Final Report - Food in Cafe
Final Report - Food in Cafe
Final Report - Food in Cafe
We declare that this report is own work expect for quotations and summaries which have been duly acknowledged.
We wish to express our eternal gratitude and appreciation to our UHL 2332 Academic Report Writing Lecturer Mdm. Normala Binti Samsudin, for his invaluable guidance, empowering support and profound advice throughout the preparation and realisation of this academic report.
Finally, above all, to Almighty God for giving us good health, strength and perseverance to complete this academic report.
Abstract Introduction: Foodservice is an industry which deals with the preparation and service of food outside the home. Any inadequate in foodservice may cause health problems such as tension, poor appetite, and food poisoning. Any food poisoning case published to global media may damage the countrys image. University Malaysia Pahang Pekan is the main campus of University Malaysia Pahang with an ambition of becoming a world leading technical institution. Foodservice has included several aspects, which are hygienic, nutritional and services. Purpose: It is importance to make sure the foodservice provided in the campus are fulfill the minimum requirements and do not cause any inconvenient to people in the campus. Thus, our survey was to identify the faultiness of foodservice provided by KK5s caf located in University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus. KK5s caf is located in the middle of students hostels. This survey is importance because foodservice in KK5s caf will directly affect the daily lifestyle and healthy of people in the campus especially student. Inappropriate preparation of food may cause food poisoning. Lack of nutritional food may also cause obesity and tension. Fast food may also cause obesity. According to Kim joyce (Sep 1,2011), fast food is the main factor that cause obesity. It is also an opportunity for people in the campus to give commends regarding the quality of foodservice in KK5s caf. Instruments: In the survey, we have decided to use paper questionnaire as our methodology. This is because paper questionnaire is random with predictable time of conduction, which is different from email questionnaire. Unlike interview methodology, paper questionnaire involve less cost and can avoid argument between interviewer and interviewee. Our survey was targeted
30 respondents from different background who are customers of KK5s caf. Lecturers, students, executive staff and also visitor to UMP are accepted to join the survey. Results: From the results of our survey, more than half of respondents have had experienced hygienic problems in the caf. Besides that, majority respondents think that the food provided in KK5s caf are not nutritional-balanced. No respondents are very satisfied to the hygiene level of the caf. Only minority are somewhat satisfied to the cafs hygiene. Most of the respondents were remain neutral to the counter service of KK5s caf. From the results, it is undeniable that KK5s caf lack of hygienic preparation. Besides that, the caf do not really care on consumer health. Recommendations: Caf inspectors should practice periodic hygienic checking to the caf and uphold rating strategy. Besides that, person in charge of the caf can set up comment boxes in the caf corner so that people can give their comments regarding the services. Flexible food manual in the caf not only can provide customers more options but also increase consumers appetite.
CHAPTER I 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 CHAPTER II 2.1 2.2
INTRODUCTION Introduction Background of study Problem Statement Objectives of the study Research questions Definition of terms Significance of Study Scope of study Work Flow LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Literature of Foodservice 1 2-3 3 4 4 4 5-6 6
3.3.1 Survey Questionnaire 3.4 Data Analysis 3.4.1 Analysing Data From The Questionnaire
FINDINGS & DISCUSSION Pie chart shows the respondents based on genders
4.2 4.3
Bar chart shows the identities of respondents Bar chart shows the frequency of purchasing food per day
Pie chart shows that whether the food provided by KK5s cafe is diet-balanced
Pie chart shows the respondents who have had faced hygienic problem in KK5s cafe
Pie chart shows the respondents who have had faced food poisoning in KK5s cafe
Pie chart shows that whether the environment of KK5s cafe fulfilling the hygienic standard
1.1 Introduction: In a cafeteria, foodservice is very important. Foodservice is an industry which deals with the preparation and service of food outside the home. In others explanation, it is defined as those businesses, institutions, and companies responsible for any meal prepared outside the home. Foodservices can be in many formats, such as restaurants, cafeterias in particular institutes, catering operations and et cetera. There are several forms of foodservice, including counter service, table service, and gueridon service. Counter service is a form of service where the food provider deal with customer in the counter rather than go to each table and ask for food orders. Counter service is an efficient method in serving busy lunch time. This is because customer queue up in the counter to buy the food. In the other words, they are serving themselves in the counter and pay for it at the end of the counter. Most of the foodservice in the institutes including schools and universities are counter based foodservice. Table service is another method of foodservice where the waiter or waitress will come to each table to ask for food orders.Table service is normally adopted in restaurant. The waiter of the restaurant will wear a formal uniform and introduce the food listed on the menu to the customer so that the customer can make an appropriate order. The third method is gueridon service, which is a form of food service provided by the restaurants to their guests. A gueridon typically consists of a trolley that is well equipped to prepare, cook and serve the food to the guest. There will be a gas hob, chopping board, cutlery drawer, cold store (depending on the trolley type) and general working area.
1.2 Background of study: Foodservice provided by the cafeteria in University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus is counter based service. In the cafe, each hawker has at least one worker standby in the counter to collect the food payment. Student queue up and follow the procedures. After making payment, student is free to choose a place to enjoy their meal. Food is the basic and minimal requirement for living things to keep living. In other words, it is a source of energy for human being to complete their daily tasks, especially as a student of technical-majored institute, University Malaysia Pahang. Besides that, the condition of cafe played an important role in the healthiness of UMPian. Thus, the study aimed to identify the problems associated to the University Malaysia Pahang Pekan branch cafes. Inappropriate management of foodservice may cause health problems. One of the consequences is food poisoning. According to A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia (January 10, 2011), Food poisoning occurs when you swallow food or water that has been contaminated with certain types of bacteria | parasites | viruses | or toxins .Thus, varies diseases infections can spread through the food as the medium. As stated by Melissa Conrad Stoppler in an article, more than 250 known diseases can be transmitted through food. According to the Malaysia Health Statistic, 2,600,000 poisoning cases occurred in Malaysia in year 2006. Thus, food poisoning issues should be paid prior attention before the situation goes worse. Food lack of balanced nutrition can lead to obesity. Overeating of certain specific dietary components may also lead to health risks. Obvious examples are saturated and trans-fatty acids. Obesity may cause someone suffer from physical inconvenience and also facing higher risk of getting heart attack and other vital diseases. According to Richard N. Fogoros, M.D.( August 5, 2002), for those who are merely overweight has a risk of developing heart failure that was 34% greater than in non-overweight individuals; while those who are obese has an incredible 104% increase in risk.
Hawkers should list a reasonable price for their food, but not make up the food price illegally. Since food is the basic demand for everyone, it may impose a heavy abundant to resident especially for those who are not yet ready to earn money, such as student. A long term troublesome of financial problems may cause mental tension. Besides that, people may step aside from high-priced food and lead to eating disorder problem including dramatic weight fluctuation, interfere with normal daily life, and can permanently affect their health. According to Piper Li, a professional writer, lack of certain nutrients may increase risk of dementia, a condition that commonly causes irrational thoughts and behavior. Confusion and disturbing thoughts may indicate the presence of an underlying disease. Since poor administration of foodservice can cause a series of problems to people, a study of the services provided by the University Malaysia Pahang (Pekan Campus) KK5s cafet eria was carried out to indentify the problems. 1.3 Problem Statement: In University Malaysia Pahang, most of the student is follow three meals per day basis. Thus, it is important to ensure that student is provided with delicious and diet-balanced food and also a hygienic environment. If a student has eaten oily food for a long period without exercises, it may cause him/her obese and thus facing healthy problem that may cause inconvenience. Obesity may cause someone unconfident in managing their life including social life, academic presentation, and also communication with others. Besides that, lack of hygiene in preparation of food and the dinner environment may cause student fall in illness such as food poisoning. As a technical university student, every day is filled with a lot of literal and practical assessments. If one falls ill, the assessments may accumulate until certain level that the student cannot handle and here is where the stress emerged. Other than that, student is of no income group, a higher food price may cause student stay aside from purchasing certain
expensive foods and resulting to lack of nutrition. Since cafs foodservice may affect student healthiness mentally and physically, an investigation is held to analyze the issue. 1.4 Objectives: a) To study whether the food price reasonable in KK5s cafes. b) To identify whether the food in KK5s cafs are died-balanced. c) To identify the hygiene problems in the KK5 cafe foodservice. 1.5 Research questions: a. Do you think the food provided by the cafe is diet-balanced? b. Have you ever face a hygiene problem in the foodservice provided by the caf? c. Do the food price of KK5s cafe is reasonable? 1.6 Definition of terms: Foodservice - Food Service (US English) or catering industry (British English) defines those businesses, institutions, and companies responsible for any meal prepared outside the home.
This industry includes restaurant, school and hospital cafeterias, catering, operations, and many other formats. Healthiness Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain.
Throughout this survey, we can know whether the food provided is dietary or not. If the food is not healthy, the report outcome can be used to advice the caf hawkers to alter their food to a more nutritional and demanded meal. In this way, customers acquire healthy lifestyle and the hawkers can also serve more consumers. In the long term benefit, consumers can stay away from illness and also obesity which can lead to many physical and mental problems.
Besides that, the research can help to solve food hygienic problem in KK5 caf. Since healthy is strongly related to hygiene, preparation of food and the caf environment play a vital role in customer healthiness. Food poisoning is a result of eaten hygiene-lack food and it may cause vomit, diarrhea and even death. From the research, we can identify the number of hygiene cases happened and thus aware of the seriousness of hygienic issues in KK5 caf. If the problem is serious, regarded authority can take action over caf hawker in order to enhance the situation. Customers can enjoy their meal without worrying about hygiene problem. The operation of University goes fluently since decreases victim involve in hygiene sickness.
Nowadays, our country has encountered inflation and cause many financial abundant for people especially for those who do not have income. Student is among the no-income group in the University. If the hawkers serve the food with higher price compared to the current market, it is not reasonable and should be readjusted to reduce student financial abundant and also stress. If student facing a long term trouble in his/her money expenditure, it may cause them avoid any expensive but nutritional food. In this case, they may lack of nutrition in their body and further raises healthy issue. Besides that, high food price may cause some student stress and cannot focus in their study. Thus, it is necessary to identify whether the price is
reasonable and even affordable.The research is aimed to identify the problems of the foodservice in KK5s caf .
This study is targeted to the University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus people because University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus is a new campus and the cafeteria has operated not more than 10 years. The foodservice provided by the cafeteria still not perfect and has many aspects waiting to be improved. It is beneficial to all people in University Malaysia Pahang Pekan Campus. 30 samples will be from the KK5 customers of different status including office staffs, professors, master student, degree student, diploma student and so on. The samples are randomly selected for the research in different places and different time. No repetition of survey is happened on the same person throughout the research. 1.9 Work Flow
Activities Identifying Topic of Research and Preparation of Research Proposal Discussion of Research Design and Instruments Collection of Data Data Analysis Drafting Report Consultation of Report Revising Report Preparation for Oral Presentation Submitting Report Person charge Group in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Week 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
CHAPTER II: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction: A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. In this study, we found 3 articles that regard to the foodservice topic. The purpose of the literature review is to convey the knowledge and ideas have been established on the stress topic. It acts as a guidance of our research objective in our study. The strategy which writers use as a way to begin the literature review is to proceed from the general, wider view of the research to the specific problem. 2.2 Literature of Foodservice: Foodservice is defined as those businesses, institutions, and companies responsible for any meal prepared outside the home. The term foodservice has included the hygiene, prices, environment, and also the healthiness of food provided by the suppliers. Thus, three articles regarding the hygiene, prices and diet of food. In the foodservice field, many people may have doubt that how hygienic is the food provided by the server? This is because food poisoning can cause serious illness and death. Thus, it is undeniable that the self hygiene of people who prepare the food as well as deliver the food will directly affect the hygienic of food. In one of the article that we found has provided ten tips to reduce the risk of food poisoning at home as well as in cafeteria. From the article, the tips suggested are about self discipline of people in term of hygiene aspect. For example, wash hands before having meal, wash worktops before and after preparing food and others. In my opinion, the article has suggested nice tips of reducing the food poisoning risk. The article has pointed out the root causes of harmful bacteria which may cause food poisoning. Besides that, solutions are provided to deal with the breeding of bacteria. Raw foods can contain harmful bacteria that can spread to anything they touch and the way prevention is to
use separated chopping boards for raw material and ready-to-eat food. In the KK5s caf, meat and fresh vegetable are provided. Thus, it is necessary to prepare separate chopping boards as well as knifes for different food so that the raw food bacteria will not spread to instant food and direct to people body. Besides that, the dishcloths and tea towels should be washed and dry regularly to prevent growth of bacteria in the dirty and damp cloths. In KK5s cafeteria, customers are over hundreds people. Thus, many dry and clean cloths should be prepared to wipe the table and also dishes. One of the articles has emphasis on the relation between poverty, food insecurity and obesity. Food insecurity is limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways (American Dietetic Association 1998). The authority has believed the effect of poverty on the food insecurity. In the analysis indicated in the article, the poor people have a higher risk of facing food insecurity. Another issue was analyzed to prove the relation between food insecurity and obesity. The analysis has shown that obesity is in relation with food insecurity especially for those who are female. Both the analysis is combined and resulting in an indirect relation of low financial group and risk of obesity. In my opinion, lack of financial may affect people mind when they are purchasing food. According to Demos, food insecurity exists when people lack choice, fear running out of food, or are forced to make major changes in their preferred eating habits due to economic constraints (2002). For undergraduates student, their main financial support is mainly from the PTPTN or JPA. The money is limited for daily expenditure. If the food price is high, it may cause a situation of student avoiding certain nutritional but expensive food. Lack of certain food may cause diet imbalance and also obesity. Obesity may cause vital disease and others vital health problems. Furthermore, people who face obesity problem may lack of confidence in their social life.
In the last article, the authority has explained the definition of obesity and also pointed out the foods that cause obesity. Obesity is the result of consuming more calories than your body uses over time (Angela Ogunjimi, Dec 2010). The foods that may cause obesity are fried foods, high-fructose corn syrup, alcohol and diet foods. According to Ogunjimi, Fried food may promote obesity. People who eat more fried have higher than average body mass indexes, BMI, a figure calculating your weight in relation to your height (Dec 2010). Besides that, without alert of how much calories should be consumed over time may cause someone gain weight. In my opinion, foods such as fried chicken meat, french fries, hamburgers, chicken chops, fried fish balls and also tea tarik provided by KK5s caf contain high calories, which may cause obesity as well as heart attack. According to Ogunjimi, excessive saturated fat can cause artery-clogged and thus increase the risk of heart disease (Dec 2010). If student consume excessive calories without doing any physical exercises, they may be obese. Obesity not only expose people to high health risk but also affect their daily life in term of physical and mental. People with obesity normally lack of confident in their social life. Students or Lecturers may lack of confident when attending certain presentations or activities. Thus, it is necessary to make sure the foods provided by the cafeteria are healthy. In conclusion, foodservice of cafeteria is not only affect consumer healthy but also the image of University Malaysia Pahang as a technical leading institute. We need to change the situation before it goes worst.
CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction: Methodology is a system designed to collect an accurate data so that the data cover all the possible aspects of analysis. The Methodology in collecting data is very important. Inappropriate use of method in data collection may waste time and effort as well as cost of study. There are various methods in collecting primary source data such as interview, questionnaire, survey, experimentation, case study and observation. 3.2 Participants: The survey was targeted all people who have purchased food in KK5s cafeteria of University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus. No limitation of age, social hierarchy, genders, religious and races. The method in selecting sample was random method in different time to make sure that the samples collected are fair and accurate. Below is the summary of participants Gender Identity Diploma student Degree student Master Student Doctor Professor Administration Staff Others Total Male 2 23 0 0 0 0 0 25 Female 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 Total 2 27 1 0 0 0 0 30
3.3 Data Collection Method: The data collection method used in this study was aimed to investigate the faultiness of foodservice provided by KK5s cafe located at University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus. One data collections instruments were used which is survey questionnaire. 3.3.1 Survey Questionnaire: In our research, questionnaire was used as the method of data collection. Within the questionnaire types, paper questionnaire was chosen as the medium to acquire data. This is because questionnaire in paper is easy to people to answer the questions as well as prevent argument. For example, argument between respondents and interviewer may happen in interviewing questionnaire method. In addition, the time spend in questionnaire in paper can be predicted compare to that the questionnaire through E-mail. Besides that, questionnaire in paper involved lower cost compare to other method such as interviewing method. In our questions design, we have used dichotomous questions, multiple choice questions and scale questions in close ended section. While in the open ended section, we have chosen free response so that respondents can express what they feel. In order to make the questionnaire easier to answer, the questions with the same topic were grouped together. The questions were arranged in an order that will encourage people to think of it before further to the next but related questions. In the survey, 30 questionnaire forms were printed and divided to two times to undergo survey. 20 samples were sampled in the morning and afternoon while 10 samples were sampled in the night. This is because there is different operating hours among the hawkers and also different customers purchase food in different time. In the morning and afternoon, staff and student will come to KK5 to purchase food. While in the night, majority student will go to KK5 caf to buy food and all the hawkers are operate in this time.
In the questionnaire form, each question was numbered in sequent order so that it can be identified easily. All the questions have their independent yet separated options. 3.4 Data Analysis: All the data obtained from the survey questionnaire was analysed using specific data analysis procedures. The analysed data was presented in the frequency bar graphs and pie charts. 3.4.1 Analysing data from the Questionnaire: The data from the survey questionnaires were analysed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. It was analysed and presented using the following procedures. Step 1 Each questionnaire in the survey questionnaire was numbered in the following order to make sure that the questionnaire can be identified easily. It was numbered from 1 to 30. Step 2 All the questions were answered by marking a / to the blank boxes. Step 3 Data or answers obtained from the survey questionnaire were transferred and arranged into a summary sheet. Step 4 The next process was to count the frequency and calculate the percentage of the data in the summary sheet. Step 5 Finally, the information is tabulated for easy reference.
Chapter IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Pie chart shows the respondents based on genders
Male Female
The pie chart shows the respondents of the survey in KK5s caf in terms of gender. There is mainly male and female customer in KK5s caf. KK5s caf is located within the middle of the distinction area of males and females hostels. Male respondents are the major respondents to the survey, which accommodated 83% of the total survey forms. Whereas, female only accommodated 17% of the total survey forms. In another word, only 5 female has responded to the survey out of 30 survey forms and the rest is of male. This finding is similar to Ritva Prttl et al. (2006) that women are more concerned healthy food compared to men. Since the food provided in caf less healthy, it may affect female foods appetite thus seldom purchase food in KK5s caf. Less female respondents to the survey in cafeteria may due this reason.
KK5s cafeteria hawkers should prepare more vegetables food to serve customers so that they can have more options to choose and increase their food appetite.
Identity of Respondants
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Diploma Degree Master Doctor Professor Admin Staff Others
The bar chart shows the identity of respondents in the survey. There are several categories, which are diploma, degree, master, doctor, professor, admin staff and others. The bar chart shows that diploma, degree and master students are the main customers in KK5s caf. Diploma, degree and master students have accommodated 6.67%, 90% and 3.33% of the survey respectively. Within the respondents, degree students are the most. No respondent from doctor, professor, admin staff and others identities purchase food in KK5s caf according to the survey. The bar chart has shown that degree students are the main customers of KK5s caf. The result is reasonable because University Malaysia Pahang offers courses mainly in degree program and diploma. Since others identities are exist in UMP Pekan Campus. The absence of the identities has shown that doctorial and other staffs are seldom purchase food in KK5s caf since KK5 are student hostels. KK5s caf customers are mainly teenagers who living in KK5s hostels, thus, healthy food is necessary for adolescence period.
4.3 Bar chart shows the frequency of purchasing food per day
The pie chart shows the frequency of people purchase food in KK5s caf per day. There are four categories, which are 1 times, 2 times, 3 times and more than 3 times. The chart shows that the 1 time per day and 2 times per day are significantly higher compared to the others, which are 36.67% and 40 % respectively. The 3 times per day and more than 3 times per day categories are 10% and 13.33% respectively with 3 times per day occupying the least. The results show that majority people do not follow the 3 meal per days basis. This is because more than half of UMP Pekan people purchase food less than 3 times per day. It is potential to increase deal of KK5s cafe. Thus, its still a room for hawkers to challenge to attract more people to buy food in KK5s caf. The hawkers can improve their foodservice to attract people to buy food and it will bring benefit to both hawkers and people in UMP pekan.
The bar chart shows the students satisfaction towards counter service. There are five level of satisfaction, very dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neutral, somewhat satisfied and very satisfied. Very dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neutral and somewhat satisfied are 10%, 23.33%, 46.67%, and 20% respectively. No percentage for the very satisfied categories. Very satisfied is among the least in all the five level. The neutral satisfaction on the counter service is among the highest. The least very satisfaction category has shown that the counter service still has space of improvement. There are more supports from respondents below the neutral compared to that above the neutral has shown that the counter service is not good enough to serve customers. In the peak times of a day, we can see a long queue of customers waiting in the counters. Thus, hawkers may improve or change their counter service such as open more counters to make payments so that customer may feel more comfortable when purchasing food.
4.5 Pie chart shows that whether the food price is reasonable
Yes No
The pie chart shows the opinions of respondents to the food prices in KK5s caf. There are who categories, which are agree and not agree of the statement that the food prices in KK5s caf are reasonable. In the survey, half of the respondents agreed that the food prices are not reasonable in KK5s caf while the rest are disagreed. 50% or 15 respondents yes whereas other 50% or 15 respondents answered no. Half of the respondents think that the food prices in KK5s caf are reasonable whereas the other do not agree. It may due to the financial background of people in University Malaysia Pahang. Since University Malaysia Pahang offers educational plans and working opportunities to all people from different states in Malaysia and even oversea. Thus, people from urban area may think the price is not expensive whereas people from rural area may think the opposite. Therefore, no conclusion is drawn whether the prices are reasonable or not in of KK5s caf.
4.6 Pie chart shows that whether the food provided by KK5s cafe is diet-balanced
The pie chart shows the agreement on the statement that the food provided in KK5s caf is diet-balanced. The food included the beverages, vegetable and meat in terms of preparing processes such as fry, steam and cook. In the survey, 87% of respondents were not agreed that the food is died-balanced. Only 13% of the respondents were agreed the food provided by KK5s caf is diet -balanced. In other word, 26 respondents out of 30 agree whereas only 4 are not. In the cafeteria, most of the food is fry-prepared. Thus, the food contains high calories. Besides that, most of the food is meat based. Among the 13 hawker units, 5 unit hawkers are serving fast food. Thus, it is reasonable that majority respondents were disagreed to the statement. Concerned authorities should consider the healthy aspect of people in UMP Pekan when giving approval the hawkers to run business in UMP especially UMP Pekan branch.
4.7 Pie chart shows the respondents who have had faced hygienic problem in KK5s cafe
47% 53%
Yes No
The pie chart shows that whether the respondents have ever face hygienic problem in UMP KK5s cafe. In the survey, 53% of the respondents or 16 people have had faced hygienic problem in KK5s caf. 47% of the respondents or 14 people never experience hygienic problem in KK5s caf. More than half of respondents have had experienced hygienic problem in KK5s caf. The condition is critical. Which are 16 people out of 30 respondents in the survey. 47% or 14 people from the 30 respondents never faced hygienic problem in KK5s caf. Since more than half respondents have had experienced hygienic problem, hygienic problem in KK5s caf should be given a prior attention by University authority.
4.8 Pie chart shows the respondents who have had faced food poisoning in KK5s cafe
The pie chart shows that whether the respondents have had faced food poisoning problem in KK5s caf. Two categories is optioned, which are Yes and No. 33% or100 people of the total respondents answered Yes in the questionnaire while 67% or 20 respondents were answered No to the questionnaire. Two-third of the total respondents had never faced food poisoning in KK5s caf. One third of the total respondents have had experienced food poisoning in KK5s caf. The situation is worse if we consider that one third of University Malaysia Pahang people have faced food poisoning problems. In KK5s caf, the various foods are not proper covered and cause flies fly to the food. It may cause infection or food poisoning if the flies have had touched infectious bacteria before it stand on the food. Thus, further investigation should be made to acquire official records of food poisoning patients in UMP Pekan clinic before any action is taken against KK5s caf.
4.9 Pie chart shows the satisfaction to the hygienic level of foodservice
The bar chart shows that the satisfaction of respondents toward KK5s caf hygienic level. There are five level of satisfactions scales, rating from very dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neutral, somewhat satisfied and very satisfied. In the bar chart, neutral satisfaction is the highest among the five rankings. Which is 50% or 15 people out of 30 respondents. Somewhat dissatisfied has 33.33% or 10 people out of 30 respondents followed by the somewhat satisfied with 16.67% or 5 people. There are no respondents to the very dissatisfied and very satisfied rating. No respondent is very satisfied to KK5s caf hygiene. There are only five respondents somewhat satisfied to the hygiene of KK5s caf compared to somewhat dissatisfied. This has show the lack of attention of hawkers to the cafs hygienic issues. Customers are not given a hygiene environment and service has causes many problems such as poisoning. Thus, appropriate strategy to improve cafs hygiene should to be performed. Strategy such as clean the food waste instant after customers have finished their meal can prevent flies from attracted to the caf.
4.10 Pie chart shows that whether the environment of KK5s cafe fulfilling the hygienic standard
The pie chart shows that the result of respondents regarding whether KK5s caf fulfill hygienic standard requirement. There are two options, which are Yes and No. In the pie chart, 30% or 9 people out of 30 respondents answered Yes while 70% or 21 people out of 30 respondents answered No. Majority of the respondents think that the KK5 caf are not fulfill the minimum hygienic requirement. There has many flies fly around and sometime it may embarrass the customers in the caf. There are also poultries such as cats sleep, stroll, and jump to the desk to eat the food waste of customers. Thus, KK5s caf hawkers should prevent poultries from entering t he caf in order to keep the caf hygiene. For instance, gates can be set in the entry of caf to prevent cat from going in.
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion: In conclusion, food provided by kk5s caf is not diet-balanced. This is because majority respondents think the food is not diet-balanced. The counter service is not well satisfy customers in the caf. Besides that, the most critical problems associated to KK5s caf are the hygienic problems. No conclusion of food price is made from the data. According to the data, most respondents have had faced hygienic problems in KK5s caf. Some of them even experienced food poisoning. KK5s caf is not fulfilling the minimum hygienic requirements. Among the faultiness found in KK5s caf, hygienic and nutritional problems are more serious and need to be improved. 5.2 Recommendation: Due to the limitation in the research project, we recommend that several in-deep investigations can be conducted to identify the actual situation. A research on the relationship between financial background of student and their choice of food is also be recommended. Besides that, a research can be conducted on the relationship between the genders and the total meal per day. There is a need for University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus to acquire patients report from the clinic to verify the issues of poisoning. In order to improve the foodservice provided by KK5s caf, we recommend that University Malaysia Pahang Pekan campus can forms a team aimed to execute periodic checking to KK5s caf based on hygienic and nutritional aspects. Besides that, comments boxes can be set up at each corner of the caf. The comments detail as well as the information of the writer should be given a highest confidential to protect the writer.
APPENDICES A) Questionnaire
Title: A RESEARCH ON IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEMS IN UMP KK5 CAFETERIA (PEKAN) Academic Report Writing Research Questions Please put a (/) on only ONE choice/answer for all the Questions. 1. What is your gender? Male_____ Female _____ 2. What is your identity? Diploma Student Degree Student Master Student Doctor Professor Administration Staff Others (Please specify)_______________ 3. How many times have you purchase food in KK5s caf per day? (Generally) 1 time 2 times 3 times More than 3 times 4. Do you satisfied with the Counter Service provided by KK5s caf? 1 2 3 4 5 Very Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Very Satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied satisfied
5. Do you think the food prices in KK5s caf are reasonable? Yes_____ No _____ 6. Do you think the food provided in KK5s caf is diet-balanced? Yes_____ No _____
7. Have you ever faced any hygienic problem/s in KK5s caf? Yes_____ No _____
8. Have you experienced food poisoning in University Malaysia Pahang (Pekan Campus)? Yes_____ No _____ 9. What is your satisfaction to the hygienic level of foodservice provided by KK5s caf? 1 Very dissatisfied 2 Somewhat dissatisfied 3 Neutral 4 Somewhat satisfied 5 Very Satisfied
10. Do you think the environment in KK5s caf is fulfilling the hygienic standard? Yes_____ No _____
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