Running / Spinning / Jump Rope / Jumping Jacks / Mountain Climbers / Treadmill or Elliptical

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(running / spinning / jump rope / jumping jacks / mountain climbers / treadmill or elliptical)
The Circuit

Do as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds then move on to the next exercise in the
circuit. Rest only as long as it takes you to get into position for the next move. Complete 3
circuits with 90 seconds of rest in between each circuit.
1. Crunches Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the
floor. Contractyour abs by bringing your rib cage toward your pelvis. Your lower back should
stay on the floor and you should avoid pulling on your neck with your hands.
2. Hyper-Extensions Lie on your stomach and clench your hands behind your
head. Squeeze your glutes and raise your chest off the floor while keeping your shoulder
blades pulled together.
3. Knee Ups Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet off the floor. Your thighs
should be at a 90 degree angle to your upper body. Squeeze your lower abdominals and raise
your knees slightly into the air. Your butt should come off the ground a bit, but make sure
your knees are going straight up and not toward your head.

4. Superman Lie face down with your arms extended above your head in front of
you. Raise your arms, chest and legs off the ground while squeezing your glutes and lower
back. Hold for 2 seconds.
5. Lateral Crunch (left) Lie on your right side with your legs extended. Place your left
hand behind your head, and your right hand flat on the ground in front of your
body. Contract yourobliques (side abdominals) by bringing your rib cage toward your hip.
6. Lateral Crunch (right) See #5 and reverse sides.

7. Prone Plank Start in pushup position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders
and your body forming a straight line from your neck to your feet. Contract your entire core
as if you were bracing to be punched in the stomach. Hold for as long as you can. You can
also do the plank by supporting your weight on your forearms instead of your hands.
8. Ball Leg Lifts Lie on your back with your legs straight and your hands by your
side. Place a stability ball or medicine ball between your feet. Keeping your legs straight pull
your feet toward your head until your legs form a 90 degree angle with the ground then slowly
lower your legs back to the starting position.
9. Lateral Plank (left) Similar to the prone plank, only this time you will lie on your side
and then support yourself on your left forearm with your body forming a straight line from
your neck to your ankles. Contract your entire core area and hold for as long as you can.
10. Lateral Plank (right) Switch sides and repeat #9.

Straight Leg Raises
Bring your legs up as high as you can, while keeping your legs and torso straight. Exhale on
the way down Advanced: Lift your torso at the top
Bent Leg Raises
Bend your legs 90 degrees, to work more of your lower abs.
Ab Crunches
Keep your elbows back, and dont strain your neck. Do the first set with your legs on the
ground, then elevate your legs for the subsequent two sets. This works your upper abs.
Bring your opposite elbow to opposite knee. There is a lot of isolation involved in this abs
exercise. This works your lower abs, as your legs are raised off the ground.
V Sits
Roll up with your hands behind you. Bring your legs in toward you, working your entire core.
Bring your shoulders to your knees.
Raised Ab Twists
The harder you squeeze your abs here, the less pressure you put on your back. This exercise
works the obliques, or love handles.
Forearm Planks
Move onto your forearms, and hold your body weight up with just your forearms and feet. This
is another isolation exercise, that works your core.
Knee Raise and Twist
Raise one knee, while standing, and then twist your body down to the opposing elbow and
Skinny Dips
Alternative to a normal dip. Skinny dips require that you lay down with hand supporting
behind you. Lift one leg up, into the air, and perform 20 dips.
Side Plank & Pulse
This will work your obliques, or love handles, so focus on keeping them tight during this ab
exercise. Get into a side plank position, and pulse your hips up and down.
TIU Tummy Tuck
Start in plank position, and bring your knee up to your elbow. Return your knee, and bring up
the other leg.
V Sits
Roll up with your hands behind you. Bring your legs in toward you, working your entire core.
Bring your shoulders to your knees.
Rock the Boats
Stay in V Sit position, and twist your shoulders from side to side. Keep your abs tight
throughout the exercise.
Do 10 of the basic crunches. Make sure to focus on working your abs, to avoid a pencil neck.
Bicycle Crunches
From Crunch position, do more of the same. Except, you want to bring your opposite knee to
elbow up and touch each rep.
This is a leg lift, where you slowly move your legs in the shape of a tornado. Move for 10
seconds, repeat.
Reverse Crunches
This targets those hard-to-reach lower abs. Push your legs and torso into the air, raising them
as high as you can.
This balances your core and back, working as a cool-down for your ab workout. Use a small,
flat object, and pretend your are swimming out to sea.

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