1 Baveja

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Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology

ISSN (Online): 2454­289X, ISSN (Print): 2249­8400 
Copyright © 2019 IJAM, Chennai, India  Volume 22 Number 1
April - June 2019, pp. 1-9

Utility of polymerase chain reaction technique in the

diagnosis of tubercular meningitis in Indian children

Baveja C.P.1, Singh T.1, Talukdar B.1, Sharma V.K.1, Gupta R.K.3
and Rakshit P.2*
Dept. of Microbiology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
National Centre for Disease Control, New Delhi, India
Dept. of Microbiology, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India

Abstract: Purpose: Despite tremendous advancement, tuberculosis remains a major global health
problem due to multidrug resistance and HIV infection. In children's, tubercular meningitis
(TBM) is the main presentation than that of pulmonary as after disease neurological problems, are
more serious. Timely and accurate diagnosis is important for correct treatment and better
outcome. The conventional methods (microscopy and culture) are reported either to give false
results or fail to respond at early stage. The molecular biology techniques have offered a ray of
hope over it. Methods: In the present study, 30 suspected cases of TBM along with 15 controls
representing other forms of meningitis and of pediatric age group were diagnosed using PCR and
conventional methods. Results: Only two samples showed positivity by microscopy and six
samples showed positivity by culture. On the other hand by PCR, a significantly higher number
(17, including microscopy and culture positive) were positive for the presence of TBM. All the
control samples were negative by both the methods. Conclusions: PCR was able to detect
additional 11 cases reportedly negative by culture and microscopy. It shows that a big quantum
left undiagnosed and hence untreated. These results suggest that PCR definitely have an
advantage over conventional methods especially in case of TBM where non-treatment due to poor
diagnosis may lead to high morbidity and mortality. More emphasis needs to be given to the
adoption of such rapid diagnostic methods in case of infections where the start of treatment may
affect the infection outcome.
Keywords: Acid fast bacilli, tubercular meningitis, cerebrospinal fluid, polymerase chain reaction

*Author for Correspondence. E-mail: [email protected]

www. ijamicro.com
2 BAVEJA C.P e t al

Tremendous progress has been made in tuberculosis research since the first demonstration of the
causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Sir Robert Koch in 1882. Despite that
tuberculosis remains a major global public health problem with considerable morbidity and
mortality, till date [1-2]. The presentation of tuberculosis is more critical especially in developing
countries, affecting both sex and adults and children's. In adults, the predominant manifestation of
tuberculosis is the pulmonary form. However, in children’s the extra pulmonary forms of
tuberculosis are more common [2]. The most common extra pulmonary form is tubercular
lymphadenitis followed by tubercular meningitis, which constitutes 7-12% of extra pulmonary
tuberculosis in children. Tubercular meningitis (TBM) is more notorious than pulmonary as more
than half of infected persons either die or follow neurological disorders [3-4]. Since the
diagnosis of TBM is difficult to confirm, therefore, the disease usually remains underreported.
Approximately 100,000 case of TBM occurs every year, globally with mortality rate as high as
19.3%. In India, approximately 20% tuberculosis new cases occur per year with highest burden in
world. Out of these, approximately 10-20% cases constitute childhood TB, to which
approximately 25% accounts for TBM [5-6]. In India, TBM continues to be an important cause of
hospitalization with considerable rate of deaths and neurological disabilities. Without treatment,
virtually all patients with TBM die. However, the pathogenesis of TBM is not fully understood
and hence accurate and early diagnosis becomes of much importance to start the treatment. The
fortune of TBM necessitates the early and most importantly the accurate diagnosis of infection at
an early stage. The diagnosis of TBM is always presumptive and mostly relies on presentation of
clinical symptoms, tuberculin testing, cerebrospinal fluid findings, tomography scan, and the
response to anti-tuberculosis drugs. Low sensitivity and slow growth hampers the diagnosis at an
early stage [4, 7-8]. Therefore, high degree of suspicion is justified for the diagnosis of TBM,
which represents non-specific symptoms.
Till date, conventional methods such as microscopy and culture have been gold standard for the
diagnosis of tuberculosis. A direct acid-fast bacilli smear from cerebrospinal fluid is of diagnostic
value but usually also suffers with false negative and low positive results of suspected TBM
cases. Further, culture requires long incubation period of 6-8 weeks and is often negative in result
[4, 7-8]. Number of other methods as adenosine deaminase assay, RIA, and ELISA has also been
used previously for the diagnosis of TBM [3, 9-12]. However, all these methods have been shown
to be associated with either low sensitivity or specificity. There has been a concurrent demand for
the consistent and rapid method for the diagnosis of TBM. In this regard, molecular methods
based on DNA/RNA have been proven to a good choice as they can detect as low as 2-3
organisms [3]. Amongst various methods, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based methods are
rapid, easy, cost effective, sensitive and specific as compared to other tests [3-10, 13-14]. Despite
its advantages over conventional methods, which usually result in false positive/negative results,
the PCR technique has not been adopted in the diagnosis of TBM, yet. Therefore, the present
study was planned to evaluate usefulness of PCR in the diagnosis of clinically suspected TBM
cases in the pediatric age group and its comparison with conventional techniques, in a tertiary
care hospital of North India.


Utility of polymerase chain reaction technique in the diagnosis of tubercular meningitis ……  3 

Materials and Methods

Study Subjects and Samples: The study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology,
Maulana Azad Medical College in collaboration with department of pediatrics, Lok Nayak
Hospital, New Delhi. Institutional Ethical Committee approved the study protocol. Leftover
samples of cerebrospinal fluid from 30 clinically suspected cases of TBM (16 males and 14
females; age range from 6 months to 11years), received in a sterile leak proof containers for
routine diagnostics was used. Samples were centrifuged at 3600Xg for 30 minutes to concentrate.
Supernatant was decanted and sediment was vortexed thoroughly and divided into three aliquots;
one each for microscopy, culture and PCR analysis. A detailed history of subjects was taken
including clinical signs and symptoms, family history, immunization status, past history of
tuberculosis etc. according to the criteria as adopted previously for the clinical suspected TBM
(Table 1) [3]. 15 subjects with similar age and sex groups representing other forms of meningitis
were taken as control.
Microscopy and Culture: One part of sample was processed for microscopy according to
standard procedures of Zeihl- Neelsen stain, Kinyoun stain and Auramine-O stain. Another part of
specimen was cultured on Lowenstein Jensen and Middle brook 7H10 medium. The entire tests
were performed according to standard procedures [15]. Positive samples were further subjected to
niacin and nitrate reduction test.
DNA Extraction for PCR: DNA from cerebrospinal fluid samples was extracted according to the
method described earlier [16]. Briefly, 200µl of sample was mixed with 200µl of lysis buffer
(5.3M Guanidine isothionate, 10mM Diethyribiol, 1% Tween 20, 0.3M Sodium acetate, 50mM
Sodium citrate). Mixture was incubated at 65°C for 10 minutes followed by centrifugation at
1600g for 1 minute. Supernatant was discarded and pellet was re-suspended in wash buffer (50%
ethanol, 10mM Tris HCl, 100mM NaCl). Finally, DNA was eluted with mixing of 10mM Tris
HCl. DNA was washed in 70% ethanol, dried and was re-suspended in 20µl Tris EDTA. DNA
was stored at -20oC till further use.
PCR Amplification for TBM: A 240 base pair region from the gene coding the MPB64 protein
was selected for amplification since it is present only in members of M. tuberculosis complex.
Moreover, Indian strains have also been reported to have poor sensitivity with IS6110 PCR. For
amplification, forward primer 5”-TCCGCTGCCAGTCGTCTTCC-3” and reverse primer 5”-
GTCCTCGCGAGTCTAGGCCA-3” were used. Amplification was done in 25µl reaction mixture
containing 10ng of genomic DNA, 10mM Tris HCL (pH 8.0), 1.5mM MgCl2, 50mM KCl, 200µM
of each dNTPs, 5pmole of each primer and 0.5U of Taq DNA polymerase (Bio Labs, New
England) using DNA thermal cycler (MJ Research, USA). Cycles used were, initial denaturation
at 94oC for 4 minutes followed by 30 cycles at 94oC for 30 seconds, 60oC for 60 seconds and
72oC for 30 seconds. Final extension was done at 72oC for 5 minutes. Amplified PCR products
were electrophoresed on 2% ethidium bromide stained agarose gel along with Gene Rule 100bp
DNA ladder. Positive and negative controls were also run along with the samples. Gel was
visualized for amplified product and was photographed under UV transilluminator.


4 BAVEJA C.P e t al

Statistical Analysis: SPSS Version 16.0 was used for statistical analysis. Chi square test carried
out and value less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

In the present study, cerebrospinal fluid was collected from 30 cases of clinically suspected TBM
and 15 controls of other suspected meningitis cases. Samples were processed for microscopy,
culture, and PCR. Out of 30 samples, only 2 samples were positive by microscopy including one
each with Zeihl-Neelsen and Kinyoun. These 2 samples were also positive by fluorescent stain
Auramine-O. On culture on Lowenstein Jensen and Middlebrook 7H10 media, 6 samples showed
bacterial growth including 2 sample positive by microscopy (Table 2). None of the control sample
was found positive with any of the aforesaid methods.
On PCR analysis, significantly higher numbers of samples were found to be positive for the
presence of TBM including the samples found positive by microscopy and culture (p≤0.001,
Table 2, Figure 1). Additionally, 11 cases which were negative earlier by culture and microscopy,
also showed presence of TBM by PCR analysis (Table 2). Out of 30 cases, 13 samples were
negative for the presence of TBM by PCR as well as culture and microscopy. All the control
samples were also negative for the presence of TBM by all the methods used.

Figure 1: Representative photomicrograph showing the presence of 240bp amplified product

in TBM positive samples as compared to 100bp DNA ladder. Negative control shows the
absence of any DNA band.


Utility of polymerase chain reaction technique in the diagnosis of tubercular meningitis ……  5 

Table 1: Criterion adopted for clinical suspicion of tubercular meningitis for inclusion of
paediatric subject in study.

History of prolonged fever, headache, vomiting, stiff neck, irritability and gradual loss
of playful activity, neurological deficit

Cerebrospinal fluid findings of pleaocytosis (>20 cells), predominantly lymphocytes

(>60%), proteins (>100mg %), sugars (<60%)

Close contact (at least 2 days per week) with a confirmed active tuberculosis patient
Criteria for
TBM inclusion Positive Mantoux test (i.e. induration >10 mm)

Microbiological and radiographic evidence of active tuberculosis at an extraneural site

Cranial computerized tomographic scan showing central nervous system densities or

basal exudates.

Table 2: Comparison of polymerase chain reaction results with those obtained by

conventional diagnostic methods.

Sr. No. Conventional Methods PCR Positive PCR Negative

1. Microscopy positive 2 0
Culture positive (n=2)

2. Microscopy negative 4 0
Culture positive (n=4)

3. Microscopy negative 11 13
Culture negative (n=24)

Total (n=30) 17 13

Discussion and Conclusion

TBM is the commonest most severe clinical manifestations of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis [17].
The early and proper treatment solely depends upon accurate diagnosis for improved outcome.
However, the diagnosis of TBM is controversial since the clinical symptoms are non--specific [4,
17]. In an earlier study, it was found that 20% of paediatric patients, who died of active
tuberculosis, had CNS involvement [18]. Till date, the diagnosis of TBM is made by acid fast
bacilli staining and culture. However, many reports have indicated positive results only in 8–10%
and 29–48% cases for AFB and culture, respectively [19]. In the Indian subcontinent, smear and
culture positivity has been found to be in 15–20% cases only [3, 20]. In the present study, all 30
subjects were either in 2nd or 3rd stage of TBM. As control, 15 subjects of same age and sex
representing other forms of meningitis were also included. The aseptically collected cerebrospinal
fluid from subjects and controls was processed for microscopy, culture, and PCR test.


6 BAVEJA C.P e t al

The results of microscopy showed presence of bacilli by different staining methods as Zeihl-
Neelsen (3.3%), Kinyoun (3.3%) and Auramine O (6.7%). The use of fluorescent stain further
improved the sensitivity of the microscopy by 3.4%. It has been reported previously that rate of
Zeihl-Neelsen positivity varies from 10% to 40%. Few studies have also reported positivity as
low as 5% or less. The results of present study corroborates well with earlier reported findings
that have shown positivity rate of only 3% [1,4,12,21-23]. It has been documented that rate of
success with Zeihl-Neelsen stain varies with volume of cerebrospinal fluid sample. The larger the
sample volume, greater chances to get the positive results [15]. However, in the current study only
one sample was positive due to the small volume of samples collected from the paediatric age
group. The fluorescent stain increased the sensitivity by 100% to acid fast stain, as reported
previously [1, 23].
In tuberculosis, culture has been observed as the gold standard but the chances of culture
positivity are less in paediatric age group due to paucibacillary nature of the disease. In the
present study, 20% cases were found positive by Lowenstein-Jensen and Middle brook 7H10
media culture. The samples positive by microscopy were also found to be positive in culture and
hence confirm the status of TBM. Nevertheless, the culture detected 13.3% additional cases,
which were negative by microscopy. Various previous studies have also demonstrated the similar
culture positivity [22, 24-26]. Similar to acid fast staining, the incidence of culture positivity also
increases with repeat culture especially with large volume of cerebrospinal fluid samples.
However, variable rate of culture positivity in have also been reported [8,13,27].
The molecular biology techniques have been used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis since the use of
DNA probes. [28] The sensitivity and specificity of PCR assay rely upon set of primer used.
Many different set of primers have been used for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by
PCR assay. Most of these primers were based on gene IS6110. The IS6110 sequence has been
selected due to its multiple copies in the most strains of M. tuberculosis genome [29-30].
Assuming that multiple copies will confer higher sensitivity in PCR assay for the diagnosis of
TBM, majority of the investigations have been performed based on insertion sequence IS6110 as
a target [2, 31-33]. However, it is not reliable since M. tuberculosis strains lacking IS6110 have
also been reported from India and hence indicates poor PCR sensitivity [29-30]. Therefore, in the
present study, a part of DNA coding a specific protein MPB64 and present only in members of M.
tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis, M. bovis and strains of BCG) and prevalent in India was
selected for the amplification purpose. In a study reported from India, PCR for the 38 kDa gene as
the target sequence showed the detection sensitivity as low as 10fg DNA, which is equivalent to
the two to three organisms only, and hence proves to be highly sensitive and specific [3]. In the
present study, a total of 56.7% cases were found positive with PCR. The PCR positive cases
include the microscopy and culture positive patients. Additionally, PCR was sensitive enough to
detect 36.7% TBM suspected cases, which were otherwise negative by culture and microscopy.
The result suggests that PCR assay was more sensitive, and specific enough to detect TBM in
paediatric population as compared to conventional methods. It further indicates that in the
absence of PCR assay, many suspected cases would have been left undetected and hence
untreated. Previously, a number of studies have also shown the usefulness of PCR over


Utility of polymerase chain reaction technique in the diagnosis of tubercular meningitis ……  7 

conventional assays for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. In a study carried out in India, more specific
and sensitive 38KDa gene was targeted in PCR assay for the detection of TBM. It was found to be
more specific and sensitive as compared to microscopy, BactT and Lowenstein-Jensen culture
[13]. In another study, real time PCR has been shown more sensitive and rapid method for the
diagnosis of TBM. The conventional methods were shown to be less sensitive than PCR and it
was suggested that PCR can be adopted for the routine diagnosis of TBM. [4, 7-8] In a yet another
study, 162 patients cerebrospinal fluid samples was evaluated by real time PCR assay for the early
and specific diagnosis of TBM [2]. Various other studies have also indicated the higher positivity
rates of PCR assay over the conventional methods. In the present study, the sample size and the
sample volume may account for the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction towards the lower
side. But the evidence available through multiple studies, the usefulness of PCR assay over others
cannot be overlooked. The PCR assay may be explored at a large level to make it acceptable as
standard parameter for the diagnosis of TBM, at least for paediatric age group, where early
diagnosis and treatment reflects in patient survival.

Authors gratefully acknowledge unknown group population constituting all the subjects,
belonging to different areas of New Delhi. For the study purpose, the leftover sample of routine
diagnostics was used.
Conflicts of Interest: None to be declared.

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