This document provides information about a Software Engineering and Management course offered at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to teach students current concepts, methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. It covers topics like software process models, requirements analysis, software architecture and design, quality assurance, testing, project planning and case studies. The course objectives are to apply software engineering practices to develop software systems and manage software projects. The document outlines the course schedule, topics to be covered, reference materials, evaluation components including assignments, mid-semester test and comprehensive exam.
This document provides information about a Software Engineering and Management course offered at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to teach students current concepts, methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. It covers topics like software process models, requirements analysis, software architecture and design, quality assurance, testing, project planning and case studies. The course objectives are to apply software engineering practices to develop software systems and manage software projects. The document outlines the course schedule, topics to be covered, reference materials, evaluation components including assignments, mid-semester test and comprehensive exam.
This document provides information about a Software Engineering and Management course offered at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to teach students current concepts, methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. It covers topics like software process models, requirements analysis, software architecture and design, quality assurance, testing, project planning and case studies. The course objectives are to apply software engineering practices to develop software systems and manage software projects. The document outlines the course schedule, topics to be covered, reference materials, evaluation components including assignments, mid-semester test and comprehensive exam.
This document provides information about a Software Engineering and Management course offered at Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani. The course aims to teach students current concepts, methods, techniques and tools in software engineering. It covers topics like software process models, requirements analysis, software architecture and design, quality assurance, testing, project planning and case studies. The course objectives are to apply software engineering practices to develop software systems and manage software projects. The document outlines the course schedule, topics to be covered, reference materials, evaluation components including assignments, mid-semester test and comprehensive exam.
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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division
irst Semester !"#$-!"#% &'()S* +,-D'(T &ourse -o. / SS 01%2! &ourse Title / Soft3are *ngineering & 4anagement Instructors / T5 ),' &ourse Descri6tion Current concepts, methods, techniques, and tools of the software engineering; software process models; process definition and assessment; requirements analysis and specification, software architecture and design; quality assurance and testing; software measurement and metrics; project planning, estimation and control; case studies and project work. Sco6e and '78ectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. pply software engineering practices to de!elop, test and implement a !ariety of software systems. ". #anage software projects in a way that will lead to timely deli!ery of high$quality products. Prescri7ed Te9t Book %1 &ressman, '.(., (oftware )ngineering: &ractitioner*s pproach, #+,-(), .th )d., "/1/ )eference Books '1. (ommer!ille, -., (oftware )ngineering, &earson )ducation, 0 th )d., "/1/. '". Capers 1ones., (oftware )ngineering 2est &ractices, %#, 3"/1/ '4. &ankaj 1alote , n -ntegrated pproach to (oftware )ngineering, %hird )dition , (pringer 3 "//5 '6. &fleeger and tlee, (oftware )ngineering: %heory and &ractice, &earson )ducation, 6th )d "//0 '5. ,umphrey, 7.(., #anaging the (oftware &rocess, ddison 7esley, 1000. '8. 1ackson, #., (oftware 'equirements and (pecifications, ddison7esley, 1005 ,vaila7le under BITS, Pilani !$9: 7ooks ;eLi7rary< '.. 'ichard ,. %hayer and #ark 1. Christensen, (oftware )ngineering, 9olume 1: %he :e!elopment &rocess, %hird )dition by ;eds< 1ohn 7iley = (ons 3 "//5 '>. +orton, -an. )ssential (oftware rchitecture, (econd )dition. (pringer. 3 "/11 '0. +uide to the &roject #anagement 2ody of ?nowledge ;@?A +uide<, Bifth )dition by &roject #anagement -nstitute &roject #anagement -nstitute 3 "/14 '1/. +eorge (tepanek, (oftware &roject (ecrets : 7hy (oftware &rojects Bail, press 3"/1" '11. 1ake ?ouns and :aniel #inoli, -nformation %echnology 'isk #anagement in )nterprise )n!ironments. 1ohn 7iley = (ons 3 "/1/
SS 01%2! ;&ourse +andout< irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page ! Plan of Study S.-o. To6ic )eference to Te9t Book 1 Learning Objective: Basics of Software Engineering -ntroduction to (oftware )ngineering: 2asic issues regarding (oftware )ngineering, +eneric !iew of process, &rocess frameworks %1$Ch. 1," " Learning Objective: Development process of a software &rocess #odels : &rescripti!e (oftware &rocess #odels %1$Ch. " 4 Learning Objective: Development process of a software n gile 9iew of &rocess: gile &rinciples, eCtreme &rogramming, (crum, and other gile models %1$Ch. 4 6 Learning Objective: Principles of Software Development (oftware )ngineering &ractice : )thics, Core &rinciples, cti!ities %1$Ch. 6 5 Learning Objective: Understanding Software Management and Software Qalit! (oftware #anagement ;nalysis of 6 &,75 &rinciple<, (oftware Duality Concepts %1$Ch. 16, "6 8 Learning Objective: Understanding "e#irement Management 'equirements )ngineering: 'equirement &rocess, use case, 'equirement #odel %1$Ch. 5 . Learning Objective: "e#irement Modeling and assessment 'equirements )ngineering :'equirement nalysis, (cenario based modeling, U#E, Class based #odeling, :B:, ,2eha!ioral #odeling, #odeling for web application %1$Ch. 8,. > Learning Objective: Basics of Software Design :esign Concept: :esign &rocess, Concept, #odel %1$Ch. > 0 Review Session Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in S !o " to # 1/ Learning Objective: Understanding of software arc$itectre rchitectural :esign :(oftware rchitecture, rchitectural (tyles, &atterns, 'epresentations etc %1$Ch. 0, 1" 11 Learning Objective: %omponent design& User 'nterface design #odeling Component$Ee!el :esign: Class 2ased component, %raditional component, component design for web applications, component based de!elopment User -nterface = &attern 2ased :esign: +olden 'ules, nalysis and design, design steps, web application design ,design e!aluation %1$Ch. 1/, 11, 1" 1" Learning Objective: Understanding of Software (esting Process %esting (trategies: -ntroduction, traditional ,object and web based testing, testing steps %1$Ch. 1. 14 Learning Objective: Discssion of Met$ods E)ists in Software (esting %esting %actics: 72%, 22%, #2% ,and other related issue , debugging %1$Ch. 1>, 10 16 Learning Objective: Measrement *spect of Software Prodct+ Process+ Project #etrics for &roduct, &rocess and &roject :(oftware #easurement %1$Ch. "4, "5 SS 01%2! ;&ourse +andout< irst Semester !"#$-!"#% Page = Plan of Study S.-o. To6ic )eference to Te9t Book 15 Learning Objective: %omplete *nal!sis of %ost Estimation )stimation :)stimation techniques and theories, &roblem$based and &rocess$ based methods %1$Ch. "8 18 Learning Objective: Project Sc$edling &roject (cheduling :earned !alue analysis, critical path etc %1$Ch. ". 1. Learning Objective: Uncertainties in SE+ (rends in SE &roject 'isk #anagement, )merging trends in (oftware )ngineering %1$Ch. ">, 41 1> Review Session Syllabus for Compre$ensive %&am ('pen Book): (ll Topics )iven in *lan of Self Study *valuation Scheme/ *& -o. *valuation &om6onent & Ty6e of *9amination Duration Weigh- tage +ay, +ate, Session,Time *&-# ssignmentFDuiG , (o be annonced 15H , (o be annonced *&-! #id$(emester %est ;&losed Book< " ,ours 45H (aturday, 14F/0F"/16 ;I< " &# J 6 &# *&-= Comprehensi!e )Cam ;'6en Book< 4 ,ours 5/H (aturday, />F11F"/16 ;I< " &# J 5 &# > -or details of %C-" (ssi)nment./ui0 please c$eck t$e 123* 3MS portal wwwelearnbits-pilaniacin ,-/ fterIoon (ession? -/ BoreIoon (ession &losed Book Test/ Io reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the eCam hall. '6en Book *9am/ Use of any printed F written reference material ;books and notebooks< will be permitted inside the eCam hall. Eoose sheets of paper will not be permitted. Computers of any kind will not be allowed inside the eCam hall. Use of calculators will be allowed in all eCams. Io eCchange of any material will be allowed. -ote/ -t shall be the responsibility of the indi!idual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as gi!en in the course handout, attend the onlineFon demand lectures as per details that would be put up in the BITS L4S Ta9ila website and take all the prescribed components of the e!aluation such as ssignment ;&ourse Page on L4S Ta9ila<, #id (emester %est and Comprehensi!e )Camination according to the )!aluation (cheme gi!en in the respecti!e Course ,andout. -f the student is unable to appear for the 'egular %estF)Camination due to genuine eCigencies, the student must refer to the procedure for applying for #ake$up %estF)Camination, which will be a!ailable through the -mportant -nformation link on the BITS WILP L4S Ta9ila website on the date of the 'egular %estF)Camination. %he #ake$up %estsF)Cams will be conducted only at selected eCam centres on the dates to be announced later. Instructor-in-&harge