Law of Sines & Law of Cosines Review Lesson Plan

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Secondary Lesson Plan Template Grade level and subject discipline: Length of class: Algebra II (9th-12th graders) 90 minutes

LEARNING GOALS to be addressed in this lesson (What standards or umbrella learning goals will I address?): G.SRT.11 (+) Understand and apply the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to find unknown measurements in right and non-right triangles LEARNING OBJECTIVES (in ABCD format using verbs from Blooms Taxonomy): Students should be able to identify the Law of Sines from the Law of Cosines, and determine the appropriate law to use in order to solve for a non-right triangles. Description: This lesson is meant as a review for the students. The students have already learned the various parts of this review; we are just going to bring it all together in a fun way to encourage class participation and team work. KNOWLEDGE (What facts, concepts, or vocabulary words will students need to know or be taught in order to accomplish these objectives?) Sine Cosine SOHCAHTOA Law of Sines Law of Cosines SKILLS (What skills will they need to be taught in order to accomplish these objectives?) How to plug and chug numbers into a formulas to get the final result How to use the Law of Sines How to use the Law of Cosines

RESOURCES/MATERIALS NEEDED (What materials and resources will I use?): Elmo for projection Individual white boards for each group Markers & erasers to use on the white boards Teachers copy of questions to project on the screen Graphing calculators (TI-Nspires) ASSESSMENT (How will I know if students achieve the learning goals/objectives?): I will walk around as students work on the problems to observe their thinking I will also require students to turn in a group worksheet at the end of the lesson with all their work and answers The students will have a take-home test to complete by the next class period. LEARNING PLAN (How will you organize student learning? What instructional strategies will you use? How will you scaffold for student learning?) (Write in outline format). To start off the lesson, students will be handed parts of a formula (either parts of the Law of Sines or the Law of Cosines), and the students will have to find other students in the class that will help make the law true (ex. one students will have , while another student will have makes the law of Sines: , and another student will have . , which

Students will then be instructed to solve the first problem posted on the board, by either using the Law of Sines or Law of Cosines, whichever one they believe will work. If the law they chose does not help them solve the problem, then they would have to use the other law.

The teacher will walk around during work time to act as a guide. Students will have to depend on each other in order to proceed with the review. Students will be asked to solve the problems on the whiteboard, and ensure that everyone on their team understands the process and gets the same final answer, before raising their hand/white board for the teacher to check. This will be a race, the first team to get the answer correct gets 3 points, the second team to get it correct gets 2 points, and the third team to get it correct gets 1 point. The students who also work the hardest to complete the tasks (even if unsuccessful at times, but still really trying) will receive points (or a prize next time). The teacher will then ask for a volunteer to come up to the board and demonstrate his/her work to the class. The teacher will ask the students open-ended questions in order to get them to truly understand the process of solving the problem and why each step was made in the order it was. The teacher will then ask students how comfortable they feel with this content: 1 is very uncomfortable, 5 is extremely confident in their abilities. If most students raise 4 or 5 fingers up, we will move on to the next problem. The teacher will go to the struggling students during the next problem to see what is causing the confusion. The same process will occur until the end of the lesson (which will most likely lead to solving 3 problems in class). The team with the most points at the end of the day will receive a prize the next class period. Also, the class with the most number of solutions solved will receive a prize the next time, as well.

Differentiation: This lesson implements differentiation because it encourages teamwork, and does not just follow the norm of lecture-based learning. Students are able to work together as they solve the problems. Students are also able to get other students point of view as they come up to the board to solve. The teacher is able to work individually with struggling students as the rest of the class moves on with the problems. LESSON PLAN CHECKLIST: Did I hook my students by getting them excited about the topic? Did I introduce my learning objectives to the students (even if I just posted them in the room)? Are my learning objectives aligned with my state standards? Did I choose an instructional strategy/activity appropriate to the purpose(s) of the lesson? Did I organize my lesson clearly? Did I account for any downtime and/or transitions? Did I model or provide guided practice (if necessary)? Did I scaffold student learning (if necessary)? Did I assess my students learning (formative or summative)? Did I successfully bring the lesson to a close within the allotted time? Did I provide a bridge to the next lesson in my unit sequence? Did I provide anchor/enrichment activities for students who complete the lesson early (if necessary)? Did I differentiate for my individual students needs?

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