Basic Fantasy - Combat Options
Basic Fantasy - Combat Options
Basic Fantasy - Combat Options
Release 1 Copyright 2007 Chris Gonnerman All Rights Reserved Distributed under the terms of the Open Game Li ense version !"0a
#his supplement additional ombat options for player and non$player hara ters for use %ith the &asi 'antasy Role$ (laying Game rules" )f you do not already have a opy of the &asi 'antasy R(G rules* please visit the %ebsite and do%nload a opy"
Weapon Specialization
,nder this rule* the player of a 'ighter may hoose a %eapon in %hi h the hara ter is espe ially s-illed" At first level* the player applies one rank of spe iali.ation to the hosen %eapon" #his hoi e must be /uite spe ifi 0 for instan e* a spe iali.ation in the longs%ord %ill give no bonuses %hen using a shorts%ord" 1very third level after first 2that is* 3th* 7th* !0th* et "4 the player applies another ran- of spe iali.ation" 1a h ne% ran- may be applied to an e5isting spe iali.ation* or to a ne% spe iali.ation" 'or instan e* at first level Darion6s player assigns a ran- to longs%ord" Darion gains a bonus of 7! on atta - rolls %hen using a longs%ord" At 3th level* the player may assign the ne% ran- to longs%ord* giving a bonus of 7! on atta - rolls and 7! on damage0 or* the ran- may be applied to a ne% %eapon* su h as the longbo%* in %hi h ase both %eapons have 7! on atta - rolls but no bonus to damage"
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 Combat Bonuses (Attack / Damage) +1 / +0 +1 / +1 +2 / +1 +2 / +2 +3 / +2 +3 / +3 Attacks per Round 1/1 1/1 3/2 3/2 2/1 2/1
%ith the spe iali.ed %eapon t%o times per round" Additional atta -s al%ays ome after all other atta -s are resolved0 that is* the 'ighter atta -s on e on his or her )nitiative number* then again after all :first; atta -s are done" )f more than one %eapon spe ialist is involved in a battle* ount )nitiative do%n t%i e* on e for :first; atta -s and again for :se ond; atta -s"
Critical Hits
A natural 20 on the atta - die roll results in a threat" Roll again $$ if the player hits on the se ond roll 2a normal hit* not <ust another natural 204* a critical hit is s ored and double damage is done" =o%ever* if the only %ay the hara ter an hit is to roll a natural 20* riti al hits are not s ored"
A natural ! on the atta - die roll may result in a fumble0 if this o urs* the player must roll a save vs" Death Ray %ith De5terity applied" )f the save is failed* the hara ter has fumbled" #he effe ts of a fumble vary based on the type of %eapon" 'or hand$held %eapons* the %eapon is dropped0 use the grenade$li-e %eapons table* to determine %here* onsidering the %ielder as if he or she %ere the >target> in the table" )f the hara ter binds his %eapon to his hand 2so he annot drop it4* then the fumble leads to the hara ter suffering damage e/ual to the %eapon6s normal atta - die 2%ithout ?trength* magi * or other bonuses4" 'or bo%s* a bro-en bo%string is the usual result0 for rossbo%s* a fumble leads to a <ammed me hanism" #he G+ is en ouraged to ma-e up alternate fumble results %hen appropriate to the ir umstan es* using these suggestions as a guideline"
As indi ated in the Atta -s (er Round olumn* at higher ran-s of spe iali.ation the 'ighter is allo%ed to atta more than one time per round" 892 means that the hara ter may atta - three time in every t%o rounds* on e in the odd$numbered round and t%i e in the even$ numbered round" At 29! the 'ighter is allo%ed to atta -
CO% AT O"TIONS the primary %eapon* and the off$handed %eapon adds 7! to the %ielder6s AC value against a single melee atta -er per round" )f the %eapon has a magi %eapon bonus* it may be applied* but only the base bonus for those %eapons %ith multiple values"
T&o'Weapon Combat
#his rule allo%s a hara ter to use a %eapon in ea h hand" #he %eapon in the primary hand suffers a penalty of $2 to hit* %hile the %eapon in the off$hand is used at a $@ penalty normally" ?ubtra t from this penalty the hara ter6s De5terity bonus* %ith a minimum penalty of 70 2so a hara ter %ith !A De5terity does not get a 7! bonus to hit this %ay4" #he primary %eapon must* obviously* be one$handed* and the se ondary must be a dagger* handa5e* or similar very small %eapon" #he off$handed %eapon normally does not get multiple atta -s* even if allo%ed by spe iali.ation" Li-e a monster using an atta - routine 2 la%$ la%$bite4 the off$handed %eapon atta -s at the same time as the primary %eapon" BoteC Off$handed %eapon atta -s 2%ith no primary hand atta -4 are at $8 penalty* %ith the De5terity bonus subtra ted as above" As an option* a hara ter using t%o$%eapon ombat may hoose to use the off$handed %eapon as a defensive item similar to a shield" #his must be de lared at the start of the round" )n this ase* no spe ial penalty is applied to
#he appli ation of Armor Class assumes that the hara ter tries to avoid ea h in oming atta -* %hile still ma-ing atta -s himself" =o%ever* there %ill be o asions %hen the hara ter <ust %ants to avoid being hit" #he player must de lare that the hara ter is defending" #his an be done regardless of )nitiative* and is therefore a good hoi e %hen fighting unarmored and the )nitiative is lost" #he defending hara ter applies a bonus of 73 to AC" )f the hara ter is holding9using a spe iali.ed %eapon* he or she may add the spe iali.ation >to hit> bonus to AC to refle t the additional parrying s-ill" Also* magi %eapons usually onfer the bonus to the AC of the defending hara ter 2as des ribed under #%o$Deapon Combat* above4"