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TheNCBSSH-TDNA tool is necessary to determine the school heads needs for training and development vis--vis the seven domains of competencies for an effective school leader. It is a self-assessment mechanism done by reflecting on past and current practices as a School Head. There could be differing possibilities in which the school head sees a need for professional development through this tool. It is basically a self-appraisal tool accomplished by the School Heads themselves. The School Heads are asked to complete a self assessment instrument where they identify the behaviors they have consistently demonstrated in their role as a school head across the seven domains.
The competencies identified for the school heads are classified into seven domains for school leadership and management which are: Domain 1: School Leadership Effective leadership is the core of every successful school. This domain emphasizes that effective school leaders collaborately create a vision and establish a climate for teachers, non-teaching personnel and learners to reach their highest level of achievement. Domain 2: Instructional Leadership Education reforms have created an urgent need for strong emphasis on the development of instructional leadership skills. This domain covers those actions in instructional leadership (e.g. assessment for learning, development and implementation, instructional supervision and technical assistance that school heads take or delegate to others to promote good teaching and high level learning among pupils/students. Domain 3: Creating a Student-Centered Learning Climate The domain requires that effective school leaders set high standards and create high expectations for learners at the same time recognizing their achievement. Domain 4: HR Management and Professional Development Effective school leaders develop the skills and talents of those around them. This domain includes the nurturing and supporting of a learning community that recruits teachers based on NCBTS and promotes the continuous growth and development of personnel based on IPPD and SPPD. Domain 5: Parent Involvement and Community Partnership Effective school heads engage in shared decision making with the community in achieving universal participation, completion and functional literacy. This domain covers parent and other stakeholders involvement to raise learners performance. Domain 6: School Management and Operations

This domain covers the critical role school heads play in managing the implementation and monitoring of their schools improvement plan/annual implementation plan. Domain 7: Personal and Professional Attributes and Interpersonal Effectiveness. Effective school leaders are models of professionalism and ethical and moral leadership. This domain includes the development of pride in the nobility of the teaching profession.

II. Accomplishing the Profile

A. The profile sheet is working with the macros which need to be enabled for some of the drop-down menus to function. The moment this tool is opened a message may appear asking the user to enable these macros if found disabled. In case the drop-down are not functioning, try enabling the macros. Drop-down menus will NOT function also if the workbook is in design mode. B. Acomplishing the profile sheet is necessary in this TDNA for school heads. Some information can be provided by choosing from the list of items in the drop-down menus employed. Automatic scoring will only work when all information required had been provided. At the end of the profile sheet, error message/s is/are displayed indicating that the sheet is not completely accomplished.

III. Accomplishing the Self-Assessment

Read the instructions at the beginning of the 'Self Assessment' sheet. Automatic scoring will proceed only if this sheet is properly accomplished. In each item, one(1) box must be ticked. The background turns blue if correctly ticked, otherwise becomes orange.

At the end of the worksheet an error handler is provided to guide the user in locating errors. If the assessment is correctly accomplished a remark 'End of Assessment' is displayed.

IV. Scoring and Interpretation of Results

When the 'Profile' and 'Self-Assessment' are completely and correctly accomplished, automatic scoring functions through the 'Summary' sheet. In this 'Summary" sheet respondent's average score and percentage in each strand and domain can be viewed. A chart of summarized percentage score is also provided. Interpretation of results is also charted in this sheet.

Individual Profile
I. Personal Data 1. Family Name: 2. Gender 5. Date of Birth FEMALE 2 / mm +63 9. Division :

First Name : 3. Employee ID : 9 dd / 1961 yyyy 6. HOME ADDRESS Barangay: Province :

Middle Name : 4. Civil Status : Town ILOILO CITY


MANDU Country :

7. Contact Number : 8. Region


117606 117606

10. District :



12. School ID : Town/City :

13. School Address 14. Current Position :




Province :

15. Other Designation/s DOCTOR OF PHILISOPHY


16. Highest Educational Attainment : 17. Number of Years in Service as School Head : II. Work Experience (Start from your recent work) 18. MAIN AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY e.g. subjects taught, level supervised


LEVEL e.g. Elem/Sec/ALS school, district, division, region

mm / /


/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /

III. Training Attended 19. Training Focus Curriculum Resource Materials Development Planning Management Policy Development Training attended over last 3 years

Management Level




Research Others



IV. Significant Experiences 20. Identify which of the following areas you consider to be your area(s) of expertise:
School Based Management Quality Assurance Access Education Education Planning Learning Resource Materials Development Delivery of Training Monitoring and Evaluation Subject Specialization Policy Development ICT Others

Family Name, First Name, Middle Name Employee ID

MARRIED MANDURRIAO Country : Philippines



From dd yyyy / / mm / / To dd yyyy / /

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /

DOMAIN 1. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Strand 1.A. Developing & Communicating Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO) At what level do I. . .
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Involve internal and external stakeholders in formulating and achieving school vision, mission, goals and objectives Align goals and objectives with the school vision and mission Communicate the school VMGO clearly Explain the school vision to the general public Revisit and ensure that school activities are aligned with the school VMGO

Strand 1.B. Data-based Strategic Planning At what level do I. . .

7. Establish E-BEIS/SIS and baseline data of all performance indicators 8. Involve all internal and external stakeholders in developing SIP/AIP

9. Utilize data, e.g, E-BEIS/SIS, SBM assessment, TSNA, and strategic planning in the development of SIP/AIP 10. Align the SIP/AIP with national, regional and local education policies and thrusts 11. Communicate effectively SIP/AIP to internal and external stakeholders

Strand 1.C. Problem-Solving At what level do I. . .

12. Resolve problems at the school level 13. Assist teachers and students to understand problems and identify possible solutions 14. Analyze cause/s of problems critically and objectively 15. Address the causes of the problem rather than the symptoms 16. Explore several approaches in handling problems 17. Demonstrate a proactive approach to problem solving

Strand 1.D. Building High Performance Teams At what level do I. . .

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. Involve stakeholders in meetings and deliberations for decision making Set high expectations and challenging goals Provide opportunities for growth and development of members as team players Define roles and functions of each committee Monitor and evaluate accomplishment of different committees/teams Establish a system for rewards and benefits for teachers and staff


Strand 1.E. Coordinating with Others At what level do I. . . 25. Collaborate with concerned staff on the planning and implementation of programs and projects 26. Ensure proper allocation and utilization of resources (time, fiscal, human, IMS, etc.)
28. Mobilize teachers/staff in sustaining a project

Strand 1.F. Leading & Managing Change At what level do I. . . 29. Maintain an open, positive and encouraging attitude toward change 30. Assist teachers in identifying strengths and growth areas through monitoring and observation 31. Introduce innovations in the school program to achieve higher learning outcomes 32. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of change programs included in SIP/AIP 33. Observe and apply multi-tasking in giving assignments 34. Advocate and execute plans for changes including culture change in the workplace 35. Empower teachers and personnel to identify, initiate and manage changes DOMAIN 2. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Strand 2.A. Assessment for Learning At what level do I. . . 36. Manage the processes and procedures in monitoring student achievement
37. Ensure utilization of a range of assessment processes to assess student performance 38. Assess the effectiveness of curricular/co-curricular programs and/or instructional strategies

39. Utilize assessment results to improve learning

Strand 2. B. Developing Programs &/or Adapting Existing Programs At what level do I. . . 41. Develop/adapt a research-based school program 42. Assist in implementing an existing, coherent and responsive school-wide curriculum 43. Address deficiencies and sustain successes of current programs in collaboration with teachers and learners 44. Develop a culture of functional literacy Strand 2.C. Implementing Programs for Instructional Improvement At what level do I. . .
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Manage the introduction of curriculum initiatives in line with DepEd policies (e.g. BEC, Madrasah) Work with teachers in curriculum review Enrich curricular offerings based on local needs Manage curriculum innovation and enrichment with the use of technology Organize teams to champion instructional innovation programs toward curricular responsiveness

Strand 2.D. Instructional Supervision At what level do I. . .

50. Prepare and implement an instructional supervisory plan 51. Conduct Instructional Supervision using appropriate strategy 52. Evaluate lesson plans as well as classroom and learning management 53. Provide in a collegial manner timely, accurate and specific feedback to teachers regarding their performance 54. Provide expert technical assistance and instructional support to teachers DOMAIN 3. CREATING A STUDENT - CENTERED LEARNING CLIMATE

Strand 3.A. Setting high social & academic expectations At what level do I. . .
55. Benchmark school performance 56. Establish and model high social and academic expectations for all 57. Create an engaging learning environment 59.Supportlearnersdesiretopursuefurtherlearning 60. Recognize high performing learners and teachers and supportive parents and other stakeholders

Strand 3. B. Creating school environments focused on the needs of the learner At what level do I. . .
61. Create and sustain a safe, orderly, nurturing and healthy environment 62. Provide environment that promotes use of technology among learners and teachers DOMAIN 4. HR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

Strand 4.A. Creating a Professional Learning Community At what level do I. . .

63. Build a community of learners among teachers 64. Assess and analyze the needs and interests of teachers and other school personnel

66. Integrate the SPPD in the SIP/AIP 67. Mentor and coach employees and facilitate the induction of new ones 68. Recognize potentials of staff and provide opportunities for professional development 70. Prepare, implement, and monitor school-based INSET for all teaching staff based on IPPDs and the SPPD 71. Monitor and evaluate school-based INSETs

Strand 4.B. Recruitment & Hiring At what level do I. . .

72. Utilize the basic qualification standards and adhere to pertinent policies in recruiting and hiring teachers / staff 73. Create and train School Selection and Promotion Committee and train its members 74. Recommend better ways and means to improve recruitment, hiring and performance appraisal of teachers

Strand 4.C. Managing Performance of Teachers and Staff At what level do I. . .

75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.

Assign teachers and other personnel to their area of competence Assist teachers and staff in setting and resetting performance goals Monitor and evaluate performance of teaching and non-teaching personnel vis-a-vis targets Delegate specific tasks to help manage the performance of teaching and non-teaching personnel Coach deputized staff as needed on managing performance Create a functional school-based performance appraisal committee Assist and monitor the development of IPPD of each teacher DOMAIN 5. PARENT INVOLVEMENT & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Strand 5.A. Parental Involvement At what level do I. . .

82. Establishschoolandfamilypartnershipsthatpromotestudentspeakperformance 83. Organize programs that involve parents and other school stakeholders to promote learning

Strand 5.B. External Community Partnership At what level do I. . .

86. Conduct dialogues and meetings with multi-stakeholders in crafting programs and projects 87. Participate actively in community affairs

DOMAIN 6. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS Strand 6. A. Managing School Operations At what level do I. . . 89. Manage the implementation, monitoring and review of the SIP/AIP and other action plans 90. Establish and maintain specific programs to meet needs of identified target groups

92. Allocate/prioritize funds for improvement and maintenance of school physical facilities and equipment 93. Oversee school operations and care and use of school facilities according to set guidelines

95. Assign/ hire appropriate support personnel to manage school operations

Strand 6.B. Fiscal Management At what level do I. . .

96. Prepare a financial management plan 97. Develop a school budget which is consistent with SIP/AIP 98. Generate and mobilize financial resources 100. Accept donations, gifts, bequests and grants in accordance with RA 9155 102. Organize a procurement committee and ensure that the official procurement process is followed 103. Utilize funds for approved school programs and projects as reflected in SIP/AIP 104. Monitor utilization, recording and reporting of funds 105. Account for school fund

Strand 6.C. Use of Technology in the Management of Operations At what level do I. . .

107. Apply Information Technology (IT) plans for online communication

110. Share with other school heads the schools experience in the use of new technology

Strand 7.A. Professionalism At what level do I. . .

111. Manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobility of the teaching profession

113. Maintain harmonious relations with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, learners, parents and other stakeholders 114. Endorse appointments, promotions and transfers on the bases of merit and needs in the interest of the service

Strand 7.B. Communication At what level do I. . .

117. Communicate effectively to staff and other stakeholders in both oral and written forms

Strand 7.C. Interpersonal Sensitivity At what level do I. . .

119. Interact appropriately with a variety of audiences 120. Demonstrate ability to empathize with others

Strand 7.D. Fairness, Honesty & Integrity At what level do I. . .

122. Demonstrate integrity, honesty and fairness in all his/her dealings and transactions 123. Make individuals accountable for their actions

National Competency-Based Standards for Scho TDNA Assessment Tool

(Based on DepEd Order No. 32. s. 2010, The National Adoption and Implementatio National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads)


a. This tool contains a list of competencies covered in the National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads. competency by reflecting on your past and current practices as a School Head.

b. Individual results will serve as basis for the development of your IPPD. Consolidated results will be utilized by the Division T&D in designing and delivering competency-based training and development programs that are responsiv needs.

c. For each competency indicator, there are four possibilities in which you will see your need for professional devel appropriate column that represents your self-reflection. Do this for each competency. 1- I am not doing this yet 2- I am doing a little of this and I need to learn more 3- I am doing it but I need to improve 4- I am doing it well and can lead others do the same DOMAIN 1. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Strand 1.A. Developing & Communicating Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO) At what level do I. . .

1.Demonstrateco-ownershipofandpersonalresponsestoidentifiedissuesconsistentwiththeschoolsvisionand mission 2. Involve internal and external stakeholders in formulating and achieving school vision, mission, goals and objectives 3. 4. 5. 6. Align goals and objectives with the school vision and mission Communicate the school VMGO clearly Explain the school vision to the general public Revisit and ensure that school activities are aligned with the school VMGO

Strand 1.B. Data-based Strategic Planning At what level do I. . .

7. Establish E-BEIS/SIS and baseline data of all performance indicators 8. Involve all internal and external stakeholders in developing SIP/AIP

9. Utilize data, e.g, E-BEIS/SIS, SBM assessment, TSNA, and strategic planning in the development of SIP/AIP 10. Align the SIP/AIP with national, regional and local education policies and thrusts 11. Communicate effectively SIP/AIP to internal and external stakeholders

Strand 1.C. Problem-Solving At what level do I. . .

12. Resolve problems at the school level 13. Assist teachers and students to understand problems and identify possible solutions 14. Analyze cause/s of problems critically and objectively 15. Address the causes of the problem rather than the symptoms 16. Explore several approaches in handling problems 17. Demonstrate a proactive approach to problem solving

Strand 1.D. Building High Performance Teams At what level do I. . .

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. Involve stakeholders in meetings and deliberations for decision making Set high expectations and challenging goals Provide opportunities for growth and development of members as team players Define roles and functions of each committee Monitor and evaluate accomplishment of different committees/teams Establish a system for rewards and benefits for teachers and staff


Strand 1.E. Coordinating with Others At what level do I. . . 25. Collaborate with concerned staff on the planning and implementation of programs and projects 26. Ensure proper allocation and utilization of resources (time, fiscal, human, IMS, etc.) 27. Provide feedback and updates to stakeholders on the status of progress and completion of programs and projects 28. Mobilize teachers/staff in sustaining a project Strand 1.F. Leading & Managing Change At what level do I. . . 29. Maintain an open, positive and encouraging attitude toward change 30. Assist teachers in identifying strengths and growth areas through monitoring and observation 31. Introduce innovations in the school program to achieve higher learning outcomes 32. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of change programs included in SIP/AIP 33. Observe and apply multi-tasking in giving assignments 34. Advocate and execute plans for changes including culture change in the workplace 35. Empower teachers and personnel to identify, initiate and manage changes DOMAIN 2. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Strand 2.A. Assessment for Learning At what level do I. . . 36. Manage the processes and procedures in monitoring student achievement
37. Ensure utilization of a range of assessment processes to assess student performance 38. Assess the effectiveness of curricular/co-curricular programs and/or instructional strategies

39. Utilize assessment results to improve learning 40. Create & manage a school process to ensure student progress is conveyed to students and parents/guardians

regularly Strand 2. B. Developing Programs &/or Adapting Existing Programs At what level do I. . . 41. Develop/adapt a research-based school program 42. Assist in implementing an existing, coherent and responsive school-wide curriculum 43. Address deficiencies and sustain successes of current programs in collaboration with teachers and learners 44. Develop a culture of functional literacy Strand 2.C. Implementing Programs for Instructional Improvement At what level do I. . .
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Manage the introduction of curriculum initiatives in line with DepEd policies (e.g. BEC, Madrasah) Work with teachers in curriculum review Enrich curricular offerings based on local needs Manage curriculum innovation and enrichment with the use of technology Organize teams to champion instructional innovation programs toward curricular responsiveness

Strand 2.D. Instructional Supervision At what level do I. . .

50. Prepare and implement an instructional supervisory plan 51. Conduct Instructional Supervision using appropriate strategy 52. Evaluate lesson plans as well as classroom and learning management 53. Provide in a collegial manner timely, accurate and specific feedback to teachers regarding their performance 54. Provide expert technical assistance and instructional support to teachers DOMAIN 3. CREATING A STUDENT - CENTERED LEARNING CLIMATE

Strand 3.A. Setting high social & academic expectations At what level do I. . .
55. Benchmark school performance 56. Establish and model high social and academic expectations for all 57. Create an engaging learning environment 58. Participate in the management of learner behavior within the school and other school related activities done outside the school 59.Supportlearnersdesiretopursuefurtherlearning 60. Recognize high performing learners and teachers and supportive parents and other stakeholders

Strand 3. B. Creating school environments focused on the needs of the learner At what level do I. . .
61. Create and sustain a safe, orderly, nurturing and healthy environment 62. Provide environment that promotes use of technology among learners and teachers DOMAIN 4. HR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

Strand 4.A. Creating a Professional Learning Community At what level do I. . .

63. Build a community of learners among teachers 64. Assess and analyze the needs and interests of teachers and other school personnel

65. Ensure that the School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD) emerges from the Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD) and other identified needs of school personnel included in the SIP/AIP 66. Integrate the SPPD in the SIP/AIP 67. Mentor and coach employees and facilitate the induction of new ones 68. Recognize potentials of staff and provide opportunities for professional development 69. Ensure that the objectives of the school development plan are supported with resources for training and development programs 70. Prepare, implement, and monitor school-based INSET for all teaching staff based on IPPDs and the SPPD 71. Monitor and evaluate school-based INSETs

Strand 4.B. Recruitment & Hiring At what level do I. . .

72. Utilize the basic qualification standards and adhere to pertinent policies in recruiting and hiring teachers / staff 73. Create and train School Selection and Promotion Committee and train its members 74. Recommend better ways and means to improve recruitment, hiring and performance appraisal of teachers

Strand 4.C. Managing Performance of Teachers and Staff At what level do I. . .

75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.

Assign teachers and other personnel to their area of competence Assist teachers and staff in setting and resetting performance goals Monitor and evaluate performance of teaching and non-teaching personnel vis-a-vis targets Delegate specific tasks to help manage the performance of teaching and non-teaching personnel Coach deputized staff as needed on managing performance Create a functional school-based performance appraisal committee Assist and monitor the development of IPPD of each teacher DOMAIN 5. PARENT INVOLVEMENT & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Strand 5.A. Parental Involvement At what level do I. . .

82. Establishschoolandfamilypartnershipsthatpromotestudentspeakperformance 83. Organize programs that involve parents and other school stakeholders to promote learning 84. Conduct dialogues, fora, training of teachers, learners and parents on the welfare and improves performance

of learners Strand 5.B. External Community Partnership At what level do I. . .

85. Promote the image of the school through school summit, State of the School Address (SOSA) cultural shows,

86. Conduct dialogues and meetings with multi-stakeholders in crafting programs and projects 87. Participate actively in community affairs 88. Establish sustainable linkages/partnership with other sectors, agencies and NGOs through MOA/ MOU or

using Adopt- a- School Program policies DOMAIN 6. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS Strand 6. A. Managing School Operations At what level do I. . . 89. Manage the implementation, monitoring and review of the SIP/AIP and other action plans 90. Establish and maintain specific programs to meet needs of identified target groups

91. Take the lead in the design of a school physical plant and facilities improvement plan in consultation with an

expert/s 92. Allocate/prioritize funds for improvement and maintenance of school physical facilities and equipment 93. Oversee school operations and care and use of school facilities according to set guidelines 94. Institutionalize best practices in managing and monitoring school operations thereby creating a safe, secure and clean learning environment 95. Assign/ hire appropriate support personnel to manage school operations Strand 6.B. Fiscal Management At what level do I. . .
96. Prepare a financial management plan 97. Develop a school budget which is consistent with SIP/AIP 98. Generate and mobilize financial resources 99. Manage school resources in accordance with DepEd policies and accounting and auditing rules and regulations and other pertinent guidelines 100. donations, bequests and grants in accordance with RA 9155 101. Accept Manage a processgifts, for the registration, maintenance and replacement of school assets and dispositions of non-reusable properties 102. Organize a procurement committee and ensure that the official procurement process is followed 103. Utilize funds for approved school programs and projects as reflected in SIP/AIP 104. Monitor utilization, recording and reporting of funds 105. Accountfinancial for school fund and submit/ communicate the same to higher education authorities and other 106. Prepare reports

education partners Strand 6.C. Use of Technology in the Management of Operations At what level do I. . .
107. Apply Information Technology (IT) plans for online communication 108. Use IT to facilitate the operationalization of the school management system (e.g. school information system, student tracking system, personnel information system) 109. Use IT to access Teacher Support Materials (TSM), Learning support Materials (LSM) and assessment tools in accordance with the guidelines 110. Share with other school heads the schools experience in the use of new technology

111. Manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in the nobility of the teaching profession 112. Observe and demonstrate desirable personal and professional (RA 6713 & Code of Ethics RA 7836) behaviors like respect, honesty, dedication, patriotism and genuine concern for others at all times 113. Maintain harmonious relations with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, learners, parents and other stakeholders 114. promotions and the bases and needs the interest of the service 115. Endorse Maintain appointments, good reputation with respect totransfers financial on matters such of asmerit the settlement ofin debts, loans and other financial affairs 116. Develop programs and projects for continuing personal and professional development including moral recovery and values formation among teaching and non-teaching personnel

Strand 7.B. Communication At what level do I. . .

117. Communicate effectively to staff and other stakeholders in both oral and written forms

118.Listentostakeholdersneedsandconcernsandrespondappropriatelyinconsiderationofthepolitical,social,legaland cultural context

Strand 7.C. Interpersonal Sensitivity At what level do I. . .

119. Interact appropriately with a variety of audiences 120. Demonstrate ability to empathize with others

Strand 7.D. Fairness, Honesty & Integrity At what level do I. . .

121. Observe Award System and a system of assistance for teachers staff to sustain integrity, honesty and fairness in all school practices 122. Demonstrate integrity, honesty and fairness in all his/her dealings and transactions 123. Make individuals accountable for their actions

Clear Responses

Detected an item/s that is/are not responded to. Check errors in the 'Profile Sheet' to see the summary of scores.

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Darker shade; use Strand 1.A; 1.B; 1.Cand so on.

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Insert A column to separate excel numbers from item numbers.

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Please check summary sheet for this strand. Average score went up beyond


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ensure--delete s

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em numbers.


Strand No. Of KSAs HPS Raw Score Mean Score % Score S1.A 6 24 S1.B 5 20 S1.C 6 24

S1.D 7 28 S1.E 4 16 S1.F 7 28 Total D1 35 140 S2.A 5 20 S2.B 4 16

S2.C 5 20 S2.D 5 20 Total D2 19 76 S3.A 6 24


Summary by Mean Score

1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00

Mean Score Score

0.00 S1.A

0.00 S1.B

0.00 S1.C

0.00 S1.D

0.00 S1.E

0.00 S1.F



0.00 S2.B

0.00 S2.C




0.00 S3.B



0.00 S4.B

0.00 S4.C



0.00 S5.B

0.00 Total

Total S2.A D1

S2.D Total S3.A D2

Total S4.A D3

Total S5.A D4


Summary by Percentage Score

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

Percentage Score

0 S1.A

0 S1.B

0 S1.C

0 S1.D

0 S1.E

0 S1.F

0 Total D1

0 S2.A

0 S2.B

0 S2.C

0 S2.D

0 Total D2

0 S3.A

0 S3.B

0 Total D3

0 S4.A

0 S4.B

0 S4.C

0 Total D4

0 S5.A

0 S5.B Total

Domains and Strands

DOMAIN 1. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Strand 1.A. Developing & Communicating Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives Strand 1.B. Data-based Strategic Planning Strand 1.C. Problem-Solving Strand 1.D. Building High Performance Teams

Percent Score ###### ###### ###### ###### ######

Mean Score

###### Strand 1.F. Leading & Managing Change ###### DOMAIN 2. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP ###### Strand 2.A. Assessment for Learning ###### Strand 2. B. Developing Programs &/or Adapting Existing Programs ###### Strand 2.C. Implementing Programs for Instructional Improvement ###### Strand 2.D. Instructional Supervision ###### DOMAIN 3. CREATING A STUDENT - CENTERED LEARNING CLIMATE ###### Strand 3.A. Setting high social & academic expectations ###### Strand 3. B. Creating school environments focused on the needs of the learner ###### DOMAIN 4. HR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ###### Strand 4.A. Creating a Professional Learning Community ###### Strand 4.B. Recruitment & Hiring ###### Strand 4.C. Managing Performance of Teachers and Staff ###### DOMAIN 5. PARENT INVOLVEMENT & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP ###### Strand 5.A. Parental Involvement ###### Strand 5.B. External Community Partnership ###### DOMAIN 6. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS ###### Strand 6. A. Managing School Operations ###### Strand 6.B. Fiscal Management ###### Strand 6.C. Use of Technology in the Management of Operations ###### DOMAIN 7. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS ###### Strand 7.A. Professionalism ###### Strand 7.B. Communication ###### Strand 7.C. Interpersonal Sensitivity ###### Strand 7.D. Fairness, Honesty & Integrity ######
Strand 1.E. Coordinating with Others

S3.B 2 8 Total D3 8 32 S4.A 9 36 S4.B 3 12

S4.C 7 28 Total D4 19 76 S5.A 3 12

S5.B 4 16 Total D5 7 28 S6.A 7 28 S6.B 11 44

S6.C 4 16 Total D6 22 88 S7.A 6 24

S7.B 2 8

0.00 S5.B



0.00 S6.B

0.00 S6.C



0.00 S7.B

0.00 S7.C



Total S6.A D5

Total S7.A D6

S7.D Total D7


0 S5.B Total D5

0 S6.A

0 S6.B

0 S6.C

0 Total D6

0 S7.A

0 S7.B

0 S7.C

0 S7.D

0 Total D7

Mean Score

Competency Level

Urgent 1.00 Need for 1.50 Strong 1.49 Training2.49 2.50 Need for 3.49 Enhance 3.50 4.00 Can Support Training-(CST

S7.C 2 8

S7.D 3 12

Total D7 13 52


Male Female

Single Married

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020



Elementary Secondary ALS

School District Division Region

Math English Science Filipino Araling Panlipunan Hekasi TLE/TVE MAPEH


Administrator Department Head Classroom Teacher Others

Teacher I Teacher II Teacher III Master Teacher I Master Teacher II Master Teacher III Master Teacher IV TIC Head Teacher I Head Teacher II Head Teacher III Head Teacher IV Head Teacher V Head Teacher VI Principal I Principal II Principal III Principal IV Administrative Aide I Adminstrative Aide II Adminstrative Aide III Administrative Aide IV Adminstrative Aide V Administrative Aide VI Adminstrative Assistant Administrative Officer Others

1 Yes 2 No 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

School District Cluster Division Region Central

1.00 1.49 1.50 2.49 2.50 3.49 3.50 4.00

Urgent Need for Training-(UNT)Strong Need for Training-(SNT) Need Enhancement Training-(NET) Can Support Training-(CST

Aklan Antique Bacolod City Bago City Cadiz City Capiz Escalante City Guimaras Iloilo Iloilo City Kabankalan La Carlota City Negros Occidental Passi City Roxas City Sagay City San Carlos Silay City

District 1-City Proper A. Mabini ES Andres Bonifacio ES Iloilo Central ES Manuel L. Quezon ES

District 2-Montes-Lapuz 117587 A. Montes ES I 117586 A. Montes ES II 117588 Bo. Obrero ES 117589 Jalandoni MS 117626 117627 117628 117629 302743 302742

Rizal ES 117590 Bo. Obrero NHS SPED - Integrated School for Exceptional Children(Elementary) 117591 Jalandoni MNHS Fort San Pedro NHS 302737 SPED - Integrated School for Exceptional Children(Secondary) 311501

District 3-Lapaz Graciano Lopez Jaena ES La Paz ES I La Paz ES II N. J. Ingore ES Nabitasan ES Ticud ES La Paz NHS

District 4-Jaro 117605 Angela A. Celis Mem. School (Tagbac PS) 117606 Balabago ES 117607 Balantang ES 117608 Bito-on ES 117609 Brilliant Mind International School, Inc. 117610 Buntalala ES 302747 Cubay ES Jaro ES I Jaro ES II L. Mirasol MES M.V. Hechanova MES Quintin Salas ES Sambag ES Tacas ES TCT-AR Foundation Integrated School(Elementary) Buntatala NHS Jaro National High School R. G. Hechanova NHS St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary TCT-AR Foundation Integrated School(Secondary) 182503 117592 117593 117594 442509 117595 117596 117603 117597 117598 117599 117601 182502 117602 117604 117600 302745 302744 302746 442573 311502

St. Therese-MTC Colleges Jalandoni, Inc.442612 J.L. Tiongco MES

District 5-Mandurriao A. Mirasol ES Bakhaw ES Bolilao ES Donato Pison Sr. ES Hibao-an ES Mandurriao ES Navais-Borres ES (L. Borres ES) Tabucan ES Mandurriao NHS

District 6-Molo 117611 Baluarte ES 117612 Esteban Juntado Sr. Elem. School 117613 I. Arroyo ES 117614 Molo I ES 117615 Molo II ES 117617 San Juan ES 117616 Taal ES 117618 Iloilo City NHS 302749 117619 117620 117621 117622 117623 117624 117625 302738

District 7-Arevalo Arevalo ES Calaparan ES E. Yusay MS Racther Arts and Learning Center Severo Abeto ES Sto. Domingo ES Sto. Nio Sur ES Melchor L. Nava NHS Ramon Avancena NHS 117580 117581 117582 442533 117583 117584 117585 302740 302750

Domain 1
SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Developing & Communicating Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives (VMGO) Data-based Strategic Planning Problem-Solving Building High Performance Teams Coordinating with Others Leading and Managing Change

Domain 7 PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES and INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Professionalism Communication Interpersonal Sensitivity Fairness, Honesty and Integrity

Domain 2 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP Assessment for Learning Developing Programs &/or Adapting Existing Programs Implementing Programs for Instructional Improvement Instructional Supervision

School heads are competent, committed and accountable in providing access to quality and relevant education for all through transformational leadership and high degree of professionalism

Domain 6 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS Managing School Operations Fiscal Management Use of technology in the Management of Operations

Domain 3 CREATING A STUDENT CENTERED LEARNING CLIMATE Setting high social & academic expectations Creating school environments focused on the needs of the learner


Parental Involvement External Community Partnership

Domain 4 HR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Creating a Professional Learning Community Recruitment and Hiring Managing Performance of Teachers and Staff

AL LEADERSHIP ent for Learning g Programs &/or Existing Programs for nal Improvement nal Supervision


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