Future Shock

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System, called Greed Body Count, Proceed Eyes, wide-open Societys Disease. Self, Destructing Power, Corrupting Lies, Conspiracy For your Democracy - Bodycount Proceed, Suicide Commando

I was there. At the protest rallies. We didnt support the ACM; you have to be a fool to support the ACM and their policies. They lie about Psychohistory. They lie about their stance on the religion its the food for the proles, they say. A noble lie, an entity theyre damn sure they control but really dont. They lie about everything. They lie so often they dont even know whats true anymore. Ill tell you whats true. Theyre corporatists bastards. Theyre fascist slime. Theyre scumbag SOBs. Thats whats true, and you can take that to the bank. But I was there. I saw it. We were protesting; we had our signs, we were doing nothing wrong. And then it started. The ACM supporters garnered from nearby Morgantown attacked. They called us Terrorists, Foreigners, Communists, and Socialists they accused us of hating Gods children and other bullshit. I was born in this country. Ive lived in this country all my life. But today, because the loons from Morgantown decided it then, Im not an American citizen anymore. The police moved in too shortly after they set in. They hit with clubs. Tear-gas. Stun-guns. James was beside me they hit him, I think they killed him. He didnt do anything. He was holding a sign. They split his skull with that damn club and came after me. The ACM will not be deterred, they chanted. So we fought back. Fighting back was the worst mistake I guess I ever made. - Last words of Arthur Greenhill accused of fomenting the Haymarket Riots in 2040, executed as a traitor shortly after.


Dues paid where dues are due:

Psychohistory (the concept, not the mechanics as far as I know) comes from the works of Isaac Asimov. In particular, his Foundation series, which explores ramifications of Psychohistory not explored within the context of this game (because as far as I know, I lack the Galactic Empire required to really make it work). Psychodesign is featured in an online magazine, Last Resort, issue 1, and was designed (or at least fleshed out) by James Nostack. I included it because with the proper tweaking, it reeked of cyberpunk and transhumanism, which is a good thing. Thus, if youre interested in rules for it, then you should cheek out Last Resort. The HazMat Specialist comes from the same issue of Last Resort that deals with Nanotechnology. Because I lost that PDF, I dont remember which one it is anymore, but note that it is in fact in one of the PDFs. All art found is either original (as the case of with both covers) or stolen from Google and Shopped. Too many sources to cite there, although sharp readers will note that the picture at the very end of this book is a shopped version of the original Metropolis movie poster. All cars and bikes are found on Google by running a quick search for Concept Models. In particular, one is a Mazda model, and one is, I believe, a BMW model. Given I didnt put the names on them when I saved them; I have no clue which is which.

All Research was done by yours truly, using a variety of sources (read: Wikipedia). All technologies mentioned here in are either technologies that I extrapolated from current trends or are technologies that will hopefully be available in the near future in particular, the computer technologies (MRAM, NRAM, SSDs) and the use of Superconductors in computers (cross your fingers and hope Palladium Hydride is the material were looking for).

Table of Contents
Days of the FutureShock 1. The Wiki ate my Soul
Introduction 1.1 The Megacorps
1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 Innovative Logistics Paragon Corporation Aeon Medicinal North American Superconductor Paradigm Research and Tactical Systems Psion PLC

7.9 Profession and Career

7.9.1 7.9.2 Professions Careers

7.10 Skills 7.10.1 New Skills 7.10.2 Other Notes 7.11 Perks and Flaws 7.12 Nationality, Home, Name, Ethnicity and Age
7.11.1 7.11.2 7.11.3 7.11.4 7.11.5 7.11.6 Nationality Home Name Ethnicity Age Social Status


The Megachurches Coldwater Church of 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5

Christ Lakewood Church Willow Creek Community Churches Christian City Churches Morgantown Nondenominational

4. Working for the Man

4.1 Roles and Duties of NICA 4.2 Organization 4.3 Working for NICA Joining NICA 4.3.1 The Benefits 4.3.2 4.4 Working with the System 4.5 A look at NICA
4.5.1 4.5.2 Public Perceptions Interagency Perceptions

1.3 1.4

The ACM Psychohistory and the Psychohistrical Institute Common 1.4.1


1.5 1.6 1.7

Computers and the Grid Nanotechnology Designer Psychology (Psychodesign) 1.8 Cyberware 1.9 Commerce, Trade, and Money 1.10 Travel 1.11 Robots, Androids and Intelligence Programs 1.12 Society 1.13 Gangs

4.6 Famous Incidents The FutureShock342 Incident 4.6.1 The Grand Oaks Smuggling 4.6.2

5. Ghosts of the Grid

5.1 Net Ghosts
5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 Theory 1: Artificial Intelligences Theory 2: Expert Systems Theory 3: Human Hackers Theory 4: Quantum-Electric Intelligences

2. How this game is played

2.1 Rules Changes
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 Changes to Personality Combat Spec Attribute Points Cyberware Starting Level

5.2 The Illuminati Influence from Spiritualism and 5.2.1

Hermetics Organization 5.2.2 Philosophy 5.2.3 5.3 Strange Shadows

6. Networking
6.1 Computers
6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 Using Computers Computer Models Interfaces Hardware Software Peripherals Grid Interface Displays Gridspace and Pilots Shadow Combat

2.2 Selected Readings

3. Another brick in the wall

3.1 Species 3.1.1 Humans Mutations 3.1.2 3.2 Other Optional Rules 3.2.1 FX Psionics 3.2.2

6.2 The Grid 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3

7. Equipment
7.0.0 Character wealth

7.1 Cyberware 7.2 Cyberware Updates 7.3 Wrights Syndrome

7.1.1 7.1.2 Symptoms Is Wrights Real?

7.4 Body Armor 7.5 Firearms

7.2.1 Direct Energy Weapons

7.6 Vehicles 7.7 Stuff from other books 7.3.1 A note about Lifestyles
and housing

7.8 NICA outfit

7.4.1 7.4.2 Individual Outfits Team Outfits

Days of the FutureShock

I have it. I have finally condensed human history to a single algorithm, which I can use to predict the future more accurately and correctly than any sham psychic before me ever could hope to do Dr. Tyrell Geller, founder of the Psychohistorical Institute.
Psychohistory (skhis'tri) n. A multidisciplinary science developed by Dr. Tyrell Geller in 2035 using a combination of history, sociology, and statistical mathematics that can virtually predict the future of humankind by using past experiences and mathematical statistics as a basis with a relatively high rate of accuracy on the macro-sociological level, named after the fictional tool invented by Isaac Asimov in his Foundation series of Science Fiction Novels. Psychohistorical adj. [Gk psyche, prefix: mind, soul, + history, ME < L historic(us)]
Welcome to the world of FutureShock. In this campaign, the characters take on the roles of Government Agents belonging to an organization called the NICA, or the National Interior Cyberdefense Agency, in a world that has almost completely fallen apart at the seems. For inspiration, Ive drawn from a number of sources Ghost in the Shell, Neuromancer, Blade Runner, and other big names in Cyberpunk and Post-Cyberpunk to craft a this campaign setting and the story that goes along with it. For this campaign, Im working in a genre Im most familiar with; the genre that I made my first fictional forays into and the genre that stands out academically among other sci-fi novels; more so than space operas, more so than pulp sci-fi Cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk (sbrpungk) n. A literary genre established in the 1980s dealing with the pervasiveness of technology and the social impact of that technology. Usually deals with themes such as alienation, Orwellian government, the nature of humanity, and the impact of technology on the conception of the person, while usually using the broken anti-hero, or hacker hero, popularized during the period. [Cyber, prefix: short for Cybernetics, + punk, after the punk movement]
I have a history with this genre. When I write fiction, generally speaking, I write cyberpunk or incorporate cyberpunk or post-cyberpunk themes into the work. Taking place in the year 2080, the world of FutureShock is a dystopian world rife with unrest, conspiracy, and a corrupt and powerful Government run by the ACM American Conservative Movement who is caught between the competing powers of Ultracapitalism and Ultrareligion. That said, like the names I invoke, I should stress that Cyberpunk is usually hard science fiction, and FutureShock is no exception. I am aware that there are exceptions to the rule, and it can be argued that cyberpunk is an attitude, not a genre, and I would partially agree and respond with this statement: Yes, there are exceptions. This is not one of them. As far as rules go, Ill be plucking from a variety of sources. Im using DARK*MATTER as a source for some skills and rules, but by far the biggest source is the DATAWARE book, which is important because of the use of computers, and it details exactly how the Grid and Computers operate which is basically the stuff that a Cyberpunk Campaign is made out of. So, without much more babble from me, lets get this ball rolling. Rules changes unique to this campaign are listed in the following chapter, and after that, is a guide to help in designing

your character to fit the campaign. Next, I take a look at the NICA, and finally, a close look at the society and the history of 2080s America under the ACM. Finally, as any good setting demands, there is an Illuminati although its not what you think it is, rest assured. Or is it? Welcome to America, 2080.

The wiki Ate My soul

The Government is Optional in this Deal. - Mark Garrett, founder of Paragon Corporation
On June 3, 2035, Dr. Tyrell Geller, an Israeli and native New Yorker, successfully condensed human history into an algorithm that could then be plugged into and solved by a computer, which would then predict a possible course of outcomes i.e., a prophecy program that could see the future. Dr. Tyrell Geller was proven correct when he accurately predicted the outbreak of war in the Congo one year later; and again when he accurately predicted outbreak of war in Russia later that year. The real use for Gellers invention, however, came when he was approached by a Wall Street firm. It was proven that the Psychohistorical Algorithm was useful for more than predicting political events; it was also useful for predicting the outcome of stock markets. Geller quickly realized the value of his invention and in 2038 stopped teaching statistical mathematics at Columbia University in New York and moved to Chicago, where he opened up the Psychohistorical Institute, with the business of selling the future to the highest bidder. Geller had numerous buyers. Everyone was interested in purchasing the key to the future. Geller accurately predicted the Wall Street collapse of 2041, and again he accurately predicted the collapse in 2048. He predicted that in 2048 the Neo-Conservative Movement, which had been gaining steam due to an outgrowth of support against what many, saw as encroaching UN regulation on the United States, would win, and he was right. The New American Conservative Movement took office late in 2048, and approached Geller: his ability to read the future was vital to them. Geller and the Psychohistorical Institute became a very rich man overnight, and because of their close ties with Geller and the Psychohistorical Institute, the New American Conservative Movement, or the ACM as they were also called, came to power. Geller would sell them information, and he wouldnt ask them any questions so long as he got paid. The ACM used his information to continually win against opponents. Yet, despite all this, on March 3, 2056, America was attacked by terrorists. Multiple bombings throughout the Greater Seattle Area, culminating with a final grand bomb that killed thousands in downtown Seattle, threw America into shock. The ACM was there almost over night using their psychohistorical records, they knew exactly who was behind it, and they knew exactly how to prevent it from ever happening again. People rushed to support the ACM, but despite the psychohistorical institute and the ability to see the future, America was plagued by terrorist attacks. The ACM would arrive too late to offer any real assistance other than to help clean up the mess, and for their election slogan of 2060, they promised more protection from the terrorists. Using their Psychohistorical data, they could see that this was the winning slogan, and in 2060, they were reelected under the premise of Making America Safer. In a midnight session of Congress, a the Act for the Safety of America was passed; while it buttered the language up as much as possible, the end result was the same: the government had the right to arrest you and withhold you for as long as they wanted without even informing you of the crime or bringing evidence against you. This act couldnt have come sooner. Many were beginning to wonder where the Psychohistory was before the bombings, and why the ACM hadnt done something to prevent them before hand. These individuals were told, plainly, that it was Gods doing because He was angry with the United States, and all the computers in the world couldnt predict the will of God. The ACM, meanwhile, worked to single out individuals that they claimed the psychohistorical reports said were responsible. Socialists, pronounced Feminists, Communists, homosexuals, Muslims, and certain Jewish groups that werent in line with what the ACM wanted were all singled out and harassed. Entire families were visited by what the ACM called the Security Force, a private force contracted to secure the interior of the United States, and were never seen again.

Using the Psychohistorical records given by Geller, the ACM managed to stay one step ahead of the population and diffuse dissent before it was ever able to arise. While not 100% accurate, the psychohistorical record provided enough help to the ACM to stay forever one step ahead. When it looked like they werent going to win the 2068 election, they simply had the opposing party outlawed and arrested. All the while, under the ACM, the religious movements were gaining strength. They had co-opted the ACM a long time ago, or the ACM gave the illusion of being co-opted to maintain their vote and religious legislation was passed. Things that offended sensibilities were made illegal, and filters albeit cheap ones were installed on the internet to keep people from accessing smut and filth that the ACM felt the people would better if they werent exposed too. This started long before 2068 almost immediately after the they came to power in 2041 they started to reverse progress to fit their image. By 2068, they had basically instituted a Theocracy in all but name only in the United States. A big boost for the religious extremities was UN General Assembly Resolution 22/871, which was passed in 2046 with China pushing it. Resolution 22/871 banned the depiction of blasphemous items and thoughts throughout the world. It was pushed primarily by the Saudis and the government of Malaysia, and backed by China because China depended upon these nations for oil and natural resources. Many conservative Christians saw this as an attack on their religion. Their numbers boomed throughout the late 2040s, and with the ACM leading the way, their power was expanded exponentially. At the same time, the ACM worked to loosen as much government control as they could. They stood staunchly against the UN Resolution, condemning vociferously and, when America was attacked in 2056, claimed that the attacks were carried out by Muslims because America refused to capitulate to the UN Resolution. Megacorporations began to take root in 2060; several very large corporations were quickly formed and began to dominate entire blocks of the globe. By 2070, it became apparent the UN no longer served a use. By 2074, America was in the middle of a recession that had been lasting from 2054, and by 2060, it had officially entered a Depression status. Food shortages were common. The price of food skyrocketed, as by 2060 a global food shortage was pronounced. Food Riots, Racial Riots, an Religious Riots seemed to rip apart America from 2060 to 2070 ten years that left scars that have yet to heal fully. The police and U.S. Army proved to be almost fully ineffective to stop these riots, and the ACM turned to the multinationals and contracted their military forces to put down the food riots. For 10 years, these Private Military forces protected government buildings and private property that could pay for protection. The riots eventually died out with the institution of a ration system, and a massive agricultural revival plan. Most of the food was grown in hydroponics, as the soil was too polluted to grow food in the Midwest. It did little for the price of foods, but the Megachruches found a way to capitalize they used their funds to buy food to bring in homeless people to convert them. If they didnt convert, they didnt get the food. The Depression was officially ended in 2072. By Officially Ended, then Treasure Secretary Chris Kaufmann determined that it was a good time to end it and thus, did so. The next 6 years were six years, according to the ACM, of Growth, Prosperity and Happiness for the American people, with the ACM herding them towards 2100. They continued to use Psychohistory and maintain access to the Psychohistorical Institute, which had moved to an office in the Chicago Spire, overlooking Lake Michigan. In reality, very little had changed from 2060 the only difference was the fact that, due to Megachurches and their aggressive evangelizing campaigns (with the comfort of food, no less) managed to keep the threat of riots under control. For the working wealthy, what we today would recognize as the upper middle class, life went on. Many never went downtown for obvious reasons, unless they worked down there. By the 2074 Census, 0.001% of the population had over 56% of the total wealth of the nation. Another 20% of the population had 40% of the wealth of the nation called the Working wealthy and usually divided up into the upper class, middle class, and working class. The remaining 4% of the wealth was spread out amongst the 80% of the population. There were six megacorps that dominated the American scene; Innovative Logistics, founded in 2032, was one of the largest and based out of Chicago. Paragon Corporation was founded in 2040, Aeon Medicinal was founded in 2045, North American Superconductor was founded in 2051, Paradigm Research and Tactical Systems was founded in 2051, and Psion PLC was founded

before the turn of the century. All of these Megacorps are whats known as horizontal monopolies that is, they have their hands in more than one industry. Competing with the Six Greats, as theyre know, were the Five Great Megachurches Coldwater Church of Christ, founded in 2010 but grew to be a megachurch in 2050; Lakewood Church, founded by John Olsteen in the 1980s; Willow Creek Community Church, another large Megachurch founded in 1972; Christian City Churches, founded in 1980 and Morgantown Nondenominational, originally consisting of several different megachurches that merged into one in the 2030s and grew to such a tremendous size that its recognized as a Evangelical Paragon Corp. The power some of these Churches holds is questioned only by some of the power that the Corporations hold, and in many ways America of 2080 is a tedious balance of Corporations, seeking profit over morality willing to sell anything to the highest bidder and Churches, who see it as their authority to demand that the Corporations not. So far, conflict between the bodies has been averted, but especially with Aeon Medicinals move into biotech, a field that was traditionally banned by law the two powers seem to be edging ever closer to conflict. The ACM is caught in the middle but has not answered either critic, and the Presidency of Norman Cross, elected in 2080, seems to have withdrawn inward. America is a land of extremes. A land of black and white absolutes with very little gray separating the two. On one end of the economic spectrum is an extremely small amount of population who have over 50% of the total wealth, and on the other end of the spectrum is nearly 80% of the population with less than 10% of the wealth. The top have access to everything health care, medicine, food, water, housing and wealth without any strings attached at all. The poor have access to nothing. Those in-between walk a careful and fine line, trying not to tip into the poor and damn themselves to a bleak and moral perdition. Once youre at the bottom of the scale, youre never getting back up. On one hand, you have Megacorps who would sell their soul for a profit: who promote everything from prostitution to narcotics to make a buck. On the other hand, you have the stalwart protectors of morality, the extremist sects of Religion that came to power, refusing to back down for anything, including these corporations. Laws making illegal everything these megachurches disagree with have been passed abortion, birth control, alcohol, biotechnology, nanotechnology, cloning, evolution, various forms of art, music that the churches disagreed with, games the churches disagreed with, etc. but the corporations willingly flout them to make a profit. And the small and ineffective government seems to withdraw further and further every year when it should know better, given that it has access to the future. And its this small, ineffective government that the Players work for. In a world where you can get anything you want providing you know how to bribe the local police officer to look the other way the PCs find themselves caught between these titanic forces, as one tries to get the upper hand on the other


The Megacorps

There are six major megacorporations that the players should be familiar with. These Megacorps are known as the Great Six, the Gods of Commerce, and the simply The Six. They are all amalgam corporations and horizontal monopolies, an economic term used to describe a company that, for example, not only makes cars but also owns the steel manufacturing, the rail ways that move the steel, the oil that the cars need to run on, and the glass company that makes the windshields, for example. Because there are no anti-trust laws in 2080, and the EU anti-trust laws are hopelessly ineffective against them, they have free reign to do as they please and annually turn profits that are greater than the combine GDP of every country in the Western Hemisphere. Innovative Logistics: Innovative Logistics started in 2032 as a shipping company. Eventually, I-Log, as its usually shorted too, expanded into other areas as well. By 2040, it has laid the ground work as a horizontal monopoly, not just being a logistics and shipping company, but also moving into the banking sector. I-Log was one of the first companies to make use of the Psychohistorical Institute,

and because of it, grew exponentially by successfully buying the proper stocks and bonds and knowing which companies to purchase and which ones not to purchase. I-Log eventually entered into the engineering business, buying out several major engineering companies and started its own construction division, called I-Logistics Construction Incorporated. I-Log Con remains one of the only construction firms in existence by 2080. By 2074, I-Log was a large, multinational company and had achieved its greatness as one of the Six Megacorps, with over million-and-a-half employees world-wide, and headquarters in several nations. I-Log played a role in stopping the food riots by pioneering massive urban hydroponics farms. I-Log is run out of San Fran, but they have two other headquarters in the United States one in Chicago, which is their North American Sales Division, and one in New York, which is their Shipping and Distribution Division. Paragon Corporation Paragon was founded in 2040 originally as an automobile company. It bought out older automobile firms like Toyota and General Motors, and eventually forced Ford out of business and consumed Chrysler. Originally it was called Paragon Motor Corporation, but in 2053, Paragon began expanding. During this time, it remained close to bankers in Switzerland, who would funnel the company money when it needed it. In 2056, Paragon entered the banking arena and real estate arena itself, buying out several major banks and real estate firms. That same year, Paragon got a foot hold in the broadcasting business by purchasing Time-Warner. Paragon dismantled Time-Warner and created ComStar. By 2080, Paragon has its hands in a lot of different things everything from construction, to broadcast news, to banking, real estate, to defense contracting all over the globe. Paragon even has its own private military, and it was this private military that was contracted Paragon Defense Firm during the riots of the 2070s. Paragon is recognized as the greatest of the Megacorps, really living up to its name. It is the most diversified corporation in the world, and it is still recognized through Paragon Motors as one of the only car producers in the world, and through Paragon-Void as one of the best electronics manufacturers and makers of clinical and recreational grade cyberware in the world. Paragon is run out of Chicago; but they have numerous headquarters set up throughout the United States. Aeon Medicinal Aeon Medicinal is the other producer of cyberware, although originally it started out as a medical firm. Aeon Medicinal remains one of the most specialized of the firms, only maintaining a vast cartel of pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturers. They also own most of the hospitals in the United States and Canada. They started in 2045 and quickly achieved status as one of the Great Six by 2060, and have only recently begun to venture out into mining operations, plantation owning, agribusiness, and other fields that arent always relevant to medical technology, which is what the company really known for. Its headquarters is in Washington D.C., but it has various branches scattered throughout the United States, and funds dozens of medical schools. In 2074, Aeon Medicinal announced that it was going to open up genetic research, stem cell, and cloning technology. This was met with stiff resistance from the Six Great Churches, who reminded Aeon Medicinal that such things were illegal. Aeon Medicinal told them, not so politely, to shove off, and the Megachurches appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, hoping to shut Aeon down. The court was hopelessly deadlocked, with exactly half off the court on the take for Aeon, and half on the take for the Megachurches. With the Supreme Court in a stalemate, the Churches began to boycott Aeon, but quickly realized that doing so was literally detrimental to their health. As such, some of the Churches have begun to expand into medical technology as well, hoping to undercut Aeon. Their success remains to be seen. Aeon has a long track record with churches, for having provided abortions even though abortions were illegal so they could harvest the cells for stem-cells that they stored back until their recent announcement that they would be entering the field.

North American Superconductor

American Superconductor started as a company that built semiconductors and superconductors in 2051, as their name states. However, they quickly grew out of that. By 2060 they had a slew of various companies that they had bought out most of them research fields and defense contractors. They also bought out manufacturers like Boeing and made a foray into aerodynamics. Today, NA Superconductor is one of the largest and most diversified of the Six, second only to Paragon corp. Exactly what NA Superconductor has their hands is known only to the corporation itself; its believed that they have holding in numerous research and development facilities, law and park care firms, numerous service sector businesses including several franchised businesses, software firms, repair firms, steel making firms, electronic firms, and even Hollywood and movie making. Their headquarters is in Tampa Bay. They dont have various th headquarters scattered throughout the US, although they run a local office out of the 25 floor of the John Hancock center in Chicago. Paradigm Research and Tactical Systems Paradigm, as its more often called, is a corporation that owns most of the private contracting and defense firms not just in the United States, but also around the world. Paradigm is the second smallest of the Big Six, and because Paradigm is involved in mostly black-book projects in the United States, much of what it does isnt known to the public. Its rumored that Paradigm is involved in some of the most secretive activities in the United States, and there are dozens of conspiracy theories that run rampant around Paradigm, accusing them of doing everything from hijacking the airwaves and internet to control the masses to hiding hidden alien technology. The churches believe that Paradigm is the key to the end of the world, although exactly how that works hasnt yet been elaborated upon. Given the amount of publicity that surrounds Paradigm, you can be forgiven for thinking it is much larger than it really is. Psion PLC Originally a consumer hardware producer from before the turn of the century it was established in the 1980s as in-house software producer Psion PLC has grown to become the Microsoft of the 21st Century. As a horizontal monopoly, Psion has its hands in a number of different organizations from mining, to metal working, to programming, to the manufacture of hardware, to the research and development of hardware, the creation of Grid software and hardware, to the building of computers and designing all of the software used by the those computers. Psion has a literal monopoly over the entire computer industry from production to programming and back again, and Psion works hard to keep its monopoly by sending out Shadow Spies to kill freeware sites where it finds them, to force people and the other companies to purchase materials from them. Psion has also branched out into other electronics as well, and is an amalgam of the following corporations: Microsoft, Sony, LG, Dell, Macintosh, and dozens of other, smaller companies. Psion is recognized as one of the largest computer producers, and it is currently in competition with Paragon-Void, despite the fact that Paragon-Void produces mostly hardware, where as Psion produces everything from software to hardware. Since 2073 there have been talks between Psion and Paragon over the fate of Paragon-Void; if Psion can purchase ParagonVoid, then Psion will have a virtual monopoly over all electronic systems produced in North America. As it stands, much of Psions work is done over seas and imported into the United States, exploiting poor economic states in various nations in Central Asia and Africa. Its global headquarters is in Seattle, but it has numerous officers throughout the United States every major city has at least one Psion PLC distribution and shipping headquarters.


The Megachurches

The Corporations arent the only ones who wield power in the United States. While the Great Six turn profits larger than the combine GPD of the western hemisphere, their profits are for the most part, monitored. The Megachurches, on the other hand, turn profits that only they keep track of. Abusing the Separation of Church in state clause in the First Amendment, the

Megachurches are extremely active politically much of the atrophied government and the ACM is aligned with the Megachurches even though these churches dont pay taxes at all. The churches continue to support the ACM, and in many cases, are often seen as being the right hand of American politics, with the Corporations being the left. Like with the Megacorps, there are six Megachurches that the players should be aware off unless otherwise noted, they all borrow elements from Southern Baptist and Methodist teachings, but remain fairly nondenominational. Coldwater Church of Christ Coldwater, as more colloquially known, is a massive global megachurch with a congregation nationwide of over 10,600,000 people. Coldwater started in 2010 as a small community church with a big vision, and by 2050, it had expanded through televangelism, the Grid, and savvy marketing. Its congregation has expanded almost exponentially during the period from 2050 to the present, although it saw a marked incline in attendants with its Food for Prayer program that it instituted during the 2070 foot shortage. Coldwater was the first church of its kind to attempt a program like that, by inviting homeless people into shelters that it ran and giving them food, clothing, and a place to stay, so long as they became members of the congregation and kicking them out if they didnt agree. Coldwater has benefited from charismatic leadership under the son of its founder, Nikolai Baker. Rev. Baker is a canny businessman and marketer, with several massive Cathedrals to Christ scattered throughout the United States that he bounces between. The Largest of these Cathedrals is built outside of Chicago in Oak Park; the Crystal Cathedral, a glass structure that was designed to mirror what Heaven looks like. It has a massive amphitheater in its interior that is capable of setting 1,000,000 people, all of whom are looking down at the speaker with a massive holographic screen projected above him. Rev. Baker is a master of the art of entertainment and religion, and he merges the two fluidly during his massive sermons. Baker is not the only Reverend to work within Coldwater, but he is by far the most famous and considered the owner of the church. Unlike the other churches, Coldwater is not nondenominational. Coldwater is a pronounced Southern Baptist church, and the fire and brimstone sermons have become synonymous with Coldwater more so than other Megachurch. Coldwater also owns numerous private religious universities around the nation, teaching mostly religious classes. The largest of these is University of Chicago, which had been a public school with a board until Coldwater brought accusations of anti-Christianity against the school, broke it with a lawsuit, and devoured the school. Lakewood Church Lakewood Church was founded in the 1980s by John Olsteen. Under the charismatic leadership of his son, Joel Olsteen, it expanded throughout the 1990s and into the early part of the century, combining aspects of religion and entertainment. Olsteen would go on to become an esteemed televangelist, and would eventually be replaced in 2026, when he stepped down. Olsteen guided Lakewood to become one of the largest megachurches in the world. The current pastors of Lakewood are two men; Reverends Christ Delay and Mark Morris. Delay is the default owner of the Church, having befriended Olsteens oldest and eventually purchasing the church from him. Morris is a close friend to Delay, and before they became reverends, both men were at one time marketers and businessmen. It shows in the way that they ran Lakewood; they essentially turned Lakewood into a massive corporation that sells redemption to the sinful masses. Lakewood saw its membership slowly rise throughout the 2040s and 2050s, and they followed Coldwater in the 2070s with a Food for Prayer program that garnered them upwards of a million new converts in one week. Lakewood is the second largest of the six, with an congregation of an estimated 59,000,000 people nationwide, which is twice the population of the New York metro area in 2007. Lakewood has an aggressive Grid campaign; Lakewood Shadows are well known because they take the form of Jesus or bright lights and ask the individual if theyve been saved, and then tells them to attend Lakewood. Lakewood is currently run out of South Carolina, but it has smaller churches scattered throughout the nation. Lakewood owns an entire television network, which is devoted to nothing but Lakewood-oriented programming

ranging from religious cartoons that not-so-subtly promote their agenda to live, broadcast events from places as far flung as Jerusalem, usually hosted by Rev. Delay or Rev. Morris. Willow Creek Community Church WC3 (WC Cubed) is anything but a community church; like the rest of the Megachurches, theyre an international entity that has churches and holdings in churches in as far flung places as Africa, South America, and Central Asia. WC3 is the only one of the six Megachurches that boasts a larger membership outside of the United States than it has inside of the United States. It also has the distinguished status of being the oldest of the six, having been founded in the 1970s, and was actually one of the first Megachurches. It expanded in membership throughout the 1980s, 1990s, and into the century, when their membership took a hit. In order to make up for the loose in members, WC3 expanded beyond the United States boarders, sending missionaries overseas to convert. By 2030, the missionaries had converted a large population of individuals overseas so many that it rivaled the current membership in the United States. By 2040, that overseas membership had surpassed the membership in the United States. Unlike the other churches, WC3 did not institute a Food for Prayer program during the great food Crises of the 2070s, which is probably one of the reasons why it remains one of the smallest of the Megachurches within the United States. Worldwide, however, it rivals the Catholic Church in adherents. It should also be noted that WC3 has its own militant wing. They dont (or arent supposed too) function within the United States, though; they exist in regions where Christians are in danger of persecution over seas specifically functioning in Central Asia, which has a largely Muslim Population, and Africa, which is not a very safe continent to being with. The Militants, called the Arms of God, are a privately funded contracted security force that is almost totally owned by WC3. WC3 maintains that it does not use these individuals to force people to convert; rather, it uses them to protect Christian and Missionary communities. So far, nothing to contradict WC3 has come to the fore, but given how savvy the current board is with the Grid, its likely that information did exist it would never make it to the grid anyway. Christian City Churches 3C, as theyre also called, was founded in the 1980s and is one of the original Megachurches from that period. It expanded throughout the 1990s, but at the beginning of the century, it saw a downturn in adherents. To compensate, 3C began to cut back. For a while, it didnt appear is 3C would make it through the 2010s and 2020s, and there was talking of closing the ministry doors. In the 2030s, it saw its adherence pick up, and it really gained grown following the UN passing Resolution 22/871. It really made up ground, though, during the food crises of 2070 with the Food for Prayer program. This program made up for the lacking membership of the previous decades, and during the Food Shortages, it boosted its sagging membership almost 20 fold. Come 2080, it is the fourth largest of the Megachurches, behind Morgantown, Coldwater, and Lakewood. It has about 9,400,000 members nationwide, and is run out of St. Louis. Morgantown Nondenominational Often times touted as the Evangelical Paragon Corp, Morgantown Nondenominational, or M-town Denom, is the largest megachurch in the United States with a total membership of about 945,000,000 individuals nationwide, making up a full 50% of the nations population. It started out as a dozen smaller megachurches, but quickly grew to huge proportions when these churches merged; by the 2030s, Morgantown was one of the largest churches in the United States and it continued to grow. Like most of the other churches, Morgantown instituted a Food for Prayer program in the 2070s, and by 2079, it had hands down the largest membership of any megachurch in the Free World. What distinguishes Morgantown from the other Megachurches, though, is that Morgantown is also a business. They own shares in massive oil companies, smaller medical firms, research firms and electronics firms. While these are nowhere near as large as the holdings of the Megacorps, Morgantown is unique in that it is the only church that moonlights as a company. Morgantown is also unique in the aspect that they control a rather large segment of the

grid; in 2074 they supposedly issued a denial-of-service attack on Aeon Medicinal, although no proof of this was ever found. Individuals accuse Morgantown of abusing its so-called Brainscratch program, which is a program to try and teach individuals how to use the computer in the name of God. Aeon in particular claims that Morgantown is using the Brainscratch program to create a new generation of black-hat hackers that Morgantown can use to silence dissonance on the web. To date, the only evidence cited is referred to as the Epic DDoS attack on Aeon on May 3, 2075, and no evidence has ever connected it to the Brainscratch Program. Morgantown is unique because it doesnt incorporate Baptist teachings at all; rather, Morgantown is a staunching Calvinist church, with heavy influences from Calvinism.



As far as governments go, the ACM is sorely lacking in power despite having been the official government for better than 30 years. ACM stands for American Conservative Movement, although they would properly be recognized as Neo-Conservatives in the political sphere of the early century. Theyre a splinter, third party movement that broke with the Republican Party in the early 2020s. For a while, it appeared as if the ACM would suffer the fate of every third party in American politics, but after a particularly vicious year, the ACM managed to get elected in the 2040s much to their surprise. Ever since, the ACM has held power in the United States. The ACM works closely with the Psychohistorical Institute, and uses the institute for their own gain. Many believe that if the ACM didnt have a virtual monopoly over the Psychohistorical Institute, then they would never have stayed in power for as long as they have. They use Psychohistorical reports to stay one step ahead of various political entities and to keep the population under heel at all times (see Psychohistory for the misconception that the ACM perpetuations about it). The ACM holds many neoconservative beliefs; they believe strongly in an interventionist foreign policy, the promotion of America as an empire (something that is a pipe dream given how weak the ACM is, but their literature promotes it as one anyway), and are do not practice nativism or protectionism. They are strongly socially conservative but very liberal economically, leading directly to the situation America is in split between ultracapitalism and ultrareligion with very little gray area between them. They hold themselves as being the original Straussian Conservatives, a reference to one of the founding fathers of neoconservativism, Leo Strauss. They currently control all facets of the government from the ground up. The ACM hasnt come out and said it, but they recognize the use of religion as a noble lie, like the neoconservatives before them, and originally tried to use it as a tool to control individuals it was a tool that got quickly out of hand for them. Likewise, they are extremely pro-Capitalist and remain so, having revoked all of the Government regulations in an attempt to create a Christian Capitalist Society. Current President of the Untied States is Lionel Kilpatrick, with his Vice President being Max Bolton.


Psychohistory and the Psychohistorical Institute

Psychohistory has been defined several times, but for sake of redundancy, it is a multidisciplinary science (a computer program, really) that uses an algorithm that describes the whole of human history. The computer program then analyzing this algorithm and is capable of making astonishing predictions that are right 98% of the time. It was designed by Dr. Tyrell Geller in the 2030s, and has since become one of the most powerful tools on the planet. Geller is the only man who knows how the program works he designed it, and only he can use it. Using the program, Geller began selling knowledge of the future, and made a substantial amount of money form it. With this money, Geller moved from New York to Chicago and founded the Psychohistorical Institute, and corporation that was in the business of selling the future.

There is a quiet a bit of myth that surrounds psychohistory many people only know it as a hazy, somewhat mystical term where by a computer spits out accurate predictions of the future. The ACM works hard to keep these misconceptions going; several of the most common misconceptions are dealt with below. As of yet, the Geller has made the shrewd business decision that the less people know about the way psychohistory actually works the better not only is ignorance bliss, but it keeps the people under heel of his largest buyer, the ACM. Common Misconceptions Psychohistory is an amazing thing. Originally, Geller discovered the program when he realized that various events in human history could be represented by a mathematical equation that, when plugged into a computer, would be solved. This is similar to the complex systems used to describe weather systems. Unlike those complex systems, though, Psychohistory can predict things on a micro and macro level, functioning as an Oracle of the 21st Century. There are numerous misconceptions of psychohistory, some of which the ACM works to maintain. Below are the most common misconceptions about psychohistory.
Psychohistory presents an immutable future False. Psychohistory does not present an immutable future, it only presents the future as can extrapolated by events occurring the past. This is one of the reasons that its only 92.6% accurate because sometimes the extrapolation is wrong, or it may have been right given the numbers, but the timing was off or some unforeseen element was not calculated or is simply changed because it was known. The truth here is that while psychohistory displays predictions based off of mathematical equations, they are not necessarily always correct, nor do they present a future that is carved in stone. Psychohistory just knows the future False, and this displays a fundamental ignorance of how psychohistory works. You have to first take what action (or actions) you were planning on doing, convert them to an equation, plug them into the algorithm, and the computer then solves the algorithm(s) and gives you the solution what happens if you take those various actions. It does not figure automatically what happens if you take actions that you did not plug into the algorithm. This is why psychohistory is easier to perform at the macro level than the micro level; the actions that nations are capable of taking are more markedly limited than the actions that individuals are capable of making. However, there is a pervasive misconception that the psychohistorical computer is capable of just knowing what the future will be the actual work behind it is lost on most individuals. Psychohistory works on a macro and micro level Partially true (see above). Psychohistory works off of the stated function that any event can be condensed to an equation that can then be plugged into a greater algorithm created by a series of equations in human history and then solved. Note the emphasis is any event, be them micro or macro. Psychohistory can be used to predict riots, war, assassinations, etc. Psychohistory can even be used to predict individual futures, so long as an algorithm from the individuals past can be created. However, the algorithms used by the ACM and the Psychohistorical Institute are designed to function only on national level, as this is much easier and less power and time consuming to do. To predict the future of individual humans, a new algorithm, unique to that individuals history, must be constructed and a new program must be devised. This process is extremely expensive and time consuming; thus, psychohistory is usually only used to predict future events on a nation or global level, because only one program needs to be devised on the global level. (Note that just like individuals, nations must each have their own algorithms designed from scratch as well).

Some maintain a claim that the ACM keeps a detailed track of every citizens future through psychohistory. To put this in perspective, there are (as of 2080) 1,892,345,231 people in the United States. That would require 1,892,345,231 different algorithms, a decent knowledge of every individuals history, and knowledge of what the individual is going to do next. While computers are capable of processing exabytes of information in a matter of minutes, the level of computing power required to do all that would consume more energy than the United States puts out in one year. Not only that, but see the note above the government must have the ability to predict which action the individual is going to take and them plug that into the computer which, ultimately, is not remotely possible (although educated guesses could be made, humans are irritating creatures that tend to defy guesses like that in most cases). Psychohistory is magical False. There is nothing magical about psychohistory, although the ACM does little to dispel these beliefs. Psychohistory simply relies on an understanding of complex mathematical systems, statistics, history, sociology, and computer programming to function. The only difference between solving a slope-equation and a psychohistorical equation is the level of complexity involved, but in either case you get an estimation of the future the future of where that line will go in the former, or the possible future of the individual in the latter. Its this belief that psychohistory is magical that has lead a number of the Megachurches to condemn its use, believing that its a tool of Satan and is pulling the American population further away from God. This misconception about psychohistory being magical somehow ties into the misconception that it just knows the future without any kind of input at all. There are individuals who believe that arcane rituals and occultic symbols and chants must be used to make the computers work Morgantown is especially bad for this, believing that psychohistory is an embodiment of Satan and Occultism. Psychohistory is 100% correct False. As prove above, psychohistory is not 100% correct. It has a batting average of about 92.6% accuracy, which his still extremely good for a program that predicts the future of various nations. So far, Psychohistory has only fallen short when it was called upon to predict things at a level smaller than national level that is, statewide future prediction rather than nationwide future prediction. Despite this, the ACM maintains that the psychohistory is indeed 100% accurate, and everything that it says is treated as not only being possible, but as being predetermined as well (see psychohistory presents an immutable future, above).

There are other misconceptions that surround psychohistory as well; but the ones listed above are the most common misconceptions that can be found on the streets of America. As of 2074, slightly more than 45% of Americans had a positive image of psychohistory, believing that it was occult in nature and required magic to work. 23.6% of Americans were 100% confident that it was occultic in nature, and was a tool of Satan. Despite the relatively negative view of psychohistory in America, psychohistory is a tool that is used by the ACM, and by the various megacorps, to try and figure out what actions would be most beneficial for the country and corporation. The Psychohistorical Institute of Chicago holds a monopoly over the mathematics and computing abilities of psychohistory, meaning that, in many ways literally, the Psychohistorical Institute holds a monopoly on the future. The Psychohistorical Institute is under a board of directors, but the CEO of the company still remains Dr. Tyrell Geller, the only individuals in the whole Institute who knows the inner workings of psychohistory inside and out.


Computers and the Grid

Computer technology is extremely advanced. The development of non-volatile memory that has replaced RAM in a computer MRAM first, the FeRAM, and finally NRAM. The need for a hard disk was eliminated with the development of the advanced SSDs (using advanced nanotechnology to produce partial room-temperature superconductors) and NRAM, or Nano-RAM (storing information on carbon nanotubes; a technique first developed during the early turn of the century but mastered around 2043 and commercially implemented in 2049) allowed for computers that were both faster and could store and process more memory. NRAM allowed for the development of extreme small computers, like the nanocomputer implant (which, while being extreme small, is capable of storing large amounts of information thanks to the Van der Waals Force). NRAM replaced FeRAM (Ferro-electric RAM) in 2049. Up until that time, FeRAM had been one of the first commercial attempts at a non-volatile RAM-like memory. Computers that still run off of FeRAM can be found throughout the United States, although they are mostly phased out. In 2080, computers use advanced NRAM and most information transfer is done wirelessly. Encrypted wireless networks keep most users out of the net works, while companies like Psion are currently developing photon-encryption for messages being sent over a wireless network. Photon-encryption already exists for wired networks, making hacking these networks nearly impossible (basic computer lesson photons are attached to the beginning of a long line of code, and when that code is hacked, the photon is disrupted, and, at the speed of light, the signal attempting to be hacked is destroyed and the user is alerted that an attempted hack has occurred); the trick is making it wireless, and Psion is in the process of trying to figure out how that works. Advanced SSDs are used, making computers so fast that they no longer need boot up time, and instead are ready to go the minute the power button is switched or flipped. Computers have continued to get smaller and smaller. The most popular computer form is that of a gauntlet on the forearm it allows for ease of use, and is like carrying around a powerful laptop without carrying all of the weight. Other forms exist; mainframe computers and desktop computers still exist, although towers are only the size of a paperback book. Storage devices use either NRAM just like computer processors do or Holographic memory. Technology has gotten advanced enough to make incredibly small, but for convenience and ease of use, the typical storage device is roughly the length of an AAA battery and plugs into the back of the tower. LCD displays were phased out around 2050 in favor of a nanite display; it is basically a paint that consists of nanites that, when placed on a object and an electrical charge is applied, becomes receptive to signals. Exactly what signals the nanites are receptive too depends upon the maker; certain nanite mixes are receptive to radio and television signals meaning these are televisions while others are only receptive to a wireless signal from a computer these are monitors. This nanite fluid is often referred to as a chormanite mixture, combining the words nanite and chromatophore. Even then, these nanite-paint mixes are being phased out in favor of the new thing for the first time in 2080, Psion announced that it would be selling Holography Monitors and Televisions that is, monitors and televisions that displayed things in three dimensions using light. While the nanite fluid is still extremely common throughout America, its speculated by that 2110 most of them will have bee phased out as well, in favor of the new holographic displays. Moving lock and step with the computer is the network that they connect too. As the computers got faster, and their ability to process information became better, the networks that they created become more advanced servers were able to handle bandwidth equal to 1000Gbit/s, and even 1Tbit/s in some cases. This drastically increased the number of visitors that server could have, and increased the room that was available on that server. The Internet continued to expand and grow, into the shapeless morass that it is today, located in servers in darkened rooms that house thousands of trillions of bits of information. The ability for computers to surf through this information was increased, and because of how quickly it spread, the Internet stopped being the Internet in 2045 and was simply referred to as the Grid or Grid Network.

While there have been attempts in the past to filter the Grid, and to restrict access to the Grid, the Grid is just too widespread and complex to completely filter. Any attempts have resulted in laughable filters that often arent very reliable, and can be hacked relatively easy. Most of the Grid is wireless, although there area still Ethernet cables that exist. These massive cables are usually used for secure servers, because rather than relying upon simply wireless encryption, these cables and also use photon-encryption. So far, no reliable means of defeating photon-encryption has been devised, and hackers had best beware of these cables, routers and servers. All of the major corporations use them, as does the government, although most of these networks arent connected to the Grid anyway and form LANs between rooms or buildings. The biggest change in the Grid came with the ability for individuals to interact with it directly, and eventually immerse themselves in it. This is done with a device called a Grid-caster, and it allows for immediate interface with the grid without having to worry about clumsy typing. In 2078 a fully-body suit was developed that allowed for total immersion into the Grid; allowing the individual to treat the Grid as if it were a virtual reality game. This invention, called a Gridsuit, was followed by a smaller version, and for many people, the Grid became an easy form of escapism. Online games, communication, social networking the Grid became a mirror reality to our own, populated by shadows and avatars in three-dimensions, directed by us here in real time. More and more reality is becoming blurred with the Grid; and its all fair and good, given how miserable life tends to be outside of the Grid suit or the Grid-caster anyway. When an individual first plugs into the Grid using the Gridsuit, they are given a newly created avatar, called a Shadow, which plunges into a stream of information that turns into a datafall into the heart of the Grid. It takes nanoseconds to travel the grid, but the speed has been slowed down to make it more user-friendly. From the top of the datafall, the grid appears as a glowing lattice of lines and light suspended in a field of eternal white. This is the first thing that a shadow sees when it links to the dimension of data, the lines representing millions of paths that data can take, and the lights the countless number of computer systems connected to the grid. Each system has its own flavor one system might be flavored distinctly medieval, the next with a fantasy flair, the third with a 1930s appeal, depending upon how (and if) the network is designed to interface with a Gridsuit and grid pilots using the proper cyberware. In many ways, st this has turned the Grid into the social networking environment of the late 21 century an escape from the doldrums of the day in a merciless world.



Nanotechnology is in full swing come 2080. It is an invasive force the development of smaller superconductors has lead to the creation of cheaper and faster solid-state drives within computers and within servers leading to quicker computer and internet interfaces. Nanotechnology also allowed the development of NRAM, which lead directly to the production of the nanocomputer in 2050 and the slew of cyberware that followed would be impossible without nanotechnology functioning at the level it does. Smart materials would also be impossible without nanotechnology. Cars are manufactured with smart chassis that, when a small electrical surge is applied by pushing a button within the car, automatically fix dents and scratches. This is done because the matter is programmable, that is, it remembers its original state, and when an electrical current is applied, the molecules realign in that original state. Smart armor is used in very much the same manner, and nanotechnology has even made it into clothing waterproofing fabrics so that water simply runs right off of them without them actually absorbing the water at all. These miniature superconductors have also played a role in the development of magnetic weapons rail weapons are very real, having replaced chemical-fired bullets a long time ago. These guns pistols, rifles, and SMGs use a bullet propelled along a magnetic track within the barrel, sent along that track by a electrical signal. Note they are not entirely silent they still make the cracking noise as the bullet breaks the sound barrier but they are a great deal more silent than guns from earlier periods.

Nanotech is used extensively in medicine. Nanites can be used to hunt down any kind of invasive disease, using the bodys bioelectric field to power themselves, and dismantling the virus at the molecular level. These nanites are capable of destroying just about any invasive creature, be it virus or bacteria. In America, however, these materials are highly restricted if people knew that there were cures for diseases like HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, and other STDs, it would promote, according to the Megachurches and the ACM, immoral behavior. Many wealth (read extremely wealthy) Americans choose to get these injections over seas, where they arent illegal. Still, the exact ways in which nanotechnology has impacted life cannot be fully measured. If it werent for nanotechnology, a lot of things wouldnt work the way that they do, and that at face value is enough to appreciate it for what it is.


Designer Psychology (Psychodesign)

The science of psychology, the understanding of the human mind and how it works has made leaps and bounds. Most aspects of neurology are now almost completely understood by modern neurologists and psychologists, and while its not as popular in the United States as it is in other regions of the world, the science or art, depending upon who you talk too of psychodesign is catching on amongst the upper class. The principles of Psychodesign have been with us for as long as medication to treat illnesses like depression and bipolar disorder has been around. At its core, psychodesign is the study, manipulation, and creation of new modes of thinking and feeling through the implementation of medication, therapy, and neurological treatments. A licensed psychodesigner can change the way that a person believes, they can change all the memories of a person, they can create new ones or remove old ones, change the way that the person feels about themselves, even change the persons whole personality and outlook on life. Psychodesign is not magic; rather, its extreme brainwashing that takes place on multiple levels through therapy and has been brought to the market place. The first use of the term was in 2045, and it was used to describe the act of changing a mentally ill patients outlook on life. The first success story of psychodesign was when a 29-yearold suffer of schizophrenia was cured. Since, Psychodesign has a long history of working to cure mental illnesses and disorders through a combine look at the person as a whole and the person as a set of chemicals and neurons that can be modified with the right treatment. Over the course of a week or so of therapy, an individual could be rid of the effects of bipolar disorder, major depression whatever it was that happened to be bugging them. It wasnt taken to the next level until it entered the commercial market place. That leap was made by Dr. James Sandberg, when he founded the New You Foundation in 2056, and took psychodesign directly to the population. Psychodesign, it was realized, was capable of inducing amnesia, creating or erasing false memories even recreating the person from scratch, complete with new memories. This ability to become a brand new person appealed to bored, rich people. Psychodesign picked up immediately among this crowd, and the New You Foundation developed into a sort of wealthy resort that catered to the superrich who were looking for a something new to do. Since, Psychodesign has been a major feature within these circles. There are rumors that the ACM has also looked into it, and it is known that the Megacorps use it to deal with dissidents, going so far as to use licensed psychodesigners to erase memories, and change personalities to make employees more compatible with what the corporation is looking for. As can be expected, the Megachurches condemn the use of psychodesign as hedonistic and wicked. As with most things, their complaints about psychodesign are mostly nebulous and without substance, although they make the very real statement that it strips people of control in their lives and it is true that, if misused, it can strip a person of control. What they might have seen in psychodesign was something that they wished they could do or knew they were doing and didnt want the competition. Either way, psychodesign is universally condemned by the Megachurches, although the wealthy superrich believe it is a new toy to play with.



Cyberware is the fusion of prosthetics and computers. As computers became faster, smaller, and more reliable, and understanding of human biology became more acute, the ability to replicate the human body using computer-enhanced prosthetic replacements became more and more advanced. To date, the term CEPR (computer-enhanced prosthetic replacement) is used in medical circles rather than Cyberware/Wetware, which is more commonly heard on the street level. Generally speaking, cyberware breaks down into two levels; medical cyberware, or recreational cyberware. Medical cyberware is cyberware that is applied for medical reasons either to repair damaged organs, lost limbs, or resort various bodily functions again. Recreational cyberware is cyberware that doesnt have a medical purpose but is generally required if one wants to get around easy in society NI-jacks and optical screens are two examples of recreational cyberware. Cyberware is generally not cheap. Many people up to 65% of the population dont have any cyberware, nor do they have access to cyberware. The remainder of the population has what cyberware is required to get by; usually a nanocomputer, optical display and a wireless NIjack. The legal age to get cyberware implants (without a medical reason) is 20. Cyberware can be extremely authentic; cyberlimbs can resemble and even feel like real limbs to the touch, although when cut open it becomes obvious that they are anything but. The same is true for cyber-eyes, etc. As with psychodesign, the wealthy superrich have turned cyberware into an art form. Various pieces of cyberware have been designed to change skin color, eye color and hair color to any color that the individual should want, and fiber-optic installations can flash various patterns, like bioluminescence. Recreational cyberware is hard to come by in the United States, however; only a handful of institutes bother to make it, and most of the superrich fly over seas to receive these installations. A very real threat with some pieces of cyberware is a disease known as cykosis. Note this is not a medical term; the medical term is Wrights Syndrome, because Andre Wright was the first doctor to record this condition in 2063. Sufferers often times display symptoms identical to paranoid schizophrenia, and live under the delusion that everyone is out to kill them. These individuals, who are often times extremely dangerous individuals because of their cyberware, pose a serious threat to society. Originally it was the job of the local police and FBI to track down these individuals, but with the creation of NICA in 2072, the task fell to them. Despite the threat of Wrights Syndrome, most cyberware is harmless to the user. Those pieces that can cause Wrights Syndrome cannot legally be sold in the United States but that doesnt mean they arent sold anyway. However, certain megachurches such as Morgantown believe that the use of any cyberware can lead to Wrights Syndrome, which they refer to as Gods punishment against the sinful who turn their backs on him in favor of cyberware.


Commerce, Trade, and Money

Commerce is carried out in much the same way it was at the turn of the century. The creation of faster computers have allowed for incredibly fast, almost real-time trading from individuals far away from Wall Street, which still remains the economic heart of the Universe. Access the Psychohistory also allows for individuals to assess their option in buying stocks and bonds, and which ones they should buy. Whole new levels were added with these things, but at its core, it remains relatively the same. Trade is carried out mostly on an international level. Shipping is still very common, especially shipping by massive supertankers, which are large cities unto themselves. Due to the global nature of the economy, there isnt a place on the planet that these massive supertankers cant reach. Showroom floors, massive malls, stores, and the Grid are all places where trade of goods for money or credit can be made, and shipping by boat or air is common. Despite claims that the credit card would be superior to the dollar, repeated credit crunches throughout history has caused the dollar to remain the primary source of wealth in the United States. The cloth dollar (because its not really made out of paper) is more complicated now than it ever was before, incorporating aspects of nanotechnology and computers that the

older dollars could never have even dreamed of. It now bears a bluish color, rather than a green color, but it still has the money denomination on it, written in a special nanotech ink that is incredibly difficult to replicate. While counterfeiting has not been totally stopped, the presence of these materials has made it extremely difficult to do. Metal coins are still used, and even the humble penny remains unchanged despite several attempts to remove it from the system.



Travel is done through train, plane, boat, car, or helicopter speaking normally. The average vehicle is an electric car, with the difficulties behind them having been overcome early in the century. These electric vehicles have been in use for a while now, and are relatively advanced, especially with the arrival of small superconductors that allow for more power to be used. They are capable of achieving great distances on a relatively small charge. The frames, meanwhile, are relatively sleek and lightweight, made of smart-materials, or memory materials, that can remember its original shape when an electrical charge is applied to it. The one thing that hasnt been removed from the equation is the human driver, although massive shipping companies have devised a means by which a train of semi-trucks are capable of following one semi-truck, and the lead semi is the only one with a driver. The rest simply follow using orders sent by the lead truck. All vehicles are electric, ranging from cars to trucks, to planes, trains, and boats. While the vast majority of vehicles is too complex to list here, find it safe to assume that theyre made of the same memory materials that cars are made out of. Planes travel around the globe by breaking the atmosphere and skimming along the surface of the atmosphere before diving back down into the atmosphere when they reach their destination. These vehicles, which use ramjet engines, can make a trip from L.A. to Paris in under a half hour, and can fly around the globe in about three hours. Private jets or public jets, either one is capable of doubling as a short-lived space craft. A maglev-monorail system was instituted across the United States in the early part of the century. These monorails are no longer capable of supporting the strain that the population has put on the infrastructure, but theyre still function, and they can still close the distance between Chicago and St. Louis in under an hours time, using maglev technology advanced through the presence of nano-superconductors.


Robots, Androids, and Intelligence Programs

Robots, Androids, and other synthetic life-forms can be found widespread throughout America. Note that there are huge movements against them, but because the mighty forces of Ultracapitalism overrule the forces of Ultrareligion, androids, robots, and machines are found most everywhere, doing almost everything. About the only place you wont find them is inside of industry, where its cheaper to have a human do dangerous job than it is to have an android or robot do them. The distinction between robots and androids is cosmetic. Androids look human, robots do not. Neither are available options for players, because the androids are, at best, only sentient that is, theyre dimly aware of their environment, capable of bending their programming and interacting with their environment. This program bending must be done every-time that the Android wishes to interact with a part of the environment that they was not programmed properly; so for instance, an android will pick up a box, walk to a wall and if they were programmed for there to be a door there, then theyll use the door, walk through to the other room, set the box down, and walk back through the door. If the door isnt there, theyll take a moment, looking for the door, find it, walk through it, set the box down, walk back to where the door should be according to the programming, look for the door, find it again, walk back through, and repeat the process if it has to go through again. They operate off of whats known as Limited Heuristics, meaning that they are capable of learning, but learning only temporarily. Robots can be programmed with a wide range of personalities, and they can even be programmed to change these personalities to respond to situations appropriately, but they do not understand why theyre

changing personalities, or even what they are. Obviously this sort of thing does not accommodate players, even remotely. They are unaware of themselves, only dimly aware of their environment and can only interact with their environment within the confines of their programming or an algorithm that they were programmed with. Finally, androids and robots are always property. There is no exception. These are creatures that have no sapience or self-awareness, and to turn them loose would usually result in the android standing and waiting for new orders. The term Intelligence Programming is a misnomer, because basically what it does is set the constraints and tell the android or robot what they need to do. Obviously advanced programming rules are at work here, but even then, Sapience in Machines is many, many years away even in 2080. However, the machines are here, and theyre here to stay. Typically, you see androids in service jobs where theyre required to interact with humans, and their humanoid-form makes them easier to interact with and actually becomes useful. Robots that is, non-humanoid machine that have either intelligence programming or limited heuristics are usually found in jobs where interaction with humans is not a requirement, and therefore more productive forms can be used. Oddly enough, you rarely find robots in industry the reason for this being that robots are expensive, and human beings are not it is easier to replace a person than it is to replace a robot.



American society is at once plugged into the Grid and unplugged from reality. It is hard to make any generalizations about American society, other than that if you arent rich, American isnt a friendly place to be. The super-wealthy live in a world of whimsical fantasy, where they are capable of changing every aspect of themselves, throwing balls and parties and inviting their friends almost every night, and celebrating for the slightest cause. They are the ultimate hedonists, in many ways. They dont even live in the cities they have massive tracts of land that belong just to them, in beautiful and exotic places. Those who fall under the super-wealthy the working wealthy, as they are known work a typical or a-typical job, and live a life not too different from the life lived by middle class Americans at the turn of the century. Much of a persons life can be spent plugged into the Grid; the Grid is every bit as crowded as most American cities. These individuals tend to live in massive high-rises overlooking the extreme poverty of the downtown world. Life for them goes on, and they avoid having to go downtown if they can help it. They live in massive buildings, like the John Hancock Center and the Marina Center in Chicago, which are virtually cities unto themselves with controlled weather, lighting, parks, shops, power, etc all taken care of and rarely, if ever, leave these sanctities of civilization. At the very bottom of society is the poor and destitute. They dont live in the massive buildings and instead live in downtown slums, far away from the every-day life of the working wealthy or the paradise-life of the superrich. They dont have the benefits of health care, medicine, or even basic necessities such as clean food and water, and in many ways, the downtown regions can call to mind pictures of the slums on the outskirts of Mexico City or Rio. These are dangerous places to be; no police officer or government official wanders into these regions without being heavily armed. People at this level have painfully short lives being exposed to disease after disease, living in squalid conditions, malnourished, and having violence and narcotics as next door neighbors. This stratification is sharp, and like many things with American society, there is little gray area between the extremely wealthy and the extremely impoverished. It is a mirror of America in the 1880s, during the Gilded Age. Indeed, the current age has been referred to as the Gilded Age of Technology, because technology is used to cover up all the little imperfections with American society, and it does it about as well as gilding a lily makes the flower more beautiful. America at the turn of the 2080s is one of the most schizophrenic societies on the planet. On one hand, there is the extreme religious conservativism that underlines everything that happens within society, and makes the laws. Prayer in schools is mandatory; the United States Government officially acknowledges that the particular brand of Evangelical Protestantism known

to the Moral Majority is the national religion of the United States. The practice of other religions is actively discouraged, and there are laws in place to make sure that people make the best moral decisions with their lives. The government attempts to dictate to people what they can do and when they can do it, in keeping with find Biblical tradition. Anything that the Evangelical wing of Protestantism was sensitivity has been made illegal, and where applicable, biblical punishments were instituted meaning that the proper punishment for a prostitute is to burn her alive, and is written as such in the laws. Most of society pays lip-service to these laws and thats about it, because they arent actively followed. Most of the religious laws are unenforceable, and the vast majority of the population up to 50% of the total ignores them. The underworld is a den of vice and decadence; a cesspool of human refuse that caters to all needs and fetishes, regardless how extreme or vile they may be. The upper classes also live a life style directly in contrast with these laws; wealthy young men often travel into Downtown to partake of the local flavor. Even otherwise normal people those who speak the loudest in favor of these laws ignore where they apply to their lives. Laws banning fornication, laws banning the consumption of pigs and rabbit and other animals most everyone is aware of them, but they arent enforced and people tend not to follow them unless they are feeling extremely self-righteous or truly believe them (and even then, this true belief extends only as far as their own person if it affects their lives, theyll be the first to flout the law). Even then, its possible to bribe the police to not bother you but that generally costs a great deal of money, and theres no guarantee that theyll follow through. Still, its better than rotting inside of the hellish prisons, which are a reflection of the worst society, with very little control over the inmates. These attitudes are promoted by the corporations; corporate owned whorehouses are common in the downtowns, promote abortion so they can reap the stem cells (Aeon Medicinal is notorious for this; their annual Abortion Weeks are held once every year in the lower levels so they can collect stem cells), and promote mind control through psychodesign. America presents the world with two faces at once. One the idealized moral, upright, biblical theology that is a polished example of what Saudi Arabia could be if it was Christian. The other is the other American society a blackened cesspool of hypocrisy; two-faced lies, arrogance and self-righteousness. Both are the real America; one is America on Sunday, the other is America the rest of the week. And if you thought that the under-society was bad, wait until you get into Gridspace. Repressed societies have to have a way to vent somehow; and because American society is so repressed and two-faced, the dark corners of the Grid have gotten even darker by 2080. Americans are expected to keep up the faade that America is a moral nation, and they are expected to chastise and report those that dont live up to this national image of an Evangelical Nation. Its really a loose-loose for everyone involved; Freedom is what you make it in the world of 2080 a world with draconic laws that are self-righteously ignored or selfrighteously enforced depending upon the person, a corpse blackened by the cancer of repressed desire and dreams, and a soul that has lost itself within the depths of the eternal perdition known as Gridspace.



Poverty breeds discontent. It also breeds people who constantly look for an escape, and those who are willing to provide them with that escape. The most common form of escape are illegal narcotics, which are peddled like candy on street corners. With these illegal narcotics come the smugglers who sell them, and with them come the people who push them on the street and the gangs who seek to make a cut. The downtown districts are in a constant flux of gang warfare. Violent gangs hold entire communities for ransom, attack other gangs with impunity, and generally keep the community in a state of constant wariness, never really knowing when the next gunfight will break out. Violent gang conflicts are nothing new ever since narcotics have been made illegal this sort of violence has plagued the inner cities. However, the arrival of cyberware and the presence of body-shops and chop-shops allowed for gang members to use illegal cyberware and create super-

gangsters, using the money that they made by peddling their narcotics on the street corners. Entire units of these super-gangsters can be found in larger, inner city gangs. When they go to war the results are often violent to the extreme. Entire housing projects can thrown into state of chaos as cybered gangsters tear into one another and non-cybered gangsters, usually over who can sell what on what turf. Turf wars are so common place that many in the poverty ridden lower districts dont even worry about it anymore its a fact of life. Also a fact of life is that many of these gangs bring in cyberware from overseas via smuggling operations much of which is illegal in the United States. Of these, the most popular on the street are the Accelerator, Fast Chip, and Reflex. When connected with a nanocomputer, these three parts of cyberware working in unison literally make a being superhuman. The unfortunate side affect is the eventual mental degradation of the brain, leading to Wrights Syndrome and the creation of cykoteks. Already hardened killers, super-gangsters that fall to Wrights Syndrome are a nightmare on two legs. They stalk the lower and upper levels of the city, without any sense of remorse for killing and no sense of humanity at all. Despite this threat, many gangsters still opt to be cybered up many die in the process from infection and rejected implants, but others survive. Of the handful that survives, an estimated 35% become Cykoteks. Gang warfare is also common on the Grid. Like in real-life, there are parts of the Grid that are gang dominated that only gang members go to. Sometimes a massive gang-war in real life spills over into the grid, with entire networks acting as battle grounds. These wars, called Domain Spats, can last for a long time a lot longer than a gang war in the real world, in most cases. The honest fact of life is that gangs exist and thrive in the culture and underworld of 2080s America. Their wars have been known to spill into the upper levels, but the forces that be are usually good at stopping it once it does. Otherwise, they rage in the lower levels, ensuring that everyone down there is going to stay down there, and its virtually impossible to rise back up once youve fallen that far.

How This Game Is Played

American cannot survive the future of Terrorism in this new world without making changes to the Constitution. The Constitution was not a death pact signed by our founding fathers [] [I]n this day and age, new laws are needed to secure American and ensure that it will be around for our future. Secretary of State Vincent Graedon to the Senate on May 4, 2058.
For purposes of this campaign, not many rules will be changed. I find that the ALTERNITY system works better than most for supporting science-fiction games that have hardcore realism, and thats essentially what FutureShock is; at heart, its a Cyberpunk setting in the fine line of films like Blade Runner and novels like Do Androids Dream Electronic Sheep and Neuromancer. However, having had a chance to practice this system in the past, I have determined what is and is not useful and what changes Im going to implement to try and make this system work better.


Changes to the Rules

Changes to Personality Perhaps the biggest changes Im making are to the Personality attribute. Personality in and of itself certainly isnt as important as other attributes intelligence for skill points, constitution for durability, dexterity for shooting a gun obviously Personality is going to be slighted somewhat. To fix that, what Im doing is making Personality the luck attribute, and the attribute by which you measure your individual worth in the story. The higher the Personality, the more worth you are to the story. This happens in more ways than just Last Resort points, which function as a sort of active character shield from the story. Personality is being revised to also be a passive character shield as well; when you are struck by something that would otherwise kill you, you can instead opt to make a Personality Feat. If you succeed, then you have survive the scene with half mortal left (regardless how much mortal you lost from the attack). If you fail, then you die. GMs should negate character shields of this manner, however, if the character pulls some bonehead maneuver this benefit is only good if you run and hide like a sane person after succeeding, or lie there and pretend to be dead. To reflect this, the feat Good Luck is having its attribute changed from Willpower to Personality. Second, characters in the setting are working for an agency known as NICA (see below). This involves a lot of leg work, and a lot of taking with people when youre not running, gunning, and blowing stuff up. Whenever they meet an NPC for the first time, they should be asked to make a Personality feat. The better they score, the more likely the NPC is to speak with them and accommodate them. The lower they score well, the more likely they are to either call the police or pull out the firearms and handle it themselves. This is called a First Impressions Check. Combat Spec Im changing stuff around for the Combat Spec. As far as the world goes and the system works, Strength is usually a dump stat in ALTERNITY (its the closest thing ALTERNITY has, although if you want to use armor properly, I dont recommend it), thereby gimping Combat Specs in a way that no other profession gets gimped. As a result of this, at Character Creation, Combat Specs have the option to choose whether they want their primary attribute to be either Strength or Dexterity, thereby determining what kind of Combat Spec they are the melee kind, or the

ranged kind. Another option that is open for this setting, if the GM so decides is to simply switch around the CON requirements and STR requirements. Attribute Points For purposes of this campaign, characters gain 56 attribute points. Note that they must still meet professional minimums despite this. Cyberware To make cyberware more available in the setting, Ive reduced the cost of Cyberware instillation from 10 skill points to 5 skill points. My reasoning for this is system computers in this world are fluffed to be vastly easier to interact with than computers in the traditional setting are. Added to the fact that humans have grown up interacting with computers for several generations now, and you have a race that is practically begging to be merged. While it does still require time to learn how to use the new gear, it requires less than was originally assumed. In doing this, Ive removed the five extra skill points that characters get at level (it pays for the cyberware that they receive instead), but in doing so, characters gain the ability to have new cyberware installed without having the pay any additional points unless stipulated by the piece of cyberware itself. Some cyberware installations dont cost skill points those that do cost them because characters have to spend time getting adjusted to having this new piece of machinery in their body. Starting Level The Characters start this campaign at level 3.


Selected Readings

For the purpose of this setting, The GM and players only need three books. The ALTERNITY PLAYERS HANDBOOK has all of the basic information about skills, character creation, perks, flaws, and general rules that are required to make this campaign run. Some of the skills, perks, and flaws I borrow from the DARK*MATTER campaign setting as well, simply for flavor purposes, so if you want one of the skills that are included from that book, or one of the perks or flaws, then its probably a good idea to have that book. Finally, after the PHB the next most important book is the DATAWARE book this is a cyberpunk campaign, after, and where would cyberpunk be without well, with out the cyber? Any other information I pull from other sources Ill include in this document, just to make things easier.

Another Brick in the Wall

The real heroes are those who know when to give up what they believe in and agree with the ACM. - Anonymous ACM member
Characters in this setting work for an organization known as the National Interior Cyberdefense Agency, or the NICA (the NICA or NICA, both work and both are used). NICA is a government agency, a subdivision of the FBIs Cybercrime division. More information on NICA is available in the next part. Its worth noting ahead of time, however, that NICA is a very wired organization in a very wired world, and you should keep this in mind when designing characters. Much of what NICA does is on the Grid, although there still equal room for investigating the mean streets as there is for investigating the mean web. This is not just a computer scientists campaign, although having at least a handful of ranks in Knowledge Computer Operation will defiantly be worth your while.



Humans There is only one sapient species on Earth (that we are aware of; some may argue that dolphins qualify, but they wouldnt be very fun to play as), and these are called humans. As such, humans are the only species that is open to players in the standard setting. As far as we know, there are no alien beings. Humans are not the only beings on the planet though they share this world with individuals who are mutants and individuals who are not even flesh and blood (see the section on robots and androids in the opening chapter), but Ill deal with them in kind. Humans are the major race in the campaign, and speaking generally, no other race/species should be allowed for the players. As such, Ill recap everything that humans get here:
STR [4/14]; DEX [4/14]; CON [4/14]; WILL [4/14]; INT [4/14]; PER [4/14] STR [Athletics]; DEX [Vehicle Op]; CON [Stamina]; WILL [Awareness]; INT [Knowledge]; PER [Interaction] Free Broad Skill: Humans gain +1 to their maximum broad skill cap as listed by their intelligence; so if a human has a maximum broad skill cap of 4 because of their intelligence, then they actually have a cap of 5 because theyre human. Free Cyberware: For purposes of this campaign, characters working with the NICA (indeed, most people who can afford it) have the following cyberware: Nanocomputer (Good quality); Wireless NI-Jack, and Optical Display (Good Quality). More information is found in the PHB. This does count towards the maximum cyberware that a character can have. However, as outlined in the changes to the rules above, this is paid for by the 5 free skill points that humans get at level one; in being paid for, characters can adapt and gain new cyberware as they need too without having to pay the five-point cost again. Note, however, that some cyberware implants still require skill points to be spent before they can be purchased on their own merit.

Mutations: Mutations dont appear in the setting for a very obvious reason: Im designing this setting as a heavily realistic one. In a realistic setting, mutations should not be portrayed as being beneficial. Evolution creates mutations that are beneficial only specific environments, or sometimes not even beneficial at all there exists a very real misconception that evolution somehow makes creatures better, when it doesnt, it merely changes them to adapt to environments, sometimes not always for the best. Real-life (because its the only place I can draw realistic influences from) mutations such as Albinism, Downs syndrome, LNS, Cancer, Hunters syndrome, Retts Syndrome, and other genetic diseases are not in any way remotely beneficial. If pushed enough, I can recreate some of these diseases using the mutation rules, but why exactly youd want to play as a character with a -3 to INT, +3 penalty to personality (major physical change; sloping forehead, enlarged tongue, narrow eyes), -1 to DEX, -2 to CON, and have 30 years of your life removed is beyond me. About the only one I can really see a player getting away with is Albinism; thats only Minor Physical Change (Hair/eye color), Light Sensitivity, and a +2 penalty to all checks done with sight (can sometimes be corrected with glasses and surgery. Sometimes, but not usually.) The others are all dangerous and lethal, and thus, gimp the player more than they help the player. So what about genetic engineering then, certainly its possible to engineer a retrovirus that can do some amazing things with human DNA and the answer is, of course it is. But the key word there is genetic engineering, something that is illegal in America. Anything with genetic in it invokes revulsion and fear from the general population, who see it as an attempt to play God where mankind shouldnt have that ability. Thus, even gene therapy is illegal in the United States. Wealthy individuals fly overseas to Asia for gene therapy; Europe is under the throws of Muslim influence and is every bit the frightening dystopia that the United States. And then theres the government engineering super-soldiers. First, the government doesnt engineer super-soldiers. Thats too expensive; looking at the cost-benefit analysis, its cheaper and more effective to have normal soldiers fighting with slightly expensive equipment the equipment can always be repaired. If you spend millions of dollars on gene therapy for a single soldier or small group of soldiers, thats millions of dollars down the toilet when that snipers bullet, IED, or rocket launcher kills them and unlike the equipment, they cant even be repaired. Second, even if they did, why would you think that they would let these super-soldiers run free? So in the long run, if pushed, Ill only allow one type of mutation: the natural mutation. And thats the kind that stings the most, because youre really only gimping yourself horribly. Ed Note: There are positive mutations in the world Myostatin-related hypertrophy is a good example, but these mutations are even rarer than the detrimental kind, and thus, are ignored. GMs wishing to include them should feel more than happy too, as it is their campaign, but in the generic setting, these rules are not open.


Other Optional Rules

FX arent allowed in the basic rules for the simple reason that they would ruin the flavor of this campaign in the way that real-world physics would ruin a Japanese fantasy setting. This is a world that very closely resembles the dark futures of Neuromancer and Blade Runner, with added elements of conspiracy lore (government conspiracy, of course), and while including magic works fine in systems like Shadowrun, the simple truth is that they arent needed in this setting. There are computers that are capable of replicating many magical effects, why would you need magic when technology does it better? Again, GMs feeling the need to introduce FX into the setting are more than welcome too, but should think carefully about the feel for the setting before doing so. Psionics: Traditional science-fiction magic isnt available in this setting either. See the reasons for not allowing FX; but for this world-builder, its magic by another name. The only psychics in this world are con-artists and shams; charlatans who make a quick buck scamming old ladies and

people who are foolish enough to believe that people can actually predicting the future using ambiguous language and the P.T. Barnum Effect. Note that technology has actually advanced enough to mimic some effects of psychic powers: Wireless NI-Jacks are capable of interacting with certain machines on just a thought level; you can turn lights on by looking at them, turn on a computer by looking at it, drive a vehicle by thinking about in some cases all of which resembles the far hand of telepathy. Perhaps the most stunning example of technology mimicking magical effects would be Psychohistory itself; a process using number crunching, historical facts and sociology to predict the future of the world and human civilization. But as for actual psychic affects themselves? Not in the standard setting. Note that GMs who feel the need to introduce psionics are more than welcome, but as with other types of FX, they should think carefully before doing so about the feel for the setting and the feel of the world they want to create.


Profession and Career

Profession: All four of the professions are open, and there is plenty of use for them all. Any major changes to the Professions were listed above under Rules Changes. There are no changes to the profession names for the campaign: combat spec, diplomats, free agents, and technical operatives work just fine for me. Combat specs in this setting are usually former beat police officers, although a few could be former military soldiers. Diplomats are officials of some kind, although local leaders could feasibly find their way into NICA. Free Agents and Tech Ops are of huge importance to NICA, because Free Agents tend to do well operating in the field while Tech Ops handle the computers and the grid, although a party should never overestimate the importance of a face or someone with a heavy gun. Careers: There is a wide range of opportunities; almost any career path can find their way into NICA, so long as you can fully explain why they ended up in NICA. Sample careers that exist in this world that may find their way into NICA and are pulled from the PHB are:
Corporate Security Specialist, Law Enforcer, Mercenary (also called Soldiers of Fortune), Soldier [Combat spec] Ambassador and Cleric [Diplomat] Bounty Hunter, Reporter, Spy [Free Agent] Computer Technician, Engineer, Hacker, Scientist [Technical Operative] From the DARK*MATTER book are: Facilitator and Military Officer [Diplomat] Field Agent and Professional Thief [Free Agent] Field Guide, Forensics Expert, and Gadgeteer [Technical Operative] And from DATAWARE: Grid Cop [Free Agent] Invisible, Roboticist, Shadow Spy [Technical Operative]

And finally, a few professions: HazMat Specialist [Combat Spec]

These combat specs go into the nastiest situations imaginable; places where chemical, biological, or nanotechnological weapons have been or will soon be deployed, where industrial accidents have occurred, or just dangerous situations that most sane people wouldnt want to find themselves in. These heroes sometimes fight again, and are sometimes armed with, the dirtiest weapons that science can

create. When not inside of war-zones, HazMat Specialists are often found participating in clean-up operations or rescue operations. Signature Skills: Armor Operations; Heavy Weapons Indirect Fire; Demolitions Disarm; Knowledge First Aid. Cost: 25 points.

Other careers are possible, but before you decide, you may want to read what exactly it is that the NICA does in the next chapter. Its a safe bet, however, that any of the careers above can be found within the ranks of NICA members.



New Skills: This setting makes use of the following skills, with their locations cited (that is, all these skills are not inside of the PHB, so skills from DARK*MATTER & DATAWARE will be located here, in addition to a few others.
Social Science Anthropology, History, Linguistics (INT) [DARK*MATTER] Creativity Forgery (WILL) [DARK*MATTER] Investigate Cryptography, Research (WILL) [DARK*MATTER] Technical Science Robotics (INT) [DATAWARE] Street Smart Grid Savvy (WILL) [DATAWARE]

Other Notes Finally, with the Physical Science and Life Science skills, Ive borrowed an idea from the DARK*MATTER books. The idea of specialization, which was first present in the Social Science skills, has been extended to the Physical Science and Life Science skills. Rather than the normal rank benefit of -1, -2 and -3 bonus to the skill as a whole, at rank 3, characters can select a type of chemistry to specialize in organic chemistry, biochemistry, etc and gain bonuses in them as per the rules in DARK*MATTER. The same is true for characters with Physical Science Physics they can select quantum theory, mechanical physics, etc. Note that many of the specializations will overlap thats fine. Its possible for a character with Physical Science Biochemistry to have a bonus to biochemistry while another character with Life Science Biology has a bonus in biochemistry as well.


Perks and Flaws

Because Im drawing from so many sources, Im including a list of all the perks and flaws from those various sources. Note that the perks and flaws on this list are the only ones the setting is accommodating. If theyre not on this list, then they are not for use in the base rules for the setting.
Ambidextrous, Animal Friend, Celebrity, Concentration, Danger Sense, Eidetic Memory (listed as Photomemory), Faith, Filthy Rich, Fists of Iron, Fortitude, Good Luck*, Great Looks, Heightened Ability, Observant, Powerful Ally, Reflexes, Reputation, Tough as Nails, Vigor, Willpower [PHB] Gearhead, Networked, Second Sight, Well-Traveled [DARK*MATTER] Bad Luck*, Clueless, Clumsy, Code of Honor, Delicate, Dirt Poor, Forgetful, Fragile, Infamy, Oblivious, Obsessed, Old Injury, Phobia, Poor Looks, Primitive, Slow, Spineless, Temper [PHB]

Dilettante, Divided Loyalty, Illiterate, Rampant Paranoia, Rebellious [DARK*MATTER]

* Good Luck and Bad Luck are both PER based rather than WILL based; see Rule Changes for more information.

Obviously GMs who include psionics, aliens, or FX in their campaigns may want to expand this list accordingly, but these are the only perks allowed using the base rules for the setting as presented within this PDF.


Nationality, Home, Ethnicity, Name and Age

Nationality: All Characters are American. They dont have to be American born they could have been born in a different country. The point is that in order to be a member of NICA, they have to be U.S. Citizens, and if that means they have a green card, then they have a green card. Your birth place could be far overseas in mystical Canada; so long as youre an American citizen, thats all that matters.

Home: Pick a place in the United States and go with it. I personally prefer blind-folding myself and throwing darts at a map (you know you miss when you hit the cats ass, but you never know if thats an actual city or not given the strange names of some places), but whatever method works. Obviously if the character isnt native to the U.S., theyre going to probably have two homes their native country, and the city that they live in. Ethnicity: At the time of Future Shock, white Americans are in the minority. The majority of Americans are Hispanic or Latin, from south of the boarder. The next largest group is Asian Americans; especially from Vietnam or other parts of Southeastern Asia. Indians (from the subcontinent) make up a large percentage of the population, as do Arabs and Persians. Characters can be of any ethnicity, but keep in mind racial tensions the leadership of America (which is mostly white Americans) does not reflect the culture mix, and this causes a lot of dissonance throughout the population. In heavily ethnic origins, you may find it difficult to receive help or information merely because of the color of your skin. Also note that Ethnicity includes language and religion while the ACM has passed laws banning expressions of other religions beyond Christianity and made English the national language, in practice these laws are readily ignored. In fact, they are so thoroughly ignored one could be forgiven for thinking that they dont even exist. Impossible to enforce, there are regions of every major metropolitan where English isnt even a third language spoken, and youre not likely to hear English at all because most people dont speak it. Name and Age: Names reflect ethnicity. A name like James Buchanan is an English-sounding name, while one like Gnter Abermacht is very clearly German, and one like Pedro Giovanni is Italian. Likewise, a name such as Pedro Gomez is obviously Hispanic or Latin (more than likely, Mexican), while a name like Yin Jung Rhee is Korean, and Song Mai Chang is Chinese. Keep this in mind when designing your character. Names dont necessarily have to reflect ethnicity; we might be surprised to find out that a man with the name of Steve Martin is Korean, but it does happen. The bottom age for characters in this setting is 24. Cap age can be up to 40 years old, but the bottom age is 24 this gives the characters enough time to have accomplished something with their life and gotten themselves noticed and approached by the NICA.

Social Status Social status measures how far up the individuals climbed on the social ladder, and is used as a different means of gauging character development and growth throughout the game. Social status is broken up into three different categories authority, wealth, and fame. Heroes with high levels of authority occupy high level positions; likewise, heroes with a low-level of authority occupy low-level positions. The difference between a high level and low-level position of power is the difference between a general and a grunt on the battlefield, or a police chief and a beat cop. A +4 +3 +2 +4 A +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 -1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 W +2 +2 +3 +4 W F +1 +1 +4 F +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 Profession Combat Spec Free Agent Tech Op Diplomat Career Ambassador Bounty Hunter Cleric Computer Tech Corp. Security Spec. Engineer Facilitator Field Agent Field Guide Forensics Expert Gadgeteer Grid Cop Hacker HazMat Specialist Invisible Law Enforcement Officer Mercenary Military Officer Reporter Roboticist Scientist Shadowspy Soldier Spy A W +1 +3 +1 F +3 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 F -1 -2 -1 -1 Perks Celebrity Filthy Rich Good Luck Networked Powerful Ally Reputation Well-Traveled Flaws Bad Luck Dirt Poor Illiterate Infamy Primitive Spineless

+1 +1 +2 A

W -2 -2

+1 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2

-2 -1 -2

-1 -1 -1

+1 +1 -1 -1

The Authority level can give the hero a bonus or penalty when dealing with organizations allied to or associated with their position when using skills like Administration, Business, Law, Street Smart or Leadership. The wealth category serves as a measure of the characters wealth and investments. They may not necessarily have all this wealth on hand, but it is there, and sooner or later, it will be theirs (maybe once they reach a certain age, or perhaps its insurance money waiting to be collected once a loved one passes on, etc.) At the highest level of wealth, characters can put down tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. For purposes of this campaign, the wealth statistic is a rough handle on how much money the character has both on hand and put back. Fame is when an individual wield authority that is out-of-proportion to their wealth or authority. A politician, a famous celebrity all of these individuals may not have the most authority or wealth, but they wield a power all to their own. Fame can give a bonus to individuals dealing with the hero who are aware of the heros status and influenced by it. It could also provide a penalty where fame is expected and the heros fame is to low, or the hero is famous for the wrong thing for instance, a diplomat who is famous for having broken a cultural taboo in some

country. Skills this bonus may apply to are Administration, Business, Culture, Deception, Interaction and Leadership. Its perfectly acceptable for a character to have different scores; for instance, an Combat Spec who is a HazMat Specialist and has the Filthy Rich perk and Spineless Flaw has a score that looks like this: 4/7/0. While the bonuses that you can gain from the levels are entirely subjective, the higher your level, the more likely you are to gain a bonus by the people who would be impressed with that level. As a general rule of thumb, 1-4 = no bonus, 5-8 = -1 bonus, 9-12 = a -2 bonus, 13-16 = -3 bonus. The bonuses may not get any higher than a -5, at which point the characters have snowballed this organization and they could ask them to fly around the sun and the organization would look for ways to do it. Performing various actions can increase your score. Saving a bus load of children could increase your fame score, while scoring a major raid on a huge smuggling operation could increase your authority score. Likewise, getting caught in the middle of a smuggling ring when youre supposed to be one of the good guys can be a huge hit on your authority score. As a general rule, I go by a +2/-2 rule, although some actions may warrant larger rewards or punishments. Other GMs may have their own approach to this. The whole goal of the Social Status system is to act as another means of rewarding/punishing players who either succeed or fail dismally due to their own actions.

Working for the Man

Laws? What are laws? Ineffective little buggers that nobody with money ever pays attention to, thats what they are. - Christian Dexter, CEO of North America Semiconductor
Once upon a time, justice and government were relatively simple. Unfortunately, thats no longer the case. NICA is one organization its an acronym for National Interior Cyberdefense Agency that is currently under the FBI. They originally got their start as a special division of the FBIs cybercrime unit and as cybercrime became more prevalent and it was realized that the special unit would need to be expanded. When the DOJ was reorganized in 2045, the FBI director was placed under the watchful supervision of the Attorney General of the United States, and the US Marshals, the INS, a number of other organizations were all reorganized under the header Interior Defense. These Interior Defense organizations were given to the FBI initially, but with the way government works, they eventually ended up playing musical organizations until the Interior Defense firms were finally freed and given a director of their own, who reported back to the Attorney General. One of these Interior Defense organizations was the cybercrime unit of the FBI. It had gotten lost in the mix and was originally merged with the INS and U.S. Marshal Service, although by 2056, it became apparent that there was little that what was then called Bureau of Cyberdefense could do by itself. When the DOJ was restructured again in 2073, the fact that the BoC had difficulty maintaining itself merged with the other Interior Defense organizations was remembered, and the BoC was broken free and given back to the FBI with a new name NICA. NICA is a quasiindependent organization. When the FBI was handed down its new task list in 2074, one year after NICA had been given to the FBI, the FBI divided up its task list between itself and NICA, giving NICA authority over cybercrime while continuing to investigate treasonous and seditious activity, among other things, for itself. By 2075, NICA had been official structured as an organization, and it began to branch out throughout the United States.


Roles and Duties of NICA

NICA (N-k) is a quasi-independent organization. This doesnt mean that NICA is above the law, but often times NICA is tasked with highly sensitive tasks, and the superiors in the government are usually willing to look the other way so long as nothing is broken. Despite this, though, NICA has a very clearly defined jurisdiction:
1.1. Investigation of Illegal Transportation and Handling of Cyberware/Wetware, including so-called chop-shops and body-shops. 1.2. Investigate reports of, and if necessary put down, sufferers from Wrights Syndrome. 1.3. Monitor the safety of the Nations computer Network by proactively seeking out black-hat hackers and Net Ghosts. 1.4. NICA is tasked with collecting evidence in favor of trying hackers and cyberware smugglers in federal courts. 1.5. NICA is expected to make good faith efforts to stay within the law as it is written locally and federally while still completing the duties as tasked to them above.

To explain each point in greater detail: Point 1.1 states that NICA is to investigate reports of illegal shipping and distribution of cyberware. This is a relatively simple task; although it should

be noted that NICA is expected to act proactively to stop these shipments. Often times, this includes battles with the smugglers themselves, who dont really want to give up their ill-gotten gains. There is quiet a bit of cyberware that is illegal in the United States; foremost among them are the accelerator, reflex, and fast chip, all of which are notorious for causing Wrights Syndrome. Still, these wetwares and the illegal chop-shops that install them are common throughout the American underground, and its NICAs job to find them and stop them, before more cykoteks can be created and turned loose on society. Like narcotics of the 21st century (and still like narcotics), cyberware is often a gang issue; gangs have been known to install these forms of cyberware within their members, or have them installed. This is actually where a great many cykoteks come from the gang warfare that is rife in the poverty stricken under world, where illegal cyberware if it doesnt kill you can give you a powerful edge. Point 1.2 is obviously the most dangerous duty that NICA is tasked with. Some sufferers of Wrights Syndrome can be cured using Psychodesign, but it does little good because many of them have little humanity left. Prison is not the place for them the only way to deal with them is to put them down, using force. Beings suffering from Wrights Syndrome are extremely dangerous creatures, often times coming from gangs and gang warfare, meaning they know their tactics and they know their tactics well. Often times, they take colorful names such as Suicide Commando and Captain Carnage, although the truly dangerous ones are the ones that dont even bother communicating anymore they simply live for one purpose, and thats to kill. NICA has to often time travel into the lower levels to find these monsters. If they arent taken care of in the lower levels, then the usually find their ways into Uptown, and begin to interfere with the lives of those who can complain about it. The police usually help where they can, but theyre often the first ones to turn tail and call in NICA when they realize what they have on their hands. As with finding chop-shops and smuggling rings, NICA is expected to be proactive in its hunt for WS suffers. Point 1.3 is a different ball of wax all together, and this is what gives NICA its reputation as a schizoid organization. Where as the first two points see NICA active and outside in the public, this third point often times sees them plugged into the Grid, often times directly, hunting for black-hat hackers and their shadows, engaging them or beings known as Net Ghosts. Once theyve located the hacker or the server that the Net Ghost is hiding in, then the ground forces are sent out to commence an arrest. Thus, each NICA cell has at least two hackers on staff, if not more, to monitor net-traffic and keep their eyes peeled for hackers and Net Ghosts. For more information on Net Ghosts, see the next chapter. A particular Net Ghost that all NICA agents are familiar with goes by the handle Futureshock342, who is infamous for shutting down power to the entire eastern seaboard on June 3, 2078. While Futureshock342 has never been found, its the NICA Holy Grail to locate that particular Net Ghost and shut him/it down for good. Point 1.4 requires NICA agents to collect evidence so that smugglers and hackers can be tried in federal court. This evidence collection is often key to the job, and NICA offices have their own evidence lockers where things are stored at. For instance, if they raid a hacker den, then they have to collect the computers and electronics as evidence. If they raid a chop-shop, then they take what they can, store it in boxes, and bring it to the NICA evidence lockers and store them there before going through them. NICA is required to both collect and cycle through evidence, although a certain percentage of the team is often set aside for just that purpose. Point 1.5 is a sticking point. Many agents take this as meaning that they can break the law, but not break it too much. This is probably what the original intent was. Speaking usually, all that NICA needs to institute a raid on a hacker den or private residence is reasonable suspicion that a hacker lurks there or there is a chop-shop, although due to the fact that Lawsuits and litigation can still be filed, many agents are cautioned to use information collecting techniques first, to prevent the government from receiving a lawsuit for invading a (rich) persons private residence.



NICA, officially, is a sub-organization under the FBI, which is an organization under the DOJ. NICA is not subject to inter-jurisdictional jobs for instance, working with the U.S. Marshals

or the INS with issues that they handle although more often than not, theyre required to call in one of these organizations because they stumble upon a situation that is out of their jurisdiction and requires another organization that is within their Jurisdiction, although they are expected to work with other local, state and federal agencies if the situation requires them too. NICAs organization was defined by its Charter, which was drafted in 2075, after the organization was first considered. Because the organization is relatively new, the organization may change within the next few years, but for the moment its relatively consistent, and this is how it works: NICA has offices in each of the seven jurisdictions that the United States is divided into: Northeastern Jurisdiction, which includes the states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Washington D.C. Southeastern Jurisdiction, which includes the states of West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida Midwestern Jurisdiction, which includes Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin Southwestern Jurisdiction, which includes Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Nevada Northwester Jurisdiction, which includes Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Idaho Pacifica Jurisdiction, which includes Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, and Alaska Each Jurisdiction is further subdivided into Sub-jurisdictions, called SJ A and SJ B. The abbreviation of the major jurisdiction is often given before it, so NWSJ-B is Northwestern SubJurisdiction B, and each state is given a number, so NWSJ-B4 is Northwestern Sub-Jurisdiction B-4, or the state of Montana. Each state has one cell of NICA agents within it, and they operate out of a major city within that state. So the Teams number is the Major Jurisdiction, Sub-Jurisdiction, and State number. The Major Jurisdiction is overseen by whats known as a District Overhead, a major supervisor who reports to the Bureau Director as an intermediary. There is no supervisor in sub-jurisdictions, but all reporting goes through the District Overhead. A NICA team consists of no set number of individuals whatever is required to get the job done, according to the Charter. This often means that NICA teams are horribly understaffed; the average NICA team has 8 members, although there are some that only have five on staff at any given time. A NICA team consists of a commander, who deals directly with the bureaucracy and handles all of the paperwork, and the agents that are under said commander. NICA organization is very loose; accommodating a variety of strategies and styles that often means no two NICA teams the same.


Working for the NICA

Working for the NICA requires flexibility and the ability to work odd hours, including holidays. Note that characters do get paid overtime for working on holidays, although they shouldnt come in expecting a normal nine-to-five job. Joining the NICA

The NICA looks for a number of extremely talented individuals. A sure fire way to get hired is to be a computer expert, have a history in computer programming, or be a robotics engineer of some kind. However, NICA also looks for experts in local geography, individuals who know their way around the area that the team will be working out of, have a few contacts in the area, or know the local lay out and can tell when something is out of the ordinary, faces or people who can talk on behalf of the group and carry out interviews, and finally weapons experts and individuals who can handle weapons of all stripes sufferers of Wrights Syndrome are extremely dangerous, after all, and sometimes a .9mm rail pistol is not enough take them down, and something bigger is required. NICA will either approach the individual, or sometimes the individuals will have to approach NICA. Either way, theyll be asked to fill an application although if NICA approaches the individual, theyll have to have preformed something that has caught the attention of the District Overhead. Either theyre a skilled hacker/cracker, computer programmer, weapons expert, or sometimes even a criminal past is enough to attract their attention one time smugglers, individuals who know the criminal underworld all of these have in the past drawn the attention of the District Overhead, although it doesnt happen very often they have to be very outstanding. The ultimate message here is that you have to have skills that NICA will find useful, otherwise youre wasting their time and, even if you do slip through, youre risking your life. Minimum age to apply for a government position is 20, but nobody under 24 is hired unless theyre some kind of prodigy (a rare find at best). Once the application has been filed, the character goes through a battery of interviews to make sure that they are mentally stable enough to handle the ordeals and that they wont suddenly snap and put their fellow teammates at risk. If they pass the application (and the PCs starting at the game are assumed to have passed), they undergo fire arms training and limited physical training and a crash course in Law before they assigned a team number and a city. Benefits NICA employees are very well paid, making about 310,000 a year, putting them well within the middle-class wealthy range. They have health care benefits and are granted access to any hospital that they may need, with injuries occurring on the job taken care of because of the health care program. They dont get holidays off, however, and are expected to work odd hours of the day and night, without a regular schedule. The goal is to eventually get enough NICA employees so that they can start running shifts for each team, but until then, these understaffed teams are left running the show by themselves, each team working all shifts and all hours of the day and night. They have 10 days of paid leave (not counting sick days or days off due to injury), meaning that they can take 10 days of vacation so long as nobody else on the team has filed for those days first. There must always be at least three people on the team working, regardless of the day or season. NICA employees are tied to government pension funds when they retire, although because NICA is a new agency and nobodys retired yet, nobody quite knows what that means.


Working with the system

Working with the system is key to learning how to function with NICA. Someone has to do the paper work, because its the only way that new toys can be requested from the government. NICA has access to the government funds and materials, meaning that they can, in theory, get gear restricted to the military only, but in practice this has been unremarkably lackluster, as paperwork must first be filed, hoops must then be jumped through, more paperwork must be filed, refilled, lost, found, and then refilled again only to be rejected because the document was out of date. While the example given may be hyperbole, its close enough to the real hassle agents go through getting gear and equipment other than what came with the office it almost doesnt make it worth while; especially when canny agents know where to find these weapons and devices on the underground market. After all, so long as its in good faith efforts, its legal supposedly.


A Look at NICA

Unlike most agencies, NICA does not have a long and colorful history. Its barely over five years old, and as a result, hasnt had time to accumulate much in the way of legendary deeds like the CIA, FBI, U.S. Marshals, or other agencies have been able to do. NICA, however, does have some things for which it is known for. Public Perception The average public individual has never heard of NICA. Those that have often times carry a skewed representation of what it does that NICA is supposed to do; anything from psychohistorical police those that enforce the psychohistorical law to people who hunt down and dismantle androids are common misconceptions. The public is stunningly ignorant about the true nature of NICA and what it is that NICA does, although the FBI has been attempting to make good-faith efforts to teach individuals what exactly NICA is, and how its supposed to go about doing its job. Employees of NICA are expected to make these same good-faith efforts to encourage the public and promote a sense of unity after all, if the public is more scared of NICA and the government than they are of smugglers or WS sufferers, then it really makes NICAs job harder to do. Interagency Perception Agencies tend to take a specific look at one at one another and treat each other in specific ways; a good example of this is the supposed antagonism that exists between the CIA and the FBI, and between the FBI and State and Local police agencies. Because NICA is a federal agency, the some level of antagonism does exist between local and state police agencies and NICA itself; simply because these police agencies resent having federal interference in their backyard, and would much rather be doing many of these things themselves. So too it can be said that a lot of intelligence agencies look down on NICA and the FBI/DOJ in general, especially the NSA. The NSA (still every bit as secretive and mysterious as it was during the turn of the century) is known for collecting information on American citizens, and often times its duties overlap with NICA investigations and the two agencies dont combine very well. The same goes for NICA and the ONI, although the Office of Naval Intelligence tends to keep its distance. Other agencies are neutral towards NICA, partially because it hasnt been around long enough to build its own reputation yet.


Famous Incidents

As stated above, NICA has not had a long enough life to do anything legendary, although a few of their incidents they were involved in defiantly qualify for it; some of these deserving of not are detailed below: The FutureShock342 Incident Known to all NICA employees, the FutureShock342 Incident was a series of legendary hacks preformed by a Net Work ghost who went by the handle FutureShock342. On the morning of May 3, 2078, a power plant in Upstate New York experienced computer difficulties starting at 9:34am. At 10:35am, about an hour later, the computer crashed. This triggered a domino effect, which killed all of the power to the entire Upstate Region. At first, it was believed this was a computer error but when the repair team went back and looked over it, they realized that the computer had been hacked, and the hacker had left the repair team a trail. NICA was called in to investigate, triggering a four month long hunt. On June 3, 2078, the same computer experienced the same difficulties, at exactly 9:34am. NICA was immediately called in, and the team quickly set up to trying to figure out where the hacker was coming from. They tracked the hacker back to, of all places the, the Pentagon. Suddenly, the computer shut down and all of the power to the entire Eastern Seaboard was cut. From 9:40am on June 3, 2078 to 9:40 on June 5, 2078 all power to the region was cut thanks to a complex logic bomb that had somehow managed to get on the power-plants network. Using evidence and tracing the hacker back through the smoke screen, they found that it was using a

program to make it appear as if it was hacking the computer from several different locations. Even more confusing was the fact that the power plant wasnt even connected to the Grid. On July 4, 2078, NICA managed to figure out where the Hacker had come from, and set out after it. Several NICA shadow-spies caught up with the Hacker on July 5, 2078. It was going under the handle FutureShock342. After a shadow boxing match, FutureShock342 managed to escape, leading the NICA agents on a chase through the Grid. Eventually FutureShock342 escaped, but he wouldnt lay low for long. After reviewing the evidence, NICA agents at the time were forced to come to the conclusion that FutureShock342 wasnt a normal human hacker rather, he was a Net Ghost. Realizing that they werent dealing with a human hacker was a revelation, and the New York NICA team set out to try and isolate the Net Ghost from the rest of the Grid. On August 5, 2078 at 10:34am, FutureShock342 struck again, this time hacking the NICA computers at the New York Office and shutting them down, locking the NICA agents inside of their office while also hacking into both the Pentagon and the ONI. The total time for the hack was about 20 minutes, and it was 20 minutes too long the agents at the Pentagon and ONI were only slightly faster than FutureShock342, and managed to beat the brazen Net Ghost out of their systems. Meanwhile, the NICA agents in the New York Office managed to break the freeze on their system, and instantly tracked FutureShock342 down to a server somewhere in India. They notified Indian authorities and confronted FutureShock342. The conflict lasted for about 4 minutes, until FutureShock342 was finally put down. That would have been the end of the FutureShock342 incident had it not been for what happened a few months later; on November 8, 2078, the NY Office was again hacked, their computers crashed, and their files deleted save for one a single word-document that announced FutureShock342 was back. NICA NY quickly worked to repair while NICA NJ and NICA MA worked to find where FutureShock342 had come from. They traced it back to that same server in India, and when field agents finally arrived at the server in December of 2078, they realized it was located in an empty room, on the bottom floor of an abandoned building. Since, FutureShock342 has not been seen, although its considered the Holy Grail of NICA agents to find and put down for good this slippery Net Ghost. The Grand Oaks Smuggling Ring A lesser known affair began in January 1, 2079. The New Orleans NICA Team, following up a tip given by a local individual and an earlier raid on a so-called body shop, invaded the Grand Oaks storage yard in the Warehouse District at 2:40PM. After a brief shootout with several smugglers, the NICA team uncovered evidence for a massive drugs-cyberware-guns smuggling operation. Over 1 billion dollars of equipment was seized by NICA officials and Customs officials. That following week, the New Orleans NICA team, in conjunction with Customs and the Mississippi NICA team, followed up on evidence and eventually realized that ships were running the contraband up the Mississippi River to Chicago, where they were being sold to various gangs at war in the city. Connecting the dots, NICA New Orleans followed the lead to a small shipping yard that had been constructed and hidden in the swamps of southern Louisiana. After the raid, which took place on January 14, 2079, the NICA Mississippi and NICA Florida were both notified, as were Customs and the CIA. Working with the CIA and Customs, NICA New Orleans realized that the goods were being shipped from Mexico. Together with Interpol and the FBI, NICA invaded illegal storage yards in Mexico, confiscating over 10 Billion $U.S. The Discoveries didnt end there; though on accident, NICA officials uncovered a secret railroad that, when analyzed through satellite photographs of the region, and from Chile through Peru, Columbia and Panama. It ended at the Canal, but promptly picked back up on the other side and ran all the way into Mexico, where it branched off into several railroads. The scale of the smuggling was amazing a trans-continental railroad had been built for the explicit purpose of smuggling these goods from Chile to Mexico, where they were shipped by boat, plane, or underground tunnels, into the United States and dispersed into the underworld. The complexity of this smuggling ring caused several agencies to get involved, and on March 3, 2079 at 7:56PM in the morning, NICA agents, along with Chilean law enforcement agencies and the FBI, raided the source of the railroads an illegal factory producing this

cyberware. The Chilean Cartel responsible was taken down in a blaze of gun-fighting, and the railroads destroyed in most of the nations. A number of questions remained after the destruction of what was called the Grand Oaks Smuggling Ring. The Chilean Cartel that was manufacturing the parts didnt have the money or manpower to build such a massive railroad which made use of abandoned local railways wherever possible and suggested that corrupt government officials may have been involved. The question of who had built the shipping yards was a question that has yet to be answered as well, although no other smuggling ring in U.S. History has the reputation as being as big as the Grand Oaks Smuggling Ring, despite the questions that remained unanswered about it.

Ghosts of the Grid

Anything sufficiently complicated enough is bound to screw up someway or another - Attrib. Ahmed Chandasdrakah, chief Psion PLC software programmer
The Grid is a very, very busy place. There is activity everywhere, at all times day or night. The world is connected through the Grid; even the farthest flung corners of the world have access to the Grid and a domain name. While this makes the Grid a fun and exciting place to the average individual, it makes it a nightmare for a NICA agent trying to find evidence. Crimes are committed on the Grid everyday; of these, only a fraction far less than 1% of the total is ever solved. NICA is expected to monitor these crimes and play a proactive role in preventing them, in theory. In practice, however, NICA is mostly stuck playing a reactive role, usually having to wait for hackers and their shadows to reveal themselves before they can act and stop the hacker or trace them down and arrest them. As a result, NICA typically doesnt involve itself in small time affairs the Big Three, are the situations that every NICA employ should be familiar with, because these are the litmus test for a cybercrime case to see if NICA will even bother with it or not: 1. It has involved a government agency of some kind this is a guarantee. NICA employees are expected stop attacks on government computers, and while most agencies can fend for themselves on the big and scary Grid, NICA agents can usually expect to be stuck with the task of trying to figure out where the attacker came from if the agency attacked isnt capable of doing so, or arresting the hacker if the agency at hand traces them down. 2. It has involved a non-government agency read; it has involved the Megacorps. Like government agencies, the Megacorps are generally able to handle themselves on the grid, but its a sure bet that they have NICA on their speed dial, and if they cant track the hacker down, then theyll definitely want NICA to trace them down. This is also true if any other NGO is attacked, like a bank, the Red Cross, etc. 3. It has lead to the destruction or attempted destruction of private or public property if a cracker breaks into the network and manages to shut down the city or crash the power plant, a l the FutureShock342 incident, then it automatically falls to NICA to step in and figure out who the hacker/cracker is and where they came from. Just because something involves a hacker or cracker of some kind does not mean that is the responsibility of NICA. Technically, it does, but because NICA is so understaffed and overwhelmed in many cases with its responsibilities, it generally does not follow through and chooses its cases wisely. NICA isnt the only agency on the Grid, though, and NICA agents should be aware of other agencies and entities that NICA may come across or has crossed swords with in the past. If there is evidence that one of these agencies or groups or entities is involved, then it falls to NICA to solve the case, regardless if the case on the surface meets the requirements of the Litmus Test given above, because even though it might on the surface, if it involves one of the following agencies or entities, it probably will somewhere down the road its all about being proactive with NICA; in a reactive sort of way.


Internet Ghosts

Net Ghosts, less commonly referred to as Grid Ghosts, are mysterious entities that exist on the Grid. Exactly where they come from, or even what they are, is unknown. Net Ghosts act on their own accord usually, and appear to move with a sort of sapience, suggesting intelligence.

Exactly how Net Ghosts managed to achieve this is unknown a Net Ghost has never been isolated or studied, because they exist as one with the data stream on the Grid. There are numerous theories some outlandish, some more anchored in reality. One of the sub-jobs of NICA is finding Net Ghosts and either attempting to isolate them and study them or, failing that, destroy them before they can do harm. They inhibit the dark corners of the Grid, occasionally popping into more populated parts of the Grid and wreaking havoc. The most infamous Net Ghost had the handle of FutureShock342. Net Ghosts usually go by various handles; exactly why a Net Ghost assumes a handle is unknown, like most everything with Net Ghosts. Other (in)famous Net Ghosts are ErRoR321001, Parabox008, Captn_French_Fries3419 and ProdigyChild2301, all of whom are known by NICA agents for various reasons ErRoR321001 was the first recorded Net Ghost responsible for shutting down a massive credit transfer in 2040 and appeared later to crash the computer network at Los Alamos Research facility in 2074, Parabox008 caused a power shortage similar to the one caused by FutureShock342 on the West Coast in March and April of 2071, Captn_French_Fries3419 carried out several massive DDoS attacks against both Paragon and Paradigm in winter of 2068 and again in winter of 2070 and ProdigyChild2301 attempted several hacks in the NSA and DOD networks in the fall and winter of 2071 and 2073, but was stopped both times. Its rumored that there are at least 10 Net Ghosts on the Grid, although NICA agents believe that this count is much lower, and that there are probably fewer than six. Theory 1: Artificial Intelligences One of the major theories behind what Net Ghosts are, is that theyre really Artificial Intelligence programs capable of reasoning and emotion and sapience, that have some how gotten loose on the internet. The major thing this theory has going for it is the fact that we know Programmed Intelligence is being investigated, and proponents claim that they came from a secretive government label or Psion facility and got on the Grid that way. Psion has a history of looking into AI and how sapience works within programming, hoping eventually to produce a program that can create sapience. As of yet, however, no known program exists and no know means to create one is known the major problem that Psion has encountered is that human brains, and therefore sapience itself, does not function within an algorithm like mathematics do, meaning Gdels Law is still in play and has yet to be overcome (and is not likely to be overcome any time soon). However, this does, at least, explain why Net Ghosts are capable of shifting servers without effort, an act that human hackers/crackers do with ease. A major blow to this theory is the fact that the Net Ghosts havent displayed a willingness to communicate. Absence of evidence does not mean evidence is absent, it just merely means that as of yet, Net Ghosts have not been communicative. Communication, as far as we humans can understand, is key to intelligence of any kind, artificial or not. In addition, the Net Ghosts dont appear to have much skills beyond computers, leading some to believe that they arent Artificial Intelligences rather, theyre Expert Systems. Finally, the last blow to this argument is that the first Net Ghost was encountered in 2021, and before 2045, Psion PLC was merely a software manufacturer that had yet to grow into a major megacorp. While this doesnt exclude a government lab of some kind, it doesnt explain why the first Net Ghost would appear in 2040, and then the next appearance would wait almost 30 years later to appear, into 2070. Theory 2: Expert Systems Expert systems are not artificially intelligent, but when let loose in their environment, they can function at a level higher than most predicted capabilities of Artificial Intelligences. Put simply, an expert system is a system developed for and devoted too a specific series of tasks; for instance, a system developed exclusively for stock market analysis, or a better example would be the expert system developed by the Psychohistorical Institute to assist in crunching the numbers. Proponents of this theory claim that Net Ghosts are really just expert systems, or possibly corrupted expert systems, designed with some unknown goal in mind, that are merely carrying out their enigmatic or corrupted goals. Some believe that they are expert systems developed by

the NSA and DOD for EL Warfare and cite the hacking instances and shutting down of the power grid of chases where the NSA has loosed them on the American Grid to test them. This theory has a lot more going for it than the Artificial Intelligence theory. Expert systems are known to exist, and extremely complicated expert systems have been in use ever since 2020. These expert systems can be turned loose, in theory, and allowed to perform their tasks without human intervention, meaning that they could exist on the internet. It explains a number of different aspects about Net Ghosts foremost among them their almost inhuman skill in hacking/cracking, their extreme specialization, and their unwillingness to communicate when prompted. The idea of them being designed for EL Warfare (Electronic Warfare) also explains why their attacks are generally aimed at large Government, State and Megacorp entities; if real EL Warfare were to break out, then these would be the first things attacked. Those who dont believe that the Net Ghosts are expert systems loosed on the United States by its own government insist that they were created by other governments and loosed on the American grid by these governments in an attempt to attack American corporations and infrastructure. If this is the case, then these proponents believe that the United States is already in a case of EL Warfare with another nation and for a direction, many point East towards China. A major blow for this theory is that expert systems, as we know them, have not been unleashed onto the Grid and it is not known for a fact if an expert system really could survive on its own. A Net Ghost does not appear to be attached to any server or computer, and is capable of jumping from one server to the next without any difficulty, a task that many arent sure an expert system would be able to handle, but are sure that if they did exist, an AI would defiantly be able to perform. Theory 3: Human Hackers A decent percentage of individuals within the government hold that Net Ghosts are neither AIs nor expert systems; rather, they believe that Net Ghosts are in reality extremely good human hackers who live on the Grid. In their court, they have the evidence that Net Ghosts are capable of jumping from server to server something nobody is certain an expert system is capable of doing without external prompting and their specialization. This theory argues that Net Ghosts are just very good human hackers, who are capable of eluding the law enforcement officers. It relies heavily on the old saying that only the bad hackers get known; the good hackers never get caught. And indeed, as of 2080, nobody has ever caught a Net Ghost. However, the Net Ghosts have been noted as displaying as superhuman level of hacking skill, and are even capable of breaking into networks that are not connected to the Grid. Proponents of this theory say that the only way that could possibly be done would be have a human actually doing the hacking from within the closed network, thereby eliminating all other cases and proving that Net Ghosts are human. This would work except for the fact that NICA traced FutureShock342, during its hack on the DOD and Pentagon in 2078, to a server in India, indicating that it was acting from outside of the network. As of yet, no answer for how this is capable has come to the fore. Theory 4: Quantum-Electric Intelligences Every so often a theory comes along that is so crazy that, if squinted at really hard, actually kind of makes sense. Relying upon the inherent instability of quantum systems, and the apparent randomness of these systems, a theory was proposed in May of 2080 that Net Ghosts are, in actuality, Quantum-Electric Intelligences, that is, energy beings that live in the Internet. According to the theory, they display sapience because they are actually hypercomputers. That is, computers that are capable of circumventing Gdels Law by operating outside of an algorithm just like human sapience. QEI states that, if the energy level within a server or servers is right, then random bits of information can actually align to take on a sort of sapience, powered by a hypercomputer conscious that is formed when the energy causes miniature folds in the spacetime continuum within the servers. These hypercomputer energy-beings of the Internet are capable of inhabiting multiple-servers, according to the scant few who propose the theory, and would get around the problem of closed networks by using the power cables that connect them to a power grid, and entering the closed servers that way. According to proponents, these energybeings would be extremely vulnerable to entropy, and would require constant moving with the flux

of energy in the Grid, bouncing from server to server to try and stay when the flux of energy that created them. Whats more, because they are capable of actually inhabiting multiple servers, their existence would go undetected and, when they did take a handle, it would be from the server that they took it from, meaning that when the handle was traced back to the server, nothing would be found because the energy-being would have moved on by then. This theory is just that a theory. While some of the math has been done and suggests that it maybe at least possible, most feel deride it as being Internet Physics. High energy physicists claim that the amount of energy required to produce even miniscule or microscopic folds in space-time is more than one million times what is found in the average internet server, while most scientists scoff at the idea that quantum particles could suddenly take on random sapience. This hasnt stopped a few, however, although for the moment most view QEI as an interesting diversion from the real debate. Ultimately, society may never really know what makes Net Ghosts. They may be any combination of the above, or they may be something totally unforeseen in the grand scheme of things. They will remain an interesting curiosity until one is isolated and able to be studied by computer scientists.


The Illuminati

Taking their name from classic conspiracy literature, the Illuminati are a group of blackhat hackers who are notorious for, among other things, attempting assaults on the megacorps, megachurches, and on the government agencies. The Illuminati dont give the appearance of being well organized, although Dana Dubois of New Orleans NICA believes that this is far from the truth. Agent Dubois is a self-described expert on the group, and much of the information known comes from his theories on them. They are a quasi-religious hacker organization, according to Dubois, but dont let the religiousness fool you saying that something is hackproof only means it hasnt drawn the attention of an Illuminati member yet. The Illuminati chafes under rule of law, and is composed largely of disgruntled anarchistic transhumanists. Far from the typical image of the fat, pimple-faced boy with no life who angsts over it day and night, Illuminati hackers are usually as physically imposing as they are insanely good at hacking and cracking; many of them are trained militiamen. Its commonly believed that the Illuminati are not just a group that exists on line theyre a paramilitary group that exists offline as well. The strongest evidence of this is the discovery of evidence of the Illuminati organization in New Orleans in 2078 by New Orleans NICA, allowing for a decent look into what the organization was made out of. The computer was, humorously, dubbed the Rosetta Computer, because of the insight it allowed into what was otherwise previously thought to be a scattered group of hackers who e-mailed each other over Usernet. Illuminati members are easily identified by their mode of dress. They prefer black and red where at all possible, and are generally men in their late twenties and early thirties who are covered in strange, cabalistic tattoos. One of the most common tattoos is the Rosen Cross Lamen, a tattoo that all Illuminati members have, usually on the upper arm, and the Temple of the Rose Cross, which is usually seen tattooed fully on their back and is based on a drawing by Teophilius Schweighhardt Constantines made in 1618. Because of this rose cross influence, the Illuminati occasionally refer to themselves as the Hackers of the Rose Cross. NICA agents know them as either the Illuminati or the Rosicrucian Order, referring to them as the latter in a mocking way because of their conspiratorial nature. The presence of these tattoos, according to NICA, is enough to consider that they might have some sort of contact outside of the Grid, which invariably lends itself to the idea that they may be a paramilitary organization. They are known by a wide variety of different names all over the grid the most common is 45, which is the shortened l33t form of the name Ascended Masters (which is shortened 45M45, or AsMas in common parlance). They are also known as the Backbone Cabal, although individuals should be skeptical about the use of this term, as the phrase can reference any secretive administration that exists on any Grid network, not just the Illuminati themselves.

Influence from Spiritualism and Hermetics The Illuminati draw inspiration from various sources, although by far the most inspiration comes from the ancient art of alchemy. While most sane people would agree that alchemy was a pseudo-science (a worthwhile pursuit though, because it ended up giving us chemistry), the Illuminati use a lot of hermetic references in their works. Many documents are written in a cipher script that uses the Alchemical Alphabet to replace Latin letters, and there is a three stage process that a new hacker must go through in order to become one of the Illuminati: the blackening, where by they are selected or approached, the whitening, whereby they must hack a system and prove that they have done it, and the reddening, where by they are accepted into the group and earn their Rosen Cross Lamen tattoo. While not well organized, there is some level of organization to the Illuminati that has been uncovered, and NICA investigators insist that there may be much more to this secret organization of anarchists that developed on the underside of the Grid. There are three organizations, and five tiers, and these are dealt with below. Like most things with the Illuminati, they draw inspiration from medieval alchemists and Hermeticism, and enigmatic quotes from such texts are often included As above, so below is the most popular one, which is a reference to the so-called Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes Thrice Greatest, the patron saint, as it were, of alchemy and Hermeticism). Organization Little has been gleaned from the organization of the Illuminati, and many have taken absence of evidence to believe that the evidence doesnt exist. NICA organizes the Illuminati into three organizations, each one named after a specific holy text in Alchemy, and five tiers, named one of the four classical elements plus ether or quintessence (fifth essence), both have been used. The first of the organizations is the Corpus Hermeticia. The Corpus Hermeticia is the most widely known of the alchemical texts (if one could consider alchemical texts to be widely known) and as such, this is the term used to describe the body of hackers, the ones that the NICA believes to do all of the ground work. The majority of the Illuminati, NICA believes, belong to the Corpus Hermeticia. The next of the organizations is called the Emerald Tablet, after the Emerald Tablet mentioned above. The exact function of this organization is unknown, although it should be known that some confiscated computers, evidence alluding to this branch of the Illuminati has been found, within the context of it being described as being a branch of what was alluded to being a much larger organization. The highest of the organizations in the Illuminati is called the Kybalion, after a rare known but extremely scared text in alchemy. As with the Emerald Tablet, little is known about the Kybalion, or what they do, other than that they exist as alluded to by a confiscated computer (the same computer that alluded to the existence of the Emerald Tablet). NICA agents theorize that within each organization there is a tier structure set up, consisting of five tiers; speaking hypothetically, they are earth, fire, water, air, and quintessence/ether. Exactly whether this means there are leaders or isnt known, but many among NICA believe that the Illuminati is more highly organized than most give them credit for. Philosophy Being a sort of pseudo-religion, they do have their own philosophy its an eclectic mix of Hermeticism, occultism, various other pseudo-religions and anarchic transhumanism They believe that the path to enlightenment is through machines, and that the Philosophers Stone so alluded to in the Hermetic tradition is actually the Grid As above, so below is taken to refer to computer networks. Their philosophy has a strong transhumanist bend; they believe that eventually humans will learn how to become one with the grid, as Hermes Trismegistus predicted. The Illuminati believe that hacking and cracking is a spiritual experience. Various sources indicate that the Illuminati dont refer to hacking as hacking, rather, they call it Theurgy or in specialized cases, Ceremonial Magicke, and hacker is referred to as a Theurgist. There are two different types of Theurgy, according to the Illuminati Gotia, or black Theurgy and Enochian, or white Theurgy. Gotia is using hacking or cracking to harm a fellow Illuminati

member, or to harm a person who is in no way connected to the industries that the Illuminati target. Enochian, by contrast, is the opposite: using otherwise malicious cracking skills against targets that are deemed deserving of it. Agent Dubois suggests that the Quintessence of the Kybalion makes these decisions, although exactly how these decisions are handed down remains unknown at least, not until a member of the Kybalion Quintessence can be apprehended and interrogated. Despite all of this, however, Agent Dubois cautions individuals the Illuminati, for all their depth and complexity, are really nothing more than dangerous and malicious crackers who are anti-social, and a threat to the stability of e-commerce and national security, and must be dealt with as such.


Strange Shadows

Strange Shadows is the term given to entities that are similar to Net Ghosts in many way, but different in the aspect that they dont actively seek out things to destroy. As with Net Ghosts, nobody knows where Strange Shadows come from. A Strange Shadow is believed to be an Grid error that somehow takes on a life of its own for a short time when a Strange Shadow gets into a system or server, it can wreak all sorts of mayhem and havoc. As a response, NICA generally has shadow patrols to prevent them from getting into NICAs computer systems, and whenever a Strange Shadow is reported, NICA shadow teams are sent in to remove it from that part of the internet. Strange Shadows dont appear to have any self-awareness, although if attacked they do defend themselves. They dont have handles and tracing Strange Shadows back to a computer is a fruitless venture, because they dont appear to come from a computer. They spontaneously appear, stranded on a server, and generally wreak all sorts of havoc during their short life. Nobody has yet figured out what causes Strange Shadows, although research is begin carried out. The leading theory is that a Strange Shadow is just a copied file from a legitimate Shadow that had a corrupted registry. Regardless, NICA has taken it upon themselves to watch for Strange Shadows, because they can be just as dangerous, if not more so, than Net Ghosts or hackers. In a way, Strange Shadows resemble Assassinware, or automated shadows shadows that have no pilot and are instead run by a program designed by a hacker.

And although Im trying it still penetrates my body/all these demons I carry deep inside/These changing faces for me to leave traces/of the stranger things Im growing in my mind - Deathbox, Mnemic
The first computer hit the scene in the early 1930s. Since, theyve done nothing but advance. The biggest advancement occurred in the 1970s and 1980s with the invention of the integrated circuit. The integrated circuit removed the need massive vacuum tubes, and allow for the march of miniaturization that is, making computer smaller and smaller. In 1980, an author named William Gibson painted a portrait of advanced computers connected by a network he called this network cyberspace, which is the first recorded use of the term. That novel was Neuromancer. At the time, many people never thought that the dystopian society that Gibson painted could ever come true. A few years later, the internet hit the scene, and in a case of life borrowing form art, the term cyberspace was coined to describe the place otherwise known as the Internet. The next big advancement in computers came in two leaps. The first one was in 2020, with the implementation of non-volatile memory in the computer in the form of MRAM, or Magnetoresistive RAM. MRAM was the first of the non-volatile memory systems to be instituted into a computer, but rather than being stored inside of an electrical charge, MRAM was information stored in a magnetic field. MRAM came into popularity for computer production shortly after the Flash memory craze died down, when it was realized the MRAM was much more effective than Flash memory or other memories of the time, including DRAM and SDRAM. Appearing about the same time but lasting slightly longer was FeRAM; or Ferro-Electric RAM. FeRAM, or simply FRAM, had a lower power usage, faster write performance and a much greater series of write-erase cycles. FRAM was never very popular, but the appearance of both FRAM and MRAM on the market place marked the end to the old issues of RAM and volatile memory in computers. Now computers could be turned off or shut down on accident, and memory would no longer be lost. In 2049, NRAM hit the scene. NRAM, shortened for Nano-RAM, was based on the positions of carbon-nanotubes suspended over a land, or a metal electrode. On the very tip of the nanotube, a small tip of gold provides the electrical connection with the electrode. When a specific current passes through the tube, it changes position one position reflecting a 1 and another position to reflected 0. These positions are read by the computer as a string of 1s and 0s, just like information stored on disk drive. The major advantage of NRAM over FRAM and MRAM is the fact that NRAM can be built at any size while FRAM and MRAM, just like DRAM before it, have a minimum size barrier. This ability to make chips so tiny that they were limited only by state of the art lithography meant that the production of nanocomputers could be allowed. This, combined with the production of cytronic circuitry a fancy way to say nerve-circuit terminals allows for the first ever merger of computers, mechanics, physiology, anatomy and neurology to make cyberware. The next big advancement for computers actually appeared when MRAM appeared. The hard drive of the computer underwent a major change; semiconductors replaced electrical tubes in the hard drive, and all moving parts were removed, including the somewhat famous disk drive that had become synonymous with hard-drives. No moving parts were necessary for solid-state drives, and in 2023 (they were first introduced in the 1970s, but they werent implemented into personal computers until the 2020s, although the military and aerospace industry had been using in super computers since the early 2000s) they replace hard-drives on personal computer models. They were inherently less fragile than hard-drives, they are silent (without the cooling fan), and they had low access time indeed, things like spin-up time rotational delay were

completely removed and they had low latency. Where booting-up a computer used to take a few minutes, the introduction of SSDs in 2023 reduced this to a few seconds. In 2065, the trusted SSD was replaced with what was called an Advanced-SSD. The ASSD replaced the semiconductors with superconductors that could function at room temperature (using a complicated synthetic nano-material). This upgrade almost completely removed the latency of the computer; the moment the power-button had been pressed, the computer was ready to go. Today, all commercial computers make use of NRAM and ASSDs, although it is possible to find older computers that still use FRAM, semiconductor-SSDs, and MRAM. Most people find these computers unbearably slow, because they are used to speed-of-thought processing power of modern computers. Finding a computer that runs off of DRAM and still uses a disk-drive is like finding a Model-T with the exception that its not worth as much.



At its heart, FutureShock is a cyberpunk campaign. And being cyberpunk, there is one thing more important than guns, armor, or vehicles and that is computers. Without the computer, and without the network, this wouldnt be cyberpunk. You can get away with removing everything thing else its possible to have cyberpunk without guns, armor or vehicles but once you remove the network and computers, its no longer cyberpunk. It becomes something else (postmodernism perhaps?). Thus computers get a special section all to their own. Ill recap the ALTERNITY rules for computers here; and Ill give lists of all the things that Ill be allowing in this campaign setting. Under the typical system, you could normally get away with setting PL limitations, and that might work, except for the fact that at the time the game-system was developed, the concepts of nanotechnology, NRAM, SSDs, and numerous other things seemed like they were a lot distant than they are today. Its not a case of science marching on its a case of science marching faster than was originally anticipated. Thus, the Progress Level system seems a bit antiquated, especially when you compare it with some of the achievements that have been made in the FutureShock world. At its core, it is a PL 6/7 campaign setting, but I need to define that more so it makes more sense than just turning you loose with all the core books and figuring out what that means. Using Computers ALTERNITY has two computer-based skills. Technically, one is a specialty skill and the other is a broad skill. The specialty skill is Knowledge Computer Operation and the other is the Computer Science broad skill. To clarify: Everyone can use a computer. You dont need ranks in Knowledge Computer Operation to use a computer Computer Operation merely allows you to do things that most normal people dont know how to do (or things that arent really relevant with a computer). For instance, surfing the Grid using a techniques that arent known to most normal individuals (using a metasearch engine) is an example of a Knowledge Computer Operation check. Another example would be getting into the computers registry and changing certain things. Computer Science is a more in-depth look at Computer skills. Computer Science Hacking and Knowledge Computer Operation may sometimes overlap. Ill cross this bridge as it comes to it. Its worth noting, however, that neither skill can be used untrained, so all characters should have at least one rank in one of them. The computer itself has two important parts: the Processor and Memory. The Processor determines the computers power with the quality of the processor granting a bonus to the individuals checks when specifically operating that computer. A marginal processor gives no bonus, an ordinary processor gives a -1 bonus, a good processor gives a -2 bonus, and an amazing processor gives a -3 bonus. A Co-processor can be purchased for the computer, improving its speed (and the bonus it gives by -1). Due to the speed of computers in this age, however, more than one co-processors wont make the computer any faster, and only serve as a waste of money. The Memory of a computer is an abstract concept used to determine how many programs it is capable of running at any given time. The quality of the processor determines how

many slots of memory it has; a computer cannot run a program or programs that require more slots of memory than the computer itself has. So if the computer has four slots of memory, then it cannot run a program or combination of programs that require more than four slots of memory. The computer also has something else, called stored memory, which, for purposes of the game, is ignored. Computer Models The there are a number of standard computer models in the world. They take a wide variety of forms, use a wide variety of different styles, and accommodate a wide variety of individuals. The company that produces more than 63% of the computers on the market is Psion PLC, with another 32% being produced by Paragon-Void. Let me state right now computers have not replaced pencil and paper. Attempts were made, but good-ol-fashioned pen and paper are still common throughout the world. Most documents are electronic now, but its not uncommon to see pencils and paper. The following are models that have been drawn from the PHB, but been fluffed so that they can fit in this campaign easier: All computer models come with Operating Systems installed on them. These operating systems do not eat up memory on the computer (thats already figured in) and have the following abilities: copy, delete, error recognition, file management, protection, protocol, and save. Copy allows the user to copy programs or files. Delete allows the user to remove programs or files from the computer. Error recognition detects errors within the computer, but doesnt fix them. File management allows the user to arrange their files in a way that they are comfortable with within the computer, protection warns of viruses and intrudes, protocol allows for the computer to interface with the Grid (it is considered a dumb GID unless otherwise stated; for more information, see Grid Interface, later in the chapter) or with other computers through a closed network, and save allows the user to save programs and files to the memory for viewing later.

Computer Model Processor Quality/Active Memory Cost (M/O/G/A) Marginal Ordinary Good Amazing Datacore 8M 20M 30M 40M 16K 32K 64K 300K Desktop 1000 2000 3000 5000 2 slots 4 slots 6 slots 8 slots Gauntlet 2000 3000 4000 5000 3 slots 5 slots 7 slots 9 slots Gridcaster 2500 4500 6500 8500 3 slots 6 slots 8 slots 10 slots Gridsuit 2000 3000 3 slots 5 slots Nanocomputer* 1000 2000 3000 4000 2 slots 3 slots 5 slots 6 slots Palmtop 300 600 900 1000 1 slot 2 slots 3 slots 5 slots Supercomputer 1M 2M 3M 4M --------------unlimited--------------K = thousand, M = million; * does not include cost for surgical instillation
Datacore: These enormous storage units are the archival backbones of the Grid. They are capable of holding terabytes of memory within their ranks, and are some of the most complicated computers to have been developed. Within their vast memories contains all the data generated by a supercomputer or some other memoryintense function. The Library of Congress keeps several datacores with all of the books stored on them in e-format, while the United States and other major corporations keep their records stored within multiple datacores. The most famous datacores are the three datacores at the Pyschohistorical Institute that crunch the numbers required for psychohistorical predictions. Datacores do not have operating systems installed on them. Desktop: The desktop of the 2080s is a far cry from the desktop of the last century. The desktop of the 2080s consists of tower that is roughly the size of a paperback novel that can be plugged in anywhere and flipped on. Monitors vary; nano-mixes allow for monitors to be

painted anywhere, and desks specially made for the nano-mixes to be painted on them (that is, they have a sloped desktop that is perfectly smooth where the mix is to be painted on them). Desktops come with the tower, a keyboard with a tracking point or ball, and the ability to plug an NI-jack into the back to bypass the manual interface completely. They come with Operating Systems; their protocol option is always a dumb GID, no smart GIDs exist for a desktop. Gauntlet: Far more popular than the desktop in 2080 is the gauntlet. It is one of the two decedents of the laptops and notebooks of the early part of the century. It takes the form of a gauntlet that wraps around the users form arm. Gauntlets are sleek and unobtrusive, made from lightweight materials. They flip open, revealing a screen and a keypad. They also have multiple slots to plug in NI-jacks. Gauntlets have been specialized to perform certain tasks and assist individuals who are performing those tasks a Gauntlet can be specialized to a various skill, and grant the character using it a -1 bonus to all checks made with that skill. So a gauntlet specialized in Vehicle Operation Land Vehicle gives the user a -1 bonus to all Vehicle Op Land Vehicle checks. A character can have two gauntlets on, but they cannot operate them both at the same time. Gridcaster: The Gridcaster was originally stand alone smart-GID; it connected to a computer and allowed for the user to interact with and manipulate with the Grid. It appeared first in 2063, but by 2080 it comes in two forms a popular Gridcaster gauntlet, and a helmet that can be worn (although recent years have seen the helmet reduced to a pair of mirror sunglasses that still function the same, but dont block peripheral vision). It requires cytronic circuitry that is, a nanocomputer and an NI-jack to be fully usable. Individuals linked to the Grid experience a three-dimensional immersion into the Grid and become what are known as Gridpilots (more on this later). The Gridcaster Gauntlet costs as much as a normal gauntlet, but is used for the sole purpose of connecting to the grid. The glasses are wrap-around mirror-shades that connect to the NI-jack usually by a wire of some kind. Gridsuit The Gridsuit is full-body, virtual reality suit that has sensory points, earphones the works, including the display feature. It allows individuals to get as close to the experiencing Grid-space as they are ever going to get without undergoing surgery to install all of the cyberware that they will need to interact with it. The Gridsuit is a smart GID. While wearing the suit and being plugged in, the user must remain at location, and they suffer a +3 penalty to sensing things that are going on around them that are not directly related to the Grid. Nanocomputer The nanocomputer is a tiny, quarter-sized computer that is installed in the users head. It comes complete with cytronic circuitry brain-computer terminals that read electrochemical messages as electromagnetic ones and functions, for all intensive purposes, like a normal computer. The nanocomputer is also considered a piece of cyberware (see that section). The only downside about the nanocomputer is that programs run on it cannot be edited; that is, data stored on memory sticks can be displayed via the nanocomputer and optics displays, but not interacted with (it operates in read-only mode only). To edit programs, one needs another computer. Palmtop While the gauntlet was one of the natural evolutions of the laptops of the early part of the century, the Palmtop was the other evolution. Not nearly as large as a desktop, the palmtop performs a bewildering array of functions. It is a communication device, it is a computer, it can surf the Grid (it has a dumb GID), read programs, store a small number of them, and get you directions to your morning cup of

coffee. The bastard child of the laptop and cell phone has arrived; it is capable of doing all these functions all while fitting in your palm (hence the name; palmtop). Palmtops also come with a stylus and a keyboard. About the only complaint about the Palmtop is that it still uses an LCD display, something that we out of style many years ago (it has too; the keyboard-interface appears on the screen, and nano-mixes are capable of interacting with individuals like that). Supercomputers Massive computers that are the size of large cabinets or washing machines, supercomputers can perform a massive number of functions at the same time. The data they generate is usually stored on a datacore; and they are home to expert systems and other programs that kill a great deal of memory. Supercomputers cannot be accessed directly; in order to get to them, characters have to first go through the workstation usually a desktop or gauntlet that is connected to them. While supercomputers have effectively unlimited memory for game purposes, the memory restriction of the workstation is still in place. The most famous supercomputer-datacore-expert system combination in the world is the Oracle of Lincoln Park, the computer used by the Psychohistorical Institute.

Computer Interfaces A computer does a fat lot of good if you cant interact with it. Watching it do its tasks isnt hardly what qualifies as entertainment, and computers were designed to make life easier at the start. As such, there are ways that that humans can interact with computers, telling the computer what to do, when to do it, how to go about doing it, where to store files, and fixing errors when they occur the fancy, abused word interface is the term used to describe this. Most of the usual computer interfaces are accounted for in the world of FutureShock; keyboards, tracking balls and pads, and even the lowly mouse are still common place. What is described here are some of the more unusual means by which people go about interfacing with computers. Note that interfacing with the computer is different than interfacing with the Grid; interfacing with the Grid requires something that is called a Grid Interface Device/Display, or a GID. More information on these is available later. Interface Device Holographic Projector Immersion Tank Gridcaster Gridsuit Neural Interface Jack, Cable Neural interface Jack, Wireless Avail. Any Control. Any Any Any Any 4,000 15,000 2,500 2,000 Cost (M/O/G/A) 6,000 8,000 20,000 25,000 4,500 6,500 3,000 1200 700 10,000 30,000 8,500

Avail. Notes: Any means it can be found anywhere, Control means controlled, and a license is required, and Res or Restrict means restricted, meaning its illegal and possession is a federal felony. Mil means this is military grade, and anyone not a member of the military owning it is in deep trouble.

Holographic Projector The penultimate achievement at least, currently for the science of holography is the holographic project. Using a multiple projectors, the computer can generate an holographic display of itself that functions in real time, and is capable of interacting with the user in ways beyond text and command inputs. Modest holographic projectors are the size of modern cell phones and are capable of generating a 3-d display of the computer to interact with. Larger projectors require more space and power, and anything beyond a marginal holographic projector requires more memory and space than is available to the average citizen. If combine with the Expert System and programs that help computers understand how to interact with humans, they can perform a variety of functions, ranging from a holographic secretary to a holographic greeter for larger corporations.

Immersion Tank The immersion take is a large vat that is the logical extension of the Gridsuit. It consists of various salts and other fluids within it, including cables to plug into the grid, and a facemask. These are often used for total immersion by large private corporations who want the best grid-pilots they can get for the job. Normal citizens dont have access immersion tanks, only governments and large corporations. Gridcaster Described above, the Gridcaster is not just a computer but also a means of interacting with computers via the Grid. It is listed as an interface device because, technically speaking, it is both. Gridsuit Described above, the Gridsuit is not just a computer but also a means of interacting with computers via the Grid. It is listed as an interface device because, technically speaking, it is both. Neural Interface Jack the NIjack is a piece of cyberware, similar to the computer, that connects the users nanocomputer directly to the computer, allowing the user to bypassing other means of interfacing with the computer. There are two types wires, which consist of a subdermal port for the wire to be plugged in at, and wireless, which also consists of a subdermal WiFi Port. Accessing the grid through a smart GID requires a cable port, accessing the grid through a dumb GID can be done either wirelessly or through a cable port. The benefit to wireless ports is that they can be used to connect and control other machines that have a wireless network port. NICA agents all start with free Wireless ports unless they fill a position that specifically requires them to have a cable port instead.

Programs Computers dont run by themselves. They require programs to help them run; the program is something that a computer does, it is an algorithm and command structure that provides the computer direction as to what its suppose to do. Different programs can be used for different results; some of these programs (especially the ones most encountered by NICA) are likely to be malicious these are called viruses, Trojans, worms, etc. For sake of sanity I am not going to list all what all of the different programs do here that is way too much work. Rather, Ill list what book theyre found in, and note what changes, if any, Ive made to them. Program Name Av. Op. Program Application Any Banish Con. Datadoc Any Data Lock Any Data Scan Any Decode Any Decryption Mil. Encode Any Encryption Any Enhance Res. Entertainment Any Gridwipe Any Locator Con. Loop Any Reference Any Surge Con. Trace Con. Translate Any Book PHB Dataware PHB Dataware PHB PHB Dataware PHB Dataware PHB PHB PHB Dataware Dataware PHB PHB PHB Dataware Slots 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 200 500 300 200 100 200 750 200 400 25 250 250 300 250 500 300 250 Cost (M/G/O/A) 400 700 600 300 200 400 1500 400 800 1000 50 500 300 400 500 1000 600 300 600 900 900 400 300 600 3000 600 1200 2000 750 750 350 500 1000 1500 900 400 800 1000 1200 600 400 800 6000 800 2000 3000 100 1000 400 600 1500 2000 1200 700

Hacker Programs Back-door Mil Break-in Res. Bubble Domain Con. Corrupt Res. Crash Con. Credit Tap Res. Datawipe Res. Evade Con. Ghost Con. Lag Con. Lockpick Res. Nimesis Mil Override Con. Parry Con. Shadow Armor Con. Shad. Armor 2 Con. Shadow Bolt Con. Shad. Bolt 2 Con. Shadow Mask Con. Shad. Shaper Con. Shadow Shifter Con. Shad. Weapon Con. Shad. Weap. 2 Con. Slink Mil. Snooper Con. Utility Programs Alarm Any Anchor Any Anonymous Con. Antivirus Any Assist Any Control Any Datashare Any Doorkeeper Any Fortress Any Gate Any Grid log Any Grid lock Con. Grid Trap Con. Guardian Any Knowbot Any Logic Bomb* Res. Mail Bomb Res. Menace Con. Mirror Image Con. Reverse Sniff.* Con. Shadow Form Any Shad. Form 2 Any Sniffers* Res. Static Any Transfer Any Trojan Horse* Res.

Dataware PHB Dataware PHB PHB Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware PHB PHB Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware Dataware PHB PHB Dataware Dataware PHB Dataware Dataware PHB PHB PHB Dataware Dataware PHB Dataware PHB PHB Dataware PHB Dataware Darkmatter Dataware PHB PHB Darkmatter PHB PHB Darkmatter PHB PHB Darkmatter

1 2 4 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 5 1 2 2 1 2 5 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 1

50 300 800 600 300 1000 100 100 500 600 400 8000 1000 400 250 500 400 600 250 600 500 300 600 7900 250 100 200 25 100 500 500 1200 25 250 100 150 200 60000 600 1000 25000 700 500 1000

100 500 2000 1200 600 2000 300 250 1000 700 500 16000 2000 800 500 750 600 800 500 800 1000 600 900 15000 750 250 400 50 300 1000 1000 2500 50 500 400 250 400 100000 900 3000 4000 50000 1400 300 6500 1000 2000 6000 200 400 5000

150 700 10000 2400 900 15000 500 500 1500 800 600 20000 3000 1200 750 1000 800 900 750 1000 1500 900 1200 20000 1000 300 600 100 400 1500 2000 4000 100 1000 600 350 600 200000 1200 5000 10000 2100 600 1500 3000 300 800

200 1000 50000 4800 1200 16000 900 750 2000 1000 750 26000 4000 1600 1000 1500 900 1200 1000 1200 2000 1200 1500 50000 1050 400 800 150 500 2000 3000 5000 150 3000 900 450 800 300000 1800 8000 15000 2800 900 2000 4000 400 1600


Worm* Res. Darkmatter 1 3000 Virus Res. PHB varies 1200 3000 4000 8000 *these illegal programs are rarely bought; rather, they are given as gifts from one cracker to another. Peripherals Peripherals are parts of the computer arent necessarily part of the computer itself. These include displays, co-processors, holographic memory sticks and other things that are relative to the computer without actually being part of the computer itself. The most common peripheral that were familiar with the monitor, but there are other parts of the computer too that are important. This is where youll find these at. Note, I dont intend to list all of them just some of the things youll find. Peripheral Name Actuators Alarm, Silent Amnesia Jack Co-Processor Data Stick, Holographic Data Stick, NRAM Digital Holographic Video Camera Door Pass Expert System Monitor, Nano-Mixture Monitor, Holographic Display (flat) Monitor, Holographic Display (upright) Smoker Surge Protector Telepresence Unit Trip-Wire Avail. Any Restrict Restrict Any Any Any Any Restrict Control Any Any Any Restrict Any Control Control 20 1000 5000 200 20 10 100 400 10000 40 150 300 20 10000 60 Cost (M/O/G/A) 40 80 2000 3000 10000 20000 400 600 30 40 15 20 200 300 700 1000 13000 15000 50 60 200 250 400 500 2000 50 150 14000 18000 100 200 120 4000 25000 800 50 25 1000 4000 16000 80 300 600 200 22000 260

Actuators Actuators are devices that move parts: pulling wires, lifting curtains, moving a spot light or video camera. They can be radio controlled or mechanical; they response to real-world stimuli with realworld actions. A common trick in some hacker-dins, as well as in some security measures, actuators are rigged to detonate booby-traps in response to a given stimulus (a blow-dart gun, a harpoon gun, a claymore mine, a toilet paper gun, and a automated shotgun have all been reported by NICA agents in the past). Disabling such a track requires either Technical Science Jury Rig or Security Systems Security Devices. Alarm, Silent Silent alarms are attached to computers that often have laser tripwires (note; these are IR lasers, not the lasers that you see in the films), motion detectors, and in some extreme cases, monofilament wires. When activated, they send a signal to the police or security office, alerting them to the fact that something has disturbed them. Amnesia Jack On the surface, the Amnesia Jack appears to be a normal NI-Jack, and it is plugged in the normal way as well (note; only subdermal cable ports are vulnerable; wireless ports are not for obvious reasons). When plugged in, however, the jack floods the neurotransmitters of the pilot using it with PRI, a pseudo-serotonin inhibitor protein. PRI scrambles short term and long term memory functions, erasing a great deal if not everything from the memory of the pilot.

The strength of the chemical depends upon the quality of the jack: the marginal a-jack inflicts a +1 step penalty to all actions for d6 hours and no other ill effects thereafter. An ordinary quality a-jack removes knowledge of all the individuals INT specialty skills they may have (save their native language) for 2d6 hours. A good quality a-jack changes the knowledge of all the users iINT-based broad skills into untrained for the same length of time 2d6 hours. The last quality, the amazing quality a-jack is sometimes referred to as a lobotomy jack it has the same effect on the target, although the effect is permanent. The victim looses on rank in each INT specialty skill unless they make an INT feat. A critical failure on the feat check means they loose the skill entirely. It goes without saying that this is an extremely illegal item. Co-processor An additional processor that can be added onto the computer that grants a further -1 bonus to all checks made with that computer. One computer may only have one co-processor at a time. Data Stick, Holographic The ancestors of flash sticks, or flash drives, holodrives, as they are called, are small memory sticks that are inserted into a computer that store programs and files on their memory. Holodrives use a holographic memory HRAM a relatively new type of memory that is being developed by PLC. It gives a lot of room to store stuff. The holodrive can sort up to 5 slots of programming or files. Data Stick, NRAM This data-stick is slightly older, and works off of NRAM rather than HRAM. Also called a nanodrive, the NRAM data stick cant store as much memory as a holodrive, but it should be noted that the nanodrive is slightly cheaper. IT can store up to 3 slots of programming or files.
st Digital Holovid Camera the digital camera of the late 21 century uses two lenses and a laser imaging system that allows it record 3D images that are then stored on a either a data stick or on a computer. These movies last up to 3, 10, 30 or 90 minutes, depending upon the quality of the camera. Each minute of movie occupies a memory slot of a computer, which can then be downloaded into a computer or transmitted as information to share with a person who has an NI-jack.

Door Pass The Door Pass is a key-cracker that generates a series of random access passcodes to break the locks on doors that use card-keys. It provides individuals with a -2 bonus when attempting to use the skills Security Systems Security Devices or Manipulation Lockpick on a door that uses an electronic keycard opener. It should go without saying that this is also very illegal. Expert System An expert system is a system that has been designed with one purpose and one purpose alone in mind. This, combine with extensive programming and a degree of fuzzy logic on behalf of the programmers means that the Expert System can become extremely good at what it does. The drawback, however, is that Expert Systems can only have on ability for instance, Vehicle Operation, Business, or Computer Science. A marginal expert system knows the broad skill. An ordinary expert system knows a specialty skill at rank 2. A good expert system knows the skill at rank 4, and an amazing expert system knows the skill at rank 6. Monitor, Nano-Mix This type of monitor comes in a can. It is bought by the bucket full, and is specifically designed to work with

certain computers and certain makers. It works wirelessly, so take it home, paint in anyway that you want, and place the wireless adaptor near it. Once you turn the computer on, the nanites within the fluid will align to the signal and being acting as a monitor. It doesnt require wires, but it cant be toted around for obvious reasons. They also make televisions like this. Monitor, holographic (flat) The flat holographic monitor takes the from of two clear pieces of glass with a series of lasers and imagine software installed in it. Once plugged into the computer, it displays a threedimensional image of the computer screen, the only exception being that it can only do so on a flat surface (that is, its not an upright threedimensional image). The bonus to the holographic field is that by touching the clear plastic sheet over it you can interact with it, thus removing the need for a mouse or tracking ball of any kind. This is also known as a field projector. Monitor, holographic (upright) The upright holographic monitor is a bit more complication, and as of yet hasnt caught on in day-to-day use. It displays an upright three-dimensional display in a very similar manner of the flat display. It looks like flat, slightly raised stand from which projects the image. The downside of the upright holographic projector is that you cant interact with it in the way that you can with the flat holographic monitor. Smoker Similar to the Surge program, but this time its a piece of hardware for those who take kindly to hackers. It singles out a computer usually the hackers and then throws a massive surge down the line far more than the computer can handle. In many cases, especially if the hacker is a grid pilot and plugged into the grid, this is a bad, bad thing. The trick with this system is hitting the proper computer in the system without destroying every other computer along the way. Proper operation requires a Computer Science hacking skill with a +1 step penalty for each system between the smokers home computer and the hackers computer. On an ordinary success, the target computer looses d4+1 slots of active memory. On a good success, this ups to d6+1 slots of active memory, and on an amazing, it becomes d8+1 slots of active memory. In addition, on a amazing or good (if it hits a nanocomputer) it inflicts d4+3 wound directly to the users head. If this knocks the user out, then they have been smoked and loose 2 points of INT. Providing the survive the heavy wound damage which translate into mortal. On a failure, the smoker hits the wrong system, and on a critical failure, it turns the users computer into a paperweight. Smokers are restricted technology, and are about the size of an average AC adaptor. Surge protectors Surge protectors help prevent computers from feeling the wrath of the local power-grid whenever it burps. However, hackers have found that it works just as well to protect them from software and hardware that causes surges as well. This has a cost, though any hacker using the surge protector to protect his computer and gray matter must add a number of penalties to his actions based on the quality of the protector a marginal quality protector adds a 4 steps, an ordinary quality protector adds 3 steps, a good adds 2 steps, and an amazing adds a +1 step to the all actions carried out by the hacker. Protection has a price but its usually better than having your brain turned into toast. Telepresence Unit The telepresence unit consists of two items the and a video camera mounted on a waldo or movable platform set at

about eyelevel. The user sets down and puts the helmet on, which measures his head and eye movement and causes the camera to respond to those movements accordingly. The result of this is that the viewer doesnt feel like hes in the room, he feels like he is somewhere else. The telepresence unit is often used to take vacations, inspection tours, or explore distant countries. Trip-Wire The trip-wire is the electronic component to the exploding message so common in spy movies when tripped; it reformats the entire hard-drive of the computer, wiping all information. Because these are SSDs and not disk drives, the moment the information is wiped its gone forever a sort of last ditch attempt to save information and keep it out of someones hands.


The Grid

The Grid is part of every day life. Everyone who is anyone has a shadow and spends their time in the grid, but some people spend more time than others in the grid. Gridpilots are those who have the proper cyber-ware and are well-equipped to deal with the threat of hackers and other threats such as Net Ghosts and Strange Shadows on the Grid. The Grid is also a very big place, and there are several different terms that players should be familiar with. These three terms are Domain, Networks, Code Havens and Data Ghettos. Domains are the building blocks of the grid. They are the websites of the late 21st century. Nearly everyone has a domain of some kind; large companies may have several domains, which all add up to whats called a network. Domains are cheap and easy, and theyre peoples on private spots on the Grid. They can be closed off to all but a few friends or they can be opened to the public at hand it doesnt matter (although closed domains are often harder to get into than open ones). Domains can be personalized, just like web-pages of today. Domains can have themes one domain might be themed after the middle ages, another after the Renaissance, still another after the popular movie of the day. When exploring these domains a grid-pilot, they take on a life of their own, and can be interacted with. Visiting the domain of a company that sells tools would be like walking into a tool-store. The most popular form of them is called the virtuality, which is a private domain where the rules of the grid may or may not apply. Some virtuality domains may not allow viruses through. Others may be set so that shadows can go invisible at will. Breaking the restrictions applied by the virtuality requires powerful hacking tools (it requires breaking into the domain root and rewriting the code) or special keywords known only to the creator. There are also portal networks within domains that allow for travel between domains without crossing any intervening links, and works instantly to travel the individual to that domain, even if it is in another network. If the destination is another sector, then there is a sort of lag. Finally, in the darker corners of the domains there are Grid Traps, which function sort of like roach motels. Once the shadow enters it, it shuts the portal, tracks down the shadows point of origin, strips it valuable data and software, and then destroys it in short, its the grid trap software and is the grid equivalent of a mugging in a back alley. Networks are a collection of domains. These are all domains that have a similar affiliation, and thus band together to form the larger building blocks of the grid. There are several types of Networks listed in the PHG Academic, Access Service, Corporate, Financial, Government, Military, Open, Operational and Utrasecure. Academic networks are usually run by universities for their students and staff. They sometimes have high powered processors and software, and may or may not be themed (Yales network looks like a virtual version of the college, with each domain being a classroom). Access Service networks have created a series of mutually interested societies for instance, one of these networks may be about bird-watching, the politics about Catalonia, or cars. More often than not, however, these networks are about sex, drugs, or digital-gaming. Several such networks often act as anonymous meeting points between mercenaries and their employers, fences and their thieves, eccentric trillionaires and their hired guns, and other private business transactions (including virtual shadow sex, or anything else you

can think of providing you want too). Corporate networks are networks through which corporations do business; companies by and sell goods, trade, make transactions, assign work, etc through uses of these networks, which are often used by their employees. Some are benign, but some are fronts for more malignant dealings that would make people cringe. Financial networks exist solely for the transfer of money from one source to another. Government networks gray, poorly maintained, but sometimes hide within them prizes worth digging for. The ACM does not maintain their networks at all; as such, many visitors often find that there is a notorious lag time, causing many to humorously refer to the ACM networks as bullet time because the timewarping effects that theyre notorious for. Military networks carry sensitive military information from one computer to another, tactical information, etc, while Open networks are merely front doors to other types of networks, and their content is usually limited to sales information, catalogues, message boards, and the like. Operational networks run factors, airports, switchboards, and so forth. Because of their important hardware and such, they are often isolated from other networks, with only minimal contact with other portions of the grid. Ultrasecure networks handle some of the most important grid traffic spy satellite transmissions, nuclear launch codes, classified intel, etc. Most of the time, these networks arent even connected to the grid, and require individuals to actually enter the site of the network, which usually has murderous security. Other systems connect to the grid through rotating intervals; protection protocols can lock the exact time of the connection within some ultra-secure data fortresses, secured by extremely complex algorithms. Only the best gridrunner, working with a team, even stands a chance of getting through these kinds of defenses. Other networks exist as well Religious networks are networks that are devoted entirely towards religion, sometimes hospitals have networks that they connect to the grid, but beyond that, anything is imaginable. The ones listed above are the most common of the various networks. A code haven isnt necessarily another part of the Grid a code haven could just as easily be a domain or an entire network. This is where the human refuse of the Grid gravitates; like the port towns in the new world during the great age of expansion, these code havens are a term used to describe regions of the Grid where all manner of transactions take place, both legal and illegal. They are also called data fringes, and are the wretch hives of scum and villainy on the Grid. Many people cynically believe, and will use it, to describe the entire Grid, and it seems with each passing generation the Grid itself is beginning to mirror the social decay taking place beyond its reality. Finally a Data Ghetto is a off-Grid side. These are secret databases and local grids that never acknowledge a much larger grid. In many ways, this term refers to military networks not connected to the major grid, or even a familys LAN that doesnt connect to a grid. There are also other groups extreme, conspiracy survivalists who disconnect because they in some wide global conspiracy. The grid is far more complicated than can be given room here. However, this has just been a brief overview of the Grid for the uninitiated; once an individual dons a GID and takes a nose dive head first into this sub-reality, theyll gain a greater appreciation to everything that is there. Grid Interface Displays Using the Grid requires an interface device called a GID, or a Grid Interface Display/Device (the exact term isnt agreed upon; some say device, some say display, some say both). There are two different types of these interface devices Smart ones and dumb ones. Regardless of the type, it always takes an action to engage with the Grid, and an action to disengage with the Grid. Dumb GIDs dont allow the user to interact with the Grid in any meaningful way, only superficially. A good example of a dumb GID is the telecomm, which is basically a telephone it allows its user to call grid numbers, and converse with other users using specially defined Grid avatars. Another dumb GID is the Grid Station, which allows the user to access the Grid, but only act with it through prompts, and the Grid Browser that comes with every desktop allows the user to interact with the grid through prompts and searches. A nanocomputer and NIjack are not

necessary to make use of a dumb GID, because those interacting with the Grid in these ways are not interact with it directly rather, theyre interacting with it indirectly, through a monitor, etc. Smart GIDs allows full interaction with the Grid, giving users with an nanocomputer and a NIjack the ability to actually enter the grid. While most users of a dumb GID are not in any real danger the safeguards will generally keep all but the most persistent threats at bay the Gridpilot operates well outside of the parameters generally considered safe and as such, requires a great deal of protection not provided by grid programs. So, the gridpilot arms themselves with their best Shadow, and the best programs that they can create or make before stepping out. The shadow is an avatar of sorts on the Grid. It remains active so long as the user is connected once they disconnect, the shadow vanishes. If said shadow was delivering data or storing data, that data also disappears. Viruses, worms, Trojans and other shadows are all threats to the Gridpilot, but most find the rush of being within the Grid too much to pass up. Gridspace and Gridpilots Gridspace is non-Euclidian, and does not operate by any means close to what we would consider normal. The laws of Gridspace are written within the coding of the domain one domain may be a mirror of our world only bright and shining, and the next a mirror world of something from the nightmares of Lovecraft himself. When the gridpilot first enters gridspace, they fall through a raging data torrent, descending through these datatorrents where they can actually see the backbone of the Grid, called the Comm Sector, which is basically the internal plumbing of the Grid and allows it to work. The Gridpilot follows this raging data stream to the very bottom, where it connects with a particular domain that belongs to the user. All users have a domain that they can shape in any way that they want with the right application program if they want it to look like Britain during the middle ages, a fantasy kingdom, the interior of a steam-ship, all of this is possible. It is possible to access the plumbing of the Grid by hacking through the network and creating whats known as a rabbit hole. Once back in the Comm Sector, a Gridpilot can catch any one of the data streams and be carried to any network, simply riding the waves until they reach their destination. It is possible to loose themselves literally surfing the Grid in this manner. There is so much to do on the Grid that it is impossible to talk about it all here. Gridpilots and gridrunners (the two terms are interchangeable, although gridpilot implies a more hardcore grid junkie) can do practically anything while within the grid making it very obvious how and why it has become as popular has it has, and why so many use it as a means to escape the drudgery of everyday living. Shadow Combat Sometimes, two people just cannot get along. When two people cant get along, because theyre at their heart humans, what ensues is combat. The Grid is no different and when two humans get in a fight on the grid, it amounts to what is known as Shadow combat. Shadow combat is a violent storm of signals and countersignals, attacks on processing, memory, and central controls while in grid space, ultimately leading to the destruction of a one of the individuals. Programs and hardware sometimes provide proxy armor, although resolving shadow combat isnt much different from resolving real world combat. When two shadows fight in gridspace, the following events always take place:
Determine Surprise Roll an Awareness Intuition check to determine which side has surprised the other. Using the ghost program provides a +2 penalty to this check. Switch Active Programs each combatant declares whether they will add or remove a program from active memory. In either case, this takes an action. Roll Action Checks Action checks are made using the pilots action check score. The processors quality adds a step bonus to this roll.

Roll Attack or Actions Most utility programs require either a Knowledge Computer Operation or a Computer Science Hacking check to perform. Performing any utility function or basic grid function while under attack incurs a +1 step penalty. In addition, shadows that have sustained mortal damage suffer penalty just like normal characters in real space. All attacks are done using the Computer Science Hacking specialty skill. If a character does not have this score, then they cannot defend themselves in Grid space. Adjust accordingly due to the resistance modifiers of the opponent shadows strength or dexterity when using abilities like Shadow Weapon and Shadow Bolt. Abstract attacks, which include programs such as crash, loop, and crash are rolled using the attackers Computer Science Hacking and apply as a resistance modifier the for the targets INT or WILL (which ever is greater). Any of the examples above may get a bonus due to the quality of the program or a penalty due to the quality of the defenders defenses. Roll utility actions if their descriptions stipulate a roll. Normal actions such as communication, movement, or datascan programs succeed automatically. Determine Shadow Damage Some attacks do damage to the shadow and the programs running in active memory. Shadow Weapon, Shadow Weapon 2, and surge software does stun, wound, and mortal damage to a shadow (or grid pilot, in the case of surge software). The corrupt, datawipe, and other programs along those lines damage software in active memory. Other programs may do damage on an amazing success. Determine Brain, Soft/hardware damage If the attack roll causes mortal damage, roll a Stamina Endurance check to see if brain damage results. If the opponents Computer Science Hacking check indicates an amazing result, roll for software damage. If Software check results in erasure or damage, then roll for hardware damage. Resolve movement Determine the distance between the combatants, if moved during the round. If greater than 5, no melee attacks are possible. If greater than 10, the fleeing shadow may leave the domain without any further attacks. The pursing shadow can follow with a successful use of the trace program.

Matters dealing with Brain Damage, Hardware Damage, and Software damage can be found in DATAWARE. Note that these rules are being used for the campaign, just to make piloting in the Grid a little more dangerous and realistic.

Pervasive little creatures, these computers so complex, yet so integral to our society. Imagine where we would be today without them? Our society would be a lot more moral, thats for sure. Thats why we at Morgantown dont promote computers. If it werent for them, we wouldnt be so far from Jesus - Reverend Jsus Gutierrez, Morgantown Nondenominational
The last chapter of this text deals with other equipment that can be found throughout the world of FutureShock. It should be noted that this is by no means an extensive list, and where possible I will not include descriptions and instead direct you to the text that I got the idea from. This is a compilation of all the various things that are allowed from the books, just so you dont have to go around digging, wondering what is allowed and what isnt allowed. Character Wealth and Starting Finances Characters starting in the campaign essentially roll for all the money that they may have before joining NICA, thus allowing them to set themselves up comfortably before starting the game and working for NICA. Wealth is still based on profession, though. Characters are assumed to start with a few things clothing, toothbrush (living toothpaste comes separately see below), etc. Characters just starting out will purchase their own house and determine there own life style (not as complicated as it sounds; just some money set aside at the beginning of every month and thats the end of it more information appears later). Characters who select cyberware during character creation are assumed to have already gone through treatment and know how the cyberware works by the time of the game. Therefore, characters starting get more money a lot more money than your standard character, because in the standard game, its assumed you have a number of things thats not being taken advantage of this game. Combat Spec Diplomat Free Agent Tech Operative 30x 10d6 100x 10d6 55x 10d6 55x 10d6 (maximum1800) (maximum 6000) (maximum 3300) (maximum 3300)

Characters who work for NICA operate on the NICA pay-scale, so thats worth remembering when youre selecting your lifestyle and housing. See NICA for more information. NICA is set up so that you can get by in relatively Good Housing and with a modest lifestyle without having to worry about picking up a second job (because the action takes place with NICA, not with Burger Jack). Note that certain feats affect character wealth; the Filthy Rich and Dirt Poor feats affect it greatly. To determine by how much, the characters roll a Personality feat, with the degree of success determining how many bonus funds they start with or how much they dont start with. Treat a critical failure as a marginal success for this purpose only. Success Marginal Ordinary Good Amazing Filthy Rich x10 x20 x50 x100 Dirt Poor -90% -75% -50% -25%

7.1 Cyberware
Cyberware is the largest thing on the list, and as a result Ive pulled from several different sources for inspiration. The majority of the Cyberware comes from the PHB, although some of it comes from the STAR*DRIVE: ARMS AND EQUIPMENT GUIDE. Parts that dont will be noted. I intended to at least give an overview of what the cyberware does, although for in-depth rules one will have to turn to the books. So, heres the list complete with prices, etc, of what cyberware is allowed in the campaign (or isnt allowed, but can be found). Note: prices below do not include surgery. Cyberware SP KG Size Accelerator 1 0 0 Adaptive Pigment Implant 1 1 1 Artificial Ear 1 0 1 Artificial Eye 1 0 1 Battle Claw 5 1 2 Bio Art 0 0 0 Biowatch 0 0 0 Body Plating, Ordinary 5 20 2 Body Plating, Good 10 40 3 Body Plating, Amazing 15 60 4 CF Skinweave 0 0 1 Chameleon Skin 1 2 2 Chromatrix 1 0 0 Communication Port 1 0 0 Cortex Bomb 0 0 1 Cyberlimb 6 10 2 Cyber Optics 3 0 0 Data Slot, Passive 0 1 1 Endoskeleton 10 15 3 ER Slot 1 1 1 ER Slot, Passive 0 1 1 Exoskeleton 10 30 3 Fast Chip 1 0 2 General Purpose Implant 5 Varies 2/3/4 Gyrobalancer 3 0 1 Impact Jacks 3 5 2 Muscle Plus 5 2 2 Nanocomputer ### 0 1 Neural Data Slot, External 1 1 1 NI-Jack, Cable ### 0 1 NI-Jack, Wireless ### 0 1 Optical Display Screen ### 0 0 Reflex 3 0 2 Sub-dermal Armor 5 15 2 Sub-dermal comm. Unit 0 0 1 SD Weap. Mount, Ordinary 3 2 2 SD Weap. Mount, Good 5 2 3 SD Weap. Mount, Amazing 10 2 4 Systematic Reinforcement 0 4 0 Surgery Chop-Shop, Body-Shop, Darkstore, Meatlocker Ordinary Facility (Decent Hospital, Clinic) Good Facility (Nice Hospital, University Hospital) Avail Res. Any Any Any Cont. Any Any Military Military Military Cont. Military Any Any Res. Any Any Any Cont. Any Any Cont. Res. Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Cont. Cont. Any Military Military Military Cont. Book S*D None S*D S*D PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB None None S*D S*D PHB PHB PHB S*D PHB PHB PHB PHB S*D None None PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB S*D PHB PHB PHB PHB S*D Score 12/6/3 16/9/3 19/9/4 Nano Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes #### Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Mod +2 -1 -2 Cost (M/O/G/A) 25000 50000 100000 1000 2500 4000 1000 2000 4000 1000 2000 4000 3000 6000 9000 50 100 250 50 100 300 1500 2500 3000 1000 2000 3000 3000 4000 6000 300 500 1000 1500 45000 60000 80000 1000 2000 3000 2000 2500 3000 500 700 900 40000 60000 80000 500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 25000 50000 100000 500 1000 2000 2000 3000 4000 1500 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 2000 3000 4000 500 750 1000 1200 700 250 25000 50000 100000 1500 3000 6000 500 1000 1500 2500 5000 7500 5000 10000 15000 Cost Item cost x2 Item cost* Item cost x1/2*

Amazing Facility (government facility) * Does not install Restricted or Military cyberware



Item cost x2

Accelerator The Accelerator is a piece of cyberware that drastically increases reaction time, in many cases above and beyond what a normal human is and should be capable of doing. In order to receive the Accelerator bonus, the character must have a nanocomputer and reflex wiring of the same quality as the accelerator or better otherwise, the system is only as strong as the weakest link. So if the character has a good reflex and good accelerator but an ordinary nanocomputer, then they only get the ordinary bonus from the accelerator. The accelerator will not work with a marginal nanocomputer, and its bonuses last for 4 turns. It provides the following bonuses: Action Check Increase +2 +3 +4 Action per Round Increase None +1 +2

Quality Ordinary Good Amazing

Adaptive Pigment Implant called the API, the Adaptive Pigment Implant uses the nanocomputer to regulate the level of melanin within the body for individuals who have skin pigment disorders. It is capable making the pigmentation of the body darker, to resist sunburn. Other uses for the API were developed in late 2076, when it become popular among the upper class because it was able to change the skin to a variety of different colors, rather than just making it darker. The pseudo-melanin that the API injects into the skin takes about 20 minutes to fully take effect, after which it takes three days for it to be completely flushed from the system. It is not recommended to force another skin change before the pseudo-melanin, or other dye that is used, has been flushed from the body. Over the course of three days, the color of the skin will become progressive lighter, until it returns to its familial shade, where the API can be used again. Artificial Ear/Eye The artificial ear is an extremely sensitive microphone capable of detecting high and low frequencies. In some cases, modified ears (those of good or amazing quality) are capable of detecting frequencies well out of range of the normal ear. Hearing becomes magnified with the installation of the ear, which usually replaces the middle ear and that sensitive bone (although it is capable of replacing the entire outer ear as well). They can gain a bonus to their Awareness Perception checks and, in some cases, their Manipulation Lockpick checks, or other checks that use hearing, as given below: Quality Ordinary Good Amazing Magnification 10x 25x 50x Skill bonus -1 -2 -3

The Artificial eye functions in much the same way as the artificial ear does, but it does not allow the ability to see outside of the normal electromagnetic spectrum without an upgrade. Skill bonus and magnification work much the same, though. Battle Claw The battle claw is a weapon that is popular among gangsters. Never unarmed, the battle claw is a long weapon that fixed to the muscle and bone tissue of the upper arm. Ordinary battle claws are not retractable, but good and amazing battle claws are. The

Ordinary Battle Claw deals d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w. The good battle claw deals d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+2m. The amazing battle claw deals d6+2w/d4m/d4+2m. The character can only have two battle claws in their body. Bio Art Bio art is a glowing tattoo on the skin that is lit from subdermal LEDs directly under the skin. It also comes in filament wires of fiber-optics for implants within eyelashes, hair, and beards. It is popular with the upper class, and is considered to be a recreational piece of cyberware. One doesnt go to a hospital to get them installed, one goes to a plastic surgeon or tattoo parlor to get them installed. Biowatch The biowatch is simply an LED watch that is implanted under the skin. It shows the current date, the alarm, time zones, and if connected with a NI-jack, can display pictures, videos, etc. When a certain part of the arm is pressed, the biowatch display flashes on, allowing the individual to interact with the watch until it turns itself off. The biowatch does not require a constitution feat to be implanted (and therefore, cannot be rejected). Body Plating Body plating combines metal, plastic, and nanotech filaments to create an extremely strong armor that attaches directly to the tissue under the skin. Even the best camouflaged plating is visible on closer inspection, and many who opt for this kind of protection to try to hid it anyway. Characters need a license to get body plating. Body plating doesnt require a nanocomputer, but the character must spent time learning how to move with this new plating again. Ordinary body plating provides d4 (LI) d4 (HI) d4-1 (En). Good body plating provides d6 (LI) d4+1 (HI) and d4+1 (En). Amazing body plating provides d8+1 (LI) d6 +1 (HI) and d6+1 (En) but permanently reduces the characters dexterity by 2 points. CF Skinweave The skinweave takes the nanocarbon-fiber that is often found within armor (and within carbon-nanotubes) and laces that together with skin to form a nearly invisible layer of protection. Ordinary skinweave provides 2 stun points; good skinweave provides 2 stun points and 1 wound; amazing skinweave provides 2 stun points, 1 wound point, and 1 mortal point. No nanocomputer is required, and the character does not need to learn how to move around again after installation. Chameleon Skin Using an advanced form of the API, chameleon skin is smart in so much that it generates both a skin tone that is similar to the surroundings using a chemical that metabolizes faster than traditional API. Chameleon Skin needs to be activated first, which requires one round. Two rounds later, the individuals skin is changed to a skin tone or series of skin tones that helps them match the background better, literally causing them to almost vanish. This grants the individual a bonus to their Stealth checks equal to the quality of the implant: -1 for ordinary, -2 for good, and -3 for amazing. Note that chameleon skin does not make individuals invisible to methods that use means outside of the visible spectrum to see so thermal imaging cameras can still see them. Chromatrix Chromatrix does for eyes what API does for skin. Chromatrix can be set to inject a pigmentation into eyes that changes their color quickly even abnormal colors can be generated with the chromatrix. As with API, the chromatrix was originally designed to help those who have pigment deficiencies, but it has since been picked up as a sort of recreational piece of cyberware that is popular with club-goers and wealthy people alike. Note that this only works for normal eyes; cyber eyes or cyberoptics cannot benefit from a chromatrix. Cyberoptics

and cyber eyes tend to have a set selection of palettes to choose from when it comes to color. Communication Port The communication port is a frequency-agile transceiver that is hard-wired into the nanocomputer. Through the port, the user can send and receive signals, video feed (if they have cyberoptics) or a data stream feed. Using the comm. Port for conversation is distracting, though, and individuals doing so suffer a +1 penalty to any action they take while doing it. The communication port is controlled directly by the user through the nanocomputer. It provides a range of 20/50/200km for Ordinary/Good/Amazing quality. Cortex Bomb Used by the underworld cartels and particularly ruthless corporate executives to ensure loyalty, the cortex bomb is a brutal means to do so. It involves implanting a bomb with the individuals head, and if detonated, kills the victim with a grisly display. The radio detonator is required to be within 200 meters to function, although this distance is subject to area clutter. Removing the bomb is possible, but if the surgeon scores a critical failure, they detonate the bomb, killing the victim and dealing d4m to everyone within 5m. Cyberlimb & Muscle Plus: The Cyberlimb is basically a replacement limb for the individual, and the muscle plus is a substitute muscle fiber that makes the limb work. For purposes of the campaign, the bonuses that the cyber-limb and muscle plus provides have been watered down; no longer does an individual gain a strength bonus for having just one cyber arm with muscle plus (or just having either separately, as it is possible to have the muscle plus separate from the cyberlimb). The user must have both arms replaced with a cyberlimb or muscle plus to gain the bonus. If only one arm is replaced, then they gain no bonus because the bonus they gain from that one arm is balanced out by the non-bonus in the other arm (and it makes the game a little easier. Less realistic perhaps, but a little easier). Note that bonuses for having cyberarms and muscle plus do not stack. Ordinary cyberlimbs and muscle plus grants a +1 to strength. Good cyberlimbs and muscle plus grant a +2 to strength and require either an endo- or exoskeleton to anchor them. Amazing cyberlimbs and muscle plus grant a +3 to strength. Amazing and good quality cyberlimbs require amazing and good quality muscle plus, respectively, in order to operate, in addition to an amazing or good quality endo- or exoskeleton. Failing to do this means that the arm is good for one use and then snaps the weakest component of the whole deal, as its not built withstand the stress of the system. Cyberlimbs and muscle plus require time to get accustomed to in addition to a nanocomputer. Cyber Optics Cyberoptics are a sensory port for visual information that replaces a living eyeball. Note that cyberoptics dont necessarily have to be placed in the eye socket they can be placed in the back of the head, on a palm, or anywhere that the user desires. They are connected to the nanocomputer, and grant the following bonuses based on quality: Ordinary quality cyberoptics function like a normal eyeball, in addition to acting like a digital camera to store information on to a memory stick or in the memory of the nanocomputer. Good quality cyberoptics perform the same function as above, but extend vision out to 300 x zoom. Amazing cyberoptics provide the same function as ordinary, but enable the user to perform a task out to 500 x zoom. Amazing cyberoptics come complete with different modes of vision, including thermal, image enhanced, and normal vision, allowing the user to switch between them at will. Ordinary and Good cyberoptics require upgrades to achieve this feat.

Data slot, passive The passive data slot basically provides a place on the body to plug in memory sticks or other mediums of information storage. Most are designed to be hidden, and are called passive because they dont connect directly to the nanocomputer and dont allow the individual to access the information within them. No rehabilitation time is necessary for the data slot, and the character doesnt have to have spend any time getting used to it. Endoskeleton Installing an endoskeleton is a long and complicated surgery that requires replacing most of the internal skeleton with one made from a lightweight titanium-alloy. It is one of the most difficult pieces of cyberware to install, and one of the most dangerous. Those bones that cannot be removed are instead coated with a titanium-alloy reinforcer, which seeps into the natural cracks and nicks in the bone structure and reinforces the bone on a molecular level. Ultimately, it provides all the benefits of an exoskeleton but its hidden on the inside. It can act as an anchor for cyber limbs, muscle plus and similar device. It provides bonuses to durability ratings based on quality: Ordinary proves the user with 3 stun, Good provides the user with 3 stun and 3 wound, and Amazing provides the user with 3 stun, 3 wound and 3 mortal. It requires a long rehabilitation time, sometimes up to a year, and requires a license in order to have installed. If the body rejects the Endoskeleton, then it means certain death for the individual as there is no way to remove it. ER slot The ER slot is short for emergency room slot, and is usually installed in elderly patients. It is an attachment designed to work with the Trauma Pack II (see PHB). When the pack is connected, the contents are automatically injected, when he or she is knocked out or falls unconscious. The ER slot can be manually activated by the character at any time. ER Slot, Passive Works just like the regular ER slot, but it cant be activated by the character. Most often seen in young children who require immediately medical treatment. Exoskeleton An exoskeleton provides similar structural reinforcement that a endoskeleton does, but it is easier to install because it is on the outside of the body, not the inside. It, or the endoskeleton, is required for work with the cyberlimb or muscle plus and other cyber-enhancements of that nature. In addition to functioning as an anchor, the exoskeleton increases the durability of a character by the following amounts: 2 stun for ordinary, 2 stun and 2 wound for good, and 2 stun, 2 wound, and 2 mortal for an amazing. It requires a shorter time to get acclimated too than the endoskeleton; rehabilitation usually only lasts a few months at longest, and it doesnt spell certain death to the user if the body rejects it. Fast Chip The fast chip is outlawed in most nations of the world. An individual with fast chip, reflex wiring and nanocomputer functions at a level well beyond what most normal people are capable of functioning at throw in an accelerator and youve got a real monster on your hands. The fast chip provides a bonus to the action check based on the quality of the chip; an ordinary chip gives a -1, a good chip gives a -2, and an amazing chip gives a -3. Note that if the character has both a fast chip and accelerator, they cannot gain bonuses from both at the same time; they can only gain bonuses from one. The surprise benefit of this is that the character is capable of keeping up bonuses to their action check for a good portion of the combat; once the bonus of their accelerator wears down, they can kick in the fast chip, or vice versa. Once accessed the fast chip remains active for a number of rounds equal to the quality of the nanocomputer 1 round for marginal,

2 rounds for ordinary, 3 rounds for good and 4 rounds for amazing. Once it runs out, it cannot be accessed again for a number of turns depending upon the quality of the device 1 turn for ordinary, 2 turns for good, 3 turns for amazing. Activating the chip again before that time deals fatigue damage depending upon quality of the chip d4-1 ordinary (minimum of 1); d4 good, d4+1 amazing. General Purpose Implant The GP Implant allows for almost any thing imaginable to be installed as cyberware. Items weighing less than 1kg can be installed as ordinary implants, items weighing up to 3kg are good implants, and items weighing up to 10kg are considered amazing implants. Common items for GPs include flashlights, gauntlets, cutting torches, vidcams, flashlights, powered grapnels, and in at least one case, a powered toothbrush. Gyrobalancer The gyrobalancer is a replacement of the sensitive inner ear gyroscope that grants us our ability to be aware of our placement in space and time. Sometimes, due to pressure or infection, this area of the ear is damaged. The gyrobalancer, then, is the delicate machine to replace that delicate machine. Ordinary gyrobalancers give no bonus, but allow the individual body-kinesthetic awareness once more. Good gyrobalancers enhance this awareness, providing a -1 bonus to all Acrobatics checks. Amazing gryobalancers improve this to near superhuman levels, providing a -2 bonus to all Acrobatics checks. Impact Jacks Impact jacks are massive springs that float inside of a gel-like solution that are installed in the lower legs. They increase the characters jumping distance, and can absorb some of the damage from falls depending upon the distance fallen. Impact jacks of ordinary quality increase the jumping distance of the hero by x1.5m (round down) and absorb 2 points of damage from any fall smaller than 11-30m. Good impact jacks increase the jumping distance by x2, and absorb 4 points of damage from any fall smaller than a 11-30m distance. Amazing impact jackets increase jumping distance by x2.5, making running easier (granting a -1 bonus to Movement race checks) and absorb 6 points of damage from any fall smaller than an 11-30m distance. Nanocomputer The nanocomputer is more fully described in the chapter on Computers. It is listed here because it is also a piece of cyberware. Neural Data Slot, External The Neural data slot allows for an external port with which the use can connect and read data stored on memory storage devices. It provides bonus storage for a grid caster or for important data files, and can be used to access these files (because the Nanocomputer operates in a read-only mode though, they cant be edited). Ordinary Neural data slots provide can read only NRAM memory sticks. Good and Amazing slots can read both NRAM and Holographic memory. NI-Jack Both the Wired and Wireless NI-jack are more fully described in the chapter on Computers. They are listed here because they are also pieces of cyberware. Optical Display Screen The ODS is a screen that displays messages and directly on the retina of the individual. However, because of the curving of the light and the way that the device works, it actually gives the appearance of displaying these messages in a three-dimensional space projected out in front of the individual. Ordinary ones dont have the interaction feature; good and amazing ODSs can be interacted with that is, while surfing the grid, one is given the illusion that they are moving the project windows and screens around with their hands (and

while they are moving the projected windows and screens, they arent doing with their hands; their neural signals are being read, and the screen is being changed that way.) Good and amazing ODSs can also display pictures and videos of individuals that are being communicated with using the Communication Port. The ODE does not requires a cyber-eye to function, but it does require a nanocomputer and a few days to recover and learn how to operate it. Reflex The Reflex wiring is specialized neurological-cybernetic terminals that enhance the reaction time and physical capabilities of the individual. In so many words, Reflex wiring allows the individual to run Enhanced programs, which are physical programs. The downside is that operating a reflex wiring is extremely tiring; and for every turn that the character runs the reflex or enhanced programs, they suffer stun damage based on the quality of the wiring: Ordinary, 1; Good ,2 ; Amazing, 3. If the character scores a critical failure while accessing an enhanced program, they have to make a Will feat to avoid Wrights Syndrome. See Fast Chip for more information. The PHB has the information on Enhanced Programs. Subdermal Armor Subdermal armor is armor that is placed just under the skin. These flexible CF bands are placed within the epidermis, providing production without the draw backs of it being noticeable. It lacks the stopping power of external armor, but it doesnt advertise either. Ordinary subdermal armor grants d4-1 (LI) d6-2 (HI) d6-2 (En). Good stops d6-1 (LI) d8-3 (HI) d8-2 (En), and amazing stops d6+1 (LI) d6 (HI) and d6 (En). Subdermal Communications Gear It is standard communications gear thats installed in the throat or neck, providing the character with a hidden means to communicate. Incoming communication cannot be heard, and a whisper back is all thats need to return. It has a range of 1,000km. Subdermal Weapon Mount The Subdermal Weapon Mount allows an individual to place weapons in stores located within their body, giving the illusion that they are not really armed when they actually are. Weapons that weight less than 1 kg can be installed as ordinary implants, weapons that weight less than 3 kg require good implants, and must be installed in cyberlimbs, and weapons that weigh less than 6 kg require an amazing mount, a cyberlimb, and either an exoskeleton or endoskeleton. Weapons weighing more than 6kg cannot be made into subdermal weapon mounts. Systematic Reinforcement Systematic reinforcement effectively increases the cybertolerance of an individual. Vital organs are supplanted by non-intrusive synthetic substitutes. Systematic reinforcement adds 1, 2, or 3 additional points to the individuals cybertolerance score depending upon the quality of the equipment (ordinary, good, or amazing).

7.2 Cyberware Updates

Some pieces of cyberware can be modified; these pieces of cyberware are said to be capable of being updated, or enhanced. Not many pieces of cyberware can be enhanced, and no piece of cyberware may hold more than one enhancement. Once installed, enhancements cannot be removed the cyberware has to be removed instead, and a whole new piece of cyberware has to be installed. The possible updates are listed below for the cybernetic systems:

Cyber System Cyber Eye, Cyber Optics Cyber Eye, Cyber Optics

Update Name Microscopic Lens Thermal Imaging

Avail. Control Control

Type Optical Optical

Cost 3000 2500

Cyber Eye, Cyber Optics Cyber Eye, Cyber Optics Cyber Ear Cyber Ear Cyber Ear Cyber Ear

Ultrasound Imaging Acoustphonetics imagining Audio Amplifier Audio Damper Audio Ghost Tracer Frequency Adjustment

Control Military Any Any Military Control

Optical Optical Audio Audio Audio Audio

4500 8600 2500 2500 6800 4500

Microscopic Lens The Microscopic lens is an additional lens that can be added to either a cyber-optics or cyber eye, allowing the user to zoom up to x1000 on something that is within 30cm of the eye. It grants a -1 step bonus on all checks where the user is working on a tiny scale, such as repairing micro-electronics (not nanotech though) or looking for finger prints. The Microscopic lens cannot be installed on amazing cyber optics or other cyberoptics that have a zoom lens already featured. Thermal Imaging Thermal imaging basically allows the user to see ambient heat. Temperatures at or below -101 Celsius show as black. Shades of blue are temperature ranges between -100 and 0 degrees. A light red shade begins at 1 degree, orange at 25 degrees, yellow at 50. As it approaches 100 degrees, the image becomes a blinding white light. If the temperature exceeds 100 degrees, the implant shuts down to prevent burning out. It takes one round to reset. Cyberoptics that already have a thermal imaging system cannot have installed on them. Character using one eyes with a thermal imaging upgrade and another eye with another upgrade must close their nonthermal eye, and are treated as being blinded in the eye that they dont have (+2 penalty to Awareness checks based on vision, driving checks, and other vision based checks). Ultrasound Imaging the USI provides sonar for humans. The eye issues a ping at well above the hearing range of many creatures, and when the sound returns advanced display software in the eye that is installed with the USI upgrade displays the results of this as a three dimensional image, essentially allowing the user to see in the dark. It works well in blindness or total light, in smoke, fog, or water, and even if the subject cannot open their eyes. Sound based vision cannot function within a vacuum, and is interrupted by a sheet of clear glass (glasses, windshields, etc). The sound is also a slower medium than light, so there is a delay period, imposing a +2 penalty on the individual who uses it, and it can be disrupted by very loud noises and high pitched frequencies. Characters who have one eye with ultrasound imaging must close their other eye, and are treated as being partially blinded in that eye while it is closed. See Thermal Imaging for more information. Acustophonetics Imaging The AP imaging software is extremely advanced it is a sort of passive sonar, that picks up ambient noise and then uses advanced imaging software to display it fully in three dimensions. It does not suffer from the same limitation as USI, though, because it essentially turns sound into light. The louder the sound, the more bright the light that it creates. While AP imaging is still in its infancy, it shows a great deal of promise. The only draw back It has is that it must be installed in both eyes (require two cyber optics) and if there is no sound, then it does not work. Audio Amplifier This upgrade allows the user of a cyber ear to amplify the noises picked up by the microphone by as much as x50. It provides a -1 bonus on picking up faint sounds.

Audio Damper The Audio damper protectors its user and itself by automatically damping loud noises, reducing the level of noise by one step if it would otherwise do harm to the individual. Audio Ghost Tracer The AGT is also called the Audio Targeting Matrix. Basically, the AGT allows the individual to single out a specific noise, and then, in conjunction with a specially designed middle-ear cavity, playback ambient noise at the same frequency that it is heard, canceling it out. The end result is that all noise but the one that the user wants to track is quieted to the point where it can no longer be heard. The downside is that if the AGT were to break, all that noise would come rushing back at once, and tests have shown that the inner ear cannot handle this and the result is usually permanent damage to the inner ear. Using an AGT is requires one action, and once activated, it remains activated until the user turns it off. It provides a -4 bonus on Awareness Perception checks when looking for a specific noise that has been singled out, but no other noise can be heard, and no other Awareness checks that require hearing but the one relating to the specific noise can be made by the user. Frequency Adjuster The frequency adjuster is an upgrade to the cyber ear to allow it to hear frequencies outside of the normal range of hearing. Changing frequencies requires an action to change, and an action to change back. Once the frequency is changed, the character can only hear things within that frequency; so a character listening to VHF isnt going to hear a gunshot a few feet away.

7.3 Wrights Syndrome

Wrights Syndrome was first diagnosed in 2061 by Dr. Andre Wright of the Seattle Institute for Cybermedicine. Wright, having heard reports about certain pieces of cyberwear inducing a sort of schizophrenic-like state within individuals who used them, was curious and set out to investigate. After several months of investigation, Wright came to the conclusions that the major offenders were the Fast Chip, the Accelerator, and the Reflex Wiring, all of which enhanced the reaction time of an individual. Wright believed that this quickening of the reaction time triggered the production of abnormal neurotransmitters within the brain, and by 2063 he had proof of such. On June 14 of 2063, Wrights Syndrome was officially listed in the new DSM-VII. There currently is no known cure for Wrights Syndrome, although psychodesign proponents believe that they are capable of helping the individual heal. Wright, a licensed psychodesigner, did not believe these theories, stating that Wrights Syndrome was as much as disease of the cyberware as it was of the person, and it while psychodesign could help the person, there was little they could do for the cyberware short of lobotomization, which would kill the person or render them crippled in some manner. As such, individuals who suffer from Wrights Syndrome are usually killed on sight, because they are truly too dangerous to keep alive. Wrights Syndrome is this campaigns setting term for cykosis. Cykosis is still the common term for Wrights Syndrome, but its more a tongue-in-cheek name. In medical textbooks, the term is Wrights Syndrome. Either way, it was the discovery that the fast chip, accelerator and reflex wiring were behind the disease that caused these pieces of cyberware to earn their restricted status. By 2065, all civilized countries in the world had banned the sale of these pieces of cyberware (reflex wiring not withstanding see below), and made possession of them a felony offense (an individual who already has them installed is deemed to be at-risk of falling into Wrights, and as a result, usually undergo the painful process of having it removed if at all possible if not, then a massive EMP is administered to destroy the cyberware in their body often times crippling them as well, but the law is the law). Of them all, the reflex wiring is the only one that is not illegal. It requires a license to own, and a good reason to install. This does not mean that individuals who use a reflex wiring are not vulnerable to Wrights quite to the contrary. Rather, the reflex wiring has a lower likelihood of

generating Wrights than the accelerator or fast chip, both of which are highly illegal. The government does not install reflex wiring without good reason. Every time an individual accesses a Fast Chip or Accelerator, they must make a Will feat check to stave off the effects of Wrights. A characters Wrights Score is equal to one half of their willpower, rounded up. Anytime they roll a failure on their Will feat check when they access the Fast Chip or Accelerator, they mark off one of the boxes. Anytime they roll a critical failure, they mark off two of the boxes. On any success, the boxes are left unchanged. When all the boxes are used up, the character succumbs to Wrights syndrome. The Reflex works a bit differently. Because the Reflex runs enhanced programs, characters who roll a critical failure while using an enhanced program are required to roll a Will feat check. On any success, their boxes remain unchanged. On a failure, they mark off only one box. There is no critical failure for this check. Important: Last Resort Points and Personality Feats may not be used to stave off the effects of Wrights. The only exception to this is the Reflex wiring; if you score a critical failure on the skill check, you can still spend a Last Resort Point as usual to improve that score. You may not, however, use a Personality feat to avoid succumbing to Wrights. Individuals who install these pieces of cyberware recognized that its not a matter of if theyll succumb. Its a matter of when. You knew the dangers when you had the cyberware installed; you have been warned. Symptoms Wrights Syndrome has symptoms very similar to paranoid schizophrenia (also called Neurotransmitter-stress disorder). Individuals diagnosed with Wrights usually display the following symptoms: Delusions they usually are under the firm belief that people are out to kill them, and they act in return. Because most sufferers of Wrights are violent gang-bangers anyway, murder and mayhem are second nature to them. The more progressed the disease is, the more extreme the delusions become, and the more violent the sufferer lashes out at the world around them. Hallucinations Wrights Syndrome sufferers have sensory hallucinations auditory, olfactory, visual, and tactile hallucinations are the most common for sufferers. Most of the time, they dont live in the real world with the rest of us. Catatonia a defining trait of Wrights are motor-neuron disruptions. This is most often displayed when the individual is not involved in some extreme physical activity due to the nature of the disorder, individuals who suffer from Wrights are capable of jumping from a catatonic state where all movement is a forced, almost puppet-like movement to a state of hyperactivity where all movement is extremely fluid and fast and back again with little prompting. They are less dangerous when they are in their catatonic state than they are when theyre in their hyperactive state, though. Aversion to Light for some reason, Wrights sufferers have an aversion to light. This means that they usually wear dark glasses or polarized glasses if they are out at all during the day. This is another defining trait of the disorder. The reason for this is the fact that the neurotransmitters generated by the cyberware in question makes certain nerves in the body hypersensitive to stimulation the optical nerves are usually the first ones to experience this, although auditory sensitivity is also not uncommon. Wrights sufferers react violently loud auditory stimulation or bright lights, entering a killing frenzy in most cases. They have been reported to snap out of a catatonic state when a bright light hits them. Bizarre speech patterns schizophasia is common in many sufferers of Wrights. It is not unusual for them to blurt out things that make no sense at all; their syntax and grammar is terribly off, and their speech patterns are irregular when they choose to speak at all. Note that this is not apparent in all suffers from Wrights more than a few sufferers have had perfectly normal speech patterns. Co-morbid Features sometimes Wrights appears with other diseases usually anxiety disorders, although Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder was extremely common in the population studied by Wright. Its not known if these disorders existed prior to the onset of Wrights or not, though.

Is Wrights Real? There is a small but vocal segment of the psychological-medical profession who dont believe that Wrights is real. They point to the similarities that Wrights has with schizophrenia and claim that a Wrights sufferer is a paranoid schizophrenic who is cybered. They point the environment that many Wrights Suffers come from dirt poor, underclass environment surrounded by violence who are prone to narcotics abuse as proof. It is well known that these environments increase the odds of developing schizophrenia, and many believe that they were either paranoid before they were cybered up and it developed even further afterwards, or the cyberware somehow triggered schizophrenia, which is being misdiagnosed as Wrights. However, Wrights proponents believe it is a very real disorder. They claim there are several things that are unique to Wrights that are not present in uncategorized schizophrenia, including the aversion to light and the rapid catatonic/manic phases, which onset much faster than those present in catatonic schizophrenia. It has also been proven that many neurotransmitters responsible for Wrights are unique to the symptom schizophrenia has its own neurological symptoms that, proponents are quick to point out, is different. A third group exists that believe that Wrights should be called cyber-schizophrenia, merging both schools into one school that says Wrights is a sub-disorder in the greater schizophrenia family. As of yet, very little progress has been made in this area of merging schizophrenia with Wrights, but individuals who expound the cyber-schizophrenia theory are still hard at work. Whatever the case, NICA agents have come to realize something if it has cyberware, and it babbles incoherently and is extremely violent, it has to die. Otherwise, its going to try and kill them.

7.4 Body Armor

Once upon a time, there was a world where the police had to rely on bad armor when it came to dealing with gunfights. This meant, in so many words, that they often sought to avoid gunfights were at all possible. Often times, a single gunshot meant death to an individual unless they could get attention immediately, and armor was not cheap enough for everyone to afford it, and it didnt protect well enough against the high end fire arms of the day for it to matter in most cases. Well, not much has changed. Body armor has enhanced marginally and most of the good body armor is still reserved for military forces, However, some of the body armor has seeped through and found its way into the hands of the police, government officials and the bad guys. Most armor is either any, meaning you can purchase it at military surplus stores and survival stores, or military, meaning you can purchase it off of the black market. Obviously the military grade armor is going to be better than the armor thats available to most normal folks. Police sometimes have access to military grade armor, while corporate security officers are usually armed with the best that the corporations can muster, providing theyre human at all (under which circumstances theyre still usually armed with the best that the corporation can purchase). Armor Name Assault Gear, Hvy Attack Armor Attack Armor, Powered Battle Jacket CF Body Suit CF Long Coat CF Short Coat Cerametal Armor Cerametal Shield Skill Combat Combat Powered Armor OP -----------------------------------Combat Combat AP +2 +3 +2 +1 Type Ordinary Ordinary Good Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary LI/HI/En (LI) d6-1/d6/d6-1 (LI) d4+1/d6+1/d4-1 (LI) d6+1/d6+2/d6+1 (LI) d6-1/d4+1/d4-1 (LI) d8-1/d8-1/d6 (LI) d4/d4/d6-2 (LI) d4-1/d4-1/d6-3 (LI) d6+1/d8+1/d6 (LI) +2/ +2/ +2 Hide Mass 12 15 25 8 3 4 3 10 1 Avail Cont. Cont. Mil Cont. Cont. Any Any Mil Cont. Cost 2500 3000 8000 1500 2250 500 75 2000 1500

+1 +2 +2 +3

+2 +2

Assault Armor The natural evolution of the assault gear from an earlier decade, this assault armor includes a bullet-proof CF weave and

plates that replace much of padding. It includes a protective hood or helmet and attachments optional for a hip worn respirator. Attack Armor An improvement on the assault armor, the attack armor uses a breastplate of CF weave and cerametal to protect the vital areas while using a regular CF weaves to protect the other areas of the body. Attack Armor, Powered A much bulkier form of the attack armor that uses servos and comes complete with an internal skeleton, the powered attack armor includes a small microcomputer to manage simple sensor inputs and assist with the movement by controlling actuators. It has the following built in systems: Targeting System Its targeting system reduces long range penalties by 1 step Image enhancing software It reduces penalties due to poor lighting by one step, but does not allow the user to see in total darkness. Communication suite It has a signal laser and comm. Gear to allow communication and supervision of remote sensor devices over a 5km distance. Trauma Pack I two trauma packs are attached to a thigh pocket and in a small pocket in the back. Battle Jacket the battle jacket is a more complete version of the battle vest from an earlier day; providing the user with plates over the thighs and arms as well as over the chest and groin. It also comes with a open-faced hood. Most battle jackets feature face covers with attachments for respirators. Carbon Fiber Coats The CF coats are made of carbon-fiber weave; that is, strong nanoscopic tubes of carbon that have been attached to the molecular structure of the coat to make the fabric that much stronger and resistant to bullets. While not bullet-proof, CF coats are bullet-resistant, and fashionable at the same time, as a good coat never goes out of style. Cerametal Armor Cerametal is a bit of a misnomer, because there is no metal at all in it. Rather, Cerametal is made from extremely resistant ceramic materials that overlay a CF weave. These ceramic materials, which are strengthened at the molecular level with injections of carbon, are then formed into plates that are attached to a CF weave. Cerametal armor is designed to crack like glass, and although it can end up looking pretty bad at times, it is still fully functioning. Repairing cerametal requires the proper filler agent, which is applied over the cracks and bullet holes and then smoothed out. Cerametal armor is heavy and awkward, though, and requires a great deal of training before an individual can understand how to move around in it. Cerametal Shield A shield thats made out of ceramics overlaid against a CF underbelly, the cerametal shield is a tower shield that protects the whole body but has a slot near the top to see through and poke a gun through and shoot. Like cerametal armor, it is designed to crack, and can be repaired just as easily.

7.5 Firearms
Firearms have seen major advancements over the last 40 years, starting with the appearance of semiconductor technology small enough to be placed inside of the gun. This allowed for a replacement of the typical chemical means of firing the gun; now, rather than firing the gun with a chemical reaction, an electrical reaction triggers the bullet. To keep the bullet going down the barrel, a magnetic system of rails was created in the barrel, leading to the first ever rail-

gun. Railguns are common now railpistols, railSMGs, railrifles in face, theyre so common that they arent used with the prefix rail in front of them most people just call them guns. And thats a fair name, because thats what they are. Guns are probably every bit as common place as computers, if not more so, in the American society, 2080. Guns can be purchased at the local store, along with ammunition. The listing presented here is just a small taste of the wide variety of weapons that can be found throughout the world of 2080. Weapon Pistol, 9mm Rail Pistol, 11mm Rail Pistol, 45cal Rail Pistol, 50cal Rail .32 ACP Rail Pistol Rifle, 9mm Rail Rifle, .45 APC Rail Rifle, 5.56mm Rail 12 gauge Rail SG 9mm Rail SMG .45 ACP Rail SMG Hvy. Rail MG (Res) Rail Cannon (Res) Arc Gun (Res) Laser Cannon (Res) Plasma Cannon (Res) Gren. Launch. (Res) Gren., Plasma (Res) Gren., Stun (Cont) Skill Pistol Pistol Pistol Pistol Pistol Rifle Rifle Rifle Rifle SMG SMG Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Indirect Throw Throw Acc +0 +0 +0 +1 +1 0/+1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 0 0 0 Md F/B F/B F F F/B/A F/B/A F/B/A F/B/A F/B/A B/A B/A A B/A F F F F F F Range 8/16/60 10/20/80 6/12/40 6/12/60 6/12/40 10/20/80 8/16/50 60/120/300 6/12/30 10/20/80 8/16/50 200/600/1200 150/500/1500 20/40/100 200/500/1000 10/20/40 100/800/4000 Per STR Per STR Damage d4+1w/d6+2w/d4m d4+3w/d6+3w/d4+2m d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+2m d6w/d6+3w/d6m d4w/d4+3w/d4m d4+1w/d4+2w/d4m d4+1/d4+2w/d4+1m d4+2w/d6+3w/d4+2w d4+1w/d6+2w/d4+1m d4+3w/d4m/d4+3m d4+2w/d4+3w/d4+2m d8w/2d6w/2d4m d6w/d6+2w/d6m d8+1s/d8w/d6+3w d8+1s/d12w/d8+1m d8w/d8+3w/d12w As Load d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1m d6s/d8s/d8+2s Type HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/O HI/G HI/G En/G En/G En/G #### En/G En/O Act 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cost 250 350 600 1400 1500 750 500 940 800 1800 500 100000 200000 230000 400000 560000 40000 8000 3400 Wt 3 3 4 4 5 10 10 9 6 9 10 11 20 24 24 24 10 1 1

Direct Energy Weapons Direct Energy Weapons are not very common in the world of 2080. The technology required to create them, while it has been invented, has not been fully explored or exploited yet. As a result, there are no laser pistols. However, the Laser Cannon, which is the largest Direct Energy Weapon available on the streets (that is known rumors have it that the military accidentally leaked plasma weaponry on the street too, although NICA agents, FBI and law enforcement have yet to come across any yet).
Arc Gun The Arc Gun uses a massive dynamo and superconductor technology to generate a huge burst of electricity. While it pales in comparison with what nature is capable of doing, the voltage that is generated by the gun is more than capable of knocking a fullgrown man off of his feet and killing him in one hit. The downside with the Arc Gun is battery usage. The Arc Gun gets four shots off before the battery needs to be replaced. Arc Gun batteries go on the street for roughly 1/3 (round down) the total cost of the gun. They are not easy to come by at all, and many prefer to use the Arc Gun for last ditch only. To compensate for this, the Arc Gun sometimes comes with a backpack and power-cable that connects to the stock of the gun. It weights a whopping 24kg. Laser Cannon The Laser Cannon is the second ever direct energy weapon (the Arc Gun is the first). It generates a blinding flash of light that is capable of creating third degree burns on the target and igniting combustibles if targeted with the laser cannon. The downside of the laser cannon is that it requires a backpack, power cord, and heat-sinks

galore to keep the superconductors and dynamos that generate the beam from overheating. Despite the heat generated, the Laser Cannon is a very reliable direct energy weapon, and is usually found mounted on vehicles. Laser Cannon batteries last for 45 shots. Cost for a laser cannon battery on the street is 1/3 the cost of the weapon (round down), meaning they arent cheap to come by. Plasma Cannon The Plasma Cannon is a weapon still in its infancy. It lacks the range of the Laser Cannon, but has managed to overcome the difficulties surrounding plasma in an atmospheric setting (that is, it tends to evaporate a few feet away from the muzzle of the barrel) by encasing the plasma in a magnetic field. Other than that, it works like a standard rail-gun, with one exception the user of the Plasma cannon is literally carrying around a small star on their back. The intense heat generated by this weapon means that it burns out quickly not even the best heatsinks in the world are capable of keeping it cool for very long. It is a very good oh shit button weapon, but not at all for practical use. A critical failure with a plasma cannon means that the something malfunctioned in the back, turning the backpack into a bomb that must quickly be gotten rid of before it explodes.

7.6 Vehicles
Vehicles in 2080 are almost fully electric. Thanks to a revolution in the early part of the century, vehicles that run on fossil fuels are ancient, antiquated, and only seen in the lower levels. In the upper levels, stylish vehicles that run on electric batteries are common place. These vehicles are a hold over from this revolution that took place, and because it was cheaper to continue moving forward rather than go backwards, they continued on their evolution. The arrival of room temperature superconductors means that electric vehicles are capable of going forever without requiring a charge, and can get some real power pumping muscle cars with batteries for motors, essentially. All vehicles operate using electric batteries motorcycles, planes, trains, busses, maglev, cars, trucks you name it, and it runs on electric batteries. In addition the bodies of vehicles use smart materials. That is, whenever you get a dent in the side of your car, you can apply an electrical charge to that region of the vehicle (a small electrical charge) and watch in awe as the body resumes the same shape that it had before, without having to pay a dime for body work or repairs. And because cars are designed to crumple like accordions when they get into accidents apply a large enough electrical shock and you can watch the care unfold back to the state that it was in before. These are also called memory materials because they remember the original form and state that they were in, and when an electrical shock is passed through, they resume that state. Note this does not repair puncture wounds to the vehicle, including bullet holes. There are liquids you can purchase that fix them, but the car itself cannot fix them without outside influences. Unless otherwise noted, Cars come with Grid access. They support a dumb GID, which is used mostly for accessing up-to-date traffic information and displaying it on the windshield in the form of a HUD, or displaying conversations in the form of a HUD on the windshield as well via a telecomm unit built into the windshield. Vehicle Street Bike Performance Bike Mid-Sized Car Performance Car Terrain Buggy Sport Utility Vehicle Heavy Pickup Truck Luxury Car Police Cruiser Police Interceptor Skill Land Land Land Land Land Land Land Land Land Land Drive -1 -1 -2 Acc 60 60 50 60 40 40 40 50 60 60 Cruise 40 90 90 130 110 110 110 100 110 130 Max 180 220 180 200 200 200 160 150 180 210 Type O O G G O G G G G G Durability 4/4/2 4/4/2 10/10/5 9/9/4 15/15/7 17/17/8 15/15/7 11/11/5 10/10/5 9/9/4 Avail Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Cont. Cont. Grid? No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cost 12,000 45,000 54,000 58,400 31,000 50,000 43,000 69,000 65,000 70,000

-1 -2

Speed Boat Hovercraft Yacht Jet-Ski Ultralight Light Aircraft, VTL Light Helicopter VTL Light Jet, VTL Sea Plane

Water Water Water Water Daredevil Air Air Air Air/Water

-1 +1 +1 +1 +1

20 10 10 15 10 20 30 30 20

60 20 20 30 60 200 110 500 200

80 40 40 80 100 400 300 950 400


6/6/3 6/6/3 6/6/3 4/4/2 2/2/1 6/6/3 15/15/7 10/10/5 15/15/7

Any Any Any Any Any Any Cont. Mil Any

Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

45,000 67,000 80,000 1000 2000 120,000 340,000 5 Mill 230,000

Paragon Motors Roadster V9

Paragon Motors Fire-starter

Paragon Motors Indian Model

Mazda-Taiki Corp Hokori

This is not an all encompassing list of all the vehicles that exist this is, however, a decent look at the most common vehicles in the world. Also note that it may still be possible to find vehicles that exist from an earlier time these vehicles should be stated out appropriately, providing that they still run (given that so many vehicles ran on gas which isnt all that common anymore thanks to the cars being electric). Vehicle Upgrades Vehicles by themselves are great, but the world of 2080 offers more than just vehicles for the characters to indulge in. Vehicles can be upgraded to reflect different needs, just as they can be in real-life armor plates, alarms that trigger in your nanocomputer and alert you to the fact

someone is breaking into your car, remote-starters that are activated via a software program in your nanocomputer and the cars computer using the wireless NIjack there are a vast array of different upgrades that can be purchased for vehicles. Some of the most common are given below:
Armor Plating Armor plating requires structural reinforcement in order to be operation, often times mixing a CF weave with ceramic plates. While this tends to weigh the car down slightly, it gives the car the advantage of being able to drive into a fire-fight with little worry. Cost: 4000 (durability 1-2), 7500 (durability 3-7), 15000 (durability 7+) Benefit: Armor bonus d6 (LI) d6 (HI) d4-1 (En) Auto Security Service Basically, this free service is offered by NICA and comes pre-installed with NICA vehicles (characters who own vehicles have to purchase it and retrofit it in their vehicles separately.) The Security Service gives you access to a Grid domain that provides maps, hazard alerts, and round the clock monitoring of your vehicles safety, including charge, location, and other important things relevant to it. The Security package costs 1500 per initial installation plus an additional 250 per year. Booters Nitrous Oxide boosters under the vehicle that provide a temporary boost to speed to close the distance between vehicles, or help you get through that yellow light. While driving with boosters on, the vehicle doubles its acceleration rate, but the handling becomes horrible, giving a +2 penalty (in addition to other driver penalties). They cost 2000. Car Alarm A leap in technology has mean that no longer are other people disturbed by your car alarm just you. When the software is installed in the cars computer and in your nanocomputer or gauntlet, it monitors the state of the car constantly, even if the car is turned off. When something goes wrong say, the door was opened without the proper key code being input (which must be input over a wireless signal between you and your car), the alarm goes off. It alerts you and the police, but nobody else has to deal with it. Note that while the alarm is going, off the car cannot be started. The only way to shut the alarm of is to either hack the computer or enter the key-code wirelessly. Older models that still wake the neighbors exist for the extremely malicious of us, but they still alert your nanocomputer or gauntlet when they go off as well. The software and hardware totals to about 1000 when all is said and done, and takes up 1 slot of active memory. HUD Basically a holographic monitor that is installed between the two layers of your windshield. Using the cars computer (which has a dumb GID) you can plug in a telecomm unit, you can get up to the data information displayed on your windshield from the Auto Security Service, or you can access the Grid and do surfing at red lights or while waiting for a train. The HUD appears in the lower corner of the windshield, so as not to disturb the driver or block their vision. Most newer vehicles (post-2070) have HUDs already built in. If not, then it costs about 2000 get a working HUD installed in the windshield. Performance Breaks Performance breaks do for stopping what the Performance engine does for starting. For purposes of slowing down, a vehicle with performance breaks can increase its acceleration value by x2. Installation costs about 1500 with an additional upkeep cost of about 150 per month.

Performance Engine Featuring top of the line superconductor technology, the performance engine makes the care move longer and faster than most other cars on the road, and get the most out of their engine charge-life. Vehicles with the performance engine increase the acceleration and top speed by x2. Instillation costs about 5000 with an additional upkeep cost of about 500 per month. Performance Steering Does for steering what the performance engine does for speed. Vehicles with the performance steering reduce the drive penalty or increase the drive bonus by one step. Costs 2000 initially with an additional upkeep of about 200 per month. Remote Keyless Entry To variants of this exists; the first is the nanocomputer variant. Its basically software installed on your nanocomputer (it takes up 1 slot) and on the car computer. When you approach the car computer, you can send an encrypted message via the NIjack to the car, telling it to unlock all doors and even start the engine automatically. The other variant exists as software that is downloaded onto a gauntlet of some-kind or a keyless entry clicker that also starts the engines automatically for those who dont have the proper equipment to do magically. All models are encrypted and use code-grabbing protection. Software totals to about 300. Self-Sealing Tires About as common on cars as HUDs, selfsealing tires are tires that basically fix themselves and are good for about another 60km before the tire has to be fixed. They reduce the penalty due to tire punctures by 2 steps (they can never give a bonus). All four tires on the car must be self-sealing in order to get this bonus. They cost 500 per tire. Winch A powered winch installed in the vehicle allows the vehicle to pull a heavier load than what it would normally be allowed to pull. Winches enable them to do just that, pulling 1000kg at a slow 2m round, 500kg at 4m per round, and so on to a maximum speed of 16m per round for 125kg. Generally speaking, they require solid mounting on a vehicle, usually placed inside of the bed of the vehicle. The winch costs 750, and instillation costs an additional 2000.

7.7 Gear from Other books

This is a brief list of the gear from other books that the characters can expect to find throughout the campaign. The nature of the gear is more fully described in the books that Im taking them from, so I wont repeat it here. Rather, this is just a rough look at some of the stuff that you can expect to find in the world a very rough and brief look, given the nature of the world. Gear Name Anti-scan weave (Restrict) Backpack Bio-holster Boots Briefcase Business/Formal Dress Casual Clothing Coat Jewelry Pouch Shoes Utility Harness Mass 1 1 1 1 Cost Cost x 3 100 200 300+ 450+ 360+ 140+ 200+ 8000+ 10+ 200+ 300+ Book PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB PHB Type Clothing Clothing Holster Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Clothing Notes
+3 to all sensor checks to detect weapons Carries up to 10kg of goods Only owner can remove weapon from holster Carries up to 5kg of materials May add a +1 to Personality scores -1 bonus to checks resisting cold May add a +1 to Personality Scores Carries up to 2kg of goods Carries up to 6kg of goods

Watch First Aid Kit Forensics Kit Life Support Pack Medical Scanner (Control) Pharm, Anesthetic (Control) Pharm, Antibiotic (Control) Pharm, Antiradiation (Control) Pharm, Antivenom (Control) Pharm, Coagulant (Control) Pharm, Sedative (Control) Pharm, Stimulant (Control) Surgical Kit (Control) Trauma Pack I (Control) Trauma Pack II (Control) Cutting Torch Demolitions Pack (Control) Generator, Portable Instrument Pack Toolkit Toolkit, Specialized Walker (Control) Workshop, Portable Audio-recorder Bio-detector (Control) Chemical Detector (Control) EM Detector (Control) Radiation Detector (Control) Goggles, Imaging Goggles, Infrared Holorecorder Imaging Scanner (Control) Surveillance Gear (Military) Tracker, Signal (Control) Tracker, Sonic (Control) Weapon Detector (Control) Bedroll Boots, Magnetic Camping Unit Candle Climate Weave Climbing Gear Cooler E-Suit, Soft (Control) Flare Flashlight Heater, Portable 2 5 3 10

600+ 100 500+ 1200+ 3000+ 500 500 1000 1000 500 500 500 6000 5000 10000 2500 7000 8000 3000 400 600 50000 3400 100 2500 2500 2500 2500 1300 1500 1200 3750 600+ 2500 3500 4500 25 360+ 600+ 10+ Cost x2 400 230 3500 20 50 30


Clothing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival

Tells time; analog or digital See PHB for more info -2 bonus to Med Science Forensics checks See PHB for more info See PHB for more info Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Cost per dose; see PHB for rules Necessary to use Med Sci Surgery See PHB for more info See PHB for more info See PHB for more info See PHB for more info See PHB for more info -1 bonus with selected Phys Sci special skill -1 bonus to Tech Sci specialty skills -2 bonus to chose Tech Sci specialty skill See PHB for more information See PHB for more information Stores 10min of data as 1 memory slot See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info See S*D Arms and Equipment for more Info See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info Reduces penalties for poor light by 2 steps Reduces penalties for poor light by 2 steps Stores 3 slots of information (audio/video) See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info See S*D Arms and Equipment for more info See PHB for more information

15 1 2 10 25 25 15 10 15 200 100 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

1 4 4 10 5 2 6 4

See PHB for more information See PHB for more information See PHB for more information -3 bonus to Athletics Climb checks See PHB for more information Good illumination out to 4m

Lighter Matches Mirror Raft, Inflatable Rations Respirator Mask Rope Scuba Gear (Control) Skis Portable Stove Survival Gear Tent Water Condenser Water Purifier Weather Monitor Animal, Guard (control) Animal, Mount (control) Animal, Pack (control) Animal, Pet (control) Biolock Duct Tape Ear Plugs Handcuffs, Biolock Holoviewer Instant Glue Living Toothpaste Lockpick Set (control) Magnetic Clamp Musical Instrument Nanomix, Television Padlock Telecomm Arson Kit (control) Drug & Narcotics Kit (control) Hacking Kit (control) Photographic Kit (control) Standard Kit (control) Ambulance Car Rental Charter Boat Charter Plane Comm Call, Local (Plan) Comm Call, Inter. (Plan) Housing, Average Housing, Excellent Housing, Good Housing, Magnificent Housing, Poor Housing, Posh

10 2 3 25 2 8 8 10 5 7 1 Varies Varies Varies Varies

10 5 per 10 5 200 200 400 20 3000 200+ 340+ 1000 2000+ 230+ 175+ 750+ Varies Varies Varies Varies 100 10/roll 10 500 1600 5 20 700 700 Varies 5000 10 400 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+ 200+


Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Survival Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. Kits Kits Kits Kits Kits Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service

Ordinary illumination out to 1m Ordinary illumination out to 0.5m Creates a raft w/outboard motor. Treat as jet ski. Food for 3 months per person Can breathe in A3 environment Comes in coils of 5m Treat as PL 6 scuba gear; see PHB

See PHB for contents

See PHB for details See PHB for details See PHB for details See PHB for details See PHB for details Only opens for owner Duct Tape does everything you fool Reduces quality of sound by 1 step Only opens for individual who set the lock Views television programs in 3-dimensions Forms very strong bonds Nanites in toothpaste that clean teeth -2 bonus with Manipulation Lockpick checks Required to play music Paints 1 television on the wall or other surface When the key doesnt work, try a hammer Performs function of telephone See Dark*Matter Arms and Equipment See Dark*Matter Arms and Equipment See Dark*Matter Arms and Equipment See Dark*Matter Arms and Equipment See Dark*Matter Arms and Equipment Per ride in an ambulance; no pay, no ride Price to rent out a Mid-sized car; others may vary Price to charter a boat for a day Price to charter a plane for a day Price to pay for Comm call grid-service Added to per month Comm call plan An 2 or 3 bedroom house or average apartment A large house A 4 bedroom house or good apartment A huge mansion in a gated community Rundown cockroach motel A good-sized house or small mansion

5 3

1 1 Varies 20 4 4 4 4 4

360 per ride 450/day 700/day 1600/day 340/month +50/month 1000/year 5000/year 2000/year 500000/year 250/year 250000/year

Housing, Squalid Hospital Stay Lawyer Limousine Lodging, Cheap Lodging, Good Lodging, Opulent Meal, cheap Meal, good Meal, opulent Medical, psychiatry Medical, surgery Medical, treatment Message Service News Service Security Service Taxi Ride Travel, Air Travel, Bus Travel, Ocean Travel, Train/Maglev Lifestyle, Miserly Lifestyle, Average Lifestyle, Comfortable Lifestyle, Luxurious Lifestyle, Opulent Lifestyle, Absurd

100/year GMG Service 5000/day PHB Service 500+/hour PHB Service 300/day PHB Service 25/day PHB Service 50/day PHB Service 180+/day PHB Service 30 PHB Service 60 PHB Service 150+ PHB Service 100/session PHB Service 5000+ PHB Service 2500+ PHB Service 50/month PHB Service 30/month PHB Service 100/day PHB Service 25/km PHB Service 350+/ticket PHB Service 50/ticket, 10/pass PHB Service 450+/ticket PHB Service 350+/ticket PHB Service 0.25 x Housing Cost per month 0.5 x Housing Cost per month Housing Cost per month 2 x Housing Cost per month 5 x Housing Cost per month 10 x Housing Cost per month

Slumlord quality housing Unless you have insurance you pay per stay Contacts a lawyer for defense purposes Charters a limousine Cheap, Motel-Six lodging. No light left on. Better lodging in a decent motel The Grand Hotel of Mackinaw McDonalds, Burger King, etc Outback, various sit-down restaurants Manhattan Fine Dining Unless you have insurance Unless you have insurance Daily Grid New delivered live via special feed Contracts out a security guard for a day Pay to ride has never been so right Purchase a ticket for an Airplane Buss passes last for 1 month, must be renewed Purchase a ocean ticket; opulent liners cost more Purchase a train/maglev ticket Livin like Scrooge The average American working wealthy Slightly above how the average family lives Owning multiple homes and cars The upper class wealthy life-style The Superrich

A note about lifestyles and housing Im including this option just because I fell that one, it allows me to explore new avenues with the characters one, and two; perhaps there may be the option there for some plot holes later. Anyway, these are monthly and yearly costs, so at character creation, just figure out your lifestyle and set that much money aside. As long as you have at least that much money a month, you dont have to worry about anything else. The only time I can see trips to the grocery store are when its relevant to the plot (or I fell like doing something different from the norm), so the money you set aside at the beginning of each month is deemed to be enough to get you buy for that month.

7.8 NICA Outfit

Agents working for NICA will find themselves not necessarily outfitted with the best of equipment, but certainly not outfitted with the worst of it either. NICA outfitting breaks down into two ways team outfitting and individual outfitting individual outfitted goods do not belong to the individual, they are government property being lent to the individual. Team goods are expected to be shared and splint between the team. All teams are outfitted the same if the team comes upon something that they dont have and need, they can file a formal request with NICA for it. Doing this requires filling out several forms, which takes about an hour, and then making an Administration Bureaucracy check with a +1 penalty. On a marginal success, the request will be honored and it will take d4+2 days. On an ordinary success, the request will take d4+1 days. On a good, the request will take d4 days to fulfill. On an amazing, the request will take d4-1 days to fill. Note that these are business days you may work on the weekend, but the rest of the

government does not. On a failure, your request got lost in the bureaucratic red tape, and you can make another request after 5 days (when it becomes apparent to your character that it got lost in the mail). Of course, there are other, less legal ways to acquire equipment too. Using the Black Market requires a Business Illicit Business check, and having the proper connects to go to. Its not recommended, but generally speaking you can get what you want a lot faster from the boys in the underworld than you can from the government although theres nothing to guarantee that it wont be rigged either. Individual Outfits In addition to the cyberware that the character gets at character creation (which belongs to the character, not the government yes, the government is willing to make sacrifices like that just for you), NICA Agents also gain the following, which can probably be found throughout this book: Pistol, 9mm Rail & Bioholster Computer Gauntlet (Good Quality) Gridcaster (Good Quality) The Following Programs (all of Good Quality) Operator Programs Hacker Programs Utility Programs Application Back Door Alarm Datadoc Shadow Armor 2 Antivirus Datascan Shadow Bolt 1 Gate Decode Shadow Form 1 Locator Trace Business Dress Lighter License (Good quality; can purchase some Controlled materials) Handcuffs, Biolock, x2 Team Outfits Teams are outfitted with the following (and they are expected to share). All this equipment belongs to the government. Cars, 3 (2 mid-sized cars, 1 performance mid-sized) Per each vehicle is: 12 gauge rail shotgun, x1 Battle Jackets, x2 First aid kit, x2 Forensics kit, x1 Tracker, Signal Evidence Kit, Standard x1 Flashlight, x2 Respirator Mask, x2 Weapon Detector, x1 One Home Base Per each home base is: 1 Supercomputer 6 Desktop workstations Arson Kit, x1 Drugs & Narcotics Kit, x1 Hacking Kit, x1 Photographic Kit, x1 Labs x3 Physical Science Lab Forensics Lab Computer Lab

Weapons Closet (Contains the following) 12 gauge rail shotgun, x1 .45 APC Rail Rifle, x2 Arc Cannon, x1 Rail Cannon or Laser Cannon, x 1 (teams choice) Garage Note: GMs are free to modify the equipment list as they please to fit the feel for the campaign. The setting presumes that NICA agents have everything that they need to combat cybercrime on a basic level more advanced things are to be acquired through legal means or illegal means, which ever suits the team best.

The Chicago Spire, downtown Chicago (2045).

SelectedMusic: EverythingIdo,IhavesomesortofmusicthatIlistentoobecauseIfeelthatithelps bringthesettingtolife.FutureShockwasnoexception.BelowisthesuggestedmusicthatIwould recommendtohelpbringthesettingtolifemostofitisIndustrialandHeavyMetal,although theresalotofIndustrialTechnotoo. BodycoutProceed SuicideCommando NeuroSuspension SuicideCommando CauseofDeath:Suicide[GrendelRemix] SuicideCommando Deathbox Mnemic Ghost Mnemic FireintheSky Hypocrisy Eraser Hypocrisy HumanError Combichrist Disconnect IconofCoil YouJustDied IconofCoil WehaveExplosive FutureSoundsofLondon Firestarter TheProdigy


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