CMU CMU Application Form

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CANADIAN MENNONITE UNIVERSITY Application for Admission Form

Apply online at

Section 1: How to Complete the Application Procedure (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown Applicants)
The following must be received in the Admission office in order for your application to CMU Shaftesbury Campus
or CMU’s Outtatown Discipleship School to be considered complete:
o Completed application form, specifically sections 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for Shaftesbury Campus or Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 for Outtatown.
o Application fee (non-refundable $80 for Canadian/US students with Canadian/US transcripts; $150 for International students).
This fee is waived for Canadian and US students if the application process is completed by November 30 (including official transcripts).
Applications and/or transcripts post-marked after November 30 require a $80 non-refundable fee.
o Official high school transcripts (interim if still in school, final as soon as possible). Photocopies, faxes, and emails are not acceptable.
o If still in high school, a listing from your school of current courses you are/will be taking in your senior year (grade 12).
o Official post secondary transcripts if applicable. Photocopies, faxes, and emails are not acceptable.
o If applicable a copy of Marriage or Name Change certificate.
o Two reference forms (required for all Outtatown applicants and Shaftesbury Campus students planning to live on campus).
o Completed housing portion form (section 8) if living on campus.

International students only

o Official notice of English Language Proficiency Scores (i.e. T.O.E.F.L. CanTEST, IELTS, PT-Academic) if English is not your first language.
o If not born in Canada, copy of passport or permanent resident card. (Original must be seen upon arrival at CMU.)

CMU’s Mission and Values

CMU is an innovative Christian university, rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition, moved and transformed by the life and teachings of
Jesus Christ. Through teaching, research and service CMU inspires and equips women and men for lives of service, leadership and
reconciliation in church and society.
CMU welcomes students of all faith commitments. We are a diverse community, reflecting a wide variety of backgrounds, faith journeys
and convictions. In our life together, we seek to nurture a common commitment to Jesus Christ and to each other as members of this faith
community. At the same time we welcome those of other religions who are not Christian, but wish to study in a Christian environment.
At CMU, we seek to function as a Christian community, supporting encouraging, exhorting and holding each other accountable to
discipleship living. CMU places a high value on ensuring the health of its community. Therefore, actions that are harmful to oneself or
other persons, which undermine the health of the community or seriously disrupt the life and educational activities of the university
will not be tolerated.

Payment Method:

o Cash (in person only) o Interac o Money Order (payable to CMU) o Cheque (payable to CMU)

o VISA o Master Card Card Number ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Expiry Date: ______ /______ Signature: _____________________________________________________

500 Shaftesbury Blvd., Winnipeg, MB, R3P 2N2 Canada | T: 204.487.3300 | TF: 877.231.4570 | Fax: 204.487.3858 | [email protected] |

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Section 2: Personal Information (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown Applicants)
o Mr. o Ms. o Miss o Mrs.
Permanent Address or Parents/Guardians Mailing Address if applicable
Surname: ________________________________________________
Names (Parents/Guardians) if applicable: _____________________
Given Name: _____________________________________________
Middle Name(s): __________________________________________
Permanent Address: ______________________________________
Preferred Name: __________________________________________
City/Town: ___________________Province/State: ______________
Previous or Other Names (Surnames): _________________________
Postal/Zip code: ____________ Country: ______________________
Current Address: _________________________________________
Telephone: ( ) __________________________________________
City/Town: ________________________Province/State:__________
Email: __________________________________________________
Postal/Zip Code: _______________________Country: ___________
Emergency Contact Person: ________________________________
Current until the following date: _____________________________
Telephone: ( ) __________________________________________
Telephone: ( ) ______________ Cell: ( ) ________________
Relationship to applicant: __________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________
I authorize my Parent/Guardian/Emergency contact to discuss my
Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YYYY) ______ / _______ / ___________ application form and provide information to CMU on my behalf:
o Yes o No
Gender: _____________________________________________

Marital Status: Single ___ Married ____Separated/Divorced____

Are you a Canadian Citizen: o Yes o No

If not Canadian, please check one: o Permanent Resident* o Refugee o Planning to apply for a Study Permit

o Currently in Canada with a Study Permit for another Institution

*(Original Permanent Resident document must be seen upon arrival at CMU).

Place of Birth: (City/Province or State/Country): ____________________________________________________________________________

Citizen of: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Primary Language (primary language refers to ‘mother tongue’)

o English o French o Other (specify): _________________________________________________________________________________

If English is not your primary language, indicate the number of years of English instruction you have received: ________________________

If you are of Aboriginal ancestry, please specify: o First Nations (status) o First Nations (non-status) o Inuit o Metis o Other
(By declaring your status, you will help in the development of new services and events for Aboriginal students. The declaration is voluntary.)

Name of Home Church (if applicable):____________________________________________________________________________________

Denomination: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

o Not affiliated with any church or denomination

List other universities/colleges to which you are applying:____________________________________________________________________

Friends or relatives who currently attend or have attended CMU/Outtatown, or predecessor colleges (CMBC, MBBC, Concord):



What is their relationship to you?_______________________________________________________________________________________

Section 3: Previous and Current Education (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown Applicants)
List in chronological order all* of the high schools** (since grade 11) attended (name, location, dates attended, graduation date).
Name of Institution Location Dates Attended Grad Date
_________________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___________

_________________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___________

Have you ever registered or are you currently registered at a post-secondary institution? o Yes o No
Have you ever been required to withdraw from studies at another university or college because of unsatisfactory performance or for
disciplinary reasons? o Yes o No
List in chronological order all* colleges and/or universities*** attended (name, location, dates attended, graduation date).
Name of Institution Location Dates Attended Grad Date
_________________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___________

_________________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___________

_________________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ ___________

*Applicants must disclose and submit transcripts from all post-secondary institutions they’ve attended or are currently attending. Failure to provide a
complete academic record is considered academic misconduct and may result in admission being revoked or denied.
** If you are presently in high school, please enclose an official interim transcript which shows courses completed as well as courses currently in prog-
ress or request one to be mailed to CMU. It is your responsibility to request your final official transcript to be mailed to CMU, if not available at the time
of application. If you have already graduated, enclose an official final transcript, or request one to be mailed to CMU. If these documents are not in Eng-
lish, it your responsibility to have them translated and certified by an official translator. Photocopies and faxes of official transcripts are not acceptable.
*** If you have attended any college and/or university, please provide official transcripts. Students transferring from other post-secondary institutions
may be required to present syllabi of courses taken. Once you are accepted and have submitted this information, the transfer credit assessment takes
about 4 weeks. If these documents are not in English, it is your responsibility to have them translated and certified by an official translator. Photocopies
and faxes of official transcripts are not acceptable.
Note: Original official transcripts submitted as part of the application process become the property of Canadian Mennonite University and will not be returned.

Section 4: Accessibility (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown Applicants)

Would you like more information on our accessibility policies, declarations, and required forms? Please respond “yes” if you may re-
quire accommodation for physical, learning, or mental health reasons. o Yes o No

Accomadations may address physical limitations, learning disabilities, allergies, or mental health issues you have. Declaration
is always voluntary. CMU strives to provide a fair and supportive learning environment for academically qualified students with
disabilities. Disabilities include both mental and physical conditions which meet the following criteria: The condition is permanent,
ongoing, episodic, or of some persistence, and the condition causes a significant limit for the person in carrying out some of life’s
major activities.

Section 5: Sources (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown Applicants)

How did you hear about CMU or Outtatown?
Mark one or more of the following: Please indicate your #1 influence in making the decision to apply
o CMU Faculty/Staff o CMU Student o Radio or Print Advertising to CMU:
o School (Teacher/Guidance Counsellor) o Web site Friend ____ Relative ____ Class Sizes ____ Faculty ____
o Church (Pastor/Youth Leader) o Career/Education Fair Admissions Counsellor ____ Athletics ____
o Coach o PIT o Church Visit o Social Media Faith-Based University ____ CMU Programs ____
o Parent o Sibling o Other Relative Church Leader ____ Guidance Counsellor ____
o In Person Visit to Your School Other: _______________________________________________
o Other _________________________________

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Section 6: CMU Degree Programs (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus Applicants)
Do you plan to study full-time or part-time? (full-time is 9.0 credit hours or more per term) o Full-time o Part-time
In which term will you begin studies: o September o January Year: ______________
You are applying for:
o Regular status (have high school courses that meet regular status entrance requirements)
o Mature status (do not have high school courses that meet regular status entrance requirements, but am 21 years of age or older and a
Canadian citizen)
o Transfer status (have taken post-secondary courses). If you have completed 30 credit hours or more at another post-secondary institu-
tion, you must complete CMU’s program declaration process at the time of your first registration.
If you know which program you would like to pursue at CMU, please indicate below, including the major that you might pursue.
It will help us assist you with course selection. (Check our website for degrees and their majors
o Year One: Explore courses in a variety of subject areas
o Bachelor of Arts Concentration: ________________
o Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration: ________________
o Bachelor of Science Concentration: ________________
o Bachelor of Music Concentration: ________________
o Bachelor of Music Therapy
If you are interested in Pre-professional Studies please indicate which program:
o Agriculture o Dentistry o Education o Human Ecology o Law o Medicine o Medical Rehabilitation
o Nursing o Pharmacy o Physical Education and Recreation Studies o Social Work
Indicate your extra-curricular interests by marking one or more of the following:
Varsity Athletics: o Soccer o Volleyball o Basketball
o On Campus Employment
o Choir/Ensembles/Worship Band o Instrument (please list): ________________________________________

Section 7: Autobiographical Sketch (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus Applicants)

To help us know more about you, please give us a brief overview of your personal interests, vocational goals, and aspects of your personal
faith journey that you may want to share. Please include your reasons for wanting to attend CMU Shaftesbury campus. Attach
additional pages if you wish (minimum 25 words).

Student Commitment (Shaftesbury Campus Applicant only)

I commit myself to learning—attending classes and working on assignments as required by my program of study. I will abide by
CMU policies for academic and student life.
I commit myself to become a contributing member of the CMU community, to develop relationships with other students, professors
and staff, to be involved as my skills, time and interests allow, and to share my opinions and listen respectfully to the opinions of others.
Note: Your personal information provided on this form will be used by CMU for purposes of admission, registration, and communication
with you. Your information will be provided, as required, to Statistics Canada, to the Council on Postsecondary Education in Manitoba, and
to other authorized government departments. Your name, address, year-level, church affiliation, declared program, and the name of your
high school will be shared with CMU’s offices working with External connections including student recruitment, development, and alumni.
Alumni records will be maintained indefinitely for purposes of maintaining contact with former students.
By applying to CMU or any of its programs, I give consent to the submission of personal data to Manitoba Finance for purposes of adminis-
tration and enforcement of the Manitoba Tuition Fee Income Tax Credit Program.

_____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
Signature Date
Section 8: Housing Information (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus Applicants)


I plan to make the following living arrangements for the school year:
o Live off campus (be a communter student) o Live on campus (be a resident student) (please complete this section)
Applications for housing should be submitted as early as possible, preferably by February 28. Applying early will increase your chance of
receiving the accommodation you want. All housing assignments are made by a CMU housing committee using the following guidelines:

Guidelines for Housing Assignments

Dormitory Space:
a. Single full-time students will receive priority for dormitory space.
b. Students assigned to a double occupancy room may request a specific roommate, but need to be open to having a roommate assigned.
c. Students may apply for single occupancy in the dormitory. If space is available, and circumstances allow, the request will be granted. An
appropriate increase in rent will apply. Single rooms are assigned with the proviso, however, that roommates may be assigned later if space
requires it. Priority for single occupancy will be based on academic seniority as well as special needs. Students left without a roommate
through no choice of their own will not be charged an extra fee.
Apartment Space
a. Married Students.
b. Single students with special needs (e.g. dietary, medical).
c. Single students with academic seniority, with other factors such as age and previous residence living also taken into consideration. Most
first and second year students will be accommodated in dormitory space.
Housing Lease
Students will be required to sign a lease for on campus housing. The lease may be for fall term, winter term, or both. (For more information,
please see handbook or online at

Housing Request

Applying for: o Fall term o Winter term o Both terms

Please give a 1st and 2nd choice for accommodation. (If only one choice is indicated, it will be assumed that you are equally open to any other option.)
o Dormitory Housing in Poettcker Hall _____ single occupancy _____ double occupancy
o Dormitory Housing in Concord Hall _____ single occupancy _____ double occupancy
o Apt. Housing in basement of Poettcker Hall _____ studio _____ 1 bdrm _____ 2 bdrm
o Apt. Housing in Concord Hall _____ 1 bdrm
o Apt. Housing in Katherine Friesen _____ studio _____ 1 bdrm _____ 2 bdrm _____ 3 bdrm

If you have previous experience in residential living, please give details (e.g. where, how long?) and give reasons for your housing selection
(to assist the housing committee in assigning space): _______________________________________________________________________

Did you indicate any allergies, physical limitations, learning disabilities or mental health issues in section 4? o Yes o No

Please indentify any allergies, disabilities, difficulties, or other special needs of which CMU should be aware of that could affect your accom-
modation needs:

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If you want to request specific roommates, please give their name(s). Please note that an assignment cannot be made until confirming
applications have been received from all persons named here.
_______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

If you have a spouse and/or children who will be living with you, please indicate name of spouse and name(s) and age(s) of children.

Spouse: __________________________________________________________

Child: ____________________________________________________________ Age: _______

Child: ____________________________________________________________ Age: _______

Child: ____________________________________________________________ Age: _______

Before submitting this form please read the statement about CMU values and student responsibilities in Section 1 of the Application Form.
The CMU Student Handbook, which you will receive at registration, provides further details regarding CMU community life policies. These
include restrictions on use of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, and non-marital sexual activity. By signing this application form,
you are committing yourself to living in accordance with CMU community life standards. (If you want more information, contact the Student
Life Department at CMU.)

Please return this form by February 28 in order to receive priority consideration. A non-refundable deposit of $100 will be required in
spring to reserve your housing assignment.

Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________

References (To be completed by Shaftesbury Campus applicants planning to live on-campus)

Reference forms help us to get to know you and serve you better. They are required if you plan to live on campus.

Please give a reference form to two people (e.g. teacher, person in your church or community, family friend), not family members, and ask
them to complete the form and fax or mail it directly to CMU. List the names and phone numbers of your two references here. (Note
that reference forms for CMU Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown are different.)

Name: ___________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________

Name: ___________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________

o I have given reference forms to the two people named above.

Section 9: CMU’s Outtatown Discipleship School (To be completed by Outtatown Applicants)

How would you rate yourself in the following categories?

Personal initiative: o Above Average o Average o Below Average

Concern for others: o Above Average o Average o Below Average
Social adaptability: o Above Average o Average o Below Average
Ability to follow: o Above Average o Average o Below Average
Leadership: o Above Average o Average o Below Average
Judgment/decision making: o Above Average o Average o Below Average
General health: o Above Average o Average o Below Average
Physical ability (to hike, canoe, carry a backpack, etc): o Above Average o Average o Below Average
Interest in Christian community: o Above Average o Average o Below Average

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Industry: o Hard worker o Average o Lack persistence

Reliability: o Meet obligations o Average o Neglect obligations
Cooperativeness: o Work well with others o Average o Avoid group activity
Flexibility: o Open to change o Average o Unyielding
Disposition: o Cheerful o Average o Passive
Punctuality: o Punctual o Average o Often late
Financial responsibility: o Honour obligations o Average o Neglectful
Participation in your church: o Very involved o Average o Rarely attend
Participation in sports/community/school events: o Extremely involved o Average o Avoid participating
Love of adventure: o Will try anything once o Average o Too risky

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Reference forms help us to get to know you and serve you better. They are only required if you are applying to CMU’s Outtatown
Discipleship School.
Please give a reference form to two people (e.g. teacher, person in your church or community, family friend), not family members, and ask
them to complete the form and fax or mail it directly to CMU. List the names and phone numbers of your two references here. (Note
that reference forms for CMU Shaftesbury Campus and Outtatown are different.)

Name: ___________________________ Phone: ______________________________Email: ______________________________________

Name: ___________________________ Phone: ______________________________Email: ______________________________________

o I have given reference forms to the two people named above.

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Please answer all of the following questions on a separate paper(s) and attach it to your application form:
1. List your extracurricular activities (ie. sports, music, drama, hobbies, etc.)
2. Describe any volunteer experience/community service.
3. Please list and briefly describe any previous travel experience.
4. Describe your involvement with your local church.
5. Please describe an experience that removed you from your comfort zone. How did you overcome the challenge?
6. Describe how you handle conflict/difficult situations.
7. Why do you want to participate in the Outtatown program? What do you hope to accomplish in this year?
8. What will be your biggest challenge if you go on an Outtatown school?
9. What are the three best things that you bring to the school?
10. As a discipleship program our focus is on inspiring students to follow Jesus. Tell us why this focus is of interest you.
11. Describe your current spiritual relationship with God (both past and current) and what you are doing to grow in your faith?
12. What’s the long term plan for your life; any special plans or aspirations you’re considering or dreaming about?
13. Are there other things about you that you would like us to know (family, work, gifts, etc.)?
14. Right after the Outtatown experience, I plan to: o Work for awhile o Go to College o University o Other: ___________________

Additional Information (This information is required due to the nature of a travelling community, international legal issues
and the work we do with children and youth ministries.)
Have you ever been suspended or expelled from a secondary or post secondary school? o Yes o No
Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? o Yes o No
If the answer is yes, please attach an explanation of circumstances and dates of incident(s).

Did you indicate any allergies, physical limitations, learning disabilities, or mental health issues in Section 4? o Yes o No

Please indentify any allergies, disabilities, difficulties, or other special needs of which CMU should be aware of that could affect your accom-
modation needs:____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your Outtatown Commitment

It is important that you are...
• a seeker committed to growth in your understanding of Jesus Christ and the Christian life.
• willing to respect and work with Outtatown staff.
• willing to be involved in activities of churches and communities where you go with Outtatown.
• willing to be flexible, adjusting to new ideas and cultures.
• willing to live within a group, and work at problems and relationships with honesty.
• willing to live simply and healthily, respectful of other cultures.

o I consent to have the following individual(s) discuss my application and financial account with appropriate CMU staff. (e.g. parents)

Name(s) _____________________________________________________ Relationship _______________________________________

o I confirm that the above statements and supplied information are true.

Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________

Parent/Guardian (print name) if applicant is under 18 years of age ____________________________________________________________

Signature ____________________________________________

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