Trigonometry CH 1 Study Guide With Answers

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Trig Ch.

1 Review
Short Answer 1. Determine the quadrant in which a

angle lies. .

2. Determine two coterminal angles (one positive and one negative) for 3. Convert 4. Convert

to degree-decimal form. Round answer to three decimal places. to form. radians. .

5. Determine the quadrant in which an angle, , lies if

6. Determine two coterminal angles (one positive and one negative) for 7. Find (if possible) the supplement of 8. Find (if possible) the complement of 9. Rewrite 10. Rewrite 11. Rewrite 12. Rewrite

. .

in radian measure as a multiple of . in degree measure. in radian measure. Round to three decimal places. in degree measure. Round to three decimal places. and .

13. Find the angle, in radians, in the figure below if

14. Find the radian measure of the central angle of the circle of radius 6 centimeters that intercepts an arc of

length 32 centimeters.
15. Find the length of the arc, S, on a circle of radius 3 meters intercepted by a central angle of

. Round

to two decimal places.

16. Find the area of the sector of the circle with radius 2 meters and central angle

17. A car is traveling along Route 66 at a rate of 75 miles per hour, and the diameter of its wheels are 2.4

feet. Find the number of revolutions per minute the wheels are turning. Round answer to one decimal place.
18. Find the exact value of

, using the triangle shown in the figure below, if

19. If is an acute angle and

, determine

20. Given


, determine the following:

21. Use a calculator to evaluate 22. Using the figure below, if

. Round your answer to four decimal places. , determine the exact value of x.

23. Will Barrow wanted to know how tall the flagpole was in front of his school. To find its height, he drove

a stake into the ground at the tip of the flagpole's shadow and recorded the angle of elevation at two different times during the day. He then measured the distance between the stakes. Will's data is below: Stake Time A 2:00 PM B 3:00 PM Distance between stakes A & B Angle of Elevation


Determine the height of the flagpole. Round your answer to nearest foot.
24. Given the figure below, determine the value of

25. The point

is on the terminal side of an angle in standard position. Determine the exact value of

26. Determine the exact value of 27. Determine the exact value of

when when

and and .

28. The terminal side of lies on the line 29. Determine the exact value of the 30. Determine the exact value of 31. Use a calculator to evaluate

in the second quadrant. Find the exact value of of the quadrant angle . .

. Round your answer to four decimal places. .

32. Given the equation below, determine two solutions such that

33. Find the point

on the unit circle that corresponds to the real number

. Use your results to


34. The displacement from equilibrium of an oscillating weight suspended by a spring is given by

, where y is the displacement in centimeters and t is the time in seconds. Find the displacement when , rounding answer to four decimal places.
35. Determine the period and amplitude of the following function.

36. Determine the period and amplitude of

37. Sketch the graph of the function below, being sure to include at least two full periods.

38. Sketch the graph of the function below, being sure to include at least two full periods.

39. Graph the function below. Be sure to include at least two full periods.

40. Find a and d for the function

such that the graph of

matches the graph below.

41. Find a, b, and c for the function

such that the graph of

matches the graph


42. Sketch the graph of the given function. Make sure to include at least two periods.

43. Graph the function below, making sure to show at least two periods.

44. Graph the expression below, making sure to show at least two periods.

45. Evaluate

without using a calculator.

46. Evaluate

without using a calculator.

47. Use a calculator to evaluate 48. Use a calculator to evaluate

. Round your answer to two decimal places. . Round your answer to two decimal places.

49. Use an inverse function to write as a function of x.

50. Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate 51. Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate

. .

52. Find the exact value of

. . .

53. Find the exact value of

54. Write an algebraic expression that is equivalent to 55. Use a graphing utility to graph the function below.

56. A granular substance such as sand naturally settles into a cone-shaped pile when poured from a small

aperture. Its height depends on the humidity and adhesion between granules. The angle of elevation of a pile, , is called the angle of repose. If the height of a pile of sand is 13 feet and its diameter is approximately 43 feet, determine the angle of repose. Round answer to nearest degree.

57. If


, determine the value of b. Round to two decimal places.

58. If


, determine the value of

. Round to two decimal places.

59. The angle of elevation of the sun is

. Find the length, l, of a shadow cast by a tree that is 53 feet tall.

Round answer to two decimal places.

60. After leaving the runway, a plane's angle of ascent is

and its speed is 265 feet per second. How many minutes will it take for the airplane to climb to a height of 11,000 feet? Round answer to two decimal places. What bearing should the pilot take? Answer should be given in degrees and minutes.

61. A plane is 48 miles west and 49 miles north of an airport. The pilot wants to fly directly to the airport. 62. A land developer wants to find the distance across a small lake in the middle of his proposed

development. The bearing from A to B is . The developer leaves point A and travels 53 yards to point C. The bearing from C to point B is . Determine the distance, , perpendicular to across the small lake. Round distance to nearest yard.

63. If the sides of a rectangular solid are as shown, and

, determine the angle, , between the diagonal of the base of the solid and the diagonal of the solid. Round answer to two decimal places.

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