Africa Choice Board
Africa Choice Board
Africa Choice Board
Write a fictional story about a time Write an argumentative Choose 6 counties in Africa and
that you and your family when on a paragraph answering the compose a poem or rap that helps
safari through Africa. In your story, following question. scholars remember where they are
describe your surrounding and the on the African map.
people/animals you see along the way. Is deforestation essential to the
economic success of Africa or is **Must include absolute and
**Must include 3 physical does it cause too much harm to relative location**
characteristics and 3 human the environment of Africa?
Create a Venn Diagram comparing an Create a flow chart that Create an informational brochure
ethnic group and a religious group. demonstrates the effects of that explains the effects of
water pollution and unequal desertification on the continent of
**Must include at least 5 detail in distribution of water in Africa. Africa.
each circle**