Biology Midyear Syllabus

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College of Science
University of the Philippines Diliman

BIO 11 Fundamentals of Biology I

A. Course Catalogue Description

1. Course number: BIO 11
2. Course Title: Fundamentals of Biology I
3. Course Description: The fundamentals of biology from the molecular and
cellular levels up to organ systems of organization
4. Prerequisite: Chem 16/equiv., Chem 16.1/equiv. (Suspended due to
a. A grade of “INC” or “4.00” in any of these subjects does not make it a valid
b. Equivalents need to be validated by the respective institutes/departments offering the
5. Semester Offered: 1st, 2nd, midyear
6. Course Credit: 3 units
7. Number of Hours: 3 hours
8. Meeting type: Online Lecture
9. Course Goals: This course aims to:
a. Highlight the relationship among structures within and across different tissue-organ
systems in plants and animals, and;
b. Integrate the relationship between structure and function in plant and animal systems
at the level of cell, tissue, organ and organ system levels.

B. Rationale

Biology is a broad discipline that encompasses several areas. This course will expose the students
to the basics of some of these areas such as cell biology and basic animal and plant morphoanatomy.

C. Course Outline

1. Course Outcomes (CO)

Upon completion of the course, students must be able to:

CO 1. Identify cellular structures and organelles found in different types of cells
CO 2. Explain the mechanisms of how each plant organ performs its specific functions
CO 3. Differentiate anatomy of the plant organs of monocots, dicots and gymnosperms
CO 4. Classify various organ systems present among animal groups
CO 5. Analyze the mechanisms of how each animal organ system perform specific
CO 6. Analyze animal and plant structures at the cell, tissue, and organ levels (except for
structures involved in reproduction).

Program Objectives Met by the Course

A) Generate an integrative understanding of biological principles learned from various courses.

Students taking this course have been introduced to the basics of biology back in elementary
and in high school. This course will expand the knowledge of students regarding biological
topics covered under cell biology, plant morpho-anatomy, and animal morpho-anatomy.

Course Outcomes Program Learning



1. Identify cellular structures and organelles found in different types of


2. Explain the mechanisms of how each plant organ performs its specific

3. Differentiate anatomy of the plant organs of monocots, dicots and


4. Classify various organ systems present among animal groups

5. Analyze the mechanisms of how each animal organ system perform

specific functions

6. Analyze animal and plant structures at the cell, tissue, and organ
levels (except for structures involved in reproduction).

*Program Learning Objectives:

A. Demonstrate an integrative understanding of biological principles learned from various courses;
B. Develop laboratory and field techniques important in biological research;
C. Perform analytical techniques in examining biological and other related data/information;
D. Construct scientifically valid ideas that can help resolve critical biological issues of national and
international importance;
E. Produce relevant biological research outputs;
F. Communicate biological research outputs effectively through written and oral methods; and
G. Demonstrate scientific values and positive work ethics.

2. Course Content

Lecture Topics Dates

I. Introduction A. Scientific Method Jul 2

B. Concepts of Life July 2

C. Brief History of Biology July 3

II. Cellular A. Cell Theory: Its Origin, Meaning and Implications July 3
Molecules and

B. General Attributes of the Cell July 6

C. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells July 6-7

D. Organelles and Processes July 7-8

1. Cell Membrane: Transport
2. Cytoplasmic Matrix and Vacuolar System
3. Chloroplast: Photosynthesis
4. Mitochondria: Respiration
5. The Nucleus: Control of the Cell Cycle

First Long Quiz July 9

III. A. Molecular Basis of Differentiation July 10-

Differentiation 13
and Development

B. Cellular Basis of Differentiation July 14

IV. Plants: Form A. Plant Cell Types and Tissues July 15
and Function

B. Plant Organs and Processes July 16

1. Nutrition
2. Transport

Second Long Quiz July 17

V. Animals: A. Animal Cell Types and Tissues July 20

Form and

B. Animal Systems and Processes July 21-

1. Support and Protection 24
2. Movement
3. Digestion and Nutrition
4. Gas Exchange

Third Long Quiz July 27

5. Transport/Circulation July 28-


6. Excretion and Osmoregulation July


7. Regulatory Mechanisms August


Fourth Long Quiz August 5



3. Course Coverage
Learning TOPIC ESSENTIAL/ Suggested Suggested
Outcome KEY Teaching Assessment

The student should be Introduction How is the Video Homework

able to: A. Scientific Method scientific Lectures
- simulate how the method
scientific method is applied?

- analyze the different B. Concepts of Life What are the Video Online
properties of life different Lectures Quizzes
properties of

- review the brief C. Brief History of Biology What Video Online

history of Biology significant Lectures Quizzes
events in
contributed to
the study of

Who are some

of the most
scientists in
this field?

- conceptualize the cell Cellular Structures: Molecules and What is the cell Video Online
theory Organization theory? Lectures Quizzes

A. Cell Theory: Its Origin, Meaning

and Implications

- conceptualize the B. General Attributes of the Cell What are the Video Online
general attributes of a general Lectures Quizzes
cell attributes of a

- compare the cellular C. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells How will you Video Online
properties of distinguish Lectures Quizzes
prokaryotes and prokaryotes
eukaryotes and eukaryotes
based on their
- simulate the different D. Organelles and Processes What are the Video Online
cellular processes 1. Cell Membrane: Transport different Lectures Quizzes and
2. Cytoplasmic Matrix and cellular homework
Vacuolar System processes?
3. Chloroplast: Photosynthesis
4. Mitochondria: Respiration
5. The Nucleus: Control of the
Cell Cycle

- examine the different Differentiation and Development How do Video Online

levels of controls and A. Molecular Basis of pluripotent Lectures Quizzes
switches that drive Differentiation cells of a
differentiation at the developing
molecular level plant and
animal embryo
into the
cells of the

- conceptualize how B. Cellular Basis of Differentiation What are the Video Online
the pluripotent cells of different levels Lectures Quizzes
a developing plant and of controls and
animal embryo switches that
become differentiated drive
into the specialized differentiation
cells of the mature at the
organism molecular

- distinguish one type Plants: Form and Function How do Video Online
of plant cell from A. Plant Cell Types and Tissues different types Lectures Quizzes
another of plants cells
differ from
each other?

- analyze the B. Plant Organs and Processes What are the Video Online
functional roles of 1. Nutrition functional roles Lectures Quizzes
each plant organs in 2. Transport of each plant
relation to nutrient organ in
acquisition and relation to
transport nutrient
acquisition and
- distinguish each Animals: Form and Function How do Video Concept
animal cell type in A. Animal Cell Types and Tissues different Lectures; map
terms of physical animal cell Chat
characteristics and types differ forums
functions from each
other in terms
of physical
and functions?

- compare and contrast B. Animal Systems and Processes What body Video Online
the different 1. Support and Protection system Lectures; quizzes
adaptations used by 2. Movement adaptations are Chat
animals in each system 3. Digestion and Nutrition used by each forums
- relate structure to the 4. Gas Exchange ( animal group?
function of different What is the
animal organ systems relationship
- correlate the function between
of each organ system structure and
with those of other function of
body systems different
- explain the causes of animal organ
featured common systems?
abnormalities or What is the
diseases in each relationship of
system the function of
an organ
system with
those of other
body systems
What are the
causes of
or diseases in
each system?
- outline the different 5. Transport/Circulation What are the Video Online
circulatory structures different forms Lectures; quizzes
and its mechanism of circulatory Chat
among lower forms systems among forums
and higher forms of lower and
animals higher forms of

What are the

mechanisms of
among lower
forms and
higher forms of

- deduce the different 6. Excretion and How do Video Online

mechanisms excretory Osmoregulation different Lectures; quizzes
and osmoregulatory animals Chat
mechanisms that exists regulate waste forums
in lower forms and and osmolarity
higher forms of in their bodies?

- outline the common 7. Regulatory Mechanisms How do Video Online

physiological different Lectures; quizzes
regulatory animals Chat
mechanisms that exists regulate, forums
in animals and control, and
attribute perturbation coordinate
of such to certain body
clinical disorder functions?
observed in humans What clinical
disorders can
be observed in
humans when
such functions
are perturbed?

4. Course Requirements


4 LONG QUIZZES (30 items each) - 40%

LECTURE OUTPUTS (online quiz, submissions) - 60%

Grade Scale

Percentage Grade

93-100 1.00
88-92 1.25
82-87 1.50
76-81 1.75
72-75 2.00
68-71 2.25
64-67 2.50
60-63 2.75
55-59 3.00
54 and below 5.00

5. Classroom Rules and Management


1. Video lectures will be available during the scheduled day of the lecture
topics (see no.2 Course content). Please write down notes while watching
the video. Please note that the video lecture is protected by intellectual
property rights and should not be downloaded or distributed.
2. Quizzes should be answered within 15 minutes. The availability of the quiz
will be scheduled based on the teacher's discretion. G-quiz will be given at
the end of each topic.
3. Long quizzes should be answered within 40 minutes and the availability
of the quiz is scheduled. The exact time of availability will announced by
the teacher.
4. Missed quizzes or long quizzes with valid excuses will be given a make-
up oral quiz which will be scheduled based on the agreement of the student
and teacher. The excuse letter, signed by a parent/guardian with supporting
documentation, should be sent via email 1 day after the quiz.
5. The grade of “INC” is given if a student’s class standing throughout the semester
is “Passing,” but fails to take the final examination or fails to complete other
requirements of the subject due to illness [a medical certificate, signed by a
physician and with the physician’s license number indicated, is required] or other
valid reasons. In case the class standing is not “Passing” and the student fails to
take the final examination for any reason, a grade of 5.00 shall be given. (Art. 369,
as amended at 886th BOR Meeting: 28 April 1977; 899th BOR Meeting: 30 March
1978, Revised UP Code)

Removal of the “INC” must be done within the prescribed time (within one (1) academic
year) by passing an examination or meeting all the requirements of the course, after which the
student shall be given a final grade based on his/her overall performance. For purposes of scholastic
standing, a grade of “Inc” is not included in the computation. When it is replaced by a final grade,
the latter is to be included in the grades during the semester when the removal was made. (Art. 394,
UP Code)


i. Upon application of dropping, student must inform the teacher either in writing
or via email correspondence.

ii. A student who intends to drop BIO 11 must also drop BIO 11.1 (if currently
enlisted) unless there is sufficient evidence that the student has very good
chances of completing BIO 11.1 upon the discretion of the laboratory


i. The University Policy on Academic Dishonesty shall be strictly implemented.

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated inside the
classroom. Students involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined
in accordance with University regulations and procedures which may
include suspension or expulsion from the University.

“Any student shall be subjected to disciplinary action if found guilty to have engaged in
any form of cheating in examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to his/her
studies. The student shall be barred from graduating with honors, even if their
weighted average is within the requirement for graduation with honors and shall
be penalized with suspension for not less than one (1) year.” (Chapter 12, Section
2a and 25a, Faculty Manual, UP Diliman.)

Approved 410th College Executive Board (CEB) Meeting

D. References

Campbell, N. A., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., & Minorsky, P. V. 2017. Biology:
A Global Approach. Pearson Higher Education, USA.
Hickman, C.P. Jr., Keen, S., Larson, A., Eisenhour, D.J., l’Anson, H. and Roberts, L. 2014.
Integrated Principles of Zoology, 16th edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New
York, USA.
Mauseth, J.D. 2016. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, 6th edition. Jones and Bartlett
Publishers, LLC., USA.
Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., & Reece, J. B. 2016. Campbell
Biology, 11th edition. Pearson, USA.

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