Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List

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Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Form

Employer Nomination Scheme

Occupation List (ENSOL) 1121i

This form contains the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and the Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List
(ENSOL), and includes details of the relevant assessing authorities for each occupation. The information contained in
this form was correct at the time of printing, however it is subject to change at any time and so before you apply for
your visa, you should check the latest version of the SOL/ENSOL, available on the Department of Immigration and
Citizenship (the department) website

About this form Onshore General Skilled – (a General Skilled Migration

visa which can only be granted while you are in Australia) you
This information form lists the skilled occupations which are
must make a declaration that you have applied for a skills
acceptable for permanent and temporary skilled migration to
assessment from a relevant assessing authority for your
Australia under 2 separate categories:
nominated occupation at the time you lodge your application.
• General Skilled Migration; and
For further information on the requirements for General
• the Employer Nomination Scheme. Skilled Migration, see the department’s website
Occupations are listed alphabetically in accordance with the
first 4 major occupational groups in the Australian Standard
Classification of Occupations (ASCO) dictionary: Employer Nomination Scheme
• Managers and Administrators; Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL)
• Professionals; If you are applying under the Employer Nomination Scheme,
• Associate Professionals; and you must have been nominated by an Australian employer to
• Tradespersons and Related Workers. fill a position in an occupation that appears in the ENSOL.
You must also demonstrate that you have the necessary skills
The ASCO dictionary is available from the Australian Bureau and qualifications to fill the position for which you have been
of Statistics website nominated. You can demonstrate this by:
For each occupation the list shows: • working in Australia in the occupation for which you are
• the name of the occupation; being nominated for 2 years prior to applying for your ENS
• the ASCO code of the occupation; visa (including at least the last 12 months with your
nominating employer); or
• the relevant skills/qualifications assessing authority for the
occupation; • have your skills and qualifications assessed as equivalent to
the Australian standard by the appropriate assessment
• whether the occupation is included on the SOL for General authority and, unless exceptional circumstances apply, have
Skilled Migration, (Y for yes, N for no); 3 years post-qualification experience in the occupation; or
• the number of points for skill allocated for the occupation • be nominated for a position which attracts a base salary of
in the points test (General Skilled Migration only); and at least the salary specified by Gazette Notice for highly
• whether the occupation is on the ENSOL the Employer paid executive positions. The current minimum salary level
Nomination Scheme (Y for yes, N for no). is available at
General Skilled Migration If you wish to demonstrate that you have the necessary skills
by obtaining a skills assessment from the assessment
Skilled Occupation List (SOL) authority listed for your occupation on this form (ie. option 2
If you intend to apply under General Skilled Migration you above), then you must obtain this skills assessment before
must have a nominated occupation which is on the SOL at you lodge your visa application and you must provide it to
the time you apply. the department at the time you lodge your visa application.
Offshore General Skilled – (a General Skilled Migration If you are applying under the Employer Nomination
visa which can only be granted while you are outside Scheme, and you are required to hold a licence or
Australia) at the time you lodge your application you must registration of any kind in order to work in Australia in your
provide evidence that you have obtained an assessment from occupation, you can provide evidence that you are eligible to
a relevant assessing authority that your skills are suitable for unconditionally hold that licence or registration with your visa
your nominated occupation. application instead of providing a skills assessment from the
assessing authority listed on this form.

Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008 1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 1

If you are applying under the Employer Nomination
Scheme and you have been nominated to fill a senior
academic or scientific research position by an Australian
university or the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), you will not need to have
your skills assessed by an assessing authority listed on this
If you are applying under the Employer Nomination
Scheme and the assessing authority for your occupation is
listed as TRA (Trades Recognition Australia), the
department will also accept a skills assessment from
the Department of Industrial Relations in the state or
territory where you will be working.
For further information on the requirements of the Employer
Nomination Scheme, see the department’s website or read booklet 5, Employer
Sponsored Migration, which is available from the website or
from any office of the department.

Assessing authorities
The assessing authorities are responsible for undertaking
skills assessments for migration purposes and are not
employment agencies. The assessing authorities will not reply
to requests for job placement.
You must contact a relevant assessing authority directly to
obtain a skills assessment. They will provide all necessary
applications forms and associated information relating to the
assessment. There will be a charge for the assessment. The
contact details for assessing authorities are listed on
pages 15–17 of this form.
An overview of the processing guidelines of some assessing
authorities is provided on pages 18–24. Information on
processing guidelines is intended as a guide only and the
most up to date information can be obtained from the
relevant assessing authority.

Home page

General Telephone 131 881 during business hours
enquiry line in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours).
If you are outside Australia, please contact
your nearest Australian mission.

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1. Managers and administrators
Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL
(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Child Care Co-ordinator 1295-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Company Secretary 1212-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Construction Project Manager 1191-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Director of Nursing 1292-11 Y 60 ANMC Y
Education Managers (nec) 1293-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Engineering Manager 1221-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia/AIM Y
Environment, Parks and Land Care Manager 1299-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Finance Manager 1211-11 Y 60 CPAA/ICAA/NIA Y
General Manager 1112-11 Y 60 AIM Y
Human Resource Manager 1213-11 Y 60 AIM Y
Information Technology Manager 1224-11 Y 60 ACS Y
Laboratory Manager 1299-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Medical Administrator 1292-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Policy And Planning Manager 1291-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Production Manager (Manufacturing) 1222-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Production Manager (Mining) 1222-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Project Builder 1191-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Regional Education Manager 1293-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Research and Development Manager 1299-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Sales and Marketing Manager 1231-11 Y 60 AIM Y
Sports Administrator 1299-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Supply and Distribution Manager 1223-11 Y 60 AIM Y
Welfare Centre Manager 1299-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y

In addition, the following Manager and Administrator occupations may be nominated under the Employer Nomination Scheme but not under the
General Skilled Migration categories.

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(Employer Nomination Scheme only) Code for Skill Authority
Artistic Director 1296-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Commissioned Defence Force Officer 1294-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Commissioned Fire Officer 1294-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Commissioned Police Officer 1294-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Faculty Head 1293-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Importer or Exporter 1192-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Manufacturer 1193-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Media Producer 1296-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
School Principal 1293-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Specialist Managers (nec) 1299-79 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Wholesaler 1192-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y

nec – not elsewhere classified

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2. Professionals
Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL
(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Accountant 2211-11 Y 60 CPAA/ICAA/NIA Y
Accountant – Corporate Treasurer 2213-11 Y 60 CPAA/ICAA/NIA Y
Accountant – Internal Auditor 2212-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Accountant – External Auditor 2212-11 Y 60 CPAA/ICAA/NIA Y
Actuary 2293-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Acupuncturist 2394-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Advertising Specialist 2221-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Agricultural Adviser 2114-21 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Agricultural Scientist 2114-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Anatomist or Physiologist 2113-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Architect 2121-11 Y 60 AACA Y
Archivist 2299-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Art Teacher (Private) 2491-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Audiologist 2399-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Biochemist 2113-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Botanist 2113-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Building Surveyor 2549-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Business and Information Professionals (nec) 2299-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Careers Counsellor 2513-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Cartographer 2123-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Chemist 2111-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Chiropractor 2387-11 Y 60 CCEA Y
Community Worker 2512-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Computing Professionals – (nec) 2231-79 Y 60 ACS Y
Computing Professionals – Applications and Analyst Programmer 2231-17 Y 60 ACS Y
Computing Professionals – Computer Systems Auditor 2231-21 Y 60 ACS Y
Computing Professionals – Software Designer 2231-15 Y 60 ACS Y
Computing Professionals – Systems Designer 2231-13 Y 60 ACS Y
Computing Professionals – Systems Manager 2231-11 Y 60 ACS Y
Computing Professionals – Systems Programmer 2231-19 Y 60 ACS Y
Conservator 2549-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Copywriter 2534-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Counsellors (nec) 2513-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Dance Teacher (Private) 2491-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Dental Specialist 2381-13 Y 60 ADC Y
Dentist 2381-11 Y 60 ADC Y
Dietitian 2393-11 Y 60 DAA Y
Drama Teacher (Private) 2491-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Drug and Alcohol Counsellor 2513-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Economist 2522-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Editor 2534-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Electorate Officer 2549-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Engineer – Aeronautical Engineer 2129-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Agricultural Engineer 2129-13 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Biomedical Engineer 2129-15 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Building and Engineering Professionals (nec) 2129-79 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y

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2. Professionals (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Engineer – Chemical Engineer 2129-17 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Civil Engineer 2124-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Civil Engineering Technologist 2128-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Electrical Engineer 2125-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Electrical or Electronics Engineering Technologist 2128-15 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Electronics Engineer 2125-13 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Engineering Technologists (nec) 2128-79 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Industrial Engineer 2129-19 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Materials Engineer 2127-15 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Mechanical Engineer 2126-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Mechanical Engineering Technologist 2128-13 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) 2127-11 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Naval Architect 2129-21 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Petroleum Engineer 2127-13 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Engineer – Production or Plant Engineer 2126-13 Y 60 Engineers Australia Y
Environmental Health Officer 2543-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Environmental Research Scientist 2114-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Extractive Metallurgist 2119-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Family Counsellor 2513-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Fashion Designer 2533-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Forester 2114-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Geologist 2112-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Geophysicist 2112-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Graphic Designer 2533-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Health Information Manager 2299-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Historian 2529-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Illustrator 2533-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Industrial Designer 2533-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Industrial Relations Officer 2291-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Intelligence Officer 2299-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Interior Designer 2533-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Interpreter 2529-13 Y 60 NAATI Y
Journalists and Related Professionals (nec) 2534-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Land Economist 2295-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Landscape Architect 2121-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Legal Practitioner – Barrister 2521-11 Y 60 SLAA Y
Legal Practitioner – Solicitor 2521-13 Y 60 SLAA Y
Librarian 2292-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Life Scientists (nec) 2113-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Management Consultant 2294-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Marine Biologist 2113-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Market Research Analyst 2221-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Marketing Specialist 2221-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Master Fisher 2542-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Materials Scientist 2119-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Mathematician 2293-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y

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2. Professionals (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Medical Practitioner – Anaesthetist 2312-11 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Dermatologist 2312-13 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Emergency Medicine Specialist 2312-15 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – General Medical Practitioner 2311-11 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Obstetrician and Gynaecologist 2312-17 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Ophthalmologist 2312-19 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Paediatrician 2312-21 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Pathologist 2312-23 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Psychiatrist 2312-27 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Radiologist 2312-29 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Specialist Medical Practitioners (nec) 2312-79 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Specialist Physician 2312-25 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Practitioner – Surgeon 2312-31 Y 60 State/Territory Medical Board Y
Medical Scientist 2115-11 Y 60 AIMS Y
Medical Scientist (Medical Physicist) 2115-11 Y 60 ACPSEM Y
Meteorologist 2119-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Museum or Gallery Curator 2549-21 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Music Teacher (Private) 2491-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Natural and Physical Science Professionals (nec) 2119-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Naturopath 2394-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Nurse – Registered Developmental Disability Nurse 2326-11 Y 60 ANMC Y
Nurse – Registered Mental Health Nurse 2325-11 Y 60 ANMC Y
Nurse – Registered Midwife 2324-11 Y 60 ANMC Y
Nurse – Registered Nurse 2323-11 Y 60 ANMC Y
Occupational Health and Safety Officer 2543-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Occupational Therapist 2383-11 Y 60 COTRB Y
Oenologist 2549-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Optometrist 2384-11 Y 60 OCANZ Y
Organisation and Methods Analyst 2294-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Orthoptist 2399-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Orthotist 2399-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Osteopath 2387-13 Y 60 SCORB Y
Park Ranger 2114-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Patents Examiner 2549-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Personnel Consultant 2291-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Personnel Officer 2291-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Pharmacist – Hospital Pharmacist 2382-11 Y 60 APharmC Y
Pharmacist – Industrial Pharmacist 2382-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Pharmacist – Retail Pharmacist 2382-15 Y 60 APharmC Y
Physical Metallurgist 2119-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Physicist 2119-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Physiotherapist 2385-11 Y 60 APC Y
Podiatrist 2388-11 Y 60 APodC Y
Policy Analyst 2299-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Print Journalist 2534-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Psychologist – Clinical Psychologist 2514-11 Y 60 APS Y

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2. Professionals (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Psychologist – Educational Psychologist 2514-13 Y 60 APS Y
Psychologist – Organisational Psychologist 2514-15 Y 60 APS Y
Psychologist – Psychologists (nec) 2514-79 Y 60 APS Y
Public Relations Officer 2221-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Quality Assurance Manager 2294-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Quantity Surveyor 2122-11 Y 60 AIQS Y
Radio Journalist 2534-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Radiographer – Medical Diagnostic Radiographer 2391-11 Y 60 AIR Y
Radiographer – Nuclear Medicine Technologist 2391-15 Y 60 ANZSNM Y
Radiographer – Radiation Therapist 2391-13 Y 60 AIR Y
Radiographer – Sonographer 2391-17 Y 60 AIR Y
Records Manager 2299-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Recreation Officer 2549-19 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Rehabilitation Counsellor 2513-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Sales Representative (Industrial Products) 2222-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Sales Representative (Information and Communication Products) 2222-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) 2222-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Seafarer – Ship's Engineer 2542-15 Y 40 AMSA Y
Seafarer – Ship's Master 2542-11 Y 40 AMSA Y
Seafarer – Ship's Officer 2542-19 Y 40 AMSA Y
Social Professionals (nec) 2529-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Social Worker 2511-11 Y 60 AASW Y
Soil Scientist 2114-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Speech Pathologist 2386-11 Y 60 SPAA Y
Statistician 2293-13 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Surveyor 2123-13 Y 60 ISA Y
Teacher – Education Officer 2493-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Teacher – Pre-Primary School Teacher 2411-11 Y 60 TA Y
Teacher – Primary School Teacher 2412-11 Y 60 TA Y
Teacher – Secondary School Teacher 2413-11 Y 60 TA Y
Teacher – Vocational Education Teacher (Non-trades) 2422-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Teacher – Vocational Education Teacher (Trades) 2422-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Technical Sales Representatives (nec) 2222-79 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Technical Writer 2534-21 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Television Journalist 2534-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Training Officer 2291-17 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Translator 2529-15 Y 60 NAATI Y
Urban and Regional Planner 2523-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Valuer 2295-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Veterinarian 2392-11 Y 60 AVBC Y
Welfare Worker 2512-11 Y 60 AIWCW Y
Zoologist 2113-15 Y 50 VETASSESS Y

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2. Professionals (continued)
In addition, the following Professional occupations may be nominated under the Employer Nomination Scheme but not under the General Skilled
Migration categories.

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(Employer Nomination Scheme only) Code for Skill Authority
Air Traffic Controller 2541-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Art Director (Film, Television or Stage) 2536-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Book Editor 2535-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Composer 2537-17 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Dancer or Choreographer 2538-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) 2536-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Director of Photography 2536-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Environmental and Agricultural Science Professionals (nec) 2114-79 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Film and Video Editor 2536-17 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Flight Engineer 2541-17 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Flight Service Officer 2541-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Flying Instructor 2541-19 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Instrumental Musician 2537-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Legal Professionals (nec) 2521-79 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Ministers of Religion 2515-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Music Director 2537-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Nurse – Nurse Educator 2322-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Nurse – Nurse Manager 2321-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Nurse – Nurse Researcher 2322-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Painter (Visual Arts) 2531-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Photographer 2532-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Pilot – Aircraft Pilot 2541-11 N N/A CASA Y
Potter or Ceramic Artist 2531-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Program Director (Radio or Television) 2536-21 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Radio Presenter 2539-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Script Editor 2535-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Sculptor 2531-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Singer 2537-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Stage Manager 2536-19 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Student Counsellor 2513-19 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Teacher – English as a Second Language Teacher 2492-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Teacher – Extra-systemic Teachers (nec) 2491-79 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Teacher – Special Education Teachers (nec) 2414-79 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Teacher – Special Needs Teacher 2414-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Teacher – Teacher of the Hearing Impaired 2414-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Teacher of the Sight Impaired 2414-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Technical Director 2536-23 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Television Presenter 2539-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
University Lecturer 2421-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
University Tutor 2421-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals (nec) 2531-79 N N/A VETASSESS Y

nec – not elsewhere classified

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3. Associate professionals
Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL
(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker 3493-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Ambulance Officer 3491-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Architectural Associate 3121-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Biomedical Engineering Associate 3129-11 Y 40 IEAUST Y
Branch Accountant (Financial Institution) 3211-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Building Associate 3121-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Building Associate Professionals (nec) 3129-79 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Building Inspector 3121-17 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Chef 3322-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Chef – Head Chef 3322-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Chemistry Technical Officer 3112-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Civil Engineering Associate 3122-11 Y 40 Engineers Australia Y
Civil Engineering Technician 3122-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Commodities Trader 3212-17 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Computing Support Technician 3294-11 Y 40 TRA Y
Dental Hygienist 3492-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Dental Technician 3492-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Dental Therapist 3492-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Disabilities Services Officer 3421-17 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Electrical Engineering Associate 3123-11 Y 40 Engineers Australia Y
Electrical Engineering Technician 3123-13 Y 40 TRA Y
Electronic Engineering Associate 3124-11 Y 40 Engineers Australia Y
Electronic Engineering Technician 3124-13 Y 40 TRA Y
Engineering Associate Professionals (nec) 3129-79 Y 40 Engineers Australia Y
Family Support Worker 3421-19 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Financial Dealers and Brokers (nec) 3212-79 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Financial Institution Branch Manager 3211-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Financial Investment Adviser 3213-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Financial Market Dealer 3212-15 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Futures Trader 3212-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Hotel or Motel Manager (Degree Level) 3323-11 Y 50 VETASSESS Y
Hotel or Motel Manager (Diploma Level) 3323-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Insurance Broker 3212-19 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic 3491-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Interior Decorator 3999-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Library Technician 3997-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Massage Therapist 3494-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Mechanical Engineering Associate 3125-11 Y 40 Engineers Australia Y
Mechanical Engineering Technician 3125-13 Y 40 TRA Y
Medical Laboratory Technical Officer 3111-11 Y 40 AIMS Y
Metallurgical and Materials Technician 3129-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Mine Deputy 3129-15 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Museum or Art Gallery Technician 3999-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Office Manager 3291-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Parole or Probation Officer 3421-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Plumbing Engineering Associate 3121-21 Y 40 VETASSESS Y

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3. Associate professionals (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Plumbing Inspector 3121-19 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Primary Products Inspector 3991-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Project or Program Administrator 3292-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Property Manager 3293-13 Y 40 VETASSESS N
Real Estate Agency Manager 3293-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Real Estate Salesperson 3293-15 Y 40 VETASSESS N
Residential Care Officer 3421-15 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Safety Inspector 3992-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Stockbroking Dealer 3212-11 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Surveying and Cartographic Associate 3121-15 Y 40 VETASSESS Y
Youth Worker 3421-13 Y 40 VETASSESS Y

In addition, the following Associate Professional occupations may be nominated under the Employer Nomination Scheme but not under the General
Skilled Migration categories.

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(Employer Nomination Scheme only) Code for Skill Authority
Agricultural Technical Officer 3112-17 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Earth Science Technical Officer 3112-13 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Gymnastics Coach 3993-19 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Horseriding Coach 3993-25 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Jockey 3993-11 N N/A TRA Y
Life Science Technical Officer 3112-15 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Other Sports Coach 3993-27 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Senior Non-Commissioned Defence Force Officer 3994-11 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Sports Development Officers 3993-29 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Swimming Coach 3993-23 N N/A VETASSESS Y
Tennis Coach 3993-21 N N/A VETASSESS Y

nec – not elsewhere classified

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4. Tradespersons and related workers
Important information
If you are intending to apply for a General Skilled Migration visa and want to nominate an occupation that has TRA and VETASSESS both listed as the
assessing authority, please read the information on pages 23–24 of this form. Special arrangements are in place for assessing the skills of residents of
India, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) 4114-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) 4114-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) 4114-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Aircraft Maintenance Engineers – Supervisor 4114-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Apparel Cutter 4941-17 Y 60 TRA Y
Automotive Electrician 4212-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Automotive Electricians – Supervisor 4212-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Baker 4512-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Bakers and Pastry cooks – Supervisor 4512-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Binder and Finisher 4913-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Blacksmith 4123-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Boat Builder and Repairer 4981-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Bricklayer 4414-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Bricklayers – Supervisor 4414-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Broadcast Transmitter Operator 4992-17 Y 60 TRA Y
Business Machine Mechanic 4315-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Butcher 4511-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Buttermaker or Cheesemaker 4519-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Cabinetmaker 4922-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Cabinetmakers – Supervisor 4922-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Cable Jointer 4313-13 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Canvas Goods Maker 4944-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Carpenter 4411-13 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Carpenter and Joiner 4411-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Carpentry and Joinery Tradespersons – Supervisor 4411-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Communications Linesperson 4316-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Communications Tradespersons – Supervisor 4316-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Confectioner 4519-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Cook 4513-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Drainer 4431-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Dressmaker 4941-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Electrical Powerline Tradesperson 4313-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Electrician (Special Class) 4311-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Electricians – Supervisor 4311-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Electrical Distribution Tradespersons – Supervisor 4313-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Electronic and Office Equipment Tradespersons – Supervisor 4315-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Electronic Equipment Tradesperson 4315-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Electronic Instrument Tradesperson (Special Class) 4314-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Electronic Instrument Tradespersons – Supervisor 4314-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Electroplater 4126-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Engraver 4115-21 Y 60 TRA Y
Farrier 4123-13 Y 60 TRA Y

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008 1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 11

4. Tradespersons and related workers (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Fibrous Plasterer 4412-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Fibrous Plasterers – Supervisor 4412-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Fitter 4112-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Flat Glass Tradesperson 4982-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Floor Finisher 4423-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Floor Finishers – Supervisor 4423-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Forging Tradespersons – Supervisor 4123-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Furniture Finisher 4929-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Furniture Upholsterer 4942-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Gasfitter 4431-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Gem Cutter and Polisher 4983-13 Y 60 TRA Y
General Clothing Tradesperson 4941-11 Y 60 TRA Y
General Communications Tradesperson 4316-11 Y 60 TRA Y
General Electrician 4311-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
General Electronic Instrument Tradesperson 4314-11 Y 60 TRA Y
General Fabrication Engineering Tradesperson 4121-11 Y 60 TRA Y
General Fabrication Engineering Tradespersons – Supervisor 4121-01 Y 60 TRA Y
General Gardener 4623-11 Y 60 TRA Y
General Mechanical Engineering Tradesperson 4111-11 Y 60 TRA Y
General Mechanical Engineering Tradespersons – Supervisor 4111-01 Y 60 TRA Y
General Plumber 4431-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Glass Blower 4982-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Graphic Pre-Press Tradesperson 4911-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Greenkeeper 4622-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Gunsmith 4115-19 Y 60 TRA Y
Hairdresser 4931-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Hairdressers – Supervisor 4931-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Head Gardener 4623-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Jeweller 4983-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Joiner 4411-15 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Landscape Gardener 4623-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Leather Goods Maker 4944-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Lift Mechanic 4311-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Locksmith 4115-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Meat Tradespersons – Supervisor 4511-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Mechanical Services and Air-conditioning Plumber 4431-19 Y 60 TRA Y
Medical Grade Shoemaker 4943-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Casting Tradesperson 4125-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Casting Tradespersons – Supervisor 4125-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Fabricator (Boilermaker) 4122-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Finishing Tradespersons – Supervisor 4126-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Fitters and Machinists – Supervisor 4112-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Machinist (First Class) 4112-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Metal Polisher 4126-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Motor Mechanic 4211-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Motor Mechanics – Supervisor 4211-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y

1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 12 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008

4. Tradespersons and related workers (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Nursery person 4621-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Optical Mechanic 4999-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Painter and Decorator 4421-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Painters and Decorators – Supervisor 4421-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Panel Beater 4213-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Panel Beaters – Supervisor 4213-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Pastry cook 4512-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Pattern maker-Grader (Clothing) 4941-19 Y 60 TRA Y
Piano Tuner 4999-17 Y 60 TRA Y
Picture Framer 4929-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Plumbers – Supervisor 4431-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer 4115-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Precision Metal Tradespersons – Supervisor 4115-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Pressure Welder 4122-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Printing Machinist 4912-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Mechanic 4312-11 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Mechanics – Supervisor 4312-01 Y 60 TRA/VETASSESS Y
Roof Plumber 4431-17 Y 60 TRA Y
Roof Slater and Tiler 4413-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Roof Slaters and Tilers – Supervisor 4413-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Sail Maker 4944-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Saw Maker and Repairer 4115-17 Y 60 TRA Y
Screen Printer 4914-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Sheetmetal Worker (First Class) 4124-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Sheetmetal Tradespersons – Supervisor 4124-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Shipwright 4981-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Shoemaker 4943-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Signwriter 4422-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Signwriters – Supervisor 4422-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Small Offset Printer 4912-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Smallgoods Maker 4511-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Solid Plasterer 4415-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Solid Plasterers – Supervisor 4415-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Stonemason 4416-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Structural Steel and Welding Tradespersons – Supervisor 4122-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Tailor 4941-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Textile, Clothing or Footwear Mechanic 4112-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Toolmaker 4113-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Toolmakers – Supervisor 4113-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Tradesperson and Related Workers (nec) 4999-79 Y 60 TRA Y
Tree Surgeon 4623-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Upholsterers and Bedding Tradespersons (nec) 4942-79 Y 60 TRA Y
Vehicle Body Maker 4215-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Vehicle Body Makers – Supervisor 4215-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Vehicle Painter 4214-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Vehicle Painters – Supervisor 4214-01 Y 60 TRA Y

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008 1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 13

4. Tradespersons and related workers (continued)

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(General Skilled Migration and Employer Nomination Scheme) Code for Skill Authority
Vehicle Trimmer 4216-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Vehicle Trimmers – Supervisor 4216-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Wall and Floor Tiler 4416-11 Y 60 TRA Y
Wall and Floor Tilers and Stonemasons – Supervisor 4416-01 Y 60 TRA Y
Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer 4115-13 Y 60 TRA Y
Welder (First Class) 4122-15 Y 60 TRA Y
Wood Tradespersons (nec) 4929-79 Y 60 TRA Y
Wood Turner 4921-13 Y 60 TRA Y

In addition, the following Tradespersons and related worker occupations may be nominated under the Employer Nomination Scheme but not under
the General Skilled Migration categories.

Occupation ASCO SOL Points Assessing ENSOL

(Employer Nomination Scheme only) Code for Skill Authority
Aircraft Safety Equipment Worker 4999-15 N N/A TRA Y
Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) 4992-13 N N/A TRA Y
Chemical Plant Operator 4987-11 N N/A TRA Y
Driller 4986-11 N N/A TRA Y
Florist 4984-11 N N/A TRA Y
Horse Trainer 4614-11 N N/A TRA Y
Light Technician 4992-21 N N/A TRA Y
Make Up Artist 4992-27 N N/A TRA Y
Miller 4519-11 N N/A TRA Y
Petroleum and Gas Plant Operator 4987-13 N N/A TRA Y
Power Generation Plant Operator 4988-11 N N/A TRA Y
Slaughterperson 4511-15 N N/A TRA Y
Sound Technician 4992-11 N N/A TRA Y
Supervisor, Chemical, Petroleum and Gas Plant Operators 4987-01 N N/A TRA Y
Supervisor, Drillers 4986-01 N N/A TRA Y
Supervisor, Power Generation Plant Operators 4988-01 N N/A TRA Y
Television Equipment Operator 4992-15 N N/A TRA Y
Wood Machinist (A-Grade) 4921-11 N N/A TRA Y

nec – not elsewhere classified

1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 14 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008

Contact details for assessing authorities
AACA Architects Accreditation Council of AIMS Australian Institute of ANZSNM Australian and New Zealand Society of
Australia Medical Scientists Nuclear Medicine
Address Architects Accreditation Council of Address Australian Institute of Medical Scientists Address Australian and New Zealand Society of
Australia PO Box 1911 Nuclear Medicine Incorporated ANZSNM
PO Box 236 MILTON QLD 4064 (Accreditation Board) Secretariat
AUSTRALIA Telephone 61 7 3876 2988 UPPER FERNTREE GULLY VIC 3156
Telephone 61 2 6230 0506 Fax 61 7 3876 2999 AUSTRALIA
Fax 61 2 6230 7879 E-mail [email protected] Telephone 61 3 9756 0128
E-mail [email protected] Website Fax 61 3 9753 6372
Website E-mail [email protected]
AIQS Australian Institute of Website
AASW Australian Association of Quantity Surveyors
Social Workers Address Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors APharmC Australian Pharmacy Council
Address Australian Association of Social Workers PO Box 301 Address Australian Pharmacy Council
Overseas Qualifications Assessment DEAKIN WEST ACT 2600 PO Box 269
KINGSTON ACT 2604 Telephone 61 2 6282 2222 AUSTRALIA
AUSTRALIA Fax 61 2 6285 2427 Telephone 61 2 6247 5088
Telephone 61 2 6273 0199 E-mail [email protected] Fax 61 2 6247 9611
Fax 61 2 6273 5020 Website E-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected] Website
Website AIR Australian Institute of Radiography
Address Australian Institute of Radiography APC Australian Physiotherapy Council
ACPSEM Australasian College of Physical PO Box 1169 Address Australian Physiotherapy Council
Scientists and Engineers in Medicine COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066 GPO Box 587
Address c/o Department of Radiation Oncology AUSTRALIA CANBERRA ACT 2601
Royal North Shore Hospital Telephone 61 3 9419 3336 AUSTRALIA
Pacific Highway Fax 61 3 9416 0783 Telephone 61 2 6262 6029
ST LEONARDS NSW 2065 E-mail [email protected] Fax 61 2 6262 5284
AUSTRALIA Website E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 61 2 9926 7343 Website
Fax 61 2 9926 7343 AIWCW Australian Institute of Welfare and
E-mail [email protected] Community Workers APodC Australasian Podiatry Council
Website Address Australian Institute of Welfare and Address Australasian Podiatry Council
Community Workers 41 Derby Street
ACS Australian Computer Society PO Box 42 COLLINGWOOD VIC 3066
Address Australian Computer Society Flinders Lane Post Office AUSTRALIA
PO Box Q534 MELBOURNE VIC 8009 Telephone 61 3 9416 3111
Queen Victoria Building AUSTRALIA Fax 61 3 9416 3188
SYDNEY NSW 1230 Telephone 61 3 9654 8287 E-mail [email protected]
AUSTRALIA Fax 61 3 9654 1081 Website
Telephone 61 2 9290 3422 E-mail [email protected]
Fax 61 2 9299 3997 Website APS Australian Psychological Society
E-mail [email protected] Address Australian Psychological Society
Website AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority PO Box 38
Address Ship Operators and Qualifications Flinders Lane Post Office
ADC Australian Dental Council Maritime Operations MELBOURNE VIC 8009
Address Australian Dental Council Australian Maritime Safety Authority AUSTRALIA
Level 2, 112 Wellington Parade GPO Box 2181 Telephone 61 3 8662 3300 or
EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 CANBERRA ACT 2601 1800 333 497 (toll free)
AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA Fax 61 3 9663 6177
Telephone 61 3 9415 1638 Telephone 61 2 6279 5043 E-mail [email protected]
Fax 61 3 9415 1669 Fax 61 2 6279 5056 Website
E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected]
Website Website AVBC Australasian Veterinary
Boards Council
AIM Australian Institute of Management ANMC Australian Nursing and Address Australasian Veterinary Boards Council
Address Australian Institute of Management Midwifery Council Level 11, 470 Collins Street
Management Skills Assessment Unit Address Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council MELBOURNE VIC 3000
PO Box 200 PO Box 873 AUSTRALIA
SPRING HILL QLD 4004 DICKSON ACT 2602 Telephone 61 3 9620 7844
AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA Fax 61 3 9620 7844
Telephone 61 7 3227 4874 Telephone 61 2 6257 7960 E-mail [email protected]
Fax 61 7 3832 2497 Fax 61 2 6257 5056 Website
E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected]
Website Website

Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008 1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 15

Contact details for assessing authorities (continued)
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority Engineers Australia Address NSW Osteopaths Registration Board
Address Civil Aviation Safety Authority Engineers Australia PO Box K599
GPO Box 2005 Address Engineers Australia HAYMARKET NSW 1238
CANBERRA ACT 2601 Engineering House AUSTRALIA
AUSTRALIA 11 National Circuit Telephone 61 2 9219 0233
Telephone 61 131 757 BARTON ACT 2600 Fax 61 2 9281 2030
Fax 61 2 6217 1664 AUSTRALIA E-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected] Telephone 61 2 6270 6577 Website
Website Fax 61 2 6273 2354
E-mail [email protected]
CCEA Council on Chiropractic Education Website Address Executive Officer
Australasia Incorporated Chiropractors Board of Queensland
ISA Institution of Surveyors, Australia GPO Box 2438
Address PO Box 100
ROSEWOOD QLD 4340 Address Institution of Surveyors, Australia
AUSTRALIA 27-29 Napier Close
Telephone 61 7 3225 2517
Telephone 07 5464 1658 DEAKIN ACT 2600
Fax 61 7 3225 2527
Fax 07 5464 2076 AUSTRALIA
E-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected] Telephone 61 2 6282 2866
Website Fax 61 2 6282 2576
E-mail [email protected]
Address Executive Officer
COTRB Council of Occupational Therapists Website
Osteopaths Board of Queensland
Registration Board GPO Box 2438
Address Council of Occupational Therapists NAATI National Accreditation Authority for BRISBANE QLD 4001
Registration Board (Australia and NZ) Translators and Interpreters AUSTRALIA
Incorporated Address National Accreditation Authority for Telephone 61 7 3225 2517
PO Box 229 Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) Fax 61 7 3225 2527
TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 PO Box 40 E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 61 8 8443 9375 AUSTRALIA
Fax 61 8 8443 9550 Telephone 61 2 6255 1888 South Australia (Chiropractors and Osteopaths)
E-mail [email protected] Fax 61 2 6255 1889 Address Chiropractic and Osteopathy Board of
Website E-mail [email protected] South Australia
Website PO Box 229
CPAA Certified Practising Accountants TORRENSVILLE PLAZA SA 5031
of Australia NIA National Institute of Accountants AUSTRALIA
Address Qualifications Assessment Unit CPA Address National Institute of Accountants Telephone 61 8 8443 9669
Australia PO Box 18204 Fax 61 8 8443 9550
GPO Box 2820AA Collins Street East E-mail [email protected]
AUSTRALIA Telephone 61 3 8665 3100
Telephone 61 3 9606 9606 Fax 61 3 8665 3130
Fax 61 3 9670 3336 E-mail [email protected] Address Registrar
E-mail [email protected] Website Tasmanian Chiropractors & Osteopaths
Website Registration Board (Tas)
PO Box 6
OCANZ Optometry Council of Australia and
DAA Dietitians Association of Australia New Zealand
Address 1/8 Phipps Close Address Optometry Council of Australia and Telephone 61 3 6224 9666
DEAKIN ACT 2600 New Zealand Fax 61 3 6224 9700
AUSTRALIA PO Box 185 E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 61 2 6282 9555 CARLTON SOUTH VIC 3053
Fax 61 2 6282 9888 AUSTRALIA Victoria
E-mail [email protected] Telephone 61 3 9663 2733 Address Registrar
Website Fax 61 3 9663 7478 Osteopaths Registration Board of Victoria
E-mail [email protected] PO Box 248
ICAA Institute of Chartered Accountants Website Collins Street West
in Australia MELBOURNE VIC 8007
Address Qualifications Assessment Section SCORB State Chiropractors/Osteopaths AUSTRALIA
GPO Box 3921 Registration Board Telephone 61 3 9286 1888
SYDNEY NSW 2001 (refer to relevant authority in the Fax 61 3 9286 1880
AUSTRALIA state/territory to which you intend E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 61 2 9290 5732 to migrate) Website
Fax 61 2 9262 1298
E-mail [email protected] New South Wales Address Registrar
Website Address NSW Chiropractors Registration Board Chiropractors Registration Board of
PO Box K599 Victoria
Telephone 61 2 9219 0277 AUSTRALIA
Fax 61 2 9281 2030 Telephone 61 3 9639 8652
E-mail [email protected] Fax 61 3 9639 8653
Website E-mail [email protected]
1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 16 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008
Contact details for assessing authorities (continued)
Northern Territory South Australia SPAA Speech Pathology Association of
Address Registrar Address The Registrar Australia
Chiropractors and Osteopaths Legal Practitioners Registry Address Speech Pathology Association of Australia
Registration Board of the NT GPO Box 2066 2nd Floor, 11-19 Bank Place
AUSTRALIA Telephone 61 8 8229 0251 Telephone 61 3 9642 4899
Telephone 61 8 8946 9543 Fax 61 8 8231 1929 Fax 61 3 9642 4922
Fax 61 8 8946 9550 E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected]
Australian Capital Territory Tasmania
Address Registrar Address The Secretary State/Territory Medical Board
Chiropractic and Osteopaths Registration Board of Legal Education If your nominated occupation is medical practitioner,
Board of the ACT GPO Box 167B please consult the following website
PO Box 976 HOBART TAS 7001
CIVIC SQUARE ACT 2608 AUSTRALIA migration/migration-medical.htm for information on the
AUSTRALIA Telephone 61 3 6233 6245 skills assessment process.
Telephone 61 2 6205 1597 Fax 61 3 6223 7816
Fax 61 2 6205 1602
Victoria TA Teaching Australia
E-mail [email protected]
Address The Secretary Address Teaching Australia
Council of Legal Education 5 Liversidge Street
SLAA State Legal Admission Authority
GPO Box 1776Q ACTON ACT 0200
If your nominated occupation is legal AUSTRALIA
practitioner you must make application to MELBOURNE VIC 3001
Telephone 61 2 6125 1643
the SLAA for admission as a barrister Level 27, 530 Collins Street Fax 61 2 6125 1644
and/or solicitor in the relevant Australian MELBOURNE VIC 3000 E-mail [email protected]
state or territory. Once you have been Website
admitted as a barrister and/or solicitor Telephone 61 3 9613 8794
you do not need to make application to a 61 3 9614 1011 TRA Trades Recognition Australia
SLAA for a skills assessment, as evidence Fax 61 3 9614 4661
of your admission in the relevant state or Address Trades Recognition Australia
E-mail [email protected]
territory (eg. certified admission GPO Box 9879
certificate) itself constitutes a skills Western Australia CANBERRA ACT 2601
assessment. Address The Secretary AUSTRALIA
Legal Practice Board Telephone 61 2 6121 7456
New South Wales 5th Floor, Kings Building Fax 61 2 6121 7768
Address The Professional Services Officer 533 Hay Street E-mail [email protected]
Legal Practitioners Admission Board PERTH WA 6000 Website
SYDNEY NSW 2001 Telephone 61 8 9325 1311 VETASSESS Vocational Education and
AUSTRALIA Training Assessment Services
Telephone 61 2 9392 0300 Northern Territory Address Qualifications Assessment Unit
Fax 61 2 9392 0315 Address The Secretary Level 4
E-mail [email protected] Legal Practitioners Admissions Board 478 Albert Street
Website GPO Box 3946 EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002
Queensland AUSTRALIA
Address Legal Practitioners Admissions Board Telephone 61 8 8999 6574 VETASSESS
GPO Box 1785 GPO Box 2752
BRISBANE QLD 4001 Australian Capital Territory MELBOURNE VIC 3001
Address The Secretary AUSTRALIA
2nd Floor Legal Practitioners Admission Board
Law Society House Telephone 61 3 9655 4801
GPO Box 1548
179 Ann Street Fax 61 3 9654 3385
BRISBANE QLD 4000 E-mail [email protected]
Telephone 61 2 6267 2735
Telephone 61 7 3842 5985 Fax 61 2 6257 3668
Fax 61 7 3221 7193 E-mail [email protected]
E-mail [email protected] Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008 1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 17

Skills assessment process APC Australian Physiotherapy Council
Following is a brief description on the assessment process for The assessment of overseas physiotherapy qualifications is
various occupations. carried out by the Australian Physiotherapy Council.
While you are encouraged to contact the assessment bodies
direct for further information, general information on various The APC Process
occupations can be obtained through the Occupational The APC process has 3 stages:
Information leaflets in the publications page of the NOOSR 1. APC Eligibility Assessment – a physiotherapist who
website at completed his or her basic physiotherapy qualification
overseas must complete and submit the Eligibility and
AACA Architects Accreditation Council of Australia Inc Skills Assessment form (1249) and certified copies of
The assessment of overseas academic qualifications in specific documents. This information is assessed to
architecture is carried out by the Architects Accreditation determine whether the APC eligibility criteria have been
Council of Australia Inc. Qualifications obtained outside satisfied.
Australia are assessed in terms of equivalence with an academic 2. APC Written Examination (previously termed Screening
qualification in architecture from a recognised school of Examination) – conducted world-wide. The APC Written
architecture in Australia. Generally a qualification is of 5 to Examination is a multiple choice question examination
6 years duration from a higher education institution. covering the principal areas of physiotherapy as practised
Applicants should be aware that this assessment is provisional in Australia.
only, and upon arrival in Australia they will be required to 3. APC Clinical Examination – conducted in Australia only.
submit for the Review of Academic Equivalence (RAE), Upon successful completion of the APC process, a candidate
undertake work experience in an architect’s office, and submit will be eligible to apply to register to practise as a
for the Architectural Practice Examination (APE) before being physiotherapist in Australia. Only then will a candidate’s skills
eligible for registration. be considered suitable for migration purposes.

AASW Australian Association of Social Workers APC Eligibility Criteria

The general field of social welfare in Australia is diverse and An overseas qualified physiotherapist is normally assessed as
complex, with a range of occupational groups involved in eligible to proceed to the Written Examination if, in addition to
service provision. The social work profession is one of these general requirements relating to residency status, he or she
groups. Whilst social work is not a legally registered occupation submits evidence that the following criteria have been satisfied:
in Australia, many employers do require eligibility for 1. The tertiary level studies leading to his or her
membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers physiotherapy qualification are equivalent in duration to no
(AASW). less than 3 academic years and the curriculum studied is
The AASW is the professional organisation for social workers in sufficiently similar in theory and practical aspects
Australia. It has a number of functions including: approval of (including hours of clinical practice) to the entry-level
Australian Bachelor of Social Work courses so that their physiotherapy programs undertaken in Australia, and
graduates can meet AASW membership eligibility requirements; included a substantial element of supervised physiotherapy
self-regulation of the profession; and assessment of overseas clinical practice. [Educational programs in Australia leading
social work qualifications. to a physiotherapy qualification involve a minimum of
The assessment of overseas social work qualifications is 4 years study and include substantial periods of supervised
undertaken on the basis of AASW’s membership eligibility clinical practice.]
requirements. A comparative method of assessment is used: 2. The tertiary level studies leading to his or her
the formal social work educational course completed overseas physiotherapy qualification included theoretical and clinical
is compared with AASW requirements for social work courses components of cardio-respiratory, musculoskeletal and
in Australia, which are Bachelor degrees in social work awarded neurological physiotherapy, and theoretical and practical
after 4 years of study at a university. The overseas qualifications aspects of electrotherapy, similar in content and duration
are compared with AASW requirements for Australian courses to entry-level physiotherapy programs undertaken in
in terms of educational level, length, structure and content, Australia;
including required fieldwork placements. AASW encourages 3. The tertiary level studies leading to his or her
applicants to contact AASW directly if they require further physiotherapy qualification qualify the candidate to be
information and application forms. registered/licensed as a physiotherapist in the country in
which the program was completed (if applicable); and
4. If the candidate is from a country where English is not the
first language of that country, he or she is able to
demonstrate that they have a comprehensive knowledge
and satisfactory level of skill in English by completing the
APC English Language Requirement.
Further details and a copy of form 1249 are available from

1121i (Design date 10/08) - Page 18 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2008

ACS Australian Computer Society Note: Any grading of experience and education undertaken
by any AIM State Division for membership does not
The Australian Computer Society (ACS) is the professional
automatically translate into approval under the skills
society for information technology practitioners in Australia.
assessment process for migration.
It is also the professional body authorised by the Australian
Government to conduct skills assessments for migration
purposes. AIR Australian Institute of Radiography

You may apply for a skills assessment if: Medical Radiation Science in Australia
• you are a current Member (MACS) of the ACS; or Medical Radiation Science in Australia encompasses:
• you possess any of the following Australian qualifications or • Diagnostic Radiographers (Medical Imaging Technologists);
overseas qualifications and relevant experience assessed as • Radiation Therapists; and
• Sonographers.
– *Bachelor (undergraduate) degree or higher qualification
with a major in IT plus 4-years of relevant professional IT Radiographers/Radiation Therapists/Sonographers and
work experience; Industrial Radiographers holding qualifications obtained
outside Australia must apply directly to the Australian Institute
– Bachelor (undergraduate) degree or higher qualification of Radiography for assessment of their qualifications.
with a minor in IT plus 6-years of relevant professional IT
work experience; The AIR will, through its Overseas Qualifications Assessment
Panel, directly assess Radiographers/Radiation Therapists and
– (AQF) Advanced Diploma (3 years full-time) Sonographers and will refer assessments on Industrial
or (AQF) Diploma (2 years full-time) in IT plus Radiographers to AINDT. However all applications must be
6-years of relevant professional IT work experience. submitted to the AIR.
*Recent graduates of an Australian university who fall within A Comprehensive appeal process is available to all applicants
the first category do not require experience. and the appeal mechanism is conducted by persons not
If you do not possess a recognised qualification in IT (or IT associated with the original assessment.
sub-discipline) but you have a qualification in another
discipline together with significant experience in IT and AIWCW Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers
extensive professional development education, you may apply
for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Applicants in this The general field of social welfare in Australia is diverse and
category should have a minimum of 6 years relevant complex, with a range of occupational groups involved in
professional IT work experience. service provision. Persons with welfare work qualifications are
employed across many of these occupations, and their job titles
may vary greatly. However, eligibility for membership of the
AIM Australian Institute of Management Australian Institute of Welfare and Community Workers
To satisfy the level of qualifications, training and work (AIWCW) is used by a variety of employers as an important
experience for a ‘professional manager’ assessed by AIM, criteria for employment.
applicants must hold a senior management position. The AIWCW is the professional organisation responsible for
The criteria used is as follows: assessment of overseas qualifications and work experience
A record of proven management achievement over a period of suitable for recognition as a generic welfare worker in Australia,
5 years or more in a senior management position such as a using the criteria for eligibility for membership. Eligibility for
chief executive, general manager or senior functional manager membership of the AIWCW generally requires a person to have
who delegates authority to several other managers who hold completed a vocational qualification in welfare work,
positions requiring the delegation of work to several other community services or human services, with a 3 year university
positions of a supervisory, or technical, or skilled nature. degree, or a 2 year diploma at a college of technical and further
education (TAFE); including studies of society, individual
The years of experience may be reduced if the applicant has
human structure and function, welfare work with individuals,
qualifications in management studies or business
groups and communities, welfare services and systems, and
administration assessed as comparable to an Australian
practical training of at least 400 hours.
Bachelor degree, or in a discipline relevant to the field in which
the manager is working. You must have relevant work Full membership of the AIWCW is also available to those who:
experience – recent graduates are not able to meet the • satisfy the AIWCW requirements for Core Competencies; and
• have a relevant qualification at least equivalent to the
An important factor in making an assessment is whether a Australian Qualification Framework Diploma in academic
person delegates authority to other managers who are standard; and
themselves responsible for planning, organisation, decision
making, staffing and control, and who in turn delegate to • which is at least equivalent to 2 years of full-time or
others. 1000 hours of study; and

The assessment is based upon a review of an entire career • have at least 3 years of professional work experience
history and satisfactory evidence is sought of managerial (30 hours per week or more) within the last 10 years.
progression through increased authority and responsibility of A ‘relevant qualification’ may include, for example, a general
each position thereby demonstrating a period of sustained 3 year Bachelor of Arts degree with a psychology or sociology
success. major, or a specialised 2 year diploma in the field of social
Applicants who wish to have their skills assessed should welfare. Decisions about the relevance of alternative
contact AIM for further information. qualifications and/or work experience are made on an
individual basis by an AIWCW Membership Assessment
Coordinator, with doubtful cases being referred to the National
Membership Assessment Panel.
Continued on the next page

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Experience has shown that, due to differences in social work ANZSNM The Australasia and New Zealand Society
education between countries, the course studied by many of Nuclear Medicine
overseas trained social workers, who initially seek to join the
AASW, do not meet AASW eligibility requirements. In the past, Nuclear Medicine Technologists holding overseas nuclear
many of these people have met the requirements of the medicine technology qualifications obtained outside Australia
AIWCW. You may initially apply for social work assessment and must apply directly to the ANZSNM Accreditation Board for
if unsuccessful, have your application sent on for welfare work assessment of their qualifications.
assessment without additional cost. However, this process is Assessment Criteria
not usually available for other occupations in this complex
Applicants must provide evidence of:
• tertiary qualifications in nuclear medicine technology;
AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority • proof of 2 years post graduate full time work experience;
The professions assessed by AMSA are seafarers classified as
deck officers (masters and mates) and engineers. • evidence of registration to practice nuclear medicine
technology in their home country.
ANMC Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council Documentation of course structure and work experience will
be required to be eligible to sit ANZSNM examinations.
Qualifications Immediately Recognised by the Australian
Nurse Regulatory Authorities A skills assessment letter for the purpose of lodgement of an
application for skilled migration to Australia is given on
Registered Nurses who have completed education programs
successful completion of an English examination and the
leading to initial registration as a registered nurse in the
ANZSNM Nuclear Medicine (2 x 2 hour) multiple choice
following countries meet the requirements for registration with
examinations offered at venues within Australia.
the Australian Nurse Regulatory Authorities: United Kingdom,
Ireland, South Africa, USA, *Canada, *Hong Kong, *Singapore For full accreditation the applicant is required to complete a
and nurses from the *Netherlands with HBO qualifications. 12 month period of supervised practice in Australia.
*Proof of English language proficiency is required.
APharmC Australian Pharmacy Council
Midwives who have completed education programs leading to
initial registration as a midwife in the following countries meet
the requirements for registration with the Australian Nurse Pharmacy in Australia
Regulatory Authorities: United Kingdom and Ireland. Qualifications Immediately Acceptable to Pharmacy
Note: Nurse Regulatory Authorities may impose additional Registration Authorities
requirements. Nurses from the above countries applying for A pharmacy degree obtained in the UK, Ireland and NZ and
migration must have their qualifications assessed by the ANMC. a licence to practise in the UK, Ireland and NZ – note:
Nurses seeking to determine their eligibility to apply for registering authority may impose additional requirements.
registration as a nurse in Australia may apply for an You must still have your qualifications recognised by
assessment of their qualifications provided they have: APharmC before you are able to apply for migration.
• completed a pre-registration course of training; Qualifications not Immediately Acceptable to
Registration Authorities
• been registered as a nurse in the country where education
was undertaken; If your qualifications do not immediately meet the Australian
requirements you will need to undertake the examination
• current registration, a practising certificate or licence in the
process conducted by APharmC.
country where they are currently practising; and
Eligibility Criteria
• demonstrated proficiency in the English language.
The APharmC assessment procedure is open to any overseas
It is a requirement for nurses to possess and demonstrate the
trained pharmacist who has completed an approved pharmacy
National Nursing competency Standards before they
course which included a minimum component of the
are granted registration. Overseas nurses may be required to
equivalent of 3 years of full-time academic study and is eligible
complete a Competency Based Assessment Program/Migrant
for registration as a pharmacist in the country in which the
Bridging Program in order to be able to meet this requirement.
qualification was obtained.
These courses must be completed either all or in part in
Australia. The requirement to complete such a program will be Examination Procedure
determined at assessment. This consists of an English language requirement (some
Enrolled Nurses candidates may be granted an exemption), Stage I
Examination (a written multiple-choice-question examination
Note: There is no nominated occupation with corresponding
covering basic pharmaceutical sciences which is conducted
ASCO Code under the Skilled Occupation List for Enrolled
twice a year), interview and counselling, a period of
Nurse, Registered Nurse (Division 2), Licensed Practical Nurse
supervised practice in an Australian pharmacy; and Stage II
or Nurse Assistant. Nurses who have these qualifications are
Examination (conducted in Australia only) — a practical and
not able to apply for assessment of their skills under General
oral examination covering the practice of pharmacy.
Skilled Migration.
Note: An application for an assessment of qualifications
determines a person’s eligibility to undertake the
examination procedure. It is not an application to sit the
examination. When a person’s eligibility is determined,
separate examination application forms are forwarded
by APharmC.

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A skills assessment letter for the purposes of migration CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority
is given upon successful completion of an eligibility
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is responsible for
assessment, English language requirement and the
safety regulation of civil air operations in Australia and the
Stage 1 examination. The remainder of the process may
operation of Australian aircraft overseas. Its functions include:
be completed on arrival in Australia.
• standards setting;
AVBC Australasian Veterinary Boards Council • entry control (includes certification and licensing);
To practise as a veterinarian in Australia you must be registered • safety surveillance of the industry enforcement of standards;
with the registration board of the state or territory in which • regulatory oversight of the national airways system, and air
you practise. If you are an overseas trained veterinarian, there traffic services, aviation rescue and fire fighting services
are 3 ways in which you can enter the profession in Australia: provided by Airservices Australia.
• by immediate recognition of your overseas qualifications; A Professional Aircraft Pilot flies aircraft to transport
• by completion of a primary veterinary degree at an Australian passengers, mail and freight or provide agricultural, aviation
veterinary school; or and aerial surveillance services. Licences are issued as either
commercial pilot licence (CPL) or air transport pilot licences
• by successfully completing the National Veterinary
Examination (NVE).
There are no formal educational qualifications required for this
Qualifications immediately acceptable for registration in
occupation but applicants must be licensed by CASA.
An overseas pilot licence may be deemed equivalent to an
Bachelor degrees awarded after 5 years of study by United
Australian ATPL or CPL if it authorises the holder to fly aircraft
Kingdom and New Zealand veterinary schools are accepted for
as pilot in command in air transport operations or commercial
immediate registration in all states and territories. Similar
operations respectively.
qualifications awarded by some universities in other English
speaking countries may, in some instances, be accepted for
immediate registration. For information about this you should CPAA CPA Australia
contact the veterinary registration board in the state or territory CPA Australia (CPAA) is one of the 3 professional accounting
in which you wish to practice. bodies in Australia and is a designated assessing authority for
Qualifications not immediately acceptable for ASCO occupations Accountant, Corporate Treasurer, External
registration in Australia Auditor and Finance Manager.
If your qualifications are not acceptable for immediate Assessment for migration purposes is based on the same
registration you can either apply to enrol at an Australian criteria for admission to Associate (entry-level) membership
university where you may be granted credit for your overseas of CPAA. In general, you can select CPAA, ICAA (The Institute
studies, and complete the veterinary science course, or you can of Chartered Accountants Australia) or NIA (National
take the NVE. If you intend to enrol at an Australian university, Institution of Accountants) to provide your assessment.
you must contact the university directly. If you wish to Note: ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
undertake the NVE you have to be formally assessed as and CIMA (The Chartered Institute of Management
meeting the eligibility criteria to sit the examination. You Accountants) qualified accountants who do not also have an
need to: undergraduate degree are offered several options for meeting
the requirements for admission as an Associate membership
• hold a degree or diploma awarded after at least 4 years of
of CPAA. However, for the purpose of migration applications,
study at a veterinary school listed in the ‘World Veterinary
these accountants are advised to apply to the ICAA or NIA for
Directory’ or at a school which was part of a college or
a skills assessment.
university listed in the ‘World List of Universities’; and
To meet the educational standard for any of the above ASCO
• be registered, licensed or eligible to be recognised as a
occupations, you must have formal qualifications assessed by
veterinarian of good standing in the country in which you
CPAA as comparable to an Australian Bachelor degree. These
studied or worked.
qualifications must include adequate coverage of at least 9 of
Examination Procedure the 12 core curriculum areas required for Associate
The examination procedures consist of the following membership. Work experience is not accepted in lieu of formal
components: qualifications. The core curriculum areas are basic accounting,
financial and corporate accounting, current accounting issues
• Eligibility Assessment—assessment of qualifications and (standards and theory), cost and management accounting,
associated documents to determine eligibility to undertake business finance, auditing, introductory law (including
the NVE \procedures. contracts), economics, statistics, computer information
• English Language Requirement—before proceeding to systems, Australian taxation law and Australian company law.
the NVE Preliminary Examination. Further information and instructions are provided with the
• Preliminary Examination—written multiple-choice assessment application form, available on request or from the
question (MCQ) examination. CPAA website. CPAA will issue a written assessment result
• Final Examination—Clinical Examination. indicating that your qualifications either meet or do not meet
the requirement for your nominated ASCO occupation. If your
Please note that an application for an assessment of assessment advises that you meet the requirement, you can
qualifications determines a person’s eligibility to submit it with your visa application without completing any
undertake the examination procedure. To satisfy the further study. Assessments are valid for 5 years and will include
skills component of a migration application a Candidate details of accredited study programs available by distance
must successfully complete all stages of the NVE. learning. Thus, if your assessment is not successful in the first
instance, you will be able to complete additional studies
required to meet the standard required for migration.
Continued on the next page

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If your visa is granted (and validated) and you wish to apply for Engineers Australia Institution of Engineers, Australia
membership of CPAA, you must complete the remaining entry
The Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust) is the assessing
level studies prescribed before admission. Members admitted
authority in Australia that conducts engineering skills
at Associate level must complete the postgraduate level CPA
assessments for migration purposes.
Program and Mentor Program (work experience) before
advancing to CPA status. There are 3 occupational categories in the engineering
profession: professional engineer, engineering technologist
and engineering associate. Details regarding these occupational
ICAA Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia categories and the assessment process are presented on the
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) is website
one of the 3 professional accounting bodies in Australia and is
Intending applicants for assessment should go to the website
a designated assessing authority for the ASCO occupations of
and read or download the Overseas Qualifications Assessment
Accountant, Corporate Treasurer, External Auditor and Finance
Kit. The Kit provides comprehensive instructions on what you
need to do to have your engineering skills and qualifications
To be considered suitable for any of these occupations for the assessed. Applicants with further questions on the assessment
purpose of migration, you must hold formal qualifications process may contact the IEAust by telephone, facsimile or
assessed by the ICAA as at least comparable to the level of an e-mail (see Contact details of assessing authorities).
Australian Bachelor degree. When it has been established that
your qualifications are comparable to an Australian Bachelor
NIA The National Institute of Accountants
degree, the ICAA then examines individual subjects to
determine the coverage of required core knowledge areas. The National Institute of Accountants (NIA) is one of the 3
Successful applicants are required to have adequate coverage professional accounting bodies in Australia and is a designated
in at least 9 of the 12 core knowledge areas. These areas are: assessing authority for the ASCO occupations of Accountant,
Accounting Systems and Processes; Corporate Accounting and Corporate Treasurer, External Auditor and Finance Manager.
Reporting; Accounting Theory (Professional and Regulatory To be considered suitable for any of these occupations for the
Processes); Cost and Management Accounting; Corporate purposes of migration, you must hold formal qualifications
Finance; Auditing and Assurance; Introduction to Law and assessed by the NIA as at least comparable to the level of an
Commercial Law; Australian Company Law; Australian Taxation Australian Bachelor degree. Accountants who do not have a
Law; Information Systems Design and Development; Bachelor degree, but who are ACCA (Association of Chartered
Economics (micro and macro) and Quantitative Methods. It is Certified Accountants) and CIMA (The Chartered Institute of
important to note that practical experience is not accepted as Management Accountants) qualified, are also assessed by NIA
an alternative to formal tertiary study. for migration purposes. Applicants’ qualifications must also
Although, in general, you can apply to any of the 3 professional include adequate coverage of a minimum of 9 out of the
accounting bodies it is recommended that you apply to the 12 core curriculum areas that are necessary for these
ICAA or the NIA for skills assessment, if you are an Associate or occupations in Australia. Regardless of which occupation you
a Fellow member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified nominate, the same core requirements apply. It is important to
Accountants) (UK) or CIMA (The Chartered Institute of note that practical experience is not accepted as an alternative
Management Accountants) (UK) but you do not hold an to a formal qualification.
undergraduate degree. Please refer to the ICAA website The core curriculum areas include: basic accounting, financial for further information about professional and corporate accounting, cost and management accounting,
accounting qualifications recognised by the ICAA. current accounting issues (standards and theory), business
When the ICAA has completed your skills assessment, it will finance, auditing, introductory law (including contracts),
send you a letter indicating whether your qualifications are economics, statistics, computer information systems, Australian
suitable or not suitable for the purpose of migration to taxation law and Australian company law.
Australia under General Skilled Migration. If your letter of In general, you can apply to any one of 3 authorised assessing
assessment states that your qualifications are suitable for your authorities – ie. NIA, ICAA (Institute of Chartered Accountants
nominated occupation, you must include it with your in Australia) or CPAA (CPA Australia) – for a skills assessment
application for General Skilled Migration. Your letter of for migration purposes.
assessment will also contain further information about how to
Further information and instructions are available on the NIA
become a member of the ICAA. If you intend to seek admission
website, from which the application form can
to the membership of the ICAA, you will be required to
also be downloaded. Based on the certified supporting
undertake further university studies (at least in Australian
documentation submitted with your application, NIA will
Company and Taxation Law). Unless you are a full current
forward a letter of assessment to indicate either your
member of an accounting body with which the ICAA has
qualifications are suitable or not suitable for migration
reciprocal membership, you will also be completing the ICAA’s
purposes. A letter of assessment that indicates that your
post-graduate program, the CA Program before becoming a
qualifications are suitable for your nominated ASCO occupation
member. A period of approved mentored experience may also
must be submitted with your visa application.
be necessary.
If your qualifications are acceptable for migration purposes you
If your letter of assessment indicates that your qualifications are
can apply to be admitted as a member of NIA. You may still
not suitable for the purpose of migration to Australia under
need to undertake further studies after arriving in Australia if
General Skilled Migration, you should not proceed with a
you intend to seek admission to membership of the NIA. This
migration application. In this case your letter of assessment will
may include some additional studies in Australian company
provide information about required further study to bridge
law, Australian taxation law and financial accounting.
your knowledge to meet the current educational criteria for
your nominated occupation. Further information about the There are 4 levels of membership in NIA – Associate (ANIA),
recognition of overseas accounting qualifications, assessment Member (MNIA), Professional National Accountant (PNA),
process and about how to apply is provided on our website Fellow (FNIA / FPNA). Applicants with at least an You can also download an application form undergraduate degree qualification plus a minimum of 3 years
for the skills assessment from the ICAA website. work experience are eligible to be admitted as a PNA.

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OCANZ Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand TRA Trades Recognition Australia
The term ‘trades’ is used in Australia to describe occupations
Optometry in Australia which require technical knowledge and manual skills and
Optometrists carry out eye examinations to measure visual where training is usually through an apprenticeship.
efficiency and detect any visual defects. They may prescribe In the past, trades skills and knowledge have been recognised
and dispense suitable visual aids such as spectacles and contact in Australia through a trade certificate. Recent changes to
lenses as well as special telescopic and magnifying devices for Australia’s training system are replacing trade certificates with
the visually impaired. Optometrists may also advise patients on qualifications known as Australian Qualification Framework
eye exercises to improve eye muscles and coordination. They (AQF) certificates.
are trained in detection and diagnosis of eye diseases, and can
refer patients to ophthalmologists or other health care The AQF comprises qualifications at levels which reflect the
practitioners. complexity and range of the required skills and knowledge.
The qualification for a trade is usually an AQF Certificate III or,
Optometry Education in Australia in some cases, AQF Certificate IV. These qualification levels also
apply to other occupations, and the qualification level by itself
A bachelor degree in optometry is required. does not make an occupation a trade. A trade is defined by the
Entry of overseas qualified optometrist into the profession combination of the type of knowledge and skill involved,
in Australia together with the level of qualification.
The qualifications recognised for registration as an optometrist AQF Certificates are issued in respect of defined sets of
are specified by legislation in each state and territory. Australian competencies. Competencies, and the combinations of
and New Zealand qualifications are accepted in all jurisdictions. competencies required for a certificate, are specified in
Optometrists who qualified in other countries can sit an Training Packages.
examination conducted by the Optometry Council of Australia Competencies are detailed specifications of the knowledge and
and New Zealand or the New South Wales Board of skill required in the workplace in Australia. They provide the
Optometrical Registration. A pass in the first examination is benchmarks for assessing skills for migration purposes.
accepted for registration purposes in all states and territories of
Australia and New Zealand while a pass in the latter will not be Assessing skills against competencies requires very detailed
automatically accepted in any of the other Australian states or information from a variety of sources. You will be required to
territories, or in New Zealand. provide extensive and detailed information about your training
and/or work experience to the assessing authority. You will
Optometrists who received their qualification outside Australia need to meet the assessing authority’s requirements for the
or New Zealand should contact the Optometry Council. authentication of the information you provide.
If your qualifications are acceptable for migration purposes, The assessing authority will charge you a fee to carry out
you will still need to apply for registration if you are successful the assessment.
in migrating to Australia. If following migration to Australia,
your qualifications are accepted by a registration board, this The assessment of your skills by the assessing authority will be
does not guarantee you employment as an optometrist. That for migration purposes only. The outcome of your assessment
will depend on other factors, such as the number of vacancies will not be a qualification.
or your suitability for a particular job. It will assist you in your self-assessment against the skill
requirement for migration, but it does not mean that your
application for migration to Australia will necessarily be
approved. It will be considered by the Australian Government,
together with other factors, in making a decision on your
migration application.
Information about trade skills and application forms for having
your trade skills assessed are available by contacting the Trades
Recognition Australia (TRA).
Applications and payments for assessment must be made
directly to the assessing authority. Any further inquiries about
your skills assessment must also be made directly to the
assessing authority.
If you are successful in your migration application, it is also
important to understand that you will not automatically be
provided with a qualification in Australia on the basis of your
skills assessment. You may be required to undergo further
assessment before a decision can be made on whether to issue
you with a qualification in Australia. The assessing authority will
provide you with more information on this, including
additional fees you will have to pay.
Continued on the next page

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VETASSESS Vocational Education and Training Assessment
Trades Skills Assessments for Residents of Certain
VETASSESS working in a consortium with a number of
Australian Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) is the
Assessing Authority for certain skilled trade occupations if the
applicant is a resident of the United Kingdom, India,
Sri Lanka, South Africa or the Philippines.
What are the benefits of this new arrangement for
• They will know if they can work in their nominated
occupation after arriving in Australia.
• Those intending to work in licensed electrical and
plumbing occupations will be eligible to hold a provisional
licence. This licence will allow them to work under
supervision without the need to undertake additional skills
testing after they arrive in Australia.
• Those intending to work in non-licensed occupations will
receive an Australian qualification that demonstrates they
have the full range of skills required for working in that
• A detailed assessment containing information on what
additional training and/or work experience is required to
meet the Australian standard will be provided if the skills
application is not successful.
There are 3 stages to the assessment process.

Stage 1 – Self-assessment
A free self-assessment tool to help determine if an applicant
has the skills required. (The tool is available over the web and
in print form.)

Stage 2 – Competency Profile

A paper based assessment to review trade training
qualifications and work experience. This is used to develop a
competency profile and if requirements are met the applicant
will proceed to the practical skills assessment stage.

Stage 3 – Skills assessment

A practical assessment that includes a technical interview –
conducted in the countries listed above.
Technical interview – This is a face to face interview with
an assessor. Questions have been developed for each
occupation and focus on the critical competency (skill)
clusters. The questions are in English and require a mix of
open ended and specific answers.
Practical assessment – This involves a series of ‘challenge
tests’ or simulated activities integrating a number of
competency (skill) clusters required for the occupation and
relevant Australian qualification.
For further detailed information please visit the VETASSESS

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