that everything is caused by everything. But the possibility of
independence from some things does not exclude dependence on other things. Each of
the two things taken at random may well have other causes and effects than each other.
(b) A more radical aspect is the issue of spontaneity, or no causation by anything at all.
We can only touch upon this issue here, since we have only dealt with causation so far.
But what our formal study of causation has made clear is that we cannot say offhand
whether or not spontaneity in this sense is possible. There is no law of causation
that spontaneity is impossible, i.e. that everything has a cause, as far as I can see.
Nothing we have come across so far implies such a universal law; it can only be
affirmed by generalization. Spontaneity (chance, the haphazard) remains conceivable.
I think the point is made: that formal research such as the present one has both practical
and theoretical value. Let us now explain why the research undertaken so far is

2. The Modes of Causation.

The observant reader will have noticed that throughout the present study we have
concentrated on logical causation, i.e. on causative propositions based on logical
conditioning. But of course, this is but one aspect of human aetiological reasoning. To be
thorough, we need to consider not only such de dicta forms, but also the de re modes
of causation, i.e. natural, temporal, extensional and spatial causation. In many ways,
the latter are more interesting than the former. We have focused our attention on logical
causation because it is the most widely known theoretically, although not necessarily the
most widely used in practice.
Each of these modes of causation is derived on one of the modes of conditioning. A
thorough study of the underlying forms of conditioning may be found in my work Future
Logic (Part IV, Chapters 33-42)54. What is evident from that study is that natural, temporal,
extensional and spatial conditioning, are in most respects similar to logical conditioning,
but in significant respects different. The difference is essentially due to the fact that logical
conditional propositions (like if P then Q) distinctively cannot be made to universally
imply the bases (i.e. P is possible, Q is possible) because if they were made to, we

I do not there treat spatial modality, but it is easy enough to do eventually.

would not be able to express paradoxes55. From this structural difference, various
differences in behavior (during inference) emerge.
However, this distinction dissolves in the context of causation, because here logical
causation like all other types implies the bases. We have specified this fact as the last
clause of each of the definitions of the determinations. Complete or partial causation
implied the cause, or the conjunction of causes, and therefore the effect, to be possible;
necessary and contingent causation implied them to be unnecessary. It follows that all the
logical properties of the different modes of causation will be comparable. The subdivision
of each mode of causation into different determinations will be the same, as will the
underlying interplay of presences and absences, possibilities and impossibilities, in every
conceivable combination and permutation. All the matrixes of their forms will be identical
and all arguments will have the same conclusions.
The only difference between these different logics is simply that the possibility and
impossibility referred to in the definitions and matrices have a different sense in each
case. In logical causation, they refer to logical modalities; in natural causation, to natural
modality; in extensional causation, to extensional modality; and so forth. The only task left
to logicians, therefore, is to more closely examine the interrelationships between these
different modes of causation. That is, for instance, how any two natural and extensional
causative propositions are opposed to each other, and how they behave in combination (i.e.
within arguments). This complex work will not be attempted here.
Nevertheless, I have already in Future Logic clarified the following essential
relationships. Logical necessity implies but is not implied by the de re necessities.
Logical possibility is implied by but does not imply the de re possibilities. Similarly
on the negative side, for impossibility and unnecessity. Thus, the logical mode lies on
the outer edges of rectangles of oppositions including the de re modes.
For now, let us only clarify in what context each mode is used. Logical (or de dicta)
causation is concerned with causes in the literal sense of reasons; that is to say, it helps
us to order our discourse and eventual knowledge with reference to logical implications,
presuppositions, disconnections, contradictions, or consistencies, between hypotheses
and/or apparent evidences. In contrast, the de re modes of causation are more directly
The paradigm of natural causation is:
When the individual X actually is, has or does C (the cause),
then it (or some other individual Y) must (i.e. in all circumstances) be, have or
do E (the effect);
and when C is not actual, neither is E.
In this context, C and E are qualities, properties or activities of any sort, relative to some
individual entity X (or pair of individuals X, Y, respectively). Presence, here, is called
actuality to refer us to the underlying natural modality. Necessity, here, means in all
circumstances relative to this X in the antecedent. The implied basis of such propositions is
that this X can both C and E (or X+C and Y+E is potential for the individual(s)
concerned, as appropriate) no need of additional clauses in that respect. The antecedent
and consequent may be static or dynamic, and may or may not be temporally separated.
The paradigm of temporal causation is very similar, save that must becomes
always (all units of time) in the body of time concerned. The form is When at
some time, then at all times.

In paradox, either P or Q is implied impossible. See Future Logic, chapter 31.

The paradigm of extensional causation is a bit different:

In such cases as class X in some instance is, has or does C (the cause),
then it (or another instance of class X or an instance of some other class Y) must
(i.e. in all instances) be, have or do E (the effect);
and in such cases as C does not have an instance, neither does E.
In this context, C and E are qualities, properties or activities of any sort, relative to some
class of entities X (or pair of classes X, Y, respectively). Presence, here, is called
instancing to refer us to the underlying extensional modality. Necessity, here, means in
all instances of X in the antecedent. The implied basis of such propositions is that some X
are both C and E (or X+C and Y+E is extensionally possible for the class(es)
concerned, as appropriate) no need of additional clauses in that respect. The antecedent
and consequent may be static or dynamic, and may or may not be temporally separated.
They distinctively need not be actualities, but may be potentialities or necessities, note
well, since extensional conditioning refers only to quantity.
The paradigm of spatial causation is very similar, except that must becomes
everywhere (all units of space) in the body of space concerned. The form is Where at
some place, there at all places.
What I want to make sure here is that the reader understands that there are different modes
of causation, and that the differences between them are significant to ordinary and
scientific thought or discourse.
For example, the theory of Evolution is based partly on observation or experiment on
individual biological specimens (spatial, temporal and natural causation) and partly
on putting together the jigsaw puzzle of scattered findings relating to a class of
individuals in different times and places (extensional causation), as well as partly on
theoretical insights about consistency and implications between postulates and
experiences (logical causation). All these involve induction and deduction,
hypothetical reasoning and generalizations, but their focal center changes.
When, for instance, we take note of the structural or even genetic similarities of all
vertebrates, and presume them to have a common ancestor, we are engaged in
extensional causative reasoning. We would be engaged in natural causative
reasoning, only if we could trace the ascendancy from individual child to individual
parent all the way back to the first vertebrate specimen. In the extensional mode, the
different individuals (e.g. paleontological findings) are regarded as expressions of a
single class (genus, species, variation, whatever). In the natural mode, our focus is on
the life of individuals as such (irrespective of their class appurtenance).
People, and even scientists, often confuse these different ways of thinking, and remain
unaware that they may lead to different conclusions, or at least nuance our conclusions
considerably. For this reason, the study of the modes of causation needs to be carried out
in appropriate detail.

3. Gaps and Loose Ends.

The main characteristics and limits of Phase One of our research into the logic of (logical)
causation are two:
(a) The methodology of matricial analysis used for validation of inferences is
cumbersome, bulky, manual, and therefore susceptible to human error.
(b) We are only able to deal systematically and exhaustively with positive causative
propositions; negative causative propositions can only be treated incidentally, not

For all the achievements of our research so far, these two defects leave us with an aftertaste
of dissatisfaction. We have not till here succeeded in completely automating validation:
human attention and intelligence are required at every step to ensure consistency and
exhaustiveness. This does not prevent us from a thorough and reliable treatment of positive
propositions, provided we have the requisite patience and carefulness. But the task
becomes too daunting when dealing with negatives, in view of their disjunctive nature and
of the sheer volume of data involved.
To overcome these handicaps, we have to greatly simplify matricial analysis, make it so
digital that a computer program could operate it. This is what we shall endeavor to do in
Phase Two. There we shall refer to the method of matricial analysis used in the present
Phase One as macroanalysis, in contrast to the more pointed methodology of
microanalysis used in Phase Two. In the latter case, we shall be able to develop a versatile
logical mechanics, wherein any conjunctive, conditional or causative proposition, positive
or negative, individually or in combination with any other(s), can be fully interpreted or
evaluated in a matricial analysis and in ordinary language. This is no promise or vain
boast: it is already largely done, needing only to be completed.
One important practical consequence of this new approach is our ability to freely handle
negative causative propositions, and draw inferences from them (if they imply anything) in
any arguments wherein they appear. Another is the crucial finding that absolute lone
determinations are logically impossible; this refers, the reader will recall, to propositions
involving only one positive generic determination, all three others being denied. But most
importantly, it allows us to demonstrate everything demonstrable in causative logic without
a drop of lingering doubt, since human error is eliminated.



Revised version. The present essay was originally written, or at least published, in 1999;
but I decided to rewrite almost all of it in March 2005, when I found the time to engage in
more detailed hermeneutics. Following an analysis that could be characterized as almost
Talmudic (though not as mere pilpul), my conclusions about Mills methods are
considerably more severe.


Below, I list John Stuart Mills five Methods of Experimental Inquiry56; then I try to
expose and evaluate them. It should be noted that though my approach is at times critical,
my main intent is to clarify; I am more interested in Mills achievements, than in his
apparent mistakes. (All symbols used below are mine introduced to facilitate and clarify
Mills terminology is a bit obscure, but can be interpreted with some effort.
In the paradigm (the first method), he seems to be looking out at the world, or a specific
domain of it, and observing something (say, X) occurring in some things or events, in
scattered places and times, and not occurring in others; and also observing some second
thing (say, Y) occurring in some things or events, in scattered places and times, and not
occurring in others; and he wonders at how two such events can be causally related.
In the first three methods, Mill verbally differentiates the two things under study by
naming one the phenomenon (X, for us) and the other the circumstance57 (Y, for us),
suggesting that in his minds eye the former is the effect and the latter its cause, although
note well in his conclusions he rightly (usually) considers the two items interchangeable,
so that either might be the cause or effect of the other. In the fourth method, Y is viewed as
a part of the phenomenon X. In the last method, Mill refers to both items with the
same word, viz. phenomenon. Whatever the words used for X and Y, it is clear that Mill
has no intent to prejudice the conclusion. These terms are intended very broadly to mean
any thing or event, i.e. (since he is considering experimental inquiry) any object of
perception. (I prefer the very neutral purely logical term item for this.)
Now, these items (X, Y, or their negations) are found scattered in the world, or some
segment thereof, in various things or events, in scattered places and times this is what
Mill means by instances. Wherever X, Y, or their negations occur, that is one of the
instances or cases under consideration. Thus, the instances might be instances of a kind
of thing (e.g. humans or water)58, and X, Y, or their negations, might be predicates (in a

System of Logic (1843), chapter VIII. The full text is available online at: http:// Note that I have placed his "third canon" first to
facilitate critique.
Literally: standing around suggesting something found to accompany the object in some
way, a condition or situation.
Even a distinguishable individual may be treated as a kind: a man, say Aristotle, is in this
sense the sum of all moments of his life; i.e. Aristotle is the class of Aristotle today, the same
yesterday, etc.

broad sense, including any attribute or movement or situation or quantitative property or

relation or whatever) of that subject.
The goal of Mills present study, as its name implies, is methodological: he seeks to
correlate phenomena, i.e. to identify how we can establish one thing to be a cause or effect
of another, to whatever extent. Given certain facts about X and Y, what conclusions can be
drawn as to their causal relation? The causal relation investigated is evidently causation (of
whatever mode), rather than volition (although once volitions have taken place, their
results become causatives), note.
He has in mind experimental inquiry but in fact, his arguments could equally be applied
to passive observations. His are (ideally, at least) universal inductive principles, which
effectively define various causative relations, as well as offer practical guidance for their
As we shall see, Mill apparently makes numerous mistakes; and overall, his treatment of
causation is not as systematic and exhaustive as it should have been. For all that, his
doctrine is instructive, as is the discussions it stimulates.

1. The Joint Method of Agreement and Difference

Mill stated:
If two or more instances (A, B) in which the phenomenon (X) occurs have only one
circumstance in common (Y), while two or more instances (C, D) in which it (X) does not
occur have nothing in common save the absence of that circumstance (Y), the circumstance
(Y) in which alone the two sets of instances differ, is the effect, or the cause, or an
indispensable part of the cause [of the given phenomenon] (X).

Let X be the phenomenon, and A, B... be instances in which it occurs, and C, D... be
instances in which it does not occur; and let Y be a circumstance the former instances (A,
B...) have in common exclusively, and the latter instances (C, D...) lack in common
exclusively. Then, according to Mill:
Instances A, B... have X and have Y (exclusively); and
Instances C, D... lack X and lack Y (exclusively);
Therefore: Y is the effect, or the cause (or an indispensable part of the cause), of X.
This may be considered as an inductive argument, with two compound premises and a
disjunctive conclusion (i.e. a set of three possible conclusions). I have here put in brackets
and in italics those parts of the premises and the conclusion that I consider mistaken, for
reasons I shall presently discuss.
A simplified and corrected version of Mills statement would look as follows:
If a phenomenon (X) is invariably accompanied by another (Y), and its absence (not-
X) is invariably accompanied by the others absence (not-Y) we may infer that X
is the cause of Y, or Y is the cause of X, in the sense of complete and necessary
This simple statement is an apt description of the strongest causative relation possible
between two items X and Y or between their negations. It corresponds to what David
Hume earlier called constant conjunction, between two phenomena and between their
negations. That this is for Mill the essence of the method under consideration is evident in
the name he gave it: agreement and difference. This name also shows his awareness that
causation has both a positive and a negative aspect.
Had Mill contented himself with such a simple statement, I would have congratulated him
for providing scientists with an excellent research tool. I do not therefore quite know why

Mill chose to complicate the matter by adding an extraneous condition in each premise and
proposing an inaccurate alternative conclusion. Before we consider these problems,
however, let me further analyze the intent of Mills main statement.
The terms agreement and difference in the title of this method refer respectively to
having in common or lacking in common some feature (namely the circumstance Y).
The expression joint method here is due to these terms recurring separately in the next
two methods.
When Mill refers to two or more instances in each premise, he must in fact be referring
to the two or more instances, i.e. all (the known) instances. Clearly, this must be the case,
otherwise it would be conceivable that we encountered instances of X without Y, or
instances of not-X without not-Y; and if that were the case, the proposed strong conclusion
would not be valid. Mill ought to have added the definite article the to avoid all
Mills use of the expression two or more is due to his trying to say several (too many)
things at once. First, that one instance is hardly sufficient to establish causation; there must
be repetition of the conjunctions. Second, the number of repetitions is indefinite, because
we are here (except when dealing with finite sets) concerned with open-ended induction.
We can never know all the instances directly, but can only arrive at general premises
through generalization from all known cases to all cases period. The conclusion is only as
valid as those generalizations.
The form If X, then Y, and if not X, then not Y (= Y is the effect of X) and its
contraposite if Y, then X, and if not Y, then not X (= Y is the cause X) are both
generalizations from the forms X and Y are universally conjoined, and not-X and
not-Y are universally conjoined. If, upon further inquiry, the latter generalities turn
out to be inaccurate, the inferences drawn from them must also be attenuated.
Mill should have specified all that explicitly (I do not know if he did so somewhere else).
But there is little doubt in my mind that he tacitly intended it. He might also have pointed
out that the two sets of instances involved (here symbolized as A, B and C, D) once
generalized, together exhaustively cover the whole world.
Another implicit detail worth highlighting is that X is contingent and Y is contingent.
This is inferable from the observation and mention of occurrences of X and of not-X, and
likewise regarding Y and not-Y. Note also that although Mill speaks of the phenomenon
or the circumstance the predicates X and Y are general terms, and not one-time
happenstances, since each occurs in two or more instances.
Finally, looking at Mills conclusion, we may add that his uncertainty as to which of the
two items X and Y causes the other (at least in our main conclusion) is justified. Since the
relationships described in the premises are symmetrical with regard to X and Y (apart from
purely verbal differences), the conclusion cannot differentiate between them. At this level,
then, the words cause and effect have no formal difference; some other condition (such
as times arrow or the degree of abstraction) must be specified before we can identify a
direction of causation.
Now, let us turn to criticism of Mills formula.
Mills first inexplicable complication is his requirement that the circumstance in
common (viz. Y or not-Y) in the premises be exclusive. In the first premise, he says Y is
the only one; and in the second, there is nothing save not-Y. Moreover, these
circumstances must alone differentiate the two sets of instances, for the conclusion to
Mill apparently fears that some third item, say Z, might come into play and affect the
projected strong relation between X and Y. However, this fear is formally unjustified. Let
us consider the extreme case where three items X, Y, Z are constantly conjoined, and their

negations not-X, not-Y, not-Z likewise always occur in tandem. In such a situation, all the
following propositions (and their respective contraposites) are true:
If X then Y, and if not X then not Y.
If X then Z, and if not X then not Z.
If Y then Z, and if not Y then not Z.
The truth of the latter two propositions does not impinge upon the truth of the first one.
The causative relation between X and Y remains the same, even if some third factor like Z
comes into play. The same can be argued if only one of these extra propositions is true. In
such situations, we would simply conclude that there are parallel causations, or again
causative chains.
Mill apparently failed to develop these concepts, and inserted an extraneous requirement of
exclusivity in a vague attempt to insure against possible third-factor interference. In truth,
the relation between any two variables X and Y can be determined without reference to any
other variables.
If as indeed does occur the two variables under consideration are affected by others, to
the extent that their relation is weaker than here concluded, we will soon notice the fact by
observing that X is not always with Y, and/or that not-X is not always with not-Y. But in
such case, the stated premise(s) about constant conjunction will simply not be true! In other
words, in such case, Mills conception of the premise(s) would be self-contradictory.
Perhaps, someone might interject, Mill was here trying to account for the scientific
methodology of keeping all other things equal? No because: this refers to a situation
where there are two or more partial causes to an effect, and to establish each of the partial
causes as such, we have to consider each one in turn without the other and in such case,
complete causation could not be a putative conclusion for any of the partial causes.
The second inexplicable complication in Mills formula is his reference in the conclusion
to a third alternative, viz. that Y might be an indispensable part of the cause of X. This
clause is interesting, first of all, because it indicates that when Mill initially states that Y
might be the effect, or the cause of X, he has in mind complete causation (as distinct
from the partial causation in the third alternative).
With regard to this third alternative, let us first notice that Mill does not mention that X
might equally be an indispensable part of the cause of Y, even though he has granted that
X and Y are interchangeable in the first two alternatives. Why this asymmetry? I suspect it
is not intended to convey some radical insight, but merely reflects Mills terminology and
the gradual development of his formula.
He started by referring to Y as a circumstance, suggesting that he viewed it as the
precondition or cause of X, the phenomenon under investigation. Then, it probably
occurred to him that he could not formally distinguish between X and Y, as to which is the
cause and which is the effect so he added the possibility that Y might be the effect of X.
Then, he got to thinking Y could be a partial (necessary) cause of X, so he added that in;
but he simply forgot to recover symmetry and suggest the reverse to be possible.
Now, the big issue: the phrase an indispensable part of the cause clearly refers to partial
necessary causation. Given that X and Y are indeed constantly conjoined and that their
negations are constantly conjoined, no conclusion is formally permissible other than
complete necessary causation. It follows that it was an error for Mill to insert this
additional disjunct in his conclusion.
Note parenthetically, Mill does not anywhere give us a clue as to how partial necessary
causation might be distinguished from complete necessary causation. Supposing such
alternative conclusion had been correct, he would have been obliged to a detail practical
methodology for resolving the issue.

I suspect that Mill resorted to the said third alternative conclusion due to his lingering
doubt concerning some possible third factor (which we above labeled Z) weakening the
relation between X and Y. Apparently, Mill considered that Z might diminish the degree of
causation of X by Y from complete to partial; i.e. he viewed Z as a complementary partial
cause imbedded with Y in some larger cause.
This explanation is appealing, because it suggests a correlation between the said
complications in premises and conclusion. However, as already shown, Z might equally
well be a parallel or concatenated complete cause so we must still fault Mill for
imprecision and confusion. In any case, logically, Mill could not have his cake and eat it
too. If in the premises he has firmly excluded circumstances besides Y, there is no reason
for him to make allowance in his conclusion for an eventual complement Z!
Another objection we could raise here is: if Mill considered the possibility here of partial
necessary causation, why not equally that of complete contingent causation, or for that
matter, the possibility of partial contingent causation? If he felt (perhaps because of their
inductive basis) his premises were shaky, then why did he not foresee all possible
modifications of the main conclusion (complete necessary causation)?
The answer to the latter question(s) is simply that although Mill conceived of partial
causation, he apparently never grasped the inverse concept of contingent causation. This
will become evident as we continue our analysis of his methods, and find no mention
anywhere of that weak alternative to necessary causation. Mills omission suggests that, in
his mind, only indispensable things could be causatives (although if asked the question
he might well have denied it).
Another deficiency in Mills viewpoint is his failure to consider that in some cases, though
X and Y and their negations exhibit perfect regularities of conjunction as described in the
premises, we (i.e. people in general) do not conclude that Y causes X or X causes Y, but
conclude that X and Y are both effects of some third thing. This alternative conclusion is
admittedly inexplicable formally, just as the distinction between cause and effect is
difficult to pinpoint. But there may in practice be indices that encourage the former, just as
there are indices for the latter. Granting this, it would have been more appropriate for Mill
to use that clause as his third alternative.
To sum up: what is manifest from all our above analysis is that Mill had an unclear idea of
causation, mixing its paradigm up with its possible variations. He failed to first clearly
distinguish and separately consider all the determinations of causation (both generically
and specifically). Consequently, when he faced the inductive issue the issue of how in
practice to identify causation his confusion was compounded by the need to consider the
fact of generalization and the possibility of particularization.

2. The Method of Agreement

Mill stated:
If two or more instances (A, B) of the phenomenon (X)... have only one
circumstance (Y) in common, the circumstance (Y) in which alone all the instances agree is
the cause (or effect) of the given phenomenon (X).

Let X be the phenomenon, and A, B... be instances in which it occurs; and let Y be the only
circumstance they have in common. Then, according to Mill:
Instances A, B... have X and have Y (exclusively); and
Therefore: Y is the cause, or the effect, of X.

This may be considered as an inductive argument, with a compound premise and a

disjunctive conclusion (i.e. a set of two possible conclusions). In view of the name given to
this method, the conclusion may be taken to refer to the positive aspect of causation, i.e.
complete causation. I have here put in brackets and in italics the exclusive demand of
the premise, which I consider mistaken for reasons to be presently given.
The essence of this argument is generalization, from the constant conjunction of two items,
X and Y, wherever and whenever they are observed to occur (the instances A, B), to all
existing or possible instances. The conclusion from such universal repetition is either that
if Y, then X (whence, Y completely causes X) or that if X, then Y (whence, X
completely causes Y).
Such generalization is logically possible, note well, provided that the two or more
instances (A, B) are all the encountered instances of X and of Y. Mill obviously
intended that, but he should have made it clear e.g. by saying the two or more to
preempt his formula being construed as allowing for unspecified instances in which X
occurs without Y or Y occurs without X.
Mill should have mentioned this to show his awareness of the formalities involved, notably
that the form if X, then Y means X is impossible without Y (and similarly, if Y, then
X means Y is impossible without X). The most significant aspect (for a causative
conclusion) of the constant conjunction of the two items is the implied denial of possible
conjunction between one item and the negation of the other.
We could offer a generous reading Mills statement to cover this issue. We could suppose
that Mill confused circumstances other than Y with circumstances contrary to Y, and
suggest that the clause only one circumstance (Y) in common is intended to mean that
there are no instances with X accompanied by some negation of Y. Likewise, the exclusive
word alone could be taken to refer to X rather than Y, meaning that the two or more
instances involving X, are the only ones among all the instances to have Y, implying
that there are no instances without X that have Y. However, I do not seriously think Mill
intended this interpretation.
Another tacit proviso for drawing our conclusion is that each of the items X and Y be
contingent. Strictly speaking, a conditional proposition like if X, then Y or if Y, then X
can be taken to imply causation only if we know that X is possible, but unnecessary and
Y is possible, but unnecessary59. In Mills statement, here (unlike in the joint method),
the occurrence of X and Y is implied in the premise, but their non-occurrence is not
mentioned. This omission is noteworthy, suggesting that Mill was not fully aware of these
requirements for validity.
It should be said, too, that once the contingency of the theses is granted, a hypothetical
proposition could be contraposited. That is, if X, then Y would imply if not Y, then not
X; similarly, if Y, then X would imply if not X, then not Y. Thus, although the intent
of Mills formula (judging by its title) was an inference of complete causation, strictly
speaking his formula allows for one of necessary causation. That is, the valid conclusion
from his premise is a disjunction of four possible conclusions.

This is at least true in the logical mode of conditioning, where hypothetical propositions
may be true in cases where one or both of the theses are necessary. Note that in if X, then Y, X
and Y are both implied possible anyway, and all we need to add is that Y is unnecessary, for the
unnecessity of X then formally follows; similarly, if Y, then X only requires addition that X is
unnecessary, to infer causation. In the natural or extensional modes, the issue does not arise,
because unless both antecedent and consequent are contingent, we would not be formally allowed
to construct a conditional proposition let alone infer causation. This may be highlighted using
categoricals: All X are Y is equivalent to No X is not-Y; similarly, for All not-X are not-Y and No
not-X is Y.

Thus, Mills formula leaves us uncertain, not only as to which item is the cause and which
is the effect (as he admits), but also as to whether we are dealing with complete or
necessary causation (which he fails to notice). One thing is sure, however, is that the
conclusion is a strong determination. This is tacitly suggested by Mill in his use of the
definite article the in the cause or in the effect. If he had had in mind weak
determination (i.e. partial or contingent causation), he would have probably written a
cause and an effect.
This brings us to Mills requirement that the instances where the phenomenon (X) have
only one circumstance (Y) in common, which he repeats when we says that the latter is
alone that in which the instances agree. Why such exclusiveness? We have seen a
similar, mystifying concern in Mills joint method. In the present case, again, Mill seems
worried that there may be circumstances other than Y that will weaken the causative
relation between Y and X; i.e. he is trying to preempt any possibility of partial (or
contingent) causation.
In his minds eye, apparently, if some other circumstance (say, Z) was also (like Y)
constantly conjoined with the phenomenon (X), a doubt would arise as to which of the two
circumstances, Y or Z, caused X. But this is formally unjustified: the possible truth of if
Y, then X would not be affected by the eventual truth of any other proposition like if Z,
then X; if X, Y and Z are compatible, as our premise confirms, the two hypotheticals are
quite compatible. Mill here again has apparently not considered the possibility of parallel
causations or causative chains.
We might add that Mills attempt to limit the number of accompanying circumstances to
just one is ontologically open to doubt. Are there anywhere in the world two or more
things (instances in which X occurs) having literally only one circumstance (Y) in
common? I very much doubt it! If there is such a set of things, it must be very exceptional.
Most things have many (innumerable) common factors. There are always large predicates
like existence, location in space and time, size, shape, etc. to consider, for a start.
Usually, when we say something so exclusive, we do not really mean it. For example,
saying the only similarity between these two individuals is their wealth we do not
really mean to imply that the individuals do not both have a spinal cord, a heart, a brain,
etc. Such misleading language is not accurate in scientific statements; at least, we should
think twice before ever using it or taking it literally.

3. The Method of Difference

Mill stated:
If an instance (A) in which the phenomenon (X)... occurs, and an instance (B) in
which it (X) does not occur, have every circumstance in common save one (Y)... [, that
circumstance] (Y) is the effect, or the cause, or an indispensable part of the cause... [of the
given phenomenon] (X).

Let X be the phenomenon, and A be an instance in which it occurs and B be an instance in

which it does not occur; and let Y be the only circumstance they do not have in common.
Then, according to Mill:
Instance A has X and has Y; and
Instance B lacks X and lacks Y and
(Instances A and B, have every other circumstance in common;)
Therefore: Y is the effect, or the cause (or an indispensable part of the cause), of X.

This was intended as an inductive argument, with two compound premises and a
disjunctive conclusion (i.e. a set of three possible conclusions). As we shall demonstrate
below, this argument is a rather gauche depiction of necessary causation. I have here put
in brackets and in italics those parts of the premises (here treated as a third premise) and
the conclusion that I consider mistaken, for reasons I shall presently discuss.
It should first be noted that Mills formulation does not make clear whether the presence of
X is accompanied by the presence or absence of Y, and inversely what the absence of X is
accompanied by. I have assumed symmetry, i.e. presence with presence, and absence with
absence, in order that the conclusion be expressed wholly in positive terms. It is not a very
important issue, but still a puzzling imprecision on Mills part.
Next, let us notice that Mills formula mentions only one instance (A) of Xs occurrence
(presumably with Y) and only one instance (B) of Xs (and Ys) non-occurrence without
this time in any way suggesting plurality, let alone universality. Mills wording as it stands
does not exclude the possibility of some third instance where X occurs with not-Y, and of
some fourth instance where not-X occurs with Y. In such cases, how would Mill dare claim
a causative relation?
This is very intriguing60: I find it hard to suppose that Mill considers that causation can be
induced from single instances. One may from single occurrences deny that some causation
is applicable, but one could in nowise affirm it. In order for the premises to allow the
conclusion he proposes, we would have to replace an instance with all (known)
instances in at least one of the premises. Causation is about patterns of conjunction, not
about coincidences. Mere occasional agreement or difference does not establish a pattern.
One wonders what Mill possibly had in mind! (I suspect he had eaten or drunk too much
the day he wrote this.)
Perhaps Mill considered the constancy of surrounding circumstances as the requisite
pattern, somehow. Why does he at all refer to the two instances (A and B) having every
circumstance in common61 save one? This is a redundancy: the very uniformity of
surrounding circumstances makes them irrelevant. In any case, uniformity in only two
instances is hardly significant.
I presume, here again, he imagined that if the surrounding circumstances had not been
uniform, they would have somehow impinged on the causative relation between X and Y.
For this reason, he insists on their distinctive uniformity whether X or not-X is the case. He
is apparently not aware of the possibility of parallel causations or of causative chains.
In any case, there are always innumerable surrounding circumstances, behaving in quite
random fashion, that are totally unconnected with the phenomena at hand; non-uniformity
is not proof of causation. And moreover, the circumstances that are here uniform (in the
instances A, B) might behave more erratically in other instances.
Is the exceptive (save one) clause in Mills formula, i.e. the contrasting behavior of Y,
his main focus, perhaps? The given fact that one circumstance (Y) differs from all other
circumstances in that it is uncommon, i.e. present in one instance (say, A) but absent in the
other (say, B), just makes Y stand out from the rest; it does not signify a causative relation
to X. This is all the more true when, as here, only a couple of instances are under

This would be a typical case of the fallacy, known already to Aristotle, post hoc ergo
propter hoc. An example of it would be racist "reasoning".
Note in passing that every implies general knowledge which is empirically impossible
without generalization (except with regard to finite sets). We can never in practice be sure to have
identified all existing circumstances; and though we may assume we have done so, as a working
hypothesis, we have to remain vigilant and continue to look for still unidentified factors that might
also be relevant.

But finally, it occurs to me that there is one way we can at least in part redeem Mills
statement. That is by supposing that, when he here referred to an instance he
subconsciously had in mind a kind of instance! In that case, A and B are each a set of
instances, corresponding respectively to the occurrences of X (with Y) and those of not-X
(with not-Y). From these (experimentally) encountered instances, we may by
generalization assume the same regularities hold universally.
Granting this supposition, and ignoring the extraneous mention of uniform surrounding
conditions and insistence that Y be the only non-uniform circumstance, a causative relation
between X and Y can indeed be inferred. However, in such case the premises and
conclusion of this method would seem identical to those of the joint method! This is
obviously not Mills intention.
Considering the title of the method of difference, we can safely suppose that it refers to
something found in part in the joint method of agreement and difference and not found in
the method of agreement. Mill was apparently struggling to split necessary complete
causation (the joint method) into its two components, complete causation (agreement)
and necessary causation (difference). He managed to formulate the former, positive aspect
readily enough, but had considerable trouble putting his finger on the latter, negative
A further confirmation of our supposition is to be found by comparison of the conclusions
of the three methods. Note first that whereas the method of agreement concludes that Y is
the cause (or effect) of X, the other two methods conclude in reverse order that Y is the
effect, or the cause of X. Moreover, the joint method and the method of difference,
distinctively from the method of agreement, propose as an alternative conclusion that Y
might be an indispensable part of the cause of X.
This latter possibility obviously refers to partial necessary causation, as earlier pointed out.
Indispensable means that one cannot do without it, it is a sine qua non, a necessity; and
part of the cause means a fraction of the sufficient cause. All this suggests that, in Mills
mind, the causation found by the method of agreement is essentially positive and whole,
whereas that found in the other two ways may be negative and fractional.
But since, as already said, the joint method and the method of difference cannot be
identical, the latter must be assumed to focus on necessary causation only. We should, by
combination of the methods of agreement and difference, arrive at the same result as with
the joint method. So, our task is to isolate the difference component (necessary causation)
from the agreement component (complete causation).
Mill might have achieved this by proposing some sort of negative mirror image of his
formula for the method of agreement, one about two or more instances (A, B) in which
the phenomenon (X) does not occur having the absence of one circumstance (Y) in
common. Some such more analogous statement could be constructed for the method of
difference, but I will not even try, because of all the difficulties in the earlier statements
already discussed.
Moreover, if we attempt such a reconstruction, we soon realize the title method of
difference to be a misnomer, in view of the use of the term agree within Mills formula
for the method of agreement. His method of difference is really just another application of
the method of agreement, except that we focus in it on the absences, instead of presences,
of the items (X, Y) concerned. Difference (i.e. disagreement) can only really be claimed
in the joint method, where we switch from presence to absence or vice-versa. In this
perspective, the titles method of agreement of positives and method of agreement of
negatives might be more appropriate.
Whatever the name used for it, and the language used to formulate it, it is evident for
reasons of symmetry that the method of difference aims at the negative aspect of causation,

i.e. necessary causation. It follows that the premise(s) must be such that by generalization
we can ideally conclude that if not-X, then not-Y or if not-Y, then not-X. This would
in practice be based on observed constant conjunction between not-X and not-Y. The
matter is that simple!
Mill realizes this at some level, but goes quite astray in his attempt to put it in words. His
statement of the method of difference is incredibly garbled. He not only repeats some of
the mistakes he made in formulating the preceding two methods, but also makes many
Before leaving this topic, it should be added that the said constant conjunction of negations
only formally implies causation after generalization if the terms concerned are known
contingent, i.e. if X is possible and Y is possible. Moreover, given such contingency, the
inferred conditional propositions can be contraposited to if Y, then X and if X, then Y;
so that strictly speaking, the conclusion formally allows for complete causation as well
necessary causation (whether of X by Y, or of Y by X).
Observed constant conjunction of negations does not, however, formally allow as
alternative conclusion partial necessary causation or for that matter, complete contingent
causation or partial contingent causation. Mills proposition that Y may be an
indispensable part of the cause of X is artificial and erroneous. Needless to say, reversing
its direction would also be erroneous, as would inverting the polarities of the terms.
Anyway, as already pointed out, Mill apparently completely misses out on the possibility
of contingent causation.
I have already discussed the issue of partial causation with regard to the joint method, and
will not repeat my comments here. These are commendable attempts by Mill to insert it in
his analyses, but his approach so far is unequal to the task. He makes arbitrary claims in his
conclusions, which are incompatible with his premises; and even supposing consistency, he
provides no means to decide between his alternative conclusions. He does, however, offer
some more precise means for identifying partial causes in his next method, that of

4. The Method of Residues

Mill stated:
Subduct from any phenomenon (F) such part (D) as is known by previous inductions
to be the effect of certain antecedents (A), and the residue (E) of the phenomenon (F) is the
effect of the remaining antecedents (B).

Here, Mill is attempting to deal with partial causation. He is saying:

Suppose: D is a part of F; and E is the rest of F (i.e. D + E = F).
And suppose: A causes D (i.e. presumably, If A, then D, etc.)
It follows that: B causes E (i.e. presumably, If B, then E, etc.)
Note that a tacit assumption, here (suggested by the reference in the conclusion to
remaining antecedents), which we can readily grant, is that A and B together (as C, say)
cause F (the compound of D and E), i.e. that:
(A + B) = C; and C causes F (i.e. presumably, If C, then F, etc.)
Note also that I presume that the kind of causation by A of D, and by B of E, intended by
Mill, is complete causation62, i.e. a relation including positive implication by the cause of

We could reexamine the whole argument, based on the opposite assumption, that
necessary causation is intended throughout this argument. But I anticipate the overall result would

the effect (i.e. if the cause, then the effect), plus strictly speaking a negation of the inverse
implication (i.e. if not the cause, not-then not the effect).
The causations mentioned and tacit in Mills statement are considered as already
established, as he admits by saying as is known by previous inductions. The means of
induction used is not specified; he presumably intends one of the other four methods
(probably the second). His formula is only intended to infer a causation from within other,
given causations. This is a purely deductive argument.
Moreover, Mill appeals to the relation between whole and parts without really defining it.
We could briefly express that relation by saying that D and E together imply and are
implied by F. But to fully clarify this relation, we ought to mention that D without E or E
without D, as well as not-D + not-E, amount to not-F. Similarly, with regard to A + B
versus C.
Mills process of subduction is thus essentially based on the following reasoning:
If A+B (= C), then D+E (= F) call this the major premise.
But: If A, then D call this the minor premise.
Therefore, If B, then E the putative conclusion.
This argument is, I hasten to add, formally invalid, although a common error of inference!
This can be seen by splitting the major premise into the two hypotheticals:
If A + B, then D
If A + B, then E
Clearly, the minor premise if A, then D overrides the first proposition, if A + B, then
D, which has the same consequent, showing the component B of the antecedent to be
extraneous. However, the second proposition, if A + B, then E, whose consequent is
different, is unaffected by the minor premise; i.e. its antecedent remains compound. We
can, if we wish, nest this eduction, putting our result in the form if A, then if B, then
D. But this inference still leaves A conditional.
Whence, Mills putative conclusion if B, then E is pretentious. The only way we could
draw it would be to confirm A to be categorically true. It does not suffice to mention the
element A conditionally, as in if A, then D. Thus, Mills present account of partial
causation is not strictly correct.
Partial causation can readily be defined and in practice identified, but the appropriate
formula for it is a bit more complicated than Mill suggests. It requires a more radical
understanding and more systematic treatment of causation. There is no need to go into it
here, since I treat it in detail in my main text on the subject.
The notion of a residue (or remainder or leftover) is a mathematical one, rooted in the
relation of whole and part: if you have a basket with three fruits and you remove one, you
still have two left. A similar idea can be used in causation but only to say:
If one of the partial causes is found to be present, then we can anticipate that as soon
as the remaining partial causes are also found to be present, all their collective effects
will follow on their heels.
Mills method of residues subconsciously appeals to this obvious truth. But he confuses
the issue, when he considers that things (like D) that the present phenomenon (A) causes
by itself (i.e. things it alone suffices to bring about) can be counted as among the collective
effects (like E) of all the causal phenomena under consideration (A and B). This is his
essential error. Here again (as with his previous attempts to infer partial causations), his
premises and conclusion are not consistent with each other.

be the same, for the underlying process of subduction is the basic issue at stake. It is just as
erroneous if the elements we focus on are of negative polarity, i.e. not-A, not-B, etc.

Note finally that Mills language is positive, suggesting that he had in mind specifically
partial causation. Here again, as in the preceding methods, he does not apparently consider
the other form of weak causation, that involving negative theses, viz. contingent causation.
Moreover, even supposing that Mill had successfully identified partial causatives, he does
not here specify that such causes might be necessary or contingent. Perhaps, having spoken
(although out of place) about necessary partial causation in the joint method and the
method of difference (mentioning an indispensable part of the cause), he might be
supposed here to be focusing on contingent partial causation. But this would be reading
into Mills treatment something he has given no sign he has awareness of.
One more point worth adding, concerning the appeal to residues in reasoning about
causes. There is indeed a method that can be so named, one commonly used by scientists
and ordinary thinkers. This method was known to Francis Bacon already, long before Mill.
It consists simply of disjunctive apodosis i.e. the gradual elimination of alternative
hypotheses. Such reasoning has the form:
Either P or Q or R or is the cause of S;
these (P, Q, R,) are all the conceivable causes of S.
The cause of S is not ; and it is not R; and it is not Q.
Therefore, the cause of S must be P (i.e. the only remaining alternative).
For example, Sherlock Holmes might say: the culprit is either Jack or Jill; it cant be Jack,
since he has an alibi; therefore, it has to be Jill.

5. The Method of Concomitant Variations

Mill stated:
Whatever phenomenon (X) varies in any manner whenever another phenomenon (Y)
varies in some particular manner, (X) is either a cause or an effect of that phenomenon
(Y), or is connected with it through some fact of causation.

Let X be whatever phenomenon, and Y be another phenomenon; let X1, X2, X3... be
variants of X, and Y1, Y2, Y3... be corresponding variants of Y. Then:
Whenever Y varies from Y1 to Y2, X varies from X1 to X2;
Whenever Y varies from Y2 to Y3, X varies from X2 to X3;
therefore, X is either a cause or an effect of Y, or is connected with it through
some fact of causation.
Notice Mills use of whenever: he is correctly referring to unvarying relations, not mere
random coincidences. That is, we may suppose he was implying that if the variations of the
two phenomena (the kinds of events we labeled X and Y) are not concomitant, they may be
assumed independent of each other.
Mill does not explicitly tell us what degree of causation may be inferred whether
complete and necessary, or only the one or the other, or neither. He is seemingly open to
all possibilities, since he vaguely mentions that some fact of causation may in some
cases be the best conclusion we can draw. Granting this phrase refers to the weaker
determinations, we may suppose that when he refers to a cause or an effect he means a
stronger determination. However, since he here uses the indefinite article a, instead of
his usual definite article the, this supposition is debatable. In sum, Mill concludes some
sort of causation to be inferable, but is vague as to which sort and when.
Whereas in the first three methods, changes from presence to absence or vice versa are
concerned in concomitant variations, every incremental change in measure or degree of

the cause is accompanied by a corresponding incremental change in the measure or

degree of the effect; and/or vice-versa. In some cases, the correspondences between two
phenomena are in this way very regular; but in other cases, additional phenomena have to
be taken into consideration to clarify the more complex relationship involved.
In any case, the fact of concomitant variation may be considered an ontological derivative
of that of causation, dealing with quantitative instead of merely qualitative relationships
between two or more phenomena. That is, in Mills terms, this fifth method is a corollary,
or frequent further development, of the preceding four.
In the case of agreement (interpreted as complete causation), we would expect changes in
the cause to be invariably followed by concomitant variations in the effect. In the case of
difference (interpreted as necessary causation), we would expect changes in the effect
indicative of predictable concomitant variations in the cause. In the joint case (i.e. the
strongest possible causative relation), both these directions of inference would be
Note that these alternatives are not made clear in Mills formula, where Xs variations
follow Ys variations, yet X is concluded to be either a cause or an effect of Y. Given
regular variation of X with Y, the more probable conclusion would be that Y is a complete
cause of X; although a second possible conclusion would be that X is a necessary cause of
Y. Mill presumably does not mention the reverse case, where Y varies with X, simply
because he considers that in such case we would just place each term in the others position
in his formula. Fair enough, but then he should at least have mentioned in his formula that
in some cases variations are concomitant in one direction only, and in others in both
In the last case (residues interpreted as partial and/or contingent causation), we would
have to use more a elaborate technique: to identify and monitor all the factors involved,
and observe how and how much each varies with whatever changes occur, or are
experimentally produced, in the other factors. This is generally achieved using the cunning
method of keeping all other things equal while investigating just two factors at a time,
until all the factors have successively been played off against each other and we obtain a
full picture of their multilateral quantitative relationship.
In my view, Mill should have mentioned all that explicitly in his formula. It is reasonable
to assume he knew it, since the method was oft used in scientific experiments in his day.
Why didnt he, then? Let us go on, anyway, and analyze these matters a bit more.
We can theoretically express concomitant variations by means of series of causal
propositions, either through statements mentioning changes (as above initially done) or
more radically through statements mentioning states, like:
If A=A1, then B=B1;
if A=A2, then B=B2;
However, often in practice, these innumerable, point-by-point correlations between various
quantities are plotted on a graph and then summarized in a mathematical equation. For
example, if B is directly proportional to A, we would write (where k is some constant):
B = kA.
Actually, we have to be careful in this matter, because such a mathematical equation
implies/presupposes fully convertible relations. Thus, the following would also have to be
If A=A1, then B=B1; if B=B1, then A=A1; where B1=kA1.
If A=A2, then B=B2; if B=B2, then A=A2; where B2=kA2.

This does not have to imply the causation involved to be reversible, only that A be a
complete and necessary cause of B. Thus, while in common language we can readily
express concomitant variation between a merely complete cause and its effect (or
conceivably between a merely necessary cause and its effect) - in the language of
mathematical equations, necessary as well as complete causation is implied (although, I
believe, modern mathematics can readily overcome this difficulty).
Note well that if we just say If A=A1, then B=B1, it does not exclude that for another
value of A (say, A8), B may have the same value (B1) again. Such reiterations of value
will translate mathematically into more complex formulas than mere proportionality.
More complex relationships may, but do not in all cases, signify partial and/or contingent
causation, involving more than two items (at least two causes and one effect). Thus, note
well, Mills statement of this method need not be limited to two variables; he presumably
had this in mind when he wrote the alternative conclusion or is connected with it through
some fact of causation.
Note, finally: the idea of comparing variations between two or more variables was
proposed long before Mill, by Francis Bacon.

Concluding Remarks
John Stuart Mill (1806-73) was an English philosopher, a highly educated man whose
interests ranged very widely, including all aspects of logic. He published the work in which
he presents the above methods of experimental inquiry, A System of Logic, when he was
37. He sought for a pragmatic, empiricist, inductive approach to knowledge; an updated
logic, but one that would supplement and not supersede Aristotles.
Mills five methods have generally been well received, and I acknowledge them as having
been an inspiration to me. However, as the above analysis shows, though his intentions
were laudable, his performance was often woefully inadequate. I take no pleasure in saying
this; but I am somewhat consoled by the knowledge that others have before me also
sharply criticized him.
If these methods had been developed before the dawn of modern science say before the
publication of Isaac Newtons Principia (1687) I would have congratulated their author
for having provided researchers with potentially valuable cognitive tools. But Mills work
is dated 1843 almost the mid-19th Century!
At that late date in modern science and philosophy, one could no longer discover these
research tools, but one could at least give an ex post facto expos and validation of them.
Mills effort in that direction was, in the last analysis, surprisingly confused, considering
his broad knowledge of science and philosophy till his day.
As we have seen, Mills methods could just as well be characterized as techniques for
identifying causation, because that is the form of their conclusions; and also, because
experimental data is not essential to them, i.e. they can be applied as well to passive
observations. His method of residues, unlike the others, is deductive rather than inductive.
Whether this list of methods, without regard to its internal imperfections, constitutes an
exhaustive summary of actual scientific techniques is open to debate.
What is clear, anyhow, is that Mill did not fully understand the relations of causation.
Flaws are evident in his treatment of each of his five methods. Briefly put:
In the joint method, he seemingly tries and succeeds defining or identifying the
paradigm of causation, complete necessary causation. However, his understanding
is put in doubt by his mention of irrelevant conditions (exclusiveness of the

circumstances) in the premises, and his drawing of an alternative conclusion (an

indispensable part of the cause) logically contrary to the given premises.
In the agreement method, he seemingly tries and succeeds defining or identifying
complete causation. However, his understanding is put in doubt by his mention of
irrelevant conditions (exclusiveness) in the premises, and his failure to specify the
unnecessity of the theses (as needed to infer causation from constant conjunction).
In the difference method, he seemingly tries but quite fails defining or identifying
necessary causation. His understanding is put in doubt by his appeal to single
instances (instead of kinds), his mention of extraneous conditions (the uniformity of
surrounding circumstances), and his drawing of an alternative conclusion (an
indispensable part of the cause) logically contrary to the seemingly intended
In the residues method, he seemingly tries to deduce a partial causation from two
complete causations. His understanding is here again put in doubt, by his proposing
conflicting premises (the same thing cannot be both a complete and a partial cause
of a given phenomenon), and his suggesting an excessive conclusion (i.e. more than
the givens allow).
In the concomitant variations method, he seemingly tries and vaguely succeeds
defining or identifying the quantitative aspect of causation. This is logically his
soundest method, but he fails to mention and distinguish the various degrees of
causation that may be involved.
Mill obviously had difficulty with the concept of plurality of causes; i.e. distinguishing
between parallelism and composition of causes. The inclusion of redundancies concerning
surrounding circumstances in some of his statements indicates that he did not have an
entirely accurate picture of causation. His resort to seemingly last minute inserts at the tail
end of certain conclusions leads to the same suspicion. Moreover, in none of the five
methods does he so much as hint he has heard of contingent causation.
Mills first four methods may be taken to essentially refer to the causative forms mn, m, n,
and p, respectively. The first and third methods mention the specific determination np, but
give us no clue as to how such causation might be established, i.e. concluded rather than
mn or n, respectively. Since he apparently ignores the generic determination q, he misses
the specific determinations mq and pq. His treatment is thus neither symmetrical nor
I should also point out that Mill does not clearly distinguish between generic and specific
determinations. I assume he does not intend the generic determinations that he separately
as well as jointly affirms (namely: m, n) as absolute lone determinations; but the issue is
not to my knowledge explicitly raised by him so we cannot be sure what he imagined.
As we have seen, Mills formulations are open to further criticism. His language is often
ambiguous and its intent difficult to fathom. He did not always manage to capture in words
what he was trying to say. His logic is in places dubious, if not downright self-
contradictory. He may propose mutually incoherent premises and/ conclusions that
contradict explicit premises.
The main reason for the weaknesses in Mills treatment is perhaps his attempt to deal with
definition and induction simultaneously. He would have been more successful if he had,
more systematically, first defined the various forms of causation (ratio essendi) and then
investigated how their contents may be induced (ratio cognoscendi). Perhaps due to his
association with the Utilitarian school of philosophy, he was ideologically inclined towards
a rather heuristic approach, eschewing a more theoretical treatment of causation.
The logicians main task is to describe and validate forms of reasoning. While Mill took
some pains to describe causal arguments, he made little effort to validate them. At times,

his treatment seems like a sham not out of malice, but due to negligence. He does not
seem to intentionally lie (as some do); but one gets the impression he has not really done
his best to do a good job, and he does not expect anyone to notice or care.
The logicians role is also to provide methodological aids for scientists, students, and
indeed thinking people in general. Whether Mills contributions to causal logic ever
actually affected anyones investigation of nature in a positive or negative way is hard to
say. Nevertheless, some of his thoughts on the subject were misleading, and the fact should
be made public.
This is all very disappointing, considering J. S. Mills status in British intellectual history.
How could a man of his social standing and educational caliber have made such mistakes,
and moreover gotten away with them, one wonders.
After all, causation and its varieties were pretty well known to the ancients; this is even
evident in commonly used Latin legal terms, like causa sufficiens or sine qua non. And
Mill was very well read in ancient thought; he was brought up with it by his father, James.
Major British philosophers had already discussed causality at considerable length. John
Locke (1632-1704), in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), put forward a
theory of induction based on regularities of sequence between phenomena. David Hume
(1711-1776), for all his avowed skepticism in An Enquiry Concerning Human
Understanding (1748), had clearly expounded constant conjunction. Mills views about
causation were frankly influenced by Humes.
Most shocking, is the realization that Mills logical treatise (1843) was published 238 years
after the founding father of British Empiricism, Francis Bacon (1561-1626), published his
Novum Organon (1605). Mill was aware of Bacons work, too, since he (rightly) criticized
Bacons view of causation as simplistic in various respects. But he manifestly failed to
notice and learn the important lessons taught by this unsung (or insufficiently sung) hero of
the modern scientific method; namely, Bacons programme of adduction and matricial
analysis (to use my terminology).
Suffices to quote the Encyclopaedia Britannica (2004) description of Bacons new
method for this failure of Mills to be clear:
The crucial point, Bacon realized, is that induction must work by elimination not, as
it does in common life and the defective scientific tradition, by simple enumeration.
Thus he stressed the greater force of the negative instancethe fact that while all
A are B is only very weakly confirmed by this A is B, it is shown conclusively to
be false by this A is not B. He devised tables, or formal devices for the
presentation of singular pieces of evidence, in order to facilitate the rapid discovery
of false generalizations. What survives this eliminative screening, Bacon assumes,
may be taken to be true.
Bacon presents tables of presence, of absence, and of degree. Tables of presence
contain a collection of cases in which one specified property is found. They are then
compared to each other to see what other properties are always present. Any property
not present in just one case in such a collection cannot be a necessary condition of
the property being investigated. Second, there are tables of absence, which list cases
that are as alike as possible to the cases in the tables of presence except for the
property under investigation. Any property that is found in the second case cannot be
a sufficient condition of the original property. Finally, in tables of degree
proportionate variations of two properties are compared to see if the proportion is




Phase II: Microanalysis. Seeing various difficulties encountered in the first phase, and the
fact that some issues were left unresolved in it, a more precise method is developed in the
second phase, capable of systematically answering most outstanding questions. This
improved matricial analysis (microanalysis) is based on tabular prediction of all logically
conceivable combinations and permutations of conjunctions between two or more items
and their negations (grand matrices). Each such possible combination is called a modus
and is assigned a permanent number within the framework concerned (for 2, 3, or more
items). This allows us to identify each distinct (causative or other, positive or negative)
propositional form with a number of alternative moduses.
This technique greatly facilitates all work with causative and related forms, allowing us to
systematically consider their eductions, oppositions, and syllogistic combinations. In fact,
it constitutes a most radical approach not only to causative propositions and their
derivatives, but perhaps more importantly to their constituent conditional propositions.
Moreover, it is not limited to logical conditioning and causation, but is equally applicable
to other modes of modality, including extensional, natural, temporal and spatial
conditioning and causation. From the results obtained, we are able to settle with formal
certainty most of the historically controversial issues relating to causation.


1. Binary Coding and Unraveling.

We have developed a theory of causative propositions and arguments (eductions and

syllogisms) by means of an analysis of the possibilities and impossibilities implied for the
various combinations of the items concerned. This was characterized as matricial
analysis, because of our recourse to tables for assessing and recording results.
But thus far we have only really engaged in elementary matricial analysis, which may be
called macroanalysis. We shall now introduce a more advanced approach, which may be
called microanalysis. They are not different methods. Microanalysis is based on
macroanalysis; it is merely a more detailed examination, digging deeper into the issues
concerned, in an attempt to solve outstanding problems.

As we have seen, the determinations of causation are best expressed through a matrix, a
table composed of items and moduses. The items are the terms or theses related by the
causative proposition concerned. Each conceivable conjunction of these items, in positive
or negative form, defines a row of the matrix. The modus for each such conjunction is a
statement regarding its logical possibility or impossibility, or openness (the latter in cases
where the conjunction is in some unspecified contexts possible and in others impossible, so
that an uncertainty remains). The moduses for the various conjunctions of items together
constitute an additional column of the matrix.63
If we array the items of a matrix in a conventional arrangement (presenting the same row
always in the same place), then the modus columns of all matrices will be comparable. By
such standardization, we can express a determination of causation by merely writing down
a string of moduses (i.e. its modus column), which we may call the modus of the
determination concerned as a whole, or (for reasons we shall see presently) its summary
To simplify things, we may revert to binary codes. We may express the presence or
absence of each item in the matrix by a 1 or 0 notation. Similarly, we may code the modus
for each row by a 1, 0 or (dot - meaning blank). The zeros or ones have different
meanings in the items and modus cells of the matrix, note well:

Binary codes:
In the items columns: 1 = present 0 = absent
In the modus column(s): 1 = possible 0 = impossible = open

Such notation is merely convenient abbreviation, allowing us to express the summary

modus of any determination as a relatively short string of digits and see the whole matrix
in one sweep of the eyes. It is also, obviously, useful for computer programming purposes.
Of course, if we are dealing with two items (say, P, R), the modus string will have 22 = 4

The word modus was chosen to highlight the modal character of such statements. The
plural form should perhaps be modera (just as genera is plural of genus); but we shall use
moduses, anyway.

digits; if with three items (say, P, Q, R), it will have 23 = 8 digits; and so forth. Whether the
string of digits is distinctive for each determination, we shall look into further on64.
As we said, the rows of a matrix are defined and (conventionally) located by combinations
of items. Thus, for two items, P and R, the four possible PR sequences are 11, 10, 01, 00,
which may be labeled a, b, c, d if need be. We may choose this order of combinations as
our standard arrangement (any other permutation is equally conceivable, but we
conventionally settle on this one65). Similarly, for three items, P, Q and R, there are eight
possible PQR sequences, which may be labeled a-h if need be. And so forth, for more
We may thus, to begin with, present the matrices of the generic determinations of causation
as in the following tables. These include (in the first two or three columns) the items in
positive (1) or negative (0) forms, arrayed in standard combinations; followed by the
summary modus for each propositional form (shaded column, symbol ), which you will
recall we developed at the beginning of our research (in Phase 1, chapter 2) by analyzing
the meaning of each of its constituent clauses and assessing the result of their interactions.
New columns are then introduced, which present all the conceivable realizations of the
summary modus. These realizations, called alternative moduses, are obtained simply by
substituting, successively, a 0 (for impossible) or 1 (for possible) for each dot (open
position) encountered in the summary modus, so that no dots are leftover. This process can
be called unraveling. The alternative moduses thus make explicit all cases inherent in the
summary modus; and conversely, the latter is a summary of all the information contained
in the former.
Note that the alternative moduses are themselves, ultimately, summaries, too. For while a
zero (for impossibility) signifies that the combination of items concerned is in every
context or always absent, a one (for possibility) signifies that it is in some contexts or
sometimes present66. Thus, to remove all implicit modality, and consider only actualities,
we would have to dissect each such modus into an unspecifiable number of actualizations,
where 0 means absent and 1 means present, simply. However, such further analysis is
not needed for our purposes; the moduses as above defined are sufficiently informative.67
Consideration of a summary modus constitutes macroanalysis; that of alternative moduses,
microanalysis. That is all the difference between these two methods of matricial analysis:
one of degree of detail. In the former, we have a rough idea of the relations involved; in the
latter, it is as if we scrutinize them under a microscope.
The similar strings of zeros and ones used by computer programmers to code letters of the
alphabet and symbols (I am thinking of ASCII codes) were arbitrary, pure conventions. But
here, note well, once the meanings of zeros and ones, and the order of their presentation,

The answer to that question is no.
The labeling of columns (1-16) would change meaning in other permutations, but the
meaning of the moduses would be unchanged. Our present study is in language abcd; 23 other
languages could express the same information (since the rows might be ordered in 24 different
ways). It might be interesting to compare these competing languages, in search for the most
attractive; but we have adopted this one. (Note that the columns, also, could be ordered in
umpteen different ways.)
Sometimes present, remember, means either always or only sometimes so - i.e. it allows
for necessity as well as contingency.
There are thus four senses of the word modus: the modus of a single conjunction of items
(a cell in the grand matrix); the modus of all conceivable conjunctions of those items (a column,
referring to the summary modus); the modus(es) which are the conceivable realizations of the
summary modus (one or more columns, called the alternative modus(es)); and lastly, the
actualizations underlying the possibilities inherent in the modal definition of the 0 and 1 codes
(subsidiary columns, further subdividing each alternative modus), which we might call radical

are decided, there is nothing conventional about the string for each determination; it is a
logical property of it, objectively given information.

2. The Generic Determinations.

In the four tables below, the precise significance of the numbers heading the columns of
alternative moduses will be made clear in the next chapter; for now, just consider them as
arbitrary labels. It should be stressed at the outset that these modus numbers are not to be
confused with the determination numbers or mood numbers used in earlier chapters. Note
also that Tables 11.1 and 11.2 concern two items (P, R), whereas Tables 11.3 and 11.4
concern three items (P, Q, R)68; the summary moduses of these two sets are therefore not
directly comparable, the former being within a two-item framework, the latter within a
three-item framework.

The two-item modus of complete causation of form PR (symbolized by m, or more

precisely mPR) was previously established to be 10.1. This is, through the following
table, worked out to have two conceivable realizations, namely 1001 or 1011 (labeled
respectively Nos. 10, 12).

Table 11.1. Matrix of P is a complete cause of R.

Items 2 alternative moduses
P R m 10 12
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1

In contrast, the two-item modus, summarily put, of necessary causation of form PR

(symbolized by n, or most precisely nPR) was previously established to be 1.01. This is,
through the following table, worked out to have two conceivable realizations, namely
1001 or 1101 (labeled respectively Nos. 10, 14).

Table 11.2. Matrix of P is a necessary cause of R.

Items 2 alternative moduses
P R n 10 14
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1

The three-item summary modus of relative partial causation of form P(Q)R (symbolized,
according to context, by p or prel, or pQ or most precisely pPQR) was previously established
to be 10.1.1.. . This is, through the following table, worked out to have sixteen

We can, of course, symbolize the two or three items concerned by any letters we like. I
have here chosen PR for two items to facilitate comparisons with P(Q)R for three items. The items
could just as well have been labeled PQ and P(R)Q. These are mere matters of convention.

conceivable realizations, as shown below (labeled respectively Nos. 149-152, 157-160,

181-184, 189-192). Note well that this is true relative to complement Q; we shall consider
absolute partial causation further on.

Table 11.3. Matrix of P (complemented by Q) is a partial cause of R.

Items 16 alternative moduses
P (Q) R p 149 150 151 152 157 158 159 160 181 182 183 184 189 190 191 192

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

The three-item summary modus (column ) of contingent causation of form P(Q)R

(symbolized, according to context, by q or qrel, or qQ or most precisely qPQR) was
previously established to be ..1.1.01. This is, through the following table, worked out to
have sixteen conceivable realizations, as shown below (labeled respectively Nos. 42, 46,
58, 62, 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 238, 250, 254). Note well that this is
true relative to complement Q; we shall consider absolute contingent causation further on.

Table 11.4. Matrix of P (complemented by Q) is a contingent cause of R.

Items 16 alternative moduses
P (Q) R q 42 46 58 62 106 110 122 126 170 174 186 190 234 238 250 254

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

As above stated, we shall presently look into the summary moduses of absolute partial and
contingent causation. As we shall see, they are much wider than those relative to a given
complement, dealt with above. This is natural, since absolute weak causations are vaguer
forms than relative weak causations.

Comparing the summary moduses of complete and necessary causation with two identical
items, 10.1 and 1.01, we see more clearly in what sense they are mirror images of each
other: the strings are identical, viewing one from left to right and the other from right to
left. Similarly for the summary moduses of partial and contingent causation with three
identical items, 10.1.1.. and ..1.1.01.

It should also be noted that a weak cause and its complement have the same summary
modus. That is, partial causation of forms P(Q)R and Q(P)R have the same 10.1.1..
summary; and contingent causation of forms P(Q)R and Q(P)R have the same ..1.1.01
summary. This was obvious from the original definitions of these determinations, in which
P and Q had the same relations to each other and to R; the distinction of one or the other of
P, Q as complement was purely one of convenience or focus.69
Another observation we can make at this stage is that a generic determination and its
(appropriate) converse would have one and the same summary modus.
That is true for the strong and absolute weak70 determinations, which all concern two items.
For instance, "P is a complete cause of R" and "R is a necessary cause of P" (note the
change of determination, as well as that of item positions) are both here described by the
string "10.1". This can be ascertained by reading Table 11.2 in a different order, starting
with the first row, then the third, then the second, then the fourth.
That is also true for the weak determinations, which involve three items. For instance, "P
(complemented by Q) is a partial cause of R" is convertible to "R (complemented by notQ)
is a contingent cause of P" (note well the change of complement polarity, as well as of
determination and item positions) are both here described by the string "10.1.1..". Again,
we can prove this by rereading Table 11.4 in a different order, starting with the third row,
then the seventh, then the first, then the fifth, then the fourth, then the eighth, then the
second, then the sixth.
Indeed, we can say that convertibility is to be explained by such identity of moduses.
Clearly, it follows that we cannot express direction of causation by reference to summary
moduses. The orientations "from P to R" and "from R to P" must have some meaning -
they are not empty verbal distinctions - but that meaning is not apparent in the way of a
difference between moduses. It has to be sought in other properties, as already argued.

3. Contraction and Expansion.

Now, the above account does not allow us to compare the moduses of the strong
determinations with those of the weak ones, nor tell us how to distinguish absolute from
relative weak determinations. To enable such comparisons, we need to develop two
processes: (a) contraction of a three-item modus into a two-item modus, and (b) expansion
of a two-item modus into a three-item modus....

Let us first consider contraction of the three-item moduses of p or q (in their relative
forms). Take first the case of partial causation by P of R, with reference to Table 11.3,
The conjunction (P + Q + R) is possible, since the first row is always coded 1, whereas
(P + notQ + R) is open, since the third row is sometimes coded 0 and sometimes 1.
Nevertheless, it follows that the conjunction (P + R) is possible (i.e. to be coded 1),
since (P + Q + R) is possible implies that (P + R) is possible. Note that if we
regarded (P + R) as merely open, we would fail to record that there is no column with
0s in both the first and third cells.

The reader can ascertain this by taking the matrix of partial or contingent causation (Table
11.3 or 11.4) and reordering the rows: the columns are found to be in different order but have the
same overall content.
As we shall see further down, the summary modus of absolute partial causation is "11.1"
and that of absolute contingent causation is "1.11".

Note this well: it is a finding we altogether missed in macroanalysis, and which may
therefore affect some of our results.
The same reasoning applies for the conjunctions (P + notR), comprising the second and
fourth rows, and (notP + notR), comprising the sixth and eighth rows. They are both
possible conjunctions, and not merely open.
On the other hand, the conjunction (notP + R), comprising the fifth and seventh rows,
must be declared open (i.e. be coded ), since it is conceivable for both (notP + Q + R)
and (notP + notQ + R) to be found impossible (as in the columns numbered 149, 150,
181, 182).
In this way the three-item modus for relative partial causation 10.1.1.. becomes the two-
item modus 11.1. Similarly with contingent causation: its three-item modus ..1.1.01
becomes the two-item modus 1.11.
Thus, in case of need, we can contract a three-item modus into a two-item one, by
changing a combination of 1 and 0, or 1 and , in corresponding locations, into a 1. Also, a
combination of two dots yields one dot. Note well the rule of contraction:
1. Where there is a 1 in the 3-item modus, there must be a 1 in the 2-item
Additionally note, though we have not yet encountered cases:
2. The only way we could obtain a 0 in a two-item modus, from a three-item
modus, would be to find only 0s along both rows of the latter.
3. If we find cases of 11,10 and/or 01 mixed with cases of 00 in the three-
item modus, we must conclude a dot () in the two-item modus.
Now, what have we found here? We started with weak causations by P of R, relative to
some complement Q specifically, and ended with weak causations by P or R, without
specification of Q, i.e. absolutely. The three-item modus for p or q relative to Q could not
be equated to the same relative to some other complement, say Q1; their matrices are
superficially similar, but the items involved (namely PQR and PQ1R) are quite different.
But if we contract both kinds to two-item moduses, they would be indistinguishable, since
the items involved (namely PR) are exactly identical.

Thus, the two-item modus of absolute (which includes relative) partial causation of form
PR (symbolized, according to context, by p or pabs, or most precisely pPR) is by contraction
found to be 11.1. This is, through the following table, worked out to have two
conceivable realizations, namely 1101 or 1111 (labeled respectively Nos. 14, 16).

Table 11.5. Matrix of P is a partial cause of R.

Items 2 alternative moduses
P R p 14 16
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1

In contrast, the two-item modus, summarily put, of absolute (which includes relative)
contingent causation of form PR (symbolized, according to context, by q or qabs, or most
precisely qPR) is by contraction found to be 1.11. This is, through the following table,
worked out to have two conceivable realizations, namely 1011 or 1111 (labeled
respectively Nos. 12, 16).

Table 11.6. Matrix of P is a contingent cause of R.

Items 2 alternative moduses
P R q 12 16
1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1

Notice the similarity between the summary moduses of m (10.1) and pabs (11.1), or those
of n (1.01) and qabs (1.11). Where for the strong determination we have a 0 code, in the
corresponding absolute weak determination we have a 1; the remaining codes being
identical. This, as we shall see in a later chapter71, allows us to define the absolute weak
determinations in formal terms.
Also note that the absolute weak determinations are convertible, just like the strong ones
(as we pointed out in the previous section). For instance, P is a partial cause of R
converts to R is a contingent cause of P (note the change in determination, as well as that
of item positions), since these two forms have the same summary modus 11.1.

The next question to ask is: what are the three-item moduses of m or n, or of p or q in their
absolute forms? We can answer this question by means of expansion, as follows.
Consider, to begin with, the strong determinations. In the case of complete causation by P
of R, the following can be said:
Knowing the conjunction (P + notR) is impossible, it follows that both (P + Q + notR)
and (P + notQ + notR) are impossible conjunctions (whence the initial modus 0
becomes two moduses 0).
Whereas, since the conjunction (P + R) is possible, it follows only that at least one of (P
+ Q + R) and (P + notQ + R) is a possible conjunction (i.e. they cannot both be
impossible) - but we cannot predict which one is possible, so both conjunctions must be
declared open (whence, the initial modus 1 becomes two moduses ). Similarly, mutatis
mutandis, for (notP + notR).
Lastly, since the conjunction (notP + R) is open, so will a fortiori its two derivatives be
(i.e. the initial modus becomes two moduses ).
In this way the two-item modus 10.1 for complete causation becomes the three-item
modus .0.0..... Similarly with necessary causation: its two-item modus 1.01 becomes
the three-item modus ....0.0.. Notice the loss of information occasioned by the change in
each case, due to the fact that ones become dots; the results of such expansions are vaguer
than their sources.

Thus, in case of need, we can expand a two-item modus into a three-item one, by changing
a zero into two zeros in the appropriate locations, and a one or dot into two dots as
appropriate. Here, note well the appropriate locations are not adjacent rows: they are the
first and third, the second and fourth, the fifth and sixth, etc., reflecting a correspondence
in combination of items - such as (P + notR) becoming (P + Q + notR) or (P + notQ +
notR), which means moving from a PR sequence 10 to the PQR sequences 110 and 100,
which signify the second and fourth rows of the matrix.

See "Some More Microanalyses", last section.

However, note well the restrictions implied in the following rules of expansion:
1. Where there is a 0 in the 2-item modus, there must be two 0s in the 3-item
2. Where there is a 1 in the 2-item modus, there cannot be two 0s in the 3-item
3. Where there is a dot in the 2-item modus, there might be any combinations of
0s and/or 1s in the 3-item modus.
With regard to zero moduses (impossibility), they are universalized as it were from the
initial row to the corresponding expanded rows. With regard to ones (possibility), what is
universalized from the single initial row to the two subsumed rows is the interdiction of
zeros: just as in the two-item modus 0 is excluded by 1, so the three-item expansion cannot
include columns (moduses) having 0s in both the corresponding rows. A fortiori, in the
case of dots (which might include zeros or ones), we cannot predict combinations in the
two cells concerned, since all pairs are allowed, i.e. 0 and 0, 0 and 1, 1 and 0, 1 and 1.

Consider now the weak determinations, in accord with the rules of expansion just
ascertained. If we similarly expand the two-item modus of absolute (or relative) partial
causation, namely 11.1, into a three-item modus, we obtain ........, since all ones or zeros
become dots. Likewise, by expansion of the two-item modus of absolute (or relative)
contingent causation, namely 1.11, into a three-item modus, we obtain .........
Note well that the result in both these cases is a string of dots, signifying complete
uncertainty, the least possible amount of information. Each initial one or dot was expanded
into two dots, so that all remaining specificity in the initial string was dissolved in its
Note also the marked difference between the three-item strings of the absolute weak
determinations ........, and those of the corresponding relative forms, namely 10.1.1..
and ..1.1.01 respectively.

Clearly, for all four generic determinations, expansion of a two-item modus 1 (possible)
into two three-item moduses (open) results in a loss of data; i.e. the information that
at least one of the two conjunctions concerned must be possible: i.e. they cannot both be
impossible is no longer coded in our table. A calculus of causation should be so designed
as to avoid all loss of information due to mere linguistic inadequacies72. Thus, we have to
find a way to express, through a special code in the modus, say (Gk. letter mu), that at
least one of the two (or more) conjunctions so coded is implicitly a 1.73

Complete causation = 00..

Necessary causation = ..00
Partial causation (absolute) = ..
Contingent causation (absolute) = ..

This measure by itself is not enough; to save all available information, we would have to
specify the rows concerned, say by labeling them a-h. For instance, if at least one of rows
a and c has to have modus 1, each would have to be coded more specifically as ac.
Such coding means that the PQR sequences signified by the labels a and c (namely, 111

I do not doubt that a better symbolic or mathematical logician than myself could develop
neater approach. This is not my forte.
When occurs, it occurs in pairs, note well. In contrast, within that notation, when a pair of
dots occur, it means that both these positions may well be 0s.

and 101) may have moduses with 0 and 1, 1 and 0, 1 and 1 - but they may not have the pair
0 and 0. It follows that:
if a = ac and c = 0, then a = 1 (since 00 is inconceivable), and
if a = ac and c = 1, then a = (since 01 and 11 are both conceivable);
and likewise, of course, if c = ac and a = 0 then c = 1, and if c = ac and a = 1 then c = .
All this information can be considered implicit in a table like the following (the relative
weak determinations of form PQR are included for comparison):

Table 11.7. Summary moduses for the six generic determinations of form PR or PQR.
Row Items m n pabs qabs prel qrel

a 1 1 1 ac ac ac ac 1
b 1 1 0 0 bd 0
c 1 0 1 ac ac ac ac 1
d 1 0 0 0 bd 1
e 0 1 1 0 eg 1
f 0 1 0 fh fh fh fh 1
g 0 0 1 0 eg 0
h 0 0 0 fh fh fh fh 1

All this may seem pretty complicated, but as we shall see it simplifies a lot of things.
Through the summary moduses in the above table, we can identify precisely the alternative
moduses in a three-item framework implied by each of the four determinations (for the
items PR or PQR).
As we shall see in the next chapter, the strong determinations m and n turn out to have 36
such alternative moduses each, while the weak determinations p and q in absolute form (as
here), have 108 alternative moduses each (to compare to the 16 moduses of relative
weaks). We shall list these moduses in the next chapter, so no need to do so here; they are
easy to unravel by substituting zeros and ones for dots as previously explained.

4. Intersection, Nullification and Merger.

We shall now consider certain inferences from the above data.
The joining of generic determinations can be considered as the intersection of their
respective summary moduses. By such conjunction of two propositions (or more), two
classes (generic determinations) are used to express a more restrictive class (a joint
determination), with whatever they have in common.
By this process, in a two-item framework (where the weak determinations are absolute), the
joint determinations are found to have the following summary moduses:

complete-necessary causation, mn = 10.1 + 1.01 = 1001 (modus No. 10);

complete-contingent causation, mq = 10.1 + 1.11 = 1011 (modus No. 12);
necessary-partial causation, np = 1.01 + 11.1 = 1101 (modus No. 14);
partial-contingent causation, pq = 11.1 + 1.11 = 1111 (modus No. 16).

As can be seen, the result in each case is a single alternative modus (mentioned in
brackets), which represents what the joined generics have in common. Thus, for instance,

m has moduses 10 and 12, and n has moduses 10 and 14; therefore mn (meaning m + n)
will have modus 10. The resulting summary modus is more defined than its sources, i.e.
there are less dots, there are less uncertainties in the relation between the items.
This operation is merely an application of the well-known rule of class logic, that the
logical product of two classes (such as m and n, each of which subsumes two subclasses,
namely 10 and 12 for m and 10 and 14 for n) is the elements they have in common
(namely, modus 10, in the case of mn). This can be seen for example in an Euler diagram,
comprising two circles which overlap: their common area is the outcome of their product,
and usually smaller than the circles (in our example, modus 10).
Note that by logical product logicians mean that the two (or more) classes are conjoined
together (i.e. mn means m + n)74. It must be stressed that modus lists are disjunctive not
conjunctive, so that underlying this formula is another one (namely mn = modus 10 or
modus 12 and modus 10 or modus 14, which means in any event, modus 10, i.e. it
refers to the leftover after removing from consideration the elements modus 12 and
modus 14, which are exclusive in either disjunct.
Similarly, in a three-item framework (where the weak determinations may be absolute or
relative), intersection of the generic determinations yields the joint determinations, with the
following summary moduses:

complete-necessary causation:
mn = 00.. + ..00 = 0000 (9 alternative moduses)
complete-contingent causation,
mqabs = 00.. + .. = 00 (27 alternative moduses)
mqrel = 00.. + ..1.1.01 = .0101.01 (4 alternative moduses)
necessary-partial causation:
npabs = ..00 + .. = 00 (27 alternative moduses)
nprel = ..00 + 10.1.1.. = 10.1010. (4 alternative moduses)
partial-contingent causation:
pabsqabs = .. + .. = (81 alternative moduses)
prelqrel = 10.1.1.. + ..1.1.01 = 10111101 (1 alternative modus)

Here again, the result signifies the alternative moduses that the joined generics have in
common; we shall not list them at this stage: the list will be given in the next chapter. In
the case of prelqrel, exceptionally, the result is a fully specifying summary modus, i.e. a
single alternative modus (that labeled #190, as we shall see later). The resulting summary
modus fuses together the most definite elements of the initial summary moduses; some
dots become s, and some dots or s become more specifically a 0 or a 1. The s
concerned are in pairs like ac remember; the subscripts are not mentioned here for brevity.

Some of these results correspond to those obtained by macroanalysis, note. To grasp the
rules of intersection, let us review the examples shown above:
1. The summary moduses are never conflicting in a given position (1 in one case and
0 in the other); this simply means that the determinations joined are compatible.
2. For each position identical in both generic summary moduses, or more definite (
or 1 or 0) in one and indefinite ( or ) in the other, the resulting corresponding
position in the joint summary modus has that equal or more definite value.

This process is therefore, despite its name, in some ways more akin to addition. See
Future Logic, chapter 28, on logical compositions.

We cannot join two determinations whose summary moduses have conflicting elements in
the same position (a 0 in one and a 1 in the other): they are incompatible propositions, it is
an impossible conjunction. In alternative modus terms, it means that these determinations
do not have even one modus in common; in class logic terms, it means that the given
classes (generic determinations) do not overlap: they have no intersection. Such logically
empty concepts are known as null classes; we might therefore refer to the act of judging a
class to be null as nullification.
For instances, the conjunctions mp, nq are null classes. Since m has moduses 10, 12 and p
has moduses 14, 16, they have no common ground, no modus in which to coexist.
Similarly for n and q, mutatis mutandis. This we know already from macroanalysis. More
interesting, is the capacity nullification gives us to judge the feasibility of lone
determinations, as we shall see in the next chapter.

Let us now consider another logical composition, that of merger, which disjoins two (or
more) propositions, to obtain a single, vaguer proposition. In alternative modus terms, this
process puts together all the alternative moduses listed for the given propositions in a
larger list for the merged proposition. In class logic terms, this means that the two (or
more) classes together become a single class covering all the areas they have exclusively as
well as those they have in common.
This corresponds to the logical sum of classes, where the two initial classes merge into a
larger class by inclusive disjunction (expressed by operator or, which here means and/or,
i.e. not both not; this is often symbolized by a v, or in some computer languages by a
)75. Inclusive disjunction means that all the elements subsumed by the given classes are
to be included in the larger class; if a subclass subsumes x elements and another involves y
elements, then the larger class covers (x + y) elements. In contrast, in conjunction, only the
elements subsumed by all the given classes are selected, forming a narrower class.76
We can, for instance, merge joint determinations into generics; thus, mn v mq is
equivalent to just m, mn v np becomes n, np v pq becomes p, and mq v pq
results in q. We can likewise merge generic determinations into broader concepts, such
as strong or weak causation or causation, as shown below. Merger is easy if we work
directly with alternative moduses; but it becomes very complicated if we refer to summary
moduses, due to the inadequacies of the ad hoc notation system we have used so far.
In a two-item framework, it is feasible if we introduce an additional symbol, say (Gk.
letter lambda), signifying that the two positions in the formula where it occurs cannot both
be coded 1 (in contrast to , which signifies that they cannot both be 0, remember). In
such case, we can predict the summary moduses of the following vague propositions (s, w,
c) on the basis of the generics merged in them:

strong causation, symbol s = m or n = 10.1 v 1.01 = 11 (moduses Nos. 10, 12, 14)77;
absolute weak causation, symbol wabs = pabs or qabs = 11.1 v 1.11 = 11 (moduses
Nos. 12, 14, 16);
relative weak causation, symbol wrel = prel or qrel = same two-item summary modus as
for absolute weak causation;

This process turns out, despite its name, in some ways more akin to multiplication. See
Future Logic, chapter 28, on logical compositions.
Exclusive disjunction, note in passing, refers to the results of inclusive disjunction less
those of conjunction, i.e. to the subsumptions of the given classes not common to them all.
The two middle positions of the merged summary modus have to be , because in the
given summary moduses they may only be 00 or 01 (in the first) or 00 or 10 (in the second); i.e. the
remaining possibility 11 is excluded.

causation, symbol c = m or n or pabs or qabs = 10.1 v 1.01 v 11.1 v 1.11 = 1..1

(moduses Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16).

Note that causation here means some causation, causation of any determination whatever,
whether m, n, pabs or qabs. As we will show in the next chapter, contributory causation (m
or p) and possible causation (n or q) are different from it only with reference to relatives;
in absolute terms, they are identical to each other and to causation (because m implies not-
pabs, and n implies not-qabs).
The same four operations in a three-item system all apparently yield one and the same
conclusion, namely .... (try and see) - which is the summary modus of causation,
covering 144 alternative moduses, as we shall see. This is of course an absurd result,
because, as we shall see in the next chapter, strong causation in fact covers 63 moduses;
absolute weak causation, 135 moduses; and relative weak causation, 31 moduses! It
follows that our notation system is inadequate for merger operations other than:

c = 00.. v ..00 v .. v .. = .... (144 moduses).

What this means is that the symbolic language developed so far is too simple to express
more complex relations than those intended by a 0, 1, or (or even , just introduced to
enable merger of the two-item summary moduses of strong determinations78). It does not
generate a distinctive summary modus for each and every form. However, I will not bother
to attempt improving on it, not wishing to get bogged down in inessential matters. For our
primary goal here is not to develop a calculus of summary moduses, but to ascertain how
generic propositions can be merged into vaguer forms. And this we can readily do with
reference to the underlying alternative moduses, which is good enough.

5. Negation.
Before moving on, let us review the ground covered thus far. We started with binary
coding of the summary moduses of the generic determinations known to us thanks to
macroanalyses performed at the very start of our research into causative propositions. We
saw that these summary moduses involved uncertainties (coded ). To eliminate these
information gaps, we had to unravel the summary moduses, that is, identify the underlying
alternative moduses (involving 0 or 1 codes exclusively). We thus introduced
However, the strong determinations m, n were expressed in a two-item (PR) framework,
while the relative weaks prel, qrel were expressed in a three-item (PQR) framework - so
these two sets of forms were not comparable. We therefore had to work out the means for
contraction and expansion of their summary moduses (the latter process required that we
introduce a fourth code, ). This also allowed us to ascertain the two- and three- item
summary moduses of absolute weak determinations pabs, qabs - first by contracting those of
the relative weaks prel, qrel, then by expanding these results.
Having thus obtained both the two- and three- item summary moduses of all six generic
determinations, we had all the information we need to work out the matrices of all
derivative propositions. Indeed, by means of intersection we can readily identify the

For three items, we would have to introduce, as well as the concepts not 00 () and not
11 (), not 01 and not 10, among others (supposedly). All of which becomes more complicated
than useful.

alternative moduses of any conjunction of determinations: they are the alternative moduses
the latter have in common. A special case of this is nullification: if the propositions we
wish to conjoin have no alternative moduses in common, they are incompatible. And by
means of merger we can readily identify the alternative moduses of any disjunction of
determinations: they are the alternative moduses the latter have all taken together.
We thus dispose of the basic data and logical processes we need for microanalysis of all
positive forms, be they generic, joint (i.e. narrower than the generics) or vague (i.e. broader
than the generics). But we still lack the alternative moduses of negative forms of whatever
breadth. We cannot obtain their summary moduses by macroanalysis, as we did for the
generic positive forms, because of the underlying complexity of negative causative
propositions. So we must look for more profound means.
Thus far, we have engaged in microanalysis that may be characterized as piecemeal. In the
next chapter, we shall approach this topic with a more holistic perspective, which we may
refer to as systematic microanalysis. That consists in considering all conceivable
alternative moduses in a given framework (fixed by the number of items under
consideration), and then locating the determination(s) under consideration within this full
range of possibilities.
The alternative moduses of negative forms become easy to identify thereby. Having the list
of all conceivable alternative moduses in a given framework, and the alternative moduses
of a positive form, we can readily infer those of the corresponding negative form: they are
all the remaining alternative moduses! This process, which we shall simply call negation79,
is akin to subtraction. If a class subsumes x elements and a subclass of it involves y
elements, then the remaining area covers (x - y) elements.
Microanalysis thus ultimately enables us to distinctively define any and every causative
proposition (and other, related forms, as we shall see), with little effort. Furthermore, such
detailed matricial analysis turns out to be a panacea, providing us with resolutions to all
deductive issues in causation.
In particular, note that once we identify the moduses of negative generics, we can
ascertain those of lone determinations, which conjoin one positive generic with the
negations of all others. As we shall see in the next chapter, absolute lones are nullified.
However, as we shall see in a subsequent chapter, relative lones are not nullified. Let us
here mention for the record their summary moduses, which may be constructed knowing
their alternative moduses, there identified (check and see for yourself that these
summaries give rise to the correct alternatives):
m-alonerel = 00
n-alonerel = 00
p-alonerel = 10.11.
q-alonerel = .11.01
If we compare these to the summary moduses of m, n, prel and qrel, respectively (which
are given in Table 11.7 above), as well as to those of joint determinations mn, mqrel,
nprel, prelqrel (given in the previous section), we may observe the following mutations.
A code 0 or 1 for a generic is retained in a joint or lone including it. A found in m (or
n, as the case may be) is retained in mn, and in m-alonerel (or n-alonerel), but not in
mqrel (or nprel), because in the latter one is superseded by the 1 found in the
corresponding position in prel (or qrel), so that the remaining becomes a dot. There are
no dots left in prelqrel because all the dots in prel or qrel have all been superseded by a 1
or 0. A dot in m or n becomes a in m-alonerel or n-alonerel, respectively. As for p-

Not to be confused with nullification, dealt with in the previous section.

alonerel or q-alonerel, the dots in prel or qrel not paired-off with a 1 become , whereas
those paired-off with a 1 remain dots.
As already explained, a signifies that the pair of cells containing it (the first and third,
the second and fourth, the fifth and seventh, or the sixth and eighth) may separately be 0
or 1, but cannot together be 0. No such restriction occurs where there are mere dots.
Thus, what the above teaches us, especially, is that a relative lone determination has a
slightly more restrictive modus than the corresponding generic determination, but is in
all other respects identical.


1. Grand Matrices.

Our study of causative propositions, in a first phase, consisted in conception of positive

forms, their dissection into defining clauses, and their matricial analysis, or more precisely
their macroanalysis. That provided us with the means to solve various problems, including
many syllogistic issues; but it left us without practical means to answer questions
concerning negative forms. We consequently, in a second phase, opted for a more detailed
and deep method of study, microanalysis. We thus somewhat improved our predictive
abilities; but serious difficulties remained, due to our approach being piecemeal.
To resolve outstanding issues, we must approach microanalysis in a more systematic
manner. Instead of constructing matrices for each propositional form, we shall proceed in
the opposite direction and conceive a grand matrix for the items concerned in which each
and every propositional form can be located. A grand matrix tabulates all conceivable
moduses for a given number of items, and assigns a numerical label (an address, as it were)
to each such logical possibility. Once this is developed, we can identify the places of the
various determinations within such a broad framework, and easily predict all their
Through grand matrices, we have an overview of all possible relations between the items
concerned. We can then focus on particular segments of the matrix as signifying this or
that specific relation.
Two items (P, R) give rise to a table with 22 = 4 rows (with PR sequences 11, 10, 01, 00,
conventionally so ordered), and 24 = 16 modus columns (conventionally ordered with the
maximum number of zeros on the left and the maximum number of ones on the right,
then numbered 1-16). Such a table defines the general relation of any pair of items, and is
the same whatever they happen to be.
A specific relation proposed for two particular items is then expressed by highlighting the
modus column(s) corresponding to that specific relation (or by stating their numerical
labels). The degree of determination involved is visually represented by the pattern of
zeros and ones which stand out against the background of the grand matrix in which they
are imbedded.
The grand matrix prefigures all potential configurations for the number of items
involved; while the highlighted alternative(s) depict the apparent or supposed actual
configuration for the particular items under scrutiny, which constitutes the distinctive
determination relating them with each other.
In the case of three items (P, Q, R), the table has 23 = 8 rows and 28 = 256 modus columns,
conventionally ordered in a similar manner. For four items (P, Q, R, S) we can expect a
table with 24 = 16 rows and 216 = 65,536 modus columns. And so forth. Note well that the
concrete content of the items is irrelevant to the structure of the grand matrix; it looks the
same for any given number of items.
From an epistemological and ontological point of view, a grand matrix depicts the
universe of imaginable relations between any two (or more) items in the world or in
knowledge taken at random. In reality, i.e. in the experienced world or at a given stage of
knowledge development, only some of these relations (alternative moduses, i.e.

conjunctions of presences and absences) will be found applicable to the items under
Thus, we can visualize the distance (their separation in space-time, or their conceptual
difference) between any two or more items in the world or in knowledge as inhabited by a
belt80 with strips of zeros and ones (a grand matrix with alternative moduses), of which
some are highlighted or potent in the case concerned, and the rest are neutralized or
inactive. We thus propose a very binary structure for the world and for knowledge,
appealing by its universality and simplicity.
Indeed, in this perspective, we can even conceive of a universal matrix, comprising the
umpteen items in the world or in knowledge, and an enormous tapestry of logically
possible relations with zillions of zeros and ones in their every combination and
permutation. For x items, this matrix would have y = 2x rows and z = 2y columns.
With this image in mind, the pursuit of knowledge can be considered as an attempt to
pinpoint - on the basis of sensory and other experience, as well as of mental speculation
and logical insight - the applicable moduses within such broad ranges, for the items
concerned. A specific relation like causation or complete causation is thus a selection of
moduses proposed as applicable to the concrete items concerned. The applicable
alternative moduses constitute the bond (of some degree) between the items in a given
Identification of applicable moduses proceeds gradually, inductively (with deduction as but
a tool of induction). They are not known immediately, without residual doubts. Intellectual
work is required.
We start with a mass of phenomena in flux. Appearances are presented to consciousness,
perceptually (concretes) or conceptually (abstracts). We stratify some as given (pure) and
others as speculative (mental projections about the pure), and try through logical insight
to judge the hypotheses most fitting for the overall context of currently available data.
Much of our thinking in relation to causation consists simply in trying to encapsulate the
data available in the different forms of causation. This is a trial and error process, which
may be characterized as successive formulation and (if need arise) elimination of
hypotheses. Our approach may be passive, unconscious; or proactive, purposeful.
Normally, we first try out the strongest form of causation (mn), then lesser forms (mq or
np), and finally the weakest (pq); if none of these work, we conclude with non-causation.
Alternatively, we may proceed on a deeper level, with reference to if-then statements or,
more cautiously, to moduses, before we build up comprehensive causative propositions.
As the empirical context changes, growing and becoming more focused, our opinion may
vary. We may also discover, through deductive reasoning, inconsistencies between
different conclusions. What seemed previously a successful summary of information then
has to be reviewed. But eventually things seem to settle down and solidify, and we may
presume that our opinion at last corresponds to (or more closely than ever approaches) the
real state of affairs, and may be regarded as knowledge.

Logic, after working out matricial configurations, immediately imposes one universal
restriction: the alternative modus in any grand matrix consisting only of zeros, with
no ones, cannot be true. Whatever the grand matrix, i.e. for any number and content of

To stress this image, we could place the items at opposite ends of the matrix. For two
items, the 'belt' would be flat; for three items voluminous in three dimensions; and so forth. Another
idea is to imagine the matrix as somehow enveloping the items, with varying force of cohesion.
Each alternative modus indeed signifies a centripetal or centrifugal force relating the items

items, only alternative moduses involving at least one 1 code are at all credible; in every
such matrix, the first modus, composed entirely of 0 codes, has no credibility.
This is just a restatement with regard to matricial analysis of the Laws of Non-
Contradiction and of the Excluded Middle. Since the rows of our matrix already predict
every conceivable combination of the items in their positive and negative forms, at least
one of these rows has to possibly exist; if a column means that none of these combinations
may occur, it contradicts that setup and lays claim to yet another combination of items.
Such a claim would be absurd, and may be rejected at the outset.
All other moduses are logically sound per se, though they might well be excluded within a
given context. Indeed, the knowledge enterprise may be viewed as a search for good
reasons for the elimination of as many moduses as we can, so as to be left with a limited
number of moduses which signify an interesting specific relation like causation. We thus
move from the vaguely conceivable, to a more focused and pondered evaluation.
We cannot say at the outset which relation (expressed by one or more moduses) applies in
a given case. There is bound to be some relation, but as we shall soon see logic does not
insist on a specifically causative relation, it allows for a non-causative relation. Ab initio,
all logic stipulates is that the modus consisting only of zeros can never apply.
This is the nearest thing to a law of causation we can foresee at this stage; which by itself
implies that there is no law of causation in the traditional senses, or that if there is one it
must be sought for in other ways. We shall, of course, return to this topic in more detail, in
a later chapter.

2. Moduses in a Two-Item Framework.

We shall first consider a two-item framework, and catalogue all its conceivable moduses,
then enumerate those applicable to each category of proposition. In the following table, P
is looked upon as a putative cause, while R is looked upon as a putative effect. Their
conceivable combinations define rows, and columns refer to all initially conceivable
alternative moduses for them.
In a two-item grand matrix, there are 4 rows and 16 columns, as we have seen, and
therefore 64 cells. Each cell may equally be coded 0 (impossible) or 1 (possible), so that
each code will occur a total of 32 times. The matrix is constructed by coding: in the first
row, 0 in the first 8 cells then 1 in the last 8 cells; for the second row, 0 in the first and third
set of 4 cells then 1 in the second and fourth set of 4 cells; in the third row, we have a
succession of pairs, 00, 11, 00, 11, and so forth; finally, in the fourth row, we coded 0, 1, 0,
1, in succession. We are thus sure to have foreseen every possible interplay of 0 and 1
Take the time to notice that we have ordered the alternative moduses in a progressive
manner, starting with a maximum number of 0s in a column (no cell coded 1) and ending
with a maximum number of 1s in a column (no cell coded 0). We then conventionally
number (or label) the columns so ordered, 1-16. The rows, note well, are also in a
conventional arrangement, with four PR sequences 11, 10, 01, 00, respectively (labeled a-
d, if need be).
Now, the column labeled No. 1 is an impossible modus, since at least one row has to have a
1, by the Laws of Non-Contradiction and of the Excluded Middle. Significantly, this is
the only combination excluded universally by those logical laws, as already explained.
Concerning the remaining 15 possible moduses, they are exhaustive (one of them must be
true) and mutually exclusive (no more than one may be true at once).

Here, then, is the grand matrix for two items, a catalogue of all conceivable alternative
moduses for any two items, like P, R:

Table 12.1. Catalogue of moduses for the four conjunctions of two items (P, R).
Row Items ** Possible moduses, labeled 2-15
label P R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
a 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
b 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
c 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
d 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
** Column labeled No. 1 is an impossible modus.

The following table interprets the preceding, by enumeration of the alternative moduses of
the main causative forms. It is based on the known characteristics of positive strong and
absolute weak generics, i.e. the moduses given in Tables 1, 2, 5 and 6 of the previous
chapter. From this initial information, we can, using the processes of negation, intersection
and merger, infer the alternative moduses of derivative forms, i.e. negatives, as well as
joints and vaguer forms (s, w, c), and their negations.
Note that relative weak determinations are not dealt with here, because, in a two-item
framework, they have the same moduses as absolutes. They can only be distinguished as of
a three-item framework, so we cannot analyze them and their derivatives till we get there.

Table 12.2. Enumeration of two-item moduses for the strong or absolute weak
determinations and their derivatives (form PR).
Determination Column number(s) Comment
Strongs and their negations:
m 10, 12 2 alternatives, by macroanalysis.
n 10, 14 2 alternatives, by macroanalysis.
not-m 2-9, 11, 13-16 All alternatives but those of m;
i.e. 13 cases.
not-n 2-9, 11-13, 15-16 All alternatives but those of n;
i.e. 13 cases.
Absolute weaks and their negations:
pabs 14, 16 2 alternatives, by macroanalysis
of prel and contraction.
qabs 12, 16 2 alternatives, by macroanalysis
of qrel and contraction.
not-pabs 2-13, 15 All alternatives but those of pabs;
i.e. 13 cases.
not-qabs 2-11, 13-15 All alternatives but those of qabs;
i.e. 13 cases.

Table 12.2 continued.

Joints (absolute) and their negations:
mn 10 Their one common alternative,
by intersection.
mqabs 12 Their one common alternative,
by intersection.
npabs 14 Their one common alternative,
by intersection.
pabsqabs 16 Their one common alternative,
by intersection.
not(mn) 2-9, 11-16 All alternatives but that of mn;
i.e. 14 cases.
not(mqabs) 2-11, 13-16 All alternatives but that of
i.e. 14 cases.
not(npabs) 2-14, 15-16 All alternatives but that of npabs;
i.e. 14 cases.
not(pabsqabs) 2-15 All alternatives but that of
pabsqabs; i.e. 14 cases.
Strong causation and its negation:
s = m or n 10, 12, 14 All their 3 alternatives, by
not-s = not-m + not-n 2-9, 11, 13, 15-16 All alternatives but the
preceding; i.e. 12 cases.
Absolute weak causation and its negation:
wabs = pabs or qabs 12, 14, 16 All their 3 alternatives, by
not- wabs = 2-11, 13, 15 All alternatives but the
not-pabs + not-qabs preceding; i.e. 12 cases.
Causation (absolute) and its negation:
cabs = 10, 12, 14, 16 All their four alternatives, by
m or n or pabs or qabs merger.
not-cabs = 2-9, 11, 13, 15 All alternatives but the
not-m + not-n preceding; i.e. 11 cases.
+ not-pabs + not-qabs

Let us highlight some of the information in the above table. First, take note of the ease with
which we are now able to define any negative form, given the moduses of the
corresponding positive form, by simply listing the leftover moduses. We can also readily
define vaguer positive forms, like s, w, c, by merging the modus lists of their components.
These forms were until here very difficult to define, remember.
Second, we can see at a glance that compatible forms are those which have a common
modus (or more); for instance, m and n, m and qabs, n and pabs, pabs and qabs can be joined,
because they share a modus (respectively, 10, 12, 14 and 16). Incompatibilities are also
made evident by such a table; thus, m and pabs have no common modus, nor do n and qabs;
so these are incompatible pairs and give rise to no form.
Third, certain compounds of positives and negatives have not been listed in the above
table, because they are equivalent to already listed forms, i.e. all their moduses are the

same. Implication signifies that every modus of the implying form is a modus of the
implied form; this is not mere overlap, note, but full inclusion of one form in the other.
Two one-way implications (and their contraposites) must be noted:
that pabs implies not-m (or m implies not-pabs), and
that qabs implies not-n (or n implies not-qabs).
This is because the moduses Nos. 14, 16 of pabs are both also moduses of not-m, and the
moduses Nos. 12, 16 of qabs are both also moduses of not-n. Given that m implies not-pabs,
it follows that (m + not-pabs) is identical to m. Similarly, (n + not-qabs) = n; (not-m + pabs)
= pabs; and (not-n + qabs) = qabs. There is therefore no need to list these four conjunctions
Mutual implication or equivalence occurs when the forms compared have the very same
alternative modus list. Thus,
(m + not-qabs) = (n + not-pabs) = mn (modus 10);
(m + not-n) = (not-pabs + qabs) = mqabs (modus 12);
(not-m + n) = (pabs + not-qabs) = npabs (modus 14); and
(not-m + qabs) = (not-n + pabs) = pabsqabs (modus 16).
There is therefore no need to list these various conjunctions separately. In contrast, for
instance, m and n do not imply each other, though they have one modus in common (No.
10), because each has a modus the other lacks. Likewise for pabs and qabs, they overlap only
in one of their moduses (No. 16) and both have a distinct additional modus.
Fourth, some compositions have not been listed in the above table, because they do not
constitute an interesting concept. Falling in this category are m or qabs (moduses 10, 12,
16) and its negation (not-m + not-qabs), or again n or pabs (moduses 10, 14, 16) and its
negation (not-n + not-pabs).
Fifth, certain conjunctions of positives and negatives have not been listed in the above
table, because they give rise to no forms. Note especially that (absolute) lone
determinations are excluded from consideration (or nullified) by this technique. That is,
we cannot form the following conjunctions of positive and negatives, because they do not
share a single common alternative modus:
m-aloneabs = m + not-n + not-pabs + not-qabs = null-class;
n-aloneabs = n + not-m + not-pabs + not-qabs = null-class;
p-aloneabs = pabs + not-m + not-n + not-qabs = null-class;
q-aloneabs = qabs + not-m + not-n + not-pabs = null-class.
Thus, for instance, m shares modus 12 with not-n and (needless to say, since it implies it)
with not-pabs, but this modus is absent in not-qabs. And so forth, for the other absolute
lones. These symbolically contrived conjunctions are therefore impossible in fact: by
reference to the moduses we can definitively establish this fact and understand it.
This is an important formal principle, which may be looked upon as a law of causation
(among others)81. Had (absolute) lone determinations been possible, our view of the
causative relation would have been much less deterministic. Before microanalysis, we
could not ascertain whether or not the generic determinations m, n, pabs or qabs may
logically exist without intersection; now we know for sure that they can only exist within
joint determinations.

The expression 'law of causation' is traditionally used with reference to general statements
such as "everything has a cause", for which we have so far not found formal justification, though
they might eventually be adopted as inductive principles. Here, the phrase is used in a more open
sense, reflecting the usual usage of the term 'law'. In this sense, as we saw earlier, the fact that
alternative modus No. 1 (consisting only of zeros) is impossible is a law; and likewise the fact that
absolute lone determinations do not exist. Indeed, in this sense, all formal processes about
causation - including all oppositions, eductions, syllogisms - are laws.

The following equations follow from the nullification of lones:

m = (mn or mqabs), and n = (mn or npabs);
pabs = (npabs or pabsqabs), and qabs = (mqabs or pabsqabs).
Again, s = (mn or mqabs or npabs), and wabs = (mqabs or npabs or pabsqabs). Consequently,
cabs = (mn or mqabs or npabs or pabsqabs); and it is equivalent to (m or pabs) and to (n or
qabs). Also, by negation, not-cabs is equivalent to (not-m + not-pabs) and to (not-n + not-
These various compounds are therefore implicit in the above table, and need not be listed.
Lastly, we should notice the genus-species relations between forms. Thus, mn is a species
of m and a species of n, because it shares a modus (No. 10) with each of them, and has
none they lack; the latter forms are more generic or less definite, since they involve
additional alternatives. Similarly, s is vaguer or broader in possibilities than m or n, and
therefore a genus of theirs; likewise, pabs and qabs are species of wabs. Causation (c) is
clearly the summum genus for all the positive forms. Negatives can be examined in the
same perspective.
It is also worth noticing what underlies the relative strengths of determinations. Note that
the alternative moduses of the strong determinations (10, 12, 14) involve more zeros than
those of the weaks (12, 14, 16). In particular, ignoring the common moduses (12, 14),
compare modus 10 (two 0s) with modus 16 (no 0s). Clearly, m and n are stronger than p
and q, because they involve more impossibility (two extra zeros); zeros more firmly
delimit a relation. Similarly, comparing joints with each other; the more zeros in the
modus, the stronger the determination.

3. Catalogue of Moduses, for Three Items.

Let us now consider a three-item framework. We shall here catalogue all its conceivable
moduses; and in the next section, we shall enumerate those applicable to each category of
proposition. In the following table, P and Q are looked upon as putative causes, while R is
looked upon as a putative effect. Their conceivable combinations define rows, and columns
refer to all initially conceivable alternative moduses for them.
In a three-item grand matrix, there are 8 rows and 256 columns, as we have seen, and
therefore 2048 cells. Each cell may equally be coded 0 (impossible) or 1 (possible), so that
each code will occur a total of 1024 times. This matrix is constructed in the same manner
as the preceding one, by coding 0s and 1s progressively throughout it, so symmetrically
that we can be sure it is exhaustive.
The columns (representing the alternative moduses), so ordered, are then numbered (or
labeled) 1-256. Since the order of the rows is also fixed conventionally, with eight PQR
sequences 111, 110, 101, 100, 011, 010, 001, 000 (which can, if need be, be labeled a-h,
respectively), the modus number suffices to symbolize the modus concerned.82
Now, the column labeled No. 1 is an impossible modus, since at least one row has to have a
1, by the Laws of Non-Contradiction and of the Excluded Middle. Significantly, this is
the only combination excluded universally by those logical laws, as already explained.
Concerning the remaining 255 possible moduses, they are exhaustive (one of them must be
true) and mutually exclusive (no more than one may be true at once).

Needless to say, one should not confuse the modus numbers 1-16 in a two-item
framework, with the first 16 of 256 modus numbers used for a three-item framework. These are
mere homonyms. The framework concerned should always be specified, if not implicitly clear. (See
Table 12.6 below for precise correspondences.)

Here, then, is the grand matrix for three items, a catalogue of all conceivable alternative
moduses for any three items, such as P, Q, R:

Table 12.3. Catalogue of moduses for the eight conjunctions of three items (P, Q, R).
Items ** Possible moduses, labeled 2-16
P (Q) R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
** Column labeled No. 1 is an impossible modus.
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 17-32
P (Q) R 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 33-48
P (Q) R 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 49-64
P (Q) R 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Table 12.3 continued.

Items Moduses, labeled 65-80
P (Q) R 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 81-96
P (Q) R 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 97-112
P (Q) R 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 113-128
P (Q) R 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Table 12.3 continued.

Items Moduses, labeled 129-144
P (Q) R 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 145-160
P (Q) R 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 161-176
P (Q) R 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 177-192
P (Q) R 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Table 12.3 continued.

Items Moduses, labeled 193-208
P (Q) R 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 209-224
P (Q) R 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 225-240
P (Q) R 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Same table continued.
Items Moduses, labeled 241-256
P (Q) R 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

4. Enumeration of Moduses, for Three Items.

The following table interprets the preceding, by enumeration of the alternative moduses of
the main causative forms. It is based on the known characteristics of positive strong and
weak generics, i.e. the moduses given in Tables 1-6 of the previous chapter. From this
initial information, we can, using the processes of negation, intersection and merger, infer
the alternative moduses of derivative forms, i.e. negatives, as well as joints and vaguer
forms (s, w, c), and their negations.
We shall deal here only with the absolute weak determinations and their derivatives;
relative weaks and their derivatives will be considered in the next chapter.

Table 12.4. Enumeration of three-item moduses for the generic determinations and their
derivatives (form PR).
Determination Modus numbers Comment
Strongs and their negations:
m 34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 130, 132-136, 138, 36 alternatives,
140-144, 162, 164-168, 170, 172-176
by macroanalysis.
n 34, 37-38, 50, 53-54, 98, 101-102, 114, 36 alternatives,
117-118, 130, 133-134, 146, 149-150,
162, 165-166, 178, 181-182, 194, 197- by macroanalysis.
198, 210, 213-214, 226, 229-230, 242,
not-m 2-33, 35, 41, 43, 49-129, 131, 137, 139, All alternatives but those of m,
145-161, 163, 169, 171, 177-256
i.e. 219 cases.
not-n 2-33, 35-36, 39-49, 51-52, 55-97, 99- All alternatives but those of n,
100, 103-113, 115-116, 119-129, 131-
132, 135-145, 147-148, 151-161, 163- i.e. 219 cases.
164, 167-177, 179-180, 183-193, 195-
196, 199-209, 211-212, 215-225, 227-
228, 231-241, 243-244, 247-256
Absolute weaks and their negations:
pabs 50, 52-56, 58, 60-64, 98, 100-104, 106, 108 alternatives,
108-112, 114, 116-120, 122, 124-128,
146, 148-152, 154, 156-160, 178, 180- by macroanalysis of prel then
184, 186, 188-192, 194, 196-200, 202, contraction and expansion.
204-208, 210, 212-216, 218, 220-224,
226, 228-232, 234, 236-240, 242, 244-
248, 250, 252-256
qabs 36, 39-40, 42, 44-48, 52, 55-56, 58, 60- 108 alternatives,
64, 100, 103-104, 106, 108-112, 116,
119-120, 122, 124-128, 132, 135-136, by macroanalysis of qrel then
138, 140-144, 148, 151-152, 154, 156- contraction and expansion.
160, 164, 167-168, 170, 172-176, 180,
183-184, 186, 188-192, 196, 199-200,
202, 204-208, 212, 215-216, 218, 220-
224, 228, 231-232, 234, 236-240, 244,
247-248, 250, 252-256
not-pabs 2-49, 51, 57, 59, 65-97, 99, 105, 107, All alternatives but those of pabs,
113, 115, 121, 123, 129-145, 147, 153,
155, 161-177, 179, 185, 187, 193, 195, i.e. 147 cases.
201, 203, 209, 211, 217, 219, 225, 227,
233, 235, 241, 243, 249, 251
not-qabs 2-35, 37-38, 41, 43, 49-51, 53-54, 57, All alternatives but those of qabs,
59, 65-99, 101-102, 105, 107, 113-115,
117-118, 121, 123, 129-131, 133-134, i.e. 147 cases.
137, 139, 145-147, 149-150, 153, 155,
161-163, 165-166, 169, 171, 177-179,
181-182, 185, 187, 193-195, 197-198,
201, 203, 209-211, 213-214, 217, 219,
225-227, 229-230, 233, 235, 241-243,
245-246, 249, 251

Table 12.4 continued.

Joints (absolute) and their negations:
mn 34, 37-38, 130, 133-134, 162, 165-166 Their 9 common alternatives, by
mqabs 36, 39-40, 42, 44-48, 132, 135-136, 138, Their 27 common alternatives,
140-144, 164, 167-168, 170, 172-176
by intersection.
npabs 50, 53-54, 98, 101-102, 114, 117-118, Their 27 common alternatives,
146, 149-150, 178, 181-182, 194, 197-
198, 210, 213-214, 226, 229-230, 242, by intersection.
pabsqabs 52, 55-56, 58, 60-64, 100, 103-104, 106, Their 81 common alternatives,
108-112, 116, 119-120, 122, 124-128,
148, 151-152, 154, 156-160, 180, 183- by intersection.
184, 186, 188-192, 196, 199-200, 202,
204-208, 212, 215-216, 218, 220-224,
228, 231-232, 234, 236-240, 244, 247-
248, 250, 252-256
not(mn) 2-33, 35-36, 39-129, 131-132, 135-161, All alternatives but those of mn;
163-164, 167-256
i.e. 246 cases.
not(mqabs) 2-35, 37-38, 41, 43, 49-131, 133-134, all alternatives but those of
137, 139, 145-163, 165-166, 169, 171,
177-256 mqabs; i.e. 228 cases.
not(npabs) 2-49, 51-52, 55-97, 99-100, 103-113, All alternatives but those of
115-116, 119-145, 147-148, 151-177,
179-180, 183-193, 195-196, 199-209, npabs; i.e. 228 cases.
211-212, 215-225, 227-228, 231-241,
243-244, 247-256
not(pabsqabs) 2-51, 53-54, 57, 59, 65-99, 101-102, All alternatives but those of
105, 107, 113-115, 117-118, 121, 123,
129-147, 149-150, 153, 155, 161-179, pabsqabs; i.e. 174 cases.
181-182, 185, 187, 193-195, 197-198,
201, 203, 209-211, 213-214, 217, 219,
225-227, 229-230, 233, 235, 241-243,
245-246, 249, 251
Strong causation and its negation:
s = m or n 34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 50, 53-54, 98, 101- Their 63 separate and common
102, 114, 117-118, 130, 132-136, 138,
140-144, 146, 149-150, 162, 164-168, alternatives (including overlap,
170, 172-176, 178, 181-182, 194, 197- i.e. mn), by merger.
198, 210, 213-214, 226, 229-230, 242,
not-s = not-m + not-n 2-33, 35, 41, 43, 49, 51-52, 55-97, 99- All alternatives but the
100, 103-113, 115-116, 119-129, 131,
137, 139, 145, 147-148, 151-161, 163, preceding; i.e. 192 cases.
169, 171, 177, 179-180, 183-193, 195-
196, 199-209, 211-212, 215-225, 227-
228, 231-241, 243-244, 247-256
Absolute weak causation and its negation:
wabs = pabs or qabs 36, 39-40, 42, 44-48, 50, 52-56, 58, 60- Their 135 separate and common
64, 98, 100-104, 106, 108-112, 114,
116-120, 122, 124-128, 132, 135-136, alternatives (including overlap,
138, 140-144, 146, 148-152, 154, 156- i.e. pabsqabs), by merger.
160, 164, 167-168, 170, 172-176, 178,
180-184, 186, 188-192, 194, 196-200,
202, 204-208, 210, 212-216, 218, 220-
224, 226, 228-232, 234, 236-240, 242,
244-248, 250, 252-256
not- wabs = 2-35, 37-38, 41, 43, 49, 51, 57, 59, 65- All alternatives but the
97, 99, 105, 107, 113, 115, 121, 123,
not-pabs + not-qabs 129-131, 133-134, 137, 139, 145, 147, preceding; i.e. 120 cases.
153, 155, 161-163, 165-166, 169, 171,
177, 179, 185, 187, 193, 195, 201, 203,
209, 211, 217, 219, 225, 227, 233, 235,
241, 243, 249, 251

Table 12.4 continued.

Causation (absolute) and its negation:
cabs = 34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 50, 52-56, 58, 60- Their 144 separate and common
64, 98, 100-104, 106, 108-112, 114,
m or n or pabs or qabs 116-120, 122, 124-128, 130, 132-136, alternatives (including overlap).
138, 140-144, 146, 148-152, 154, 156-
160, 162, 164-168, 170, 172-176, 178,
180-184, 186, 188-192, 194, 196-200,
202, 204-208, 210, 212-216, 218, 220-
224, 226, 228-232, 234, 236-240, 242,
244-248, 250, 252-256
not-cabs = 2-33, 35, 41, 43, 49, 51, 57, 59, 65-97, All alternatives but the
99, 105, 107, 113, 115, 121, 123, 129,
not-m + not-n 131, 137, 139, 145, 147, 153, 155, 161, preceding; i.e. 111 cases.
+ not-pabs + not-qabs 163, 169, 171, 177, 179, 185, 187, 193,
195, 201, 203, 209, 211, 217, 219, 225,
227, 233, 235, 241, 243, 249, 251

The results obtained in Table 12.4 can be made to conveniently stand out by color coding
each forms moduses in Table 12.3. This is left to the reader to do.
We need not repeat here what was said before, with reference to the similar table for a two-
item framework (Table 12.2); the same comments apply, because the relationships there
established are true irrespective of framework. We will, however, highlight something
which was less visible before, namely the consistency between various results.
There are never overlaps between contradictory propositions, and their alternatives sum up
to 255; also, each generic sums up to two joints (since absolute lones do not exist). For
instance, m comprises 36 alternative moduses, the 9 of mn plus the 27 of mqabs; while not-
m has the 219 remaining alternatives. Similarly, with regard to n. Likewise, pabs comprises
108 alternatives, the 27 of npabs plus the 81 of pabsqabs; while not-pabs has the 147
remaining alternatives. Similarly, with regard to qabs.
Moreover, the number of moduses corresponding to the vaguer forms are predictable.
Thus, s (= m or n) comprises the 36 moduses of m plus the 36 of n, less the 9 of mn83, a
total of 63 alternatives; and its negation has 255 - 63 = 192 alternatives. We can similarly
predict the moduses of wabs (= pabs or qabs) to be 108 + 108 - 81 = 135; and a residue of 120
alternatives for its negation. For c (= s or wabs) we have 63 + 135 - 2*27 = 144 (the 54
subtracted being those of mqabs and npabs - i.e. of swabs); for its negation, 111.
Thus, incidentally, causation in all its forms covers more than half the matrix, but still
leaves a large space to non-causation.

5. Comparing Frameworks.

Now let us compare the results in Tables 2 and 4. They are essentially the same tables,
except that each modus of the first is, as it were, further subdivided into a number of
moduses in the second. However, the subdivision is evidently not proportional, say in the
ratio 16:256; you cannot just say that to each two-item modus there corresponds 16 three-
item ones. The following table makes this disproportionality clear:

Table 12.5. Numbers of Moduses for Positive Forms, in Different Frameworks.

Framework m, pabs, mn mqabs, pabsqabs s wabs c
n qabs npabs
Two-Item 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 4
Three-Item 36 108 9 27 81 63 135 144

So as to avoid double accounting of mn, which is implicit in both m and n.

The explanation is easy. Expansion of a two-item alternative modus into a number of

three-item moduses depends on how many zero or one codes it involves. For, as we
saw in the previous chapter (with the proviso of appropriate locations), each 0 in a two-
item framework has a single expression (0 0) in the three-item framework; whereas each
1 in the former has three expressions in the latter (0 1, 1 0 or 1 1 - i.e. any but 0 0).
Thus, if a two-item modus involves four zeros and no one, its three-item equivalent will
consist of 1*1*1*1 = 1 (equally impossible) modus; if the former involves three zeros and
a one, the latter will consist of 1*1*1*3 = 3 moduses; if the former involves two zeros and
two ones, the latter will consist of 1*1*3*3 = 9 moduses; if the former involves one zero
and three ones, the latter will consist of 1*3*3*3 = 27 moduses; and if the former involves
no zero and four ones, the latter will consist of 3*3*3*3 = 81 moduses.
Whence, the strongs m, n, which each involves two two-item moduses, one with two zeros
(No. 10) and one with a single zero (no. 12 or 14), will have 9 + 27 = 36 three-item
moduses; whereas, the weaks pabs, qabs, which each involves two two-item moduses, one
with a single zero (no. 12 or 14) and one with no zero (No. 16) and will have 27 + 81 = 108
three-item moduses.
The numbers of three-item moduses for the conjunctions and disjunctions of these forms
follow. The joint mn (two-item modus No. 10) will have 9 of them; mqabs (modus No. 12)
and npabs (modus No. 14) will each have 27; and pabsqabs (modus 16) will have 81. The
vague form s (moduses 10, 12, 14) will have 9 + 2*27 = 63; wabs (moduses 12, 14, 16) will
have 2*27 + 81 = 135; and c (moduses 10, 12, 14, 16) will have 9 + 2*27 + 81 = 144.
We can proceed in a like manner to predict expansions of negative forms. Furthermore,
given the two-item modus(es) of a form, we can predict not only how many moduses it will
have in a three-item framework, but precisely which moduses it will have. Thus, a table of
equivalencies between the two frameworks can be constructed without difficulty. In short,
we have here a functioning calculus.
The precise three-item modus(es) corresponding to each two-item modus are given in the
following table:

Table 12.6. Correspondences between two- and three item frameworks.

Two- No. of Corresponding No. of
item zeros three-item moduses
modus in it modus numbers
1 4 1 1
2 3 2, 5, 6 3
3 3 3, 9, 11 3
4 2 4, 7, 8, 10, 12-16 9
5 3 17, 65, 81 3
6 2 18, 21-22, 66, 69-70, 82, 85-86 9
7 2 19, 25, 27, 67, 73, 75, 83, 89, 91 9
8 1 20, 23-24, 26, 28-32, 68, 71-72, 74, 76-80, 84, 27
87-88, 90, 92-96
9 3 33, 129, 161 3
10 2 34, 37-38, 130, 133, 134, 162, 165-166 9
11 2 35, 41, 43, 131, 137, 139, 163, 169, 171 9
12 1 36, 39-40, 42, 44-48, 132, 135-136, 138, 140- 27
144, 164, 167-168, 170, 172-176
13 2 49, 97, 113, 145, 177, 193, 209, 225, 241 9

Table 12.6 continued.

14 1 50, 53-54, 98, 101-102, 114, 117-118, 146, 149- 27
150, 178, 181-182, 194, 197-198, 210, 213-214,
226, 229-230, 242, 245-246
15 1 51, 57, 59, 99, 105, 107, 115, 121, 123, 147, 153, 27
155, 179, 185, 187, 195, 201, 203, 211, 217, 219,
227, 233, 235, 243, 249, 251
16 0 52, 55-56, 58, 60-64, 100, 103-104, 106, 108- 81
112, 116, 119-120, 122, 124-128, 148, 151-152,
154, 156-160, 180, 183-184, 186, 188-192, 196,
199-200, 202, 204-208, 212, 215-216, 218, 220-
224, 228, 231-232, 234, 236-240, 244, 247-248,
250, 252-256
16 Total number of moduses 256

Needless to say, each modus will occur only once in the above table, making a total of 16
or 256 moduses, according to the framework. Clearly, if we had developed this table
earlier, we could have derived Table 12.4 from Table 12.2.84

Obviously, we can follow the same procedures to expand three-item alternative moduses
(of which there are 256) into four-item alternative moduses (of which there are 65,536 - as
seen earlier).
The number and configuration of the latter will emerge from the each of the former, in
accordance with the number of zero and one codes it contains and the way they are arrayed
within it (i.e. the incidence, prevalence and locations of zero and one codes in it). A table
of correspondences can thus be constructed, which details the results obtained in each
We have above identified the main lines of what might be called the two-three (2/3) table
of correspondences, emerging from the operation of expansion of 0 into 0 0 and 1 into
0 1, 1 0, 1 1 (all pairs but 0 0). We could thereafter, step by step, build similar tables
of correspondence of size 3/4 or 4/5... and so forth on to infinity, if need arise to resolve
eventual issues.
For instance, from a three-item matrix (which has 8 rows) to a four-item matrix, each
combination of zeros and ones will result in a product of eight factors of 1 (for 0 codes)
or 3 (for 1 codes) - e.g., a modus with 1 zero and 7 ones will become 1*3*3*3*3*3*3*3
= 2187 moduses, in various possible permutations. These are long-winded techniques,
which may or may not be needed.

I would like to slip in an unrelated comment here, regarding summary moduses, for the
record. We could predict all conceivable summary moduses, within a two-item or three-item
framework. Such lists would include all alternative moduses, since summary moduses may also be
free of dots, and thus constitute enlarged grand matrices with additional columns and numbers. I
do not do this in view of the inadequacies, which we encountered in the previous chapter, of the
notation system adopted in this work for summary moduses.


1. Relative Weaks.
We have in the previous chapter identified the alternative moduses of the absolute weak
determinations and their derivatives. We will here ascertain those of relative weaks and
their derivatives. In a two-item framework, relatives are of course indistinguishable from
absolutes; they arise only as of a three-item framework.
The following table may be viewed as a continuation of Table 12.4 of the previous chapter;
and the modus numbers listed in it refer to the grand matrix in Table 12.3 of the previous
chapter. Note well that prel and qrel (and their derivatives with the same suffix), below, refer
to partial or contingent causation between P and R relative to Q; that is, P with
complement Q are putative causes of R.

Table 13.1. Enumeration of three-item moduses for the relative weak determinations
and their derivatives (form PQR).
Determination Modus numbers Comment
Relative weaks and their negations:
prel 149-152, 157-160, 181-184, 189-192 16 alternatives, by
qrel 42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 16 alternatives, by
174, 186, 190, 234, 238, 250, 254
not-prel 2-148, 153-156, 161-180, 185-188, 193- All alternatives but those of prel,
i.e. 239 cases.
not-qrel 2-41, 43-45, 47-57, 59-61, 63-105, 107- All alternatives but those of qrel,
109, 111-121, 123-125, 127-169, 171-
173, 175-185, 187-189, 191-233, 235- i.e. 239 cases.
237, 239-249, 251-253, 255-256
Joints (relative) and their negations:
mn 34, 37-38, 130, 133-134, 162, 165-166 Their 9 common alternatives.
mqrel 42, 46, 170, 174 Their 4 common alternatives.
nprel 149-150, 181-182 Their 4 common alternatives.
prelqrel 190 Their 1 common alternatives.
not(mn) 2-33, 35-36, 39-129, 131-132, 135-161, All alternatives but those of mn;
163-164, 167-256
i.e. 246 cases.
not(mqrel) 2-41, 43-45, 47-169, 171-173, 175-256 All alternatives but those of
mqrel; i.e. 251 cases.
not(nprel) 2-148, 151-180, 183-256 All alternatives but those of
nprel; i.e. 251 cases.
not(prelqrel) 2-189, 191-256 All alternatives but those of
prelqrel; i.e. 254 cases.
Relative lones and their negations:
m-alonerel 36, 39-40, 44-45, 47-48, 132, 135-136, The 23 common alternatives of
138, 140-144, 164, 167-168, 172-173,
175-176 m, not-n, and not-qrel.
n-alonerel 50, 53-54, 98, 101-102, 114, 117-118, The 23 common alternatives of
146, 178, 194, 197-198, 210, 213-214,
226, 229-230, 242, 245-246 n, not-m, and not-prel.

Table 13.1 continued.

p-alonerel 151-152, 157-160, 183-184, 189, 191- The 11 common alternatives of
prel, not-n, and not-qrel.
q-alonerel 58, 62, 106, 110, 122, 126, 186, 234, The 11 common alternatives of
238, 250, 254
qrel, not-m, and not-prel.
not(m-alonerel) 2-35, 37-38, 41-43, 46, 49-131, 133- All alternatives but those of
134, 137, 139, 145-163, 165-166, 169-
171, 174, 177-256 m-alonerel; i.e. 232 cases.
not(n-alonerel) 2-49, 51-52, 55-97, 99-100, 103-113, All alternatives but those of
115-116, 119-145, 147-177, 179-193,
195-196, 199-209, 211-212, 215-225, n-alonerel; i.e. 232 cases.
227-228, 231-241, 243-244, 247-256
not(p-alonerel) 2-150, 153-156, 161-182, 185-188, 190, All alternatives but those of
p-alonerel; i.e. 244 cases.
not(q-alonerel) 2-57, 59-61, 63-105, 107-109, 111-121, All alternatives but those of
123-125, 127-185, 187-233, 235-237,
239-249, 251-253, 255-256 q-alonerel; i.e. 244 cases.
Relative weak causation and its negation:
wrel = prel or qrel 42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 110, 122, 126, 149- Their 31 separate and common
152, 157-160, 170, 174, 181-184, 186,
189-192, 234, 238, 250, 254 alternatives (including overlap,
i.e. prelqrel = 1).
prel + not-qrel 149-152, 157-160, 181-184, 189, 191- Their 15 common alternatives.
not-prel + qrel 42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, Their 15 common alternatives.
174, 186, 234, 238, 250, 254
not-wrel = 2-41, 43-45, 47-57, 59-61, 63-105, 107- All alternatives but those of wrel;
109, 111-121, 123-125, 127-148, 153-
not-prel + not-qrel 156, 161-169, 171-173, 175-180, 185, i.e. 224 cases.
187-188, 193-233, 235-237, 239-249,
251-253, 255-256
Contributory causation (relative) and its negation:
m or prel 34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 130, 132-136, 138, Their 52 separate alternatives
140-144, 149-152, 157-160, 162, 164-
168, 170, 172-176, 181-184, 189-192 (no overlap).
not-m + not-prel 2-33, 35, 41, 43, 49-129, 131, 137, 139, All alternatives but the
145-148, 153-156, 161, 163, 169, 171,
177-180, , 185-188, 193-256 preceding; i.e. 203 cases.
Possible causation (relative) and its negation:
n or qrel 34, 37-38, 42, 46, 50, 53-54, 58, 62, 98, Their 52 separate alternatives
101-102, 106, 110, 114, 117-118, 122,
126, 130, 133-134, 146, 149-150, 162, (no overlap).
165-166, 170, 174, 178, 181-182, 186,
190, 194, 197-198, 210, 213-214, 226,
229-230, 234, 238, 242, 245-246, 250,
not-n + not-qrel 2-33, 35-36, 39-41, 43-45, 47-49, 51-52, All alternatives but the
55-57, 59-61, 63-97, 99-100, 103-105,
107-109, 111-113, 115-116, 119-121, preceding; i.e. 203 cases.
123-125, 127-129, 131-132, 135-145,
147-148, 151-161, 163-164, 167-169,
171-173, 175-177, 179-180, 183-185,
187-189, 191-193, 195-196, 199-209,
211-212, 215-225, 227-228, 231-233,
235-237, 239-241, 243-244, 247--249,
251-253, 255-256

Table 13.1 continued.

Causation (relative) and its negation:
crel = 34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 50, 53-54, 58, 62, Their 86 separate and common
98, 101-102, 106, 110, 114, 117-118,
m or n or prel or qrel 122, 126, 130, 132-136, 138, 140-144, alternatives (including overlap).
146, 149-152, 157-160, 162, 164-168,
170, 172-176, 178, 181-184, 186, 189-
192, 194, 197-198, 210, 213-214, 226,
229-230, 234, 238, 242, 245-246, 250,
not-crel = 2-33, 35, 41, 43, 49, 51-52, 55-57, 59- All alternatives but the
61, 63-97, 99-100, 103-105, 107-109,
not-m + not-n 111-113, 115-116, 119-121, 123-125, preceding; i.e. 169 cases.
+ not-prel + not-qrel 127-129, 131, 137, 139, 145, 147-148,
153-156, 161, 163, 169, 171, 177, 179-
180, 185, 187-188, 193, 195-196, 199-
209, 211-212, 215-225, 227-228, 231-
233, 235-237, 239-241, 243-244, 247-
249, 251-253, 255-256

Now, let us compare the above results for relative weaks to those for absolute weaks in
Table 12.4 of the previous chapter. The logical properties of these forms are quite distinct.
When we unravel the summary modus .. of pabs, we obtain 108 alternative
moduses; similarly, the summary modus .. of qabs yields 108 alternative moduses.
In contrast, the summaries of prel and qrel - namely, 10.1.1.. and ..1.1.01 - give rise to 16
alternatives each.
The first thing to note is that the 16 moduses of prel are all included in the 108 of pabs; and
likewise, the 16 of qrel are among the 108 of qabs. Look at the tables, and see this for
yourself. What this means is that the positive relative weaks imply and are species of the
positive absolute weaks.
Moreover, note that the latter are more than twice as broad in possibilities than the former.
This reveals to us that pPR is not merely the sum of pQ and pnotQ, i.e. that P (with whatever
complement) is a partial cause of R means more than P (whether with complement Q or
notQ) is a partial cause of R; similarly, regarding q. We shall list the precise moduses of
pnotQ and qnotQ further on; but we can predict at the outset that they will be 16 in number in
each case, by the demands of symmetry. Therefore, absolute weak causation between P
and R can occur with complements other than Q or notQ; and we cannot engage in
dilemmatic arguments, saying that if Q is not the complement, notQ must be it. It is wise
to keep that in mind.
Consequently, the negations of the relative weaks are broader than those of the
corresponding absolute weaks; the former involve 239 (255 - 16) alternative moduses each,
the latter only 147 (255 - 108) among these.85
Consider now the relative joint determinations: mqrel and nprel have only 4 moduses each,
while the corresponding absolute joints mqabs and npabs have 27 each; and prelqrel has only
1 modus, in contrast to the 81 of pabsqabs. Thus, as we move from absolute to relative
determination, we narrow down the possibilities, we get more specific. On the negative
side, the possibilities are broadened, from 228 to 251 or 174 to 254.
We saw in the previous chapter that absolute lone determinations do not exist, for the
simple reason that their constituents have no common modus. On the other hand, as can be

We can see here why relative weaks should not be listed in a two-item framework. In their
positive generic forms, they would have the same alternative moduses as the absolute weaks
(though in fact, as we know with reference to the three-item framework, covering only part of these
moduses). However, when such two-item moduses are negated, the similarity between relatives
and absolutes would cease, and we would be led astray, unaware that negative relatives are
broader than negative absolutes.

seen above, relative lone determinations do indeed exist, since their constituents have
common moduses, 23 for the strongs and 11 for the weaks.
But the latter concepts are of course not as significant as the former. For as we can see with
reference to the moduses involved, the relative lones - together with the relative joints - are
merely species of (i.e. are all included in) the absolute joints; that is:
m-alonerel + mqrel (23 + 4) = mqabs (27, i.e. the 36 of m less the 9 of mn);
n-alonerel + nprel (23 + 4) = npabs (27, i.e. the 36 of n less the 9 of mn);
p-alonerel + q-alonerel + prelqrel (11 + 11 + 1 = 23) imply pabsqabs (81).
Thus, whereas wabs = mqabs or npabs or pabsqabs, we must equate wrel to mqrel or nprel or
prelqrel or p-alonerel or q-alonerel; check it out with reference to the moduses involved.
Note that wrel involves only 31 moduses, the 15 of prel + not-qrel, the 15 of not-prel + qrel,
and the 1 of prelqrel. This is in contrast to wabs which has 135 (the same 31, and 103 more
besides). Consequently, not-wrel has 224 moduses, including all 120 of not-wabs.
We saw in the previous chapter that contributory causation, possible causation and
causation tout court are one and the same concept with regard to absolute weaks, all with
the same 144 moduses. But with regard to relative weaks, they are different concepts, as
the above table clearly shows.
The relative form of contributory causation m or prel has 52 moduses, and that of
possible causation n or qrel has 52, while relative causation m or n or prel or qrel
involves 86. The latter 86 moduses comprise the preceding 52 + 52, minus the 18 moduses
of the four relative joint determinations (their overlaps); and all these moduses are of
course included in the list of 144 for absolute causation.
The moduses of the negations of these three relative forms follow, as shown in our table.
Note especially that negation of relative causation, not-crel (169 moduses), does not imply
negation of absolute causation, not-cabs (111 moduses); but instead, the latter implies and is
a species of the former, including all its moduses and more.
We need not mention in the above table the combinations (m + not-prel), (n + not-qrel),
(not-m + prel), (not-n + qrel), because, as can be seen with reference to the common
moduses of the positive and negative forms constituting them, they are respectively
equivalent to m, n, prel, qrel.
The remaining combinations are not mentioned because they are not particularly
interesting. This refers to (m or qrel), comprising the 4 moduses of mqrel plus the 32 of m
+ not-qrel plus the 12 of not-m + qrel, a total 48 alternatives; and to n or prel,
comprising the 4 moduses of nprel plus the 32 of n + not-prel plus the 12 of not-n +
prel, a total 48 alternatives; as well as to their respective negations, not-m + not-qrel and
not-n + not-prel, which involve 207 moduses each.

2. Items of Negative Polarity in Two-Item Framework.

The grand matrices, in which the various forms of causative propositions are embedded,
are equally the habitats of similar propositions involving like items but of negative
polarity. Such propositions need also to be microanalyzed, for reasons which will be
become apparent after we do so. The job is rather easy, involving a mere reshuffling of the
summary moduses of propositions with items of positive polarity.
Let us consider, to begin with, the positive generic forms in a two-item framework (strongs
or absolute weaks only - relative weaks being indistinguishable here), with reference to
Table 12.1 of the previous chapter (turn to it, and note well that it has P and R as column
headings for items).

We have previously ascertained the summary moduses of generics with items P.R; our
task here is to find out those for the same forms with items notP.notR, P.notR and
notP.R. Symbolically, such forms can be distinguished by changes in suffix. Thus, for
complete causation, symbol m, we would write mPR, mnotPnotR, mPnotR, and mnotPR,
according to the sequence of items intended; similarly for n, p, q - each form gives rise to
Now, if we changed the column headings of the said table from P.R to some other
combination (notP.notR, P.notR or notP.R), the modus numbers (labels) applicable to each
form would remain the same but change meanings (i.e. refer to different arrays of an equal
number of 0 and 1 codes), and we would not be able to compare same forms with different
What we need to do, rather, is retain the same grand matrix (the one for positive items
P.R), and locate within it the moduses of the forms we want to compare. This grand matrix
has four rows, which we may label a-d, in which the PR sequences are 11 (both present),
10 (P present, R absent), 01 (P absent, R present), and 00 (both absent).
If we wish to refer to this same matrix as our standard framework, for forms with an item
of different polarity, we must refer to a different rows. Clearly, notP = 1 is the same as P =
0, and notP = 0 is the same as P = 1; similarly with respect to notR. Thus, the reshuffling of
rows is therefore predictable, as follows:

Table 13.2. Row references in a standard (PR) matrix for different polarities of items.
Row in Row Sequences for different polarities of items
PR matrix label PR notPnotR PnotR notPR
PR a 11 a 00 d 10 b 01 c
PnotR b 10 b 01 c 11 a 00 d
notPR c 01 c 10 b 00 d 11 a
notPnotR d 00 d 11 a 01 c 10 b

Consider m, for instance. Whereas the summary modus for mPR is abcd = 10.1 (as
previously ascertained by macroanalysis, yielding alternative moduses Nos. 10, 12 after
unraveling) - for mnotPnotR it will be the mirror image dcba = 1.01 (moduses 10, 14); for
mPnotR it will be badc = 011. (moduses 7, 8); and for mnotPR it will be the mirror image cdab
= .110 (moduses 7, 15). That is, knowing the summary modus for mPR to be 10.1 (1 in row
a, 0 in row b, in row c, and 1 in row d), we can predict it for all the other forms of m by
merely reshuffling the rows as indicated in the above table. Similarly, with regard to n, p,
We can in this manner, without much effort, identify the summary and alternative moduses
in a standard two-item grand matrix of the positive generic forms (and thence, if need be,
of all other forms, using the processes of negation, intersection and merger). The following
table presents the desired information without further ado:

Table 13.3. Enumeration of moduses of positive generic forms with different polarities
of items, with reference to standard two-item (PR) grand matrix.
Causation Prevention
Determination Moduses PR notPnotR PnotR notPR
m summary 10.1 1.01 011. .110
alternative 10, 12 10, 14 7, 8 7, 15
n summary 1.01 10.1 .110 011.
alternative 10, 14 10, 12 7, 15 7, 8
pabs summary 11.1 1.11 111. .111
alternative 14, 16 12, 16 15, 16 8, 16
qabs summary 1.11 11.1 .111 111.
alternative 12, 16 14, 16 8, 16 15, 16

All the above table is inferable from the preceding table, given the summary moduses of m
and pabs. Notice the identities between the moduses of pairs of forms with different
suffixes. Thus, mPR and nnotPnotR are identical; as are mnotPnotR and nPR; likewise, mPnotR =
nnotPR, and mnotPR = nPnotR. Similarly with regard to the weaks, pPR and qnotPnotR, etc. These
identities simply signify that, as we already know, these pairs of forms are inverses of each
other. Notice also the mirror images (same string in opposite directions), like for example
mPR and nPR, which have the same significance.
These equations allow us to see that forms in PR and notPnotR are closely associated, by
mirroring; and similarly for forms in PnotR and notPR. Furthermore, that the former and
latter pairs are in turn associated, in another sense, insofar as the first and last digits of the
summary modus for the one are identical to the middle digits of it for the other, and vice-
versa. Clearly, whatever the respective polarities of the items, their relations remain
essentially causative.
All these forms therefore embody similar concepts in different guises, signifying various
types and degrees of bondage or cohesion between the items concerned; they have
common aspects and are all logically or structurally interrelated. They form a family of
propositions. We have so far in our study concentrated on items PR or notPnotR, but given
little attention to items PnotR or notPR in view of their similarities and the derivability of
their logical properties. But now let us look upon them as distinct paradigms.
All these forms may be classified as causative relations, in the broad sense we ultimately
understand for this term. Yet we have in the present study gotten used to a more restrictive
sense of the term causation, as meaning specifically PR or notPnotR relations. Granting
this, we need another term to refer specifically to PnotR and notPR relations; and yet
another term to refer to the broad, all-inclusive sense.
Therefore, I propose the following convention, in the appropriate contexts. PR or notPnotR
causative relations will be called causation (restrictive sense), while PnotR and notPR
causative relations will be called prevention86. Thus, P prevents R is to mean P causes
notR (still in the restrictive sense of causation). Both causation and prevention are species

Any synonym, like hindrance, obstruction, forestalling, inhibition, counteraction, etc., would
do as well; though some of these have slightly different connotations - more active or passive, or
psychological or ethical, rather than natural, and so forth. Prevention is to be understood in a very
general sense, here.

of causative relations in a broad sense; but when we want to avoid confusion let us call the
latter genus of both, say, connection87.
We would thus say that two items P and R are connected, if either item or its negation
causes (in the restrictive sense) or prevents the other item or its negation. And just as
causation may vary in determination, i.e. be complete, necessary, partial or contingent - so
may prevention be subdivided.
My purpose here is to make the reader aware that when we speak of causation in a wide
sense, we must mentally include both causation in a narrow sense and its family relative
prevention. Similarly, note well, if we speak of noncausation, we must know whether we
mean negation of causation in a restrictive sense (which does not imply negation of
prevention) or negation of all causative relation, i.e. of connection (which implies negation
of both causation and prevention).
However, before we adopt such loaded terminology, let us examine the relationships
involved more closely. As will be seen, we will have to qualify our statement somewhat.
As we stressed from the word go, causation (and similarly, of course, prevention) formally
implies the contingency of the items it involves: i.e. each of the items considered separately
must be possible but not necessary88 for a causative relation between them to be
conceivable. If one or more of the items involved is/are not contingent, the other item(s)
cannot be causing or caused by it. But it does not follow that any two contingent items are
causatively related.
Now, according to our analysis so far, the two-item moduses of causation are four, viz.
Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16 (and of noncausation are eleven: Nos. 2-9, 11, 13, 15), those of
prevention are four, viz. Nos. 7-8, 15-16 (and of nonprevention are eleven: Nos. 2-6, 9-14.
Note that these positives have one common modus, No. 16 (1111), which means that
causation and prevention are, in this instance (namely, pabsqabs, i.e. absolute pq, note well),
overlapping and compatible. It follows that the two-item moduses of connection are seven,
viz. Nos. 7-8, 10, 12, 14-16 (and of nonconnection are eight: Nos. 2-6, 9, 11, 13).
Next, look again at Table 12.1 of the previous chapter. The question may well be asked:
what is so special about the above-mentioned moduses of connection (as tentatively
defined)? That is, what distinguishes them from the moduses of nonconnection? Let us
look for an answer in the number of cells coded 1 or 0 in their alternative moduses.
Connection refers to moduses with four 1s (No. 16), three 1s and one 0 (Nos. 8, 12, 14-15),
or two 1s and two 0s (Nos. 7, 10). Nonconnection has moduses with two 1s and two 0s
(Nos. 4, 6, 11, 13), or one 1 and three 0s (Nos. 2, 3, 5, 9). Thus, though connection is
distinguishable by its comprising moduses with three or four 1s, and nonconnection
through moduses with only one 1, they both have moduses with two 1s!
However, we need not be surprised or alarmed. For moduses #s 2, 3, 4 mean that P is
impossible (they have code 0 for it, with or without R), and moduses #s 5, 9, 13 mean that
P is necessary (i.e. that notP is impossible). Similarly, moduses #s 2, 5, 6 mean that R is
impossible (coded 0, whether P is present or absent), and moduses #s 3, 9, 11 mean that R
is necessary (i.e. that notR is impossible).
Thus, all the moduses of nonconnection refer to situations where one or two items is/are
incontingent, which means present or absent (as the case may be) independently of any
other item. In its moduses with three zeros (Nos. 2, 3 5, 9), two items are incontingent; in
those with two zeros (Nos. 4, 6, 11, 13), one item is incontingent. In contrast, connection
never involves an incontingent item.

I use this term in another (though not unrelated) sense in Future Logic (see p. 124), with
reference to conditional propositions.
In the mode concerned.

Therefore, by this reasoning, connection could be conceptually distinguished from

nonconnection with reference to the contingency of both items or to the incontingency of
one or the other of them, respectively. But this is nonsensical: it would mean that any two
contingent items are necessarily causatively related! Clearly, we must have misinterpreted
some relevant fact.
It is this: the last modus of any grand matrix, i.e. the modus involving only 1s, i.e. modus
#16 in a two-item framework (similarly, modus #256 for three items, or #65,536 for four
items), does not necessarily signify causation (or prevention or connection). For no matter
whether the items concerned or their negations are together or apart, the combination is
always possible (i.e. coded 1) in this modus. So we cannot in fact tell with reference to
this uniform modus alone whether the items concerned have any impact on each other.
It follows that in this special case, we must interpret the modus as indicative of possible
causation (or prevention or connection); but there may also in some cases turn out to be
neither causation nor prevention (i.e. nonconnection). That is to say, the last modus (with
all 1s) is indefinite with regard to connection (or causation or prevention) or
nonconnection (or noncausation or non prevention). The last modus is in all frameworks
included in the form pabsqabs, and indeed in cabs, but when we consider more than two
items, it is not part of prelqrel, or of crel.
This new finding is in agreement with common sense. Taking any two items at random, we
cannot reasonably say that they are either (a) both contingent and causatively connected or
(b) one or both incontingent and therefore not causatively connected. There is still another
possibility: that (c) they are both contingent and yet not causatively connected. This
possibility is inherent, as already stated, in the last modus of any matrix, which being
composed only of 1s, cannot be definitely interpreted one way or the other.
This realization leaves us a window of opportunity for eventual development of a concept
of spontaneity (i.e. chance, and perhaps also freewill). For if we are unable to find for
some contingent item any other contingent item with which we may causatively relate it in
some way, we may be in the long run allowed to inductively generalize from this failure
to find despite due diligence in searching to a presumed spontaneity. Obviously, if we
opt for the postulate of a law of universal causation, such a movement of thought
becomes illicit. But granting that such a law is itself a product of generalization, we have
some freedom of choice in the matter. These important insights will naturally affect our
later investigations.
(See discussion in Chapter 16.2, including Table 16.1)

3. Items of Negative Polarity in Three-Item Framework.

All the above can be repeated in a three-item framework. In following table, which
concerns strongs and absolute weaks (relative weaks will be dealt with further on), the
summary moduses are obtained from those given in Table 13.3 above, by expansion89; and
the alternative moduses are derived from those given in that table, by applying the
correspondences between two- and three- item frameworks developed in Table 12.6 of the
previous chapter.

The dots in all the summary moduses of this table are of course meant as - as explained
in the chapter on piecemeal analysis, in the section on expansion and contraction.

Table 13.4. Enumeration of moduses of strong and absolute weak determinations with
different polarities of items, with reference to standard three-item (PQR) grand matrix.
Causation Prevention
Determination PR notPnotR PnotR notPR
m .0.0.... ....0.0. 0.0..... .....0.0
34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 34, 37-38, 50, 53-54, 19-20, 23-32, 67-68, 19, 25, 27, 51, 57, 59,
130, 132-136, 138, 98, 101-102, 114, 117- 71-80, 83-84, 87-96 67, 73, 75, 83, 89, 91,
140-144, 162, 164- 118, 130, 133-134, 99, 105, 107, 115, 121,
168, 170, 172-176 146, 149-150, 162, 123, 147, 153, 155,
165-166, 178, 181- 179, 185, 187, 195,
182, 194, 197-198, 201, 203, 211, 217,
210, 213-214, 226, 219, 227, 233, 235,
229-230, 242, 245-246 243, 249, 251
n ....0.0. .0.0.... .....0.0 0.0.....
34, 37-38, 50, 53-54, 34, 36-40, 42, 44-48, 19, 25, 27, 51, 57, 59, 19-20, 23-32, 67-68,
98, 101-102, 114, 117- 130, 132-136, 138, 67, 73, 75, 83, 89, 91, 71-80, 83-84, 87-96
118, 130, 133-134, 140-144, 162, 164- 99, 105, 107, 115, 121,
146, 149-150, 162, 168, 170, 172-176 123, 147, 153, 155,
165-166, 178, 181- 179, 185, 187, 195,
182, 194, 197-198, 201, 203, 211, 217,
210, 213-214, 226, 219, 227, 233, 235,
229-230, 242, 245-246 243, 249, 251
pabs ........ ........ ........ ........
50, 52-56, 58, 60-64, 36, 39-40, 42, 44-48, 51-52, 55-64, 99-100, 20, 23-24, 26, 28-32,
98, 100-104, 106, 108- 52, 55-56, 58, 60-64, 103-112, 115-116, 52, 55-56, 58, 60-64,
112, 114, 116-120, 100, 103-104, 106, 119-128, 147-148, 68, 71-72, 74, 76-80,
122, 124-128, 146, 108-112, 116, 119- 151-160, 179-180, 84, 87-88, 90, 92-96,
148-152, 154, 156- 120, 122, 124-128, 183-192, 195-196, 100, 103-104, 106,
160, 178, 180-184, 132, 135-136, 138, 199-208, 211-212, 108-112, 116, 119-
186, 188-192, 194, 140-144, 148, 151- 215-224, 227-228, 120, 122, 124-128,
196-200, 202, 204- 152, 154, 156-160, 231-240, 243-244, 148, 151-152, 154,
208, 210, 212-216, 164, 167-168, 170, 247-256 156-160, 180, 183-
218, 220-224, 226, 172-176, 180, 183- 184, 186, 188-192,
228-232, 234, 236- 184, 186, 188-192, 196, 199-200, 202,
240, 242, 244-248, 196, 199-200, 202, 204-208, 212, 215-
250, 252-256 204-208, 212, 215- 216, 218, 220-224,
216, 218, 220-224, 228, 231-232, 234,
228, 231-232, 234, 236-240, 244, 247-
236-240, 244, 247- 248, 250, 252-256
248, 250, 252-256
qabs ........ ........ ........ ........
36, 39-40, 42, 44-48, 50, 52-56, 58, 60-64, 20, 23-24, 26, 28-32, 51-52, 55-64, 99-100,
52, 55-56, 58, 60-64, 98, 100-104, 106, 108- 52, 55-56, 58, 60-64, 103-112, 115-116,
100, 103-104, 106, 112, 114, 116-120, 68, 71-72, 74, 76-80, 119-128, 147-148,
108-112, 116, 119- 122, 124-128, 146, 84, 87-88, 90, 92-96, 151-160, 179-180,
120, 122, 124-128, 148-152, 154, 156- 100, 103-104, 106, 183-192, 195-196,
132, 135-136, 138, 160, 178, 180-184, 108-112, 116, 119- 199-208, 211-212,
140-144, 148, 151- 186, 188-192, 194, 120, 122, 124-128, 215-224, 227-228,
152, 154, 156-160, 196-200, 202, 204- 148, 151-152, 154, 231-240, 243-244,
164, 167-168, 170, 208, 210, 212-216, 156-160, 180, 183- 247-256
172-176, 180, 183- 218, 220-224, 226, 184, 186, 188-192,
184, 186, 188-192, 228-232, 234, 236- 196, 199-200, 202,
196, 199-200, 202, 240, 242, 244-248, 204-208, 212, 215-
204-208, 212, 215- 250, 252-256 216, 218, 220-224,
216, 218, 220-224, 228, 231-232, 234,
228, 231-232, 234, 236-240, 244, 247-
236-240, 244, 247- 248, 250, 252-256
248, 250, 252-256

The negations, intersections and mergers of these forms can easily be worked out, if need
Notice repetitions (there are only eight sets of moduses for sixteen forms); they signify
inversions (with change in polarity of both items and change in determination). But more
broadly, note well all the compatibilities and incompatibilities between these various

forms, which tell us which of them can occur in tandem and which cannot. The following
tables, derived from the above, highlight these oppositions for m and pabs; needless to say,
similar tables can be constructed for n and qabs, mutatis mutandis.

Table 13.5. Oppositions between mPR and the other generic forms.
Forms compared Compatibility Common moduses
m m yes all 36
m n yes the 9 of mn
m pabs no None
m qabs yes the 27 of mqabs
PR notPnotR
m m yes the 9 of mn
m n yes all 36
m pabs yes the 27 of mqabs
m qabs no None
PR PnotR
m m no None
m n no None
m pabs no None
m qabs no None
PR notPR
m m no None
m n no None
m pabs no None
m qabs no None
Similarly for n, mutatis mutandis. Notice that the forms of strong causation and of
prevention have no moduses in common, and are therefore incompatible. But within either
causation or prevention, there are certain compatibilities.

Table 13.6. Oppositions between pPR and the other generic forms.
Forms compared Compatibility Common moduses
pabs m no None
pabs n yes the 27 of npabs
pabs pabs yes all 108
pabs qabs yes the 81 of pabsqabs
PR notPnotR
pabs m yes the 27 of npabs
pabs n no None
pabs pabs yes the 81 of pabsqabs
pabs qabs yes all 108
PR PnotR
pabs m no None
pabs n no None
pabs pabs yes the 81 of pabsqabs
pabs qabs yes the 81 of pabsqabs
PR notPR
pabs m no None
pabs n no None
pabs pabs yes the 81 of pabsqabs
pabs qabs yes the 81 of pabsqabs

Similarly for qabs, mutatis mutandis. Notice that the weak forms of causation and
prevention have moduses in common, always the same 81, which are none other than the
three-item moduses corresponding to the two-item modus No. 16 (see Table 12.6 of the
previous chapter). This is consistent with our earlier finding, that pabsqabs has the same
modus whatever the polarities of its two items (except where the two forms involved are

Now let us consider relative weak determinations, which only arise as of a three-item
framework. For each PR sequence, and each determination, there are two complements to
consider: both Q and notQ. To identify the alternative moduses of each form, we may
proceed by consideration of their summary moduses.
We know, from Tables 11.3 and 11.4 of the chapter on piecemeal microanalysis, the
summary modus of pPQR to be 10.1.1.. and that of qPQR to be ..1.1.01. These are mirror
images of each other, note.
Now, the summary moduses of pPnotQR and qPnotQR are bound to have the same numbers of
zeros, ones and dots; only they will be in a different order, such that Q = 1 (i.e. Q) and Q =
0 (i.e. notQ) are in each others place. If the eight rows of our matrix are labeled a-h, then
keeping the values (1 or 0) of P and R constant, row a will be replaced by c, row b will
swap places with d, and likewise e with g and f with h. Thus, we can infer the summary
moduses of pPnotQR and qPnotQR to be respectively .110...1 and 1...011.; once again these
are mirrors, notice.
Next consider forms with items PQnotR. Using similar reasoning with regard to the change
from R to notR, we can predict the pairs of rows which replace each other to be: a b, c d, e
f, and g h. Thus, the summary modus of pPQnotR has to be 011.1... and that of qPQnotR

...1.110. Concerning forms with items PnotQnotR, it follows that the summary modus of
pPnotQnotR has to be 1.01..1. and that of qPnotQnotR .1..10.1.
Similarly arguing with regard to a change from PQR to notPQR, the pairs are seen to be a
e, b f, c g, and d h, so that the summary modus for pnotPQR is .1..10.1 and that of qnotPQR is
1.01..1.. Concerning forms with items notPnotQR, it follows that the summary modus
for pnotPnotQR is ...1.110 and that of qnotPnotQR is 011.1....
Finally, the forms pnotPQnotR and qnotPQnotR may be derived from, say, those with suffix
notPQR (by transposition of adjacent rows); which yields summary moduses 1...011. and
.110...1. We may thence infer the summary moduses of the forms with items
notPnotQnotR, to be ..1.1.01 in the case of pnotPnotQnotR and 10.1.1.. for qnotPnotQnotR.
We have thus obtained the summary moduses of all forms of p and q for the items
concerned, and can now readily unravel and list their respective alternative moduses. The
following table, which may be viewed as a continuation of the preceding, is thereby
obtained with reference to the three-item grand matrix (see Table 12.3 of the previous

Table 13.7. Enumeration of moduses of relative weak determinations with different

polarities of items, with reference to standard three-item (PQR) grand matrix.
Causation Prevention
Determination PR notPnotR PnotR notPR
pQ 10.1.1.. 1...011. 011.1... .1..10.1
149-152, 157-160, 135-136, 151-152, 105-112, 121-128 74, 76, 90, 92, 106,
181-184, 189-192 167-168, 183-184, 108, 122, 124, 202,
199-200, 215-216, 204, 218, 220, 234,
231-232, 247-248 236, 250, 252
qnotQ 1...011. 10.1.1.. .1..10.1 011.1...
135-136, 151-152, 149-152, 157-160, 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 105-112, 121-128
167-168, 183-184, 181-184, 189-192 108, 122, 124, 202,
199-200, 215-216, 204, 218, 220, 234,
231-232, 247-248 236, 250, 252
qQ ..1.1.01 .110...1 ...1.110 1.01..1.
42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 23, 31, 55, 63, 87, 95, 147-148, 151-152,
110, 122, 126, 170, 108, 110, 112, 226, 119, 127, 151, 159, 155-156, 159-160,
174, 186, 190, 234, 228, 230, 232, 234, 183, 191, 215, 223, 211-212, 215-216,
238, 250, 254 236, 238, 240 247, 255 219-220, 223-224
pnotQ .110...1 ..1.1.01 1.01..1. ...1.110
98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 147-148, 151-152, 23, 31, 55, 63, 87, 95,
108, 110, 112, 226, 110, 122, 126, 170, 155-156, 159-160, 119, 127, 151, 159,
228, 230, 232, 234, 174, 186, 190, 234, 211-212, 215-216, 183, 191, 215, 223,
236, 238, 240 238, 250, 254 219-220, 223-224 247, 255

The negations, intersections and mergers of these forms, with each other and with strongs,
can easily if need arise be worked out.
Notice repetitions (there are eight sets for sixteen forms); they signify inversions (with
change in polarity of all three items and change in determination). But more broadly, note
well all the compatibilities or incompatibilities between the various forms of relative weak
connection, which tell us which of them can occur in tandem and which cannot. The
following table shows, for example, which forms can be conjoined or not with pPQR.

Table 13.8. Oppositions between pPQR and the other relative weaks.
Forms compared Compatibility Common moduses
pQ pQ yes all
pQ qQ yes 190
pQ pnotQ no none
pQ qnotQ yes 151-152, 183-184
PR notPnotR
pQ pQ yes 151-152, 183-184
pQ qQ no none
pQ pnotQ yes 190
pQ qnotQ yes all
PR PnotR
pQ pQ no none
pQ qQ yes 151, 159, 183, 191
pQ pnotQ yes 151-152, 159-160
pQ qnotQ no none
PR notPR
pQ pQ no none
pQ qQ yes 151-152, 159-160
pQ pnotQ yes 151, 159, 183, 191
pQ qnotQ no none

Similar tables can be constructed in relation to each partial or contingent form, till all
conceivable combinations are exhausted, of course90. Some of these results are very
significant. Look at each case and reflect on its practical meaning for causative reasoning.
For instance, that pPQR and pPnotQR are incompatible, since they have no moduses in
common, means that something cannot be a partial cause of something else with both a
certain complement (Q) and its negation (notQ) - if it is so with the one, it is certainly not
so with the other; on the other hand, pPQR is conjoinable with pnotPQnotR or pnotPnotQnotR. Or
again, causation of form pPQR excludes prevention of form pPQnotR or pnotPQR, whereas it
may well occur with prevention of form pPnotQnotR or pnotPnotQR. And so forth.

4. Categoricals and Conditionals.

Matricial analysis is applicable not only to causative propositions, but to their constituent
conditional and categorical propositions. It is a universal method, as already stated. We
initially, you will recall, defined causative propositions through specific combinations
(conjunctions or disjunctions) of clauses, consisting of positive and negative conditionals
and possible categoricals or conjunctions of categoricals.
Thus, for instances, complete causation was defined as the conjunction of if P, then R,
if notP, not-then R and P is possible; partial causation as that of if (P + Q), then R,
if (notP + Q), not-then R, if (P + notQ), not-then R and (P + Q) is possible; and so
forth. The negations of these conjunctions of clauses were then definable as inclusive
disjunctions the negations of the clauses.

The results are all either explicit or implicit in the above table.

Eventually, we arrived at definitions of such causative propositions through lists of

moduses. But each of their constituent clauses can themselves also be defined through
moduses, i.e. microanalyzed; their conjunctions are then inferable by intersection and their
disjunctions by merger. We could thus have begun our study by microanalyzing the
constituent clauses, and then constructed the determinations with reference to their
alternative moduses. By doing so, we shall close the circle, and demonstrate the
completeness and consistency of the whole system.

Let us begin with categorical propositions.

An item P, whatever its form, can be considered as a categorical proposition in this
context. If we construct a one-item grand matrix for it, we obtain the following table:

Table 13.9. Catalogue of moduses for a single item (P).

P 1 2 3 4
1 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1

Column No. 1, which states that both P (first row) and notP (second row) are impossible, is
an impossible modus, by the laws of logic. Columns 3-4 (in which the first row is coded
1, i.e. possible) represent the proposition P is possible, while columns 2, 4 (in which
the second row is coded 1, i.e. possible) represent the proposition notP is possible. The
common modus of these, No. 4, signifies that both P and notP are possible, i.e. that P is
contingent91; while modus 3 means that only P is possible (i.e. P is necessary) and modus
2 means that only notP is possible (i.e. P is impossible).
We thus see that all modalities are expressed in the grand matrix.
Note that P is necessary is equivalent to the proposition P but not notP, i.e. it refers to
P to the exclusion of notP, or more simply put to P. Similarly, P is impossible can be
written notP. We may thus refer to the non-modal forms P or notP as exclusive
categoricals, to distinguish them from the modal forms P is possible or notP is
possible; note well the differences in moduses for them. P (modus 3) is included in P is
possible (moduses 3-4), but more specific in scope.

Let us now consider the moduses of single items within a two-item framework, with
reference to Table 12.1 of the previous chapter. They are:

Note well that codes 1 and 0 in the moduses here signify possibility and impossibility,
respectively. At a deeper level, that of 'radical' moduses, where they acquire the values of presence
or absence (see Piecemeal Microanalysis, Section 1), the situation is of course different. In the
latter case, modus 11 is impossible by the Law of Non-Contradiction (P and notP cannot be both
present) and modus 00 is impossible by the Law of the Excluded Middle (P and notP cannot be
both absent).

Table 13.10. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative categoricals in a two-item

(PR) framework.
Proposition Column number(s) Comment
(necessarily) P 5, 9, 13 Three alternatives.
possibly P 5-16 All alternatives but those of
notP; i.e. 12 cases.
(necessarily) notP 2-4 Three alternatives.
possibly notP 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16 All alternatives but those of
P; i.e. 12 cases.
(necessarily) R 3, 9, 11 Three alternatives.
possibly R 3-4, 7-16 All alternatives but those of
notR; i.e. 12 cases.
(necessarily) notR 2, 5-6 Three alternatives.
possibly notR 2, 4-8, 10, 12-16 All alternatives but those of
R; i.e. 12 cases.

These results are obtained by reasoning in a similar manner. For instance, for the moduses
of P, select the columns where the two rows with P = 0 are both coded 0 (namely, Nos.
5, 9, 13); for the moduses of P is possible, select the columns where one or both rows
with P = 1 is/are coded 1 (namely, Nos. 5-16) or simply negate the three moduses
corresponding to notP. Similarly with regard to forms concerning item R.92
With regard to non-modal (i.e. necessary) conjunctions of (the positive or negative forms
of) the items P and R, they may be obtained by appropriate intersections. Thus, for
instance, P and R (or PR), being the conjunction of P (moduses 5, 9, 13) and R
(moduses 3, 9, 11), yields a single common modus, viz. No. 9; and the negation of that
conjunction, viz. not(PR), yields the leftover fourteen possible moduses. Similarly in the
other cases; the following table lists results for all such cases, for the record93:

Table 13.11. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative conjunctions in a two-

item (PR) framework.
Proposition Column number(s) Comment
P+R 9 One common alternative.
P + notR 5 One common alternative.
notP + R 3 One common alternative.
notP + notR 2 One common alternative.
not(P + R) 2-8, 10-16 All alternatives but that of
PR; i.e. 14 cases.
not(P + notR) 2-4, 6-16 All alternatives but that of
PnotR; i.e. 14 cases.
not(notP + R) 2, 4-16 All alternatives but that of
notPR; i.e. 14 cases.
not(notP + notR) 3-16 All alternatives but that of
notPnotR; i.e. 14 cases.

It follows, incidentally, that the summary modus of P is '..00' (or, more precisely, '00')
and that of R is '.0.0' (or, more precisely, '00'). Similarly for other cases.
As regards summary moduses of the positive conjunctions, they are the same as the
alternative moduses, since there is only one in each case. Thus, for instance, the summary of PR
would be '1000'.

Note that, since by PR we really mean P is necessary and R is necessary or (P + R) is

necessary, as already explained, the negation of such a conjunction, i.e. not(PR), is a
modal proposition of the form (P + R) is unnecessary.
Regarding modal conjunctions of the form (P + R) is possible, they are equivalent to
negative conditional propositions, which have the form if P, not-then notQ. They will
therefore make their appearance, implicitly, in the next table.

Let us now deal with conditional propositions (here logical conditionals, i.e.
hypotheticals), whether positive (in the form if/then) or negative (in the form if/not-then).
Their alternative moduses are listed in the following table, again with reference to a
standard two-item grand matrix (i.e. Table 12.1 of the previous chapter):

Table 13.12. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative conditionals in a two-item

(PR) framework.
Proposition Column number(s) Comment
If P, then R 2-4, 9-12 Seven alternatives.
If P, then notR 2-8 Seven alternatives.
If notP, then R 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 Seven alternatives.
If notP, then notR 2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 Seven alternatives.
If P, not-then R 5-8, 13-16 All alternatives but those of
if P, then R, i.e. 8 cases.
If P, not-then notR 9-16 All alternatives but those of
if P, then notR, i.e. 8 cases.
If notP, not-then R 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 All alternatives but those of
if notP, then R, i.e. 8 cases.
If notP, not-then notR 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 All alternatives but those of
if notP, then notR, i.e. 8 cases.

The above information is obtained as follows. Take for instance if P, then R; it is

understood to mean that the conjunction (P + notR) is impossible. Thus, referring to the
said grand matrix, we must select the columns (alternative moduses) in which, for the PR
sequence 10 (second row), this single condition is satisfied, i.e. the corresponding cells
are coded 0 (impossible). This is true of the columns labeled 2-4, 9-12 (also of column 1,
but that one is universally impossible, as we saw); so these are the applicable moduses,
which we have listed in the table. The moduses of if P, not-then R, meaning that (P +
notR) is possible, follow by negation. Similarly in the other cases, mutatis mutandis.94
Let us in this context look at the special cases of hypothetical form known as
paradoxical propositions.
First consider dilemmatic argument, to which paradoxical propositions may be
assimilated. We can use the information in Table 13.12 to analyze it. For instance,
if both if P, then R and if notP, then R are true, the common moduses are 3, 9,
11. The conclusion of such conjunction being R, it is clear that R must include
these three alternative moduses (at least). That is exactly what we found earlier
(Table 13.10).
Now look at Table 12.1, in the previous chapter. Rename R as P in this two-item
grand matrix. Here, modus 1 is eliminated from the start because the PP sequences
11 and 00 cannot both be impossible (i.e. coded 0), by the law of contradiction.

The summary moduses can be worked out from the alternative moduses, here too.

Moduses 3-8, 11-16 are all also eliminated because the PP sequences 10 or 01
cannot be possible (i.e. coded 1), by the law of contradiction. This leaves us only
with the alternative moduses 2, 9 11. Given if notP, then P (i.e. notP and notP is
impossible), we can eliminate moduses 2 and 10, leaving modus 9 (= P). Similarly,
given if P, then notP (i.e. P and P is impossible), we can eliminate moduses 9
and 10, leaving modus 2 (= notP).
In this way, paradoxical forms are made perfectly comprehensible under systematic

We can now interrelate the above forms with those of causative propositions, as follows.
Consider first the strong determinations, m and n. We may define m as the intersection of
the moduses of if P, then R (namely, 2-4, 9-12), those of if notP, not-then R (2, 4, 6, 8,
10, 12, 14, 16) and those of P is possible (5-16) - which results in the common moduses
10, 12, as previously ascertained. Similarly, mutatis mutandis, for n (moduses 10, 14).
We see from the above table that m implies or is a species of if P, then R (which
includes both its moduses 10 and 12)95, is merely compatible with if notP, then notR
(specifically, in modus 10), and is excluded from if P, then notR and from if notP, then
R (which both lack moduses 10, 12). With regard to the negatives, m implies if notP,
not-then R and if P, not-then notR (the latter implying that P is possible, note), is
merely compatible with if notP, not-then notR (specifically, in modus 12), and is
excluded from if P, not-then R. We can similarly compare n.
Concerning now the absolute weak determinations, pabs and qabs. Their moduses are
respectively 14, 16 and 12, 16, so evidently neither of them implies a positive conditional
proposition. Regarding pabs, it is excluded from three of them (which lack its two moduses)
and is merely compatible with the fourth if notP, then notR (in modus 14, but not in
modus 16). Accordingly, it implies three negative conditionals (which include both its
moduses), while being merely compatible with the fourth if notP, not-then notR (in
modus 16, but not in modus 14). We can similarly compare qabs.
We may therefore at last formally define absolute partial causation pabs as the
conjunction of the three negative conditionals (i) if P, not-then R, (ii) if notP,
not-then R and (iii) if P, not-then notR, since their intersection results solely in
its moduses 14, 16. Similarly, we may define absolute contingent causation qabs as
(i) if notP, not-then notR, (ii) if P, not-then notR and (iii) if notP, not-then
R, whose common moduses are 12, 16. Note well these are two interesting
equations: we had not previously established or even guessed them.96
If, by the way, we recall the summary moduses of pabs and qabs, respectively 11.1 and
1.11, we realize that this is precisely what they mean, since every code 1 signifies that
the PR sequence concerned cannot be 0. Thus, the first 1 means that the sequence PR
= 11 is possible, and so that if P, then notR is false; the last 1 means that the sequence
PR = 00 is possible, and so that if notP, then R is false; and similarly for the middle two
positions (which differ in the two forms).
We can similarly treat, mutatis mutandis, the negative forms not-m, not-n, not-pabs and
not-qabs. This is left to the reader as an exercise.
Clearly, though m is included in "if P, then R", it is not coextensive with it. The mere
discovery of an implication does not signify causation; the other conditions have also to be fulfilled.
Compare these definitions to those of m, n. Remember, too, that the negation of a
conditional may be expressed as a possibility of conjunction. Thus (after reshuffling the three
clauses), pabs also means "(P + R) is possible, (notP + notR) is possible, and (P + notR) is
possible"; and qabs also means "(P + R) is possible, (notP + notR) is possible, and (notP + R) is
possible". In each case, one conjunction remains open. The conjunction of these two forms,
pabsqabs, therefore means that all four conjunctions of the items are possible.

Note additionally that an exclusive categorical such as P (moduses 5, 9, 13) is

incompatible with all forms of causation by P (c), since it has no common moduses with
them (moduses 10, 12, 14, 16). Causation requires an underlying contingency for the items
concerned (in the mode concerned), and is excluded at the outset where there is categorical
necessity. Yet, P is compatible with if P, then Q (moduses 2-4, 9-12), for instance;
taken together, they yield common modus 9, which means that R is also necessary.

All the above modus lists can easily be restated in terms of three-item moduses, by using
Table 12.6 of the previous chapter. For examples, the latter moduses of P + R will be 33,
129, 161 (3 alternatives); those of if P, then R will be 2-16, 33-48, 129-144, 161-176 (63
alternatives); and so forth. We may skip indicating all correspondences; the reader is
invited to work them out as an exercise.
We must, however, examine conjunctives or conditionals with three items in more detail,
with reference to a three-item grand matrix. For this purpose, we need to know the
alternative moduses of P, Q, R, and their respective negations. With regard to P
and R, we need only expand the moduses given in Table 13.10 above, using Table 12.6
of the previous chapter. For Q, we must in the usual manner refer directly to Table 12.3
of the previous chapter. The results are given in the following table:

Table 13.13. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative categoricals in a three-

item (PQR) framework.
Proposition Column number(s) Comment
(necessarily) P 17, 33, 49, 65, 81, 97, 113, 129, 15 alternatives.
145, 161, 177, 193, 209, 225, 241
(necessarily) notP 2-16 15 alternatives.
(necessarily) Q 5, 9, 13, 65, 69, 73, 77, 129, 133, 15 alternatives.
137, 141, 193, 197, 201, 205
(necessarily) notQ 2-4, 17-20, 33-36, 49-52 15 alternatives.
(necessarily) R 3, 9, 11, 33, 35, 41, 43, 129, 131, 15 alternatives.
137, 139, 161, 163, 169, 171
(necessarily) notR 2, 5-6, 17-18, 21-22, 65-66, 69-70, 15 alternatives.
81-82, 85-86

Propositions of the form possibly P, etc., can be microanalyzed by negation97; they will
have 255 - 15 = 240 alternative moduses, note. By combining the forms in the above table
in every which way, we obtain the following results for conjunctions; and by negating the
latter, for denials of conjunctions.

For instance, "possibly P" is the negation of "necessarily notP", and therefore has moduses

Table 13.14. Enumeration of moduses of three item positive and negative conjunctives in
a three-item (PQR) framework.
Proposition Column number(s) Comment
P+Q+R 129 One alternative.
P + Q + notR 65 One alternative.
P + notQ + R 33 One alternative.
P + notQ + notR 17 One alternative.
notP + Q + R 9 One alternative.
notP + Q + notR 5 One alternative.
notP + notQ + R 3 One alternative.
notP + notQ + notR 2 One alternative.
not(P + Q + R) 2-128, 130-256 All alternatives but No.
129; i.e. 254 cases.
not(P + Q + notR) 2-64, 66-256 All alternatives but No. 65;
i.e. 254 cases.
not(P + notQ + R) 2-32, 34-256 All alternatives but No. 33;
i.e. 254 cases.
not(P + notQ + notR) 2-16, 18-256 All alternatives but No. 17;
i.e. 254 cases.
not(notP + Q + R) 2-8, 10-256 All alternatives but No. 9;
i.e. 254 cases.
not(notP + Q + notR) 2-4, 6-256 All alternatives but No. 5;
i.e. 254 cases.
not(notP + notQ + R) 2, 4-256 All alternatives but No. 3;
i.e. 254 cases.
not(notP + notQ + notR) 3-256 All alternatives but No. 2;
i.e. 254 cases.

The following table, concerning conditionals and their negations, is constructed with
reference to Table 12.3 of the previous chapter, in the usual manner. For instance, if (P +
Q), then R means that (P + Q + notR) is impossible; therefore, we select the moduses
which register a zero along the row for the PQR sequence 110. Similarly in other positive
cases; then negatives are derived by listing the leftover moduses in each case.

Table 13.15. Enumeration of moduses of three item positive and negative conditionals in
a three-item (PQR) framework.
Proposition Column number(s) Comment
If (P + Q), then R 2-64, 129-192 127 alternatives.
If (P + Q), then notR 2-128 127 alternatives.
If (P + notQ), then R 2-16, 33-48, 65-80, 97-112, 129- 127 alternatives.
144, 161-176, 193-208, 225-240
If (P + notQ), then notR 2-32, 65-96, 129-160, 193-224 127 alternatives.
If (notP + Q), then R 2-4, 9-12, 17-20, 25-28, 33-36, 41- 127 alternatives.
44, 49-52, 57-60, 65-68, 73-76, 81-
84, 89-92, 97-100, 105-108, 113-
116, 121-124, 129-132, 137-140,
145-148, 153-156, 161-164, 169-
172, 177-180, 185-188, 193-196,
201-204, 209-212, 217-220, 225-
228, 233-236, 241-244, 249-252
If (notP + Q), then notR 2-8, 17-24, 33-40, 49-56, 65-72, 81- 127 alternatives.
88, 97-104, 113-120, 129-136, 145-
152, 161-168, 177-184, 193-200,
209-216, 225-232, 241-248
If (notP + notQ), then R 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 127 alternatives.
25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41,
43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59,
61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77,
79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95,
97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109,
111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123,
125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137,
139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151,
153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 165,
167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179,
181, 183, 185, 187, 189, 191, 193,
195, 197, 199, 201, 203, 205, 207,
209, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221,
223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235,
237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249,
251, 253, 255
If (notP + notQ), then notR 2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14, 17-18, 21-22, 127 alternatives.
25-26, 29-30, 33-34, 37-38, 41-42,
45-46, 49-50, 53-54, 57-58, 61-62,
65-66, 69-70, 73-74, 77-78, 81-82,
85-86, 89-90, 93-94, 97-98, 101-
102, 105-106, 109-110, 113-114,
117-118, 121-122, 125-126, 129-
130, 133-134, 137-138, 141-142,
145-146, 149-150, 153-154, 157-
158, 161-162, 165-166, 169-170,
173-174, 177-178, 181-182, 185-
186, 189-190, 193-194, 197-198,
201-202, 205-206, 209-210, 213-
214, 217-218, 221-222, 225-226,
229-230, 233-234, 237-238, 241-
242, 245-246, 249-250, 253-254

Table 13.15 continued.

If (P + Q), not-then R 65-128, 193-256 The 128 remaining cases.
If (P + Q), not-then notR 129-256 The 128 remaining cases.
If (P + notQ), not-then R 17-32, 49-64, 81-96, 113-128, 145- The 128 remaining cases.
160, 177-192, 209-224, 241-256
If (P + notQ), not-then notR 33-64, 97-128, 161-192, 225-256 The 128 remaining cases.
If (notP + Q), not-then R 5-8, 13-16, 21-24, 29-32, 37-40, 45- The 128 remaining cases.
48, 53-56, 61-64, 69-72, 77-80, 85-
88, 93-96, 101-104, 109-112, 117-
120, 125-128, 133-136, 141-144,
149-152, 157-160, 165-168, 173-
176, 181-184, 189-192, 197-200,
205-208, 213-216, 221-224, 229-
232, 237-240, 245-248, 253-256
If (notP + Q), not-then notR 9-16, 25-32, 41-48, 57-64, 73-80, The 128 remaining cases.
89-96, 105-112, 121-128, 137-144,
153-160, 169-176, 185-192, 201-
208, 217-224, 233-240, 249-256
If (notP + notQ), not-then R 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, The 128 remaining cases.
24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,
42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58,
60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76,
78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94,
96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108,
110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122,
124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136,
138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150,
152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164,
166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178,
180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 192,
194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206,
208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220,
222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242, 244, 246, 248,
250, 252, 254, 256
If (notP + notQ), not-then notR 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16, 19-20, 23- The 128 remaining cases.
24, 27-28, 31-32, 35-36, 39-40, 43-
44, 47-48, 51-52, 55-56, 59-60, 63-
64, 67-68, 71-72, 75-76, 79-80, 83-
84, 87-88, 91-92, 95-96, 99-100,
103-104, 107-108, 111-112, 115-
116, 119-120, 123-124, 127-128,
131-132, 135-136, 139-140, 143-
144, 147-148, 151-152, 155-156,
159-160, 163-164, 167-168, 171-
172, 175-176, 179-180, 183-184,
187-188, 191-192, 195-196, 199-
200, 203-204, 207-208, 211-212,
215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 227-
228, 231-232, 235-236, 239-240,
243-244, 247-248, 251-252, 255-

We can make similar comments here as before, elucidating the oppositions between
causative and the less specific forms. This is left as an exercise for the reader.
In particular, the reader should compare the moduses of the relative weak determinations,
given in Table 13.1 of the present chapter, with those derived from the two above tables
and the original definitions of weak causation. For instance, note that if (P + Q), then R
includes all 16 moduses of pPQR (and so is a genus of it and serves in its definition);
similarly for qPQR in relation to if (notP + notQ), then notR.
Additionally, observe that all the three-item moduses of if P, then R are included by if
(P + Q), then R (but not vice-versa, of course), so that the former is a species of the latter.
Note that the P-R form is more restrictive with only 63 moduses, while the P-Q-R form is
broader in possibilities with 127 moduses. Similarly in other cases.

We have thus finished demonstrating that our grand matrices have universal utility,
enabling us to express any form, whatever its breadth or polarity. We shall now move on to
syllogistic applications, and show that all issues are resolvable by such matricial analysis.


1. Applying Microanalysis to Syllogism.

We shall now begin to use microanalytic methods for the understanding and solution of
syllogistic problems. In this way, we shall develop an advanced and general theory of the
syllogism, using a tool more powerful and universal than any previously used. Ciao
Aristotle, hello future logic. We shall proceed in stages, from the simpler cases to the more
As we are already aware, syllogism basically involves three items (terms or theses) in three
propositions. The propositions (in this context, of causative form) are the major premise,
the minor premise and the conclusion. The items involved are the minor item (which
occurs somewhere in the minor premise, and as the cause in the conclusion), the major
item (which occurs somewhere in the major premise, and as the effect in the conclusion),
and the middle item (present in both premises, but ignored in the conclusion).
Syllogism, then, is argument aimed at discovering or establishing the relation (the
conclusion) between two items (the minor and major), by way of their given relations (the
premises) to a third item (the middle). If the premises are compatible, they will either
imply a certain conclusion, in which case the syllogism is valid; or fail to imply any
conclusion, in which case the syllogism is invalid.
And as we have seen, there are three main figures for such argument, traditionally labeled
Nos. 1, 2 and 3. In the first figure, the middle item has the roles of effect in the minor
premise and cause in the major premise; in the second figure, it has the role of effect in
both premises; and in the third figure, it has the role of cause in both figures.
Ordinarily, the three items occur only in the positions just said. But we may conceive of
special cases where the items recur in other positions, as complements. This gives rise to
arrangements we have called subfigures. We need not concern ourselves with these
complications at this stage, but will only focus our attention on the essential, Aristotelian
Figures are, of course, abstractions regarding the positions of the items. Syllogism is
concretized in individual formal moods, when the exact relations between these items are
specified - i.e., in the present context, the determination and polarity of the causative
relation in each premise. The latter are likewise useless without specification of the figure
Thus, to end this brief review, we will here to begin with reexamine, using the
microanalytic method, three-item causative syllogism in the three main figures (without
consideration of the fourth figure or of subfigures). We shall start with positive moods, i.e.
moods with both premises affirmative; after that, we shall deal with negative moods, i.e.
those involving at least one negative premise.
Still later, we shall gradually treat all other conceivable situations, and thus demonstrate
the universality of this technique.

Now, putting aside all the above mentioned details, syllogism is nothing more than a
logical conjunction of two propositions (the premises), and all we seek through it is an
evaluation or inference of their intersection (the conclusion). That is:

The major premise + the minor premise = the conclusion (if any).

It follows that, knowing the moduses of the premises, we can ascertain those of the
conclusion. The conclusion may thus be viewed as a summary the information of the
premises taken together; i.e. as a statement of their combined value in knowledge. Each
premise, taken separately, has a certain value - expressed in its modus list; in the
conclusion, we find out their mutual impact - which is merely their common moduses, if
any. We can refer to an image in mechanics, we have two vectors and we wish to calculate
their resultant force.
The following simple example will illustrate how a valid conclusion arises. Mood 1/m/m
(which, you will recall, we labeled 155) consists of the premises Q is a complete cause of
R (the major, which we may label mQR) and P is a complete cause of Q (the minor,
which we may label mPQ). We know by macroanalysis that its conclusion is P is a
complete cause of R (which we may label mPR); as shown in the table below,
microanalysis yields the same result.

Table 14.1. Microanalysis of a mood - the example of mood 1/m/m (No. 155).
Proposition Moduses Comments
The major premise, mQR 10, 12, 25-28, 42, 44, 57-60, 130, 132, 138, 36 alternatives, with
140, 145-148, 153-156, 162, 164, 170, 172,
177-180, 185-188 reference to items Q and
The minor premise, mPQ 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 78-80, 130-132, 134- 36 alternatives, with
136, 138-140, 142-144, 194-196, 198-200,
202-204, 206-208 reference to items P and Q.
The conclusion, mPR 130, 132, 138, 140 4 moduses in common to
the above premises.

Note that the premises, being in the first Diagram 14.1. Premises and Conclusion.
figure, have respectively forms QR (major)
and PQ (minor), while the conclusion must be
of form PR. Once the modus or moduses of
the premises are ascertained (as explained in
the next section), we need only find our
which modus or moduses, if any, they have in
common. The form or forms which include
all such common modus(es) is/are implied by
them, and may be considered as constituting
the conclusion. This intersection may be
illustrated as follows

In our example, four moduses are found in common. With reference to Table 12.4 of the
chapter on systematic microanalysis, which concerns causative propositions of form PR,
we see that these four moduses are all among the 36 alternatives of m. It follows that mPR
is our conclusion or part thereof. Continuing our search, we see that not all of these four
moduses are included in mn (only No. 132 is so) or mqabs (only Nos. 132, 138, 140 are so),
therefore we cannot obtain a more precise positive conclusion. Thus, mQR + mPQ is mPR.
Note well that, to conclude mPR, we do not need to find all its moduses to be in common to
the premises - just one would suffice; what is important is that all the moduses which are in
common to the premises be included in the list of 36 for that putative conclusion.

Also note that the above mentioned table98, which enumerates three-item moduses for
propositions of form PR, is appropriate for evaluating the conclusion, which has that same
form in all figures.
But the moduses of the premises cannot be identified with reference to that table, since they
have forms other than PR, namely QR or PQ (in the first figure). In their case, we must
revert to the grand matrix for three items, i.e. the preceding table in the same chapter,
Table 12.3. How this is done is explained in detail in the next section, where the results for
all conceivable strong or absolute weak premises in whatever figure are also tabulated.
We can, at the outset, formulate the following general rules of inference, based on our
knowledge of the intersection process:
1. If the premises have no modus in common, they are incompatible. This signifies that
the premises are already incoherent and cannot credibly occur together in knowledge. If
we encounter such premises (without common modus, inconsistent) in practice, as often
happens, not only can we draw no conclusion from them, but one or both of them must
be reviewed and rejected or corrected.
2. If the premises have one or more modus(es) in common and such modus(es) is/are
all included by some causative propositional form(s), the latter constitute(s) our
conclusion. Note well again that, though all common moduses of the premises must be
moduses of the putative conclusion, not all the moduses of the latter need be common to
the former. For a form, remember, is implied by any one of its alternative moduses.
Also note, a conclusion may consist of one causative form or a conjunction of such
forms, of whatever polarities.
3. But if the premises have two or more moduses in common and these moduses are
not all included by some causative propositional form(s), though some of them are
included by a form and others by its contradictory, we have no conclusion. In this
case, the premises are indeed compatible, since they have common moduses; but those
common moduses do not give rise to a causative proposition, however vague, being too
scattered99. The common moduses may of course still give rise to a proposition of form
other than causative; but this is not of interest in the present context.

2. The Moduses of Premises.

In order to systematically apply the microanalytic method to the solution of syllogistic

problems, we need first to identify the moduses of all conceivable premises. For we
already have the moduses of eventual conclusions, which always have form PR: these are
given in Table 12.4 of the chapter on systematic microanalysis.
It is marvelous that we can refer to the same grand matrix for three items, with 255
possible moduses, which we used to interpret three-item propositions, to interpret three-
item syllogisms. For syllogisms with four items, we shall need to consider 65,535 possible
Regarding the premises in the three figures, we see that they involve four possible pairs
and arrangements of items, namely QR or RQ for the major premise and PQ or QP for the

i.e. Table 12.4 of the chapter on systematic microanalysis.
Suppose, for instance, the premises have common moduses 147 and 148. Modus 147
implies not-cabs, whereas modus 148 implies cabs; therefore, neither of these, and indeed no other,
causative propositions can be concluded. It is always best to first test the common moduses with
reference to causation or non-causation; if they all fit into the one or the other, we can then check
out whether they also fit some more precise (positive or negative) form(s).
For that, at a rate of 64 moduses to a page, we would need to construct a table of over
1,000 pages.

minor premise. The summary moduses of the various generic forms of interest to us here
are as follows. Note well that in the following table, the weak determinations p, q are
intended as absolute, though not so specified.

Table 14.2. Three-item summary moduses for strong or absolute weak generic positive
labl Items m m m m n n n n p p p p q q q q

a 1 1 1 ae ae ab ab ae ae ab ab ae ae ab ab ae ae ab ab
b 1 1 0 0 ab ab 0 ab ab bf ab ab bf ab ab
c 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 cg cd cg cd
d 1 0 0 dh dh 0 dh dh 0 dh dh cd dh dh cd
e 0 1 1 ae ae 0 ae ae 0 ae ae ef ae ae ef
f 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 bf ef bf ef
g 0 0 1 0 gh gh 0 gh gh cg gh gh cg gh gh
h 0 0 0 dh dh gh gh dh dh gh gh dh dh gh gh dh dh gh gh

Where two letters (among a-h) appear in two cells of a column, the intent is to indicate that
this pair of cells can never both be zero, i.e. a is intended101. Thus, for instance, instead
of writing ae, I write ae in both rows a and e. This is done just to improve visibility of
the information.
Notice the following details in the above table. First, note the similarity of sequence of
modalities in two columns read in opposite directions (for instance the modus of mQR read
from top to bottom and that of nQR read from bottom to top); this signifies mirroring.
Second, note the identity of moduses of various pairs of propositions, like mQR and nRQ, or
pQR and qRQ; this signifies convertibility from one to the other.
We can now, with reference to the rules implied by the above table, easily read the grand
matrix for three items102 in the usual manner, to obtain the alternative moduses of all the
premises of concern to us here. For now, we need only deal with positive premises - first,
the generics, based on the above summary moduses; then, the joint determinations, by
recourse to intersections between the generics. The results are as follows:

Table 14.3. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for strong or absolute weak
positive premises, generic or joint, for any figure of syllogism.
Determ. Major QR Major RQ Minor PQ Minor QP
m 10, 12, 25-28, 42, 44, 10, 14, 25-26, 29-30, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 66-68, 82-84, 98-100,
57-60, 130, 132, 138, 74, 78, 89-90, 93-94, 78-80, 130-132, 134- 114-116, 130-132,
140, 145-148, 153- 130, 134, 138, 142, 136, 138-140, 142- 146-148, 162-164,
156, 162, 164, 170, 145-146, 149-150, 144, 194-196, 198- 178-180, 194-196,
172, 177-180, 185-188 153-154, 157-158, 200, 202-204, 206-208 210-212, 226-228,
194, 198, 202, 206, 242-244
209-210, 213-214,
217-218, 221-222
n 10, 14, 25-26, 29-30, 10, 12, 25-28, 42, 44, 66-68, 82-84, 98-100, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76,
74, 78, 89-90, 93-94, 57-60, 130, 132, 138, 114-116, 130-132, 78-80, 130-132, 134-
130, 134, 138, 142, 140, 145-148, 153- 146-148, 162-164, 136, 138-140, 142-
145-146, 149-150, 156, 162, 164, 170, 178-180, 194-196, 144, 194-196, 198-
153-154, 157-158, 172, 177-180, 185-188 210-212, 226-228, 200, 202-204, 206-208
194, 198, 202, 206, 242-244
209-210, 213-214,
217-218, 221-222

As in Table 11.7 of the chapter on piecemeal microanalysis.
See Table 12.3 of the chapter on systematic microanalysis.

Table 14.3 continued.

pabs 14, 16, 29-32, 46, 48, 12, 16, 27-28, 31-32, 82-84, 86-88, 90-92, 70-72, 74-76, 78-80,
61-64, 74, 76, 78, 80, 42, 44, 46, 48, 57-64, 94-96, 98-100, 102- 86-88, 90-92, 94-96,
89-96, 106, 108, 110, 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 104, 106-108, 110- 102-104, 106-108,
112, 121-128, 134, 106, 108, 110, 112, 112, 114-116, 118- 110-112, 118-120,
136, 142, 144, 149- 121-128, 132, 136, 120, 122-124, 126- 122-124, 126-128,
152, 157-160, 166, 140, 144, 147-148, 128, 146-148, 150- 134-136, 138-140,
168, 174, 176, 181- 151-152, 155-156, 152, 154-156, 158- 142-144, 150-152,
184, 189-192, 194, 159-160, 162, 164, 160, 162-164, 166- 154-156, 158-160,
196, 198, 200, 202, 166, 168, 170, 172, 168, 170-172, 174- 166-168, 170-172,
204, 206, 208-224, 174, 176-192, 196, 176, 178-180, 182- 174-176, 182-184,
226, 228, 230, 232, 200, 204, 208, 211- 184, 186-188, 190- 186-188, 190-192,
234, 236, 238, 240- 212, 215-216, 219- 192, 210-212, 214- 198-200, 202-204,
256 220, 223-224, 226, 216, 218-220, 222- 206-208, 214-216,
228, 230, 232, 234, 224, 226-228, 230- 218-220, 222-224,
236, 238, 240-256 232, 234-236, 238- 230-232, 234-236,
240, 242-244, 246- 238-240, 246-248,
248, 250-252, 254-256 250-252, 254-256
qabs 12, 16, 27-28, 31-32, 14, 16, 29-32, 46, 48, 70-72, 74-76, 78-80, 82-84, 86-88, 90-92,
42, 44, 46, 48, 57-64, 61-64, 74, 76, 78, 80, 86-88, 90-92, 94-96, 94-96, 98-100, 102-
76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 89-96, 106, 108, 110, 102-104, 106-108, 104, 106-108, 110-
106, 108, 110, 112, 112, 121-128, 134, 110-112, 118-120, 112, 114-116, 118-
121-128, 132, 136, 136, 142, 144, 149- 122-124, 126-128, 120, 122-124, 126-
140, 144, 147-148, 152, 157-160, 166, 134-136, 138-140, 128, 146-148, 150-
151-152, 155-156, 168, 174, 176, 181- 142-144, 150-152, 152, 154-156, 158-
159-160, 162, 164, 184, 189-192, 194, 154-156, 158-160, 160, 162-164, 166-
166, 168, 170, 172, 196, 198, 200, 202, 166-168, 170-172, 168, 170-172, 174-
174, 176-192, 196, 204, 206, 208, 209- 174-176, 182-184, 176, 178-180, 182-
200, 204, 208, 211- 224, 226, 228, 230, 186-188, 190-192, 184, 186-188, 190-
212, 215-216, 219- 232, 234, 236, 238, 198-200, 202-204, 192, 210-212, 214-
220, 223-224, 226, 240, 241-256 206-208, 214-216, 216, 218-220, 222-
228, 230, 232, 234, 218-220, 222-224, 224, 226-228, 230-
236, 238, 240-256 230-232, 234-236, 232, 234-236, 238-
238-240, 246-248, 240, 242-244, 246-
250-252, 254-256 248, 250-252, 254-256
mn 10, 25-26, 130, 138, 10, 25-26, 130, 138, 66-68, 130-132, 194- 66-68, 130-132, 194-
145-146, 153-154 145-146, 153-154 196 196
mqabs 12, 27-28, 42, 44, 57- 14, 29-30, 74, 78, 89- 70-72, 74-76, 78-80, 82-84, 98-100, 114-
60, 132, 140, 147-148, 90, 93-94, 134, 142, 134-136, 138-140, 116, 146-148, 162-
155-156, 162, 164, 149-150, 157-158, 142-144, 198-200, 164, 178-180, 210-
170, 172, 177-180, 194, 198, 202, 206, 202-204, 206-208 212, 226-228, 242-244
185-188 209-210, 213-214,
217-218, 221-222
npabs 14, 29-30, 74, 78, 89- 12, 27-28, 42, 44, 57- 82-84, 98-100, 114- 70-72, 74-76, 78-80,
90, 93-94, 134, 142, 60, 132, 140, 147-148, 116, 146-148, 162- 134-136, 138-140,
149-150, 157-158, 155-156, 162, 164, 164, 178-180, 210- 142-144, 198-200,
194, 198, 202, 206, 170, 172, 177-180, 212, 226-228, 242-244 202-204, 206-208
209-210, 213-214, 185-188
217-218, 221-222
pabsqabs 16, 31-32, 46, 48, 61- 16, 31-32, 46, 48, 61- 86-88, 90-92, 94-96, 86-88, 90-92, 94-96,
64, 76, 80, 91-92, 95- 64, 76, 80, 91-92, 95- 102-104, 106-108, 102-104, 106-108,
96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 110-112, 118-120, 110-112, 118-120,
121-128, 136, 144, 121-128, 136, 144, 122-124, 126-128, 122-124, 126-128,
151-152, 159-160, 151-152, 159-160, 150-152, 154-156, 150-152, 154-156,
166, 168, 174, 176, 166, 168, 174, 176, 158-160, 166-168, 158-160, 166-168,
181-184, 189-192, 181-184, 189-192, 170-172, 174-176, 170-172, 174-176,
196, 200, 204, 208, 196, 200, 204, 208, 182-184, 186-188, 182-184, 186-188,
211-212, 215-216, 211-212, 215-216, 190-192, 214-216, 190-192, 214-216,
219-220, 223-224, 219-220, 223-224, 218-220, 222-224, 218-220, 222-224,
226, 228, 230, 232, 226, 228, 230, 232, 230-232, 234-236, 230-232, 234-236,
234, 236, 238, 240- 234, 236, 238, 240- 238-240, 246-248, 238-240, 246-248,
256 256 250-252, 254-256 250-252, 254-256

To repeat, the same information for causative propositions of form PR has already been
tabulated, in a previous chapter; and those results are applicable to reading conclusions.
The above table concerns positive premises that may arise in three-item syllogism. Though
the same propositional form has always the same number of moduses, the modus numbers
differ according to the items involved and their positions. Note this well, and compare and

3. The Moduses of Conclusions.

Putting the data in the above table together in various combinations, we can now ascertain
the moduses of resulting conclusions. As already said, when the premises have no common
modus, they are inconsistent. When some resulting modus(es) fall under causation (c)
and some other(s) under non-causation (not-c), we must admit that there is no
conclusion. In all other cases, there is a conclusion, namely the determination (whatever it
be, at least causation or non-causation) which includes all the resulting moduses.
The following table lists all these results. Note well that all weak determinations mentioned
in it are intended as absolute, though not so specified. Syllogism with relative weaks will
be considered later.

Table 14.4. Moduses of conclusions of all syllogisms with strong or absolute weak
positive premises, generic or joint.
Major Minor Conclusion Common moduses No
First Figure
111 mn mn mn 130 1
112 mn mq mq 138 1
113 mn np np 146 1
114 mn pq pq 154 1
115 mn m m 130, 138 2
116 mn n n 130, 146 2
117 mn p p 146, 154 2
118 mn q q 138, 154 2
121 mq mn mq 132 1
122 mq mq mq 140 1
123 mq np no conclusion 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180 7
124 mq pq not-n 155-156, 170, 172, 186-188 7
125 mq m mq 132, 140 2
126 mq n no conclusion 132, 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180 8
127 mq p no conclusion 147-148, 155-156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178- 14
180, 186-188
128 mq q not-n 140, 155-156, 170, 172, 186-188 8
131 np mn np 194 1
132 np mq no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 142, 198, 202, 206 7
133 np np np 210 1
134 np pq not-m 90, 94, 150, 158, 214, 218, 222 7
135 np m no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 142, 194, 198, 202, 206 8
136 np n np 194, 210 2
137 np p not-m 90, 94, 150, 158, 210, 214, 218, 222 8
138 np q no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 142, 150, 158, 198, 202, 14
206, 214, 218, 222

Table 14.4 continued.

141 pq mn pq 196 1
142 pq mq not-n 76, 80, 136, 144, 200, 204, 208 7
143 pq np not-m 211-212, 226, 228, 242-244 7
144 pq pq no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 49
126-128, 151-152, 159-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 215-216, 219-220,
223-224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
145 pq m not-n 76, 80, 136, 144, 196, 200, 204, 208 8
146 pq n not-m 196, 211-212, 226, 228, 242-244 8
147 pq p no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 151-152, 159-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 211-212, 215-216,
219-220, 223-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
148 pq q no conclusion 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 56
122-124, 126-128, 136, 144, 151-152, 159-
160, 166, 168, 174, 176, 182-184, 190-192,
200, 204, 208, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224,
230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-
252, 254-256
151 m mn m 130, 132 2
152 m mq mq 138, 140 2
153 m np no conclusion 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180 8
154 m pq not-n 154-156, 170, 172, 186-188 8
155 m m m 130, 132, 138, 140 4
156 m n no conclusion 130, 132, 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180 10
157 m p no conclusion 146-148, 154-156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178- 16
180, 186-188
158 m q not-n 138, 140, 154-156, 170, 172, 186-188 10
161 n mn n 130, 194 2
162 n mq no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 138, 142, 198, 202, 206 8
163 n np np 146, 210 2
164 n pq not-m 90, 94, 150, 154, 158, 214, 218, 222 8
165 n m no conclusion 74, 78, 130, 134, 138, 142, 194, 198, 202, 10
166 n n n 130, 146, 194, 210 4
167 n p not-m 90, 94, 146, 150, 154, 158, 210, 214, 218, 10
168 n q no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 138, 142, 150, 154, 158, 16
198, 202, 206, 214, 218, 222
171 p mn p 194, 196 2
172 p mq no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 134, 136, 142, 144, 198, 200, 14
202, 204, 206, 208
173 p np not-m 210-212, 226, 228, 242-244 8
174 p pq no conclusion 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 214-216, 218-220,
222-224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
175 p m no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 134, 136, 142, 144, 194, 196, 16
198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208
176 p n not-m 194, 196, 210-212, 226, 228, 242-244 10

Table 14.4 continued.

177 p p no conclusion 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 64
126-128, 150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 210-212, 214-216,
218-220, 222-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
178 p q no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 70
112, 122-124, 126-128, 134, 136, 142, 144,
150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174, 176, 182-
184, 190-192, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208,
214-216, 218-220, 222-224, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252, 254-256
181 q mn q 132, 196 2
182 q mq not-n 76, 80, 136, 140, 144, 200, 204, 208 8
183 q np no conclusion 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 211-212, 226, 14
228, 242-244
184 q pq no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 166,
168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 182-184, 186-188,
190-192, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 230,
232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252,
185 q m not-n 76, 80, 132, 136, 140, 144, 196, 200, 204, 10
186 q n no conclusion 132, 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 196, 211- 16
212, 226, 228, 242-244
187 q p no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 70
126-128, 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-
160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176,
178-180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 211-
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 226, 228,
230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
188 q q no conclusion 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 64
122-124, 126-128, 136, 140, 144, 151-152,
155-156, 159-160, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174,
176, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 200, 204,
208, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 230, 232,
234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252, 254-
Second Figure
211 mn mn mn 130 1
212 mn mq mq 138 1
213 mn np np 146 1
214 mn pq pq 154 1
215 mn m m 130, 138 2
216 mn n n 130, 146 2
217 mn p p 146, 154 2
218 mn q q 138, 154 2
221 mq mn np 194 1
222 mq mq no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 142, 198, 202, 206 7
223 mq np np 210 1
224 mq pq not-m 90, 94, 150, 158, 214, 218, 222 7
225 mq m no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 142, 194, 198, 202, 206 8
226 mq n np 194, 210 2
227 mq p not-m 90, 94, 150, 158, 210, 214, 218, 222 8
228 mq q no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 142, 150, 158, 198, 202, 14
206, 214, 218, 222

Table 14.4 continued.

231 np mn mq 132 1
232 np mq mq 140 1
233 np np no conclusion 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180 7
234 np pq not-n 155-156, 170, 172, 186-188 7
235 np m mq 132, 140 2
236 np n no conclusion 132, 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180 8
237 np p no conclusion 147-148, 155-156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178- 14
180, 186-188
238 np q not-n 140, 155-156, 170, 172, 186-188 8
241 pq mn pq 196 1
242 pq mq not-n 76, 80, 136, 144, 200, 204, 208 7
243 pq np not-m 211-212, 226, 228, 242-244 7
244 pq pq no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 49
126-128, 151-152, 159-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 215-216, 219-220,
223-224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
245 pq m not-n 76, 80, 136, 144, 196, 200, 204, 208 8
246 pq n not-m 196, 211-212, 226, 228, 242-244 8
247 pq p no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 151-152, 159-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 211-212, 215-216,
219-220, 223-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
248 pq q no conclusion 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 56
122-124, 126-128, 136, 144, 151-152, 159-
160, 166, 168, 174, 176, 182-184, 190-192,
200, 204, 208, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224,
230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-
252, 254-256
251 m mn n 130, 194 2
252 m mq no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 138, 142, 198, 202, 206 8
253 m np np 146, 210 2
254 m pq not-m 90, 94, 150, 154, 158, 214, 218, 222 8
255 m m no conclusion 74, 78, 130, 134, 138, 142, 194, 198, 202, 10
256 m n n 130, 146, 194, 210 4
257 m p not-m 90, 94, 146, 150, 154, 158, 210, 214, 218, 10
258 m q no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 138, 142, 150, 154, 158, 16
198, 202, 206, 214, 218, 222
261 n mn m 130, 132 2
262 n mq mq 138, 140 2
263 n np no conclusion 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180 8
264 n pq not-n 154-156, 170, 172, 186-188 8
265 n m m 130, 132, 138, 140 4
266 n n no conclusion 130, 132, 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180 10
267 n p no conclusion 146-148, 154-156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178- 16
180, 186-188
268 n q not-n 138, 140, 154-156, 170, 172, 186-188 10
271 p mn q 132, 196 2
272 p mq not-n 76, 80, 136, 140, 144, 200, 204, 208 8

Table 14.4 continued.

273 p np no conclusion 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 211-212, 226, 14
228, 242-244
274 p pq no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 166,
168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 182-184, 186-188,
190-192, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 230,
232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252,
275 p m not-n 76, 80, 132, 136, 140, 144, 196, 200, 204, 10
276 p n no conclusion 132, 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 196, 211- 16
212, 226, 228, 242-244
277 p p no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 70
126-128, 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-
160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176,
178-180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 211-
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 226, 228,
230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
278 p q no conclusion 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 64
122-124, 126-128, 136, 140, 144, 151-152,
155-156, 159-160, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174,
176, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 200, 204,
208, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 230, 232,
234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252, 254-
281 q mn p 194, 196 2
282 q mq no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 134, 136, 142, 144, 198, 200, 14
202, 204, 206, 208
283 q np not-m 210-212, 226, 228, 242-244 8
284 q pq no conclusion 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 214-216, 218-220,
222-224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
285 q m no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 134, 136, 142, 144, 194, 196, 16
198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208
286 q n not-m 194, 196, 210-212, 226, 228, 242-244 10
287 q p no conclusion 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 64
126-128, 150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 210-212, 214-216,
218-220, 222-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
288 q q no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 70
112, 122-124, 126-128, 134, 136, 142, 144,
150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174, 176, 182-
184, 190-192, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208,
214-216, 218-220, 222-224, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252, 254-256
Third Figure
311 mn mn mn 130 1
312 mn mq np 146 1
313 mn np mq 138 1
314 mn pq pq 154 1
315 mn m n 130, 146 2
316 mn n m 130, 138 2
317 mn p q 138, 154 2
318 mn q p 146, 154 2

Table 14.4 continued.

321 mq mn mq 132 1
322 mq mq no conclusion 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180 7
323 mq np mq 140 1
324 mq pq not-n 155-156, 170, 172, 186-188 7
325 mq m no conclusion 132, 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180 8
326 mq n mq 132, 140 2
327 mq p not-n 140, 155-156, 170, 172, 186-188 8
328 mq q no conclusion 147-148, 155-156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178- 14
180, 186-188
331 np mn np 194 1
332 np mq np 210 1
333 np np no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 142, 198, 202, 206 7
334 np pq not-m 90, 94, 150, 158, 214, 218, 222 7
335 np m np 194, 210 2
336 np n no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 142, 194, 198, 202, 206 8
337 np p no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 142, 150, 158, 198, 202, 14
206, 214, 218, 222
338 np q not-m 90, 94, 150, 158, 210, 214, 218, 222 8
341 pq mn pq 196 1
342 pq mq not-m 211-212, 226, 228, 242-244 7
343 pq np not-n 76, 80, 136, 144, 200, 204, 208 7
344 pq pq no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 49
126-128, 151-152, 159-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 215-216, 219-220,
223-224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
345 pq m not-m 196, 211-212, 226, 228, 242-244 8
346 pq n not-n 76, 80, 136, 144, 196, 200, 204, 208 8
347 pq p no conclusion 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 56
122-124, 126-128, 136, 144, 151-152, 159-
160, 166, 168, 174, 176, 182-184, 190-192,
200, 204, 208, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224,
230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-
252, 254-256
348 pq q no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 151-152, 159-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 211-212, 215-216,
219-220, 223-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
351 m mn m 130, 132 2
352 m mq no conclusion 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180 8
353 m np mq 138, 140 2
354 m pq not-n 154-156, 170, 172, 186-188 8
355 m m no conclusion 130, 132, 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180 10
356 m n m 130, 132, 138, 140 4
357 m p not-n 138, 140, 154-156, 170, 172, 186-188 10
358 m q no conclusion 146-148, 154-156, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178- 16
180, 186-188
361 n mn n 130, 194 2
362 n mq np 146, 210 2
363 n np no conclusion 74, 78, 134, 138, 142, 198, 202, 206 8
364 n pq not-m 90, 94, 150, 154, 158, 214, 218, 222 8

Table 14.4 continued.

365 n m n 130, 146, 194, 210 4
366 n n no conclusion 74, 78, 130, 134, 138, 142, 194, 198, 202, 10
367 n p no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 138, 142, 150, 154, 158, 16
198, 202, 206, 214, 218, 222
368 n q not-m 90, 94, 146, 150, 154, 158, 210, 214, 218, 10
371 p mn p 194, 196 2
372 p mq not-m 210-212, 226, 228, 242-244 8
373 p np no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 134, 136, 142, 144, 198, 200, 14
202, 204, 206, 208
374 p pq no conclusion 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 214-216, 218-220,
222-224, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256
375 p m not-m 194, 196, 210-212, 226, 228, 242-244 10
376 p n no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 134, 136, 142, 144, 194, 196, 16
198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208
377 p p no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 70
112, 122-124, 126-128, 134, 136, 142, 144,
150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174, 176, 182-
184, 190-192, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208,
214-216, 218-220, 222-224, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252, 254-256
378 p q no conclusion 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 64
126-128, 150-152, 158-160, 166, 168, 174,
176, 182-184, 190-192, 210-212, 214-216,
218-220, 222-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
381 q mn q 132, 196 2
382 q mq no conclusion 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 211-212, 226, 14
228, 242-244
383 q np not-n 76, 80, 136, 140, 144, 200, 204, 208 8
384 q pq no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 56
126-128, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 166,
168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 182-184, 186-188,
190-192, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 230,
232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252,
385 q m no conclusion 132, 147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 196, 211- 16
212, 226, 228, 242-244
386 q n not-n 76, 80, 132, 136, 140, 144, 196, 200, 204, 10
387 q p no conclusion 76, 80, 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 64
122-124, 126-128, 136, 140, 144, 151-152,
155-156, 159-160, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174,
176, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 200, 204,
208, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 230, 232,
234, 236, 238, 240, 246-248, 250-252, 254-
388 q q no conclusion 91-92, 95-96, 106, 108, 110, 112, 122-124, 70
126-128, 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-
160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176,
178-180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 211-
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224, 226, 228,
230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256

If we compare the results of microanalysis listed in the above table with those obtained by
macroanalysis (those listed in chapter 6, and again in Tables 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5, and those
listed in Tables 9.4 and 9.5), we discover that they are in most cases apparently
inconsistent! However, before making any hasty judgments, it is well to become aware that
many apparent similarities between the cases treated are in fact superficial, so that
differences in result should come as no surprise.

We could at this stage create a table listing all positive moods in the three figures in one
column, the collected positive and negative conclusions by macroanalysis in a second
column, and the above conclusions obtained by microanalysis in a third column. Then, in a
fourth column, we would want to explain, case by case, why any eventual divergences
occurred. However, it is still too early for such a systematic comparison between our
approaches, for reasons that will become clear in the following comments.
In the above table, we are dealing with only three items, P, Q and R. The weak
determinations considered are always absolute (involving 108 alternative moduses in the
PQR matrix). It follows that even when one or both premises are weak, the syllogism is
always in subfigure a103.
We cannot, therefore, compare the conclusions obtained here to those previously found,
when a subsidiary item (S) was specified and the minor item (P) was occasionally found as
a complement in the major premise (as in subfigure d and others). Here, when a weak
determination (absolute) is affirmed or denied in premise(s) and/or in conclusion, the
effective moduses might concern the subsidiary item or its negation, or the minor, middle
or major item or its negation, or again some other item entirely!
We must thus tread very carefully before making comparisons. It is ultimately only by
developing four-item microanalysis, and thereby four-item syllogism, that mechanical
comparisons with macroanalysis can safely be made. We will consequently abstain from
such consistency checking for now, while acknowledging its ultimate importance. Let us
rather at this stage continue to develop three-item syllogistic theory. Some of these
developments will clarify the issue raised here, as we shall see.

4. Dealing with Vaguer Propositions.

We shall now deal with three-item syllogism with vague premises; that is, strong causation
(s = m or n), absolute weak causation (wabs = pabs or qabs), or absolute causation (cabs = s or
wabs = m or n or pabs or qabs). What we shall find is that no conclusion arises from any
combination of such premises (with each other - we shall not bother to deal with
combinations of vague premises with more precise premises, regarding them as practically
unlikely to arise). This is an interesting result, though negative.
The following table merges the moduses of precise positive premises (given in Table 14.3,
above), to obtain those of vague positive premises with forms s, wabs or cabs. Note well that
each of these forms is fully convertible, i.e. is the same for two given items whatever their
positions (QR and RQ have the same moduses, PQ and QP have the same moduses).

Table 14.5. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for vague positive premises,
for any figure of syllogism.
Determination Major QR Major RQ Minor PQ Minor QP
s = m or n 10, 12, 14, 25-30, 42, 10, 12, 14, 25-30, 42, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76,
44, 57-60, 74, 78, 89- 44, 57-60, 74, 78, 89- 78-80, 82-84, 98-100, 78-80, 82-84, 98-100,
90, 93-94, 130, 132, 90, 93-94, 130, 132, 114-116, 130-132, 114-116, 130-132,
134, 138, 140, 142, 134, 138, 140, 142, 134-136, 138-140, 134-136, 138-140,
145-150, 153-158, 145-150, 153-158, 142-144, 146-148, 142-144, 146-148,
162, 164, 170, 172, 162, 164, 170, 172, 162-164, 178-180, 162-164, 178-180,
177-180, 185-188, 177-180, 185-188, 194-196, 198-200, 194-196, 198-200,
194, 198, 202, 206, 194, 198, 202, 206, 202-204, 206-208, 202-204, 206-208,
209-210, 213-214, 209-210, 213-214, 210-212, 226-228, 210-212, 226-228,
217-218, 221-222 217-218, 221-222 242-244 242-244

See chapter 5 for the list of subfigures.

Table 14.5 continued.

wabs = pabs or qabs 12, 14, 16, 27-32, 42,
44, 46, 48, 57-64, 74,
12, 14, 16, 27-32, 42,
44, 46, 48, 57-64, 74,
70-72, 74-76, 78-80,
82-84, 86-88, 90-92,
70-72, 74-76, 78-80,
82-84, 86-88, 90-92,
76, 78, 80, 89-96, 106, 76, 78, 80, 89-96, 106, 94-96, 98-100, 102- 94-96, 98-100, 102-
108, 110, 112, 121- 108, 110, 112, 121- 104, 106-108, 110- 104, 106-108, 110-
128, 132, 134, 136, 128, 132, 134, 136, 112, 114-116, 118- 112, 114-116, 118-
140, 142, 144, 147- 140, 142, 144, 147- 120, 122-124, 126- 120, 122-124, 126-
152, 155-160, 162, 152, 155-160, 162, 128, 134-136, 138- 128, 134-136, 138-
164, 166, 168, 170, 164, 166, 168, 170, 140, 142-144, 146- 140, 142-144, 146-
172, 174, 176-192, 172, 174, 176-192, 148, 150-152, 154- 148, 150-152, 154-
194, 196, 198, 200, 194, 196, 198, 200, 156, 158-160, 162- 156, 158-160, 162-
202, 204, 206, 208- 202, 204, 206, 208- 164, 166-168, 170- 164, 166-168, 170-
224, 226, 228, 230, 224, 226, 228, 230, 172, 174-176, 178- 172, 174-176, 178-
232, 234, 236, 238, 232, 234, 236, 238, 180, 182-184, 186- 180, 182-184, 186-
240-256 240-256 188, 190-192, 198- 188, 190-192, 198-
200, 202-204, 206- 200, 202-204, 206-
208, 210-212, 214- 208, 210-212, 214-
216, 218-220, 222- 216, 218-220, 222-
224, 226-228, 230- 224, 226-228, 230-
232, 234-236, 238- 232, 234-236, 238-
240, 242-244, 246- 240, 242-244, 246-
248, 250-252, 254-256 248, 250-252, 254-256
cabs = 10, 12, 14, 16, 25-32, 10, 12, 14, 16, 25-32, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76,
42, 44, 46, 48, 57-64, 42, 44, 46, 48, 57-64, 78-80, 82-84, 86-88, 78-80, 82-84, 86-88,
m or n 74, 76, 78, 80, 89-96, 74, 76, 78, 80, 89-96, 90-92, 94-96, 98-100, 90-92, 94-96, 98-100,
or pabs or qabs 106, 108, 110, 112, 106, 108, 110, 112, 102-104, 106-108, 102-104, 106-108,
121-128, 130, 132, 121-128, 130, 132, 110-112, 114-116, 110-112, 114-116,
134, 136, 138, 140, 134, 136, 138, 140, 118-120, 122-124, 118-120, 122-124,
142, 144-160, 162, 142, 144-160, 162, 126-128, 130-132, 126-128, 130-132,
164, 166, 168, 170, 164, 166, 168, 170, 134-136, 138-140, 134-136, 138-140,
172, 174, 176-192, 172, 174, 176-192, 142-144, 146-148, 142-144, 146-148,
194, 196, 198, 200, 194, 196, 198, 200, 150-152, 154-156, 150-152, 154-156,
202, 204, 206, 208- 202, 204, 206, 208- 158-160, 162-164, 158-160, 162-164,
224, 226, 228, 230, 224, 226, 228, 230, 166-168, 170-172, 166-168, 170-172,
232, 234, 236, 238, 232, 234, 236, 238, 174-176, 178-180, 174-176, 178-180,
240-256 240-256 182-184, 186-188, 182-184, 186-188,
190-192, 194-196, 190-192, 194-196,
198-200, 202-204, 198-200, 202-204,
206-208, 210-212, 206-208, 210-212,
214-216, 218-220, 214-216, 218-220,
222-224, 226-228, 222-224, 226-228,
230-232, 234-236, 230-232, 234-236,
238-240, 242-244, 238-240, 242-244,
246-248, 250-252, 246-248, 250-252,
254-256 254-256

As the table below shows, no positive or negative conclusion is obtainable from two vague
positive premises (any combination of s, wabs, cabs). This means one has to go to a more
precise level - of generics or joints - to obtain a conclusion in positive causative syllogism.
Note that the three figures yield the same moduses in each mood. This is because, as
indicated above, the premises involved have the same moduses whatever the orientation of
the items concerned (i.e. they are all fully convertible).

Table 14.6. Moduses of conclusions for selected vague positive premises.

Major Minor Conclusion
First Figure
Second Figure
Third Figure

Table 14.6 continued.

For all three figures Common moduses No.
s s no conclusion 74, 78, 130, 132, 134, 138, 140, 142, 146- 21
148, 162, 164, 178-180, 194, 198, 202, 206,
s wabs no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 134, 138, 140, 142, 146-148, 33
150, 154-156, 158, 162, 164, 170, 172, 178-
180, 186-188, 198, 202, 206, 210, 214, 218,
wabs s no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 132, 134, 136, 140, 142, 144, 33
147-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 194, 196, 198,
200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210-212, 226, 228,
wabs wabs no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 93
112, 122-124, 126-128, 134, 136, 140, 142,
144, 147-148, 150-152, 155-156, 158-160,
162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178-
180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 198, 200,
202, 204, 206, 208, 210-212, 214-216, 218-
220, 222-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 236,
238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252, 254-
s cabs no conclusion 74, 78, 90, 94, 130, 132, 134, 138, 140, 142, 36
146-148, 150, 154-156, 158, 162, 164, 170,
172, 178-180, 186-188, 194, 198, 202, 206,
210, 214, 218, 222
cabs s no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 36
142, 144, 146-148, 162, 164, 178-180, 194,
196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210-212,
226, 228, 242-244
wabs cabs no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 96
112, 122-124, 126-128, 132, 134, 136, 140,
142, 144, 147-148, 150-152, 155-156, 158-
160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176,
178-180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 194,
196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210-212,
214-216, 218-220, 222-224, 226, 228, 230,
232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248,
250-252, 254-256
cabs wabs no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 96
112, 122-124, 126-128, 134, 136, 138, 140,
142, 144, 146-148, 150-152, 154-156, 158-
160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172, 174, 176,
178-180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-192, 198,
200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210-212, 214-216,
218-220, 222-224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 242-244, 246-248, 250-252,
cabs cabs no conclusion 74, 76, 78, 80, 90-92, 94-96, 106, 108, 110, 100
112, 122-124, 126-128, 130, 132, 134, 136,
138, 140, 142, 144, 146-148, 150-152, 154-
156, 158-160, 162, 164, 166, 168, 170, 172,
174, 176, 178-180, 182-184, 186-188, 190-
192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208,
210-212, 214-216, 218-220, 222-224, 226,
228, 230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242-244,
246-248, 250-252, 254-256

This table is interesting in that it shows that no causative conclusion can be drawn from
vague causative premises in any of the three figures. In particular, it answers one of our
first questions, teaching us that, generally speaking, if P causes Q and Q causes R, it does
not follow that P causes R.


In the previous chapter, we examined absolute positive three-item syllogism. In the present
chapter, we shall look for other syllogistic forms, involving relative or negative causative
propositions. But keep in mind that this endeavor does not exhaust the matter: we shall
eventually still be obliged to develop four-item syllogism.

1. Special Cases of Three-item Syllogism.

We shall now consider special cases of three-item syllogism, involving weak

determinations relative to the major and/or minor item. That is, three-item syllogism with
major premise of form Q(P)R or R(P)Q and/or minor premise of form P(R)Q or Q(R)P,
with eventual conclusions of absolute form PR or relative form P(Q)R.
Note well that such syllogisms still involve only three items, even though one or more
propositions in them are of relative weak determination. Such cases may conceivably arise
in practice, though very rarely. For each of the three figures, we may conceive of seven
such subfigures, in addition to the already dealt with standard Aristotelian arrangement.
The eight subfigures are labeled a and j to p, for convenience, in the table below.

Table 15.1. Subfigures of syllogism with three items only.

With PR conclusion With P(Q)R conclusion
Subfigures a j k l m n o p
Figure 1 QR QR Q(P)R Q(P)R QR QR Q(P)R Q(P)R
Figure 2 RQ RQ R(P)Q R(P)Q RQ RQ R(P)Q R(P)Q
Figure 3 QR QR Q(P)R Q(P)R QR QR Q(P)R Q(P)R

Notice that in each figure there are two sets of four subfigures, with conclusions of form
PR or P(Q)R. Only subfigure a has been treated by macroanalysis, the other seven here
were simply ignored in Phase One (being very special cases, not likely to often arise). They
become relevant here only because they serve to clarify what we mean by three-item (as
against four-item) syllogism.
Moods with major premise of form Q(P)R or R(P)Q involve a weak determination relative
to the minor item P; and those with minor premise of form P(R)Q or Q(R)P involve a weak
determination relative to the major item R. Their summary moduses are given in the
following table. Note that the forms P(Q)R and Q(P)R yield the same moduses.

Table 15.2. Summary moduses for weak premises relative to the minor item P or to the
major item R.
pP pP pR pR qP qP qR qR
label P Q R
a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
b 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
c 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
d 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
e 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
f 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
g 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
h 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

The above table may be proved by appropriate reshuffling of columns and rows: in each
case, we obtain the same summary modus of partial or contingent causation. For instance,
for pQRP, move column P to the right of columns Q and R, then reorder the rows to
aebfcgdh (so that the sequences of QRP are 111, 110, 101, 100, etc.) the result is
summary modus 10.1.1.. as required to prove.
From the above summary moduses, we can derive the alternative moduses listed in the
following table. The microanalyses of the strong forms (m and n) are carried over from
Table 14.3. Notice the differences between the results below and those for relatives in
Table 13.1. Here mqrel = #s 42, 58, 170, 186, whereas there it = #s 42, 46, 170, 174;
similarly, here nprel = #s 149-150, 157-158, whereas there it = #s 149-150, 181-182. These
differences (two out of four moduses in each case) are simply due to the forms of strong
determination the weaks are combined with: there it was with PR, whereas here it is with

Table 15.3. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses weak positive premises

relative to the minor item P or to the major item R.
Determ. Major Q(P)R Major R(P)Q Minor P(R)Q Minor Q(R)P
m 10, 12, 25-28, 42, 44, 10, 14, 25-26, 29-30, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 66-68, 82-84, 98-100,
57-60, 130, 132, 138, 74, 78, 89-90, 93-94, 78-80, 130-132, 134- 114-116, 130-132,
140, 145-148, 153- 130, 134, 138, 142, 136, 138-140, 142- 146-148, 162-164,
156, 162, 164, 170, 145-146, 149-150, 144, 194-196, 198- 178-180, 194-196,
172, 177-180, 185-188 153-154, 157-158, 200, 202-204, 206-208 210-212, 226-228,
194, 198, 202, 206, 242-244
209-210, 213-214,
217-218, 221-222
n 10, 14, 25-26, 29-30, 10, 12, 25-28, 42, 44, 66-68, 82-84, 98-100, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76,
74, 78, 89-90, 93-94, 57-60, 130, 132, 138, 114-116, 130-132, 78-80, 130-132, 134-
130, 134, 138, 142, 140, 145-148, 153- 146-148, 162-164, 136, 138-140, 142-
145-146, 149-150, 156, 162, 164, 170, 178-180, 194-196, 144, 194-196, 198-
153-154, 157-158, 172, 177-180, 185-188 210-212, 226-228, 200, 202-204, 206-208
194, 198, 202, 206, 242-244
209-210, 213-214,
217-218, 221-222
prel 149-152, 157-160, 147-148, 151-152, 147-148, 151-152, 135-136, 151-152,
181-184, 189-192 155-156, 159-160, 155-156, 159-160, 167-168, 183-184,
211-212, 215-216, 211-212, 215-216, 199-200, 215-216,
219-220, 223-224 219-220, 223-224 231-232, 247-248
qrel 42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106,
110, 122, 126, 170, 108, 122, 124, 202, 108, 122, 124, 202, 108, 110, 112, 226,
174, 186, 190, 234, 204, 218, 220, 234, 204, 218, 220, 234, 228, 230, 232, 234,
238, 250, 254 236, 250, 252 236, 250, 252 236, 238, 240

Table 15.3 continued.

mqrel 42, 58, 170, 186 74, 90, 202, 218 74, 76, 202, 204 98, 100, 226, 228

nprel 149-150, 157-158 147-148, 155-156 147-148, 211-212 135-136, 199-200

prelqrel 190 220 220 232

wrel 42, 46, 58, 62, 106, 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106,
110, 122, 126, 149- 108, 122, 124, 147- 108, 122, 124, 147- 108, 110, 112, 135-
152, 157-160, 170, 148, 151-152, 155- 148, 151-152, 155- 136, 151-152, 167-
174, 181-184, 186, 156, 159-160, 202, 156, 159-160, 202, 168, 183-184, 199-
189-192, 234, 238, 204, 211-212, 215- 204, 211-212, 215- 200, 215-216, 226,
250, 254 216, 218-220, 223- 216, 218-220, 223- 228, 230-232, 234,
224, 234, 236, 250, 224, 234, 236, 250, 236, 238, 240, 247-
252 252 248
crel 10, 12, 14, 25-30, 42, 10, 12, 14, 25-30, 42, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76, 66-68, 70-72, 74-76,
44, 46, 57-60, 62, 74, 44, 57-60, 74, 76, 78, 78-80, 82-84, 90, 92, 78-80, 82-84, 98-100,
78, 89-90, 93-94, 106, 89-90, 92-94, 106, 98-100, 106, 108, 114- 102, 104, 106, 108,
110, 122, 126, 130, 108, 122, 124, 130, 116, 122, 124, 130- 110, 112, 114-116,
132, 134, 138, 140, 132, 134, 138, 140, 132, 134-136, 138- 130-132, 134-136,
142, 145-160, 162, 142, 145-150, 151- 140, 142-144, 146- 138-140, 142-144,
164, 170, 172, 174, 160, 162, 164, 170, 148, 151-152, 155- 146-148, 151-152,
177-192, 194, 198, 172, 177-180, 185- 156, 159-160, 162- 162-164, 167-168,
202, 206, 209-210, 188, 194, 198, 202, 164, 178-180, 194- 178-180, 183-184,
213-214, 217-218, 204, 206, 209-224, 196, 198-200, 202- 194-196, 198-200,
221-222, 234, 238, 234, 236, 250, 252 204, 206-208, 210- 202-204, 206-208,
250, 254 212, 215-216, 218- 210-212, 215-216,
220, 223-224, 226- 226-228, 230-232,
228, 234, 236, 242- 234, 236, 238, 240,
244, 250, 252 242-244, 247-248

Note that for prel, qrel, prelqrel and wrel, a major premise of form R(P)Q and a minor premise
of form P(R)Q, of the same weak determination, have the same alternative moduses. This
is not surprising, since these weak forms involve the same items as causes (P, R) and effect
(Q). A similar equation is not obtained where a strong determination is involved because in
such case the items involved are in fact only RQ and PQ (without complements).
The following tables list a selection of syllogisms one or both of whose premises involve
all three items. They ignore syllogisms with an exclusively strong premise (such as moods
111-118, 121, 125, 126, etc.), not because such syllogisms are impossible or uninteresting,
but simply for brevitys sake (the reader is invited to look into such cases as an exercise).
The conclusions are implicit in the common moduses of the premises. Once these common
moduses, if any, are identified, the conclusion has to be sought in Table 12.4, if of absolute
form PR, or in Table 13.1, if of relative form P(Q)R, these forms being those predicted in
Table 15.1 above.
Forms without subscript are intended as absolute, those with a subscript as relative to the
mentioned complement (P, Q or R). A conclusion of the form p or q or pq has absolute
form PR; a similar conclusion of relative form P(Q)R is not implied by it. A conclusion of
the form not-cQ means not-m + not-n + not-pQ + not-qQ, which does not imply not-cabs.
Lone determinations are sometimes concluded, but these are of course relative and not
absolute. Note well that the subsidiary item S is never mentioned here, since we have not
performed four-item microanalysis yet.

Table 15.4. Moduses of conclusions for selected relative weak positive minor premises
(subfigures j, n).
Mood Major Minor Conclusion Common moduses No
1st QR PQ PR
122 mq mqR inconsistent None 0
123 mq npR not-cQ 147-148 2
124 mq pRqR inconsistent None 0
127 mq pR not-cQ 147-148, 155-156 4
128 mq qR inconsistent None 0
132 np mqR not-cQ 74, 202 2
133 np npR inconsistent None 0
134 np pRqR inconsistent None 0
137 np pR inconsistent None 0
138 np qR not-cQ 74, 90, 202, 218 4
142 pq mqR not-cQ 76, 204 2
143 pq npR not-cQ 211-212 2
144 pq pRqR not-cQ 220 1
147 pq pR not-s 151-152, 159-160, 211-212, 215-216, 219- 12
220, 223-224
148 pq qR not-s 76, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 204, 220, 234, 12
236, 250, 252
172 p mqR not-cQ 74, 76, 202, 204 4
173 p npR not-cQ 211-212 2
174 p pRqR not-cQ 220 1
177 p pR not-s 151-152, 159-160, 211-212, 215-216, 219- 12
220, 223-224
178 p qR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 202, 204, 16
218, 220, 234, 236, 250, 252
182 q mqR not-cQ 76, 204 2
183 q npR not-cQ 147-148, 211-212 4
184 q pRqR not-cQ 220 1
187 q pR not-s 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 211- 16
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224
188 q qR not-s 76, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 204, 220, 234, 12
236, 250, 252
2nd RQ PQ PR
222 mq mqR not-cQ 74, 202 2
223 mq npR inconsistent None 0
224 mq pRqR inconsistent None 0
227 mq pR inconsistent None 0
228 mq qR not-cQ 74, 90, 202, 218 4
232 np mqR inconsistent None 0
233 np npR not-cQ 147-148 2
234 np pRqR inconsistent None 2
237 np pR not-cQ 147-148, 155-156 4
238 np qR inconsistent None 0

Table 15.4 continued.

242 pq mqR not-cQ 76, 204 2
243 pq npR not-cQ 211-212 2
244 pq pRqR not-cQ 220 1
247 pq pR not-s 151-152, 159-160, 211-212, 215-216, 219- 12
220, 223-224
248 pq qR not-s 76, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 204, 220, 234, 12
236, 250, 252
272 p mqR not-cQ 76, 204 2
273 p npR not-cQ 147-148, 211-212 4
274 p pRqR not-cQ 220 1
277 p pR not-s 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 211- 16
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224
278 p qR not-s 76, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 204, 220, 234, 12
236, 250, 252
282 q mqR not-cQ 74, 76, 202, 204 4
283 q npR not-cQ 211-212 2
284 q pRqR not-cQ 220 1
287 q pR not-s 151-152, 159-160, 211-212, 215-216, 219- 12
220, 223-224
288 q qR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 202, 204, 16
218, 220, 234, 236, 250, 252
3rd QR QP PR
322 mq mqR inconsistent None 0
323 mq npR inconsistent None 0
324 mq pRqR inconsistent None 0
327 mq pR inconsistent None 0
328 mq qR inconsistent None 0
332 np mqR inconsistent None 0
333 np npR inconsistent None 0
334 np pRqR inconsistent None 0
337 np pR inconsistent None 0
338 np qR inconsistent None 0
342 pq mqR p + not-pQ 226, 228 2
343 pq npR q + not-qQ 136, 200 2
344 pq pRqR not-cQ 232 1
347 pq pR q + not-qQ 136, 151-152, 168, 183-184, 200, 215-216, 12
232, 247-248
348 pq qR p + not-pQ 106, 108, 110, 112, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 12
236, 238, 240
372 p mqR p + not-pQ 226, 228 2
373 p npR q + not-qQ 136, 200 2
374 p pRqR not-cQ 232 1
377 p pR q + not-qQ 136, 151-152, 168, 183-184, 200, 215-216, 12
232, 247-248
378 p qR p + not-pQ 106, 108, 110, 112, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 12
236, 238, 240
382 q mqR p + not-pQ 226, 228 2
383 q npR q + not-qQ 136, 200 2
384 q pRqR not-cQ 232 1
387 q pR q + not-qQ 136, 151-152, 168, 183-184, 200, 215-216, 12
232, 247-248
388 q qR p + not-pQ 106, 108, 110, 112, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, 12
236, 238, 240

Table 15.5. Moduses of conclusions for selected relative weak positive major premises
(subfigures k, o).
Mood Major Minor Conclusion Common moduses No
122 mqP mq inconsistent None 0
123 mqP np inconsistent None 0
124 mqP pq qQ 170, 186 2
127 mqP p qQ 170, 186 2
128 mqP q qQ 170, 186 2
132 npP mq inconsistent None 0
133 npP np inconsistent None 0
134 npP pq pQ 150, 158 2
137 npP p pQ 150, 158 2
138 npP q pQ 150, 158 2
142 pPqP mq inconsistent None 0
143 pPqP np inconsistent None 0
144 pPqP pq pQqQ 190 1
147 pPqP p pQqQ 190 1
148 pPqP q pQqQ 190 1
172 pP mq inconsistent None 0
173 pP np inconsistent None 0
174 pP pq pQ 150-152, 158-160, 182-184, 190-192 12
177 pP p pQ 150-152, 158-160, 182-184, 190-192 12
178 pP q pQ 150-152, 158-160, 182-184, 190-192 12
182 qP mq inconsistent None 0
183 qP np inconsistent None 0
184 qP pq qQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 12
238, 250, 254
187 qP p qQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 12
238, 250, 254
188 qP q qQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 12
238, 250, 254
2nd RQ PQ PR
222 mqP mq not-cQ 74, 202 2
223 mqP np inconsistent None 0
224 mqP pq not-cQ 90, 218 2
227 mqP p not-cQ 90, 218 2
228 mqP q not-cQ 74, 90, 202, 218 4
232 npP mq inconsistent None 0
233 npP np not-cQ 147-148 2
234 npP pq not-cQ 155-156 2
237 npP p not-cQ 147-148, 155-156 4
238 npP q not-cQ 155-156 2

Table 15.5 continued.

242 pPqP mq inconsistent None 0
243 pPqP np inconsistent None 0
244 pPqP pq pq + not-wQ 220 1
247 pPqP p pq + not-wQ 220 1
248 pPqP q pq + not-wQ 220 1
272 pP mq inconsistent None 0
273 pP np not-cQ 147-148, 211-212 4
274 pP pq not-s + not-qQ 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 215-216, 219- 12
220, 223-224
277 pP p not-s + not-qQ 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 211- 16
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224
278 pP q not-s + not-qQ 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 215-216, 219- 12
220, 223-224
282 qP mq not-s + not-cQ 74, 76, 202, 204 4
283 qP np inconsistent None 0
284 qP pq not-s + not-pQ 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 218, 220, 234, 12
236, 250, 252
287 qP p not-s + not-pQ 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 218, 220, 234, 12
236, 250, 252
288 qP q not-s + not-pQ 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 202, 204, 16
218, 220, 234, 236, 250, 252
3rd QR QP PR
322 mqP mq inconsistent None 0
323 mqP np inconsistent None 0
324 mqP pq qQ 170, 186 2
327 mqP p qQ 170, 186 2
328 mqP q qQ 170, 186 2
332 npP mq inconsistent None 0
333 npP np inconsistent None 0
334 npP pq pQ 150, 158 2
337 npP p pQ 150, 158 2
338 npP q pQ 150, 158 2
342 pPqP mq inconsistent None 0
343 pPqP np inconsistent None 0
344 pPqP pq pQqQ 190 1
347 pPqP p pQqQ 190 1
348 pPqP q pQqQ 190 1
372 pP mq inconsistent None 0
373 pP np inconsistent None 0
374 pP pq pQ 150-152, 158-160, 182-184, 190-192 12
377 pP p pQ 150-152, 158-160, 182-184, 190-192 12
378 pP q pQ 150-152, 158-160, 182-184, 190-192 12
382 qP mq inconsistent None 0
383 qP np inconsistent None 0
384 qP pq qQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 12
238, 250, 254
387 qP p qQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 12
238, 250, 254
388 qP q qQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 170, 174, 186, 190, 234, 12
238, 250, 254

Table 15.6. Moduses of conclusions for selected relative weak positive premises
(subfigures l, p).
Mood Major Minor Conclusion Common moduses No
1st QR PQ PR
122 mqP mqR inconsistent None 0
123 mqP npR inconsistent None 0
124 mqP pRqR inconsistent None 0
127 mqP pR inconsistent None 0
128 mqP qR inconsistent None 0
132 npP mqR inconsistent None 0
133 npP npR inconsistent None 0
134 npP pRqR inconsistent None 0
137 npP pR inconsistent None 0
138 npP qR inconsistent None 0
142 pPqP mqR inconsistent None 0
143 pPqP npR inconsistent None 0
144 pPqP pRqR inconsistent None 0
147 pPqP pR inconsistent None 0
148 pPqP qR inconsistent None 0
172 pP mqR inconsistent None 0
173 pP npR inconsistent None 0
174 pP pRqR inconsistent None 0
177 pP pR p-aloneQ 151-152, 159-160 4
178 pP qR inconsistent None 0
182 qP mqR inconsistent None 0
183 qP npR inconsistent None 0
184 qP pRqR inconsistent None 0
187 qP pR inconsistent None 0
188 qP qR q-aloneQ 106, 122, 234, 250 4
2nd RQ PQ PR
222 mqP mqR not-cQ 74, 202 2
223 mqP npR inconsistent None 0
224 mqP pRqR inconsistent None 0
227 mqP pR inconsistent None 0
228 mqP qR not-cQ 74, 90, 202, 218 4
232 npP mqR inconsistent None 0
233 npP npR not-cQ 147-148 2
234 npP pRqR inconsistent None 0
237 npP pR not-cQ 147-148, 155-156 4
238 npP qR inconsistent None 0

Table 15.6 continued.

242 pPqP mqR inconsistent None 0
243 pPqP npR inconsistent None 0
244 pPqP pRqR not-cQ 220 1
247 pPqP pR not-cQ 220 1
248 pPqP qR not-cQ 220 1
272 pP mqR inconsistent None 0
273 pP npR not-cQ 147-148, 211-212 4
274 pP pRqR not-cQ 220 1
277 pP pR not-s 147-148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 211- 16
212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-224
278 pP qR not-cQ 220 1
282 qP mqR not-cQ 74, 76, 202, 204 4
283 qP npR inconsistent None 0
284 qP pRqR not-cQ 220 1
287 qP pR not-cQ 220 1
288 qP qR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 202, 204, 16
218, 220, 234, 236, 250, 252
3rd QR QP PR
322 mqP mqR inconsistent None 0
323 mqP npR inconsistent None 0
324 mqP pRqR inconsistent None 0
327 mqP pR inconsistent None 0
328 mqP qR inconsistent None 0
332 npP mqR inconsistent None 0
333 npP npR inconsistent None 0
334 npP pRqR inconsistent None 0
337 npP pR inconsistent None 0
338 npP qR inconsistent None 0
342 pPqP mqR inconsistent None 0
343 pPqP npR inconsistent None 0
344 pPqP pRqR inconsistent None 0
347 pPqP pR inconsistent None 0
348 pPqP qR inconsistent None 0
372 pP mqR inconsistent None 0
373 pP npR inconsistent None 0
374 pP pRqR inconsistent None 0
377 pP pR p-aloneQ 151-152, 183-184 4
378 pP qR inconsistent None 0
382 qP mqR inconsistent None 0
383 qP npR inconsistent None 0
384 qP pRqR inconsistent None 0
387 qP pR inconsistent None 0
388 qP qR q-aloneQ 106, 110, 234, 238 4

We can similarly look into syllogisms involving vague positive premises, absolute or
relative weak. The following table gives some examples.

Table 15.7. Moduses of conclusions for selected combinations of relative weak and
absolute vague positive premises (various subfigures).
Fig. Major Minor Conclusion Common moduses No.
1st QR PQ PR
s wR not-s 74, 90, 147-148, 155-156, 202, 218 8
w wR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
c wR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
wP s inconsistent None 0
wP w wQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 150-152, 158-160, 170, 23
174, 182-184, 186, 190-192, 234, 238, 250,
wP c wQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 150-152, 158-160, 170, 23
174, 182-184, 186, 190-192, 234, 238, 250,
wP wR wQ 106, 122, 151-152, 159-160, 234, 250 8
s wR not-s 74, 90, 147-148, 155-156, 202, 218 8
w wR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
c wR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
wP s not-s 74, 76, 147-148, 202, 204, 211-212 8
wP w not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
wP c not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
wP wR not-s 74, 76, 90, 92, 106, 108, 122, 124, 147-148, 31
151-152, 155-156, 159-160, 202, 204, 211-
212, 215-216, 218-220, 223-224, 234, 236,
250, 252
3rd QR QP PR
s wR inconsistent None 0
w wR w 106, 108, 110, 112, 136, 151-152, 168, 183- 23
184, 200, 215-216, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 247-248
c wR w 106, 108, 110, 112, 136, 151-152, 168, 183- 23
184, 200, 215-216, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234,
236, 238, 240, 247-248
wP s inconsistent None 0
wP w wQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 150-152, 158-160, 170, 23
174, 182-184, 186, 190-192, 234, 238, 250,
wP c wQ 106, 110, 122, 126, 150-152, 158-160, 170, 23
174, 182-184, 186, 190-192, 234, 238, 250,
wP wR wQ 106, 110, 151-152, 183-184, 234, 238 8

Note that some combinations are inconsistent. Some moods yield conclusion w in relative
(which implies absolute) form, and some only in absolute form. In other cases, though the

number of common moduses may vary considerably, there is no conclusion other than the
form not-s, which (remember) means not strong causation, implying both not-m + not-n;
it can also be read as the disjunction wabs or not-cabs.

2. Dealing with Negatives.

Let us now sketch the application of our methods to the solution of syllogisms involving a
negative premise or two. We start as always by identifying the alternative moduses of the
various possible premises; then we list their conjunctions in syllogisms of various figures,
and with reference to the common alternative moduses, if any, evaluate their possible
We have learned in the preceding chapters and the above section the lessons that: the
number of common moduses in the premises may be small, yet yield a conclusion; or
it may be large, yet yield no conclusion. The less number of alternative moduses
there are in the premises, the less likely are they to intersect, and be compatible and
yield a conclusion. On the other hand, the more number of alternative moduses in the
premises, the more often they will have some in common, but also the more likely
will there be a vague conclusion, or no conclusion at all by virtue of including
moduses of both causation and non-causation. These generalities are equally
applicable to the findings below.
In the following table, the alternative moduses of the strong and absolute weak
determinations are obtained by negation from Table 14.3. Those of the relative weaks are
obtained by negation from Table 15.3 above. All the rest follows by intersection.

Table 15.8. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for negative premises, for
any figure of syllogism (generic forms).
Determination Major QR Major RQ Minor PQ Minor QP
not-m 2-9, 11, 13-24, 29-41, 2-9, 11-13, 15-24, 27- 2-65, 69, 73, 77, 81- 2-65, 69-81, 85-97,
43, 45-56, 61-129, 131, 28, 31-73, 75-77, 79- 129, 133, 137, 141, 101-113, 117-129, 133-
133-137, 139, 141-144, 88, 91-92, 95-129, 131- 145-193, 197, 201, 205, 145, 149-161, 165-177,
149-152, 157-161, 163, 133, 135-137, 139-141, 209-256 181-193, 197-209, 213-
165-169, 171, 173-176, 143-144, 147-148, 151- 225, 229-241, 245-256
181-184, 189-256 152, 155-156, 159-193,
195-197, 199-201, 203-
205, 207-208, 211-212,
215-216, 219-220, 223-
not-n 2-9, 11-13, 15-24, 27- 2-9, 11, 13-24, 29-41, 2-65, 69-81, 85-97, 2-65, 69, 73, 77, 81-
28, 31-73, 75-77, 79- 43, 45-56, 61-129, 131, 101-113, 117-129, 133- 129, 133, 137, 141,
88, 91-92, 95-129, 131- 133-137, 139, 141-144, 145, 149-161, 165-177, 145-193, 197, 201, 205,
133, 135-137, 139-141, 149-152, 157-161, 163, 181-193, 197-209, 213- 209-256
143-144, 147-148, 151- 165-169, 171, 173-176, 225, 229-241, 245-256
152, 155-156, 159-193, 181-184, 189-256
195-197, 199-201, 203-
205, 207-208, 211-212,
215-216, 219-220, 223-

Table 15.8 continued.

not-pabs 2-13, 15, 17-28, 33-45, 2-11, 13-15, 17-26, 29- 2-81, 85, 89, 93, 97, 2-69, 73, 77, 81-85, 89,
47, 49-60, 65-73, 75, 30, 33-41, 43, 45, 47, 101, 105, 109, 113, 93, 97-101, 105, 109,
77, 79, 81-88, 97-105, 49-56, 65-75, 77-79, 117, 121, 125, 129-145, 113-117, 121, 125,
107, 109, 111, 113-120, 81-90, 93-94, 97-105, 149, 153, 157, 161, 129-133, 137, 141,
129-133, 135, 137-141, 107, 109, 111, 113-120, 165, 169, 173, 177, 145-149, 153, 157,
143, 145-148, 153-156, 129-131, 133-135, 137- 181, 185, 189, 193-209, 161-165, 169, 173,
161-165, 167, 169-173, 139, 141-143, 145-146, 213, 217, 221, 225, 177-181, 185, 189,
175, 177-180, 185-188, 149-150, 153-154, 157- 229, 233, 237, 241, 193-197, 201, 205,
193, 195, 197, 199, 158, 161, 163, 165, 245, 249, 253 209-213, 217, 221,
201, 203, 205, 207, 167, 169, 171, 173, 225-229, 233, 237,
225, 227, 229, 231, 175, 193-195, 197-199, 241-245, 249, 253
233, 235, 237, 239 201-203, 205-207, 209-
210, 213-214, 217-218,
221-222, 225, 227, 229,
231, 233, 235, 237, 239
not-qabs 2-11, 13-15, 17-26, 29- 2-13, 15, 17-28, 33-45, 2-69, 73, 77, 81-85, 89, 2-81, 85, 89, 93, 97,
30, 33-41, 43, 45, 47, 47, 49-60, 65-73, 75, 93, 97-101, 105, 109, 101, 105, 109, 113,
49-56, 65-75, 77-79, 77, 79, 81-88, 97-105, 113-117, 121, 125, 117, 121, 125, 129-145,
81-90, 93-94, 97-105, 107, 109, 111, 113-120, 129-133, 137, 141, 149, 153, 157, 161,
107, 109, 111, 113-120, 129-133, 135, 137-141, 145-149, 153, 157, 165, 169, 173, 177,
129-131, 133-135, 137- 143, 145-148, 153-156, 161-165, 169, 173, 181, 185, 189, 193-209,
139, 141-143, 145-146, 161-165, 167, 169-173, 177-181, 185, 189, 213, 217, 221, 225,
149-150, 153-154, 157- 175, 177-180, 185-188, 193-197, 201, 205, 229, 233, 237, 241,
158, 161, 163, 165, 193, 195, 197, 199, 209-213, 217, 221, 245, 249, 253
167, 169, 171, 173, 201, 203, 205, 207, 225-229, 233, 237,
175, 193-195, 197-199, 225, 227, 229, 231, 241-245, 249, 253
201-203, 205-207, 209- 233, 235, 237, 239
210, 213-214, 217-218,
221-222, 225, 227, 229,
231, 233, 235, 237, 239
not-prel 2-148, 153-156, 161- 2-146, 149-150, 153- 2-146, 149-150, 153- 2-134, 137-150, 153-
180, 185-188, 193-256 154, 157-158, 161-210, 154, 157-158, 161-210, 166, 169-182, 185-198,
213-214, 217-218, 221- 213-214, 217-218, 221- 201-214, 217-230, 233-
222, 225-256 222, 225-256 246, 249-256
not-qrel 2-41, 43-45, 47-57, 59- 2-73, 75, 77-89, 91, 93- 2-73, 75, 77-89, 91, 93- 2-97, 99, 101, 103, 105,
61, 63-105, 107-109, 105, 107, 109-121, 123, 105, 107, 109-121, 123, 107, 109, 111, 113-225,
111-121, 123-125, 127- 125-201, 203, 205-217, 125-201, 203, 205-217, 227, 229, 231, 233,
169, 171-173, 175-185, 219, 221-233, 235, 219, 221-233, 235, 235, 237, 239, 241-256
187-189, 191-233, 235- 237-249, 251, 253-256 237-249, 251, 253-256
237, 239-249, 251-253,

Readers are encouraged to continue this research as an exercise, by filling in a table like
that below for both absolute and relative weak determinations. The negations of the joint
determinations can be worked out with reference to Table 14.3.

Table 15.9. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for negative premises, for
any figure of syllogism (specific forms).
Determination Major QR Major RQ Minor PQ Minor QP
m + not-n
not-m + n
not-m + not-n
= not(m or n)
m + not-p
not-m + p
not-m + not-p
= not(m or p)
n + not-q
not-n + q
not-n + not-q
= not(n or q)
m + not-q
not-m + q
not-m + not-q
= not(m or q)
n + not-p
not-n + p
not-n + not-p
= not(n or p)
p + not-q
not-p + q
not-p + not-q
= not(p or q)

Once the researcher has filled in the above table, he or she may investigate all interesting
combinations of premises, and see whether they are compatible (i.e. have common
alternative moduses), and if so what conclusions, if any, may be drawn (i.e. whether the
common moduses all fall under some form of causation or non-causation). I will do the job
in the following table for some selected negative premises, and leave it to the reader to
finish the table with a more exhaustive treatment, involving mixtures of positive and
negative premises.

Table 15.10. Moduses of conclusions for selected (generic, absolute) negative premises,
in Figure 1.
Fig. Major Minor Conclusion Common moduses No.
1st QR PQ PR
not-m not-m no conclusion 2-9, 11, 13-24, 29-41, 43, 45-56, 61-65, 69, 187
73, 77, 81-129, 133, 137, 141, 149-152, 157-
161, 163, 165-169, 171, 173-176, 181-184,
189-193, 197, 201, 205, 209-256
not-n not-n no conclusion 2-9, 11-13, 15-24, 27-28, 31-65, 69-73, 75- 187
77, 79-81, 85-88, 91-92, 95-97, 101-113,
117-129, 133, 135-137, 139-141, 143-144,
151-152, 155-156, 159-161, 165-177, 181-
193, 197, 199-201, 203-205, 207-208, 215-
216, 219-220, 223-225, 229-241, 245-256
not-m not-n no conclusion 2-9, 11, 13-24, 29-41, 43, 45-56, 61-65, 69- 193
81, 85-97, 101-113, 117-129, 133-137, 139,
141-144, 149-152, 157-161, 165-169, 171,
173-176, 181-184, 189-193, 197-209, 213-
225, 229-241, 245-256
not-n not-m no conclusion 2-9, 11-13, 15-24, 27-28, 31-65, 69, 73, 77, 193
81-88, 91-92, 95-129, 133, 137, 141, 147-
148, 151-152, 155-156, 159-193, 197, 201,
205, 211-212, 215-216, 219-220, 223-256
not-m not-p no conclusion 2-9, 11, 13-24, 29-41, 43, 45-56, 61-81, 85, 127
89, 93, 97, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121,
125, 129, 131, 133-137, 139, 141-144, 149,
157, 161, 165, 169, 173, 181, 189, 193-209,
213, 217, 221, 225, 229, 233, 237, 241, 245,
249, 253
not-n not-q no conclusion 2-9, 11-13, 15-24, 27-28, 31-69, 73, 77, 81- 127
85, 97-101, 105, 109, 113-117, 121, 125,
129, 131-133, 137, 141, 147-148, 161-165,
169, 173, 177-181, 185, 189, 193, 195-197,
201, 205, 211-212, 225-229, 233, 237, 241-
245, 249, 253
not-m not-q no conclusion 2-9, 11, 13-24, 29-41, 43, 45-56, 61-69, 73, 121
77, 81-85, 89, 93, 97-101, 105, 109, 113-
117, 121, 125, 129, 131, 133, 137, 141, 149,
157, 161, 163, 165, 169, 173, 181, 189, 193-
197, 201, 205, 209-213, 217, 221, 225-229,
233, 237, 241-245, 249, 253
not-n not-p no conclusion 2-9, 11-13, 15-24, 27-28, 31-73, 75-77, 79- 121
81, 85, 97, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121,
125, 129, 131-133, 135-137, 139-141, 143-
144, 161, 165, 169, 173, 177, 181, 185, 189,
193, 195-197, 199-201, 203-205, 207-208,
225, 229, 233, 237, 241, 245, 249, 253
not-p not-m no conclusion 2-13, 15, 17-28, 33-45, 47, 49-60, 65, 69, 73, 127
77, 81-88, 97-105, 107, 109, 111, 113-120,
129, 133, 137, 141, 145-148, 153-156, 161-
165, 167, 169-173, 175, 177-180, 185-188,
193, 197, 201, 205, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233,
235, 237, 239
not-q not-n no conclusion 2-11, 13-15, 17-26, 29-30, 33-41, 43, 45, 47, 127
49-56, 65, 69-75, 77-79, 81, 85-90, 93-94,
97, 101-105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 117-120,
129, 133-135, 137-139, 141-143, 145, 149-
150, 153-154, 157-158, 161, 165, 167, 169,
171, 173, 175, 193, 197-199, 201-203, 205-
207, 209, 213-214, 217-218, 221-222, 225,
229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239

Table 15.10 continued.

not-p not-n no conclusion 2-13, 15, 17-28, 33-45, 47, 49-60, 65, 69-73, 121
75, 77, 79, 81, 85-88, 97, 101-105, 107, 109,
111, 113, 117-120, 129, 133, 135, 137-141,
143, 145, 153-156, 161, 165, 167, 169-173,
175, 177, 185-188, 193, 197, 199, 201, 203,
205, 207, 225, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239
not-q not-m no conclusion 2-11, 13-15, 17-26, 29-30, 33-41, 43, 45, 47, 121
49-56, 65, 69, 73, 77, 81-90, 93-94, 97-105,
107, 109, 111, 113-120, 129, 133, 137, 141,
145-146, 149-150, 153-154, 157-158, 161,
163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 193, 197,
201, 205, 209-210, 213-214, 217-218, 221-
222, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239
not-p not-p no conclusion 2-13, 15, 17-28, 33-45, 47, 49-60, 65-73, 75, 103
77, 79, 81, 85, 97, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117,
129-133, 135, 137-141, 143, 145, 153, 161,
165, 169, 173, 177, 185, 193, 195, 197, 199,
201, 203, 205, 207, 225, 229, 233, 237
not-q not-q no conclusion 2-11, 13-15, 17-26, 29-30, 33-41, 43, 45, 47, 103
49-56, 65-69, 73, 77, 81-85, 89, 93, 97-101,
105, 109, 113-117, 129-131, 133, 137, 141,
145-146, 149, 153, 157, 161, 163, 165, 169,
173, 193-195, 197, 201, 205, 209-210, 213,
217, 221, 225, 227, 229, 233, 237
not-p not-q no conclusion 2-13, 15, 17-28, 33-45, 47, 49-60, 65-69, 73, 109
77, 81-85, 97-101, 105, 109, 113-117, 129-
133, 137, 141, 145-148, 153, 161-165, 169,
173, 177-180, 185, 193, 195, 197, 201, 205,
225, 227, 229, 233, 237
not-q not-p no conclusion 2-11, 13-15, 17-26, 29-30, 33-41, 43, 45, 47, 109
49-56, 65-75, 77-79, 81, 85, 89, 93, 97, 101,
105, 109, 113, 117, 129-131, 133-135, 137-
139, 141-143, 145, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165,
169, 173, 193-195, 197-199, 201-203, 205-
207, 209, 213, 217, 221, 225, 229, 233, 237
2nd RQ PQ PR

3rd QR QP PR

We can similarly proceed for the same combinations of generic, absolute, negative
premises in Figures 2 and 3. But there is no need to, for it is easy to predict that the
conclusion will be no conclusion (of the form PR) in all similar cases. If you look at all
the cells of Table 15.8, you will observe that they have certain alternative moduses in
common to all of them for instances Nos. 2 and 237. Since modus 2 is an alternative of
non-causation (not-cabs) and modus 237 is an alternative of causation (cabs), as shown in
Table 12.4, no pair of the premises listed in the above table can yield any causative
Rather, our next step would be to develop syllogisms with negative premises from Table
15.9, as well as 15.8a, and then and probably much more fruitfully syllogisms with
mixtures of positive and negative premises. This can and should be carried out till all
possible combinations of all conceivable forms are carefully exhausted. I leave the job to
other researchers (any reader willing to do it), so as to move on and deal with other issues
in causative logic.


In this closing chapter, my purpose is to break some additional ground, discussing certain
outstanding issues in causation without attempting to exhaust them at this time.

1. Four-Item Syllogism.

Our attempt, in the preceding five chapters, to solve by microanalysis all the problems of
causative logic with reference to only three items has evidently failed. Some problems
have indeed been solved in particular, the refutation of absolute lone determinations
should be cited as an important breakthrough. However, many syllogistic problems have
been left without solution and worse still, we are faced with apparent contradictions
between the results of macro- and microanalysis, at least superficially, though these fears
may104 turn out to be unfounded after further scrutiny.
Evidently, we will not succeed in definitive solution of the technical issues relative to
causation until105 we develop microanalysis with four items. This essential and daunting
task remains to be done at the present time. Only through microanalysis including the
subsidiary item (S), in addition to that involving the major, middle and minor items (P, Q,
R), will be have full control of syllogistic argument involving relative weak
To develop such level of detail, i.e. for syllogisms with four items, we would have to build
a much larger grand matrix a table with 16 rows and 216 = 65,536 columns. This could
be done easily enough through a computer spreadsheet. We would prepare the said number
of cells, filling in 0s and 1s in a systematic pattern and labeling the rows a-p and the
columns 1-65536.
But the difficulty comes after that, in view of the inhumanly large quantity of data
involved. We would need to write a search and flag program identifying the alternative
moduses for each determination (based on conditions and rules like those exemplified
when developing three-item microanalysis). Then we would infer the moduses for
derivatives, including absolute vs. relative weak determinations, joint determinations,
negative determinations, and preventive vs. causative propositions. Finally, we would
consider all conceivable combinations of premises and identify their common modus(es) if
any (if they have no common moduses, they are inconsistent); and find out what
conclusion(s) if any these results allow in each case. I am personally not a good enough
computer programmer to even try that.
Instead, my intention is to try and develop a relational database, through some existing
software. The ultimate goal pursued here is to develop a quick method for identifying

I say may I mean hopefully will. If it turns out that there are indeed contradictions, then
they are due to human errors (errors of inattention on my part). I say this with certainty, because I
do not believe that any of the postulates adopted in developing macro- and microanalysis are
faulty; and they cannot be in mutual contradiction, being essentially the same in both instances.
Other logicians might prefer to resolve the issues of causative logic through symbolic
formulas. Although such an effort would not be without value, I personally eschew such means,
which to my mind are obscure, lacking in transparency. Rather than express things in such esoteric
language, I have preferred to make the message explicit, so that everyone can see for him or her
self with a minimum of mental effort just what is meant and why it is true.

applicable determinations and for computing fusions of determinations in a syllogistic

context. If the software is made to classify the determination relating certain items, from an
analysis of their observed relative presences and absences (alternative moduses), the job is
as good as done. It should then be possible to input the syllogism under investigation
(specifying its figure and mood) and have the software output all the conclusion(s) if any
that can be validly drawn.
Such a program would have not only theoretical value, but also practical value. In this day
and age, when computers are readily available, this would give us a universal tool for
causative reasoning, inductive (formation of causative propositions from alternative
moduses) and deductive (immediate or syllogistic inferences). I am currently developing
this tool.
Note also that neither in Phase One nor so far in Phase Two of the present research
have I made any systematic attempt to test for syllogistic conclusions other than the
regular ones, involving the major and minor items (form PR) and where appropriate
also a subsidiary item (form PSR). When I say that there is no valid conclusion to
some syllogism, I mean that there is none of such form. And when I find and list a
valid conclusion, it is only one of such form (or the inverse causative forms,
notP.notR or notP.notS.notR).
But in many cases, there may be a valid conclusion or additional valid conclusions of
irregular form, i.e. involving the negation of the subsidiary item (notS), or the
negation of the minor (notP) or the major (notR); that is to say, of causative form
P.notS.R or notP.S.R, or of preventive form P.notR or notP.R or P.S.notR or
notP.S.R or P.notS.notR or notP.notS.R. Any program written to spew out
conclusions from regular premises (PQRS) should also test for such irregular
conclusions, i.e. should be made to tell us the full conclusion all forms considered.

2. On Laws of Causation.
The expression law of causation can also be applied to each and every theorem we have
proved concerning causation. All our reductions of causative propositions to simpler
conjunctive or conditional propositions, or to specified alternative moduses, all the
immediate or syllogistic inferences from causative propositions that we have established,
constitute so many laws about causation.
The grand matrices, of 15 possible moduses for any two items, or 255 possible moduses
for three items, or 65,535 possible moduses for four items, and so forth, may be viewed as
the nearest thing to a universal law of causation that we can formally guarantee:
Any two or more items must be related by some modus(es) within these
frameworks, although the modus(es) by which they are related are not
necessarily those of causation (or prevention).
The only alternative modus that is formally impossible is the one in each framework
(labeled No. 1) consisting entirely of zeros: this the laws of thought interdict in advance for
all items. Two (or more) items are always tied together by one or more of moduses (each
of which can be visually imagined as a sort of ticker-tape in which zeros and ones are
punched), but we cannot predict how many and precisely which moduses are effective for
that particular pair of items (or more).
A grand matrix represents all the ways that any two (or more) items might in principle, i.e.
from an epistemological perspective, at first sight, be found to co-exist or not co-exist. But
in practice, from an ontological point of view, after thorough research, not all these ways

are applicable in every case: in each given case, only some alternative moduses are likely
to be applicable.
As previously discussed106, we can group the alternative moduses in various ways,
according to what sort of relationship they signify between the items concerned. We can
thus distinguish between connective relationships (causation or prevention) and non-
connective relationships (one or more items incontingent), as shown in the table below for
two items.
In one case, the last modus of any grand matrix (that involving only 1 codes), i.e.
modus #16 in a two-item framework (conventionally classified as absolute partial and
contingent causation or prevention, i.e. the form pabsqabs), we cannot strictly say whether
connection or nonconnection is ultimately involved (i.e. when more items are eventually
taken into account, in a larger grand matrix). So this modus might be placed under either
heading, or under neither of them107.

Table 16.1. Possible relations between any two items P and R.

Relationship Modus Nos.
Connection between P and R 7-8, 10, 12, 14-15, (16)
Causation by P of R 10, 12, 14, (16)
Prevention by P of R 7, 8, 15, (16)
Non-connection between P and R 2-6, 9, 11, 13, (16)
Both P and R are incontingent 2, 3, 5, 9
P impossible R impossible 2
P impossible R necessary 3
P necessary R impossible 5
P necessary R necessary 9
Only one of P or R 4, 6, 11, 13
is incontingent
P incontingent R contingent 4, 13
P contingent R incontingent 6, 11
Indefinite regarding 16
connection or nonconnection

Some groups of alternative moduses signify incontingency (necessity or impossibility) of

one (or more) of the items concerned, while the others signify contingency of the two (or
more) items concerned. An incontingent item is independent of all others. Only where all
items involved are contingent can causation or prevention (i.e. some connection) occur
between them. Different combinations of moduses have been identified as different
determinations of causation or prevention. These determinations have been classified in
various hierarchies and polarities: strongs/weaks, absolutes/relatives, generics/joints/lones,
positives/negatives, causative/preventive, each of which is signified by a certain group of
moduses. But contingency of all items does not signify their connection.
Having thus put matricial analysis in perspective, it is easier for us to evaluate on purely
formal grounds certain philosophical claims for or against causation that have arisen over
the centuries. We shall here use the word cause in the specific sense of causative

See Chapter 13.2.
Note well that this is a relatively late realization of mine, in Chapter 13.2: that the last
modus is not necessarily always to be interpreted as signifying causation; it is only indicative of
possible causation. Consequently, my classification of the 2-item modus #16, or the 3-item modus
#256, etc., under the heading of causation was not accurate and could be misleading. It should
more precisely be classified as indefinite.

connection, including in it both causation and prevention, but excluding other causal
relations (such as volition). As we shall see, none of these claims can be formally
established from our definitions of causation and all the properties of causation emerging
from them.
1. Some philosophies have claimed that everything has a cause. This is commonly
referred to as the law of universal causation and is the position most widely adhered
to. It is a claim that causation is to be found everywhere, that all things are ruled by it
i.e. that every thing is caused by some other things, themselves in turn caused by
others, and so forth ad infinitum. There are different versions of this proposed law,
nothing is without cause.
a) Oriental philosophies would opt for a radical interpretation, based on the belief that
all things in the empirical world (dharmas) are impermanent, so that nothing exists
that is independent. Clearly, this viewpoint eliminates a certain number of
alternative moduses (those signifying incontingency) from consideration at the
outset: but no formal grounds for such a narrowing of scope have been proposed.
Indeed, if one reflects, the claim in question is self-contradictory, since it is itself
put forward as a permanent fact, a necessity. So we can on formal grounds reject it.
b) Most Western advocates of universal causation would more moderately understand
it as nothing contingent is without cause. They would allow that some things are
necessary or impossible, but consider that those things which are possible but not
necessary have to have a cause. It is important thing to realize that, contrary to what
many of its advocates believe, this alleged law cannot be formally deduced from
the definitions of causation. It is only conceivable on inductive grounds, by
generalization from previously encountered cases.
Note that, unlike the radical version, the moderate version of universal causation is
not inconsistent and does not prejudicially exclude any alternative moduses. What it
does exclude at the outset, in advance of empirical research and without formal
proof, is that some contingent item may exist that has no causative (or preventive)
relation to at least one other item in the universe.
2. Some philosophies have claimed that nothing has a cause. We may cite as proponents:
in the East, the Indian philosopher Nagarjuna (2nd Cent. CE), and in the West, the
Scottish philosopher David Hume (18th Cent.). This viewpoint is essentially a denial
that there is any such relation as causation; it is a claim that the concept is meaningless,
a human invention without corresponding reality, an error of reasoning. Here again, we
could distinguish a radical version, which excludes incontingency in principle and so is
internally inconsistent, and a moderate version, which reserves indeterminacy to
Either way, the negative thesis that nothing is causatively related to anything else
arbitrarily eliminates for any two (or more) items the vast majority of alternative
moduses: all those signifying causation or prevention, and does so for all items past,
present or future, everywhere in the universe. It gives no formal ground for such a
sweeping measure, but bases it on denial of the possibility of conceptualization or
generalization. This may be claimed as an empiricist posture, or may be coupled with
skepticism about perceptual evidence. But, since any such claims themselves use
concepts and appeal to generalities that could only be admitted by granting
generalization, they are self-contradictory and therefore logically untenable.
The antagonists of causation attempt to mitigate this paradox by claiming that
causative propositions are conventional (Nagarjuna) or habitual (Hume),
ignoring that such explanations themselves rely on admission of the causative
relation. Some instead argue that though causation may be theoretically meaningful,

it is impossible to establish in practice. But as shown in the present work, a

concept of causation can readily be constructed, using indubitable simpler
concepts of presence, absence, conjunction and disjunction, possibility and
impossibility. Moreover, the concept would have to be convincingly defined, before
it could be declared empty! So it cannot be meaningless. As for the fear that
causative relations have no actual instances or are in practice unknowable, we shall
now explain it.
The deep reason for such antagonisms is the failure to understand causative
propositions as simply records of conjunctions of presences and/or absences of two (or
more) items. Such summaries are generalized from observation, subject to corrective
particularization if new observation belies them. The antagonists have not emotionally
reconciled themselves to the tentative, inductive nature of knowledge, and so set up and
cling to badly defined and impossible deductive ideals of knowledge (without noticing
that they themselves cannot possibly satisfy them).
Causative judgment is indeed based not only on empirical evidence, but also on
ordering of information by the rational faculty, since it concerns not only presence but
also absence, and all negation involves rational projection. This however only means
that reason provides an overlay (the grand matrix) through which to order (summarize
and predict) events, but the evidence this overlay is laid over (i.e. the 1s and 0s
exhibited by the items, the moduses applicable in their case) is empirical (ultimately,
though we may thereafter get to know some by immediate or syllogistic inference from
previous experiences).
3. Some philosophies have claimed that some things have a cause and some things do
not have any cause. This position gained acceptance among physicists and consequent
popularity in the 20th Century, after the advent of quantum mechanics (as interpreted by
Niels Bohr) and Big-Bang astronomy (Stephen Hawking seems to advocate that the
apparition of matter and its primeval explosion were simultaneous and causeless). This
position, note well, is a compromise between the preceding two. It admits of non-
causation108 in specific areas (the beginning of time) or at certain levels (the subatomic),
together with causation in all other cases or situations. This position is formally neither
provable nor disprovable: it is consistent and does no violence to matricial analysis.
It is neither more nor less conceivable than the (moderate) universal causation thesis.
They are simply equally conceivable contrary hypotheses or predictions. Each of
these two theses must be viewed as an epistemological postulate or an ontological
generalization. Universal causation is a generalization from cases where causation
was apparently (after certain generalizations) found, to cases where it is not yet found;
whereas particular causation and particular noncausation emphasizes the cases where
we have not yet found a credible cause, and suggests that we generalize this failure to
no cause will ever be found, because none exists.
A grand matrix, remember, foresees every conceivable way two or more items might
appear together or apart (refer Table 16.1 above). To establish that a given item has
some cause, it suffices that we find one other item that has a relationship of connection
with it (two-item moduses #s 7-8, 10, 12, 14-15, and some cases of #16). But to
establish that a given item has no cause is much more difficult! It is not sufficient to
show that one other item is not its cause (two-item moduses 2-6, 9, 11, 13, and some
cases of 16): one has to show that this is true of all other items.
Obviously, for those of us who make no claim to omniscience, this is an impossible
task. We can only either appeal to a law of universal causation or accept the
This refers to absolute noncausation, which is not to be confused with relative
noncausation: it means no cause whatsoever, and not merely not this specified cause.

possibility that some things are causeless. In any case, generalization is doubly
involved: first, in the inductive proof that any modus is applicable to the set of items
observed; second, in the inductive passage from those items to items not observed.
Denying both these principles is not a viable third alternative, as already explained.
To repeat, neither of the coherent doctrines can be proved or disproved deductively; they
are neither self-evident nor self-contradictory. They may only conceivably be established
inductively, through generalization from respectively we have found causes for
everything encountered so far (which is far from the case) or there are things for which
no causes have so far been found (which is true, but since there are things for which
causes have eventually been found is also true, we are inhibited from quick
generalization). There is a standoff.
Since no formal ground for either position is evident, the science of Logic must make
formal allowance for both positions. Its task is to provide the formal means for open-
minded debate of this topic (as of all others): it cannot prejudicially exclude the one or the
other from language and block discourse in advance.
It is important to be clearly aware where in a grand matrix causelessness or spontaneity is
allowed for. Refer to the last three rows of Table 16.1 above, where one or both items are
contingent, yet the moduses of causation or prevention do not apply to them. If item R is
the contingency under scrutiny, our table implies that R might be without cause if its
relation to P falls under modus 4 or 13 or under modus 16. For an item to certainly be
causeless, it would have to have one of these relations not only to P, but also to all other
items in the universe P1, P2, P3, etc.
Absolute noncausation of R can be expressed in the form nothing causes R, which
collects together innumerable statements of relative noncausation, of the form P does not
cause R; P1 does not cause R; P2 does not cause R;...etc., where P, P1, P2,... are all
existents other than R.
Now, to formally deny that there exists anything such that nothing causes it, one would
have to find an inconsistency in the said mass of statements, or in their summing up in one
sentence. No such inconsistency arises. Therefore, we have to admit absolute non-
causation as a formal possibility, i.e. as at least conceivable. It may still be factually false,
i.e. there may indeed be no such animal. The issue must therefore remain open; that is,
formal logic may and must proceed without resolving it. Epistemology and ontology may
still, nevertheless, postulate the one or other position with reference to wider
With regard to the question: what would the relationship be between the causation
apparent at the level of our ordinary sensory experiences and the spontaneity
assumed by physicists to be operative at a deeper, subatomic level (known indirectly,
by postulates and experimental observations) the answer is simple enough. It is the
relationship implied by a dilemmatic argument like whether X or Y occurs,
nevertheless Z is bound to occur that is: whether X or Y blossoms
spontaneously at the subatomic level, they both have the same effect Z, or equally fail
to affect Z, at the commonplace level. Here, X and Y may refer to events underlying
Z, or to magnitudes or degrees of certain events (namely, velocity and position),
whose average result is equally Z or of which Z remains independent. Thus, the
deeper level may be open to spontaneity while the more superficial level remains
governed by causation, without any incoherence being implied.

3. Interdependence.
The universal causation doctrine predicts that every existent has at least some causative
relation(s) to some other existents. This is usually understood in a moderate sense as only
some other things cause each thing, but Buddhism understands it more extremely as all
other things cause each thing. This universal universal causation is referred to as the
interdependence (or codependence) of all things.
We normally suppose that only the past and present can cause the present or future; and
indeed this principle should primarily be read that way. But some might go further and
claim that time is transcended by causation, and that literally everything causes everything;
I am not sure Buddhism goes to that extreme. Note also that, in truth, Buddhism intends its
interdependence principle restrictively, as applicable only to dharmas, i.e. the transient
phenomena constituting the world of appearances; in the higher or deeper realm of the
quiescent and undifferentiated original ground there is no causation.
Be it said in passing, this version of karmic law must be distinguished from the
more narrow statement, which most of us agree with, that actions have
consequences. The latter does not imply the former! More deeply, I think what the
Buddhists really meant by their law of karma was that each human (or other living)
being is somewhat locked within recurring behavior patterns, very difficult (or
impossible) to get out of. This is another issue, concerning not causation but volition.
That is the sense of the wheel: our cultural and personal habits as well as our
physical limitations, keep influencing our behavior and are reinforced by repetition.
Much meditation and long-term corrective action are required to change them; they
cannot be overcome by immediate measures, by a sheer act of will. We are thus
burdened by a baggage of karma, which we carry out through our lives with
usually little change; it may be lightened with sustained effort, but is more likely to
be made heavier as time passes.
If we logically examine the claim that everything causes everything, we see that if
everything is causatively connected to everything else, then nothing is without such
connection to any other thing, let alone without causative connection to anything
whatsoever. That is, this doctrine is effectively a denial that relative as well as absolute
noncausation ever occurs, which no one in Western culture would admit. To evaluate it
objectively, let us look back on the findings in the present volume.
First, in defense of the idea of interdependence, it should be recalled that when we
discussed the significance of the last modus in any grand matrix (modus #16 for two
items, or #256 for three, etc.), which declares any combination of the items concerned or
their negations as possible (code 1 in every cell of the modus), we saw that there was an
uncertainty as to whether this indicated causation (or more broadly, connection) or its
absence. If the last modus could be shown on formal grounds to indicate causation in all
cases, then all contingents in the universe would have to be considered as causatively
related to all others (i.e. any two contingents taken at random could be affirmed as
causatively related, specifically in the way of the partial contingent determination, pq).
However, since such formal demonstration is lacking, and the idea is anyway disagreeable
to common sense (at least that of non-Buddhists), we estimated that the science of Logic
had to keep an open mind and grant the possibility of the alternative interpretation, namely
that two items may or may not be causatively related to each other (i.e. relative
noncausation is possible), and moreover that spontaneity (i.e. absolute noncausation) is at
least conceivable in some cases. However, in this context, the Buddhist thesis of
interdependence, remains a legitimate formal postulate. But note well, only a possible

alternative hypothesis; and not a very probable one for most observers (those of us who
believe in freewill, for example; as well as physicists who reify the Heisenberg Uncertainty
An important formal criticism we can level against the notion of interdependence is to ask
what manner or degree of causation is meant by it. The term causes in everything causes
everything is used very vaguely. Is only causation intended, to the exclusion of volition?
And if causation is intended, surely this is meant broadly to include prevention? And are
the different determinations of causation admitted, i.e. strong (complete and/or necessary)
as well as weak (partial and/or contingent)? The definition of causation traditionally
attributed to the Buddha is:
When this is, that is; this arising, that arises. When this is not, that is not; this
ceasing, that ceases.
This definition would suggest that only complete necessary causation is intended. But other
discussions within Buddhism suggest that this definition is only intended as a paradigm, as
the most obvious case, and partial and contingent causation is also in practice admitted, as
use of the plural in the expression causes and conditions testifies. We may regard
prevention as formally subsumed by all these concepts, by negation of an item. Some
discourses also seem to accept volition, but this need not concern us here. Focusing, then,
on causation in a broad sense, we may make the following criticism.
If everything is causatively related to everything else, then the only conceivable kind of
causation would be weak (both partial and contingent). For strong causation (complete
and/or necessary) surely implies a certain exclusiveness of relationship between the items.
If all items are involved to some degree in the existence of a given item, then none of those
causes can be claimed to predominate. So finally, it seems to me, this Buddhist doctrine of
multilateral causation requires all bilateral causative relations to be weak, and ultimately
abandons strong determinations (including mixtures), and all the more so the strongest
determination (which it originally rightly claimed as the definition of causation).
One way to show that the interdependence theory implies specifically a universal
weak link is as follows. If we claim interdependence to apply indiscriminately to all
things, i.e. not only to experiential things (dharmas), but also to abstract things, we
fall into formal difficulties as soon as we suppose some causative relations to be
strong. For then such abstract relations (i.e. causations) also count as things, and are
therefore subject to interdependence. We might thus ask how a cause can be
complete or necessary when that relationship is itself dependent on some yet other
cause: we are forced to contradict our premise and conclude that the cause is not as
complete or necessary as it seemed.
I suppose the proposed state of affairs (universal interdependence) is formally conceivable,
although I do not see on what grounds we could possibly allow such rejection in one fell
swoop of a large number of moduses (i.e. all alternative moduses concerning the strong
determinations). Unless a reasonable formal or empirical ground is provided, there is no
justification in such a radical measure: it would constitute prejudice. The Buddhist claim is
of course based on a meditative experience; but since this is esoteric, not readily available
to all observers at will, we must remain critical and view it as speculative. We cannot
categorically eliminate it on firm rational grounds, but we cannot just take it on faith.
It should be realized that causation is a conceptual object, not a percept. Before we can
discern a causative relation between two or more percepts (and all the more so between
concepts) we have to distinguish the percepts from each other (and conceptualize them by
comparison and contrast of many percepts, in the case of concepts). Also, causation refers
to negation, which is a product of rational as well as empirical factors. Thus, if we
approach the issue of causation with respect to the phenomenological order of things, we

must recognize that it is a rather high-level abstract, although of basic importance in the
organization of knowledge. It is not something we just directly see or otherwise sense. For
this reason, we may remain skeptical that there is some flash of insight that would instantly
reveal the causal relations of all things in the universe.
Thus, while the interdependence doctrine apparently does not give rise to formal
inconsistency, we have good reason to doubt it with reference to normal human knowledge
development. Causation is ordinarily known only gradually, through painstaking
observation and analysis of particular data, always subject to review and revision as new
data makes its appearance and possible contradictions are encountered. Our minds are not
omniscient or rigidly deductive, but cumulative and flexibly inductive: we proceed by trial
and error, constantly adjusting our positions to match up with new input and logical
insight. Therefore, we cannot rely on sweeping statements, like that about interdependence,
without being very careful.
Of course, some philosophers would argue back that causation as such is a man-made
illusion, since pure experience only reveals undifferentiated presence. Differentiation into
distinct percepts, and finding that some sought things are absent, and conceptualization
on the basis of similarities and differences, are all acts of reason. Indeed, if all perceived
appearances are regarded as mere wave motions in a single, otherwise uniform substrate of
existence (the original ground of Buddhists or the Unified Field of physicists), then the
boundaries we think we perceive or conceive for individuated things are in fact mere
fictions, and all things (including even our fantasies about causation) are ultimately One in
a very real sense.
So let us keep an open mind either way, and cheerfully move on. I just want to add one
more small set of reflections, which the Buddhist idea of interdependence generated in me.
This idea is often justified with reference to causal chains109. I tried therefore to imagine the
world as a large body of water, like Lake Geneva say. According to this theory,
supposedly, a disturbance anywhere in the lake eventually ripples through the whole lake,
to an ever-diminishing degree but never dampening to zero. I then translated this image
into the language of causal chains, for purposes of formal evaluation.
Looking at the results of macroanalysis, one would immediately answer that the Buddhist
expectation is wrong. As we have seen, a cause of a cause of something is not necessarily
itself a cause of that thing; and even if it is a cause, it may be so to a lesser degree. Many
first figure syllogisms yield no causative conclusion, although their premises are
compatible. Some do yield a conclusion, but that conclusion is often weaker in
determination than the premises. Thus, we have formal reasons to doubt the idea of
interdependence, if it is taken to imply that a cause of cause of something is itself in turn a
cause of that thing.
All the same, I thought, thinking of the movement of disturbances in the lake, there is some
truth in the contention. I then thought that maybe we should conceive of orders of
causation and postulate that even if A causes B and B causes C, but nevertheless A
does not syllogistically cause C is true in a given case in terms of first-order causation, it
can still be said that A causes C in second-order causation. And we could perhaps continue,
and declare that if the latter (meaning, causes a cause of) is not applicable in a given case,
we could appeal to a third order of causation, etc. We might thus, in an attempt to give
credence to all theories, explain the Buddhist notion as involving a diluted sense of
This idea seemed plausible for a while, until I got into microanalysis. In the latter
approach, conclusions are given in terms of alternative moduses. There is no room for a
See for instance Thich Naht Hanh, The Heart of Understanding (Berkeley, Ca.: Parallax,

fanciful, more abstract, additional order of causation: the result would be identical, still the
same number (one or more) of legitimate alternative moduses. No useful purpose would be
served in inventing new (narrower or broader) sets of alternative moduses, and giving such
groups new names. We could only at best regard all moduses in a grand matrix (other than
the first, composed of all zeros) as indicative of some causation (in a maximal sense), and
so say that any alternative modus found at the conclusion of a syllogistic intersection is
residual causation.
But having reached this bottom line, we see how trite the suggestion is.

4. Other Features of Causation Worthy of Study.

Before closing the present chapter, I would like to add some brief comments on some
features of causation that should be further highlighted.

a) Parallel Causation. This concept was presented in some detail in our initial
discussion of the generic and specific determinations, and thereafter no longer mentioned. I
here just wish to remind the reader of the possibility that different causes, which are not
necessarily causatively related to each other, may nevertheless have a causative relation to
the same effect. That is, two things, say A and B may separately (strongly or weakly) cause
some third thing C, and yet A does not cause B and B does not cause A. As the proverb
says, many roads lead to Rome. If this is forgotten, one may easily get confused and think
of pluralities of causes as only possible within a single weak causation or in a chain of
(weak or strong) causations.
This feature of causation is implicit in the microanalytic approach, insofar the possibility of
several grand matrices having common items is not formally excluded.

b) Degrees of Causation. We have developed the concept of weak causation without

distinction between the different possible degrees of such weak causation. That is, we have
to also ask: what is more effective, what plays a larger part in producing the effect, the item
(or collection of items) called partial and/or contingent cause or the item (or collection of
items) called the complement? We did set up a gross hierarchy between the joint
determinations, mn being the strongest, mq and np being middling, and pq being the
weakest. But we also mentioned that in weak causation, the participant items may have
unequal shares in the causation.
This feature of causation has not been made apparent in matricial analysis so far, and
therefore needs to be accounted for in some way. I would suggest offhand that the way to
include it may be to consider the degrees of probability underlying each possibility
mentioned in the alternative moduses concerned. Thus, instead of a code 1 in each cell of
an alternative modus, we might have some as worth 20%, others 40%, etc., with all non-
zeros adding up to 100% probability. For example, if P and Q are complementary partial
causes of R, P without Q may be more likely to be followed by R than Q without P.
In some cases, the issue may be dealt with by considering concomitant variations (see
below). In any case, this topic requires further attention.

c) Reciprocity and Direction.

A cause and effect may (in some cases, not all) be interchangeable. For example, if we
refer to the ideal gas equation PV/T = constant, and consider a gas at constant
temperature, we know that if the pressure is varied (increased or decreased), then the
volume varies accordingly (decreased or increased). It is also true that if the volume is

varied, the pressure is proportionately affected. This is mutual causation. Some things in a
cause-effect relation do not have similar reciprocity. For example, no matter what we do,
entropy further increases: our relation to entropy is one-way.
It should be stressed that even if we acknowledge that the direction of causation may only
go in the direction of time, cause and effect are often simultaneous events (this is
especially common in the extensional mode of causation, but also occurs in the natural
mode). Cases of mutual causation, as well as cases of non-reciprocity, may occur either
way, i.e. with cause temporally before effect or with both at the same time.
The essence of causation is certain possibilities and impossibilities of conjunctions it
does not concern questions of reciprocity or direction. These issues are left implicit in
matricial analysis, acknowledged as formally possible by virtue of being ignored.

d) Concomitant Variation. We analyzed J. S. Mills fifth method, that of

Concomitant Variations, in some detail in Appendix 1. Although I mentioned this there, I
want to here stress that this method concerns not only strong causation, but also weak
causation. The above mentioned ideal gas equation is an excellent example110. In strong
causation, the concomitant variation between cause and effect is one-to-one, although not
necessarily proportional. In cases of weak causation, where two or more causes together
produce the effect, the part played by each factor is clarified by (if possible) holding any
other factor in check (i.e. constant) while varying the one examined. This is of course not
always possible.
When it is possible, the standard technique is to tabulate or graphically represent the results
of experiment and then try and express them in a mathematical formula, like PV/T =
constant, which summarizes a mass of if-then statements as already explained.
Epistemologically, this constitutes generalization from observation. When such simple
approach is not possible, because we cannot directly control the situation (for instance, in
some sociological or medical researches), we resort to adductive methodology. We posit
certain postulates, construct a formula out of them, and then test that formula with
reference to empirical data.
It should be seen that concomitant variation deals essentially in concepts, rather than
percepts. A percept is only what it is: if change occurs, another percept has replaced it. A
concept, on the other hand, is an abstraction, which may well have different particular
values in different cases or situations. Our formulae are algebra, not arithmetic.
We shall have to analyze concomitant variation further with reference to matricial analysis.
Can the latter method be enlarged or clarified to include consideration of the former within

5. To Be Continued.
The Logic of Causation is a research and book project that I started several years ago, and
which will no doubt take a few more years to complete. It is itself just a stage within my
larger Causal Logic research and book project.

I published, on a small scale, an unedited and unfinished draft of The Logic of Causation
back in 1999 (Phase One). The present revised and expanded edition, published on a
small scale in 2003, corrects some errors found in the 1999 version relating to the issue of

I always feel a certain affection for that example, which I learned in my teens. It shows how
education has an impact on us.

lone determinations, and adds new developments of 2000 (Phase Two), as well as some
recently written material such as chapters 10 and 16.

The reason why I pre-publish like this is that I am periodically forced to leave this
research work to earn my living by other means. I do not know when I will get another
chance to continue it, and wish to share with other people the results already obtained, if
only through my Internet site, Furthermore, knowing that life is
unpredictable and often short, I want to make sure the work already done is not lost to
humanity, if my days happen to come to an end prematurely. I pray, however, that G-d
allows I finish this work (and more still) long before!

Phase Two is in truth far from over at this time. We have here introduced the basic
principles and formulas of microanalysis, but only listed most of the significant three-item
syllogisms. But a very important development still in process is four-item syllogism. For
this, because of the enormous matrices involved, I have to work with complex relational
databases. Only after this work is completed can we compare Phases One and Two, and
make sure that all previous work is consistent and error-free.

After all these technicalities are finished, and the facts of the case are settled, I will be able
to devote my full attention to remaining philosophical issues relating to causation.
Thereafter, I shall turn to volition and other issues in causality.

Avi Sion
Anires (GE), Switzerland, 2003.




Phase III: Software Assisted Analysis. The approach in the second phase was very
manual and time consuming; the third phase is intended to mechanize much of the work
involved by means of spreadsheets (to begin with). This increases reliability of calculations
(though no errors were found, in fact) but also allows for a wider scope. Indeed, we are
now able to produce a larger, 4-item grand matrix, and on its basis find the moduses of
causative and other forms needed to investigate 4-item syllogism. As well, now each
modus can be interpreted with greater precision and causation can be more precisely
defined and treated.
In this latest phase, the research is brought to a successful finish! Its main ambition, to
obtain a complete and reliable listing of all 3-item and 4-item causative syllogisms, being
truly fulfilled. This was made technically feasible, in spite of limitations in computer
software and hardware, by cutting up problems into smaller pieces. For every mood of the
syllogism, it was thus possible to scan for conclusions mechanically (using spreadsheets),
testing all forms of causative and preventive conclusions. Until now, this job could only be
done manually, and therefore not exhaustively and with certainty. It took over 72000
pages of spreadsheets to generate the sought for conclusions.
This is a historic breakthrough for causal logic and logic in general. Of course, not all
conceivable issues are resolved. There is still some work that needs doing, notably with
regard to 5-item causative syllogism. But what has been achieved solves the core problem.
The method for the resolution of all outstanding issues has definitely now been found and
proven. The only obstacle to solving most of them is the amount of labor needed to
produce the remaining (less important) tables. As for 5-item syllogism, bigger computer
resources are also needed.

Note: Phase III of the research resulted in so many and so large tables (some of them
hundreds and even thousands of pages long) that it was impossible to include them all in
the present printed edition. For this reason all are published on the Internet, in my website, for your scrutiny.


1. History of the Research.

I have been dreaming of systematizing causal logic since my teens, I think, when I first
studied works on logic and philosophy.
My first book, Future Logic (1990), mentions the manifest modal foundations of causality
and indeed the tacit causal foundations of modality, stressing that different types (or
modes) of causality exist reflecting the different types of modality (see chapters 11-12
there). And of course, knowing approximately the basic definitions of causation in terms of
conditional propositions, the work done on the latter in Future Logic was incidentally work
on the logic of causation (see parts III and IV there).
Moreover, having understood the formal continuity between categorical and de re
conditional propositions, and indeed between the different modes of modality (including
the logical), the work done with regard to factorial induction of categoricals was also
significant in the long run to induction of conditionals and thence to that of causative
propositions (which are, after all, just conjunctions of selected conditional and categorical
I made some general remarks relating to causal logic in my book Judaic Logic, first
published in 1995 (see there chapter 10.2, binyan av), showing my continuing interest.
My research efforts into the logic of causation per se started in earnest in the late 1990s,
with a macroanalytic approach to the problem. My purpose then was, simply put, to clearly
define all the varieties of causation (its determinations, indicative of degrees of causation),
then correlate them all (oppositions, eductions) and work out all syllogistic reasoning
possible between them (which necessitated the development of matricial analysis). It was, I
believe the first time anyone had ever tried so ambitious a project in this field of logic. This
first phase of the research was published in October 1999 as The Logic of Causation.
However, I soon realized that there were some problems in these initial results, and tried to
improve on them in a second edition published in July 2000.
But it was by then clear that I needed to develop a much deeper and more systematic
approach to obtain reliable results. It was, I think, not until the later half of 2002 that I
found the time to proceed with microanalysis of causation, the second phase of my
research. The massive amount of work involved was completed rather quickly, because I
devoted all my time and concentration to it. By about March 2003, I was able to publish
the results. This work involved very many painstaking manual calculations, and produced
a very profound understanding of causation, which allowed me to formally settle some age-
old difficult issues concerning it.
Thus, various laws of causation traditionally proposed were examined and evaluated.
Criticisms of causation as such, such as those of Nagarjuna or David Hume, were rebutted.
The notion of natural spontaneity used in modern quantum physics, as well as the Buddhist
notion of interdependence were scrutinized and judged. And a critical analysis of J. S.
Mills proposed methodology for identifying causation was made possible. (See chapter 16
and appendix 1, here.) In same period, I wrote two other works which had some bearing on
the understanding of causality, namely Buddhist Illogic (2002 see chapters 7 & 8) and
Phenomenology (2003 see chapter 2.5).
However, even as I was completing this new phase of the research, it was clear to me that
some uncertainties remained, due to the manual method of calculation used (subject in

principle to human error, though all results were double-checked) and because some
problems could not be solved by considering only three items. It was clear to me that a
third phase of research, involving a more mechanical approach (using spreadsheets,
database software or ad hoc programming) to increase reliability, and a larger scope (i.e. at
least four items) to increase reliability, were needed. There and then, I started doing some
work in that direction; but ran out of time, having to deal with many mundane matters.
In 2004, I devoted my time to writing Volition and Allied Causal Concepts, a study
relevant to causation by implication. I continued thinking about causation in 2005, writing
down my insights in Ruminations (see part I chapter 8 there), and even made some effort to
advance phase III causation research. In 2006, my time was taken up writing Meditations,
and in 2007-8 writing Logical and Spiritual Reflections. The latter work including some
insights relating to causality (notably in book 1, chapters 3 & 6, and book 3, chapter 11). I
also made some more effort in 2008 to advance phase III research, but was soon stopped
by other concerns. The year 2009 was devoted to improving my website and to creating an
online bookshop to sell my books.
I first posted some phase III results in my website,, in October 2009,
partly to encourage myself to pursue the matter further. In January 2010, I decided to try
and complete phase III and the work done is described in the following pages.
My initial idea with regard to phase III research was to develop a computer program
capable of calculating the value of causative propositions and syllogisms directly from
the matrix relating the items concerned111. Realizing that in the absence of professional
help such programming was beyond my immediate capabilities, I thought instead of using
database software, such as Access. I began indeed doing so, but soon realized I had
difficulty visualizing the interrelationships involved, not having made use of such software
for many years. I therefore decided that the best way for me to proceed was through the use
of spreadsheets, namely Excel software; and this is what I did.

2. Matrices of the Frameworks.

As explained in phase II, a matrix is a condensed statement or catalogue of all logically
conceivable ontological situations relating any number of items; note that ignorance or
uncertainty is not counted as a situation, being merely epistemological. Each such
completely defined situation is called a modus.
The first major task of our resumed research was to develop a matrix for four items similar
to the matrices for two and three items developed in chapter 12. It was soon clear that to
achieve that, I had to transpose the earlier tables so that the modus numbers henceforth
appeared as a column instead of as a row as heretofore. It is much easier to view and work
with 65,536 rows than so many columns. This simple change of perspective makes all
processes so much easier, I wish I had thought of doing it from the start it would
certainly have saved me much time and trouble! Sometimes by hurrying blindly we slow
ourselves down.
Anyway, in this manner Table 12.1, cataloguing the 16 moduses for 2 items (PR), became
Table 17.1 shown below. As can be seen, the modus numbers 1 to 16 are in the first
column, labeled ID. The next four column headings signify the different possible
combinations of the two items concerned, P and R (0 and 1 here meaning present and

This is why I have called this phase that of Software Assisted Analysis, although of course
its ultimate motive is to investigate the 4-item framework.

absent, note well) 11 meaning (P + R), 10 meaning (P + notR), 01 meaning (notP +

R), and 00 meaning (notP + notR). Note that 11>10>01>00.
The summary column merely summarizes the information in the preceding four (ignoring
leading zeros); notice that the numbers in it range from 0 (i.e. 0000) to 1111 in an orderly
manner (i.e. each number is greater than the one above it). It is evident from the summary
that the moduses are not numbered randomly, but in increasing magnitude. The last column
counts the zeros in each of the moduses112; this number is an indication of the degree of
freedom or lack of it in the situation signified by the modus concerned (since here, 0 means
impossible while 1 means possible combination). Using a spreadsheet program, it is
easy to generate the modus numbers, the summaries and count of zeros; and to verify that
the summaries are indeed in order.

Table 17.1 List of 16 Moduses for 2 Items PR

ID 11 10 01 00 summary number
of zeros
1 0 0 0 0 0000 4
2 0 0 0 1 0001 3
3 0 0 1 0 0010 3
4 0 0 1 1 0011 2
5 0 1 0 0 0100 3
6 0 1 0 1 0101 2
7 0 1 1 0 0110 2
8 0 1 1 1 0111 1
9 1 0 0 0 1000 3
10 1 0 0 1 1001 2
11 1 0 1 0 1010 2
12 1 0 1 1 1011 1
13 1 1 0 0 1100 2
14 1 1 0 1 1101 1
15 1 1 1 0 1110 1
16 1 1 1 1 1111 0

Similarly, Table 12.3, cataloguing the 256 moduses for 3 items (PR), became Table 17.2,
consisting of rows labeled 1 to 256 and a matrix of 8 columns labeled 111, 110, 101, 100,
011, 010, 001, 000, followed by a summary column, with numbers ranging from 0 (i.e.
00000000) to 11111111, and a count of zeros.
Finally, a new table cataloguing the 65,536 moduses for 4 items (PQRS), Table 17.3, was
generated. Note that the latter table, having a matrix of 16 columns, implied some high
summary numbers to be 16 digits long; this was a technical problem in that Excel software
cannot handle more than 15 digits, so that the last digit is made 0 instead 1 in certain cases
(e.g. 1111111111111111). Here two a final column was added on, showing the number of
zeros in each modus.
For the record: the matrix of a single item P comprises 2*4=8 cells (see Table 13.9). The
matrix for two items, say P and R, comprises 4*16=48 cells (Table 17.1). That for three
items, PQR has 8*256=2,048 cells (Table 17.2). The corresponding table for four items has
16*65,536=1,048,576 cells (Table 17.3). Each cell represents a bit of information (about a
possible or impossible combination of the items concerned) that needs to be induced or
This information was previously given in the second column of Table 12.6.

deduced to determine the modus applicable; only when all the cells adding up to a modus
are so determined can we claim to know that there is or is not a relation of causation or
whatever between the items. Note this well, because it shows how far true causal logic is
from the simplistic claims of the likes of David Hume.
Thus, our first three tables display the matrices at the root of the three frameworks, which
we will in the present phase of our study: These matrices contain the basic data from
which all other tables will be constructed i.e. they house the information needed to
develop the definitions of all conjunctive, conditional and causative forms, their
oppositions, eductions from them, and syllogisms involving them. These three tables are:

Table 17.1 2-Item Matrix: 16 Moduses. (1 page in pdf file).

Table 17.2 3-Item Matrix: 256 Moduses. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 17.3 4-Item Matrix: 65,536 Moduses. (565 pages in pdf file).

The first of these tables, being brief, is reproduced above, though most of its content is
already given in Table 12.1, in order to show how the original was transposed. The second,
could have been reprinted here, but most of its information is already given in Table 12.3,
so there is no point. The third table is of course far too long to include in the present
printed report. However, this table and the two preceding it, and indeed all subsequent
tables relating to phase III work, are made available as .pdf files in my website113, at the
following address (there click on Phase III):
Please do carefully examine the phase III tables there, for they are the purpose of the whole
research! Note that the first three tables were developed successively, in order of
complexity, starting with two items, then three, then four. The advantage of this method is
that the formulae used in each table to generate data or calculate results can be passed on to
the next table, i.e. to the larger framework, with appropriate modifications to adjust to the
increased complexity at hand. Though I may not point it out repeatedly, keep in mind that
this pattern of development is used throughout the present research. It has made things
rather easy for me!

3. Comparing Frameworks.
The next challenge was to compare moduses in the different frameworks. This is not only
done out of curiosity, but to understand in detail just how each larger framework passes on
information previously found and provides new information.
We had already answered this question in part in Table 12.6, listing the correspondences
between 2-item moduses and 3-item moduses but the work was then performed
manually, and now it needed to be done mechanically, i.e. using formulae in a spreadsheet.
This new work resulted in the following two tables, displayed in the website: Table 17.4
(equivalent to Table 12.6), comparing the 2- and 3- item frameworks, and Tables 17.5 and
17.6 (two new ones), comparing the 3- and 4- item frameworks.
These tables were produced in stages, briefly put, as follows. I started with a 3-item matrix
with 8 columns, and used it to produce another table with only 4 columns. Note well
rather than move from 2 to 3 items, I worked backwards from 3 to 2 items. Each of the
Note that some tables were produced in landscape (instead of portrait) orientation.
Adobe pdf Reader shows such tables sideways you have to click on View then on Rotate View
Clockwise to redress them. Needless to say, if the image seems too small, you can increase its
size as much as you want using the appropriate button on the Reader tool bar.

cells in the latter had an appropriate formula deriving it from relevant cells in the same row
of the former. A summary column was then added to this derivative table, from which
using the vertical lookup function of Excel each 3-item row was given a 2-item modus
number (ranging from 1 to 16), and the job was done.
Thereafter, it was easy to derive a further table listing and then counting the 3-item
moduses corresponding to each 2-item modus. See the additional notes at the bottom of
these tables. All information obtained was checked with reference to the relevant tables
produced in phase II and found consistent.
The same method was used to identify the 3-item modus number corresponding to each 4-
item modus number. However, whereas for the 2 to 3 items comparison the results are
lumped together in one pdf (Table 17.4), for the 3 to 4 items comparison the results are
split into two pdf files (Tables 17.5 & 17-6), in view of the mass of data involved. The first
part lists all the moduses for 4 items and next to each of them the corresponding the 3-item
modus, and it also lists the count of 4-item moduses corresponding to each 3-item modus.
The second part specifies the 4-item modus numbers corresponding to each 3-item modus
number, and counts them.
Needless to say, the latter three tables all provide us with some valuable new information
not previously generated. Thus, regarding comparison of frameworks, the following three
tables are made available for your scrutiny on The Logician website:

Table 17.4 From 2 to 3 Items Moduses. (6 pages in pdf file).

Table 17.5 From 3 to 4 Items Moduses 1st part. (1192 pages in pdf file).
Table 17.6 From 3 to 4 Items Moduses 2nd part. (2792 pages in pdf file).

We can now look into the moduses applicable to each of the forms of causation and
various other forms.


1. 2-Item Framework Moduses.

The next set of tables was produced with several purposes in mind. As we have established
in the past, all propositions relating to causation and indeed all their underlying
categorical (individual or conjunctive) and conditional bases and connections can be
expressed entirely with reference to the moduses in the relevant matricial framework,
depending on the number of items involved.
Thus, the main task of causative logic is to systematically identify the moduses of all the
forms of causation. This work has of course already been largely done in phase II, but here
our task was to do it mechanically instead of manually and to develop it from the 2- and 3-
item frameworks to the 4-item framework. I first produced the following two tables, which
are on display at the The Logician website.

Table 18.1 2-item PR Moduses of Forms. (6 pages in pdf file).

Table 18.2 2-item PR Moduses of Forms Formulae Used. (1 page in pdf file).

The first table comprises a mass of information previously scattered in several tables
(notably, 12.1, 12.2, 13.3, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12, and 16.1). The second table is merely an
auxiliary one, showing (for the record) the formulae used to generate the first table. See the
notes at the bottom of each of these tables for further information. All the results obtained
in Table 18.1 were compared to corresponding results obtained in phase II, and they were
found in agreement showing that no errors were made in either research.
Notice that Table 18.1, which totals 79 columns, can be divided into distinct segments: the
first segment shows the 2-item matrix from which all subsequent values are calculated
through transparent formulae. The next segment lists the moduses for each of the
individual propositions involved (P is possible, P is impossible, etc.). The following
segment similarly treats conjunctions of the two items (P+R is possible, P+R is impossible,
etc.). Then comes the moduses of the generic forms of causation and their negations (m, n,
p, q, etc.). This is followed by the moduses of the specific forms of causation and their
negations (mn, mq, np, pq, etc.). The segment after that deals with absolute lone forms
(they are confirmed to be non-existent) and vaguer forms of causation and their negations
(s, w, c, etc.).
The next segments deal with prevention, inverse causation and inverse prevention,
connection and their negations. Prevention by P of R, remember, means causation by P of
notR. Inverse causation by P of R refers to causation by notP of notR; and inverse
prevention by P of R refers to causation by notP of R. Although these are all derivable
from causation, they needed to be shown here to obtain the very last segment of the table,
which gives us a full verbal interpretation of each and every modus. The interpretations in
this table will be discussed at length a bit further on (section 4).
A valuable insight I had while preparing Table 18.1, which I must mention here, is that
when in it I equate, say, if P, then R to P + notR is impossible, I have in mind de dicta
(logical) conditioning, which in accordance with common practice only requires the
connection to be specified. But it is clear that if we wish to deal with de re (extensional,
natural or temporal) conditioning, we cannot make this equation, for here the base that P

is possible (whence, R is possible too) must be specified as well114. This is important

only insofar as we are still dealing with conditional propositions as such; for as soon as we
get into causative propositions, the bases are always tacitly implied anyway, so the logic
for de dicta and de re is the same.

2. 3-Item Framework Moduses.

Although Table 18.1 (and its auxiliary 18.2) contains little new information on the 2-item
moduses of forms, its production was very useful to producing an equivalent table for the
3-item framework, because I could copy the formulae used in the former and paste them in
the latter, and then expand them to apply to the enlarged framework. This saved a lot of
time and trouble. Of course, the 3-item framework table involved many new forms, but
even these could be derived from the preceding using appropriate equivalence tables. The
result was a very large spreadsheet of 415 columns (including 10 for the matrix).
Rather than present all this data in one massive table, which readers would get lost in and
so miss out on important information, I split it up for publication into smaller tables. These
include Tables 18.3-18.6, which respectively deal with categorical and conditional forms,
causation, prevention, and interpretation of the moduses. To which must be added two
auxiliary tables, Tables 18.7-18.8, which spell out the formulae used and the equivalences
exploited in producing the original big table. We thus have six tables115 for the 3-item
framework, which are as usual posted at the The Logician website for your scrutiny:

Table 18.3 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Categoricals and Conditionals. (12
pages in pdf file).
Table 18.4 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Causation. (18 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.5 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Prevention. (18 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.6 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Interpretation. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.7 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Formulae Used. (8 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.8 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Equivalences. (1 page in pdf file).

Notice the subdivisions into segments within these tables. Some of the data in these tables
has already been generated in phase II, notably in Tables 11.3, 11.4, 12.3, 12.4, 13.1, 13.3,
13.4, 13.7, 13.14, 13.15, 14.3, 14.5. See the notes at the bottom of the segments; notice that
wherever information was already given in phase II, results were compared and found
consistent. However, much data in these phase III tables is new, generated in pursuit of
enlarged scope, more symmetry of treatment, and thorough interpretation of the moduses.
The more mechanical nature of data generation in phase III enabled such increased
Thus, Table 18.3 (96 columns, plus the matrix) shows the 3-item moduses of all possible
categorical propositions (P is possible, etc.), then of all 2-item conjunctions (P+R is
possible, etc.), and then of all 3-item conjunctions (P+Q+R is possible, etc.) many of
which conjunctions of course signify conditional propositions116. Note that every

I do not think I realized that during phase II see for instance Table 13.12. Needless to
say, this insight applies not only to the 2-item framework but equally to the 3-item framework and
More tables are introduced in later chapters.
Or more precisely, the connection of such propositions, without their bases, as
mentioned in the previous section. This is consistent with the usual formulation of logical

combination and permutation of the three items P, Q, R are treated here, and in the
subsequent tables.
Table 18.4 (130 columns, plus the matrix) shows the 3-item moduses of the generic and
specific, absolute and relative, forms of causation, including lones and vaguer forms, and
their negations (and, for the record, of inverse causation). Note the equal treatment here of
forms relative to notQ; the motives of this and similar expansions of scope being, not mere
curiosity, but (a) to make possible interpretation of all the moduses in Table 18.6 and (b) to
enable us to draw as much conclusion as possible when we get to the syllogistic stage
(whereas in phase II, we deliberately limited our possibilities of conclusion).
Table 18.5 (130 columns, plus the matrix) repeats the work of 18.4 with regard to
prevention (i.e. causation by P of notR). This is done, again, both to facilitate interpretation
of the moduses and to ensure maximization of conclusions at the later syllogistic stage.
Table 18.6 (43 columns) constitutes the crucial interpretation of the results obtained in the
preceding two tables. It verbalizes and makes sense of all the information collected in
them. The need to develop such a table for the 3-item framework propelled most of the
work preceding it. Notice here the symmetry of the results for causation and prevention (as
can be expected). Note the use of certain summaries of information on causation, lone
causation, prevention and lone prevention. Note also the last columns, concerning modus
16. The interpretations in this table will be discussed at length a bit further on (section 4).
Table 18.7, to repeat, lists the formulae used in producing the original table comprising
Tables 18.3-18.6. It did not seem necessary or useful to split this table in four. What is
noteworthy here is that most formulae are written in terms of the initial matrix. Table 18.8
reveals how some of the formulae in Table 18.7 were derived from others, simply by
reordering and/or changing the polarities of the terms involved. I include it here for the
sake of transparency.

3. 4-Item Moduses of the Forms.

Clearly, the 2-item framework table is of value only to begin with, to teach us how to
analyze the forms but this information is not enough to produce all conceivable
syllogisms. On the other hand, the 3-item framework does give rise to systematic
syllogistic work, so that many forms have to be analyzed in their many guises, i.e. with
respect to the various combinations and permutations of the three items P, Q, R, and their
This is of course all the more true in the 4-item framework but in the latter case we have
to be more restrained, otherwise the tables would be far too large for comfort. With this
reasoning in mind, I only analyzed in the 4-item framework a selection of forms, the
minimum needed to answer some previously unanswered syllogistic questions. The
resulting Table 18.9 and its auxiliary 18.10 can be viewed at the The Logician website, as

Table 18.9 4-item PQR Moduses of Forms. (2408 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.10 4-item PQR Moduses of Forms Formulae Used. (3 pages in pdf

conditioning; but for de re forms of conditioning, we would have to include consideration of the
underlying possibilities before identifying the conjunctives with conditionals.

Table 18.9 (173 columns, including 17 for the matrix) shows the 4-item moduses of
selected generic and specific, absolute and relative, forms of causation, including some
lones, and their negations. This is already a big mass of information to have to deal with.
Table 18.10 lists the formulae used to produce Table 18.9.
Notice that the applicable moduses for any of the forms examined are in here signaled by a
1 instead of by the modus number (as in similar tables for 2-items and for 3-items). The
reasons for this are simply to avoid overly wide columns and to make the file as a whole
more manageable in size. The 1s in the columns of the 4-item table are just meant to
indicate that yes, the modus number opposite (to the left of) the cell concerned is a possible
modus number for the form concerned. Accordingly, 0 means the adjacent modus is not
It is important to understand that the 3-item framework is in principle sufficient to fulfill
the task of causative logic. That is because two items suffice to define the genera of strong
causation and three items suffice to define those of weak causation. From the start of our
research, remember (see chapter 2.3), we conceived of partial or contingent causation as
consisting of two causes, say P and Q, and one effect R. We arbitrarily viewed P as the
main cause and Q as its complement, so as to conjoin the weak forms of causation with
strong forms expressed in terms of P and R. Just as the effect R could be a mass of
phenomena lumped together under this name, so could P and Q respectively be far from
unitary. Thus, by definition, the complement Q was designed to accommodate any number
of phenomena of which Q would be the effective single resultant in the PQR causative
In other words, when there are more than two partial and/or contingent causes, or more to
the point when in addition to P we have several complements, Q1, Q2, etc. we are called
upon to first determine a resultant complement Q whose behavior within the causative
proposition concerned would correspond to the behavior of the several narrower
complements Q1, Q2, etc. By this artifice, we were able to reduce the problem of relative
causation to only three items, P, Q, R.
The need for more items than these three arises only at the syllogistic stage of the study of
causation, when we need to investigate how relative causation is transmitted from either
premise to the conclusion (if any), and what perhaps happens (if anything) when both
premises are relative causations each involving a different complement. Thus, conceivably,
we might need matrices of four, and maybe even five, items to find all possible syllogistic
This issue will be further discussed later on.

4. Interpretation of the Moduses.

We shall now interpret and discuss the individual moduses in the 2-item and 3-item
frameworks. It is important to understand at the outset that each modus represents one
complete situation meaning that the two or three items whose relations are found to fit
into the pattern symbolized by a certain modus may be said to be causatively or otherwise
related as that modus signifies. For this reason, it is important to clearly identify the
significance of each modus; such identification has enduring, universal value.
a. Regarding the interpretations of the 2-item moduses, please refer to Table 18.1
(page 6), an extract from which is printed here, below. This table is not new, since it
corresponds to Table 16.1 presented in phase II.
This table teaches us that of the 16 moduses in a 2-item framework: one modus is logically
impossible anyway (#1); eight moduses have one or both items incontingent (i.e. necessary

or impossible) and so cannot signify any causative connection between them (since an item
that is incontingent, in the mode of modality concerned, is independent of all else); three
moduses signify a strong causation (mn, mq, np) and three more a strong prevention
(ditto); and the last modus (#16) refers to both weak (pq) causation and prevention. The
weak causations mentioned in this framework are of course all absolute, since we do not
know the complement they concern, though it may be assumed that they do concern some
For connection (i.e. causation or prevention) to occur and be claimed, the two items
concerned have to both be contingent. This occurs only in seven of the moduses, namely
numbers 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 (the remaining eight being either impossible or
incontingent, as already pointed out). This result is very surprising, for it means that apart
from incontingency, logic has found no place from non-connection! That is, this tabulation
of possibilities being exhaustive, we are left with no way to rationally express a situation of
non-connection between individually contingent items. This seems to imply that any two
contingent items in the universe, taken at random, are somewhat connected together, by
causation and/or by prevention, to whatever degree (i.e. as mn, mq, np or pq the latter
three referring partly or wholly to absolute weak determinations).
Though I am again alarmed upon encountering this result, it must be stressed that I had
already noticed it and tried hard to explain it in phase II (see Chapters 13.2 and 16.2). I will
try to propose new insights regarding it, further on, armed with a similar analysis for the 3-
item framework.

Detail from Table 18.1 Interpretation of the 2-Item Moduses117.

ID summary
1 impossible
2 incontingency
3 incontingency
4 incontingency
5 incontingency
6 incontingency
7 only strong prevention mn
8 joint s-w prevention mq abs
9 incontingency
10 only strong causation mn
11 incontingency
12 joint s-w causation mq abs
13 incontingency
14 joint s-w causation np abs
15 joint s-w prevention np abs
both causation and
16 pq abs + pq abs

For now, note one thing that I did not clearly realize before it is that the last modus (#16)
refers to both weak absolute causation and weak absolute prevention, and not as I
previously wrote or implied to either the one or the other. This new observation is

Note my use here and elsewhere of mq abs instead of mqabs, np abs instead of npabs.,
pq abs instead of pabsqabs no new meaning is intended in such cases; I just find it more
convenient. Similarly of course with regard to p rel and q rel, and their compounds, later on.

significant, in that it teaches us that causation and prevention at this low degree of
determination are not mutually exclusive, but rather apparently occur in tandem (this is
later confirmed in the 3-item framework).
Moreover, it is well to remember in this context, before moving on, that causation here
includes both causation by P of R and inverse causation by P of R, i.e. causation by notP of
notR, since these have the same moduses, though mq becomes np and vice versa.
Similarly, prevention, here includes both prevention by P of R, i.e. causation by P of notR,
and inverse prevention by P of R, i.e. causation by notP of R, since these have the same
moduses, though mq becomes np and vice versa. That is to say, the above table of 16
moduses covers every logical possibility.

b. Let us now look at the similar interpretations of the 3-item moduses. These may be
examined in detail in Table 18.6 given online. The following is an extract from that table:

Table 18.6 (detail) Interpretations of the individual moduses

ID summary interpretations of the individual moduses
1 00000000 impossible modus
2 00000001 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
3 00000010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
4 00000011 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
5 00000100 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
6 00000101 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
7 00000110 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
8 00000111 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
9 00001000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
10 00001001 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
11 00001010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
12 00001011 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
13 00001100 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
14 00001101 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
15 00001110 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
16 00001111 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
17 00010000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
18 00010001 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
19 00010010 strong prevention, with Q incontingent
20 00010011 joint prevention (absolute), with Q incontingent
21 00010100 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
22 00010101 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
23 00010110 joint prevention (relative to Q)
24 00010111 joint prevention (absolute)
25 00011000 strong prevention
26 00011001 joint prevention (absolute)
27 00011010 strong prevention
28 00011011 joint prevention (absolute)
29 00011100 joint prevention (absolute)
30 00011101 joint prevention (absolute)
31 00011110 joint prevention (relative to Q)
32 00011111 joint prevention (absolute)
33 00100000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
34 00100001 strong causation, with Q incontingent
35 00100010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q

Table 18.6 (detail) Interpretations of the individual moduses (continued)

ID summary interpretations of the individual moduses
36 00100011 joint causation (absolute), with Q incontingent
37 00100100 strong causation
38 00100101 strong causation
39 00100110 joint causation (absolute)
40 00100111 joint causation (absolute)
41 00101000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
42 00101001 joint causation (relative to Q)
43 00101010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
44 00101011 joint causation (absolute)
45 00101100 joint causation (absolute)
46 00101101 joint causation (relative to Q)
47 00101110 joint causation (absolute)
48 00101111 joint causation (absolute)
49 00110000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
50 00110001 joint causation (absolute), with Q incontingent
51 00110010 joint prevention (absolute), with Q incontingent
52 00110011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute), Q incontingent
53 00110100 joint causation (absolute)
54 00110101 joint causation (absolute)
55 00110110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
56 00110111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute), Q incontingent
57 00111000 joint prevention (absolute)
58 00111001 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
59 00111010 joint prevention (absolute)
60 00111011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
61 00111100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
62 00111101 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
63 00111110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
64 00111111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
65 01000000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
66 01000001 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
67 01000010 strong prevention
68 01000011 joint prevention (absolute)
69 01000100 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
70 01000101 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
71 01000110 joint prevention (absolute)
72 01000111 joint prevention (absolute)
73 01001000 strong prevention, with Q incontingent
74 01001001 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
75 01001010 strong prevention
76 01001011 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
77 01001100 joint prevention (absolute), with Q incontingent
78 01001101 joint prevention (absolute)
79 01001110 joint prevention (absolute)
80 01001111 joint prevention (absolute)
81 01010000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
82 01010001 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
83 01010010 strong prevention
84 01010011 joint prevention (absolute)

Table 18.6 (detail) Interpretations of the individual moduses (continued)

ID summary interpretations of the individual moduses
85 01010100 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
86 01010101 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
87 01010110 joint prevention (relative to Q)
88 01010111 joint prevention (absolute)
89 01011000 strong prevention
90 01011001 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
91 01011010 strong prevention
92 01011011 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
93 01011100 joint prevention (absolute)
94 01011101 joint prevention (absolute)
95 01011110 joint prevention (relative to Q)
96 01011111 joint prevention (absolute)
97 01100000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
98 01100001 joint causation (relative to notQ)
99 01100010 joint prevention (absolute)
100 01100011 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
101 01100100 joint causation (absolute)
102 01100101 joint causation (relative to notQ)
103 01100110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
104 01100111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
105 01101000 joint prevention (relative to Q)
weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q and
01101001 notQ)
107 01101010 joint prevention (relative to Q)
108 01101011 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q and notQ)
109 01101100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
110 01101101 weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
111 01101110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
112 01101111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
113 01110000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
114 01110001 joint causation (absolute)
115 01110010 joint prevention (absolute)
116 01110011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
117 01110100 joint causation (absolute)
118 01110101 joint causation (absolute)
119 01110110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
120 01110111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
121 01111000 joint prevention (relative to Q)
122 01111001 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (relative to Q and notQ)
123 01111010 joint prevention (relative to Q)
124 01111011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q and notQ)
125 01111100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
126 01111101 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
127 01111110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
128 01111111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
129 10000000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
130 10000001 strong causation
131 10000010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
132 10000011 joint causation (absolute)
133 10000100 strong causation, with Q incontingent

Table 18.6 (detail) Interpretations of the individual moduses (continued)

ID summary interpretations of the individual moduses
134 10000101 strong causation
135 10000110 joint causation (relative to notQ)
136 10000111 joint causation (relative to notQ)
137 10001000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
138 10001001 joint causation (absolute)
139 10001010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
140 10001011 joint causation (absolute)
141 10001100 joint causation (absolute), with Q incontingent
142 10001101 joint causation (absolute)
143 10001110 joint causation (absolute)
144 10001111 joint causation (absolute)
145 10010000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
146 10010001 joint causation (absolute)
147 10010010 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
148 10010011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
149 10010100 joint causation (relative to Q)
150 10010101 joint causation (relative to Q)
weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q and
10010110 notQ)
152 10010111 weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
153 10011000 joint prevention (absolute)
154 10011001 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
155 10011010 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
156 10011011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
157 10011100 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
158 10011101 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
159 10011110 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (relative to Q and notQ)
160 10011111 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
161 10100000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
162 10100001 strong causation
163 10100010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
164 10100011 joint causation (absolute)
165 10100100 strong causation
166 10100101 strong causation
167 10100110 joint causation (relative to notQ)
168 10100111 joint causation (relative to notQ)
169 10101000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
170 10101001 joint causation (relative to Q)
171 10101010 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
172 10101011 joint causation (absolute)
173 10101100 joint causation (absolute)
174 10101101 joint causation (relative to Q)
175 10101110 joint causation (absolute)
176 10101111 joint causation (absolute)
177 10110000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
178 10110001 joint causation (absolute)
179 10110010 joint prevention (absolute)
180 10110011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
181 10110100 joint causation (relative to Q)
182 10110101 joint causation (relative to Q)

Table 18.6 (detail) Interpretations of the individual moduses (continued)

ID summary interpretations of the individual moduses
183 10110110 weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
184 10110111 weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
185 10111000 joint prevention (absolute)
186 10111001 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
187 10111010 joint prevention (absolute)
188 10111011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
189 10111100 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
190 10111101 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
191 10111110 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
192 10111111 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
193 11000000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R, and of Q
194 11000001 joint causation (absolute)
195 11000010 joint prevention (absolute)
196 11000011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
197 11000100 joint causation (absolute), with Q incontingent
198 11000101 joint causation (absolute)
199 11000110 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
200 11000111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
201 11001000 joint prevention (absolute), with Q incontingent
202 11001001 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
203 11001010 joint prevention (absolute)
204 11001011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
205 11001100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute), Q incontingent
206 11001101 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
207 11001110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
208 11001111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
209 11010000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
210 11010001 joint causation (absolute)
211 11010010 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
212 11010011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
213 11010100 joint causation (absolute)
214 11010101 joint causation (absolute)
215 11010110 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q and notQ)
216 11010111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
217 11011000 joint prevention (absolute)
218 11011001 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
219 11011010 joint prevention (relative to notQ)
220 11011011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
221 11011100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
222 11011101 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
223 11011110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q and notQ)
224 11011111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
225 11100000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
226 11100001 joint causation (relative to notQ)
227 11100010 joint prevention (absolute)
228 11100011 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
229 11100100 joint causation (absolute)
230 11100101 joint causation (relative to notQ)
231 11100110 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)

Table 18.6 (detail) Interpretations of the individual moduses (continued)

ID summary interpretations of the individual moduses
232 11100111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
233 11101000 joint prevention (absolute)
234 11101001 weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
235 11101010 joint prevention (absolute)
236 11101011 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
237 11101100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
238 11101101 weak causation (relative to Q and notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
239 11101110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
240 11101111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
241 11110000 non-connection due to incontingency of P and/or R
242 11110001 joint causation (absolute)
243 11110010 joint prevention (absolute)
244 11110011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
245 11110100 joint causation (absolute)
246 11110101 joint causation (absolute)
247 11110110 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
248 11110111 weak causation (relative to notQ) and weak prevention (absolute)
249 11111000 joint prevention (absolute)
250 11111001 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
251 11111010 joint prevention (absolute)
252 11111011 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to notQ)
253 11111100 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
254 11111101 weak causation (relative to Q) and weak prevention (absolute)
255 11111110 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (relative to Q)
256 11111111 weak causation (absolute) and weak prevention (absolute)
count 256

This is new material that has not been previously researched. I will begin by listing some
statistics drawn from it: First, apart from the formally impossible modus (#1), there are 48
moduses signifying non-connection due to the incontingency of P and/or R. In some of
these cases Q is also incontingent; but if both P and R are contingent, the incontingency of
Q does not impede a connection, however tenuous, between P and R. This leaves us with
207 moduses signifying a connection of some sort, whether causation only, prevention
only or a mix of both, as the following extract shows:

Detail from Table 18.6 Interpretation of the 3-Item Moduses.

causation and/or prevention stats
causation only 63
prevention only 63
both causation and prevention 81
neither causation nor prevention 49
total 256

Next, we see that, for each of causation or prevention (their behavior must be similar, since
they are mirror images of each other), there are ten logically possible causative formulas
mn, mq abs only, etc., and each of these has a certain frequency of occurrence in the
moduses, as shown on the next table detail. Note that the joint strong-weak relations may
be relative to Q or to notQ, and also that they are rather rare, compared to the absolutes.

The most frequent relation is pq abs only (79 moduses). The total number of such general
relations is 144, note. This is all true, to repeat, for causation and again for prevention.

Detail from Table 18.6 Interpretation of the 3-Item Moduses.

for each of causation or prevention stats
mn 9
mq abs only 19
np abs only 19
pq abs only 79
mq rel to Q 4
np rel to Q 4
pq rel to Q 1
mq rel to notQ 4
np rel to notQ 4
pq rel to notQ 1
total 144
The next detail table shows us the variety and frequency of lone determinations in
causation and prevention respectively (again the patterns are as can be expected repetitive).

Detail from Table 18.6 Interpretation of the 3-Item Moduses.

lones in each of causation or prevention stats
m-alone rel to Q and notQ 19
n-alone rel to Q and notQ 19
m-alone rel to Q only 4
n-alone rel to Q only 4
m-alone rel to notQ only 4
n-alone rel to notQ only 4
p-alone rel to Q and q-alone rel notQ 4
q-alone rel to Q and p-alone rel notQ 4
p-alone rel to Q 7
q-alone rel to Q 7
p-alone rel to notQ 7
q-alone rel to notQ 7
total 90

Note well that there are no moduses signifying absolute lone determination, as already
established in Chapter 12.2. All the lones that do arise (90 in all) are relative. They may
arise relative to Q (30 cases) or to notQ (30 cases) or even to both (38 cases). The latter
should not surprise it is logically consistent, and indeed most common. Here as well, all
this is true for causation and again for prevention.
The next statistical table shows the conjunctions possible between the joint determinations
and the lone determinations, for each of causation and prevention. This teaches us that
except for 54 cases, viz. mn (9 cases), some cases (43) of pq absolute and all cases (2) of
pq relative, all joint determinations occur in tandem with some lone determination(s), and
conversely no lone determination occurs without a joint determination underlying it.

Detail from Table 18.6 Interpretation of the 3-Item Moduses.

formulae found in each of causation or prevention stats
mn 9
mq abs only m-alone rel to Q and notQ 19
mq rel to Q m-alone rel to notQ only 4
mq rel to notQ m-alone rel to Q only 4
np abs only n-alone rel to Q and notQ 19
np rel to Q n-alone rel to notQ only 4
np rel to notQ n-alone rel to Q only 4
pq abs only p-alone rel to Q and q-alone rel to notQ 4
pq abs only q-alone rel to Q and p-alone rel to notQ 4
pq abs only p-alone rel to Q 7
pq abs only p-alone rel to notQ 7
pq abs only q-alone rel to Q 7
pq abs only q-alone rel to notQ 7
pq abs only no lone 43
pq rel to Q 1
pq rel to notQ 1
total 144

Moreover, as the table above reveals, these conjunctions follow certain patterns. For
instances, mq abs only (i.e. without q rel to Q or to notQ) is always paired off with m-
alone relative to Q and notQ; if mq rel to Q occurs, it is always accompanied by m-alone rel to
notQ only; if mq rel to notQ occurs, it is always accompanied by m-alone rel to Q only; and
similarly for np abs, and in other cases.
Thus, of the 144 cases of causation, 54 are without adjacent lones. Note also that there are
a total of 36 cases of pq abs only (i.e. not implied by pq rel) conjoined with lones, as
against 43 not so conjoined. All the same can be said for prevention, of course. Now
consider the following table:

Detail from Table 18.6 Interpretation of the 3-Item Moduses.

all lones, with sw rel, sw abs or pq abs stats
all lones, in causation and/or prevention 162
lones without sw rel, sw abs or pq abs 0
lones with sw rel to Q or notQ 32
sw rel to Q or notQ, without lone 0
lones with sw abs 76
sw abs, without lone 0
lones with pq abs 54
-of which, in both causation and prevention 18
lones with pq rel to Q or notQ 0
pq abs or pq rel, without lone 27

This table, counting both causation and prevention, shows us again that no lone occurs
without an associated joint strong-weak (sw) connection, whether relative or absolute, or
without at least a pq absolute connection (162 = 32 + 76 + 54). Note that the joint

determinations sw rel and sw abs never occur without conjunction of one or more lones.
On the other hand, lones are never conjoined with pq relative to Q or notQ. Note also that
the 54 cases of lones with pq abs in this table coincide with the 36 cases for causation and
36 more for prevention in the preceding table; this just tells us that there is overlap between
18 such cases of causation and prevention.
The last row of the above table tells us of pq abs (23 cases) or pq rel (4 cases) that are
without lone. These 27 cases reappear in the next table, together with 54 cases of absolute
causation and/or prevention associated with one to four lone determinations (which are
always associated with pq abs):

Detail from Table 18.6 Interpretation of the 3-Item Moduses.

analysis in the 3fw of modus 16 of the 2fw stats
lone causation and/or prevention with 1-4 lones (with pq abs) 54
pq relative causation or prevention (the other = pq abs) 4
only one of causation or prevention with pq abs 0
absolute causation and prevention without lone 23
total 81

Now, it is interesting to note that the 81 moduses of the 3-item framework corresponding
to item #16 of the 2-item framework (identified in Table 17.4) coincide with the 81
moduses where causation and prevention overlap in Table 18.6. Examining the latter table,
we see that these 81 moduses include the 4 moduses #s 190, 232, 127, 220, in which one
side has pq rel to Q or pq rel to notQ and the other side has pq abs; and the 77
moduses with pq abs on both sides, of which 54 also involve lone determinations, on one
side and/or the other, while 23 moduses involve no lone determination.
While the other 54 + 4 cases signify a relation to the third item Q and/or its negation notQ,
the 23 cases make no mention of Q or notQ. Note, too, that the 3-item modus #256 is
among those 23. The said 23 moduses are of especial interest, because they will help us
solve the earlier described problem of apparently having no modus with which to account
for non-connection between contingent items.
In any case, it is now evident (looking at table 18.6) that this problem is not limited to the
2-item framework, but recurs in the 3-item framework. Here too, we see that none of the
256 moduses refer to non-connection between contingent items. They all refer to either
incontingencies or to causative and/or preventive connections. We shall have to deal with
this issue in more detail in the next chapter.


1. Back to the Beginning.

In the present chapter, I propose to deal with some of the difficulties that have become
apparent in the previous two chapters. Before doing so, however, it is perhaps wise to
review our basic definitions of the four generic determinations of causation complete,
necessary, relative partial and relative contingent causation and their two derivative
concepts, viz. absolute partial and absolute contingent causation.

1. complete causation by P of R symbol: m

a) If P, then R (P + notR) is impossible
b) if notP, not-then R (notP + notR) is possible <=> 2(c)
c) P is possible (P + R) is possible <=> 2(b)

2. necessary causation by P of R symbol: n

a) If notP, then notR (notP + R) is impossible
b) if P, not-then notR (P + R) is possible <=> 1(c)
c) notP is possible (notP + notR) is possible <=> 1(b)

3. partial causation by P (with Q) of R symbol: p rel => not-1

a) If (P + Q), then R (P + Q + notR) is impossible <= 1(a)
b) if (notP + Q), not-then R (notP + Q + notR) is possible => 1(b)
c) if (P + notQ), not-then R (P + notQ + notR) is possible => not-1(a)
d) (P + Q) is possible (P + Q + R) is possible => 1(c)

4. contingent causation by P (with Q) of R symbol: q rel => not-2

a) If (notP + notQ), then notR (notP + notQ + R) is impossible <= 2(a)
b) if (P + notQ), not-then notR (P + notQ + R) is possible => 2(b)
c) if (notP + Q), not-then notR (notP + Q + R) is possible => not-2(a)
d) (notP + notQ) is possible (notP + notQ + notR) is possible => 2(c)

5. partial causation by P of R (abs) symbol: p abs <= 3, => not-1

a) If P, not-then R (P + notR) is possible <=> not-1(a)
b) if notP, not-then R (notP + notR) is possible <=> 1(b), 6(c)
c) if P, not-then notR (P + R) is possible <=> 1(c), 6(b)

6. contingent causation by P of R (abs) symbol: q abs <= 4, => not-2

a) If notP, not-then notR (notP + R) is possible <=> not-2(a)
b) if P, not-then notR (P + R) is possible <=> 2(b), 5(c)
c) if notP, not-then R (notP + notR) is possible <=> 2(c), 5(b)

Let us now explain and justify these definitions. To claim complete causation (m) implies
we know (or think or believe) that one thing P is invariably accompanied by another thing

R, i.e. that P without R is impossible (in the mode of modality concerned be it logical,
extensional natural, or whatever). However, that P implies R cannot by itself signify
causation. We need to also know that notP does not imply R, i.e. that notP without R is not
impossible, for if both P and notP implied R, then R would be independent of them.
Thirdly, we need to know that P is possible, so as to ground the first implication in
actuality; and given that P is possible and that P implies R, it follows that R is also
possible, i.e. that the conjunction of P and R is possible.
I go into this in detail to make clear to readers that these definitions were not pulled out of
the blue or arbitrarily imposed, but are the product of reasoning. Necessary causation (n) is
very similar to complete causation, except that the polarities of all the items involved are
inversed. It is a statement that without P, R cannot occur; i.e. that the conjunction of notP
and R is impossible; in such cases P is called a sine qua non (without which not) of R.
Here again we must on logical grounds add two more propositions to the definition to
make it applicable correctly.
Note that complete and necessary causation share the last two of their defining clauses, but
differ in their first clause. However, since these first clauses do not, according to the laws
of thought, exclude each other, it follows that the generic determinations of complete and
necessary causation can be combined into one specific determination mn. However, they
do not formally have to be so combined; i.e. m may be true without n being true, and vice
versa. This brings us to the concepts of partial and contingent causation.
The relationship of partial causation (p) is designed to resemble that of complete causation,
except that the cause is not one thing P, but a conjunction of two things P and Q, the latter
being called the complement of the former. The first clause in our definition is a claim that
P and Q together bring about R. But for this to be true, we must also ascertain that Q
without P and P without Q are not also always followed by R; otherwise one or both of
them might be accidental to the occurrence of R (i.e. P or Q might alone cause R, or R
might be independent of their conjunction). The second and third clauses in the definition
guarantee the dependence of R on P and Q together. The fourth clause serves to ground the
hypothetical relationship implied by the first; and together they tell us that the conjunction
of the three items P, Q and R is possible.
Contingent causation (q) is similarly constructed, but by analogy to necessary causation.
The partial and contingent forms of causation are called weak determinations, in
comparison to the complete and necessary forms (called strong determinations), because in
the former (unlike in the latter) the cause P (or for that matter its complement Q) is not by
itself strong enough to bring about the effect R. It is clear from the definitions of p and q
that these relations are true relative to a specific complement Q. If we put notQ in place of
Q, P and R remain cause and effect in a similar sense, but their exact relationship is
considerably modified, note well. The complement Q (or alternatively notQ) signifies the
conditions under which the (weak) causative relation between P and R comes into play.
Note too that p and q (relative to Q) do not share any defining clauses, unlike m and n.
Since they refer to the possibility and impossibility of different sets of conjunction, there is
no conflict between them, and they (as generic determinations) can logically be combined
as (the specific determination) pq without infringing any law of thought.
Now compare the above listed definitions and implications of partial and complete
causation. It is of course noteworthy that m and n involve only two items P and R, whereas
p and q involve three items P, Q and R; but this does not prevent logical comparisons. We
see that clause 1(a) formally implies clause 3(a), and clauses 3(b) and 3(d) respectively
imply 1(b) and 1(d), but clause 3(c) negates clause 1(a). This means that p and m are on
the whole contrary to each other, though they do share some elements of information.
Similarly, q is incompatible with n, though they have some common aspects.

Now compare m and q. We see that 4(d) implies 1(b), and 4(b) implies 1(c), but no clause
in q conflicts with 1(a), and none in m conflicts with 4(a) or for that matter 4(c). Similarly
in the comparison between n and p, we find no notable opposition between them. This
means that, formally speaking, nothing prevents the specific combinations of strong and
weak forms mq and np from occurring (separately, of course).
Let us now turn our attention to the last two forms118 absolute partial causation (p abs)
and absolute contingent causation (q abs), not to be confused with the preceding two forms
of p and q relative to Q (or eventually to notQ), henceforth symbolized by p rel and q rel.
The idea of absolute weak causation forms was generated by two related considerations.
First, we wanted to express the weak determinations in terms of two items rather than
three, for purposes of matricial analysis and direct comparisons to the strong
determinations; and second, we wanted to express the weak determinations without regard
to whether the complement is Q or notQ, or anything else for that matter.
Thus, the qualification of weak causations as absolute here is only intended to mean that
they are not relative, note well. It does not signify some stronger relationship, but on the
contrary (as is soon apparent) a weaker relationship! Comparing the above definitions of p
abs to p rel, we see that 5(a) is implied by 3(c), 5(b) is implied by 3(b), and 5(c) is implied
by 3(d); but these implications are not mutual. Thus, p abs is a derivative of, i.e. a
restatement of some but not all of the information in it. Notice especially the absence in p
abs of any of the information contained in clause 3(a) of p rel, though this clause is the
crucial part of it, the part most indicative of causation! All the same can be said of q abs
and q rel, mutatis mutandis.
It is also noteworthy that if we change Q to notQ and vice versa in the clauses of the
definition of p rel, the implied p abs is exactly the same. That is, p relative to Q and p
relative to notQ yield the same subaltern p abs. This is of course to be expected, since
neither Q nor notQ are mentioned in it. But additionally, p abs does not mention any other
eventual third item and so is identical for all eventual third items, X, Y, Z or whatever.
Whence the characterization of it as absolute. Now, this should cause us alarm; how can
we know something so general from so little information, we might well ask. But the truth
is that in fact p abs tells us exactly nothing about Q or notQ or any other third item! All the
same can be said of q abs and q rel, mutatis mutandis.
Now compare p abs with m. We see that 5(a) contradicts 1(a), though 5(b) and 5(c) are
identical with 1(b) and 1(c) respectively; this tells us that, albeit their having some
common ground, p abs and m are contrary to each other. Also compare p abs with n. We
see that 5(b) is the same as 2(c) and 5(c) is the same as 2(b), while 5(a) and 2(a) do not
affect each other; this means that p abs and n are compatible and can be conjoined. Similar
results are obtained comparing q abs with n, and q abs and m. Thus, the compounds mq
abs and np abs are logically conceivable.
As for the oppositions between p abs and q abs, 5(b) is identical with 6(c) and 5(c) is
identical with 6(b), whereas 5(a) and 6(a) do not impinge on each other; thus the two forms
are compatible, i.e. can be conjoined in a compound form pq abs. What does this
compound form tell us? Simply, that each of the four conceivable combinations of P and R,
viz. P+R, P+notR, notP+R, notP+notR, is possible.
The above six definitions for (i) causation by P or R can be modified to define (ii)
prevention by P of R (by replacing R by notR, and notR by R, throughout them), (iii)
inverse causation by P of R (by replacing P by notP, and notP by P, and R by notR, and

The definitions of complete and necessary causation are first given in chapter 2.1. Those of
relative partial and relative contingent causation are introduced in chapter 2.3. The definitions here
put forward of absolute partial and absolute contingent causation are not found till chapter 13.4,
although the concepts are developed much earlier, as of chapter 11.3.

notR by R, throughout them), and (iv) inverse prevention by P of R (by replacing P by

notP, and notP by P, throughout them). Note in passing that pq abs has the same value in
causation (and inverse causation) and in prevention (and inverse prevention), since it
always just means that the four conjunctions of P, R, notP and notR, are all possible.
All this has been said before but is here repeated briefly to enable us to once and for all
resolve a certain difficulty mentioned earlier. We shall see that the difficulty in question is
upon closer inspection more apparent than real.

2. The Puzzle of No Non-connection.

Looking at the interpretation table for the moduses in a 2-item framework (Table 18.1,
page 6), we see that only seven of the moduses refer to connection and apparently not
even one refers to non-connection albeit contingency! Incontingency counts as non-
connection, of course; but what interests us here is to logically conceive non-connection
between two contingent items. Apparently, judging by the tabulated results, there is no
such possibility! Note in passing that alternative words for connection and non-connection
are dependence and independence. Are we to think that all contingent items are mutually
dependent in some way or other? Surely not! What does this mean, then? This result is
indeed so surprising that I shall call it the puzzle of no non-connection.
Considering that the logic of causation as here presented, i.e. through microanalytic
tabulation, is entirely a formal product of the laws of thought, this is indeed mysterious.
This result to fix in an a-priori manner a detail about reality, by mere logical analysis,
without need for empirical observation. Although some philosophers, indeed many of them
across history, have adopted this position, it does not make sense. It would mean we cannot
even imagine or theoretically conceive of non-connection between contingent items, which
certainly goes against our commonsense impression that we at least comprehend such non-
connection. All our concepts need contradictories to be intelligible. If we cannot even
hypothetically formally define non-connection between contingent items, the concept of
connection itself becomes doubtful.
My discovery of this mystery is not new to phase III; I had already encountered it and
made an effort to explain it in phase II (see Chapters 13.2 and 16.2). Here, I will succeed in
going deeper into the question and remove all lingering doubt once and for all.
No doubt, seeing this puzzling result, believers in extreme determinism (which include
many materialists and behaviorists still today) will rush to judgment and say: See, we told
you, since we cannot logically define indeterminism, it is not even open to debate
everything in the universe is determined, and there is no place in it for natural spontaneity
or human freewill or any other indeterminism. But if we consider the matter more closely
(again, look at Table 18.1 page 6), we see that the seven cases with both items contingent
refer to varying degrees of causation: 2 cases are mn (maximal determination), 4 cases are
mq abs or np abs (medium determination), and 1 case is pq abs (minimal determination).
Thus, only two relations are fully determining, whereas five others are partly
undetermined, and we cannot draw an extreme determinist conclusion.
Another group likely to welcome this puzzling result are believers in the Buddhist
viewpoint that everything is causatively related to everything else in an inextricable web of
interdependence (or dependent origination or, in Sanskrit, Pratityasamutpada). They
will say: See! Since there is no such thing as non-connection between some pairs of
contingent items, any two contingent items taken at random may be considered, without
any recourse to experience, as causatively related, at the very least through partial

contingent causation (and similarly prevention), i.e. pq abs. But such jubilation is
premature and unjustified, as we shall now go on to show.
The simplest answer is that what we have called partial contingent causation is not really
causation! To see the truth of this, let us return to our initial definitions of p abs and q abs,
in the previous section. What distinguishes these forms (numbered 5 and 6) from those
preceding them (1-4) is that they lack an if-then clause. They each specify the possibility of
three combinations of P, R and their negations, but they distinctively do not specify the
impossibility of any such combinations. Yet such if-then or impossibility of conjunction
constitutes the main clause of the definitions of strong causation and relative weak
Thus, the absolute weak determinations are not forms of causation in the usual sense. This
does not mean we ought to, or even can, just discard these two concepts. For it is clear that
we formed them out of a real need. They do in fact play a role in causative relations but
their role is a supporting one. In combination with m or n, i.e. in mq abs or np abs, they
are indicative of actual causation; but taken apart from the strong determinations, i.e. in the
combination pq abs (i.e. pabsqabs), all they tell us is that the four basic conjunctions, viz.
P+R, P+notR, notP+R, and notP+notR, are all possible, which is not a statement of actual
causation but still leaves open the logical possibility of causation at a deeper level (as
evident in Table 18.6).
Remember, p abs is contrary to m, and q abs is contrary to n. When m is combined with q
abs, we have the important information that, though there is causation, it is not of the
powerful mn sort. Similarly with regard to np abs the p abs part serves to deny the
conjunction of m to the n part. It is significant to remember, too, that there are no absolute
lone determinations, that is: absolute m-alone, i.e. m conjoined to neither n nor q abs, is
logically impossible; similarly, absolute n-alone is impossible, and so are the absolute
weaks alone. Thus, p abs and q abs are formally needed for causative discourse in a 2-item
However, though these absolute weak determinations are implied by the corresponding
relative determinations, they do not in turn imply them. They are mere subalterns, not
equivalents. At best, p abs tells us that p rel might occur, and likewise q abs tells us that q
rel might occur; the former certainly do not imply that the latter are bound to occur. And
the issue here is not merely that we do not know whether Q or notQ is the applicable
complement. As the definitions in the previous section make clear, p abs and q abs remain
the same, even if we change the polarity of Q to notQ and of notQ to Q in p rel and q rel.
But, moreover, as Table 18.6 makes clear, p abs and q abs can be true without implying
either p rel or q rel in relation to Q or notQ !
The latter finding should by itself cause alarm: how could we, using a PQR matrix only,
know about a weak causative relation between P and R through an intermediary other than
Q or notQ ? Such a thing is unthinkable in deductive logic there are no magical leaps, no
windfall profits we can only conclude things already given in the premises. But if we
look more closely at instances of pq abs only, we see that they do not tell us anything
about causation involving some unstipulated fourth item other than Q or notQ, because
they do not imply that some causation between P and R (and/or their negations) is indeed
operative. They merely specify the various possibilities of conjunction between these two
items; this is valuable information, but it is not causation.
Thus, although p abs and q abs are relevant to causation in the compound propositions mq
abs and np abs, they are not definitely indicative of causation as pq abs, in the 2-item
framework as modus #16 (see Table 18.1), or in the 3-item framework as the 23 moduses
#s 52, 56, 60-61, 64, 103, 116, 120, 154, 180, 188, 196, 205-208, 221-222, 237, 239, 244,
253, 256 (see Table 18.6).

Note that the 2-item modus #16 unfolds as 81 distinct moduses in the 3-item framework.
Among those 81, only the just mentioned 23 moduses (which include the last modus 256,
note) are in turn empty of causative information. The remaining 58 moduses all involve
some definite causation, whether through relative lone determinations (54 cases) or relative
partial contingent causation or prevention (4 cases). For this reason, we can rightly say that
the 2-item modus #16 is ambiguous as to whether there is or not some causation or
prevention deeper down in a 3-item framework.
Similarly, each of the 23 said 3-item moduses may or may not at a deeper level become a
connection of some sort, ad infinitum. Thus, to call pq abs causation (or prevention, as
the case may be) is a misnomer it is excessive, inaccurate, misleading to do so, because
though this compound is sometimes expressive of causation it is sometimes not so. Thus,
the solution to our problem is that to regard pq abs as a form of connection is to misuse the
term. We should therefore, strictly speaking, refer to the 2-item modus #16 as possible
connection and possible non-connection (as I suggested in phase II); and likewise for
each of the 23 above listed 3-item moduses (as now proven in phase III).
We have thus clearly located where non-connection between contingent items can be
placed. Let me further explain this as follows, so it is fully understood. The essence of
connection (causation or prevention) lies in the limitations of possibility to be found in
nature or logic. When we say that an item, say P, causes (or prevents) another item, say
R, in some way, to some degree, we mean that in the presence or absence of P, the
presence or absence of R is somewhat restricted. It is not the occurrence of the latter item
or its negation that signify causation, but the fact that some other avenue of occurrence has
been naturally (in some cases, volitionally) or logically blocked.
Thus, the force of causality lies not so much in positive events as in the restrictions in the
degrees of freedom offered to an item by the interference of another; i.e. in the negative
boundaries the one sets on the other. In more formal terms, we can say: it is not so much
the 1s (the bases) that matter as the 0s (the connections). Roughly stated, the more
zeros, the stronger the causal relation; the less zeros, the weaker the causal relation. If no
zeros are to be found at any depth, there is no causal relation. In cases involving strong
causation, the restrictions are very evident, whereas in cases involving only weak
causation, the restrictions are not always evident and by extrapolation, we may at least
conceive of cases without restriction.
We can also put it as follows, to show that it makes perfect sense. For two items to be
connected in some way, there has to be some incompatibility between them and/or their
negations, some conflict that forces one or the other of them to behave in an special
manner. If the items and their negations are every which way compatible, then they do not
impinge upon each other but coexist harmoniously. Thus, the pq abs compound, which
signifies such thorough compatibility, is essentially indicative of non-connection, though
some connection at a deeper level is not excluded by it offhand.
Once this crucial new insight is grasped, it is easy to see why some modus(es) in any
framework (such as the last modus in the 2-item framework or the stated 23 in the 3-item
one) are the reasonable place where non-connection (in whatever sense) between
contingent items may be found. Partial contingent causation or prevention are indeed
possibly housed in such modus(es); but we must admit that diverse forms of non-
connection are possibly housed there too. Their correct interpretation is thus ambiguous,
and it is an error to interpret them only one way as only connection, or for that matter as
only non-connection.
Furthermore, we should point out that the 2-item modus #16 and the analogous 23 moduses
in the 3-item framework signify both pq abs of causation and pq abs of prevention, and not
merely one or the other. This fact should not be swept aside as insignificant, although of

course it does not go against the laws of thought. It is, however, unthinkable that
something might be both a partial contingent causative and a partial contingent
preventative of something else, relative to the same complement or even contradictory
complements. This we know by looking at Tables 18.5 and 18.5 (pages 7-8), which teach
us that the four forms pq rel to Q, pq rel to notQ, for causation, and pq rel to Q, pq rel to
notQ, for prevention, have each only one modus, namely respectively moduses 190, 232,
127 and 220, and no modus in common. Causation and prevention are thus essentially
antithetical, not only in their stronger forms but even in their weakest form.
This shows us that, even if pq abs of causation and pq abs of prevention are superficially
compatible (indeed, they are identical, having in common the 2-item modus #16 and all
their 81 moduses in the 3-item framework), such compatibility must not be interpreted as
meaning that they can ever be realized together relative to any specific complement(s) Q
and/or notQ. Such realization (i.e. going from absolute to relative) is logically impossible,
so that the apparent compatibility between causation and prevention is purely illusory.
Thus, the conceptual joining of p abs and q abs is, from the causative point of view, an
abstraction without concrete referents. The generic forms are valid abstractions, because
they can be validly joined to n and m, respectively, in the specific causative forms np abs
and mq abs; but they do not produce a common causative form pq abs. The latter is
meaningful (as a statement of possibility of conjunction every which way), but not as
causation or prevention, and least of all as both causation and prevention.
It should also be stressed that when we here refer to the possible non-connection between
two specified items P and R, we are in no way making a general claim about the non-
connection of each of these items to some other unspecified items. The contingent item P
may be unconnected to the contingent item R, but still be connected to one or many other
contingent items X, Y, Z. Non-connection does not imply universal non-connection: it is
here clearly intended as a characterization of the relation between a specified pair of
contingent items.
Thus, this finding about the logically possible existence of non-connection must not be
taken as an a-priori statement that some contingent things are not connected to any
others, or more extremely that nothing is connected to anything else. These would be
generalizations beyond what we have sought to establish here which is only that, taking
any two contingent items at random, there is no logical necessity that they be connected in
a real sense (i.e. one stronger than the misnamed pq abs). The said moderate and extreme
generalizations do however remain open to debate.
The extreme proposition nothing is connected to anything else has been put forward in
philosophy by Nagarjuna, David Hume, and others. I firmly reject it on the formal ground
that they do not explain how all the other logical possibilities i.e. those of connection
between contingents have been excluded from consideration by them; such skepticism is
manifestly arbitrary.
The moderate position some contingent things are not connected to any others is certainly
not deductively proven here, either, but it remains quite conceivable, since we have
identified the moduses within which such disconnection might occur and we do not claim
an exclusive universal application. It formally opens the door to claims of occasional
natural spontaneity (as in Niels Bohrs interpretation of the uncertainty principle), and to
claims of circumscribed human freewill and similar powers of volitions (which most
people adhere to).
The antithesis to this would be the claim that every contingent thing is connected to some
other(s). Many philosophers throughout history have advocated this determinist thesis,
calling it the law of causation but it is important to realize that, from a formal point of
view, it is just a hypothesis. Moreover, what does connected mean here i.e. what degree

of connection is intended? The extreme version of this thesis would affirm that for any
given contingent item R, there must be some item P that is a complete and necessary cause
of it.
A more moderate version might be postulated, however, that affirms such strong
connection in most cases, but allows for exceptions, whereat natural spontaneity and/or
volition may come into play next to determinism. I personally believe such combination of
theses is the most credible alternative, being closest to commonsense belief. Our causative
logic is thus, in any event, quite capable of assimilating all philosophical discourse
concerning causation, note well.

3. The Definition of Causation.

In the preceding section, we saw that moduses that mean no more than pq abs (i.e.
pabsqabs) cannot rightly be counted as signifying a causative connection, but at best only a
possible connection, which is also a possible non-connection. We saw the truth of this with
reference to the 2-item modus #16, which was found to give rise to 81 moduses in the 3-
item framework, of which 58 moduses were indicative of some causation or prevention (as
well as pq abs), whereas 23 moduses signified no more than pq abs.
However, here we must admit that such ambiguity cannot be tolerated. If we want to
produce a clear definition of causation, which is one of the goals of our study, we must
make up our minds and declare moduses that mean pq abs only to signify either a
connection or a non-connection. So far in our tables, we have opted for the designation of
the 2-item modus #16 and its equivalents 3-item moduses to signify connection. But in
view of our analysis in the preceding section, we must now reverse this policy if we wish
to produce an accurate definition. This is reasonable, since two items related only by way
of pq abs cannot be guaranteed to be causatively related, and so may be counted as not so
related (unless or until more specific conditions are specified that imply them to be
causatively related).
On this basis, the tables concerning the broad concepts of causation, prevention and
connection, and their respective negations, must be rewritten with all cases of pq abs only
moved over from the positive to the negative side, whether manually or by modifying the
calculation formulae as appropriate. Thus, for instance, the 2-item modus #16 must be
moved from the columns of causation, prevention and connection to those of non-
causation, non-prevention and non-connection. Similarly for 23 moduses in the 3-item
framework. We shall tag these new columns as concerning strict causation, prevention
and connection and their negations so that the corresponding old columns can be left
unchanged, except that we understand that they concern causation etc. in a loose sense.
The outcome of this revision are the following two tables, derived from earlier ones as just
explained, which are posted at the website as usual:

Table 19.1 2-item PR Moduses of Forms Strict Moduses. (1 page in pdf file).
Table 19.2 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Strict Moduses. (5 pages in pdf file).

Having done this, we can now proceed with constructing definitions of the concepts of
causation, prevention and connection in their strict sense (i.e. with pq abs only not
counted as causation, etc.). The following extract from Table 19.1 suffices for this purpose:

Details from Table 19.1 Causation, prevention and connection.

relation summary moduses notable features
strict causation 1001 1011 1101 outers both 1, inners one or both
strict non- all other moduses, except #1
strict prevention 0110 0111 0110 inners both 1, outers one or both
strict non- all other moduses, except #1
strict connection strict causation or strict features of both
strict non- all other moduses, except #1

We see here that, strictly speaking, causation is applicable to three moduses (Nos. 10, 12,
14, to be specific), whose common features are that their summary moduses start with a 1
(for P+R) and end with a 1 (for notP+notR), and have one or two 0s in the middle (for
P+notR or notP+R). Similarly, strict prevention concerns three moduses (Nos. 7, 8, 15),
featuring two 1s on the inside and one or two 0s on the outside. Connection accordingly
covers these six moduses, and is thus definable by the sum of their features. The negations
of these relations refer to all remaining moduses, except #1 (consisting of four 0s, which is
universally impossible). Modus #16 (consisting of four 1s) always falls in the negative
relation (strictly speaking) its lack of any 0 puts in doubt any causative relation in it.
We may express these results concerning strict causation in words as follows: causation is
the relation between two items, if and only if they are found to have the following set of
features: (a) the first cannot occur without the second and/or the second cannot occur
without the first, and in any case (b) the first and second can occur together and their
negations can occur together. If these conditions are satisfied, this first item is called
cause and the second is called effect. The relation of prevention refers to causation of
negation; and the relation of connection refers to either causation or prevention. The
negations of all these relations can accordingly be defined. Note well that if the two items
and their negations are compatible together every which way, they cannot strictly be said to
be causatively related in any way; for such relation to be recognized, some incompatibility
between the items and/or their negations must be established.
Of course, the here stated definition of causation (and thence those of prevention and
connection) could be argued to be rather rough, being based on Table 19.1 only, that is to
say on the configuration of absolute causation between two items, comprising strong
causation (mn) and its combinations with absolute weak causation (mq abs and np abs). It
ignores causation relative to a third item, which is more complex and difficult to define.
The simplest way to do it would be to say: relative causation requires a more complicated
and subtle definition, and rather than try and formulate one I refer you to Table 19.2.
Alternatively, we could try and construct a verbal definition with reference to the original
forms listed in section 1 of the present chapter.
But I do not see the value of such a wordy and intricate definition in practice. Definitions
should effectively lead us to the intended object, and not mystify us by their complexity. I
think the rough definition proposed here suffices for most purposes; and when we do need
to get very precise, we can just point to the original forms or the said table, without
attempting a formal summary. One more thing needs doing, however we need to explain
the application of the proposed definition of causation (and its derivatives) in terms of

generic possibility and impossibility to the different modes of causation, and say more
about the way knowledge of causation is acquired in them.
With regard to the logical or de dicta mode of causation, the modal specifications of
possibility and impossibility refer of course to some or no contexts of knowledge. In
this domain, our inductive practice is to assume modus #16 to be true, until and unless we
manage to demonstrate another relation to be true. The truth of this principle can be seen in
the theory of opposition, where we assume two propositional forms to be fully
compatible (i.e. neutral to each other) if we do not manage to specifically prove them (if
only by some logical insight) to be contradictory or contrary or subcontrary or implicant or
Turning our attention now to the de re modes, we can say: in extensional causation,
possibly means in some cases and impossibly means in no cases; in natural, temporal
and spatial causation, these modalities refer respectively to some or no circumstances,
some or no times, and some or no places. In these modes, our inductive practice is the
exact opposite of that for the logical mode. That is to say, here we assume the items
concerned to be incompatible if we do not succeed in directly or indirectly finding
empirical grounds to consider them as compatible. For example, we do not affirm that
some X are Y if we have not directly observed any such cases, or at least (more
indirectly) empirically confirmed a theory that implies this proposition.
Thus, modus #16 is not taken for granted as easily for the de re modes as it is for the
logical mode. In the logical mode, it is used as the default option when no other option is
established. Whereas, in the de re modes we are not allowed to make such assumptions
offhand, but rather remain in a state of ignorance until some good reason to accept modus
#16, or any other modus, whether of causation or of non-causation, is found. In this sense,
the logical mode is more a priori and the de re modes are more a posteriori. But as
regards their formalities they differ little.
I think we need not belabor this topic further, except to point out, once again, how much
more accurate our definitions are from those implied by David Hume and from other past

4. Oppositions and Other Inferences.

Once we have analyzed each and every possible form of causation and its sources and
derivatives in matricial analysis, it is very easy to compare forms and determine their
oppositions, eductions, syllogisms and any other sorts of inference.
We can formulate general rules of opposition, from which the oppositions between any
pair of forms can be determined, as follows119.
Implicance: two forms all of whose alternative moduses are identical may be said to
imply each other; i.e. they are implicants. For example, m in causation and n in inverse
causation are equivalent, having the exact same moduses (2-item moduses #s 10, 12),
no more and no less. It follows necessarily, note, that their negations are also
implicants. For example, not-m in causation and not-n in inverse causation are
equivalent (2-item moduses #s 2-9, 11, 13-16).
Subalternation: if one form has more moduses than another, and its list of moduses
includes all the moduses of that other and none of the moduses of its negation, the
second form may be said to imply but not be implied by the first; i.e. they are
subalternatives: respectively, subalternant and subaltern. Note well that it is the

See chapter 13.3 for applications of this technique in phase II.

(narrower ranging, more precise) form with less moduses that implies the (broader
ranging, vaguer) form with more moduses, and not vice versa. For example, P is a
complete cause of R (2-item moduses #s 10, 12) subalternates if P, not-then notR
(moduses 9-16). It follows necessarily, note, that their negations are also
subalternatives, though in the opposite direction. For example, if P, then notR
(moduses 2-8) subalternates P is a not complete cause of R (moduses 2-9, 11, 13-16).
Contradiction: if two forms do not share any modus and if their moduses together
make up the total number of moduses in the framework concerned (minus the
universally impossible first modus), they may each be said to imply the others
negation (i.e. to be incompatible) and their negations each to imply the others
affirmation (i.e. to be exhaustive); that is, they are contradictories. For example, m has
2-item moduses #s 10, 12 and not-m has moduses 2-9, 11, 13-16; therefore, m and not-
m are contradictory.
Contrariety: if two forms do not have any modus in common, and if their moduses
together do not add up to the total number of moduses in the framework concerned
(minus the universally impossible first modus), their affirmations may each be said to
imply the others negation, though their negations do not each imply the others
affirmation; that is, they are incompatible but not exhaustive, i.e. contraries. For
example, m (2-item moduses 10, 12) and p abs (moduses 14, 16) are contrary forms.
Note that if two forms are contrary, their negations are necessarily subcontrary.
Subcontrariety: if two forms do have some modus(es) in common, and if their moduses
together do add up to the total number of moduses in the framework concerned (minus
the universally impossible first modus), their negations may each be said to imply the
others affirmation, though their affirmations do not each imply the others negation;
that is, they are exhaustive but not incompatible, i.e. subcontraries. For example, not-m
(2-item moduses 2-9, 11, 13-16) and not-p abs (moduses 2-13, 15) are subcontrary
forms. Note that if two forms are subcontrary, their negations are necessarily contrary.
Unconnectedness: if two forms have some modus(es) in common, and their negations
have some modus(es) in common, and the affirmation of each of them has some
modus(es) in common with the negation of the other, these forms may be said to be
unconnected with each other, for this simply means that the four stated combinations
are possible, i.e. that each form and its negation is compatible with the other form and
its negation. For example, if P, then R (2-item moduses #s 2-4, 9-12) and if P, not-
then R (moduses 5-8, 13-16) are both unconnected to both if notP, then notR
(moduses 2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14) and if notP, not-then notR (moduses 3-4, 7-8, 11-12,
Remember, this last category of opposition, viz. unconnectedness, also called
neutrality, means that the forms concerned do not imply each other, and their
negations do not imply each other, and their affirmations do not imply their negations,
and their negations do not imply their affirmations; i.e. the two forms are compatible in
every which way and exhibit no incompatibility in any way that is why they are said
to be unconnected or neutral. This covers all leftover cases, i.e. it applies when neither
implicance, nor subalternation either way, nor contradiction, nor contrariety, nor
subcontrariety relate the two forms under scrutiny.
Let me remark here: the word opposition was initially intended (in everyday parlance) to
mean conflict i.e. it referred to contradiction or contrariety. The sense was then slightly
enlarged by logicians so as to include subcontrariety (which refers to contrariety of
negations). Then, it was further enlarged to enable the inclusion of implicance and
subalternation; this changed the meaning of opposition to face-off. Finally, the theory
of opposition naturally called for a further concept, one denying all the preceding forms of

opposition i.e. a concept of unconnectedness or neutrality (see my Future Logic,

chapter 6.1). This relation too, though negative, can and must be regarded a form of
opposition in an enlarged sense (i.e. face-off).120
Note that the above definition of unconnectedness in terms of moduses justifies my thesis
earlier in the present chapter that there has to be room in causation theory for non-
connection, since it demonstrates that there is one more relation of opposition than the six
traditionally listed. For opposition theory (and more broadly, inference theory) is nothing
other than causation theory in the realm of logical modality121; it concerns causes in the
special sense of reasons. What is true for this de dicta mode of modality is equally true
for the de re modes, since there is no formal difference between them in the present
Eduction is immediate inference from one (or more) forms with identical terms. When one
form implies another, the latter can be educed from the former. When one form is
incompatible with another, the negation of either can be educed from the affirmation of the
other. When two forms are exhaustive, the affirmation of either can be educed from the
negation of the other. From these principles we can likewise, with reference to moduses,
determine all possible eductions.
We can similarly work out all syllogism (i.e. mediate inference, through a middle term)
with reference to moduses, as already explained in chapter 14.1 and demonstrated
thereafter. If the premises have no moduses in common, or if the premises do have some
moduses in common but these moduses imply contradictory conclusions (i.e. some imply
one conclusion and others the negation of it), they are incompatible and therefore cannot
make up a syllogism. But otherwise, the conclusion is generally the common ground of the
premises, i.e. the moduses they have in common.
Thus, matricial analysis more precisely, microanalysis provides us with a practical way
to correctly interpret all conceivable situations in causative logic.

I must in passing deride the couple of people who have written scholarly-looking articles
where they seem to deny my concept of unconnectedness to be a logically possible relation
between propositional forms and a needed category of opposition! This is not an issue open to
choice, but (to repeat) a natural demand to exhaust the logical alternatives. Such people allow
themselves to be misled by mere words, thinking that opposition must needs signify conflict since
that is the popular sense of the term. Or they are pettily annoyed that this additional category does
not fit into their pretty squares of opposition. This is the kind of silliness that focus on trivia
Implicance and subalternation each way are logical causation; and contradiction,
contrariety and subcontrariety are logical prevention. In each case, the determinations are
respectively mn, mq and np.


1. Reducing Numerous Complements to Just Two.

To fully understand partial and contingent causation, we need to return to the issue of
complementary causes. In chapter 2.3, where these concepts were first introduced, we
showed how any number of complements can be reduced to just two. I wish to here review
this important doctrine and further develop it with reference to matricial analysis.
Why this doctrine is important is worth reiterating here. Remember, we originally defined
partial and/or contingent causation with reference to only two complementary causes (say,
P and Q) for a certain effect (say, R). Focusing on one of the complements (say, P) as the
first item and main cause (or the cause mainly of interest to us in a given context), the
other complement (here, Q) could be regarded as embodying the surrounding conditions
for the partial and/or contingent causation of the third item (R). That is, even though the
second item Q is in our definition presented as a single item, it is intended to signify any
number of surrounding conditions Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.
The question arises: what is the exact relation between the underlying numerous
surrounding conditions, and their single representative or stand-in term Q? Obviously we
mean Q to be a putative collective effect of Q1, Q2, Q3... we conceive of a causative
relation between the numerous underlying causes and their single representative. Indeed,
very often we invent a new term Q to stand in for a number of terms Q1, Q2, Q3,
viewing Q as an abstraction implied by its constituent items Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. We define
Q by saying: let that be the collective effect of Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.
This is indeed one of the usual avenues of concept formation. In other words, Q need not
be something concretely observed in isolation, but may be an abstraction produced ad hoc
to facilitate a causative statement. It may, however, thenceforth acquire a life of its own in
our discourse. For example, the definition of force as mass times acceleration tells us that
the abstraction called force can be calculated by measuring the mass of the physical body
concerned and the acceleration the force is assumed to effect in it, and multiplying the two
quantities together; we do not observe and measure force as such, but derive it from more
concrete items. But henceforth, force becomes an oft-used term in other equations, as if it
was directly experienced.
Thus, a complementary item such as Q may be viewed as itself the effect of a partial and/or
contingent causation whose causes are, say, Q1 and Q2. If there are more than these two
underlying items, then one of them (say Q2) may in turn be viewed as the product of two
deeper items, say Q3 and Q4. And so on, successively, till all the relevant surrounding
conditions are exhausted. Conversely, any number of underlying items or surrounding
conditions can, by successive mergers of two into one, be represented by just one overall
representative item Q.
This is at least true theoretically, because this is not really how we proceed in practice. In
practice, we rather think more globally, as already described in chapter 2.3 (see there for
more details). This is the thought process and inductive method of changing one thing at a
time, while keeping all other things equal, and observing the effect of that single change.
This can be described in more formal terms as follows for partial causation:

If (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + ), then Q;

If (notQ1 + Q2 + Q3 + ), not-then Q;
If (Q1 + notQ2 + Q3 + ), not-then Q;
If (Q1 + Q2 + notQ3 + ), not-then Q;
Etc. (as per number of factors involved);
And (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + ) is indeed possible.

For contingent causation, similar clauses can be used, with the polarities of all the terms
involved must be reversed. Thus, the first clause would be: If (notQ1 + notQ2 + notQ3 +
), then notQ, and so on. That is to say: where Q is a partial cause, with P of R, then Q1,
Q2, Q3, etc. are in turn partial causes of Q; and where Q is a contingent cause, with P of R,
then Q1, Q2, Q3, etc. are in turn contingent causes of Q. In cases where both partial and
contingent causation are involved, Q is the collective effect of the underlying items Q1,
Q2, Q3, etc., on both the positive and negative sides.
We can also describe such multiple weak causations by means of nesting; this is of course
the meaning of the successive reductions of many conditions to just one mentioned above.
Nesting of if (Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + ), then Q would have the form if (Q1 + (Q2 + (Q3 +
))), then Q; and similarly for the other clauses. But to repeat, the nesting approach
complicates matters perhaps unduly, and is here mentioned just to promote theoretical
understanding rather than as a practical means.
Of course, nothing forces us to limit ourselves to just two complementary causes, other
than the limitations in our computer (hardware and software) resources. A large
organization, such as WHO (the World Health Organization), for which I worked for some
years long ago, does I think have the computer, personnel and financial resources to
investigate any number of complementary causes of any health factor or disease, social
problem or solution, or whatever.
Note that nothing is said or intended here with regard to the relative part played by the
various complements in causing the effect concerned. The quantitative role of these factors
is not being examined here, only the fact that they are factors in the causation. They may
be very widely different in their degrees of involvement; one complement may be the
major determinant, while the other(s) is/are minor factors, or they may all be more or less
on an equal footing122. I leave aside the issue of proportion, here without, however,
intending to deny its great importance. It is, rightly, regarded as crucial in modern science,
but our study here is only concerned with the whether, not the how much.

2. Dependence Between Complements.

While on the topic of complementary causes, a question worth asking is: what of
interconnected complements i.e. can the two complements be causatively related at all, or
are they always independent of each other? That is, given that P, Q are partial and/or
contingent causes of R, does it follow that P, Q are unconnected (i.e. compatible every
which way, as explained in the previous chapter) or may they in some cases be
This question can be answered by looking at the 3-item moduses found in relative partial
and contingent causation and prevention (90 moduses, all told), and seeing whether any of
them signify some implication between the complements P, Q and/or their negations. It is

Eventual variations in proportions in time and/or space should, I think, be considered as
due to more phenomenal underlying factors. For example, the age of an organism may be a
causal factor; but the significance of aging at the cellular level or deeper would have to be
investigated to understand why time seems to play a role.

found that in 32 cases, one or the other of the four possible implications are involved (i.e. 8
cases for each, symmetrically), the remaining 58 cases signifying only that the various
conjunctions of the complements and their negations are just contingent. The list of cases
concerned may be seen in Table 20.1, posted at the website:

Table 20.1 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Dependent Complements. (2 pages

in pdf file).

Let us take one of these cases for further examination, say modus 23 (ditto for 31, 55, 63).
This concerns relative contingent prevention, i.e. P with complement Q is a contingent
cause of notR, whose clauses are if notP and notQ then R; if P and notQ, not-then R; if
notP and Q, not-then R; and notP and notQ is possible. Now, according to our table,
modus 23 also corresponds to P and Q is impossible (i.e. if P, then notQ). As can be
seen, these two propositions are not in conflict; meaning that the relation of dependence
between P and Q does not impinge on their stated causative relation to notR (which
nowhere mentions P and Q). Obviously, this is not the sort of dependence we are looking
for; we seek implications between the complements that affect the causative relation to the
third item somewhat.
Similarly, modus 42 (ditto for 46, 58, 62), which refers to relative contingent causation, i.e.
P with complement Q is a contingent cause of R and to P implies notQ has no notable
impact. And likewise, mutatis mutandis, in six other sets of four moduses (I wont bother
listing them; their first ones are highlighted on the said table). So in fact, by this simple
method, we find no significant dependence between the complements, i.e. one having a
differential impact on the relative causation or prevention concerned.
Obviously, when such generic relative causations or preventions are conjoined to strong
determinations, nothing is changed, since the latter involve only two items (e.g. P and R).
However, what happens when they are conjoined to each other (when compatible, of
course)? We know that this option (i.e. pq rel to Q or notQ, for R and notR) concerns only
four 3-item moduses altogether, viz. 127, 190, 220, 232; and these, as our table shows, are
not among the 32 relevant moduses; therefore, no significant impact arises here, either.
Thus, to conclude, although conjunctions of the complements (P, Q, notP, notQ) are not
always possible, the cases where they are impossible do not affect the causative relation
concerned. Note that this only concerns implication and does not exclude the possibility
that the complements might have a weaker causative relation mediated by some additional
item. This issue might be further investigated using the 4-item matrix, but I will not
attempt it here, having shown how the job can be done. There is no real need, for this
investigation is moved merely by curiosity since all the valid moduses of forms
generated by matricial analysis are thereby known to involve no internal inconsistency.

3. Exclusive Weak Causation.

Another, more valuable, investigation I wish to launch here is into the features of exclusive
causation. With regard to the strong determinations, this would take the forms: If and only
if P, then R or If and only if notP, then notR. If we think about them, we realize these
both mean If P, then R; and if notP, then notR i.e. mn. Nothing new here, since we
have already studied the properties of mn in considerable detail.
I would just take this opportunity to remind readers of the danger of ambiguity
when we say: Only if P, R or Only if notP, notR (notice my removal of the
words if and and then). Though statements of this sort often signify exclusive

strong causation in the sense just defined (i.e. if and only if , then ), often what
is intended is much weaker, namely: If P, possibly R; and if notP, necessarily
notR and If notP, possibly notR; and if P, necessarily R, respectively. In such
cases, we are only informing that the consequent R (or notR, as the case may be) is
only possible with the antecedent P (or notP) but we are not claiming that P
brings about R (or notP brings about notR). For this reason, it is wise to use the
more precise wording (which modern logicians abbreviate to iff , then 123).
Let us now turn our attention to the weak determinations, and ask what is meant by If and
only if P and Q, then R or If and only if notP and notQ, then notR, which forms we will
respectively label as p ex and q ex (or pex and qex) the suffix ex standing for exclusive,
of course. Note my use here of the harder iff sort of exclusion just explained; also, to
avoid all ambiguity, note that our intent here is to apply this operator to the conjunction (P
and Q) or (notP and notQ), and not merely to the first mentioned complement (i.e. to P or
notP). Thus, what I have in mind is, roughly put, the following propositions:

7. Exclusive partial causation by P and Q of R symbol: p ex

If (P + Q), then R ((P + Q) + notR) is impossible
if not(P + Q), then notR (etc.) (not(P + Q) + R) is impossible

8. Exclusive contingent causation by P and Q of R symbol: q ex

If (notP + notQ), then notR ((notP + notQ) + R) is impossible
if not(notP + notQ), then R (etc.) (not(notP + notQ) + notR) is possible

I have (for our purposes here) numbered these forms 7 and 8, to indicate continuation of
the list given in Chapter 19.1. They are necessarily relative (i.e. have at least 3 items);
they do not have absolute (2-item) versions. Needless to say, the number of complements
involved in them need not only be two; any number might be considered, but we shall here
focus our investigation on just two complements as usual, so that we can refer to 3-item
matricial analysis to answer questions that arise.
Clearly, the second clauses of forms 7 and 8 can each be expanded into three clauses, as
can be proved by means of syllogisms using the clause not(P + Q) or not(notP + notQ) as
our middle thesis as the case may be. Furthermore, though we do not mention this above,
each implication in causation has a base (i.e. the possibility that the three terms it mentions
be conjoined). Thus, each of the above two forms could have been defined more precisely
and usefully with reference to eight clauses, as follows:

7. Exclusive partial causation by P and Q of R symbol: p ex => not-8

a) If (P + Q), then R (P + Q + notR) is impossible <=> 8(d)
b) if (notP + Q), then notR (notP + Q + R) is impossible => not-8(i)
c) if (P + notQ), then notR (P + notQ + R) is impossible => not-8(h)
d) if (notP + notQ), then notR (notP + notQ + R) is impossible <=> 8(a)
g) (P + Q) is possible (P + Q + R) is possible <=> 8(j)
h) (notP + Q) is possible (notP + Q + notR) is possible => not-8(c)
i) (P + notQ) is possible (P + notQ + notR) is possible => not-8(b)
j) (notP + notQ) is possible (notP + notQ + notR) is possible <=> 8(g)

This valuable word, iff, has unfortunately not passed over into general usage. The reason
for that is, I think, obvious: it is a word that is distinguishable in written language, but not in spoken

8. Exclusive contingent causation by P and Q of R symbol: q ex => not-7

a) If (notP + notQ), then notR (notP + notQ + R) is impossible <=> 7(d)
b) if (P + not Q), then R (P + notQ + notR) is impossible => not-7(i)
c) if (notP + Q), then R (notP + Q + notR) is impossible => not-7(h)
d) if (P + Q), then R (P + Q + notR) is impossible <=> 7(a)
g) (notP + notQ) is possible (notP + notQ + notR) is possible <=> 7(j)
h) (P + notQ) is possible (P + notQ + R) is possible => not-7(c)
i) (notP + Q) is possible (notP + Q + R) is possible => not-7(b)
j) (P + Q) is possible (P + Q + R) is possible <=> 7(g)

Now, these definitions show us that of the eight possible combinations of P, Q, R and their
negations, four combinations are impossible and four others are possible, in each form. We
see that, although some clauses are identical in both the forms p ex and q ex, there are
serious conflicts between them; namely, clauses b and c of each are incompatible with
clauses i, h respectively of the other. Thus, these two forms are contrary and can never be
conjoined as pq ex for the same items PQR. This is a reasonable result, the essence of the
forms p ex and q ex being that they mimic complete-necessary causation (mn), with
reference to more than two items; they are thus intermediate degrees of causation,
behaving somewhat like strongs and somewhat like weaks.
Let us now compare these forms to their predecessors, listed in Chapter 19.1. We see that,
as we would expect, p ex is incompatible with m (see 1a and 7i) and q rel (see 4b and 7c,
4c and 7b), but compatible with n and p rel (they have no conflicting clauses). Indeed, p ex
implies n since (7b + 7d) = 2a124, 7g => 2b, and 7h or 7j => 2c; and p ex also implies p rel
since 7a = 3a, 7h = 3b, 7i = 3c, and 7g = 3d. Whence it follows that p ex implies the joint
form np rel. Similarly, q ex is incompatible with n and p rel, but compatible with m and q
rel. Indeed, q ex implies m and q rel, i.e. q ex implies mq rel.
Can we now prove the converse, i.e. that np rel implies p ex and that mq rel implies q ex?
The answer is no! The clauses 7c and 7j cannot be drawn from np rel; and similarly, the
clauses 8c and 8j cannot be drawn from mq rel. Therefore, the forms p ex and q ex are in
fact stronger determinations than the specific forms np rel and mq rel (and not just
stronger than the generic forms p rel and q rel).
The next obvious question is: what are the oppositions between these various forms when
the items concerned are given different polarities? This is best investigated more
mechanically by means of matricial analysis. The results are given in the following table,
which can be viewed at the website:

Table 20.2 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Exclusive Weak Causations. (4

pages in pdf file).

The results of this table are interesting, since they show that each of these exclusive forms
yields only one modus. Thus, the above mentioned two initial forms p ex and q ex have
respectively modus #s 150 and 170. This is comparable in degree of specificity to the
single modus of pq rel. The full list of forms and their corresponding moduses can be
summarized as follows:

This is easily established by dilemmatic argument : given if (notP + Q), then notR and if
(notP + notQ), then notR, the conclusion is if notP, then notR.

Summary of Table 20.2 Moduses of exclusive weak forms.

Main exclusive forms modus
exclusive partial causation (p ex) PQR 150
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) PQR 170
exclusive partial causation (p ex) PnotQR 102
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) PnotQR 167
exclusive partial causation (p ex) PQnotR (prevention PQR) 107
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) PQnotR (prevention PQR) 87
exclusive partial causation (p ex) PnotQnotR (prevention PnotQR) 155
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) PnotQnotR (prevention PnotQR) 90
Inverse exclusive forms modus
exclusive partial causation (p ex) notPnotQnotR 170
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) notPnotQnotR 150
exclusive partial causation (p ex) notPQnotR 167
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) notPQnotR 102
exclusive partial causation (p ex) notPnotQR (prevention notPnotQnotR) 87
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) notPnotQR (prevention notPnotQnotR) 107
exclusive partial causation (p ex) notPQR (prevention notPQnotR) 90
exclusive contingent causation (q ex) notPQR (prevention notPQnotR) 155

Notice that the inverses have the same items with opposite polarities; and that the modus of
their form p ex becomes that of q ex, and vice versa. Now, the fact that each of these
exclusive forms is expressive of only one modus should be useful for working out their
oppositions and interpretations. For a start, we note that all 8 main forms are contrary to
each other, since they have no modus in common; the inverses are of course their
respective equivalents, with the already stated changes.
For the rest, our macroanalysis above seems after all to suffice; microanalysis adds nothing
much more. For instance, regarding modus 150 we see, in Table 18.6, pages 3-4, that it is
one of four moduses (the others being 149, 181, 182) which mean np rel to Q (and n-
alone rel to notQ only) in causation. This does not mean that modus 150 is identical to the
other three, but only that it has this common implication, i.e. np rel (etc.) which we knew
already (save for the implied lone). What this does tell us, however, is that our
interpretations of the moduses thus far were somewhat lacking, since they reveal no
difference between the more restrictive exclusive forms (like #150)) and their more
ordinary cousins (viz. #s 149, 181, 182, in this example). This shows that our introduction
of these additional specifications was useful and important.
Upon reflection, we should have expected the exclusive forms to be represented by only
one modus, since they are defined by eight clauses! Indeed, any modus could be
represented in words by eight clauses concerning the possibility or impossibility of each
combination of the three items and their negations. The peculiarity of the exclusive forms
is that they do this succinctly and are popularly used.

4. The Need for an Additional Item (or Two).

The important thing to note in the first section of the present chapter is that our 3-item
format of partial and/or contingent causative propositions was from the start intended to
cover all eventual numbers of complements. We have not used it as merely the simplest,

most accessible, format but as an all-inclusive format, to which all other weak causations
can in principle be reduced when necessary. Thus, our investigation into the logic of
causation with reference to only one complement Q (to P in the causation of R) was not
intended to be supplemented later by consideration of more and more complements. Three
items were supposed to do the trick.
Why then do we need to consider a fourth (and even possibly a fifth) item, now, in phase
III ? For the simple reason that, when we consider causative syllogism we must look into
cases with the major and/or the minor premise involving a complement. Since the minor,
middle and major terms of our syllogism already take up three items (P, Q, R), we need an
additional item S (and maybe even two of them, S and T) to investigate syllogisms with
one (or both) premises about relative weak causation.125
Note well that eventual 4-item (or even 5-item) syllogisms are all composed of 3-item
propositions (at least, as regards their premises, though some conclusions may conceivably
involve four items). A syllogism requires at least three terms (the major, the middle and
then minor) deployed in two premises (the major and minor premises, which share the
middle term) and a conclusion (which relates the major and minor terms). This allows for
only two terms per proposition. If one (or both) of the premises has a third term (i.e. a
complement of weak causation), then the syllogism will have four (or respectively, five)
terms. The conclusion will then be expected to have a third (and even fourth) term.
Based on past experience with syllogistic reasoning, we certainly need at least one
additional item, the fourth (or subsidiary) term S; for we can well expect a weak premise
combined with a strong one to yield a weak conclusion. Regarding a possible fifth item T,
it is probable that we do not need one, because it is unlikely that two weak premises can
yield any conclusion at all; but this must of course be formally established in some way
(and I doubt any way other than microanalysis can do the trick).
The introduction of a fourth item (S) means dealing with a grand matrix of 65,536 moduses
each of which is defined by 16 digits; this is in the realm of the possible given my current
computer resources (hardware and software capabilities) just about. But these material
resources are quite insufficient to deal with a fifth item (T), which would require a grand
matrix of 232 = 4,294,967,296 moduses of 25 = 32 digits each; therefore I can only
speculate about the probable results of a study of the latter.
More will be said concerning the fourth item S in the next chapter, when we consider 4-
item syllogisms.

The subsidiary term (S) is mentioned in phases I and II in the following places: chapters 5.3
and 9.4, where the various possible subfigures of the syllogism are tabulated; chapters 14.3 and
15.1, where it is stressed that the syllogisms here developed are not 4-item ones i.e. that their full
elucidation requires 4-item research; chapter 16.1, where the problem and the way to the solution
of 4-item syllogism are presented.


Most of the limitations mentioned in the present chapter are overcome in the next chapter.
Likewise, most the results obtained here are improved upon there. Nevertheless, I have not
tried to rewrite the present chapter, considering that showing the process through which
the study progressed is a good thing. This chapter has to be read to fully understand the
next, because it breaks much new ground, uncovering issues and how to deal with them,
and setting the stage for the finale in the next.

1. Methodology.

As we saw in phase II, as of chapter 14, validating or invalidating syllogistic arguments

using the moduses identified through microanalysis is simple enough. In principle, any two
or more premises might be put together, and their potential for conclusion is the list of
moduses they have in common. In practice, things are a bit more demanding.
For a start, the premises must have some item(s) in common; or else they will have no
moduses in common. In the event that the argument is a sorites involving more than two
premises, each premise must have at least one item in common with at least one other
premise; and indeed the series must form a continuous chain reducible to two-premise
syllogisms. Secondly, given that the two premises do have some item(s) in common, we
need to check that they do indeed have moduses in common; if they have none, it means
that the premises are incompatible and so cannot be put together to form an argument.
Thirdly, if the premises do have some moduses in common (i.e. logically intersect), two
things can happen.
It may be that these moduses are too scattered i.e. that some of them suggest a certain
verbal conclusion and others of them suggest a contradictory verbal conclusion, the
outcome being we have effectively no formal conclusion. This is not an inconsistency in
the premises, but a sort of indecision in their joint implications. Alternatively, the moduses
obtained from the conjunction of the premises all point to the same formal conclusion; in
that case, we have a valid syllogism. Note well, to yield a valid conclusion, the common
moduses of the premises must all be included in the list of moduses of the putative formal
What I mean by a formal conclusion is any propositional form. As we have seen, every
propositional form has a number (one or more) of alternative moduses. This means that
each of its moduses is enough to imply the proposition. It follows that if the premises
jointly yield a certain set of moduses (one or more), and all of these moduses are included
in the list of moduses for a given propositional form, that form is their conclusion. This is
true, because each of their moduses is capable by itself of implying the form and they are
all agreed in this implication. On the other hand, if any (one or more) of the moduses
shared by the premises is not included in the list of moduses that imply the putative formal
conclusion, it is not a valid conclusion.
The premises and conclusion of a syllogism may in principle be any relational statement;
that is, each of them may be a conjunction of items (e.g. P and R is possible), or a
conditional statement (e.g. if P then R), or a causative proposition (e.g. P is a complete
cause of R). Likewise, the premises and conclusion may have either polarity, and they

may have any combination of positive and negative items. In the present chapter, I am
limiting our attentions to positive causative premises and (positive or negative) causative
conclusions, to avoid an excess of information. I just want to demonstrate how syllogisms
are validated or invalidated using a spreadsheet. But in principle, this limitation is artificial
and we must study all conceivable combinations of premises and conclusions.
The main difficulty in researching syllogism through matricial analysis is in finding a
conclusion that includes all the moduses the premises have in common. These moduses are
easily calculated using simple formulae; but to find the appropriate formal conclusion we
must look at all available forms and see which one(s) include all the common moduses.
This seems hard to do mechanically with a mere spreadsheet program; more sophisticated
software or ad hoc programming seems required126. For this reason, I do not at this stage
try to search for conclusions mechanically, but instead am content for now to verify the
conclusions established manually in previous phases of the present work.
Given a putative conclusion, it is easy to test it in a spreadsheet program. We just write a
formula for the conjunction of the two premises and the putative conclusion. If the result is
a number of moduses (one or more), we know the putative conclusion is applicable. But we
cannot yet be sure that it is a valid conclusion. We must still try to conjoin the same two
premises with the negation of the putative conclusion. If the latter trial conjunction yields
one or more moduses in common, our putative conclusion is invalid, for reasons already
explained. If, however, the said trial conjunction yields zero moduses in common, then our
putative conclusion is finally proven valid.
The advantage of doing this work with a spreadsheet is the speed of calculation and the
increased certainty in the results obtained. Assuming no error is made in formula writing,
once we have a formula in the first cell of a column, we just copy it all the way down the
column and the work is done. Moreover, we can copy a given formula from column to
column and make changes to it as appropriate. What manually takes days and weeks of
painstaking work can now be done in a few minutes or hours, and the results are more
credible. Of course, errors in formula writing are possible, but they can usually be readily
spotted by comparing the number of moduses obtained in similar columns and checking
whether they are symmetrical.
I should add that the results obtained by me mechanically in the present phase were all
compared to results obtained manually in previous phases of the research, and I can report
that they are consistent. This shows both that the earlier manual calculations were all
accurate and that the present formula based calculations were all accurate. The three phases
have, thus, I am happy to say, verified and confirmed each others results.

2. 3-Item Syllogisms.
Having already in phases I and II analyzed 3-item causative syllogism in considerable
detail, it was easy to reproduce them in phase III and check the results. Regarding such
syllogism, which is the main object of our research, there are, in each of the three figures
(ignoring the fourth figure, as usual), 64 conceivable moods with positive causative
premises involving positive items. All the pairs of premises listed are compatible, and so
the remaining question concerning them is only whether they yield a formal conclusion or
do not.

Actually, I do finally manage to do the work of scanning for conclusions by means of (many
and bulky) spreadsheets in the next chapter.

Note that in 3-item syllogism the premises and conclusions concerning weak causation
(mq, np, pq, p, q) are all about absolute causation; relative causation can only be dealt
with as of 4-item syllogism.
Having already found the applicable causative conclusions (mostly positive, though some
negative) in previous phases of the research, our task here is just to verify them. This is
done, firstly, by checking that the conjunction of the two given premises and the proposed
conclusion yields one or more common moduses, and that these moduses are indeed all
included under the putative conclusion. Secondly, the same is attempted with the negation
of the proposed conclusion, and this should yield no common modus. If both these
conditions are satisfied, the proposed conclusion is validated; otherwise, it is not.
The following four tables which are all as usual on display in the The Logician website
show the results obtained (mechanically) in phase III and their full consistency with results
previously listed in Table 14.4 (obtained by manual method).

Table 21.1 3-Item Syllogisms First Figure Moods. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.2 3-Item Syllogisms Second Figure Moods. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.3 3-Item Syllogisms Third Figure Moods. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.4 3-Item Syllogisms Formulas Used. (4 pages in pdf file).

The first three of these tables list the valid moods for the three figures of the syllogism, and
the fourth table shows the formulae used to produce the first three tables. The verification
of these results was indeed done by me, by modifying the formulae in the three tables, so
that the contradictory of the proposed conclusion (be it positive or negative) is tried
instead; and I can report that in all cases, the result was zero common moduses. I have not
bothered to produce additional pdf files showing these zero results, so as not to needlessly
clutter the presentation of evidence; the reader can take my word for it or try doing the job
It must be stressed that I have not here verified nil conclusions with equal
meticulousness. Such non-conclusions from certain combinations of premises are, as
already explained, due to the moduses found to be shared by the premises having scattered
implications some of them implying one formal conclusion and others implying a
contradictory conclusion, so that no uniform conclusion from them is possible. All I have
done here in such cases is list and count the moduses in common to the premises
concerned. But I have not gone on to check that these moduses are indeed, as previously
ascertained, too scattered for any finite conclusion127. I trust my previous manual check and
see no point in repeating them.
The object of the present phase is to mechanize solutions to problems, remember. In the
case of verification of nil conclusions, there is no doubt that such mechanization is
technically feasible. This would proceed as follows. If the intersection of two premises
result in a number of moduses (one or more), the program would have to check whether all
these moduses fall within the modus list of any causative (or more broadly, propositional)
form(s). If they do, we have a formal conclusion; if no such form is found, then we have no
formal conclusion. This is not an easy task to perform with a spreadsheet program, since
the program would have to automatically repeat the search and compare tasks for the full
range of defined forms, before it could declare that the conclusion it found to be complete
or that there was no conclusion.
For this reason, I limit the present stage of research to verification of previously manually
validated conclusions. Moods previously found invalid are here accepted as such. And

To repeat, this work is done in the next chapter.

indeed no effort is made to expand the research and look for eventual conclusions of any
form other than causative (positive or negative). It may be, for all I know, that where some
or no causative conclusion is possible some other form of conclusion (whether pre-
causative, or causative with some or all items of negative polarity) might be found valid;
i.e. there might be a not purely causative form that includes all the moduses shared by the
premises. This is certainly an important question, which ought to eventually be
investigated in detail. But I have not attempted to do it here, because (to repeat) it does not
seem mechanically feasible with my present resources128.
As for premises about inverse causation, prevention and inverse prevention (separately or
mixed together), they are also ignored here, so as to avoid a surfeit of information; the
same can be said for pre-causative premises i.e. possible conjunctions of items or
conditional propositions. This does not mean that such moods are ultimately less
interesting or important than purely causative moods; but only that there is no real need
here to present all possible combinations of premises. There should be no difficulty for
anyone to investigate such syllogisms, using the method of inference through moduses that
we have here demonstrated with reference to purely causative premises. Indeed, it is
possible to do the job merely by successive changes in the polarities of the terms in already
established causative syllogisms.
To sum up, then, all I have done in the above mentioned tables is to verify previously
identified formal conclusions from the main 3-item premises (positive causatives only). I
have not tried to enlarge the research, but merely wished for now to demonstrate how
syllogism can be validated using spreadsheet software. Of course, this was made easy
thanks to the work already done (in the preceding chapters) in mechanically identifying the
moduses corresponding to each and every form of proposition in the preceding chapters.
A statistical note: in each figure of 3-item causative syllogism, we have found 23 positive
conclusions, 16 negative ones (not-m or not-n) and 25 nil conclusions. This being out of a
total of 64 moods in each figure, the percentages were respectively: 36%, 25% and 39%.
Although the total numbers of valid and invalid moods are the same in the three figures,
the specific conclusions from superficially similar premises are of course not always the

3. 4-Item Syllogisms.
I have adopted the same minimalist approach for 4-item positive causative syllogism as I
did for the 3-item arguments (in the preceding section). I tabulated the already known 4-
item syllogisms, obtained in phase I through matricial analysis (i.e. through macroanalysis
in this case see detailed listings in chapter 6; or Tables 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5), and was content
to here test mechanically whether the conclusions previously identified were reliable; they
indeed all were. Actually, I went a bit further than this, and in certain cases sought out an
additional conclusion, as will presently be explained. But some negative conclusions and
all nil conclusions were simply passed over from 3-item syllogism to 4-item syllogism
without attempt at improvement, as will be presently explained.
The work done is shown in the following five tables, which are all as usual on display in
the The Logician website:

Table 21.5 4-Item Syllogisms 3 Phases Compared Results. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.6 4-Item Syllogisms First Figure Moods. (714 pages in pdf file).

Again note: I belie this assumption in the next chapter.

Table 21.7 4-Item Syllogisms Second Figure Moods. (718 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.8 4-Item Syllogisms Third Figure Moods. (718 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.9 4-Item Syllogisms Formulae Used. (6 pages in pdf file).

The first of these tables, Table 21.5, summarizes the premises and conclusions for the three
figures. The following is an extract from it for you:

Table 21.5 (detail) Phases II (3-items) and III (4-items) Results Compared

First Figure

Fig 1. mood # 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
major QR or
mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR mn mq abs np abs pq abs m n p abs q abs
4-item concl. PR
mn mq rel np rel pq rel m n p rel q rel
or PSR

Fig 1. mood # 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
major QR or
mq mq mq mq mq mq mq mq
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR mq abs mq abs nil not-n mq abs nil nil not-n
4-item concl. PR
mq rel m "nil" not-n m "nil" "nil" not-n
or PSR

Fig 1. mood # 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
major QR or
np np np np np np np np
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR np abs nil np abs not-m nil np abs not-m nil
4-item concl. PR
np rel "nil" n not-m "nil" n not-m "nil"
or PSR

Fig 1. mood # 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
major QR or
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR pq abs not-n not-m nil not-n not-m nil nil
4-item concl. PR
pq rel not-n not-m "nil" not-n not-m "nil" "nil"
or PSR

Table 21.5 (detail) Phases II (3-items) and III (4-items) Results Compared

Fig 1. mood # 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
major QR or
m m m m m m m m
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR m mq abs nil not-n m nil nil not-n
4-item concl. PR
m m "nil" not-n m "nil" "nil" not-n
or PSR

Fig 1. mood # 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
major QR or
n n n n n n n n
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR n nil np abs not-m nil n not-m nil
4-item concl. PR
n "nil" n not-m "nil" n not-m "nil"
or PSR

Fig 1. mood # 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
major QR or
p p p p p p p p
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR p abs nil not-m nil nil not-m nil nil
4-item concl. PR
p rel "nil" not-m "nil" "nil" not-m "nil" "nil"
or PSR

Fig 1. mood # 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
major QR or
q q q q q q q q
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR q abs not-n nil nil not-n nil nil nil
4-item concl. PR
q rel not-n "nil" "nil" not-n "nil" "nil" "nil"
or PSR

Second Figure

Fig 2. mood # 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
major RQ or
mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR mn mq abs np abs pq abs m n p abs q abs
4-item concl. PR
mn mq rel np rel pq rel m n p rel q rel
or PSR

Table 21.5 (detail) Phases II (3-items) and III (4-items) Results Compared

Fig 2. mood # 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
major RQ or
mq mq mq mq mq mq mq mq
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR np abs nil np abs not-m nil np abs not-m nil
n+ n+
4-item concl. PR not-p not-p
"nil" n not-m "nil" not-m "nil"
or PSR rel (not rel (not
np) np)

Fig 2. mood # 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
major RQ or
np np np np np np np np
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR mq abs mq abs nil not-n mq abs nil nil not-n
m+ m+
4-item concl. PR not-q not-q
m "nil" not-n "nil" "nil" not-n
or PSR rel (not rel (not
mq) mq)

Fig 2. mood # 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
major RQ or
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR pq abs not-n not-m nil not-n not-m nil nil
4-item concl. PR rel +
not-n not-m "nil" not-n not-m "nil" "nil"
or PSR not-q

Fig 2. mood # 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258
major RQ or
m m m m m m m m
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR n nil np abs not-m nil n not-m nil
4-item concl. PR
n "nil" n not-m "nil" n not-m "nil"
or PSR

Fig 2. mood # 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268
major RQ or
n n n n n n n n
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR m mq abs nil not-n m nil nil not-n
4-item concl. PR
m m "nil" not-n m "nil" "nil" not-n
or PSR

Table 21.5 (detail) Phases II (3-items) and III (4-items) Results Compared

Fig 2. mood # 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278
major RQ or
p p p p p p p p
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR q abs not-n nil nil not-n nil nil nil
4-item concl. PR not-q
not-n "nil" "nil" not-n "nil" "nil" "nil"
or PSR rel

Fig 2. mood # 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
major RQ or
q q q q q q q q
minor PSQ or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR p abs nil not-m nil nil not-m nil nil
4-item concl. PR not-p
"nil" not-m "nil" "nil" not-m "nil" "nil"
or PSR rel

Third Figure

Fig. 3 mood # 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318
major QR or
mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR mn np abs mq abs pq abs n m q abs p abs
n+ m+ not-p
4-item concl. PR not-p not-q rel + not-q not-p
mn n m
or PSR rel (not rel (not not-q rel rel
np) mq) rel

Fig. 3 mood # 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328
major QR or
mq mq mq mq mq mq mq mq
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR mq abs nil mq abs not-n nil mq abs not-n nil
4-item concl. PR
mq rel "nil" m not-n "nil" m not-n "nil"
or PSR

Fig. 3 mood # 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
major QR or
np np np np np np np np
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR np abs np abs nil not-m np abs nil nil not-m
4-item concl. PR
np rel n "nil" not-m n "nil" "nil" not-m
or PSR

Table 21.5 (detail) Phases II (3-items) and III (4-items) Results Compared

Fig. 3 mood # 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348
major QR or
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR pq abs not-m not-n nil not-m not-n nil nil
4-item concl. PR
pq rel not-m not-n "nil" not-m not-n "nil" "nil"
or PSR

Fig. 3 mood # 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358
major QR or
m m m m m m m m
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR m nil mq abs not-n nil m not-n nil
4-item concl. PR not-q
m "nil" not-n "nil" m not-n "nil"
or PSR rel (not

Fig. 3 mood # 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
major QR or
n n n n n n n n
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR n np abs nil not-m n nil nil not-m
4-item concl. PR not-p
n "nil" not-m n "nil" "nil" not-m
or PSR rel (not

Fig. 3 mood # 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378
major QR or
p p p p p p p p
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR p abs not-m nil nil not-m nil nil nil
4-item concl. PR
p rel not-m "nil" "nil" not-m "nil" "nil" "nil"
or PSR

Fig. 3 mood # 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388
major QR or
q q q q q q q q
minor QSP or
mn mq np pq m n p q
3-item concl. PR q abs nil not-n nil nil not-n nil nil
4-item concl. PR
q rel "nil" not-n "nil" "nil" not-n "nil" "nil"
or PSR

The next three tables (notice their lengths: remember, each has 65,536 rows!) show the
lists of moduses obtained for each 4-item syllogism investigated, and the last table shows
the formulae used to produce these three tables. Examining the results obtained here
mechanically, we see that they perfectly match earlier results obtained manually (with a
few exceptions explained below). The contradictory conclusion test was carried out

throughout and further guaranteed the known conclusions (though here again, I ask you to
take my word for it, because I do not want to publish too many tables, and especially not
empty tables!).
Notice that both 3-item and 4-item syllogisms are listed in these tables, in order to compare
results. Of course, the 3-item syllogisms involving absolute weak determinations in either
or both premises yield absolute weak conclusions (if any), whereas the 4-item syllogisms
here considered concern relative weak premises and conclusions (if any) relative, that is,
to a fourth item S so they are not quite comparable. Nevertheless, when the 3-item
(absolute) conclusions differ in form from the analogous 4-item (relative) ones, we would
naturally want to double check the latter to be sure. This I did, and found the results
obtained in the past essentially correct. Or more precisely put: none were incorrect, but
some were incomplete.
In many cases, the absolute (i.e. irrespective of any complement) conclusion was found to
have a relative (to complement S) analogue. For example, mood number 112, 1/mn/mq,
yields the conclusion mqabs if its minor premise is absolute (3-item syllogism) and mqrel if
its minor premise is relative (4-item syllogism). In some cases, this continuity does not
hold. For example, mood number 125, 1/mq/m, yields the conclusion mqabs if its major
premise is absolute (3-item syllogism) but only m if its major premise is relative (4-item
syllogism). What do I mean by only m? I mean that, even though the 3-item conclusion
mqabs remains valid, we cannot predict the conjunction of m with either qrel or not-qrel.
This concerns 4-item syllogism, remember. In some cases, we can go further than this and
predict the conjunction of m with not-qrel meaning that the possibility of mqrel is
formally excluded even though the 3-item conclusion mqabs is still valid. An example of
this is mood number 231, 2/np/mn. In some other cases, as we shall later see (in Table
21.10), the results are split up. Here, I am referring to moods that mix absolute and relative
premises. In some of these cases, the results are the same when the absolute premise is the
major and the relative premise is the minor, and vice versa. But in certain cases, the results
differ one way yielding an indefinite only m type conclusion, and the other way
yielding a definite m + not-qrel type of conclusion; I have labeled such conclusions at
least m. An example of this is mood number 232, 2/np/mq.
It should be noted that such details were not brought up in our phase I analysis of 4-item
syllogism, for the simple reason that we were unable at that time to deal with negative
causative propositions. For the same reason, many moods that seemed inconclusive in
phase I (for 4-item syllogism) were found to yield a negative conclusion like not-m or not-
n in phase II (for 3-item syllogism). Now, in phase III, we are able to mechanically
generate such negative conclusions (for 4-item syllogism), as well as conclusions that
negate relative weaks, i.e. which involve not-prel or not-qrel.
In case it is not clear to you, let me underline the following: the form qabs is compatible
with both the forms qrel and not-qrel note well, though qrel implies qabs and not-qrel does
not imply qabs the latter two forms are quite compatible. Similarly, prel and not-prel are
compatible propositions. With reference to matricial analysis, remember, compatible
propositions have one or more moduses in common. For this reason, a 3-item syllogism
with a valid conclusion consisting of or involving an absolute weak causation (pabs and/or
qabs) neither implies nor excludes the validity of a 4-item syllogism with a conclusion
consisting of or involving a relative weak causation (prel and/or qrel).
Obviously, any absolute conclusion (whether positive or negative, strong or weak) found
valid in 3-item syllogism remains valid in 4-item syllogism since the relative premises of
4-item syllogism formally imply the absolute premises of 3-item syllogism. This is direct
reduction. But (to repeat) it does not follow that the corresponding relative conclusions are
valid (since an absolute proposition does not imply a relative one). It is also obvious that,

although the 4-item syllogism can yield a more precise conclusion (i.e. one signified by
fewer moduses) than the analogous 3-item one, it cannot in any case yield a contradictory
or contrary conclusion.
Diagram 21.1. Nil Conclusions are Not Reducible.

It does not follow from the above, however, that any conclusion which is found to be
invalid in 3-item syllogism is bound to be invalid in 4-item syllogism. We cannot use
indirect reduction (i.e. reduction ad absurdum) in such cases, for if the latters conclusion
is denied it does not follow that the formers conclusion is also denied.
This is made clear by above diagram. Consider two premises A and B, and suppose their
intersection (the area AB they share) signifies a number of moduses which are too
scattered to form a conclusion (i.e. no form includes them all); call these moduses v, w, x,
y, z. It is still conceivable that there are two more specific premises, say C and D, whose
intersection (the area CD they share) yields a formal conclusion; for CD may signify only
the moduses v, w (excluding x, y, z) and these may happen to be included in the same form,
say E. Note well that this may happen, but does not necessarily happen; the conjunction
CD may also be inconclusive. All that may equally be understood with reference to
implications. If A, B are or involve absolute weaks, and C, D are or involve analogous
relative weaks, then C implies A, and D implies B. Given that C + D have a certain relative
(or even absolute) conclusion E, it does not follow that A + B have that same conclusion E
or any subaltern conclusion to E. Thus, AB may well be invalid while CD is valid.
Notwithstanding all that, I have here assumed that when a mood of 3-item syllogism yields
no conclusion, then the 4-item syllogism need not be investigated further. That is, I have
arbitrarily (or rather, speculatively) declared, for the time being, at least, that the latters
conclusion will likewise be nil. Similarly, by the way, when a 3-item syllogism yielded a
not-m or not-n conclusion, I generally accepted the identical conclusion for the
corresponding 4-item syllogism to be all that can be inferred, even while aware that in

some cases some additional formal conclusion(s) might conceivably be found. Such
assumptions may be taken as inductive probabilities, which have yet to be proven right or
wrong deductively when appropriate mechanical means are devised129.
Just as with 3-item syllogism, no attempt was made to extend the research and consider
other premises and other conclusions than those already investigated, so here with 4-item
syllogism further explorations are kept to a minimum. This restraint is largely due to the
fact that my computer (hardware and software) capabilities have been stretched to their
limit when dealing with four items, in addition to the more general need (to repeat) to find
a mechanical way to systematically look for conclusions. In view of these limitations, I
must relinquish at this time the ambition to be exhaustive and be satisfied with mere
demonstration, i.e. with showing the way putative conclusions can be validated130.
A notable change in the treatment of 4-item syllogism in the present phase III compared to
the earlier phase I is the issue of moods with five items. In the earlier phase, when both
premises involved weak causation, I assigned the fourth item (S) to one of them, and took
one of the other three items as the complement for the other two. For example, see mood
#124 in chapter 6.2, which has item P as both complement (of Q) in the major premise and
minor term (complemented by S) in the minor premise. My intent there was obviously to
construct a 5-item syllogism at all costs, even if it was rather illusory or at any rate a very
rare or special occurrence. But now I think that this is a misleading approach, in that it
diverts our attention from the more general problem, viz. that of dealing systematically
with five distinct items (P, Q, R, S and T).
Remember that we can always in such cases draw the corresponding 3-item conclusion (if
any) anyway, i.e. an absolute weak conclusion; the issue for us is whether we can do better
than that. Lacking the means to investigate 5-item syllogism when both premises are partly
or wholly weak, I have not here as in the past (as just explained) adopted the special case
where the fifth item T is identical with one of the other four items. What I have done
instead is to consider cases where either one of the premises is taken as relative (to the
fourth item S) and the other is taken as absolute (i.e. without a fifth item needing to be
specified). The latter artifice does yield some further conclusions.
I have again chosen to narrow the problem somewhat, by considering only some of the
moods concerned. The moods susceptible to having mixtures of absolute and relative
premises are those with some weak causation in both premises. Looking at Table 21.5, we
see that there are 25 such moods in each figure. Looking at the results of 3-item syllogism,
we see that, of these 25 moods per figure, 15 yield no conclusion at all, 8 yield only a
negative conclusion and only 2 yield a positive absolute conclusion.
Let us suppose, as we did before, that the nil conclusions and negative conclusions found
in 3-item syllogism are also applicable to 4-item syllogism. This assumption is admittedly
presumptuous, but as already discussed it is inductively reasonable in the context of our
current technical limitations. This leaves us with only (3 times 2 =) 6 moods to study more
closely, whose numbers are 122, 133, 223, 232, 323, 332. These 6 become 12 moods, since
each may have the major premise absolute and the minor one relative to S (this is called
subfigure b), or the major premise relative to S and the minor one absolute (this is called
subfigure c).
Our task is to see whether any of these 12 moods give us a relative conclusion, i.e. a more
specific conclusion than the absolute conclusion we already know they give when both the
premises are absolute (i.e. through 3-item syllogisms). This job is done in the following
table, which is as usual on display in the The Logician website:

All this is indeed fully dealt with in the next chapter.
Here again, I must stress that all these issues are successfully resolved in the next

Table 21.10 4-Item Syllogisms Mixing Absolute and Relative Premises. (800
pages in pdf file).

As this table shows, 8 moods do not give a new conclusion (i.e. one relative to S, instead of
absolute) but, surprisingly, 4 moods do give us a new conclusion, though not the
conclusions qrel (with m) or prel (with n), but their negations! The 4 moods are numbers
223c, 232c (in the second figure) and 323b, 332b (in the third figure). When we try a
positive weak conclusion for them, we obtain zero moduses; whereas when we try for the
contradictory conclusion, we obtain 16 moduses in each case. With regard to the 8 moods
that do not yield conclusions (of which 4 are in the first figure), both the positive trial and
the negative trial result in a number of moduses (namely, 4 and 12 respectively), so we do
not know which way to lean, and so we must remain content with just the absolute given
by 3-item syllogism.
To conclude, the following little table (not numbered) summarizes the validity rate found
in the 4-item causative syllogisms we have studied in this section. Please refer to Table
21.5 again for an overview of the results.

Statistics for 4-item syllogism Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 sum percent

new valid positive conclusion 10 5 5 20 10
new valid negative conclusion 0 9 9 18 9
same valid positive conclusion 13 9 9 31 16
same valid negative conclusion 16 16 16 48 25
no formal conclusion (assumed) 25 25 25 75 39
total moods considered 64 64 64 192 100

This summary includes all moods in all three figures of 4-item syllogism. Out of the total
of 192 moods, 31 (16%) yielded the same positive conclusion in 4-item syllogism as in 3-
item syllogism, meaning a strong causation (with or without an absolute weak, as the case
may be); and 48 (25%) yielded the same negative conclusion in 4-item syllogism as in 3-
item syllogism, meaning a denied strong causation. More interesting were the 38 (17%)
moods giving new conclusions, i.e. inferences peculiar to 4-item syllogism; these included
20 positive conclusions (10%) and 18 negative ones (9%)131. Finally, 75 moods (39%) gave
no conclusions.
The important moods in the present context, I would say, are the 20 new positive moods,
and to a lesser degree the 18 new negative moods, because they concern weak causation
relative to S. These 38 moods show the need for 4-item microanalysis i.e. the value of
this work for causative logic. The remaining 79 same valid moods and 75 invalid moods
are not specific to 4-item syllogism, but rather validated or invalidated by 3-item
The 20 new positive valid moods of 4-item syllogism are the following: in figure one: the
10 moods numbered 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 121, 131, 141, 171, 181; in figure two: the 5
moods numbered 212, 213, 214, 217, 218; and in figure three: the 5 moods numbered 321,
331, 341, 371, 381. The 18 new negative valid moods are: in figure one: none; in figure
two: the 9 moods numbered 221, 223c, 226, 231, 232c, 235, 241, 271, 281; and in figure

Concerning the latter conclusions, note that for 4 of them (2 in each of figures 2 and 3) I
only here intend as new their negative element (negation of relative weak causation). In fact, they
include positive elements (strong causation) already found in 3-item syllogism, which are here
glossed over; if we wanted to count them, we would have to add them to the earlier category of
same valid positives and there would be some overlap. See Table 21.10.

three: the 9 moods numbered 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 323b, 332b, 353, 362. These most
significant valid moods have been highlighted in Table 21.5. Take a good look at them!

4. About 5-item Syllogism.

I would like to say a few words now concerning 5-item syllogism, i.e. moods whose
premises are relative to two different complements, say S and T. To put things in a wider
perspective, I would today modify Table 5.2 (see in Chapter 5.3) to look like this:

Table 21.1 (modified). Subfigures of each figure.

Subfigures a b c d
Figure 1 QR QR Q(S)R Q(T)R
Figure 2 RQ RQ R(S)Q R(T)Q
Figure 3 QR QR Q(S)R Q(T)R

The main change here is the insertion of a fifth complement (T) instead of (P) in the major
premise of subfigures (d); notice too the consequent change in the conclusions
complements from (S) to (ST). Subfigures (d), thus, concern premises and conclusions all
involving some relative weak determination (whether or not conjoined to a strong
determination). Notice that the conclusion is in such cases presumably one with two
complements (S and T) though we can speculate that a conclusion with only one
complement might in some cases be feasible.
Subfigures (a) are dealt with in 3-item syllogism. Note that they concern not only both
premises strong as stated in the original definition, but are equally applicable to moods
with some absolute weak premise(s) and/or conclusion132. Similarly, we should consider
the strong only premise in subfigures (b) and (c) as possibly an absolute weak premise.
In short, a premise or conclusion with only two terms need not be strong only, but may be
a mixture of strong and absolute weak or entirely absolute weak. At the time I wrote phase
I, the concept of absolute partial or contingent causation was perhaps not yet fully formed,
if at all, in my mind.
We can state the following generalities concerning the relation between syllogisms with
more or less items. If a mood with fewer (e.g. 3 or 4) items is valid, the corresponding
mood with more (e.g. respectively 4 or 5) items may or may not be valid. Why? Referring
again to Diagram 21.1, suppose the vaguer premises A and B constitute a valid mood, i.e.
suppose all the moduses they have in common (the area of intersection AB in our diagram)
are included in some causative form. There is no guarantee that the more precise premises
C and D (which respectively imply, i.e. fall within, A and B) will likewise constitute a
valid mood. Granting they have a common item, these premises will intersect (forming the
area CD) and do so within the larger area AB (as on our diagram).

Note that when I do not mention the subfigure, it is probably subfigure (a).

However, it does not follow from the fact that the more numerous moduses of AB do yield
a vague formal conclusion that the fewer moduses of CD must yield an analogous, more
precise formal conclusion. The moduses of CD may be too scattered to be all included in
the list of moduses of a specific conclusion. In such case, the mood CD will still of course
yield the same vague conclusion as AB but it will not be able to produce a more precise
one. For example, as already seen, mood number 125, 1/mq/m, yields the conclusion mqabs
if its major premise is absolute (3-item syllogism), yet it does not yield the conclusion
mqrel if its major premise is relative (4-item syllogism).
So direct reduction of the latter to the former is impossible. In other words, we cannot
readily derive syllogisms with more items from syllogisms with less items. We must
develop ad hoc means for each increase in the number of items. And these means increase
exponentially our need for computer space and power, in hardware and software.
Nevertheless, 5-item causative syllogism research is technically within the realm of the
possible. The necessary computing resources are sure to be found in many existing
research centers.133
The problem of 5-item syllogism can only be adequately solved when we are able to
develop 5-item matrices. To do so, we would need software or a program, and hardware
capabilities, able to deal with tables with over 4 billion rows and dozens of columns. My
computing resources are barely able to handle 4-item syllogism (which have 65,536 rows).
To generate the latter, I had to delete all data (i.e. columns) not directly needed to produce
the tabulated conclusions, and I had to use a separate spreadsheet (i.e. a separate file) for
each figure; otherwise, the software got stuck. It follows that matricial analysis with 5-
items is not feasible for me at this time.
This limitation does not worry me greatly, because I intuitively doubt 5-item syllogism will
yield any (or many) new conclusions; I may be wrong, of course. By new conclusions I
mean conclusions that are specific to 5-item syllogism. As can be seen in the tables of the
preceding section, most (though not all) of the conclusions obtained in 4-item syllogisms
were in fact conclusions of the corresponding 3-item syllogisms. We can expect 5-item
syllogism to yield similarly rarified results (which still leaves us with some hope of new
If we examine Table 21.5 again, we see that in each figure there are 25 moods capable of
giving rise to 5-item syllogism (being in subfigure d). We know regarding the 3-item
syllogisms corresponding to these 25 moods in each figure that 2 (8%) yield a positive
absolute conclusion, 8 (32%) yield a negative conclusion, and the remaining 15 (60%)
yield no conclusion at all. Further investigation of the 6 moods (in the 3 figures) yielding
positive absolute conclusions, through 4-item syllogisms with mixed absolute-relative or
relative-absolute premises (in which event they become 12 moods), shows that their
conclusions can be differentiated, with 8 of them yielding a bare m or n conclusion, while
4 of them yield a more precise m+qrel or n+prel conclusion.
Admittedly, as already discussed at length, many of the moods without conclusion in 3-
item syllogism may upon further scrutiny turn out to have a conclusion in 4-item or even in
5-item syllogism. Similarly, some negative or even positive conclusions might at a more
specific level yield additional information. But the trend as we increase the number of
items seems to be one of diminishing returns, so I believe that the chances of getting some
new inference in 5-item syllogism, though not zero, are very slim indeed. This, I think, is
as far as we can go for now trying to predict 5-item syllogism.

Note that I do not go further than this in the next chapter. 5-item syllogism remains an open
issue in the present volume.


In the present chapter, thank G-d, I finally find the way to achieve the major task of this
whole study of causative logic, namely discovering and validating ALL causative (and
preventive) positive (and negative) conclusions of 3- and 4-item positive causative

1. Methodology.
After completing the preceding chapter, it occurred to me that with a bit (i.e. a lot!) more
patience and effort on my part, I could validate or invalidate all possible conclusions to
causative syllogism. I did not need to wait to develop an ad hoc computer program for this
job, but could do it using spreadsheet software, provided I cut up the task into sufficiently
small segments. That is, instead of awaiting a fully mechanical solution to the problem, I
could make-do with a semi-mechanical one. The present chapter is the result of this work
this crucial work, for after all it was one of the main goals of all my research into causative
I am happy to say that I succeeded entirely. Eureka! I found all valid positive and negative
causative and preventive conclusions to positive causative syllogism, and proved all
remaining such propositions to be invalid conclusions. This for all three figures, for 3-item
and for 4-items syllogism. Other work done in this context is presented further on.
The method I used is essentially no different from the manual one I previously used,
except that here I apply it more systematically. To determine the valid and invalid
conclusions from a pair or set of premises (a mood of the syllogism, in the language of
logicians), we must scan over a range of possible conclusions, and see which fit and
which do not. How is this done? Simply:
a) Find the moduses that the given conjunction of premises, AB, yields, using
matricial analysis as demonstrated already. Suppose their number is x.
b) Find the moduses, if any, of the same conjunction of premises with a proposed
conclusion, C, again by matricial analysis. Suppose that the conjunction ABC
yields y moduses.
c) Now, if y=x, then C is indeed a valid conclusion of AB (since the conjunctions AB
and ABC have exactly the same moduses); that is to say, C is logically implied by
AB. On the other hand, if y=0 (zero), then C is an invalid conclusion for AB, i.e.
not-C is a valid conclusion of AB (since the conjunction of AB with not-C is bound
to have the same moduses, x in number, as AB alone); that is to say, C is logically
denied by AB. If y neither =x nor =0, then AB neither implies nor denies C i.e.
neither C nor not-C is a valid or invalid conclusion of AB.
This, then, is what I mean by scanning for conclusions. Knowing the moduses
corresponding to a given set of premises (here labeled AB), we mechanically test each
form (such as C) within a chosen range of forms, to see whether when conjoined to the
premises the resulting moduses are identical, entirely different, or in between. If the
moduses are identical, we have a valid conclusion; if they are entirely different, then the
contradictory of the form tested must be a valid conclusion; and if neither of these results is

obtained, it means the moduses are too scattered for any conclusion of that form or its
negation to be drawn.
One small improvement in this method is that there is no need to test both a form C and its
negation not-C. If we start by finding the moduses for the conjunction of premises (AB)
alone, then we need only test positive forms (C) and the status of their negations (not-C)
follows as just explained. This saves us half the work. Moreover, we need only find the
moduses of the premises AB once, and then compare them to the moduses with various
conclusions (C1, C2, C3, etc.) conjoined to them. This simplifies formula writing in the
The range of conclusions investigated is here symbolized by C1, C2, C3, etc. In the
preceding chapter, I had limited the research to causative conclusions of the form PR or
PSR (i.e. the six forms m, n, p rel to S, q rel to S, p abs, q abs); this was the range there
chosen, minimal in its ambition. In the present chapter, the range has been considerably
expanded, since I have added causative conclusions with a negative complement, i.e.
PnotSR forms (p rel to notS, q rel to notS), and a similar range of preventive conclusion,
i.e. eight forms with items PnotR, PSnotR, and PnotSnotR.
Note that I did not look into what I call pre-causative conclusions to causative syllogism,
i.e. possible conclusions of conjunctive or conditional form, but only for causative
conclusions (in the broad sense, meaning causative and/or preventive). This may be
justified by saying that the central goal of causative reasoning is, after all, to look for
causative conclusions to look for other forms of conclusion constitutes at best an
additional and lesser interest. It is quite feasible with additional work (using the same
techniques), but I do not bother to do it here.
All the above mentioned work concerns positive causative syllogism, i.e. syllogism with
both premises having positive causative form, note well. As will be seen, none of the
results obtained here contradict past results; i.e. no errors were found here in past
conclusions. All past conclusions are, happily, here confirmed but more conclusions are
now discovered, thus justifying the whole elaborate procedure. Throughout the work, I
kept reminding myself that this would be a one-time effort on my part for all humanity and
for all time. Once these syllogistic problems are solved, they are solved for all time; so the
effort invested is worthwhile.
As we shall presently see, most of the additional conclusions found are negative; only a
very few are positive134. The positive conclusions previously obtained (using a narrower
range) remain the main conclusions, though all negative conclusions are also significant.
What is important, anyway, is that at the end of this chapter we can confidently say that we
have a definitive, complete list of positive and negative valid conclusions from all positive
causative syllogisms and we know for sure which conclusions are invalid and which
moods yield no conclusions at all. This was, to repeat, one of the principal goals of our
This is true for all 3-item and 4-item moods in the three figures. Needless to say, 5-item
moods are still not treated here, and there is definitely no possibility of dealing with them
using spreadsheets in a personal computer the number of moduses involved is just too
great for these tools. I leave this also important task to future researchers!

These are not earth-shattering news, but they are interesting in that they explain (i.e. imply)
previously known negative conclusions (obtained in the narrower range of consideration).

2. Forms Studied and their Oppositions.

The premises and conclusions studied here are given in the following tables, which can be
viewed online at my website ( as usual:
Table 22.1 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Premises and Conclusions Scanned.
(16 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.2 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Premises and Conclusions Scanned.
(3160 pages in pdf file.)
These two tables contain the basic data, which will be used in subsequent tables. They
show, for each of the three figures, the moduses of the positive causative premises used
and the moduses of the chosen range (causative and preventive) of putative conclusions
from these premises. The data here displayed is simply selected, cut and pasted from past
tables (namely, 18.4 and 18.9).
Moreover, we here examine the oppositions between the conclusions scanned. The reason
for this is that, in order to reduce the conclusions obtained from a given set of premises to a
minimum, we have to distinguish between primary conclusions and subaltern conclusions.
The latter are formally implied by the former, so that their implication by the conjunction
of premises is incidental. Thus, to better understand and rationalize the results of scanning
work, we need to know the oppositions between all possible forms of conclusion i.e.
which of them imply which, and which of them are not-implied by the others.
This knowledge can be developed by a technique akin to scanning. Say we take two forms
K and L, to know how they relate to each other, we must look into all their conjunctions,
i.e. K and L (11), K and not-L (10), not-K and L (01), and not-K and not-L (00). If the
forms concerned have no moduses in common, it means they are incompatible; inversely,
they are compatible if they do have some moduses (no matter how many) in common. The
results obtained by this technique are listed in the preceding two tables (22.1 and 22.2).
The following two tables, which can be viewed online at my website as usual, show the
formulas actually used in them, for the record:
Table 22.3 3-Item Syllogism Formulas Used for Oppositions. (2 pages in pdf
Table 22.4 4-Item Syllogism Formulas Used for Oppositions. (2 pages in pdf
As it turns out, for the ranges of possible conclusions studied here, some KL conjunctions
are impossible, but no remarkable cases were found where K implies L or vice-versa (other
of course than obvious implications, like p rel implying p abs), and no pair of forms were
found exhaustive (i.e. such that the conjunction of both their negations was impossible).
This means we can often infer a forms negation from another forms affirmation but we
can never draw useful inferences from a forms negation (other than obvious cases like
not-p abs implying not-p rel).
This is evidenced in the following summary table, including possible positive causative
and preventive conclusions from both 3-Item and 4-Item syllogisms:
Table 22.5 3 and 4 Item Syllogisms Oppositions between Conclusions. (1 page
in pdf file.)
This table can be viewed online at my website as usual. The results in it of practical
interest to us are the following:
Finding the causative (PR) conclusion m, then the causatives p rel to S, p rel to
notS, p abs, as well as all preventive (PnotR) forms, viz. m, n, p or q rel to S, p or
q rel to notS, p or q abs are all denied. The remaining causative (PR) forms, n, q rel
to S, q rel to notS, q abs, are neither implied nor denied by m (PR).

Similarly for n (PR), mutatis mutandis.

Finding the causative (PR) conclusion p rel to S, then the causative p abs is
implied, and the causatives m, p rel to notS are denied, as are the preventive
(PnotR) forms m, p rel to S, q rel to notS. The remaining causative (PR) forms, n,
q rel to S, q rel to notS, q abs, and likewise the remaining preventive (PnotR)
forms, n, q rel to S, p rel to notS, p abs, q abs, are neither implied nor denied by p
rel to S (PR).
Similarly for q rel to S (PR), mutatis mutandis.
Also note: although separately there are no implications between the causative and
preventive forms of p abs and q abs, the compounds pq abs causative and pq abs
preventive are identical.
On the other hand, nothing can be inferred from denying m, n, p or q except that
denying p or q abs implies denial of, respectively, p or q rel to S or notS forms
with the same items (i.e. PR or PnotR).
This knowledge, to repeat, helps us distinguish primary from subaltern conclusions, and so
makes possible reducing statements of conclusion to as few words as possible.

3. 3-Item Syllogisms.
Scanning for conclusions was first applied to 3-item syllogism with positive causative
premises (64 moods for each of the three figures, the moods being grouped in sets of eight,
viz. #s 11-18, 22-28, etc. till 81-88). The collected results are given in the following
summary table, which is posted online in my website as usual (with an extract printed
further down here). This is the table requiring most of your attention:
Table 22.6-0 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions
Scanned. (9 pages in pdf file.)
The main conclusions implied by the premises concerned are shown in pink; those denied
by them are shown in grey; conclusions subaltern to these main positive or negative
conclusions are identified as implied or denied but not colored pink or grey. Cells which
are not labeled implied or denied signify that the form concerned is not part of the
overall conclusion of that mood (obviously, if all the cells opposite a given mood are
empty, it means theres no causative or preventive conclusion). That said for the first
segment (3 pages) of the summary. In the second segment (next 3 pages), the results are
repeated, all subaltern conclusions, if any, being eliminated, and color coding being
removed; and the symbol for the valid positive or negative conclusions is written in place
of the labels implied and denied, respectively. The third segment of the table (last 3
pages) again repeats the results in the briefest possible way, i.e. stating only the essentials:
these are collectively the conclusion for the given mood (nil being used to signal no-
The said summary table (22.6-0) is derived from the three tables listed next, where the
actual scanning work is done. These tables can be viewed online at my website as usual:
Table 22.6-1 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Figure One Scanning for
Conclusions. (48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.6-2 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Figure Two Scanning for
Conclusions. (48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.6-3 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Figure Three Scanning for
Conclusions. (48 pages in pdf file.)
These three tables were produced in succession, using the first as the template or model for
the next two, changing only the premises as appropriate (see Table 22.1) and then

recalculating the whole spreadsheet. As you can see, the moduses are found for each mood
of the syllogism (e.g. the positive causative premises mn/mn), and then for those same
premises combined with eight different test conclusions (the positive causative (i.e. PR)
forms m, n, p abs, q abs, and the positive preventive (i.e. PnotR) forms m, n, p abs, q abs,
as earlier explained). The calculations in the spreadsheets are done by means of formulas,
as usual. A sample set of formulas (those used in Table 22.6-1, i.e. for Figure 1) is given in
the next table (which can be viewed online at my website as usual):
Table 22.6-4 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Template (Sample of
Formulas Used). (9 pages in pdf file.)
Looking at the results obtained (return to Table 22.6-0 or see the extract from it below),
and comparing them to past results (which are listed in the last segment of Table 22.6-0 for
this purpose), we see as earlier mentioned that the latter are essentially confirmed. That
is, as regards causative conclusions; but now we have some additional negative preventive
conclusions we were not aware of before.

Extract from Table 22.6-0 Scanning Results for 3-Item Causative Moods.
Figure One Figure Two Figure Three
Mood #
Premises Caus. Prev. Caus. Prev. Caus. Prev.
(PR) (PnotR) (PR) (PnotR) (PR) (PnotR)

11 mn/mn mn mn mn
12 mn/mq abs mq abs mq abs np abs
13 mn/np abs np abs np abs mq abs
14 mn/pq abs pq abs pq abs pq abs
15 mn/m m m n
16 mn/n n n m
17 mn/p abs p abs p abs q abs
18 mn/q abs q abs q abs p abs
21 mq/mn mq abs np abs mq abs
22 mq/mq abs mq abs not-n not-m
23 mq/np abs not-m np abs mq abs
24 mq/pq abs not-n not-m not-m not-n not-n not-m
25 mq/m mq abs not-n not-m
26 mq/n not-m np abs mq abs
27 mq/p abs not-m not-m not-n not-n not-m
28 mq/q abs not-n not-m not-n not-m
31 np/mn np abs mq abs np abs
32 np/mq abs not-n mq abs np abs
33 np/np abs np abs not-m not-n
34 np/pq abs not-m not-n not-n not-m not-m not-n
35 np/m not-n mq abs np abs
36 np/n np abs not-m not-n
37 np/p abs not-m not-n not-m not-n
38 np/q abs not-n not-n not-m not-m not-n

Extract from Table 22.6-0 (continued).

41 pq/mn pq abs pq abs pq abs
42 pq/mq abs not-n not-n not-n not-n not-m not-m
43 pq/np abs not-m not-m not-m not-m not-n not-n
44 pq/pq abs nil nil nil
45 pq/m not-n not-n not-n not-n not-m not-m
46 pq/n not-m not-m not-m not-m not-n not-n
47 pq/p abs nil nil nil
48 pq/q abs nil nil nil
51 m/mn m n m
52 m/mq abs mq abs not-n not-m
53 m/np abs not-m np abs mq abs
54 m/pq abs not-n not-m not-m not-n not-n not-m
55 m/m m not-n not-m
56 m/n not-m n m
57 m/p abs not-m not-m not-n not-n not-m
58 m/q abs not-n not-m not-n not-m
61 n/mn n m n
62 n/mq abs not-n mq abs np abs
63 n/np abs np abs not-m not-n
64 n/pq abs not-m not-n not-n not-m not-m not-n
65 n/m not-n m n
66 n/n n not-m not-n
67 n/p abs not-m not-n not-m not-n
68 n/q abs not-n not-n not-m not-m not-n
71 p/mn p abs q abs p abs
72 p/mq abs not-n not-n not-n not-m not-m
73 p/np abs not-m not-m not-m not-n
74 p/pq abs nil nil nil
75 p/m not-n not-n not-n not-m not-m
76 p/n not-m not-m not-m not-n
77 p/p abs nil nil nil
78 p/q abs nil nil nil
81 q/mn q abs p abs q abs
82 q/mq abs not-n not-n not-n not-m
83 q/np abs not-m not-m not-m not-n not-n
84 q/pq abs nil nil nil
85 q/m not-n not-n not-n not-m
86 q/n not-m not-m not-m not-n not-n
87 q/p abs nil nil nil
88 q/q abs nil nil nil

The following statistics are now applicable to each of the three figures: 23 moods (36%)
yield a positive conclusion (always causative, some elementary, some compound); 16
moods (25%) yield two negative (not-m and/or not-n) conclusions only, one causative and
one preventive (previously, the latter were unknown); 16 moods (25%) yield only a
negative (not-m or not-n) preventive conclusion (previously all supposed nil); and 9
moods (14%) are without any causative or preventive conclusion (previously, 25 were
thought inconclusive). The net validity rate for 3-item syllogism is thus 86%.

Clearly, we now have a wider range of possible conclusions and we can say with full
confidence not only which forms are affirmed, but also which are denied and which are
neither affirmed nor denied. We thus obtain a truly definitive list of valid and invalid
conclusions. It is as if we previously used a microscope to observe a certain phenomenon,
and now we have found a more powerful microscope capable of giving us a more accurate
image of the phenomenon.

4. 4-Item Syllogisms.
Scanning for conclusions was next applied to 4-item syllogism with positive causative
premises (64 moods per figure, as before). However, here the job is exponentially bigger,
since we are dealing with 65,536 moduses per column (instead of a mere 256). This makes
all opening, saving and closing of spreadsheet files very slow; and it especially slows down
calculations, forcing us to split files into more manageable portions and perform
calculations in smaller segments (otherwise, if too much is asked of the program, execution
might even be blocked).
Moreover, although the grouping of moods into sets is maintained, in some cases
(specifically, 5 out of 8 per figure) sets of 8 moods do not suffice, but must be expanded to
sets of 13 moods. This occurs when moods have a weak causation (whether an element or
part of a compound) in both premises; in such cases, as we saw earlier (see Table 21.10), a
single mood becomes two (labeled b and c, combining an absolute premise with a
relative one, and a relative with an absolute, respectively). This is due, remember, to our
dealing here with only four items, and not five (which my computer hardware and software
cannot handle). In sum, here we are dealing with 89 moods per figure (instead of 64
Furthermore, the workload is increased due to enlargement of the range of conclusions
tested for each mood. For 3-item syllogism, we had 8 forms to test every time; here, in 4-
item syllogism, we have 16 conclusions to consider, namely: the 8 causative (PR) forms m,
n, p rel to S, q rel to S, p rel to notS, q rel to notS, p abs, q abs, and the similar 8
preventive (PnotR) forms. This ensures that every possible inference of causative and/or
preventive form is found by us, and our results are truly exhaustive and definitive.
The collected results of such scanning work are given in the following summary table,
which you can view in full online at my website as usual. I give an extract of it here
(below), even though it is very long, because of its importance to our whole study. This the
table requiring most of your attention in the present context. Look at the premises and the
conclusions carefully in each row, and absorb the meaning of it all.
Table 22.7-0 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions
Scanned. (18 pages in pdf file.)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 Scanning Results for 4-Item Causative Moods.
Mood # Causative (PR) conclusions Preventive (PnotR) conclusions

Figure One

111 mn/mn mn
112 mq rel to S
(rel to S)
113 np rel to S
(rel to S)
114 pq rel to S
(rel to S)
115 mn/m m
116 mn/n n
117 p rel to S
(rel to S)
118 q rel to S
(rel to S)

121 mq rel to S
(rel to S)
122 (b) mq abs, not-q rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
122 (c) mq abs, not-q rel to notS
(rel S / abs)
123 (b) not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
123 (c) not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(rel S / abs)
mq/pq not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-p rel to
124 (b)
(abs / rel S) not-q rel to notS notS, not-q rel to notS
124 (c) not-n not-m
(rel S / abs)
125 mq abs, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)
126 not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)
127 (b) not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
127 (c) not-m
(rel S / abs)
128 (b) not-n, not-q rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
128 (c) not-n not-m
(rel S / abs)

131 np rel to S
(rel to S)
132 (b) not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
132 (c) not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(rel S / abs)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

133 (b) np abs, not-p rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
133 (c) np abs, not-p rel to notS
(rel S / abs)
np/pq not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS,
134 (b)
(abs / rel S) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
134 (c) not-m not-n
(rel S / abs)
135 not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)
136 np abs, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)
137 (b) not-m, not-p rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
137 (c) not-m not-n
(rel S / abs)
138 (b) not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(abs / rel S)
138 (c) not-n
(rel S / abs)

141 pq rel to S
(rel to S)
142 (b) not-n not-n
(abs / rel S)
pq/mq not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
142 (c)
(rel S / abs) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
143 (b) not-m not-m
(abs / rel S)
pq/np not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
143 (c)
(rel S / abs) not-q rel to notS not-p rel to notS
144 (b)
(abs / rel S)
144 (c)
(rel S / abs)
pq/m not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
(rel to S) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
pq/n not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
(rel to S) not-q rel to notS not-p rel to notS
147 (b)
(abs / rel S)
147 (c)
(rel S / abs)
148 (b)
(abs / rel S)
148 (c)
(rel S / abs)

151 m/mn m
152 mq abs, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

153 not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)
m/pq not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-p rel to
(rel to S) not-q rel to notS notS, not-q rel to notS
155 m/m m
156 m/n not-m
157 not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)
158 not-n, not-q rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)

161 n/mn n
162 not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)
163 np abs, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)
n/pq not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS,
(rel to S) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
165 n/m not-n
166 n/n n
167 not-m, not-p rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)
168 not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)

171 p rel to S
(rel to S)
172 (b) not-n
(abs / rel S)
172 (c) not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(rel S / abs)
173 (b) not-m not-m
(abs / rel S)
173 (c) not-m, not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S
(rel S / abs)
174 (b)
(abs / rel S)
174 (c)
(rel S / abs)
175 not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
(rel to S)
176 not-m, not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S
(rel to S)
177 (b)
(abs / rel S)
177 (c)
(rel S / abs)
178 (b)
(abs / rel S)
178 (c)
(rel S / abs)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

181 q rel to S
(rel to S)
182 (b) not-n not-n
(abs / rel S)
182 (c) not-n, not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S
(rel S / abs)
183 (b) not-m
(abs / rel S)
183 (c) not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(rel S / abs)
184 (b)
(abs / rel S)
184 (c)
(rel S / abs)
185 not-n, not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S
(rel to S)
186 not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
(rel to S)
187 (b)
(abs / rel S)
187 (c)
(rel S / abs)
188 (b)
(abs / rel S)
188 (c) (rel S / abs)

Mood # Causative (PR) conclusions Preventive (PnotR) conclusions

Figure Two

211 mn/mn mn
mq rel to S
212 (rel to S)
np rel to S
213 (rel to S)
pq rel to S
214 (rel to S)
215 mn/m m
216 mn/n n
p rel to S
217 (rel to S)
q rel to S
218 (rel to S)

np rel to notS
221 (rel to S)
not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
222 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-p rel to S not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
222 (c) (rel S / abs)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

np abs, not-p rel to notS
223 (b) (abs / rel S)
np abs, not-p rel to S
223 (c) (rel S / abs)
mq/pq not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS,
224 (b) (abs / rel S) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
not-m not-n
224 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-p rel to S not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
225 (rel to S)
np abs, not-p rel to S
226 (rel to S)
not-m, not-p rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to notS
227 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-m not-n
227 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
228 (b) (abs / rel S)
228 (c) (rel S / abs)

mq rel to notS
231 (rel to S)
mq abs, not-q rel to notS
232 (b) (abs / rel S)
mq abs, not-q rel to S
232 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
233 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-q rel to S not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
233 (c) (rel S / abs)
np/pq not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-p rel to
234 (b) (abs / rel S) not-q rel to notS notS, not-q rel to notS
not-n not-m
234 (c) (rel S / abs)
mq abs, not-q rel to S
235 (rel to S)
not-q rel to S not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
236 (rel to S)
not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
237 (b) (abs / rel S)
237 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-n, not-q rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to notS
238 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-n not-m
238 (c) (rel S / abs)

pq rel to notS
241 (rel to S)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

not-n not-n
242 (b) (abs / rel S)
pq/mq not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS,
242 (c) (rel S / abs) rel to S not-q rel to notS
not-m not-m
243 (b) (abs / rel S)
pq/np not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q not-m, not-p rel to S, not-p rel to
243 (c) (rel S / abs) rel to S notS, not-q rel to notS
244 (b) (abs / rel S)
244 (c) (rel S / abs)
pq/m not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS,
245 (rel to S) rel to S not-q rel to notS
pq/n not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q not-m, not-p rel to S, not-p rel to
246 (rel to S) rel to S notS, not-q rel to notS
247 (b) (abs / rel S)
247 (c) (rel S / abs)
248 (b) (abs / rel S)
248 (c) (rel S / abs)

251 m/mn n
not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
252 (rel to S)
np abs, not-p rel to notS
253 (rel to S)
m/pq not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS,
254 (rel to S) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
255 m/m not-n
256 m/n n
not-m, not-p rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to notS
257 (rel to S)
not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
258 (rel to S)

261 n/mn m
mq abs, not-q rel to notS
262 (rel to S)
not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
263 (rel to S)
n/pq not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-p rel to
264 (rel to S) not-q rel to notS notS, not-q rel to notS
265 n/m m
266 n/n not-m
not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
267 (rel to S)
not-n, not-q rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to notS
268 (rel to S)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

q rel to notS
271 (rel to S)
not-n not-n
272 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-n, not-q rel to S not-n, not-q rel to notS
272 (c) (rel S / abs)
273 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-q rel to S not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
273 (c) (rel S / abs)
274 (b) (abs / rel S)
274 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-n, not-q rel to S not-n, not-q rel to notS
275 (rel to S)
not-q rel to S not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
276 (rel to S)
277 (b) (abs / rel S)
277 (c) (rel S / abs)
278 (b) (abs / rel S)
278 (c) (rel S / abs)

p rel to notS
281 (rel to S)
282 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-p rel to S not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
282 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-m not-m
283 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-m, not-p rel to S not-m, not-p rel to notS
283 (c) (rel S / abs)
284 (b) (abs / rel S)
284 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-p rel to S not-n, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
285 (rel to S)
not-m, not-p rel to S not-m, not-p rel to notS
286 (rel to S)
287 (b) (abs / rel S)
287 (c) (rel S / abs)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

288 (b) (abs / rel S)
288 (c) (rel S / abs)

Mood # Causative (PR) conclusions Preventive (PnotR) conclusions

Figure Three

311 mn/mn mn
np rel to notS
312 (rel to S)
mq rel to notS
313 (rel to S)
pq rel to notS
314 (rel to S)
315 mn/m n
316 mn/n m
q rel to notS
317 (rel to S)
p rel to notS
318 (rel to S)

mq rel to S
321 (rel to S)
not-p rel to S not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
322 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
322 (c) (rel S / abs)
mq abs, not-q rel to S
323 (b) (abs / rel S)
mq abs, not-q rel to notS
323 (c) (rel S / abs)
mq/pq not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
324 (b) (abs / rel S) rel to S not-p rel to notS
not-n not-m
324 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
325 (rel to S)
mq abs, not-q rel to notS
326 (rel to S)
not-n, not-q rel to S not-m, not-p rel to S
327 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-n not-m
327 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-p rel to S not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
328 (b) (abs / rel S)
328 (c) (rel S / abs)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

np rel to S
331 (rel to S)
np abs, not-p rel to S
332 (b) (abs / rel S)
np abs, not-p rel to notS
332 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-q rel to S not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
333 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
333 (c) (rel S / abs)
np/pq not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
334 (b) (abs / rel S) rel to S not-q rel to notS
not-m not-n
334 (c) (rel S / abs)
np abs, not-p rel to notS
335 (rel to S)
not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
336 (rel to S)
not-q rel to S not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
337 (b) (abs / rel S)
337 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-m, not-p rel to S not-n, not-q rel to S
338 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-m not-n
338 (c) (rel S / abs)

pq rel to S
341 (rel to S)
not-m not-m
342 (b) (abs / rel S)
pq/mq not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
342 (c) (rel S / abs) not-q rel to notS not-p rel to notS
not-n not-n
343 (b) (abs / rel S)
pq/np not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
343 (c) (rel S / abs) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
344 (b) (abs / rel S)
344 (c) (rel S / abs)
pq/m not-m, not-p rel to notS, not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
345 (rel to S) not-q rel to notS not-p rel to notS
pq/n not-n, not-p rel to notS, not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
346 (rel to S) not-q rel to notS not-q rel to notS
347 (b) (abs / rel S)
347 (c) (rel S / abs)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

348 (b) (abs / rel S)
348 (c) (rel S / abs)

351 m/mn m
not-p rel to S not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
352 (rel to S)
mq abs, not-q rel to S
353 (rel to S)
m/pq not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
354 (rel to S) rel to S not-p rel to notS
355 m/m not-m
356 m/n m
not-n, not-q rel to S not-m, not-p rel to S
357 (rel to S)
not-p rel to S not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
358 (rel to S)

361 n/mn n
np abs, not-p rel to S
362 (rel to S)
not-q rel to S not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
363 (rel to S)
n/pq not-m, not-p rel to S, not-q not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to S,
364 (rel to S) rel to S not-q rel to notS
365 n/m n
366 n/n not-n
not-q rel to S not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
367 (rel to S)
not-m, not-p rel to S not-n, not-q rel to S
368 (rel to S)

p rel to S
371 (rel to S)
not-m not-m
372 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-m, not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S
372 (c) (rel S / abs)
373 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
373 (c) (rel S / abs)
374 (b) (abs / rel S)
374 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-m, not-p rel to notS not-m, not-p rel to S
375 (rel to S)
not-p rel to notS not-n, not-p rel to S, not-q rel to notS
376 (rel to S)

Extract from Table 22.7-0 (continued).

377 (b) (abs / rel S)
377 (c) (rel S / abs)
378 (b) (abs / rel S)
378 (c) (rel S / abs)

q rel to S
381 (rel to S)
382 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
382 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-n not-n
383 (b) (abs / rel S)
not-n, not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S
383 (c) (rel S / abs)
384 (b) (abs / rel S)
384 (c) (rel S / abs)
not-q rel to notS not-m, not-q rel to S, not-p rel to notS
385 (rel to S)
not-n, not-q rel to notS not-n, not-q rel to S
386 (rel to S)
387 (b) (abs / rel S)
387 (c) (rel S / abs)
388 (b) (abs / rel S)
388 (c) (rel S / abs)

We shall return to these results in a moment. For now note that this table summarizes the
findings of the following 48 tables (16 per figure), which are posted online in my website
as usual. Each table concerns a specific set of 8 or 13 moods. For each set, table A tests 8
causative conclusions and table B tests 8 preventive conclusions. Each pdf file produced is
over 1000 pages long (making almost 24000 pages per figure, compared to a mere 48
pages before); seeing this, you can understand why it was necessary to split the job up into
smaller pieces, and why I long hesitated to do it. Nevertheless, though much time was
spent doing it and much attention was required, the job was not so hard, because once the
two templates (the first couple of tables) were produced, it was easy to reproduce them
with appropriately modified data and recalculate them.
Figure 1 - 16 tables (8 for causative conclusions and 8 for preventive ones).
Table 22.7-11A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 111-118. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-11B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 111-118. (1041 pages in pdf file.)

Table 22.7-12A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions

to Moods 121-128. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-12B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 121-128. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-13A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 131-138. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-13B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 131-138. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-14A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 141-148. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-14B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 141-148. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-15A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 151-158. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-15B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 151-158. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-16A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 161-168. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-16B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 161-168. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-17A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 171-178. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-17B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 171-178. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-18A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 181-188. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-18B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 181-188. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Figure 2 - 16 tables (8 for causative conclusions and 8 for preventive ones).
Table 22.7-21A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 211-218. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-21B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 211-218. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-22A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 221-228. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-22B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 221-228. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-23A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 231-238. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-23B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 231-238. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-24A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 241-248. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-24B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 241-248. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-25A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 251-258. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-25B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 251-258. (1041 pages in pdf file.)

Table 22.7-26A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions

to Moods 261-268. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-26B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 261-268. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-27A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 271-278. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-27B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 271-278. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-28A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 281-288. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-28B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 281-288. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Figure 3 - 16 tables (8 for causative conclusions and 8 for preventive ones).
Table 22.7-31A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 311-318. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-31B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 311-318. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-32A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 321-328. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-32B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 321-328. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-33A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 331-338. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-33B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 331-338. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-34A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 341-348. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-34B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 341-348. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-35A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 351-358. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-35B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 351-358. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-36A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 361-368. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-36B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 361-368. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-37A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 371-378. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-37B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 371-378. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-38A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions
to Moods 381-388. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-38B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions
to Moods 381-388. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
The sorts of formulas used in above tables can be seen in the following two tables, which
are posted online at my website as usual. The first of these (drawn from Table 22.7-11A)
concerns tables with sets of 8 moods (viz. 11-18, 51-58, 61-68), and the second (from

Table 22.7-12A) sets of 13 moods (viz. 21-28, 31-38, 41-48, 71-78, 81-88). With minimal
appropriate changes, the formulas in these samples are easily adapted to different contexts.
Table 22.7-4 4-Item Syllogisms Scanning Template I (1st Sample of Formulas
Used). (3 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-5 4-Item Syllogisms Scanning Template II (2nd Sample of Formulas
Used). (5 pages in pdf file.)
So much, thus far, for the technicalities. Let us now compare and analyze the results
obtained. First let us compare the results shown for 4-item syllogism in these tables with
those shown in the previous chapter. You might argue that such comparison is idle, or at
best academic, since the rougher, older results are supplanted by present results, which
are complete and definitive. But I think it is still worthwhile comparing them, insofar as it
ensures I made no errors of inattention when writing the formulas that generated the latter
results, and also because it helps justify the extra work I invested in producing them. Let us
therefore look at Table 22.7-0; especially the last six pages, which show the new and old
results opposite each other. We see that the conclusions newly obtained include all the
conclusions previously obtained, so the results of both inquiries are consistent.
The large majority of additional conclusions obtained here are negative propositions, of
forms not previously investigated: either the causatives p, q relative to notS, or any of the
eight preventives. However, we do not find any new negations of m or n (causatives). But
we do find a great many previously undiscovered negations of p and/or q relative to S
(causatives). For instances, 222(c), 225, 233(c), 236, and so on. This is not surprising, in
that no attempt was made to search for these before (due to the difficulties involved). We
did however in four cases find such conclusions, viz. in moods 223(c), 232(c), 323(b),
332(b), which you may recall we looked into exploratively in Table 21.10.
There are no new positive causative conclusions of the forms m, n, p rel to S, q rel to S, p
abs, q abs, and no positive preventive conclusions of any form. But there are some new
positive causative conclusions of the form p and/or q rel to notS in the second and third
figures; namely, for the 10 moods 221, 231, 241 271, 281, and 312, 313, 314, 317, 318.
Concerning these conclusions, it should be noted that they all displace previously listed
negative causative conclusions of the forms p and/or q relative to S. This is
understandable, since p, q rel to notS deny p, q rel to S, respectively; i.e. the disappeared
negations remain implicit as subaltern conclusions.
Another comparison worth making is between our final lists of conclusions for 3-item and
4-item syllogisms; these are posted together for comparison in the last six pages of Table
22.7-0. All conclusions obtained are unsurprisingly consistent. And, needless to say,
conclusions are much richer in detail in 4-item syllogism than in 3-item syllogism. But
more specifically, one question asked in the previous chapter can now be answered: are
there any nil conclusions in 3-item syllogism that become positive or negative
conclusions in the corresponding moods of 4-item syllogism? This question concerns 9
moods in each figure, viz. 44, 47, 48, 74, 77, 78, 84, 87, 88. The answer is no all these
moods remain without valid positive or negative conclusion in 4-item syllogism, too. It is
still of course conceivable that some or all of these moods yield some conclusion in 5-item
syllogism, but at least we are now sure they do not yield any in 3- or 4-item syllogism.
Another question we can ask here is: are there any 4-item moods whose conclusions are
not more informative than the corresponding 3-item moods? There are indeed such cases.
Mostly, these occur because the 4-item mood is in fact a 3-item mood, so the conclusion
has predictably the strong forms m, n, or their negations, alone or in combinations (note
the preventive as well as the negative sides of each conclusion). In some cases, when a
mood is split in two (abs/rel and rel/abs), we may find one of the 4-item moods has
identical conclusion(s) to the 3-item mood, but the other is has additional negative

conclusions. But on the whole we can say that 4-item syllogism generally adds some new
conclusion, either raising a p or q conclusion from absolute to relative, or adding some
negative conclusion in the causative and/or preventive column.
Let us now finish our analysis of Table 22.7-0 with some statistics for 4-item syllogism.
We shall compute these with reference to 89 moods per figure (i.e. counting moods that are
here split in two as abs/rel and rel/abs as two). There are 18 nil conclusions (20% of the 89
moods) in each figure i.e. moods with no conclusions, whether positive or negative,
causative or preventive135. So the number of moods with some sort of conclusion is 71, and
the overall validity rate for 4-item syllogism is 80%.
Of these 71 valid moods, 65 involve some positive and/or negative causative proposition(s)
and 46 involve some negative preventive proposition(s). Of the 71 valid moods, 25 are
causative only (+ve and/or ve), 6 are preventive only (all ve), and 40 are mixtures of
causative (+ve and/or ve) and preventive (all ve). Note that all positive conclusions are
causative and none are preventive. Of the 65 causatives, 17 are positive only, 8 are positive
and negative mixtures, and 40 are negative only.
As can be seen in the following little table (unnumbered), there are 25 moods (28%) per
figure with some sort of positive conclusion. Note that in the first figure, relative weak
conclusions are all 10 relative to S, whereas in the second and third figures 5 are relative to
S and 5 are relative to notS. There are 8 absolute weak conclusions in each figure (4 in mq
abs and 4 in np abs none standing alone).

+ve conclusions fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3

mn 1 1 1
mq rel to S 2 1 1
mq rel to notS 0 1 1
np rel to S 2 1 1
np rel to notS 0 1 1
pq rel to S 2 1 1
pq rel to notS 0 1 1
mq abs 4 4 4
np abs 4 4 4
pq abs 0 0 0
m 3 3 3
n 3 3 3
p rel to S 2 1 1
p rel to notS 0 1 1
q rel to S 2 1 1
q rel to notS 0 1 1
p abs 0 0 0
q abs 0 0 0
Total 25 25 25
percent out of 89
moods 28% 28% 28%

Note lastly that some moods have a conclusion composed of as many as 7 negative
elements (maximum 3 on the causative side, and 4 on the preventive side). Some moods, of
course, have only one negative element or even none. Although negative conclusions are
not as interesting as positive ones, they are still logically significant, telling us not to
Though some or all of these moods might for all we know imply a mere conjunctive or
conditional fragment of a conclusions. The matter is not here investigated, though it could be done
with a certain amount of work, because our interest is centered in causative and preventive
propositions (rather than their building blocks).

expect the opposite positive proposition to arise. They are also useful for consistency
checking, since, having reached a negative conclusion, if we discover that we elsewhere,
earlier or later, uphold the opposite positive proposition, we know we have made a mistake
in our reasoning or observation somewhere. So it is important to keep negative conclusions
in mind. They can also, by the way, become premises in subsequent syllogisms, as we shall
point out in the next chapter.


1. Possible Forms of Premises.

It is clear that the scanning technique we have developed in the preceding chapter is a
thorough and foolproof method for finding the conclusion(s) from any set of premises with
a common item, i.e. any syllogism. We have there demonstrated the method with reference
to positive causative premises and limited our search for conclusions to the range of all
possible causative and preventive forms with the major and minor items concerned. But
obviously, with appropriate changes in the data and/or the formulae used, and the required
patience and effort, we can use the same method to solve any syllogistic problem whatever
with full confidence.
We can use as premises any forms that can be entirely expressed in terms of moduses: viz.
those I call pre-causative forms, i.e. conjunctive propositions with two or more items, like
P + Q is possible or P + Q is impossible, or their derived conditional propositions, like
if P, then Q or if P, not-then Q, which constitute the building-blocks of causative
propositions136, or we can use any sort of causative proposition. Needless to add, all that is
said here concerns not only propositions with two terms (like P, Q), but equally those
involving a complement (i.e. a third term, be it positive or negative).
The term causative proposition can be (and has here been) used in both a narrow and a
broad sense, note well. In a narrow sense, causative propositions signifies those of the
form P is a (complete, necessary, partial and/or contingent) cause of Q or the negation of
such form, i.e. whose stated items are intended as positive. But in a broad sense, causative
propositions refers to all forms involving a causative relation is (or is not) a cause of,
whatever the intended polarities of the items involved, thus including preventive
propositions (with items P and notQ), and inverse causative propositions (with notP,
notQ) and inverse preventive propositions (with notP, Q).
The form of causation is not essentially affected by the polarities of the items involved.
Every term, whether conceived as positive or negative, is just a term to the causative
relation involved. The issue of polarity of items only acquires significance when we
compare two or more causative propositions having the same terms but with different
polarities. Thus, the issue of polarity of items is merely comparative. But it is not without
Preventive propositions, I remind you, can be stated (for instance) as P prevents Q, or as
P causes notQ; note the change of polarity of Q. As we have seen in matricial analysis,
the moduses of causative forms in the narrow sense and preventive forms are not the
same. This means that, although preventive propositions are a species of causative
propositions in the broad sense, they stand in significant contrast to causative

Please note that though I do not here develop the logic of pre-causative forms, I do not
mean to imply that it is unimportant. The reason that I gloss over it is simply that this logic is not the
topic of the current work. Moreover, the logic of conjunction and conditioning has been dealt with
adequately in my Future Logic, and is in any case pretty well known and understood by logicians in
general nowadays. Nevertheless, we could redo the whole of this pre-causative logic using the
methods developed in the present volume for causative logic. The techniques of matricial analysis
and scanning are very innovative, and would constitute a welcome renewal for pre-causative logic,
which might well lead to previously unknown results. However, being human, I cannot do all this
work, and I leave it to others.

propositions in the narrow sense. Therefore, it is often necessary to investigate those two
sets of forms separately, if we want to be exhaustive in our treatment of logical processes.
On the other hand, matricial analysis has shown us that the moduses of inverse causation
are closely related to those of causation (in the narrow sense), and likewise those of
inverse prevention are closely related to those of prevention. This means that these two
forms of causative proposition (in the broad sense) rarely require separate treatment, and
their processes can be inferred from those of causative (in the narrow sense) and preventive
propositions without need for bulky matricial analysis.
Another possible application of scanning is to syllogisms with one or both premises of
vague form, or of lone form, or otherwise out of the ordinary. Unusual conjunctions of
positive and negative forms can also be studied in this way. I have in the past (in phase II)
looked into such moods briefly, but now we can do the job with more certainty and
thoroughness. I will not however do it, but leave it to others.
As well, any mixture of forms of pre-causative or causative propositions can in principle be
used as premises and/or conclusions in causative syllogism. However, we tend in our
natural discourse not to mix such large categories of form too much. We would rarely if
ever mix pre-causative and causative premises, and would rarely seek conclusions of pre-
causative form to premises of causative form or vice versa. On the other hand, mixtures of
different sorts of causative, preventive, inverse causative and inverse preventive forms, do
occasionally occur in discourse, and should be considered.

2. Dealing with Negative Items.

Let us now, therefore, consider to what extent the syllogisms, causative in the narrow
sense, dealt with in the preceding chapter, cover the ground of causative syllogism in the
broadest sense. The moods dealt with so far have been with positive causative premises
with positive items, in the three main figures. That is, they had the forms (sometimes
relative to a subsidiary term S, not here shown) listed below:

Primary forms Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: Q-R R-Q Q-R
Minor premise: P-Q P-Q Q-P
Conclusion(s): P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR

Note the large form of the conclusion, which might include not only causative propositions
but also preventive ones (our chosen range having been expanded thus). We do not need to
mention inverse conclusions like notP-notR or notP-R because these are entirely
inferable from the eventual conclusions of form P-R or P-notR. For example, a
conclusion m of form P-R is logically identical to a conclusion n of form notP-notR. We
might thus view the inverse forms implicit in our eventual conclusions to represent
subaltern moods of the same syllogism, and ignore them accordingly.
Let us now consider what happens when we change the polarity of the minor and/or major
term in the premises, and so in the conclusion to those premises:

Negate major term Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: Q-notR notR-Q Q-notR
Minor premise: P-Q P-Q Q-P
Conclusion(s): P-notR + P-R P-notR + P-R P-notR + P-R

If we just change the polarity of the major item, we obtain, in the first and third figures, a
preventive major premise, and in the second figure, an inverse preventive major premise,
and in the conclusion, preventive and causative forms.

Negate minor term Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: Q-R R-Q Q-R
Minor premise: notP-Q notP-Q Q-notP
Conclusion(s): notP-R + notP-notR notP-R + notP-notR notP-R + notP-notR

If we just change the polarity of the minor item, we obtain, in the first and second figures,
an inverse preventive minor premise, and in the third figure, a preventive minor premise,
and in the conclusion, inverse preventive and inverse causative forms.

Negate extremes Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: Q-notR notR-Q Q-notR
Minor premise: notP-Q notP-Q Q-notP
Conclusion(s): notP-notR + notP-R notP-notR + notP-R notP-notR + notP-R

If we change the polarities of both the major and minor items, the premises are modified as
above, become preventive or inverse preventive in form, and the conclusion becomes a
conjunction of inverse causative and inverse preventive forms.

Negate middle term Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: notQ-R R-notQ notQ-R
Minor premise: P-notQ P-notQ notQ-P
Conclusion(s): P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR

Similarly, if we negate the middle term in both the premises, no change occurs in the
conclusion. And if we do this in addition to the above listed changes in major and/or minor
premise, the conclusions found there remain the same. However, in all these cases, the
categorization of the premises of course changes. Thus, where the polarity of the middle
term is changed in both premises, but not that of the other terms, the premises all have
preventive or inverse preventive forms (as shown immediately above). If now we change
the polarity of the major and/or the minor term(s) as well, we will naturally again affect the
forms of the premises in the various figures, some of them becoming causative or inverse
causative. In this way, we gradually exhaust all possible forms of premises.
All the above concerns both 3-item and 4-item syllogism (and even 5-item syllogism). In
4-item (and likewise 5-item) syllogism, we must additionally take into consideration the
complement(s) involved. When one of the premises is or involves a relative weak
proposition with a complement S, we can similarly obtain an additional mood by replacing
it with the complement notS. In such case, obviously, where the conclusion refers to S we
will insert notS, and where it refers to notS we will insert S. Such substitutions of course
further increase the number of valid moods at our disposal.
What all the above means is that the lists of causative syllogisms developed by scanning in
the previous chapter can with relative ease be adapted to such changes of polarity in the
items concerned. This method of substitution is a valid shortcut. There is no real need to
deal with these moods separately, producing bulky spreadsheets all over again. Just change
the polarities of the terms systematically as shown above, and thus re-define the forms of
the premises and conclusions involved, and the job is equally well done. We can thus refer

to such syllogisms as derivatives of purely causative syllogisms treated in the previous

I have not numbered the results of such multiplication of moods, but this is a job that
eventual needs doing. We should anyway keep in mind the distinction between primary
(independently validated) and secondary (derived) moods when we do count them.
It is probable that many, if not all, syllogism thus derived (by substitutions) can also be
derived by direct reductions. I cannot predict with certainty offhand, in view of the fact that
many moods have multiple (both positive and negative) conclusions or only negative
conclusions. Perhaps some or all of the negative conclusions can be derived by indirect
reduction (i.e. reduction ad absurdum). The matter would have to be investigated carefully
in detail before we can say for sure. However, I am not about to do this job. I leave it too to

3. Preventive Syllogisms and their Derivatives.

But this substitutive method is not adequate for preventive syllogisms and their derivatives.
The problem of negation of items is more complicated when the middle term is negated in
only one of the premises. In such cases the conclusions are affected in ways not easily
predicted by mere substitutions.

Negate middle term Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: Q-R R-Q Q-R
Minor premise: P-notQ P-notQ notQ-P
Conclusion(s): P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR

Negate middle term Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Major premise:: notQ-R R-notQ notQ-R
Minor premise: P-Q P-Q Q-P
Conclusion(s): P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR P-R + P-notR

We can predict at the outset that it is irrelevant whether the middle term is negative in the
major or minor premise. The forms involved will be named differently, according to where
the middle term has been negated, but the syllogistic process and its conclusion will be the
same. What is sure, however, is that the conclusions obtained will be different.137
I decided therefore to explore the issue further, and developed the following tables for 3-
item preventive syllogism, with one causative premise (the major) and one preventive
premise (the minor), which can all be viewed online at my website as usual. The first of
these tables shows the moduses of the premises used; and the second table summarizes the
next three, which detail the scanning work done in each figure. The important table is the
second, viz. Table 23.2-0; please look at it carefully:

Table 23.1 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Premises Scanned. (8 pages in pdf

Table 23.2-0 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions
Scanned. (9 pages in pdf file.)

In truth, at first I was not sure of that: I assumed offhand that most premises so generated
would be incompatible; but it turned out they were all compatible and most yielded conclusions.
Thereafter, it seemed obvious that this should be so!

Table 23.2-1 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Figure One Scanning for

Conclusions. (48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.2-2 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Figure Two Scanning for
Conclusions. (48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.2-3 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Figure Three Scanning for
Conclusions. (48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.3 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Comparison between Causative and
Preventive Syllogisms. (3 pages in pdf file.)

As can be seen, what I did here was simply change the data for the minor premise in the 3-
item tables developed in the preceding chapter. The latter served as templates for the
present investigation. No formulas were changed, note (which is why I have not produced
a new formulas used table for the tables posted here). Note too that the forms of
conclusion scanned for (P-R + P-notR) are unchanged.
However, as the comparative Table 23.3 shows, the specific conclusions actually obtained
are very different. What is interesting is that the conclusions here obtained are almost a
mirror image of the conclusions previously obtained, except that the spectrum has shifted
from causative to preventive. That is, whereas with two causative premises the conclusions
leaned on the side of causation, consisting roughly speaking of a mix of mainly positive
causative conclusions and exclusively negative preventive conclusions here, with a
causative and a preventive premise, the conclusions lean on the side of prevention,
consisting roughly speaking of a mix of mainly positive preventive conclusions and
exclusively negative causative conclusions! We might express this shift by writing the
conclusions in the form P-notR + P-R (instead of P-R + P-notR) i.e. with the
preventive part first and the causative part second, though of course the order in which the
parts are stated is formally irrelevant.
If you look again at the lists of conclusions and compare them, you can see that, apart from
this spectral shift, the conclusions are essentially the same except that the order they
appear in the columns is not identical. But the differences are, as might be expected,
orderly. In the first figure, the moods numbered 111-118, 141-148 reflect the moods with
the same numbers (though with the spectral shift, of course i.e. they are, as it were,
laterally inversed mirror images); while the moods numbered 121-128, 131-138, 151-
158, 161-168, 171-178, 181-188 respectively mirror the moods 131-138, 121-128, 161-
168, 151-158, 181-188, 171-178. All statistics are consequently the same, mutatis
For this reason, i.e. with reference to the kind of conclusions obtained, I have called
syllogism with two causative premises (and its derivatives, as above described) causative
syllogism; and syllogism with one premise causative and the other preventive, preventive
syllogism. Note well, these labels refer to the conclusions obtained rather than to the kinds
of premises (for, as we have seen in the previous section, a syllogism may have some
preventive or inverse-preventive premise(s) and yet be essentially causative). Note also the
distinctive format of preventive syllogism the middle term is antithetical, being positive
in one premise and negative in the other.
Just as causative syllogism has a mass of derivatives, as detailed in the previous section, so
with preventive syllogism. If we take the syllogisms listed in the above tables, and negate
their minor and/or major term, and/or negate both occurrences of their middle term, and/or
negate their subsidiary term(s), we get a mass of derivative syllogisms as before. This
means that, combining the lists of positive causative and preventive syllogisms, including
all such derivatives, we truly have an exhaustive overview of syllogisms to do with
causation in the largest sense.

The above listed tables concern only 3-item syllogism, of course. Concerning 4-item
preventive syllogism, we can already predict that the results will be very similar. Just as 3-
item preventive syllogism yields a shift in conclusions from the causative to the preventive
side, so with 4-item preventive syllogism we can expect such a shift. Similarly, the vertical
order of the conclusions will be somewhat changed, though in an orderly manner as before.
The 4-item results are sure to be analogous, because they have to be consistent with 3-item
results. The following CONJECTURAL table shows the results one may expect offhand,
based solely on analogy to the results given in Table 23.3:

Table 23.4 4-Item Preventive Syllogisms CONJECTURAL predictions of

conclusions. (6 pages in pdf file.)

Please note well that this table is conjectural, and not to be relied on! The only reason I
have put it here is to give the reader an idea of the sorts of results to expect. But it has yet
to be proved by the scanning method. The reason why we cannot be sure of this analogical
argumentation is that there may be unexpected twists when the fourth item is involved
e.g. it may be that a surprising change of polarity occurs in such cases. The scanning work
must eventually be done if we wish to be exhaustive in our research. But I leave it till later
or for others.
As regards the number of valid moods, we can predict that the collections of causative and
preventive syllogisms will be numerically the same. By the way, regarding syllogisms with
a premise (or two) that compounds causative and preventive propositions: such compound
premises need not be viewed as necessitating further research, but can be treated as double
syllogisms. That is, the conclusion(s) of the compound premise(s) will be the sum of the
conclusion(s) of the two (or more) causative and preventive syllogisms involved.
The same comment can be made here as in the previous section regarding the possibility of
deriving syllogisms by direct or indirect reduction. It may even be that the above tabulated
preventive syllogisms can be so derived from causative syllogisms; I have not tried. As far
as I am concerned, matricial analysis, scanning and substitution are independent sources of
validity: there is no formal need for the traditional methods of Aristotelian logic. However,
such research would be interesting to pursue for its own sake, as it might well reveal the
interdependence of all syllogisms in the various figures and with various polarities of
terms. Intuitively, this seems obvious to me; but it has to be proved. We would then know
what the shortest possible list of causative syllogisms includes.

4. Syllogisms with Negative Premise(s).

All the above concerns positive premises, note well. We have yet to consider what happens
when one or both of the premises, be they causative and/or preventive, is/are negative. This
is what we will briefly look into now. My intent here is only to sketch the way, without
actually doing the whole job.
I have in the past, in phase II, briefly considered the issue. In Table 15.9, I list various
negative propositions or compounds with negative elements that may appear as premises,
without working out their moduses138. Then, in Table 15.10, I consider first figure
syllogisms with both premises negative and elementary negations of m, n, p abs or q abs
and find (using the manual method) no conclusions from them.

I have in phase III worked out the 3-item moduses for the possible premises listed in this
table, namely in Table 18.4.

Obviously, to be thorough in our research, we must systematically list all possible moods
and then (mechanically) scan for the conclusions they imply in the full range of causative
and preventive forms. In positive syllogism, we considered moods with both premises
positive and among the eight forms mn, mq, np, pq, m, n, p, q (these forms being ordered
from the strongest determination to the weakest, and numbered 1-8, even though the first
four are compounds of the latter four). Our first job, therefore, would be to consider the
negations of these eight compound and elementary forms, i.e. not-(mn), not-(mq), not-
(np), not-(pq), not-m, not-n, not-p, not-q.
This I have done for 3-item causative syllogism, for all three figures. I started with the
spreadsheets used to produce Tables 22.6-1, 22.6-2, 22.6-3. Using these as templates, I
duplicated them 3 times each, and negated the premises successively in them: first the
major premise, then the minor premise, then both the premises. The formulas were so
easily adapted that I do not need to produce a listing of them for you. Lastly, I recalculated
everything. The reliability of the results obtained is confirmed by their symmetry. The
findings are summarized in the first table, and the detailed scanning work on which it is
based is shown in the next nine tables. These tables can all as usual be viewed online at my

Table 23.5-0 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Summary of

Conclusions Scanned. (3 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-1 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Major Premise Negated
Figure One Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-2 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Minor Premise Negated
Figure One Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-3 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Both Premises Negated
Figure One Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-4 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Major Premise Negated
Figure Two Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-5 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Minor Premise Negated
Figure Two Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-6 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Both Premises Negated
Figure Two Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-7 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Major Premise Negated
Figure Three Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-8 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Minor Premise Negated
Figure Three Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-9 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Both Premises Negated
Figure Three Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)

The summary in Table 23.5-0 should certainly be looked at. What we learn from it is that
24 moods out of 192 (12.5%) in each figure do yield a conclusion. It is always a single
conclusion, and it is always negative and causative i.e. neither positive nor preventive. 12
of these conclusions occur in syllogism with the major premise negative; and the other 12
of them occur in syllogism with the minor premise negative; no conclusions emerge when
both premises are negative139. Of the said sets of 12 conclusions, 5 are not-m, 5 are not-n,

Note that the investigation in Table 15.10 taught us the same lesson for two negative
elementary premises, not-m, not-n, not-p, not-q; but here the scope is larger, since we also prove
the inconclusiveness of two negative premises, when one or both of them are negative compound
premises, not-(mn), not-(mq), not-(np), not-(pq).

and the other 2 are p abs and q abs. This is true in each figure, though the order of
appearance varies.
This exploration in negative syllogism does not cover the whole field (see Table 15.9
again), but it is of course a good start. We can later push further afield. Note that not-(mn)
means not-m and/or not-n, which allows for three consistent alternative outcomes m +
not-n or not-m + n or not-m + not-n; and similarly for the other negated compounds
not-(mq), not-(np), not-(pq). Thus, when we validate a conclusion for a negated
compound, we also validate it for its three alternative outcomes; though this does not
guarantee that the alternatives would not, when taken specifically, yield a more specific
conclusion. Their syllogisms still need to be separately investigated.
Moreover, all this must be done for preventive as well as causative premises, as we did on
the positive side. We can expect negative preventive syllogism to resemble negative
causative syllogism, except that the negative conclusions obtained will be shifted to the
preventive side and vertically displaced as before. Moreover, all this must be done for 4-
item as well as 3-item syllogisms (and eventually also 5-item syllogisms). However, there
is no cause for despair; the project is within the realm of the possible. It is big, but the
scanning method is clearly known and perfect in its results. Furthermore, we (or at least I)
have applicable templates we can use the spreadsheets already developed for positive
syllogisms, merely modifying them as appropriate for the various negative syllogisms.
Logicians are duty bound to solve all conceivable syllogisms. But I am not going to do all
the work. I think I have done enough. I have laid the foundations of and greatly developed
this important department of logic. It is a big field and there is room in it for other workers.
I invite those interested to do their bit, and claim their share of the territory in history
books on the subject. Look upon the task as an exercise. The best way to learn and fully
understand is by doing i.e. by taking up the challenge of actual research work.

5. Causal Logic Perspective.

Since I am here more or less putting an end to my share of the research, I would like to
mention a further perspective. The logic of causation, or more briefly put causative logic,
is only one department of the logic of causality, or causal logic. Two other departments
of causal logic seem to me very important fields that logicians must develop further. They
are the logic of volition, or volitional logic and the logic of influence, or influential
In my work Volition and Allied Causal Concepts (2004), I discuss the topic of volition
philosophically and explain its relation to causation and influence respectively. I there
debunk various widespread misunderstandings concerning these concepts and show how
they can be credibly defined and correctly understood. I will not go into details here,
wishing only to add a few general comments relevant to the present context.
Volition is a form of causality very different from causation. It cannot be reduced to
causation. Volition cannot be fully represented by any particular modus or combination of
moduses. However, volition is not entirely separate from or devoid of causation. That is to
say, causation often (indeed, always) sets limits to the natural possibilities inherent in
volition. Volition is never without limit (at least not that of humans or animals); it is
always delimited, within a given realm of the possible. Freedom of the will does not
signify unlimited freedom, period but full freedom within certain naturally (i.e.
causatively) set limits. This must always be kept in mind, if we do not want to fall victim
to fallacious skeptical arguments.

Volition goes beyond causation, into specific areas that causation does not entirely rule.
But the relationship between the agent of volition, i.e. the conscious being (to whatever
degree) doing the willing, and the immediate causal product of volition, that i.e. which the
agent actually wills, is not devoid of causation. Specifically, we can say that without this
agent or, in some cases, another like him the thing willed would not have occurred.
Thus, we can say that the agent is causatively related to the thing willed at least in this
respect i.e. in being a necessary cause (or one possible instance of a kind of thing that is
a necessary cause) of the thing emerging from the act of will.
If not for this agent willing it, this willed thing would not have occurred. Therefore, the
agent is not only the willer of that thing, but a causative of it specifically a necessary
cause of it. However, his relation to the thing in such cases is not like that of a lifeless
complete cause. We cannot express the relation between the agent and his wills
immediate products with reference to the moduses of complete causation. If we seek a
modus to formally apply to causation it can only be (as discussed in the present volume,
chapter 19) the last modus i.e. modus 16 in a 2-item framework, or more deeply modus
256 in a 3-item framework, and so forth. But this modus is too vague; it is not exclusive to
volition, so it does not tell us anything about it.
Note that I have simplified the matter a bit, when I suggested that the agent (or some such
agent) is necessary to the immediate effect of the will. In some cases, it is true, the same
effect might equally well have been produced through entirely causative (i.e. non-
volitional) means. In such cases, the agent is may be said to be only one of the many
possible sine qua nons to the kind of effect concerned. Nevertheless, with reference to
that given instance of the effect concerned, the agent is definitely the one and only
necessary cause. If someone or something else had caused a similar effect, it would have
caused a similar but distinct instance of the effect. The instantiation is entirely identified to
the actual cause.
Thus, though volition may involve some causation in that the agent is a necessary cause of
what he or she wills, its relation cannot be confused with complete causation. Volition is
not complete causation it replaces the natural function of complete causation with a quite
distinct form of causality. That is why we must name it distinctively and study it
separately. Through an act of volition, the agent does the same job as a complete causative
of bringing into actuality something that was previously inactual and that would have
otherwise probably remained inactual; but that does not qualify it as a complete causative.
That is to say, we cannot say of it if the agent, then necessarily the effect because the
agent may choose not to produce the effect, unlike a lifeless causative. Where volition is
applicable, we can only say if the agent, possibly the effect.
Let me now remind you of the basic insights regarding influence in my theory of
volition. Influence is a causal relation it is the relation between various objects (natural or
endowed with volition) and what the agent it (i.e. the influence) impinges on wills.
Influence is the intermediary between the domain of causation and that of volition.
However, it radically differs from causation in this: something is an influence on volition
only through the intermediary of consciousness. It must be cognized somewhat to qualify
as an influence.
A causative may well affect a volition, by virtue of setting limits to its operation. Every
volition is affected by some causatives, in this respect. But influence is something else
entirely. An object, whether mental or physical, can only influence us if we are (to
whatever degree or extent or depth) aware of it. Once we are aware of it, it becomes one of
the factors affecting the act of will proper, i.e. the effort of the agent concerned. How does
an influence affect a volition? It naturally makes it easier (positive influence) or more
difficult (negative influence) for the agent to will that will. The agent must put less or more

effort, respectively, to achieve the same result, i.e. the volition concerned. This is clearly
very different from mere causation; it is a much weaker (and more personal) causal
The other important point to keep in mind concerning influence is that it is never 100%
determining. This is a requirement of consistency. If the will is free, it cannot be extremely
influenced some leeway must remain for it. If the will is truly determined by some factor
external to the agent of will, then what occurs is not influenced volition but mere causation.
The postulate of freedom of the will is that though volition may indeed be influenced it is
never overpowered by influences, but retains some degree of liberty to go ahead in one
direction or the other or to abstain from such courses of action. Generally, the reason why
skeptics concerning freedom of the will err is that they fail to make this distinction between
causation and influence.

All right. Why have I reviewed these basics concerning volition and influence in the
present context? Simply because I want to briefly discuss the confluence of causative
logic and the logics of volition and influence, and thus set the stage for causal logic in its
widest sense. In Volition and Allied Causal Concepts, I lightly touched upon the formal
logic relating to the concepts there studied; but there is still of course much, much work to
do in that field. In the present volume, we have gone into causative logic in great detail,
though there is still room for further research.
What I want to point out here is the need for a formal logic style study of the matter. That
is, one capable of drawing exact conclusions from syllogisms involving a mixture of
causative premises with volitional and/or influential ones. What conclusions can be drawn
from different combinations of these forms (and other related factors)? This is a big field
that yet needs intensive study.
To give a formal example: if agent A willed W (under influences X, Y, Z) and W is a
complete cause (or partial cause with certain complements) of some phenomenon P can
A be said to have willed P? Offhand, I would say: no. Only if P was intended (i.e. thought
about as a goal of W) would I say it was willed. If P was thought of as a very likely or
inevitable effect of W, P may only be said to have been incidental to As action; and if it
was neither intended nor thought of as possible or probable effect, then P was accidental to
As action. Note that the thought of P is more influential in intention than it is in incident
and plays no role in accident.
To give a material example: when I drive my car to the supermarket, it is my intention to
get there and shop there. I know this will cause some pollution, but that is not my intent;
indeed, I wish I didnt, but not enough to stop me driving; so this is incidental to my
driving. I could of course knock my car into something on the way; but this is not very
likely and I do my best to avoid it; so such occurrence would be an accident. (Incidents and
accidents can also of course be positive events, note.)
Broadly speaking, then, given that A wills W and W causes P; what ought we to conclude
regarding the causal relation of A and P? What we need are precise, complex, formal,
accurate, consistent answers to all such questions. Only then would we be able to claim to
have really mastered the whole field of causal logic. I leave it at that for now. Thank you
for your attention.


In the present, final chapter, I will try and provide readers with a practical guide to the
logic of causation. That is, after, all the purpose of the whole exercise. This book was
written over a period of many years (on and off) more as a research report than as a text
book. Most readers, I assume, are not very interested in the details of how I got to such or
such a result, but just want to learn how to reason correctly with causative propositions.
The validations are more of concern to logicians. Lay people want practical guidance.
Thus, do not expect here a systematic summary of all findings, but rather a highlighting of
some of the main points.

1. What is Causation?

What is causation? This term refers to a concept an abstraction through which we can
order empirical facts in a way that makes them more comprehensible to us and helps us
makes predictions. Like every reasonable concept, causation does indeed signify an
existing fact namely the fact that sets of two or more facts are often evidently related in
the ways we call causation. Causation refers to certain observable or induced or deduced
regularities in conjunction or non-conjunction between two or more things. By things (or
preferably, henceforth, items) here, understand any domain of existence: material,
physical, bodily, mental, abstract, spiritual; any category of existent: substance, entity,
characteristic, quality, change, motion, event, action, passion, dynamic, static, etc.
anything whatever.
As with all concepts, the concept of causation varies somewhat from person to person, and
over time in each person. At one end of the spectrum, there are people for whom the
concept of causation is a vague, subconscious notion, which often produces erroneous
judgments. At the other extreme, there are those who clearly understand causation and use
it correctly in their thinking. The purpose of causative logic, i.e. of the present detailed
theory of causation and its relevance to thought, is to improve peoples understanding and
Causation can thus be defined, broadly and more and more precisely, as our study of it
proceeds. But can causation as such be proved to exist? Yes, indeed. Causation relies first
of all on the admission that there are kinds of things. For, generally, we establish causation
(as distinct from volition, which is indeterministic causality) not for individual items, but
for kinds, i.e. for sets of things that resemble each other in some way. When we say that
X causes Y, we mean that instances of the kind X are related in a certain way to instances
of the kind Y.
Now note this first argument well: if there were no kinds, there would be no causation.
That is, if nothing could be said to be the same as anything else, kinds would not exist
and causation could not be established. But if we claim Nothing is the same as anything
else in any respect, we are engaged in an inextricable self-contradiction, for that very
statement is full of assumption regarding the existence of kinds. Therefore, such a claim is
logically untenable, and we must admit that kinds exist, i.e. that our concepts have some
empirical basis.

Now, causation refers to the possibility or impossibility of various combinations of things

(or their negations). For example, to say that X is never found in conjunction with not-Y
and that not-X is never found in conjunction with Y, is a statement of complete necessary
type of causation. We can certainly argue, regarding a particular pair of items X and Y
(e.g. irrational behavior and mental suffering), as to whether or not they indeed fit in this
relational format; merely asserting it as fact does not of course make it fact.
But no one can logically deny that there exist some pairs of things in this world that do
indeed fit this pattern of relation. It would mean that we deny that there are possibilities
and impossibilities of conjunction. Note this second argument well: if we claim No
conjunction of things is possible, we are saying that the conjunctions implied by this very
statement are impossible; and if we claim No conjunction of things is impossible we are
saying that contradictions are possible. All the more so, if we claim that nothing is possible
or that nothing is impossible, we are involved in logically unacceptable self-contradictions.
When a thesis is self-contradictory it must be abandoned, and replaced by its contradictory
Therefore, the definitional bases of causation as such i.e. the fact that there exists the
modalities of possibility and impossibility, and thence of necessity and unnecessity and
the fact that some conjunctions in the world are bound to be related by one or the other of
these modalities (nothing else is even conceivable) are indubitable. Thus, causation,
which refers to different combinations and permutations of such modalities of
conjunctions, is indubitable. There are no ifs and buts about it.
Why, then, you may ask, are the likes of David Hume or Nagarjuna, and all their modern
followers and imitators, so convinced of the illusoriness of causation? The answer is that
they are clearly not committed to reason or logic, but merely express their cognitive or
psychological problems; or they are not very intelligent. Nagarjuna relied heavily on
fallacious reasoning to support his alleged critique of causation. Humes search for an
empirically observable phenomenon of connection or bond was a red herring; it implied
that causation is something concrete, i.e. tangible or otherwise materially detectable. No
wonder he could not find it! No: to repeat, causation is an abstraction, through which we
order our empirical observations and predict similar events of the same sort140.
Hume admits as much when he defines causation as constant conjunction between things.
However, that definition is flawed inasmuch as it draws attention to only the positive side
of causation; it ignores the crucial negative side (the constant conjunction between the
negations of the things). Hume also ignores the different determinations or degrees of
causation. And in attempting to explain away causation by referring it to habitual
associations of ideas, he contradicts himself since such explanation is itself an appeal to
causality; i.e. it purports to tell us why we assume causation. Causation is formally the
same whether it is assumed to occur in the material surrounds or in the mind, i.e. whether it
correlates things or ideas. The fact that causation is usually induced by means of
generalizations does not allow us to equate it to association of ideas. And anyway,
association of ideas can occur even where causation is doubted; so these concepts cannot
be the same in our minds.
As shown above, the concept of causation rests on two pillars, two fundamentals of human
knowledge. The one is the fact of similarity and the other is the fact that conjunctions may
be possible or impossible.

To give an example: a subcategory of causation in physics is the concept of force. This is
in no way thought of as something substantial yet we consider it to be a reliable scientific
reference, because it is an abstract inductive postulate through which we are able to order and
predict various physical phenomena. Even if a particle theory of force is developed, it depends on
the causative understanding that such particles obey certain abstract laws of behavior.

You can deny that two or more particular objects are similar, but you cannot deny that
there are somewhere similar objects and that we are able to identify them in principle. You
can deny that two or more particular objects are sometimes or never conjoined, but you
cannot deny that there are somewhere objects that are sometimes or never conjoined and
that we are able to identify them in principle. When I say you cannot deny, I mean you
cannot do so without self-contradiction i.e. you cannot do so with the sanction of logic,
i.e. you do so against logic.
Ontologically, causation occurs because not everything is possible in the world. If nothing
was impossible, everything could proceed every which way. The limitations that exist in
Nature constitute obstacles in its free flow, and force it to flow along specific routes.
Natures course is determined by where it cannot go, rather than by where it must go. The
stream of events follows the groove formed by the limits set.
There are as many modes of causation as there are modes of modality. Rational argument
refers to the logical (de dicta) mode of causation. Extensional causation is based on
extensional modality. Natural, temporal and spatial causation likewise are based on these
(de re) modes of modality. It is logically inconsistent to admit one mode of causation (e.g.
the logical) and refuse to admit the others (e.g. the natural mode). There is formally no
reason to discriminate between them.
In conclusion, causation is a mental overlay through which we order observed reality. But
this overlay does not force reality into any arbitrary patterns; it is not an invention of ours.
It is merely an acknowledgement that certain patterns do observably occur, and our task in
causative reasoning is to identify when they do occur as well as possible. The overlay is
not a distortive filter or a hindrance to knowledge. It is based on experience of the world
and helps us to more correctly and profoundly discern and understand the world, and thus
also to better predict and deal with it.
The concept of causation has no doubt a long history, dating from the beginnings of
humanity, if not earlier still in its wordless animal ancestors. Certainly, the moment our
ancestors thought or said because or therefore they displayed their belief in or
knowledge of causation. The study of the concept is a much later development, of course,
which coincides no doubt with the dawning of philosophy, especially in ancient Greece.
But it is, I think, in modern times that people began to look for applications of causation in
a very conscious manner. I refer of course to the advent of modern experimental science in
Two important philosophical figures in this context were Francis Bacon and John Stuart
Mill. Not because they discovered causation theoretically or the ways to find it in practice,
but because they sought to verbalize causative logic. However, neither of these thinkers
asked all the right questions or gave all the right answers. Surprisingly, no one made a big
effort to follow up on their work, discouraged perhaps by the skepticism instilled by David
Hume. It is not until the present study of causation that we have a full analysis and
practical guide to causative reasoning, a truly formal logic of causation. This is really a
historic breakthrough.

2. How is Causation Known?

We have in the previous section explained that causation is an abstract fact and
established that it is knowable by humans. Our definitions of the various types and degrees
of causation provide us with formal criteria with which we are able to judge whether
causation is or is not applicable in given cases. But to affirm that causation as such is
definable and knowable does not tell us just how to know it in particular cases.

Can we perceive causation? Not exactly, since it is not itself a concrete phenomenon but an
abstract relation between concrete phenomena (and more broadly, other abstractions). It
has no visual appearance, no color, no shape, it makes no sound, and it cannot be felt or
tasted or smelled. It is an object of conception.
Can it then be known by direct conceptual insight? This might seem to be the case, at
first sight, before we are able to introspectively discern our actual mental processes clearly.
But eventually it becomes evident that causation must be based on concrete experience and
logical process. We cannot just accept our insights without testing them and checking all
the thinking behind them. The foundation of causative knowledge i.e. of knowledge
about causation between actual things is evidently induction.
That is to say, quite common and ordinary processes like generalization and
particularization or, more broadly, adduction (the formulation and empirical testing of
hypotheses). These processes are used by everyone, all the time, though with different
degrees of awareness and carefulness. The bushman who identifies the footprints he sees as
traces of passing buffalo is using causative logic. And the scientist who identifies the
bandwidth of rays emanating from a certain star as signifying the presence of certain
elements in it is using the same causative logic. The bushman is not different from or
superior or inferior to the scientist. Both can make mistakes, if they are lazy or negligent;
and both can be correct, if they are thorough and careful.
How is a given causative relation induced? Take for instance the form X is a complete
cause of Y. This we define as: If X, then Y; if not X, not-then Y; and X and Y is
possible. How can these propositions be established empirically? Well, as regards X and
Y is possible, all we need is find one case of conjunction of X and Y and the job is done.
Similarly for if not X, not-then Y; since this means not-X and not-Y is possible, all we
need is find one case of conjunction of not-X and not-Y and the job is done.
This leaves us with If X, then Y to explain. This proposition means X and not-Y is
impossible, and we cannot by mere observation know for sure that the conjunction of X
and not-Y never occurs (unless we are dealing with enumerable items, which is rarely the
case). We must obviously usually resort to generalization: having searched for and never
found such conjunction, we may reasonably until and unless later discoveries suggest the
contrary assume that such conjunction is in fact impossible. If later experience belies our
generalization, we must of course particularize and then make sure the causative
proposition is revised accordingly.
Another way we might get such knowledge is more indirectly, by adduction. The
assumption that X and not-Y is impossible might be made as a consequence of a larger
hypothesis from which this impossibility may be inferred. Or we may directly postulate the
overall proposition that X is a complete cause of Y and see how that goes. Such
assumptions remain valid so long as they are confirmed and not belied by empirical
evidence, and so long as they constitute the most probable of existing hypotheses. If
contrary evidence is found, they are of course naturally dropped, for they cannot logically
continue to be claimed true as they stand.
Another way is with reference to deductive logic. We may simply have the logical insight
that the items X and not-Y are incompatible. Or, more commonly, we may infer the
impossibility of conjunction or indeed, the whole causative proposition from previously
established propositions; by eduction or syllogism or hypothetical argument or whatever. It
is with this most deductive source of knowledge in mind that the complex, elaborate field
of causative logic, and in particular of causative syllogism, is developed. This field is also
essential to ensure the internal consistency of our body of knowledge as a whole, note well.

Additional criteria. It should be added that though causation is defined mainly by

referring to various possibilities and impossibilities of conjunctions there are often
additional criteria. Space and time are two notable ones. Two events far apart in space and
time may indeed be causatively related for example, an explosion in the Sun and minutes
later a bright light on Earth. But very often, causation concerns close events for instance,
my eating some food and having a certain sensation in my digestive system. In the both
these cases, the effect is temporally after the cause. In the latter case, unlike the former, the
cause and effect are both in my body.
Between the Suns emission of light and its arrival on Earth, there is continuity: the energy
is conserved and travels through all the space from there to here, never faster than the
speed of light, according to the theory of relativity. But what of recent discoveries (by
Nicolas Gisin, 1997), which seem to suggest that elementary particles can affect each other
instantly and at a large distance without apparent intermediary physical motion? Clearly,
we cannot generalize in advance concerning such issues, but must keep an open mind
and an open logic theory. Still, we can say that in most cases the rule seems to be
continuity. When we say bad food causes indigestion, we usually mean that it does so
within one and the same body (i.e. not that my eating bad food causes you indigestion).
As regards natural causation, we can formulate the additional criterion that the cause must
in fact precede or be simultaneous with the effect. But this is not a universal law of
causation, in that it is not essential in logical and extensional causation. In the latter modes,
the causative sequence may be reversed, if it happens that the observer infers the cause
from the effect. Although, we might in such cases point out another temporal factor: when
we infer (even in cases of foregone conclusion), we think of the premises before we think
of the conclusions. That is to say, there are two temporal sequences to consider, either or
both of which may be involved in a causal proposition: the factual sequence of events, and
the sequence of our knowledge of these events.
Similarly, quantitative proportionality is often indicative of causation; but sometimes not.
Although it is true that if the quantity of one phenomenon varies with the quantity of
another phenomenon, we can induce a causative relation between them; it does not follow
that where no such concomitant variation (to use J. S. Mills term) is perceived, there is not
causation. In any case, the curve quantatively relating cause and effect may be very
crooked; proportionality here does not refer only to simple equations, but even to very
complicated equations involving many variables. In the limit, we may even admit as
causative a relation for which no mathematical expression is apparent. An example of the
latter situation is perhaps the quantum mechanics finding that the position and velocity of a
particle cannot both be determined with great precision: though the particle as such
persists, the separate quantities p and v are unpredictable (not merely epistemologically,
but ontologically, according to some scientists) which suggests some degree of natural
spontaneity, in the midst of some causative continuity.
Thus, we must stick to the most general formulations of causation in our basic definitions,
even as we admit there may be additional criteria to take into consideration in specific
contexts. It follows from this necessity that we can expect the logic of causation certain
inferences (like conversion, or those in second and third syllogism) where what is initially
labeled a cause becomes an effect and vice versa. Keep this in mind141.

Laws of causation. We should also here mention the cognitive role of alleged laws of
causation. We have already briefly discussed laws relating to space and time.

It is interesting to note here that J. S. Mills definitions of causation use the expression: is
the effect, or the cause, meaning he had in mind the general forms.

In times past, it seems that some degree of sameness between cause and effect was
regarded as an important law of causation. Upon reflection, the proponents of this criterion
for causation probably had in mind that offspring have common features with their parents.
But apparently, some people took this idea further and supposed that the substance (and
eventually some other characteristics) of cause and effect must be the same. But though
this criterion may be applicable to biology or other specific domains (e.g. the law of
conservation of matter and energy in physics could be so construed), it is not generally
regarded as universal. Formally, I see no basis for it.142
The law of causation most often appealed to (at least in Western thought) is that
everything has a cause. But though it is evidently true of most things that they have
causes, and the belief in this law often motivates us to look for or postulate causes (i.e.
even if none is apparent, we may assume one to exist), we have not in our study found any
formal grounds to affirm such a law as universal. Admitting the fact of causation does not
logically force us to admit its universality. This does not prove that it is not empirically
universal; and it does not prevent us from formulating such universality as an adductive
hypothesis. In any case, today, as evidenced by quantum physics and big-bang cosmogony,
it seems generally assumed by scientists that this law is indeed not universal (which does
not mean it is not very widely applicable).
I wonder anyway if it was ever really regarded as universal. I would say that in the 19th
Century, this law was assumed universal for physical phenomena but not necessarily for
mental phenomena; human volition was generally taken to be an exception to the rule, i.e.
freedom of the will was acknowledged by most people. Paradoxically, in the iconoclastic
20th Century, while the said law of causation was denied universality for material things,
every effort was made to affirm it as regards human beings and thus forcefully deny
freedom of the will143. Intellectual fashions change, evidently. But as far as I am concerned,
while I admit the possibility that this law may not-be universally true of matter, I have no
doubt that it is inapplicable to the human will144.
Another alleged law of causation that should be mentioned here (because of the current
interest in it, in some circles) is the Buddhist notion that every thing is caused by

If we want to go more deeply in the history of laws of causation, we would have to
mention, among others, the Hindu/Buddhist law of karma, according to which ones good and bad
deeds sooner or later have desirable or undesirable consequences, respectively, on oneself. It is
the popular idea that what goes round must come round. Though I would agree this is sometimes,
frequently or even usually empirically true, we must admit that it does not always seem confirmed
by observation so it is at best a hopeful generalization (to a life after this one) intended to have
positive moral influence. In any case, I see no formal basis for it. The same can be said concerning
reward or punishment by God though it might well be true, it is not something that can readily be
proved by observation or by formal means; an act of faith is required to believe in it (I do, on that
basis). In any case, the latter can hardly be called a law of causation, since the free will of God is
thought to be involved in bringing about the effect.
Actually, both these changes were (I suggest) consciously or subconsciously motivated by
the same evil desire to incapacitate mankind. Their proponents effectively told people: you cannot
control matter (since it is ultimately not subject to law) and you cannot control yourself (since you
have no freewill) so give up trying. People who believed this nonsense (including its advocates)
were influenced by it to become weaker human beings. Virtue was derided and vice was promoted.
We see the shameful results of this policy all around us today.
I argue this issue elsewhere, in my Volition and Allied Causal Concepts. It should be
mentioned that an analogue to the law of causation is often postulated, consciously or not, for the
mind. We tend to think that every act of volition has a cause, in the sense of being influenced or
motivated, by something or other. Though largely true, this assumption taken literally would
exclude purely whimsical volitions; thus, I tend to doubt it, for reasons explained in my said book. In
any case, do not confuse this law of influence with the law of causation here discussed. These
are very distinct forms of causality, which cannot be lumped together.

everything. As I have shown in the present volume, this idea of universal

interdependence is logically untenable. It is formally nonsensical. Indeed, if you just
think for a moment, you will realize (without need for complex formal analysis) that to
affirm interdependence is to deny causation, or at least its knowability. Every concept
relies on our ability to distinguish the presence and absence of the thing conceived; if it is
everywhere the same, it cannot be discerned. I think the Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna
can be said to have realized that; and this would explain why he ultimately opted for a no-
causation thesis. However, that does not mean that causation can logically be denied: as
already explained earlier, it cannot.
Well, then. Are there any laws of causation? Of course there are, a great many! Every
finding concerning the formal logic of causation in this volume is a law of causation, a
proven law. For instance, the fact that not all positive causative syllogisms yield a positive
conclusion of some sort is an important law of causation, teaching us that a cause of a
cause of something is not necessarily itself a cause of that thing.

3. A List of the Main Causative Arguments.

I have in previous chapters developed deduction of causation in considerable detail, but
mostly in terms of propositional symbols. This form of expression is gibberish to most
people, and so useless. I will therefore here list some of the essential arguments in ordinary
language, i.e. in plain English. Hopefully, by studying these validated and invalidated
arguments, everyone can improve their causative reasoning.
My Practical Guide to Causative Logic would consist of the following tables, which may
as usual be seen and freely downloaded, in .pdf format, at my website

Table 24.1 Practical Guide to Causative Logic List of Forms, their

Oppositions and Eductions. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 24.2 Practical Guide to Causative Logic Merged List of 3- & 4-Item
Causative Syllogisms (Symbolic). (6 pages in pdf file).
Table 24.3 Practical Guide to Causative Logic Merged List of 3- & 4-Item
Causative Syllogisms (Textual). (36 pages in pdf file).
Table 24.4 Practical Guide to Causative Logic Abridged List of 3- & 4-Item
Causative Syllogisms, including only Positive Conclusions. (16 pages in pdf file).

The first table consists of four parts. The first page shows the basic definitions of the
generic determinations of causation. The second page lists the various forms of causative
propositions (causative, preventive, inverse causative and inverse preventive) that emerge
from these definitions by making various changes of polarity. The third page clarifies their
main oppositions i.e. what each form implies, denies or neither implies nor denies. And
the fourth page clarifies their main eductions, i.e. inversions, conversions and
contrapositions. These lists permit the reader to interpret causative propositions and
understand how they interrelate individually.
The second table is valuable, though not of interest to people who have not gotten used to
the symbols. It is a needed technical preparation for the third table, in that it merges into
one table all the 3- and 4-item causative syllogisms previously listed separately. The results
thus here collected are then converted to text, using various devices like concatenations,
find/replace and ad hoc macros. This processing produced the third table.

Let us look more closely at Table 24.2, before further ado. This table merges Tables 22.6-0
and 22.7-0 in an appropriate order, eliminating what they had in common. The table for 3-
item syllogisms, you will recall, listed 64 moods per figure; these moods were all of
subfigure (a), concerning either two hard premises or a hard premise with a weak absolute
premise or two weak absolute (abs/abs) premises. The table for 4-item syllogisms listed 89
moods, because it replaced all single absolute weak premises with a corresponding relative
weak premise, and each abs/abs combinations with two analogous combinations abs/rel
(subfigure (b)) and rel/abs (subfigure (c)); since the latter doubling of moods occurred 25
times per figure, the number of moods went from 64 to 89. When we add the 64 3-item
moods to the 89 4-item moods, we do not get 153 moods but only 144 moods (per
figure). The reason for that is that the 4-item listing includes some entries that are really
3-item moods i.e. the moods without any weak premises, namely the 9 moods mn/mn,
mn/m, mn/n, m/mn, n/mn, m/m, n/n, m/n, n/m.
Having explained all that, let us now look at the statistics implied by this new merged list
of moods. In each figure, we find 27 moods (19%) without causative or preventive
conclusions. They are the 9 moods numbered 44, 47, 48, 74, 77, 78, 84, 87, 88, in
subfigures (a), (b) and (c). These moods may be referred to as invalid that is to say, any
causative or preventive conclusion proposed for them is invalid. This leaves us with 117
valid moods (81%) per figure, i.e. moods that yield one or more positive and/or negative,
causative and/or preventive conclusion(s). For each figure: 41 moods (28% of total) yield
positive conclusions, all causative, whether elementary or compound; 63 moods (44%)
yield one, two or three negative causative conclusion(s); 97 moods (67%) yield some
causative conclusion(s), positive and/or negative; 76 moods (53%) yield one to four
negative preventive conclusion(s); no moods yields any positive preventive conclusion. Of
course, some of these conclusions overlap.
We could count each conclusion obtained from a given mood as constituting a separate
valid syllogism, and thus greatly increase the number of valid syllogisms! But I prefer to
regard all the conclusions obtained from each mood as together constituting the
(compound) conclusion.
Table 24.3 offers the reader a complete list of all 3- and 4-item causative syllogisms in
plain English, for all three figures. That is to say all the syllogisms with positive causative
premises of any sort. That amounts to 144 moods per figure, including the moods which
yield no causative or preventive conclusions. The following example shows how the data is

Mood 122 (b) - premises: mq/mq (abs / rel S)

Q is a complete and contingent cause of R
P is a complete and (complemented by S) contingent cause of Q
Positive conclusion(s): mq abs
P is a complete and contingent cause of R
Negative conclusion(s): causative: not-q rel to notS; preventive: none
P (complemented by notS) is not a contingent cause of R

The mood concerned is first defined numerically and symbolically; then the major and
minor premises are verbally listed; then the positive conclusion(s), if any, are given, both
symbolically and verbally; then the negative conclusion(s), causative and/or preventive, if
any, are given, both symbolically and verbally. Note that conclusions are divided into
positive and negative ones. The fourth table is an abridged version of the third, showing
only moods with positive conclusions. The important conclusions for ordinary discourse
are the positives, although the negatives are also useful information (e.g. in consistency

checking or to construct ad absurdum reductions). A general finding is that the positive

conclusions (if any) of causative syllogisms are always causative, whereas the negative
conclusions (if any) may be causative or preventive.
The domain of causative syllogism (in the broadest sense) is of course much larger than the
moods here listed. Here, we have only shown syllogisms (valid and invalid) from positive
causative premises with positive terms. Syllogisms involving conflicting middle terms (and
hence a mix of causative and preventive premises) are not included. Nor are syllogisms
involving one or more negative premise(s). Nevertheless, the syllogisms here listed are the
most typical and commonly encountered. For a larger perspective, see earlier chapters.
It must be stressed that the results presented here are exhaustive and certain. They are
exhaustive in the sense that all conceivable conclusions, of any causative or preventive
form, positive and negative, have been tested and either validated or invalidated. They are
certain, in that everything is calculated by means of spreadsheets (totaling over 72000
pages!) and found consistent with previous findings by other means. The actual validation
and invalidation work is not shown here, but is open to scrutiny in previous chapters.
This is the first time anyone has worked out and published these syllogisms, which
are crucial to both ordinary and scientific thinking processes.

4. Closing Remark.
I here bring to an end my account of phase III of The Logic of Causation, having
considerably rationalized and expanded the research project, and indeed brought it to a
successful conclusion. It is perhaps not the very end of the matter, but the most important
work is done. I still may, in the coming months or years, G-d willing, try to further the
research. I still dream of producing software capable of receiving actual data input and
dishing out the best inductive and deductive conclusions from it (this would hopefully
solve 5-item syllogism). But if my effort or my life should cease now I would feel I have
already fulfilled my self-appointed mission.
I hope only that other people, reading this research report, realize its great originality and
importance to logic and philosophy and to all the special sciences; and that they make the
effort to study, assimilate and expand its findings, and to pass on its teaching in universities
and other forums.

With heartfelt thanks to G-d,

For all his constant kindness to me.
Avi Sion
Geneva, July 2010.

Diagram 7.1. Pathways of Reduction, for Validation (right) and Invalidation (left). -- 87
Diagram 14.1. Premises and Conclusion. ----------------------------------------------------- 232
Diagram 21.1. Nil Conclusions are Not Reducible. ------------------------------------------ 323


In Phase I

Table 2.1. Complete causation. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Table 2.2. Necessary causation ----------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Table 2.3. Partial causation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
Table 2.4. Contingent causation. --------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Table 3.1. Possible specifications of the 4 generic determinations. ----------------------- 35

Table 3.2. Complete necessary causation. ----------------------------------------------------- 37
Table 3.3. Complete contingent causation. ---------------------------------------------------- 38
Table 3.4. Partial necessary causation. -------------------------------------------------------- 40
Table 3.5. Partial contingent causation. ------------------------------------------------------- 41

Table 5.1. The figures of (three-item) syllogism. --------------------------------------------- 63

Table 5.2. Subfigures of each figure. ------------------------------------------------------------ 64
Table 5.3. Determinations found in each subfigure. ----------------------------------------- 65
Table 5.4. Subfigures, modes and moods. ----------------------------------------------------- 66
Table 5.5. Mood numbers in each figure. ------------------------------------------------------ 66
Table 5.6. For each figure, mood numbers and determinations of major and minor
premises. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67

Table 7.1. Implications between premises of moods, in all figures. ------------------------ 86

Table 7.2. For each mood (central col.), those which imply it and those it implies. ----- 88
Table 7.3. Sources of validity or invalidity in figure 1. -------------------------------------- 90
Table 7.4. Sources of validity or invalidity in figure 2. --------------------------------------- 96
Table 7.5. Sources of validity or invalidity in figure 3. ------------------------------------- 102

In Phase II

Table 8.1. Evaluation of mood # 117. --------------------------------------------------------- 113

Table 8.2. Evaluation of mood # 124. --------------------------------------------------------- 114
Table 8.3. Evaluation of mood # 125. --------------------------------------------------------- 115
Table 8.4. Evaluation of mood # 126. --------------------------------------------------------- 116
Table 8.5. Evaluation of mood # 127. --------------------------------------------------------- 117
Table 8.6. Evaluation of mood # 128. --------------------------------------------------------- 118
Table 8.7. Evaluation of mood # 145. --------------------------------------------------------- 119

Table 8.8. Evaluation of mood # 147. -------------------------------------------------------- 120

Table 8.9. Evaluation of mood # 152. -------------------------------------------------------- 121
Table 8.10. Evaluation of mood # 153. ------------------------------------------------------- 122
Table 8.11. Evaluation of mood # 154. ------------------------------------------------------- 123
Table 8.12. Evaluation of mood # 155. ------------------------------------------------------- 124
Table 8.13. Evaluation of mood # 171. ------------------------------------------------------- 125
Table 8.14. Evaluation of mood # 174. ------------------------------------------------------- 126
Table 8.15. Evaluation of mood # 177. ------------------------------------------------------- 127
Table 8.16. Evaluation of mood 221. -------------------------------------------------------- 128
Table 8.17. Evaluation of mood 222. -------------------------------------------------------- 129
Table 8.18. Evaluation of mood 224. -------------------------------------------------------- 130
Table 8.19. Evaluation of mood 241. -------------------------------------------------------- 132
Table 8.20. Evaluation of mood 244. -------------------------------------------------------- 133
Table 8.21 Evaluation of mood # 312. ------------------------------------------------------ 134
Table 8.22 Evaluation of mood # 314. ------------------------------------------------------ 136
Table 8.23 Evaluation of mood # 324. ------------------------------------------------------ 137
Table 8.24 Evaluation of mood # 344. ------------------------------------------------------ 139
Table 8.25 Evaluation of mood # 352. ------------------------------------------------------ 140

Table 9.1. Valid and Invalid Moods ----------------------------------------------------------- 141

Table 9.2. Valid Positive Moods, Primaries and Secondaries. ---------------------------- 142
Table 9.3 Valid Negative Moods, Primaries only. ------------------------------------------ 146
Table 9.4. Positive (generic and/or joint) premises whose conclusion includes additional
negative elements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
Table 9.5 Positive moods with a negative conclusion -------------------------------------- 151
Table 9.6. Imperfect subfigures of each figure. --------------------------------------------- 153
Table 9.7. Reductions of Moods between Figures. ----------------------------------------- 154

Table 11.1. Matrix of P is a complete cause of R. -------------------------------------- 181

Table 11.2. Matrix of P is a necessary cause of R. ------------------------------------- 181
Table 11.3. Matrix of P (complemented by Q) is a partial cause of R. --------------- 182
Table 11.4. Matrix of P (complemented by Q) is a contingent cause of R. ---------- 182
Table 11.5. Matrix of P is a partial cause of R. ----------------------------------------- 184
Table 11.6. Matrix of P is a contingent cause of R. ------------------------------------ 185
Table 11.7. Summary moduses for the six generic determinations of form PR or PQR.---
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187

Table 12.1. Catalogue of moduses for the four conjunctions of two items (P, R). ----- 196
Table 12.2. Enumeration of two-item moduses for the strong or absolute weak
determinations and their derivatives (form PR). ----------------------------------------------- 196
Table 12.3. Catalogue of moduses for the eight conjunctions of three items (P, Q, R). ---
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200
Table 12.4. Enumeration of three-item moduses for the generic determinations and their
derivatives (form PR). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204
Table 12.5. Numbers of Moduses for Positive Forms, in Different Frameworks. ----- 206
Table 12.6. Correspondences between two- and three item frameworks.--------------- 207

Table 13.1. Enumeration of three-item moduses for the relative weak determinations
and their derivatives (form PQR).---------------------------------------------------------------- 209

Table 13.2. Row references in a standard (PR) matrix for different polarities of items. --
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 213
Table 13.3. Enumeration of moduses of positive generic forms with different polarities
of items, with reference to standard two-item (PR) grand matrix. --------------------------- 214
Table 13.4. Enumeration of moduses of strong and absolute weak determinations with
different polarities of items, with reference to standard three-item (PQR) grand matrix. 217
Table 13.5. Oppositions between mPR and the other generic forms. --------------------- 218
Table 13.6. Oppositions between pPR and the other generic forms. ---------------------- 219
Table 13.7. Enumeration of moduses of relative weak determinations with different
polarities of items, with reference to standard three-item (PQR) grand matrix. ----------- 220
Table 13.8. Oppositions between pPQR and the other relative weaks. -------------------- 221
Table 13.9. Catalogue of moduses for a single item (P). ---------------------------------- 222
Table 13.10. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative categoricals in a two-item
(PR) framework. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 223
Table 13.11. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative conjunctions in a two-item
(PR) framework. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 223
Table 13.12. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative conditionals in a two-item
(PR) framework. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224
Table 13.13. Enumeration of moduses of positive and negative categoricals in a three-
item (PQR) framework. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 226
Table 13.14. Enumeration of moduses of three item positive and negative conjunctives in
a three-item (PQR) framework. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 227
Table 13.15. Enumeration of moduses of three item positive and negative conditionals in
a three-item (PQR) framework. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 228

Table 14.1. Microanalysis of a mood - the example of mood 1/m/m (No. 155). -------- 232
Table 14.2. Three-item summary moduses for strong or absolute weak generic positive
premises. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 234
Table 14.3. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for strong or absolute weak
positive premises, generic or joint, for any figure of syllogism. ------------------------------ 234
Table 14.4. Moduses of conclusions of all syllogisms with strong or absolute weak
positive premises, generic or joint. --------------------------------------------------------------- 236
Table 14.5. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for vague positive premises,
for any figure of syllogism. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 243
Table 14.6. Moduses of conclusions for selected vague positive premises. ------------- 244

Table 15.1. Subfigures of syllogism with three items only. -------------------------------- 246
Table 15.2. Summary moduses for weak premises relative to the minor item P or to the
major item R. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 247
Table 15.3. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses weak positive premises
relative to the minor item P or to the major item R. ------------------------------------------- 247
Table 15.4. Moduses of conclusions for selected relative weak positive minor premises
(subfigures j, n). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249
Table 15.5. Moduses of conclusions for selected relative weak positive major premises
(subfigures k, o). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 251
Table 15.6. Moduses of conclusions for selected relative weak positive premises
(subfigures l, p). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 253
Table 15.7. Moduses of conclusions for selected combinations of relative weak and
absolute vague positive premises (various subfigures). --------------------------------------- 255

Table 15.8. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for negative premises, for
any figure of syllogism (generic forms).--------------------------------------------------------- 256
Table 15.9. Enumeration of three-item alternative moduses for negative premises, for
any figure of syllogism (specific forms). -------------------------------------------------------- 258
Table 15.10. Moduses of conclusions for selected (generic, absolute) negative premises,
in Figure 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259

Table 16.1. Possible relations between any two items P and R. ------------------------- 263

In Phase III
Only some of the tables and details of some others are published in this volume. The full
set of tables is posted in the website at:

Table 17.1 2-Item Matrix: 16 Moduses. (1 page in pdf file).

Table 17.2 3-Item Matrix: 256 Moduses. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 17.3 4-Item Matrix: 65,536 Moduses. (565 pages in pdf file).
Table 17.4 From 2 to 3 Items Moduses. (6 pages in pdf file).
Table 17.5 From 3 to 4 Items Moduses 1st part. (1192 pages in pdf file).
Table 17.6 From 3 to 4 Items Moduses 2nd part. (2792 pages in pdf file).

Table 18.1 2-item PR Moduses of Forms. (6 pages in pdf file).

Table 18.2 2-item PR Moduses of Forms Formulae Used. (1 page in pdf file).
Table 18.3 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Categoricals and Conditionals. (12 pages in
pdf file).
Table 18.4 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Causation. (18 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.5 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Prevention. (18 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.6 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Interpretation. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.7 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Formulae Used. (8 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.8 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Equivalences. (1 page in pdf file).
Table 18.9 4-item PQR Moduses of Forms. (2408 pages in pdf file).
Table 18.10 4-item PQR Moduses of Forms Formulae Used. (3 pages in pdf file).

Table 19.1 2-item PR Moduses of Forms Strict Moduses. (1 page in pdf file).
Table 19.2 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Strict Moduses. (5 pages in pdf file).

Table 20.1 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Dependent Complements. (2 pages in pdf
Table 20.2 3-item PQR Moduses of Forms Exclusive Weak Causations. (4 pages in pdf

Table 21.1 3-Item Syllogisms First Figure Moods. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.2 3-Item Syllogisms Second Figure Moods. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.3 3-Item Syllogisms Third Figure Moods. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.4 3-Item Syllogisms Formulas Used. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.5 4-Item Syllogisms 3 Phases Compared Results. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.6 4-Item Syllogisms First Figure Moods. (714 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.7 4-Item Syllogisms Second Figure Moods. (718 pages in pdf file).

Table 21.8 4-Item Syllogisms Third Figure Moods. (718 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.9 4-Item Syllogisms Formulae Used. (6 pages in pdf file).
Table 21.10 4-Item Syllogisms Mixing Absolute and Relative Premises. (810 pages in
pdf file).

Table 22.1 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Premises and Conclusions Scanned. (16 pages
in pdf file.)
Table 22.2 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Premises and Conclusions Scanned. (3160
pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.3 3-Item Syllogism Formulas Used for Oppositions. (2 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.4 4-Item Syllogism Formulas Used for Oppositions. (2 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.5 3 and 4 Item Syllogisms Oppositions between Conclusions. (1 page in pdf
Table 22.6-0 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions Scanned. (9 pages
in pdf file.)
Table 22.6-1 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Figure One Scanning for Conclusions. (48
pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.6-2 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Figure Two Scanning for Conclusions. (48
pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.6-3 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Figure Three Scanning for Conclusions.
(48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.6-4 3-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Template (Sample of Formulas
Used). (9 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-0 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions Scanned. (18 pages
in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-11A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 111-118. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-11B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 111-118. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-12A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 121-128. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-12B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 121-128. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-13A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 131-138. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-13B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 131-138. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-14A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 141-148. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-14B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 141-148. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-15A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 151-158. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-15B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 151-158. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-16A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 161-168. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-16B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 161-168. (1041 pages in pdf file.)

Table 22.7-17A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to

Moods 171-178. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-17B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 171-178. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-18A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 181-188. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-18B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 181-188. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-21A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 211-218. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-21B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 211-218. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-22A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 221-228. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-22B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 221-228. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-23A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 231-238. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-23B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 231-238. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-24A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 241-248. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-24B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 241-248. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-25A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 251-258. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-25B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 251-258. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-26A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 261-268. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-26B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 261-268. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-27A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 271-278. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-27B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 271-278. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-28A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 281-288. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-28B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 281-288. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-31A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 311-318. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-31B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 311-318. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-32A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 321-328. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-32B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 321-328. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-33A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 331-338. (1720 pages in pdf file.)

Table 22.7-33B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to

Moods 331-338. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-34A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 341-348. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-34B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 341-348. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-35A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 351-358. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-35B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 351-358. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-36A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 361-368. (1032 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-36B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 361-368. (1041 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-37A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 371-378. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-37B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 371-378. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-38A 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Causative Conclusions to
Moods 381-388. (1720 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-38B 4-Item Causative Syllogisms Scanning Preventive Conclusions to
Moods 381-388. (1735 pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-4 4-Item Syllogisms Scanning Template I (1st Sample of Formulas Used). (3
pages in pdf file.)
Table 22.7-5 4-Item Syllogisms Scanning Template II (2nd Sample of Formulas Used).
(5 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.1 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Premises Scanned. (8 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.2-0 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions Scanned. (9 pages
in pdf file.)
Table 23.2-1 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Figure One Scanning for Conclusions. (48
pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.2-2 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Figure Two Scanning for Conclusions. (48
pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.2-3 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Figure Three Scanning for Conclusions.
(48 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.3 3-Item Preventive Syllogisms Comparison between Causative and
Preventive Syllogisms. (3 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.4 4-Item Preventive Syllogisms CONJECTURAL predictions of conclusions.
(6 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-0 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Summary of Conclusions Scanned.
(3 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-1 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Major Premise Negated Figure
One Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-2 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Minor Premise Negated Figure
One Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-3 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Both Premises Negated Figure
One Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-4 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Major Premise Negated Figure
Two Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)

Table 23.5-5 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Minor Premise Negated Figure
Two Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-6 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Both Premises Negated Figure
Two Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-7 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Major Premise Negated Figure
Three Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-8 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Minor Premise Negated Figure
Three Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 23.5-9 3-Item Negative Causative Syllogisms Both Premises Negated Figure
Three Scanning for Conclusions. (32 pages in pdf file.)
Table 24.1 Practical Guide to Causative Logic List of Forms, their Oppositions and
Eductions. (4 pages in pdf file).
Table 24.2 Practical Guide to Causative Logic Merged List of 3- & 4-Item Causative
Syllogisms (Symbolic). (6 pages in pdf file).
Table 24.3 Practical Guide to Causative Logic Merged List of 3- & 4-Item Causative
Syllogisms (Textual). (36 pages in pdf file).
Table 24.4 Practical Guide to Causative Logic Abridged List of 3- & 4-Item Causative
Syllogisms, including only Positive Conclusions. (16 pages in pdf file).

All the works of Avi Sion may be freely consulted on the Internet, at

Works by Avi Sion include:

Future Logic: Categorical and Conditional Deduction and Induction of the Natural,
Temporal, Extensional and Logical Modalities. Revised ed. Geneva: Author, 1996.145

Judaic Logic: A Formal Analysis of Biblical, Talmudic and Rabbinic Logic. Geneva:
Author, 1995.146

Buddhist Illogic: A Critical Analysis of Nagarjunas Arguments. Geneva: Author, 2002.

Phenomenology: Basing Knowledge on Appearance. Expanded ed. Geneva: Author,


The Logic of Causation. Rev. & exp. ed. Geneva: Author, 2010.148

Volition and Allied Causal Concepts. Geneva: Author, 2004.

Ruminations: Sundry Notes and Essays on Logic. Expanded ed. Geneva: Author, 2005.149

Meditations: A Spiritual Logbook. Geneva: Author, 2006.

Logical and Spiritual Reflections. Rev. & exp. ed. Geneva: Author, 2009.150

A Fortiori Logic: Innovations, History and Assessments. Geneva: Author, 2013.

All of these works may be consulted on the Internet, at:

Print and E-book editions may be purchased online, notably at:

145 First published by author in Vancouver, B.C., 1990.

146 Published thereafter by Editions Slatkine in Geneva, 1997.
147 First published by author in Geneva, 2003.
148 First published by author in Geneva, 1999. The first edition comprised only Phase I
(Macroanalysis); the second edition (2003) added Phase II (Microanalysis); the third edition added
Phase III (Software Assisted Analysis).
149 First published by author in Geneva, earlier 2005.
150 First published by author in Geneva, 2008.

Print and E-book editions of all books by Avi Sion can now be purchased in a secure
manner online at The Logician Bookshop:

The authors ten principal works:

A4, 466p A4, 326p A4, 386p A5, 400p A4, 402p

A5, 424p A5, 216p A5, 408p A5, 218p A4, 700p
Ten more books derived (by subdivision or compilation) from the above ten:

A5, 188p A5, 180p A5, 212p A5, 258p A5, 242p

A5, 182p A5, 142p A5, 112p A5, 458p A5, 174p

ISBN 978-2-9700091-3-9

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