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NUMBER 241 MAY 1988

Founded 1967 $2.50



FROM THE EDITOR Dennis Stacy 2



GULF BREEZE CE III - PART II Ware, Flannigan & Andrus 11




LOOKING BACK Bob Gribble 20

THE MAY NIGHT SKY Walter N. Webb 22


(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
We hope you like the "new" format of the Journal. A quick
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. glance at the cover will now tell you what waits inside each
month. In addition, each page is identified as to month, issue and
year. If you have to make copies of articles for research or per-
DENNIS W. STACY sonal reasons, this will make your job easier. Artwork and pho-
tographs will continue to appear on the cover from time to time,
WALTER H. ANDRUS, JR. but with far less frequency than in the past, as is standard scien-
International Director and tific journal practice.
Associate Editor For all practical purposes, the Journal's format is now final-
THOMAS P. DEULEY ized. Changes were not made arbitrarily, but with an eye to mak-
Art Director ing the Journal easier to read and use. A different layout, how-
MILDRED BIESELE ever, would mean little in itself, unless it reflected an
Contributing Editor improvement in the quality of material inside. We think you will
ANN DRUFFEL agree that this happens to be the case. And we appreciate your
Contributing Editor support.
Gulf Breeze Note: Instead of the Nimslo photographs
PAUL CERNY mentioned in the article, which would not have reproduced well,
Promotion/Publicity we have used instead a sketch by "Mr. Ed" which originally
MARGE CHRISTENSEN appeared in the Gulf Breeze Sentinel. Having viewed blow-ups of
Public Relations those pictures, however, we can say that the light patterns pho-
REV. BARRY DOWNING tographed do indeed seem to parallel Mr. Ed's sketch.
Religion and UFOs
APRO 1952 -1988
A letter from Robert G. Mars-
Promotion/Publicity land, Deputy Director for APRO,
T. SCOTT GRAIN dated March 29, 1988 and address-
GREG LONG ed to "Dear Friends" stated the fol-
MICHAEL D. SWORDS lowing: "It is with deepest regret
Staff Writers that I tell you that there will be no
TED PHILLIPS more issues of the APRO Bulletin.
Landing Trace Cases Mrs. Lorenzen has been through-
some very trying times, both phys-
JOHN F. SCHUESSLER ically and emotionally, no doubt hastened by the death of her
Medical Cases daughter last month. Now her doctor advises that for her own
LEONARD STRINGFIELD welfare, she must not take on any more of the burdens
UFO Crash/Retrieval imposed in running this organization. And since there is no
one else with the editorial skills and endless font of memory
WALTER N. WEBB to do the job, I must attend the last rites."
Astronomy On April 12, 1988, Coral E. Lorenzen (age 63) died in a
NORMA E. SHORT Tucson hospital. She was preceded in death by her husband,
DWIGHT CONNELLY Leslie James and daughter Lesli Stryker. Funeral services
DENNIS HAUCK were held April 18, 1988 under the direction of the Adair Fun-
RICHARD H. HALL eral Home at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Tucson,
ROBERT V. PRATT Arizona. Inurnment will be in Arlington National Cemetery
Editor/Publishers Emeritus with her husband.
(Formerly SKYLOOK) Thus ... another era passes into UFO history.

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Dimensions: An Interview With Jacques Vallee
By Linda J. Strand

entitled ALINTEL, which is thought
My mind works best by to contain facts and speculations he
French-born Jacques Vallee, bilin- soaking up data like a could not publish in non-fiction form.
gual in both computers and astro- December a year ago he addressed a
physics, is ufology's both most reknown- sponge and squeezing it UFO conclave in London, and late
ed and reclusive figure. Certainly he every once in a while." last year he turned up as one of the
is the most controversial thinker in a speakers at a San Francisco New
field fraught with philosophical pitfalls, Age symposium on "Angels, Aliens
having served as the model for In England it even led to the estab- and Archetypes: Cosmic Intelligence
Lacombe\ (played with suave dignity lishment of a quarterly journal by the and the Mythic Imagination," spon-
by the late Francois Truffaut) in same name. Messengers, however, sored by the Omega Foundation.
Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters with its emphasis on mostly west Linda Strand is a freelance journal-
of the Third Kind." At the time Vallee coast American UFO cults, was a ist living in Boulder, Colorado, who
objected strenuously to the portrayal somewhat unfocused work that even specializes in scientific subjects. Her
of alien beings as benign "brothejrs" Vallee himself admits "I would do dif- articles on a wide variety of topics
from another world, an argument that ferently now." have appeared in Science Digesr,
not unexpectedly succumbed to Hol- After Messengers Vallee published Astronomy and similar publications.
lywood's boxoffice sensibilities. He three books about technology, includ- "I first heard the name Jacques Val-
once said of the cinematic Lacombe, ing a textbook on computer network- lee in 1977," Strand says, "as my
"I think they were simply looking for ing. But he went underground as far interest in the area of UFO research
a character at a level of strangeness as the American UFO community was just getting started. Two pf my
halfway between the main American was largely concerned. Aside from most trusted friends in such matters
characters and the space people." the public demands on his time strongly recommended that I try to
Interestingly, Dan Ackroyd's extrater- (unavoidably, a personality cult had contact him, saying his work was 'far
restrial nuclear family, the former formed around his own writings), Val- and away the best' in the field. Five
"Saturday Night Live" Coneheads, lee had learned that he did his best years later, having been thoroughly
also said they were from France thinking in a vacuum, free from the disillusioned by most of the UFO
when pressed about their origins. "contamination of popular theories research I had studied, I finally wrote
With the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, about UFOs, maintaining a circle of to Vallee in care of his publisher.
Vallee helped found an "invisible col- silence around me, and conducting "When we met some six months
lege" of UFO experts (the title of one my own investigations in the field." later over dinner, I was constantly
of his own books on the subject) and More to the point, he says, "my mind amused by the similarities between
co-authored The Edge of Reality. Val- works best by soaking up data like a Vallee and the character played by
lee's early studies (Anatomy of a sponge and squeezing it every once Francois Truffaut in 'Close Encoun-
Phenomenon and Chaflenge to Science, in a while." ters of the Third Kind'. When I
written with wife Janine) were char- Vallee's latest squeeze is a book pointed this out, he smiled and said
acterized by a concise phenomeno- that summarizes and clarifies his ear- in a strong French accent, 'that's not
logical approach to the UFO data. lier works. It is called Dimensions: A coincidence'.
But with Passport to Magonia (1969) Casebook of Alien Contact (Con- "What has continued to impress
and particularly Messengers of Decep- temporary Books, Chicago, $17.95). me most about Vallee is his humility:
tion (1979) the lanky, soft-spoken Val- In it he expands on the concept first He never gives the impression of
lee left many of his American follow- proposed in Invisible College, com- being the guru with all the answers. It
ers confused if not openly skeptical. paring UFOs to a control system is so refreshing to relate to a 'true
Magonia, which compared contem- operating on our collective uncons- scientist,' unashamed of having more
porary accounts of aliens and abduc- cious. Both in their folklore and mod- questions than answers, still trying to
tions with precedents found mostly in ern forms, says Vallee, "UFOs are understand and to keep his precon-
medieval European folklore was well- the means through which man's con- ceptions out of the way of creative
received on the continent. Indeed, a cepts are being arranged." thought. I think his intelligence and
movement based on psycho-sociologi- While working on the manuscript wit shine through in the following
cal interpretations of UFO pheno- of Dimensions, Vallee gradually emerg- interview, which we began late last
mena sprang up in its wake, pro- ed from his self-imposed silence. In year."
moted largely by fellow Frenchmen. 1986 he published a novel in French The Journal wishes to thank both
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 3
Ms. Strand and Mr. Vallee for the The field has been very quiet for sev- de-mystify the statements of close-
exclusive interview that follows. eral years now. minded scientists who like to pontifi-
Vallee: It is true that we have not cate as if they understood the whole
Strand: Jacques Vallee, in recent had a major "wave" in the Western of the universe. The study of astron-
years you have been "in retreat" as countries for a long time. Also, peo- omy should make us humble and cur-
far as UFOs are concerned. Are you ple do not report their sightings to ious about all the things we don't
simply becoming reclusive, or have the press or the authorities as they know, including UFOs. However it
you given up UFO research? did before; they now understand that doesn't really work that way. I found
Vallee: The only thing that interests such reports are, unfortunately, point- the computer field much more open
me is getting closer to a solution of less. But I do get quite a few reports and dynamic. My information science
the UFO problem. The controversies directly from the witnesses or through teachers actually encouraged me to
that are currently being played out on my friends in the field. Since I am pursue my UFO work.
the stage of the UFO community in able to run my own research, I don't Strand: The years you spent with
the U.S. seem largely irrelevant to have to wait for a grant or ask anyb- Allen Hynek at Northwestern seem
that goal. ody's permission to pursue a case. to have been a turning point for both
But I haven't disappeared from the And I have free or nearly free access of you and, as a result of the later
field: two research trips to South to all the technology I need. work you both did, a turning point
America, lectures last year in Lon- Strand: We will come back to this for U.S. Ufology as well. How did this
don, and several visits to researchers subject later, but first, can you sum- transformation take place?
in Europe, including a briefing of the marize your educational background? Vallee: For me, it was very simple:
top-level, scientific community of Vallee: I grew up in France wanting for the first time I had access to the
GEPAN in France ... I would hardly to become an astronomer. That meant totality of the Blue Book files and I
call that "reclusive." studying at the Sorbonne, taking could vastly expand the analyses I
Strand: Yet you have not published math and physics, then a graduate had done before, while getting an
anything in book form since Mes- program. Those were the early days insight into the entire history of the
sengers of Deception in 1979. Are of computers, which I found terribly field and meeting the key players.
you working on anything new? exciting, so I took information science For Allen Hynek, the change was dif-
Vallee: I am finishing a new book and programming courses as part of ferent. He was a very open-minded
called Dimensions, which will be pub- my master's degree in astrophysics. scientist, who had thought long and
lished in the Spring of 1988 in hard Then I worked at Paris observatory deeply about the limitations of science,
cover by Contemporary Books of for a year under the French Govern- but he had to walk a tight rope when
Chicago. I believe it will answer many ment's Space Committee. When I it came to UFOs. On one hand, he
of the questions people have asked came to the University of Texas in knew that many Air Force explana-
about my position. 1962 I used this background. I wrote tions were "pure hogwash", as he
Strand: Are you planning to include the program that computed the map liked to say. On the other hand, he
in that book the cases you have been of Mars for the Mariner project —the had never found convincing scientific
investigating recently? first detailed map of the planet, under evidence for the existence of UFOs,
Vallee: No, I have not found the NASA sponsorship. Later I moved to so he remained skeptical.
right format yet to publish these Northwestern, and I did my Ph.D. in Strand: What is it that changed his
cases. Many of them need more 1967 on a topic that would be called position?
work. I do plan to make the informa- artificial intelligence today. In those Vallee: This happened slowly, over a
tion available, but I want to do it in a days it was regarded as applied period of weeks, months, as he saw
format that is constructive. mathematics! the accumulated evidence from my
Strand: Why do you find it neces- Strand: How did your relationship files of landing reports, and the corre-
sary to operate in this rather secre- with Hynek start? lations that were established with sim-
tive manner? Vallee: He knew that my wife and I ilar data from the American files.
Vallee: Let's call it "private" rather had compiled and analyzed the first Strand: He must have been aware of
than "secretive." It is natural for a computer catalog of world-wide, unex- these landing reports.
researcher to stay a few years ahead plained UFO sightings. He urged me Vallee: They were circulated in Amer-
of what he publishes. I go through to work with him, and he generously ica among marginal groups, but they
phases of quiet work and phases of made his own data available. I stayed were mixed in with all the "hogwash."
active dissemination and discussion. at Northwestern from 1963 to 1967. You must realize that those landings
Currently what we lack most of all is Strand: Why did you change your which were reported to the Air Force
not data: Heaven knows we've got emphasis from astronomy to informa- were generally placed in the "psycho-
more data than we know what to do tion science? Many UFO researchers logical" category, and Hynek was
with! What we lack is a framework, have considered astronomy the most rarely asked to follow them up. The
and that's what I have tried to con- useful training to investigate UFOs. leading civilian group was NICAP,
struct in Dimensions, using both old Vallee: A good background in astron- which was trying to gain credibility in'
material drawn from my earlier works omy is essential to sort out genuine Washington, and they suppressed
and new observations. sightings from common celestial ob- these reports too. The only group
Strand: How do you get information? jects. It is also very useful in order to that understood the significance of
4 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
the landing reports from the begin- "Should we let engineers, artists and college pro-
ning was APRO. In France, on the
other hand, we had hundreds of well- fessors untrained in clinical hypnosis mess with the
documented close encounter cases minds of impressionable witnesses? Emphatically
since the major wave of 1954.
Strand: What did he think of those no.
Vallee: He was certainly aware of discovery in the air. ly to keep it manageable. But it was
them. He had met in Paris with Aime Vallee: It did not happen overnight. always apparent to us from the
Michel and Pierre Guerin at the sug- It took me four years to go through beginning that the problem could only
gestion of a leading French astrono- the totality of the Blue Book files, be tackled at an international level.
mer who had moved to the United twelve thousand cases. And most of Strand: Give me some examples of
States. He came back from Paris them, of course, could be explained that.
very intrigued with the data and by natural phenomena. I still have Vallee: Just look at the foreign indi-
impressed with Michel and Guerin today the only complete, screened viduals and organizations that have
but he remained unconvinced until I and abstracted set of unexplained had a major impact. People like
showed him the details and the actual cases from the Air Force files. Not Olavo Fontes in Brazil, or the British
patterns. He told me, "those reports just the few cases they labeled "uni- 'Flying Saucer Review in London. No
sounded like ghost stories to me." He dentified", but the large number of U.S. magazine has ever compared
was especially struck by Aime Michel's those for which there was really no with it, although a lot of money has
description of the 1954 wave as "a adequate explanation. been squandered on flashy publica-
festival of absurdities." It was that residue that was valua- tions that disappeared quickly. Right
Strand: What made him change his ble. Allen compared the process to now I am working on three cases,
mind? looking for a few grams of radium in one a physical evidence analysis, the
Vallee: A key factor was a running tons of pitchblend. He encouraged second a photograph of a UFO, and
argument we had for several weeks me to bring other scientists into our the third one an abduction. Only the
about what constitutes proof that the group. Fred Beckman joined us, from latter one comes from the United
phenomenon exists. I took the posi- the University of Chicago, and Bill States.
tion that a single report means Powers, the chief engineer at Dear- Strand: Obviously you think there is
nothing in itself, but that hundreds of born Observatory, as well as several something wrong with U.S. research
reports fitting into a global pattern mathematicians, engineers and psy- into UFOs. What is it? A parochial
indicated a genuine phenomenon. chologists. We re-investigated many attitude?
The clincher for him, of course, was of the cases which the Air Force had Vallee: Too much talk and not
the fact that the same pattern started pushed under the rug. enough research.
to emerge from the Air Force data. Strand: Why do histories of the Strand: Is that why you don't belong
At that point Allen Hynek decided UFO problem gloss over that period, to any UFO organization at the
the time had come to advocate which was a key transition point? moment?
serious research into the phenomenon. Vallee: I can't answer that question. Vallee: You don't need to belong to
Strand: The history of that period Perhaps they tend to concentrate on a UFO organization to do UFO
usually claims that Hynek did not the "official" side of things, the Con- research any more than you need to
change his position until Jim McDo- gressional Hearings, the McDonald join a wine appreciation club to enjoy
nald came into his office and banged controversy that made a big splash a good bottle. I believe that in the
on his desk. with the media. The really important future you will find as much research
Vallee: That is simply not true. I was things occurred behind the scenes, being done outside the organized
there, by the way, when Jim banged and it may be a long time before groups as you will inside. There is
on the desk. A long time before that somebody realizes that the true his- room for many approaches to this
particular scene Hynek had agreed to tory of the phenomenon has not been problem, and there is a continuing
sponsor severa) proposals I wanted to revealed, because many of the partic- need for some strong, structured
submit to the Air Force, but they were ipants kept a low profile. You're the groups. But if the main activity is tell-
reluctant to do anything, and so was first person who has asked me ques- ing scary stories and speculating end-
Northwestern University. Hynek went tions about that period. lessly about what the government
on with the fight quietly, behind the Strand: What do you think is missing may be hiding, I am not interested.
scenes, as was his style. McDonald's from the historical analyses? Strand: What do you think of the
approach was vocal and direct; he Vallee: Two things: a sense of the unexpectedly immense popular accep-
took the controversy to the public slowly-changing positions of the key tance of both Whitley Strieber's Com-
arena prematurely, in my opinion. researchers rather than the big, sen- munion and Budd Hopkins' Intruders?
And he suffered the consequences. sational events; and the international Vallee: There are several lessons to
McDonald's highly visible action pre- perspective. American historians of be drawn from their success. First it
cipitated the Condon Committee. the field have looked exclusively at shows to what extent the media and
Strand: It sounds like it was an excit- the U.S. scene, probably because many people in official positions had
ing period, with a powerful sense of they had to define the subject narrow- misjudged the depth of the phenome-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
"MJ-12 could very well have existed, but its objec- lutely stinks.
Strand: Do you have a personal the-
tives might be other than what the UFO commun- ory about MAJESTIC-12 and its real
ity thinks." purpose?
Vallee: We are entering a hall of mir-
non. Both of these books came out innumerable examples. I know one rors here. I am rather skeptical about
at a time when very few "sightings" witness who developed a cardiac the ways through which the informa-
were being reported, yet the tension problem during one such session, tion has come out. You could make
of personal experiences with the conducted by a San Francisco Bay the point that a deliberate leak has
phenomenon was reaching a peak Area UFO group. The interviewers been created to propagate the idea of
among the public. But the UFO did not know how to bring the sub- outer space visitors and give it credi-
community can be surprised, too: six ject out of the trance. In another case bility through the civilian UFO organ-
months prior to the publication of a sincere witness in a close encounter izations, which are more than recep-
these books, a novel by John Fowles case was actually interrogated under tive to that kind of "proof. Given the
entitled A Maggot was an interna- hypnosis in a roomful of other "abduct- names on the list of MJ-12 scientists,
tional bestseller. Interestingly it passed ees", who took their turn describing however, it seems to me their work
completely unnoticed by UFO research- their experiences! What is tragic in could have had an entirely different
ers. Here you had one of the greatest such cases, of course, is that the real orientation, having to do with psycho-
living writers in the English language data may be lost forever. Later hyp- logical warfare. I scratched the sur-
publishing a masterpiece dealing entire- notic regressions, even if conducted face of that issue in Messengers of
ly with the problem of alien contact, by a professional, are likely to bring Deception, and I got burned because
and our community ignored it com- back memories of the first trance the UFO research community was
pletely! A Maggot is the most fasci- rather than the event itself. All the not ready to even consider that side
nating book I've read in the last ten investigators have done is to pollute of the problem.
years. the mind of the witnesses. Strand: Now that a few years have
Strand: What are your feelings about Strand: What about lie detectors or gone by, and that more data has
the rampant use of regressive hypno- stress analyzers? come to light, can you restate the
sis in abduction investigations? Vallee: I think they have no scientific main point of Messengers?
Vallee: I am repelled by the way validity whatsoever. Vallee: The book states that the
hypnosis is being used by many UFO Strand: Previously you've said that UFO phenomenon is absolutely real,
researchers today. It is not simply you were not very interested in dis- but not necessarily extra-terrestrial.
misguided, it is irresponsible, unscien- cussing government coverup. Don't And that the idea of extraterrestrial
tific and profoundly unethical. Does you think that the authorities are in visitors can be exploited, and indeed
hypnosis have a place in the arsenal fact hiding something? has repeatedly been exploited, by
of the investigator? Yes, when it is Vallee: Sure they are hiding things, human organizations with very mun-
performed by a professional psychia- lots of things. But put it this way: if dane goals. Many of our colleagues in
trist with clinical experience in hyp- the government was trying to hide ufology thought I was saying that the
nosis and no personal bias with the Andromeda Nebula, do you think UFOs were all human craft, some-
regard to UFOs, or by clinical psy- that would stop me from dragging my thing I never even considered. But
chologists. What makes the Hill case own telescope into the backyard to look they cannot imagine something that
so significant is the fact that the ses- at it? UFOs are not a phenomenon isn't from here, yet isn't from another
sions were conducted by Dr. Simon, you can just confiscate and hide in a "planet" either.
who meets these criteria. But should drawer. I am glad some of our col- Strand: Perhaps because everybody
we let engineers, artists and college leagues in UFO research are trying to has been looking at a purely technical
professors untrained in such matters get some of the hidden information solution to the problem, a simple
mess with the minds of impressiona- into the light, but I can use my own extension of our engineering and
ble witnesses? Emphatically no. In skills better going on with the kind of scientific knowledge?
most cases other psychological tech- research I have been doing. Vallee: Those who saw the long-term
niques are available which are more Strand: Do you think the govern- implications were outside the scien-
reliable and less intrusive. That may ment has physical proof of the exist- tific community. When I met Mukte-
sound more harsh than it needs to ence of UFOs? nanda around the time I was writing
be, but the UFO community should Vallee: If you mean that they have a Messengers, he knew exactly what I
clean up its act without waiting for lot of interesting and relevant data, meant. He told me: "They are not
Phil Klass to do it every time. yes. My guess would be that they are from another planet, they are from
Strand: Can you be specific about as utterly confused about it as eve- another planel"
what you regard as such abuse? ryone else, and they are reluctant to Strand: Many readers saw Messengers
Vallee: I cringe when I listen to tape come out and admit it. If you mean as a break with your earlier work.
recordings of sessions where wit- that the Air Force has crashed sauc- Vallee: It was not. We are con-
nesses are bombarded with leading ers and humanoid bodies, then I have fronted here with the challenge of
questions by eager believers in this or to tell you that I remain extremely understanding not just another envir-
that particular theory. There are skeptical. That whole business abso- onment, but another reality altogether.
MUFON UFO Journal. No. 241 May 1988
I introduced this idea in Passport to "This is a phenomenon that challenges all our
Magonia in 1969 and later in Invisible
College. Messengers was just the notions of reality, and we need to bring many dif-
next book in the series, consistent ferent parts of view into the debate."
with everything I'd written before. But
it went further, it added a new idea ers may have to waste a lot of energy Can you elaborate?
which was very sensitive at the time on them before recognizing them for Vallee: I wrote ALINTEL in fiction
with most ufologists: the UFO prob- what they are. form to say the things I couldn't
lem is a social phenomenon, and as Strand: Why do you say the subject develop in Messengers of Deception.
such it can be exploited, and it is isn't ripe for discussion? The UFO The book describes in detail for the
being utilized even now, for purposes community is filled with rumors about first time what an encounter with a
that have to do with contingency coverup and manipulation. That seems multi-dimensional craft would look
planning and psychological warfare. to have become a primary topic in like, and what the consequences
Strand: Do you have data to back recent years. ' would be. Doppler shifts were part
this up? Valle'e: Yet public opinion is still of the physical observation of an
Vallee: I think so. When you spend extremely naive about the methods object that is moving very rapidly
enough time in the field you come and goals of the covert world. In the while staying in one place, as a multi-
across cases that turn out to be UFO field this gullibility is exacer- dimensional craft would appear to do.
hoaxes, but hoaxes that were not bated by the need to believe that the the book is also concerned with the
contrived by the witnesses. Instead government has all the answers and reaction of the intelligence commun-
they were contrived by somebody isn't telling us. ity to the possibility of alien contact.
else for the benefit of the witnesses, Strand: Should they tell us, whether Strand: You hypothesized that there
as part of a covert exercise. Some- or not they have the answers? was an organization called ALINTEL,
times the exercise gets aborted, other Vallee: Not necessarily. When is the which means "Alien Intelligence Agen-
times it gets out of hand. last time the Government told us the cy". Does it stand for MAJESTIC-12?
Strand: Can you give some examples? truth about anything else? It is the Vallee: Not exactly. MJ-12 would be
Vallee: There are two major cases nature of bureaucracy to keep things a bunch of amateurs compared to
that fit into this pattern, the UMMO to itself, especially when they are ALINTEL. The nice thing about fic-
affair in Spanish-speaking countries handled in an incompetent manner. tion is that you can explore many
and the Pontoise case in France. I Every time I have had a chance to possibilities. In the novel, ALINTEL is
have researched both of these in gain some insight into the official a world-wide organization that links
depth. In fact I had been one of the handling of the UFO problem I've East and West, because the interests
recipients of the original UMMO seen either well-meaning, but poorly- of the major powers converge when it
material, and I have tracked some of organized efforts, or just outright comes to identifying UFOs.
its ramifications all the way to Argen- incompetence. Strand: Will the book be available in
tina. I think UMMO is an exercise Strand: Do you think MJ-12 is an English?
that got out of hand. Pontoise is one outright hoax? Vallee: I have been working on a
that was aborted. Vallee: No, I didn't say that. MJ-12 translation, but I have not put a lot of
Strand: What could be the purpose could very well have existed, but I energy into it, because I don't have a
of such manipulation? would look long and hard at the publisher in view yet.
Vallee: A primary goal could be to objectives it could have been pursu- Strand: One last question: What do
stimulate the creation of a cult with ing, other than what the UFO com- you think current UFO research
strong internal structure that could munity currently thinks they were needs most? Is it money, is it
later be exploited for other purposes. pursuing. government support?
This was certainly successful in the Strand: Such as? Vallee: We need many things, includ-
UMMO affair. In Pontoise, something Vallee: In Messengers of Deception I ing money and support. But one
went wrong. I find it amusing that the tried to hint at what was happening. I weakness that is especially deplorable
witnesses in the Pontoise affair with- mentioned "The Martians" and the is our lack of intelligent skeptics. I
drew their claims of abduction in the "Double Cross Committee" of World don't mean closed-minded fanatics
days following publication of the War II, which were high-level scien- who spend their time heaping ridicule
French edition of Messengers of Decep- tific enterprises of strategic decep- or personal attacks against UFO wit-
tion ... tion. I believe MJ-12 was in the same nesses. There are plenty of those,
Strand: Are you hinting that there business. This hypothesis fits abso- and I find them easy to ignore. But
have been similar cases in the U.S.? lutely with the names on that list, we need informed skeptics who are
Vallee: Absolutely. But it isn't a sub- including Menzel's name. ready to look at the data. Without
ject that is ripe for discussion. And Strand:This brings us to ALINTEL, them the arguments for UFO reality
remember, this would only affect an your recent novel in French which is are very one-sided.
infinitely small number of reports. beginning to circulate here within a Strand: Do you think there can be
The problem is, those are the reports small circle. In that book I was fasci- open-minded skeptics in this field?
that tend to become well-known nated by your reference to Doppler Vallee: I'm thinking of people like the
through the media, and we as research shifts in connection with the objects. late Dr. Christopher Evans, who did
^MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 7
several series for the BBC on UFOs he had really done his homework on cults. very hard to make good progress, to
and on cults. He was a collaborator to This kind of critical dialogue would construct the sophisticated theoreti-
OMNI. He was a true scientist and enrich immensely the development of cal framework we need. This is a
was willing to approach the question theories about what UFOs might be. phenomenon that challenges all our
with curiosity and honesty. He was As long as we are trapped between notions of reality, and we need to
frankly skeptical about UFOs, and he fanatical believers in extraterrestrials bring many different points of view
made me reconsider many things, but and quasi-religious skeptics, it will be into the debate.

Pursuing The Ultimate Encounter

By Walter N. Webb

Walter Webb is a MUFON con- ently were limited to a number of proached the dock, halting first about
sultant in astronomy and staff elements outside the UFO.') 60 feet from the end of the dock and
member of the MUFON UFO 2. My five-year probe into the then only 10 feet away. According to
Journal. incident makes it the most thoroughly Michael, two entities could be seen
investigated and documented of any through the dome of the craft, and he
There is a growing belief among single UFO abduction episode to said they communicated with him tel-
ufologists that the key to the UFO date. I have written an in-depth case epathically. Meanwhile Janet appeared
mystery may very well lie in the sto- history of the encounter and its to be frozen in a trancelike state.
ries of abduction. Most of these con- investigation and have been seeking a The disc abruptly moved overhead
troversial cases, however, feature only publisher for the book. and shone a brilliant beam of light
one individual's anecdotal account The contents of this complex affair down on the two witnesses. Michael
without substantiation by another can only be broadly summarized stated that he grabbed Janet and fell
witness. And nearly all multiple-witness here. with her on the dock. While under
UFO abduction experiences have The experience took place on the light, Michael thought he passed
heretofore involved friends or family August 7, 1968, at a private girls' out for a few minutes.
members where the risk of contami- camp on Lake Champlain north of The teenager's next memory was
nation rendered suspect the hypnotic Burlington, Vermont. Many of the hearing the slamming of car doors
recovery of shared abduction details. counselors and campers had left the and the voices of campers returning
(Sometimes only one of the alleged camp during a two-day break while from the swim meet. From the park-
participants has been regressed so the swim team competed in Burling- ing lot, the UFO would have been
that there was no confirmation of the ton at a state meet. Two of the staff partially concealed by a 15-foot-high
abduction. In other instances, one of — a 16-year-old whom I will call bluff, a row of trees, and a pavilion.
the hypnotized members of the group "Michael" and a 19-year-old, "Janet" While most of the swimmers moved
failed to support an abduction.) — stood alone on the camp dock at obliviously toward their cabins, two of
I have completed a very detailed sunset. (Both the primary and secon- the girls, 15-year-old "Susan" and "Bar-
and lengthy investigation into a dual- dary witnesses in this report have bara," ran down to the bluff, appar-
witness abduction experience which I been assigned fictitious names.) ently attracted by the UFO's glow.
believe is unprecedented in at least Michael asserted that the two camp-
two important respects: FOUR OBJECTS ers on the bluff cried out. At that
1. I was able to determine that point the hovering disc rose slightly,
neither individual saw, spoke, or cor- Michael, who had more conscious directed its beam across the camp in
responded with the other over the 10- recall of the UFO experience than a rapid-fire sequence of flashes, and
year span between the conclusion of Janet, reported that just after sunset then angled upward over the lake,
their experience and the initiation of a glowing cigar-shaped object sud- disappearing from sight in a matter of
my investigation. Despite this separa- denly swooped down across the lake. seconds.
tion and the usual period of missing Three small round objects emerged The male witness said he helped
time, both observers independently from the cigar and proceeded to his dazed companion up the steps on
filled in their time lapses with a cavort about the sky. The larger the bluff. In addition to a memory/
shared abduction scenario during re- object departed. time lapse, each suffered from abnor-
gressive hypnosis, with astonishing At the end of the aerial display, mal fatigue and in fact fell asleep in
agreement in many major and minor two of the satellite objects streaked their separate quarters right after the
details. (In Budd Hopkins' best com- away in opposite directions, leaving encounter. Of crucial importance was
parable multiple-witness case, "Susan" the third one which advanced toward the fact that neither co-worker dis-
and "Al" recalled no mutually shared the observers. The UFO, a classic cussed the sighting with each other
on-board details, unlike the episode disc with a transparent dome and afterward. The male observer who
which follows; shared portions appar- revolving rim of spectral colors, ap-
8 .MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988




Figure 1 SO tOO FT.

had a clear awareness of the close sequence, while Janet confirmed not her last session.
encounter interrupted by a time lapse only seeing the UFO at close range In short, despite the absence of
recognized that his partner seemed but undergoing an abduction as well. communications between them since
to recall little, and he said he was In a point-by-point comparison be- their experience, both observers sup-
afraid he might traumatize her further tween the two narratives, the female ported many specific details of each
if he attempted to converse with her witness verified 70 percent of her other's close encounter/abduction seg-
about the night's sensational events. companion's alleged close-encounter ments, strongly indicating the suc-
Janet, as it turned out, possessed details outside the UFO and 68 per- cessful recovery of original memory
only a vague memory of distant cent of his claimed on-board events. traces.
lights. She told me that the day after Janet confirmed being in a semicons- A persistent search for Susan and
the UFO episode she desperately cious altered state both on the dock Barbara not only turned up these two
wanted to talk with Michael but was and inside the UFO. Both abductees important secondary witnesses, but
at a complete loss to know what she described the faces of their alien cap- also uncovered a possible third as
wanted to talk with him about. Camp tors in similar fashion — large, elon- well. The two former members of the
closed a few weeks later, and the two gated heads, enormous eyes, two swim team retained vague memories
witnesses never saw each other again. nasal openings, and a small mouth- of seeing an unidentified, silent, dark,
(During my investigation the princi- slit. Each was in constant telepathic circular object with lights along its
pals met once in my presence. The contact with a "guide". curved edge race away from the
reunion was brief and completely Both witnesses were subjected to waterfront. (Susan's memory of this
controlled.) medical examinations in the dimly fleeting event was explored under
Ten years later certain events illuminated center of the craft. Michael hypnosis.) Their dim remembrances
occurring over the span of one year declared that as he stood next to his of a UFO leaving the area, but not
finally prompted Michael to report his guide, he watched Janet's body being arriving, could be explained if they
sighting to the Center for UFO stu- probed and sampled on a table. Janet suddenly came upon the unknown
dies. Mimi Hynek recommended him said at one point she sensed her object as Michael alleged and wit-
to me as a New England investigator partner's presence on another exam nessed its hasty departure. Neither
who had dealt with similar cases table and remembered seeing him at woman unfortunately could positively
before. Thus, Michael telephoned me least twice aboard the UFO. recall Michael or Janet at the scene.
on Halloween of 1978 and the long An instrumented panel on the wall The playhouse director, "Elaine"
investigation began. beyond the tables proved to be a key (25 years old in 1968), recollected
element, providing solid evidence for that her cast was rehearsing a play
ABDUCTED a shared abduction experience. This when there were shouts at the door
device was briefly introduced during about "lights" in the sky., Everyone
Within six months Janet was located one of Janet's hypnosis sessions. It dashed out of the playhouse and
in a city in the Southeast. During was subsequently corroborated and headed toward a clearing on the bluff.
separate hypnosis sessions held in depicted in greater detail during Mich- Although Elaine's view was obscured
the Boston area, Michael filled in his ael s own hypnotic interviews and by trees, she said she was aware of a
missing-time gap with an abduction finally substantiated fully by Janet in silvery glow emanating from a nearby
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 9



Figure 2

moving source. By the time she and 10 pm. (Figure 1 portrays a profile view of
caught up to the campers at the This abduction experience occurred the camp waterfront. According to
clearing, the glow had already receded during a period of local, regional, and Michael, UFO halted three times at
across the lake and was fading from global UFO activity. In fact two more close range during its initial approach
sight. Upon questioning the youngs- UFO sightings were uncovered in — at about 60 feet from end of dock
ters about what the light was, Elaine July or August involving two other (1), 10 feet (2), and overhead (3).
said she received varied and confused counselors at the same camp, and Position 3 also represents site of
answers — none of which she now two instructors at a second camp on object's return to dock, and position
could remember. Her sighting occur- the lake 25 miles to the south. 4 is elevated hover point prior to final
red sometime during the same week Michael and Janet were given MMPI departure. Diagram by author.
of Michael and Janet's encounter. (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality In- Figure 2 is a plan view of the camp
If Elaine's and Susan's and Barba- ventory) tests, PSE (Psychological showing UFO and paths of the var-
ra's sightings did indeed happen the Stress Evaluator) exams, and back- ious witnesses. Diagram by author.)
same evening as the primary event — ground character checks. It was
and this could not be definitely sub- established to my satisfaction that
stantiated — it is possible that Elaine both witnesses were basically honest,
may have viewed the UFO's first
departure (the abduction flight) and
credible individuals who did not per-
petrate a hoax (indeed they had no
Susan and Barbara, the UFO's final
retreat after returning the abductees.
opportunity for collusion) nor suffer
some sort of shared hallucination or
103 Oldtowne Rd.
The speculation is aided by each par-
ty's differing time estimates for the
The probability is high that Michael
Seguin, Texas
observations. Elaine said it was early
dusk while the latter stated that it
and Janet experienced a real external
event of unknown origin.
was totally dark out — between 9 * 1988 Walter N. Webb
10 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
The Gulf Breeze, Florida
Photographic and CE III Case - Part II
by Donald M. Ware, Florida State Director, Charles D. Flannigan, Lead Investigator
and Walter H. Andrus, Jr., International Director
Copyrighted by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON) March 1988

INTRODUCTION March and April 1988 issues of the the tire indentations on the left hand
MUFON UFO Journal for published side of the highway where Mr. Ed pulled
The date, November 11, 1987, details up to this point. Yes — the his pickup truck off on the soft
introduced one of the most unique photographs are continuing to be shoulder, and aligning a tree above
on-going UFO cases in UFO history, made. The latest photos were made the object with this point, the dis-
in which investigators and researchers on March 17 and 20, 1988, with dual tance to the object was approxi-
have had an opportunity to work Polaroid Sun 600 LMS cameras mount- mately 185 feet. (Definitely a CE-I
alongside the principal and very coop- ed on a tripod stand and boom to classification, since it was still daylight.)
erative witness as the case unfolds. obtain stereo photographs as directed None of the investigators could find
By journalistic policy, the MUFON by Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee. On Feb- any evidence of damage to the black-
UFO Journal does not publish a ruary 26, 1988, Mr. Ed made ten top highway or the dual yellow lines
UFO sighting report until it has been exposures of a long, multi-lighted down the center of the highway
thoroughly investigated, evaluated and craft at Shoreline Park South with a where the object allegedly hovered.
assigned a definite classification: UFO, special 3-D Nimslo camera shipped Tom Roche, Santa Rosa County Civil
hoax, misperception, or deluded wit- by San Antonio-MUFON to Don Defense Director, performed a radio-
ness. It is extremely rare to have an Ware for this express purpose. See logical survey of the highway with a
opportunity to study a continuing photo in this issue and story in the CD V-700, Model #6 radiac meter
case of this nature and caliber. April "Director's Message". and found no readings above the
As we said in the March 1988 If your International Director sounds background radiation level of less
issue, we are breaking a precedent by enthusiastic about this case, he is. At than 0.1 milliroentgens.
inviting our readers to join the team the same time there are questions
of field investigators via the pages of and doubts plaguing Walt Andrus CEII
the MUFON UFO Journal, in their that must be answered by further
search for evidence and answers to study and investigation in order to On December 17, 1987, at 1:05
the incredible photographic case that document this case according to the a.m., Ed made Photo No. 14 as
may be classified as a CE I, CE II, CE principles and practices outlined in depicted on page 10 of,/ the March
III and possibly a CE IV case. the MUFON Field Investigator's Man- Journal where the object is hovering
Officially, the Mutual UFO Net- ual. On the other hand, skeptical a few feet off the ground and illumi-
work will not, under any circumstan- views have been expressed by Robert nating the dry grass below it. Cha-
ces, issue a statement on the authen- D. Boyd, Alabama State Director, rles D. Flannigan and the photo-
ticity of this case until our investigation and CUFOS Investigator Coordina- grapher conducted a survey of the
has been concluded and all of the tor, and Dr. Willy Smith, UNICAT field to determine if there was any
facts and evidence are revealed, Project, which are being considered evidence that the object may have
recorded and evaluated by pertinent and investigated. Due to time and touched down during the numerous
members of the MUFON Board of space, only the major events will be apparent visits to this area. They
Advisors — our consultants. In the elaborated upon in Part II. found a circle of dead grass which
meantime, everyone can benefit by The photograph appearing on the might have indicated a potential land-
learning the methods and techniques cover of the March Journal and page ing trace case. Bob Boyd was advised
used to unravel this mystery as it 13 (Photo No. 19) was made on Jan- by Don Ware on February 2, 1988
unfolds before us. If this case is uary 12, 1988. This was the first by telephone, concerning their find-
exposed as a grand hoax, Journal photo that had sufficient reference ing. On February 12, 1988, a team of
readers will be the first to know. At points to compute the size of the investigators composed of Don Ware,
this stage of the investigation, it is object and distance from the camera. Charles Flannigan, Duane Cook, Dun-
either one of the most incredible The width of Highway 191-B at this can Crow and Mr. Boyd converged
cases in UFO history or a most fan- point was 20 feet. In his analysis on the area to conduct an investiga-
tastically orchestrated hoax, one that using the original Poloroid photo- tion of the alleged landing site.
would challenge the production skills graph, Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee deter- The circular area measured 14 feet,
of Steven Spielberg to duplicate. mined that the object was 12 feet in 6 inches in length (north to south) by
New readers to the Gulf Breeze, diameter and 8 feet in height, not 13 feet, 3 inches in width (east to
Florida scene should refer to the counting the light on top. By utilizing west). The only observable difference
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 11
Gulf Breeze investigators (left to right): Gary Watson, Bob Reid, Donald Ware and
Charles Flannigan.

in the "oval-circle" area consisted of dimensions of the object over the CONFIRMING WITNESSES
dead grass within the circle compared highway. Samples of the grass and
to the green grass outside of it. When sandy soil from the circle have been A family friend, Patrick Hanks
Walt Andrus visited the site on submitted to a laboratory to test for (pseudonym), age 20, and a junior col-
March 5, 1988, the contrast between pesticides, weed killers and petroleum lege student, had visited Mr. Ed's
the dead and green grass was even derivatives to determine if their pres- home on numerous occasions during
more obvious due to normal growth. ence could account for the dead the later part of December 1987, hop-
(See published photo.) The soil in the grass. All tests were negative. Possi- ing that he would be present if the
field had a high sand content when ble root damage from heating is now object reappeared. On December
examined by Walt. being investigated. Investigators living 27th at 8:15 p.m. he rang the door
Soil samples were taken by Robert near the scene will periodically pho- bell and was greeted by Ed's wife,
Boyd from the center of the ring and tograph the circle and visually inspect who said "it's here." Patrick walked
control samples 15 feet west of the it for changes in appearance and straight through the house to the
center. No basic differences were growth patterns. family room window where he simul-
found in moisture, salinity, tempera- taneously observed a distant hovering
ture, pH, or other basic factors. Tom CEID object and Ed by the swimming pool
Roche, Santa Rosa County Civil in the foreground. The object was at
Defense Director, surveyed the circu- Please refer to the March 1988 tree top height in the southeastern
lar area with a CD V-700, designed to issue number 239 of the MUFON sky at an estimated distance of 500
detect and measure gamma radiation UFO Journal for two different occa- feet from .Patrick. Ed had observed
and detect beta radiation. None was sions when small entities were involved. the same object and was coming
detected. There was no evidence to A single entity was observed during inside for his camera. Patrick's pres-
indicate that the object may have the night of December 2, 1987 peer- ence was noted by Ed as he entered
touched down, only hovered as report- ing through the French doors of Mr. the house, but at the same time the
ed by the witness and substantiated Ed's master bedroom. Five similar object "blinked out"; consequently,
with a photograph. The coincidences entities were deposited on State no photographs were made. (Taken
between the diameter of the circle in Highway 191-B at about 5:30 p.m. on from a tape recorded interview con-
the field and the diameter of the January 12, 1988 as he was hiding ducted by Charles D. Flannigan on
object over State Highway 191-B are under his pickup truck on the left February 20,1988).
intriguing. If a person was perpetrat- shoulder of the road (see Photo No. On January 26, 1988 at approxi-
ing a hoax, they would have had to 19 for the event both on the maga- mately 8:00 p.m., Ed's wife was in
use considerable finesse to duplicate zine cover and page 13. Also note a their backyard when she observed a
the oval-circle of dead grass and the drawing of the entity on page 8). similar object seen on a previous
12 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
in the WEAR-TV documentary titled
The Sightings," he strongly recom-
mended that Ed take a polygraph
examination as further evidence con-
cerning his experiences and photo-
graphs. During a private meeting
March 4, 1988, Charles Flannigan,
Gary Watson, Bob Reid and Walt
Andrus again proposed this idea to
Ed and his wife. It was at this meeting
that he revealed that he had been
getting so perturbed with people
implying that he was lying about the
photographs that he had made a per-
sonal decision to submit himself at his
own expense to a certified polygraph
The examination was conducted in
Pensacola, Florida on February 18
and 23, 1988 by Harvey W. McLaugh-
lin, Jr., Examiner. The purpose of the
examination: To verify the authentic-
ity of photographs, personal sightings,
experiences, and general information
supplied by Mr.
concerning his experiences with UFOs
since November, 1987.
Point 3 of the Pre-test Interview
stated: "During the approximate 5-6
hours of pre-test interviewing the sub-
Circular ring of dead grass found where UFO hovered. ject sincerely presents this informa-
tion and states that it is his desire
only to aid in the verification of the
sighting on January 16th. She imme- called for Ed to come out, but he information that he is taking the
diately called for Ed to come out, didn't hear her. Their daughter said exam. He claims to desire no per-
however he was in the shower. This loudly "Daddy, Mommie needs you." sonal gain or remuneration from
object appeared to be smaller with an As Ed ran to the back kitchen door, these sightings." (He had refused a
"energy veil" coming from the bot- he picked up his camera. Ed's wife book company offer.)
tom. She got the camera and took said the circumference of the beam The examiner contacted both Cha-
one photo before Ed arrived. The was "rotating" fast and leaves were rles Flannigan and Donald Ware to
first photo shows their dog in the being drawn up by this action. When solicit applicable questions that could
foreground next to the pool, along Ed reached the back kitchen door, or should be asked, in addition to
with the distant object. The second another "blue beam" appeared near standard test questions that are nor-
photo shows a rear view of Ed with a the door, blocking and apparently mally used for such purposes. The
bath towel wrapped around him and discouraging Ed from rushing outside following quotations are taken from
the object in the distance. He is to help his wife. (He was very cogniz- the examiner's report dated March 1,
clenching his fists and waving at the ant of his prior experiences with the 1988:
object, yelling "get out of my life or paralysis induced.) Ed made a photo Following two separate multiple
land." Since these two photographs from their kitchen window of this chart specific issue examinations there
were published in the Gulf Breeze beam, with his wife attempting to get were no specific physiological reac-
Sentinel and in the WEAR-TV Chan- past it to enter the back door. Ed tions of a deceptive nature /ioted to
nel 3 documentary titled "The Sight- refused to allow this photo to be rep- any of the reviewed test questions.
ings" aired on March 4, 1988, we roduced, since his wife is clearly pic- General areas of questioning followed
have permission to publish same in tured and could be identified. (The as: "Did you lie or falsify the informa-
the Journal. (Now we have another principal investigators have seen this tion you have furnished me concern-
photographer on the scene.) photograph.) ing the UFOs?" "Did you in any way
On February 7, 1988 at approxi- falsify or lie about the humanoid
mately 7:00 p.m., Ed's wife was feeding POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION beings that you saw or any other
their dog in the backyard. Suddenly a physical evidence that you have pres-
blue beam approximately 28 inches in When Budd Hopkins visited Mr. Ed ented?" With the information that is
diameter appeared near her. She in Gulf Breeze, Florida, and appeared present at this time, furnished by the
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 13
s Ptcov.ATI OAJ o-oooe'oe.o o e o e o e o e e

I i- oooooooooooooooooooooooo

%£ zoo * 30' -DIA. ^oveo i ^

February 26, 1988 at 9:30 pm. at Shoreline Park South, ten photographs were taken of a -UFO. The photo-
grapher used a special MUFON four-lens 35mm camera specially designed to photograph in 3-dimension. The
camera was sealed and "control" shots taken as a guarantee against tampering. The camera is due to be
opened by breaking the seal with the news media present. The above drawing was made to show what the
photographer remembers. "It was very dark and the lights are what showed clearly. There was also a strange
disruption to the atmosphere that surrounded the UFO. Kind of a rippling effect that danced around the
complete craft. It was Big - Real Big!"

examinee no consistant deceptive Gulf Breeze Sentinel hit the news- under fire," this case could not have
responses are seen. stands and followed with weekly sto- progressed to this stage.
Opinion of Examiner: With the ries. Additional articles by the Pen-
information that is available to this sacola News Journal and the 30-min- PHOTO ANALYSIS
examiner at this time, it is felt that ute, professionally produced documen-
Mr. truly believes tary by Mark Curtis of WEAR-TV Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee, Chairman
that the photographs and personal (ABC) Channel 3 in Pensacola added of the Fund for UFO Research and a
sightings he has described are true fuel to the fire. consultant in photo analysis to
and factual to the best of his ability. We are indebted to this fine team of MUFON, made copies of the first 23
Approved: investigators for all of their reports, Polaroid color photographs taken by
Harvey W. McLaughlin, Jr. but space does not permit the Jour- Mr. Ed. He has also received two
Examiner nal to elaborate on each of the sets of stereo photographs made on
Northwest Florida sighting reports. March 17 and 20, 1988, plus samples
NW FLORIDA SIGHTINGS These are the same investigators who of the 3-D photographs from the
have been working so diligently on Nimslo camera shot on February
The investigative team of Charles the Gulf Breeze case. Donald M. 26th, supplied by San Antonio-MUFON.
Flannigan, Gary Watson, Bob Reid Ware, State Director for Florida, Dr. Maccabee's speech at the MUFON
and Donald Ware have been deluged must be commended for regularly 1988 International UFO Symposium
with UFO sighting investigations that teaching Field Investigator Training will be titled "An Analysis of the Gulf
have been referred to them since the Courses, because without these train- Breeze, Florida Photographs". He will
November 19, 1987, edition of the ed investigators, who were "baptized share the techniques used to deter-
14 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
mine their authenticity — regardless
of whether they are hoaxes or credi-
ble. Walt Andrus will present a sli-
de/illustrated lecture of the "Gulf
Breeze Case" prior to Bruce's pres-
entation, so as to set the stage for
the analysis. This case has challenged
some of the top authorities in the
field of Ufology, therefore we are
expecting a resolution to this intrigu-
ing mystery.
Dr. Willy Smith, UNICAT Project,
paid a visit to Gulf Breeze, along with
a team of investigators on March 19,
1988 to obtain first-hand information
on the case and to view the original
23 Polaroid color photographs. He
had previously been dealing with pub-
lished photographs in the MUFON
UFO Journal and a few second
generation prints in his personal
photo analysis study. He is very anx-
ious to obtain detailed copies of the
stereo photos made on March 17 and
20, 1988. As a physicist, Dr. Smith
has noted serious discrepancies in
the first five Polaroid color photos
that he has had an opportunity to study.
However, he has been handicapped
by not having high resolution copies
to evaluate. (It is evident to Walt
Andrus, after studying first generation
color prints, that the first five photos
were not taken within a 3 to 4-minute
time span as claimed by the witness,
due to movement of the clouds and
decreased sky illumination.)
On the other hand, Robert Boyd
has been playing the part of "the dev-
il's advocate" on the team, which is a
healthy situation, provided that he
deals with facts and not emotions, or
simply "a gut feeling". Since the Gulf
Breeze case seems to be continuing,
the MUFON UFO Journal will keep
its readers as current as the logistics
of publishing a magazine will permit.
On the advice of several people on
the investigative team and in the
interest of detailing each event, Mr.
Ed has submitted material to a liter- closes that a hoax has been perpe- edge and announce this revelation.
ary agent for consideration and eva- trated upon the UFO community,
luation for a potential book on his MUFON will be the first to acknowl- (See Note page 2)
experiences and photographs. If this
case is able to stand on scientific
documentation and intense scrutiny,
it has all of the requisites for a "best
seller". However, on the other side of TUNE IN!
the coin — if the investigation dis-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 15
Revival of 61-Month Wave Theory
By Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D.

Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. is

MUFON state director for Washing-
ton and a consultant in research The 61-Month Wave Cycle and Corresponding UFO Waves
psychology and quantitative meth-
ods. Predicted Actual Peak Predicted Actual
Date Date Longitude Location
The Knowles family CE-II encoun- July 1947 July 8, 1947 120° W Northwestern U.S.
ter with an ovoid-shaped UFO on the Aug. 1952 Aug. 3, 1952 90°W Central and Eastern U.S.
Nullarbor Plateau in Western Austra- Sept. 1957 Aug. 21, 1957 60° W Central and Eastern U.S.
lia January 20th was right on target in Oct. 1962 Sept. 1962 30° W Brazil
terms of time and place, according to Nov. 1967 Oct. 24, 1967 0°W Atlantic, England
the 61-month wave cycle first pro- Dec. 1972 Nov. 1972 30° E South Africa
posed by Dr. David Saunders back in Jan. 1978 ? 60° E 9
1971. At least two other UFO encount- Feb. 1983 9 90° E 9
ers of major importance occurred Mar. 1988 Feb. 1988 (?) 120° E Australia (?)
that same night in Australia and
Tasmania. If the indications are cor-
rect and this is not an isolated inci- cessive wave appeared to move approx- Union.
dent but the beginnings of a major imately 30 degrees east in longitude. A corrollary to the Saunders' spatio-
UFO wave, we will have to recon- The absence of a 1962 wave was temporal wave theory is that physical
sider the significance of this long-term accounted for by a search of South evidence cases should occur at approx-
prediction in terms of our ability to American references which revealed imately the same time worldwide;
predict and act upon the occurrence a Brazilian and Argentinian UFO thus, if the Australian close encoun-
of this and future UFO waves. wave in September, and the 1967 ters continue to occur during the pre-
Dr. David Saunders first noticed wave — which began on the Eastern dawn hours, we should expect U.S.
the regularity in major American seaboard of the United States — CE-II cases to occur in the evening
UFO waves (1947, 1952, 1957 and actually crested in November of that hours between 4 and 10 pm, since
1967) in the early months of 1971 year in England. the United States and Australia have
while working with the UFOCAT a time difference of some 8-11 hours.
computer catalog at the University of PREDICTION We shall soon see if the new evi-
Colorado. He determined that what dence merits the revival of an old
distinguished these UFO waves from Saunders was able to make his first theory.
other, possibly publicity-generated prediction that a major UFO wave
UFO waves, was the shape of their would occur in the vicinity of 30 (1) Saunders, D.R., (1976). A spatio-tempo-
ral invariant for major UFO waves. In N.
distributions. These were waves of degrees East longitude and peak in Dornbos (ed.), Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS
UFO reports in which the frequency December 1972 over a year prior to Conference. Evanston, IL: Center for UFO
of daily reports began building slowly, its occurrence. Studies.
built to a crescendo, and then dimin- This prediction was borne out by
ished rapidly. These negatively-skewed the occurrence of a UFO wave in
UFO waves occurred with a periodic-
ity of five years, or more accurately
South Africa in late November. How-
ever, most ufologists lost interest in
61-months, with an accuracy in peak the theory when the predicted waves AMATEUR
prediction to within a day or so (1). for 1977-78 and 1983 failed to mate-
Furthermore, another characteris- rialize (so far as we can tell). Both of
tic of these five-year waves was the these waves should have occurred in Every
progressively eastward movement of countries controlled predominantly by Saturday Morning
their loci of activity. The first wave governments unfriendly to the West.
crested in July 1947 and occurred Saunders continues to have faith in at
predominantly in the Pacific and the theory and has offered a consist- 0800 EST (or DST)
Mountain States. The 1952 wave ent, convincing response to critics:
reached its peak in late August 1952 that it is unfair to judge the merits of
with the majority of reports coming
from Midwestern States. Each suc-
the theory on what we may or may
not hear about from the Soviet
7237 KHz SSB
16 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
Uninvited Guests" — A Preview
By Richard Hall

Richard Hall was both Assistant ionated scientists who don't bother to is awe inspiring ...
Director and Acting Director of study the phenomenon in any depth, The book is divided into four parts.
the National Investigations Com- yet think they have all the answers. Part I reviews and analyzes the var-
mittee on Aerial Phenomena Nor will the basically European school ious types of UFO reports, with a
(NICAP) in the 1960's, and a con- of thought, that UFOs represent a strong focus on UFO-vehicle encoun-
sultant to the University of Colo- purely "sociological phenomenon," ter cases, including chapters on human-
rado UFO Project sponsored by find support here. To be sure, there oids, "crashed saucers," and abduc-
the Air Force Office of Scientific are many sociological and psycholog- tion reports. Part II examines the
Research. A former editor of the ical aspects of the UFO subject to history and range of human reactions
Journal, he is presently Director which scholars in those fields can to UFO reports and the various the-
of Publications for MUFON, Con- fruitfully apply their expertise; but ories advanced to explain them. Part
sulting Editor to CUFOS, and a social or psychological events are not III tackles the problem of how to
National Board Member of the the genesis of UFO reports to any evaluate UFO reports and attain- an
Fund for UFO Research. Unin- significant degree. understanding of their overall mean-
vited Guests: A Documented His- My conclusions, in a nutshell, are ing for us. Finally, Appendices include
tory of UFO Sightings, Alien En- that (a) UFO reports are describing a a substantial Case Book of UFO
counters, and Cover-Ups is sched- real, presently unaccounted-for phe- incident report summaries represent-
uled for publication in May 1988 nomenon of potentially enormous ing a cross-section of the UFO mys-
by Aurora Press, Inc. of Santa Fe, significance; (b) the reported events tery, Government UFO documents,
New Mexico. The approximately probably represent activities of "beings and other material. It is my hope that
350-page quality paperback will from elsewhere" (a carefully chosen this will provide useful source mate-
retail for $14.00. phrase so as not to exclude origins rial for serious students of the UFO
other than planetary systems in subject.
To a large degree, this book space); and (c) there has been a Throughout, I have included anec-
represents the culmination of a long Government cover-up in which vitally dotes and inside information from the
personal odyssey which began more important information has been sys- NICAP years, results of personal
years ago than I care to remember. I tematically withheld from the public, investigations, and some little known
was "there at the creation" as a high whether or not Government officials but highly significant unpublicized
school student when Kenneth Arnold's have all the answers (or most of UFO cases.
sighting led to the term "flying sauc- them) based on secret studies. I Uninvited Guests provides a broad
ers"; on active duty as an Air Force would not presume to suggest that I history of the UFO subject and how
enlisted man when Major Keyhoe's know the location of "Elsewhere," or people and governments have reacted
book Flying Saucers Are Real was what these "beings" are up to. How- to it. Inevitably,. any serious discus-
published in 1950; published a "little ever, the book contains a considera- sion of UFOs involves rehashing of
noted nor long remembered" newslet- ble amount of carefully reasoned important UFO reports, including
ter on UFOs while attending Tulane argument and speculation designed to well-known cases. I have tried to res-
University in the mid-1950's; and was weigh the alternatives and narrow trict retelling of reports for their own
an officer of the National Investiga- down the possibilities, and to stimu- sake (the careful reader will discover
tions Committee on Aerial Pheno- late thought and (hopefully) raise the that I have totally omitted or barely
mena (NICAP), in Washington, D.C. level of public discussion on these mention some famous cases), and
from 1958 to 1959. Later, I became issues. instead use reports to illustrate and
active in MUFON and CUFOS and A thoughtful Foreword by Dr. John analyze certain features or patterns in
continued my personal quest toward B. Carlson (astronomy professor at the data, or to make some point
understanding the nature and mean- the University of Maryland) places about interpretation of the data. UFO
ing of UFOs. my work in the context of the report junkies not satisfied by those
Uninvited Guesfs draws on this "Galactic Club" and alternative views in the text will find ample material in
long experience and represents my on the likelihood of extraterrestrial the Case Book Appendix.
summa u/o/ogica — my mature intelligent life and visits to Planet Most of all, Uninvited Guests is a
thoughts on and interpretation of the Earth. He terms the book a "stimulat- book of ideas; a logical, philosophical,
UFO phenomenon. My views will give ing intellectual exploration" of the scientific statement of the problem
no comfort to self-styled "skeptics" UFO mystery, and concludes that and appraisal of its potential meaning
(more accurately, debunkers) or opin- "the potential significance [of UFOs] for Humankind. It will challenge the
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 17
reader's beliefs head-on and offer limited knowledge of the subject; a wealth of factual information and
hard facts, careful arguments, and challenging to scientists — including ideas, but also a long-term perspec-
documents that must be considered true skeptics — who want to learn tive that may be useful to those who
before minds can be made up. I about the hardcore evidence; and have the wisdom to appreciate it and
intend for this book to be informative thought-provoking to new or expe- to integrate it ihto their thinking.
to the inquisitive layperson who has rienced UFOlogists. It offers not only

MUFON Management: A Quiet Crisis

By Dan Wright

Dan Wright is a MUFON dep- of those appointed to managerial responsibilities prematurely, while
uty director. positions (regional, state, and state others with that potential are lan-
section directors) have not performed guishing at entry levels, waiting for
Over the past few decades, our the implicit duties of their- assigned the opportunity to demonstrate their
society has experienced a continual roles. Consequently, untold numbers potential.
onslaught of books and articles devoted of sighting reports by the public con- In order to set the record straight,
to management theory, the total the- tinue to suffer quick deaths on police the following outlines the minimum
reof probably outstripping the pro- blotters and in air traffic control tow- expectations for those who aspire to
duction capacity of any single paper ers. This, in turn, means a skewing of make a difference.
mill. Discussions of vertical and hori- the data for later research.
zontal organizations, centralized and In retrospect, the most important SECTION DIRECTOR
decentralized schemes and so forth factor in assessing the volume of
are endlessly massaged. recorded reports from one state or This, the first level of MUFON
Two guiding principles, though, province to the next has not been its management, is for the person who
seem to cut aross all the verbiage, total population, geography, climate, seeks to directly investigate incoming
regardless of whether a commercial, or the number of military bases and reports in addition to directing field
government or volunteer enterprise is nuclear facilities. Instead, the prepa- investigators. A foremost expectation
being addressed. First, as its person- ration and responsiveness of its inves- is the recruitment of at least one
nel and functions increase, so also do tigative group outweighs all other energetic person to assist on cases
the levels of accountability. Bank considerations. and thereby learn the business. After
presidents, for instance, do not call in After two years as MUFON state all, witness sessions with dual inter-
every teller to determine how to max- section director, six as state director viewers are far less susceptible to over-
imize security. That is properly handled for Michigan and three as the central sights and misinterpretations. And,
at a series of decision-making points. regional director, I am at once encour- obviously, multiple investigators are
Second, as an individual rises within aged and disheartened. Encouraged better able to handle a sudden influx
the organization, hands-on "mission" by the direct knowledge that, in many of reported activity. A state/provincial
work is replaced by managerial func- locales, MUFON can and does make section director is likewise expected
tions. Citing the same example, on a significant contribution. Citizens in to establish working relationships with
payday the branch manager does not search of a listening ear, open mind municipal police, local airports, news-
leap behind a cash register to help and expertise have been helped in papers and the electronic media, and
with the influx of depositors. Rather, large numbers, despite the benign other public agencies.
in preparation a sufficient number of neglect of officialdom. Discouraged To those section directors who
qualified staff are hired and trained, because our patchwork of investiga- have been serving, in effect, as field
business hours may be adjusted, and tive coverage is, after two decades, investigators while ignoring their assign-
efficiencies are put into place. still far from constituting a completed ed managerial duties, it is only fair to
quilt. ask why.
MUFON Management Our shortcomings as an interna-
tional group cannot be passed off as STATE/PROVINCIAL
As conceived by its founders, MUFON the inevitable result of sporadic activ- DIRECTORS
is largely a "grass roots" investigative ity in the skies. Particular states such
organization. Encompassing every U.S. as Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and The director of a state or province
state and Canadian province, adher- Michigan have spawned vigorous mem- serves in the organization's most cru-
ence to these two principles of man- berships even during lean years of cial role. MUFON's overall successes
agement is ever increasingly impor- reports from the public. To the con- and failures can be traced directly to
tant. In all fairness, we have not as trary, leadership — or the lack of it them. Without substantial and relent-
yet cast our "net" over every county — is at issue. Clearly, some individu- less efforts to recruit, train and dis-
and parish essentially because many als have been given management patch investigators to the sites of late
18 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
breaking UFO events, any organiza- purposes are simultaneously served: practice, the intention of MUFON's
tional structure is only a paper Through repeated gatherings, friend- founders was not to reserve an
exercise. ships and a communal spirit are important sounding title for a few
Imagine the havoc if the nation's formed. Equally important,'experts in longtime members who have grown
weather were reported without a specific fields with a bearing on the weary of the battle.
network of reporting stations manned UFO subject can impart their knowl- Regional directors have an essential
by dedicated meteorologists. Yet, a edge. In virtually every town or city monitoring duty. If a state or pro-
comparable state of affairs exists over and on every college campus, there vince is disorganized and stagnant, it
major portions of the U.S. and Can- are available speakers on the funda- is the regional director's responsibility
ada as to UFO investigative coverage. mentals of astronomy and physics, to assess the causes and initiate cor-
The state/provincial director is not aviation, meteorology, engineering and rective actions. From their years of
expected to be a super-investigator, a host of other pertinent topics. They experience, they have myriad oppor-
racing across wide areas to handle need only to be asked. Perhaps not tunities to share insights and resour-
new cases. Rather, five basic tasks surprisingly, MUFON members travel ces. Correspondence would seem to
are a must: (1) Find and enlist quali- hundreds of miles to meetings with be an obvious means. Where a state/-
fied people to enter training; (2) cor- regularity when the agenda is alluring. provincial director has not been per-
respond with them in a standard for- The fourth expectation is to estab- forming and is unlikely to begin, it is
mat; (3) meet with and instruct them lish firm links to the state/provincial logical to assume that the regional
regularly; (4) establish statewide con- police posts, sheriff departments and director would recommend a replace-
tacts with police and airport authori- major airports. Wherein MUFON is ment. Yet, these basics have not
ties to obtain and assign raw sighting not widely represented locally, this is happened. Again, one must ask why?
reports; and (5) lay the groundwork all the more critical. A well structured For several years we have been
to receive, review and forward reports letter of introduction, renewed annu- individually and collectively anticipat-
of completed investigations. ally, ensures word of claimed anomal- ing another wave of UFOs descend-
In short, it is an administrative role. ies. Most police and airport officials ing over the continent. With some
The achievements of those in this realize they are ill-equipped to resolve notable exceptions, however, our state
position are measured not by the UFO reports and are willing to defer and provincial memberships are ill-
number or quality of case reports to someone competent. equipped for the occasion. In effect,
personally generated, but by the The fifth basic function is to clarify an investigative disaster is waiting to
strength of the membership and lines to the membership that all investiga- happen. Completed reports arriving
of communication. tive summaries and supporting mate- with regularity now suggest we are
It is expected that public appear- rials must be sent to the state/pro- entering such a period. It can only be
ances will be made, both to inform vincial director for initial review. Origi- hoped that we as an organization can
audiences as to the true nature of the nal documents are then forwarded to somehow catch up in a real hurry to
phenomenon and to enlist new mem- the international headquarters and what is happening. This is undeniably
bers. MUFON did not grow to its copies to the investigations director among the most important of human
present numbers by quirk of chance. for evaluation and response. Having endeavors. To approach the task
There is no magic, no secret formula laid the groundwork, this ensures a casually is to cheat the purposes for
by which some states have dozens of satisfaction that cases are recorded which MUFON was founded and the
qualified investigators while others for comparative analysis. people out there who need someone
languish with only a few. The former The administrative duties inherent in whom to place their trust.
grew to their current stature because to the position would seem barely
recruitment and training were priori- worth mentioning. Yet, in only a
ties. smattering of states and provinces
Having acquired a cadre of volun- are they conducted. Where there are
teers, the director of a state or pro- only a small handful of members, no
vince must be acutely aware of the
fragility of newer members' interest.
In any organization, out-stationed staff
newsletter, no meetings, no contacts
with police and airports, and no
procedure for report processing,
need regular updates regarding recent should it surprise anyone that very
developments in order to retain a
sense of purpose and belonging.
Newsletters on at least a bi-monthly
few UFO reports ever reach the light
of day? UFO
basis are indespensable for outlining
activities in progress and inviting REGIONAL DIRECTORS
member input.
Periodic membership meetings con-
stitute the third expectation of this
Overlying the state and provincial
groups are four regional director-
all-important position. Thereby, two ships. Contrary to past and current
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 19
were capable of building those discs. I

Looking Back thought it might cost me my job so I

kept quiet. I was afraid if I went to
the sheriff they'd have a trip to Pat-
ton (mental hospital) for me, so I
By Bob Gribble never mentioned it."

FORTY YEARS AGO - May intense heat in the cabin of an air- TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO -
1948 — Many residents of Memphis, plane that the pilot was forced to May 1963 — A 17-year-old apprent-
Tennessee, observed a daylight dis- open the windows and door, and ice mechanic came upon a myste-
play of small shiny star-like objects remove his jacket. Carlos Alejo Rodri- rious oval-shaped UFO while driving
i moving at high altitude in a straight guez, flying his Piper aircraft from between Glencoe and Mount Gamb-
line from west to east with the appar- San Carlos to Montevideo, saw the ier, Australia, on the 20th. The youth's
ent velocity of meteors. Occasionally brilliant object approach on an east- father said his son had returned
one would deviate from its course erly course and apparently stop, home "white, upset and frightened."
making sharp angular turns. They wobbling slightly. Rodriguez, an expe- The youth who did not want his
seemed to disappear in the distance rienced pilot and parachute instruc- name released because people would
rather than burn out and vanish sud- tor, closed to within 800 yards and think he was "crackers," saw the
denly. Estimates given mention the saw a metallic-appearing "top-shaped" object at about 9:30 PM. "The object
number of objects at between 50 to object, its form symmetrical above was on one side of the road, and I
60. While Memphis citizens thought and below. Then, as the object took thought it was a truck or a bul-
they were meteors, Air Force experts off at fantastic speed south toward ldozer," he said. "When my car was
sought more advice before jumping to the sea, intense heat filled the cabin about 20 yards away, a bright light
that conclusion. Checks were made of the plane. Rodriguez had always came on and dazzled me. I pulled up
with military installations in the region been skeptical about UFOs. After his and the object moved across the
to rule out any mass flights of air- experience, however, he reported the road, and I then speeded up my car.
craft. In the process of investigating incident to the Director of Aeronau- The object suddenly shot straight up
the incident, Lt. Col. James C. Beam tics and Air Force authorities. Later into the air and hovered above the
discussed the case with Dr. Paul he described it publicly over the car while I drove underneath. It dis-
Heget of the Cincinnati, Ohio Obser- radio. Rodriguez said that the heat appeared for a while until I reached
vatory. Dr. Heget expressed serious from the object caused him to "sweat the main road, but I saw the object
doubt that the 50 or more objects profusely." The outside temperature again at about the six mile post.
observed on the 7th were meteors. was only 77 degrees. He estimated Although I was driving at about 50 or
that the object, which was hovering 60 mph, the object followed the car.
in the vicinity of a Naval Air Base, It disappeared soon after." The youth
*** was about 50-60 feet in diameter. said the object was about five meters
THIRTY FIVE YEARS AGO - About 8:30 PM, (date unknown), wide and three meters high. Several
May 1953 — Numerous residents of James H. McCloud, 56, was on his other sightings of the object were
Bouffioulx, Hainault, France observed lunch break in the scarfing yards at reported to the police.
a flat, circular, shining object moving the Kaiser Steel plant in Fontana,
across the sky at 8:15 PM, about California. As he gazed up at the sky
mid-May. The disc stopped abruptly, he spotted two silver, disc-shaped ***
with an oscillating motion. Suddenly objects about 1,000 feet in the air. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO - May
there was a loud explosion accom- They were perfectly round and their 1973 _ "What I am about to relate
panied by strong vibrations. As the surface was "rough, like tiny honey- to you," said Ms. Margaret K. Roffe,
disc became stationary and sharply comb pits." The discs came from the of Coatsville, Pennsylvania, "happened
tilted, what looked like white threads north at about 200 to 300 mph, then the first part of May, when I was still
detached themselves from the craft. stopped in mid-air at about the center working as an aide at Coatsville
The threads moved away from the of the mill. "I'm guessing they were Veterans Hospital." Carrying out her
disc, then vanished as they fell. A few 100 to 200 feet wide. They stayed evening duties, Ms. Roffe was walking
seconds later the disc levelled out there four or five minutes, then tilted from one building to another shortly
and streaked away at a high rate of forward and downward at about a 45- after 9 PM when she heard "the
speed. degree angle, then swooped upside sound of swishing leaves high above
down and went back to where they the buildings." (There were trees
came from," McCloud said. They had alongside the buildings.) She looked
*** no openings, no flashing lights and up, watching in awe as a disc-shaped
THIRTY YEARS AGO - May were absolutely silent. "They were so craft hovered directly over one of the
1958 — A bright silvery UFO over quick it amazed me," he added. "I buildings. "As I watched, the disc
Uruguay on the 5th created such thought no group of people on earth descended slowly down to the roof of
20 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
Building I, which is four stories tall. when his truck engine stopped and horses nearby were going "really
The surrounding leaves were moving the lights went out. When he came to mad," rearing up, and that dogs were
violently all the while, and soon four a stop he noticed a UFO over a pad- howling and barking and cats started
silver-colored legs eased slowly from dock about 30 yards from his vehicle. running about.
the disc-shaped craft to the roof." He described it as a "very bright, UFOs were observed and tracked
Ms. Roffe felt an impulse to run, but glowing object which appeared to be by radar for more than an hour by
managed to contain it, remaining about 18 inches in diameter." As it personnel at the Pinecastle Electronic
where she was, between the two moved silently toward his vehicle he Warfare . Range, a Navy bombing
buildings about 150 feet away from estimated it was about 40 feet above range in the Ocala National Forest,
the landing spot. the ground, but the bright object did Florida, on the 14th. The first report
Next, she said, a ramp containing not illuminate the ground. As it came from a man driving near Silver
steps emerged from the disc to the departed over the rear of the vehicle, Glen Springs with seven other adults.
roof, and as she stared in disbelief, the truck's lights came on, and the The man described the sighting as an
three creatures climbed backwards engine suddenly started. object 50 or 60 feet in diameter with
down the steps. "Each creature walked Brian Toomey and Mick Chew flashing lights. He said it flew right
to one of the jutting legs of the disc, observed a shiny, silver object shaped over the top of the vehicle he was
and appeared to be examining it." like a rocket or a cigar, stationary in driving, close enough to get a good
While they were on the roof, Ms. the sky over Lakeside Hospital at Bal- look. Following this report to the
Roffe noticed they were talking among larat, Victoria, Australia, on the 4th. Navy facility, SK-1 Robert J. Clark,
themselves, their voices audible as The UFO appeared to be about ten the Duty Officer, ordered the radar
"high" and "squeaky," sounding "like feet long and flashed in the sun turned on, and the tracking device
so many birds." She said, "the being against a clear blue sky at 8:30 AM. rapidly picked up an object on the
nearest the edge of the roof had a Suddenly it took off like a flash screen. "We locked, in on it and then
very large elongated head, grayish- toward Melbourne. Neither man heard all of a sudden, it was gone. I've
looking skin; arms that extended well any sound. never seen anything like it and I don't
below the knees, and what looked want to see anything like it again,"
like claws instead of fingers. His legs said TD-2 Timothy Collins, who was
appeared rather short." She added *** manning the radar scope. "First it
that the creature appeared to be old, TEN YEARS AGO — May 1978 - was heading south and then it was
with no hair on its head. Ms. Roffe A dome-shaped object was seen by heading north, all in the split of a
said she was able to observe every- 14-year-old Tracey Segasby and her second. Planes just don't have a turn-
thing clearly despite the darkness friend Michaela Field, 13, when they ing radius like that," Collins said. "I
because "the roof where this craft were putting away their horses after just know I couldn't lock in. We were
landed is illuminated by a light in the riding near Lowestoft, England, the tracking it, and at first I thought I had
large dome on the left of the roof." evening of the 13th. The girls saw it. But it started moving and by the
One of the creatures turned and the object hovering near the ground time I caught up with it, it had
saw Ms. Roffe watching. "The one among some trees about a quarter of changed direction." "The computer
that saw me first must have said a mile away from them. "We glanced wouldn't handle it," said Pinecastle's
something to the others, because across the marshes and spotted the Lt. Commander John Sullivan.
they moved to the steps and went craft. It had a silvery appearance with
slowly up them." The disc then rose bright orange lights around it. We
slowly from the rooftop, again caus- stared at it and after about 10
ing a flurry among the tree leaves. seconds the orange lights changed to
The stilt-legs were pulled up beneath a pinky-red and then to a dazzling -4-
the disc, and the craft disappeared up white. It then began to slowly rise
through the trees into the night. "I above the ground, hovering for about
told no one of what I saw because of five seconds and it then landed again.
a fear of ridicule. I knew they When it did so the lights turned to YEARS
wouldn't believe me anyway ... Most bright orange again," Tracey said.
people will not believe anything they "Then they began to fade away. It IS•LONG
do not see themselves ... I don't care was then that we noticed four figures \

if anyone believes me; I know what I coming towards us. There were two
saw, and I still keep thinking about large creatures standing side by side.
it." The witness firmly believes she On either side there were two small
observed visitors from another planet. ones. They did not walk towards us.
"They must be far more technically They moved in a jerky manner, at
advanced than us," she said, "or else least five feet every time. The crea-
they surely wouldn't be here." tures then disappeared and the UFO
About 8 PM on the 2nd, Mr. R.R. gradually started to rise into the air
Zadow was driving across his prop- and fade away in about 10 seconds. It
erty near Kalyan, S.A., Australia was pretty scary," Tracey said that
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988 21
Message, continued

ence Program Director, and Carol

Ostrom, Conference Organizer, are The Night Sky
all involved in this paranormal
conference. For more information, By Walter N. Webb
please write to: Dr. M. L. Albertson, MUFON Astronomy Consultant
Room 203, Weber Bldg., Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO
80523. May 1988
Why plan just an ordinary va-
Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
cation? Combine exotic Rio de
Venus still dominates the western evening sky. Our planet neighbor
Janiero with an even more exotic
achieves greatest brilliancy on the 6th at magnitude -4.5. At this time it
International UFO Congress on appears as a crescent in small telescopes and even in binoculars. But it is
September 3-9, 1988. Featured speak- getting a bit lower in the sky each night, setting about 11 PM daylight time
ers will be Cynthia Hind, Bill Moore, in mid-May and around 10 PM by month's end.
Bob Pratt, Leo Sprinkle, and
Jacques Vallee to name just a few. Saturn, retrograding in Sagittarius, rises in the ESE about 10:30 in
For further information contact: midmonth. Shining at magnitude +0.2, the ringed planet is brightening
Irene Granchi, C.I.S.N.E., CX. toward a June opposition. From now into September is the best period to
Postal 12.058 Copacabana, Rio de telescopically observe the ring system at near maximum tilt. The north
Janiero, 22022, Brazil — Telephone face of the rings is the side exposed to view.
(021) 246-6187.
Even though the U.S. Postal
Service increased the price of all Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
postage mailed in the United States, Mars, moving from Capricornus into Aquarius, rises in the ESE about 2
the subscription price of the MUFON AM in mid-May. Keeping pace with Saturn in brightness, the red planet
UFO Journal will not change. The gleams at zero magnitude. The quarter Moon lies less than a degree below
only revision will be for foreign Mars oh the 9th. Jupiter enters the morning sky on the 2nd but is too
subscribers who ask that they receive close to the Sun to be visible this month. Saturn stands low in the south
their magazine by Air Mail. Increases by dawn.
in the number of •membership/sub-
scriptions starting in 1987 and
continuing into 1988 has placed the Meteor Shower:
Journal in a firm financial position for A gibbous Moon washes out all but the brightest Eta Aquarid meteors,
which peak on the morning of May 4. Under better conditions, observers
the first time in many-years. Please
might have seen up to 20 meteors per hour. The shower lasts from about
invite your friends and relatives to May 1 to 8 in lesser numbers.
join MUFON, so they may read the
only monthly magazine in the world
established by a UFO organization. Moon Phases:
Full Moon — May 1
Last quarter — May 8
New Moon — May 15
MUFON First quarter — May 23
Full Moon — May 31

103 Two full moons in a single month. The second full moon is called a "blue
moon". The last time this occurred was July 1985; the next time

Oldtowne Rd. /'

December 1990.

Seguin, The Stars:

May is an excellent month to view three star patterns near the celestial
Texas meridian about 11 PM daylight time.vThe Big Dipper, in its best position of
the year high in the north, points the way to the other two groups. Follow
the curve of the dipper's handle to find bright orange Arcturus. This star
78155 is located at the bottom of kite-shaped Bootes the Herdsman. He is
supposed to be driving Ursa Major the Great Bear across the heavens;
the Big Dipper is part of that animal. Indeed, Arcturus means "bear keeper"
22 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241 May 1988
Message, continued Journal readers, since all have been
speakers at prior MUFON symposi- ***

tion Director for Sebastian, Craw- ums. With the exception of Paul B. In addition to the newsstand maga-
ford, Scott and Logan Counties in Norman, the MUFON Representative zjne titled UFO (formerly California
Arkansas; and Jennie Zcidman, State for Victoria, Australia, all live in the UFO), published and edited by Vicki
Section Director for Franklin and U.S.A. and are very well known Cooper and Sherie Stark, a new
Delaware Counties in Ohio. Three of through the pages of the Journal and magazine will go on sale June 4, 1988
these outstanding people were intro- their own books. All ballots must be with the colorful title UFO Universe.
duced at Eureka Springs, and orally returned to MUFON in Seguin by Edited by Tim Beckley (Timothy
expressed their sincere desire to June 15, so adequate time is allowed Green Beckley) and published by Al
serve as the Central Regional Direc- to engrave the recipient's name on Weiss, the premier issue will feature
tor if elected to the MUFON Board the plaque. such articles as: Beyond Communion,
of Directors by their peers. A ballot As the Deputy Director of Investi- A Candid Conversation with Whitley
has been enclosed in this issue of the gations, Dan Wright has proposed a Strieber; UFO Abductions: Will You
MUFON UFO Journal to all members new award to recognize an individual Be Next?; Aliens Among Us?; Identi-
in the Central States Region so they or a team of investigators for a spe- fying the "New Age" Space Channels;
may vote for their choice. All ballots cific UFO sighting case which has Can ETs Cure Cancer and Aids?;
must be received by MUFON in been thoroughly investigated, reported and a special — John Lennon's Close
Seguin, Texas, by June 20, 1988, to and documented according to the Encounter, plus "shocking new color
be counted. Dan Wright has done a principles and practices outlined in UFO pix!"
superb job, therefore it will be a chal- the MUFON Field Investigator's Man- It may be a new magazine, but Tim
lenge to maintain his track record of ual. This will be a means of recogniz- Beckley's style is reminiscent of the
leadership and accomplishments. (Please ing an investigator(s) for exceptional supermarket tabloids. He is soliciting
vote promptly so your vote may be work in our prime field of responsibility. articles and photos for future issues
received before the deadline.) To qualify as the best case(s) com- in return for a small fee for those that
The Annual MUFON Award for pleted in a given year, the only res- may be interested. Your Director
the most outstanding contribution to triction would be a high preliminary declined an invitation to submit a
Ufology for 1987-88 will be presented rating, as currently designated by the requested article and photos.
at the MUFON 1988 UFO Sympo- Speiser Classification. That is, a Strange- I sincerely hope that Tim Beckley
sium in Lincoln, Nebraska, on June ness Factor of S4 (strange; does not does a better job on the magazine
25, 1988. The following people have conform to known principles) or S5 than he does on his newspaper called
been nominated by members of the (highly strange; suggests intelligent UFO Review. (Time or Tim will tell.)
MUFON Board of Directors as of guidance), together with a Probability The "9th Rocky Mountain Confer-
April 18, 1988, in alphabetical order Factor of P4 (credible and sound) or ence on UFO Investigation" will be
for this prestigious award: Barry P5 (highly credible, leaving almost no held June 30, July 1 and 2, 1988, at
Greenwood, Budd Hopkins, David doubt) would be required. the University of Wyoming in Lara-
M. Jacobs, Bruce Maccabee, Paul B. For the case selected as most mie. Featured speakers are Kenneth
Norman and Dan Wright. A ballot deserving, a framed certificate entitled Ring, Ph.D. (University of Connecti-
has been enclosed with this issue of "Meritorious Achievement in a UFO cut); Keynote speaker — C.B. "Scott"
the MUFON UFO Journal so all Investigation" will be presented at the Jones, Ph.D. (Special Assistant to
members and subscribers may vote Lincoln, Nebraska symposium by Dan U.S. Senator Pell of Rhode Island)
for their choice to receive the plaque Wright. In the circumstance of multi- and Whitley Strieber. This confer-
and recognition by their colleagues in ple investigators covering a single ence has been organized by June O.
Ufology. It was previously suggested case or multiple cases of equal merit, Parnell, Ph.D. (PRO/UFOS) and R.
that a short paragraph be prepared duplicate certificates will be awarded. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D. (IF UFOCS).
about the accomplishments of each The calendar year January 1987 For information on registration and
of the nominees. This would seem through December 1987 will apply to lodging, please write to: University of
superfluous or even repetitious to submittals for this award. Wyoming — Conferences and Insti-
tutes, P.O. Box 3972, Laramie, WY
or "bear guard". The star is the third brightest luminary in the entire night sky; While some of our members may
only Sirius and Canopus are brighter. be in the Rocky Mountains on vaca-
tion, they may also be interested in
If the curve from the dipper's handle is continued through Arcturus, the next attending the "International Confer-
bright star that one comes to is bluish-white Spica in Virgo the Maiden. Spica is ence of Paranormal Research" slated
at the base of a huge crooked "Y" which slants up to the right. The upper for July 7-10, 198 at Colorado State
branches of the "Y" embrace "The Realm of the Galaxies," a wondrous region University in Fort Collins. Maurice
full of countless blurs of light — each one a spiral galaxy of billions of stars. L. Albertson, Ph.D., Conference
While amateur telescopes can see the brightest of these, it is estimated that Chairman, Dr. Dan Ward, Confer-
more than 30,000 fainter galaxies inhabit this particular region of space at an
average distance of about 50 billion light years from Earth. Continued on page 22
MUFON UFO Journal. No. 241 May 1988 23
Director's Message
By Walt Andrus

"Abductions and the E.T. Hypothe- State Directors is scheduled on June Makuch to State Section Director
sis" is the theme for the MUFON 24th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., to for Middlesex County. Ralph Sava-
1988 International UFO Symposium be chaired by the Regional Directors rese, a retired minister in Gulfport,
to be held June 24, 25, and 26, 1988, and Marge Christensen. The Annual Miss., was reassigned as State Sec-
at the Nebraska Center Hotel, Uni- MUFON Board of Directors Meeting tion Director for Harrison, Jackson,
versity of Nebraska in Lincoln. The is set for Sunday morning, June 26th, and Hancock Counties by G. Dave
speakers presently scheduled and the from 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon. Please Berryhill, Jr., M.D., State Director.
titles of their papers are the following: come prepared to discuss important Joseph Juliano, M.D., has been
Marge Christensen, "Hynek's Last issues concerning the role of MUFON appointed Assistant State Section
Wish for Ufology"; Jerome Clark, in the future of Ufology. Dan Wright Director for Travis and Bastrop coun-
"The Fall and Rise of the Extraterres- and Marge Christensen are preparing ties in Texas to help Floyd N. Petri,
trial Hypothesis"; Walter N. Webb, an agenda for the State Directors Jr. Joe is an active amateur radio
"Encounter at Buff Ledge: A UFO Meeting. They are soliciting proposals operator with the call letters WV5X
Case History"; Raymond W. Boeche, and ideas from the Regional Directors in Austin.
"Public Reaction to Alien Contact: A to include on the agenda docket. Steven Goldsmith, M.D., residing
Study"; Budd Hopkins, "The Abduc- If you plan to fly to Lincoln, please in Fitchburg, Mass., volunteered to
tion Experience"; David M. Jacobs, make your airline reservations now become a Consultant in Psychiatry
Ph.D., "Post Abduction Syndrome"; so that you may take advantage of and Hypnotherapy. John L. John-
Bruce S. Maccabee, Ph.D., "Analy- the special reduced fares. We look son, M.S., a clinical social worker in
sis of the Gulf Breeze, Florida Photo- forward to seeing our long-time friends Ft. Smith, Ark. was so impressed
graphs"; Walter H. Andrus, Jr., and personally meeting those people with the outstanding UFO Confer-
"The Gulf Breeze Case", (a slide/il- who are new members in MUFON. ence hosted by Bill Pitts in Eureka
lustrated lectureO; and William L. The MUFON 1988 UFO Symposium Springs that he volunteered his exper-
"Bill" Moore, "MJ-12 Update". The will be the most important event of tise as a Research Specialist in Clini-
symposium proceedings will also con- its kind in the world. Make your cal Hypnosis. Donald M. Ware,
tain a published paper titled "UFOs: vacation plans now to attend. State Director, appointed Muril V.D.
Four Questions for Theological Semi- Garten to State Section Director for
naries" by Dr. Barry H. Downing. Okaloosa and Walton Counties in
Advance registrations for the sym- *** Florida.
posium are now being received for Marge Christensen is reminding Richard D. Seifried has reas-
the package price of $35 for all ses- everyone that the "4th National UFO signed Dale Wedge and Richard
sions. Please make a check or money Information Week" is scheduled for Dell 'Aquila as Co-State Section
order payable to "MUFON 1988 August 14-21, 1988. Each state organ- Directors for Geauga, Lake, Cuya-
Symposium" and mail to MUFON ization should start now to construct hoga and Ashtabula Counties in
1988 Symposium, P.O. Box 94627, photo exhibits, plan public UFO lec- Ohio, since they are working as a
Lincoln, NE 68509. Individual session tures, and contact their public librar- team.
tickets will also be available for Sat- ies and shopping malls for coopera-
urday morning, afternoon, evening tive displays.
and Sunday afternoon. Bruce A. Widaman, State Direc- ***
Special hotel rates will be $35 for tor for Missouri, has made the follow- Four competent candidates are
single occupancy and $38 for double ing appointments in his state organi- vying for the position of Central
occupancy plus tax per night. Reser- zation: Wendy S. Hodgden of Kan- Regional Director to fill the vacancy
vations should be sent directly to the sas City to State Section Director for created when Dan Wright was ele-
Nebraska Center Hotel, 33rd and Jackson, Cass, Lafayette and John- vated to Deputy Director of Investi-
Holdrege Streets, Lincoln, NE 68583- son counties; Ralph H. Fromme, St. gations on the Executive Committee.
0901 or telephone (402) 472-3435. Charles, MO, to State Section Direc- In alphabetical order, they are: George
A get-aquainted reception will be tor for St. Charles, Lincoln and Coyne, Co-State Director for Michi-
held Friday, June 24th at 6:00 p.m. Warren Counties; and Alex P. Hor- gan; Richard P. Dell 'Aquila, J.D.,
Formal meetings will start Saturday, vat, living in St. Charles, to Assistant Co-State Section Director in Ohio
June 25th at 9:00 a.m. and extend to State Director for Public Information. (listed above); Bill Pitts, State Sec-
5:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 26, 1988. Tom A. Benson, State Director
A meeting for State and Assistant for New Jersey, promoted Paul M. Continued on page 23

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