Personal Qualities of A Good Teacher

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Some of the key personal qualities discussed for an effective teacher are affection, empathy, concern and commitment, humor, honesty, punctuality, and being a good role model.

Transportation issues due to heavy traffic, pollution from nearby industries, health issues caused by pollution and a nearby piggery, and security concerns in some areas of the community.

The community assists the school in various ways like providing health assistance through local health centers, religious and faith guidance through the nearby church, and educational field trips to local colleges and factories.

Personal qualities of a good teacher Values like honesty, truthfulness, loyalty, punctuality, cleanliness, dedication, affection etc.

are imbibed, through observations of other's behaviors rather than taught. A teacher has to stand as a model for his/her pupil so as to provide a lasting and inspiring example of ever they arc to have in them these qualities of personality and character. ome of the important personal qualities of a teacher are the follo!ing" (i) Affection: #t is the basic traits that a teacher needs to have. A teacher should sho! love and concern for his pupils. $ithout affection a teacher cannot feel for his pupil !anted and accepted. (ii) Empathy: %mpathy enables us to feel concerned !ith our pupils' problems and the efforts !e make to cope !ith them. &his quality enables us to understand our pupils better both emotionally as !ell as intellectually. (iii) Concern and Commitment: As dedicated and concerned about the development of our pupils as their parents generally arc and then try to do all !ithin our ability to see that they are given an opportunity for their gro!th and development. (iv) Humour: &he sense of humour is a good trait in a teacher. $henever !e combine elements in a !ay that is different, unexpected and incongruous, !e !ind up !ith humour. As a teacher, !e should develop the ability to play spontaneously !ith ideas, concepts and relationships. (v) Other Characteristics: Personal values like cleanliness, punctuality and honesty are the ornaments of a teacher. &he presence of these personal values enable him transmit then to the pupil like a lamp !hich lights another lamp into equal brightness. A pupil can be inspired !ith a teacher to be honest, punctual, and truthful. 'ercy can be taught only mercifully. &he other characteristics arc smartness !ith the !ork, alertness and quality in the vie!s etc. Are you (born to teach)( &he best teachers share a unique set of qualities, such as" a desire to educate young people and act as a positive role model an ability to !ork !ith students from diverse backgrounds and abilities interest in helping people learn enthusiasm about a sub*ect strong interpersonal and organi+ational skills the ability to !ork unsupervised creativity, energy and patience digital learning tools and technologies #,%A- &%A./%0 An #deal teacher is one !ho displays self1confidence and is as good as the information he has to deliver to the ideal teacher must have some or all of the follo!ing characteristics2 a consumer of kno!ledge, should motivate students, should be fair, should a sense of humor and should have a passion for teaching. An effective teacher loves to teach. &he single most important quality that every teacher should possess is a love and passion for teaching young people. 3nfortunately, there are teachers !ho do not love !hat they do. An effective teacher demonstrates a caring attitude. %ven teachers !ho love their *ob can struggle in this area, not because they don4t care, but because they get caught up so much in the day to day routine of teaching that they can forget that their students have lives outside of school. An effective teacher can relate to his or her students. &he best teachers !ork hard to figure out ho! to relate to each of their students. .ommon interest can be hard to find, but exceptional teachers !ill find a !ay to connect !ith their students even if they have to fake it. An effective teacher is willing to think outside the o!. &eachers have to be !illing to be creative and adaptive in their lessons, thinking outside the box on a continual basis. #f you try to teach every concept in the same manner, there !ill be students !ho miss out on key factors because they aren4t !ired to learn that !ay.

An effective teacher is an e!cellent communicator.&o be the best possible teacher you must be aneffective communicator. /o!ever, in this area you are not *ust limited to being a skilled communicator to your students although that is a must. An effective teacher is proactive rather than reactive. &his can be one of most difficult aspects for a teacher to conquer. #ntense planning and organi+ation can ultimately make your *ob all the more less difficult. %-5 the teacher himself is accountable !ith his professional gro!th. 6pportunities should be provided to the teachers to update their kno!ledge. &eachers involvement in the gro!th of the institution in terms of co1curricular activities, extension programmes, enrichment of campus life and student !elfare. &3,%7& A. 5ollo!s professional practices consistent !ith school and system policies in !orking !ith students, students4 records, parents, and colleagues 8. ,emonstrates communication and interpersonal skills as they relate to interaction !ith students, parents, other teachers, administrators, and other school personnel 9. #s available to students and parents for conferences according to system policies :. 5acilitates home1school communication by such means as holding conferences, telephoning, and sending !ritten communications ;. 'aintains confidentiality of students and students4 records <. $orks cooperatively !ith school administrators, special support personnel, colleagues, and parents =. .omplies !ith rules, regulations, and policies of governing agencies and supervisory personnel 8. .omplies !ith state administrative regulations and =oard of %ducation policies 9. Adheres to school and local school system procedures and rules :. .onducts assigned classes at the times scheduled ;. %nforces regulations concerning student conduct and discipline <. ,emonstrates timeliness and attendance for assigned responsibilities >. Provides adequate information, plans, and materials for substitute teacher ?. 'aintains accurate, complete, and appropriate records and files reports promptly @. Attends and participates in faculty meetings and other assigned meetings and activities according to school policy A. .omplies !ith conditions as state in contract .. ,emonstrates professional practices in teaching 8. 'odels correct use of language, oral and !ritten 9. ,emonstrates accurate and up1to1date kno!ledge of content :. #mplements designated curriculum ;. 'aintains lesson plans as required by school policy <. Assigns reasonable tasks and home!ork to students >. Participates in professional development opportunities and applies the concepts to classroom and school activities ,. Acts in a professional manner and assumes responsibility for the total school program, its safety and good order 8. &akes precautions to protect records, equipment, materials, and facilities 9. Assumes responsibility for supervising students in out1of1class settings :. ,emonstrates appropriate personal contact !hile in performance of school duties %. Assumes a role in meeting the school4s student achievement goals, including academic gains of students assigned to the teacher B6, Conscience Providence has sufficiently influenced the human environment, that all mankind though diverse in culture may learn so much of Bod4s la! in the formative years of life as to become accountable to Bod. Free will &he human being's free !ill allo!s the self to choose bet!een good and evil.

E!istentialist C helps students define their o!n essence by exposing them to various paths they take in life and by creating an environment in !hich they freely choose their o!n preferred !ay. "dealist stimulates learner4s a!areness of ideas and be a transmitter of cultural heritage #rogressivist $ teaches to develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citi+ens of a democratic society. E!istentialist C to help students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals !ho accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions (a good leader is a good follo!er(. #n a classroom, obviously, the teacher is the leader and the students are the follo!ers. And in order for the follo!ers to obey the rules implemented by the leader, the leader must first observed those rules him/herself. Values are principles, qualities, or ob*ects that a person perceives as having intrinsic !orth. %very individual has a personal hierarchy of values that may include success, !ealth or monetary comfort, love/companionship, a sense of accomplishment or achievement, and of course, survival. $hen a teacher spends time after school to help a student, he may feel he has sacrificed his o!n needs to the needs of the student. 6ur curriculum 6ur students have the best opportunity to develop exceptional skills and kno!ledge for their future lives 1 !hether they be academic, artistic, sporting or any other pursuits #nitiatives D 5ocus on delivering our core sub*ects at the highest level possible D %xtend the use of technology to facilitate learning locally and accessing global content D %nsure our teachers !ork closely together through all years and sub*ects D %nsure a greater continuity and integration of curriculum from E189 D -everage our co1operation and interchange !ith other providers Fparticularly /utchinsG D %xtend specialist teaching in Art/,rama to Hears :1> D ,evelop the criteria to assess !hich areas of sport, arts and outdoor activities should be focused on and resourced 6ur teachers Passionate and outstanding educators !ho live and promote the values of our chool #nitiatives D 0ecognise and promote the achievements of our teachers D ,evelop succession plans for key positions and ensure the best teachers are recruited !ho align to our vision and values D %nhance performance appraisal process to" 1 establish formal mentoring program 1 clarify expectations and accountabilities 1 support professional development and learning plans D %ngage the teaching staff in embracing and promoting the chool and its values D %nhance relationship of =oard !ith staff through regular .ontac &/% &%A./%0 A7, &/% .6''37#&H &he role of the teacher in a positive school1community relationship is extremely important since it is the teacher !ho is the backbone of the educational system. Although school boards create school policy and administrators interpret these policies, teachers are the personnel !ho implement school policy. &eachers must also be prepared to make the most favorable impression possible in even the most innocent of circumstances in order to maintain public support. &he community's perceptions of the teacher affect their perceptions of the school and subsequently student morale, school resources, and support for the school in general.

.ommunity &our 6bservation 0eport Issues/Concerns/Problems of the Community &here are lots of issues this community is currently facing. &he issues are in transportation, pollution, health, and security. #n terms of transportation, although the school is along the high!ay but it really takes time to reach the school because of heavy traffic. &his is an everyday issue and it seems that it !ill be a forever concern if the government !ill not think of plans to resolve this. Pollution is another problem because of the gases coming from the buses and vehicles and other companies near the community. Also, some areas in this locality are currently having problem !ith the smell of the air they breathe especially if it4s !indy and rainy season. #t is because of the piggery near the locality. &hey said that they already filed a complaint against that piggery but sad to say until no! it4s still operating. &his problem is also affecting the health of the people living in the community. Another issue is the security. &here are areas in Pulo !herein an intense security measure should be follo!ed to avoid any accidents and criminal activities Community Resources &here are different community resources that !e can visit and see in Pulo .abuyao, -aguna. ome of them are factories like 0A' 5ood Products #nc., =a*et .reations, #nc. and 'axglory %nterprises Phils., #nc. &here are also shops, sports and recreational centers, health centers, other education institution like 'alayan .ollege and of course the church !here students can visit to enhance learning. And also there are prominent people here in Pulo that can be invited as resource person. Community Assistance/Service Given by the School &he community is assisting the school in various !ays. #n terms of health assistance the health center is providing it, for religious and faith deepening the church is near for them to come and visit. 5or fieldtrip to enhance their educational kno!ledge and learning 'alayan .ollege is there to !elcome them. &o kno! more about the products they4ve been using some factories are open also for them to !itness ho! they create those products. Characteristics of the %lo al &eacher '(O)*E+%E &eacher / A global teacher must be globally competitive and a!are of the educational system outside the country. &eacher 0 A global teacher can execute her lesson !ell A global teacher is responsible and committed to teaching ,'"**, -A*.E,

A global teacher has a good command of %nglish

A global teacher utili+es technology.

A global teacher !orks hard and gives her best to teaching.

&eacher 1 A global teacher performs her duties excellently.

A global teacher is intellectually1 equipped.

A global teacher offers heartfelt service.

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