Newsletter - January 2014

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January 2014


Happy New Year!

Annual Meeting: Jan. 19th with a single worship service at 10 am
Our Annual Business Meeting will be Sunday, Jan. 19th, so we will have only one worship service, beginning at 10 am in the sanctuary. Children 5 years and under will be invited to their classes after the prayer time and 1st - 5th graders will remain in worship with their parents. At 10:45 am the 1st - 5th grade will be dismissed to their Sunday school class and the Annual Business meeting will begin at 11:00 am (in the sanctuary). After the business meeting, parents will pick up their children from their classes and lunch will be provided in the gym.

Mark Your 2014 Calendars with these dates:

Family Game Night: Jan. 24th. We are having a family game night here at Pasadena Covenant with games and snacks for all ages! Pasadena Covenant Summer Camp Dates: Family Camp-out (yes, this year its a real camp-out!) at Monrovia Canyon Park: June 20 - 22 CIY Middle School Camp: July 13-16 CIY High School Camp: July 14-18 Jump Start neighborhood outreach: Aug. 4-8

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Sunday Morning Happenings For Adults at 9:00 am

Repeated Exposure to Gods Word will enrich and change your life. In-depth Bible Study Sundays at 9:00 am in the Fireside Room, Gym building. John Wipf, teacher; Marilyn Hanks, facilitator. Coffee and good fellowship. For further information contact Marilyn Hanks (626) 7913782.

Companions in Christ
Are you looking for a small group that meets on Sunday morning? An opportunity to grow deeper in your faith? A chance to discuss the 9 am service in the company of friends? People to pray with? Join the 10:30 Companions group. We meet in the Corner House and have rotating leadership. We usually spend from 10:30 to 11:00 re-reading the Scripture and talking about how to apply the sermon to our lives. We spend from 11:00 to 11:30 praying for each other. All welcome. Contact person: [email protected].

Koinonia Bunco Night on Saturday, January 25th at 5:30 pm in the Gathering Place. For more info, contact Judy Pruitt at 626-351-9454.

The Peace & Justice team invites you to join us at our Monday, January 6th meeting at 6:45 pm in the Santa Barbara Room . For more info,

contact Mindie Moore at

Womens Book Club

The Womens Book club will meet in the Corner House on Tuesday, January 28th, from 7:309:00pm to discuss The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Mawhorter at [email protected].

[email protected].

Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, January 21st, 9:30 am - noon in Fireside. We welcome all women to join us for service projects, fellowship and refreshments. For more info, contact Julie Maljian at (818) 7905911.

The Mens Book Club will meet on Thursday, January 9th, at 7:00 pm in the Corner House to discuss Night, by Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel. For More info contact Rich Doyle at [email protected].

Upcoming Trustee Meeting

Monday, January 13th, 2014 7:00 pm, Corner House

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Cross-Cultural Communication Specialists Praise & Prayer Requests

Carl and Karen Groot, long-term missionaries with the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC), have served in Thailand since 1988. Their ministry areas are community development, business as mission and evangelism and outreach. They work with the Abundant Life Center (ALC) and the International Community School (ICS). They have shared about their ministry with us: Karen: This has been a year of both relief and development for me at the Abundant Life Center. I continue to develop leadership through ongoing leadership training, team decision-making, Bible study and prayer together. Relief work has come through the surge of desperate needs coming to our doorsteps, which call us to discern what God is calling us to and how to respond. Working through the sickness and death of loved ones, marital and debt problems, asylum seekers from Pakistan needing our assistance, as well as dealing with teen issues and alcoholic relatives have been needs that we had to deal with this past year. The ALC Crafts business has met with the hurdles of trying to get our products out on schedule and the need to keep training the women to take on new responsibilities and grow in their management capabilities. Having new short-termer, Kristi Byford, come under my care has been a great blessing, but also another important part of my daily life. Having church teams and visitors come to meet and serve at ALC has encouraged us and kept us better connected to our ECC family. Carl: I continue to assist our admin team at ICS with projects that use my engineering and technical background, people skills, and problem solving abilities. I often find myself in the role of liaison, helping in areas where we need to coordinate our work despite cultural and language barriers. I generally oversee projects related to campus construction and development, but often pressing needs pull me into other areas. I love the working relationships that naturally form with Thai businessmen and contractors, their employees (primarily Issaan workers), and the Thai-Issaan and International staff of ICS. The beauty of a Mission Business model offers opportunity for the Gospel to be naturally integrated into the daily work that we do. The challenge is to intentionally reflect Christ as I interact, make decisions, manage staff, situations and do the business of ICS. Even though the bulk of my time is at ICS, I also continue to participate with the ALC and Crafts ministry assisting in administration, teaching, and as an active member of the ALC church and community. Praises

The International Community School (ICS) is at a healthy place...God's people are working together and the sweetness of His Spirit is moving through the campus in the student Life Groups, worship and many activities and events that draw our largely non-Christian student body together. Two new adults coming to our small house church. Pray that they may grow in their knowledge of God and in understanding how great His love is for them. Our Back to the Village events (2 in 2013 and more planned in 2014) have had such good response from family members. May the seeds that have been planted bear the kind of fruit that will last! (continued on page 4)

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(continued from page 3) Prayer requests:

Recruiting new teachers for the 2014-15 school year...praying that Covenanters respond to the call to come. option=com_content&view=article&id=53&Itemid=73 Mediating between staff workers and between contractors and our school staff has pressed the limits at times. The difficulties of conflict avoidance, cultural hierarchies, comparisons made and grievances following, and an unwillingness to budge or step down from one's stance has kept Carl in a humbled position many a time. Bethany, our youngest, will be graduating in May and we will be sending her home in the fall for college. Pray for good closure to her life in Thailand and for us as we face the empty nest. Pray for the ALC teens to own their faith and for the families of the kids who attend our activities. The parents have expressed their full trust in ALC and have openly state that they are fine with their kids learning from us but they have yet to move into the "seeker" role themselves.

Sunday Morning Classes

9:00 am Classes
Infants from 0 - 35 months meet in the nursery Children 3-5 years old meet in the downstairs preschool room Children in 1st-3rd grades meet on the 2nd floor of the gym building, in the Club room Children in 4th-5th grades join in the Edge program that meets in the Edge room on the 2nd floor of the gym building

10:30 am Classes
Infants from 0 - 23 months meet in the nursery Children 2 -3 years old meet at 10:30, just off the courtyard behind the sanctuary. Children 4-5 years old begin in worship at 10:30 am, with their parents, and are dismissed around 10:50 to go to their PreK/K class, upstairs in the building just off the courtyard behind the sanctuary. Children in 1st - 5th grades being in worship at 10:30 am, with their parents, and are dismissed around 10:50 to go to Club 125 (2nd floor of the gym building), except for the first Sunday of each month when they are invited to remain in the service with their parents.

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In Nov. 2013, we held two Decision Day Worship Services. The Church celebrated God working in peoples lives through 5 baby dedications, 2 youth re-dedications, 1 infant baptism, and 6 youth baptisms.

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Weekly Programs
The PCSM Hub: Sunday mornings in the courtyard/gym, 9:4510:30 am
Every Sunday, from 9:45am-10:45am, between services, the Hub will be open in the courtyard (or gym) for students to touch base with adult leaders and other students! This way, no matter what service students attend/serve during, there will always be a home base for PCSM on Sunday mornings.

Selah: Wednesday Night Worship & Small Groups, 6:30pm 8:30am

Selah is a great starting point for plugging into PCSM! Selah is a word that is used throughout the book of Psalms to remind us to Pause or Stop and listen and thats exactly what we want to do on Wednesday nights! At Selah we take a break from our busy week to play crazy games, worship though song, and get to know each other on a deeper level in gender and age specific small groups.

Winter 2014 Events

Winter Camps: Middle School, January 10th - 12th; High School, February 21st - 23rd
How LOUD are you? How loud are you when it comes to sharing the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ? We will explore what it is like to live out loud for Christ. At these winter camps we will all be challenged to be LOUDER

30 Hour Famine/LA Marathon: March 8-9

This year Pasadena Covenant has teamed up with World Vision in two exciting ways: 30 Hour Famine and the LA Marathon! We will all be working together to raise money for World Visions Clean Water and Hunger-fighting initiatives!

High School Night Out/Middle School Night In: May 16

We will wrap up the school year with an amazing night out on the town for our High Schoolers and a crazy night in for our Middle Schoolers! Note: times and locations TBA.

Pasadena Covenant Church 539 North Lake Avenue Pasadena, California, 91101-1217 Return Service Requested

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January 2014
1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Classes 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 6 Monday 6:45 p.m. Peace & Justice 7 Tuesday 8 Wednesday 5:45 p.m. Childrens Choir 6:30 p.m. Selah (PCSM) 9 Thursday 7:00 p.m. Mens Book Club 10 Friday 11 Saturday 12 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Classes 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 12:15 p.m. Budget Forum 13 Monday 7:30.m. Trustee Meeting 14 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Selah (PCSM) 16 Thursday 17 Friday 18 Saturday 19 Sunday 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Annual Business Meeting 12:00 p.m. Luncheon 20 Monday 21 Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Sarah Circle 22 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Selah (PCSM) 23 Thursday 24 Friday 6:00 p.m. Family Game Night 25 Saturday 5:30 p.m. Koinonia Bunco Night 26 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Classes 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 27 Monday 28 Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Womens Book Club 29 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Selah (PCSM) 30 Thursday 31 Friday

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