External Flow-Drag Lift - SU Lift Force

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For an aircraft, the wingspan is the total distance between the tips of the two wings, which includes the width of the fuselage between the wings. The average lift per unit planform area FL/A is called the wing loading, which is simply the ratio of the weight of the aircraft to the planform area of the wings (since lift equals the weight during flying at constant altitude).


1. Airfoils are designed to generate lift while keeping the drag at a minimum. 2. Some devices such as the spoilers and inverted airfoils on racing cars are designed for avoiding lift or generating negative lift to improve traction and control. 3. Lift in practice can be taken to be due entirely to the pressure distribution on the surfaces of the body, and thus the shape of the body has the primary influence on lift. 4. Then the primary consideration in the design of airfoils is minimizing the average pressure at the upper surface while maximizing it at the lower surface. 5. Pressure is low at locations where the flow velocity is high, and pressure is high at locations where the flow velocity is low. 6. Lift at moderate angles of attack is practically independent of the surface roughness since roughness affects the wall 56 shear, not the pressure.

It is desirable for airfoils to generate the most lift while producing the least drag. Therefore, a measure of performance for airfoils is the lift-to-drag ratio, which is equivalent to the ratio of the lift-to-drag coefficients CL/CD.

1. One way to change the lift and drag characteristics of an airfoil is to change the angle of attack. On an airplane, the entire plane is pitched up to increase lift, since the wings are fixed relative to the fuselage. 2. Another approach is to change the shape of the airfoil by the use of movable leading edge and trailing edge flaps.
The flaps are used to alter the shape of the wings during takeoff and landing to maximize lift at low speeds. Once at cruising altitude, the flaps are retracted, and the wing is returned to its normal shape with minimal drag coefficient and adequate lift coefficient to minimize fuel consumption while cruising at a constant altitude. Note that even a small lift coefficient can generate a large lift force during normal operation because of the large cruising velocities of aircraft and the proportionality of lift to the square of flow velocity.

The CL/CD ratio increases with the angle of attack until the airfoil stalls, and the value of the lift-to-drag ratio can be of the order of 100 for a twodimensional airfoil.

The variation of the liftto-drag ratio with angle of attack for a twodimensional airfoil.



Effect of flaps on the lift and drag coefficients of an airfoil.

The lift and drag characteristics of an airfoil during takeoff and landing can be changed by changing the shape of the airfoil by the use of movable flaps.
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The minimum flight velocity can be determined from the requirement that the total weight W of the aircraft be equal to lift and CL = CL, max:

For a given weight, the landing or takeoff speed can be minimized by maximizing the product of the lift coefficient and the wing area, CL, maxA. One way of doing that is to use flaps. Another way is to control the boundary layer, which can be accomplished simply by leaving flow sections (slots) between the flaps. Slots are used to prevent the separation of the boundary layer from the upper surface of the wings and the flaps.

Slots are used to prevent the separation of the boundary layer from the upper surface of the wings and the flaps.

The variation of the lift coefficient with the angle of attack for a symmetrical and a nonsymmetrical airfoil.

This is done by allowing air to move from the high-pressure region under the wing into the low-pressure region at the top surface. A flapped airfoil with a slot to prevent the separation of the boundary layer from the upper surface and to increase the lift coefficient.



The variation of the lift coefficient with the angle of attack for a symmetrical and a nonsymmetrical airfoil.

CL increases almost linearly with the angle of attack , reaches a maximum at about =16, and then starts to decrease sharply. This decrease of lift with further increase in the angle of attack is called stall, and it is caused by flow separation and the formation of a wide wake region over the top surface of the airfoil. Stall is highly undesirable since it also increases drag. At zero angle of attack ( = 0), the lift coefficient is zero for symmetrical airfoils but nonzero for nonsymmetrical ones with greater curvature at the top surface. Therefore, planes with symmetrical wing sections must fly with their wings at higher angles of attack in order to produce the same lift.

The drag coefficient increases with the angle of attack, often exponentially. Therefore, large angles of attack should be used sparingly for short periods of time for fuel efficiency.

The lift coefficient can be increased severalfold by adjusting the angle of attack (from 0.25 at =0 for the nonsymmetrical airfoil to 1.25 at =10).


Finite-Span Wings and Induced Drag

For airplane wings and other airfoils of finite span, the end effects at the tips become important because of the fluid leakage between the lower and upper surfaces. The pressure difference between the lower surface (high-pressure region) and the upper surface (low-pressure region) drives the fluid at the tips upward while the fluid is swept toward the back because of the relative motion between the fluid and the wing. This results in a swirling motion that spirals along the flow, called the tip vortex, at the tips of both wings. Vortices are also formed along the airfoil between the tips of the wings. These distributed vortices collect toward the edges after being shed from the trailing edges of the wings and combine with the tip vortices to form two streaks of powerful trailing vortices along the tips of the wings



Aspect ratio: The ratio of the square of the average span of an airfoil to the planform area. For an airfoil with a rectangular planform of chord c and span b,

Lift Generated by Spinning

Magnus effect: The phenomenon of producing lift by the rotation of a solid body. When the ball is not spinning, the lift is zero because of topbottom symmetry. But when the cylinder is rotated about its axis, the cylinder drags some fluid around because of the no-slip condition and the flow field reflects the superposition of the spinning and nonspinning flows.

The aspect ratio is a measure of how narrow an airfoil is in the flow direction. The lift coefficient of wings, in general, increases while the drag coefficient decreases with increasing aspect ratio. Bodies with large aspect ratios fly more efficiently, but they are less maneuverable because of their larger moment of inertia (owing to the greater distance from the center).

Generation of lift on a rotating circular cylinder for the case of idealized potential 79 flow (the actual flow involves flow separation in the wake region).

Note that the lift coefficient strongly depends on the rate of rotation, especially at low angular velocities. The effect of the rate of rotation on the drag coefficient is small. Roughness also affects the drag and lift coefficients. In a certain range of Reynolds number, roughness produces the desirable effect of increasing the lift coefficient while decreasing the drag coefficient. Therefore, golf balls with the right amount of roughness travel higher and farther than smooth balls for the same hit.

Introduction Drag and Lift Friction and Pressure Drag
Reducing Drag by Streamlining Flow Separation

Drag Coefficients of Common Geometries

Biological Systems and Drag Drag Coefficients of Vehicles Superposition


Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates

Friction Coefficient

Flow Over Cylinders and Spheres

Effect of Surface Roughness

Finite-Span Wings and Induced Drag Lift Generated by Spinning

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