Tempilstik Thermal Chalks

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An Illinois Tool Works Company


Temperature Indicators and Industrial Coatings

Temperature Indicators and Industrial Coatings

Providing Confidence and Compliance Since 1938

LA-CO Industries, Inc. 2901 Hamilton Blvd. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 800.757.8301 908.757.8300 Fax: 908.757.9273 tempil.com Email: [email protected]



An Illinois Tool Works Company


Effective, Efficient Solutions for Accurate Surface Temperature Measurement

Since 1938, Tempil has been a leader in the development of innovative and accurate temperature indication technology for multiple markets. Our cost-effective solutions can monitor your supply chain, check critical temperatures in the manufacturing process or ensure a products performance in the eld. At Tempil, our products specically answer industry concerns and application challenges that are faced on a daily basis. Our surface temperature indicators Tempilstik and Tempilaq are uniquely engineered for fast and accurate temperature measurement, while producing results you can trust. And our heat absorbing, rust-preventative compound and high temperature paint Anti-Heat, Bloxide and Pyromark are designed to help eliminate heat damage and prevent the formation of corrosion during storage respectively. With our Tempil products, we have utilized advanced and reliable indication and prevention technology, to produce a range of surface temperature products that allow for safe and versatile surface measurements. Cost-efcient, easy-to-use, and available in multiple formats to meet your specic application needs. Tempil is delivering the surface measurement solutions you can count on, when you need them most.


Over 1 Million Quality-Tested, Superior Welds.

The original temperature indicating stick. Tempilstik temperature indicators have led the industry in providing accurate and reliable results for over 75 years. An inexpensive alternative for surface temperature measurement, Tempilstiks are easy-to-use with no gauges or electronics and no calibration required. Available in over 100 temperature ratings from 100F to 2000F (38C to 1093C), each Tempilstik is supplied with a unique slip-resistant metal holder, specifically engineered for smooth operation and maximum user control. Tempilstiks are precise even for the most critical jobs and meet the preheat temperature requirements of AWS D1.1 and other welding code specifications. Made in the U.S.A., Tempilstiks are densely constructed to last longer than other brands, each delivering more than 11,000 6 in (15 cm) marks that are NIST traceable and certifiable for nuclear use.

Superior Quality Welds

Exceeds industry standards delivering products free of sulfur, lead and halogen contaminants. Composed of high-quality materials that are advantageous to the welding process. 70 year track record meeting WPS, WPQR and WPQ requirements.

Have Greater Confidence

Secure supply chain and experienced distribution network. Prequalified - meets AWS D1.1, ASME Code Sec. I, III and VIII, ANSI/ASME Code B31.1 and B31.3. Consistent traceability - each Tempilstik is marked by temperature, lot number and is NIST traceable. Certifiable for nuclear use.

Increased Efficiency
Stronger and lasts longer than other temperature indicators. Faster results reduce set up and downtime. Reliable in the most extreme welding environments. Unique slip-resistant aluminum holder secures stick and maximizes control.

Know the Right Temperature

Easy to understand visual melt indentifies results +/- 1% of rated temperature. Reduce the danger of crack formation and shrinkage stress. Less likelihood of distortion and hard zones near the weld area. Promotes hydrogen diffusion from steel. Post heating And many more



Stress relieving

Interpass heat treatment

How to Use

Touch the heated surface with Tempilstik and it will melt, making a distinct mark once the surface reaches the rated temperature.

Tempstik Test Kit

Provides all the information needed for determining the proper temperatures for welding, heat treating, soldering, brazing, and other operations involved in the fabrication of most metals. In addition, the kit provides information for measuring preheat, interpass and postweld heat treatment temperatures. The kit contains: 20 temperature indicators systematically spaced between 125F (52C) and 800F (427C). Available Temperatures 125F, 150F, 175F, 200F, 225F, 250F, 275F, 300F, 325F, 350F, 400F, 425F, 450F, 475F, 500F, 525F, 550F, 600F, 700F, 800F

Original Aluminum Holder Standard For All Temperatures

Fahrenheit/Centigrade Ratings for Tempilstik
Part No.
TS0100/TSC0038 TS0104/TSC0040 TS0109/TSC0043 TS0119/TSC0048 TS0122/TSC0050 TS0125/TSC0052 TS0131/TSC0055 TS0140/TSC0060 TS0150/TSC0066 TS0158/TSC0070 TS0163/TSC0073 TS0167/TSC0075 TS0169/TSC0076 TS0175/TSC0079 TS0176/TSC0080 TS0182/TSC0083 TS0185/TSC0085 TS0188/TSC0087 TS0194/TSC0090 TS0200/TSC0093 TS0203/TSC0095 TS0206/TSC0097 TS0212/TSC0100 TS0213/TSC0101 TS0219/TSC0104 TS0225/TSC0107 TS0230/TSC0110 TS0239/TSC0115 TS0248/TSC0120 TS0250/TSC0121 TS0256/TSC0124 TS0257/TSC0125 TS0263/TSC0128 TS0266/TSC0130 TS0269/TSC0132 TS0275/TSC0135 TS0284/TSC0140 TS0288/TSC0142 TS0294/TSC0146 TS0300/TSC0149

100 104 109 119 122 125 131 140 150 158 163 167 169 175 176 182 185 188 194 200 203 206 212 213 219 225 230 239 248 250 256 257 263 266 269 275 284 288 294 300

38 40 43 48 50 52 55 60 66 70 73 75 76 79 80 83 85 87 90 93 95 97 100 101 104 107 110 115 120 121 124 125 128 130 132 135 140 142 146 149

Part No.
TS0302/TSC0150 TS0306/TSC0152 TS0311/TSC0155 TS0313/TSC0156 TS0320/TSC0160 TS0325/TSC0163 TS0329/TSC0165 TS0338/TSC0170 TS0344/TSC0173 TS0347/TSC0175 TS0350/TSC0177 TS0356/TSC0180 TS0363/TSC0184 TS0374/TSC0190 TS0375/TSC0191 TS0383/TSC0195 TS0388/TSC0198 TS0392/TSC0200 TS0400/TSC0204 TS0410/TSC0210 TS0413/TSC0212 TS0419/TSC0215 TS0425/TSC0218 TS0428/TSC0220 TS0437/TSC0225 TS0446/TSC0230 TS0450/TSC0232 TS0455/TSC0235 TS0463/TSC0239 TS0475/TSC0246 TS0482/TSC0250 TS0488/TSC0253 TS0500/TSC0260 TS0518/TSC0270 TS0525/TSC0274 TS0536/TSC0280 TS0550/TSC0288 TS0554/TSC0290 TS0572/TSC0300 TS0575/TSC0302

302 306 311 313 320 325 329 338 344 347 350 356 363 374 375 383 388 392 400 410 413 419 425 428 437 446 450 455 463 475 482 488 500 518 525 536 550 554 572 575

150 152 155 156 160 163 165 170 173 175 177 180 184 190 191 195 198 200 204 210 212 215 218 220 225 230 232 235 239 246 250 253 260 270 274 280 288 290 300 302

Part No.
TS0600/TSC0316 TS0608/TSC0320 TS0650/TSC0343 TS0662/TSC0350 TS0700/TSC0371 TS0750/TSC0399 TS0752/TSC0400 TS0800/TSC0427 TS0850/TSC0454 TS0860/TSC0460 TS0900/TSC0482 TS0932/TSC0500 TS0950/TSC0510 TS1000/TSC0538 TS1022/TSC0550 TS1040/TSC0560 TS1050/TSC0566 TS1100/TSC0593 TS1112/TSC0600 TS1150/TSC0621 TS1157/TSC0625 TS1200/TSC0649 TS1250/TSC0677 TS1292/TSC0700 TS1300/TSC0704 TS1400/TSC0760 TS1450/TSC0788 TS1500/TSC0816 TS1550/TSC0843 TS1600/TSC0871 TS1650/TSC0899 TS1700/TSC0927 TS1800/TSC0982 TS1900/TSC1038 TS1950/TSC1066 TS2000/TSC1093

600 608 650 662 700 750 752 800 850 860 900 932 950 1000 1022 1040 1050 1100 1112 1150 1157 1200 1250 1292 1300 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1800 1900 1950 2000

316 320 343 350 371 399 400 427 454 460 482 500 510 538 550 560 566 593 600 621 625 649 677 700 704 760 788 816 843 871 899 927 982 1038 1066 1093


Our stick lasts longer, period.

Fahrenheit/Centigrade Ratings for Tempilaq G

Part No.
TL0175 TL0200 TL0225 TL0250 TL0275 TL0300 TL0313 TL0325 TL0350 TL0363 TL0375

175 200 225 250 275 300 313 325 350 363 375

79 93 107 121 135 149 156 163 177 184 191

Part No.
TL0400 TL0425 TL0450 TL0475 TL0488 TL0500 TL0525 TL0550 TL0575 TL0600 TL0650

400 425 450 475 488 500 525 550 575 600 650

204 218 232 246 253 260 274 288 302 316 343

Part No.
TL0700 TL0750 TL0800 TL0850 TL0900 TL0950 TL1000 TL1022 TL1050 TL1100 TL1150

700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1022 1050 1100 1150

371 399 427 454 482 510 538 550 566 593 621

Part No.
TL1200 TL1250 TL1300 TL1400 TL1450 TL1500 TL1600 TL1700 TL1800 TL1900

1200 1250 1300 1400 1450 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900

649 677 704 760 788 816 871 927 982 1038

Tempilaq G Indicating Liquids

Optimal for cold and/or smooth surfaces, Tempilaq G is a quick, easy and cost-effective method to verifying the achievement of a specific temperature on a wide range of surfaces under dynamic conditions. Quick application. Accurate results. When applied to a surface, Tempilaq quickly dries forming a dull, opaque film. Then, when heat is applied to that surface and the rated temperature is reached, the film liquefies. As the surface cools, the liquefied Tempilaq re-solidifies to leave a distinctly different mark, Each confirming that the target temperature has indeed been achieved. Sold Separately Applications: Thermal mapping on multiple surfaces 44 different temperature ratings from 175F to 1900F (79C to 1038C) Calibrating brake calipers Reliably accurate - melts within 1 percent of rated temperature Wave soldering PC boards Easy to apply quick-drying fluid Dielectric heat sealing Non-flammable for maximum safety and unrestricted shipment Post-forming plastic laminate Standard packaging: 2oz bottles Annealing polished metal surfaces Certification available upon request Calculating glass temperatures at Numbered production lot for traceability various heating stages Calibrating industrial ovens Note: The color of Tempilaq G is for identification purposes only, and has no relation to its performance as a temperature indicator. And many more...

A versatile primer, Bloxide is a unique formula that can be applied to a wide range of metals preventing the formation of rust and corrosion during extended periods of storage. With enhanced corrosion preventative features, Bloxide eliminates the need to clean metal surfaces before welding, saving time and labor costs during fabrication. And, Bloxide is completely weldable, also improving the weld quality after application. Quick application. Accurate results. Simply apply Bloxide by brush, dip or spray with no special equipment or training. Coverage is up to approximately 800 square feet per gallon. Industry-safe and free from lead, sulfur, zinc and other halogens, Bloxide is an excellent primer for a wide range of applications. Applications: Ideal fo extended periods of outside steel storage Marine and off-shore fabrication Ability to strike welding arc without removal All steel, including high tensile, Temperature resistant to 800F (427C) carbon moly and chrome moly Aluminized finish Primer for paint and coatings Dry time: around 77F and 50% relative Humidity/tack free - 6 hours Recommended film thickness: Wet 3.0 mil, Dry 0.75 mil Standard packaging: 12oz aerosol cans, gallons, 5 gallon pails and 55 gallon drums

Delivering multiple benefits to metal products, Pyromark , a silicone-based coating, is specifically formulated for protecting, decorating, or color indentifying metal surfaces that will be subjected to high temperatures. Pyromark provides long-lasting protection against oxidation and corrosion, and has excellent coverage characteristics - no blistering, chipping, cracking or peeling at rated temperatures. Applications: Improves heat transfer in infra-red heating applications due to high-emission properties Infra-red heaters | Boilers | Furnaces Solor absorption rate of 0.95 makes it an almost perfect black box absorber Ovens | Fireplace Accessories Standard packaging: gallons, 5 gallon pails, 55 gallon drums Solar Absorbers | Mufflers Radiators | Stoves Boat and Auto Engines

Anti-Heat , an exceptional heat-absorbing compound, is specially formulated to eliminate heat damage and discoloration, which often occurs on light gauge metals during fabrication. Once applied, Anti-Heat draws excess heat away from the surface being welded, brazed or soldered, creating a protective barrier that prevents buckling, cracking, warping or other metal distortions from occurring. Easy to use application. Anti-Heat applies quickly and easily to applications. Simply spread it on from the can, or apply directly from the 12oz tube that fits in a standard caulking gun. Anti-Heat wipes up easliy with water. Applications: Non-toxic Anti-Heat can be used effectively to Harmless to the skin protect thin-gauge metals from Asbestos-free and odorless objectionable heat inflow due to Adheres to horizontal, vertical and overhead surface welding, brazing, soldering or Standard packaging: 12oz tubes, gallons, 5 gallon pails other heat sources.


50 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

GPC 01/20/12 2M

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