Ilford Data Sheets

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Ilford Data Sheets

Ilford Data Sheets

Ilford Delta 100 Professional (120 Roll Film)
Developer ID-11 ID-11 Microphen* Perceptol Ilfotec HC Ilfotec LC29 D-76 T-Max* Dilution E.I. 100/21 stock 1+1 stock stock 1+31 1+19 stock 1+4 8 11 8 15 6 16 9 8

*E.I. 200/24 Develop at 68F/20C. Agitation should be continuous for the first 10 seconds, then 10 seconds every minute.

Ilford Delta 100 Professional (Sheet Film)

Developer ID-11 ID-11 Microphen* Perceptol Ilfotec HC Ilfotec LC29 D-76

Dilution E.I. 100/21 stock 1+1 stock stock 1+31 1+19 stock 8 11 8 15 6 16 9


Ilford Data Sheets

D-76 T-Max*

1+1 1+4

12 8

*E.I. 200/24 Develop at 68F/20C. Agitation should be continuous for the first 10 seconds, then 10 seconds every minute.

Ilford Delta 400 Professional (120 Roll Film)

Developer ID-11 Microphen Perceptol Ilfotec HC Ilfotec LC29 Ilfosol S D-76 T-Max Acufine Rodinal Dilution E.I. 200/24 stock stock stock 1+31 1+19 1+9 stock 1+4 stock 1+25 6 11 6 6 7 6 7 E.I. 400/27 7 7 14 8 8 10 7 5 5 10 E.I. 800/30 10 10 11 11 14 10 7 7 14

Develop at 68F/20C. Agitation should be continuous for the first 10 seconds, then 10 seconds every minute.

Ilford FP4 Plus (120 Roll Film)

Ilford FP4 Plus is a medium speed general purpose black-and-white film ideal for all general purpose photography. It is designed to give optimum results with a wide range of developers. 120 film is edge numbered from 1 to 19 to ensure all formats can be frame-identified. Developer Dilution EI 50/18 EI 125/32 EI 200/24



Ilford Data Sheets

ID-11 Microphen Perceptol Ilfotec HC Ilfotec LC29 Ilfosol S D-76 T-Max Acufine Rodinal

stock stock stock 1+31 1+19 1+9 stock 1+4 stock 1+25

5 7 4 4 3 5 4 5

6 5 9 6 6 4 5 3 3 6

8 6 8 8 5 7 4 4 9

Agitation should be continuous for the first 10 seconds, then 10 seconds every minute

Ilford HP5 Plus (120 Roll Film)

Ilford HP5 Plus is a fast general purpose black-and-white film ideal for action and available light photography. It is designed to give optimum results with a wide range of developers and under must lighting conditions. 120 film is edge numbered from 1 to 19 to ensure all formats can be frame-identified. Developer ID-11 Microphen Perceptol Ilfotec HC Ilfotec LC29 Ilfosol S D-76 T-Max Acufine

Dilution EI 400/27 stock stock stock 1+31 1+19 1+9 stock 1+4 stock 7 6 11 6 6 7 7 6 4

EI 800/27 10 8 9 9 8 9 8 6

EI 1600/33 14 11 14 14 14 12 9 9


Ilford Data Sheets



Agitation should be continuous for the first 10 seconds, then 10 seconds every minute

Ilford Ortho (4x5 Sheet Film)

Ilford Ortho film is a blue-green sensitive (orthochromatic), medium speed film with high resolution characteristics. It's particularly versatile because it can be processed to a range of contrasts. The main application of Ortho film is continuous tone copy work, as well as some line work. It is also recommend for photomicroscopy. Ortho film emulsion is coated on 0.18mm (7/1000 inch.) polyester base, well known for its high dimensional stability and strength, and it now icludes an improved anti-halation backing which clears during development. If processed and stored properly, Ortho film negatives have excellent archival storage properties. Where applications call for a material of higher contrast choose Ilford Line film. Contact your local Ilford selling company for further details. SAFELIGHT Use an Ilford 906 (dark red) safelight illuminated by a 15 watt bulb. As a precaution against fooging and hence reduced image contrast, a minimum distance of 1.2 metres (4 feet) between the safelight and the working area is suggested. HANDLING The short side of Ortho film is notched to indicate the emulsion surface. METER SETTINGS Suggested speed ratings for ortho film are ISO 80/20 for subjects illuminated by daylight sources, and ISO40/17 if tungsten illumination is used. These figures are intended as a quide only. MANUAL PROCESSING Ilford ID-11 developer is particularly recommended for its excellent speed to grain ration. The development times below refer to development at 20C (68F) in a deep tank, with agitation for the first 10 seconds of development, and for 5 seconds every half minute for the remainder of the time. All processing solutions should be kept at similar temperatures (+/-5C). Normal Contrast (G0.55) 6 4 High Contrast (G0.70) 9 7

Developer Dilution ID-11 Microphen MACHINE PROCESSING Developer Dilution

stock stock

E.I. 25/15

E.I. 50/18


Ilford Data Sheets

PQ Universal Phenisol

1:9 1:4

6 4

6 4

Ilford Pan F Plus (120 Roll Film)

Ilford Pan F Plus is an extremely fine grain black-and-white film particularly recommended for use where vary big enlargements are required. 120 film is edge numbered from 1 to 19 to ensure all formats can be frameidentified. Developer ID-11 Microphen Perceptol Ilfotec HC Ilfotec LC29 Ilfosol S D-76 T-Max Acufine Rodinal Dilution E.I. 25/15 stock stock stock 1+31 1+19 1+9 stock 1+4 stock 1+25 6 4 6 E.I. 50/18 6 4 14 4 4 4 6 4 3 6

Agitation should be continuous for the first 10 seconds, then 10 seconds every minute.

Ilford SFX 200 (120 Roll Film)

ILFORD has over 100 years of expertise in black and white photography and continues to develop outstanding products for both picture taking and print making. SFX 200 is a medium speed panchromatic film which has peak red sensitivity at 720nm and extended red sensitivity up to 740nm. Wedge spectrogram to tungsten light (2850K) When using SFX 200 film with a red filter, the film is exposed using only red light. Areas which reflect little red light, e.g. the sky, will be low density areas on the negative and dark areas on the print. Areas which are 5/7


Ilford Data Sheets

excellent reflectors of red light, e.g. most green foliage, will be high density areas on the negative and light areas on the print. FILTERS Any yellow, orange or red filter can be used, but the effect will depend on its transmission characteristics. The redder the filter, the more dramatic the effect. Suggested filters include: Light red: B+W 090, Cokin 003, Heliopan 25, Hitech 25, Hoya 25A, Kodak Wratten 25 and Lee 25. Dark red: B+W 091, Heliopan 29 and Kodak Wratten 29. Very dark red: B+W 092, Heliopan RG695, Hoya R72 and Kodak Wratten 89B. EXPOSURE Load the camera in subdued light. SFX 200 has a speed rating of ISO 200/24 to white light. The ISO speed rating was measured using ILFORD ID-11 developer at 68F with intermittent agitation in a spiral tank. A certain amount of experimentation is needed when first using this film. As a guide, bracket exposures by +2 stops from the TTL reading with the filter in place or the meter reading with the filter factor applied. Note: The TTL metering on some cameras can under expose by up to 1 stops with deep red or orange filters in place. FOCUSING With some lenses, red light focuses at a slightly different point to other visible light. With short to moderate focal length lenses, this difference can easily be accommodated by stopping down the lens to the smallest workable aperture. Some lenses, particularly apochromatic (APO) designs, may need no correction. PROCESSING SFX 200 can be processed in all types of processing equipment. Standard capacity figures, agitation methods and replenishment rates can be maintained. Development The development times in the table will produce negatives of average contrast suitable for printing in all enlargers. Development times may need adjusting to suit individual processing systems and working practices. Fixing After development, rinse the film in water or an acid stop bath (ILFORD IN-1) and fix in ILFORD UNIVERSAL RAPID Fixer (1+3) for 2-4 minutes at 68F. Washing Wash the film in running water for 5-10 minutes at a temperature within +/-10 F of the processing temperature. A final rinse in water to which ILFORD ILFOTOL Wetting Agent (1+200) has been added will aid rapid and uniform drying. Drying To avoid drying marks, use a clean squeegee or chamois cloth to wipe the film before hanging it to dry. Dry at 86-104F in a drying cabinet or at room temperature in a clean dust-free area. 6/7


Ilford Data Sheets

PRINTING SFX 200 negatives can be printed in a similar way to conventional panchromatic films. Some experimentation may be needed to obtain the desired results because of the shift in tonal values. ILFORD MULTIGRADE papers are particularly recommended.

Ilford XP2 (120 Roll Film)

Ilford XP2 is a fast black-and-white film which gives sharp, fine grain negatives. It incorporates colour film technology, giving the convenience of C-41 processing. Although XP2 is an ISO 400/27 film, its extremely wide exposure latitude offers great flexibility in use, and also provides security against inadvertent under and over exposure 120 film is edge numbered from 1 to 19 to ensure all formats can be frame-identified. EXPOSURE XP2 has a nominal rating of ISO 400/27. However, its exposure latitude means that it can be exposed over the range EI 50/18 to EI 800/30 on the same film. This offers great flexibility in use as standard C-41 development can be given throughout this wide range of exposures. PROCESSING XP2 film is designed for C-41 processing either in a machine processor, deep tank or a small-scale processing kit; alternatively use the Ilford XP1 chemistry kit. If a minilab is used, proof prints on colour paper can be obtained, often in just one hour, prior to final printing in the normal way on Ilford or other quality black-and white papers. The film has a milky appearance when wet. This disappears on drying and is not associated with insufficient filtration.

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Revised: May 30, 2001


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