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Central Electricity Regulatory Commission New Delhi

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New Delhi, the 20th of June 2013

NOTIFICATION (DRAFT) No.L-1/132/2013/CERC.- In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 178 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and all other powers enabling it in this behalf, and after previous publication, the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission hereby makes the following regulations, namely:


Short title and commencement (1) These regulations may be called the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2013. (2) These regulations shall come into force on (date to be inserted at the time of final regulations).

2. (1)

Definitions and Interpretation In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,(a) Act means the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003); (b) actual drawal in a time-block means electricity drawn by a beneficiary or a buyer, as the case may be, measured by the interface meters; (c) actual injection in a time-block means electricity generated or supplied by the generating station or seller, as the case may be, measured by the Interface meters.

(d) beneficiary means the person purchasing electricity generated from the generating station; (e) buyer means a person, other than the beneficiary, buying electricity, through a transaction scheduled in accordance with the regulations applicable for short-term open access, medium-term open access and long-term access; (f) 'Connectivity Regulations' means the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access and Medium Term Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2009 as amended from time to time and shall include any subsequent amendment thereof. (g) Commission' means the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission referred to in sub-section (1) of section 76 of the Act; (h) Deviation in a time-block for a generating station or a seller means its total actual generation minus its total scheduled generation and for a beneficiary or buyer means its total actual drawal minus its total scheduled drawal. (i) gaming in relation to these regulations, shall mean an intentional mis-declaration of declared capacity by any generating station or seller in order to make an undue commercial gain through Charge for Deviations. (j) generating station means a generating station whose tariff is determined by the Commission under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 62 of the Act; (k) Grid Code means the Grid Code specified by the Commission under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 79 of the Act. (l) interface meters means interface meters as defined by the

Central Electricity Authority under the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.

(m) Load Despatch Centre means National Load Despatch Centre, Regional Load Despatch Centre or State Load Despatch Centre, as the case may be, responsible for coordinating scheduling of the generating station in accordance with the provisions of Grid Code; (n) 'Open Access Regulations' means the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008 as amended from time to time and shall include any subsequent amendment thereof. (o) `scheduled generation at any time or for any period or a time block means schedule of generation in MW or MWh ex-bus given by the concerned Load Despatch Centre; (p) `scheduled drawal at any time or for any period or time block means schedule of despatch in MW or MWh ex-bus given by the concerned Load Despatch Centre; (q) seller means a person, other than a generating station, supplying electricity, through a transaction scheduled in accordance with the regulations applicable for short-term open access, medium-term open access and long-term access; (r) time-block means a time block of 15 minutes, for which specified electrical parameters and quantities are recorded by special energy meter, with first time block starting at 00.00 hrs; (2) Save as aforesaid and unless repugnant to the context or the subject-matter otherwise requires, words and expressions used in these regulations and not defined, but defined in the Act, or the Grid Code or any other regulations of this Commission shall have the meanings assigned to them respectively in the Act or the Grid Code or any other regulations.

3. Objective The objective of these regulations is to maintain grid security and grid discipline as envisaged under the Grid Code through the commercial mechanism of Deviation Settlement by controlling the users of the grid in scheduling, despatch, drawal and injection of electricity. 4. Scope These regulations shall be applicable to (i) the generating stations and the beneficiaries, and (ii) sellers and buyers involved in the transaction facilitated through short-term open access or medium-term open access or long-term access in inter-State transmission of electricity. 5. Charges for the Deviations:

(1) The charges for the Deviations for all the time-blocks shall be payable for over drawal by the buyer or the beneficiary and under-injection by the generating station or the seller and receivable for under-drawal by the buyer or the beneficiary and over-injection by the generating station or the seller and shall be worked out on the average frequency of a time-block at the rates specified below as per the methodology specified in clause (2) of this regulation: Average Frequency of the time block(Hz) Below 50.05 50.04 50.03 50.02 50.01 50.00 49.99 Not Below 50.05 50.04 50.03 50.02 50.01 50.00 49.99 49.98 Charges for Deviation Paise/kWh 0.00 35.60 71.20 106.80 142.40 178.00 333.40 488.80

49.98 49.97 49.96 49.95

49.97 49.96 49.95

644.20 799.60 955.00 1110.40

(Each 0.01 Hz step is equivalent to 35.60 Paise/kWh in the 50.05-50.00 Hz frequency range, 155.40 Paise/kWh in the below 50 Hz to 49.95 Hz frequency range )

Provided that the charges for the Deviation for the generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as fuel, when actual generation is higher or lower than the scheduled generation, shall not exceed the Cap Rate of 333.40 Paise/kWh as per the methodology specified in clause (3) of this regulation: Provided that the charges for the Deviation for the under drawls by the buyer and the over-injection by the seller shall not exceed the Cap Rate of 333.40 Paise/kWh as per the methodology specified in clause (3) of this regulation: Provided also that the charges for the Deviation for the under drawls by the buyer or the beneficiaries in a time block in excess of 12% of the schedule or 150 MW whichever is less and in excess of 3% of the schedule over the day, shall be zero. Provided also that the charges for the Deviation for the over-injection by the seller in a time block in excess of 12% of the schedule or 150 MW whichever is less and in excess of 3% of the schedule over a day shall be zero except in case of injection of infirm power which shall be governed by the clause (6) of this Regulation. Provided also that the Charges for the Deviation for the under injection by the generating station below 50.0 Hz shall be the energy charge of the previous month if energy charge is higher than the charges for the Deviation corresponding to the grid frequency of the time block. In case of gas based generating stations the energy charge

shall be considered for this purpose starting from the highest to lower for the respective fuels corresponding to the capacity scheduled on each fuel. Note: Each generating station shall furnish the energy charges for the previous month to the respective Regional Power Committee (RPC) each month. (2) The Charge for Deviation shall be determined in accordance with the following methodology: (a) (b) The Charge for Deviation shall be zero at grid frequency of 50.05 Hz and above. The Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency interval of below 50.01 Hz and not below 50.0 Hz shall be based on the median value of the average energy charge of coal/lignite based generating stations for any six months period preferably from July to December of previous year or from Jan to June for the year or any other six month period if deemed necessary and suitably adjusted upward to decide on the Deviation price vector. (c) The Deviation Price Vector shall accordingly, be in steps for a frequency interval of 0.01 Hz between 50.05 Hz and below 50.01 Hz and not below 50.0 Hz. (d) The Deviation Price Vector shall accordingly, be in steps for a frequency interval of 0.01 Hz between grid frequency interval of below 50.01 Hz and not below 50.0 Hz and below 49.95 Hz. (e) The Charge for Deviation at grid frequency "below 49.95 Hz" shall be based on the highest of the average energy charges of generating stations for any six months period preferably from July to December of previous year or from Jan to June for the year or any other six month period if deemed necessary and suitably adjusted upward to decide on the Deviation price vector. (3) The Cap rate for the charges for the Deviation for the generating stations using coal

or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as the fuel shall be

the value close to the energy charges on imported coal on Deviation Price vector. (4) The Cap rate for the charges for the Deviation for the under drawls by the

buyer and the over-injection by the seller shall be the value close to the energy charges on imported coal on Deviation Price vector. (5) The Charges for Deviation may be reviewed from time to time by the Commission

and shall be re-notified accordingly. (6) The infirm power injected into the grid by a generating unit of a generating station

during the testing, prior to COD of the unit shall be paid at Charges for Deviation for infirm power injected into the grid, consequent to testing, for a period not exceeding 6 months or the extended time allowed by the Commission in the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access and related matters) Regulations, 2009, as amended from time to time, subject to ceiling of Cap rates corresponding to the main fuel used for such generation as specified below: Domestic coal/ Lignite/Hydro APM gas as fuel Imported Coal/RLNG Liquid Fuel `1.78 / kWh sent out `2.82/ kWh sent out `3.05 / kWh sent out `11.104 / kWh sent out

(7) Charges for Deviation of Inter-regional Exchange between the two asynchronously inter-connected Regions shall be computed by the respective Regional Power Committees, based on Charges for Deviation as per the frequency of the respective Region. The amount to be settled for the inter-regional exchanges shall be average of the Charges for Deviation computed for the two regions by way of such inter-change.

6. Declaration, scheduling and elimination of gaming (1) The provisions of the Grid Code and the Central Electricity Regulatory

Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008, as amended from time to time, shall be applicable for declaration of capacity, scheduling and elimination of gaming. (2) The generating station, as far as possible, shall generate electricity as per the

day-ahead generation schedule finalised by the Regional Load Despatch Centre in accordance with the Grid Code. Provided that the revision in generation schedule on the day of operation shall be permitted, in accordance with the procedure specified under the Grid Code and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Open Access in inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008, as the case may be. (3) The Commission, either suo motu or on a petition made by RLDC, or any affected

party, may initiate proceedings against any generating company or seller on charges of gaming and if required, may order an inquiry in such manner as decided by the Commission. When the charge of gaming is established in the above inquiry, the Commission may, without prejudice to any other action under the Act or regulations there under, disallow any Charges for Deviation received by such generating company or the seller during the period of such gaming.

7. Limits on Deviation volume and consequences of crossing limits (1) The over-drawls / under drawls of electricity by any beneficiary or a buyer during

a time block shall not exceed 12% of its scheduled drawal or 150 MW, whichever is lower, when frequency is 49.95 Hz and above" and 3% on a daily aggregate basis for all the time blocks when the frequency is 49.95 Hz and above. Provided that any drawal of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit for

the start up activities shall be exempted from the volume limit specified above. Explanation: The limits specified in this clause shall apply to the sum total of over-drawal by all the intra-State entities in the State including the distribution companies and other intra-State buyers, and shall be applicable at the inter-State boundary of the respective State. (2) The under-injection / over-injection of electricity by a generating station or a seller during a time-block shall not exceed 12% of the scheduled injection of such generating station or seller or 150 MW, whichever is lower, when frequency is 49.95 Hz and above and 3% on daily aggregate basis for all the time blocks when the frequency is 49.95 Hz and above. Provided that any infirm injection of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit during testing and commissioning activities shall be exempted from the volume limit specified above for a period not exceeding 6 months or the extended time allowed by the Commission in accordance with the Connectivity Regulations. (3) In addition to Charges for Deviation as stipulated under Regulation 5 of these regulations, Additional Charge for Deviation shall be applicable for over-drawal/ under drawls as well as under-injection/ over-injection of electricity for each time block in excess of the volume limit specified in Clauses (1) and (2) of this regulation when grid frequency is 49.95 Hz and above at the rates specified below in accordance with the methodology specified in clause 6 of this regulation:


For over drawls/under drawls of electricity by any beneficiary or a buyer in excess

of 12% and up to 15% of the schedule or above 150 MW and up to 200 MW in a time block or in excess of 3% and up to 4% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 20% of the Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". (ii) For over drawls/under drawls of electricity by any beneficiary or a buyer in excess

of 15 % and up to 20% of the schedule or above 200 MW and up to 250 MW in a time block or in excess of 4% and up to 5% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 40% of the Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". (iii) For over drawls/under drawls of electricity by any beneficiary or a buyer in excess

of 20 % of the schedule or above 250 MW in a time block or in excess of 5% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 100% of the Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". (iv) For under injection/ over-injection in excess of 12% and up to 15% of the schedule

or above 150 MW and up to 200 MW in a time block or in excess of 3% and up to 4% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 20% of the Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". (v) For under injection/over-injection in excess of 15 % and up to 20% of the schedule

or above 200 MW and up to 250 MW in a time block or in excess of 4% and up to 5% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 40% of the Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". (vi) For under injection/over-injection in excess of 20 % of the schedule or above 250

MW in a time block or in excess of 5% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 100% of the Charge for Deviation corresponding to grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". Provided further that Additional Charge for Deviation for under-injection/ over-injection of electricity, during the time-block in excess of the volume limit specified in (1) and (2) of this regulation when grid frequency is 49.95 Hz and above, by the generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as the fuel shall be at the rates specified below in accordance with the methodology specified in clause 8 of this regulation: (i) For under injection in excess of 12% and up to 15% of the schedule or above 150

MW and up to 200 MW in a time block or in excess of 3% and up to 4% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 20% of the Cap Rate for Deviations of Rs 333.40/kWh.


For under injection in excess of 15 % and up to 20% of the schedule or above 200

MW and up to 250 MW in a time block or in excess of 4% and up to 5% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 40% of the Cap Rate for Deviations of Rs 333.40/kWh. (iii) For under injection in excess of 20 % of the schedule or above 250 MW in a time

block or in excess of 5% of the schedule over a day: equivalent to 100% of the Cap Rate for Deviations of Rs 333.40/kWh. Provided that any drawal of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit for the start up activities shall be exempted from the levy of additional Charges of Deviation. Provided also that any infirm injection of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit during testing and commissioning activities shall be exempted from levy of additional charges for Deviation for a period not exceeding 6 months or the extended time as may be allowed by the Commission in accordance with the Connectivity Regulations. (4) Methodologies for the computation of Charges for Deviation and Additional Charges for deviation for each regional entity for crossing the volume limits specified for the under drawal /over-injection and for overdrawal and under-injection in clause (3) of this regulation shall be as per Annexure-I and II respectively of these Regulations. (5) In addition to Charges for Deviation as stipulated under Regulation 5 of these Regulations, Additional Charge for Deviation shall be applicable for over-drawal/ under drawls or under-injection/ over-injection of electricity for each time block when grid frequency is below 49.95 Hz in accordance with the methodology specified in clause 7 of this regulation shall be equivalent to 100% of the Charge for Deviation of 1110.40 Paise/kWh corresponding to the grid frequency of "below 49.95 Hz". Provided further that Additional Charge for Deviation for under-injection of electricity, during the time-block when grid frequency is below 49.95 Hz, by the generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as the fuel in accordance with the methodology specified in clause 9 of

this regulation shall be equivalent to 100% of the Cap Rate for Deviations of 333.40 Paise/kWh. Explanation: Additional Charges for Deviation shall not be applicable for net over drawls by a region as a whole from other regions. (6) The Additional Charge for Deviation for over-drawals / under-drawal and

under-injection / over-injection of electricity for each time block when grid frequency is " 49.95 Hz and above" shall be as specified by the Commission as a percentage of the charges for the Deviation in grid frequency below 49.95 Hz with due consideration to the behavior of the buyer and beneficiaries and sellers and the generating stations towards grid discipline: Provided that the Commission may specify different rates for additional Charges for Deviation for over drawls/ under-drawal and under injections/ over-injection depending upon different % deviation from the schedule in excess of the volume limit specified in clause (1) and (2) of this Regulation. (7) The additional Charge for Deviation for over-drawals and under-injection of

electricity for each time block when grid frequency is below 49.95 Hz shall be as specified by the Commission as a percentage of the charges for the Deviation in grid frequency below 49.95 Hz with due consideration to the behavior of the buyer and beneficiaries and sellers and the generating stations towards grid discipline: Provided that the Commission may specify different rates for additional Charges for Deviation for over drawls and under injections and for different ranges of frequencies below 49.95 Hz. (8) The additional Charge for Deviation for under-injection of electricity during the

time-block in excess of the volume limit specified in Clause (2) of this regulation when grid frequency is 49.95 Hz and above, by the generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as the fuel shall be as specified by

the Commission as a percentage of the Cap Rate, with due consideration to the behavior of the generating stations towards grid discipline: (9) The additional Charge for Deviation for under-injection of electricity during the

time-block when grid frequency is below 49.95 Hz, by the generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as the fuel shall be as specified by the Commission as a percentage of the Cap Rate, with due consideration to the behavior of the generating stations towards grid discipline: Provided that the Commission may specify different rates for additional Charges for Deviation for under injections at different ranges of frequencies below 49.95 Hz. (10) Payment of Charges for Deviation under Regulation 5 and the Additional Charges

for Deviation under Clauses (3) and (4) of this regulation, shall be levied without prejudice to any action that may be considered appropriate by the Commission under Section 142 of the Act for contravention of the limits of over-drawal/ under drawal or under-generation/over-injection as specified in these regulations, for each time block. (11) Each of the regional entity such as generating station, beneficiary, buyer or the

seller shall have to make sign of their deviation from schedule changed, at least once, in every 6 time blocks. To illustrate, if a regional entity has positive deviation from schedule from 07.30 hrs to 0.845 hrs, then it must have negative deviation from schedule in the time block 08.45 hrs to 09.00 hrs. (12) The charges for over-drawal/ under-injection and under-drawal/ over-injection of

electricity shall be computed by the respective Regional Power Committee in accordance with the methodology used for preparation of Regional Energy Accounts. (13) The Regional Load Despatch Centre shall prepare and publish on its website the

records, on monthly basis, of the Deviation Accounts, specifying the quantum of over-drawal/ under-generation and corresponding amount of charges for Deviation payable for each beneficiary or buyer and receivable for each generating station or seller

for all the time-blocks when grid frequency was "49.95 Hz and above" and "below 49.95" Hz separately.


Compliance with instructions of Load Despatch Centre Notwithstanding anything specified in these Regulations, the generating station,

the seller, the beneficiary and the buyer shall strictly follow the instructions of the Regional Load Despatch Centre on generation and drawal in the interest of grid security and grid discipline.


Accounting of Charges for Deviation

(1) A statement of charges for Deviations including Additional Charges for Deviation levied under these regulations shall be prepared by the Secretariat of the respective Regional Power Committee on weekly basis based on the data provided by the concerned RLDC(s) and shall be issued to all constituents by Tuesday, for seven day period ending on the penultimate Sunday mid-night.

(2) All payments on account of Charges for Deviation including Additional Charges for Deviation levied under these regulations and interest, if any, received for late payment shall be credited to the funds called the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund, which shall be maintained and operated by the concerned Regional Load Despatch Centres in each region in accordance with provisions of these regulations.

Provided that the Commission may by order direct any other entity to operate and maintain the respective Regional Deviation Pool Account Funds:

Provided further that separate books of accounts shall be maintained for the principal component and interest component of Charges for Deviation and Additional Charges for Deviation by the Secretariat of the respective Regional Power Committee.


(3) All payments received in the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund of each region shall be appropriated in the following sequence: (a) First towards any cost or expense or other charges incurred on recovery of Charges for deviation. (b) Next towards over dues or penal interest, if applicable. (c) Next towards normal interest. (d) Lastly, towards charges for deviation and additional charges for deviation. Explanation: Any Additional Charge for Deviation collected from a regional entity shall be retained in the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund of the concerned region where the regional entity is located.

10. Schedule of Payment of Charges for Deviation (1) The payment of charges for Deviation shall have a high priority and the concerned constituent shall pay the indicated amounts within 10 (ten) days of the issue of statement of Charges for Deviation including Additional Charges for Deviation by the Secretariat of the respective Regional Power Committee into the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund of the concerned region. (2) If payments against the Charges for Deviation including Additional Charges for Deviation are delayed by more than two days, i.e., beyond twelve (12) days from the date of issue of the statement by the Secretariat of the respective Regional Power Committee, the defaulting constituent shall have to pay simple interest @ 0.04% for each day of delay. (3) All payments to the entities entitled to receive any amount on account of charges for Deviation shall be made within 2 working days of receipt of the payments in the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund of the concerned region.


Provided that in case of delay in the Payment of charges for Deviations into the respective Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund and interest there on if any, beyond 12 days from the date of issue of the Statement of charges for Deviations then the regional entities who have to receive payment for Deviation or interest thereon shall be paid from the balance available if any, in the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund of the region. In case the balance available is not sufficient to meet the payment to the Regional Entities, then the payment from the Regional Deviation Pool Accounts Fund shall be made on pro rata basis from the balance available in the Fund. Provided further that the liability to pay interest for the delay in payments to the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund shall remain till interest is not paid; irrespective of the fact that constituents who have to receive payments have been paid from the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund in part or full. (4) All regional entities which had at any time during the previous financial year failed to make payment of Charges for Deviation including Additional Charges for Deviation within the time specified in these regulations shall be required to open a Letter of Credit (LC) equal to 110% of its average payable weekly liability for Deviations in the previous financial year, in favour of the concerned RLDC within a fortnight from the date these Regulations come into force. Provided that if any regional entity fails to make payment of Charges for Deviation including Additional Charges for Deviation by the time specified in these regulations during the current financial year, it shall be required to open a Letter of Credit equal to 110% of weekly outstanding liability in favour of respective Regional Load Despatch Centre within a fortnight from the due date of payment. Provided further that LC amount shall be increased to 110% of the payable weekly liability for Deviation in any week during the year, if it exceeds the previous LC amount by more than 50%. Illustration: If the average payable weekly liability for Deviation of a regional entity during

2009-10 is Rs. 20 crore, the regional entity shall open LC for 22 crore in 2010-11. If the weekly payable liability during any week in 2010-11 is Rs. 35 crore which is more than 50% of the previous financial years average payable weekly liability of Rs 30 Crore, the concerned regional entity shall increase the LC amount to Rs. 38.5 Crore (1.1*Rs 35.0) by adding Rs. 16.5 Crore. (5) In case of failure to pay into the Regional Deviation Pool Account Fund within the specified time of 12 days from the date of issue of statement of charges for Deviations, the RLDC shall be entitled to encash the LC of the concerned constituent to the extent of the default and the concerned constituent shall recoup the LC amount within 3 days.

11. Application of fund collected through Deviations The amount left in the Deviation Pool Account Fund after final settlement of claims of Charges for Deviation of the generating stations and the beneficiaries shall be transferred to a separate fund as "Power Systems Development Fund" specified by the Commission and shall be utilized, for the purpose specified by the Commission.

12. Power to Relax. The Commission may by general or special order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and after giving an opportunity of hearing to the parties likely to be affected by grant of relaxation, may relax any of the provisions of these regulations on its own motion or on an application made before it by an interested person.


Power to issue directions:If any difficulty arises in giving effect to these regulations, the Commission may on

its own motion or on an application filed by any affected party, issue such directions as may be considered necessary in furtherance of the objective and purpose of these regulations.

14. (1)

Repeal and Savings On commencement of these Regulations, Central Electricity Regulatory

Commission (Unscheduled Interchange charges and related matters) Regulation, 2009 shall stand repealed. (2) On commencement of these Regulations, any reference to the Central Electricity

Regulatory Commission (Unscheduled Interchange charges and related matters) Regulations, 2009 in any of the Regulations, Standards, Codes or Procedures of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission shall deemed to be replaced by Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2013. (3) On commencement of these Regulations, the Regional Unscheduled Interchange

Pool Account Funds shall continue to operate till the UI accounts settlement for the period prior to commencement of these Regulations is completed and balance if any, in UI Pool account shall be transferred to the Power System Development Fund.

(Rajiv Bansal) Secretary



Methodologies for the computation of Charges of Deviation and Additional Charges for deviation for each regional entity for crossing the volume limits specified for the under-drawal /over-injection (i) Dtb (Deviation in a time block) > (+/-)12% of the schedule or 150 MW in each time block to be separated as D12/150 (ii) Dtb = D0 + D12/150 Where D0 = Min (Da, (+/-)12% of SG or 150 MW Whichever is lower), (iii) D12/150 = Dtb D0

(iv) D = D0; if D 0.03 of SG, no further adjustments required (v) D0 to be receivable by the regional entity at normal Charges of Deviation or the ceiling rate whichever is lower; D12/150 be at zero rate; Additional Charges for the Deviation D12/150 shall be payable by the regional entity corresponding to specified limit (vi) If D > 0.03 of SG, (D 0.03 of SG) to be paid @ zero rate; Additional Charges for the Deviation (D 0.03 of SG) shall be payable by the regional entity corresponding to specified limit (vii) (D 0.03 of SG) can be distributed in various time blocks where Dtb > 0.03 of SG on Pro-rata basis



Methodologies for the computation of Charges of Deviation and Additional Charges for deviation for each regional entity for crossing the volume limits specified for the Over-drawal /under-injection (i) Dtb (Deviation in a time block) > (+/-)12% of the schedule or 150 MW in each time block to be separated as D12/150 (ii) Dtb = D0 + D12/150 Where D0 = Min (Da, (+/-)12% of SG or 150 MW Whichever is lower), (iii) D12/150 = Dtb D0

(iv) D = D0; if D 0.03 of SG, no further adjustments required (v) D0 and D12/150 to be payable by the regional entity at normal Charges of Deviation; Additional Charges for the Deviation (D12/150) shall be payable by the regional entity corresponding to specified limit (vi) If D > 0.03 of SG, (D 0.03 of SG) to be paid @ zero rate; Additional Charges for the Deviation (D 0.03 of SG) shall be payable corresponding to specified limit (vii) (D 0.03 of SG) can be distributed in various time blocks where Dtb > 0.03 of SG on Pro-rata basis


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