Diagnostic Potential Of 16 Kda (Hspx, Α-Crystalline) Antigen For Serodiagnosis Of Tuberculosis

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Diagnostic potential of 16 kDa (HspX, -crystalline) antigen

for serodiagnosis of tuberculosis

Amit Kaushik, Urvashi B. Singh, Chhavi Porwal, Shwetha J. Venugopal, Anant Mohan
Anand Krishnan
, Vinay Goyal
& Jayant N. Banavaliker
Departments of Microbiology,
Neurology &
Centre for Community Medicine,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi &
Rajan Babu Institute for
Pulmonary Medicine & Tuberculosis, Delhi, India
Received March 8, 2011
Background & objectives: Tuberculosis (TB) is a public health problem worldwide. Rapid and accurate
diagnosis of tuberculosis is crucial to facilitate early treatment of infectious cases and to reduce its spread.
The present study was aimed to evaluation of 16 kDa antigen as a serodiagnostic tool in pulmonary and
extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patients in an effort to improve diagnostic algorithm for tuberculosis.
Methods: In this study, 200 serum samples were collected from smear positive and culture confrmed
pulmonary tuberculosis patients, 30 tubercular pleural effusions and 21 tubercular meningitis (TBM)
patients. Serum samples from 36 healthy, age matched controls (hospital staff), along with 60 patients
with non-tubercular respiratory diseases were also collected and evaluated. Humoral response (both IgG
and IgA) was looked for 16 kDa antigen using indirect ELISA.
Results: Sensitivity of detection in varies categories of pulmonary TB patients ranged between 73.8 and
81.2 per cent. While in the extra-pulmonary TB samples the sensitivity was 42.8 per cent (TBM) and 63.3
per cent (tubercular pleural effusion). The test specifcity in both the groups was high (94.7%). All of the
non-disease controls were negative. Among non-tubercular disease controls, fve patients gave a positive
humoral response against 16 kDa.
Interpretation & conclusions: Serodiagnostic tests for TB have always had drawbacks of suboptimal
sensitivity and specifcity. The antigen used in this study gave encouraging results in pulmonary TB only,
while in extra-pulmonary TB (tubercular meningitis and tubercular pleural effusion), this has shown a
limited role in terms of sensitivity. Further work is required to validate its role in serodiagnosis of TB
especially extra-pulmonary TB.
Key words ELISA - EPTB - serodiagnosis - tuberculosis - 16 kDa
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem
worldwide and was responsible for 8.8 million incident
cases of TB and 1.45 million deaths in the year 2010
The failure to diagnose TB accurately and rapidly is
a key challenge in curbing the epidemic
. Rapid and
accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis is crucial to facilitate
early treatment of infectious cases and thus to reduce
its spread.
Indian J Med Res 135, May 2012, pp 771-777
TB diagnosis largely depends upon clinical
examination and radiographic fndings, mainly
confrmed by sputum smear microscopy and bacterial
. Many alternative methodologies have been
applied in TB diagnosis, such as PCR and cell-mediated
immune response reactions
. These methods require
trained personnel and specifc laboratory conditions,
which hinder their implementation in many areas of
high TB endemicity.
Extra-pulmonary TB (EPTB) remains an important
diagnostic and therapeutic problem. The diagnosis of
extra-pulmonary tuberculosis is challenging due to
the paucibacillary nature of the specimens, inability to
access the site of disease activity, the lack of adequate
sample volumes and the presence of inhibitors
that undermine the performance of nucleic acid
amplifcation-based techniques. Serological tests may
prove useful with the advantages of speed, technical
simplicity, possible adaptation towards point-of-care
formats and low cost
The availability of numerous well characterized
M. tuberculosis proteins has revived interest in the
serological diagnosis of tuberculosis. Several promising
antigens have been reported such as 16 kDa, 45 kDa,
antigen 85 complex (30 kDa), 65 kDa Hsp, 88 kDa, 38
kDa, ESAT-6, CFP-10, etc
. Antibody response to the
38 kDa in pulmonary TB has been extensively studied,
and there are a few reports about the utility of the 16
kDa-based serological tests in pulmonary and extra-
pulmonary TB
The aim of the present study was to explore the
serodiagnostic potential of 16 kDa (HspX, Rv2031c, or
-crystalline) antigen in different groups of tuberculosis
patients. 16 kDa is an immunodominant antigen that
is recognized by the majority of patients with active
. Production of Rv2031c appears to
increase as the bacteria go into the metabolically
resting stage and decreases as they revert to exponential
, thus providing a constant source of antigen in
cultures and possibly in vivo.
Material & Methods
A total of 347 subjects (age range= 18 to 65 yr,
male= 235, female= 112) were recruited between June
2007 to July 2010 (Table I). All patients and control
subjects gave informed consent prior to sampling.
The cross-sectional study protocol was reviewed and
approved by the ethics committee of the All India
Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi.
Detailed clinical history and fndings were recorded in
a case record form.
A total of 200 pulmonary TB (PTB) patients
were enrolled prospectively from Comprehensive
Rural Health Services Project (CRHSP), Centre for
Community Medicine, Ballabgarh, Haryana (n=120)
and Rajan Babu Institute for Pulmonary Medicine &
Tuberculosis (RBIPMT), New Delhi (n=80); and were
classifed 78 category I PTB patients (new sputum
smear positive), 42 category II PTB patients (sputum
smear positive after default or relapse/treatment failure)
and 80 multi-drug resistant PTB patients.
Sputum (5-10 ml) and blood samples (2-3 ml)
were collected within two weeks of initiation of anti-
tuberculosis treatment (ATT) from category I and
category II patients (from CRHSP). MDR PTB patients
admitted at RBIPMT were on ATT at the time of inclusion
in the study. All the patients included in the study had
the sputum culture positive for M. tuberculosis. After
collection, samples were transported in cold chain.
Twenty one in-patients with tuberculous meningitis
(TBM) were enrolled from the Department of Neurology,
AIIMS, New Delhi. Sixteen patients were clinically
and radiologically confrmed
and cerebrospinal fuid
(CSF) of fve patients grew M. tuberculosis on culture.
Blood sample (2-3 ml) was collected within two weeks
of initiation of ATT.
Thirty patients with tubercular pleural effusion were
enrolled from CRHSP, Ballabgarh, Haryana and AIIMS,
New Delhi. Patients were clinically and radiologically
confrmed as the microbiological confrmation could
not be obtained for all patients. A total of 60 subjects,
who were suffering from respiratory/lung diseases
(other than tuberculosis) were included as disease
controls from AIIMS, New Delhi. Lung cancer (n=21),
asthma (n=9), pneumonia (n=7), chronic obstructive
pulmonary disorder (n=5), interstitial lung disease (n=3),
sarcoidosis (n=3), respiratory distress (n=3), allergic
broncho pulmonary aspergillosis (n=3), bronchiectasis
(n=2), occupational lung disease (n=1), Wegeners
granulomatosis (n=1), bronchiolitis obliterans (n=1),
metabolic encephalopathy (n=1) formed the spectrum.
Sputum/induced sputum samples were obtained. All
above disease controls were evaluated bacteriologically
for M. tuberculosis using culture and AFB smear and
found negative. Forty six subjects had M. bovis BCG
vaccination history. The purifed protein derivative
(PPD) status of the patients was unknown.
Thirty six healthy individuals (with no known
history of active TB) were enrolled from the staff
working in Department of Microbiology, AIIMS, New
Delhi, as healthy controls or non-disease controls.
All these were healthy with no apparent signs of any
disease. All of them had BCG vaccination history. The
purifed protein derivative (PPD) status of the subjects
was not known.
Sample processing: Sputum samples were processed
using standard NALC-NaOH method
and smears
were examined after ZiehlNeelsen staining. Processed
samples were inoculated in MGIT (Mycobacterial
growth indicator tube) 960 non-radiometric automated
isolation system (BD, USA). MGIT tube was
supplemented with 0.5 ml of oleic acid-albumin-
dextrose-catalase along with mixture of 5 antibiotics
(PANTA i.e., polymyxin B, amphotericin B, nalidixic
acid, trimethoprim and azlocillin) and 0.5 ml of
decontaminated sample. M. tuberculosis complex and
non-tuberculous mycobacteria were differentiated using
p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNBA) test (as recommended in
MGIT-960 protocol). Drug susceptibility testing (DST)
was performed using 1 per cent proportion method
using above automated culture system to reassure the
MDR status (as recommended in MGIT-960 protocol).
Serum samples were separated and immediately stored
in -80C till further use.
ELISA protocol: ELISA was performed with some
to estimate the humoral responses
(IgG and IgA, in the same well) against native 16 kDa
antigen. Briefy, the 96-well microtiter plates (Maxisorp
Nunc, Denmark) were coated with native antigen in
PBS (50 l/well of 5 g/ml) overnight at 4C. Next day,
plates were washed three times with PBS-T, blocked
with 1 per cent BSA in PBS-T (blocking buffer) for
two hours at 37C and followed by three washings.
Subsequently, 100 l of diluted sera (1:100 in 0.1 x
blocking buffer) from patients and healthy subjects was
added and the plates were incubated for 90 min at 37C.
After six washes with PBS-Tween 20 (0.05% Tween 20
in PBS), a mixture of alkaline phosphatase-conjugated
protein A (1:2,000) and anti-human immunoglobulin A
(IgA; 1:1,000) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, USA) was
added to each well and the plates were incubated for
1 h at 37C. The wells were washed six times with
PBS-T, and the bound enzyme-conjugated antibodies
were detected with p-nitrophenylphosphate substrate
(Sigma, USA), (1 mg/ml p-nitrophenylphosphate in
10% diethanolamine buffer containing 0.5 mM MgCl
pH 9.8). The plates were read at 405 nm in ELISA plate
reader (Microscan, ECIL, India).
Data analysis: The cut-off was determined by
calculating the mean optical density (OD) obtained
with sera from healthy individuals plus 3 standard
Table I. Details/profle of subjects (n=347) enrolled in study
Subjects Total no. Male/
Mean age
(yr) SD
Inclusion criteria Positive for 16 kDa
1. Category I
pulmonary TB
78 54/24 31.1 11.9 Culture confrmed for
M. tuberculosis
2. Category II
pulmonary TB
42 30/12 35.5 12.4 Culture confrmed for
M. tuberculosis
3. MDR pulmonary
80 47/33 33.2 9.8 Culture confrmed for
M. tuberculosis,
Sensitivity confrmed
4. Tuberculous
meningitis (TBM)
21 13/8 34.3 14.6 Clinically & radiologically
confrmed (fve samples
bacteriologically confrmed)
5. Tubercular pleural
30 21/9 37.3 14.9 Clinically & radiologically
6. Non-disease
36 27/9 31.2 6.9 Healthy individuals with no
apparent signs for any disease
7. Disease controls
60 43/17 45 13.1 Disease confrmed 5
*One each of lung cancer, pneumonia, ILD, sarcoidosis, respiratory distress
deviations (SD). Each assay was repeated three times.
Two or three positives out of three ELISAs were
considered as positive. Sensitivity and specifcity were
calculated by standard methods. Scatter plot and ROC
(receiver operative characteristic) curves were plotted
using GraphPad Prism software, version 5, USA. ROC
curve describes probabilities of correct and incorrect
results at different cut-off values. The area under ROC
curve refects the accuracy of a test
The 347 subjects when grouped into different
categories, 78 were in category I PTB, 42 were
in category II PTB, 80 were MDR PTB, 21 were
tubercular meningitis, 30 were pleural effusion, 36
were non-disease controls and 60 were disease controls
(other than tuberculosis) (Table I).
Fig. 1 shows the scatter plot of antibody response
in different groups of patients and controls. Each
dot represents the O.D. (O.D.= O.D. of sample -
cut-off value) for individual patient. All dots above
X-axis were positive O.Ds. Fig. 2 A and B shows the
receiver operative characteristic (ROC) curve for PTB
(category I PTB, category II PTB and MDR) and extra-
pulmonary TB (tuberculous meningitis and tubercular
pleural effusion), respectively with 16 kDa antigen.
16 kDa antigen was used for detection of humoral
responses (IgG and IgA) in these subjects using
ELISA and sensitivity, specifcity and other parameters
were predicted (Table II). The diagnostic sensitivity
of 16 kDa antigen with category I PTB, category
II PTB and MDR PTB was found to be 80.7, 73.8
and 81.2 per cent, respectively. The sensitivity was
found to be comparatively lower in category II PTB
than the category I PTB and MDR PTB. While in
the extra-pulmonary TB i.e. tuberculosis meningitis
and tubercular pleural effusion cases, the diagnostic
sensitivity was 42.8 and 63.3 per cent, respectively.
Specifcity was high (>94%) in PTB as well as extra-
pulmonary tuberculosis groups (Table II).
None of the non-disease controls was positive for
antibodies to 16 kDa, however, fve disease controls
were found to be positive. These patients were being
treated for lung cancer (1), sarcoidosis (1), interstitial
Table II. Sensitivity, specifcity and likehood ratios of 16 kDa antigen ELISA for antibody detection
Characteristic Category I
Category II
Tubercular pleural
Sensitivity (%),
95% confdence interval (%)
(69.9 to 88.4)
(57.6 to 85.6)
(70 to 88.7)
(22.5 to 65.5)
(43.9 to 79.4)
Specifcity (%),
95% confdence interval (%)
(87.7 to 98)
(87.7 to 98)
(87.7 to 98)
(87.7 to 98)
(87.7 to 98)
Likelihood ratio for positive test
result (LR+)
15.5 14.2 15.6 8.2 12.2
Likelihood ratio for negative
test result (LR-)
0.20 0.27 0.19 0.60 0.38
Fig. 1. (I) Scatter plot of humoral responses in serum samples
of non-disease controls, disease controls, category I PTB, category
II PTB, MDR-TB, tuberculous meningitis (TBM) and tubercular
pleural effusion patients. Each dot represents the O.D. (O.D.
= O.D. of sample cut-off value) for individual patient. All dots
above X-axis are positive O.Ds. All dots below X-axis are negative
lung disease (ILD 1), pneumonia (1) and respiratory
distress (1).
In the present study, we evaluated the 16 kDa
antigen, in PTB and EPTB (TBM and tubercular pleural
effusion) patients, and compared the antibody assay
with other diagnostic modalities. In our study, none of
the non-disease controls was positive for antibodies to
16 kDa. In a TB endemic country like India a majority
of the population is likely to be latently infected
or BCG-vaccinated; the absence of any humoral
response against mycobacteria gives credence to high
specifcity of the antigen for detecting active disease.
Geluk et al
have shown most M. tuberculosis infected
or exposed individuals responded well to HspX,
whereas signifcantly lower responses were observed
in unexposed individuals, including BCG-vaccinated
individuals. Rabahi et al
have shown higher HspX
in the M. tuberculosis exposed individual and good
indicator for new infection. Davidow et al
higher humoral response among inactive TB than the
active TB.
A meta-analysis performed by Steingart et al
reported high specifcity for detection of pulmonary
tuberculosis (86 to 100%), using the commercially
available pathozyme TB complex plus (ELISA
based antibody detection, utilizes the recombinant 38
kDa and 16 kDa) in various studies
. Another study
has shown 98 per cent specifcity in a large number
of Polish population
using the above test. Raja
et al
have shown a specifcity of 94 per cent using
16 kDa antigen for antibody detection in pulmonary
tuberculosis patients and controls including non-
tuberculous lung disease and healthy subjects.
Several antigens have been shown to have strong
immunodiagnostic potential. A couple of studies are
available for the 16 kDa molecule, a polypeptide
belonging to the -crystallin family of low molecular
weight heat shock proteins. The coding gene (Rv2031c)
for this antigen has been found exclusively in the M.
tuberculosis complex as shown by DNA hybridization
. It has been reported as a dominant protein,
produced in the static growth phase or under oxygen
deprivation and is essential for bacterial replication
inside macrophages
In non-tubercular disease controls, fve of 60
controls gave the non-specifc positive humoral
response. Though sputum/induced sputum were
obtained from above disease control group, all were
negative for AFB smear microscopy and MGIT-960
rapid culture. All the care had been employed at the
time of enrollment of above disease controls to rule
out history of active TB. An earlier study
has shown
that antibodies against 16 kDa do not cross-react
with common environmental mycobacteria. Julian et
have shown some non-specifcity in pneumonia
Fig. 2. Receiver operative characteristic (ROC) curve for (A): PTB (category I PTB, category II PTB and MDR). Area
under ROC curve 0.9083, 95% CI (confdence interval) 0.8739 to 0.9428, Std. error 0.01758, P<0.001. Small bars on
the ROC curve showing the cut-offs. (B): EPTB (tuberculous meningitis and tubercular pleural effusion) area under ROC
curve: 0.7571, 95% CI 0.6589 to 0.8554, Std. error 0.05013, P<0.001.
population using 16 kDa antibody detection,
antibodies to 16 kDa have been shown among non-
TB lung diseases such as asthma, lung cancer
. The
loss of specifcity may be due to latent infection or to
nonspecifc hyperglobulinaemia, common in bronchial
Our results have shown a signifcant (P<0.05)
higher antibody response in PTB than EPTB for 16
kDa antigen. Many of the serological studies have
been reported from patients with extensive pulmonary
. The group that would most beneft from
serological tests is the one with smear negative or extra-
pulmonary TB. In this group of patients, the sensitivity
of different assays was reported to be signifcantly
lower than in the confrmed cases
. The extensive
extra-cellular bacterial replication in cavities and the
continued shedding of antigens is possibly enhanced in
the pulmonary cavitary environment. The paucibacillary
and often walled off EPTB lesions
may be different
in producing lesser amount of antigen and hence may
take longer to generate an antibody response. The study
patients were sampled within a few days of the clinical
diagnosis and hence may not have shown an adequate
serological response.
The sensitivity was much higher in category I,
category II PTB and MDR PTB patients. Repeated
immune stimulation by mycobacterial antigens
and higher antigenic load because of multiplying
mycobacteria in MDR-PTB and category II PTB may
explain this.
Serodiagnostic tests for tuberculosis have never
been very successful due to suboptimal sensitivity and
specifcity. To discourage the rampant use of commercial
TB serodiagnostics tests, WHO has issued a policy note
discouraging the use of current serodiagnostics tests
The present study has limitations such as the
serologic tests were performed retrospectively; using
serum that had been stored at -80
C, although no serum
had been thawed more than once. The total number
of EPTB (TBM and tubercular pleural effusion)
subjects enrolled in the study was small. The results
in our study were encouraging only in PTB group;
and in tuberculous meningitis and tubercular pleural
effusion patients were not up to expectations. The use
of additional antigen(s) combinations or epitopes need
to be evaluated for serodiagnosis.
The frst and third authors (AK, CP) acknowledge the research
fellowships from the Council of Scientifc and Industrial Research
(CSIR) and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New
Delhi, respectively. 16 kDa antigen was kindly provided under NIH
contract HHSN266200400091C/ADB (contract NO1-AI-40091,
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Reprint requests: Dr Urvashi B. Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, All India Institute of
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