Here's A Low-Cost, Low-Tech Refrigerator That Really Works...
Here's A Low-Cost, Low-Tech Refrigerator That Really Works...
Here's A Low-Cost, Low-Tech Refrigerator That Really Works...
to lowering water tables, ground water pollution in shallow wells, and similar circumstances. Check your water temperature by allowing the water to run for several minutes, emptying the lines and tank. Then fill a bucket with fresh water and insert a thermometer. If your water temperature is above 50, you are probably one of the people who should look into a kerosene or LP gas refrigerator, or stick with electric.
Install the cooling coil in an insulated box and hook it up to household plumbing. An old, worn-out chest-style freezer is ideal, but any sort of insulated box will work. cold water circulates through this coil and cools the interior of the insulated box.
Its simple
Really, the whole idea is extremely simple. At the point where the water supply enters your dwelling, the incoming cold water is routed through a coil of pipe or hose installed inside an insulated box before it goes anywhere else. Whenever water is used for dish washing, laundry, showering, flushing the toilet or whatever, fresh
Any sort of well-insulated box will serve. Depending on your tastes, abilities, and what is available, you might opt for anything from an ultra-fancy oak and brass ice-box replica to something rigged together from plywood and sheet metal scraps. For me, the best solution was to use a worn out chest freezer. I knew my
Fashion cooling coils from copper or plastic water line. Even garden hose would work. tor closely, he built himself a duplicate the same weekend. For inhabitants of many rural areas, a similar owner-built unit can offer the same cost savings and reliability they do for our households. There are no moving parts, no chemicals like freon, almost no maintenance, no operating cost, nothing to wear out, and they can be put together from salvage material in only a few hours.
For a smaller cold storage space, wrap a 30-gallon drum with garden hose and insert it into a 55-gallon drum. Fill the space with insulation or very dry sawdust. Make a lid from styrofoam or other insulating material.
wife would never go along with this project if I didnt end up with something that looked like a normal and attractive household appliance. The chest type is superior to upright freezers because all your cool air wont spill out when you open the door. The very first thing I did was cut off the power cord. The next step was to repaint the unit with appliance enamel. Then I cut a hole in the bottom and installed a PVC sink drain in case of spills or condensation. Using a conduit bender, I then formed " soft copper tubing to match the interior dimensions of the compartment. Hard copper and sweaton fittingsor even plastic pipe would probably work just as well. I already had the soft copper tubing, so I used it. After putting the unit in place, hooking it into the water line, and checking for leaks, we had to wait almost two days for the inside temperature to drop to 42. Since then it has held that same reading for almost five years. Cold water refrigeration is not a new concept. Nor is it adaptable to each and every situation. If, however, you are already drawing your water supply from a deep well with a fairly constant water temperature, why would you want to keep throwing your hard earned money away for electricity, kerosene, or any other fuel when you can refrigerate for free?