Questions & Answers: Innovations For Greenhouse Gas Reductions
Questions & Answers: Innovations For Greenhouse Gas Reductions
Questions & Answers: Innovations For Greenhouse Gas Reductions
A life cycle quantification of carbon abatement solutions enabled by the chemical industry
1/ What is the aim of the Innovations for Greenhouse Gas Reductions report?
This report helps industry, stakeholders and policymakers understand the role that chemical products play as enablers of climate solutions through the supply chain. McKinsey & Company, the global management consulting firm, conducted independent analyses and overall project management for the study, which examined the global chemical industrys impact on greenhouse gas emissions through the life cycle of chemical products and the difference they make in the applications they enable. In commissioning this report, the International Council of Chemical Associations goal (ICCA) is to further reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the chemical industry by improving its processes while encouraging the use of products that save energy and create a net emission reduction along the value chain. The ko Institut, a German scientific NGO reviewed the scientific basis of the report. As such, this report does not attempt to verify the findings of the IPCC reports.
2) chemicals in applications for which cLCAs were not calculated, but non-chemical industry solutions exist (e.g. low-volume applications of polymers and many specialty and fine chemicals, e.g. food preservatives or catalysts in oil refining. The assumption here was that emissions and gross savings are equal); 3) chemicals in applications for which realistic alternatives from other industries are not available without destroying performance or severely compromising living standards. For this category, the study took an even more conservative approach and assumed gross savings of zero (hence negative net savings, thereby negatively impacting the industrys savings ratio)..
Enabling a more appropriate global framework to avoid market distortions, supporting the development and implementation of new technologies, focusing on the most effective abatement, incentivizing the use of energy savings materials and pushing for more energy efficiency, rewarding early movers that proactively reduce their CO2e footprint, this report provides a basis for global actions.
Carbon leakage is, then, a significant concern for the chemical industry. The chemicals sector is a carbon-intensive industry with strong exposure to international competition. It is a very complex and integrated network of interdependent products, where price changes for one product may have a domino effect on an entire value chain, affecting even consumer goods. It must be emphasized not only that basic chemicals are exposed to fierce international competition, but also that downstream chemical products are highly trade exposed, especially in recent years.
funding research and development. The important role of the chemical industry should be reflected in these programs. Policies at the international, regional and national levels should include steps to fully capture the abatement potential.
Contact information Garrity Baker +1 703 741 5925 [email protected] Philippe de Casabianca +32 2 676 74 52 [email protected] Franco Bisegna +32 2 676 73 94 [email protected] Sachiko Kohno +81 3 3297 2554 [email protected] ICCA website Further information about the Council and its activities, including various materials for downloading, can be found on the ICCA website