DDoS Protection Bypass Techniques

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DDoS Protection Bypass Techniques

Version: 0.8

Presented by:
Allison Nixon and Christopher Camejo
Integralis, Inc.
60 Hickory Drive
Waltham, MA 02451
Tel: +1 (860) 761-2900
Fax: +1 (860) 761-0007
Web: http://www.integralis.us

Integralis Inc. 2013. This document is subject to restricted distribution it should not be made accessible to unauthorized persons. It should not be
copied without express permission.

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4
DDoS in a Nutshell ....................................................................................................................................... 5
What is DDoS? ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Attacker Techniques ................................................................................................................................ 5
Exploitation, Obfuscation, and Amplification ...................................................................................... 5
Voluntary DDoS .................................................................................................................................... 6
Cloud Services ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Botnets ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Who is doing it and why .......................................................................................................................... 7
Anonymous .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Organized Crime - Blackmail ................................................................................................................ 8
Booters - DDoS for hire ........................................................................................................................ 9
DDoS Protection Techniques ................................................................................................................... 9
Bypassing Cloud DDoS Protection .............................................................................................................. 11
Principle ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Verifying the Origin IP ............................................................................................................................ 11
Related Domains .................................................................................................................................... 12
Outbound Connections .......................................................................................................................... 12
Servers Leaking IP Addresses ................................................................................................................. 12
Historical Data ........................................................................................................................................ 13
DDoS Provider Specific Information Leakage Issues .............................................................................. 13
Scanning ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Scanning Proof-of-Concept Details ............................................................................................................ 15
Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Identifying Target Ranges ...................................................................................................................... 15
Web Server Scanning ............................................................................................................................. 15
Page Matching ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Potential Issues ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Mitigation Techniques ............................................................................................................................... 17
Firewalling Origin Server ........................................................................................................................ 17
In-Line DDoS Protection ......................................................................................................................... 17
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 18

Confidential Integralis Inc. 2013 3

Integralis is a global information security consulting and managed security services firm. We offer a
broad range of services to our clients, including analysis of threats and incident response. This document
relates to recent threat research, and is intended to disclose bypass methods for cloud-based
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection services.

While investigating illicit DDoS-for-hire services that were protected by DDoS protection services,
Integralis has come across some techniques that make it possible to bypass certain commercial DDoS
protection services. Initially we researched the bypass techniques shared in the criminal underground,
and after understanding the underlying mechanisms we began to discover more methods. In our
research, we have discovered that the majority of surveyed DDoS protected websites are not protected
against these bypass techniques. We have continued investigating these techniques so that we can
better advise our clients and we believe that the public needs to be aware of our discoveries because
the issues described here may result in attackers bypassing their improperly (and sometimes properly,
depending on vendor recommendations) configured DDoS protection services.

Since several companies offer different types of DDoS protection services these techniques may not
apply to each and every DDoS protection service. If a company provides cloud based WAF or other
filtering services the same bypass methods may apply to those protections too. Fundamentally, these
flaws affect any service that uses DNS to route traffic. Services that use BGP to reroute traffic are not
affected, nor are inline services.

This document provides a basic overview of DDoS techniques and profiles of some of the groups known
to launch DDoS attacks, a discussion of the techniques available to bypass cloud-based DDoS protection
services, a detailed description of a proof-of-concept tool Integralis has developed to demonstrate the
scanning technique discussed in this document, and descriptions of possible techniques to mitigate
these attacks.

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DDoS in a Nutshell
What is DDoS?
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a method of temporarily slowing down or making a
target site or network inaccessible to its normal users through a flood of traffic from a large number of
other hosts.

Traditional non-distributed Denial of Service (DoS) attacks rely upon a single or small number of hosts
exploiting specific vulnerabilities in their target. These vulnerabilities could include programming flaws
that allow the service to be crashed remotely via the network or design flaws in the programs or
operating systems that make it easy for a single attacker to exhaust the resources of a server. These
traditional DoS attacks can be mitigated by fixing the underlying flaws in the software or deploying
Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) that can detect and block attempts to exploit these flaws.

The reliance of traditional DoS on specific flaws that can be mitigated is a sharp contrast to DDoS attacks
that rely primarily on the sheer volume of traffic to overwhelm their targets regardless of any underlying
vulnerabilities. The very nature of the Internets design makes these attacks both possible and difficult
to protect against.

While the underlying concept of flooding a target with traffic is simple, there are a number of advanced
techniques that have evolved to amplify the effects of the flood and there are a number of different
perpetrators behind DDoS attacks, each with their own motives and methods for acquiring control over
enough hosts to launch an effective flood.

Attacker Techniques
Exploitation, Obfuscation, and Amplification
The most rudimentary DDoS attacks simply rely on the sheer volume of traffic to exceed the bandwidth
capacity of the targets Internet connection. This may be trivial to accomplish when targeting small
services hosted internally by companies but becomes much more difficult for services hosted at major
data centers with high speed connections. In these cases it becomes necessary to resort to more
advanced techniques.

One technique that is commonly in use is to try to exhaust the connection table of the target server.
The TCP protocol that underlies most services on the Internet uses a 3-way handshake exchange of
packets to establish a connection. The connection table is how the operating system keeps track of all of
the open connections to the other systems it is communicating with over the network and the table has
a finite size (either limited arbitrarily by the programmer who designed it or by the amount of memory
installed in the target machine). Once the table is full, the target can no longer handle any more
connections and begins refusing any further attempts to connect to it. In this case, the goal of the
attacker is to fill the connection table with his own connections to prevent legitimate users from
establishing their own connections.

Filling the connection table can be easy depending on how the target is configured. The attacker can
send a packet requesting that a connection be opened, thereby causing the target to add an entry to the
connection table, and then intentionally ignore any replies. TCP is designed to be able to cope with
packet loss so the target will retry sending the second packet in the connection handshake back to the

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attacker before eventually timing out and closing the connection. The connection table becomes easier
to fill if the target is configured for a large number of retries with a long timeout. Reducing the retries
and timeouts is possible but this runs the risks of breaking connections to legitimate users who happen
to be on slow links or on links with high packet loss.

One potential mitigation against this type of attack would be to look for IP addresses that are causing a
large number of hung connections and preemptively cull them from the connection table before the
timeout and retry limit is reached. Unfortunately, attackers still have the advantage in this situation as
they do not intend to receive a reply to establish an actual connection and can easily spoof their source
address. Attackers can also monitor the target to determine how long the timeout is set for and begin
establishing actual connections which send and request real data albeit very slowly, ideally just fast
enough to prevent the timeout from dropping the connection.

Instead of flooding the target directly attackers have also used reflected attacks whereby they
leverage other legitimate public services on the Internet to flood the target with traffic. This is easy to
accomplish with DNS, a service similar to a phone book that turns domain names like
www.integralis.com into the IP addresses like that operating systems need in order to
establish connections across the Internet. DNS uses the connectionless UDP protocol rather than TCP
and does not require connection tables and 3-way handshakes. In normal usage a system would send a
single request packet to a DNS server which would then send back one or more reply packets depending
on the size of the resulting answer. An attacker can easily spoof the source of DNS requests,
intentionally sending queries forged to appear as if they are from his intended target to a large number
of DNS servers across the Internet with requests designed to elicit the largest responses possible from
these servers. This amplifies the attackers traffic and conceals his actual source address.

This is certainly not a comprehensive list of DDoS techniques, many combinations of these basic
concepts of exploiting known limitations in software design, leveraging other services to amplify attacks,
and concealing the attackers source addresses are possible. This is simply intended to demonstrate the
hurdles facing companies that are facing DDoS threats and their reasons for increasingly turning to DDoS
protection services.

Voluntary DDoS
The most basic DDoS attacks are launched by volunteers who willingly run DDoS software on their own
personal computers. DDoS tools such as Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) are distributed across the
Internet; users can simply download this software, enter a target IP address, and launch an attack. A
single home user is unlikely to cause a serious outage but a large number of like-minded individuals can
have an impact, especially on smaller sites that are not at major hosting centers.

These types of attacks are typically launched by Anonymous, a hacker group described in more detail
below, as they are the only group that has the ability to muster a large enough number of volunteers to
make this technique effective on any significant target. The disadvantage to voluntarily DDoSing a target
from a personal connection is that it is not very difficult for authorities to track the traffic back to the
perpetrators unless steps have been taken to conceal the source of the traffic. A number of perpetrators
have been arrested as a result.

Cloud Services
The rise of cheap cloud hosting services has opened a new opportunity for small operators who want
the capability to launch DDoS attacks but dont have easy access to volunteer manpower or large

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botnets. Major cloud service providers are typically hosted in top tier datacenters with enormous
amounts of bandwidth and virtualized server capacity. Pricing is also normally usage-based and very
reasonable. Attackers can set up accounts at these cloud service providers and pay to utilize these
legitimate services to send a large volume of traffic to their target from a relatively small number of
source machines.

Most cloud service providers prohibit these types of activities in their terms-of-service and some actively
monitor for and block this activity, so these types of DDoS attacks are typically launched from providers
who do not monitor their networks so strictly.

The largest scale DDoS attacks are usually the result of vast botnets. These are worldwide networks of
home computers and servers that have been compromised by malware and turned into zombies that
await instructions. The largest of these networks use multi-tiered architectures where the attacker
issues commands to bot herders that then forward the commands to the vast network of zombies.
These networks are often used to relay spam messages but can also be ordered to unleash large-scale
DDoS attacks. Compromised home computers usually come to mind when botnets are mentioned, but
compromised servers can contribute much more bandwidth to an attack.

The scale and capacity of these botnets should not be underestimated. The Conficker botnet topped
out at 10.5 million compromised zombie hosts. According to Prolexic, a leading DDoS protection service,
DDoS attacks in the 1st quarter of 2013 were averaging 48.25 gigabits and 32.4 million packets per
second, this exceeds the capacity of an OC-768 (a very large fiber-optic connection used for Internet
backbones and trans-oceanic links) and will certainly swamp anything but the largest hosting provider.

Who is Doing it and Why

Many of the high profile DDoS attacks over the past few years have been perpetrated by Anonymous.
This group does not have formally defined leadership, membership, or ideology. The group takes action
when enough of the individuals who associate themselves with the Anonymous moniker agree that a
particular issue warrants their attention and a critical mass is reached.

The group tends to take action on a variety of issues typically related to perceived instances of
censorship on the Internet and bullying of individuals by powerful corporations or governments but has
also acted on topics as varied as child and animal abuse and hate speech. Since anyone can attribute
their activity to Anonymous, the groups activity is very unpredictable. Some of their major activities
have included attempts to disrupt activities of the Westboro Baptist Church and Church of Scientology,
providing communications support to the Arab Spring protests, attacking credit card companies and
Internet hosting providers in retaliation for terminating their business relationships with WikiLeaks,
supporting the Occupy movement both with a presence on the ground and through online attacks on
banks, and attacks on various companies that publicly announced support for unpopular proposed laws
having to do with online anti-piracy or Internet monitoring measures including SOPA, PIPA, and CISPA.

Making exact statements about the composition and capabilities of Anonymous is difficult due to its ad-
hoc structure but analysis of previous activities seems to reveal that there is a core organization of a few
dozen to a few hundred individuals with the capability to launch reasonably effective hacking attacks to

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extract sensitive information from their targets while a large proportion of the group are only
downloading and running tools provided by others.

The typical Anonymous raid is primarily a DDoS attack intended to knock the target offline causing
them public embarrassment and lost revenue. A number of easy to use DDoS software packages are
available for download on the Internet; unsophisticated individuals associated with Anonymous will
simply download these packages and run them from their own personal computers when they see an
announcement of a designated date, time, and target on one of the numerous message boards and chat
rooms frequented by Anonymous. These individuals run a high risk of getting caught and a number of
them have been successfully prosecuted for their activities in support of Anonymous. More
sophisticated individuals will find other systems to run the DDoS software. If those individuals run a
botnet, they can use their bots to obscure the true source of the attacks. Often there is talk of using
proxies to obscure the attackers identity, however it is difficult to push a large amount of traffic through
public proxies.

As is the case with all DDoS attacks, these activities simply cause the target to be unavailable and do not
directly expose any sensitive data to the attacker but DDoS attacks may also act as a sort of suppressing
fire for further hacking activities that can result in compromised data. When a DDoS attack is launched
the targets IT administrators may immediately become focused on keeping their systems online,
distracting them from any alerts indicating the other more potent attacks. It is not known if this is an
intentional tactic or a possible side-effect of individual uncoordinated attackers each using their own
techniques. The major Anonymous attack against Sony in the spring of 2011 are a possible fit for this
scenario with a large-scale DDoS attack launched against PlayStation Network. After 3 days Sony shut
down the PlayStation Network and announced the compromise of 77 million user accounts, some
including credit card data. Interestingly, in the aftermath, Sony announced the estimated cost of this
attack at $171 million.

Organized Crime - Blackmail

Online organized crime operations, frequently operating out of Eastern Europe, set up large-scale
botnets in order to support their activities including spamming, identity theft, and blackmailing sites
with massive DDoS attacks. These activities are conducted as a for-profit business, in some cases raking
in billions of dollars from illicit activities.

The prototypical example of this phenomenon is the Russian Business Network (RBN). The RBN builds
botnets by distributing malware through affiliate programs similar to those used to promote commercial
brands. Independent affiliates build websites and purchase ads to trick unsuspecting Internet users into
downloading and installing fake antivirus software that make up the zombies within the botnet. One
of the early operations of the RBN was to DDoS online sports betting operations set up in Costa Rica by a
branch of the US mafia. These events led to the formation of Prolexic Technoligies, one of the earliest
and currently one of the premier DDoS protection services1. The RBN eventually moved on to leasing
access to their botnet to spammers as well as offering bulletproof hosting for child pornographers and
other illicit operations. It is speculated that the RBN has a number of Eastern European political
connections that help prevent the breakup of the network by government authorities.

The DDoS attacks launched by organized criminal operations are some of the largest yet seen owing to
the enormous botnets they are capable of assembling. The sheer number of zombie hosts, their wide


Menn, Joseph. Fatal System Error. Public Affairs Books, 2010

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distribution across the Internet, the multi-level command and control architectures used, and the
resiliency measures built into the networks software all make it very difficult to block or quickly
dismantle one of these botnets or their attacks.

Booters - DDoS for Hire

A recent phenomenon is the rise of small-scale DDoS for hire services openly advertising themselves as
stress testing services. While legitimate stress testing services do exist, similar to commercially
available penetration testing services, these Booter operations are unlike legitimate commercial
operations in that they allow attacks to be launched without verifying the identity of their customer or
whether their customer owns the targeted systems. These services are regularly advertised on hacking
forums as a way to knock home Internet connections and small websites offline. Often these booters are
used by gamers to knock their opponents offline, since most games hand a free win to a player if their
opponent disconnects. Many small gaming websites and private servers are also targeted by booters. E-
sports competitions are also affected and need to take countermeasures to prevent the effects of DDoS
attacks because attackers target them for attention and to rig bets on games.

The services are typically run by small groups and payments are received from customers mostly via
PayPal. Sometimes booters are powered by botnets but many booter owners simply rent out high
bandwidth servers located at so called bulletproof hosting providers. The operations use many of the
DDoS obfuscation and amplification techniques described in this document to amplify the impact of
their available bandwidth. A victim being attacked by a booter would also not be able to determine the
source of the attack.

Getting DDoSed is an occupational hazard of Booter operations. These services often use DDoS
protection services themselves to stop attacks from competing booter services. Many of the techniques
for bypassing DDoS protection services discussed in this document were developed or perfected while
working to unmask illegitimate Booter services.

DDoS Protection Techniques

A number of anti-DDoS techniques exist that may or may not be effective depending on the scale of the
attack and the techniques used by the attacker. Simple defensive techniques such as identifying and
blocking IP addresses that are launching attacks on a firewall may block small and unsophisticated
attacks but are easy to bypass, for example, by spoofing the source address of packets. The firewall may
also protect a target server from receiving malicious traffic but the firewall itself has finite resources that
can be exhausted. For large scale attacks the target sites Internet connection itself may be
overwhelmed with a flood of traffic rendering any on-site protection techniques moot.

Various networking tricks can be used to redirect legitimate users and malicious traffic but most have
drawbacks. Redirecting a hostname to an unaffected IP address via DNS during an attack is effective but
takes time to propagate across the Internet and it is easy for the attacker to add the new host to his list
of targets. Routing protocols like BGP can be used to reroute traffic away from affected networks but
can only be used on entire IP blocks rather than individual servers and many companies do not have the
capability to reroute their networks if they do not own their own IP range. DoS Defense Systems (DDS)
are available that work similarly to Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), sitting inline on a network
connection monitoring traffic for signs of attacks and blocking malicious traffic while allowing legitimate
traffic through; these devices cost money and require administration overhead to manage and may also
be rendered moot if the attack is sufficient to saturate the Internet connection that they sit behind.

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A more effective technique than attempting to address DDoS attacks within an organizations network is
to rely on an upstream provider to offer protection. Hosting companies typically have many times the
bandwidth available to a single organizations Internet connection and should be able to stand up to
much larger floods of traffic without major impact. These services can be inline, such as an Internet
Service Provider offering a DDS on their end of a customers Internet connection to prevent link
saturation, or can be cloud hosted services that filter and redirect traffic using DNS or routing protocols.
These redirection techniques are the primary subject of the bypass techniques discussed in this

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Bypassing Cloud DDoS Protection

Many DDoS Protection services are cloud-based, that is the traffic intended for a customers servers is
directed through the providers datacenter where it is filtered (referred to from now on as scrubbing
servers) and valid traffic is forwarded to the customers servers (referred to from now on as the origin).
These providers can use their man-in-the-middle position on the network to transparently provide other
services such as WAF protection and content caching.

The primary principle behind bypassing cloud based DDoS protection services is actually quite simple: If
the attacker can identify the IP address of the origin hidden behind the cloud-based DDoS protection
service, he can directly attack the server. Many of the DDoS protection services rely on the customer
simply pointing their domain names to the protection servers, accomplishing the rerouting through DNS.
Finding the servers real IP address through information leakage can be quite easy. There are a number
of techniques for accomplishing this.

It is important to note that this bypass technique works when DNS is used to reroute traffic, but it will
not work if BGP is used and it will not work if the inspection device is used in-line. Due to the nature of
BGP, attack traffic sent to the origin IP address can still be routed through scrubbing servers.

Verifying the Origin IP

If you have the origin IP, then the simplest way to verify the identity of an origin is to manually resolve
the domain for the secret origin IP in the hosts file of the attacking machine. After adding an entry for
the domain and the secret IP, navigating to that domain in the browser can verify the identity of the

Running Wireshark or some other packet capture program is an effective method to verify the traffic is
indeed bypassing the DDoS protection service. When visiting the home page and running a packet
capture, the outbound GET request should be going to the origin IP and should not be going to any IP
that the domain would normally resolve to. After verifying that the traffic is going to the correct IP, the
response headers should be verified. Many DDoS protection services add on headers in the response
traffic. For example if you view a Cloudflare protected website, you will see a CF-RAY response header,
and a Cloudflare specific cookie. If you view the origin directly, it will not normally have these headers.

Sometimes there are open reverse proxies out there on the Internet that may be mistaken for the
origin, especially while scanning. Checking for the presence of these headers can help to eliminate false
positives. Another way to detect the presence of an open reverse proxy is to send it a request with
another host name that is protected by the same DDoS protection provider. The reason for the
existence of these hosts is unknown but it is worth being aware of.

It should be understood that name-based virtual hosting might be in use by the target site. If this
setting is enabled, the target site will not return the contents of its stored webpages unless the correct
Host header is provided. Any attempt to scan for or verify the origin IP should therefore always contain
the correct Host header.

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Another technique to verify the origin IP would be to launch a large DDoS attack against a suspected IP.
If a server has mitigations in place to prevent serving HTTP responses to requests coming from outside a
cloud providers IP ranges, there may be no obvious signs that it is the origin. Taking down the origin IP
can be an effective method for verifying the origin IP if requesting the website through normal means
would no longer be possible. The cloud provider would only serve up a cached copy of the webpage if
the origin is unreachable.

Related Domains
Perhaps the simplest technique for unmasking the origin IP is to check similar domain names to see if
they also host web sites that match the intended target site. For example, if
http://www.integralis.com is hosted behind a DDoS protection service the attacker could try browsing
to http://ftp.integralis.com. This takes advantage of the fact that many web servers also host other
services, FTP being one of the most frequent, that may have their own domain names that are not
routed through DDoS protection services. Checking the IP of any known subdomains could reveal that
the ftp.integralis.com domain name points to the actual IP address of the server hidden behind the
DDoS protection service.

Outbound Connections
Some dynamic web services have the ability to establish outbound connections for various reasons.
These can include retrieving files to be uploaded into the web site, such as avatar images on a message
board or other application specific purposes. While inbound connections to the web server are routed
through the DDoS protection service the reverse proxy appears to only operate one way. Outbound
connections are not proxied through the DDoS protection service even though inbound connections are.
An attacker can connect to the web site and cause it to take an action that will initiate an outbound
connection to a server under his control. He can then check to see what IP address the connection was
established from and verify whether or not this is the actual IP address of the server behind the DDoS
protection service.

A variation on this technique is to cause the server to send an email. While the server may route the
email through intermediate mail gateways rather than establishing a direct connection to the attackers
mail server, the mail headers normally include IP address information indicating the origin of the email
and the chain of mail servers that it passed through. These headers could potentially reveal the actual IP
address of the protected web server as well.

Servers Leaking IP Addresses

Web servers are complicated and there are a number of opportunities for them to leak information
including their actual IP addresses. An attacker may leverage these to discover the servers true IP
address if DDoS protection services do not take steps to search for the appearance of the protected
servers actual IP address in the content or headers of web pages.

Web server error messages are often quite verbose and can reveal the servers actual IP address.
Triggering one of these error messages can be as simple as requesting a non-existent page to trigger a
404 Not Found error, for example CVE-2000-0649 has always been seen as a security issue for leaking
private IP addresses but it may leak public IP addresses as well. Other server and application specific
vulnerabilities could result in disclosure of the public facing IP address. Since this issue is not typically

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considered a security vulnerability, there is not much available information on public facing IP address
disclosure vulnerabilities. More research needs to be done in this area.

Historical Data
Historical DNS data can be obtained through the ISCs passive DNS database ($7,500 for a copy of the
data), and it may also be recorded and found in Google searches for the domain. Most sites that are
located behind DDoS protection services were at one point available directly on the Internet and
historical DNS records would reflect the servers actual IP address. An attacker utilizing one of these
services could quickly identify the actual server.

Most DDoS protection services recommend to their customers that they change their IP address after
setting up protection, however this instruction may not be followed due to negligence or operational
requirements, as changing the IP address may break infrastructure.

DDoS Provider Specific Information Leakage Issues

In the past, DMCA complaints have been filed against Cloudflare customers for the express purpose of
revealing the IP address of the origin2. Depending on the policies of a DDoS protection provider, abuse
complaints may be used for information leakage purposes.

DDoS protection services also have a bypass mode where the customer can send the traffic to the origin
without passing through the DDoS providers network. This functionality may be triggered if the
customer need to perform troubleshooting, and it may be triggered on some services if a DDoS attack
exceeds the size of attack the customer paid for. This technique has been observed in use by the
criminal underground3 but Integralis was unable to test it first-hand since testing this behavior would
involve attacking Cloudflares network, and commanding that much bandwidth would either cost a lot of
money or involve unethical botnet creation activities.

A last resort method of identifying the actual IP address of server behind a DDoS protection service
would be to scan a range of IP addresses in an attempt to find a directly accessible web site that
matches the protected site. Given enough time this technique should eventually discover the web server
hidden behind the DDoS protection service provided that server does not have mitigations in place that
would prevent it from responding to an HTTP request coming from outside the cloud provider.

Scanning works on the same principle as verifying the origin IP of a site. Instead of manually resolving
the DNS for one suspected IP, the tool simply does this manual DNS resolution and testing for every
single IP in a given range.



t/showthread.php?pid=31747338+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a (this is a
google cached copy of a hackforums thread, a user claiming to be able to bypass Cloudflare in
this way)

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Integralis has developed a proof-of-concept tool to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique
discussed in more detail below.

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Scanning Proof-of-Concept Details

The scanning process involves searching a range of IP addresses to identify live web servers and
comparing the pages returned by these web servers against the DDoS protected version of the target
site to find a match. Barring some issues with open reverse proxies, discussed below, a matching web
site is indicative that the scanner has found the actual web site that the DDoS protection service is
forwarding filtered traffic to.

Identifying Target Ranges

Scanning the entire Internet for potential matching web pages is possible as a last resort although it
would take a significant amount of time and may generate abuse complaints. Initial searches could be
conducted on much smaller ranges such as those belonging to the target company itself or the IP range
of hosting providers that the target company is known to use.

WHOIS records tracking the ownership of domain names and IP addresses are easily queried and will
likely reveal any IP ranges belonging to the target company. Scans of these ranges will likely reveal the
target server if it is located on the target companys own network.

Checking historical DNS data and related domains can also give clues as to what IP ranges the origin may
reside on. Victim.com may be behind DDoS protection, but ftp.victim.com may not be and if
ftp.victim.com is not the same server as victim.com, the chance of them residing in the same hosting
providers range is very high. If a DDoS protection customer changed their IP address with their hosting
provider after enabling protection (as is recommended by multiple providers), their origin server is still
within the same IP range of the hosting provider. If their outbound mail is forwarded through other
servers, those servers may be on the same hosting provider.

Tracking forum and social media postings by the sites administrators can also give clues. If the
administrator recently liked or posted about a hosting provider, the IP ranges of that provider may be
the most likely place to search for the origin IP.

Web Server Scanning

Retrieving candidate pages from the target IP range is the most time consuming part of the scanning
process and limits the rate at which the scan can be conducted. Reducing the HTTP timeout, the amount
of time the scanner will wait for a response from an IP address, can drastically reduce the scan time but
runs the risk of missing web servers that do not respond quickly.

A multi-threaded process can also be used to request multiple pages simultaneously speeding the
process further but this approach will inevitably hit its own resource limits (bandwidth, memory, CPU,
number of open sockets, etc.). The proof-of-concept scanner running with 128 threads and a 3 second
timeout is capable of scanning a /24 network (256 IP address) in a few seconds using this method while
a /16 network (65536 IP addresses) takes about 15 minutes. This scanning concept can be split out
across any number of hosts to increase the amount of resources available thereby reducing the scanning
time and would be particularly potent if launched from a widely distributed botnet.

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Page Matching
Once pages have been retrieved, a simple and fast method of identifying the target page is to simply
search the retrieved contents for a snippet of unique text. The attacker can review the DDoS protected
version of the page to find a unique string that is unlikely to occur on other web pages before launching
his scan and in most cases a unique string should be easy to find.

The scanner must be pointed to a page which will contain unique content. It is not necessary to load the
home page. Any arbitrary page will do. For the sake of efficiency, a user of this scanner should search for
a page that does not redirect and responds with simple, unique text content.

Another interesting approach that may be useful when a unique string cannot be identified is for the
scanner itself to retrieve an entire page from the protected site and compare the contents of this page
against the candidate sites. An exact match may not occur in all cases due to dynamic content but a high
percentage of correlation between the 2 pages indicates a candidate that the attacker should manually
verify. The proof-of-concept tool utilizes both of these modes, accepting a search string on the
command line or performing percent matching if the required libraries are installed.

Potential Issues
An issue that occurs during scans is false-positive matches resulting from open proxies within the
scanned IP ranges. These open proxies will request and return a web page based on the site requested
in the HTTP headers and will appear to the scanner as a name-based virtual host returning the actual
web page. A simple manual check can be performed by the attacker to determine if the matching IP
address will return content for other web pages known to be located elsewhere. Most of these servers
we discovered in our research only served up Cloudflare protected domains and did not respond with
the contents of webpages not behind Cloudflare protection. One way to detect these types of servers is
to request an unrelated Cloudflare domain. If it returns a result, it is acting as a proxy. Manual
verification checks quickly become infeasible for large search ranges that may include hundreds of open
proxies. Any open proxy should request and return content from the DDoS protected version of a page.
If the DDoS protection provider inserts headers into HTTP responses, the attacker can configure the
scanner to use these headers to automatically rule out the false-positives. For example, Cloudflare
protected HTTP responses contain the CF-RAY HTTP header.

Confidential Integralis Inc. 2013 16

Mitigation Techniques
Firewalling Origin Server
Firewalling a server off from direct Internet access, only allowing inbound connections from IP address
associated with the DDoS protection service, is an easy but incomplete technique to mitigate some of
the techniques that can be used to identify the actual IP address of a server behind a DDoS protection

Filtering the server in this manner would prevent attackers from checking related domains and scanning
for matching web pages but would do nothing to defend against outbound connections from the web
server, server information leaks, or historical data revealing the actual IP address. These issues would
have to be addressed separately to keep the IP address hidden.

This mitigation cannot protect against an attacker using a DDoS attack as a method of verifying the
origin IP. Using access rules only helps to maintain the secrecy (or arguably, security-by-obscurity) of the
origin IP.

This mitigation may also harm availability. This is a non-standard configuration and in the event of an
availability related problem, this may make troubleshooting more complicated- especially if the current
administration is not aware of the configuration.

In-Line DDoS Protection

Real in-line DDoS protection is not vulnerable to these bypass methods. If the filtering appliance is
inline, then knowing the IP address of the origin does not help the attacker in any way. The difference
between inline and BGP based mitigation methods and DNS based mitigation methods, is that the
former methods do not attempt to rely on security by obscurity while the latter does.

In-line DDoS protection may be achieved physically, by putting a filtering appliance directly in the path
of the servers, or it may be achieved virtually, by using BGP to redirect traffic intended for the origin IP
through the filtering provider instead.

Using BGP to reroute DDoS traffic poses its own limitations- the DDoS protection customer must own
their own /24 or larger network range and the switchover adds latency and takes several minutes to
take effect. The customer must also deal with privacy concerns because all traffic from that /24 will be
rerouted. This may be a problem if other services run in that range. If this can be achieved, it appears
this is the only effective cloud based method available currently.

If the hosting provider provides DDoS protection as a part of the service, and it is an in-line
arrangement, this may be the best option for users who cannot afford to buy IP ranges or filtering

Using a physical appliance has bandwidth limitations, since it cannot help if a DDoS attacks size exceeds
the bandwidth of the customers connection. Privacy concerns are largely avoided with this method,
since the data would never leave the customers premises.

Confidential Integralis Inc. 2013 17

DDoS attacks are not going away any time soon. Hacktivists will continue to use DDoS as a form of
protest, organized crime will continue to use this as an effective blackmail method, and small
entrepreneurs with their stress testing services will continue to operate. Attackers have been
continually increasing their attack capacity and improving their techniques.

Attempts by organizations to perform their own DDoS protection using existing network security
products such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems are likely to be futile in the face of any sort
of organized attack. The technology is not designed to deal with flood of traffic and the Internet link
itself is the ultimate bottleneck. Organizations that are likely to be targeted by DDoS attacks and cannot
afford downtime should instead turn to commercial protection services if they want to reduce damage
from a coordinated attack.

Among the commercial services, those that use network tricks like DNS based redirection are relying on
security through obscurity, protecting their customers systems so long as the attacker is unable to
determine their targets real IP address. Mitigation methods exist to maintain the obscurity of the origin,
but there are many sources of information leakage. It may not be possible to plug all the sources of
information leakage and an attempt to try may be more expensive than simply switching to a more
effective DDoS mitigation service.

In order to achieve resilient DDoS protection targeted organizations should seek out DDoS protection
services that are truly in-line and cannot be bypassed.

Confidential Integralis Inc. 2013 18

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