Experiment #14

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Experiment #14: Magnetic Field Mapping and Electromagnetic Induction Physics 216-05

Group 5

Alesha Griffiths Briana Halbert Milanj Jackson Andrew Williams February 8, 2014

Title Page & Format

___________(10 pt. max)

Purpose & Introduction

____________(10 pt. max)

Experimental Details

____________(10 pt. max)

Results and Discussion

____________(50 pt. max)


____________(20 pt. max)

Total Grade


Section 1: Purpose and Introduction A magnet, discovered in the nineteenth century, will attract paper clips, nails and other objects made of iron. Any magnet, no matter the shape, has a two ends called poles. This is where the magnetic effect is strongest. It was found that one pole of the magnet will always point north when suspended in a thread. This is the basis of how a compass works. The pole of the magnet that is freely suspended that points north is the north pole of the magnet. On the other hand, the pole that points in the opposite direction towards the south is the south pole. However, the Earths magnetic poles do not match the geographical poles. The angular difference between the geographic north pole and the magnetic north pole is called the magnetic declination [1]. When two magnets are brought close to each other, they both exert a force on the other. When the north pole of one magnet is brought close to the north pole of another magnet, the force is repulsive. The same occurs when the south poles of magnets are brought close to each other. However, when the north pole of a magnet id brought close to the south pole of another magnet, the force is attractive. The poles of magnets are not the same of charges. One major difference is that positive electric charge can be isolated. Only iron and a few other materials are ferromagnetic meaning they have strong magnetic effects [1]. The same way a magnetic field surrounds an electric charge, a magnetic field surrounds a magnet. These fields can then be drawn. The direction of a magnetic field at a given point is determined by the direction that the north pole of a compass needle points to when placed at the given point. The magnetic field lines from the north pole to the south pole are continuous [1]. The changing in electric field is called electromotive force (emf) and may create an induced current [1]. This is shown by moving a magnet through a coil of wire connected to a light bulb in a changing magnetic field. Fradays law summarizes this in terms of creation of an induced voltage for any charge in magnetic flux. This is shown in the following equation: (1) Where is the emf B is the magnetic field stretch, A is the area of the coil, is the angle between surface normal of the coil, and t is the change in time. The purpose of this lab was to measure the magnetic field between magnetic fields and electric fields and gain a deeper understanding of electromagnetic induction. Section 2: Experimental Details

Part 1: Magnetic Field Mapping

Figure1. Magnetic positions on paper and line position indicators(X) The paper was placed on the table and kept still while making the map. The compass was held in my hand and located in the direction of the geographic north (magnetic south) and the direction was recorded on the paper in the upper right hand corner. (figure1.) The behavior of the compass was observed when brought near computers and power supply boxes and kept away from external magnetic fields. The point at which the magnetic pole was pointing at was considered the magnetic north of the compass needle. A title was recorded at the top center of the paper and the magnets were placed on the paper as indicated in Figure1. The magnet keeper was removed from the horseshoe magnet. The magnets were outlined on the paper as shown in Figure1.then removed. The poles of each outlined magnet were labeled and replaced with the magnets.

Figure2. Example of plotting points for a magnetic field. A starting point was marked on the paper as in Figure2. The compass was then placed so that one end of the needle points toward the starting point. A point at the opposite end of the needle was marked as well. The compass was moved so that the other end of the needle was at the end point then marked. These procedures were repeated making sure to cover all spots indicated by the Xs shown in Figure1. A smooth curve was drawn through the point to represent the magnetic field lines and the direction was indicated. Ten complete lines that ended on poles were found.

Part 2: Electromagnetic Induction

Refer to Figure 5.

Figure 3. Inserting the bar magnet into larger coil. The galvanometer was connected to the larger coil. The north pole of the magnet was quickly inserted into the larger coil of wire while observing the galvanometer and the effect for each situation indicated in Table 1. (One end was chose to insert the magnet in, and the same end of the coil was used throughout the rest of the lab) The procedure was repeated for the south pole of the bar magnet and recorded in Table 1. Refer to Figure 4.

Figure 4. Placing the smaller coil into larger coil (replacing the magnet) A 3-Volt power supply and a switch were connected to the smaller coil of wire. The magnet was replaced with the smaller coil by placing the smaller coil into the larger coil. When depressing (holding) the switch, it was observed and the effect upon the galvanometer was recorded in Table 2. When releasing the switch the effect upon the galvanometer was observed and recorded in Table 2. Interchanging the banana plug leading to the smaller coil reversed the polarity or current flow. The procedures referring to Figure 4 were repeated. The effect upon the galvanometer for each of the situations indicated in Table 2 were observed and recorded. The iron rod was inserted into the center of the smaller coil. The procedures were repeated for each of the situations indicated in Table 3 by observing and recording the effect upon the galvanometer. The smaller soil was pulled out of the larger coil and placed on the table. Section 3: Results and Discussion a) Data and Graphical Presentation

Galvanometer Deflection Bar Magnet Magnitude (T) 500 Direction (+ Or -) -

As the North pole is inserted into coil North held stationary inside 0 coil As the North pole is pulled 500 out of coil As the South pole is 500 inserted into the coil South held stationary inside 0 coil As the South pole is pulled 500 out of coil Table 1. Electromagnetic induction data with the bar magnet.

+ +

Galvanometer Deflection Inner Electric Coil without Magnitude Iron Rod (T) As the current is switched 75 on (close switch) Current is held on 0 As the current is switched 75 off (open switch) As the reversed current is 100 switched on (close switch) Current is held off 0 As the reversed current is 100 switched off (open switch) Table 2. Electromagnetic Induction Data without iron rod. Direction (+ Or -) +

Galvanometer Deflection

Inner Electric Coil with Iron Magnitude Rod (T) As the current is switched >500 on (close switch) Current is held on 0 As the current is switched >500 off (open switch) As the reversed current is >500 switched on (close switch) Current is held off As the reversed current is >500 switched off (open switch) Table 3. Electromagnetic Induction data with iron rod

Direction (+ Or -) -

+ +

a) There are no calculations except for the additional questions. b) Faradays Law states that an Electromotive Force is generated if the magnetic flux changes for any reason. The magnetic flux can experience changes if there are changes in the magnetic field (B), area of the surface through which the magnetic field passes (A), or direction ( ). In this experiment, Faradays Law is shown by moving a magnet through a coil wire connected to a galvanometer. It was observed in table 1 that for the bar magnet as long as there was velocity (or movement) and direction in respect to the North Pole and coil the bar magnet experienced a magnitude in the magnetic field. It was observed in table 2 that for the inner electric coil without the iron rod a magnitude of the magnetic field was produced as long as the current was switched on or off. However, when the reverse current was switched on or off the magnitude of the magnetic field increased in strength. The same was observed in table 3 for the inner electric coil with the iron rod.

Additional Questions 1.) A magnet is inserted into a coil of wire consisting of 100 loops. The cross sectional area of the coil is 1.5x10-2m2. Before inserting the magnet (initial time: t0=0s) the magnetic field at the location of the coil is B0=0.04T. After inserting the magnet (later time: t=0.1s) into the coil the magnetic field has increased in the coil to B=0.08T. Assume that the angle between surface normal of the coil and magnetic field is zero at all times. Using Faradays Law determine the average induced voltage (emf) induced in the coil.
0=B0Acos =0.04T * 1.5x10-2m2 * cos0 0 0=6.0x10-4 Wb

2.) In what ways were the results of using an electric wire coil instead of a magnet similar to the motion of the bar magnet inside the larger coil? Explain not only your observations, but also the main physics concepts ( see Faradays Law)! When there is no relative motion between the magnet and the coil the galvanometer reads zero, indicating that no current exists. However, when the magnet moves toward the coil, a current (I) appears. As the magnet approaches, the magnetic field (B) that it creates at the location of the coil becomes stronger and stronger, and it is this changing field that produces the current. When the magnet moves away from the coil, a current is also produced, but with a reversed direction. Now the magnetic field at the coil becomes weaker as the magnet moves away. Again, it is the changing field that generates the current. A current would also be created if the magnet were held stationary and the coil were moved, because the magnetic field at the coil would be changing as the coil approached or receded from the magnet. Only relative motion between the magnet and the coil is needed to generate a current; it does not matter which one moves. The current in the coil is called an induced current because it is brought about by a changing magnetic field. Since a source of electromotive

force is always needed to produce a current, the coil itself behaves as if it were a source of electromotive force. This electromotive force is known as an induced electromotive force. Thus, a changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force in the coil, and the electromotive force leads to an induced current, and an induced current leads to a change in the magnetic field. b) Data Analysis There were no calculations involved in this experiment. The specific responsibilities of this experiment required that the magnetic field be mapped out on a piece of paper and that the galvanometer be connected to the larger coil, then the smaller coil to record the proper data in tables 1-3. c) Description and Discussion of Results Section 4: Conclusion A magnet will attract paper clips, nails, and other objects made of iron. Any magnet, whether it is the shape of a bar, horseshoe or disc has two ends or faces, called poles, which is where the magnetic effect is strongest. If a magnet is suspended from a fine thread, it is found that one pole of the magnet will always point toward north. This is, of course, the principle of a compass. A compass needle is simply a magnet that is supported at its center of gravity so it can rotate freely. The pole of a freely suspended magnet that points toward the north is called the North Pole of the magnet. The other pole points toward the south and is called the South Pole. The Earths magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic poles. The angular difference, , shown in Figure 1, between the geographic North Pole and magnetic north location. Only iron and a few other materials such as cobalt, nickel, and gadolinium show strong magnetic effects. They are said to be ferromagnetic. In the same way electric fields surround electric charges, a magnetic field surrounds a magnet. Just as the electric fields can be drawn, so can magnetic fields. The direction of the magnetic field at a given point can be defined as the direction that the North Pole of a compass needle would point when placed at that point. Figure 2 shows how one magnetic field line around a bar magnet is found using compass needles. Note that the magnetic field line points from the North Pole toward the South Pole and is continuous. The SI unit for magnetic field is tesla (T). Table 1 data is derived from the electromagnetic induction with bar magnet. The North Pole of the magnet was quickly inserted into the larger coil of wire while observing the galvanometer and record the effect for each situation indicated in Table 1. As the North pole was inserted into the pole with a negative direction of 500 Volts. As the North pole is pulled out of coil in a positive direction of 500 Volts. As the South pole is inserted into the coil with a positive direction of 500 Volts. As the South pole is pulled out of coil with a negative direction of 500 Volts. Table 2 data is derived from the electromagnetic induction without iron rod. A 3Volt power supply and a switch were connected to the smaller coil of wire. The magnet was replaced with the smaller coil by placing the smaller coil into the larger coil. When

the switch was depressed the effect upon the galvanometer was recorded in Table 2. While depressing the switch the effect upon the galvanometer was recorded in Table 2. As the current was switched on (close switch) the galvanometer was observed in a positive direction of 75 Volts. As the current is switched off (open switch) the galvanometer was observed in a negative direction of 75 Volts. As the reversed current is switched on (close switch) the galvanometer was observed in a negative direction of 100 Volts. As the reversed current is switched off (open switch) the galvanometer was observed in a positive direction of 100 Volts. Table 3 data was derived from the electromagnetic induction with iron rod. The procedure for Table 2 was repeated for Table 3 the difference this time was inserting the iron rod. As the current is switched on (close switch) the galvanometer was observed in a negative direction of 500 or more Volts. As the current is switched off (open switch) the galvanometer was observed in a positive direction of 500 or more Volts. As the reversed current is switched on (close switch) the galvanometer was observed in a positive direction of 500 or more Volts. As the reversed current is switched off (open switch) the galvanometer was observed in a negative direction of 500 or more Volts. One possible error inhibited in this experiment was the materials especially the compass used more times or even the energy between the magnetics that may have thrown off our data. Also, another problem consistently turning the power supply on and off such as charging/discharging being interfered throughout the experiment.

Section 5: References [1] Introductory Physics II, PHY-215, Laboratory #14 Magnetic Field Mapping and Electromagnetic Induction, Department of Physics, Hampton University, 2014.

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