MA Animation
MA Animation
MA Animation
The Masters program in Animation focuses on animation production, including a wide range of techniques and aesthetic approaches, from hand-drawn character animation to state-of-the-art interactive computer graphics. While embracing traditional forms, the program strongly encourages innovation and e perimentation, and emphasi!es imagination, creativity and critical thin"ing. #areer opportunities include storyboard and concept artist, character designer, layout and bac"ground artist, animator, art director, director, producer, instructor, teacher and demo artist for the information and entertainment industries, T$ channels, educational organi!ations, commercial production houses and multimedia studios.
At its core, animation is about ma"ing artwor" come to life. The s"ills taught in animation courses encompass craft at a technical level, yet also include design, drawing, critical thin"ing, creativity, collaboration, and a fundamental awareness of theory and history. With a strong professional focus, the Masters program begins with the development of animation movement and visual storytelling s"ills. 'uilding on that foundation, students may speciali!e in an area such as (-) or *-) character animation, stop motion, and classic or independent illustrative styles. Throughout the program, students are engaged in all aspects of animation production, from concept development and production design to the completion of finished segments. While high-end digital tools are used in the ma+ority of classes, all areas of specialty are logical e tensions of foundation studies. )rawing and the use of traditional art media in digital conte ts are central to the program. The program begins with design,animation history, theory and basics of animation production, and then progresses to current design,animation practices and technology. The program encourages innovation while stressing strong technical and presentation s"ills. %tudents gain a bac"ground in design,animation history and theory and then e periment and develop their own creative approaches.
1. ro!r"# Structur$
The course aims to stri"e a balance between pro+ect wor", which will develop the students ability to operate as a professional animator, and opportunity and encouragement to research and develop ones own styles of animation.
%. E&i!i'i&it(
-. 'asic academic qualification is a graduation in .raphic )esign or related fields /0 a graduation in any field and a )iploma in )esign with "een aptitude and interest. (. #andidates will be finally selected after a qualifying e amination and an interview. *. Merit list will be drawn on the basis of the portfolio, qualifying e amination and interview 1that is (23423425
). Cour*$ Su##"r(
Cour*$ -. (. *. 4. 8. :. =. >. ?. -2. --. -(. -*. -4. -8. -:. -=. ->. -?. (2. The .rammar of $isual )esign 6istory of Art3 7rom #aves to #omputers )rawing in Motion Techniques of Animation )igital %culpting 9 %emester ;nding <ro+ect 9 )igital %tro"es 7rom %cribbles to 9mages Animation #ontrols and #haracter Motion 9 ;lemental Magic for $isual ;ffects )igital %culpting 99 () Animation <ro+ect )igital @ight and %hade Acting for Animators Animation #ontrols and #haracter Motion 99 Art of %pecial ;ffects Media ;thics and ;ducation *) #haracter Animation <ro+ect 999 9nternship 7inal Thesis <ro+ect S$#$*t$r ( ( ( ( ( ( * * * * * * 4 4
+. E,"&u"tion
The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two partsA 1a5 internal evaluation and 1b5 e ternal evaluation. (8B weightage shall be given to internal evaluation and the remaining =8B to e ternal evaluation and the ration and weightage between internal and e ternal is -3*. 'oth internal and e ternal evaluation shall be carried out using direct grading system. 9nternal evaluation3 The 9nternal evaluation shall be based on predetermined transparent system periodic written tests, assignments, seminars and attendance in respect of practical courses. The weightage assigned to various components for internal evaluation is a follows. Co#-on$nt* o. Int$rn"& E,"&u"tion i5 ii5 iii5 iv5 Component weightage: Assignment CCCCCC %eminar CCCCCC Attendance CCCCCC Two Test papers CCCCCC ( (
D?2B 'etween >8 and ?2 'etween >2 and below >8 'etween =8 and below >8 E=8
A ' # ) ;
To ensure transparency of the evaluation process, the internal assessment grade awarded to the students in each course in a semester shall be published on the notice board at least one wee" before the commencement of e ternal e amination. There shall not be any chance for improvement for internal grade. The course teacher and the faculty advisor shall maintain the academic record of each student registered for the course which shall be forwarded to the Fniversity through the college <rincipal and a copy should be "ept in the college for at least two years for verification. E1t$rn"& $,"&u"tion2 The e ternal e amination in theory courses is to be conducted by the Fniversity with question papers set by e ternal e perts. The evaluation of the answer scripts shall be done by e aminers based on a well-defined scheme of valuation. The e ternal evaluation shall be done immediately after the e amination preferably through centrali!ed valuation. <hotocopies of the answer scripts of the e ternal e amination shall be made available to the students for scrutiny on request and revaluation,scrutiny of answer scripts shall be done as per the e isting rules prevailing in the Fniversity. The question paper should be strictly on the basis of model question paper set by '/% and there shall be a combined meeting of the question paper setters for scrutiny and finali!ation of question paper. ;ach set of question should be accompanied by its scheme of valuation.
A ' # ) ;
4 * ( 2
*.8 to 4.22 (.8 to *.4? -.8 to(.4? 2.8 to -.4? 2.22 to 2.4?
The overall grade for a programme for certification shall be based on #.<A with a =point scale given below3
-6C/ A /r"d$
*.>2 to4.22 *.82 to *.=? *.22 to *.4? (.82 to (.?? (.22 to (.4? -.82 to -.?? -.22 to -.4?
AG A 'G ' #G # )
;ach course is evaluated by assigning a letter grade 1A, ', #, ) or ;5 to that course by the method of direct grading. The internal 1weightage H -5 and e ternal weightage H*5 components of a course are separately graded and then combined to get the grade of the course after ta"ing into account of their weightage. A separate minimum of # grade is required for a pass for both internal evaluation and e ternal evaluation for every course. A student who falls to secure a minimum grade for a pass in a course will be permitted to write the e amination along with the ne t batch. After the successful completion of a semester, %emester .rade <oint Average 1%.<A5 of a student in that semester is calculated using the formula given below. 7or the successful completion of semester, a student should pass all courses and score a minimum %.<A of (.2. 6owever, a student is permitted to move to the ne t semester irrespective of her,his %.<A. 7or instance, * if a student has registered for In courses of credits #-, #( C#n in a semester and if she,he scored credit points <-, <( C <n respectively in these courses, then %.<A of the student in that semester is calculated using the formula. %.<AH 1<-G<(GCCC.. G<n5,#-G#( CCCCC.. G #n5 #.< H 1%.<A5 -J %- G 1%.<A5 (J%( G 1%.<A5 *G%* G 1%.<A5 4J%4K,1%-G%(G %*G%45 Where %-, %(, %* and %4 are the total credits in semester -, semester (, semester * and semester 4.
3. Att$nd"nc$
The minimum requirement of aggregate attendance during a semester for appearing the end semester e amination shall be =8B. #ondonation of shortage of attendance to a ma imum of -2 days in a semester sub+ect to two times during the whole period of post graduate programme may be granted by the university. 9f a student represents his,her institution, university, state or nation in sports, L%%, L## or cultural or any other officially sponsored activities such as college union,university union activities he,she shall be eligible to claim attendance for the actual number of days participated sub+ect to a ma imum of -2 days in a
-7semester based on the specific recommendations of the head of department and <rincipal of the college concerned. A student who does not satisfy the requirements of attendance shall not be permitted to ta"e the end semester e aminations.
4. Int$rn*5i9nternship gives an opportunity to understand the animation production pipeline from a reputed production house thereby gaining the basic stages of professionalism for their career. The students will have to undergo an 9nternship at any well "nown Animation %tudio for a fortnight during the fourth semester. The students would prepare individual reports after the 9nternship and the same should be attested by the organi!ation under which the student did the 9nternship. The students comprehensive report along with their wor"s done during this period will be submitted to the 6ead of )epartment for evaluation. A faculty member will monitor the students during the 9nternship.
Cour*$ No.
Su'9$ct r"ctic"&
T5$or(: 7r*
--- The .rammar of $isual )esign T --( 6istory of Art3 7rom #aves to #omputers T --* )rawing in Motion < --4 Techniques of Animation < --8 )igital %culpting 9 < --: %emester ;nding <ro+ect with $iva Tot"&
* * 8 8 8
* * 4 * * 4 %< * * * * 4
; 8 8 8 8 8
(-- )igital %tro"es (-( 7rom %cribbles to 9mages (-* Animation #ontrols and #haracter Motion 9 (-4 ;lemental Magic for $isual ;ffects (-8 )igital %culpting 99 (-: () Animation <ro+ect
; 8 8 8 8 * *
%< * * 4 * 4
*-- )igital @ight and %hade *-( Acting for Animators *-* Animation #ontrols and #haracter Motion 99 *-4 Art of %pecial ;ffects *-8 Media ;thics and ;ducation *-: *) #haracter Animation <ro+ect
Tot"& SEMESTER IV 4-- 9nternship 4-( Fin"& T5$*i* ro9$ct Animation %hort $iva <ort folio Assessment
%< ( -2 * 8
Unit I Artistic <erception M The <sychology of $isual <erceptionM$isual Aesthetics M Art of 7ilm Ma"ing M The stages in brief. Unit II Art and %cience of 9magingM%tructural analysis of a moving picture M <revisuali!ation and writing for visuals3 %tory development to %tory board. Unit III 9maging Techniques M 9mage si!e, Angle of view M )epth of field M Movement M #amera M 'asic features and #haracteristics M @ens3 types and usage M 'asic lighting techniques and aesthetics. Unit IV 'asic techniques for better image M #omposition3 ;lements, <rinciples and 0ules M #olour theory M <sychology of colour M 'asic editing and transitional techniques, Mise-en-scene. Unit V <ractical training for %till <hotography and $ideography M 'asic #amera operations M %hots M #amera angles and movements M 'asic lighting techniques M Fse of @ight Meter M 7ilters and 7lashes M Multi #amera set up and %tudio @ighting M 9mage capturing for Neying. REFERENCE -. 7ilm and the )irector (. 7ilm Technique and 7ilm Acting *. Technique of 7ilm 4. $ideo #amera Techniques 8. 7ilm 7orm :. 'asic <hotography =. Amateur <hotographers 6and 'oo" >. Art of <ictorial #omposition ?. 6istory of <hotograhy -2.#inema As A .raphic Art 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 )on @ivingston $.9. <udov"in %pottis Woode .erald Millerson %.;isenstein M.&. @angford %ussman Wolohomo" 'eaumont Leewhall $. Lilsen
Unit I
Art and Aesthetics M Art and %ociology M 9magination M ; perience and 6uman nature M The %tory of Art M Laturalism M Animism and .eometrism M /ld %tone Age art. Ancient /riental Art M %tereotyping of Art and Laturalism in ancient ;gypt M Mesopotamia M The age of ;nlightenment of .reece M 6ellenistic age ;arly #hristian Art M 9conoclasm M 7eudalism and the 0omanesque style M The /rigin of stylistic ideas with .othic art M 0enaissance M Medici M %ocial unrest and 0eformation M %cientific tendencies in art through the eyes of IThe 0enaissance Man A 6idden symbolism and <aganismA Michelangelo, 0aphael. The 0eformation and #ounter reformation M /rigin of 'aroque M Leoclassicism and 0omanticism M 0ealism M <hotorealism M %ocial 0ealism M 9mpressionism M <ost impressionism Modern Art M 7rom Art Loveau, 7auvism, Matisse and )erain M Avant.arde M ; pressionism and Munch M #ubism M the .eometric ArtA <icasso. %urrealism M the Absolute 0eality M Abstract ; pressionism and Action <ainting M <olloc" M Nooning M 0oth"o M <op-Art to <ost Modern Art.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
%tyles of 9ndian <ainting M %culpture and Architecture M 'engal %chool of Art and 9ndian Lationalism M %ami"shavad M 0abindranath Tagore M Abanidranath Tagore M M. 7. 6ussain and &amini 0oy M Lamboothiri M N.#.%. <anic"er M Nerala Mural <aintings M 'uddhist Art. 6istory of animation3 beginnings, early optical contraptions M F% Animation3 7our faces in the 6istory M #anadian Animation M ;uropean Animation M &apanese Animation M )etailed study of Walt )isney %tudios, I7antasia and other feature films M )etailed study of <i ar Animation %tudios, feature films etc M 9ndian Animation.
Unit V
REFERENCE -. (. *. 4. 8. :. =. >. The %tory of Art A <eoples 6istory of the World .ardners Art Through the Ages3 The Western <erspective The %ocial 6istory of Art $olume 9 O 99 6istory of Art 0enaissance Art The 6istory of Animation The Anime ;ncyclopedia3 A .uide to &apanese Animation %ince -?-= 3 ;. 6. .ombrich 3 #hris 6arman 3 7red %. Nleiner 3 Arnold 6auser 3 Anthony 7. &anson 3 $ictoria #harles 3 #harles %olomon 3 @owry
Unit I
9ntroduction to two dimensional animation M () <roduction <ipeline M #haracter design3 #artoonish and %tyli!ed, ;lemental #onstructions, Fse of P-%heets, () %pecial ;ffects Applications of basic principles of animation
Animation of two legged characters M Anthropomorphic animation, @ip %ynch Animating animals and birds )emo-reel creation.
Unit IV Unit V
REFERENCE -. (. *. 4. 8. #artooning, the head and figure )rawing the 6ead and Arms The Animators %urvival Nit #artoon Animation Timing for Animation 3 3 3 3 3 &ac" 6amm Andrew @oomis 0ichard Williams <reston 'lair. 6arold Whitta"er, &ohn 6alas
Unit I Animation <rinciples M 6istory of %top Motion Techniques M %tudy of famous stop motion wor"s and studios. Unit II %tudy of Time lapse and <i ilation M <ro+ect wor"s in Time lapse and <i ilation techniques. Unit III %tudy of #ut out animation and Metamorphosis M <ro+ect wor"s. Unit IV %tudy of #laymation M )ifferent types of Armatures M <roperties of #lays M <ro+ect wor"s. <uppet Animation and %and Animation M 'uilding <uppets M Animating <uppets. <ro+ect wor". REFERENCE -. The Art of %top motion animation (. %top motion3 #raft s"ills for Model Animation *. %top motion3 <assion, <rocess and <erformance 4. #reating *) Animation- The Aardaman 'oo" of 7ilm ma"ing 8. %top motion Armature Machining3 A #onstruction Manual :. A #entury of %top motion Animation 7rom Melies to Aardaman =. %top motion 7ilming and <erformance >. %top motion <uppet %culpting 3 Nen A <riebe 3 %usannah %haw 3 'arry &# <urves 3 <eter @ord and 'rian %ibley 3 Tom 'rierton 3 0ay 6arry 6ausen 3 Tom 'rierton 3 Tom 'rierton
Unit V
Unit I 9ntroduction to LF0'% modeling. Unit II Unit III 9norganic modeling using <olygons,LF0'% M #reating various <rops O %ets M <art M9. Unit IV 9norganic modeling using <olygons,LF0'% M #reating various <rops O %ets M <art M99. Unit V )emo reel creation for modeling. REFERENCE -. *) 6uman Modeling and Animation 3 (. Maya character #reation 3 *. .ame #haracter )evelopments with Maya 3 4. %top staring 3 8. $irtual $i ens3 *) #haracter Modeling and %cene <lacement 3 :. ;dge loop #haracter Modeling 7or *) <rofessionals /nly 3 =. %olid Wor"s %urfacing and #omple %hape Modeling 'ible 3 >. @earning Autodes" Maya (22>3 The Modeling O Animation 6andboo" 3 <eter 0atner #hris Maraffi Antony ward &aison /sipa Arndt von Noenigsmarc" Nelly @. Murdoc" and ;ric Allen Matt @ombard Autodes" Maya <ress 9ntroduction to <olygon and %ub) Modeling.
%tudents should complete a %top Motion Animation <roduction of minimum ?2 second duration. <ro+ect should be wor"ed out through various production stages after the final approval by the supervising faculty. This pro+ect culminates in a 7inal <resentation along with a written #omponent.
Unit I
%even basic animation concepts M () animation wor" flow M <re production M Traditional, <aperless and#ut /ut wor" flow M 7lash animation3 setting up a good 7@A M 7rame by 7rame Animation M and Animating with Tweens. #reating special ;ffects in () M After ;ffects and 7lash M #amera Mechanics. )igital Animation in Toon 'oom3 %etting up a %cene M drawing #reation M@ine Art and #olor Art M )rawing Tools M <alettes M Multiplane ;nvironment M <egs M ) drawing Ney 7rames. #reating Templates M 9mporting %ound M ;diting %ound M @ip %ync M 9n" and <aint M #ompositing M 0endering the Movie.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V )emo reel creation REFERENCE -. 7lash #artoon Animation3 @earn 3 from the <ros (. The Art of 7lash Animation3 #reative3 #artooning *. 7lash G Aftereffects3 Add 'roadcast 3 feature to .ood 7lash )esigns 4. The Animators .uide to () 3 #omputer Animation 8. 6ow to Ma"e Animated 7ilms 3 :. )igital <re-9ntroduction 'asic 3 =. )igital <ro-#ut out and <aperless 3 Animation
.lenn Nirpatric" and Nevin <eety Mar" %tephen %mith #hris &ac"son 6edley .riffin Tony White Toon 'oom Animation 9nc. Toon 'oom Animation 9nc.
Unit I 'rief 6istory of %tory M 7inding and evaluating 9deas M Fnderstanding the audience M )eveloping characters M )eveloping the 9deas M Writing structure M <lanning M Writing and submitting <remises M Ma"ing %tory3 /utline M <lot points. Unit II %cripting3 essential components M %cript terms M 'asic %cript @ayout M %cript length M *) script $s () script. Unit III %toryboarding3 %hots and Angles M Transitions M #amera moves M @abeling the 'asic <arts of a %toryboard M 'asic )ialogue M %taging M #ontinuity M #ompositional rules M #olor M %howing Action, )epth of 7ield M @ight sources. Unit IV Animatics3 9ntroduction M 0eali!ing time with Animatics M7amous Animatic wor"s. Unit V <ro+ect wor".
REFERENCE -. 6ow to Write for Animation (. Animation Writing and )evelopment %cript to <itch *. .ardners .uide 7eature Animation Writing 4. <roducing 9ndependent () #haracter Animation
3 3 3 3
3 Mar" %imon
Unit I 9ntroduction to animation in Maya M Timeline M %ettings M .raph ;ditor ;tc. Unit II Wor"ing with #urves O Ney 7rames M Animation 'loc"ing and Wor"ing in passes M #amera Movements M<ath Animation, Animation constrains M <ose creation M linear and Lon-linear animation techniques M Modifiers and #ontrollers. Unit III Animating the body3 %taging - 'ody @anguage M <osing M Action M 0eaction M <ush and <ull M @ift M Throw. Unit IV <rinciples of () Animation Applied to *d #omputer Animation. Unit V )emo 0eel #reation.
REFERENCE -. The 9llusion of @ife3 )isney Animation (. The AnimatorQs %urvival Nit *. )igital #haracter Animation <art -, ( O * 4. #haracter Animation 8. Animation3 Mechanics of Motion :. Timing for animation
3 7ran" Thomas O /llie &ohnston 3 0ichard Williams 3 .eorge Maestri 3 %teve 0oberts 3 #hris Webster 3 6arold Wita"er O &ohn 6alas
Unit I
'rief 6istory of #ompositing M /ver view of $arious #ompositing %oftwares M )igital 9mages3 %tructure and Attributes M Types of #ompositing 3 #.9, Multipass, )epth and Multiplane. 'lue and .reen %creens M Neyers for #ompositing M #reate Mas"s M Trac"ing and %tabili!ing a %hot M 0otoscopy M #olour .rading M Mattes M %cene %alvage.
Unit II
Unit III
'rief 6istory of Motion .raphics M Motion graphics in 7ilm, Television, 9nteractive Media and ;nvironment M Motion @anguage, 9mage and Type in Motion M #ompositing <rinciples. #onceptuali!ation of Motion .raphics M Animation <rocess of ;lements M %patial M $isual and Temporal 9nterpolations M ;diting <rinciples.
Unit IV
Unit V
REFERENCE -. #ompositing $isual effects (. The art and science of )igital #ompositing *. )igital #ompositing in )epth 4. Motion .raphics 3 .raphic )esign 7or 'road cast and 7ilm 8. 6ow did they do that 3 Motion .raphics :. #reating Motion .raphics with A;
3 %teve Wright 3 0on 'rin"maan 3 )oug Nelley. 3 %teve #urran 3 )avid .reen 3 Trish Meyel.
This course enables the students to have an in depth understanding of the art and techni%ues of #rganic 'odeling using "olygons.
Anatomy basics M humans M animals M birds. 9ntroduction to organic modeling M modeling limbs.
REFERENCE -. *) 6uman Modeling and Animation 3 <eter 0atner (. Maya character #reation 3 #hris Maraffi *. .ame #haracter )evelopments 3 Antony ward with Maya 4. %top staring 3 &aison /sipa 8. $irtual $i ens3 *) #haracter 3 Arndt von Noenigsmarc" Modeling and %cene <lacement :. ;dge loop #haracter Modeling 7or 3 Nelly @. Murdoc" and ;ric Allen *) <rofessionals /nly =. %olid Wor"s %urfacing and #omple 3 Matt @ombard %hape Modeling 'ible >. @earning Autodes" Maya (22>3 3 Autodes" Maya <ress The Modeling O Animation 6andboo" ?. Anatomy for the Artist 3 %arah %imblet -2.An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists 3 W. ;llenberger , 6. 'aum , 6. )ittrich , @ewis %. 'rown
To give students ade%uate confidence to do a professional work using .) !nimation techni%ue. Students will creative a cohesive animation work using their ac%uired skills to express their artistic vision.
The student should complete an animation production of minimum :2 second duration using () Animation technique. <ro+ect should be wor"ed out through various production stages after the final approval by the supervising faculty. This pro+ect culminates in a final presentation along with a written component.
Unit I @ight theory M #. lights M Three point lighting M Fnderstanding shadows M 9ndoor and /utdoor @ighting M Match @ighting M Modeling and Te turing 9ssues on @ighting. Unit II %hading Models and Materials M () and *) te tures M Materials Through Lodes M Material Ftilities M Applying F$ #oordinates for Te turing M Mental 0ay %haders M Te turing with 6)0 9mages. *) #ameras M 0ealistic #amera movements M #reating #amera ;ffects. Unit IV .lobal illumination M 7inal .ather M Applying #austics M $arious 0endering Methods M 0endering ;ffects. )emo 0eel #reation.
Unit III
Unit V
REFERENCE -. ;ssential #. @ighting Techniques with *)% Ma . (. 0endering with Mental 0ay *. Advanced Maya Te turing and @ighting 4. )igital @ighting and 0endering 8. *) @ighting
3 )arren 'roo"er . 3 &oseph $an der steem 3 @ee @anier 3 &eremy 'irn 3 Arnold .allardo.
This course focuses on acting and directing skills that will strengthen the animator4s ability to communicate visually. Students act out their characters and complete drawings of motion studies, expressions and poses.
Unit I Why #haracters )ifferR M #haracter Types and Their Motion M Acting as 0esponding to a %ituation M 6eroes and $illains M )omination and %ubordination M <rimary and %econdary #haracters. Unit II IAnticipationMAction M 0esult M ; aggeration M Wal"s3 Acting and Attitudes M Tell the %tory $isually M#lear %taging for the Audience3 Neeping it simple and 0eadable. ;motion and ;mpathyM ;motional 9nvolvement M Attaining 'elievability M )evelopment of )ramaM #onflict3 .ood $ersus ;vil M #haracter .oals M Mannerisms M Acting with sensesMAnimating force versus formM 'lin"s have Meaning M #amera itself an Actor 1%ub+ective view <oint5. Unit IV 'ody Acting and .estures M 7acial e pressions M 7eeling of the #haracter3 Actions that show &oy or 9nner Torments M %pace and ;ffort M %peech AnalysisM Acting for #amera M Techniques of Acting M <antomime M $oice-over acting. )emo-0eel #reation.
Unit III
Unit V
3 7ran" Thomas and /llie &ohnston Timing for Animation 3 6arold Whitta"er, &ohn 6alas The Animators %urvival Nit 3 0ichard Williams Acting in Animation3 A @oo" at -( 7ilms 3 ;d 6oo"s Action3 Acting @essons for #. Animators 3 &ohn Nundert-.ibbs and Nristin Nundert-.ibbs
Unit I
%tudy of s"eleton %etups M %"eleton #reation M 9N and 7N MAttribute #ontrols M ; pressions and %cripting for 0ig M ; ternal 0ig #ontrols. #reating advanced 0igs for <rops, two legged characters, four legged characters, etc. %"inning3 %mooth and 0igid M#ontrolling %"in Weights M <ainting the Weights M7acial Animation3 7acial ; pressions M'lend %hape Tool M ;ye Animations M <ose #reation M @inear and Lon-linear Animation Techniques M Mechanics of Movements. Animating the #haracter3 Advanced @evel )emo 0eel #reation.
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV Unit V
REFERENCE -. Model, 0ig, Animate with *)% Ma (. Maya #haracter 0igging *. .ame #haracter )evelopment with MASA 4. The M;@ #ompanion 8. )igital #haracter Animation <art -, (O* :. #haracter Animation =. Animation3 Mechanics of Motion >. Timing for animation
3 Michele 'ousquet. 3 #heryl #abrera 3 Antony Ward 3 )avid %tripinis 3 .eorge Maestri 3 %teve 0oberts 3 #hris Webster 3
Unit I 6istory of $isual ;ffects M Techniques of )ynamic %imulation M <article ;ffects M Movements with 7orces. Unit II #loth %imulation M 6air and 7ur M 7luid )ynamics. Unit III 'asics of Match moving M () trac"ing process M Automatic trac"ing M ; port camera parameters and motion path to *) softwares. #ombining )igital <lates with @ive Action 7ootage M #olour .rading and Ma"ing 7inal /utputs. )emo 0eel #reation.
Unit IV
Unit V
REFERENCE -. )igital compositing for 7ilm and $ideo (. %pecial ;ffects3 An /ral 6istory. *. %pecial ;ffects3 The 6istory and Technique 4. Maya $isual ;ffects3 The 9nnovators .uide 8. Match moving3 The 9nvisible Art of #amera Trac"ing
3 %teve Wright 3 <ascal <inteau 3 0ic"it, 0ichrd 3 ;ric Nellur 3 Tim )obbert
COURSE ) ; 3
Unit I ;thics M 'ranches of ;thics, Media ;thics M Mass Media and the shape of the 6uman Moral ;nvironment. Applied ;thics M ;thical issues in different media professions M &ournalism, #inema, Advertising, <hotography, .raphic )esign, Animation etc.- /verview of #odes and 0egulations in 9ndia. )igital Media ;thics. Unit II Media ;ducation M /b+ectives and %"ills M Ney #oncepts, Media %cenario3 <resent Trends M )ifferent %tarting points for Media ;ducation M Media 9mpact in %ociety M %ocial and <sychological impacts. #ulture and #ommunication M #ulture as #ommunication M 9ntercultural #ommunication M $alues, World view and <erception M $alues in #ulture M $alues and #ommunication M 7rom ;thnocentrism to ;thno relativism. Mass Media3 0elevance and significance. <urpose and functions of Mass Media M Mass Media, 9ndividuals and %ociety M #onnecting to T0ealityU through Media M Media and %ociety3 Lormative theory. Media @anguage M Media as Art ; periences M )e-Mystifying the Media M Media and #onsumerism M The <hilosophy commercialism M Media and )e-humani!ation M %e and $iolence in the Media M Media and Moral <ermissiveness M Media and 9mperialism M #ultural ;rosion and Mental #oloni!ation M Media #ontrol M Alternative Media. REFERENCE -. Mass Media and the Moral 9magination 3 <hilip & 0ossi (. Media ;ducation in 9ndia 3 &acob %rambic"al *. Media ;thics 3 'art <attyn 4. #ommunication ;thics and Fniversal $alues 3 #lifford #hristmas 8. )igital Media ;thics 3 #harles ;ss
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
To gain advanced skills in the art of Character !nimation by bringing one or more )igital Characters to 2ife.
Sco-$ 9t should cover the art of #haracter animation in the #omputer, and should be an e ample of an Advanced Acting <iece with )ialogue. 9t may or may not be a Two #haracter 9nteraction <iece. 7or this pro+ect students should complete a character animation of minimum ?2 seconds duration. 9t must be an advanced acting piece with dialogue. They can choose any of the following methods for their pro+ect wor". ;ntire pro+ect as () Animation ;ntire pro+ect as *) Animation ;ntire pro+ect as %top-motion Animation () Animation G *) Animation *) Animation G %top-motion Animation () Animation G %top-motion Animation
1%tudents can select any of the above animation method, according to his,her interest5 A pro+ect of minimum ?2 seconds duration.
To ac%uire practical industry based experience
9nternship is on the +ob training to assimilate professionalism in ones career. The students will have to undergo an 9nternship at an Animation %tudio for a fortnight during the fourth semester. The students would prepare individual reports after the 9nternship and the same should be attested by the organi!ation under which the student did the internship. The students comprehensive report will be submitted to the 6/) for evaluation. A faculty member will monitor the students during the internship.
%tudent should wor" individually to achieve the production goal within four months under the guidance of supervising faculty. 7inal thesis pro+ect comprises of following assignments3 An "ni#"tion *5ort %tudents should develop an innovative and theoretically informed body of wor" which proves their #reativity, Aesthetic sense and Technical %"ills. The duration of the short should be a minimum of ?2 seconds. %tudents should submit the Movie along with the #omprehensive 0eport to the 6ead of the )epartment.
S$#in"r r$*$nt"tion o. t5$ Fin"& ro9$ct <rovides an opportunity to prepare a professional portfolio and e hibit student wor"s at the end of the programme with proper guidance from the department.