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The key takeaways are that IISER Pune aims to establish world-class scientific institutions with a focus on making basic sciences exciting and integrating research and teaching. Their curriculum emphasizes interdisciplinary learning and early entry into research.

The vision and mission of IISER Pune is to establish scientific institutions of the highest caliber, make learning of basic sciences exciting, and enable early entry into research where teaching and education is totally integrated with state-of-the-art research through excellent integrative teaching driven by curiosity and creativity through a flexible borderless curriculum and research projects.

The objectives of the BS-MS Dual Degree Program are to enable students to understand the basic laws of nature, develop skills to apply them to any discipline, and train students for careers in basic sciences or related applied sciences/technologies.

where tomorrow's science begins today

August 2010
BS - MS Dual Degree Program
Guidebook of Curriculum
Campus I - Sai Trinity Building, Garware Circle, Pashan, Pune 411 021.
Tel.: +91 20 25908000, Fax : +91 20 25899790
Campus II - 900, NCL Innovation Park, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411 008.
Tel.: +91 20 25908181
Vision & Mission
lEstablish scientific institutions of the highest
lMake learning of basic sciences exciting
lEntry into research at early age
where teaching and education is totally
integrated with state-of-the-art research
excellent integrative teaching driven by curiosity
and creativity
through a flexible
borderless curriculum and research projects
BS - MS Dual Degree Program
August 2010
where tomorrow's science begins today
Sr. Particulars Page No.
1. Objectives 3
2. General Pattern 3
3. Details of Courses 3
Biology 4
Chemistry 19
Mathematics 31
Physics 43
Inter Disciplinary Courses 57
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010
Guide book of Curriculum
I. Objectives
IISER model of education is concept-based & inquiry-driven, as opposed to
the more traditional content-based models. There is a strong emphasis on the
interdisciplinary nature of today's science, and recognition of the importance
of research experience while doing UG studies.
The courses offered for the UG program at IISER, Pune form part of a
comprehensive program that will enable the students to understand the basic
laws of nature and develop necessary skills to apply them to any desired area
or discipline. The students get trained for a career in basic sciences or any
related applied science or technology.
II. General Pattern
The courses offered during the first two years (semesters I to IV) of course
work are meant as basic courses from the four streams, common and
mandatory for all students and therefore are introductory in nature. These
courses are meant to give a flavor of the various approaches and analyses as
well as to prepare them for advanced courses in later years of study. In
addition there will be Interdisciplinary Courses for computational skills,
scientific computing, mathematical methods etc.
In the third and fourth years (semesters V-VIII), students can choose
advanced courses based on their interest. The courses offered in the first two
years would help them to make an informed judgment to determine their real
interest and their aptitude for a given subject. Students also have the freedom
to choose advanced courses from more than one discipline to achieve
interdisciplinary expertise.
One of the novel features of the curriculum at IISER, Pune is a Lab Training/
Theory project , equivalent to a course of 3 credits, in which the student will
work in a lab with one faculty or do a theory project with one faculty. This is
meant to help the student to be trained by the in-house expertise or facility
which will form a good basis for the project work in the fifth year. Only one
such course per semester is permitted.
The fifth year will be devoted to a thesis by research which completes the
requirements of the program
III. Details of courses
The list of courses offered from each discipline with brief contents and text
books is given below. Other relevant details like objectives, prerequisites,
topic in detail, pattern of assessment, books for study and reference etc. will
be prepared by the course instructor and communicated to the students well in
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 3
Semester I
BIO101 Introductory Biology I (3 credits)
This course introduces students to Biology. It asks fundamental questions
such as what is life and what are its salient features of life. This course aims
at understanding organization of life at different levels. Contents include,
the hierarchical levels of organization in Biology; Shapes and sizes of life
forms; Comparative organization of life forms; Organizational themes in
plants and animals; Variation and diversity of life - bacteria, protists,
fungi, plants and animals. The chemical basis of life: Water, carbon, and
the molecular diversity of life, structure and function of biological
Text Books :
1. Campbell and Reece (2005) Biology, 7th edition.
2. Raven, Johnson, Losos and Singer (2005) Biology, 7th edition.
3. Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts and Walters (2003)
Essential cell biology, 2nd edition.
4. Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith
Roberts, Peter Walter. (2007). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5 Edition.
BIO 121 Biology Lab I (2 credits)
This practical course will cover basic concepts in biology, cell biology and
cell culturing techniques with an emphasis on 3D's in biology draw,
describe and differentiate. Practicals include: Basics of microscopy; Field
trip; Microscopy of samples; Micrometry of different cells; Staining of
bacteria, fungi, Plant cells, Blood cells and Bone marrow; Osmosis;
Mitosis; Crude cultures Bacteria and Protozoa; Pure culture techniques;
Sterilization and media preparation; Streaking of bacteria; Enumeration
of bacteria
Semester II
BIO102 Introductory Biology II (3 credits)
This course mainly discusses the molecular mechanisms of various
processes of life. It starts with discussion on Cells as the unit of life.
Contents include, Cell types, from single cell to multi-cellular organism;
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 4
Cell architecture; macromolecular trafficking within and between cells;
Bioenergetics, Cellular respiration and photosynthesis: Respiration and
associated metabolism, light and dark reactions of photosynthesis; Repro-
ductive biology: DNA replication, cell division in prokaryotes, meiosis &
mitosis in eukaryotes. Mendelian, Genetics, Microbial genetics, Viruses
and Human Genetics. Recombinant DNA technology and its applications.
Text Books :
1. Campbell and Reece (2005) Biology, 7th edition.
2. Raven, Johnson, Losos and Singer (2005) Biology, 7th edition.
3. Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts and Walters (2003)
Essential cell biology, 2nd edition.
4. Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith
Roberts, Peter Walter. (2007). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5 Edition.
BIO 122 Biology Lab II (2 credits)
This practical course will cover biochemical, genetic and molecular basis
of life. Practicals include: Glucose estimation; Lipid estimation; Amino
acid Paper chromatography; Protein estimation; Enzyme assay and
Kinetics; Human genetic traits and blood grouping; DNA isolation; DNA
estimation; Transformation; Plasmid isolation; Agarose gel
electrophoresis; Restriction digestion and Ligation; PCR demonstration;
ATC PTC demonstration; Animal handling, inoculation, dissection.
Semester III
BIO 201 Introductory Biology III - Ecology & Evolution (3 credits)
This is an introductory course that provides a broad overview of concepts
in ecology and evolution. Topics covered will include: Introduction: An
overview of biological processes; Population ecology; Life history
evolution; Community ecology; Species interaction; Behavioral ecology;
Ecosystem dynamics; Population genetics; Macroevolution and diversity
of life.
Text Books :
1) Molles (2006) Ecology: Concepts and Applications, 4 Edition, McGraw-
2) Templeton, AR. (2006). Population Genetics and Microevolutionary
Theory. Wiley-Liss;
3) Hartl, DL and Clark, AG. (1997). Principles of Population Genetics.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 5
Sinauer Associates; 4) Futuyma, D. (2005) Evolution, Sinauer Associates.
BIO 221 Biology Lab III (2 credits)
This practical course will cover basic concepts in ecology and evolution.
Practicals include: Evolution of Ethnocentrism; Isolation of organisms;
Global Population Dynamics Database; Plant Biodiversity field work;
Growth curve (Factorial design 3 pH 2 temperatures); Effect of
nutritional selection on bacterial growth; Chemical ecology and its impact
on diatom diversity; Behavioral Ecology.
Semester IV
BIO 202 Introductory Biology IV Biology of systems (3 credits)
This course introduces integrative themes in biology. Using broad
biological systems and building from the previous Introductory Biology
courses, it attempts to demonstrate how hierarchical levels of organization
and complexity are manifest in Biology. Mathematical modeling and
network approaches are also introduced. The course content includes:
comparative organization; signal transduction & signaling networks; gene
expression & gene regulatory networks; integrative themes in
developmental biology and the immune system; neurobiology &
behaviour and modeling/network approaches in systems biology.
Text Books :
1) Alberts, B. et al. (2008). Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5 Ed. Garland;
2) Alon, U. (2007). An Introduction to Systems Biology. 1 Ed. Chapman and
Semester V
BIO 310 Biostatistics (4 credits)
This course is application oriented with a focus on the statistical techni-
ques for biologists. Topics covered will include: inter alia hypothesis
testing, experimental design, correlation and regression analysis, analysis
of variance, multivariate analysis & elementary time-series analysis. At
the end of this course the students are expected to be familiar with
statistical procedures to a) design experiments, b) perform preliminary
data analysis, and c) initiate complex statistical analysis as needed.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 36
Text Books :
1) Sokal RR and Rohlf HA (1995). Biometry: the principles & practice of
statistics for biological research, 3 Edition, WH Freeman & Co.;
2) Zar JH, (1998). Biostatistical analysis, 4 edition, Prentice Hall.
BIO 311 Advanced Cell Biology (4 credits)
This course covers a wide range of advanced cell biology topics such as,
DNA, chromosomes and genome, DNA replication, repair and recom-
bination, membrane structure, transport, intracellular compartments,
protein sorting and vesicular traffic, energy conversion: mitochondria and
chloroplasts, cell cycle and cell division, mechanisms of cell communi-
cations, the cytoskeleton, cell junctions, adhesion, extracellular matrix
and cell motility.
Text Books :
1) Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts, Johnson, Raff, Lewis et al.
(2007) 5 Ed. Garland Science;
2) Molecular Biology of the Gene by James Watson et al., (2007) 6 Ed.
Benjamin Cummings;
3) Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish, Berk, Kaiser et al. (2007) 6 Ed. W. H.
BIO 312 Animal Physiology I (4 credits)
The course aims at imparting in-depth knowledge of the physiological
processes with emphasis on the human cardio-vascular system and blood;
skeletal and smooth muscle systems; excretion and regulation of the body
fluids; gaseous exchange, transport and tissue respiration; gastrointestinal
physiology and physiology of digestion, endocrines and reproduction.
The course will also include lab-work on the regeneration in hydra,
various organ systems in a teleost fish and rat model, isolated goat tracheal
chain preparation for assay of acetylcholine, evaluation of blood pressure
of rat, and study of histological preparations of various tissues.
Text Books :
1) Guyton, A.C. et al. (2008). Textbook of Medical Physiology. 11 Ed. W.B.
Saunders Co.
2) Randall, D. et al. (2002). Eckert Animal Physiology, 5 Ed. Freeman.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 7
3) Kronenberg, et al. (2008) Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. W.B.
Saunders Co.
BIO 410 Advanced Biochemistry I (4 Credits)
Water and life, Biomolecules: Structural & functional aspects of Proteins,
Nucleic Acids, Lipids and Carbohydrates. Protein folding, dynamics and
interaction. The binding of macromolecules. Thermodynamics of ligand:
receptor interactions. Mechanisms of Enzyme Action. Techniques of
Protein and Nucleic acid Purification: Chromatography, electrophoresis,
Ultracentrifugation, nucleic acid fractionation.
Text Books :
1) Metzler DE (2003), Biochemistry: The chemical reactions of living cells,
Volumes I & II, 2 Edition, Academic Press.
BIO 332 Immunology I (3 Credits)
The lymphoid system and organs, Cell migration and inflammation,
antibody structure, Genetics of antibody generation, B-lymphocyte
development and activation, T-lymphocyte development and activation,
Innate Immune system dendritic, natural killer cells, macrophages,
Major Histocompatibility complexes; The humoral vs. cellular immunity;
Recognition of self vs. non-self, autoimmunity- the breakdown of self-
Text Books :
1) Kindt TJ, Osborne BA, Goldsby RA (2006), Kuby Immunology, 6 Edition
W.H. Freeman & Company.
BIO 334 Neurobiology I (3 Credits)
The course introduces neuroscience as a specialized discipline. Course
content includes: evolution and organization of the nervous system;
electrical properties of neurons; ionic basis of membrane potentials and
the action potential; development of the nervous system; synaptic
transmission; experience-dependent synaptic refining & plasticity;
neurobiology of sensory systems; motor functions of the spinal cord; the
autonomic nervous system; introduction to learning and memory.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 8
Text Books :
1) Kandel E, et al. (2000). Principles of Neural Science, 4 Ed. McGraw-Hill
2) Bear M, et al. (2006). Neuroscience. 3 Ed. Lippincott Williams &
3) Sanes D, et al. (2005). Development of the Nervous System. 2 Ed.
Academic Press.
BIO 335 Animal Behaviour ( 3 credits)
This course is an introduction to practices and theories in the study of
animal behavior. Topics covered include: research methods, behaviours to
do with learning, foraging, territoriality, movement, reproduction and
communication. The classes revolve around discussions of scientific
papers, and the students are expected to carry out individual projects
spanning the semester on a species and question of their choice.
Text Books :
1) Krebs, J.R. and Davies, N.B. (1993) An introduction to behavioural
ecology. Blackwell Publishing, 3 ed.
2) Dugatlin, L. A. (2004) Principles of animal behavior. W. W. Norton & Co.
3) In addition, reading assignments will be from Ecology, Evolution and
Behaviour Journals.
Semester VI
BIO 320 Genetics (4 Credits)
Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics; The Chromosomal basis of
inheritance; Genomes, genomics and the Dynamic Genome; The Genetics
of Bacteria & Bacteriophages; Genetic screens for functional genomics;
Gene isolation and manipulation; Techniques that revolutionized modern
genetics; The utility of the following Model Organisms will be discussed:
Eschereschia coli, Arabidopsis thaliana, Caenorhabditis elegans,
Drosophila melanogaster & Mus Musculus.
Text Books
1) Griffiths, AJ et al. (2008), Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 9 Edition,
WH Freeman & Co.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 9
BIO 321 Plant Biology I (4 Credits)
This course would cover up the basic and advanced knowledge of plant
biology. It will embrace information's of plant Cells, water transport;
mineral Nutrition; photosynthesis- light & carbon reactions; ecological
considerations; solute transport; transporter genes; phloem translocation;
respiration; lipid metabolism; growth & development; phytochrome and
light control of plant development, blue light response, plant hormones
and development, stress physiology.
Text Books :
1) Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger (2006), Plant Physiology, 4 edition
Sinauer Associates
2) Bob Buchanon, Wilhelm Gruissem and Russel Jones (2007) Bio-
chemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants, IK international Pvt. Ltd.
BIO 412 Microbiology (4 credits)
Microbial diversity: Cultural and culture independent methods, taxonomy,
functional anatomy of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial cells.
Microbial physiology: Unique pathways for fermentation, biodegradation
and biosynthesis. Microbial growth kinetics. Development and differen-
tiation in microorganisms: spores, cysts, biphasic growth, Dictyostelium
development, myxobacterial development, Biofilms and signaling among
microbial cells. Microbial genetics. Principles of disease and epidemio-
logy: Mechanisms of pathogenicity, host parasite interactions, Antimi-
crobial drugs, disease transmission dynamics, public health and prophy-
laxis. Microbial biotechnology and bioengineering: Types of bioreactors,
design of bioreactor, operation, downstream processing, development of
new products, scale up.
Text Books :
1) Tortora GJ, Funke BR and Case CL (2004) Microbiology: An
Introduction. 8 Edition, Pearson Education; Birge EA (2006) Bacterial
and bacteriophage genetics. Springer; Nicklin J, Khan N and Killington R
(2006) Microbiology. 3 edition, Taylor and Francis; Mansi ME, Bryce
CFA (2007) Fermentation microbiology and biotechnology. 2 edition,
Taylor and Francis.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 10
BIO 351 Biology and Disease (3 credits)
Prerequisite BIO 311
This course integrates the biology (cell, molecular and physiology) taught
so far, to develop insights into the biology revealed by disease conditions,
and teach technology development and translation prompted by the
disease condition. Cancer and neurodegenerative disorders will be used as
the disease models. It will cover a range of topics from the biology of
cancer/ neurodegeneration, molecular mechanisms to disease etiology,
screening, diagnosis and treatment.
Text Books :
1) Kleinsmith L, (2005), Principles of Cancer Biology, 1 Ed. Benjamin
2) Weinberg R, (2006). The Biology of Cancer, 1 Ed. Garland Science;
3) Weinberg RA, (1999). One Renegade Cell: The Quest For The Origin Of
Cancer (Science Masters), 1 Ed. Basic Books;
4) Beal MF, Lang AM, Ludolph AC, (2005). Neurodegenerative Diseases:
Neurobiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics, 1 Ed. Cambridge
University Press;
5) Chesselet M, (2001). Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegene- rative
Diseases (Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience), Humana Press.
BIO 352 Animal Physiology II (3 credits)
Prerequisite BIO 312
Thermoregulation in ectothermic and endothermic animals; physiology
of circulation, respiration, excretion, ionic balance in sub-mammalian
vertebrates; physiology of reproduction among different groups of
animals; metamorphosis in amphibians; circulation, ionic balance and
excretion, respiration, digestion, moulting, nervous and neuroendocrine
system, reproduction and life cycle of insects; vision in invertebrates;
special topic parasitism.
Text Books :
1) Randall, D. et al. (2002). Eckert Animal Physiology, 5 Ed. Freeman.
2) Hill, R.W. et al. (2008). Animal Physiology. 2 Ed. Sinaur Associates;
3) Guyton, A.C. et al. (2008), Textbook of Medical Physiology. 11 Ed. W.B.
Saunders Co.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 11
4) Withers, P.C. et al. (1992) Comparative Animal Physiology. 1 Ed.,
Brooks Cole.
BIO353 Immunology II (3 Credits)
Prerequisite BIO 332
Host-pathogen interactions; Subversion of the host immune responses by
intracellular parasites; Ontogeny and function of dendritic cells;
Autoantibodies in health and disease; Molecular interactions between the
T cell receptor and MHC molecules; Immune synapse; Polyspecificity of
T cell receptor recognition; Molecular mimicry and epitope spreading; T
cell memory; Peripheral tolerance and regulatory lymphocytes; Animal
models of immune dysregulation; Interactions between the immune and
the nervous systems.
Text Books :
1) Kindt TJ, Osborne BA, Goldsby RA (2006), Kuby Immunology, 6 Edition
W.H. Freeman & Company;
2) In addition, reading assignments for this course will be from recently
published papers from the primary literature.
BIO 354 Neurobiology II (3 credits)
Prerequisite BIO 334
Neurobiology of sensory perception; motor control; sexual dimorphism of
brain; brain imaging - EEG, PET, CT, fMRI; neurodegenerative disorders;
neural basis of behavior, arousal and sleep; circadian rhythms; emotions
and the limbic system; higher functions of the brain, learning and memory,
perception and cognition, anxiety and depression
Text Books :
1) Kandel, E. et al. (2000). Principles of Neural Science, 4 Ed. McGraw-Hill
2) Bear, M. et al. (2006). Neuroscience - Exploring the brain, 3 Ed.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
3) Guyton, A.C. et al. (2008), Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11 Ed. W.B.
Saunders Co.
4) Purves, D. et al. (2008), Neuroscience, 4 Ed. Sinauer Associates.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 12
Semester VII
BIO 322 Biophysics (4 Credits)
Laws of Physics and chemistry - thermodynamics and biophysical
chemistry of macromolecules. Biological reactions and interactions -
function aspects of various bio-molecules particularly ion channels, ATP
synthases and motor proteins.
Biophysical techniques; Chromatography, electrophoresis, diffusion,
sedimentation, light scattering; Chemical kinetics - Absorption Spectro-
scopy, Circular dichroism, Emission spectroscopy, light microscopy,
electron microscopy, crystallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,
Mass spectrometry;
Text Books :
1) Van Holde KE, Johnson C, and Ho PS (2005) Principles of Physical
Biochemistry, 2 Edition, Prentice-Hall;
2) Cantor CR, Schimmel PR (1980) Biophysical Chemistry: Part 1 - The
Conformation of Biological Molecules. 1 Edition, WH Freeman;
3) Cantor CR, Schimmel PR (1980) Biophysical Chemistry: Part 2 - The
Study of Biological Structure and Function. 1 Edition, WH Freeman.
BIO 411 Ecology I (Basic ecology) (4 credits)
This course will cover the basic theoretical framework of ecology. Topics
covered will include: Introduction - history, philosophy and practice of
ecology; Ecology of individual organisms - physiological ecology;
population ecology - population growth and regulation, evolution of life-
history, species interactions, trophic interactions; Community ecology -
community structure & properties, succession & disturbance; Ecosystem
ecology biodiversity, productivity and energy flow, biogeochemistry.
Text Books :
1) Begon M, Townsend CR, Harper JL (2006). Ecology: from individuals to
ecosystems. 4th edition, Blackwell Publishing.
2) Ricklefs RE, and Miller (2000). Ecology. 4th edition, Freeman and Co.
3) Gurevitch J, Schener SM, and Fox GA (2006). The Ecology of Plants. 2
Edition, Sinaeur and Assciates.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 13
BIO 417 Advanced Biochemistry II (4 Credits)
Advanced enzyme kinetics and energy metabolism. Metabolic processes
and pathways such as Glycolysis, glycogen metabolism, membrane
transport, Citric acid cycle, electron transport, amino-acid metabolism,
carbohydrate metabolism, photosysnthesis, lipid and nucleotide meta-
bolism will be discussed in detail.
Text Books :
1) Metzler DE (2003), Biochemistry: The chemical reactions of living cells,
Volumes I & II, 2 Edition, Academic Press;
2) Readings will also be assigned from current articles from the primary
BIO 420 Developmental Biology (4 Credits)
This course deals with how a single-celled embryo develops into a
complex multicellular individual with all its complexity. It deals with
early development and axial specification; Pattern formation; Deve-
lopment of germ cell layers; growth and differentiation; Metamorphosis,
regeneration and aging; Plant development; Stem cell biology and tissue
repair; Principles of experimental embryology; Development mecha-
nisms of Evolutionary change.
Text Books :
1) Gilbert SF, (2010) Developmental Biology, 9 Edition, Sinauer &
2) Wolpert L, et al. (2006), Principles of Development, 3 Edition, Oxford
University Press.
BIO 431 Epigenetics (3 credits)
This course deals with all that goes between genotype to phenotype.
Imprinting in plants and animals; X-inactivation; Gene regulation host
defense, tissue-specifc effects; Molecular mechanisms DNA methylation,
histone modification, euchromatin vs. heterochromatin, RNA silencing,
micro RNA, RNAi-mediated gene regulation; Methods of detecting
epigenetic mechanisms; interplay of epigenetic mechanisms in develop-
ment, differentiation, regeneration and aging.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 14
Text Books :
1) Allis & Reinberg (2007), Epigentics, 1 Edition, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratories Press.
BIO 433 Mathematical Biology (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to mathematical modeling in biology.
Topics covered will include: Phase-plane analysis of (nonlinear) ODEs;
Introduction to modeling in neuroscience (including a classification of
neural models based on bifurcations); Enzyme kinetics, including a
derivation of Michaelis-Menten through a slow-fast analysis; Elementary
geometric singular perturbation theory. Reduction strategies for larger-
dimensional systems; Modeling, ecological and evolution systems; Stoc-
hastic models, enzymes, channels and pumps. Students will be expected to
be comfortable with a programming enviroment of their choice: Matlab,
C, Fortran or XPPAut.
Text Books :
1) Ellener SP, Guckenheimer J, Dynamic Models in Biology (2006),
Princeton University Press;
2) Keener J, Sneyd J, Mathematical Physiology (2001), Springer;
3) Dayan P, Abbott LF, Theoretical Neuroscience (2005), 1 Edition, MIT
4) Edelstein-Keshet, Mathematical Models in Biology (2005), 1 Edition,
SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
BIO 452 Plant Biology II (3 Credits)
Prerequisite BIO 321
The objective of this course is to understand the value of applied plant
biology. Topics such as plant cell, tissue & organ culture, biotechnology in
crop improvement; transgenic plants, production of phytochemicals,
neutraceuticals, bio-fuels; phyto-remediation; pharmacognosy, molecular
farming; secondary metabolites, common diseases of plants and plant/
pathogen interaction, molecular mechanisms, quantitative genetics,
molecular markers and plant breeding, seed technology and site visits to
plant biotech companies are covered in this course.
Text Books :
1) Rainer Fischer and Stefan Schillberg (2004), Molecular Farming, Wiley-
VCH Verlag GMBH & Co;
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 15
2) Indra K. Vasil and Trevor A. Thorpe (2005) Plant Cell and Tissue culture,
3) MK Razdan (2002) Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture, 2 Edition,
Oxford and IBH.
Semester VIII
BIO 421 Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (4 credits)
This course covers a range of computational methods, which address a
broad spectrum of problems in functional genomics, including; sequence
analysis (alignment, motif discovery, gene annotation), pattern
recognition/discovery in expression data, phylogenetic trees, phylogeny,
and alignment. Also included in this course are topics in computational
modeling of biological processes, data-mining, algorithm development,
statistical and mathematical analyses. Perl and BioPerl will be used to
implement algorithms and will be covered as necessary, no prior
programming knowledge is required.
Text Books :
1) R. Durbin, S. R. Eddy, A. Krogh, and G. Mitchison (1999), Biological
Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids,
Cambridge University Press;
2) D. Gusfield, Algorithms on strings, trees, and sequences : computer
science and computational biology (2007), Cambridge Univ. Press.
BIO 422 Evolution (4 credits)
Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg principle and the deviations from it,
Wright's F-statistics; Quantitative Genetics: Additive genetic variance,
Fisher's fundamental theorem, Adaptive landscape; Life-history
evolution; Selection: multilevel selection, sexual selection, experimental
evolution; Application: Aging, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary
medicine, evo-devo, evolution and society.
Text Books :
1) Nicholas H. Barton, Derek E.G. Briggs, Jonathan A. Eisen, David B.
Goldstein, Nipam H. Patel (2007). Evolution. Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 16
BIO 423 Ecology II (Advanced ecology) (4 credits)
Prerequisite BIO 411
This course will cover current topics in Ecology by readings and
discussions from the primary literature. The broad focus will be on:
History, Philosophy & Practice of Ecology; Physiological Ecology;
Behavioural Ecology; Evolutionary Ecology; Ecological Genetics;
Population Ecology; Molecular Ecology; Community structure;
Biodiversity and Climate Change.
Text Books :
1) Ricklefs RE, and Miller (2000). Ecology. 4 edition, Freeman and Co.;
2) Gurevitch J, Schener SM, and Fox GA (2006). The Ecology of Plants. 2
Edition, Sinaeur and Assciates;
3) Krebs JR and Davis NB (1997) Behavioural Ecology. 4 Edition,
Blackwell Science;
4) In addition readings from the primary literature will be assigned from
journals: Ecology; Ecology Letters; Journal of Ecology; Annual Reviews
in Ecology Evolution and Systematics; Evolution; Oikos; Oecologia;
Molecular Ecology; American naturalist.
BIO 451 Human Genetics (3 Credits)
Single locus, complex multi-factorial traits and inheritance; population
genetics, linkage disequilibrium, and mapping; cytogenetics, molecular
genetics, biochemical genetics, clinical genetics, epigenetics, gene-
environment interactions; genetic counseling and gene therapy; Myths
and realities of the genetic basis and inheritance of intelligence, behavior,
diseases; Model systems for Human Genetics.
Text Books :
1) Lewis R (2009), Human Genetics, 9 Edition, McGraw-Hill.
2) Cummings M, (2008), Human Heredity: Principles and Issues, 8 Edition,
Brooks Cole.
BIO 454 Structural Biology (3 Credits)
Structure-function relationship of bio-polymers (proteins, nucleic acids,
lipids and membranes); DNA replication and recombination; Protein
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 17
synthesis - translation; Protein folding and degradation; Enzyme function;
Cell motility and transport; Structural aspects of cell-cell interactions;
Methods of structure determination (X-ray, NMR), structure prediction,
determining the structure of major macromolecular machines in action
(Case studies: ribosome, the polyketide synthase, motor proteins etc) and
challenges in structural biology.
Text Books :
1) Liljas A. et al. (2009), Structural Biology, paperback Edition, World
Scientific Publishing Company.
BIO 490 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (3 credits)
This course will cover approaches in the formulation and analysis of
mathematical models in physics, chemistry & biology. Topics covered
will include dimensional analysis; differential equations; probability and
optimization; modeling using ordinary and partial differential equations;
stochastic models; numerical methods and function fitting; principal
component analysis (PCA) and single value decomposition (SVD);
wavelets, neural networks; time series analysis of data; topics in climate
modeling. Extensive use will be made of simulations.
Text Books :
1) Gershenfeld N. (1998). The Nature of Mathematical Modeling.
Cambridge University Press;
2) Ermentrout B. (2002) Simulating, analyzing, and animating dynamical
systems: A guide to XPPAUT for researchers and students. Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
BIO491 Literature review (3 credits)
This main objective of this course is to familiarize students with the
primary scientific literature. This will include use of database search tools;
reading, analyzing, and critically evaluating the scientific literature; and,
effectively summarizing, communicating (oral-written) this information.
Course content will include: Introduction to the scientific literature what
is the scientific literature? Primary, secondary and tertiary scientific
literature; Reading & evaluating the scientific literature, searching the
scientific literature; Conducting a literature review; Scientific writing
plagiarism and referencing, format and style; Oral presentations.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 18
Text Books :
1) Reading assignments for this course will be from a variety of scientific
Semester I
CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry I - Physical Chemistry
(3 credits)
Basic principles of physical chemistry like thermodynamics; chemical
kinetics; kinetic theory of gases; quantum mechanics, and chemical
Text Books :
1) Physical Chemistry a Molecular Approach: Donald A. McQuarrie and
John D. Simon, Viva Books (1997).
2) Physical Chemistry: P. W. Atkins, 7 edition Oxford University Press.
CHM 121 Chemistry Lab I (2 credits)
Acid-base titrations using pH meter and conductivity methods; potentio-
metric titration; heat of neutralization; kinetic studies of ester hydrolysis;
activation parameter calculations; enzyme kinetics; colligative properties
of solutions; and polarimetry.
Text Books :
1) Experiments in Physical Chemistry: C. W. Garland, J. W. Nibler, D. P.
Shoemaker, 8 edition, McGraw Hill Higher Education.
2) Atkin's Physical Chemistry: P. Atkins, J. de Paula, 8 edition, W.H.
Semester II
CHM 102 Introductory Chemistry II - Inorganic Chemistry
(3 credits)
Atomic structure, periodic table and the concept of periodicity; chemical
bonding; acids-bases; oxidation and reduction; representative chemistry
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 19
of Transition metals and main-group elements.
Text Books :
1) Inorganic Chemistry: Shriver and Atkins, 4th edition, Oxford University
2) Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry: D. McDaniel and
Alexander, 3rd edition, Wiley.
CHM -122 Chemistry Lab II (2 credits)
General chemistry experiments; acid-base, complexometric & iodometric
titrations; synthesis and characterization of coordination complexes; soap
making; synthesis of alums and polyoxometalates; spectrophotometric
estimation; photochemical reduction of metal complexes.
Semester III
CHM 201 Introductory Chemistry III - Organic Chemistry
(3 credits)
Chemical Bonding: VSEPR theory; hybridization/LCAO; molecular
orbital theory. Arrow pushing concepts; inductive effects; hyperconju-
gation; acidity and basicity of organic molecules, pKa concept; stereo-
chemistry: conformational analysis, optical activity. Organic reactions:
nucleophilic substitution; elimination; addition; electrophilic aromatic
substitution. Basic characterization of organic molecules; chemistry of
life; polymer chemistry.
Text Books :
1) Organic chemistry: J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, 1st
Edition, Oxford University Press.
2) Organic Chemistry: T. W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle, 9th
Edition, Wiley
Semester IV
CHM 202 Introductory Chemistry IV - Fundamentals of
Spectroscopy (3 credits)
Light-matter interaction; rotational spectroscopy; vibrational spectro-
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 20
scopy; Raman spectroscopy; electronic spectroscopy; nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy; electron spin resonance spectroscopy.
Text Books :
1) Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy: C. N. Banwell and E. M.
McCash, 4 edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1994.
2) Introduction to spectroscopy: D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz and
J. R. Vyvyan, 4 edition, Brooks Cole, 2008.
3) Spectrometric identification of organic compounds, R. M. Silverstein, F.
X. Webster, 7 edition, Wiley, 2005.
CHM 221 Chemistry Lab III (2 credits)
Synthesis and characterization of a wide range of aliphatic and aromatic
substances; techniques such as reflux, distillation, vacuum filtration,
purification and determination of yield and purity; stereospecific addition
reactions, elimination reactions, condensation reactions, electrophilic and
nucleophilic substitution reactions, rearrangements, multi-step organic
synthesis, synthesis of fluorescent molecules and organic dyes.
Semester V
CHM 320 Symmetry and Group Theory (4 credits)
Symmetry elements, point group and its applications; Great Orthogo-
nality Theorem; reducible & irreducible representations; Mulliken symbol;
character table; direct product; application of direct product concept to
spectroscopy as well as in quantum mechanics; Projection operator and its
application to symmetry adapted linear combination (SALC);
construction of molecular orbital correlation diagram of simple and
complex molecules; Hckel molecular orbital for conjugated system.
Text Books :
1) Chemical Applications of Group theory: F. A. Cotton, 3 edition, Wiley
Interscience, 1990.
2) Molecular symmetry & group theory: R. L. Carter, John Wiley & Sons,
3) Symmetry and Spectroscopy: D. C. Harris and M. D. Bertolucci, Dover
publications, 1978.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 21
CHM 311 Physical Organic Chemistry (4 credits)
Structure and bonding, valence bond theory, qualitative MO theory;
bonding and structures of reactive intermediates; solution and solvent
properties and non-covalent binding forces, conformational analysis of
acylic and cyclic systems, stereoelectronic effects and stereochemical
concepts, aromaticity and electronic effects on structure, structural effects
on stability and reactivity, kinetic postulates (Hammond postulate, Curtin-
Hammett principle, Marcus theory etc.,); reaction kinetics; kinetic isotope
effects and isotopic labeling experiments; linear free energy relationships.
Organic reaction mechanisms: substitution reactions at aliphatic and
aromatic centers; reactions involving additions and eliminations; physical
organic considerations of thermal pericyclic reactions; and sigmatropic
Text Books :
1) Modern Physical Organic Chemistry: E. Anslyn, E. Dougherty, University
Science Books, 2006.
2) March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: M. B. Smith, J. March, 6 edition,
Wiley Interscience.
3) Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A, Structure and Mechanism: R. J.
Sundberg, F. A. Carey, 4 Edition, Kluwer/Plenum Press.
4) Physical Organic Chemistry: N. Isaacs, 2 Edition, Addison-Wesley-
CHM 312 Main Group Chemistry (4 credits)
General chemistry- the covalent bond: VSEPR theory, Valence bond
theory, MO theory. acids and bases. Chemistry of the main group elements:
general trends, hydrogen, alkali metals, alkaline earths, chemistry of group
13-16 elements, inorganic chains, rings, cages, and clusters; chemistry of
halogens; the noble gases; main group organometallic chemistry.
Text Books :
1) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C. A.
Murillo and M. Bochmann, 6th Ed. Wiley, 2003.
2) Chemistry of the Elements by N. N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw, 2nd Ed.
Butterworth- Heinemann, 2005.
3) Organometallics by Christoph Elschenbroich, 3rd Ed. Wiley-VCH, 2006.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 22
CHM 331 Self-assembly in Chemistry (3 credits)
Introduction to self-assembly and supramolecular chemistry; types of
self-assembly and non-covalent interactions, pre-organization; Crown
ethers, Cryptand, metallo-supramolecules; self-complementary two,
three and multiple hydrogen bonding systems; liquid crystals; mesogens
self-organization; anionic, cationic and neutral micelles, critical micelle
concentration; bolaamphiphilies; self-assembly in DNA; protein and
peptides; drug delivery applications.
Text Books
1) Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry, Pergamon, vol.1-10, 1999.
2) Core concepts in Supramolecular chemistry and Nano-chemistry: J. W.
Steed, 1 edition, Wiley.
3) Introduction to Soft mater Synthetic and Biological Self-Assembly
Materials: I. W. Hamley, Wiley revised edition.
CHM 332 Separation Principles and Techniques (3 credits)
Theory of separation; chomatogrophic Separations; Chomatogrophic
techniques-GC, GC MS, HPLC; Bio-Separations-Electrophoresis,
Centrifugation DNA/Protein separations/purifications; Polymer separa-
tions-Green Separation Process Separation using Zeolite and Polymer
membranes. Chiral separations, Molecular recognition, Molecule
imprinting, Polymer separations.
Text Books :
1) An Introduction to Separation Sciene : B.L. Karger, L.R. Snyder, C.
Horvath, 1st edition, Wiley Interscience.
2) Handbook of Separation Process Technology: R.W. Rousseau, Wiley
3) Separation Process Principles: J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley, 2nd edition,
CHM 340 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab (3 credits)
Classical name reactions, oxidations, reductions, rearrangements, and
multi-step reactions; purification techniques such as column chromato-
graphy; characterization using IR, UV, NMR and mass spectrometer.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 23
Semester VI
CHM 310 Quantum Chemistry (4 credits)
Schrdinger equation; exact solutions for: a particle in a box; harmonic
oscillator; rigid rotor and hydrogen atom; approximate methods like
perturbation and variational methods; molecular orbital and valence bond
theories; Hartree-Fock approximation.
Text Books :
1) Quantum Chemistry: Donald A. McQuarrie, 2 edition, University
Science Books, 2007.
2) Quantum Chemistry: Ira N. Levine, 6 edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.
3) Modern Quantum Chemistry: Introduction to Advanced Electronic
Structure Theory: A. Szabo, N. Ostlund, Dover Publication, 1996.
CHM 321 Organic Synthesis I (4 credits)
Prerequisite CHM 311
Nucleophilic substitution, Interconversion of carboxylic acid derivatives;
protecting and deprotecting functional groups; protection of hydroxyl-,
amino-, carbonyl-, and carboxylic acid-groups. Electrophilic additions,
cyclizations, reductions. Formation of carbon-carbon single bond via
enolates:1,3-Dicarbonyl and related compounds, Direct alkylations of
simple enolates, imines and hydrazone anions; enamines; aldol conden-
sation, Mannich reaction, Claisen condensation, Robinson annulations;
organometallic reagents; reagents and procedures for alcohol oxidation,
oxidation procedures to caroboxylic acids, Allylic oxidation of alkenes
Text Books :
1) Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part B: Reactions and Synthesis: F. A.
Carey, R. J. Sundberg, 5 Edition, 2007, Springer.
2) Organic chemistry: J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, 1
edition, 2001, Oxford University Press.
CHM 322 Transition Metal Chemistry (4 credits)
Introduction to coordination compounds; nature of metal-ligand bonding;
stability of coordination compounds; inorganic spectroscopy;
organometallic chemistry; catalysis; bioinorganic chemistry.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 24
Text Books :
1) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: Cotton, Wilkinson, Murillo and
Bochmann, 6th edition, Wiley Interscience.
2) Chemistry of the Elements: Greenwood and Earnshaw, 2nd edition,
3) Inorganic Chemistry: J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, 4th edition,
Prentice Hall.
CHM 334 Physical Chemistry of Solutions (3 credits)
Thermodynamic description of mixtures, electrolytes in solution, thermo-
dynamic description of electrochemical cells, ionic liquids, polymer and
gel electrolytes, chemical sensors, biosensors, fuel cells, impact on
biochemistry, phase equilibria.
Text Books :
1) Physical Chemistry: Gordon M. Barrow, 5 edition, McGraw Hill college,
2) Physical Chemistry: P. W. Atkins and Julia de Paula, 8 edition, W. H.
Freeman, 2006.
3) Physical Chemistry: I. N. Levine, 6 edition, McGraw Hill Science, 2008.
CHM 351 Bioorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
Basic structure of nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates;
biological functions and biosynthesis of precursors: amino acids,
nucleotides, fatty acids, lipids and secondary metabolites; primary and
secondary metabolism; bioenergetics; coenzymes and cofactors; peptide
antibiotics and their biological activities.
Text Books :
1) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, M. Cox and D. Nelson, 5 Edition,
2008, W. H. Freeman and Company.
2) Biochemistry, D. Voet and J. G. Voet, 3 Edition, 2004, John Wiley &
3) Bioorganic Chemistry: Nucleic Acids, Edt. S. M. Hecht, 1 Edition, 1996,
Oxford University Press, USA ;
4) Bioorganic Chemistry: Peptides and Proteins, Edt. S. M. Hecht, 1
Edition, 1998, Oxford University Press, USA
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 25
CHM 360 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Lab (3 credits)
Synthesis of inorganic compounds such as coordination complexes,
organometallic, main group compounds; characterization & investigation
by spectroscopic methods such as IR, UV and NMR techniques; quanti-
tative estimation by redox, complexometric, and precipitation titrations,
spectrophotometric analysis, and solvent extraction.
Semester VII
CHM 410 Advanced Molecular Spectroscopy (4 credits)
Fundamentals of lasers and laser systems; advanced Raman spectroscopy;
electronic spectroscopy; advanced laser spectroscopic techniques, appli-
cation of lasers in various fields of chemistry, environmental and medical
application of lasers.
Text Books :
1) High Resolution Spectroscopy: J. M. Hollas, 2 edition, Wiley, 1998.
2) Laser fundamentals: William T. Silfvast, 2 edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2008.
3) Laser Chemistry: Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications: H. H. Telle,
A. G. Urena, R. J. Donovan, 1 edition, Wiley, 2007.
CHM 411 Organic Synthesis - II (4 credits)
Formation carbon-carbon bonds: palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions:
multicomponent reactions; Domino, cascade, and tandem reactions;
retrosynthestic analysis; saturated heterocycles and stereoelectronics &
aromatic heterocyclic: structures, reations and synthesis; asymmetric
synthesis: chemistry of natural products.
Text Books :
1) Advanced Organic chemistry, Parts A and B: F. A. Carey and R. J.
Sundberg, 5 edition, Springer.
2) March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: M. Smith and J. March, 6 edition,
3) Organic Synthesis, the Disconnection Approach: S. G. Warren, 2 edition,
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 26
4) Organic chemistry: J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, 1
edition, Oxford University Press.
5) Classics in Total Synthesis: Targets, Strategies, Methods: K. C. Nicolaou,
E. J. Sorensen, Wiley-VCH, 1996.
CHM 412 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (4 credits)
Reactions mechanisms of transition metal complexes, electron transfer
and Marcus theory; inorganic photochemistry; metal clusters and
organometallic chemistry.
Text Books :
1) Inorganic Chemistry: J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, 4 edition,
Prentice Hall.
2) Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic & Organometallic Systems: R. B.
Jordan, 3 edition, Oxford University Press.
3) Organometallics: C. Elschenbroich, 3 edition, Wiley-VCH.
CHM 430 Advanced Physical Chemistry Lab (3 credits)
Advanced instrumentation techniques: spectrophotometry; fluorimetry,
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); thermal gravimetric analysis
(TGA); cyclic voltametry (CV); as well as its application to study a variety
of chemical problems; quantum chemistry-, symmetry and group theory-
based computational experiments.
CHM 431 Chemical Biology (3 credits)
Chemical & enzymatic methods to synthesize nucleic acids, and peptides;
biomolecular interactions: protein-nucleic acid, protein-small molecule,
nucleic acid-small molecule. Combinatorial approaches to drug discovery;
high-throughput screening; chemical glycomics; & biophysical techniques.
Text Books :
1) Nucleic Acids in Chemistry and Biology, Edt. M. Blackburn, M. Gait, D.
Loakes & D. Willaims, 3 Edition, 2006, RSC Publishing.
2) Chemical Biology: A Practical Course, H. Waldmann and P. Janning, 1
Edition, 2004, Wiley-VCH.
3) Chemical Biology: From small molecules to systems biology and drug
design, Edt. S. L. Schreiber, T. Kapoor and G. Wess. Volume 2, 2007,
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 27
CHM 432 Solid State Chemistry (3 credits)
Crystal structure, crystal diffraction by X-rays, neutrons and electrons,
electronic properties and band theory of solids, magnetic properties,
dielectric & optical properties, superconductivity, mechanical properties,
thermal analysis, materials synthesis.
Text Books :
1) Basic Solid State Chemistry: A. R. West, 2 edition, Wiley, 1999.
2) Solid State Chemistry and its applications: A. R. West, Wiley, 1987.
3) New Directions in Solid State Chemistry: C. N. R. Rao and J.
Gopalakrishnan, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
CHM 436 Molecular Modeling and Simulation (3 credits)
Model systems and potentials, force fields, statistical mechanical applica-
tions, molecular dynamics (MD), Brownian dynamics, Langevin dynamics,
different Monte Carlo techniques, special MD techniques, advanced
simulation techniques and applications, introduction and application of
different MD programs (AMBER, CHARMM, GROMAS), quantum
chemical modeling, semi-empirical methods, ab initio methods, density
functional methods, application on optimization and transition state
determination, intrinsic reaction coordinate calculation, introduction to
quantum chemistry programs (Gaussian, GAMESS), introduction to
combined QM/MM Methods.
Text Books :
1) Computer Simulation of Liquids: M. P. Allen, D. J. Tildesley, Oxford
University Press, 1989.
2) Introduction to Computational Chemistry: F. Jensen, 2nd edition, Wiley,
Semester VIII
CHM 420 Structural Methods and Analysis (4 credits)
Principles and applications of infrared, ultraviolet, fluorescence, electron
spin resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 28
Text Books :
1) Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy: C. N. Banwell and E. M.
McCash, 4 edition, Tata McGraw-Hill;
2) Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy: L. M. Harwood, T. D. W. Claridge,
1 edition, Oxford University Press;
3) Electron Spin Resonance Analysis and Interpretation: P. H. Reiger, 1
edition, RSC Publishing;
4) Mass Spectrometry Basics: C. G. Herbert, R. A. W. Johnstone,1 edition,
CRS Press.
CHM 421 Polymer Chemistry (4 credits)
Basic concepts, molecular weight distribution, linear, branched, cross-
linked, grafted- polymers, polymer crystallization, glass transition,
solution and melt viscosity, polymer rheology, step-polymerization,
addition polymers, radical, cationic, anionic living polymerization, block
copolymers, liquid crystalline polymers, ring opening polymerization,
physical and reactive blends, nano-composites and synthetic-natural fiber
composites, concepts of conducting polymers and their applications in
opto-electronics and sensors, one and 3D dimensional nano-materials,
stereochemistry, NMR FT-IR, mass spectrometry of polymers.
Text Books :
1) Principles of Polymerization: G. Odian, 4 edition, Wiley Interscience.
2) Text Book of Polymer Science: F. W. Billmeyer Jr., 3 edition, John Wiley
& Sons.
3) Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials: J. M. G. Cowie,
3 edition, CRC Press.
CHM 422 Statistical Thermodynamics (4 credits)
Canonical, Microcanonical and Other Ensembles, Fluctuation, Bose-
Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Non-interacting ideal monatomic,
diatomic gases & solids, Partition Function, Liouville Equation, Chemical
Equilibrium, Distribution Functions, Debye Hckel Theory, Statistical
Mechanical theory of Phase Transition, Time Correlation Function
Text Books :
1) Statistical Mechanics: D. A. McQuarrie, 2 edition, University Science
Books, (Viva Books, Indian edition 2003).
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 29
2) An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics: T. L. Hill, Dover
Publications, New York, 1986.
3) Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics: D. Chandler, Oxford
University Press, 1987.
CHM 423 Medicinal Chemistry (4 credits)
Principles of drug discovery; biochemistry of disease; drug action at
receptors; how does the message get received? how does a receptor
change shape? drug development: quantitative structure-activity relation-
ships (QSAR); drug metabolism; prodrugs and drug delivery systems.
Text Books :
1) Foe's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry: T. L. Lemke and D. A. Williams,
6 edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
2) An Introduction to Medicinal chemistry: G. Patrick, 3 edition, Oxford
University Press.
3) The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action: R. Silverman,
2 edition, Academic Press.
CHM 433 Photochemistry (3 credits)
The laws of photochemistry; Primary processes in photochemical reactions;
Fluorescence & phosphorescence; Quenching phenomenon; Fluore-
scence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET); Dimerization reaction;
Excimer and exciplex; Energy transfer processes; Diffusion controlled
rate constants; Some typical photochemical reactions; Quantum yield of a
reaction; Photosensitized reactions; Photochemical equilibrium; Flash
photolysis; Pulse radiolysis.
Text Books :
1) Modern Molecular Photochemistry: N. J. Turro, 1 edition, University
Science Books, 1991.
2) Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy: J. R. Lakowicz, 3 edition,
Springer, 2006.
3) Fundamentals of Photochemistry: K. K. Rohatgi Mukherjee, Revised
edition, New age International, 1986.
CHM 435 Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
Metal ions in biology; inorganic chemistry of biological systems;
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 30
dioxygen carriers and its reactions, blue copper proteins and
photosynthesis, metal-sulfide proteins.
Text Books :
1) Bio-inorganic Chemistry: I. Bertini, H. B. Gray, S. J. Lippard, J. S.
Valentine, 1 edition, Viva.
2) Inorganic Chemistry: J. E. Huheey, E. A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, 4 edition,
Prentice Hall.
3) Inorganic Electronic Structure & Spectoscopy: E. I. Solomon & A. B. P.
Lever, 1 edition, Wiley Interscience.
Semester I
MTH 101 Introductory Mathematics I - Linear Algebra
(3 credits)
Definition and examples of Fields, Solving a system of Linear Equations,
Matrices, Row and Column operations, Invertible matrices, Elementary
Matrices and revisit to solving linear equations.
Vector Space and examples, Subspace, Special example of R and its
coordinates, Sum and intersection of subspaces, Solution space of linear
equations, Linear independence of vectors, Basis and Dimension,
Coordinates with respect to different basis.
Linear Transformations (LT) between two vector spaces, Representing LT
by a Matrix, Rank-Nullity Theorem, Linear Operators (LT on same space)
and square matrices, Algebra of Linear operators, Base Change and
Similarity of matrices.
Determinant and its properties, Inverse of a matrix, Eigen value and Eigen
vector, Characteristic Polynomials, Diagonalisation and Triangulation of
Matrices, Cayley Hamilton Theorem, Minimal Polynomial of a Matrix.
Inner Product Spaces, Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality, Orthogonal basis,
Grahm orthogonalisation process, Orthogonal Group.
Text Books :
1) Linear Algebra: Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, Second Edition,
Prentice-Hall India.
2) Linear Algebra Problem Book: Paul R. Halmos, Dolciani Mathe- matical
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 31
Expositions, The Mathematical Association of America;
3) Linear Algebra and its Applications: Gilbert Strang, Brooks Cole.
Semester II
MTH 102 Introductory Mathematics II - Single variable
calculus (3 credits)
Set Theory, Real Numbers, Complex Numbers and properties, Finite,
Countable and Uncountable sets, Euclidean Spaces. Sequences and
Series, Convergence and various Tests. Limit and Continuity of functions
of one variable, Differentiation, Chain Rule, Mean Value Theorems,
Taylor Expansion, Applications. Integration, Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus, Change of variables and applications.
Text Books :
1) Calculus: T. M. Apostol, Vol.-I, 2 Edition, Wiley;
2) Calculus: Michael Spivak, 4th Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Semester III
MTH201 Introductory Mathematics III - Probability &
Statistics (3 credits)
Axiomatic definition of probability, Theorems on probability. Conditional
probability and independence. Bayes' theorem. Random variables, their
properties. Some standard discrete & continuous variables. Mathematical
expectation, variance, moments, moment generating function. Chebyshev's
inequality. Functions of a random variable, their distributions & moments.
Joint, marginal and conditional distributions, independence of random
variables. Law of large numbers, Central limit theorem, Sampling
Estimation of parameters: Maximum likelihood and method of moments.
Properties of best estimates. Testing of hypotheses: Neyman-Pearson
Lemma, standard tests for one and two sample problems.
Text Books :
1) A First Course in Probability: Sheldon Ross, 6 Edition, Prentice-Hall;
2) Introduction to probability models: Sheldon Ross, 8 Edition, Academic
Press, Inc.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 32
3) An Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Vijay, K. Rohatgi, A. K. Md.
E. Saleh, 2 Edition, Wiley-Interscience.
4) Probability and Statistics in Engineering: William W. Hines, Douglas C.
Montgomery, David M. Goldman, Connie M. Borror, 4 Edition, Wiley.
5) Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, William Feller,
Vol-1, 3 Edition, Wiley.
Semester IV
MTH 202 Introductory Mathematics IV - Multivariable
Calculus (3 credits)
Vector functions of one variable and their derivatives. Functions of several
variables, partial derivatives, chain rule, gradient & directional derivative.
Tangent planes and normals. Maxima, minima, saddle points, Lagrange
multipliers, exact differentials.
Repeated and multiple integrals with application to volume, surface area,
moments of inertia. Change of variables. Vector fields, line and surface
integrals. Green's, Gauss and Stokes' theorems and their applications.
Text Books :
1) Calculus: T. M. Apostol, Vol.- II, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 1969;
2) Calculus and Analytic Geometry: G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, 6th/9th
Edition, Narosa/Addison Wesley/Pearson, 1985/1996;
3) Calculus- Concepts and Contexts: James Stewart, 4 Edition, Brookes
Semester V
MTH 310 Analysis (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH 102
Contents :
Real & Complex Number System, Metric Spaces, Compact & Connected
metric spaces, Complete Metric spaces and completion, Numerical
sequences and series, Concept of Limit of a sequence, Continuous
functions, Differentiable functions, Mean Value Theorems, Riemann
Integration, Sequences and Series of Functions, Uniform Convergence,
Stone Weierstrass Theorem.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 33
Text Books :
1) Principals of Mathematical Analysis: Walter Rudin, 3 Edition, McGraw-
2) Mathematical Analysis: T. M. Apostol, 2 Edition, Addison-Wesley.
3) Introduction to Topology & Modern Analysis: George F. Simmons,
Krieger Publishing Company.
4) Calculus on Manifolds: Michael Spivak, W. A. Benjamin
MTH 311 Algebra- Group Theory (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH 101
Definition of Groups & Homomorphisms, Examples, Lagrange's Theorem,
Normal subgroups and Quotient Groups, Group Action, Cayley's
Theorem, The Class Equation, Sylow Theorems, Direct Products, Semi-
direct Products, Nilpotent Groups and Solvable Groups.
Rings and examples, Polynomial Rings.
Text Books :
1) Abstract Algebra: D. S. Dummit and R. M. Foote, 2 Edition, Wiley;
2) Topics in Algebra: I. N. Herstein, 2 Edition, Wiley.
3) Algebra: Serge Lang, Revised 3 Edition, Springer
4) Algebra: Thomas W. Hungerford, Springer.
MTH 312 Discrete Mathematics (4 credits)
Set Theory: Definition of set, Relations, Equivalence relations and
equivalence classes, Principle of mathematical induction, Posets, Chains
and well-ordered sets.
Combinatorics: Principles of addition and multiplication, Arrangements,
Permutation and combinations, Multinomial theorem, Partitions and
allocations, Pigeonhole principle, Inclusion-exclusion principle,
Generating functions, Recurrence relations.
Graph Theory: Graphs and digraphs, Eulerian cycle and Hamiltonian
cycle, Adjacency and incidence matrices, Vertex coloring, Planarity, trees,
Spanning trees, Minimum spanning trees.
Text Books :
1) Discrete Mathematics with Applications to Computer Science, J.P.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 34
Tremblay and R.P. Manohar, McGraw Hill, 1989;
2) Introductory Discrete Mathematics, V. K. Balakrishnan, Dover, 1996;
3) Graph Theory, F. Harary, Narosa, 1995;
4) Discrete Mathematics and applications: Kenneth Rosen, 6 Edition,
5) A course in combinatorics: J. H. Van Lint and R. M. Wilson, 2 Edition,
Cambridge University Press.
MTH 313 Graph Theory (4 credits)
The Basics: graphs, paths & cycles, connectivity, trees & forests, bipartite
graphs, contraction and minors, Euler tours, Hamilton Cycle; Matching,
Covering and Packing: matching in bipartite graphs, matching in general
graphs, packing and covering; Connectivity: 2-connected graphs and
subgraphs, the structure of 3-connected graphs, Menger's Theorem;
Planar Graphs: topological prerequisites, drawing, Kuratowski's theorem,
algebraic planarity criteria, plane duality; Coloring: coloring maps and
planar graphs, coloring vertices, coloring edges, perfect graphs; Flows:
flows in networks, k-flows for small k, flow-coloring duality, Tutte's flow
conjectures; Infinite graphs; Ramsey Theory for Graphs; Random graphs.
Text Books :
1. Graph Theory, 3 edition, Reinhard Diestel, Springer.
2. Introduction to Graph Theory, Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang, Tata McGraw-
Hill Edition.
MTH 469 Mathematical Biology (3 credits)
An introduction to modeling and analysis of biological systems. The focus
of the course is two-fold: classical models in mathematical biology, and
the biophysical bases of construction of new models. The course will
cover a wide variety of topics, some examples of which are: phase-plane
analysis of (nonlinear) ODEs, Introduction to modeling in neuroscience
(including a classification of neural models based on bifurcations),
enzyme kinetics, including a derivation of Michaelis-Menten through a
slow-fast analysis, elementary geometric singular perturbation theory,
some reduction strategies for larger dimensional systems, modeling:
ecological and evolution, stochastic models, enzymes, channels and
pumps, pattern formation, cell cycle modeling, systems biology.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 35
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010
Text Books :
1) Mathematical Models in Biology: Leah Edelstein-Keshet, SIAM: Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
2) Mathematical Physiology, 1 & 2: James Keener and James Sneyd,
3) Theoretical Neuroscience: Peter Dayan and L. F. Abbott, The MIT Press.
4) Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos: With applications to Physics, Biology,
Chemistry and Engineering, Steven H. Strogatz, Westview Press.
Semester VI
MTH320 Complex Analysis (4 credits)
Algebra of complex numbers, Analytic functions, Polynomials, Rational
functions, Sequences, Series, Power series, Abel's Limit theorem.
Exponential and trigonometric functions, Conformality, Analytic
functions in regions, conformal mappings. Linear transformations, cross
ratio, Cauchy's theorem in a disc, Cauchy's integral formula, The calculus
of residues. Riemann Zeta function, Riemann mapping theorem.
Text Books :
1) Complex Analysis: Lars Alhfors, 3 Edition, McGraw Hill;
2) Functions of One Complex Variable I: John B. Conway, Graduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer
3) Complex function Theory: Donald Sarason, American Mathematical
MTH322 Topology (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH310
Contents :
Topological Spaces, Examples, Continuous maps, Quotient Spaces,
Connectedness, Compactness, Countability and separation axioms,
Tychonoff Theorem, Uryshon's Lemma, Tietz Extension Theorem,
Metrization Theorems, Fundamental Group of Topological Spaces.
Text Books :
1) Topology : James R. Munkres, Prentice-Hall;
2) Basic Topology : M. A. Armstrong, Springer;
3) Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis : George F. Simmons,
Krieger Publishing House.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010
MTH324 Vector Space and Modules (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH311
Vector Space, Basis, Linear Transformations, Representing LT by a
Matrix, Algebra of Linear operators, Base Change and Similarity of
Determinant and its properties, Inverse of a matrix, Eigen value and Eigen
vector, Characteristic Polynomials, Diagonalisation and Triangulation of
Matrices, Cayley Hamilton Theorem, Minimal Polynomial of a Matrix.
Inner Product Spaces, Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality, Orthogonal basis,
Grahm Orthogonalisation process, Orthogonal Group.
Modules, Structure Theory of Module over PID, Jordan and Rational
canonical form.
Text Books :
1) Linear Algebra: Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, 2 Edition, Prentice-
Hall India;
2) Algebra : M. Artin, Prentice-Hall India;
3) Linear Algebra Problem Book: Paul R. Halmos, Dolciani Mathe- matical
Expositions Number 16, The Mathematical Association of America.
4) Linear Algebra and its Applications: Gilbert Strang, 4 Edition, Brooks
5) Advanced Linear Algebra: Steven Roman, Graduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer;
6) Further Linear Algebra: T. S. Blyth and E. F. Robertson, Springer.
MTH341 Group Theory and Applications (3 credits)
Prerequisite MTH311
Sylow's Theorem, Direct and Semidirect Product, Classification of groups
2 3
of order p and p , Solvable Groups, p-groups. Generators and relations,
Presentation of a group, Free Groups, Free Products, HNN extension.
Linear Groups GL and SL , Flags, Borel subgroups and parabolic
n n
subgroups, Simplicity of PSL .
Text Books :
1) Groups and Representation: J. L. Alperin and R. B. Bell, Graduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer;
2) A Course in the Theory of Groups: Derek J. S. Robinson, Graduate Texts
in Mathematics, Springer.
MTH363 Theory of Algorithms (3 credits)
Prerequisite: MTH 312
Algorithm analysis, order arithmetic, time & space complexities, average
& worst case analysis, lower bounds. Algorithm design techniques: divide
and conquer, search and traversals, dynamic programming, backtracking.
Sorting and searching algorithms (insertion sort, quick sort, heap sort,
merge sort). Graph Algorithms: Connectivity, shorter path, spanning
trees, topological sorting. Algorithms for set union-find problems.
Text Books :
1) Design and Analysis of Algorithms, A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. Ullman,
Addition and Wesley, 1976.
2) Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, E. Horowitz and S. Sahni,
Galgotia Publishers, 1984;
3) 3) Data Structures and Algorithms, K. Melhorn, Vol. 1 and 2, Springer
Verlag, 1998;
4) Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest, Prentice Hall-
India, 2002;
5) Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity, C.H.
Papadimitriou and K.Steiglitz, Prentice Hall-India, 1992.
Semester VII
MTH 410 Measure Theory & Integration (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH310
Theory of Function of one variable, Measurable Sets, Lebesgue Measure,
Measurable Functions, Riemann Integral and Lebesgue Integral,
Convergence Theorems, Differentation and Integration.
Text Books :
1) Real Analysis: H. Royden, 3 Edition, Prentice-Hall;
2) Measure Theory: Paul R. Halmos, Graduate Texts in Mathematics,
3) Real & Complex Analysis: Walter Rudin, 3 Edition, McGraw-Hill.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 38
MTH 413 Differential Topology (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH 310
R and Euclidian Spaces, Topological Manifolds, Function of several
Variable, Continuity and Differentiability of functions of several
variables, Differentiable manifolds, Tangent Spaces, Inverse Function
Theorem, Submanifolds, Local immersion theorem, local submersion
theorem, differential forms, Integration on Manifolds, Stokes' Theorem,
de Rham's theorem.
Text Books :
1) An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry:
William M. Boothby, Academic Press;
2) Foundations of differentiable manifolds and Lie groups: Frank W. Warner,
Graduate texts in Mathematics, Springer;
3) Introduction to Smooth Manifolds: John M. Lee, Graduate texts in
Mathematics, Springer.
MTH 414 Field Extensions and Galois Theory (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH311
Fields, Field Extension, Irreducible Polynomials, Degree of extension,
Algebraic Extension, Finite Extension, Splitting Field & Algebraic Closure,
Separable extension, Normal Extension, Galois Extension, Main theorem
of Galois Theory, Applications, Quadratic and Cyclotomic extension.
Text Books :
1) Abstract Algebra: D. S. Dummit and R. M. Foote, 2nd Edition, Wiley
2) Galois Theory of Algebraic Equations: Jean-Pierre Tignol, World
Scientific Publishing Company;
3) Field Theory: Steven Roman, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer;
4) Algebra: Serge Lang, Revised 3 Edition, Springer.
MTH443 Representation Theory of Finite Groups (3 credits)
Prerequisite MTH 311
Revision of Modules & Group Actions, G-Modules and Representations,
Character Theory and orthoganility relations, Simple and Semisimple
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 39
modules, Simple and Semisimple Rings, Wedderburn's Theorem, Revisit
to Character Theory, Character Table of Cyclic groups, Abelian groups,
Quaternion groups, S ; S , Dihedral groups, GL (F ) along with some
3 4 2 q
topics form below: (i) Induced Representations and Induced Characters,
(ii) Representations of GL (F ) and SL (F ), (iii) Young Tabluex and
2 q 2 q
Representation Theory of S , (iv) Real Characters, Orthogonal and
Symplectic Characters, Schur index, (v) Rationality Questions, (vi) Weyl
Text Books :
1) Linear Representations of Finite groups : J. P. Serre, Graduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer;
2) Representation and Characters of Groups : G. James and M. Liebeck, 2
Edition, Cambridge University Press;
3) Representations of Finite and Compact Groups : B. Simon, American
Mathematical Society;
4) Representation Theory: A first Course : W. Fulton and J. Harris, Graduate
Texts in Mathematics, Springer.
MTH344 Commutative Algebra (3 credits)
Prerequisite MTH311
Rings, Prime and Maximal ideal, Modules, Nakayama Lemma, Ring of
fractions, Localization, Chain Conditions, Noetherian and Artinian Rings,
Noether Normalisation and Hilbert Nullstellansatz.
Text Books :
1) Introduction to Commutative Algebra: M. F. Atiyah and I. G.
Macdonald, Westview Press.
2) Steps in Commutative Algebra: R. Y. Sharp, Cambridge University Press.
3) Commutative Algebra with a view towards Algebraic Geometry: David
Eisenbud, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer.
MTH 491 Recent Trends in Mathematics (3 credits)
This is to familiarize students with the areas of Mathematics where current
research is going on. This course consists of guest lectures held under
Mathematics Seminar Series.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 40
Text Books :
1) Books, articles and research papers recommended by the speakers.
Semester VIII
MTH420 Functional Analysis (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH410
Hilbert Spaces, Normed Linear Spaces, Banach Spaces, Hahn-Banach
Theorem, Open Mapping Theorem, Closed Graph Theorem, Banach
Fixed Point Thereom, Compact Operators, Spectral Theorem.
Text Books :
1) Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis: George F. Simmons,
Krieger Publishing House.
2) A course in Functional Analysis: John B. Conway, Graduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer.
3) Functional Analysis: B. V. Limaye, Halsted Press;
4) Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications: Erwin Kreyszig,
MTH421 Number Theory (4 credits)
Prerequisite MTH321
Solving Polynomials, Algebraic Numbers and Integers, Integral Bases,
Dedekind Domains, Ideal factorization, Ideal Class Group, Finiteness of
Class Group, Dirichlet's Unit Theorem.
Text Books :
1) Number Fields: Daniel A. Marcus, Universitext, Springer;
2) Problems in Algebraic Number Theory: M. RamMurty and Jody
Esmonde, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer;
3) Algebraic Number Theory: Serge Lang, Graduate Texts in Mathe- matics,
MTH422 Applicable Mathematics - Cryptography (4 credits)
Classical Cryptography; Shannon's Theory; Block Ciphers: Data
Encryption Standard and the Advanced Encryption Standard;
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 41
Cryptographic Hash Functions ; The RSA Cryptosystem and Factoring
Integers; Public-key Cryptography and Discrete Logarithms; Signature
Schemes; Pseudo-random Number Generation; Identification Schemes
and Entity Authentication; Key Distribution; Key Agreement Schemes;
Public-Key Infrastructure; Secret Sharing Schemes
Text Books :
1) Cryptography: Theory & Practice: Douglas R. Stinson, 3 Edition,
Chapman and Hall/CRC.
2) Introduction to Cryptography: Johannes. A. Buchmann, Undergraduate
texts in Mathematics, Springer;
3) Handbook of Applied Cryptography: Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van
Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, CRC Press.
MTH 448 Computer Algebra (3 credits)
Prerequisite MTH311, MTH321
Contents :
Computation with finite groups using GAP, computation with
multivariable polynomials using Grobner Basis.
Text Books :
1) An introduction to Grobner bases: W. Adams, American Mathematical
MTH455 Algebraic Topology (3 credits)
Prerequisite MTH311, MTH322
Contents :
Fundamental groups of topological spaces, Covering spaces, Axioms of
singular homology theory, Excision, Mayer-Vietoris sequence, Jordan
curve theorem, Quotient spaces, CW complexes, Cohomology theory, cup
products, cohomology rings, Universal coefficient theorems, Kunneth
theorem, Eilenberg-Zilber theorem, Kunneth theorem for cohomology,
Poincare duality, Cap products, Lefschetz duality, Alexander duality.
Text Books :
1) Elements of Algebraic topology: James R. Munkres, Westview Press;
2) Algebraic Topology: Allen Hatcher, Cambridge University Press;
3) Topology and Geometry: G. E. Bredon, Graduate Texts in Mathematics,
4) An introduction to algebraic topology: Joseph J. Rotman, Graduate Texts
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 42
in Mathematics, Springer 5) A basic course in algebraic topology: W.
Massey, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer.
MTH470 Mathematical Modeling (3 credits)
Formulation and analysis of mathematical models in physics, chemistry
and biology. Mathematical methods include dimensional analysis,
differential equations, probability and optimization. Simulations will be
used extensively. The essential ideas necessary will be developed during
the course, and students are expected to participate in designing and
constructing models, and analyzing them.
Text Books :
1) The Nature of Mathematical Modeling: Neil Gershenfeld, Cambridge
University Press;
2) Simulating, Analyzing, and Animating Dynamical Systems: A Guide to
XPPAut for Researchers and Students: Bard Ermentrout, Society for
Industrial Mathematics.
MTH 490 Trends in Mathematics (3 credits)
Lectures by guest faculty and internal faculty on current research in
Text Books
Papers, Books etc. will be recommended at the time of the lecture by the
Semester I
PHY101 World of Physics I (3 credits)
An exposure to mathematical methods, classical mechanics, classical
electrodynamics and quantum mechanics with applications.
Text Books :
1) University Physics- H D Young & R A Freedman-11 edn-Pearson Edn
2) Mechanics- Berkeley Physics Course-Vol I- Tata McGraw Hill (2008)
3) Electricity & Magnetism- Berkeley Physics Course-Vol II- Tata McGraw
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 43
Hill (2008)
4) Quantum Physics- Berkeley Physics Course-Vol IV- Tata McGraw
PHY121 Physics Lab I (2 credits)
Experiments: 1. Simple Pendulum, 2. Torsional Pendulum: Modulus of
rigidity, 3. Young's modulus, 4. Coefficient of friction: Euler's relation, 5.
Faraday's and Lenz's law of electromagnetic induction, 6. Magnetic field
measurement, 7. Measuring techniques for inductance and capacitance, 8.
Solar cell: I-V characteristics and efficiency
Course material will be provided at the beginning of semester.
Semester II
PHY102 World of Physics II (3 credits)
An exposure to statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics, physics
of materials, astrophysics, atomic molecular and optical physics and
dynamical systems with recent trends and applications.
Text Books :
1) Statistical Physics- Berkeley Physics Course-Vol V- Tata McGraw Hill
2) Concepts of Modern Physics by A.Beiser, Tata McGraw Hill
Education6th edn 2006
3) Modern Physics- Kenneth Krane- 2 edn John Wiley( 2002)
4) Introduction to Modern Physics- J D Walecka- World Scientific (2008)
Semester III
PHY201 Classical Physics (3 credits)
An introductory course on classical mechanics and classical electro-
dynamics. The classical mechanics part comprises of Lagrangian for
simple systems, Harmonic oscillator, small oscillations and rotational
dynamics etc. The electrodynamics course would offer an introduction to
the concepts of electro and magneto statics, introduction of Coulomb's
law, Ampere's and Faraday's law, Lenz's law, Maxwell's equations and
electromagnetic waves.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 44
Text Books :
1) Classical mechanics- R D Gregory - Cambridge University Press (2008)
2) Mechanics-L D Landau & E M Libshitz- 3 edn Elsevier (2007)
3) An Introduction to Electrodynamics - D. J. Griffiths, 3 Ed., Pearson
PHY221 Physics Lab III (2 credits)
Experiments: 1. Thermal expansion coefficient, 2. Thermal conductivity,
3. Stefen's law, 4. Thermistors, 5. Newton's rings, 6. Diffraction using a
grating, 7. Malu's law, 8. Resolving power of telescope and prism,
Semester IV
PHY202 Quantum & Statistical Physics (3 credits)
An introductory course to quantum mechanics and statistical physics.
Motivation and postulates of quantum physics, vector space and
operators, uncertainty principle, harmonic oscillator and square wells and
some elementary concepts of atoms and molecules etc. The statistical
physics part will deal with laws of thermodynamics, temperature, entropy,
thermodynamic potentials, random walk, ensembles and probability
Text Books :
1) Principles of Quantum Mechanics R Shankar, 2 Ed., Springer (2008)
2) Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics Frederick Reif,
McGraw Hill (1985).
PHY222 Physics Lab IV (2 credits)
Experiments: 1. Particle-size determination using a laser source, 2.
Determination of Brewster angle and refractive index, 3. Determination of
numerical aperture and divergence of a given laser beam, 4. The Cornu's
method: determination of Elastic constants, 5. Determination of
Rydberg's constant, 6. Determination of the specific charge e/m for
electron, 7. Michelson-Morley's experiment, 8. Electron diffraction, 9.
Hall effect, 11, Determination of band gap.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 45
Semester V
PHY310 Mathematical Methods (4 credits)
Vectors & Tensors, Matrices, Group Theory, Sequences and Series,
Complex Variables, Differential Equations, Orthogonal Functions,
Legendre Polynomials, Bessel Functions, Fourier Series and Fourier
Transform, Laplace Transform, Green's function .
Text Books :
1) Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists- Weber & Arfken, 5
edition Academic Press Elsevier(2005)
2) Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering K F Riley, M P
Hobson & S J Bence, 3 Ed., Cambridge University Press (2006).
PHY311 Classical Mechanics (4 credits)
Euler Lagrange equation- Brachistochrone - Lagrange's equation from
variational principle- integrals of motion- conservation theorems &
symmetries Hamiltonian- canonical equations - Poisson brackets-
Symplectic formulation-Canonical transformations- Hamilton Jacobi
theory- Action angle variables
Central force motion- integrals- Kepler problem- scattering -Small
oscillations- normal modes- linear triatomic molecule-lattice vibrations
Continuous systems- classical fields, Classical perturbation theory-
nonlinear oscillators-Hamiltonian chaos
Text Books :
1) Classical Mechanics- A contemporary approach-J V Jose & E J Saletan-
Cambridge University Press (2006)
2) Classical Mechanics H Goldstein, C Poole & J Safko-- 3 ed-Pearson
3) Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems S T Thornton and J B
Marion, Brooks/Cole (2004).
PHY312 Classical Electrodynamics (4 credits)
Electrostatics and magnetostatics in dielectric media, solution of Laplaces
eqn in free space and in dielectric media, magnetic vector potential, ferro-
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 46
magnetism and the B-H curve, Maxwell's equations, Gauge transfor-
mations, EM waves, reflection, refraction, transmission coefficients.
Text Books :
1) Classical Electrodynamics J D Jackson, 3 Ed., Wiley Eastern Ltd
2) An Introduction to Electrodynamics D J Griffiths, 3 Ed., Prentice Hall
PHY330 Advanced Physics Lab I (3 credits)
Experiments : 1. Multi-frequency excitation and imaging, 2. Diffusion
measurements, 3. Measurement of Stokes parameter of light, 4. Velocity
distribution of atoms in a gaseous phase & temperature dependence of the
PHY 333 Symmetries in Nature (3 credits)
Spatial transformations-rotations, translations, reflections, dilations,
Moving frames and space time symmetry, Classification of physical
quantities according to transformation properties, Symmetries and
classical conservation laws, Symmetry applied to waves and wave
functions: examples from optics, atomic and molecular physics. Quantum
numbers, degeneracy, selection rules, Crystal symmetry and its
constraints on physical properties, Symmetry breaking by bifurcation,
Continuous phase transitions and broken symmetry
Text Books :
1) Elements of Group theory for physicists- A W Joshi-4 edn New Age Int
Pub (2007)
2) Symmetry- H Weyl- Princeton Univ Press (1983)
3) Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics- M Tinkham- Courier Dover Pub
( 2003)
PHY337 Classical Optics (3 credits)
Nature of light, propagation of light, interaction of light with matter,
reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, polarization, Optical
properties of metals and semiconductors in bulk and at nanoscale.
Text Books :
1) Optics Eugene Hecht, 4 Ed., Dorling Kindersley (india) Pvt Ltd (2006)
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 47
2) Optical Properties of Solids Anthony Mark Fox, Oxford University
Press ( 2001)
PHY351 Gravitation & Cosmology (3 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 310
The course will cover advanced special relativity, basic general relativity
and cosmology.
Gravitation: four vectors and SR concepts in four vector notation,
introduction to action principle and SR dynamics from action principle,
Development of tensor algebra and calculus leading up to curvature,
Einstein's equation from action principle and its basic properties including
the weak field limit of Newtonian gravity, Schwarzschild solution and
classical tests of relativity; basic ideas of black hole physics, introduction
to gravitational waves.
Cosmology: Some basic introductions to contents and scales of universe,
Friedmann metric and its basic kinematic properties , Dynamics of the
FRW universe; basic solutions., Thermal history of the universe starting
from BBN leading up to CMBR, Introduction to more advanced topics
like inflation, structure formation, dark energy etc.
Text Books :
1) The classical theory of fields- L D Landau & E M Libshitz- 3 edn Elsevier
2) Theoretical Astrophysics Vol 1- T Padmanabhan-Cambridge University
Press (2005)
Semester VI
PHY321 Quantum Mechanics I (4 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 310
Postulates and uncertainty principle, vector space and operators, represen-
tations and transformations, Schroedinger, Heisenberg and interaction
pictures of quantum dynamics, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, angular
momentum, approximation methods, symmetry & conservation laws .
Text Books :
1) Principles of Quantum Mechanics R Shankar, 2 Ed., Springer (2008)
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 48
2) Quantum Mechanics (Vol. 1) C Cohen Tannoudji, B Dau and R Laloe,
John Wiley & Sons (2005).
3) Modern Quantum Mechanics J J Sakurai, Revised Edition, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co. (2009).
PHY322 Statistical Mechanics (4 credits)
Prerequisite PHY311
Hamiltonian dynamics & Liouville's equation, microcanonical, canonical
and Grand canonical ensembles, free energy & thermodynamic relations,
B-E and F-D statistics and indistinguishable particles, phase equilibrium,
phase transitions, diffusion and other transport processes, non equilibrium
systems, master equation and Fokker-Planck equation.
Text Books :
1) Statistical Mechanics K Huang, 2 Ed., John Wiley &Sons (2005)
2) Statistical Mechanics R K Pathria, 2 Ed., Elsevier (2008).
PHY323 Advanced Physics Lab II (4 credits)
Experiments:1. Spin-spin and spin-lattice relaxation, 2.cross-polarization
transfer, 3. Dynamic light scattering, 4. Selection rules of atomic
transition and Zeeman splitting of atomic levels.
PHY334 Astronomy & Astrophysics (3 credits)
Physics of Stars: Stellar structure and composition, evolution; compact
stellar objects, Active Galactic Nuclei: Radio galaxies, quasars, Galaxies
and Galaxy Clusters: Galaxy structure and classification; Phenomena in
galaxy clusters (X-ray gas; gravitational lensing; radio sources),
Cosmology: High redshift Universe, Cosmic microwave background,
Text Books :
1. Sparke, L. S.; Gallagher III, J. S. (2000). Galaxies in the Universe: An
Introduction. Cambridge University Press.
2. Verschuur, G.L.; Kellermann, K.I. (1988) Galactic & Extragalactic Radio
Astronomy. Springer-verlaag.
3. Phillips, A.C. (1999) The Physics of Stars (Manchester Physics Series).
John Wiley & Sons.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 49
PHY352 Fluid Dynamics (3 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 310
This course will be an introduction to the basics of fluid dynamics with an
emphasis on astrophysical and geophysical applications.
Applicability of the fluid approximation, conservation laws, and a build
up towards the Navier Stokes equations. approximations to the full Navier
Stokes equations and their realms of applicability, viscous and inviscid
flows, applications to astrophysical situations such as the solar wind, and
accretion disks around black holes geophysical applications of fluid dynamics.
Text Books :
1) The Physics of Fluids and Plasmas, Arnab Rai Choudhuri- Cambridge
University Press ( 2004)
2) An Invitation to Astrophysics, T. Padmanabhan- World Scientific (2006).
3) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Joseph Pedloski- 2 edn Springer (1987)
PHY353 Relativity and Electrodynamics (3 credits)
Prerequisite PHY312
Special relativity, relation to Maxwell's equations, covariant formulation
of electrodynamics, elements of general relativity.
Text Books :
1) Radiative Processes in Astrophyscis- Rybicki & Lightman, John Wiley &
2) Classical Electrodynamics 3 Eds, J.D. Jackson, Wiley Eastern
PHY355 Statistical Methods in Data Analysis ( 3 credits)
Review of random variables, probability distributions with examples
from real world, measures of central moments and deviation, stationery
and ergodic process. Least squares fitting of linear and non-linear models,
parametric and non-parametric estimation, confidence limits, hypothesis
testing, Markov chains. case studies.
Text Books :
1) Probability, Random Variables & Stochastic Processes, A. Papoulis and S
Unnikrishnan Pillai, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 50
2) Numerical Recipes, by Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery, 3rd
edition, Cambridge University Press
Semester VII
PHY410 Condensed Matter Physics (4 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 310
Crystal structures, Bravais lattice, diffraction and Bragg law and Laue
equation etc, Bloch function, Bands, weak binding and strong binding
theory of band formation, Drude - Sommerfeld theory of conduction,
semiclassical theory of conduction, Hartree-Fock approximation and
exchange interaction, magnetic phase transitions.
Text Books :
1) Solid State Physics N W Ashcroft and N D Mermin, Brooks/Cole
Publishers ( 2009).
2) Introduction to Solid State Physics C Kittel, 8 Ed., John wiley & Sons
3) Advanced Solid state Physics Philip Phillips, Overseas Press (2008).
4) Principles of Condensed Matter Physics P M Chaikin and T C Lubensky,
Cambridge University Press (2004)
PHY413 Electronics (4 credits)
Introduction to semiconductors, Band Gap, P-N Junctions, Diodes,
BJT,Field Effect Transistors, Transistor characteristics, electronic
transport, Amplifiers, Photo electric devices, Digital circuits, concept of
logic gates and Fabrication
Text Books :
1) The Art of Electronics - P.Horowitz and W.Hill, Cambridge University
Press- 2 edn (2001)
2) Electronic Principles - A.P. Malvino, McGraw Hill Higher Education
3) Electronic Devices & Circuits- J. Millman & C.E. Halkias, McGraw
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 51
PHY414 Computational Physics (4 credits)
Introduction to programming, advanced numerical techniques, Solutions
to ordinary and partial differential equation; Solutions to eigenvalue
problems Monte-Carlo techniques, Density functional theory, Molecular
Text Books :
1) Computational Physics by Jos Thijssen (Cambridge Univ Press, 1997)
2) An introduction to computational physics by Tao Pang (Cambrdige Univ
Press, 2006)
3) Computational physics : Problem Solving with Computers by Rubin H.
Landau et. al. (Wiley VCH, 2007).
4) Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics K Binder and D W
Heermann, 4 Ed., Springer Berlin.
PHY430 Advanced Physics Lab III (3 credits)
Experiments: 1. Doppler broadening of spectral lines, 2. Doppler- free
spectroscopy, 3. Study of spin exchange, 4. Structure determination of
small molecules / biomolecules using NMR technic
PHY 441 Physics of Information & Quantum Computation (3 credits)
Statistical Physics, Thermodynamics, and Information, Computability
and Turing Machine, Computational Complexity, Classical computers
and Moore's law, Quantum bits and Quantum Circuits, Quantum
Teleportation, Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Simulation, Decoherence,
Quantum Error Correction, Physical realization of Quantum Computers
Text Books :
1. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, M. A. Nielsen and I. L.
Chuang, Cambridge University Press.
2. An introduction to Quantum Computing, P. Kaye, R. Laflamme and M.
Mosca, Oxford Unviserity Press.
3. Preskill's lecture notes on Quantum Information and Quantum
Computation, http://www.theory.caltech.edu/people/preskill/ ph229/
PHY443 Physics at Nanoscale (3 credits)
Overview,nanotechnology in nature ,Clusters clusters to solids, effect on
structure, ionization potential, melting etc. Electronic Structure of
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 52
Semiconductor Nanoparticles: Effective Mass Approximation, size
dependent optical properties ,Metal Nanoparticles: Surface Plasmon
Resonance, Mie theory, Stability of metal particles, metamaterials
Magnetism at Nanoscale: Magnetism in small and nanoparticles, super-
paramgnetism, introduction to spintronics, spin valve, magnetic tunnel
junction, memory elements
Synthesis of Nano materials : Physical, chemical, biological and hybrid
Analysis of nanomaterials: Various Diffraction , microscopy and
spectroscopy techniques.
Text Books :
1) Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanocrystals S. V. Gaponenko,
Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics (1997)
2) Nanoscale Materials in Chemistry Ed. By Kenneth J. Klabunde, John
Wiley & Sons Inc. (2001)
3) Nanotechnology : Principles and Practices by Sulabha K. Kulkarni,
Capital Publishing Company, N. Delhi (2009, revised reprint)
PHY445 Quantum Mechanics II (3 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 321
Perturbation theory , applications to interaction of classical fields with
atomic systems, adiabatic and sudden approximations, scattering theory,
Coupling of charges and spins to the scalar and vector potential, gauge
transformations, Identical particles and statistics, Occupation number
representation and creation and annihilation operators, oscillator coherent
states, Radiation field as a set of quantised harmonic oscillators and its
coupling to atoms. Dirac equation and its main consequences, special
topics- Bell,s inequalities, entanglement, geometric phases, super
symmetric quantum mechanics.
Text Books :
1) Quantum Mechanics (Vol I and II) C Cohen Tannoudji, B Dau and R
Laloe, John Wiley & Sons (2005).
2) Modern Quantum Mechanics J J Sakurai, Revised Edition, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co (2009).
3) Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development L E Ballentine, World
scientific (2006).
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 53
Semester VIII
PHY421 Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (4 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 321
Interaction of atoms with photons, Perturbation by an oscillating electric
field, Rotating wave approximation, Transition probabilities, Induced and
spontaneous emission, Einstein coefficients, Selection rules, Lifetimes of
excited states, Line profiles of spectral lines, Interaction of monochro-
matic radiation with atoms, Concepts of Pi and Pi/2 pulses, Rabi
oscillations, Bloch sphere, Laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms,
Magnetic trapping of Neutral atoms, Electrodynamic trapping of ions,
Quantum information processing with trapped ions, Atom interferometry,
Advanced experimental techniques in atomic and molecular physics
Text Books :
1) Quantum Optics M O Scully and M S Zubairy, Cambridge University
2) Optical coherence and Quantum Optics L Mandel and E Wolf,
Cambridge University Press(1995)
3) Laser Cooling and Trapping H Metcalf and P V der Straten,
4) Laser spectroscopy W Demtroeder, 4 edn Springer(2008)
5) Quadrupole Ion trap Mass Spectrometry R E March and J F J Todd, 2
edn John Wiley & Sons(2005).
PHY422 Nuclear & Particle Physics (4 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 321, PHY 445
Introduction, Particles & Nuclei, Properties of nuclei- classification-
fermions & bosons-leptons-mesons-quarks-gluons-intermediate bosons-
structure of subatomic particles-scattering- form factors, - Symmetries &
Conservation laws, Additive conservation laws-Angular momentum &
isospin- invariance under partial rotation- charge independence of
hadronic forces- isospin invariance, PC & CPT- parity- intrinsic parity-
conservation and break down of parity- CC & time reversal- neutral kions-
break down of CP invariance.
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 54
Text Books :
1) Subatomic Physics E M Hanley and A Garcia, 3 Ed., World Scientific
2) Introduction to Elementary Particles D Griffiths, 2 edn John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. (2008)
3) Introduction to High Energy Physics D H Perkins, 4 Ed., Cambridge
University Press. (2000)
PHY423 Advanced Physics Lab IV (4 credits)
Experiments: 1. Synthesis of a superconducting /ferroelectric compound
and determination of its lattice parameters, 2. Normal to superconducting
state transition studied using a 4-probe resistivity technic, 3. Structural
transition in a ferroelectric compound studied using temperature
dependant powder x-ray diffraction technic, 4. Implementation of simple
quantum algorithm.
PHY 444 Material Science (3 credits)
Historical perspectives, Types of materials, bond types and structure,
defects in solids, phase diagrams, synthesis and analysis of materials,
materials for electronics, energy, etc. Materials and waste management
Text Books :
1) The Nature and Properties of Engineering Materials J D Jastrzebski,
John Wiley & Sons.
2) Materials Science and Engineering: An introduction - William D.
Callister, John Wiley
PHY 452 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( 3 credits)
Principles of NMR spectroscopy and spin-dynamics in general will be
discussed. Contents include: Spin Angular Momentum, Coupling of
Angular Momenta, Transformation under Rotations, Irreducible Tensors,
Nuclear Magnetism, and NMR Hamiltonians, Fourier Transform NMR,
Single & Multi-Spin Coherent Dynamics, Motion and Relaxation,
Characterization of Molecular Structure and Dynamics, Selected Experi-
ments in High-Resolution NMR, Powder distribution, Cross-Polari-
zation, Magic Angle Spinning, Average Hamiltonian, Spin-decoupling,
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 55
Symmetry Sequences, Materials Characterization, Selected Experiments
Text Books :
1. Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum, M. E. Rose, Dover
Publications, 1995.
2. Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in One and Two Dimensions,
R.R. Ernst, G. Bodenhausen, and A. Wokaun, Oxford University Press,
3. Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, M. H. Levitt,
John Wiley&Sons Ltd, 2007.
4. Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: Principles and Applications, Melinda J.
Duer, Blackwell Science, 2002.
PHY453 Dynamical Systems (3 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 311
Classification, phase flow, equilibria, stability analysis, discrete systems,
1-d and 2-d systems, bifurcation structure, higher dimensional systems,
limit cycle, quasiperiodicity, strange attractors, Lyapunov exponents,
fractals, applications.
Text Books :
1) Dynamical Systems C Robinson- CRC Press (1998)
2) Differential equations, Dyanmical systems- M W Hirsh, S Smale & R L
Devaney- Academi Press- 2 edn (2004)
3) Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics R C Hilborn, Oxford University Press.
4) Nonlinear differential equations and Dynamical systems- F Verhulst-
Springer (2006)
PHY 454 Advanced Condensed Matter Physics (3 credits)
Prerequisite PHY 410
Contents :
Second quantization, Interacting electron gas, Local magnetic moments
and the Kondo problem, Bosonization, Electron-Lattice interactions and
superconductivity, Phase transitions, Critical phenomena, Static and
dynamic renormalization groups and methods of momentum shell
Text Books :
1) Advanced Solid state Physics Philip Phillips, Overseas Press (2008).
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 56
2) Principles of Condensed Matter Physics P M Chaikin and T C Lubensky,
Cambridge University Press (2004)
3) Statistical Mechanics of Phase transitions J M Yeomans,Oxford Univ
Press (1992)
4) Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena HE Stanley,
Oxford Univ Press (1971)
5) Nonlinear Dynamics Near and Far from Equilibrium JK Bhattacharjee
and S Bhattacharya, Hindustan Book Agency (2007)
Inter Disciplinary Courses
IDC101 Introduction to Computation ( 3 credits)
This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the role
computation can play in problem solving. It also aims to help students,
regardless of their computing background, to feel confident of their ability
to write programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. We work
with the Python programming language. The course also intends to
familiarize students with the Linux operating system.
The course starts with basic computing concepts like flow control,
variable types, looping constructs. Then we cover data structures such as
arrays and associative arrays. We teach the idea of modular programming
and how it works in the context of Python. Random numbers are
introduced as they are useful in many scientific applications. File I/O is
covered. We discuss namespaces and Python's rules for scoping. We
introduce regular expressions as they are useful for text processing. Next,
we introduce them to classes and object-oriented programming (OOP).
Finally, we introduce complexity and discuss how we can measure the
time efficiency of programs. Besides lecture notes, the online Python
documentation at http://www.python.org/doc/ will be used.
Text Books
1) M. Lutz, Learning Python, 3rd Edition (O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2007),
ISBN 0596513984
IDC102- Scientific Computing ( 3 credits)
This course aims to provide students with a basic understanding in
scientific computing. A large part of the course focuses on numerical
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 57
analysis. We cover methods to solve linear systems using LU
factorization, Gaussian elimination, and Gauss-Jordan elimination. The
students also implement these algorithms using Python and numpy (a
package for numerical analysis). We also cover methods for linear least
squares analysis where methods related to data fitting are covered.
Included are normal equations method, Householder transformations,
Givens rotations and QR-factorizarion. Numerical calculation of selected
eigenvalues of a matrix using power iteration, inverse power iteration, and
power iteration with shifts. Estimation of eigenvalues and igenvectors
using Rayleigh iteration. Calculation of all eigenvalues of a matrix using
Text Books
1) M. T. Heath, Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey (McGraw
Hill, 2002), 2nd ed.
IDC 201 Mathematical Methods ( 2 credits)
This course aims to train students in basic mathematics that an
undergraduate student of natural sciences is expected to know. The topics
included are : Linear algebra and vector calculus, Transformation laws,
gradient, divergence, curl, tensors Fourier series and transforms, Fourier
series, even and odd functions, cosine and sine Ordinary differential
equations, Basic concepts, geometric meaning, exact ODEs Laplace
transforms, Transform and its inverse, transforms of integrals, derivatives
Text books
1) Erwin Kreyzig ,Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley, 8 edition.
2) G B Arfken and H J Weber, Mathematical methods for physicists,
Academic Press, 6 edition.(2007)
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010 58
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010
BS - MS Dual Degree Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010
Distribution of Courses :
The distribution of courses in the four years of course work is given below. The course code for
courses from each stream will have three letters indicating the discipline followed by three digits.
Integrated BS - MS Program - Guidebook of Curriculum - August 2010
T- Theory course, L- Lab course, P- Project course, C- Credits
T L T L T L T C-
C-3 C-2 C-3 C-2 C-3 C-2 C-3 2/3 1/2
I 101 121 101 121 101 121 101 101 101
II 102 122 102 122 102 - 102 102 102
III 201 221 201 - 201 221 201 201 201
IV 202 - 202 221 202 222 202 202 202
C-4 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-3 C-4 C-3
V 310 301-P 320 331 310 301-P 310 301-P
311 332 311 332 311 330-L 311 469
312 334 312 340-L 312 333 312
322 335 337 313
VI 320 302-P 310 334 321 302-P 320 302-P
321 351 321 351 322 334 322 341
412 352 322 360-L 323-L 352 324 363
353 353
354 355
VII 410 401-P 410 430-L 410 401-P 410 401-P
411 431 411 431 413 430-L 413 344
417 433 412 432 414 441 414 443
420 452 436 443 491
VIII 421 402-P 420 433 421 402-P 420 402-P
422 451 421 435 422 444 421 448
423 454 422 423-L 452 422 455
490 423 453 470
491 454 490

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