Unit 1-Teaching As A Profession

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The key takeaways are that teaching is considered both a profession and an art that demands total commitment from teachers to shape students' character and future. Teaching involves imparting knowledge as well as attending to students' various needs, experiences and aspirations.

The document discusses teaching as a job/occupation to earn a living, but also as a noble profession involving roles like being class advisers and coordinators for various school activities. It also views teaching as both a science requiring a body of knowledge and an art requiring creativity.

Beyond imparting knowledge, the document mentions teachers taking on roles like being class counselors, parent surrogates, coaches, event coordinators, and community liaisons, often with delayed or no pay.


“To teach is to touch a life forever” is one of the best quotations about teaching because as a
profession, teaching demands the total commitment of a teacher to total transformation of the
learners. A great teacher loves educating students, seeks to inspire students in all aspects of their
lives, and teaches them through experiences and commitment how to realize their full potential to
the best they can be.
There should be a continuous development of the teachers’ potential for a satisfying life as a
person and as a member of the community. Teachers play a crucial role in the continuous
development of society as it tries to meet the challenges of the tines; thus, teachers develop the
rare passion for teaching that makes it above any other divine profession. To be the best educator
is the principal goal of many teachers; thus, teachers give their best in performing their roles
because to most of them, the success of every learner is their success.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

1. Generate concepts and ideas on Teaching as profession and the Teacher

2. Describe the professional and personal attributes of a teacher
3. Identify the teacher’s 21st century skills and competencies
4. Identify the qualities of a teacher in a global education
5. Describe the roles of teachers in the Multi-Cultural classes

In this modern day, the word “teaching” and “teachers” are always associated with schooling
and schools. Teachers do the teaching of the learners in schools. Thus, it is the job of the teacher
to teach learners. How? By imparting knowledge, or instructing (someone) as to how to do
something or cause someone to learn or understand something by example or experience. Thus,
teaching here is described as a job, an occupation of a teacher. And when it is an occupation, it
becomes means to earn a living.

However, to many teachers, teaching is not just a job or a paid occupation. Most of the time,
teachers become class advisers, class counsellors, parent surrogates, coaches in academic
contests, event coordinators for the school, and a special public relation officers for the
community. Teaching as a profession demands total commitment of a teacher to shape the
character and the future of the learner and to transform the learner into a meaningful citizen of
the world where he lives. Teaching does not stop as fulfilling the role of imparting knowledge,
skills and attitudes for it demands more. To do this, teachers must attend to the learners’ needs,
experiences, feelings, aspirations or dreams to succeed in life and to make interventions so that
they learn particular things and go beyond the given. (https://infed.org:education, community
building and change). Teachers are always called to serve as chairman, administrators or
watchers during election periods, examiners for professional board exams, and initiators of

community linkages with less and delayed pay or sometimes no pay at all. That is why teaching
is considered the most exalted form of social services and the noblest profession.

One may also view Teaching as a “science and an art”. Like science, teaching needs body of
knowledge—scientifically, philosophically, socially, etc. --- because this body of knowledge is
what the teachers transfer to the learners as part of imparting of knowledge and competencies. It
is based on the “cause and effect relationship between teaching and learning”. In order to update,
expand and enhance the body of knowledge, teachers do a lot of simple/complex researches,
attending seminars-workshops, updating their skills in rapid changes of technology, and the like.
The art of teaching calls for the creativity, resourcefulness, industriousness, among others, to find
means to deliver the knowledge or build competencies among learners. When a teacher starts
teaching in front of the students, she/he needs to act—give gestures, have good facial
expressions, and teach with emotions plus making creative, one of a kind audio-visuals or
instructional materials. These are the “art” part of teaching.

Teaching involved various activities associated with teaching – learning process. Employing
different approaches, methods/strategies, and techniques to make students acquire the
knowledge, develop the skills and internalize values/attitudes are the most mind and heart blowing
experiences of the teachers. Not to mention the mechanical works of making and checking
quizzes and good examinations for assessment of learning of students, preparing reports to be
submitted, home-visitations and doing all other interventions for the students to learn the particular

Teaching is the responsibility of the Teacher; while Learning is the responsibility of the
Students. The main function of a teacher is instructions—to teach is the work of the teachers. As
mentioned, teachers do a lot of interventions for the students to learn. But some students care
less of what their teachers are doing and just go to school for the sake of going to school.
Whatever is their reason, teachers still have that patience to do the teaching. Thus, it is now the
responsibility of the students to do their share to learn. What are your responsibilities as learners?


We mentioned that behind the profession of teaching are the Teachers who are given the
duty to transform the students’ knowledge, competencies, and attitudes. Thus, how do we
describe a teacher? In the code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, it clearly defined a
professional teacher and its broad requirements:

Teachers are duly licensed professionals--who undergone prolonged training and formal
qualifications (minimum of 4-years Bachelor’s degree; and must passed the Licensure
Examination administered by the Philippine Regulation Commission). In all levels of education,
teachers are encouraged to pursue their education beyond Bachelor’s degree, but all are required
to pass the Licensure Examination especially in Government Educational Institutions.
Teachers possess dignity and reputation with high moral values. This is the most difficult
quality a teacher must have because teachers are the role models of society --since they always
integrate the moral values of the lessons to the students and instill good character traits among
the learners. They are one of the most trusted people among professionals because teachers are
always called upon to administer professional licensure examinations, and watch & conduct the
election process of the country. They must have that good reputation in the community, with high
moral values – no vices, no monkey-business, no corruptions, etc.
Teachers are expected to have technical and professional competence that includes the
competencies and skills in the field of specialization (technical). Professional competencies imply
the teacher’s broad knowledge, expertise, wisdom, skills, and proficiency in a certain field of
specialization (Professional Ethics by Gualdo).

The quotation: To Teach is to Touch Lives Forever” become a reality since we remember our
teachers at times when we can relate our present situations to what we have experienced before
with them. Teachers are the masters inside their classrooms and they are the role models of the
students. This is very evident for the Kinder and Elementary pupils, who looked up their teachers
as somebody who never made mistakes and whom they prefer, in some instances, to believe
than what their parents are saying. Thus, learners behave in response to the teacher’s methods,
techniques, attitudes, and the way she interacts with the students. These interactions have great
impact on their success and achievements of the students. Actually, the best teachers are those
who have good personality and good behavior towards their students; thus, creating harmonious
rapport between teachers & students inside the class room. (The Impact of Teacher’s Personality
and Behavior on Students’ Achievement By Dr. Karima Maazouzi, 2019. Global Journal
of HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: Linguistics & Education Volume 19 Issue 9 Version 1.0 Year
2019Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global


What are your teaching fundamentals? By Suzanne Farrel Smith. January 31, 2018. Retrieved
from: https://www.edutopia.org.

Teaching as a Profession: All You Need to Know by Shruti Verma | Mar 27, 2020. Retrieved
from: https://idreamcareer.com/blog/teaching-as-a-profession/

The Skillful Teacher: Building your Teaching Skills. Saphier, Jon et al. 6th Ed., 2008. Research
for Better Teaching, Inc. USA
Principles of Teaching 1. Acero, Victorina, et al. 2007. Rex Book Store


1. Below are some quotes about teaching. Using these quotes, write your own concept
about “teaching” in the box at below.



2. Interview at least two teachers from elementary, secondary (junior & senior high school)
and college level, either in public or private sectors. Ask them about the reasons for
choosing Teaching as their profession. Write their answers in a yellow paper and have the
teachers sign your interview sheets and your photo with the interviewee.

3. From your readings on the “What are your teaching fundamentals?”, list down
additional fundamentals that you think would be helpful to you as a prospective teacher.

4. Write an acronym for the word “TEACHER” and give a brief explanation why you use
such word/description.


Teacher’ personality traits are much important and influential than just academic intelligence.
The way in which the teacher’s personality interacts with the students’ personality help to
determine the kind of behavior which emerges from the learning situations. Therefore, what do
you need for a teaching career? Educational Institutions, especially in basic education both public
and private, require its teachers to prepare lesson plans to be used in while teaching. A good,
well-prepared lesson plans served as a guide to teachers so that focus on the delivery of the
subject matter will be ensured. Of course, execution or implementation of what is in the lesson
plan is another story and will determine the effectiveness of teaching. Added to lesson plan, the
following are ones needed to prepare before going to teaching career:

1. Teacher’s Professional and Personal Qualities

2. The preparation for the Subject Matter
3. The maintenance of the Classroom Management
Teacher’s Personality is divided into two: Professional Image and Personal qualities.
Professional image means the image that one projects about themselves based upon
appearance and reputation. It may include the way that you dress, the way you speak, the way
you respond to others, and the way that others speak about you. In teaching, Professional
qualities/image also pertain to: mastery of the subject matter, use of variety of teaching
methods/strategies, techniques, utilizing good assessment tools, providing conducive
environment for learning and the kind of discipline the teachers give to the students.
While personal qualities pertain to the teachers’ attitudes, character traits, and values. These
may include Fear in God, Honesty, Dignity, Integrity, commitment, devotion to work, loyalty to the
school and to the duties needed to perform, compassionate, patient, industrious, resourceful, fair,
friendly, etc. Personal qualities call for teachers’ ability to maintain rapport with the students that
will inspire or motivate the learners to succeed in life. (see illustration below)
Preparation of the subject matter embraces its mastery as well as broad knowledge of other
field of specialization and its relevance to the main topic, using variety of classroom activities,
making the subject matter meaningful to the students, giving reviews and drills, and preparing
appropriate instructional materials as well as providing appropriate assessment tools. Further,
subject matters should be well-planned by giving good assignments and giving relevant questions
and answers to and from students.
Classroom environment is one of the most important factors affecting student learning. It is
the kind of environment every teacher should create to maximize instructional time, help students
feel secure and supported, and motivate them to learn and succeed. Providing and maintaining
environment conducive to learning and classroom management is best achieved if there is a
consistent adherence to classroom rules, policies, or discipline; observing classroom traffic, good
seating arrangements, handling or distributing instructional materials, good ventilation and
lightings, good classroom layout, cleanliness, orderliness, and even the colors of the walls and its
decorations should be carefully chosen. Such environment provides relevant content, clear
learning goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and strategies to help students
succeed. (Weimer, 2009).

Qualities of a Great Teacher. Logan Seth. April 12, 2019. Retrieve from

Teacher-Student Relationships by Lou Whitaker, Ed. D. April 14, 2015. Retrieve from
The Key to Effective Classroom Management. Youki Terada February 27, 2019. Retrieve
from https://www.edutopia.org/article/key-effective-classroom-management


1. Write in the box below the characteristics or qualities of your favorite or ideal teachers.
Classify them as to professional or personal qualities
Professional Qualities

Personal Qualities

2. Make a concept map on the similarities and dissimilarities of your answers (in activity no.
1) with that of your classmates (at least 5 of your classmates).

3. From the Article IV, Section 2 of the Code of Ethics shown below, write at least 3 ways
by which you could prepare yourself to become a good, effective teacher. Use the box at
the below this illustration.

ARTICLE IV, Section 2: “Every Teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of
quality education, shall make the BEST PREPARATIONS for the career of teaching, and
shall be at his BEST all times and in the practice of his profession.”



Rapid and recent technology have affected many areas of our lives such as the way we
communicate, collaborate, learn and teach. Those advances necessitate an expansion of our
vocabulary, producing definitions, utilizing modern gadgets, changing approaches to teaching and
learning a wider scope in the field of specialization. Obviously, teaching in the 21st century means
adapting different modes of teaching and learning, adapting interventions, and adapting to new
technologies for the betterment of both teaching-learning process.

A good 21st century teacher is aware of the career opportunities that will be in the coming
years for their students, and are always advocating towards forward thinking and planning to
ensure all students will not be left behind. (https://safsms.com/blog/21st-century-
chnology.). To be a modern, 21st-century teacher, there are a few useful skills that one will need
to have. It is not just about patience, even though that is the number one skill on the list. Below
are the skills for 21st century teachers according to Corpuz, B. et.al.:

Effective Communication Skills include competency in written, oral, and interactive

communications. Both teachers and students should possess these skills to be able to
communicate not only with students but also to their parents and other stakeholders as well.
Almost all of the day is spent communicating with students and staffs; therefore, teachers should
be able to talk clear and concise, open minded, good listener and be sensitive to cultural
differences when communicating.

Part of effective communication skills is the ability of the teachers and students to work together
as team and collaborate with others. This will open windows to visible thinking, unlock learning
using multiple interpretation and explanation, allows for the development of active listening and
thoughtful interaction, and builds powerful skills that promote inquiry and problem solving.

Information, Media and Technology skills call for the ability of the teachers and students to
access and evaluate information, use and manage information and apply technology effectively.
In this “new normal” situation and under “covid19 pandemic”, education sectors are prohibited to
conduct “face to face” approach of teaching and learning. Thus, the use of technologies plays a
very important role in delivering the lessons to learners. Both teachers and students should be
able to be well-versed in technology and manipulate effectively their electronic gadgets;
otherwise, each will be left behind to what the technology can offer.

Life and career skills is the ability to cope up the complex life and work environments. Here
teachers and students should be able to adapt to change, manage goals and time, be self-directed
learners, and at the same time effectively interact with others and work effectively in diverse

Learning Innovation skills are the skills that separate students who are prepared for an
increasing complex life and work environment than those who are not. This actually is the
culmination of the 4C’s (critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration). Learning
and innovation skills need to be fully integrated into classrooms, schools, and around the world
to produce citizens and employees adequately prepared for the 21 st century.


Aligned with the skills of teachers in the 21 st century is the ability of the teachers who are
globally competitive and able to handle multi-cultural classes. A global teacher is one who met
the competencies and skills of the 21 st century teachers discussed earlier. In addition, a globally
competent teacher has knowledge of the world, critical global issues, their local impact, and the
cultural backgrounds of learners; manifests intercultural sensitivity and acceptance of difference;
incorporates this knowledge and sensitivity into classroom practice; and, develops the skills to
foster these dispositions, knowledge, and performances in learners. (© NAFSA: Association of
International Educators, 2015.) Further, global teachers are those who are active participants in
various exchange program in education, are knowledgeable of K to 12 programs of various
countries, have good community link, and are effective classroom managers.

Are global teachers the only teachers who can teach in a multicultural class? No, this is a
misconception. A multicultural class is one in which both teachers and students are accepting all
races, cultures, and religions. The acceptance is evidenced by the books that are read, the
activities that are completed, and the lessons that are taught. ((www.igi-global.com › dictionary ›
multicultural-classroom). Therefore, an ordinary classroom where teachers and students with
diverse background, (family, socio-economic status, sex, religions, and race) gather but were
equally valued, accepted, and respected by each member is already having a multicultural

Teachers should prepare students to be global citizens by helping them understand the
pressing issues our current and future leaders face: hunger, poverty and conflict around the world;
climate change; inequitable access to education, medical care, jobs, human rights protections,
and clean water. To instill in students the desire to tackle these problems, teachers must first
display their own commitment to a better world. The ultimate goal for advanced globally
competent teachers is to lead students to act on these issues. However, if you’re donating your
time or money to charitable organizations, or even just attempting to reduce your impact on the
environment (through reusing/recycling, reducing your meat consumption, conserving water or
energy, e.g.), then you are on your way to becoming a globally competent teacher. Through taking
action on global issues, you model to students how they, too, can make a difference, no matter
how young they are.

A global, multicultural teacher uses multicultural approach in delivery of the subject matter,
promotes good human relationship, and promotes social reforms and cultural change, We must
learn to accept and get along with all cultures, races, and religions in order to become productive
citizens of the world. It is the teachers’ job to prepare the students for the real world, and the real
world is a multicultural one.


Teaching Profession. Bilbao, Purita P. et al. 2015. Lorimar Publishing Inc.

Teaching Profession. Lim, Lourdes S. et al. 2014. Adriana Publishing Co. Inc,

The Skillful Teacher: Building your Teaching Skills. Saphier, Jon et al. 6th Ed., 2008. Research
for Better Teaching, Inc. USA

Characteristics of 21st Century Teacher. Retrieved from:

The 21st Century Teacher. Retrieved from: https://safsms.com/blog/21st-century-


Importance of 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills. Retrieved from:


Characteristics of Globally Competent Teachers. Retrieved from:


Multicultural-classroom. Retrieved from: www.igi-global.com › dictionary › multicultural-


Becoming a globally competent teacher. Retrieved from


What is a Multicultural Classroom? Retrieved from:



Teaching young children in a multicultural classroom.

https://study.com › academy › lesson › teaching-young-children-in-multicult... (video)

Competencies for teaching in Multicultural Classrooms.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwM7kYUGUzA (video).


1. Collage pictures depicting the teacher’s functions in school, community and in global
world. It should be colorful and meaningful. Write a brief description or explanation of
your collage pictures

2. Based on the video “Teaching Young Children in a Multicultural classroom”, list

down at least 5 ways on how to cope up teaching young kids in a multicultural

3. Using the video on “Competencies for teaching in multicultural classrooms”, write

down 10 competencies needed for teaching in multicultural classrooms.

4. Long Written Quiz (weeks 2-3).


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