State University System of Florida (SUS) Undergraduate Admission Application

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State University System of Florida (SUS)

Undergraduate Admission Application

Admission Application Procedures (Please read in full.)
This is the form you will use for applying for undergraduate admission to any of the eleven universities in the State University
System of Florida. All institutions within the State University System of Florida encourage admission applications from quali-
fied students regardless of color, race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, veteran status, or marital status.

You are urged to submit your application on-line. You may do so by visiting any of the university web site addresses listed within
this application. Please be sure to complete each item, as incomplete forms cannot be processed, and to type or print in black ink.

1. Application for Admission

? Please attach your $20 check or money order (U.S. currency; do not send cash), made payable to the university to which you are
applying. Your application cannot be processed if it is omitted. This is a nonrefundable application fee.
? If you wish to apply to more than one university, a separate application and fee will need to be submitted to each university along
with the documents required. Address your application to the Office of Admissions for each university.
? Applications for admission will not be processed more than one year in advance of the date for which entrance is sought.
? Please contact each university for deadlines and any other information which might facilitate the application process for you.
? You will need to have a U.S. Social Security Number. This is your official student number. Contact your nearest U.S. Social Security
Office to apply for a number, if necessary, before submitting this form. (All international students who are eligible to have a Social
Security Number will need to have one.) The State University System of Florida operated a system of records prior to January 1, 1975,
pursuant to regulations of the Florida Board of Regents that required the use of social security numbers. Therefore, each university may
continue to require the disclosure of social security numbers by applicants and students under the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. This
information was and currently is received from you for the purpose of identification and verification of student records, including
registration, financial aid, and academic records and of verification of identity in connection with the provision of university services.
? Please be sure to answer question 15 in the appropriate place on page 3; to read, sign and complete statement 21 on page 3; and to
complete and sign the Florida Residency Statement on page 5.
? Talented Twenty Program: If you graduate from a Florida public high school in the top 20% of your class, have taken the required
19 credits, and submitted an ACT or SAT test score you are guaranteed admission into the SUS, although not necessarily into the
university of your choice.

2. Official Transcripts
The following transcripts must be sent to the Office of Admissions at the address of the university you check on page 4. Request that
your current name and Social Security Number be added to the transcript if necessary. All transcripts and test scores become the sole
property of the university.
? If you are a beginning freshman or transfer applicant with less than 60 semester hours of transferable academic credit, ask your
high school to forward your official secondary school record.
? If you have attempted any coursework either as dual enrollment in high school or following high school, ask each school to forward
an official transcript of your academic record. Transcripts must be mailed directly from the institution or forwarded electronically.
? Completers of high school by GED must provide an official copy of test scores (as well as a partial high school transcript).
? Transfer students who completed 2 years of the same foreign language in high school must submit official high school transcripts.

3. Admission Test Scores

It is your responsibility to make the necessary arrangements to take the appropriate tests. Contact your school counseling office.
?ACT or SAT scores are required if you are seeking admission as a freshman or transfer with less than 60 semester hours of
transferable academic credit. Have the official test scores forwarded directly to the university by the testing agency.
?Transfer students seeking admission to State Approved Teacher Education programs should contact the university to which they are
applying to determine if there are further criteria or test scores required for admission.
?Applicants whose native language is not English may be required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language and have their
scores submitted by the Educational Testing Service.

4. Additional Information: Admission Consideration Based on Disability

?If you wish to request special admission consideration based on a disability, the SUS will consider this information within the
following guidelines: (1) documentation regarding the disability will need to be provided on a voluntary basis, (2) all information will
be kept confidential, (3) refusal to provide information will not subject the applicant to adverse treatment, and (4) information will only
be used in connection with the university's voluntary efforts to overcome the effects of conditions that may have resulted in limited
participation of persons with disabilities. See item 12, page 2.

Page 1
Type or Print in Black Ink

1.________/____/________ 2. For which term, in which year, do you seek admission?

U.S. Social Security Number August _______ January _______ May _______ June _______
__________________________________________ _________
Last Name Jr., III, etc. 3. This application is for enrollment as:
? First time in college freshman
__________________________________________ ? Undergraduate transfer
First Name ? Second bachelor's degree
__________________________________________ ? Former degree-seeking student returning (no fee required)
Middle Name ? Other:_____________________________

4. If your transcripts, test scores, etc. might arrive under any name(s) other 5. Nation of Citizenship:
than those listed above, enter here:__________________________________ __________________________________________

6. Date of birth: _____/_____/_____ 7. Print your permanent address. All correspondence will be mailed to this address.
8. ? Male ? Female Street Address Apt. No.

9. Race/National origin (please check _________________________________________________________________________

City County (or Province) State/Nation
only one):
? American Indian or Native Alaskan ______________________(_____)_________________(____)____________________
? Asian or Pacific Islander Zip Code Telephone Number Daytime Telephone Number
? Black (not of Hispanic origin)
? Hispanic Fax Number Email Address (if available) Work Zip Code
? White (not of Hispanic origin)
(Each SUS institution is a recipient of federal
dollars and is required by the federal gov-
ernment to solicit certain demographic in- 10. In case of an emergency, indicate the person you request the university to contact:
formation to meet federal reporting re-
quirements. Applicants are requested to _________________________________________________________________________
provide this information voluntarily. This Last Name First Name M.I.
information will not be utilized in a discrimi-
natory manner.) _________________________________________________________________________
Number and Street Address Apt. No.
11. What is your planned major?
College / school? City State/Nation Zip Code

12. If you wish to request special (____)__________________(____)_____________________ Relationship: ? Mother

admission consideration based Telephone Number Daytime Telephone Number ? Father ? Legal Guardian
upon a disability, please check ? Other:_____________________
13. High School Graduation Date: ________/________ _____________________________________________________________
Month Year High School Name (Official transcript must be provided.)
High School Code:________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________
(Ask your counselor for the 6-digit CEEB Number.) City State/Nation
(_________)________________________________ If High School was completed by GED, enter year _____________
High School Area Code and Telephone Number (Official copy of test scores and official partial high school transcript required.)

14. An official transcript from each postsecondary school, college, or university you have attended must be provided.
Please list in chronological order every postsecondary institution (including dual enroll- Enter dates of attendance (including present Enter credit earned
ment) you have attended or will attend prior to entering this university. (You must enrollment) and degrees earned or expected or expected from
include schools even if you did not complete a term.) Include this university if you before attending this university. Include As- each institution at-
attended previously. For multi-campus institutions, indicate the specific campus. sociate Degrees, certificates, or diplomas. tended.
Failure to list all institutions could result in your application being denied or
your admission being rescinded. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Dates of Attendance Degree/Date Credit Hours
From To Earned / Expected Earned / Expected
School Please do not abbreviate. City, State or Nation Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Type Mo. Yr. Number Unit Sem./Qtr.






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Type or Print in Black Ink

Failure to answer these questions will delay processing of your application.

15. If your answer to any of the following is yes, you must submit a full statement of relevant facts on a separate sheet attached to this
form. You may be required to furnish the university with copies of all official documentation explaining the final disposition of the
a. ? Yes ? No Are you currently or have you ever been, charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic or any other type
of misconduct at any educational institution?
b. ? Yes ? No Have you ever been charged with a violation of the law which resulted in, or, if still pending, could result in, probation,
community service, a jail sentence, the revocation or suspension of your driver's license (including traffic violations
which resulted in a fine of $200 or more)?
If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to these questions. If you are unsure whether you
should answer yes to 15a or 15b, we strongly suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents. By doing so, you can avoid any risk of
disciplinary action or revocation of an offer of admission.

16. If you have taken or plan to take any of the tests below, enter the month and year. 17. Have you completed the SUS
Official records of all test scores must be provided. foreign language requirement?
1st Time 2nd Time 3rd Time 4th Time ? Yes ??? No
Test Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr.
ACT __________________________________________________________________ If yes, where?
? High School ? College
SAT ___________________________________________________________________
TOEFL ________________________________________________________________ If yes, please submit appropriate official
CLAST ________________________________________________________________

18. Present High School/College Enrollment

a. If you are currently enrolled in a high school, college, or university, list all high school and college level courses which you are now
taking or expect to complete before entering this university. Use a separate sheet if necessary.
b. If you are not currently enrolled and do not expect to complete any courses, check here.
Courses for Which You Are Now Enrolled Courses You Expect to Complete Before Entering
Name of Institution: ______________________________________ Name of Institution: ______________________________________
Title of Course Course Date Course Credit Hrs. Title of Course Course Date Course Credit Hrs.
No. Will End (Sem./Qtr.) No. Will End (Sem./Qtr.)
Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr.


19. For Non-U.S. Citizens Only:

City and Country of Birth ________________________________________________________
What VISA do you presently hold? ? F1 ? F2 ? J1 ? J2 ? None ? Other:______________ I-94 Expiration Date: ___/___
What VISA are you applying for? ? F1 ? F2 ? J1 ? J2 ? None ? Other:______________ Mo. Yr.
Which institution issued your last I-20?____________________________________________Did you attend? ? Yes ? No
If a permanent immigrant, enter the alien registration number shown on your I-551 form:___________ or you must provide a photocopy
of your Alien Registration card.

20. Provide a history of your activities since leaving high school. List chronologically how you have spent or plan to spend your time prior
to entering this university (employment, military service, etc.). Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Activity City, State or Nation From To
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mo. Yr. Mo. Yr.

21. Important. You must read and sign the following section in order to complete your application to this university.
I understand that this application is for admission to the university designated on page 4 and is valid only for the term indicated in item
2 on page 2. I also understand and agree that I will be bound by the university’s regulations concerning application deadline dates and
admission requirements. I further agree to the release of any transcript, student record, and test scores to this institution (including any
SAT-I, SAT-II, and ACT score reports that this institution may request from the College Board or ACT).
I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate, and I understand that to make false or fraudulent
statements within this application or residence statement may result in disciplinary action, denial of admission and invalidation of credits or
degrees earned. If admitted, I hereby agree to abide by the policies of the Board of Regents and the rules and regulations of the university.
Should any of the information I have given change prior to my enrollment at the university, I shall immediately notify the Office of
I understand that the $20 check or money order I submit with this application is a nonrefundable fee.

_______________________________________________ ____________________________ ________________________

Applicant’s Original Signature (in ink) U.S. Social Security Number Date
Page 3
Type or Print in Black Ink

State University System Application Addresses Staple

Please select one (1) State University System institution from the list below. Attach a check or $20
money order for twenty dollars ($20) payable to the selected institution. Application Fee
If you wish to apply to another SUS institution, you must complete a separate application and Here
submit an additional twenty dollar ($20) application fee to that institution.

You are encouraged to apply on-line.

? University of Florida

? Florida A&M University Box 2946, Gainesville, FL 32602-2946
Tallahassee, FL 32307-3200 ? University of Florida Early Decision
Personal statements are required for admission.
Personal statements are required for admissions.
One written recommendation required.
? Florida Atlantic University ? University of North Florida
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991 Jacksonville, FL 32224-2659
Personal statements are not required for admission. Personal statements are not required for admission.

? FAU Honors College ? University of South Florida

Jupiter, FL 33458 Tampa, FL 33620-6900
Supplemental application materials are required. Personal statements are not required for admission.

? Florida Gulf Coast University ? New College of Florida

Ft. Myers, FL 33965-6565 Sarasota, FL 34243-2197
Personal statements are not required for admission. Personal statements are required for admission.

? Florida International University ? University of West Florida

Miami, FL 33199-0001 Cashier’s Office, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750
Personal statements are not required for admission. Personal statements are not required for admission.

? Florida State University If applicable, enter name of Center/Branch/Regional/Area

Box 5000, Tallahassee, FL 32314-5000 Campus:___________________________________________
Personal statements are required for admission.
Have you previously submitted an application to this
university? ? No ? Yes Term__________ Year__________
? University of Central Florida Have you ever attended this university? ? No ? Yes
P. O. Box 628286, L-2031 From _______________________ to ___________________________
Orlando, FL 32891-7059
Personal statements are strongly recommended for admission.

Personal Statement (for freshmen applicants only)

The personal statement is a very important part of your application. It assists the University in knowing you
as an individual, independent of test scores and other objective data. We ask that you respond to two of the
topics below. Your personal statement should be no longer than 250 words each or a total of 500 words for
both personal statements. The best personal statements are not necessarily the longest ones.

1) Describe an activity, interest, experience, or achievement in your life (this could be a book, movie or an
activity or experience at work, home or school) that has been particularly meaningful to you.

2) How has your family history, culture, or environment influenced who you are?

3) What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the univer-
sity community?

Page 4
Information for Residency Classification
A Florida “resident for tuition purposes” is a person who has, or a dependent person whose parent or legal guardian has, established and maintained legal
residence in Florida for at least twelve months. Residence in Florida must be as a bonafide domicile rather than for the purpose of maintaining a residence
incident to enrollment at an institution of higher education. To qualify as a Florida resident for tuition purposes, you must be a U.S. Citizen, permanent
resident alien, or legal alien granted indefinite stay by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Other persons not meeting the twelve-month legal
residence requirement may be classified as Florida residents for tuition purposes only if they fall within one of the limited special categories authorized by
the Florida Legislature and Board of Regents. All other persons are ineligible for classification as a Florida “resident for tuition purposes.” Living in or
attending school in Florida will not, in itself, establish legal residence. Students who depend on out-of-state parents for support are presumed to be legal residents
of the same state as their parents.
Non-Florida Residents
I understand that I do not qualify as a Florida resident for tuition purposes for the term for which this application is submitted and that if I should
qualify for some future term, it will be necessary for me to file the required documentation prior to the beginning of the term to be considered
for Florida residency classification.
Signature in Ink: Date:
Florida Residents
This section must be completed in full if you claim Florida residency for tuition purposes.
?Attach copies (if any) of documents required.
?A notarized copy of your and/or your parents’ most recent tax return or other documentation may be requested to establish
Dependent: a person for whom 50% or more of his/her support is provided by another as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.
Independent: a person who provided more than 50% of his/her own support.
?A copy of marriage certificate is required in all cases of spouse claiming partner’s residency.
? A. I am an independent person and have maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months.
? B. I am a dependent person and my parent or legal guardian has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months.
? C. I am a dependent person who has resided for five years with an adult relative other than my parent or legal guardian, and my
relative has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. (Required: Copy of most recent tax return on which you
were claimed as a dependent or other proof of dependency.)
? D. I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. I have now established legal
residence and intend to make Florida my permanent home. (Required: Copy of marriage certificate, claimant’s voter registration,
driver license and vehicle registration.)
? E. I was previously enrolled at a Florida state institution and classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. I abandoned my
Florida domicile less than 12 months ago and am now re-establishing Florida legal residence.
? F. According to the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service, I am a permanent resident alien or other legal alien granted
indefinite stay and have maintained a domicile in Florida for at least 12 months. (Required: INS documentation and proof of
Florida residency status.)
? G. I am a member of the armed services of the United States and I am stationed in Florida on active military duty pursuant to military
orders, or whose home of record is Florida, or I am a member’s spouse or dependent child. (Required: Copy of military orders or
DD2058 showing home of record.)
? H. I am a full-time instructional or administrative employee employed by a Florida public school, community college or institution
of higher education, or I am the employee’s spouse or dependent child. (Required: Copy of employment verification.)
? I. I am part of the Latin American/Caribbean Scholarship program. (Required: Copy of scholarship papers.)
? J. I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Prepaid College Program (s.240.551, F.S.).
? K. I am living on the Isthmus of Panama and have completed 12 consecutive months of college work at the F.S.U. Panama Canal Branch,
or I am the student’s spouse or dependent child. (Required: Copy of marriage certificate or proof of dependency.)
? L. I am a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision of the state whose student fees are paid by the state agency or
political subdivision for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or corrections training.
? M. I am a Southern Regional Education Board’s Academic Common Market graduate student. (Required: Certification letter from
State Coordinator.)
? N. I am a McKnight Fellowship recipient. (Required: Verification from graduate studies.)
??O. I am an active member of Florida National Guard who qualifies under s.250.10 (7) and (8) for the tuition assistance program.
Person claiming residency must complete this section in full.
?Documents supporting the establishment of legal residence must be dated, issued, or filed 12 months before the first day of classes of the
term for which a Florida resident classification is sought. All documentation is subject to verification.
?Additional documentation other than what is required above may be requested in some cases.

1. Name of Student:_________________________________________ 2. Student’s Social Security Number:_______/_____/_______

3. Name of person claiming Florida residency:____________________ 4. Claimant’s relationship to student:______________________
5. Claimant’s permanent legal address: 6. Claimant’s telephone number:(______)__________________
Street/P.O. Box Apt . No. City State Zip Code
7. Date claimant began establishing legal Florida residence and domicile:________/_________/________
8. Claimant’s voter registration: State:______ Number:______________County:____________ Issue Date:____/____/____
9. Claimant’s driver license: State:______ Number:_________________________________ Issue Date:____/____/____
10. Claimant’s vehicle registration: State:______ Tag Number:_____________________________ Issue Date:____/____/____
11. Non-U.S. Citizen only: Resident Alien Number:_______________________________ Issue Date:____/____/____
(Copy of both sides of card required.)

I do hereby swear or affirm that the above named student meets all requirements indicated in the checked category above for classifica-
tion as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. I understand that a false statement in this affidavit will subject me to penalties for
making a false statement pursuant to 837.06, Florida Statutes, and to Rule 6C-7.005 F.A.C.
Signature of person claiming Florida residency (as listed in item #3 above) Date Revised 4/15/2002 Page 5
1. Please circle your housing preference:
2. Are you a veteran of the U.S. Military? Yes No
on-campus (if available) off-campus
(Separate application required)
3. If your native language is other than English, how many
4. Names of your immediate family who have attended
years have you studied and spoken English? ______
this university:
Language: _______________ years spoken: ______ Name: Relationship:
Language: _______________ years spoken: ______ __________________________________________

5. Have you ever participated in any programs or activities to help you prepare for higher education (e.g., University
Outreach, Talent Search, Upward Bound, Junior Achievement, 4-H, etc.)? Please list all programs and activities.


6. Extracurricular, personal and volunteer activities: (you may attach additional sheets if necessary)
a. Extracurricular activities: list your organization(s), position, description of the activity and hours per week of involvement.

b. Community service work: list the type of work, your role and hours per week of involvement.

c. Talents and awards: list each, a description, the level and number of years of involvement.

d. Employment: list the job, title, description, hours per week and dates of employment.

7. Do you believe that you meet, or will meet, the criteria stipulated on page one for being a Talented Twenty designee? ____
The information requested below is optional, but it may assist in the review of your admission. You are, therefore, strongly
encouraged to respond to these questions.
Please indicate the highest level of your parent’s or Please indicate, for the most recent tax year, your family’s
legal guardian’s educational background: gross income. Include both untaxed and taxed income.
Father/legal guardian: Less than $20,000
None Some Diploma/Degree $20,000-$39,000
High School $40,000-$59,000
College $60,000-$79,000
Other more than $80,000

Mother/legal guardian:
Do you have family obligations that keep you from
None Some Diploma/Degree
participating in extracurricular activities?
High School
Yes: No:
a. I have to work to supplement family income.
Please describe:
Are you living in a single parent home? Yes No

How many people, including yourself, live in your household? b. I provide primary care for family member(s).
Please describe:
(Include brothers and sisters attending college.) ______
c: Other
Please describe:
Parent/legal guardian occupation:
father: ____________ mother: _____________
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