Women's Book Club: You're Invited

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April 2014


You're Invited
Palm Sunday, April 13th Easter Sunday, April 20th Worship Services: 9:00am & 10:30am
Help us transform our sanctuary into a living garden celebrating the resurrection of Christ and rejoicing in our hope of resurrection because of Him. Lets fill our church with the beauty, variety, color and fragrance of life! This year you have a choice between a Lily, Azalea, Hydrangea or Tulip. If you wish to contribute a plant (they are $15 each), please e-mail the church office for an order form at [email protected] or pick up a form on Sunday.
Form and money due by Sunday, April 6th!

Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 15th, 9:30am - noon in Fireside. We welcome all women to join us for service projects, fellowship and refreshments. For more information, contact Julie Maljian at (818) 790-5911.

Womens Book Club

The Womens Book Club will meet Tuesday, April 22nd, in the Corner House from 7:30 9:00pm. We will discuss Sonia Sotomayors new memoir, My Beloved World. For more information, please contact Jennifer Mawhorter at [email protected].

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Sunday Morning Happenings For Adults at 9:00 am and 10:30 am

9:00 am Classes: Couriers
Sunday, 9:00-10:15am in Fireside Room

Repeated Exposure to Gods Word will enrich and change your life. In-depth Bible Study Sundays at 9:00am in the Fireside Room, Gym building. John Wipf, teacher; Marilyn Hanks, facilitator. Coffee and good fellowship. For further information contact Marilyn Hanks (626) 7913782.

10:30 am Classes:
Companions in Christ
Sunday, 10:30-11:45am in the Corner House

Are you looking for a small group that meets on Sunday morning? An opportunity to grow deeper in your faith? A chance to discuss the 9am service in the company of friends? People to pray with? Join the 10:30 Companions group. We meet in the Corner House and have rotating leadership. We usually spend from 10:30 to 11:00 re-reading the Scripture and talking about how to apply the sermon to our lives. We spend from 11:00 to 11:30 praying for each other. All welcome. Contact person: [email protected].

Invitation to Study the Bible

Sunday, 10:30-11:45am in Fireside Room

Everyone is invited to a new Bible Study Class on Sundays from 10:30 11:45am in Fireside Room (on the first floor in the gym building). Dr. Art Patzia, Senior Professor of New Testament at Fuller Seminary will lead the Bible study, beginning with a study of the Epistle to the Ephesians. Come to gain a better understanding of Gods Word. We envision a cross-generational group with young people and adults of all ages. Bring your Bible and invite a friend. Contact: Art Patzia at [email protected].

It would be wonderful to have ushers for both services but the biggest need is at the 10:30am service. You would be a great asset to the ministry of greeting the newcomer and the long time attendee. It is a wonderful way to serve God and his people. Please contact Cindy Moseley at [email protected] or you can see me in the Narthex

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Quiet Morning Apart

Join us on Saturday, April 12 for a Quiet Morning Apart from 9:30- noon, at Arlington Community Garden, on the corner of Pasadena Avenue and Arlington Drive. This is a Lenten opportunity to spend quiet time in a local contemplative setting, for prayer, walking the labyrinth or reflecting on the beauty of this public space set aside for Pasadena residents. Come with your small group, prayer partner, friends or family---we desire to seek Gods presence together, in silence or quiet conversation, trusting He will speak as we listen. If you are unfamiliar with walking a labyrinth, there will be directions and guidance available. I weave a silence on my lips. I weave a silence on my mind. I weave a silence within my heart. I close my ears to distractions. I close my eyes to attentions. I close my heart to temptations. Calm me, O Lord, As you stilled the storm. Keep me from harm. Let all the tumult within me ease. Enfold me Lord in your peace. Traditional Celtic prayer The next Koinonia Prayer and Praise Potluck will be on Sunday, April 6th, at 6pm at the home of Jack and Judy Balwick. Please contact Judy to coordinate your potluck item at [email protected].

The next meeting of the Men's Book Club will be at the Corner House on Thursday, April 10th, at 7pm. We will discuss the second half of Alone Together, by Sherry Turkle, an MIT Media Lab professor, who examines the effects of technology in society, particularly on teenagers. For more information, contact Rich Doyle at [email protected].

Community Potluck Dinner:

Come eat with us! At Pasadena Covenant Church, we think community is important and you are important. The second Tuesday of each month is our Community Dinner, so join us this Tuesday, April 8th, from 5-8pm at Megan Dally & Steve Lammes home (452 Alberta St. in Altadena). Its a potluck so bring something delicious to share.

Upcoming Trustee Meeting

Monday, April 7, 2014 7:00pm, Corner House

The next Urban Ministries Team meeting will be on Monday, April 7th at 6:45pm in the Santa Barbara Room.

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Weekly Programs
The PCSM Hub: Sunday mornings in the courtyard/gym, 9:45 - 10:30am
Every Sunday, from 9:45am-10:45am, between services, the Hub will be open in the courtyard (or gym) for students to touch base with adult leaders and other students! This way, no matter what service students attend/serve during, there will always be a home base for PCSM on Sunday mornings.

Selah: Wednesday Night Worship & Small Groups, 6:30pm - 8:30am

Selah is a great starting point for plugging into PCSM! Selah is a word that is used throughout the book of Psalms to remind us to Pause or Stop and listen and thats exactly what we want to do on Wednesday nights! At Selah we take a break from our busy week to play crazy games, worship though song, and get to know each other on a deeper level in gender and age specific small groups.

Morph 200: Growing in Spiritual Life

9:00am, Sundays, March 16 - April 20th, Youth Building
We will start a new Morph series which will explore Growing in Spiritual Life.

Special Events
30 Hour Famine: April 4 - 5
PCSM will participate in the 30 Hour Famine (note the change of date), one of our biggest and best PCSM events! We already lining up some AMAZING service opportunities for that weekend and are confident that this will be one of the best 30 Hour Famine Events yet!

Summer Camp Dates

Remember to mark your calendars with these important events!
PCC Family Camp-Out! All ages, Monrovia Canyon Park, June 20-22 Middle School Camp: July 13-16 High School Camp: July 14-18 Jump Start Daycamp for kids entering Madison Elementary: Aug. 4-8

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Cross-Cultural Communication Specialists Praise & Prayer Requests

Eugenio and Pia Restrepo were long term missionaries to Spain for 16 years with the Evangelical Covenant Church. During that time, they were involved with Comunidad Cristiana Evanglica Parque Victoria, part of the Federation of Independent Evangelical Churches. The church saw growth from 60 to 140 members in recent years, as Sunday school classes for all ages were developed. The Restrepos organized retreats, evangelistic outreach, dramas, vacation Bible school, sports activities and youth work and they began to teach Bible hermeneutics and other classes to members of the congregation. Their most recent focus of ministry had been training Gypsies (Roma) for leadership, working in community development, Bible and theology, health care, education, and racial reconciliation. We feel privileged to train people for ministry, particularly those without opportunities, like the Gypsy pastors who are coming with excitement to the Leadership Training Center, Eugenio said. However, last year their service to Spain came to an end and the Lord has led them in a new direction. In January, Eugenio and Pia Restrepo became the Evangelical Covenant Church regional coordinators for Latin America and the Caribbean, continuing the important work that Dave and Wendy Mark did for 15 years before retiring last year. The Restprepos are not new to Latin America because they are Colombia natives who together planted a church in Medelln, Columbia before serving in Spain. The Evangelical Covenant Church has a long history of partnership and ministry in Latin America and the Caribbean. Covenant missionaries have been serving in Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay) for over sixty years and are involved in a wide variety of ministries, including church planting, evangelism, education, leadership training, discipleship, drug rehabilitation, childrens ministries, music, and various development projects. More recently, the Evangelical Covenant Church has partnered with local churches doing ministry in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica through the Covenant Merge Ministries, which provides one to four week short-term mission opportunities. In addition, Covenant World Mission and Covenant World Relief collaborate in relief and development efforts in Haiti, which continues to deal with the effects of the massive earthquake that took place in early 2010. The Evangelical Covenant Church will continue to explore new areas of partnership and ministry in Latin America, and partnerships in the Caribbean. As regional coordinators, Eugenio and Pia will care for these missionaries in their area, provide resources for ministry, and assist national church leaders. Prayer requests:

That the gospel would continue to impact many lives for the ministries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Eugenio says one of the challenges ahead is to help churches become more self-sustaining and not dependent on support from outside Latin America.

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Journey to the Cross

Lenten Program for Gradeschoolers 9:00am & 10:30am Sundays, March 2nd thru April 13th
During Lent, 1st-5th graders will participate in a special program that will help them understand and respond to the meaning of Jesus life, death and resurrection. Our theme this year is found in Col. 1:13: For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. We will explore five stories from the gospels that will show this journey from darkness to light. At 9:00, filmmaker Matt Webb will work with the kids to help them write & produce their own videos depicting these five gospel stories. At 10:30, our Club 1-2-5 team will lead the kids in exploring these stories in depth through Bible study, prayer, games, and crafts. Club 1-25 kids will also hear stories from our own Pasadena Covenant Church community of how God has delivered us from darkness into lightshowing that this journey continues today. They will be invited to respond in their journals to the call of God on their hearts. This is an exciting program, one that reinforces our goal to help kids grow deep in their faith and experience God as present and real in our lives today. The videos our young filmmakers produce will be available for the entire congregation to view on Easter Sunday and the following week. Volunteers are needed to help Matt Webb with the filmmaking (no experience necessary) if you could help one or more Sundays at 9:00 between March 2nd and April 13th, please contact Vikki Randall at [email protected].

Welcome to the Kingdom of Light!

PCC All-Kids Easter Celebration
9:00am & 10:30am Easter Sunday, April 20th
On Easter Sunday our Lenten them of darkness into light will come together in a Big Way! Children 2 years old through 5th grade will take part in a hands-on experience as they journey from the kingdom of darkness & shadows, where they are rescued by King Jesus. They will be invited into the Kings Banquet in the Kingdom of Lighta time of celebration that will include worship, special crafts, and of course, the Kings Feast! Continued on page 7

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We have lots of great activities planned to help children experience the wonder and mystery of Jesus victory over the darkness of sin and death, and his welcoming into the goodness of Gods Kingdom. Volunteers are needed to make this all happen! If youd like to be part of this wondrous celebration, please contact Vikki Randall at [email protected]. Options include: Helping paint our kingdom castle set on Saturday, April 12th Helping set up our Kingdom experience from 7:30-9am Easter Sunday, April 20th Classroom helper at 9:00 or 10:30 on Easter Sunday, with either preschoolers or gradeschoolers Manning a craft table or snack table at 9:00 or 10:30 on Easter Sunday (no prep needed) Loaning dark black or grey sheets or tablecloths to help create our kingdom experience Donating cupcakes for the Kings Feast.

Soupcan Offering for Covenant World Relief Bring Banks to Church Sunday, April 13th
PCC Kids will participate in March & April in a soupcan offering for Covenant World Relief. Covenant World Relief is the humanitarian aid ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church. The goal of Covenant World Relief is to participate in Gods transforming mission in the world through disaster relief and community development among the most vulnerable. We work with Covenanters and other partners around the world to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable who suffer from extreme poverty, hunger, disease, and injustice. Our mission is to love, serve, and work together with the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized. Pick up a flyer and supplies to turn a soupcan into a bank at any of our children's classrooms. Return your soupcans to church on Palm Sunday, April 13th.

Pasadena Covenant Play Club

Play Club is a place for preschool kids and their moms or dads to gather and have a great time. Kids will sing songs, hear Bible stories and play while their parents connect with and support each other. Play Club is led by Brittany Burian and Lisa Thackwell and will meet the first and third Tuesday mornings, from 9:00 11:00am at Pasadena Covenant Church's nursery. We hope that children will find Play Club to be a joyful place filled with fun friends and loving grown-ups and that their parents will receive support and friendship. Contact Brittany Burian at [email protected].

Pasadena Covenant Church 539 North Lake Avenue Pasadena, California, 91101-1217 Return Service Requested

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April 2014
1 Tuesday 9:00am Play Club 2 Wednesday 5:45pm Childrens Choir 6:30pm Selah (PCSM) 3 Thursday 7:00pm Womens Bible Study 4 Friday 30 Hour Famine 5 Saturday 30 Hour Famine 6 Sunday 9:00am Classes 9:00am Worship Service 10:30am Worship Service 10:30am Classes 11:45am Hospitality 6:00pm Koinonia Prayer & Praise Potluck 5:00pm Alpha Course 5:30pm Womens Life Group 7 Monday 7:00pm Trustee Meeting 6:45pm Urban Ministries Mtg. 8 Tuesday 5:00pm Community Dinner 9 Wednesday 5:45pm Childrens Choir 6:30pm Selah (PCSM) 10 Thursday 7:00pm Mens Book Club 7:00pm Womens Bible Study 11 Friday 12 Saturday 9:30am Quiet Morning Apart 13 Sunday 9:00am Classes 9:00am Worship Service 10:30am Worship Service 10:30am Classes 11:45am Hospitality 5:00pm Alpha Course 5:30pm Womens Bible Study 14 Monday 15 Tuesday 9:00am Play Club 9:30am Sarah Circle 16 Wednesday 5:45pm Childrens Choir 6:30pm Selah (PCSM) 17 Thursday 7:00pm Womens Bible Study 18 Friday 7:00pm Good Friday Service 19 Saturday 20 Sunday - Easter 9:00am Classes 9:00am Worship Service 10:30am Worship Service 10:30am Classes 11:45am Hospitality 21 Monday 22 Tuesday 7:30pm Womens Book Club 23 Wednesday 5:45pm Childrens Choir 6:30pm Selah (PCSM) 24 Thursday 7:00pm Womens Bible Study 25 Friday 26 Saturday 27 Sunday 9:00am Classes 9:00am Worship Service 10:30am Worship Service 10:30am Classes 11:45am Hospitality 5:00pm Alpha Course 5:30pm Womens Bible Study 28 Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Wednesday

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