Best Abs Workout
Best Abs Workout
Best Abs Workout
muscles of the core including the rectus abdominis (or the 'six pack'), obliques, transverse abdominis and the lower back. Precautions See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries, illnesses or other conditions and modify any exercise that causes pain or discomfort. Equipment Needed An exercise ball, a Captain's Chair (optional) and a mat. How To Warm up with 5 minutes of light cardio or do this workout after your regular cardio or strength workout Option 1: Perform each exercise, one after the other in a circuit format, going through the circuit 1-3 times Option 2: Perform 2-3 sets of each exercise, resting briefly between sets in a straightset format Perform this workout 3-4 non-consecutive days a week. Bicycle
Lie on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head, knees into the chest. Lift the shoulder blades off t left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body, taking the left elbow towards the right knee. Sw right elbow towards the left knee. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 16 reps (1 rep is to Captain's Chair or Chair Lifts
If you have access to a Captain's Chair (found at many gyms), stand on the chair and grip handholds to st Press your back against the pad and contract the abs to raise the legs and lift knees towards your chest. Lo reps. Alternative: Chair Lift (Not Pictured): Sit in a chair and put all the weight in your hands as you lift y on the floor. For a very advanced exercise, lift one or both feet off the ground, balancing on your hands. L reps. Ball Crunch
Lie with the ball resting under the mid/lower back and place hands behind the head or across the chest. your the torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips. Lower and repeat f Vertical Leg Crunch
Lie on the floor and extend the legs straight up with knees crossed. Place your hands behind the head for abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor, as though reaching your chest towards your feet. Lower and r Ab Roll
Kneel in front of the ball and place your hands on the ball parallel to one another. Roll the ball out keepin back straight. Roll out until you feel the abs engage (don't arch or strain the back) and push into the ball t 16 reps. Long Arm Crunch
Lie on a mat and extend the arms straight out behind the head with hands clasped, keeping the arms next abs and lift the shoulder blades off the floor, keeping the arms straight. Lower and repeat for 16 reps. Reverse Crunch
Lie on the floor and place hands on the floor or behind the head. Lift the knees, bending them to 90-degre curl the hips off the floor, reaching the legs up towards the ceiling. Lower and repeat for 16 reps. Crunch With Heel Push
Lie on your back with the knees bent and the hands gently cradling the head. Flex your feet and keep them the abs, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor. At the top of the crunch, press your heels into the floor w against the mat and slightly raising the glutes off the floor. Lower and repeat for 16 reps. Plank
Place forearms on the floor and press up into a flat-back position on the toes, keeping the hips down so th
line from head to heels. Hold for 30-60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.
Hip Lift Begin by lying on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing up. Raise your legs so they are straight up toward the ceiling and perpendicular to your torso. Pull your navel toward your spine and lift your hips a few inches off the floor, keeping your legs pointed straight up. Then slowly lower your hips back to the floor.
The Best Ab Exercise List Dragon Flag Advanced Core Exercise. Credited to martial arts master, Bruce Lee. the Dragon Flag, is arguably one of the more advanced bodyweight exercises you can do. Bicycle Crunch Exercise. This ab exercise generally ranks at the top of the list of best ab exercises if done properly.
equipment (or creativity) for this one. Ab Crunch on an Exercise Ball. I bet you have an exercise ball at
Vertical Leg Crunch. Ouch! Long Arm Crunch. Another version of a favorite.
Reverse Crunch. Kick up the feet with the torso holding steady.
Plank (Hover) Exercise . A basic from Yoga. Traditional (Basic) Abdominal Crunch
Crossover Crunch. Good for the obliques! Seated Oblique Twists with Medicine Ball. Tough, but effective.
Oblique Crunch. You know this one. Plank on a Balance Ball. Take the basic plank to a new level.
The Bicycle Crunch photo (c) E. Quinn