Chattisgarh DSM
Chattisgarh DSM
Chattisgarh DSM
No. XX/CSERC/2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 181 read with clause (c) of sub-section (1) of
section 86 of the Electricity Act 2003, the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory
Commission hereby makes the following Regulations:-
1.1. These Regulations may be called the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Intra-State Deviation Settlement Mechanism and Related Matters)
Regulations, 2024.
1.2. These Regulations shall apply within the geographical area of the State of
Chhattisgarh and shall apply to all Inter / Intra-State Entities connected with
STU in Chhattisgarh in a manner as specified in these Regulations.
These regulations seek to ensure, through a commercial mechanism that users of the
grid do not deviate from and adhere to their schedule of drawl and injection of
electricity in the interest of security and stability of the grid.
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
3.1. “Act” means the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) or any amendments made to the
same or any succeeding enactment thereof;
3.2. “Actual Drawl” in a time-block means electricity drawn by a Buyer, measured by the
interface meters;
3.3. “Actual Injection” in a time-block means electricity generated or supplied by the
Seller, measured by the interface meters;
3.4. “Area Clearing Price” or ‘ACP’ means the price of electricity contract for a time-
block transacted on a Power Exchange after considering all valid buy and sale bids in
particular area(s) after market-splitting;
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3.5. “Available Capacity” for generating station based on wind or solar or hybrid of wind-
solar resources which are State entities, is the cumulative capacity rating of wind
turbines or solar inverters that are capable of generating power in a given time block to
be declared by respective generating stations;
3.6. “Average Pooled Cost of Power Purchase (APPC)” means the weighted average
pooled price at which the distribution licensee has purchased the electricity including
cost of self-generation, if any, in the previous year from all the long-term and short-
term energy suppliers, but excluding those based on renewable energy sources, as the
case may be;
3.7. “Buyer” means a licensee or consumer or captive user or company located within the
State, receiving power by using the State-grid including such system when it is used in
conjunction with inter-State transmission system and whose scheduling and/or
metering and energy accounting is coordinated by the SLDC in accordance with the
State Grid Code;
3.8. “Central Commission” or “CERC” means the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission referred to in sub-section (1) of section 76 of the Act;
3.9. “Commission” means the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission
referred to in sub-section (1) of section 82 of the Act;
3.10. “Contract Rate’ means the tariff for sale or purchase of power, as determined under
Section 62 or adopted under Section 63 or approved under Section 86(1)(b) of the Act
by the Appropriate Commission, which shall be sum of Fixed Charges and Energy
Charges, as the case may be;
3.11. “Day” means a continuous period starting at 00.00 hours and ending at 24.00
3.12. "Day Ahead Contract" means a contract wherein Collective Transactions
occur on day (T) and delivery of electricity is on the next day (T+1);
3.13. “Day Ahead Market (DAM)” means a market where Day Ahead Contracts are
transacted on the Power Exchange(s) and is governed by the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulation, 2021 (as amended from
time to time), the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Power Exchange as approved by
the Central Commission;
3.14. “Declared Capacity” in relation to any period or time block, means the capability of
the Seller to deliver MW as declared by the Seller at interface point with the State
Grid in accordance with the State Grid Code;
3.15. “Despatch Schedule” means the ex-Power Plant net Mega Watt or Mega Watt
Hour scheduled for injection by a Generating Station in a time block;
3.16. “Deviation” Deviation’ in a time block for a Seller of electricity means its total
actual injection minus its total scheduled generation; and for a Buyer of
electricity means its total actual drawal minus its total scheduled drawal, and
shall be computed in accordance with these Regulations;
3.17. “Deviation Charges" means the charges computed in accordance with these
3.18. “CERC DSM Regulations, 2022” means Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters)
Regulations, 2022 including any subsequent amendments/ re-enactments
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3.19. “Distribution Licensee or Discom” means a License authorized to operate and
maintain a distribution system for supplying electricity to the consumers in his
area of supply;
3.20. “Drawl Point” means connection point(s) at which electricity is drawn from
the State-Grid by the State-Grid user;
3.21. “Ex-Power Plant” means net Mega Watt / Mega Watt hour output of a
generating station, after deducting Auxiliary consumption and Transformation
3.22. “General Seller” means a Seller in case of a generating station based on other
than Hydro Seller and WS Seller;
3.23. “Grid” means the high voltage backbone system of inter-connected
Transmission lines, Sub-Stations and Generating plants;
3.24. “Grid Code” means the Indian Electricity Grid Code specified by the Central
Commission under Clause (h) of Sub-section(1) of Section 79 of the Act;
3.25. “Hydro Seller” means a hydro generating station;
3.26. “Intra State Entity”- means a person whose scheduling and energy accounting
is coordinated by State Load Despatch Centre or any other authorized State
3.27. “Interface Point” for Buyer/Seller means the location where Interface Meter
is installed for the purpose of Deviation Settlement;
3.28. “Interface meters” means meters installed at interface point as defined under
the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters)
Regulations, 2006 as amended from time to time and any re-enactment thereof;
3.29. “Losses” means the energy losses in percentage for the intra-State transmission
system or distribution system as specified by the Commission from time to
3.30. “Month” means a calendar month as per the British Calendar;
3.31. “Multiple supply Consumer or MSC” means a consumer who has a supply
agreement with the distribution licensee in whose area of supply the consumer
is located and also has a supply agreement with the person other than the
distribution licensee under the Open Access Regulations and includes a
consumer of a distribution licensee who also avails of wheeling facility for
carrying the electricity from his captive generating plant to the destination of
its own use;
3.32. “Normal Rate of Charge for Deviation” means the charges for deviation (in
Paise/kWh) as referred to in Regulation 6 of these Regulations;
3.33. “Net Drawl Schedule” means the drawl schedule of the Discom or a Buyer
after deducting the apportioned Transmission Losses and/or Distribution
Losses as applicable;
3.34. “Open access customer” means a consumer permitted to receive supply of
electricity from one or more person(s) other than the distribution licensee of
his area of supply, or a generating company (including captive generating plant)
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4. The tariff under the ABT regime will have three components namely the fixed/capacity
charge, the energy/variable charge and the Deviation charge.
(a) Fixed charges/capacity charges: Capacity charges of the generators are payable
on the capacity allocated and are linked to ‘Availability’ of the generating stations
declared on daily basis in MW.
(b) Energy charges/variable charges: Energy charges or variable charges are payable
on the scheduled energy irrespective of actual drawl.
Computation of capacity charges and energy charges shall be governed by
Regulations 41 and 42 of the CSERC (Terms and Conditions for determination of
tariff according to Multi- year Tariff Principles and methodology and procedure
for determination of expected revenue from tariff and Charges) Regulations, 2021
or its subsequent amendments or enactments.
(c) Deviation Charges: Variation between actual generation and scheduled generation
or actual drawl and scheduled drawl shall be accounted for through Deviation
Charges and shall be computed as per Regulation 6&7 of these regulations;
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(c) All generators including CGP (selling directly or through electricity trader) who
have contracted to supply power only to licensee or consumers located outside
the State shall be governed by intra-State ABT only in respect of applicable
deviation charges.
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(3) Intra-State open access transactions: The deviation charges applicable for over
injection /under drawl and for under injection/over drawl shall be receivable and
payable to the Seller/Buyer respectively and shall be prepared by considering the
applicable rates specified for Charges of Deviation.
(4) Inter-State as well as Intra-State open access transactions: The deviation charges
applicable for over injection /under drawl shall be prepared by considering 95% of
the applicable rates specified for Charges of Deviation, when these charges are
receivable to the Seller/Buyer and the deviation charges applicable for under
injection /over drawl shall be prepared by considering 105% of the applicable rates
specified for Charges of Deviation, when these charges are payable by the
(5) The charges for deviation in a time block by a Seller shall be payable by such Seller
as under:
Charges for deviation payable to State
Deviation Pool Account
Deviation by way of Deviation by way of
over injection under injection
Zero: (i) @ the reference charge rate for
For General
Provided that such Seller shall deviation up to 10% of schedule or 100
Seller other
be paid back for over injection MW, whichever is less;
than generating
stations based @ the reference charge rate for
on municipal deviation upto 10% of schedule (ii) @ 120% of the normal rate of charges
solid waste. or 100 MW, whichever is less. for deviation by way of under-injection
beyond 10% of schedule or 100 MW,
whichever is less and up to 15% of
schedule or 150 MW, whichever is less;
(iii) @ 150% of the normal rate ofcharges
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(6) The charges for deviation in a time block by a Buyer shall be payable by such Buyer
as under :-
Charges for deviation payable to State
Deviation Pool Account
Deviation by way of Deviation by way of
under drawl over drawal
Buyer (with Zero: (i) @ normal rate of charges for deviation up
schedule up to Provided that such Buyer shall to 20% of schedule or 4 MW in a time block,
40 MW) be paid back for under drawal @ whichever is lower;
90% of normal rate of charges and
for deviation up to 20% of (ii) @120% of normal rate of charges for
schedule or 4 MW in a time deviation beyond 20% of schedule or 4 MW
block, whichever is lower. in a time block, whichever is lower.
Buyer (with Zero: (i) @ normal rate of charges for deviation
schedule more Provided that such Buyer shall up to 10% of schedule or 10 MW in a time
than 40 MW) be paid back for under drawal as block, whichever is lower;
(i) @ 90% of normal rate of (ii) @120% of normal rate of charges for
charges for deviation up to 10% deviation beyond 10% of schedule or 10
of schedule or 10 MW in a time MW in a time block, whichever is lower and
block, whichever is lower; up to 15% of schedule or 20 MW in a time
block, whichever is lower;
(ii) @ 50% of normal rate of
charges, for deviation beyond and
10% of schedule or 10 MW in a
time block, whichever is lower (iii) @150% of normal rate of charges for
and up to 15% of schedule or 20 deviation beyond 15% of schedule or 20
MW in a time block, whichever MW in a time block, whichever is lower.
is lower.
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7.3. The infirm power shall be settled on the ex-bus basis and as per the Tariff determined
by the Commission time to time.
7.4. Any drawal of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit for the startup
activities or drawal power without schedule for that time-block shall be settled by
CSPDCL as per applicable Tariff notified by the Commission.
7.5. Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause (1) of Regulation 6 of these Regulations,
in case of forced outage of a seller, the charges for deviation shall be @ the reference
charge rate, for a maximum duration of four time blocks.
7.6. The consumers who have reduced their contract demand to zero and drawing power from
grid shall be settled as per provisions specified in tariff order for the relevant period by
the Commission.
7.7. In case of multiple contracts, the contract rate or the reference rate referred to in
Regulation 6 of these Regulations, shall be the weighted average of the contract rates/
reference rate of all such contracts. The Sellers/Buyers shall furnish the PPA rates on
affidavit for the purpose of Deviation charge account preparation to SLDC supported by
copy of the Order of the Commission.
8.1. Sellers/Buyers shall have to bear energy loss (transmission loss /or the distribution
losses) for their injection /drawl schedules at the interface point with the State Grid or
as applicable as per terms and conditions of prevailing power purchase agreement.
8.2. For long-term access customers and medium-term open access customers, the provisions
of the State Grid Code and the CSERC (Connectivity and Intra-State Open Access)
Regulations 2011, as amended from time to time, shall be applicable for declaration of
capacity and scheduling. The Seller shall submit daily declared capacity and accordingly
the Buyers including beneficiary shall submit their requirement to SLDC in 15 minutes
time block and by considering these the SLDC/RLDC/PX, as the case may be, shall
finalize the injection/drawl schedule.
8.3. The Seller supplying power on short-term shall submit monthly declared capacity and
accordingly the Buyers including CSPDCL shall submit their requirement to SLDC in
15 minutes time block and by considering these the SLDC shall finalize the
injection/drawl schedule. If the Sellers/Buyers fails to submit the declared
capacity/drawl requirement by 23rd of current month for the scheduling of power in next
month, then the same shall be considered as zero for all purposes. However, maximum
of two revisions of schedule per month under advance intimation to SLDC and
distribution licensee shall be allowed with effect from 00.00 hours of next day. This
mechanism shall be followed for short-term power procurement by CSPDCL.
8.4. If the Seller supplies short-term power to distribution licensee and/or MSC/SSC and if
such Seller is also a long-term open access customer/medium-term open access
customer, then such Seller shall give monthly schedule as per Clause 8.3 of these
Regulations for short-term open access so also daily schedule as long-term open access
customer/medium-term open access customer as per Clause 8.2 of these Regulations.
8.5. Based on declared capacity given by the Seller and requirement of drawl given by the
Buyer, the SLDC shall allocate power and finalize the injection /drawl schedule of the
Sellers/Buyers considering the applicable losses.
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8.6. In case of day ahead transactions, the declared capacity/schedules shall be conveyed by
the Seller to SLDC; in one day advance up to 09.00 Hrs of the day. The Buyer including
beneficiary shall confirm the time-block wise requirement to SLDC in one day advance
up to 11.00 Hrs of the day. If the no confirmation from Buyer including beneficiary is
received within above time limit the SLDC shall consider zero requirement.
Accordingly, SLDC shall issue the drawl and injection schedules by 18.00 Hrs of the
day for the next day. Thereafter, normally no changes shall be registered in the schedule
on the day ahead basis.
8.7. To discourage frivolous revisions, SLDC may, at its sole discretion, refuse to accept
schedule/capability changes of less than two (2) percent of previous schedule/capability
or 0.5 MW whichever is more.
8.8. If, at any point of time, the SLDC observes that there is need for revision of the schedules
in the interest of better system operation, it may do so on its own, and in such cases, the
revised schedules shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting the time
block in which the revised schedule is issued by the SLDC to be the first one.
8.9. It shall be incumbent upon the State-grid-user to declare their schedule /plant capabilities
faithfully, i.e. according to their best assessment. In case, it is suspected that they have
deliberately over/under declared the schedule/ plant capability contemplating to deviate
from the schedules given on the basis of their capability declarations (and thus make
money either as undue capacity charge or as the charge for deviations from schedule),
the SLDC may ask the State-grid-user to explain the situation with necessary backup
8.10. If the scheduling of the State-grid-user has been stopped/ discontinued/ cancelled by
SLDC or got cancelled by SLDC on its request to RLDC/NLDC/PX, on “grid –
disciplinary” measures, the balance and the subsequent approved transactions and
application of the State-grid-user shall be forfeited / cancelled.
8.11. In case of any grid disturbance, scheduled injection of the Sellers and scheduled drawl
of the Buyers shall be deemed to have been revised in proportion to their actual
generation/drawl for all the time blocks affected by the grid disturbance. Certification of
grid disturbance and its duration shall be published by the SLDC/CSPDCL in website
within a week of its occurrence by the concerned licensee.
8.12. When for the reason of transmission constraints e.g. congestion or in the interest of grid
security, it becomes necessary to curtail power flow on a transmission corridor, the
transactions already scheduled may be curtailed by the State Load Despatch Centre. The
short-term customer shall be curtailed first followed by the medium-term customers,
which shall be followed by the long-term customers and amongst the customers of a
particular category, curtailment shall be carried out on pro rata basis.
8.13. Revision for RE-generator: There may be one (01) revision for each time slot of one and
half hours starting from 00:00 hours of a particular day, subject to a maximum of sixteen
(16) revisions during the day.
Provided that The Revision No. shall start from -1 (for first AvC/ Schedule to be
submitted by 10:00 Hrs of preceding day as per the provisions of State Grid Code) and
will be increased step-by-step as 0, 1, 2, 3……n (for subsequent revisions), subject to
the condition that QCA/ Generator(s) may inform the modifications / changes to be
made, if any, in the AvC/ Schedule to SLDC latest by 21:30 hours of preceding day as
per the provisions of State Grid Code. No revision in Forecast shall be accepted after
21:30 Hrs
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8.14. In event of tripping of evacuating Substation path, the last injection/ schedule shall be
considered with forecast and schedule of similar day forecast figure and considered as
deemed injection/ schedule for the affected time blocks. For this the affected User/ Entity
has to represent the event with due authorization/ certifications of the connected
Substation Agency/ Authority on SLDC website.
8.15. In case it is observed that a “Seller” has scheduled excess power than the approved
quantum of open access in any time block; then no deviation charge shall be receivable
by him for excess injection, done on that day and he will have to pay the transmission
/wheeling charges as applicable for the excess schedule quantum, for the whole day, at
the rate of two times of the transmission charges as applicable. In the case of
implemented schedules indicated by the WRLDC/Power Exchanges/NLDC/SLDC for
open access transactions, the rounding off of 0.01MWh whether on plus side or minus
side shall be ignored and such a case shall not be considered either as excess scheduling
or under injection.
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9.6. The total scheduled drawl at drawl point shall be computed for each time block
considering contract demand (in MVA) with licensee (considering power factor
0.90) and drawl schedule for the consumer through Open-Access at the drawl
point by considering the losses of the State-grid (intra-State transmission
system and / or distribution system, as applicable).
9.7. In case of levy of demand charges by distribution licensee; the actual drawl
shall be first set off with actual demand scheduled through Open Access for the
respective time block and the remaining shall be considered as drawl against
the contract demand with the distribution licensee and shall be charged as per
applicable tariff order issued by the Commission.
Provided that the demand charges for MSC receiving power from solar power
generators under IDRES shall be as per sanctioned load /contracted demand as
per retail supply agreement.
Provided further that the demand in excess of contract demand during the month
for all MSC consumers shall be treated as excess supply and shall be charged
as per provisions specified for "additional charge for exceeding contract
demand" under the terms and condition of tariff in the relevant year.
9.8. Energy charges in case of MSC consumer receiving power other than solar
power under shall be levied by the distribution licensee as per the respective
tariff based on the actual energy consumed in the billing month after deducting
the energy scheduled towards open access.
9.9. Energy charges in case of MSC receiving power from solar generator under the
CSERC DRE Regulations, 2019 shall be settled in respective time blocks as per
a. Solar energy injection shall be adjusted first
b. Captive energy shall be adjusted next
c. Open access energy through exchange shall be adjusted, if any
d. Banked solar power redemption (as per CSERC DRE Regulations, 2019)
In case of over drawl by MSC during any time block, the balance power after
adjusting for the above sources shall be charged as per the energy charges in
the retail tariff order for the respective year.
In case of under drawl by MSC during any time block, the under-utilization of
energy from the solar generation shall be considered as banked power (in line
with the provisions of CSERC DRE Regulations 2019) while the under drawl
of other than solar sources, the distribution licensee shall not be liable to pay
for the under drawl.
10.1. The State Load Despatch Centre shall prepare and issue (to all Sellers/Buyers) SDSMA
charges to all Sellers/ Buyers as per the modalities and timelines as under:
a) Billing Cycle: The SDSMA billing cycle for all Sellers/ Buyers shall be
weekly (i.e. Monday to Sunday) and SDSMA billing cycle for CSPGCL,
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b) Meter Reading: Meter reading of all meters (as required) for Sellers/ Buyers
(except CSPGCL, WS Seller, UPG, RE Seller, Hydro Seller, etc.) shall be provided
by the concerned metering division of CSPTCL/CSPDCL by every Tuesday of the
succeeding week (ending with Sunday) in encrypted (mrd/emd/cdf/xml/etc.)
format, through e-mail to SLDC and meter readings of all meters (as required) for
CSPGCL, WS Seller, UPG RE Seller and Hydro Seller, etc. shall be provided by
the concerned metering division of CSPGCL, CSPTCL and CSPDCL by fifth day
of the succeeding month for previous calendar month in encrypted
(mrd/emd/cdf/xml/etc.) format, through e-mail to SLDC. The concerned metering
division of CSPGCL, CSPTCL and CSPDCL shall ensure authenticity of the meter
readings/ consumption as recorded in meters (and communicated to the SLDC) by
testing of meters and metering equipments, as per CEA metering Regulation 2006,
as amended from time to time. The concerned metering division of CSPGCL,
CSPTCL and CSPDCL shall also ensure that both main and check meters should
be in healthy condition at the interface point from where energy accounting is done
for the purpose of preparation of SDSMA bill.
f) Processing of SDSMA Bill: SLDC shall prepare SDSMA bill within five
working days after the receipt of all related data from all concerned as above.
Further, SLDC shall issue the SDSMA bill to all concerned through hardcopy and
softcopy. The softcopy of the SDSMA bill shall be made available by publishing it
on the SLDC website from the date of issue of SDSMA bill. The soft copy of the
SDSMA shall broadly contain the following information:
10.2. Settlement of Deviation Charges shall be done through “State Deviation Pool Account”
to be maintained and operated by the CSPDCL. The CSPDCL shall open a separate
Bank Account in a Nationalized/Scheduled Commercial Bank in the name of “State
Deviation Pool Account”.
Provided that CSPDCL shall maintain the account and submit the same to the
Commission along with the tariff filing exercise.
Provided that the Commission may by order direct any other entity to operate and
maintain the Deviation Pool Account.
10.3. Payment of Deviation charges shall have a high priority and the concerned Entity shall
pay the indicated amount, within Seven (7) days from the date of issue of State
Deviation Settlement Mechanism Account, into a “State Deviation Pool Account"
operated by CSPDCL. However, for the State Owned Generating Stations, the due date
for payment of deviation charges shall be governed as per LPS as determined by
CSERC in MYT Regulations time to time.
10.4. The State grid User which has to receive the money on account of Deviation charges
would then be paid out from the State Deviation Pool Account within next two working
days of receipt of payments in the “State Deviation Pool Account”.
10.5. Separate books of accounts shall be maintained for the principal component and interest
component of charges for deviation.
10.6. If payments against the charges for deviation are delayed beyond as specified in the
Regulation 11.4 of this regulation from date of issue of State DSM Account, the
defaulting State grid Users shall have to pay simple interest @ 0.04% for each day of
10.7. All Sellers/Buyers which had at any time during the previous quarter of the year failed
to make payment of Charges for Deviation within the time specified in these regulations
shall be required to open a Letter of Credit (LC) equal to 110% of its average payable
weekly/monthly liability for Deviations in the previous quarter of the year, in favor of
the pool account maintained by CSPDCL with a nationalized/scheduled commercial
Provided that –
(a) If any State Grid user fails to make payment of Charges for Deviation by the
time specified in these regulations during the current quarter of the year, it shall
be required to open a Letter of Credit equal to 110% of weekly/monthly
outstanding liability in favor of “State Deviation Pool Account”
(b) Letter of Credit amount shall be increased to 110% of the payable
weekly/monthly liability for Deviation in any week/month during the quarter, if
it exceeds the previous Letter of Credit amount by more than 50%.
Illustration: If the average payable weekly liability for Deviation of a State Grid
user during Last Quarter of FY 2021-22 is Rs. 20 crore, the State Grid User shall
open Letter of Credit for Rs. 22 crore in First Quarter of FY 2022-23. If the
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weekly payable liability during any week in First Quarter of FY 2022-23is Rs.
35 crore which is more than 50% of the previous quarter of the year average
payable weekly liability of Rs. 30 Crore, the concerned State Grid User shall
increase the LC amount to Rs. 38.5 Crore (1.1*35.0) by adding Rs. 16.5 Crore.
(c) In case of failure to pay into the “State Deviation Pool Account” within the
specified time in Regulation 11.4 of this Regulations from the date of issue of
Statement of charges for Deviations, the CSPDCL shall be entitled to encash the
Letter of Credit of the concerned entity to the extent of the default and the
concerned entity shall recoup the Letter of Credit amount within 3 working days.
(d) If necessary, the CSPDCL shall initiate suitable action against defaulting entities
under section 56 of the Act 2003 and other action as per relevant provisions of
the Act as applicable from time to time. The responsibility of ensuring collection
of outstanding dues from the Sellers/ Buyers shall be of CSPDCL.
12.1. Save as otherwise provided in these regulations, the CSERC (Intra-state Availability
Based Tariff and Deviation Settlement Mechanism) Regulations, 2016 shall stand
repealed from the date of commencement of these Regulations.
12.2. Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken or purported to have
been done or taken including any procedure, minutes, reports, confirmation or
declaration of any instrument executed under the repealed Regulations shall be deemed
to have been done or taken under the relevant provisions of these Regulations.
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to any of the provisions of these regulations, the
Commission may, of its own motion or otherwise by an order and after giving a
reasonable opportunity to those likely to be affected by such order, make such
provisions, not inconsistent with these regulations or the Act, as may appear to be
necessary for removing those difficulties.
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