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Pon un pronombre reflexivo en los siguientes frases.

1. We dont trust builders. We always do building work and painting Ourselves.

2. My wife is a wonderful cook. She does everything Herself.
3. Our oven is a self!cleaning oven. "his #eans you press a button and it cleans
$. %er children are over si& years old' and they still cant feed themselves. "heir
#other has to feed the#.
(. )f we cant find people to help us' well have to do it ourselves.
*. ) felt very old when ) looked at Myself in the #irror this #orning.
+. My brother is good with his hands. %e always fi&es his car himself.
,. -ont copy his work' do it by himself.
- Elige la preposicin adecuada para cada frase.
%e arrived in front of #e.
2. "he house is between two pines.
3. "he te#perature crept up to .ust above 3( degrees.
$. ) stood by the tree' looking along.
(. "he feast was served his to #other.
*. etween! along breakfast' /ohn ordered the local ta&i to take hi# to the airport.
+. "hey walked across the trees in 0entral 1ark.
,. )2# going to take the train at half past three.
3. "he sun had already sunk into in the hori4on.
15. She lives in the house from!to the road.
Escr"be el tiempo verbal correcto en las siguientes frases#
1. /ohn is tal$ing to Mary now (talk)
2. ) watch television every night. (watch)
3. "he children usually goes to bed at nine o2clock. (go)
$. %s &ichard &eading a book at the #o#ent6. (Richard read)
(. "hey doesn't go to the theatre very often. (not go)
*. ) am not studying at the #o#ent. (not study)
. ) don't spea$ 7nglish' although ) am studying at the #o#ent. (not speak) / (study)
,. ) live in 8alencia' though ) am staying in Madrid at the #o#ent. (live) / (stay)
3. ) am staying in a hotel at the #o#ent' although ) have #y own apart#ent. (stay) /
15. She comes fro# 0hile' though she is living in 9ew :ork .ust now. (come) / (live)
- (ambia el tiempo verbal a )past simple) en las siguientes frases* siguiendo el
1. We love 7ngland We loved 7ngland
2. "hey don2t like the fil# ,hey didn't li$e the film.
3. "hey work on a far# ,hey wor$ed on a farm
$. -o you work in this factory6 -id you wor$ in this factory.
(. Where do you live6 /here did you live.
*. ) don2t like "okyo % didn't li$e ,o$yo.
+. -oes he play the guitar6 -id he play the guitar.
,. ) don2t study ;rench % didn't study 0rench.
3. "hey hate waiting ,hey hated waiting
15. -oes your son study here6 -id your son study here.
1 - (ompleta las frases escribiendo el tiempo de pasado 2ue proceda.
1. %e was riding his #otorbike when he suddenly felt ill. (ride)
2. We were watching the television when it suddenly stopped working. (watch)
3. When the a#bulance ca#e they were putting hi# inside. (put)
$. ) was listening to the radio when the phone rang. (listen)
(. When ) arrived' they said hello but continued studying. (say)

(ompleta las frases usando 3us'* 3she'* 3me'* 3them'* 3her'* 3him'* 3it'
7.. ) love #y wife' but she hates #e.
4. "hat wo#an has got blue hair and shes dancing in the street. <ook at her=
1. "hose people are going to sit down before us' and weve been waiting longer than
them .
5. ) havent #et your girlfriend yet' is she here6
:es' thats her over there.
6. )# going to bed.
Me too' )# really tired.
7. Shes so beautiful' and hes so ugly. Why is she with him6
8. ) like your car. When did you buy it6
9tili:ar a* the* - ;sin art"culo< donde sea necesario#
1. ,he love is #ore i#portant than #oney.
2. ) couldn2t hear hi# because of the noise of the .et
3. %e heard a strange noise behind the wall.
$. What kind of #usic do you listen to6
(. ) think the guitar is the best instru#ent to play.
*. ) think it2s #ade of wood.
+. Would you like the cup of tea6
,. )2# studying the 7nglish language.
3. ) don2t use the salt when )2# cooking.
15. )t2s the half past seven.
11. What is the na#e of this country6
12. 0an you tell #e the ti#e6

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