Mufon UFO Journal

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The document discusses the alleged UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 that has become known as the 'Roswell Incident'. It also provides details about the 1992 MUFON UFO Symposium in Albuquerque.

The 'Roswell Incident' refers to the alleged crash of an alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 and the supposed recovery of alien bodies from the crash site.

The author's parents, who lived in Roswell, New Mexico at the time, claimed they did not hear anything about the reported flying saucer crash from the local newspaper or people in town at the time.

Mufon UFO Journal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 288
April 1992


By Paul Rosenfield
Mufon UFO Journal
April 1992 Number 288



THE RADIONUCLIDES PAPER Marshall Dudley & Michael Chorost 8


1991 VG: OBJECT UNKNOWN Walter N. Webb 14

FUND FOR UFO RESEARCH (Quarterly Report) 16


LETTERS Gerner, Crawford, Civil, Lahman and Greer 19

THE MAY NIGHT SKY Walter N. Webb 22


COVER PHOTO: Charles River Ice Ring by Paul Rosenfield

EDITOR Copyright 1992 by the Mutual UFO Network.

Dennis W. Stacy All Rights Reserved.

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The MUFON UFO JOURNAL is published monthly by the Mutual UFO
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By Anne MacFie
was a six-month-old fetus in July of 1947, so I can't Dennis, SFC Clifford Stone, U.S. Army retired, author of

I say I recall much about events in that month's news.

However, since my parents, L.W. and Edith McGuffm,
were living in Roswell, N.M. at that time, I asked them in
UFO's: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself, and John and Sharon
Price, owner/operators of Outa Limits, which seems to be
the official hangout of Roswell area UFO folk.
later years, when I became interested in UFOs, what they Glenn claims not to be one of them. Bob, he says, is the
remembered about the alleged saucer crash northwest of town UFO buff of the family. His own involvement came not so
that has since become known as "the Roswell Incident." much from interest in the subject as from chance; he was
"Not a thing," was their surprising answer. "We were pinch- simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. After years as
ing pennies in those days and didn't take the paper," mother a mortuary owner and entrepreneur in eastern New Mexico
explained. real estate, he enjoys a busy retirement and is a sculptor. His
"And people who did read it weren't talking it up all over wife encouraged him to write down his oral history of his
town? No one came into your shop saying, 'Mac, have you extraordinary experience, mainly for their children, but after
heard about the flying saucer they've found out at Corona?' " he went public with the information, both have been uncom-
"No, nothing like that. I don't think we'd even heard of fortable with the attention and curiosity that resulted. "I
flying saucers until after we left Roswell." wouldn't be talking to you about it now," he said, "if it weren't
It was incredulous. Here local radio and newspaper had for your dad." He's a soft-spoken man with nothing to prove,
announced a monumental event in human history had gone but now that his story is out in the open, he wants it told as
down, right in the old hometown, the world media were it happened.
beating down Roswell's door, and there in town, it caused The following is condensed from a transcript of that tape-
so little stir that a young tradesman in a shop on the court- recorded interview:
house square never heard a word about it!
Before my birth, the family moved to Portales, where Daddy Anne MacFie: Glenn, what's your connection with the
worked for many years at Wheeler Mortuary. New Mexico Roswell UFO crash story?
is an unpopulous state; there are few enough morticians there
that from association meetings and transfer of "remains" from Glenn Dennis: I was a funeral director at the time, employed
place of death to place of burial, most of them know each at Ballard Funeral home here in Roswell. The way I became
other. So when I read in the MUFON UFO Journal that a involved, I got a call about 1:30 (p.m., 7/7/47) from the mor-
Roswell mortician by the name of Glenn Dennis figured in tuary officer out at the air base. He was inquiring what size
the story of the 1947 crash, I asked my dad about him. hermetically sealed caskets we had. Did we have 3 '6 " to 4'?
"I remember him," he ruminated, "but I don't know what's I said we had the 4' in stock and could get a 3'6" from
become of him. He didn't stay in the mortuary business and, Amarillo in the morning. I said, "What's going on?" He said
I think, left Roswell. Haven't heard anything of him in years." this would be for future use.
I wouldn't realize how intrigued Daddy had become until In another 15-20 minutes, he called back. Said, "Where
a few months later when he told me over the phone, "Well, you've had bodies lying out in the elements for several days,
I've tracked down Glenn Dennis, and I've arranged for you what is your preparation? What would your chemicals do to
to talk with him when you come out for Christmas." the tissues? To the stomach contents? Would it change the
In preparation for the interview, I bought and read a copy blood contents?"
of Kevin Randle and Don Schnutt's UFO Crash at Roswell. I said it definitely would change the contents, and I gave
Mention of Dennis' brush with the recovery operation and him the preparation. I asked him, "What have you got?"
a drawing by him of alien anatomy appear in that book. Ob- He said, "This is also for future use."
vious artistic talent could be seen in the sketch, and the brief Another 30 minutes or so, I get an ambulance emergency.
account of his walk-on role in the drama that was unfolding Out at the scene of the accident there was an airman that had
at Roswell Army Air Base on July 7, 1947 promised an in- been riding a motorcycle and had a severely lacerated forehead
teresting conversation. and broken nose. I gave him temporary first aid, and he sat up
On New Year's Eve, I met with Glenn at Outa Limits, a
video shop across the highway from the industrial complex Anne MacFie is a professional songwriter and folk-
that was once the military base which, 44 years ago, received singer, and a MUFON State Section Director for the
several loads of unidentified wreckage rancher Mac Brazel Red River Counties area of Kentucky.
had found strewn over 3/4 mile of sheep pasture near the
village of Corona. Also present were Glenn's brother, Bob

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

all the way.
"One of the hands was severed ... when they After I got back, why, naturally I was curious because I'd
turned it over, there were little tiny suction cups never been treated like that. We always had the run of the
base. I knew these people (the base medical personnel)
on the inside of the fingers." pretty well.

in the front seat with me. When we got to the base hospital, MacFie: How well did you know that nurse?
there were three old military field ambulances where I usually
parked. The M.P.s standing beside the back doors of the am- Dennis: You need to know the background on her. She was
bulances didn't stop or pay a lot of attention to us, and I got 23 years old, from St. Paul, Minnesota. She was raised in
him up the ramp. a Catholic convent, had never gone to a public school. She
The doors on two of those ambulances were open, and I was going to be a nun, wanted to be a teacher, but kept get-
noticed some wreckage in there. When you get plane crashes, ting the feeling that God wanted her to be a nurse, so she
you have to take parts of bodies out of the wreckage. But what changed over to nurse's training. She got into a program where
was odd about this was there were pieces around two to three the military would send her through her last two years of col-
feet that had a real odd shape, kind of like the end of a canoe. lege, then she would be commissioned a second lieutenant
It had a lot of inscriptions on it, about three inches high, that, and give them back three years. Roswell was her first assign-
to me, looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics. The metal didn't ment, (as an Army Nurse) and she'd been there less than three
look like aluminum. It looked like stainless steel that had months.
became very hot — a real purplish-bluish color on the metal. I kept trying to get her on the phone. Finally, she called
I checked the airman into the infirmary and started on back next day about 11 o'clock and said, "I know you've been try-
to the nurses' and doctors' lounge to get a Goke, because it ing to get ahold of me. Why don't you meet me at the of-
was real hot. I saw this captain there I didn't know. Where ficers' club?" I met her out there, and she looked very ill
I got in trouble, I asked him, "Do we have a plane crash?" — had almost gone into shock. She said, "Before I tell you
He said, "Who are you?" this, you have to give me your word you will not mention
I said, "Well, I'm the funeral director from Roswell, and my name or anything I tell you, because if you do, I will be
we have the contract. Looks like maybe we have a plane crash. in very serious trouble."
Do I need to go start making preparations to bring in the What had happened, she went into this room to get some
bodies?" supplies and saw two doctors in there with a gurney and these
He said, "You stay right here. Don't you move. Just stay small bodies that were in a rubber sheet or a body pouch.
right there." He was gone a minute or so, and when he came Two of the bodies had been very badly mangled, like maybe
back, he had two M.P.s with him. He told them, "You get the predators had been eating on them, but one was in pretty
this man out and escort him to the funeral home." good shape. She gave me a diagram she had drawn of the
We were going down the hall when there was this loud voice, little figures and explained what the doctors told her. They
"You bring that S.O.B. back!" There was a big, red-headed wanted her to write down everything they were looking at
officer, about 6 3 ", and he said, "Let me tell you something, as they were examining the bodies.
mister. You don't go back into Roswell and start a bunch of
stories that there's been a crash. Nothing's happened out here!" MacFie: Could she draw well enough to give you a clear idea
I was a litte bit mad. I was very mad! When somebody of what she'd seen?
you've never seen calls you an S.O.B., it upsets you pretty
good! I informed him I was a civilian and there wasn't anything Dennis: Very well. Like one of the hands was severed from
he could do and, as far as I was concerned, he could go to hell. the body, and when they flipped it over, there were little tiny
He said, "Let me tell you, mister, if you do, somebody'll suction cups on the inside of the fingers. Only four fingers,
be picking your bones out of the sand!" no fingernails. The heads were large, eyes were set in. The
There was a black sergeant there with a clipboard, and he skulls were soft like a newborn baby's; they were pliable. The
made the comment, "Sir, he'd make better dog food." (Mean- ears, instead of one canal, had two canals, no lobes or
ing the threat of an attack by security dogs.) anything, just a little flap over each canal. No teeth. The
Anyway, he (the red-headed officer) called me a son-of-a- mouths were just very small slits. Their face and nose were
bitch again and said, "Get him out of here." concave and only two orifices where the nose was. She had
I hadn't taken five or six steps when this nurse that I had this on the back of a prescription pad.
known was coming out of a room. She had a towel up to her
face and looked as if she had been sick. She saw me and said, MacFie: When did you make the drawing that was reproduced
"Glenn, what are .you doing here? Get out of here as fast in UFO Crash at Roswell?
as you can or you're gonna get in a lot of trouble!" Well,
the M.P.s had me by the arms, and they were taking me Dennis: I didn't do that until I came out with my own story.
out, anyway. They did escort me back to the funeral home, But I remember it because I kept files on all the autopsies

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

I worked on, all the legal cases when I was on a coroner's
jury, on the military, and I had a personal file. That's where "/ believed when she showed me that diagram,
I kept this for years. She gave it to me, and I'd see it when that is what she saw, this is what she heard, this
I was going through my files. I knew exactly what it looked
is what she wrote down. She would never have
made it up."
MacFie: After you were removed from the base, did any more
contact result between you and the military concerning what Dennis: Well, I was pressing her, and she was so upset, she
you had walked into? hod to talk to somebody about it. We were both caught up
in it — neither one of us asked for it.
Dennis: No. No one ever bothered me. I just want you to understand that there's no way in the world
this lady would have made that up. If it had been anyone else
MacFie: At the time, did you talk about what was going on I might not have believed it. But I believed, when she showed
with anyone other than this nurse I'll call Sister X? me that diagram, that this is what she saw, this is what she
heard, this is what she wrote down. She would never have
Dennis: I only told one man, and that was my father. He was made it up.
real upset. We were a very straight, Christian family. My
mother was very religious, and he was the most patriotic man In contrast with the mild-mannered, there's-the-truth, take-
in the world. He said, "If you do anything against the govern- it-or-leave-it Dennis, Clifford Stone is a man with a cause to
ment, I'll shoot you myself." fight. An Army insider and veritable human databank, this
dude is out to blow the lid off Roswell, and as he tells how
MacFie: Between that time and the 70s, when interest in the he's been blasting the bureaucrats with their own ammo, one
Roswell "rumors" started heating up, did you tell about your can practically watch his blood pressure climb. His adventures
experience? in squeezing informational blood from the national security
turnip would make a lengthy piece, but someone who can keep
Dennis: No one ever asked me. I knew all those people who up with his rapid-fire barrage of facts, figures, military regula-
were involved — Walter Haut, Pappy Henderson — but we tions and document numbers will have to write that one.
never mentioned it. It never did come up until a few years ago.
MacFie: Cliff, what's brought you to Roswell?
MacFie: Then how did Stanton Friedman find out about you?
Stone: I retired here.
Dennis: They got my name off some papers in Washington,
D.C. MacFie: Were you stationed at Walker? (Roswell Army Air
Field was renamed Walker Air Force Base when the Air Force
MacFie: To my knowledge, your nurse informant is a lead was made a separate branch of the Armed Services.)
that hasn't been followed up by Friedman or by Randle and
Schmitt. I assume you're protecting her identity? Stone: No, I was in the Army. I was stationed in Roswell,
but it was an ROTC assignment.
Dennis: I'm trying to.
MacFie: \bu've researched the Roswell Incident pretty
MacFie: Is she still living? thoroughly; perhaps you can shed some light on a confused
issue. Do you believe a second crash site, the one at which
Dennis: I don't know. I heard she died three years ago, but dead bodies of a non-human crew were seen, was near
that's only hearsay. Magdalena, as Friedman and the witnesses Anderson and
Barnett have located it, or only a few miles from the main
MacFie: Have you tried to contact her yourself to see if she debris field at Corona, as Randle and Schmitt say?
would talk now that others have?
Stone: Why not both sites? Why not two crafts? Why not two
Dennis: I never did try and contact her. I don't know where crashes? Say they collided, one was more damaged than the
she is. She did join an order after she got out of the army. other and crashed at Corona and the other at San Agustin
But I don't think she would. She was so disciplined that if (Plain, near Magdalena).
her superior told her to walk across fire, she probably would
have done it. She was trained that way all her life. MacFie: Would that mean, then, that more than the tradi-
tional four bodies were recovered?
MacFie: Then why do you think she went against her orders
and told you what she'd seen? Stone: I've heard reports of four dead at Roswell and three

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

dead, one alive at Magdalena. There was a rather large piece They won't tell it to a stranger, but they see things.
found right there at Corona. Initially, there was .talk of a ten
to twelve-foot "crumpled dish pan." Stone: People won't talk about it, and the press doesn't like
to carry the stories.
MacFie: The so-called "radar reflector dish"?
John Price: We get much less UFO information in New Mex-
Stone: The Army at Ft. Carswell (Texas) identified the ico than other states do. Our newspapers still have a policy
Roswell object as a weather balloon carrying a radar reflector to not print these stories. New Mexico is definitely a military
dish. That's where Intelligence blew it. The type of balloon state.
shown torn up in the photos was used to carry aloft packages
of sensitive instruments. They (balloons of this sort) were MacFie: Well, some people in Roswell are going to get the
covered with aluminum foil which could be picked up and information to the public. Tell me about the UFO museum
tracked by radar. Non-metallic balloon clusters were used to that's in the works.
carry radar reflector dishes in order to pick up as little balloon
and as much dish as possible. Glenn Dennis: We've been going about this very carefully.
In all probability, the balloon in the pictures came from It's not going to be a 30-day wonder or an advertising pro-
Carswell, but the only place that was using radar reflector motion. To us, this is very serious. We've incorporated and
dishes then was White Sands, and none of theirs, for nine have applied for status as a non-profit organization. The city
months before the incident and nine months after, was miss- is backing it. The Chamber of Commerce is behind it. We
ing. Eighth Air Force Headquarters in Texas could mangle have a board of directors. Walter Haul is president ...
up a weather balloon to convince the media, but if some
reporter had asked to see die radar reflector dish, they couldn't MacFie: Wasn't he the Public Information Officer who spilled
have produced one. the beans in '47? Is he still here?
Something that wasn't a weather balloon went down out
there. And Roswell was just the first of many crashes and Price: That's the one.
retrievals — probably about twelve.
Dennis: He's our president, I'm vice president, and our
MacFie: If UFO technology is so advanced, why do so many secretary is your dad's old friend, Max Littell.
keep wiping out?
MacFie: Max! I never knew he was into this stuff!
Stone: Our own technology is great, but we still have
accidents. Dennis: Oh, yes for a long time.

MacFie: Another thing, if these little guys have the power MacFie: In the absence of that long-sought "tangible
over us the abductees say they do, why would they let us evidence" of UFOs, one might ask what is there to exhibit
recover their hardware and their dead? Why didn't they just in a UFO museum?
paralyze Wright-Patterson (AFB in Ohio, where the wreckage
is said to have been taken) and take it all back? Dennis: Oh, photographs, videotapes — we'll be construct-
ing some UFO replicas. I'll be doing some sculpture for it.
Stone: Are you so sure they haven't? I would suggest to you Anything having to do with UFOs. We've already started
that in 1947 they assisted in the coverup. Some strange things receiving material and have a secure vault where it's being
happened to some witnesses that were totally unearthly. stored. Stan Friedman, Stone here, Randle and Schmitt, the
Fund for UFO Research, some people in Germany and
MacFie: Can you give us a "for instance?" Switzerland — people have offered material from all over the
world, and we're gonna put it in the International UFO
Stone: That's got to be their story to tell. Museum and Research Center at Roswell, New Mexico.

MacFie: What's happening on the Roswell UFO scene today? MacFie: Do you know yet where it will be?

Stone: There's still a lot of reports coming in from this area. Dennis: We've been offered three different locations. Right
now, we're operating out of a suite of offices on the seventh
Bob Dennis: From Portales all the way to White Sands there's floor of the Sun West Bank Building.
always been a lot of UFO activity. Some of those Elida (a
remote, forlorn village between Roswell and Portales) ranch- MacFie: And your projected date of opening?
ers — your dad knows some of them; he's buried their fathers
and mothers — they've seen things you wouldn't believe. Dennis: Sometime in 1993, we think.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

the victims were foreign diplomats on a sensitive mission and
"America in 1947 was still operating under a their government is demanding the immediate, unpublicized
wartime mentality. If something was put to them return of the bodies." It made no sense for them to arouse
his suspicion with threats and intimidation — unless the sud-
in terms of patriotic duty, it was done and not den appearance of an unauthorized civilian threw them into
questioned." such a panic they couldn't come up with a believable answer
to his inquiry, and so they copped a "because I say so" at-
MacFie: It's a great idea, and where else in the world would titude, not at all unheard of among people in authority.
be a more appropriate place for it than the "Home of the It made sense for them to get Glenn quickly off the base
Roswell Incident?" and to thwart his attempts to telephone "Sister X." It made
no sense to allow him right back on base the next day and
I'll throw out one last thing. America in 1947 was still let him lunch with her, showing pictures and conversing fur-
operating under a wartime mentality. A very real threat to tively under their noses in the officers' club — unless their
our country and the whole world had been narrowly over- ducks were not yet in a line concerning whom they would
come, and people were still powerfully committed to pull place under surveillance. It was several days, remember, before
together for the national good. If something was put to them Mac Brazel was taken into custody.
in terms of patriotic duty, it was done and not questioned in It would have made sense to have an alien autopsy recorded
a way those of us who came of age in the "Power to the Peo- by a career Army Nurse whose experience, loyalty and ability
ple" generation can scarcely imagine. So an event as big and to keep her mouth shut could be depended upon. It made no
important as the Roswell Crash could be put under wraps that sense to assign such responsibility to a squeamish novice —
would not start to come undone for decades. But that was unless those performing the autopsy had no idea how secret
then, and this is now. So very much has unraveled why, 45 their work would become and chose "Sister X" simply
years later, can we still not get to the bottom of what hap- because she was there.
pened here? What we see in these instances are little holes left in the
shroud of secrecy being hastily sewn up, even as it was be-
Dennis: I don't have any idea. All I know is what happened ing drawn across the evidence in 1947. Cliff Stone's radar
to me. Something had to have happened or I wouldn't have reflector business is another. Every document he ferrets out
got into the trouble I got into. I've never been treated like which is not supposed to exist makes it a little more thread-
that before. Something happened. bare. Glenn Dennis is weary of telling his story, but every
listener who thinks, "I've known Glenn for years. Hearing
Stone: What crashed here was something not of this earth, this from him isn't the same as reading it from the front page
and I think the American public needs to be apprised of what of a tabloid in the the check-out lane. Something really did
it was. I'll tell you how to find out: It's called operation Blue happen, and I want to know what!" — that person is helping
Fly Report #314. It's in the classified vault at the 7602nd Field to widen the many holes in the Roswell cover-up.
Air Activities Group, Ft. Beloir, Virginia. If you get that People united who won't be lied to can tear down the Berlin
report, then you will get every question you have to ask about Wall; they can topple Marcos and Ceausescu; they can
what happened here answered. There's only one problem: that dismantle the Soviet Union. Why could they not demand and
report is so sensitive, they'll neither confirm nor deny its get an end to UFO secrecy by world governments?
existence. In a time far more dangerous than our own, the poet Ber-
tolt Brecht had the courage to ask the Nazi power structure:
Dennis: It all comes right back to Roswell. "If the Government has lost confidence in the People, why
doesn't the Government dissolve the People and elect
I had a lot to think about as I drove the dark and desolate another?" Unless this is precisely what our government has
90 miles back to Portales, through haunted Elida, along an in mind — under the direction of some little grey meddlers
interminably straight highway practically devoid of traffic on — it has no reason to continue withholding the truth about
a New Year's Eve — not even a state police roadblock. something that happened 45 years ago.
The picture emerging from what those men back in Roswell May Glenn and Cliff, the grass roots movement there in
had to say is one of a totally unfamiliar situation and a sur- Roswell, and all of us keep punching holes in the shroud of
prised power structure struggling to gain control over it. The secrecy.
back-tracking, the inconsistencies, the behavior that just
doesn't make sense — all of it indicates the U.S. military was MUFON 1991 INTERNATIONAL UFO
flying by the seat of its pants, making policy and mistakes SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS
as it went along.
"UFOs: The Big Picture" 301 pages.
It would have made sense for the officers at the base hospital
Price: $20 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.
to have told Glenn Dennis something like, "Yes, there has Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099
been a plane crash, but we won't need your services because

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

By Marshall Dudley and Michael Chorost

IN THE WINTER OF 1991 we circulated a paper in (The three tables presented in this article remain valid.) Sam-
manuscript claiming to have discovered 13 unusual radioactiveple LA yielded alpha emissions 198% above the control and
isotopes in soil samples from an English crop circle. We beta emissions 48% above the control. Sample IB yielded alpha
argued that the isotopes were products of a type of radioac- emissions 103% above the control, and beta emissions 57%
tive bombardment called "deuteron activation." We are above the control. While we could not submit these figures
satisfied with our logic, but, unfortunately, the basic data to statistical analysis for significance (that requires more data),
turned out to be less solid than we had believed. For that they seemed to us to be strikingly elevated. The soil in the
reason, we pulled the paper from publication, and are samples was two and three times as radioactive as that of the
withdrawing some of the claims we made in it. control. We wished we had taken a second control to com-
pare to the first, but nevertheless, the disparity seemed striking.
IN THIS ARTICLE we will discuss which claims we have We had taken two controls from another formation, made
withdrawn, and which we are retaining. We will also discuss August 9/10, 1991, at SU 076 679. The controls' emissions were
our data problems in some detail, so that our learning ex- quite close to each other, whereas the two samples from in-
perience may be shared with the cereological community. side registered considerably higher.
The two controls yielded alpha and beta counts within 2 %
THE SOIL SAMPLES were taken from a "fish" formation and 4% of each other. By contrast, the two samples from within
formed on July 31/August 1, 1991 at SU 0865 6810 (near the formation yielded alpha and beta counts 22% to 45% higher
Beckhampton.) (1) On August 5th, we took two samples than the averaged controls.
(named "1A" and "IB") from inside, and took a control But perhaps the soil was more variable than we knew. Per-
several dozen feet away ("1C"). These samples were air- haps it was just a fluke that the controls were lower. In two
mailed to Tennelec/Nucleus Instruments (now renamed Ox- other formations we had tested, the controls were actually
ford Instruments) of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. There, they somewhat higher than the samples. (2) Thus, to test soil
were placed in a Tennelec/Nucleus LB40008 gas flow low homogeneity, one of our colleagues, Kevin Folta (a graduate
background counter to measure their emissions of alpha student in molecular biology at the University of Illinois at
and beta particles. (Alpha and beta particles make up two Chicago), tested 20 soil samples collected in a walk around
types of radiation.) This testing, performed on August 18th, DeKalb, Illinois. The tests were made with a liquid scintilla-
yielded the following data: tion counter, which works differently from a gas flow counter,
but it is relative counts that matter here. All 20 samples fell
within a range of 50 to 78 counts per minute, a 28-count spread.

Formation 910801: The Firs, Beckhampton, July 31 /August 1, SU 0865 6810

Samples taken August 5, analyzed August 18

Sample Minutes Alphas Betas Alphas/ Betas/

analyzed detected detected minute minute
1A 900 3110 17348 3.46 19.28
IB 900 2119 18440 2.35 20.49
1C (Control) 900 1042 11732 1.15 13.04

Marshall Dudley is a systems engineer with Tennelec/Nucleus (now

Oxford Instruments) of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a manufacturer of gas Does that 28-count spread show that the soil is homogeneous
flow counters. or heterogeneous? Consider how it stacks up against soil
samples which Folta took from inside and outside a crop cir-
Michael Chorost is a graduate student at Duke University, Durham, cle near Argonne, Illinois:
North Carolina, and MUFON's Crop Circle Consultant.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

Formation 910810: Firs Farm, Beckhampton, August 9/10, SU 076 679
Samples taken August 10, analyzed August 18
Sample Minutes Alphas Betas Alphas/ Betas/
analyzed detected detected minute minute
4A 900 4512 28246 5.01 31.38
4B 900 3974 27689 4.41 30.77
4C (Control) 900 3145 23073 3.49 25.63
4D (Control) 900 3090 22158 3.43 24.62

The variation between samples and controls in the Argonne activity. Rather, it finds out what is causing radioactivity. It
circle was much larger than the 28-count range of variation identifies the specific radioactive isotopes within a given
exhibited by the 20 samples taken around DeKalb. Folta's substance.
measurements gave us more confidence that the radiological The gamma spectroscopy was performed on August 26th,
anomalies seen in the English circles was not a fluke. (Of 1991. The results were supplied to us in the form of a
course, we will have to put our hypothesis to the test next computer-processed table of "peaks." Each radioactive isotope
summer by analyzing many more samples and controls, and has a characteristic signature composed of several peaks.
that is precisely what we are planning to do.) When we first saw the data we felt sure there was something
Before going on with our discussion, we want to reassure significant in it. The control had 90 peaks, and sample LA
readers that the radiological anomalies did not appear to pre- had 200 peaks! This looked like very strong evidence that
sent any health threat. Even though the samples emitted higher there was something in the sample which was not in the
percentages of radiation than the control, their total emis- control.
sions were far below the danger threshold. We are dealing Due to the government lab's security restrictions, we were
with very slight effects which are detectable only by extremely unable to view the raw data which the computer had processed
sensitive instruments. It is likely that a handheld Geiger to make the table of peaks. However, we assumed that the
counter would not be sensitive enough to detect them. lab had followed consistent and statistically valid procedures
in processing the three samples' data, so we felt safe in work-

O ur hypothesis was, and still is, that there were genuine

radiological anomalies in the soil from these three crop
circles. But what was causing those anomalies? If the high
ing with the table of peaks. We later found that this assump-
tion was incorrect.
Not knowing this at the time, we proceeded with our
emissions were "smoke," what was the "fire"? To answer that analysis. Using the peak tables, we identified 13 highly unusual
question, we sent samples 1A, IB and 1C to a government radioactive isotopes in sample 1A, and one (possibly two)
laboratory for testing with a gamma spectroscope. in IB. These isotopes were not known to be produced in
Unlike a gas flow counter or a liquid scintillation counter, nature, nor were they known to be emissions from atomic
a gamma spectroscope does not measure levels of radio- tests, nuclear power plants, or Chernobyl. We carefully

Scintillation Counts From A Crop Circle Near Argonne, Illinois

All figures are counts per minute.
Estimated formation date: End of Sept. 1991. Counts performed November 20, 1991.
Count 1 Count 2 (done with larger
volume of soil from same batch)
Batch 1 (inside) 211
Batch 2 (inside) 397 470
Batch 3 (inside) 298 415
Batch 4 (outside) 45
Batch 5 (outside) 85 78
Batch 6 (outside) 59 71

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

considered a variety of other mundane causes: natural ra- We are still not totally satisfied with the identification of
dionuclides, cosmogenic radionuclides, sample jar contamina- these four isotopes, since in each case we had to use one or
tion, airport X-ray detectors, thermal neutron activators and more peaks which were less than three standard deviations
contamination with hospital waste by hoaxers. None of them from the noise. (It takes a combination of peaks to identify
held up as valid sources for the isotopes. any given isotope.) It's rather like identifying an automobile
Many of these possible sources were ruled out by the fact in a snowstorm. Parts of it may be blurred, but enough of
that many of the isotopes had halflives of about two weeks, it is visible to rule out its being anything else. Parts of the
which indicated that they had not been in existence for very isotopes were "blurred" — i.e., some of their peaks were
long! It seemed reasonable to guess that they had been formed at 95% confidence rather than 99.9% — but the total com-
when the crop circle itself was. Since the 13 isotopes had one, bination of peaks spoke strongly for positive identification.
and only one, common denominator — the property of be- In addition, the alpha/beta counts suggested that there was
ing producible by bombardment with heavy hydrogen nuclei something unusual in sample LA, and these peaks represented
— we proposed that that was indeed what had happened. by far the most likely candidates. But rather than make
definitive claims, we prefer to wait for next summer and do

W e were very excited by this theory, because if it was more testing.

true, it meant that something extraordinarily exotic We cross-checked our conclusion in another way. The four
had happened when the crop circle was formed. Hoaxers could isotopes have halflives measured in weeks to hours, so the
not possibly have done it. We wrote up our findings and cir- peaks identifying them should be absent from a recount made
culated the manuscript quite widely. months later. Thus we had sample 1A recounted between
The paper was slated to be published in February 1992, February 20th and 25th, 1992 (for five days, or about 6,800
but just prior to publication, we were afforded the opportunity minutes) on a gamma spectroscope provided by Oxford In-
to view the lab's raw data. We were dismayed to find that many struments. This gave us good statistics, and we were allowed
of the peaks were so close to the noise level that we could to work on the equipment ourselves, ensuring that scientific
not be confident they really existed. The lab's computer had methods were employed, the correct calibration curves used,
been programmed to hunt for peaks quite aggressively, iden- and the raw data recorded for re-examination at will. The
tifying many of them on statistically inadequate grounds. natural radioactive isotopes we originally detected in the soil
Furthermore, the lab had made appalling errors in handl- were still there, such as uranium-238 and radium-226. There
ing the samples. Sample IB had been counted on a different was also cesium-137 from Chernobyl. These served as checks
detector, and with a different system, than samples 1A and on the reliability of the original analysis. But the very peaks
1C. We therefore had no choice but to throw IB's data out, that identified the four unusual isotopes were gone: precise-
since there was no similarly analyzed control to which it could ly those peaks, and none other. This suggests that those four
be compared. This was dismaying but not fatal, since our isotopes had decayed off, as predicted.
analysis had focused almost entirely on sample 1A. Also, we
found that the lab's computer had used different sensitivity
levels to analyze the raw data for sample 1A and the control, A lthough we suspect these isotopes were generated
through activation by whatever energy source created
making the analysis (the table of peaks) supplied to us useless. the circle, it is possible they were caused by contamination
We pulled the paper — but we kept working on the raw at some point. One of the primary foci of the work in 1992
data, to see what could be salvaged from it. We reanalyzed will be to analyze samples quickly after the formation is made,
the raw data for sample 1A and the control with proper sen- to avoid losing information on isotopes with short halflives.
sitivity levels, to pick out the peaks which were statistically The fact that we will have a gas flow counter and a gamma
valid. Once this was done, 53 peaks were left in sample 1A, spectroscope under our own control in Oxford, England, will
and 40 were left in 1C, the control. All of these peaks were cut the time between sampling and testing to mere hours. In
three standard deviations removed from the noise level, which addition, we plan to analyze the plant material as well, which
meant that there was a 99.9% chance that they were not due will help us determine whether any unusual isotopes dis-
to noise or statistical variation. The simple numerical disparity covered are from activation or contamination.
of peaks — 53 versus 40 — suggested that something was What lessons should we (and other cereologists) draw from
in LA which was not in 1C. our troubles? First, the recognition that scientists and scien-
Based on these peaks, we now tentatively argue that four tific labs are fallible, too; their claims should never be un-
unusual radioactive isotopes (three of which are from the critically accepted, but rather probed, questioned, and
original 13 isotopes) were in fact truly present in LA: replicated by others. Second, that cereologists should make
vanadium-48 (half-life: 16.1 days), europium-146 (4.6 days), their raw data freely available to others for review. This enables
ytterbium-169 (32 days), and gold-192 (4.9 hours) (3). The the community to detect problematic data or invalid claims.
gold-192 was present in the control as well, so we think its This in fact happened to us, since it was certain skeptical
presence was due to contamination from the government lab. responses to our manuscript that made us insist on getting
(We have several other reasons for thinking this as well, which to the lab's raw data. The system worked: our paper never
are a little too technical to get into here.) was published. Third, the lesson that the discovery of an

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

error constitutes an advance in knowledge. We have learned,
albeit the hard way, a great deal about what assumptions not
to make. The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 2:
The Emergence of a Phenomenon

F inally, we have learned not to put all our eggs in one

basket. Even in our darkest moments, we were heart-
ened by discoveries made by colleagues in completely dif-
By Jerome Clark
450 pages, Illustrated, Index, $75
This second of a projected three-volume UFO En-
ferent fields. In addition to his scintillation counts, Kevin Folta cyclopedia will be published in March 1992, by Om-
examined plant DNA in samples and controls from the nigraphics, Inc. of Detroit. Nearly 300,000 words long,
Argonne circle, and found that DNA from inside the circle Emergence is a far-ranging survey of the UFO phenom-
was considerably more degraded than DNA from outside it. enon from before 1800 through 1959.
This suggested that the plants had been exposed to some form UFOs in the 1980s, the initial volume of the series,
of radiation. Dr. W. C. Levengood of Pinelandia Biophysical concentrated on the major personalities, UFO sightings
Laboratories found consistent anomalies in plants from crop and research organizations that have dominated the most
circles around the world, including node swelling, cell wall recent history of unidentified flying objects. It featured
pit enhancement, polyembryony, increased seed germination lengthy entries on several topics of continuing interest,
rates, and variations of oxidation and reduction characteristics. including abductions, contactees, UFO crashes, earth-
And Cassandra McDonough of Texas A&M examined seeds lights, extraterrestial biological entities and fantasy-prone
under a scanning electron microscope, and found effects con- personalities.
sistent with Levengood's hypothesis that the plants had been Volume Two comprehensively examines the UFO
rapidly heated and cooled. (These findings are now being writ- phenomena prior to its identification in the public con-
ten up for submission to refereed journals.) In short, we sciousness with "flying saucers," a phrase which first
learned that in cereology, diversification is critical. surfaced in connection with Kenneth Arnold's landmark
In the summer of 1992, we will put these lessons to good June 24, 1947, sighting. "Anomalous Aerial Phenomena
use. Those who would criticize our mistakes would do well Before 1800," for example, reviews the widespread
to turn their energies in the same direction. reports, legends and folklore of what some have
speculated were early UFOs. Other lengthy entries are
Notes concerned with various aspects of 19th-century UFO
(1) Date and location data supplied by John Langrish. Langrish's figures sightings, including the curious tradition of "flying ser-
differ slightly from the ones given in Michael Chorost's report, The Sum- pent" reports. Also included are full accounts of UFO
mer 1991 Crop Circles (Fund for UFO Research, P. O. Box 277, Mt. Rainier, activity from 1900 to the beginning of the UFO Age in
MD, 1992.) They are more authoritative, so we use them here. 1947. The book concludes with a survey of the incidents,
(2) The six cases we tested are discussed at length in The Summer 1991
personalities and controversies that shaped and
Crop Circles (see note 1.) A condensed version of the report was printed dominated the first 12 years of the modern UFO era.
in the Mufon UFO Journal, October 1991, pp. 315. As in volume one of the UFO Encyclopedia, Clark
presents his material objectively for readers to draw their
(3) The gold-192 could also be interpreted as gold-194, which has many own conclusions concerning the credibility or in-
of the same peaks. If this is the case, then four, not three, of the original credibility of numerous claims and controversies.
13 isotopes would be present. •
Clark is a former editor of Fate Magazine. He has
been vice-president of the Center for UFO Studies since
MUFON 1985, and currently edits the bimonthly International
Amateur Radio Net UFO Reporter.
80 meters — 3.929 MHz — Saturday, 9 p.m. For further information, please contact Omnigraphics,
40 meters — 7.237 MHz — Saturday, 8 a.m. Inc., Penobscot Building, Detroit, MI 48226 or call (toll
free): 1-800-234-1340.
10 meters — 28.470 MHz — Sunday, 3 p.m.
All times Eastern Standard or Daylight

NOTE: The official publication price of the UFO En-

UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT: cyclopedia Vol. II, The Emergence of a Phenomenon:
A Report on Government Involvement in UFOs From the Beginning Through 1959, will be $85.
the UFO Crash Retrievals (113 pages) Author Clark assures us, however, that the publisher
by Grant Cameron and T. Scott Grain will honor the above price for Journal readers who
Price: $19 plus $1.50 for postage and handling. order now.
Order From: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

By Paul Rosenfield
uring the afternoon and evening of January 11, Dr. Carr believes that a meteorite may have been involved.

D 1991 Waltham, MA received several inches of snow.

This turned out to be the only major snowfall in
this area that winter. From early to mid-January the weather
He feels that such an object, about the size of a baseball or
softball, traveling at a high rate of speed, may have hit the
water, breaking through a thin layer of ice that had formed
was cold, with temperatures around freezing during the day on top of the water. The circle effect, he explains, could have
and getting well below freezing at night. Because of the storm, been the result of the action of two sets of waves: A surface
I decided to put off my regular jogging routine for awhile. wave when the object hit the water, then a compressional wave
On January 15th, I started running again, choosing to run which was formed when the piece of meteorite hit the river
through the Mount Feake Cemetery, which is about a mile bottom. He thought that the meteorite would have to have hit
from where I live. The snow had a hard layer of ice on top, the water at about a 90-degree angle and that the snowfall
and some of the roads were still quite icy. of January llth would probably have come after that happened.
Alongside the cemetery lies the Charles River. At about He believes that if a meteorite had landed in the river, two
a mile and a half into my run, I noticed on the river off to waves would develop, which would break through the ice on
my right an unusual circular formation in the ice. The circle the surface of the river, and the snow would never have ac-
was located about 40 feet out from the river bank, and I cumulated on the rings of water from the result of that
estimated the impression to be around 20 feet in diameter. happening.
The impression had a roughly circular mark in the center,
a ring going around that, and a concentric ring on the out- inquired about this possibility, speaking with a couple
side of that.
I couldn't figure out what had happened, but the impres-
sion looked to me to be melted ice, or water that did not freeze
I of people who are knowledgeable on the subject of
meteorites. One person I spoke with is from the Smith-
sonian National Museum of Natural History, the other is an
at all. There were no footprints, tracks or any sign of activi- author of a book on planetary geology. I was told that there
ty near the circle; which resembled some of the crop forma- were no fireballs reported in January of 1991, and was sent
tions found in England. I went home to get my camera and some information on meteorites. It said, in part, that "statistics
returned to shoot several pictures of it. Some parts of the river over the last century indicate that about 550 meteorites fall
were quite solid, but other areas hadn't frozen at all. I ques- on the earth each year, and that most of them fall into the
tioned the safety of the ice in that area so I didn't take any ocean or in remote areas where they are unlikely to be ob-
pictures from the river. served. Only about 75 of them fall in areas where they might
I didn't know who to ask about something like this, so I be collected, and only about 5 or 6 per year are recovered."
started first by showing the pictures to people I knew in order It is Dr. Carr's belief that a meteorite has the velocity needed
to get their opinions. They had not seen anything like this to create the two distinct sets of waves. A rock tossed into
before, but a few thought it could have been created by a the water, he says, would not have had such an impact because
pipeline underneath the water. At that point I spoke with a it wouldn't have the same velocity as a falling meteorite. I
woman from the Massachusetts Water Resource Association asked him whether the ordinary rippling effect of water, from
and explained to her the exact area in question, making sure a thrown rock hitting on the surface alone, could produce that
she knew where I was talking about by using landmarks and pattern. He said it would not because there would be no reason
so forth. I was told that there are no pipelines under the water for one area to be more damaged (on the surface) than another.
in the area, and that if there were, they would be located 5 In other words, it fails to explain his theory for the two distinct
to 10 feet below the riverbed. wave patterns.
After a couple of unsuccessful attempts at getting scien- Further reading of the information sent to me on meteorites
tists to look at the photos, I found one who was quite willing differs from Dr. Carr's opinion in saying that "the energy
to meet with me. Dr. Jerome P. Carr, Ph.D., who "wears resulting from the high velocity of entry into the atmosphere
many hats," is a geophysicist, limnologist, oceanographer and is dissipated within a few seconds and the body then falls
a geologist, with other tides to his credit as well. After viewing freely and comparatively slowly to the ground. Meteorites
a few of the pictures, Dr. Carr had first thought it might have
been caused by a small part of an airplane that fell into the Paul Rosenfield is a field investigator with Massachu-
river. But he decided it probably was not because the flat bot- setts MUFON, who lives in Waltham. The names of
tom part of an airplane or wing would tumble down too slowly those he interviewed for this article are on file.
to make an impression like that, and he felt that a heavy piece
falling from an aircraft would not likely occur.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

striking the ground may excavate small cavities, but most her a picture of the circle, and asked if she knew anything
meteorites are found practically sitting on the surface of un- about it. She hadn't seen it, nor did she have any personal
consolidated soil or snow." I am told that its fall would be information about it. But she did seem to recall a couple of
slowed even further by the water, (which I was told by a diver people who were ice fishing in the area had mentioned see-
later on to be about 12 to 14 feet deep), and it would likely ing the circle.
end up sitting on the riverbed. I also showed the picture to some of the cemetery workers,
On March 5th, with the weather warming up, I spoke with who said they had not seen it themselves, but one of the
the Police Chief of the Metropolitan District Commission workers mentioned it having been seen by a couple of peo-
(MDC) regarding permission to send divers into the water. ple taking a walk in the area at the time. One of the workers
Explaining why I wanted to do this, I was told that the MDC said that there are underwater springs in the area. That possible
Police Underwater Search Division were going to be having explanation was suggested by a few people, one of them be-
divers in the area tomorrow recovering a small sunken boat ing an anthropologist, who I was told might be able to offer
and that maybe they would check it out for me. some insight into the matter. The anthropologist also
I met with them the following day, showed them one of the speculated that it might be a pipeline or a whirlpool. Dr. Carr
pictures, told them the story, and we went to that area. They didn't like any of those explanations, saying that in the case
felt it was a pretty strange thing for them to be doing, but of a pipeline the surface current would have made the cir-
they had some extra time so they would do it. One diver went cular impression very unlikely. He said it was not a whirlpool
in after I had gone over with him a couple of things about because the whole area would be melted away, not just ir-
the appearance of meteorites. Basically, I pretty much told regular melting in certain spots. The underwater spring theory
him to just look for unusual rocks. He covered the spot where was discounted by him as well because the warm water from
the circle was located, and also included an area 15 to 20 feet the spring below would be too dense to rise up through the
surrounding the circle. After 20 minutes, the diver surfaced cold water near the surface. (Note: More recently Dr. Carr
carrying two ordinary looking rocks. These rocks looked nor- has suggested the possibility that the ice circles could be con-
mal to me, and were later confirmed by Walter Webb as not nected .to some sort of electromagnetic effect, perhaps
being meteorites. The diver said that the visibility under the something similar to what could be causing the British crop
water was good, the bottom was smooth, and there were not circles.)
many rocks down there. These rocks could have been picked My next idea was to pay a visit to the house that sits right
up from anywhere within the fairly wide area he searched. across the river, thinking • perhaps they might have some
knowledge of it. I rang the doorbell and a very elderly woman
couple of the people I spoke with on meteorites said opened the door. With her admittedly poor eyesight she looked

A that a meteorite probably would not move from where

it landed unless perhaps there was a strong current,
which there is none. The two rocks that were found are not
the type of rock that one would normally think of picking
at the greatly enlarged photograph. She wasn't aware of the
ice circle, but said she had been living there for 40 years and
was certain it was caused by the wind. I thought to myself,
"the wind?" She said, "have you seen the way the wind
up and throwing, but that aside, I have my own reasons to blows the surface of the water?" She handed the picture
question whether the impression was created by a rock. back to me, started laughing and said, "you people ... that's
A rock, if it were thrown, would have to have been the size the biggest laugh I've had all day."
of a baseball or softball. But when the snow melted on the That part of the river froze a couple of more times
cemetery side of the river, not only could I not find any big during the winter, but nothing out of the ordinary was noticed.
rocks on the ground, but one would be hard-pressed to locate
any small ones either. If someone had wanted to toss a rock
into the water from the other side of the river, they would
have had some difficulty. Given the required size and weight,
it is very unlikely that this is what happened. The impres- CHANGE OF ADDRESS
sion is closest to the cemetery side, which means that any MEMBERS/SUBSCRIBERS
prankster on the far bank would face a much farther toss, one
that would have to be high enough in the air so as to hit the Advise change of address
surface of the water at a 90-degree angle. That would be very (include county and phone no.) to:
difficult indeed with a rock of the suggested size and weight.
Also, if the circle was created after the eight-inch snowfall MUFON
rather than before, as Dr. Carr theorizes, then any rocks 103 Oldtowne Rd.
on the ground would have been covered over. Something
else that is probably worth noting is that there are no tree
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099
branches that overhang the river in that area.
I spoke with some of the people who work in the cemetery,
starting with a woman who works in the office. I showed

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

By Walter N. Webb
he likely association of past mass extinctions on Earth Prior to West's observations, the Director of the Interna-

T with impacting asteroids or comets, along with the

realization that such space debris continues to pose
a threat, have stimulated searches for near-Earth objects. It
tional Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center in Cam-
bridge Massachusetts, Brian Marsden, told Boston Globe
science reporter David Chandler: "I don't know what it is.
is estimated that only about one percent of some 10,000 Earth- I've never had anything before that had an orbit so similar
approaching asteroids big enough to cause large-scale damage to Earth's." After speculating on what the object might be
have been detected. — an unusual asteroid or a rocket stage from an old space
A University of Arizona team runs a search project atop mission — Marsden said there was one other option: "It could
Kitt Peak called Spacewatch. Using an automated 36-inch be an alien spacecraft, but I don't want to think about that!"2
telescope equipped with a charge-coupled device (sensitive Marsden's calculations indicated that the object arrived in
light detector), this group has already had a string of notable its current orbit in the astronomically recent past and in fact
successes. In January 1991 Spacewatch discovered 1991 BA, appeared to pass Earth every 16 years or so. Using that
a tiny 30-foot asteroid that passed only 106,000 miles from estimate, the astronomer checked into the possibility that VG
Earth — less than half the Moon's distance and the closest might be a rocket from an early interplanetary or lunar space
known miss by such an object (that hasn't entered our planet's mission. Looking back in time, Marsden sought candidate
atmosphere). Last October the same team detected 1991 TU, launches during the 16-year intervals of the mid-1970s and
another small asteroid flying by within about 460,000 miles. late '50s. Suspects included the Centaur upper stage of the
And opening the new year was Spacewatch's finding of a Helios 1 mission, Pioneer 4's upper rocket, and several Soviet
strange reddish object 120 miles in diameter orbiting beyond Luna missions. While even a secret U.S. or Soviet military
Saturn. Officially designated 1992 AD, the body was nick- mission couldn't be ruled out, none of the candidates could
named "Son of Chiron" because of its resemblance to the be identified with certainty.
odd deep-space comet Chiron discovered in 1977. "I think it's brought out the question that we aren't ade-
But perhaps the Arizona team's most sensational discovery quately cataloging the artificial junk that's being sent into
preceded "Son of Chiron." Last November 6 James V. Scot- heliocentric orbit," Marsden told Science News. "When
ti spotted a dim image streaking across the telescope's something has gone around the Sun ... and come back to haunt
photographic field of stars. Upon determining the object's us, I think it's something to think about."3
preliminary orbit^ Scotti suddenly realized that 1991 VG, as
it was called, had an unusual path for an asteroid. Its orbit
appeared to be very similar to Earth's. That is, the size of F ollowing the unknown space visitor's closest approach,
attempts were made in both hemispheres to recover it
VG's orbit turned out to be only about five percent larger than optically and by radar. Radar especially might help resolve
Earth's; the orbit's shape was almost circular; and its inclined the mystery of whether 1991 VG was a rock or a rocket. Un-
angle to Earth's orbital plane proved to be astonishingly small. fortunately, neither the European Southern Observatory nor
(Asteroids usually have more elliptical paths and much higher radar antennas at Goldstone, California and Arecibo, Puerto
inclinations.) The object itself appeared to be possibly the Rico were able to find the object again.
smallest yet discovered in space — perhaps 20 feet across. Marsden was once more interviewed by the Boston Globe.
Furthermore, it was due to pass nearest the Earth on De- The astronomer said: "We are dealing with some very peculiar
cember 5 at a separation of about 290,000 miles — somewhat object. I would say man-made. I think it would be hard to
more than the Moon's distance. explain this kind of (light) variation with a natural object,
As the mysterious body moved into Southern Hemisphere even a small one." Referring to the failure to recover the ob-
skies and headed toward the South Pole, Richard West of the ject, Marsden joked: "Maybe that's why they couldn't be
European Southern Observatory in Chile imaged VG through found last night. Maybe they landed!"4
a 61-inch telescope and found its brightness fluctuating rapidly In 1960 and again in 1975,5 Stanford radio astronomer Ronald
(a magnitude or more), including several brilliant flashes. The Bracewell proposed the concept of alien robot probes sent
light variation pattern pointed to something shiny and metallic out to sunlike stars by members of a "galactic club" (federa-
rotating once every seven to eight minutes. (Asteroids rotate tion of advanced intelligences). Such probes would orbit our
with periods no shorter than a few hours.) Additionally, VG's
visible spectrum indicated a uniform colorless object, quite Webb is a MUFON Consultant in astronomy and the
different from the usual asteroidal reflection. West concluded author of our regular Night Sky column.
that 1991 VG was most probably an artificial body rotating
about more than one axis.1

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

Sun, for example, in its habitable zone, listening for radio
or TV transmissions from possible civilizations. The detec-
tion of artifical signals might initiate a pre-recorded message ASTEROID HOAX STORY
to our planet, perhaps eventually resulting in an exchange of
information. Or the robot could be passive, simply collect-
Last year copies of a clipping allegedly from the
ing data to be retransmitted back to the origin planet.
New York Times and dated October 6, 1977, made the
I contacted Marsden by telephone on January 2. He still
rounds of various ufologists. The story related how an
relieved VG was likely an unidentified rocket stage from some
object "from beyond the solar system" was heading
unmanned solar-system mission launched in the 1970s or even
straight for Earth and was due to settle into an orbit
earlier. The optical flash pattern indicated to him the uncon-
around our planet "on or about October 25 [1977]."
trolled tumbling of a rocket. I asked him point-blank about
While the discoverer of this object, a "Dr. Moffatt"
the alien probe hypothesis. Rather than dismissing the no-
of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, ex-
tion outright, Marsden carefully considered the question.
plained it as an interstellar asteroid or comet, "Dr.
While he didn't think it was very likely that VG was an alien
Rood" of the British Interplanetary Society believed
probe, he didn't rule it out either. The astronomer remarked
the visitor's course and rate of deceleration meant it
that even from a remote flyby distance, a probe could collect
was "an intelligently guided vehicle."
meaningful data about our planet. I asked whether there had
I was suspicious of this tale from the start. First of
been any reports during VG's brief pre-encounter of the ob-
all, I would have known of such an explosive discovery
ject accelerating or decelerating (as if under control). Marsden
through the International Astronomical Union's Cir-
responded negatively.
culars and from astronomical journals. Secondly, the
In conclusion, while VG's possible identity as an alien probe
names quoted in the story were unfamiliar. And, last-
can't be totally ruled out, the scientific principle of Occam's
ly, there was no evidence of any follow-up stories after
Razor dictates that an as-yet unidentified rocket stage of earth-
the object went into Earth orbit.
ly origin is the simplest, most reasonable hypothesis to ac-
As reported in the January /February 1992 issue of
count for this space visitor.
UFO magazine,6 Don Ecker checked the New York
Times Index and microfiche copies for the edition in
question and found that no such story had appeared
in the newspaper in 1977. Someone had cleverly
1. ParaNet, Dec. 18, 1991 (reprint by Michael Corbin & Daniel Fischer reproduced the Time's type style and fabricated a hoax
of release by Duncan Steel, Anglo-Australian Observatory, Dec. 17, 1991). story!
2. David L. Chandler "Asteroid? Flying saucer? For now, the experts I also called Brian Marsden, who directs both the
don't know," Boston Globe, Nov. 20, 1991. IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
3. R. Cowen, "An asteroid hunt finds mysterious object," Science News,
Nov. 30, 1991, 358. (reports astronomical discoveries) and the Minor Planet
4. David L. Chandler, "Mystery object eludes astronomers," Boston Center. The story had come to his attention last year
Globe, Dec. 7, 1991. as well. Marsden confirmed that the scientists named
5. R. N. Bracewell, "Communications from Superior Galactic Com- in the article were fictitious, and the piece was a clever
munities," Nature 186 (1960):670; The Galactic Club (San Francisco: W.H. hoax.
Freeman & Co., 1975).
6. Don Ecker, "Stray Asteroid Story Stings UFO 'Groupies', " UFO 7, I would like to expose the culprit. If readers can pro-
no. 1 (Jan. /Feb. 1992): 21. vide any clues, please notify the Journal editor.
- Walter N. Webb

Direct manuscripts and letters to the editor to: The MUFON UFO JOURNAL
"Simply the Best of Its Kind"
Editor Subscriptions: $25/yr. ($30 foreign)
MUFON UFO Journal 12 issues, from:
Box 12434
San Antonio MUFON:
Texas 78212 103 Oldtowne Road
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

contributors (because of its brevity, Mrs. Druffel's report will
QUARTERLY FUND REPORT be sent — free of charge — to anyone purchasing another
report from our available list).
We're pleased to report that our appeal for contributions

T he last half of 1991 was marked by unprecedented co-

operation between the Fund for UFO Research, the
Center for UFO Studies and the principal investigators into
to support the Donald E. Key hoe Journalism Award exceeded
our goal to raise at least $2,000 to provide significant recogni-
tion for the best articles or stories printed or broadcast on
the apparent crash of at least one UFO in New Mexico in 1947. the UFO subject during the 1991 calendar year. The purpose
The effort began in July during the Mutual UFO Network of the award is to encourage quality journalism and solid in-
Annual Symposium meeting in Chicago. Representatives of vestigative reporting into the UFO phenomenon by reporters
the Fund, the Center and the Roswell case investigators met for daily and weekly newspapers, as well as magazines, and
to discuss the reported 1947 crash of a UFO on The Plains television and radio news operations. Judging for the 1991
of San Agustin, 150 miles west of the well-documented crash Keyhoe Award will take place early in 1992.
site in Corona. Although there is disagreement about the
quality of the evidence for a second crash, representatives
of the two organizations agreed to support the continuing
D uring this period David Schwartzman, Ph.D., resigned
from the National Board. He was replaced by Thomas
E. Bullard, Ph.D., an assistant professor of folklore at the
On July 24, 1991, the only known living first-hand witness University of Indiana and a recognized authority on UFO ab-
who allegedly was involved in the events, Gerald Anderson, duction cases.
was the subject of a polygraph examination conducted by a Also during this period, the Fund for UFO Research joined
certified polygraph examiner in Kansas City, MO. The pro- with the Center for UFO Studies and the Mutual UFO Net-
ject was coordinated by nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman work to help form the Joint American-Soviet Aerial Anoma-
and the costs were paid for by the Fund. The examiner con- ly Federation, which was initiated by Richard Haines, Ph.D.
cluded that there was no evidence of deception in Anderson's (a member of the Fund's National Board). The primary pur-
account. This is the first time any witness in the Roswell case pose of the organization is to foster an exchange of informa-
has taken — and passed — a polygraph examination. tion between major UFO organizations in both countries. The
During the fall, representatives of the Fund and the Center breakup of the Soviet Union into the Commonwealth of In-
discussed the possibility of sponsoring a conference to pro- dependent States is not expected to affect this unprecedented
vide for a full exchange of evidence concerning the Plains effort of international cooperation in solving the UFO mystery.
of San Agustin account. At this writing, the conference is Late in 1991 the Fund acquired five theses prepared by
scheduled to be held in mid-February. Attendance will be by students attending the U.S. Air Force Air University and Staff
invitation only and a report on the proceedings will be College between 1968 and 1974. Two of the theses are highly
available as soon as possible after the meeting. interesting, because they are extremely critical of the Air
Also during this period, the Fund's Executive Committee Force's official position on the UFO question. The Fund is
received six new grant proposals for further research into UFO publishing the two best papers and will make the others
crash/retrieval cases, including the Roswell case, totalling available upon request.
more than $30,000. The Executive Committee approved all
of them and forwarded those involving expenditures of more
than $1000 to the National Board for review. By the end of Fund for UFO Research
December, most of them had been approved, subject to the P.O. Box 277
availability of funds. An appeal was mailed to the Fund's donor Mount Rainier, MD 20712
list and to CUFOS Associates requesting additional support
for the ongoing investigation. A second videotape of first-
hand witnesses to the retrieval of UFO wreckage and alien UFO CRASH/RETRIEVALS:
bodies was offered to contributors of $50 or more. To date, THE INNER SANCTUM
the fund has spent more than $50,000 on the Roswell case,
making it the most expensive civilian UFO case investiga- Status Report VI by Leonard H. Stringfield
tion ever conducted. (July 1991 - 142 pages) is now available from
MUFON in Seguin, Texas
Circles & Soviets for $17 plus $1.50 for postage and handling.

Two projects supported by the Fund were completed dur-

ing this period: Michael Chorost's analysis of crop circles MUFONET-BBS Network
in England during the summer of this year and Ann Druf- Computer Bulletin Board 8-N-l 300-14,400 Baud
fel's excellent report on an alleged "missing fetus" UFO ab- Data Line 901-785-4943. John Komar
duction case. Both reports are how available to the Fund's

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

that. It was real bright and shone like polished aluminum,"
he said. "I'll tell you, I have been flying for 25 years now,
LOOKING BACK and I have never seen anything like it." (The Examiner, San
Francisco, CA, 4/4/52)
By Bob Gribble • UFOs were reported in the area of the Nevada atomic test
site on the 17th. An Air Force technical sergeant and four
April 1947 • Shortly after the noon hour on the 29th, Mrs. civilian workers at the Nellis Air Force Base, near Las Vegas,
H. G. Olavick and Mrs. William Down spotted an unusual, said they saw 18 circular objects flying an easterly course
isolated cloud in a completely cloudless sky over Tucson, which carried them over or very close to the test site at 12:05
Arizona. They described it as being "steamy and fleecy." In p.m. The men watched the discs for about 30 seconds and
and out of the cloud moved a number of dull-white disci ike estimated that the craft were 40,000 feet up and flying at a
objects that rose and fell in an erratic manner, occasionally speed of at least 1200 mph. The objects flew an irregular for-
disappearing into or above the cloud. Mrs. Olavick said that mation with one of them off to the right, moving with a zig-
the objects were round in planform but were not spherical, zag motion. They left no smoke or vapor. (Examiner, San
for they frequently tipped a bit, exposing a flattened-sphere Francisco, CA, 4/18/52)
form. She estimated that they watched the objects cavorting
near the cloud for perhaps five or six minutes before the en- April 1957 • Radar stations throughout Great Britain were
tire group suddenly disappeared within the cloud or perhaps alerted to look for a mysterious flying object tracked by Air
above it. Ministry observers over southwest Scotland on the fourth.
After a: minute or so,, a new object, perhaps three or four Three radar operators reported independently that the object
times as large as the little objects, came out of the cloud on flashed across their screens traveling at 60,000 feet. The
its east side. After it emerged, the small objects began to operators said the object suddenly dived to a height of 14,000
emerge also, taking up a V-formation pattern behind it. The feet, made two whirls, then vanished to the south. The ob-
V comprised a line of four-abreast just to the rear of the large ject was sighted by two lonely radar posts in Scotland's hilly
object, then a line of three-abreast behind that, and finally Wigtownshire. A Royal Air Force station near Luce Bay on
two-abreast in the rear. This permitted the first accurate count the southwestern tip of Scotland also caught it on radar. It was
of small objects, nine in all. No sooner had the last pair last reported headed towards the Isle of Man. Royal Air Force
emerged than all 10 objects shot off to the northeast, climb- officials said no planes were in the area at the time. The UFO
ing out of sight in about two or three seconds. ("UFOs: What was described as too fast, too big and too maneuverable to
To Do," published by the Rand Corporation, 11/27/68) have been a plane. (The News, Santa Barbara, CA, 4/7/57;
Flying Saucers Journal, New Zealand, Second Quarter, 1957)
April 1952 • Secretary of the Navy Dan Kimball was fly-
ing to Hawaii (date unknown) when two disc-shaped craft • On the 14th, a metallic-like craft in the form of a big top
streaked in toward his Navy executive plane. "Their speed about five feet tall, reportedly landed on a road about 300
was amazing," Kimball said. "My pilots estimated it between feet from two elderly French country women at Vins sur
1500 and 2000 miles per hour. The objects circled us twice Caramy, France. Just as it landed, a deafening rattle was heard
and then took off, heading east. There was another Navy plane coming from a metallic road sign some 15 to 20 feet from
behind us, with Admiral Arthur Radford on board. The the landing site. The sign had been set into violent vibration.
distance was about 50 miles. I had my senior pilot radio a The cries of the women and the noise from the sign were heard
report on the sighting. In almost no time Radford's chief pilot by a man nearly 1000 feet away. Thinking that there had been
called back, really excited. The UFOs were now circling their an accident, he rushed over, arriving in time to see the top
plane, having covered the 40 miles in less than two minutes. jump off the road to a height of about 20 feet, turn, and land
In a few seconds the pilot told us they'd left the plane and a second time, this time on another road, which forked from
raced up out of sight." (Aliens From Space, by Major Donald the first.
Keyhoe) As it turned, it flew over a second road sign, and this one
likewise vibrated violently, resonating as though it had been
• A strange oval-shaped object was reported seen high in subjected to violent shocks repeated at a rapid cadence. The
the sky over Benson, Arizona on the third. At least four men UFO, however, made no sound itself. The local police and
connected with Marana Air Force Base, about 20 miles north- a UFO investigator reportedly placed a compass near the two
west of Tucson, reported seeing the object. Chick Logan, a signs and found a deviation of some 15 degrees. The French
civilian flight commander, described it as five or six times police adjutant in the area vouched for the integrity of the
as large as a B-29 Superfortress, oblong in shape, and without witnesses. He affirmed their good faith and said they were
wings or other projections. "It was not like a disc," Logan above any suspicion of a hoax. (The UFO Experience: A Scien-
said, "but more oblong ... I flew as high as I could to 14,000 tific Inquiry, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek)
feet and it appeared to be at least 40,000 feet higher than

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

• At 11:52 a.m. on the 19th, the Japanese fishing boat Kit- April 1967 • John H. Demler, a Justice of the Peace, was
sukawa Maru was enroute to Japan from the South Pacific driving about half a mile from his home in Jonestown Penn-
Ocean. The bosun and four crew members spotted two sylvania at 7:45 p.m. on the fifth when his car engine miss-
metallic, very silvery craft descending from the sky and sud- ed three times. "It then stopped and the car lights went out,"
denly dive into the water at about 143-30 E., and 31-15 N. Demler said. "At the same time I saw an object coming toward
After the craft submerged, a violent turbulence occurred under the car about 20 feet above the street." The slow moving UFO
the surface where the objects vanished. The bosun thought was approximately 30 feet across and looked like it had lights
at first the UFOs were jet planes, but they had no wings and in back of a painted black glass. It flew over the car as Demler
were approximately 10 meters long. His boat searched the lowered his window and noticed a smell of sulphar and oil.
area but found no wreckage. (S.P.A.C.E. magazine, July 1957) It also emitted a sound like an electric motor running. The
object came to a stop alongside the car, tilted, started off slow-
April 1962 • About 7:30 p.m. on the 18th, something ex- ly, then put on such a terrific burst of speed that Demler and
ploded over southwestern Nevada. It shook the earth. It was his car seemed to be pulled to it. The witness said the car
as brilliant as an atomic blast. Reporters for the Las Vegas settled down so fast that he was moved all the way across
Sun immediately launched an investigation. Was the object the front seat. "My condition was all nerves the next day,"
a meteor? The reporter who called Nellis Air Force Base Demler said. "I was wet with perspiration until about 4 p.m.
evidently took them by surprise, for he was told: "There's The skin peeled off my hands and feet." (Strange Effects From
only one thing wrong with that (the meteor theory), a meteor UFOs, a NICAP Special Report)
cannot be tracked by radar and this thing was." How much
radar tracking had been done on the strange glowing object • Scores of Ohio River valley residents reported seeing a
before it exploded over the Mesquite Range in Nevada? The huge object flying up the river on the 17th. Lewis Summers
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) in Col- of New Haven, West Virginia spotted and pursued the UFO
orado Springs, Colorado was contacted. The spokesman there in his car about 8:45 p.m. Estimated to be as big as a C-45
was Lieutenant Colonel Hurbert Rolph. He told newsmen that aircraft at an altitude of 500 feet, the object emitted two shafts
the Air Defense Command had been alerted by the fire trail of light from its underside. At one point, Summers stopped
of this, strange object. his car and flashed the headlights off and on several times.
The first report had come from Oneida, New York, where The shafts of light from the craft also were turned off and
watchers had detected a glowing red object moving deeper on several times. Three miles north of New Raven, a young
into the United States and apparently at great altitude. As the boy in a pony-drawn wagon broke his glasses when the animal
intruder penetrated deeper into the Midwest, NORAD ad- bucked upon seeing the UFO, wrecking the wagon. The
mittedly alerted its bases (including Nellis Air Force Base), youngster's father did not believe his story until the horse was
and jet interceptors had been scrambled from Phoenix, found on the ground with its feet sticking straight up. The
Arizona to intercept the aerial intruder. Radar tracking had animal reportedly suffered no lasting ill effect. (Strange Ef-
determined that is was neither plane, missile, satellite, nor fects From UFOs, a NICAP Special Report)
meteor. It was therefore listed as a UFO and tracked as far
west as Gridley, Kansas. It turned northwest and descended • A school principal and his companions (in another car)
until it was lost from the radar screens. were driving near Jefferson City, Missouri about 9 p.m. on
A few minutes later a UFO landed near an electric power the 17th, when they spotted an object shaped something like
substation at Eureka, Utah. The Air Force spokesman at Stead a WW I helmet coming over the top of a cliff. The object,
Air Force Base in Reno admitted that the object had landed estimated to be 300 feet in diameter, passed directly overhead
and that the power substation had not been in operation dur- on its flight path towards the airport. The top of the car seemed
ing the 42 minutes the object was on the ground near it. He to have no effect in holding out the brilliant light radiating
also told newsmen that the presence of this object had not from the UFO. When the driver looked at his hands, it looked
been admitted to until the power station was in operation again, like he was looking at X-ray plates of his hands. As the ob-
after the object had left. The nature of the object which landed ject passed over the airport it was observed by several
was not revealed, because the UFO did not remain there. Jets witnesses on the ground and the crew of an Ozark Airlines
were pursuing it over southwestern Nevada, after the Eureka plane approaching the airport for a landing. (The UFO Ex-
incident, when the object exploded in a blinding flash which perience, by Dr. J. Allen Hynek)
resembled an atomic explosion.
All these things happened on the night of April 18, 1962, April 1977 • In one of the strangest UFO sightings on
and were confirmed by official spokesmen for the U.S. Air record, a Chilean soldier who disappeared in an eerie violet
Force. The incident received no national news coverage. For- glow, apparently lost five days and 15 minutes from his life!
tunately, The Las Vegas Sun checked the story and gave it The soldier, a corporal, went to investigate a powerful, violet,
the front page banner headlines it deserved. (Strange World oval-shaped light that suddenly appeared one night hovering
and Flying Saucers — Serious Business by Frank Edwards) near his unit's post. All of the members of the unit saw it
and stood, startled, in combat readiness. When the corporal

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

returned, 15 minutes later, his mind was a blank, his calen-
dar watch had advanced by five days, and he had a sudden,
five-day growth of beard on his face! "All I remember is walk-
ing away from my soldiers toward the light, then I lost my
Calendar of
mind," said Cpl. Armando Valdes. "They say I disappeared UFO Conferences
like magic. All I can say is something called me. It was an
internal communication between the light and myself. When for 1992
I returned, the date on my watch had gone forward five days May 1,2 & 3 — Exploring Unexplained Phenomena IV -
in 15 minutes. They tell me I looked like I hadn't shaved for Nebraska Center, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln,
five days." Nebraska. (Scott Colborn, 402-421-1701)
The event started at about 3:50 a.m. on the 25th, near a
secret army post at Pampa Lluscoma, close to the Bolivian May 1, 2 & 3 — Sixth European Lyon Congress - Lyon,
France. (SOS OVNI 33. 42. 27 26. 18)
border, where a patrol was on duty. The men were stunned
to see, just 1600 feet away, the oval object, some 230 feet May 22, 23, 24 & 25 — International Symposium on
in circumference and bathing a wide area in bright violet light. UFO Research - Red Lion Inn, Denver, Colorado.
At each end of the object were two small revolving red discs. (Carol Wagner, 303-482-3731)
"Our corporal told us that we must believe in God and that June 25, 26 & 27 — 13th Rocky Mountain Conference
nothing was going to happen to us," said soldier Raul Vas- on UFO Investigation, University of Wyoming,
quez in a statement recorded on tape before a ban on inter- Laramie, Wyoming. (307-766-2124 or
views was imposed by President and Commander in Chief 1-800-448-7801)
General Augusto Pinochet. "The corporal went toward it and July 10, 11 & 12 — MUFON 1992 International UFO
when he reappeared he was trembling and laughing with a Symposium -The Doubletree Hotel, Albuquerque,
different voice." Soldier Ivan Robles said: "He seemed out New Mexico. (Teresa Brito-Asenap, 505-247-4082)
of his mind and did not recognize anybody."
Cpl. Valdes then fell unconscious. When he recovered, he July 17, 18 & 19 — First International Conference on
Crop Circles, The Enigma for the Nineties • The
mounted a horse and galloped to the tiny village of Putre in
Great Hall, Winchester, England (Beth Davis, 11B
order to tell his story to schoolteacher Pedro Araneda, former- Fitzwilliam Road, Cambridge CB2 2BN, England)
ly a lecturer at the University of Chile. Araneda said: "The
corporal felt I was the only one who would be able to ex- September 11-13 — UFO World Conference - Sheraton
plain the mystery. I was surprised at his appearance, because Colorado Springs Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO
he had a beard of around six or seven days growth and I knew (1-800-484-1181)
the soldiers had to shave every day. I took my camera and October 24 — Show-Me UFO Conference - Harley
tape recorder to the scene. All ,the men told the same story. Hotel, Earth City, MO (near St. Louis, MO)
I believe that the soldiers' story is genuine because I was in (Bruce Widaman, 314-946-1394)
the area two or three hours after it happened and they all said
the same thing. They were all shocked, almost in a state of
panic." (The Journal, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 5/23/77;
The News, San Antonio, TX, 5/23/77; The Cronica, Buenos encompassing treatment of the subject. In fact, we had come
Aries, Argentia, 5/22/77; National Enquirer, 6/28/77) to almost the same conclusion before reading John White's
As to the "hypothetical Satan" label you seem to fear, why
LETTERS is this out of the realm of possibility? One does not have to
be a serious student of eschatology to come to the realiza-
Dear Editor: tion that some day there will be an "end time" as spoken of
Thank you for running John White's excellent article "Aliens in the book of Revelations of the Bible, and that Satan is very
Among Us — A UFO Conspiracy Hypothesis in a Religious real. One certainly hopes it does hot happen during our time,
Mode." but the possibility cannot be discounted as it involves our very
I must, however, take issue with your disclaimer re the raison d'etre.
religious theory (or is the real issue the conspiracy aspect?) I for one would like to read more of John White's articles
Why should religion be ruled out of an investigation of this (forewarned is forearmed), and if you disagree so strongly
confounding, monumental and earthshaking subject? It seems why don't you rebut him in the Journal and take the space
to be generally agreed among UFO researchers that there is to cite your "reasons too long and complex to enter into"?
definitely a supernatural, metaphysical or paranormal aspect I would welcome a complete demolition of his theory because
to this experience, as well as an insidious and sinister one. it's very scary to me too!
I doubt whether I stand alone in wanting to read more of — Connie Gerner
John White's articles. It appears to be the most logical, all- Hubertus, WI

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

Dear Editor:, Dear Editor:
First of all, I would like to thank Budd Hopkins for taking I'm new to MUFON, and I hate to jump into the middle
time out of his busy schedule to respond to my article en- of an argument without having all the facts, but I have to take
titled "The Revealing Science of Ufology," published in the exception to an argument used by Mr. Philip Klass in a letter
December 1991 edition of this Journal. Budd first challenges published in the February issue of the Journal.
the source of the information. He stated that the validity he With regard to a letter from a "nonexistent" Maj. Thomas
would ascribe to the information would depend on its source. Shively, Mr. Klass contends "Even cursory examination ...
In the article I included communications received during on- reveals that its 'Department of the Air Force' letterhead is
board experiences, telepathically received between ex- significantly fainter than the typewritten text, showing the let-
periences and even a few examples of channeled material. terhead is a hoax photocopy."
I included different methods of receipt because my research Mr. Klass' argument appears to be based on an erroneous
indicates that the method does not necessarily matter. The assumption about the letterhead. Department of the Air Force
correlation between communications indicates that the infor- letterheads are printed in blue, not black, ink. Consequent-
mation received is a valid part of the data we collect from ly, such letterheads always photocopy lighter than text which
the people who are having the experiences. We must never is typewritten in black.
ever ignore data. This is a cardinal sin of any researcher/scien- Working in the defense industry, I have had many oppor-
tist no matter how lengthy our experience or reputation. tunities to copy such letterheads. Newer copiers reproduce
However, Budd makes a good point; the correlations do the blue better than older technology, but in no case does the
not prove the truth or falsity of the information. Some ab- blue reproduce as dark as black.
duction/contact/channel cases may contain deceptive infor- The Department of Defense often distributes photocopies
mation. The operative words in the last sentence are "some" as originals, in which case even an authentic original can have
and "may." We should not, under any circumstances, believe the appearance Mr. Klass complains of. Certainly an undoc-
something without proof. We have used correlations as our tored photocopy of an original would have that appearance.
strongest evidence for the validity of all other aspects of the
— Susan Civil
abduction phenomenon; why are communications data treated
Round Rock, TX
so differently? Perhaps it is because of the profound phil-
osophical or personal nature of the information. After all, Dear Editor:
it took humanity 200 years to accept that the earth was not flat. Upon receiving our second issue of the MUFON UFO Jour-
I also do not feel it is scientifically sound to make sweep- nal we were delighted to learn that another reader shares our
ing general statements like, "Never believe a thing you are mutual feelings concerning the contents chosen to be printed
told by either an alien or a government source." Even if in the Journal, the latter being (if I may quote the reader's
everything we know about alien activity is consistently in- words which support our feelings), "an unalloyed mix of con-
consistent, this can still tell us many things about how they flicting individual hypotheses and conclusions, (which) are
think and operate. increasingly resorting to personal allegations and rebuttals
Lastly, Budd suggests that we "develop a personal, highly couched in vituperative and deprecatory tones." (R. H. Cod-
critical truth-detecting system, and refuse to defer automatically dington, Richmond, VA).
to either alien or goverment 'authorities'." I say this is good Our first issue, Jan. 92, left us somewhat baffled over most
advice, but let's take it one step further. One of the strongest of the articles, since as newcomers to MUFON we had no
legs science stands on is "Review of its peers." I wholeheartedly idea what those subjects were about; it being only obvious
invite other researchers to get involved with the "Ask the that some mud-slinging was going on. Even then I was begin-
Aliens" concept and/or compare their files with the informa- ning to wonder what our subscription fee was buying us. With
tion from my article to see if correlations exist for them too. the arrival of our next issue, Feb. 92, we found more of the
Obviously, if you are not considering all the data received from same. Yet we were happy to know that we aren't an isolated
your abductees because of some rigid paradigm problem, then case with our feelings, as R. H. Coddington demonstrated
the previous invitation cannot apply to you. so clearly in his letter in that same issue.
In closing I would like to say that if we, as researchers, We did, however, enjoy the first article of each issue, i.e.,
ignore, communications out of hand, then we are ignoring a "Brazil Still UFO Hot Spot" and "Light Show Over Lan-
viable and recurring set of data about alien activity and have caster," and found them to be a learning benefit as well, as
ourselves become a-part of the coverup. ' adding to our overall awareness of what is occurring in the
If anyone is interested in acquiring the questionnaire that UFO arena. We feel there are not enough pages of the Jour-
John Carpenter and I used, please write us. We would like nal dedicated to this type of informative reporting. It is far
to compare notes. We may be reached at: Forest Crawford, outweighed by the mud-slinging pages.
219 Emilie St., Collinsville, IL, 62234, or John Carpenter, We do not advocate omitting completely from the Journal
4033 S. Belvedere, Springfield, MO 65807. . such articles, but we do suggest that having a section of the
Journal set aside for such debates be considered, and that
— Forest Crawford
you add more pages of informative reports as well as, perhaps,

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

excerpts from books and videos (not just "reviews" of them) Beyond all this, we were able to personally interview highly
and lectures from former MUFON meetings. credible witnesses, including police officers, scientists and
We feel that such a Journal as yours has the potential to members of the general public who have seen this craft at
be a public promoter of cooperation between peoples in the close range. This craft is real, structured, completely silent
UFO fields of investigation/reporting instead of competition, and possesses performance characteristics which Northrop
controversy and hence, confusion for the public. Certainly, and McDonnell Douglas can only dream about. The notion
while you do not have all the answers, you do have a lot of that this craft may be a "balloon or giant glider" is inconsis-
information on file that can be printed in the Journal for tent with the fact that this craft has been observed hovering
greater awareness of the enigma. And isn't that the intent of motionless in winds exceeding 50 mph. And we spoke to no
the Journal in the first place? police or civilian officials who regarded this craft as being
It is hoped by us that UFO investigators, researchers and consistent with the F-117A, A-12 Avenger or TR-3A Black
reporters will duly recognize that the hand with the finger Manta.
pointing at the possible Machiavellian methods being deployed Finally, the article gives the impression that this UFO wave
upon the general public by national and international govern- ended in June of 1991; actually, the wave continues unabated
mental, political, and militia agencies may be falling into the to this day, with sightings continuing as recently as February
same syndrome, with three fingers pointing back at them. 1992.
And if so, to stop playing the "monkey-see-monkey-do" game, We will be preparing a report of our research findings in
and be stronger and wiser than "they" are! If we are going the near future and would be happy to share them with your
to pull it off successfully, we must pull together cooperatively. readers should you so desire. Thank you.
— Dorothy & Ray Lahman — Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Ookala, Hawaii Director, the Center for the Study of
Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Dear Editor:
Asheville, North Carolina
I was interested to note the editorial/article by Wim van
Utrecht on the Belgian UFO wave. Having returned recently
from a research and fact-finding tour of Belguim, I would
like to offer the following clarifications and comments: Con-
trary to the impression given by Wim van Utrecht, SOBEPS CBS-TV has produced the first UFO related miniseries,
has honestly and credibly investigated .the UFO wave, and which will air as two two-hour episodes on Sunday, May
has not promoted it in order to increase sightings. SOBEPS 17th, and Tuesday, May 19th of this year. Titled "In-
is without a doubt the most scientific, credible and profes- truders," and based on the best-selling book of the same
sional general UFO research organization in the world to- name by Budd Hopkins, the made-for-TV film will star
day. Their scientists and investigators are truly top-notch, and Richard Crenna and Elizabeth Blakely in the lead roles.
they are respected by the general population, the military and Considering that the month of May is network TV's
other scientists. We were singularly impressed with their in- sweepstakes' rating period, CBS is obviously staking at
tegrity and sincerity and by the unimpeachable quality of their least a part of its popularity on the UFO subject.
investigators. Jim Moore of KHOU-TV in Houston, Texas, has been
Regarding Dr. Meessen, we found him to be honest, forth- contracted by CBS to produce several promotional
coming and objective. His conclusions concerning the radar segments for "Intruders" prior to the air date. Walt An-
tapes of the UFO as being "non-terrestrial" are fully in keep- drus was videotaped on March 18th. In addition, Mr.
ing with the facts of the case. He is a scientist of high in- Moore plans to interview Dr. David Jacobs, Budd
tegrity and his analysis and conclusions are both accurate and Hopkins and Dr. John E. Mack. He will also visit Gulf
thorough. Breeze, Florida, in the hopes of successfully capturing
Concerning the UFO evidence, far from it being "impossi- that notorious UFO on tape.
ble to solidify eyewitness accounts with substantial evidence," Dates and times for the promotional segments are not
the evidence is both strong and of a very high quality. There known as of thjs writing, but keep tuned to CBS start-
is at least one photograph of the UFO which has been analyzed ing about the second week in May.
in detail and which is authentic. The radar tape has also been What with "Intruders",the miniseries and the recent
analyzed and, while analysis continues by the military, it has rash of sightings in both Pennsylvania and New Hamp-
been appropriately concluded that the tape shows a craft with shire, 1992 promises to be a significant year for ufology.
performance characteristics beyond that of any man-made The Journal will publish an article about the numerous
craft. close encounter cases that occurred on the night of
In addition to this radar tape, it must be remembered that February 5, 1992, in Williamsport, PA, when Samuel
this same craft has been seen on radar on more than one oc- Greco, Ph.D., completes his many interviews.
cassion, and neither NATO, nor the Belgian Air Force, has
been able to explain it as a man-made aircraft.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

The planet Jupiter and the planetoid Vesta continue their fine
THE NIGHT SKY show in the constellation of Leo. From May 26-29 Vesta can
be found 2-3° SE of the star Theta Leonis (lion's hind leg)
By Walter N. Webb and near a triangle of three relatively bright galaxies. While
the 7th-magnitude planetoid is visible through binoculars,
May 1992 you'll want a small telescope to view the fuzzy glows of the
galaxies M 65, M 66, and NGC 3628. Vesta passes right in
• Bright Planets (Evening Sky): front of the last galaxy on the 27th (at R.A. llh 20m, Dec.
Jupiter (magnitude -2.1) resumes eastward motion in Leo.
The bright yellowish object can be seen high in the South High in the North the Big Dipper is poised upsidedown in
at dusk. It is above the quarter Moon on the 10th. its best viewing position of the year.
• Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
Mars, in Pisces, has brightened to magnitude 1.0. The red
MESSAGE, Continued
planet rises about 3:30 daylight time in midmonth and re-
mains low in the East at dawn.
supply lasts from Bill Chapleau, 224 Mussey St., Rutland,
Jupiter sets in the West about 2:30 in mid-May. VT 05701 or by telephone (902) 775-4602.
Saturn (0.7), in Capricornus, rises in the East about 1:30 "UFOs Tonight: The UFO Magazine Show"
in midmonth and has moved to the SE by dawn. The ringed
world begins retrograding westward on the 29th. It can be On Sunday March 8th UFO Magazine broke into radio broad-
seen near the quarter Moon on May 23. casting with their first one-hour talk show on Cable Radio
Network (CRN). Hosted by the magazine's Research Direc-
• Meteor Shower tor Don Ecker, the show will feature fascinating personalities
For the first time in three years, the May Aquarids won't and issues of UFO research before a nationwide audience
be spoiled by moonlight. Since the shower's radiant point numbering in the millions. Conceived by Ecker and UFO
in Aquarius doesn't rise until 2:30 AM, this is a morning Magazine's Editor and Co-Publisher Vicki Cooper, "UFOs
display with peak numbers of about 20 per hour reached Tonight" will address the UFO topic directly and bring the
toward dawn on May 4. (The May Aquarids are even bet- listening audience news updates on UFO events happening
ter in the Southern Hemisphere where the radiant is much all over the world.
higher in the sky.) This shower makes up for its paucity Walt Andrus was Don's guest on the second show March
by the meteors' spectacular long yellow paths, about a third 15th, airing at 9 p.m. PST, 10 p.m. MST, 11 p.m. CST and
of them leaving behind persistent glowing "trains." midnight in the Eastern Standard Time zone.
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena IV
• Moon Phases:

First quarter — May 9

r €
The Fortean Research Center is sponsoring their fourth con-
ference titled "Exploring Unexplained Phenomena IV" in Lin-
coln, Nebraska on May 1, 2 and 3, 1992 at the Nebraska
Full moon — May 16 O Center, located on the University of Nebraska East Campus,
33rd and Holdredge. Confirmed speakers and their papers
Last quarter — May 24
are: Jenny Randies, and Raymond Boeche, "the 1980 Bent-
New moon — May 31 waters UFO Incident"; George Wingfield and Jenny Randies,
"The Crop Circle Mystery"; Linda Moulton How, "Animal
The Stars: Mutilations, Human Abductions and Alien Life Forms";
Late in the evening we get our last glimpse of the winter James Goodall, "Allegations Surrounding Alleged Test-
stars Procyon, Pollux and Castor the Twins, and Capella, Flights of Unknown Craft in Area 51, Nevada"; John Keel,
as they sink into the NW. (Dazzling Sirius sets earlier, "the Mothman Prophecies"; Loyd Auerbach, "Psychic
around 9 PM daylight time.) Bright orange Arcturus, in Dreaming"; and Martin Cardin, "Ghosts of the Air."
kite-shaped Bootes, and blue-white Spica, in Virgo, hover Registration after April 1 is $45 for all sessions on Satur-
around the meridian in the South. day and Sunday. Please contact Scott Colburn at 402-421-1701
for a registration form. Rooms are available at the Nebraska
Meanwhile, that harbinger of summer, the Summer Triangle Center Hotel in Lincoln and can be arranged by calling the
(Vega, Deneb, Altair), has popped up above the NE horizon Hotel at 402-472-3435. Single occupancy is $44 per night
(11 PM). Red Antares, the scorpion's heart, is visible low and double occupancy is $49. Please make your reservations
in the SE. directly with the Hotel.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 288 April 1992

MESSAGE, Continued ceived before the deadline date. This is just one of the means
for thanking our colleagues for a job well done.
is hereby changed to Canadian National Director, thus remov-
ing the regional connotation. This will not change his status Field Investigator's Exam
on the Board of Directors. It will continue to be an elected
office every four years by the Canadian members. Shirley Coyne, Director of Field Investigator Training,
advised that 127 members passed the MUFON field in-
MUFON 1993 Symposium vestigators exam in 1991. The improved test scores reflect
the results of Field Investigator Training Classes. Consequent-
Mark Blashak, Virginia State Director, proudly announces ly, the demand for MUFON Field Investigator's Manuals has
that the MUFON 1993 International UFO Symposium has increased dramatically necessitating publishing 500 additional
been contracted for July 2, 3 and 4 at the Hyatt Richmond copies of the third edition of the manual. In the meantime,
Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. It is essential that we schedule work continues behind the scenes to compose and publish
our annual symposia several years in advance in order to ob- a new fourth edition, reflecting advances in state-of-the-art
tain the most desirable and convenient facilities. We are ufology. No one should delay training classes under the
waiting to receive bids from Austin, Texas for 1994 and Seattle, pretense of waiting for the upcoming fourth edition,
Washington in 1995, since both cities have expressed an in- since the third edition is still the world leader in its field.
terest in hosting the international symposium.
Solving Our Dirty Secret
National UFO Information Week
In the March 1992 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal Dan
MUFON's annual UFO Information Week is scheduled Wright, Deputy Director, Investigations, pointed out a very
for August 9 through 16, 1992. In order to secure space serious weakness in reporting abduction cases for entry into
at shopping malls, libraries, and public facilities, we have the MUFON computerized case field. Since then, Dan has
found that it is essential to make arrangements and reser- personally telephoned several of the leading abduction re-
vations now. Shopping malls, in particular, normally need searchers who not only recognized the problem but confirmed
six months advance notice to plan their advertising and that they would need help from members to transcribe
sales promotions. thousands of hours of audio-taped recordings of hypnotic
regression sessions.
MUFON Annual UFO Award
While surveying the stenographic and transcribing talent
Recently MUFON has been awarding a plaque honoring that within our membership, it became obvious that we have many
person deemed the most instrumental in advancing the science people capable of grappling with this monumental task. The
of ufology. The Fund for UFO Research has provided a only equipment needed would be a typewriter, tape recorder
monetary prize to accompany this award, made in the name with an earphone and a conscientious attitude.
of Isabel Davis. Your Internationa] Director will serve as the collection point
The MUFON Board of Directors mandated in 1987 that for all of the individuals who would like to volunteer to work
only current members of the Board were authorized to on this important and intriguing adventure. Please mail me
nominate candidates for this prestigious award. Individual a postcard or a short note briefly identifying your skills and
members may propose names of people who have made sincere desire to help us with this massive project. By assign-
significant accomplishments through their regional director ing the tapes to the many individuals, no one will be over
or any member of the board of directors. A short paragraph burdened — just keep the postcards coming.
elaborating upon the achievements of each candidate should
accompany the nomination. This is a golden opportunity to MUFON Patches Available
publicly recognize our UFO colleagues for their dedicated
work in ufology. William J. Chapleau, Vermont State Director, purchased
All nominations must be received in Seguin, Texas by April a large number of MUFON triangular shaped patches that
18, 1992 so ballots may be printed and enclosed with the mail- were designed to be sewn on jackets, shirts, ballcaps, etc.
ing of the May 1992 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal. All to identify MUFON members especially when conducting
Journal subscribers will then have an opportunity to vote for investigations or for public events. Each embroidered cloth
the person who they feel merits this prestigious award for patch is an equilaterial triangle four and one-fourth inches
1991-1992. on a side. The inscription depicts our name "Mutual UFO
The award will be presented on July 11, 1992 at the MUFON Network," the MUFON logo and the name of your state across
1992 International UFO Symposium in Albuquerque, New the bottom of the pyramid. These professionally manufac-
Mexico. Each board member should respond immediately tured cloth emblems are available at $4 each as long as the
with their personal nominations and then forward the names
of candidates proposed by the membership as they are re- Continued on page 22

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 289 April 1992

Eduardo Failla, has appointed the following two State Direc-
tors: Juan Carlos Orofino (Balcarce, Buenos Aires) for
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Buenos Aires and Guillermo Aldunati (Rosario, S.F.) for
the states of Santa Fe and Entre Rios. Mr. Aldunati was
formerly the representative for MUFON in Argentina.
News Around the Network Larry Hebebrand (Phenix City, AL) has been assigned
by Walter Andrus the added responsibility of State Section Director for Russell
and Lee Counties in Alabama in addition to that of Muscogee
and Chattahooche in Georgia. Raymond G. Maurer, Arizona

T he theme for the MUFON 1992 International UFO Sym- State Director, selected Thomas R. Taylor (Tempe, AZ) to
posium is "UFOs: The Ultimate Mystery of the Mil- become the State Section Director for Maricopa County. Tom
lennia." Hosted by MUFON New Mexico, the conference has been a member since 1978. Other new state section direc-
will take place the weekend of July 10, 11 and 12 at the Double- tors volunteering their leadership attributes this month are
tree Hotel in downtown Albuquerque. New Mexico State Saul H. Goldstein, (Upper Saddle River, NJ) for Bergen
Director Teresa Brito Asenap is the symposium chairperson. County; John F. Amadon, M.S., and Diane L. Conrad,
Major meetings will be held in the nearby convention center, M.S. (Essex Junction, VT), Co-State Section Directors for
which is attached to the hotel by enclosed walkways. Chittenden, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Franklin and Addison
Confirmed speakers are Stanton T. Friedman (Canada), Counties; Kenneth J. Grover (So. Casco, ME) for
Philippe Piet van Putten (Brazil), Richard F. Haines, Ph.D., Cumberland and York Counties; Donal L. Barbee (Hilton
Budd Hopkins, Richard M. Neal, M.D., J. Antonio Head Island, SC) for Beaufort and Jasper Counties; Michael
Huneeus, Linda Moulton Howe (keynote speaker), Jacques D. Sandras (Westwego, LA) for the parishes near New
Vallee, Ph.D., Montague Keen (England) on crop circles, Orleans of Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard and Plaquemines;
•Clifford E. Stone, Jeffrey W. Sainio on photo analysis and Edward Carlos (Sewanee, TN) for Franklin, Grundy and
Robert J. Durant. The two speakers from Moscow found Coffee Counties; James F. Nelson (Northglenn, CO) for
it necessary to cancel due to difficult internal financial pro- Boulder and Denver Counties; and David A. Holcomb, M.S.
blems. The speaking program has now been completed. (Appleton, WI) for Outagime, Winnebago, Calumet, Green
Registrations for the entire symposium are now being ac- Bay and Waupaca Counties.
cepted at $50 per person for five sessions on Saturday and
New Consultants and Research Specialists
Sunday. The reception on Friday evening at 6 p.m. is $5 ex-
tra. When making your advance registrations, if your last name New Consultants volunteering this month were H. Curtis
starts with A-M, please write to MUFON-NM, P.O. Box Shaw, Ph.D. (Oakmont, PA) in Psychology; Edith Anne
14956, Albuquerque, NM 87191, or if N-Z, write to MUFON- Fiore, Ph.D. (Saratoga, CA) in Clinical Psychology; Nicholas
NM, P.O. Box 7191, Albuquerque, NM 87194, with a check C. Glover, J.D. (St. Petersburg, FL) in Law; and Thomas
or money order payable to "MUFON 1992 UFO Symposium." W. Turner, Ph.D. (Pensacola, FL) in Behavioral Sciences.
American Airlines has again been selected as our official Dr. Fiore is the author of a recent book on abduction ex-
carrier for the 1992 symposium, with special group rates from periences, titled Encounters.
the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii. Another group rate ap- Eleven new Research Specialists joined the MUFON team
plies to Canada. Individual reservations may be booked this past month. They are Mary A. Evans, M.S. (Norcross,
through the American Airlines Meeting Service Desk toll free GA) in Zoology; Mary C. Kerfoot, M.S. (Schaumburg, IL)
number 1-800-433-1790 and identifying the symposium ac- in Psychology; John A. Kennedy, M.S. (Duluth, GA) in Elec-
count number Star #802727 L. trical Engineering; Mark A. Leslie, M.S. (Boulder, CO) in
The annual meeting for all State and Assistant State Direc- Geochemistry; Wesley E. Ellison, B.S. (Baldwin City, KS)
tors is scheduled for Friday, July 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Instrumentation; David A. Holcomb, M.S. (Appleton, WI)
at the Doubletree Hotel. The conference will be moderated in Psychology; Roger L. Daniel, M.A. (Troy, MI) in Jour-
by Robert J. Gribble, Western Regional Director. For those nalism; Marilyn C. Cothran, M.S. (Moorpark, CA) in
involved in this important meeting, please plan your transpor- Clinical Psychology; J. W. Bogdanski, M.S. (Saugerties, NY)
tation and hotel plans accordingly. in Electrical Engineering; Diane L. Conrad, M.A. (Essex
A press conference will be held at 1:00 p.m. on July 10th. Jet., VT) in Geology; and John F. Amadon, M.S. (Essex
Speakers should plan to arrive in Albuquerque in adequate Jet., VT) in Soil Science.
time to participate if possible. Two translators offered their expertise; Ann E. Arensberg,
M.A. (Salisburg, CT) in French; and Richard H. Nosworthy
New Officers
(Johannesburg, South Africa) in Afrikaans to English.
Due to the success of the MUFON-Brazil organizational In order to eliminate confusion by the press and govern-
structure, Argentinians are anxious to adopt the same for- ment agencies in Canada, the title of Michael J. Strainic
mat. MUFON-Argentina, under the directorship of Juan
Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 289 April 1992

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