The Spring Break Assignment!

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The Spring Break Assignment!

: Newspaper Clippings Law 12

Your job is to read the newspaper and clip out five articles that refer to a criminal action. You may also print
out articles from the internet. The crimes must be committed in Canada. Then glue the article to a piece of
paper. Due: Wednesday, March 27. Next to the article, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the type of criminal offence:

• Do you think that this offence is a summary conviction offence or a indictable offence? Use the
clues in the article to help you make an educated guess. A list of the all the different crimes in our
criminal code is found on page 154-157. You can use this list to help you.

2. Identify the Actus Reus:

• What is the wrongful act? You do not need to label the SPECIFIC criminal code violation (ie. you
can say “murder” instead of “second-degree homicide”) if it is not listed in the article.

3. Identify the Mens Rea:

• What do you think the prosecution is trying to prove in terms of:
o Intent or Recklessness
o Knowledge
o Also, consider motive. Does a motive exist?

4. Your thoughts (A short paragraph)

o Do you think this person will be convicted (found guilty) or acquitted (set free)?
o If you think the person should be convicted, what should the punishment be?
o Your reasons WHY you think these things.


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
EFFORT Exceptionally high degree of High degree of effort Minimal neatness, Little effort.
(x2) effort demonstrated through demonstrated through accuracy or individuality.
neatness, accuracy and neatness, accuracy and
individuality. individuality.
ACCURACY Booklet references and facts are Booklet references are mostly Poster does not reference Booklet has no sense of
accurate. accurate. facts, but is somewhat subject matter.
solidly located.
ORIGINALITY Booklet is completely original Booklet is mostly original Themes were borrowed This Booklet is a take-
material. material. but mostly original. off on existing material
or most graphics are
cut-outs from the net,
ANALYSIS Analysis covers the four sections Analysis partially covers the Analysis covers less than Little analysis.
fully. four sections. four sections.


The Today Assignment!: Chart of Our Criminal Court
System Law 12
Your job is to read pages 115-116 in the textbook, and draw an organizer (chart of some sort) to represent the
Criminal Court system in Canada. You should generally try to represent the two levels of the court system
(Supreme and Provincial) and the levels of power associated with these two levels. Think about which
courts hear the original cases, and which courts hear the APPEAL cases (an appeal is when someone
challenges a decision made by a previous court.

Think about what order an accused (and later, convicted) criminal might go through the court system. Use
the blue and yellow chart on pages 115-116 of the textbook to help you think. Work with your neighbours
(although you each have to produce your own poster).


CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
EFFORT Exceptionally high degree of High degree of effort Minimal neatness, Little effort.
(x2) effort demonstrated through demonstrated through accuracy or individuality.
neatness, accuracy and neatness, accuracy and
individuality. individuality.
ACCURACY Organizer references and facts are Organizer references are Organizer does not Organizer has no sense
accurate. mostly accurate. reference facts, but is of subject matter.
somewhat solidly located.
ORIGINALITY Organizer is completely original Organizer is mostly original Organizer themes were Rip-off of the textbook
material… ie. use your own material. borrowed but mostly chart.
words! original.


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