Ss 6358
Ss 6358
Ss 6358
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. design and manufacture a wide range of control panels, diagnostic centres and instrument packages for engine-driven equipment. People around the world depend on our rugged and reliable control systems, in applications as diverse as irrigation and agriculture, industrial pumping, off-road equipment, marine propulsion and power generation. This document contains sales bulletins, specifications and circuit diagrams for the Murphy UK range of control panels. An on-line internet reference, containing all the information in this catalogue plus cross-references to component part details, is also available at
Hourmeter Hourmeter
B4111 Same features as B0188 but in SS6254 ZE4312 weatherproof enclosure, with expansion provision for OPL and tachometer B5001 As B4111 but without weatherproof SS6254 ZE5003 enclosure B6406 As B4111 plus additional OPLFC and AT67207 throttle control. SS6254 ZE4312
1) 15T 0 - 15 min pump low pressure lockout timer; 2) 24T 0 - 24 hour run timer SM4315 1) 15T 0 - 15 min pump low pressure lockout timer; 2) 24T 0 - 24 hour run timer 1) 15T 0 - 15 min pump low pressure lockout timer; 2) 24T 0 - 24 hour run timer SM4315 1) 15T 0 - 15 min pump low pressure lockout timer; 2) 24T 0 - 24 hour run timer; 3) Throttle control by OPLFC and AT03069 751603 Emergency stop push button 751603 Emergency stop push button WD1 WD1 WD1 WD2 WD2 WD2 1) Alarms - SAH-A mini-siren and TL7 flashing lamp. 15T 0 - 15 min low pump pressure lockout timer 1) IP54 enclosure 2) Quick connect float switches Jackplug for auxiliary shutdown Alarms - SAH-A mini-siren and TL7 flashing lamp Alarms - SAH-A mini-siren and TL7 flashing lamp N/A
B2647 751602 Diagnostic Centre, 12V B2643 751603 Diagnostic Centre, 12V
SS6351 ZE2649 SS6351 ZE2613 SS6349 TE2645 SS6349 TE2641 SS6349 TE2641 SS6349 TE2632 SS6349 TE3154 SS6349 TE5919
20T -
B2900 Diagnostic Centre, 12V B2935 Diagnostic Centre, 12V B3079 Marine monitoring panel, 24V B4685 Autostart pump controller, 12V B5119 Autostart pump controller, 12V B5935 Diagnostic Centre, 12V B6085 Diagnostic Centre, 12V B6176 Diagnostic Centre, 12V B6314 Diagnostic Centre, 24V B6413 Diagnostic Centre, 24V
SS6353 1E2903 SS6354 5E2858 SS6355 5E3082 SS4688 SE4686 SS5129 SE5124 ZS5936 ZE5940 SS6356 1E6087 3S5985 3E5987 SS4734 SE4733 SS6357 ZE5940
A20PK -
SM0654 1) EG21 DC voltmeter; 2) 2CA; 3) SS300-24 engine overspeed switch; 4) SD85 33.140. 1) Wiring harness; 2) hourmeter 33.200. 1) Wiring harness; 2) 60-0-60 ammeter 33.200. EG21 DC voltmeter. Monitoring only (no shutdown). SM2451
YES 12V lead SM5123 DC ammeter acid 33.200. Wiring harness YES 33.140. 38.170. 38.200. 33.200. Wiring harness 1) wiring harness; 2) hourmeter Wiring harness
Feature reference
20T water temperature Swichgage 518-APH magnetic shutdown switch 20P oil pressure Swichgage & line
Stock number
For price and availability, please contact our UK sales office:tel: +44 1722 410055 fax: +44 1722 410088 email: For standard models, please quote the stock number shown in the feature chart right. Custom variations, automatic control panels and fuel shutoff devices are also available. Please contact our Sales department to discuss your requirements. Accessories:Stock code 1H6082 10 way, 4 metre wiring harness
B3173 33-140 12 B6091 33-140 24 B5232 38-170 12 B6175 38-170 24 B5922 B6178
38-200 12 38-200 24
DC fuse
How to order
CONTROL SYSTEMS AND SERVICES DIVISION PO Box 1819, Rosenberg, Texas 77471, USA tel: +1 281 633 4500 fax: +1 281 633 4588 email: FW Murphy PO Box 470248 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147, USA tel: +1 918 317 4100 fax: +1 918 317 4266 email: web: MURPHY DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Antonio Rocha Cordero 300, Fraccin del Aguaje San Luis Potos, S.L.P. Mxico 78384 tel: +52 444 8206264 fax: +52 444 8206336 Villahermosa office tel: +52 993 3162117 email: web:
FRANK W. MURPHY LTD. Church Rd, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ, UK tel: +44 1722 410055 fax: +44 1722 410088 email: web: MURPHY SWITCH OF CALIFORNIA 41343 12th Street West, Palmdale, CA 93551-1442, USA tel: +1 661 272 4700 fax: +1 661 947 7570 email: web:
MACQUARRIE CORPORATION 1620 Hume Highway, Campbellfield, Victoria 3061, Australia tel: +61 3 9358 5555 fax: +61 3 9358 5558 email:
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
A two year limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this Murphy product. Details are available on request and at
Keyswitch (Off-Run-Heat-Start)
Charge lamp
Panel series
Manual start/stop of engine-driven irrigators Automatic shutdown by timer, no flow or engine/pump fault Automatic throttling to operator-set speed or pressure Weatherproof enclosure or flat-panel options
The PS660 is a microprocessor-based control, instrumentation and protection system for engine-driven irrigation pumps. The system provides all the features of the Murphy mechanical 33.400.689 panels (see bulletin ss6254), plus automatic engine throttling to maintain a set pump pressure. Model B6452 is a flat-panel design for mounting in an acoustic enclosure. The panel includes the main PS660 control module, an on/off power keyswitch, supply fuses, output slave relays and a 2 metre wiring harness with screw terminal connector strip. Model B6453 has the same control features, but is supplied in a weatherproof, lockable enclosure, complete with emergency stop push button and a clear window for viewing the main control module. Electrical connection is via a screw terminal strip inside the panel. Operator control of both panels is through the PS660 control allow and module. 5 push keys Stop, Start, Mode, engine starting and stopping, selection of Idle or Duty running modes, and the increase or decrease of run time, target speed (in Idle mode) or target pressure (in Duty mode). Pump shutdown, with optional cooldown delay, can be by manual operator control, or can be automatic following a noflow condition, expiry of the run time, or an engine/pump fault. The PS660 control module has a 32 character backlit LCD for the display of operating mode, time delays, fault messages, target and actual pump pressures, engine speed/oil pressure/ coolant temp and hours run. Amber and red LEDs indicate warning and shutdown conditions.
Product specification
Power supply: operating voltage: steady state range crank brown-out current consumption: standby (typ) cranking (typ) Inputs: engine oil pressure & engine coolant temperature pump water pressure no flow, aux input 1 shutdown and aux input 2 warning magnetic pickup:voltage range frequency measurement range engine RPM display accuracy engine RPM display resolution Outputs: start, fuel and preheat: B6452/B6453 slave relays control module 41.70.0126 throttle up, throttle down and common alarm Physical: dimensions (W x H x D), weight enclosed panel (B6453) open chassis (B6452) control module (41.70.0126) operating ambient temperature Accessories supplied: magnetic pickup, 68.MP.0058 oil pressure sender, 00.00.3042 engine temp sender, 10.09.0051 pump pressure transducer, PXT600 5/8 x 18 UNF, 48mm long 0-100 psi, 1/8 NPT, 2 wire 0-150C, 5/8 UNF, 2 wire 0-600 psi, 4-20mA, 1/4 NPTF 5 40 V DC continuous to 0 V for >=100mS 95mA @ 12V, 55mA @ 24V 280mA @ 12V, 170mA @ 24V Murphy resistive senders (see accessories below), wired to negative DC 4 20 mA / 0 600 psi transmitter switch contacts, closing to negative on fault 2.5 25 V AC rms 0 10 kHz. <= 2% of full scale 10 RPM (all ratings for resistive load) positive DC, switched relay: 30 Amp @ 24V DC (per output), or 40 Amp @ 24V DC (combined outputs). 8 Amp @ 24V DC (per output), or 8 Amp @ 24V DC (combined outputs). negative DC (semiconductor), 500 mA max. @ 33 V DC
A two year limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this product. Full details are available at
400 x 500 x 240 mm, 17.5 Kg 362 x 384 x 195 mm, 3.9 Kg 144 x 96 x 160 mm, 750 g o 10 to +55 C
Operating parameters
Function setting range/options Non-adjustable engine crank/rest time 10 sec (max) crank, 5 sec rest start attempts 3 (max) automatic crank release 500 RPM low oil pressure shutdown < 20 psi high coolant temp. shutdown > 98 C charge alt. (WL) fail voltage 10V Adjustable (in normal operation) run time 1 min to 48 hrs, or constant target speed (idle mode) min = 500 RPM, max = 4000 RPM or overspeed level minus 500 RPM target pressure (duty mode) 50 to 550 psi Adjustable (in program mode) preheat time 0, 5, 10 or 15 seconds engine override time 3 60 sec (1 sec steps) pump override time 10 sec to 60 min (1 sec steps) cooldown time 0 sec to 10 min (1 sec steps) pressure units PSI or BAR pump high pressure 50 550 psi (10 psi steps) or shutdown 3 39 bar (0.5 bar steps) overspeed shutdown 1000 4000 RPM throttle deadband 0-500 RPM (idle) / 0-200 psi (duty) throttle up/down rate 1 (slow) to 5 (fast)
Electrical connection
Panel electrical connection is via a screw terminal strip. On model B6452, the terminal strip is at the end of a 2m wiring harness; on model B6453, the terminal strip is fixed inside the weatherproof enclosure. The terminal numbering for both panel versions (and control module) is as follows:1 Battery negative power supply 2 Charge alternator WL 3 Battery positive power supply, 5 to 40 VDC 4 Battery positive relay feed / emergency stop 5 Fuel output, positive DC 6 Starter (crank) output, positive DC 7 - - No connection - - (+ve feed for preheat on control module) 8 Preheat output, positive DC 9 Throttle up output, negative DC (transistor, 500mA max) 10 Throttle down output, negative DC (transistor, 500mA max) 11 Common alarm output, negative DC (transistor, 500mA max) 12 Oil pressure resistive sender ground 13 Engine temp resistive sender 14 Sender common return/ground 15 No flow input: shutdown (close to negative to activate) 16 Auxiliary 1 input: shutdown (close to negative to activate) 17 Auxiliary 2 input: warning only (close to negative to activate) 18 Pump pressure 4 20 mA (0 600 psi) transducer negative 19 Magnetic pickup speed input negative 20 Magnetic pickup speed input positive 21 Battery positive keyswitch output (2 terminals provided)
Typical connection
AT03069 throttle controller 1 2 3 4 alarm note 2 emerg. stop (or link). note 4 keyswitch 10 A 1 2 3 4 RFL 5 RST 6 7 RPH 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 emerg. stop note 5 10 A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
note 3
control module
starter motor
note 1
How to order
stock code model / description PS660 irrigation panel, flat-panel version, B6452 supplied complete with:- 68.MP.0058 magnetic pickup - 00.00.3042 100 psi oil pressure sender - 10.09.0051 150C engine temp sender - PXT600 pump pressure 4-20mA transmitter Weatherproof enclosure version of above. B6453 Dirty water versions of above, with B6452-D diaphragm on PXT600 transmitter B6453-D 41.70.0126 PS660 control module only
Further information
document si6396 ys6336 00-02-0181 ys6347 EG21-96048N PXT-01041B PXT-01044N description PS660 installation and operation magnetic pickup sales bulletin magnetic pickup installation EG(S) electric gauge and ES sender bulletin EG/ES series installation PXT pressure transducer sales bulletin PXT pressure transducer installation
FRANK W MURPHY LTD. Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ, United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
How to order
For details of your nearest Murphy irrigation controls stockist, please contact our UK sales office:tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: or visit our website 33.400.689
A two year limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this Murphy product. Full details are available on request and at
PD8183 RP75 water pressure pulsation dampener, 1/4NPT fitting rackpuller for fuel cut-off
FRANK W MURPHY LTD. Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ, United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
Fault protection panels for engines and pumps Swichgage indication and automatic fault shutdown Compact and easy to install
751602 and 751603 panels provide simple and reliable fault protection for engine-driven and pump applications. The panels use the accurate and dependable Murphy Swichgage for status indication and adjustable limit fault shutdown. Both panels feature Swichgages for engine oil pressure (0 - 100 psi / 7 Bar) and coolant temperatures (50 - 120C), plus a front facia emergency stop push-button. Model 751603 additionally has a 0 - 20 Bar water pressure Swichgage, with user-adjustable shutdown limits for high and low pump pressure. The 75160 series is designed for use with 12V engines with energised-to-run type fuel solenoids. Automatic fuel shutoff is by use of Murphy 518APH magnetic switch contacts. The switch is manually held in reset during engine/pump startup, but will release and latch following an engine fault. 75160 panels use a rugged black plastic, surface-mounted casing. Standard models are supplied complete with a 2 metre oil line and adaptors, 3 crimped wires for electrical connection (battery positive, negative and fuel/shutdown output) and a wiring diagram. A 2 metre water pressure utility line is additionally supplied with the 751603.
(mm) 305 257 typ 105 86
A two year limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this Murphy product. Full details are available on request and at
How to order
Stock code B2647 B2643 Model/description 751602 panel, 0 - 100psi, 50 - 120C 751603 panel, as 751602 plus 0 - 20 bar pump pressure Swichgage
CONTROL SYSTEMS AND SERVICES DIVISION PO Box 1819, Rosenberg, Texas 77471, USA tel: +1 281 633 4500 fax: +1 281 633 4588 email: FW Murphy PO Box 470248 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147, USA tel: +1 918 317 4100 fax: +1 918 317 4266 email: web: MURPHY DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. Blvd. Antonio Rocha Cordero 300, Fraccin del Aguaje San Luis Potos, S.L.P. Mxico 78384 tel: +52 444 8206264 fax: +52 444 8206336 Villahermosa office tel: +52 993 3162117 email: web:
FRANK W. MURPHY LTD. Church Rd, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ, UK tel: +44 1722 410055 fax: +44 1722 410088 email: web: MURPHY SWITCH OF CALIFORNIA 41343 12th Street West, Palmdale, CA 93551-1442, USA tel: +1 661 272 4700 fax: +1 661 947 7570 email: web:
MACQUARRIE CORPORATION 1620 Hume Highway, Campbellfield, Victoria 3061, Australia tel: +61 3 9358 5555 fax: +61 3 9358 5558 email:
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
WD100/WD270 series
Engine and Pump Protection Panels
Engine and pump protection for mobile or stationary applications Swichgage indication and automatic shutdown Instant shutdown or warning before shutdown Compact and easy to install
The WD100 and WD270 series panels are a rugged, dependable solution for engine or pump fault protection. Their compact size and ease of installation make these panels highly suited to the protection of mobile or stationary engine-driven applications such as tractors, PTO devices, earth moving equipment and pumps. WD series panels use the accurate and reliable Murphy Swichgage for indication and fault shutdown. All WD panels feature Swichgages for oil pressure (0 - 100psi / 0 7 bar) and coolant temperature (50 120C). Options are also available for indication/shutdown of pump water pressure (0 20 Bar), oil temperature (60 140C) and auxiliary contact shutdown: see how to order overleaf for a full feature reference. Each panel uses a robust steel, black painted enclosure, fitted with a rotating bracket for ease of installation and use. Mobile equipment warning-before-shutdown versions (WD107/277) are also fitted with a Murphy Selectronic TL7 flashing alarm light and SAH mini-siren, both of which activate on fault, 30 seconds before an automatic shutdown. Standard panels are supplied complete with a 2 metre oil line and adaptors, 3 crimped wires for electrical connection (battery positive, battery negative and fuel/shutdown output) and a wiring diagram. The WD series is designed for use on 12VDC engines with energised-to-run type fuel solenoids.
85 35 83 20
TL7 flashing alarm on WD107 only. Panel/Swichgage orientation:- vertical in WD100 - horizontal in WD107
150 O7
210 225
35 80
85 35
83 20
TL7 flashing alarm on WD277 only. Panel/Swichgage orientation:- vertical in WD270 - horizontal in WD277
220 O7
280 295
35 80 40
85 40 20
A two year limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this Murphy product. Details are available at
150 370 385 O7 150
40 80
WD100 General engine protection, instant fault shutdown
While starting the engine, hold in the 518APH reset button until the engine starts and the Swichgage low oil pressure contact clears. As soon as a low oil pressure or high coolant temperature fault occurs, the WD100 will immediately shut down the engine. Rectify the fault causing shutdown, then resume operation.
WD275 Pump applications, instant shutdown, adjustable timed lockout of low pump pressure on startup
Turn the low pump pressure lockout timer to the required time (0 15 minutes), hold in the 518APH reset button, then start the engine. The reset button may be released once the engine has started and the Swichgage low oil pressure contact has cleared. Engine low oil pressure, engine high coolant temperature and pump high pressure faults will then cause an immediate engine shutdown. Once the set lockout time has expired, a pump low pressure fault will also cause an engine shutdown. Rectify the fault causing shutdown, then resume operation.
WD107/WD277 Mobile applications, warning before shutdown, auto override of low pump pressure on startup
Start the engine in the normal manner. The red light (TL7) will flash and the Mini-Siren will sound until the engine starts and lifts the Swichgage low oil pressure contact. If the red light comes on or the Mini-Siren sounds during normal driving it is a warning to shut down the engine as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the panel will shut down the engine automatically within 30 seconds. After an automatic shutdown, the engine may be restarted in the normal way, but will only run for 30 seconds. Once the vehicle has been safely stopped, rectify the engine fault then resume normal operation.
How to order
Please select the stock number below based on the features required:Manual lockout of low pump pressure on startup Warning before shutdown (flashing lamp and mini-siren) 20T coolant temperature Swichgage (50 - 120C) with 2m capillary 20T oil temperature Swichgage (60 - 140C) with 2m capillary High/low pump pressure Swichgage (0 - 20 Bar) with 3m utility line Adjustable 0 - 15 minute lockout of low pump pressure on startup Socket & jackplug auxiliary shutdown input Manual lockout of engine fault on startup Automatic lockout of engine fault on startup Instant fault shutdown 20P oil pressure Swichgage (0 - 100psi / 0 - 7 bar)
Stock number
Panel type
B2644 WD100 B2880 WD107 B6407 WD107 B2842 WD270 B5918 WD275 B6300 WD277
12 12 12 12 12 12
Oil line, 2m
FRANK W MURPHY LTD. Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ, United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
Auto pump start/stop from high and low float contacts Engine fault shutdown protection and indication Engine speed tachometer and overspeed protection IP54 weatherproof enclosure
Panel B6455 provides automatic or manual control, instrumentation and protection for 12V DC diesel-driven pumps. The panel includes: Sheet steel, black-painted, IP54 enclosure Murphy ASM170 control module with customised program, for engine auto start/stop and fault protection. Includes LED indicators: (low) oil pressure, (high) engine temperature, failed to start, overspeed, engine running, preheat. Security keyswitch, ManualOffAuto Murphy ATHS-30-12-C combined tacho and hourmeter Charge alternator lamp, for alternator excitation and failure warning. Power supply fuse holder and 10A fuse. Integral 10-way, 700mm wiring harness for engine control connections. 2 x 4-way sockets on the front facia (complete with removable weatherproof covers) for connection of auto start and auto stop float level switches. 2 x 4-way plugs (complete with removable weatherproof covers) are supplied loose for use on the float switch wiring harness. Operator control is through the Manual-Off-Auto keyswitch:Manual Gives an immediate, automatic start of the pump and continuous running. Off Auto Removes power the ASM170 control module, giving an immediate engine stop or fault reset. Pump auto start/stop controlled by remote float level switches. Default set-up is for auto start and auto stop by separate, momentary closing remote contacts, but ASM170 can be configured for use with a single closed-to-start, open-to-stop contact.
Product specification
Power supply: operating voltage: ASM170 controller ATHS tachourmeter current consumption: standby (typ) cranking (typ) Inputs: engine low oil pressure & high coolant temperature magnetic pickup voltage range:autostart and autostop Outputs: fuel preheat and crank combined output (fuel, preheat and crank) Settings: crank/rest time (ASM pot R1) crank attempts (ASM switches) lockout delay (ASM pot R5) minimum run time (ASM pot R4) crank release freq. (ASM pot R3) overspeed freq. (ASM pot R2) tachometer calibration Physical: overall dimensions (W x H x D) approx. weight operating ambient temperature Accessories (supplied loose): magnetic pickup 68.MP.0060 thread: M16 x 1.5 length: 48mm connection: 6mm spade SPNO relay, max 60A @ 12 VDC SPDT relay, max 30A @ 12 VDC 170 x 250 x 165 mm 2.7 Kg o 10 to +55 C 10 secs (adjustable 1 - 25 sec) 3 (adjustable to 5, 10 or 255) 10 secs (adjustable 1 300 sec) 5 mins (adjustable 0 60 mins) 13 2300 Hz 13 8500 Hz 70 to 225 teeth (pulses per rev) 12V DC nominal 6 to 16 VDC continuous 11.6 to 16 VDC continuous (N.B. excludes output load) 7 mA @ 12V 250 mA @ 12V closed to negative DC on fault 1.5 14.4 V AC rms momentary closed to start/stop (all ratings for resistive load) positive DC, smart-FET, 10A max, for energised to run fuel controls positive DC, switched relay, 5A max per output 10A max, protected by replaceable supply fuse
The ASM170 control module gives an automatic (starter motor) crank release in both manual and automatic start modes, using a flywheel/gearwheel mounted magnetic pickup to sense engine speed. Pickup model 68.MP.0060 is supplied loose with each panel. The automatic engine start sequence comprises: 3 crank attempts (adjustable to 5, 10 or 255) 6 second preheat (non-adjustable) 10 sec crank/rest time (adjustable 1 to 25 secs) If the module fails to sense engine speed after the set number of start attempts, a Failed To Start fault is signalled. The magnetic pickup circuit also feeds the ATHS tacho/ hourmeter. Tachometer calibration, and the ASM170 crank release and overspeed shutdown levels, must be set during panel commissioning. Engine low oil pressure and high engine temperature faults are sensed by connection of remote fault switch or Murphy Swichgage contacts (not supplied), closing to negative DC during fault. The following are supplied loose with each panel: 1 x 60 Amp (preheat) and 1 x 30 Amp (starter solenoid) slave relays, for external connection when preheat and crank solenoid loads exceed the panel outputs 5 Amp ratings. 68.MP.0060 magnetic pickup, for speed sensing 2 x 4-way connectors with terminal covers, for use in the float switch wiring harness. Circuit diagram and product specification
Electrical connection
Panel-to-engine electrical connection is via a 10-way, 700mm wiring harness with numbered leads as detailed below. A full wiring diagram (SE6448) is supplied with each panel:1 Battery positive power supply, 12 VDC (10A max) 2 Battery negative power supply 3 Crank output, positive DC (5A max.) 4 Preheat output, positive DC (5A max.) 5 Fuel output, positive DC (10A max.) 6 Charge alternator WL 7 Magnetic pickup speed input positive 8 Low oil pressure input, closed to negative on fault 9 High engine temperature, closed to negative on fault 15 Magnetic pickup speed input negative
Position the panel in a location that minimises extremes of temperature or ingress of moisture and dust/dirt. Where required, used optional anti-vibration/shock mounts.
123 122 (mm)
A two year limited warranty on materials and workmanship is given with this product. Full details are available at
8 170 B A Allow a minimum of:A = 35mm at front facia (60mm with key) B = 70mm at base for wiring harness
How to order
stock code model / description Pump control panel, supplied complete with B6455 magnetic pickup, slave relays and wiring harness connectors. Accessories:91.12.0038 Optional shockmounts, UNC (up to 4 may be required) 60.WS.2162 Magnetic pickup screen cable, per metre
Further information
document description SE6448 B6455 circuit diagram ASM-03021B ASM170 control module sales bulletin ASM-03024N ASM170 control module installation TAH-97026B AT series tachometers sales bulletin TAH-97029N AT series tachometers installation ys6336 magnetic pickup sales bulletin MP-8802N magnetic pickup installation Full information for the above and other products is available at
FRANK W MURPHY LTD. Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1QZ, United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
In order to consistently bring you the highest quality, full featured products, we reserve the right to change our specifications and designs at any time.
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Stock code: Panel type: Circuit reference: B0636 Diagnostic Centre, 24V SE0640
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 24 Volt battery starting system and an energise-to-run fuel control system. Starting is manually initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat/Start keyswitch, as follows:Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Heat Start Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised. The starting sequence will be as follows:Off On Heat a) b) The operator should discontinue cranking (by releasing the keyswitch) should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. There is a 30 second start up lock out delay and then the engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) iii) iv) v) Low oil pressure Low oil level (customer supplied switch, close on fault) High coolant temperature Low coolant level (customer supplied switch, close on fault) Engine overspeed
In the event of any of the above faults, the relevant shutdown lamp is illuminated giving first out indication and the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. An EG21 voltmeter, 24V is installed to monitor the battery voltage. An oil pressure Swichgage 20PI 100 PSI is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. A suitable 3.0 metre premium quality oil line will also be supplied loose. A coolant temperature Swichgage 20TI 120C is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. This is supplied complete with 3.0 metres of capillary. A SS300 speed switch is installed for overspeed shutdown. A tachoursrun counter ATHS-30-12-C is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours. A magnetic pickup is supplied loose complete with 3 metres of shielded cable. This should be installed into the engine fly-wheel housing, and provides engine speed information to the Diagnostic Centre.
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Stock code: Panel type: Circuit reference: B2900 Diagnostic Centre, 12V 1E2903
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 12 Volt battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat Start keyswitch, as follows:Off On Heat Heat Start Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised.
The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) Low oil pressure ii) High coolant temperature
Customer supplied switch, normally open, closing to battery negative on fault. In the event of any of the above faults, the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. An hoursrun counter is installed in the front panel to record total engine running hours. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made to a clearly labelled wiring harness. Free issue components required are as follows : Temperature Switch Crimp And Receptacle (Part Number: 385620270, Supplier: Perkins) Alternator Plug (Part Number: 385620290, Supplier: Perkins)
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Stock code: Panel type: Circuit reference: B2935 Diagnostic Centre, 12V 5E2858
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 12 Volt battery starting system and an energise-to-run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat Start keyswitch, as follows:Off On Heat Heat Start Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised.
The starting sequence will be as follows:a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults:i) Low oil pressure ii) High coolant temperature
In the event of any of the above faults, the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. An oil pressure Swichgage 20P 100 PSI-B is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. A suitable 1.0 metre premium quality oil line will also be supplied loose. A coolant temperature Swichgage 20T 120C-B is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. This will be complete with 2.0 metres of capillary. A tachoursrun counter ATHA-30-12-C is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours. A charge ammeter and alternator warning light are provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings and a mounting bracket are provided for mounting on the engine, and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled wiring harness.
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Stock code: Panel type: Circuit reference: B3079 Marine monitoring panel, 24V 5E3082
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and monitoring of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 24 Volt insulated return battery starting system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Start keyswitch, as follows:Off Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. Start Move the keyswitch to the Start position and the starter motor solenoid output is energised. The starting sequence will be as follows:a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following conditions :i) Low oil pressure ii) High coolant temperature
In the event of any of the above faults, the relevant lamp will illuminate to warn of the condition. An oil pressure Swichgage A20EO 100 PSI is installed in the front panel for indication and warning. A coolant temperature Swichgage A20ESR 120C is installed in the front panel for indication and warning. This will be complete with 3.0 metres of capillary. A gearbox oil pressure Swichgage A20P K 400PSI is installed in the front panel for indication only. A voltmeter is installed to monitor the battery voltage. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, with all textual labels and identification shown in English, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled terminal strip inside.
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel specification
Title Drawing No. Date Drawn By Rev EEC 200 Series Controller SS4688 24.11.98 CEA Date Initials
Revision Details
This EEC Series Controller is for automatic control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 12 Volt battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of a Hand-Off-Auto selector switch, as follows :Hand Off Auto Move the selector to Hand and the engine will start and run. Move the selector to Off and engine will shut down. Move the selector to Auto, and two remote, normally open contacts are monitored. Closure of the float switch (high contact) will initiate an automatic start. The engine will automatically stop and return to standby when the second float switch (low contact) opens.
The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) c) d) Pre-heat for 10 seconds. 3 crank attempts (adjustable), each of 10 seconds, separated by 20 seconds rest. Pre-heaters are active during cranking. Cranking is discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) iii) iv) Low oil pressure High coolant temperature Overspeed Failed to start (After completing all attempts)
In the event of any of these faults, the appropriate indicator on the front panel will light, and the engine will shut down. The controller will require reset by switching to Off before normal operation can be resumed. An hoursrun counter is installed in the front panel to record total engine running hours.
An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. A magnetic pickup is supplied loose complete with 3 metres of shielded cable. This should be installed into the engine fly-wheel housing, and provides engine speed information to the controller. Output signals to the starter motor, preheater and fuel control solenoids have a maximum rating of 5 Amps. Please ensure the use of solenoid relays (customer supply) for installation onto the engine. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, protected to IP55 and finished in beige. Lugs are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework. Anti-vibration mountings should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled terminal strip inside.
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Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Title Drawing No. Date Drawn By Authorised EEC 200 CONTROLLER SS5129 27/4/99 MP
This EEC Series Controller is for automatic control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 12 Volt battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of a Hand-Off-Auto selector switch, as follows :Hand Off Auto Move the selector to Hand and the engine will start and run. Move the selector to Off and engine will shut down. Move the selector to Auto, and two remote, normally open contacts are monitored. Closure of the float switch (high contact) will initiate an automatic start. The engine will automatically stop and return to standby when the second float switch (low contact) opens.
The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) c) 3 crank attempts (adjustable), each of 10 seconds, separated by 10 seconds rest (adjustable). Cranking is discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) iii) iv) Low oil pressure High coolant temperature Overspeed Failed to start (After completing all attempts)
In the event of any of these faults, the appropriate indicator on the front panel will light, and the engine will shut down. The controller will require reset by switching to Off before normal operation can be resumed. A digital tachoursrun counter MTH6 is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours.
A fully automatic battery charger, 5 Amps maximum, operating from a 240/220 VAC supply is installed complete with a door interlocked isolator and a charge ammeter. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. A magnetic pickup is supplied loose complete with 3 metres of shielded cable. This should be installed into the engine fly-wheel housing, and provides engine speed information to the controller. Output signals to the starter motor and fuel control solenoids have a maximum rating of 5 Amps. We shall supply loose solenoid relays for installation onto the engine. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, protected to IP55 and finished in beige. Lugs are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework. Anti-vibration mountings should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled terminal strip inside.
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Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel specification
Title Drawing No. Date Drawn By Rev A DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE ZS5936 22/05/00 DPE Date 11/9/02 Initials GR
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat Start keyswitch, as follows :Off Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. On Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Heat Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Heat Start Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised. The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) Low oil pressure High coolant temperature
In the event of any of the above faults, the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. An oil pressure Swichgage 20P 100 PSI-B is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. A suitable 1.0 metre premium quality oil line will also be supplied loose. A coolant temperature Swichgage 20T 120C-B is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. This will be complete with 2.0 metres of capillary. A tachoursrun counter ATHA-30-12-C is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours.
An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, with all textual labels and identification shown in English, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled wiring harness.
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Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Stock code: Panel type: Circuit reference: B6085 Diagnostic Centre, 12V 1E6087
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 12 Volt battery starting system and an energise-to-run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat Start keyswitch, as follows :Off On Heat Heat Start Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised.
The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults:i) Low oil pressure ii) High coolant temperature
Customer supplied fault switches, normally open, closing to negative on fault. In the event of any of the above faults, the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. An hoursrun counter 00.00.0865 is installed in the front panel to record total engine running hours. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, with all textual labels and identification shown in English, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled terminal strip inside.
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel specification
Title Drawing No. Date Drawn By Rev Diagnostic Centre 12V 3S5985 22/06/00 DPE Date Initials
Revision Details
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 12 Volt battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat Start keyswitch, as follows :Off Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. On Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Heat Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Heat Start Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised. The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) iii) Low oil pressure High oil temperature Air cleaner restriction
Customer supplied switch, normally open, closing to battery negative on fault. In the event of any of the above faults, the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. A tachoursrun counter ATHA-30-12-C is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault.
The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, with all textual labels and identification shown in English, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled wiring harness. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled terminal strip inside. A 3.0m wiring harness, first 1.0m sheathed is supplied loose.
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Revision Details
This EEC Series Controller is for automatic control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a 24 Volt battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of a Hand-Off-Auto selector switch, as follows :Hand Off Auto Move the selector to Hand and the engine will start and run. Move the selector to Off and engine will shut down. Move the selector to Auto, and two remote, normally open contacts are monitored. Closure of the float switch (high contact) will initiate an automatic start. The engine will automatically stop and return to standby when the second float switch (low contact) opens.
The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) c) d) Pre-heat for 10 seconds. 3 crank attempts (adjustable), each of 10 seconds, separated by 20 seconds rest. Pre-heaters are active during cranking. Cranking is discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) iii) iv) Low oil pressure High coolant temperature Overspeed Failed to start (After completing all attempts)
Customer supplied switch, normally open, closing to battery negative on fault. In the event of any of these faults, the appropriate indicator on the front panel will light, and the engine will shut down. The controller will require reset by switching to Off before normal operation can be resumed.
A tachoursrun counter ATHS-30-12-C is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. A magnetic pickup is supplied loose complete with 3 metres of shielded cable. This should be installed into the engine fly-wheel housing, and provides engine speed information to the controller. Output signals to the starter motor, preheat and fuel control solenoids have a maximum rating of 5 Amps. We shall supply loose solenoid relays for installation onto the engine. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, protected to IP55 and finished in beige. Lugs are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework. Anti-vibration mountings should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made to a clearly labelled terminal strip inside.
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ATVC 12/24v
Frank W. Murphy Ltd. Swichgage House Church Road Laverstock Salisbury SP1 1QZ United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1722 410055 fax: +44 (0)1722 410088 email: web:
Panel Specification
Stock code: Panel type: Circuit reference: B6413 Diagnostic Centre, 24V ZE5940
The Diagnostic Centre is for control and protection of an engine. It is designed to operate with an engine fitted with a battery starting system and an energise to run fuel control system. Starting may be initiated by means of an Off-On-Heat-Heat Start keyswitch, as follows :Off On Heat Heat Start Move the keyswitch to Off and the engine will shutdown. Move the keyswitch to the On position and the fuel solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat position and the pre-heater solenoid output is energised. Move the keyswitch to the Heat Start position and the pre-heater solenoid and starter motor solenoid outputs are energised.
The starting sequence will be as follows :a) b) Cranking should be discontinued as soon as the engine starts. The engine is monitored for the following shutdown faults :i) ii) Low oil pressure High coolant temperature
In the event of any of the above faults, the tattletale on the front panel will actuate and the engine will shutdown. The tattletale will require resetting before normal operation can be resumed. An oil pressure Swichgage 20P 100 PSI-B is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. A suitable 1.0 metre premium quality oil line will also be supplied loose. A coolant temperature Swichgage 20T 120C-B is installed in the front panel for indication and shutdown. This will be complete with 2.0 metres of capillary. A tachoursrun counter ATHA-30-12-C is installed in the front panel to indicate engine RPM and to record total engine running hours. An alternator warning light is provided on the front panel for indication of battery charging alternator fault. The controller features a sheet steel enclosure, with all textual labels and identification shown in English, finished in black. Anti-vibration mountings are provided for mounting on a bulkhead, or on a suitable engine skid framework and should be used where appropriate to avoid subjecting the controller to engine vibration. External connections are made through a gland in the base of the controller to a clearly labelled wiring harness.