By John C. Julian and Remo J. Silvestrini, Pe: 1990 A&C8 !Kwansact1Ms

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1990 A&c8 !



Variations in Project Planning Intensity

by John C. Julian and Remo J. Silvestrini, PE

INTRODUCTION Planning delineates and sequences the various tasks required to achieve a predetermined objective. It bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to be and establishes the manner and order in which tasks are to be accomplished. A project is defined as an undertaking to achieve set objectives and comprises detailed activities to be carried out within a specified time period and budget. Projects generally result in the acquisition, design, Projand construction, or modification, of assets. ects are finite in that they have a definite beginning and cease to exist once the objectives and ending, Thus "projec,t planning" is have been accomplished. deciding in advance what to do, when to do it, and who will do it to achieve the project objectives on time and within budget. This paper presents an approach to project planning based on the development and implementation of intensive planning sessions. It describes specific applications of such sessions and provides guidance on implementation to better ensure maximum project benefits. PROJECT PIANNING PROCESS The project planning approach most prevalent in industry and most often recommended in the literature asserts that the further one looks into the future of a project, the less clearly defined the project tasks appear. This approach allows tasks to be planned for in substantial detail in the near term and in less and less detail as the project visibility decreases. A successful planning process considers both the total resources to be applied over the project duration, and the total planning and concomitant effort (i.e., intensity) that is being applied at any given time to real-time detail planning, coordination, and work execution. Obviously, the planning intensity must be responsive to major project parameters such as cash flow, engineering/procurement support, supervisor-to-workforce ratio, management confidence, etc. The detail planning is usually implemented within a forward-moving four- to six-month window beginning at the start of the project. All the work beyond the six-month window is organized into broadly scoped work packages, with assigned budget allocations and schedule time frames for accomplishment. H.&l The planning process developed for a particular project reflects the duration of the project, the planning intensity, and the amount of schedule detail within the near-term planning window. The planning intensity and level of detail of activities typically remain relatively scheduled constant from the start of the project until project approaches completion, at which point intensity and the amount of detail decreases as -to go" work diminishes. the the the the

It is the responsibility of the project manager to ensure that the planning process keeps the program The develon track, on schedule, and within budget. opment and implementation of the planning process, of a however, should not be based on the expectation constant level of intensity that changes only gradually over an extended period of time. Such an expectation would not be ill-founded if the project was relatively straightforward, well-funded, free of interference of outside organizations or individuals, and otherwise totally within the control of the However, few, if any, project project manager. managers enjoy such a luxury on any project of any significance in today*6 business environment. More aggressive actions andmore dynamic planning when major are techniques are indicated changes or unexpected required, potential problems arise, adverse developments surface. Addressing these changing circumstances is best accomplished through intensive planning, whereby the direction in which the project is to head and/or the new or revised objectives which it is to achieve are planned for intensely over a short period of time. This approach, described below, makes use of substantial and varied resources and is characterized by well-planned and aggressive efforts referred to as "intensive planning sessions." These efforts result in an increase in planning intensity and a dramatic increase,in planning level detail - with both of these occurring over a longer period of time (i.e., window). WHAT IS AN INTENSIVE PLANNING SESSION? An intensive planning session is a concentrated effort by the responsible project team members to generate products that will assist in achieving overall project objectives in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Intensive planning sessions (also

known as workshops) are used to establish or revise comprehensive project baseline documents, management plans, procedures, estimates, and other products that are the responsibility of the project manager. These efforts generally cut across technical and nontechnical disciplines and almost always include client involvement. Because intensive planning sessions are completed in a relatively short time, session preparations must be thorough and all followup actions must be completed promptly, including distribution of the products for which the intensive planning session was conducted. APPLICATIOWS OF IWTSMSIVR PLAWWIRGSESSIORS Intensive planning sessions represent added costs over "business Those responsible for as usual. authorizing a proposed intensive planning session must weigh the short-term costs incurred against the projected long-range benefits. The scale of the planning session should be appropriate to the overall project or project phase. There are four situations where intensive planning sessions may be appropriate. identified and described These four applications, below, vary widely in intensity, resource demands, and on-line management involvement: Establish comprehensive project baseline ments Address major shifts in project emphasis Respond to new or revised requirements Implement project recovery Comprehensive Project Baseline docu-


Wajor Shifts

in Project


The second intensive planning application addresses the shifts of emphasis, tempo, and direction that must occur as the project proceeds through its Implementing this category of intennormal phases. sive planning effort is appropriate at several junctures on a major project, including: Proposal Preparation to Engineering Engineering to Construction Construction to Testing/Startup Testing/Startup to Operations

experience has shown that the most The authors' challenging transition (or the most pronounced shift in project emphasis) is when the construction mode mustprogressivelymerge with, then become subordinate to, the testing/startup program. This is a predictable application, and preparations for it are aggressive and relatively intense, incurring substantial changes in the nature and scope Closing out the remaining of the planning activities. construction work in a rational manner means that it no longer constitutes the major component of the The testing/startup packages roughly scoped effort. out at project inception will progressively dominate Detail planning for these the scheduling focus. activities involves new managerial and supervisory personnel with the requisite background in making Client involvement usually inprojects operable. creases significantly at this time. Wew work planning products reflecting testing and startup objectives will undoubtedly be in order. Respond to Mew or Revised Requirements



which may be conducted as a The early planning, focused activity rather than a formal planning session, establishes the project baseline schedule, forecasts, other baseline estimate, expenditure documents, and the methods by which these documents Out of these project will be monitored and revised. parameters, a planning process is initiated, endorsed by everyone in the project team, and set in motion. Wuch of the work of this early planning can be effectively carried out independently by small teams of cost engineers and planners, with frequent consultations with technical and construction specialists and accompanied by reports and/or presentation of products The principal baseline docuto senior management. ments typically produced at these initial planning efforts for an engineer/design/construct project are listed below: Documented scope of work (WBS) and Work breakdown structure accounts Work packages Project baseline schedule Project baseline estimate and commodity curves Labor, workhour, Reporting requirements Wanagement plan code of

The above two intensive planning applications are intrinsic to practically every significant project. While these applications may be executed to perfection in the course of providing exemplary project controls from day one, developments outside the control of the project team can oblige the project manager to implement yet another customized intensive planning appliThe likelihood of this depends on several cation. of the project, the degree factors, e.g., the duration of regulatory surveillance it receives, its targeting for state-of-the-art embellishments most prevalent for projects of an innovative nature, and the extent of multi-party ownership and implementation. This list does not exhaust the possibilities of major scope changes that can dictate revisions to baseline documents. It can be seen that some of the causative factors do not impose mandatory revisions to the original project plan, but will fall in the category of "highly desirable, if cost/schedule considerations do not preclude." To cover these situations, a variety of options with approximated cost/benefit ratios is frequently required. This third potential application for intensive planning sessions features variations on the objectives, products, and approaches covered in the first two applications. Bew or substantially modified baseline documents may result, as well as "battle plans" for implementing a previously unanticipated major shift in project emphasis, or incorporating another full-fledged program into the project scope (with more, or expanded, work packages to be scoped out, then subjected to detail planning). Few would dispute that the trend vis-a-vis regulatory surveillance of facility construction and operation is continuing in the direction of increased stringency. Such regulatory overview is the source of requirements

For example, in planning for a baseline schedule the objective is to lay out the for such a project, but most importantly to get whole project schedule, the engineering and design off the ground, on the The planning right foot, and in the right direction. product is therefore highly frontloaded with an abundance of detailed engineering and design activities with construction, test, and operational readiness activities shown in much less detail further downstream.

1990 AA& that all conceivable safety, health and environmental As the licensee considerations have been addressed. for construction and operating,permits, the client/owner is obliged to ensure that its operations and those of its agents so conform. Implement Project Recovery'

wSAcTIGleS discussed with the potential key individuals who are expected to either contribute to, or be affected by, its outcome. This action promotes the flow of information vital to the planning session preparation and provides an opportunity for managers to shape plans affecting'their areas of interest. Another essential step. in the planning session process is to establish, obtain agreement to use, and disseminate a set of critical ground rules'and assumpIt is a major principle of planning that the tions. greater the understanding and acceptance of a consistent set of ground rules, assumptions, and premises, the more coordinated the planning effort will be. A recent 'intensive planning session in which the authors participated had a set of ground rules and assumptions that addressed such items as connnitment to the involvementof specific individuals, review and approval process of planning session products, methodology for problem resolution, key milestone dates, definitions, documentation of decisions, etc. One important ground rule that lacks universal agreement but is recommended by the authors is that of "unlimited resources." The participants in the planning session should assume that if a given resource is needed, it can be made available. Required resource levels can be subjected. to availability considerations after the planning session is over and the products are analyzed. The set of ground rules or premises must be considered a living document subject to change during the course of the planning session. Such changes whether they be additions, deletions, and/or corrections - must be agreed upon by the principal parties. An important planning element that must be completed prior to the session is the development of generic or model logic network/flow diagrams, procedures, data forms, etc, that are applicable to routine or repetitive functions, or to operations. Figures 1 and 2 present typical generic networks. These networks, which can be customized during the planning session, are oriented around specific tasks, with each task being a sequence of activities or steps required to produce a particular product.such as a specification, drawing, system diagram, etc. ties, hours The generics also provide for interfacing actividefining network restraints, estimating workand durations, and assigning responsibilities.

The fourth application should not be necessary for well-executed projects, particularly if the first intensive effort, to establish baseline documents and was effectively implemented. None project controls, in the real world, projects sometimes go the less, awry and require extraordinary recovery efforts to schedule/budget, bring them in, if not per initial then with the minimum of Slippage or overrun. One of the more challenging aspects of this type of intensive planning session is that a consensus may not have been reached that project status and conditions warrant the mounting of such an'effort. It is the responsibility of the project controls management, with their progress monitoring visibility, to convince a skeptical project manager that progress is lagging of' remedial measures by despite the application management, that upcoming milestones are in jeopardy, Such and that a major replanning effort is in order. a condition could be exacerbated by an upcoming major shift in project emphasis, and/or the imposition of new or revised requirements. Acertain amount of perception and persuasiveness is required of a project team member (usually a planning engineer from the project staff) to recognize potential or developing problems and to convince project management that an intensive recovery planning session is indicated. Once this has been accomplished, this same individual, or another with comparable capabilities, is generally called upon to plan for and implement the effort, and then to take the necessary steps to sustain the esprit and momentum that a successful planning session can create. / INTENSIVE PLANNING SESSION PROCESS The intensive planning process comprises three principal parts: preparations for the session; execution of the session; and actions to follow. The success of the last two parts, and the quality and the effective implementation of the products are all directly dependent on the extent and the depth of the planning that precedes the session. Preparations for the Session

The first step in organizing for the planning session is .to establish the general and specific objectives to be accomplished. As .noted above, the general objectives could be to establish a new or revised baseline project plan, schedule, or estimate, to address a major scope change to get a wayward Project back on track, or just to get the project "off the ground." Specific objectives must be defined, e.g., target dates to meet, planning products to produce, estimates to be established, quotas to be met, organizations to formulate, etc. Being as explicit as possible about in deciding who the objectives is 'a great assist should attend the session and in developing the agenda. Once the objectives of session have been established, the intensive the session planning should be

Other activities that must initiating the planning session operation include preparing: 1.

completed prior to to ensure its smooth

A detailed agenda of session activities, including then previously identified objectives that will serve as a focal point for the participants attending. A list of the resources and facilities be obtained for the planning session. A planning session organization chart. that must


3. 4.

References to appropriate company, department, or project procedures that support the planning session. These procedures should be made available in the project planning session area. An approved product/task work breakdown level. structure, down to the













1990 AAcW!l!R?MSAcT103s 6. 7. Required computer programs. This kick-off meeting can be considered a "warm to motivate the participants. UP" and an opportuni,ty It is essential to capture the group's interest then and there as the opening meeting may be the only chance to inject the enthusiasm needed. The chairperson of the kick-off meeting should begin by explaining the purpose and objectives of the To plan effectively is in everyone's best meeting. should be and the session's objectives interest, The chairperson should go over expressed accordingly. the agenda, explain why the intensive planning session is being held in lieu of other options, describe the process and the ground rules and emphasize the benefits to be gained. Several facts must be made clear at the opening 1) The planning session is a group effort; meeting: 2) Active participation of each individual is essential to the success of the planning session, as participants were selected on the basia of having a personal stake in the results; 3) Management will be present and always available to help solve problems that arise and to keep the effort moving to viable solutions for prompt implementation. The Intensive Planninq Session. The planning session should commence immediately after the kick-off meetins However, ai and in accordance with the-program plan. in any well-controlled effort, performance needs to be measured against the plan. For this reason, .a management team consisting of key individuals from each of the principal functions or organizations to be affected by the outcome of the planning session must be physically present to monitor the workshop performance, identify problem areas, and ensure that prompt action is taken to resolve them. The planning engineers play a key role in the Their principal functions are to planning session. assist participants in planning for that which they for accomplishing. will be directly responsible aggressive and persistent but diplomatic Through by making by proposing questioning, suggestions, and by challenging the sequence viable alternatives, estimates of durations, and of work operations, resource needs, the planners assist the various disciplines in customizing the generics developed for the planning session, record their input, and otherwise guide them through the planning session'agenda. Client participation in the process is encouraged to obtain input and to familiarize the client with the services to be provided. Since an intensive planning session for a major project can last four or five days, end-of-the-day briefings to key participants are recommended. At such gatherings the management team can convey its assessment of the dayIs activities and key participants are provided the opportunity to ask questions and/or raise concerns. In addition, plans for the next day's activities are confirmed or modified as appropriate. Plannins Session Wrap-up. The wrap-up of the intensive planning session, with all participants. in attendance, is no less important than the kick-off meeting. The objectives of the effort and the summarization of the progress (or lack of progress) in those achieving objectives should be reviewed. Exceptional effort should be commended. Important decisions, popular or unpopular, that have been made are highlighted, and the follow-up actions (who is to do what and when) are described in detail. The objective of the wrap-up meeting is to keep the momentum,

Supporting network plans and schedules, such as the Project Summary Network, Level 2 Construction Start-up and Test Program Networks, Networks, etc. A layout of the project planning Session area, showing location of furniture, supporting docuwhere each and task groups (i.e., mentation, Note: the participant will sit or work). planning session should be conducted away from the regular workplaces of the majority of participants to minimize disruptions. Handouts ing. or visual aids to be used at the meetsupplies, machines, secretarial refreshments,


9. 10.

Arrangements for office help, copy and facsimile travel, lodging, etc.

A detailed written program plan is essential to provide guidance to participants in the execution of Such a plan should address key the planning session. activities for the planning session, prerequisite and other pertinent instructions and information, This plan should near-term post-session activities. be distributed to all participants and include relevant data and background material to ensure the Much session will proceed efficiently and briskly. time will be lost and frustration levels will be high if people come to the planning session unprepared to discuss or decide issues on the agenda. A final briefing to senior management and selected members of the project team just prior to the initiation of the project planning session is highly This briefing should be held late in the recommended. preparation period but not so late as to preclude incorporating final input into the session plans. Final discussions with involved client personnel regarding the planning session, along with reiterating the request for their active participation, are also appropriate. Execution of the Session

The majority of meetings (and a planning session is in essence an extended meeting) focus on one or more of the following three objectives - tell, sell, or solve. The purpose of a tell-type meeting is to pass along information to a group, while a sell-type meeting is intended to win the attendees* acceptance of an idea or a proposal. An intensive planning session, however, is a solve-type meeting, where the objective is to solicit help from a group in addressing particular situations. This type of meeting can be difficult to manage to a SUCCeSSfUl conclusion because of the 'high level of interaction required. In this kind of a session, the group is expected to come forth with a proliferation of thoughts, ideas, constructive suggestions, and physical input that must be organized for action. Kick-off Weetinq. A kick-off meeting should be held with all session participants in attendance and orchestrated by a individual with full knowledge and understanding of the program ahead and with the skills and experience to maintain control and command the attention of the audience.


enthusiasm, and motivation of going for those who are to carry up activities.

the planning out near-term

session follow-

This Dwrap-up,a properly conducted, should exert a strong positive influence on the ultimate acceptance of the plans by project personnel and permit management to resume their responsible functions of executing the plans per the schedule, monitoring progress against those plans/schedules, and then taking corrective action where appropriate. Such corrective action may at some time again include another intensive planning session to produce a new or further revised baseline plan and schedule. Post-planning-session Activities

commitments to follow through. It involves pulling normal people - mostly key people - away from their day-to-day activities and away from their normal business enviroMlents for extended periods to think about where they are heading as a project and then make a conscious effort to change that direction. A project manager does not do this lightly unless there are some real benefits to be gained. The authors have observedthatwell-planned andwell-executed intensive planning sessions are a tremendous boost to a project. The main benefits of intensive planning sessions are that they: Elicit the proliferation constructive suggestions, from many talented people of time. of thoughts, and physical in a very short ideas, input period

The main objective of post-planning-session activities is to formalize the accomplishments of the planning session, obtain necessary approvals, and implement the action plans as quickly as possible. The participants who labored extensively during the session will expect nothing less. To make this possible, those who planned for the session and coordinated its execution must assemble all the data The generated and turn it into usable products. customized generic networks must be interfaced and integrated into a common schedule file and subsequently debugged. The assumptions made prior to or during the session must be reviewed for continued validity and adjusted as appropriate. The significant assumption of unlimited resources must now be tempered in a real-world environment of some limitations on resourcProcedures prepared and agreements reached must es. be documented for immediate implementation, etc. If this follow-up action is not promptly executed and the planning session products are not promptly distributed, participants will be less than enthusiastic about contributing the next time a similar major planning effort is undertaken. Technically, the intensive planning session is over when the products of the effort have been formalized and approved. The success of the planning effort, however, can only be measured relative to the ultimate success of the implementation of its prodCommitments must be made by management early in ucts. the preplanning session phase to provide the necessary resources and facilities to carry out the mandates of the planning session. Planning Session Report

Establish comprehensive project baseline docuprocedures, estimates, ments, management plans, and other project documents much sooner than they would otherwise normally be available. Allow senior management and the supporting personnel to supply valid input on which to form decisions for immediate implementation. Enhance motivation and serve improved performance. as a catalyst for

The first three benefits are not unexpected. If all key people of a project are assembled together to address a particular problem, there is little question but that a solution would be reached sooner than if they were to address the problem individually and/or in series. For example, if the "problem" happens to be the development of a new baseline plan and schedule, the "product" is produced more expeditiously to higher quality when .engineering, construction, procurement, testing, and other key project personnel address the subject jointly (coordinated by a planning engineer of course) in lieu of working the plan and schedule independently and/or in series. Using the combined skills and knowledge of individuals working in unison to address a situation that affects all is generally more effective than having those same individuals work alone. Having management involvement in the process is extremely beneficial in that it authorizes participants to initiate the resolutions without delay. The fourth benefit is more subtle and probably less expected. The sense of accomplishment of those who have participated in a well-planned and wellexecuted planning session is indeed a motivating experience and gives the project a "jump start" in the direction toward implementing the new or revised plans and schedules. People leave the planning session enthusiastic about their experience and eager about what lies ahead. This 'high" will be sustained so long as the fruits of their labor - the products they produced - are endorsed by management and promptly implemented.

Even though by definition a project is one-of-akind with a finite scope, it could be subjected to several intensive planning sessions during its lifeEach session will have different objectives, time. will generate different plans, and will probably be executed somewhat differently from one that preceded As all sessions are likely to have many common it. elements and there are bound to be lessons learned from earlier sessions , a written report describing the planning session should be prepared and become a permanent part of the project file. The report should document the session objectives, the preparations, planning sessionperformance, post-session activities, and most important, lessons learned. Subsequent planning sessions should reflect upon these lessons learned and adjnst to incorporate them. BENEFITS OF INTRNSIVB PLANRING Intensive planning extensive preparation, is not dedication cheap. It requires to execution, and

Intensive planning sessions are good for a project and come close to being fun for the participants if they are thoroughly planned, well-executed, and have the total commitment of management for near-term implementation of the results. Project controls personnel play a key role in this process. They must have the skills to recognize and foresee any

1990 .AAcN !rRwsAmIWS

situation appropriate session

for which, a and convince

major replanning effort management accordingly. called upon participation to plan for is essential

is the to

They are generally and their active

Only its success. the implementation submittal of those professionals in an go a long way toward

project management can authorize of the session results but timely products by the project controls acceptable and finished format ill obtaining that authorization.

Remo J. Silvestrini, PE Stone & Webster Engineering Corp. Savannah River Site 719~19A Aiken, SC 29808


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