Boiler Pressure Parts

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The key takeaways are about different boiler pressure parts like economizers, boiler drums, superheaters, reheaters and water walls and their purposes.

An economizer is a heat exchanger that uses waste heat from flue gases to pre-heat boiler feedwater, reducing fuel consumption. Its purpose is to increase the temperature of feedwater using otherwise wasted heat from flue gases.

The three main types of superheaters are radiant, convection and separately fired superheaters. A superheater converts saturated or wet steam into dry steam, increasing steam capacity and reducing corrosion and steam consumption in turbines.

Boiler pressure parts

In a steam generator the parts through which the feed water and steam flows where the pressure of the system,is much higher than atmospheric pressure, are generally termed as boiler pressure parts. Parts of boiler which generally come under the category of boiler pressure parts are: Economiser Boiler drum Water walls Super heater re-heater

!Economi"er is a heat e#changer which e#changes heat between water $ which is fed in to the boiler ! % the flue gas. &!'lue gases are byproducts of combustion which are classically (ented through long pipes )nown as flues.'lue gas is the gaseous product of combustion of a fuel. *! It means it increases the temperature of the feed water using the otherwise wasted heat of the flue gas. +!,ypes: .steaming economiser &.non-steaming economiser. -!.d(antages: ./educed si"e of boiler. &./eduction in fuel consumption. 0!1ombustion:any process in which a substance reacts with o#ygen to produce a significant rise in temperature and the emission of light.

,hermal Power Plant

!. superheater is a de(ice used to con(ert saturated steam or wet steam into dry steam. &!,ypes .. radiant superheater is placed directly in the combustion chamber. &.. con(ection superheater is located in the path of the hot gases. *.. separately fired superheater, as its name implies, is totally separated from the boiler. *!2se:,he superheater increases the capacity of the plant.Eliminates corrosion of the steam turbine./educes steam consumption of the steam turbine. +!3ry steam:steam that does not contain droplets of water. -!Wet steam:steam that contains water droplets in suspension. 0!Saturated steam:steam at the temperature of the boiling point which corresponds to its pressure. 4!5ead to - produce

Boiler drum:. boiler drum is a unit which is rated at a certain temperature and pressure to force the boiler feedwater into the (apor phase $steam!. Boiler drum use :Purpose of the boiler drum is to collect steam from all the (arious tubes in a boiler, and send it to the turbine to spin the generator. /ate: ,o determine the limits of safe functioning for a machine or electrical de(ice. 2nit:an indi(idual thing Blow down:/emo(al of a portion of water from the boiler drum is )nown as blow down. Boiler blowdown is water intentionally wasted from a boiler to a(oid concentration of impurities during continuing e(aporation of steam.

water wall:. waterwall in a boiler is any furnace wall that is comprised of refractory and tubes in a water-tube boiler. ,hey ser(e a two fold purpose here in that they capture heat that would otherwise escape to the atmosphere and help heat the water in the boiler. .nd they also help )eep the refractory cool $relati(ely spea)ing! ,his pre(ents spalling of the refractory. . refractory material is one that retains its strength at high temperatures.

/eheater:. de(ice using highly superheated steam or high-temperature flue gases as a medium ser(ing to restore superheat to partly e#panded steam6 used often between high - and low-pressure turbines.

3esuperheater:. de(ice that reduces the temperature of superheated steam, and reco(ers useful heat in the process

3esuperheaters remo(e the superheat in the steam that is to be used for au#iliary purposes, the reason is that if high temperature steam was used for au#iliaries then the materials used would ha(e to be capable of withstanding high temperatures, this leads to increased initial cost.

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