Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
A Thematic Compilation
[email protected]
Sion, Avi
Paradoxes and their Resolutions
A Thematic Compilation
No index, no bibliography
1. The vanity of the tetralemma ................................13
1. Phenomena are positive.................................13
2. There are no negative phenomena.................14
3. A misinterpreted experiment .........................16
4. Defining negation ..........................................18
2. Clarifying contradiction........................................21
1. Dialectic ........................................................21
2. Contradiction .................................................23
3. Consistency is natural ...................................29
3. Clarifying negation ...............................................32
1. Negation in adduction ...................................32
2. Positive and negative phenomena .................35
3. Negation is secondary ...................................37
4. Negation is an intention ................................41
4. Clarifying paradox ................................................44
1. Internal inconsistency....................................44
2. The Stolen Concept Fallacy ..........................46
3. Systematization .............................................49
4. Properties.......................................................53
5. The Liar paradox (early) .......................................59
1. Double paradox .............................................59
2. The Liar paradox ...........................................61
3. More on the Liar paradox ..............................63
4. The utility of paradoxes ................................65
6. The Liar paradox (redux)......................................70
1. First approach ................................................70
2. Second approach ...........................................72
3. Third approach ..............................................75
4. Fourth approach ............................................77
5. Fifth approach ...............................................79
6. Sixth approach ...............................................81
7. The Russell paradox (early) ................................. 84
1. Self-membership........................................... 84
2. The Russell paradox ..................................... 86
3. Impermutability ............................................ 88
4. The Barber paradox ...................................... 92
5. The Master Catalogue paradox ..................... 94
6. Grelling’s paradox ........................................ 98
8. The Russell paradox (redux) .............................. 103
1. Elements of class logic ............................... 103
2. An apparent double paradox ....................... 109
3. A bit of the history ...................................... 121
4. A bit of self-criticism.................................. 128
9. More on the Russell paradox ............................. 131
1. My resolution of the Russell paradox ......... 131
2. Why Russell’s resolutions are inadequate .. 134
3. Why Rescher’s resolution is inadequate..... 138
4. Other incarnations of the paradox .............. 140
5. About the Barber paradox........................... 142
10. Hempel's paradox of confirmation ................. 144
1. Traditional analysis..................................... 144
2. Novel analysis............................................. 146
3. The problem and its solution ...................... 152
11. Goodman’s paradox of prediction .................. 160
1. The alleged problem ................................... 160
2. The logical solution .................................... 161
3. The concept of ‘grue’ ................................. 164
4. How far up the scale? ................................. 167
12. The Sorites paradox........................................ 171
1. What’s a heap?............................................ 171
2. The use of vague terms ............................... 172
3. Reasoning with vague terms ....................... 175
4. Making up fake paradoxes.......................... 178
13. Protagoras vs. Euathlus ...................................182
1. An ancient paradox .....................................182
2. First resolution ............................................184
3. Second resolution ........................................186
4. Inadequate resolutions .................................190
14. Buddhist antinomic discourse .........................195
1. The tetralemma............................................195
2. Neither real nor unreal ................................200
15. More Buddhist antinomic discourse ...............207
1. The ‘I have no thesis’ thesis ........................207
2. Calling what is not a spade a spade .............225
Main References ........................................................230
8 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
In Wikipedia,, there is an
interesting ‘list of paradoxes’, which groups the paradoxes under
various headings and has links to entries on individual paradoxes.
There are also articles on paradoxes in the online Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. A book on this subject worth studying is
Nicholas Rescher’s Paradoxes: Their Roots, Range, and Resolution
(Chicago, Ill.: Open Court, 2001).
Foreword 9
In fact, these essays have nothing to do with a fortiori
argument; but I happened to have written them when that book was
close to finished, and I wanted to publish them as soon as possible, so
I parked them in an appendix there.
12 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
I inadvertently left out the words “and of the excluded
middle” in the original editions of A Fortiori Logic, although it is clear
from the rest of the sentence that I intended them.
14 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
3. A misinterpreted experiment
To illustrate how confused some people – even some
scientists – are with regard to negation, I offer you the
following example drawn from Richard Dawkins’ The
Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution2. He
describes an experiment by Daniel J. Simons, in which
some people are asked to watch a brief video and observe
how many times a certain event takes place in it; but at the
end they are asked another question entirely, viz. whether
they noticed the presence of a man dressed up as a gorilla
in the course of the movie, and most of them admit they did
not3. According to Dawkins, we may infer from this
experiment how “eye witness testimony, ‘actual
observation’, ‘a datum of experience’ – all are, or at least
can be, hopelessly unreliable.”
Pp. 13-14.
The video can be seen at:
The vanity of the tetralemma 17
Not-finding is the non-occurrence of the positive act of
finding. Objectively, note well, not-finding is itself a negative
phenomenon, and not a positive one. But subjectively, something
positive may occur within us – perhaps a sense of disappointment or
continued relief. See more on this topic in my Ruminations, chapter 9.
18 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. Defining negation
How, then, is negation to be defined? We could well say
that negation is defined by the laws of non-contradiction
and of the excluded middle. That is, with regard to any term
‘X’ and its negation ‘not-X’, the relation between them is
by definition the disjunction “Either X or not-X” – which
is here taken to mean that these terms (X and not-X) cannot
be both true and cannot be both false, i.e. they are exclusive
and exhaustive. What do I mean here by ‘definition’? – is
that an arbitrary act? No – it is ‘pointing to’ something
evident; it is ‘intentional’. Here, it points to the instrument
of rational discourse which we need, so as to order
experience and produce consistent conceptual derivatives
from it. The needed instrument has to be thus and thus
constructed; another construct than this one would not do
the job we need it to do for us. That is, the only conceivable
The vanity of the tetralemma 19
There are people who say that the law of non-contradiction is
logically necessary, but the law of the excluded middle is not. Clearly,
this claim can be refuted in the same way. If they claim the three
alternatives “Either X or not-X or ‘neither X nor not-X’” – we can
again split the disjunction into two, with on one side “X” and on the
other side “not-X or ‘neither X nor not-X’” – and then proceed as we
did for the tetralemma. The same can be done if anyone accepts the law
of the excluded middle but rejects the law of non-contradiction. All
such attempts are fallacious nonsense.
Clarifying contradiction 21
2. Clarifying contradiction
1. Dialectic
The three “Laws of Thought” may be briefly explicated as
(i) Thesis: there are certain appearances; appearances
(ii) Antithesis: there are incompatibilities between
certain of these appearances; in such cases, one or
both of them must be false.
(iii) Synthesis: some remaining appearances must be
true; find out which!
We can in this perspective consider dialectic as a
fundamental form of thought, through which knowledge is
made to progress on and on. It is not a mere detail, an
occasional thought-process, but a driving force, an engine,
of thought.
The laws are not mere information, but calls to cognitive
action. They enjoin proactive and curative cognitive
measures, to ensure (as much as possible at any given time)
continued verification, consistency and completeness.
(i) The law of identity tells us to seek out the facts and sort
them out as well as we can. The purpose of this law is to
instill in people a healthy respect for facts, in the course of
observation and judgment. It is essentially a call to honesty,
and submission to the verdict of truth. People often think,
or act as if they think, that ignoring or denying unpleasant
22 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
“Check your premises”, Ayn Rand would say.
Clarifying contradiction 23
2. Contradiction
Many people misunderstand what we logicians mean by
‘contradiction’. The contradictory of a term ‘A’ is its
negation, ‘not A’, which refers to anything and everything
in the universe other than A, i.e. wherever precisely A is
absent in the world. The relation of contradiction between
A and not-A is mutual, reversible, perfectly symmetrical.
The presence of something (A) excludes its absence (i.e.
not A) in that very same thing, and vice versa, if all
coordinates of space and time are identical. However, this
does not exclude the logical possibility that the same thing
may be partly A and partly not A. Thus, the law of thought
‘either A or not A’ can also be stated more quantitatively
as “either ‘all A’ or ‘all not A’ or ‘part A and part not A”.
Some people appeal to this possibility of three alternatives
as an argument against the laws of thought! But that is a
misunderstanding – or worse, deliberate sophistry.
24 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Our disagreement is not terminological, note. We have in the
past agreed as to what experiences ‘black’ and ‘white’ correspond to;
here, we suddenly diverge.
26 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
By Ayn Rand and (I think) Nathaniel Branden.
28 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
3. Consistency is natural
It is important to here reiterate the principle that
consistency is natural; whereas inconsistency is
Some modern logicians have come up with the notion of
“proving consistency” – but this notion is misconceived.
Consistency is the natural state of affairs in knowledge; it
requires no (deductive) proof and we are incapable of
providing such proof, since it would be ‘placing the cart
before the horse’. The only possible ‘proof’ of consistency
is that no inconsistency has been encountered. Consistency
is an inductive given, which is very rarely overturned. All
our knowledge may be and must be assumed consistent,
unless and until there is reason to believe otherwise.
In short: harmony generally reigns unnoticed, while
conflicts erupt occasionally to our surprise. One might well
wonder now if this principle is itself consistent with the
principle herein defended that negatives are never per se
objects of cognition, but only exist by denial of the
corresponding positives. Our principle that consistency is
taken for granted seems to imply that we on occasion have
logical insights of inconsistency, something negative!
To resolve this issue, we must again emphasize the
distinction between pure experience and the interpretations
of experience that we, wordlessly (by mere intention) or
explicitly, habitually infuse into our experiences.
Generally, almost as soon as we experience something, we
immediately start interpreting it, dynamically relating it to
30 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
3. Clarifying negation
From Ruminations 9.
1. Negation in adduction
Concepts and theories are hypothetical constructs. They
cannot (for the most part) be proven (definitely, once and
for all), but only repeatedly confirmed by experience. This
is the positive side of adduction, presenting evidence in
support of rational constructs. This positive aspect is of
course indispensable, for without some concrete evidence
an abstraction is no more than a figment of the imagination,
a wild speculation. The more evidence we adduce for it, the
more reliable our concept or theory.
But, as Francis Bacon realized, the account of adduction
thus far proposed does not do it justice. Just as important
as the positive side of providing evidence, is the negative
aspect of it, the rejection of hypotheses that make
predictions conflicting with experience. As he pointed out,
even if a hypothesis has numerous confirmations, it
suffices for it to have one such wrong prediction for it to
be rejected.
Stepping back, this means that the process of adduction is
concerned with selection of the most probable hypothesis
among two or more (already or yet to be conceived)
explanations of fact. Each of them may have numerous
‘positive instances’ (i.e. empirical evidence that supports
it); and so long as they are all still competitive, we may
prefer those with the most such instances. But, the way we
decisively advance in our conceptual/theoretical
Clarifying negation 33
think of, and did not find any, we can with proportionate
confidence assume there is no water.
Thus, in our example, the negative thesis is actually more
difficult to establish than the positive one. It depends on a
generalization, a movement of thought from “Wherever
and however we looked for water on Mars, none was
found” to “There is no water on Mars”. However, note
well, it remains conceivable that a drop of water be found
one day somewhere else on Mars, centuries after we
concluded there was none.
Granting this analysis, it is clear that Bacon’s razor that
“What is important is the negative instance” is a bit
simplistic. It assumes that a negative is as accessible as (if
not, indeed, more accessible than) a positive, which is not
always the case.
In practice, a negative may be inductively more remote
than a positive. Granting this conclusion, the question
arises – is the negative instance ever more empirically
accessible than (or even as accessible as) the positive one?
That is, when does Bacon’s formulation of induction
actually come into play?
If we look at major historical examples of rejection of
theories, our doubt may subsist. For example, Newtonian
mechanics was in place for centuries, till it was put in doubt
by the discovery of the constancy of the velocity of light
(which gave rise to Relativity theory) and later again by the
discovery of various subatomic phenomena (which gave
rise to Quantum mechanics). In this example, the ‘negative
instances’ were essentially ‘positive instances’ – the only
thing ‘negative’ about them was just their negation of the
Newtonian worldview!
Such reflections have led me to suspect that the ‘negation’
referred to by Bacon is only meant relatively to some
selected abstraction. His razor ought not be taken as an
advocacy of absolute negation. If we look at the matter
Clarifying negation 35
that the premises are true – i.e. that the alleged search for
X was diligent (intelligent, imaginative, well-organized,
attentive and thorough), and that the alleged failure to find
X is not dishonest (a lie designed to fool oneself or others).
Whence it is fair to assert that, unlike some positive terms,
negative terms are never based only on perception; they
necessarily involve a thought-process – the previous
mental projection or at least intention of the positive term
they negate.
This epistemological truth does reflect an ontological truth
– the truth that the ‘absences’ of phenomena lack
phenomenal aspects. A ‘no’ is not a sort of ‘yes’.
Note well the logical difference between ‘not perceiving
X’ and ‘perceiving not X’. We do not have direct
experience of the latter, but can only indirectly claim it by
way of inductive inference (or extrapolation) from the
former. In the case of a positive, such process of reasoning
is not needed – one often can and does ‘perceive X’
Suppose we draw a square of opposition for the
propositions (labeling them by analogy to standard
positions) – “I perceive X” (A), “I do not perceive not X”
(I), “I perceive not X” (E), “I do not perceive X” (O). Here,
the A form is knowable by experience, whereas the I form
is knowable perhaps only by deductive implication from it.
On the negative side, however, the E form is not knowable
by experience, but only by inductive generalization from
the O form (which is based on experience).
3. Negation is secondary
Negation is a pillar of both deductive and inductive logic,
and requires careful analysis. We have to realize that
negative terms are fundamentally distinct from positive
ones, if we are to begin fathoming the nature of logic. The
38 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. Negation is an intention
Now, there is no specific phenomenal experience behind
the word “not”. Negation has no special color and shape,
or sound or smell or taste or feel, whether real or illusory!
What then is it? I suggest the following:
Negation as such refers to a ‘mental act’ – or more
precisely put, it is an act of volition (or more precisely still,
of velleity) by a Subject of consciousness. Specifically,
negation is an intention. Note that our will to negate is itself
a positive act, even though our intention by it is to negate
something else.
Negation does express an experience – the ‘failure’ to find
something one has searched for. Some cognitive result is
willfully pursued (perception of some positive
phenomenon), but remains wanting (this experience is
qualitatively a suffering of sorts, but still a positive
intention, note) – whence we mentally (or more precisely,
by intention) mark the thing as ‘absent’, i.e. we construct
an idea of ‘negation’ of the thing sought.
Thus, negation is not a phenomenon (a physical or mental
percept), but something intuited (an event of will within the
cognizing Subject). ‘Intuition’ here, note well, means the
self-knowledge of the Subject of consciousness and Agent
of volition. This is experience of a non-phenomenal sort.
Such self-experience is immediate: we have no distance to
bridge in space or time.
When a Subject denies the presence of a material or mental
phenomenon, having sought for it in experience and not
42 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. Clarifying paradox
1. Internal inconsistency
Consider the hypothetical form ‘If P, then Q’, which is an
essential part of the language of logic. It was defined as ‘P
and nonQ is an impossible conjunction’.
It is axiomatic that the conjunction of any proposition P and
its negation nonP is impossible; thus, a proposition P and
its negation nonP cannot be both true. An obvious corollary
of this, obtained by regarding nonP as the proposition
under consideration instead of P, is that the conjunction of
any proposition nonP and its negation not-nonP is
impossible; thus, a proposition P and its negation nonP
cannot be both false.
So, the Law of Identity could be formulated as, “For any
proposition, ‘If P, then P’ is true, and ‘If nonP, then nonP’
is true”. The Laws of Contradiction and of the Excluded
Middle could be stated: “For any proposition, ‘If P, then
not-nonP’ is true (P and nonP are incompatible), and ‘If
not-nonP, then P’ is true (nonP and P are exhaustive)”.
Clarifying paradox 45
The two paradoxes ‘If P, then nonP’ and ‘If nonP, then P’
are contrary to each other, since they imply the necessity
of incompatibles, respectively nonP and P. Thus, although
such propositions taken singly are not antinomic, double
paradox, a situation where both of these paradoxical
propositions are true at once, is unacceptable to logic.
In contrast to positive hypotheticals, negative hypotheticals
do not have the capability of expressing paradoxes. The
propositions ‘If P, not-then P’ and ‘If nonP, not-then nonP’
are not meaningful or logically conceivable or ever true.
Note this well, such propositions are formally false. Since
a form like ‘If P, not-then Q’ is defined with reference to a
positive conjunction as ‘{P and nonQ} is possible’, we
cannot without antinomy substitute P for Q here (to say ‘{P
and nonP} is possible’), or nonP for P and Q (to say ‘{nonP
and not-nonP} is possible’).
It follows that the proposition ‘if P, then nonP’ does not
imply the lowercase form ‘if P, not-then P’, and the
proposition ‘if nonP, then P’ does not imply the lowercase
form ‘if nonP, not-then nonP’. That is, in the context of
paradox, hypothetical propositions behave abnormally, and
not like contingency-based forms.
This should not surprise us, since the self-contradictory is
logically impossible and the self-evident is logically
necessary. Since paradoxical propositions involve
incontingent theses and antitheses, they are subject to the
laws specific to such basis.
The implications and consistency of all this will be looked
into presently.
3. Systematization
Normally, we presume our information already free of self-
evident or self-contradictory theses, whereas in abnormal
situations, as with paradox, necessary or impossible theses
are formally acceptable eventualities.
A hypothetical of the primary form ‘If P, then Q’ was
defined as ‘P and nonQ are impossible together’. But there
are several ways in which this situation might arise. Either
(i) both the theses, P and nonQ, are individually contingent,
and only their conjunction is impossible — this is the
normal situation. Or (ii) the conjunction is impossible
because one or the other of the theses is individually
impossible, while the remaining one is individually
possible, i.e. contingent or necessary; or because both are
individually impossible — these situations engender
Likewise, a hypothetical of the contradictory primary form
‘If P, not-then Q’ was defined as ‘P and nonQ are possible
together’. But there are several ways this situation might
arise. Either (i) both the theses, P and nonQ, and also their
conjunction, are all contingent — this is the normal
situation. Or (ii) one or the other of them is individually not
only possible but necessary, while the remaining one is
individually contingent, so that their conjunction remains
contingent; or both are individually necessary, so that their
conjunction is also not only possible but necessary — these
situations engender paradox.
50 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. Properties
Paradoxical propositions obey the laws of logic which
happen to be applicable to all hypotheticals, that is, to
hypotheticals of unspecified basis. But paradoxicals, being
incontingency-based hypotheticals, have properties which
normal hypotheticals lack, or lack properties which normal
hypotheticals have. In such situations, where differences in
logical properties occur, general hypothetical logic follows
the weaker case.
The similarities and differences in formal behavior have
already been dealt with in appropriate detail in the relevant
chapters, but some are reviewed here in order to underscore
the role played by paradox.
a. Opposition.
In the doctrine of opposition, we claimed that ‘If P, then Q’
and ‘If P, then nonQ’ must be contrary, because if P was
true, Q and nonQ would both be true, an absurdity.
However, had we placed these propositions in a destructive
dilemma, as below, we would have obtained a legitimate
If P, then Q — and — if P, then nonQ
but either nonQ or Q
hence nonP
Likewise, ‘If P, then Q’ and ‘If nonP, then Q’ could be
fitted in a valid simple constructive dilemma, yielding Q,
instead of arguing as we did that they must be contrary
because their contrapositions result in the absurdity of
nonQ implying nonP and P.
54 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
b. Eduction.
Similarly with the derivative eductions. The primary
process of contraposition is unconditional, applicable to all
hypotheticals, but the other processes can be criticized in
the same way as above, by forming valid simple dilemmas,
using the source proposition and the denial of the proposed
target, or the contraposite(s) of one or the other or both, as
Alternatively, these propositions can be combined in a
syllogism, yielding a paradoxical conclusion. Thus:
In the case of obversion or obverted conversion (in the
former, negate contraposite of target):
If Q, then nonP (negation of target)
Clarifying paradox 55
if P, then Q (source)
so, if P, then nonP (paradox = nonP)
In the case of conversion by negation or obverted inversion
(in the latter, negate contraposite of target):
If P, then Q (source)
if nonQ, then P (negation of target)
so, if nonQ, then Q (paradox = Q)
Thus, eductive processes other than contraposition are only
good for contingency-based hypotheticals, and may not be
imitated in the abnormal logic of paradoxes. This is made
clear in the above tables, as follows.
Consider the paradigmatic form ‘If P, then Q’. If we limit
our attention to cases Nos. 1-7, then it occurs in only two
situations, subalternating (3) or implicance (6). In these
two situations, ‘P implies nonQ’ is uniformly ‘no’, so the
obverse, ‘If P, not-then nonQ’ is true; and the contraposite
‘Q implies nonP’ is also ‘no’, so the obverted converse, ‘If
Q, not-then nonP’ is true; ‘nonP implies Q’ is uniformly
‘no’, so the obverted inverse ‘If nonP, not-then Q’ is true;
and the contraposite ‘nonQ implies P’ is also ‘no’, so the
converse by negation ‘If nonQ, not-then P’ is true. With
regard to inversion and conversion, they are not applicable,
because ‘nonP implies nonQ’ and ‘Q implies P’ are ‘no’ in
one case, but ‘yes’ in the other.
However, if now we expand our attention to include cases
Nos. 8-15, we see that ‘If P, then Q’ occurs additionally if
P is self-contradictory and Q is contingent (8) or P is
contingent and Q is self-evident (11) or P, Q are each self-
evident (12) or P is self-contradictory and Q is self-evident
(14) or P, Q are each self-contradictory (15). The above-
mentioned uniformities, which made the stated eductions
feasible, now no longer hold. There is a mix of ‘no’ and
‘yes’ in the available alternatives which inhibits such
56 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
c. Deduction.
With regard to syllogism, the nonsubaltern moods,
validated by reductio ad absurdum, remain universally
valid, since such indirect reduction is essentially
contraposition, and no other eductive process was
assumed. But the subaltern moods in all three figures, are
only valid for normal hypotheticals. Since these moods
presuppose subalternations for their validation, i.e. depend
on direct reductions through obversion or obverted
inversion, they are not valid for abnormal hypotheticals.
With regard to apodosis, the moods with a modal minor
premise provide us with the entry-point into abnormal
logic. As for dilemma, it is the instrument par excellence
for unearthing paradoxes in the course of everyday
reasoning. If we put any simple dilemma, constructive (as
below) or destructive (mutatis mutandis), in syllogistic
form, we obtain a paradoxical conclusion:
If P, then R — and — if Q, then R
but P and/or Q
hence, R
This implies the sorites:
If nonR, then nonP (contrapose left horn)
if nonP, then Q (minor)
if Q, then R (right horn)
hence, if nonR, then R (paradoxical conclusion =
Thus, paradoxical propositions are an integral part of
general hypothetical logic, not some weird appendix. They
highlight the essential continuity between syllogism and
simple dilemma, the latter being reducible to the former.
It follows incidentally that, since (as earlier seen) apodosis
may be viewed as a special, limiting case of simple
Clarifying paradox 57
1. Double paradox
We have seen that logical propositions of the form ‘if P,
then nonP’ (which equals to ‘nonP’) or ‘if nonP, then P’
(which equals to ‘P’), are perfectly legal. They signify that
the antecedent is self-contradictory and logically
impossible, and that the consequent is self-evident and
logically necessary. As propositions in themselves, they
are in no way antinomic; it is one of their constituents
which is absurd.
Although either of those propositions, occurring alone, is
formally quite acceptable and capable of truth, they can
never be both true: they are irreconcilable contraries and
their conjunction is formally impossible. For if they were
ever both true, then both P and nonP would be implied true.
We must therefore distinguish between single paradox,
which has (more precisely than previously suggested) the
form ‘if P, then nonP; but if nonP, not-then P; whence
nonP’, or the form ‘if nonP, then P; but if P, not-then nonP;
whence P’ — and double paradox, which has the form ‘if
P, then nonP, and if nonP, then P’.
Single paradox is, to repeat, within the bounds of logic,
whereas double paradox is beyond those bounds. The
former may well be true; the latter always signifies an error
of reasoning. Yet, one might interject, double paradox
occurs often enough in practice! However, that does not
60 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
See Future Logic, chapter 32.2.
The Liar paradox (early) 65
For instance, Charles Pierce (USA, 1839-1914) noticed that
some propositions imply all others. I do not know if he realized this is
a property of self-contradictory or logically impossible propositions;
and that self-evident or necessary propositions have the opposite
property of being implied by all others. I suspect he was thinking in
terms of material rather than strict implication.
70 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
1. First approach
The statement “This proposition is false” looks
conceivable offhand, until we realize that if we assume it
to be true, then we must admit it to be indeed false, while
if we assume it to be indeed false, then we must admit it to
be true – all of which seems unconscionable. Obviously,
there is a contradiction in such discourse, since nothing can
be both true and false. But the question is: just what is
causing it and how can it be resolved? We are not
‘deducing’ the fact of contradiction from a ‘law of thought’
– we are ‘observing’ the fact through our rational faculty.
We cannot, either, ‘deduce’ the resolution of the
contradiction from a ‘law of thought’ – we have to analyze
the problem at hand very closely and creatively propose a
satisfying solution to it, i.e. one which indeed puts our
intellectual anxiety to rest. As we shall see, this is by no
means a simple and straightforward matter.
The proposition “This proposition is false” is a double
paradox, because: if it is true, then it is false; and if it is
See there, chapter 32.2. (See also Ruminations 5.1.)
The Liar paradox (redux) 71
2. Second approach
Let us therefore try something else. If the pronoun “it”
refers to the term “this proposition”, then the double
paradox should be reformulated as follows: if ‘this
proposition’ is true, then ‘this proposition’ is false; and if
‘this proposition’ is false, then ‘this proposition’ is true.
But doing that, we see that in each of these two if–then
statements, though the subject (“this proposition”) remains
constant throughout, the predicate (“true” or “false,” as the
case may be) is not the same in the consequent as it was in
the antecedent. There is no logical explanation for these
inversions of the predicate. Normally, the truth of a
proposition P does not imply its falsehood or vice versa.
We might be tempted to use the given “This proposition is
false” as a premise to justify the inference from the said
antecedents to the said consequents. We might try to
formulate two apodoses, as follows:
The Liar paradox (redux) 73
3. Third approach
Let us now try another angle. If we examine our initial
reasoning in terms of the pronoun “it” more carefully, we
can see what is really happening in it. Given that ‘this
proposition is false’ is true, we can more briefly say: ‘this
proposition is false.’ Also, given ‘this proposition is false’
is false, we can by negation educe that ‘this proposition is
not false’ is true, which means that ‘this proposition is true’
is true, or more briefly put: ‘this proposition is true’15. In
this way, we seem to argue, regarding the subject “this
proposition is false,” from ‘it is true’ to ‘it is false’, and
from ‘it is false’ to ‘it is true’. But in fact, the use of the
pronoun “it” or the term “this proposition” as abbreviated
Some logicians have tried to deal with the liar paradox by
denying that true and false are contradictory terms, i.e. that not-true =
false and not-false = true. Such a claim is utter nonsense; the attempt
to shunt aside the laws of non-contradiction of the excluded middle so
as to resolve a paradox is self-contradiction in action.
76 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. Fourth approach
To grasp the illusoriness of the liar paradox, it is important
to realize that the two forms, “this proposition is false” and
“this proposition is true,” are not each other’s
contradictory; and that, in fact, neither of them has a
contradictory! This is a logical anomaly, a fatal flaw in the
discourse of the liar paradox; for in principle, every well-
formed and meaningful proposition is logically required to
have a contradictory. If a propositional form lacks a
contradictory form, it cannot be judged true or false, for
such judgment depends on there being a choice. We do not
even have to limit our propositions to the predicates “true”
or “false” – any predicate X and its negation not-X would
display the same property given the same said subject. That
is, “this proposition is X” and “this proposition is not-X”
78 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
5. Fifth approach
Another, and complementary, way to deal with the liar
paradox is to point out the logical difficulty of self-
reference. This is a tack many logicians have adopted,
including me in my first foray into this topic in Future
Logic. The argument proposed here is that the term “this
proposition” refers to an object (viz. “This proposition is
false” or “This proposition is true”) which includes the
term itself. A finger cannot point at itself, and “this” is the
conceptual equivalent of a finger. Effectively, the
expression “this” has no content when it is directed at itself
or at a sentence including it. It is empty, without substance.
80 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
6. Sixth approach
Not long after the preceding reflections, I happened to
come across another interesting example of paradoxical
self-reference, namely “Disobey me!”18 This involves the
‘double bind’ – if I obey it, I disobey it and if I disobey it, I
obey it. To resolve this paradox, we need to first put the
Another objection (which was actually put to me by a reader)
would be propositions like “this statement has five words” and “this
statement has six words” – even though they contain the demonstrative
“this,” the former looks true and the latter false! Here, we might in
reply point out that though the propositions “this statement has five
words” and “this statement does not have five words,” seem to mean
opposite things, they cannot be contradictories, since both appear true.
Also compare: “this statement has five words” and “this statement does
have five words” – the former is true while the latter is false, though
both mean essentially the same. Clearly, the behavior of these
propositions is far from normal, due to their unusual dependence on
the wording used in them. On one level, we get the message of the
proposition and count the number of words in it, and then check
whether this number corresponds to the given number: if yes, the
proposition is judged ‘true’, and if no, it is judged ‘false’. But at the
same time, we have to be keep track of the changing reference of the
demonstrative “this,” which complicates matters as already explained,
and additionally in this particular context we must beware of the impact
of wording. The Kneales give “What I am now saying is a sentence in
English” as an example of “harmless self-reference” (p. 228).
I found this example in Robert Maggiori’s La philosophie au
jour le jour; the author does not say whether it is his own invention or
someone else’s (p. 438).
82 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
1. Self-membership
With regard to the issue of self-membership, more needs to
be said. Intuitively, to me at least, the suggestion that
something can be both container and contained is hard to
Now, self-membership signifies that a nominal is a
member of an exactly identical nominal. Thus, that all X
are X, and therefore members of “X”, does not constitute
self-membership; this is merely the definition of
membership in a first order class by a non-class.
We saw that, empirically, at least with ordinary examples,
“X” (or the class of X) is never itself an X, nor therefore a
member of “X”. For example, “dogs” is not a dog, nor
therefore a member of “dogs”.
I suggested that this could be generalized into an inductive
postulate, if no examples to the contrary were forthcoming.
My purpose here is to show that all apparent cases of self-
membership are illusory, due only to imprecision of
That “X” is an X-class, and so a member of “X-classes”, is
not self-membership in a literal sense, but is merely the
definition of membership in a second order class by a first
order class. For example, “dogs” is a class of dogs, or a
member of “classes of dogs”, or member of the class of
classes of dogs.
The Russell paradox (early) 85
Nor does the formal inference, from all X are X, that all X-
classes are X-classes, and so members of “X-classes” (or
the class of classes of X), give us an instance of what we
strictly mean by self-membership; it is just tautology. For
example, all dog-classes are members of “classes of dogs”.
Claiming that an X-class may be X, and therefore a
member of “X”, is simply a wider statement than claiming
that “X” may be X, and not only seems equally silly and
without empirical ground, but would in any case not
formally constitute self-membership. For example,
claiming “retrievers” is a dog.
As for saying of any X that it is “X”, rather than a member
of “X”; or saying that it is some other X-class, and
therefore a member of “X-classes” — such statements
simply do not seem to be in accord with the intents of the
definitions of classes and classes of classes, and in any case
are not self-membership.
The question then arises, is “X-classes” itself a member of
“X-classes”? The answer is, no, even here there is no self-
membership. The impression that “X-classes” might be a
member of itself is due to the fact that it concerns X, albeit
less directly so than “X” does. For example, dog-classes
refers to “retrievers”, “terriers”, and even “dogs”; and thus,
though only indirectly, concerns dogs.
However, more formally, “X-classes” does not satisfy the
defining condition for being a member of “X-classes”,
which would be that ‘all X-classes are X’ — just as: “X” is
a member of “X-classes”, is founded on ‘all X are X’. As
will now be shown, this means that the above impression
cannot be upheld as a formal generality, but only at best as
a contingent truth in some cases; as a result, all its force
and credibility disappear.
If we say that for any and every X, all X-classes are X, we
imply that for all X, “X” (which is one X-class) is X; but
we have already adduced empirical cases to the contrary;
86 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
3. Impermutability
The solution to the problem is so easy, it is funny, though
I must admit I was quite perplexed for a while. It is simply
that: propositions of the form ‘X (or “X”) is (or is not) a
member of “Y” (or “Y-classes”)’ cannot be permuted. The
process of permutation is applicable to some forms, but not
to all forms.
a. In some cases, where we are dealing with relatively
simple relations, the relation can be attached to the original
predicate, to make up a new predicate, in an ‘S is P’ form
of proposition, in which ‘is’ has a strictly classificatory
meaning. Thus, ‘X is-not Y’ is permutable to ‘X is nonY’,
or ‘X is something which is not Y’; ‘X has (or lacks) Y-
ness’ is permutable to ‘X is a Y-ness having (or lacking)
thing’; ‘X does (or does not do) Y’ is permutable to ‘X is a
Y-doing (or Y-not-doing) thing’. In such cases, no error
arises from this artifice.
But in other cases, permutation is not feasible, because it
falsifies the logical properties of the relation involved. We
saw clear and indubitable examples of this in the study of
For instance, the form ‘X can be Y’ is not permutable to ‘X
is something capable of being Y’, for the reason that we
thereby change the subject of the relation ‘can be’ from ‘X’
to ‘something’, and also we change a potential ‘can be’ into
an actual ‘is (capable of being)’. As a result of such verbal
shenanigans, formal errors arise. Thus, ‘X is Y, and all Y
are capable of being Z’ is thought to conclude ‘X is capable
of being Z’, whereas in fact the premises are quite
compatible with the contradictory ‘X cannot be Z’, since
‘X can become Z’ is a valid alternative conclusion, as we
saw earlier.
It can likewise be demonstrated that ‘X can become Y’ is
not permutable to ‘X is something which can become Y’,
because then the syllogism ‘X is Y, all Y are things which
The Russell paradox (early) 89
This paradox was offered by B. Russell (in his 1918-19 work,
The Philosophy of Logical Atomism) as an illustration of the Russell
paradox; but he did not claim it as his own, saying that it was
“suggested” to him by someone else. However, Russell considered that
“In this form the contradiction is not very difficult to solve,” because
one can simply deny the subject (i.e. say that such a barber does not
The Russell paradox (early) 93
See Future Logic, chapters 43-45, on class logic.
Though of course, this distinction may be paradoxical, since
the word ‘word’ refers to words.
The Russell paradox (early) 95
The word ‘entity’, of course, is sometimes meant more
generally, with reference to any existent.
96 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
That is, the catalogue is not eligible for inclusion in itself –
but that does not affect its exhaustiveness.
So that, if it is not forthwith included in itself, it can no longer
be claimed complete.
The Russell paradox (early) 97
6. Grelling’s paradox
To develop his paradox25, Kurt Grelling26 labels a word
‘homological’, if it has the quality it refers to (e.g. the word
“short” is short, or the word “polysyllabic” is polysyllabic),
or ‘heterological’, if it lacks the quality it refers to (e.g.
“long” lacks length, or again “monosyllabic” is not
monosyllabic). He then asks whether these two words,
themselves, are to be categorized this way or that, arguing:
If “heterological” is homological, then it is
heterological (contradictory predicates).
If “heterological” is heterological, then it is
homological (contradictory predicates).
But it is a misapprehension of the meanings of these words
to even try to apply them to themselves. In their case, the
references are too abstract to have visible or audible
concomitants. Neither term is applicable to either of them.
Note first that the apparent contradictions in predication
either way apply to the word “heterological” only. For,
using similar reasoning with regard to the word
“homological”, although it might seem more consistent to
say that “homological” is homological than to say that it is
This paradox was inspired by Russell’s paradox.
Germany, 1886-1942. The paradox is also called the Grelling-
Nelson paradox, because it was presented in a 1908 paper written
jointly with Leonard Nelson (Germany, 1882-1927).
The Russell paradox (early) 99
We need not go into the details of these distinctions here, for
they are well known. There are also many fine distinctions between
different sorts of terms that may appear in propositions as subjects or
predicates; but let us keep the matter simple.
‘Predication’ refers to the copula and the predicate together as
if they were an action of the speaker (or the statement made) on the
The Russell paradox (redux) 105
The following account of class logic is based on my
presentation in Future Logic, chapters 43-45. The word ‘class’ comes
from the Latin classis, which refers to a “group called to military
service” (Merriam-Webster). I do not know whether the Ancients used
that word in its logical sense, or some such word, in their discourse,
but they certainly thought in class logic mode. Examples of class
thinking are Aristotle’s distinction between species and genera and
Porphyry’s tree.
106 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Note that saying or writing the word men without inverted
commas refers to a predicate. When we wish to refer to the
corresponding class, we say the class of men, or the class men; if we
are writing, we may write the same with or without inverted commas,
or simply ‘men’ in inverted commas. When dealing with classes of
classes, we say the class of classes of men, or the class of men-classes,
or the class men-classes, and we may write the same with or without
inverted commas, or simply ‘classes of men’ or ‘men-classes’ in
inverted commas.
The Russell paradox (redux) 107
Note that, whereas positive terms are easy enough to translate
into class logic language, negative terms present a real difficulty. For
example, whereas the term men refers only to non-classes, its strict
antithesis, the term non-men in its broadest sense, includes both non-
classes (i.e. concrete things other than men) and classes (i.e. more
abstract things). Again, whereas the term finite classes refers only to
classes, its strict antithesis, the term non-finite-classes in its broadest
sense, includes both open-ended classes (abstracts) and non-classes
(concretes). Thus, we must, for purposes of consistency, admit that
some terms do cover both non-classes and classes (including classes of
classes). Practically, this means we have to make use of disjunctives
which reveal the implicit alternatives. This of course complicates class
logic considerably.
Positive classes are defined by some positive property and
negative classes are defined by a negative one. For examples, ‘men’ is
defined with reference to rational animals (positive), whereas
‘bachelors’ is defined with reference to not yet married men (negative).
110 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
This is a pictorial ‘representation’, an analogical image not to
be taken literally.
The Russell paradox (redux) 115
To give a concrete image: a bag of marbles (whether alone or,
even worse, with the marbles in it) cannot be put inside itself, even if
the bag as a whole, together with all its contents, can be rolled around
like a marble and so be called a marble.
116 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
though it is true that the class ‘classes that are not members
of themselves’ is a class that is not a member of itself, it
does not follow that it is a member of itself. As for the class
‘classes members of themselves’, it has no members at all.
It should be emphasized that the restriction on
classification that we have here introduced is of very
limited scope; it hardly affects class logic at all, concerning
as it does a few very borderline cases.
The above is, I believe, the correct and definitive
resolution of the Russell paradox. We acknowledged the
existence of a problem, the Russell paradox. We diagnosed
the cause of the problem, the assumption that self-
membership is possible. We showed that self-membership
is unconscionable, since it implies that a container can
contain itself; this was not arbitrary tinkering, note well,
but appealed to reason. We proposed a solution to the
problem, one that precisely targets it and surgically
removes it. Our remedy consisted in uncoupling
predication from classification in all cases where self-
membership is assumed, and only in such cases. This
solution of the problem is plain common sense and not a
flight of speculation; it is simple and elegant; it is
convincing and uncomplicated; it does not essentially
modify the concept of class membership, but only limits its
application a little; it introduces a restriction, but one that
is clearly circumscribed and quite small; it does not result
in collateral damage on areas of class logic, or logic in
general, that are not problematic, and therefore does not
call for further adaptations of logic doctrine. Note
moreover that our solution does not resort to any obscure
‘system’ of modern symbolic logic, but is entirely
developed using ordinary language and widely known and
accepted concepts and processes.
The Russell paradox (redux) 121
I am here referring principally to the account by William and
Martha Kneale in The Development of Logic, ch. XI.1-2.
Kneale and Kneale, p. 654. Italics theirs.
122 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
William and Martha Kneale, p. 655.
The Russell paradox (redux) 125
class logic. But clearly, this new term is quite contrived and
meaningless. Here again, we must mean ‘the class of all
properties which do not exemplify themselves’ – and in
that event, we are back in class logic. Thus, note well, while
Russell was right in looking to see whether his paradox was
a problem specific to class logic, or one also occurring in
predicate logic, and he claimed to have established that it
occurred in both fields, in truth (as we have just
demonstrated) he did not succeed in doing that. In truth, the
paradox was specific to class logic; and he would have
been better off admitting the fact than trying to ignore it.
In response to certain criticisms by his peers, Russell
eventually “agreed that the paradoxes were all due to
vicious circles, and laid it down as a principle for the
avoidance of such circles that ‘whatever involves all of a
collection must not be one of the collection’.” Thus,
Russell may be said to have conceded the principle I have
also used, namely that a collection cannot include itself as
one of the items collected, although in truth the way he put
it suggests he conceived it as a convention designed to
block incomprehensible vicious circles rather than a logical
absolute (notice that he says ‘must not’ rather than
‘cannot’). He viewed the paradoxes of set theory as
“essentially of the same kind as the old paradox of
Epimenides (or the Liar).” This suggests that, at this stage,
he saw his own paradox as due to self-reference, somehow.
It does look at first sight as if there is some sort of self-
reference in the proposition ‘the class of all classes that are
not members of themselves is (or is not) a member of
itself’, because the clause ‘member of itself’ is repeated
(positively or negatively, in the singular or plural) in
subject and predicate38. But it cannot be said that self-
reference is exactly the problem.
Note that if self-reference were the crux of the problem, then
the proposition ‘the class of all classes that are members of themselves
126 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
See for a start the Kneales’ critique of the ‘theory of types’ in
ch. XI.2.
128 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. A bit of self-criticism
As regards the resolution of the Russell paradox that I
proposed over two decades ago in my Future Logic, the
following needs to be said here. While I stand, in the main,
by my theory of the logic of classes there (in chapters 43-
44), I must now distance myself somewhat from my
attempted resolution of the Russell paradox there (in
chapter 45).
I did, to my credit, in that past work express great
skepticism with regard to the notion of self-membership;
but I did not manage to totally rule it out. I did declare:
“Intuitively, to me at least, the suggestion that something
can be both container and contained is hard to swallow,”
The Russell paradox (redux) 129
Note that in this context I come up with the idea that the
definition of membership might occasionally fail. But I did not at the
time pursue that idea further, because I did not then analyze what such
failure would formally imply.
130 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Note this well: even though some classes (such as the class
“classes”) do subsume themselves, they cannot reasonably
be said to be members of themselves. This signifies that,
whatever the value of Y: whether the class “Y” is or is not
a Y, “Y” is not a member of the class “Y,” i.e. it is not a
member of itself. So, the proposition through which we
initially defined class-membership, viz. if X is a Y, then X
is a member of the class “Y,” has a formal exception, viz.
the case where the class “Y” is intended by the term X
(which is otherwise general).
(Although we have not here dealt with subclasses and
overclasses, note that the said exception does not prevent
the class “Y” from being a member of the overclass “Y-
classes;” which, by definition, includes “Y” together with
all the subclasses of “Y.” This is true because “Y” and “Y-
classes” are at different levels, so this does not constitute
self-membership. More on this below.)
Another oddity of class logic to note is that, just as
“classes” is a class, “non-classes” can be said to be a class,
without self-contradiction. In the case of predicate logic,
such a twist is not possible; i.e. a non-class (i.e. a thing that
is not a class) cannot be said to be a class: only a class can
be said to be a class. This again proves the divergence
between these two ways of thinking. On the other hand,
note, “classes” cannot consistently be said to be a non-
class; and likewise, “non-classes” cannot be said to be a
As regards the Russell paradox, it is alleged that the class
of “all classes not member of themselves” constitutes a
double paradox, because: if we say it is not a member of
itself, then it is a member of itself, and if we say that it is a
member of itself then it is not a member of itself. But it is
clear, in the light of what we have realized above, that the
problem lies in the consequent of the first if-then statement
and in the antecedent of the second if-then statement, i.e.
134 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
in the false claim that they contain that “all classes not
member of themselves” can be a member of itself. In truth,
no class is a member of itself, so both the if-then statement
made are wrong (non-sequiturs).
In other words, the resolution of Russell’s paradox is that
the class “all classes not member of themselves,” just like
any and every other class, is not a member of itself, and
this claim does not give rise to any self-contradiction.
Quotation from Principia Mathematica by Nicholas Rescher
in Paradoxes: Their Roots, Range, and Resolution, p. 172. This
“Vicious Circle Principle” was earlier formulated by Henri Poincaré.
More on the Russell paradox 135
Op. cit. pp. 172-73. While this SIP principle is intuitively
sound, and relevant to the case at hand, it must be said that it is not a
general truth. In truth, much of human discourse is made through more
or less vague terms. Relatively few terms, if any, are fully and finally
defined. This is because our knowledge is essentially inductive, rather
than (as many logicians imagine) deductive. We use a word (when we
need one) and a working definition (when we have one) as pragmatic
More on the Russell paradox 139
The Development of Logic, p. 655.
More on the Russell paradox 141
1. Traditional analysis
Carl Gustav Hempel1 in the 1940s exposed an alleged
“paradox of confirmation”, which suggested that a fully
consistent formal inductive logic is impossible. This is
commonly called “the raven paradox”, and may be
described as follows:
a) The observation that Some ravens are black (Some A
are B) confirms the hypothesis that All ravens are black
(All A are B).
The latter proposition may be contraposed to All non-black
things are non-ravens (All nonB are nonA).
b) Next, consider the observation that Some apples are
green (Some C are D). This is convertible to Some green
things are apples (Some D are C).
It follows from this proposition that Some non-black things
are non-ravens (Some nonB are nonA), since green things
are not black and apples are not ravens.
Now, just as Some ravens are black (Some A are B)
confirms the hypothesis that All ravens are black (All A are
B), so Some non-black things are non-ravens (Some nonB
are nonA) confirms the hypothesis that All non-black
things are non-ravens (All nonB are nonA).
Germany-USA, 1905-97.
Hempel’s paradox of confirmation 145
2. Novel analysis
As I will now show in detail, the above analysis is
inaccurate in some important respects. I will show that
although Hempel did indeed discover an interesting formal
problem for logicians to consider and solve, this problem
does not result in what we would call a paradox. That is,
there are valuable lessons to be learned from Hempel’s
paradox (as we may continue to call it conventionally), but
it does not present logic with any insurmountable
a) The first operation described above is the commonly
used inductive process of generalization. A particular
proposition (Some A are B) is turned into a general one
(All A are B). The particular supports the general in the
way that positive evidence confirms a hypothesis. Their
logical relation is adductive. ‘Some’ here means ‘at least
See for instance: the article in Wikipedia at
Hempel’s paradox of confirmation 147
To show propositions with different predicates are in conflict,
we use syllogism. For instance, All ravens are black and All ravens are
150 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
pink are incompatible, because knowing that No black things are pink,
we obtain, by syllogism (1st figure, EAE): No ravens are pink, which
is contrary to All ravens are pink.
Hempel’s paradox of confirmation 151
Symbolically, A + O = IO.
154 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
First published in 1990, a few years before Hempel’s death.
See part VI.
Hempel’s paradox of confirmation 157
See my essay on this topic in Ruminations (part I, chapter 9).
158 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
These questions are made clearer if we consider the eventual
negation of Some nonB are nonA, i.e. the form No nonB is nonA,
which implies All nonB are A. In the event the latter proposition is true,
we would have a negative term (nonB) included in a positive (A). This
could be taken to mean that almost all the world (except things that are
B) falls under A. For this to happen, A would have to be a very large
concept. Such a concept would be very exceptional and almost
meaningless. Whence, we can say that Some nonB are nonA is almost
always true, and at the same time not very informative.
Hempel’s paradox of confirmation 159
USA, 1906-98.
Or more pretentiously, “the new problem of induction”.
Here I’m quoting: Elsewhere, we are
informed that “applies to all things examined before t just in case they
are green but to other things just in case they are blue” is Goodman’s
own wording in his original presentation in Fact, Fiction, and Forecast
Goodman’s paradox of prediction 161
This is my own interpolation, to make Goodman’s thesis more
accurate. For there is no reason to suppose a priori that only blue
emeralds might eventually be found. We are only guessing the
possibility of blue emeralds, not basing it on any specific observations
– therefore any other color is equally probable (or improbable).
162 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
That is, a base of the given disjunction is Some C might be B,
whereas the corresponding base of the allegedly inferred disjunction is
Some X are B. But to imagine something happening is not proof it has
to in fact happen sometimes. The conclusion does not follow from the
164 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
To do so, he needed to construct a concept that would include
both A and notA, so that generalization could be formally shown to be
able to go either way. However, since a concept including
Goodman’s paradox of prediction 167
For adduction or generalization is justified by two essential
principles: (1) confirmation of a hypothesis by a positive instance, and
(2) the non-rejection of the same hypothesis by any negative instance,
and both principles must be equally obeyed for it to proceed logically.
There are of course many other conditions involved – see my essay
“Principles of Adduction” in Phenomenology (chapter VII.1).
That is, given Some X are G (or deducing this from Some X
are S), we can generalize to All X are G, provided there is no known
negative instance (X-nonG) to belie it.
This is as we saw one of the errors Goodman committed in
formulating his “riddle”. This error is of a deductive rather than
inductive nature.
Goodman’s paradox of prediction 169
This is obvious if we consider that we may equally well obtain
All X are G: (a) by generalization from Some X are G, which we
deduce from Some X are S, or (b) by deduction from All X are S, which
we generalize from Some X are S. In truth, it could be argued that these
two are slightly different, since (a) requires that we make sure that there
are no instances of X that are not G, whereas (b) requires that we make
sure that there are no instances of X that are not S. This difference is
however brought out in the ensuing stage of eventual particularization.
Note that if we discover an X that is not G, it is necessarily
also not S, given All S are G. In that event, both general propositions
would of course have to be particularized.
In this context, we could compare Goodman’s “grue” concept
to Feynman’s concept of “oomph”. The latter, defined (tongue-in-
cheek) as “a kind of tendency for movement” might seem useful to
“explain” various phenomena, but it is so vague that it cannot predict
anything and is therefore worthless (p. 19).
170 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Which Goodman was guilty of in formulating his “riddle”,
The Sorites paradox 171
1. What’s a heap?
The Sorites paradox is not a paradox, in the strict sense of
the term, but a question. The question is sometimes put in
a sophistical manner, so as to make it seem paradoxical.
But it can be put in a more straightforward manner, in
which case it is seen to be simple though not without
importance. The term sorites is Latin, derived from the
Greek sōros, meaning heap.
One way to express the Sorites paradox is: What is a ‘heap’
(of pebbles, say)? Or, how many pebbles (say) constitute a
‘heap’ of them? The obvious answer is there must surely
be at least one pebble. If you have no pebbles, you do not
have a heap, but a non-heap. But is one pebble enough?
The obvious answer is: no, you need at least two pebbles
to make a heap, since heap is a collective term, and one that
additionally suggests that the pebbles are stacked one on
top of the other (and you cannot stack a non-pebble on a
pebble or a pebble on a non-pebble). A single pebble
logically counts as a non-heap; heap is intrinsically plural.
Formulated like that, the question is not very problematic.
But if it is formulated as follows, it becomes more
complicated. If we have many pebbles (say, 100) piled up,
we obviously have a heap. What happens if we remove one
pebble, do we still have a heap? Yes, 99 make up a heap.
What happens if we remove one more pebble, do we still
have a heap? Yes, 98 make a heap. And so on, till we come
172 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Or whatever minimal hairiness seems to us subjectively as so
close to bald as to be effectively bald.
For example, in Jewish law (halakhah) much attention is
given to quantitative definitions, notably to the maxima or minima of
durations, times o’clock, distances, lengths, volumes, weights,
temperatures, monetary values, etc. Initially, such measures were often
expressed by the rabbis in vague terms (e.g. ‘the volume of an egg’),
but later more precise formulations were called for (which different
authorities might differently estimate). However, some measures
remain subjective (e.g. the estimate of when one is full after eating).
See for more details:
174 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
The resort to an “ideal language” by certain modern logicians
to solve a problem of logic is futile. Unable to understand the actual
way we real human beings logically deal with certain cognitive
difficulties, they try to impose a superficial, artificial and impractical
way of thinking on the rest of us. The role of the genuine logician is
not to impose imaginary logics, but to understand our natural logical
means and thence to perfect and reinforce them. Reasoning by humans
should be the central concern of logicians. The natural language way
to deal with Sorites paradoxes is to use words more precisely – e.g.
instead of calling persons with very few hairs ‘bald’, to call them
‘almost bald’; or more accurately still, if necessary for some practical
purpose, ‘having (say) one to ten hairs’.
176 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Most M are P
and Most M are S;
therefore, Some S are P
Modus ponens:
If A is B, then C is D, and A is B (affirming the antecedent);
then, C is D (consequent is affirmed).
The Sorites paradox 177
Modus tollens:
If A is B, then C is D, and C is not D (denying the
consequent); then, A is not B (antecedent is denied).
The consequent and the minor premise cannot be vague;
else, the conclusion is invalid. However, the antecedent
could be vague, and the conclusion would still be valid
(though also vague).
As I explain in A Fortiori Logic, chapters 1.4 and 2.5, it is
sometimes useful to formulate terms in a way so inclusive that positive,
zero and negative values are all embraced by them. This is often done
in scientific discourse because it facilitates some calculations and
graphs. But it must be well understood that such inclusive terms are
inherently undeniable – i.e. they already englobe both an affirmation
and its denial. In the present context, we might choose to enlarge terms
like heap or bald to include their opposites, for whatever reason; but
when we do so we must remain keenly aware of what we are doing. If
178 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
See my A Fortiori Logic, Appendix 7.4.
Namely, the Masked Man, Elektra and Overlooked Man
The Sorites paradox 181
1. An ancient paradox
One of the many alleged paradoxes that have come down
to us from the Greeks is the dispute between Protagoras (of
Abdera, ca. 480-410 BCE) and his student Euathlus (about
whom nothing more is known). The story is told by Aulus
Gellius (Roman, ca. 125-180 CE)80, that Protagoras, a
famous Sophist, and an expensive teacher, agreed with
Euathlus to train him in rhetoric, a discipline essential at
the time to argumentation in courts of law. The agreement
was that Euathlus would not have to pay Protagoras the
specified fee (or the unpaid portion of the fee, by some
accounts) until he had been fully trained and went on to
plead his first case and win it81.
It is said that after Euathlus completed his course, he did
not (for whatever reason) choose to use his newly acquired
skills before any court of law, and so he never won or lost
any case, and so was contractually not required to pay
Protagoras anything. Nevertheless, Protagoras, with
motives that we shall presently consider, sued him (in the
court of Areopagus in Athens). Euathlus chose to
Some 550-600 years after the fact, in his Attic Nights (ca. 150
The contract in question was presumably verbal, rather than
written, in those days; but we may take it that both parties agreed on
its stated clause.
Protagoras vs. Euathlus 183
2. First resolution
The simplest solution to this problem is to suppose that the
wily Protagoras, seeing that Euathlus was taking his time
getting to work, decided to speed things up. Protagoras
trapped his pupil by using the above argument, knowing
full well that he would lose a first trial, but win an eventual
second trial. He knew he would lose a first trial, because
the agreement between the parties only obligated Euathlus
to pay the fee once he won his first case; it did not obligate
him to practice law anytime soon, or even ever. Euathlus
foolishly fell into the trap and personally argued the case
in court. Had the court not adjourned sine die, it would have
logically given him victory, thus making Euathlus win his
first case. Thereafter, assuming that a second trial was
legally permitted – and both the parties’ arguments above
do make this assumption – Protagoras would have been the
ultimate winner. Of course, no second trial would be
necessary if Euathlus conceded that having won the first
trial he was sure to lose the second, and settled the account
In other words, Protagoras’s first argument (i) was mere
camouflage; he was really relying on his second argument
(ii). Euathlus let his vanity get the better of him and
formulated two fancy counter-arguments, thinking to outdo
his teacher. But Protagoras was more cunning than him.
In The Paradox of Self-Amendment. The section on the
Protagoras v. Euathlus paradox can be read online; it is worth reading,
including the notes, and not very long. See at:
Protagoras vs. Euathlus 185
Assuming this was possible in Athens in those days. This is a
fair assumption (even if some commentators deny it) since, after all,
Euathlus was apparently trained by Protagoras to be a lawyer himself.
186 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
3. Second resolution
A more complex solution to the problem is as follows. It is
possible that Protagoras sued Euathlus by appealing to an
unspoken clause of the agreement. The agreement
contained only one explicit clause, viz. that Euathlus would
have to pay Protagoras the fee if and only if he won his first
case. If that was so, Protagoras would have no basis for
requesting a trial, since that condition had obviously not
been satisfied. But since he sued, he must have thought and
argued that the agreement included a tacit (or perhaps
implicit) understanding that Euathlus would practice law
Protagoras vs. Euathlus 187
Protagoras would also, of course, claim that the reasonable
delay had expired. If the court agreed with the existence of a tacit
clause but disagreed with the claim it was fulfilled, that would merely
adjourn the case for a certain amount of time (of their estimate).
Needless to say, the present analysis is made entirely from a
logical viewpoint, although a court of law might reason differently or
even not reason at all (e.g. bribery, favoritism, pressure).
188 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
4. Inadequate resolutions
As earlier mentioned, based on Suber’s account of the
literature, the first resolution should be attributed to Aulus
Gellius, but the second resolution seems to be original.
Suber’s account shows that the court paradox has been
discussed in a number of works over time, but more often
apparently from a legal point of view than from a logical
one. The legal issues involved are manifold, but most need
not and should not be taken into consideration in a purely
logical perspective. Why? Because the logician’s purpose
here is not to decide the case, i.e. who should win or lose,
but merely to explain and remove the appearance of
This remark can be illustrated with reference to the
resolution (not mentioned by Suber) proposed centuries
ago by Lorenzo Valla (Italy, ca. 1406-57). This attempt at
resolution is not adequate because it relies on a thoughtless
distinction between payment on account of the court’s
Protagoras vs. Euathlus 191
See Stanford Enc. of Phil., online at This issue is
apparently treated in Repastinatio dialectice et philosophie. The author
of the article is apparently Lodi Nauta (2013).
I have not read Valla’s work. I have to assume that the author
of the SEP article on Valla correctly presented Valla’s reasoning. I
192 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
suspect he or she may not have, as the details given in the article are
rather vague and inconclusive; they do not clarify exactly what
resolution of the paradox Valla had in mind. Not everyone is good at
logic. (Note that I did write to the author, asking him or her to please
verify the summary of Valla’s view given in the SEP article, but I got
no reply. That the author did not deign to respond confirmed my
estimate that this is not a very reliable source: intelligent people
confidently welcome reasonable queries.)
Protagoras vs. Euathlus 193
In 2009, in an e-mail to someone.
194 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
1. The tetralemma
Western philosophical and scientific thought is based on
Aristotelian logic, whose founding principles are the three
“Laws of Thought”. These can be briefly stated as “A is A”
(Identity), “Nothing is both A and non-A” (Non-
contradiction) and “Nothing is neither A nor non-A”
(Exclusion of the Middle). These are not claimed as mere
hypotheses, note well, but as incontrovertible premises of
all rational human thought89.
Religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam, even while
adhering to these laws in much of their discourse and
paying lip-service to them, in their bids to interpret their
own sacred texts and to make their doctrines seem
reasonable to their converts, have often ignored these same
laws. This is especially true of mystical trends within these
religions, but many examples could be given from
mainstream writings. The same can be said of some aspects
of Buddhist philosophy.
The tetralemma90 is a derivative of the laws of thought,
with reference to any two terms or propositions, labeled A
See my Future Logic, ch. 2 and 20, and later essays on the
subject (published on my website
See Cheng, pp. 36-38, on this topic. He there refers to MT
opening statement, as well as XVII:12a and XXIII:1a. Etym. Gk. tetra
196 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
It is misleading to call this a ‘duality’ or ‘dichotomy’, as
Buddhists are wont to do, because it suggests that a unitary thing was
arbitrarily cut into two – and incidentally, that it might just as well have
been cut into four. But, on a perceptual level, there is no choice
involved, and no ‘cutting-up’ of anything. A phenomenon appearing is
one single thing, call it ‘a’ (a proper name, or an indicative ‘this’), and
not a disjunction. The issue of ‘dichotomy’ arises only on a conceptual
level. Negation is a rational act, i.e. we can only speak of ‘non-a’, of
what does not appear, by first bringing to mind something ‘a’, which
previously appeared (in sensation or imagination). In initial
conceptualization, two phenomena are compared and contrasted, to
each other and to other things, in some respect(s); the issue is then, are
they similar enough to each other and different enough from other
things to be judged ‘same’ and labeled by a general term (say ‘A’), or
should they be judged ‘different’ or is there an uncertainty. At the later
stage of recognition, we have to decide whether a third phenomenon
fits in the class formed for the previous two (i.e. falls under ‘A’) or
does not fit in (i.e. falls under ‘non-A’) or remains in doubt. In the latter
case, we wonder whether it is ‘A’ or ‘non-A’, and forewarn that it
cannot be both or neither.
Buddhist antinomic discourse 199
Beyond consciousness of “Shunyata” is a more vivid
awareness called “Mahamudra”, according to Chögyam Trungpa, in
Illusion’s Game. But such refinements need not concern us here.
See Cheng, pp. 38-39, on this topic. He there refers to MT
XIII:9a and XVIII:7.
See my Future Logic, ch. 60-62, and later essays on the
Buddhist antinomic discourse 201
Adduction treats all conceptual knowledge as hypothetical, to
be tested repeatedly – in competition with all conceivable alternative
hypotheses – with reference to all available logic and experience.
P. 42.
204 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
P. 25.
Buddhist antinomic discourse 205
This is supposedly the date of composition, though the
translator, Juan Mascaro, in his Introduction, states “compiled” at that
time, thus seeming to imply an earlier composition. It is not clear in
that commentary when the sutra is estimated to have been first written
down. And if it was much later, say in the period of crystallization of
Mahayana thought, say in 100 BCE to 100 CE, the latter may have
influenced the monks who did the writing down. See ch. 26 (383-5) for
the quotation.
206 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Needless to say, the following comments are not an attack on
Buddhism, but on the rhetoric of Nagarjuna. Buddhism is not well
served by such games. I think of Nagarjuna whenever I read v. 306 of
the Dhammapada: “He who says what is not… and he who says he has
not done what he knows well he has done… sinned against truth”. For
me, he is just a philosopher like any other; his interest in Buddhism is
incidental (as is his saintly status in the eyes of many).
Nagarjuna in Vigraha Vyavartani (Averting the Arguments),
verse 29. The translation used here is given by ‘Namdrol’ in the E-
Sangha Buddhism Forum
e21a108125823f&showtopic=5604&st=100&#entry82577). Note
however that the word “alone” in this translation may not be in the
original, judging by other translations I have seen, even though it does
seem to be Nagarjuna’s intent.
208 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
See Future Logic, chapter 29.3.
More Buddhist antinomic discourse 213
Two other translations of this sentence confirm and amplify
this reading. “If I would make any proposition whatever, then by that I
would have a logical error” (Streng). “Should I have put forward any
thesis, then the logical defect would have been mine” (Gradinarov).
222 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
See my work Buddhist Illogic on this topic, as well as
comments on Nagarjuna’s discourse in my Ruminations, Part I, chapter
5. I must stress that my concern, throughout those previous and the
present critiques, is not to reject Buddhism as such, but to show that it
can be harmonized with reason. I consider quite unnecessary and
counterproductive, the attitude of many Buddhist philosophers, who
seemingly consider Realization (i.e. enlightenment, liberation,
wisdom) impossible without rejection of logic. My guiding principle
throughout is that they are quite compatible, and indeed that reason is
an essential means (together with morality and meditation) to that
desirable end.
Judging by its Sanskrit language, the centrality of the
bodhisattva ideal and other emphases in it, this sutra is a Mahayana
text. It is thought to have been composed and written in India about
226 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
350 C.E., though at least one authority suggests a date perhaps as early
as 150 C.E. For comparison, Nagarjuna, the founder of Madhyamika
philosophy, was active circa 150-200 C.E.; thus, this Prajnaparamita
text was written during about the same period, if not much later.
Mu Soeng, p. 111.
In Mu Soeng: pp. 145 and 151, respectively. I spotted a
similar argument in another Mahayana text: “And it is because for them
[the bodhisattvas] training consists in not-training that they are said to
be training” (my translation from a French translation) – found in
chapter 2, v. 33 of the “Sutra of the words of the Buddha on the
Supreme Wisdom” (see Eracle, p. 61).
More Buddhist antinomic discourse 227
Assuming the translation in this edition is correct, of course
(and it seems quite respectable; see p. ix of the Preface). My point is
that no logician has ever formally validated such an argument; and in
fact it is formally invalid, since the conclusion effectively contradicts
a premise.
228 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Although not entirely absent in the earlier Abhidharma
literature and the later Yogacara literature, they are not uncommon in
some Prajnaparamita literature (including the Diamond Sutra) and
rather common in Madhyamika literature.
More Buddhist antinomic discourse 229
The Zen Doctrine of No-mind, p. 93.
230 Paradoxes and Their Resolutions
Main References