Strength Properties of Corn Cob Ash Concrete

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Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3 (2): 297-301 Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2012

2 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(2):297-301 (ISSN: 2141-7016)

Strength Properties of Corn Cob Ash Concrete

Olafusi Oladipupo S and Olutoge Festus A Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Corresponding Author: Olafusi Oladipupo S ___________________________________________________________________________
Abstract The objective of this paper is to enhance the reduction of corn cob wastes and reduce the cost of concrete production by using locally available materials. Physical and mechanical properties of varying percentage of CCA cement concrete and 100% cement concrete of mix 1:2:4 and 0.5 water-cement ratios were examined and compared. A total of 72 concrete cubes of size 150 150 150 mm and 12 concrete cylinders of size 100mm (diameter) x 200mm (height) with different percentages by volume of CCA to Portland cement in the order 0:100, 10:90 and 20:80 were cast, tested and their physical and mechanical properties determined. A high strength (35MPa) concrete was further designed using CCA as a partial replacement for cement with a total of 32 concrete cubes (16 samples each for 0% and 10% partial replacements) and 8 concrete cylinders (4 samples each of 0% and 10% partial replacements). The specific gravity of the CCA was 1.15, while the mechanical properties which included compressive strength tests showed that 10% of the CCA in replacement for cement was quite satisfactory with no compromise in compressive strength requirements for concrete mix ratios 1:2:4 at 7days, but did not meet the standard strength at 14, 21 and 28 days. The 20% CCA replacement for cement did not meet the satisfactory strength requirements at all. While the split tensile test revealed that concrete tensile strength is about 11-12 times lower than its compressive strength. The high strength concrete designed was adequate in compressive and split tensile strength requirement, but did not reach the designed compressive strength of 35MPa at 28days. However, test results showed that the use of CCA as a partial replacement for cement in concrete, particularly in plain concrete works and non-load bearing structures; will enhance waste to wealth initiative. Though CCA could be used as a partial replacement for cement in high strength concrete, but the CCA concrete would take longer time to achieve its designed strength and the CCA concrete would require water/cement ratio less than 0.40. Hence, the use of superplasticizers is required to enhance workability. This research was carried out at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, igeria. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: concrete; corn cob ash (CCA); compressive strength; tensile strength; ordinary portland cement __________________________________________________________________________________________ that 7% of the worlds carbon dioxide emission is I TRODUCTIO Concrete is the most versatile heterogeneous attributable to Portland cement industry (Olutoge et construction material and the impetus of al, 2010). Because of the significant contribution to infrastructural development of any nation. Civil the environmental pollution, to the high consumption engineering practice and construction works around of natural resources like limestone and the high cost the world depend to a very large extent on concrete. of Portland cement etc., we can not go on producing Concrete is a synthetic construction material made by more and more cement. There is need to economize mixing of cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregate the use of cement. One of the practical solutions to and water in the proper proportions. Each of these economize cement is to replace cement with components contribute to the strength their concrete supplementary cementitious materials like corn cob possesses (Gambhir, 2004). Hence, the overall cost of ash, coal fly ash (aka pulverized fuel ash or PFA), concrete production depends largely on the ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), silica availability and cost of its constituents. In Nigeria, a fume, metakaolin (calcined clay), rice husk ash, palm 50kg bag of cement is averagely the most expensive kernel shell ash. However, the significance of this in the production of any concrete. The production of research is to help reduce the cost of concrete cement is increasing annually by 3% (Olutoge et al, production arising from the rising cost of cement, and 2010). It was estimated that global production of reduce the volume of solid waste generated from corn Cement was about 1.3 billion tons in 1996. While this cob using this waste-to-wealth initiative. figure increases yearly, it was gathered that the production of every ton of cement emits carbon Corn cob is the hard thick cylindrical central core of dioxide to the tune of about one ton (McCafrey, maize (on which are borne the grains or kernels of an 2002). Expressing it in another way, it can be said ear of corn). Raheem A.A. (2010) described Corn cob

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(2):297-301 (ISSN: 2141-7016) as the agricultural waste product obtained from maize or corn; which is the most important cereal crop in sub-Saharan Africa. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) data, 589 million tons of maize were produced worldwide in the year 2000 (FAO Records; 2002). The United States was the largest maize producer having 43% of world production. Africa produced 7% of the worlds maize (IITA Records; 2002). Nigeria was the second largest producer of maize in Africa in the year 2001 with 4.62 million tons. South Africa has the highest production of 8.04 million tons (FAO Records; 2002). There had been various research efforts on the use of corn cob ash (CCA) and other pozzolan as a replacement for cement in concrete. Olutoge et al (2010); presented a comparative study on fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) high performance concrete, Ogunfolami (1995); considered mixing of the CCA with Ordinary Portland cement at the point of need (i.e. on site). Adesanya and Raheem (2010); studied the workability and compressive strength characteristics of Corn cob ash (CCA) blended cement concrete. Adesanya and Raheem (2009); also assessed the development of Corn cob ash (CCA) Blended Cement. This present while investigating the strength of corn-cob ash concrete, also attempted an examination of split tensile and high strength properties of such concrete. EXPERIME TAL STUDIES Compressive strength tests were carried out on concrete cubes (150mm 150mm 150mm) while split tensile strength tests were carried out on concrete cylinders 100mm (diameter) x 200mm (height) having varying composition of corn cob ash as a replacement for cement in concrete. Batching operation by volume approach was used adopting a mix of 1:2:4 (cement: fines: coarse aggregates) with water/cement ratio of 0.50. Grade 35 MPa concrete was also designed using the ACI method of mix proportioning with water/cementitious material ratio of 0.45. The following samples were tested in the study 1. ormal Strength Concrete (1:2:4) (i) Control concrete (i.e., 0% CCA replacement) 24cubes and 4 cylinder samples (ii) CCA concrete, 10% 24cubes and 4cylinder samples. (iii) CCA concrete, 20% 24cubes and 4cylinders samples. Mix Proportioning and Casting of Concrete Cubes Batching by volume was adopted in the study. A mix of 1:2:4 (cement: fines: coarse aggregates) was investigated with water/cement ratio of 0.50. The fine

aggregate used was sharp sand. Granite was used as coarse aggregate. A wooden mould of size 150 150 150 mm was used for casting. The mould was assembled prior to mixing and properly lubricated for easy removal of hardened concrete cubes. Twenty Four (24) samples of concrete cubes each were prepared in percentage by volume of corn cob ash to cement as binder in the order 0:100, 10:90 and 20:80 ranging zero to partial replacement of corn cob ash for cement, making a total of seventy two (72) cubes. The mix was uniformly mixed with shovel until it reached a plastic state after which it was placed in the moulds. The molded concrete cubes were given 24 hours to set before striking out the moulds. They were then immersed into large curing basins in order to increase the strength of the concrete, promote hydration, eliminate shrinkage and absorb heat of hydration until the age of test. Cubes were cured for 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days. The cubes were weighed before testing and the densities of cubes at different time of testing were measured as shown in figures 1a. Prior to testing, the specimens were brought out of the curing basins and left in the open air for about 2 hours before crushing. The compressive strength tests were carried out by a mechanically controlled Compression Machine made in Birmingham by W. & T. Avery Limited as shown in figure 2. The maximum capacity of the machine was 2000KN. The strength values were the average of Four specimens tested in each case. Mix Proportioning and Casting of Concrete Cylinders Batching operation by volume approach was also adopted in the study. A mix of 1:2:4 (cement: fines: coarse aggregates) was investigated with water/cement ratio of 0.50. The fine aggregate used was sharp sand with granite as coarse aggregate. Plastic cylindrical pipe moulds with length to diameter ratio of 2:1 (200mm length and 100mm diameter) were used for casting. The mould was assembled prior to mixing and properly lubricated for easy removal of hardened concrete cylinders. The mixing, casting and curing processes followed the same approach as for the concrete cubes, except for the fact that Four (4) samples of concrete cylinders each were prepared in percentage by volume of corn cob ash to cement as binder in the order 0:100, 10:90 and 20:80. The concrete cylinders were cast in four layers of 50mm each and consolidated with a 12mm diameter tampering rod 25times for each layer. The concrete cylinders were subsequently cured and tested at 28days, unlike the cubes that were cured and tested for 7, 14, 21 and 28days.The concrete cylinders were weighed before testing and the densities of concrete cylinders were measured as shown in figure 1b. The split tensile tests were carried out using an electrically controlled Compact1500 compression machine made in England by

Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(2):297-301 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Engineering Laboratory Equipment Limited (ELE) as shown in figure 3. The maximum capacity of the machine was 1560KN. The strength values were the average of four specimens tested in each case. 2. High Strength concrete (i) Control concrete (i.e., 0% CCA replacement) 16cubes and 4cylinder samples (ii) CCA concrete, 10% 16cubes and 4cylinder samples. Design of a High Strength (Grade 35Mpa) Concrete Using Corn Cob Ash The specific gravity of the corn cob ash was a requirement to designing a high strength concrete. So the specific gravity of the corn cob ash was determined by weighing a sample of the dry corn cob ash and equivalent volume of water sample. The ratio of the weight of the corn cob ash sample to the weight of equivalent water sample gives the specific gravity of the corn cob ash. American concrete Institute Method of Mix Design was used to design the grade 35 concrete using corn cob ash as a partial replacement for cement. The mixes designed are listed as follows: Table 1 Batching of designed Grade 35 MPa concrete
Ash Content (kg) Cement Content (kg) Fine Aggregate (kg) Coarse Aggregate (kg) Water/Cement Ratio (liters) CO TROL 8 18.16 21.04 3.6 CCA CO CRETE 0.8 7.2 16.96 21.04 3.6


(b) Fig 1 (a) & (b) Weighing process to determine density of concrete sample


Corn Cob Ash 0% CCA as a partial replacement for cement in concrete CONCRETE: 10% CCA as a partial replacement for cement in concrete

Mix Proportioning and Casting of Concrete Cubes and Cylinders The batching details are presented on Table 5. The moulds were assembled prior to mixing and properly lubricated for easy removal of hardened concrete cubes and cylinders. The mixing, casting and curing processes followed the same approach as for the concrete samples made of batching by volume of mix 1:2:4 above, except for the fact that Sixteen (16) samples of concrete cubes and Four (4) samples of concrete cylinders each were prepared in percentage replacement of cement with corn cob ash as binder in the order 0:100 and 10:90. The concrete cubes were cured and tested at 7, 14, 21 and 28days, while the concrete cylinders were cured and tested at 28days.The density, compressive strength and tensile tests were examined as above for the previous mixes.

Fig 2 Compressive Strength Test

Fig 3 Split Tensile Test


Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(2):297-301 (ISSN: 2141-7016) RESULTS A D DISCUSSIO 1) Concrete batching by volume of mix 1:2:4 The results of the physical and mechanical properties of the varied corn cob ash concrete are presented in Tables 2-5 as obtained from the study. Table-2 gives the average density of the concrete cubes; Table-3 gives the average compressive strengths of the concrete cubes; Table-4 gives the average density of the concrete cylinders; while Table-5 gives the average tensile strength of the concrete cylinders examined. Table 2 Density of the cubes (x103kg/m)
0% Ash Content (Control) 10% Ash Content 20% Ash Content 7days 2.50 14days 2.56 21days 2.62 28days 2.65

25 20 15 10 5 0 7 14 21 28 days days days days

Fig 5 Compressive Strengths (N/mm) of Various Corn Cob Ash Contents Physical/Mechanical Properties It was observed that the specimens were dark colored with increasing percentage of corn cob ash, and setting time and water absorption took much longer in concretes with the ash content than the ones without the ash. The results generally revealed in Table 2 that density increased as curing age increased and decreased with respect to increasing percentage of corn cob ash replacement in concrete samples. Table 3 revealed an increase in the characteristic strength of concrete cubes as per curing age and decreased as per ash content. Table 4 revealed that at 10% ash, compressive strength at 28days was 20N/mm which was less than the control whose value of 24.69 N/mm falls just below the designed 25 N/mm. However, an important pozzolan characteristic is the slow development of strength which implies that 10% corn cob ash concrete might develop the required strength over a longer period of time. 2) High Strength concrete Tables 6-8 shows the results of tests carried out on high strength corn cob ash concrete. Table-6 gives the average density of the high strength concrete cubes; Table-7 gives the average characteristic strength of the high strength concrete cubes; while Table-8 gives the average density and tensile strength of the high strength concrete cubes. Table 6 Density of the designed grade 35 concrete cubes (x103 kg/m)
0% Ash Content (Control) 10% Ash Content 7days 2.42 14days 2.42 21days 2.40 28days 2.40

0% As h C ontent (C ontrol) 10% As h C ontent 20% As h C ontent

2.47 2.39

2.51 2.40

2.56 2.42

2.58 2.42

Table 3 Characteristic strength of the cubes (N/mm)

0% Ash Content (Control) 10% Ash Content 20% Ash Content 7 days 14.67 14days 18.96 21days 21.04 28days 24.69

13.18 9.18

15.41 10.96

19.41 12.74

20.00 13.78

Table 4 Density of the Concrete Cylinders (x103 kg/m)

Ash Content (%) 0% 10% 20% 28days Testing 5.06 4.46 4.65

Table 5 Tensile Strength of the Concrete Cylinders (N/mm)

Ash Content (%) 0% 10% 20%
2.7 2.65 2.6 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.4 2.35 2.3 2.25 7 days 14 days 21 days

28days Testing 2.01 1.72 1.15

0% Ash C ontent(C ontrol) 10% Ash C ontent 20% Ash content





28 days

Fig 4 Densities(x10 kg/m) of Various Corn Cob Ash Content


Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEAS) 3(2):297-301 (ISSN: 2141-7016) Table 7 Characteristic strength of the designed grade 35 concrete cubes (N/mm)
0% Ash Content (Control) 10% Ash Content 7 days 26.00 14days 30.00 21days 33.22 28days 34.00





Table 8 Density (x103kg/m) and Tensile Strength (N/mm) of the high strength Concrete Cylinders at 28days testing
Ash Content (%) 0% 10% Density (x103kg/m) 4.84 4.78 Tensile Strength ( /mm) 2.83 2.42


millennium development goals (MDG), thereby also enhancing the economic power of the rural dwellers if they are encouraged to plant maize from which these corn cobs could be gotten. The global green environment initiative will also be greatly influenced by the reduction in solid waste disposal. The volume replacement attempted to get high strength concrete should be enhanced with super-plasticizers and a further reduction in the water-cement ratio so that concrete of very high strength can be achieved.

Physical and Mechanical Properties The physical properties of the high strength concrete were the same as the ones observed in the previous specimens except for the reduced workability and the specific gravity of the ash was 1.15. Table 6 showed varying values of density of the designed grade 35 concrete, unlike the grade 25 concrete that increased with curing age. Table 7 revealed an increase in compressive strength with curing age; while the compressive strength at 28days was 29.11N/mm which was less than the control whose value of 34.00 N/mm falls just below the designed 35 N/mm. However, it is assumed that a reduced water/cementitious material ratio, will enhance the strength of concrete and as stated earlier, an important pozzolan characteristic is the slow development of strength which implies that 10% corn cob ash concrete might develop the required strength over a longer period of time. CO CLUSIO Based on the findings from this study, the following conclusions can be arrived at; 1. Concrete strengths increases with curing age and decreases with increasing percentage of corn cob ash. 2. Corn cob ash concretes do not attain their design strengths at 28days. The strengths of corn cob ash concrete are dependent on its pozzolanic activities. RECOMME DATIO 1. Subsequent studies should be done on 040% replacement of cement with corn cob ash and in steps of 5%. 2. Concretes with the presence of ash content should be allowed to cure for 90days, by which pozzolanic activity of ash would have been concluded. 3. The use of locally available materials in infrastructure development will be met with the use of corn cob ash as a construction material and ultimately help meet our

ACK OWLEDGEME T The Authors wish to thank Mr. Stephen Obaten of Yaba College of Technology for the Laboratory experiments. REFERE CES ACI Committee 2111. 1-91 (1994): Standard Practice for selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, Mass Concrete, Part 1, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. Adesanya D.A., Raheem A.A. 2009. Development of Corn Cob Ash Blended Cement, Construction and Building Materials, (Vol. 23, pp.347-352). Adesanya D.A., Raheem A.A. 2010. A study of the workability and compressive strength characteristics of corn cob ash blended cement concrete, Construction and Building Materials, (Vol.23, pp. 311-317). Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Records (2002). Retrieved from: default.htm Gambhir, M.L. (2004) Concrete Technology, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, pp. 352-448. IITA. Maize. (2002). Retrieved http://intranet/iita4/crop/maize.htm from:

Ogunfolami T.F. 1995. The Effect Of Thermal Conductivity and Chemical Attack on Corn Cob Ash Cement Concrete, Unpublished B. Sc. Project Report, Department of Building, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Olutoge F.A., Bhashya V., Bharatkumar B.H., and Sundar Kumar S. 2010. Comparative Studies on Fly Ash and GGBS High Performance Concrete, Proceeding of National Conference on Recent Trend and Advance in Civil Engineering-TRACE2010.

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