Proposed Promotion Criteria For Academic Staff-Mmu

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PROPOSED PROMOTION CRITERIA FOR ACADEMIC STAFF MMU The Appointment and Promotion Criteria for teaching staff provides for direct entry at Grade VIII for Bachelors degree holders, on condition that they also register for the Master degree. Similarly, Higher Diploma holders or equivalent with five years teaching/industrial experience also enter at Grade VIII, provided they also register for the Bachelor of Technology degree. Thereafter, progression is based on further qualifications, experience and scholarly/professional contributions. Each Faculty shall develop its unique Promotion Guidelines for elevation from one grade to the next which document shall form the basis for promotion within the Faculty. However, elevation to the post of Professor of MMU shall not be accorded through promotion, but rather through a competitive appointment process. Technologists, engineers, and other professionals with Masters Degrees and 20 years teaching /industrial experience can be promoted to Associate Professor Grade XIV, on condition that they satisfy a more stringent publication record. However, for full professor Grade XV, a doctoral degree is required. POLICY FRAMEWORK It has been established that no country attains the coveted industrialised and emerging economy status without the sound backing of strong technological entrepreneurship platform, competitive entrepreneurial financing instruments, national innovation system infrastructure, and human capital development. Industrialization and economic growth in developed and emerging economies have confirmed these factors as sources of competitive advantage for national economic expansion in the modern global knowledge-driven economy. The driving force behind emerging economies is manufacturing and value-adding services where most MMU graduates are already playing a significant role. Technical universities such as Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU) play strategic roles in the industrialisation process because they provide human capital with technological knowledge and skills to exploit both incremental and radical innovations in technology, industry processes, and markets. MMU as a technical university educates and trains technicians, technologists, and engineers and scientists who are main players in the national economic productivity value-chain. It is thus understood that MMU plays a crucial role of Kenyas industrialization and economic development. It is therefore important that MMU must competitively educate and train human resources with creative and innovative potential to add value to the national development and wealth creation systems. MMU has a competitive advantage in the new technology trajectory because our graduates have intellectual and professional capacity to inject technological innovations into the changing dynamics of Kenyas manufacturing industry. MMU as an institution of higher learning has a unique role in the determination of economic future of Kenya as envisioned in Vision 2030. It is therefore critical that as Kenya joins other countries within the emerging economies, that MMU develops the capacity and capability to support the national industrial base and economic competitiveness. We therefore wish to state, without any equivocation, that the MMU stands as an intellectual powerhouse for Kenyas industrialisation and economic growth.
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Historically, MMU graduates have had a traditional pride of being the salient drivers of Kenyas industrialisation (especially in the ICT sector) over the past 50 years. What is unique this time round is that, as a fully-fledged university, MMU has been empowered to educate and train in the entire gamut from certificate to doctoral levels. Her impact in society and industry is thus optimised through operations and delivery, covering all economic value generation processes and productive economic activities. This Institutional Policy Framework that informs the Appointment and Promotion of academic staff in MMU is therefore designed to marry both the academic and professional/technological arms of its activities, in order to encapsulate that academically sound yet technologically dexterous human capital. Hence, as a matter of policy, professional standing and experience, as well as academic attainment shall be infused and given appropriate weighting in the evaluation process. In a broader sense, MMU becomes an institution of higher learning where the staffs intellectual, professional and managerial skills converge in value-adding processes for the intellectual development of our graduates in readiness to their real-world duties and obligations. The aim is to build an institutional oasis where individual hopes and dreams are nurtured for a higher purpose for employees to dedicate themselves to the success of the institution and community. The essence is to make MMU a temple of academic excellence for both staff and students. This document should thus assist MMU generate excellence from classroom to boardroom through nurturing and commensurately rewarding its academic staff. It is envisaged that those staff appointed in the non-Teaching areas (e.g. Accounts, Health Services, Administration, Catering, etc.) shall easily cross into the equivalent Grade in the Academic line without any difficulty. This ensures that the practitioner also becomes a practical trainer and an academic at once, without undue encumbrance. Thus the symbiosis between the academic and managerial lines shall be deliberately blurred and infused as a matter of policy. MMU shall definitely encourage high academic attainments; however, this shall not be pursued as an end in itself, but as a catalyst or enabler for innovation and product/process development. Fundamentally, the policy ensures academic, productive and managerial synergy in all institutional operations. In summary, therefore, the academic line and the professional/administrative line shall run in tandem, enjoying a mutually symbiotic relationship wherein one buttresses and enhances the other. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT-BASED EVALUATION It is suggested that a Performance Management System (PMS) be introduced in MMU to enhance professional performance and accountability. The purpose of the PMS is to facilitate and promote the achievement of institutional objectives through the effective management of employee performance. In this regard, therefore, the objectives of the PMS, in the MMU context, are to: Improve organizational and individual performance. Clarify individual and team performance requirements, standards and expectations. Align individual and team objectives with those of a Faculty or equivalent academic Department/Directorate/School. Identify and review employee development and training needs and to provide opportunities for employee development and advancement. Identify organisational and operational changes needed to enhance employee performance and hence enable the Faculty or equivalent academic Department/Directorate/School to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Capacitate, mentor and develop employees through constructive feedback and dialogue. Further the Universitys Employment Equity objectives. Ensure the retention of employees, especially those with scarce and critical skills. Promote job satisfaction in a motivating and enabling environment.
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Measure and evaluate individual and institutional performance. Improve communication between managers (deans, chairmen, directors, etc.) and employees through regular dialogue. Establish formal succession plans for top achievers. Provide appropriate and legally sound mechanisms for addressing poor performance. Provide credible data to be used as inputs to the Universitys Promotion process. Provide a fair and equitable way to recognize and reward good performance.

Assessment of performance will be evidence-based and measured against agreed pre-determined benchmarks and outcomes. The system should be designed to enable individuals to be responsible for managing their own performance, development and career advancement. The University recognizes the value of a performance based institutional culture that promotes employee productivity, engagement, and development by aligning individual and team performance goals with the universitys vision, mission, goals, and objective strategies. The Performance Portfolios will thus be submitted by all NonTeaching staff members, while teaching staff shall submit Teaching Portfolios. The Performance Portfolios shall consist of several half-yearly or yearly evaluations based on predetermined measurable performance targets. INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICE BENEFICIARIES BENCHMARKS Internationally, public higher education institutions are categorized as traditional universities, comprehensive universities, and technical universities, in order to illustrate how these trends play out differently in different parts of the higher education sector. Technical universities offer vocational education both at degree and sub-degree level the latter being Diploma and Certificate levels. The above categorization therefore implies that MMU - which offers Bachelor in Engineering, Diploma in Technology and Certificate qualifications is a technical university as defined in the international context. It may thus benefit from the staffing practices which have been successful internationally, as summarized below. The summarized trends of academic loading for various Universities are as shown below. MMU shall use the Technical University loading as a benchmark. Note that, in accordance with the peculiarities of individual disciplines, each Faculty shall be guided by its uniquely tailored Faculty Promotion Guidelines, which shall indicate the minimum performance expectations to be satisfied by an applicant for promotion to the next level. The foregoing benchmark, therefore, provides a sound basis for our approach to the appointment, placement and promotion of academic staff at MMU. The issue of professional affiliation, experience, management of production work, patents or major project portfolios would also play a major role in this policy. Staff Grade Traditional University Technical University 1. Professor 2. Associate Professor 3. Senior Lecturer Ph.D. 95% MSc. 5% Ph.D. 75% MSc. 25% Ph.D. 50% MSc. 35% BSc. 15% Ph.D. 15% MSc. 75% BSc. 10% Ph.D. 95% MSc. 5% Ph.D. 80% MSc. 20% Ph.D. 8% MSc. 70% BSc. 22% Ph.D. 5% MSc. 30% BSc. 65%

4. Lecturer

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STAFF PROMOTION POLICY PURPOSE The staff promotion policy sets out principles and criteria for a fair and transparent process for promotion of all cadres of academic staff at MMU. However, the resulting promotion criteria shall also provide the requisite guidelines for recruitment, placement and redeployment of staff. It is an instrument for encouragement and motivation of staff to strive for excellence in performance of their duties. SCOPE OF APPLICATION Save in exceptional circumstances, all permanent members of the staff who will have completed their probationary period by the effective date of promotion are eligible for consideration, subject to meeting the criteria and subject to receiving the agreed performance rating for their current position in the Performance Management review process. Therefore no member of Staff shall be eligible for promotion unless they have completed their probationary period. Staff appointed on a fixed-term contract basis who would have completed at least 2 (two) years satisfactory service by the effective date of promotion are eligible to be considered for Promotion provided their contract does not expire before the effective date and subject to the availability of funding. POLICY PROVISIONS POLICY STATEMENT The MMU should be committed to attracting, rewarding, and retaining academic, administrative technical, and support staff of outstanding quality who perform in ways that contribute to its reputation nationally and internationally. The MMU shall accordingly provide mechanisms to appropriately recognise, reward and retain these staff through promotion and performance incentives. PRINCIPLES Merit Based: Promotion of staff is designed to recognise and reward sustained high achievement. Applications for promotion shall therefore be assessed solely on merit. To be promoted, the member of staff must demonstrate sustained achievement at the current level of appointment. Further a staff member may not be promoted if she/he is not performing at the norm for his or her current level. Assessments regarding performance at the current level shall be informed by the staff member's performance as rated in the Performance Management System, when implemented, as well as the report of his or her line manager. In addition to the above, applicants must provide evidence of the capacity to perform at the level to which they are seeking promotion. In this regard, candidates will be evaluated on the quality of their performance and achievement relative to what would normally be expected of an individual at the level being applied for in the relevant Faculty or equivalent academic Department. There shall be clear assessment guidelines for each Faculty or equivalent academic Department, benchmarked with other cognate faculties or divisions within the University and in other higher education institutions for each promotion level and these should be available to all evaluating Committees. These assessment guidelines shall be approved by the University Academic Board and the Universitys Staffing Committee. Assessments shall be made by committees of peers through a process designed to enable fair and consistent application of standards. Evaluating Committees shall be assisted by referee and assessor reports. Assessments are based on a whole of career approach but the primary focus shall be on
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achievements since the last promotion or appointment. Each interested member of staff shall initiate this process of application for promotion, subject to MMUs advertisement of the position, which shall be driven by vacancies in the establishment and institutional needs. Promotion processes shall recognise the diversity of academic and Non-Teaching activities within the University. However, strength in teaching and research are considered core activities for academic staff and hence are minimum requirements for all levels of promotion/appointment, except that strength in research may not be emphasized for promotion to the level of Teaching Assistant. Integrity of the Process: There shall be transparency, equity and fairness in all aspects of the promotion process. There shall be a deliberate effort to ensure fair balance in terms of gender and minority groups. Promotions shall be an evidence-based, peer review process. Evaluating committees should aim for unanimity. Where this is not possible voting may be resorted to with promotion being granted if the majority of members present support the application. The candidate must receive the support of at least one University Academic Board/Senate member. The chairperson shall have a deliberative and a casting vote. PHILOSOPHY BEHIND APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION POLICY The vision of the MMU is to be a top-rated Technical University. Coupled with this vision is the motto, Education and training for the real world. This therefore places MMUs Certificate and Diploma in Technology programmes atop an enviable pedestal, as industry readily absorbs these graduates from the institution. Thus the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate programmes at MMU will have to build on the excellence already attained at the certificate and diploma levels. Education and training for the real world can only be attained if practical work and industrial attachment remain the cornerstones of MMUs training. Thus, as far as training is concerned, we shall still have academic/teaching staff with Higher Diploma (HDipl.) qualifications to drive these essential processes in our practical training. It is within this deeper insight that the Placement, Retention and Promotion Policy take cognisance, in equal measure, of both academic qualifications and professional standing and experience of the candidate. Therefore, at the apex of the academic or professional ladder (at Grade XV) is the Professor, the idea is that as a practical, technical University, the rise to the level of Professor, for example, shall be possible along any one of the following two paths: 1. The Academic Path: Here the candidate enters as a Lecturer with a Ph.D., rises to Senior Lecturer, and Associate Professor. Fifteen years later, with at least 20 journal publications, the candidate attains the highest level of academic status as Professor of MMU. 2. The Service Professionals at Grade XV: These could be Accountants, Doctors, Technologists, etc. These can cross over to the academic line at any time in their carrier, as long as they have accumulated the requisite experience as well as having attained a minimum academic and professional level required at the entry grade, in addition to requisite publications. Thus, the University Librarian, or Director of Health Services, or the Principal Technologist, or Finance Director all being in Grade XV may be appointed to the level of Professor of MMU in the appropriate academic departments if they satisfy the minimum academic requirements stipulated for entry at that level. Similarly, any officer at Grade XIV maybe appointed as Associate Professor in their respective disciplines if they satisfy the minimum academic requirements; an officer at Grade XIII may be appointed as Senior Lecturer in their discipline, et cetera. A more significant import of this philosophy is that, since the retirement age for most of the service appointments is 60 years, while that of the academic line is 70 years, the Finance Director, for example, has the option of crossing over to the academic line as Professor of Finance after age 60. MMU would thus be able to retain that expertise and
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experience within the institution. The requirements for either technical or academic path may be applied for this cadre as applicable. STAFF APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES APPLICATION FOR PROMOTION At the beginning of each year, MMU shall invite its employees, through an advertisement, to apply for promotion (or self-promotion) by a certain date. All candidates applying for promotion are required to submit the following to the Dean of Faculty or equivalent academic or administrative Department: 1. Application Form in a prescribed format 2. The candidates Statement, motivating for their application 3. The candidates Curriculum Vitae in prescribed format 4. For Academic Staff, a detailed Teaching Portfolio, showing evidence of teaching since the last appointment or promotion. 5. For Non-Teaching Staff, a Performance Portfolio providing details of milestones achieved vis-a-vis targets expected over several half-year cycles since the last appointment or promotion. 6. Portfolio of Evidence in relation to Professional Service, covering the period since last promotion or appointment. 7. Portfolio of Evidence in relation to Research & Publications, Patents, Products, Projects, Reports, covering the period since last appointment or promotion. 8. Portfolio of Evidence regarding University Service, showing activities within MMU Committees, Workshops, and related activities. 9. Names, addresses, and ranks of three (3) referees, known to the candidate 10. Names, addresses, and ranks of three assessors, who are able to independently evaluate the candidate. Each Assessor shall be at a rank higher than the Applicants current rank. (Note that assessors shall be required only for Grade XIV and above.) 11. Original Certified copies of all degree and diploma certificates In the case of academic staff promotion should be automatic when all requirements have been met, even in the absence of a position/vacancy in the establishment. In the case of non-academic staff, under exceptional conditions, certain non-academic staff may be invited to apply for Self-promotion, even in the absence of a position/vacancy in the establishment. Such cases shall be dealt with on their own merit, and shall not be generalised to include all employees. The rest of the non-academic staff shall be expected to apply for Promotion strictly based on a vacancy in the establishment. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE Evaluation will be based largely on documentary evidence supplied by the candidate, the candidate's Line Manager, as well as referee and/or assessor reports. In exceptional circumstances, the relevant evaluation committee may interview the candidate or his/her Line Manager to obtain clarity in respect of documents that have been submitted. The onus is on the candidate to ensure that documentation is complete, in the prescribed format, and timeously submitted. CANDIDATES STATEMENT All applicants for promotion shall submit a statement, not exceeding four thousand words in which they clearly state: 1. The main areas of the Appointment and Promotions Policy, on which they wish to be evaluated (this refers to being academic/teaching or non-teaching);
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2. Details of their performance and achievements in the areas chosen in above (including comments on their competence in teaching, research, University service); 3. A motivation of how their performance and achievements in their strong areas relate to the expectations of the level for which they are applying; 4. Where the candidate has previously applied for promotion to the level of the current application and has been unsuccessful, it is compulsory for the candidate to provide a detailed explanation regarding how the shortcomings that were previously identified have been addressed. 5. In addition, where relevant, candidates should attach supporting evidence for their teaching competence and "end-user" evaluations of community service and development. 6. The Professional Standing of the applicant including Membership of Professional bodies as well as Professional registration, where applicable. Evidence of Professional experience over and above teaching experience, shall be provided. CURRICULUM VITAE All applicants for promotion must submit curriculum vitae in the prescribed format. Curriculum vitae which are not in the prescribed format will not be accepted. The curriculum vitae shall provide a detailed record of the educational history of the candidate, a record of publications, details of significant achievements, awards, and other forms of recognition, research support obtained for research projects, contributions to teaching and to service. The publications should be listed under such heads as: books, chapters in books, thesis titles, project titles, peer-reviewed articles, patents, creative works, innovations, and critical reviews. Entries in each list should be numbered and co-authors shown, where applicable. The length of the various publications should be indicated by means of the inclusion of page numbers. Candidates should quantify their individual contribution to any joint publications, joint teaching, research supervision, research projects, products & services, and consultancies. All applicants must provide a full list of publications. Candidates are however, advised to highlight achievements since their last promotion or since appointment, if there has been no promotion since appointment. Unpublished works submitted but not yet accepted at the deadline date for applications will not be taken into account. If publications have been accepted, suitable proof must be submitted. LINE MANAGERS REPORT The Line Manager is required to provide an independent report to the Dean of Faculty or equivalent Division or Administrative Unit, in which the Line Manager: 1. Details the expectations of the level being applied for, in the relevant Faculty or equivalent Division. 2. Makes a detailed assessment of the candidate's performance and contributions in each of the chosen main areas of the Promotion Policy relative to the above expectations. 3. Comments on, and verifies, the accuracy of the Teaching Portfolio or Performance Portfolio. 4. Comments on and verifies the accuracy of the Portfolio of Evidence submitted in relation to applications where University Service or Community development is a main area. The Line Manager should obtain confidential referee reports from relevant persons to verify claims made by applicant including as applicable, the Chairs of committees or task teams where the candidate is claiming significant involvement. These must be attached to the Line Managers report. 5. The Line Manager is generally the Head of academic or administrative Department. The Line Managers report is not sent to the referees or the assessors. The Faculty Evaluation Committee may call for additional information from the Line Manager or interview her/him.
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TEACHING PORTFOLIO A detailed teaching portfolio, prepared in terms of guidelines published by Quality Promotion and Assurance, must be submitted by academic staff for promotion at all levels. Assessment of all Teaching Portfolios will be done by the Faculty Teaching Portfolio Assessment Committee and submit the completed assessment sheets and recommendations to the Faculty for consideration by the appropriate Faculty Evaluation Committees (FEC). The Teaching Portfolio shall address the following: 1. A statement on rationale for approach to Teaching & Learning. 2. Detailed Methods of Teaching (Include a sample of Course Outline, Course Notes, Practical sheets, Tutorial sheets). 3. Evidence of Supervision (Give evidence of student supervision at all levels Project Supervision, Dissertation and Thesis Supervision). 4. Method of Assessing Students Work (Include typical Tests, Assignments, Examination papers, with solutions & marking scheme. Also include evidence of pass rates, external and internal examiners comments, etc.). 5. Peer and Student Evaluation of Teaching (include evidence of student assessment, as well as peer assessment). 6. Evidence of sharing Teaching experience with others (This may be in the form of mentorship, or invitation to run courses for other institutions). 7. Evidence of Curriculum Development (Gives evidence that shows participation in course development in the Department). 8. Evidence of Special Recognition of Teaching (This could be in the form of Best Lecturer award, invitation to be External Examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in other universities). PERFORMANCE PORTFOLIO A detailed Performance Portfolio, prepared in terms of guidelines published by the Human Resources Department, must be submitted by all Non-Teaching staff for promotion at all levels. Assessment of all Performance Portfolios will be done by the Division/Administrative Staff Evaluation Committee (DAEC). The Performance Portfolio shall address the following: 1. A statement on rationale for approach to Job performance 2. Evidence showing the alignment of approach to job performance with the Universitys mission, goals, and strategic objectives. 3. Evidence that the employee has consistently exceeded the performance expectations as agreed upon at each performance cycle with the Line Manager. 4. Evidence showing continued mentorship of junior employees through formal arrangements and mechanisms, feedback, and dialogue. 5. Evidence showing employees effort at self-improvement through attendance of conferences, workshops, short courses, etc. 6. Evidence of recognition of the employees performance and standing through invitations to present papers, to train others, curriculum development, consultancy, etc. PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO A detailed professional portfolio, prepared in terms of guidelines published by Quality Promotion and Assurance must be submitted for applications for promotion at all levels. The portfolio shall carry evidence of the candidates Professional affiliations, professional experience, professional registration, and any other matters relevant thereto. It is expected that the Professional Portfolio shall include an elaborate report of the mandatory Industrial Training and Attachment required to be undertaken by all
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MMU staff, once every three (3) years (This requirement is not presently in place, but it should be put in the MMU policy). UNIVERSITY SERVICE PORTFOLIO A Portfolio of Evidence of achievement in University Service would normally include: 1. Delegated administrative, marketing or planning work successfully undertaken in the University, relevant Department, Faculty or Unit; 2. Capacity building and mentoring; 3. Administrative or representative responsibilities discharged elsewhere in the University including participation in University governance; 4. Policy formulation at University level; 5. Leadership or participation in academic or professional organisations including relevant contributions to the wider community; 6. Public representations on behalf of the University in an official or professional capacity; 7. Enhancement of the image of the University with inter alia prospective students, employers of graduates, professional bodies and the community. REFEREES AND ASSESSORS Applicants are required to provide a list of three possible Referees and/or three possible Assessors on their application/nomination form, except that Assessors shall only be required from Grade XIV upwards (that is, from level of Associate Professor or Deputy Director). The Line Manager recommends to the Dean of Faculty or equivalent Head of Administrative Division, the names and addresses of three suitable Assessors. The Dean/Head of Administrative Division shall appoint the Assessors, which may include persons not listed by the candidate or the Line Manager. Assessors should be sufficiently detached from the candidate and of such high academic/professional standing as to provide objective assessment. Those Assessors, who are employed in other higher education institutions, should be at a level equivalent to or higher than that for which the candidate wishes to be assessed. ASSESSMENT AND DECISION MAKING The Evaluation committees shall assess each application in terms of criteria contained in the Promotions Policy. Each Faculty or equivalent academic or administrative Department is required to have clear, approved Assessment Guidelines or Benchmarks for each promotion level and these must be available to all evaluating committees. The evaluating committees shall take into account the entire academic and professional career of the applicant, but particular attention shall be given to achievement and publications/patents/innovations/creative works since the appointment or last promotion. The evaluating Committees and sub-committees shall look for evidence of an upward trajectory in performance that would warrant promotion to the next level. Each Faculty shall have a Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC). This Committee shall assess the portfolio of evidence, referee and assessor reports, and Faculty Teaching Portfolio Assessment Committee reports for all applicants within the Faculty. The Technical, Administrative, and support staff applications for promotion shall be similarly evaluated by the Division Administrative Staff Evaluation Committee (DAEC). Both the FEC and the DAEC shall submit their reports for each applicant to the appropriate University Appointment Committee (UAC) whose decision shall be final.

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COMPOSITION OF THE EVALUATION AND APPOINTMENT COMMITTEES 1. The Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC) shall consist of: Faculty Dean (Chairman) Chairpersons of the Faculty Departments One member of Faculty Board (Elected annually for one year cycle) One nominee of Administrative Staff in the Faculty (nomination is annually for one year cycle) Assistant Registrar deployed at the Faculty - Secretary. 2. Division/Administrative Staff Evaluation Committee (DAEC) shall consist of: Registrar - Chairman Director of Human Resources Registrar/ Director of Division Three Senior Assistant Registrars Two members of University Academic Board (different from those in UAC) Senior Assistant Registrar HR - Secretary Based on the relevant criteria, both the FEC and the DAEC shall make recommendations in regard thereto to the University Appointment Committee (UAC). The recommendation made to the University Appointment Committee must be further supported by the Line Manager of the candidate. The Dean of Faculty and Registrar shall ensure that they consistently apply the approved University assessment standards for each level. The Dean of Faculty or Registrar must provide full reasons for all recommendations. The FAC/FAEC report must clearly address the candidates application in respect of each of the criteria and the expectations for the relevant level within the College. 1. University Appointment Committee (UAC) (Grade XV and above) In accordance with the MMU Statutes, this shall consist of: Chairman of Council Chairman Vice-Chancellor Deputy Vice-Chancellor (AA, R&I) Deputy Vice-Chancellor (AF&P) Directors and Deans of Faculties One member of University Academic Board, nominated by UAB on a yearly basis, each at the rank of Associate or full Professor. Registrar (AF&P) Registrar (AA, R&I) - Secretary 2. University Appointment Committee (UAC) (Grades below XV) In accordance with the MMU Statutes, this shall consist of: Vice-Chancellor Chairman Deputy Vice-Chancellors Directors and Deans of Faculties One member of University Academic Board, nominated by UAB on a yearly basis, each at the rank of Associate or full Professor.
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Registrar (AF&P) Registrar (AA, R&I) - Secretary

3. Teaching Portfolio Assessment Committee (TPAC) shall consist of: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (AA, R&I) - Chairperson Directors and Deans of Faculties Two members of University Academic Board at level of Professor Registrar (AA, R&I) - Secretary MAIN AREAS OF EVALUATION TEACHING As the teaching of students is a core function of the University, academic competence as a teacher must be seen as a minimum requirement, however distinguished a candidate's contributions may be in other areas. The primary basis for evaluating teaching shall be the Teaching portfolio. Thus teaching shall be accorded a weight of 40% for teaching staff, 20% for Technical staff, while for Administrative and other non-teaching staff, the weighting shall be 10%. SCHOLARSHIP AND RESEARCH, PRODUCTION, OR EQUIVALENT ARTISTIC OR CREATIVE ACTIVITY All candidates for promotion except at Teaching Assistant level must demonstrate strength in research, production, innovation and scholarship. A candidate should demonstrate that he/she is capable of independent scholarship, innovation, and provide evidence that he/she is actively supportive of this as a primary university function. Publications concerning the educational aspects of a university discipline fall properly under this head and not under teaching. Candidates should detail their contributions, guided by the points below, in any field of research, production, innovation, or artistic or creative expression or the application and integration thereof. In particular, evidence should be provided of: 1. Ability to stimulate, initiate, and supervise research, production, or other forms of artistic or creative expression; 2. Quality, quantity and consistency of research publications, productions, projects, exhibitions, performances, published work, or other creative activities; 3. Originality and creativity in executing research, productions, or artistic or creative activities. (The test of originality shall be that the candidate has developed effective new applications of the discipline. The test of creativity shall be that the candidate's application of the discipline has either yielded new knowledge or served to enrich and/or improve the human condition.); 4. Recognition, in the form of higher degrees, research fellowships, research funding, innovation, product development, invited conference contributions, awards for work within the discipline, consultancies and special assignments relating to the candidate's standing in the discipline. For teaching staff, the weighting for this category shall be 40%, for Technical staff, it shall be 15%, while for Administrative and other non-teaching staff, the weighting shall be 10%. PROFESSIONAL PORTFOLIO AND SERVICE Professional practice/service in its diverse forms is central to the mission and vision of MMU. It remains a critical aspect of MMUs historical practice and responsiveness. MMU recognises professional service and development for staff promotion, acknowledging that professional practice/professional service can be pursued as part of the scholastic, research and training endeavour. In the teaching and learning endeavour, professional service can be an integral part of specific programmes and qualifications in the form of field placements or internships, or a form of institutional
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outreach. It may also take the form of academic activities unrelated to an individuals teaching load or research activities that enhance the Universitys reputation for scholarship in the wider community. For the purposes of promotion, activities under this heading relate specifically to the uplifting or development of sections of the wider profession through the application by the candidate of her/his academic discipline. Accordingly, in detailing such community development activities, a candidate should also describe the benefits to the particular community and to the University, how these activities relate to his/her academic discipline, and in what way, if at all, they may be regarded as developmental, innovative, original, or creative. Candidates who want their contributions in this area to be evaluated are strongly advised to obtain and submit "end-user" evaluations of their professional profile as part of their Portfolio. For Teaching staff, the Professional/Production Portfolio shall be weighted at 20%, with 50% for Technical staff, and 10% for Administrative/non-teaching staff. For Service, the weighting shall be 10% for Teaching staff, 15% for Technical staff, and 80% for Administrative and other non-teaching staff. This is summarized in the table below. METRIC 1. Teaching /Supervision 2. Research, Publication, Patents 3. Professional/ Production 4. Portfolio Service a) University b) Professional c) Community Teaching Staff 40% 30% 20% Technical Staff 20% 15% 50% Administrative Staff 10% 10% 10%

5% 3% 2%

5% 5% 5%

50% 15% 5%

PROFESSORIAL APPOINTMENTS Appointment as Professor The bestowal of the title Professor on a member of academic staff of the MMU reflects recognition of the individual as a leading scholar in his/her field nationally and/or internationally, based on the high quality and wide impact of his/her teaching, research output, and academic leadership. Professorship shall be conferred on academics who have satisfied the Appointment & Promotion Committee, through an interview process, to have an outstanding record and reputation in his/her area of specialization, in relation to one or more of the following criteria: As an academic leader, by significantly contributing to the aims and objects of the University, as clarified in the academic strategy and by making outstanding contributions to the higher education sector; As a lecturer, by making outstanding contributions to the development of student learning experiences, whether by the design or delivery of University programs; As a high-level internationally recognized academic scholar, by making significant contributions to the furtherance of knowledge or its applications to society by research, consultancy, creative activity, product design and development, professional practice, or performance. In seeking conferment of the Professorial title, an applicant needs to present convincing evidence of outstanding achievement, with the understanding that the Appointment & Promotions Committee will assess both the quality as well as the quantity of their achievements. A Professor must also
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demonstrate leadership, and thus the standing and reputation of the individual in the relevant peer group - here represented by the Assessors reports - will be a major factor in determining the outcome of an application. A candidate responding to an advertisement for the position of Professor in MMU shall satisfy the following criteria: An earned doctoral degree. Academic leadership appropriate to this level. Clear evidence of excellence in Teaching, for the Teaching Portfolio this means at least a score of Excellent. Evidence of Excellence in Scholarship - Research or Equivalent Artistic or Creative Activity. Evidence of excellent record of Postgraduate Supervision, as stipulated in the relevant Faculty Guidelines. The publications shall be in journals with an average impact factor equal to 0.5 or above. The candidate should have attained an average output of 1.5 journal publications per year over a period of at least five years, with a minimum career total of 15 journal publications and 20 conference proceedings, or equivalent. (This shall be as stipulated in the relevant Faculty Guidelines.) Demonstrated and continuing record of excellent achievement, relative to the expectation of academics at this level, in the relevant Faculty. The candidate shall present his/her Inaugural Lecture within 12 months of appointment as Professor of MMU. The following categories of Professors will be established at MMU: 1. MMU Professor, who shall be appointed to a Department of MMU. 2. MMU Research/Chair Professor, who shall be appointed to a research or chair, in a discipline. The Research or Chair Professor shall be mandated to provide leadership in a strategic research discipline or research cluster. 3. A funded Research Professor, who shall be appointed to a Chair to address priorities and the needs of commerce and industry. Research and Innovation (R&I) at MMU is driven by a Research and Innovation Strategy and executed in identified Research Focus Areas which promotes innovative research for economic development. The advertised positions, at Professorial level, are available for achievers with relevant Doctoral qualifications, a good research publications track record and a solid background in guiding Masters and Doctoral research. An NCST rating would be a strong recommendation. This Professor shall be jointly supported and funded by both industry and MMU within a negotiated joint-venture agreement. It is emphasized that elevation of a member of academic/teaching staff member to the position of Professor of MMU shall be by appointment only.

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PLACEMENT & PROMOTION CRITERIA This policy and criteria for placement, promotion and retention also serves as a guideline for recruitment of new staff. There are three broad cadres of staff, other than the Executive Management staff, who are members of various trade unions to which this policy document applies. For each cadre, minimum entry qualifications and requirements for progression are provided as under. Academic and Technical Teaching Staff - Minimum entry requirements: Academic / Experience Designation Technical 1. Higher 5 years Industrial / Teaching Assistant Diploma Teaching experience Technologist Registered for Degree 2. Bachelors No Teaching experience Teaching Assistant degree/BTech. (This is a training position) Registered for Masters degree 3. BSc./BTech. or 10 years Industrial / Assistant Lecturer equivalent Teaching experience Technologist

Grade VIII/IX/X Bottom of Grade VIII VIII/IX/X Bottom of Grade VIII


Progression is open up to full professor level on acquisition of further qualifications and experience. The progression is designed such that with requisite academic / technical qualifications, a good performer qualifies for promotion every five (3) years. To attain the highest status of full professor Grade XV, a doctoral degree is a must. Note that for the HDipl cadre, the stipulated 5 years experience is based on the current KTTC requirement that an HND holder trains as a teacher after at least 2-3 years industrial experience. The subsequent Diploma in Teaching takes a further 2 years. ACADEMIC & TEACHING STAFF 1) The minimum criteria here below are for reference purposes only. Each Faculty shall be expected to table its unique approved Assessment Guidelines or Benchmarks for each promotion level and these must be available to all evaluating committees. 2) The Professional Membership will depend on the discipline, and will only refer to those disciplines where such membership obtains. 3) In those Professional fields where a Masters qualification is accepted as a basis for promotion to the level at which the Ph.D. would be required, the candidate shall make up for this lack of Ph.D. by having three (3) extra journal publications in lieu of the Ph.D. degree. 4) All references to journal papers herein refer to refereed journal publications only. 5) The assessment of the strength of a publication shall be measured in terms of the journals impact factor (IF), which is related to the citation index. Typical impact factors for regional and international journals range between 0.3 and 30. However, for the purpose of this Policy, it is sufficient to focus on the IF range 0.5 to 5.0.

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DESIGNATION Professor Grade XV

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Doctoral degree in relevant Field Minimum 12 Years teaching experience, with 3 years at Associate Professor Level. Excellence in Teaching, Research & Publications/Production & Service Successful supervision of 2 Ph.D. and 15 Master students, or equivalent**. Eight (6) journal publications and 10 conference papers since last promotion. Cumulative total of 15 journal and 20 conference publications or equivalent. Professional Registration where applicable, will be an advantage. Ph.D. in Relevant Field Should be at Senior Lecturer Level. Minimum 3 Years Teaching/research experience at Senior Lecturer Level, or Minimum 8 Years Teaching/research experience.* Excellence in Teaching, Research & Publications/Production Professional Registration where applicable, an added advantage PG supervision of 1 Ph.D. and 10 Master students or equivalent*** Four (4) journal publications since last promotion and ten (10) cumulative conference proceedings. OR Masters degree, with 12 years teaching/professional experience, 3 years at Senior Lecturer level. Excellence in Teaching, Research & Publications/Production Professional Registration for relevant disciplines Evidence of eight (6) refereed journal papers or patents since last promotion,. Successful graduation of fifteen (15) Master students. Portfolio of ten (10) major Industrial or Professional Projects since last promotion.

Associate Professor Grade XIV

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Senior Lecturer Grade XIII

Ph.D. in Relevant Field with four years teaching/research experience at Lecturer level. Successful supervision of three (2) Masters students*** Excellence in Teaching & Satisfactory in Research/Publication/Production. Three (3) journal publications since last promotion. Cumulative total of 4 journals and 8 conference publications. OR Masters degree, with 8 years teaching & professional experience. Excellence in Teaching & Satisfactory in Research/Publication/Production. Evidence of six (6) publications or patents since last promotion. Supervision of Fifteen (10) Final-year Bachelor Design Projects Portfolio of three (3) Industrial or Professional Projects Ph.D. in Relevant Field. OR Masters degree, with one year teaching/professional experience. Masters degree; this is a probation grade; after probation promotion to lecturer grade should be automatic. OR A good Bachelors degree, with 3 years research & professional experience. With registration for Masters Masters degree. Registration for PhD degree A Bachelors degree, with at least upper second. Registration for Masters degree A good Bachelors degree. Registration for Masters degree

Lecturer Grade XII Assistant Lecturer Grade XI

Tutorial Fellow Grade XI Teaching Assistant Grade XI Graduate Assistant Grade VIII/IX/X

*This requirement means that one can be promoted to Associate Professor Grade after 3 years as a senior lecturer even if one has not been teaching for 8 years *This requirement also means that one can be promoted to Associate professor grade even if one has not finished 3 years at the Senior lecturer grade ( i.e. even after less than a year) so long as one has taught for at least 8 years. ***This requirement can be waived in the case where there are no postgraduate courses and for internal promotions only

Note: This document can form a basis for discussion on the promotion criteria

By Dr. Charles M.M. Ondieki

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
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