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19th March.


Call Date Scrip Name CMP 126.25 6077 Comments Rally-Base-Drop 60 mins chart Drop-Base-Drop 60 mins chart Action to be taken Short in the zone of 127.65-127.95 sl 128.20 Target 126.55 Short in the zone of 6124-6143 sl 6150 Target 6076

Lead 19-Mar-14 March 19-Mar-14 Crudeoil


Scrip Name GoldM Apr SilverM Apr Copper Nickel Lead Zinc Crude Oil 5978-5965 DD zone2 30210-30166 45065-44950 399-397.35 973.50-967 123.55-123.30 _ 119.85-119.70 6018-5997 120.75 6077 121.35-121.60 6081-6092 122.15-122.85 6124-6143 DD zone 1 30330-30302 45410-45297 401.25-400.50 986-985.50 124.80-124.25 CMP 30389 45860 402.05 989.9 126.25 SS Zone 1 30535-30586 46276-46399 404.60-405.65 982.80-997.40 127.65-127.95 SS Zone 2 30704-30740 46728-46875 411.15-412.30 1034.70-1086.80 128.55-129.15

Strong Demand Strong Supply

Performance Tracker Commodity Segment 1st Dec 2013 to 28th Feb 2013

Commodity Intraday Segment

No Of calls


Triggered Calls


Trigger Rate


Closed for Profit


Closed for Loss


Closed for Breakeven

Closed for No Entry


Strike rate


Reward:Risk ( Avg Gain:Avg Loss)


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19th March 2014

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