RX-SSTV Manual English

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RX-SSTV v1.3

By ON6MU, Guy Roels (c)2008-2013 ON6MU

Aalst/Belgium e-mail: http://www.qsl.net/on6mu/mail.htm homepage: http://www.qsl.net/ON6MU FreeWare

Easy and back-to-basics Slow Scan TV software using a soundcard

What is RXSSTV? RX-SSTV is an easy and back to basics SSTV decoding program. It automatically saves received SSTV-images (any supported mode is detected automatically too). Uses the powerful MMSSTV Engine JE3HHT - Makoto Mori! Because SWL's don't need TX, this part of the program can be left out. No cumbersome settings for com-ports, ptt interfaces and no accidental transmissions by activating the TX by mistake! A totally harmless program for even the youngest of SWL's who want to discover the world of digital communications, like SSTV. Still, why no TX? Why? Primary because there are so many, many SSTV programs out there that do a great job receiving and transmitting SSTV, but none for the SWL (short wave listener) that is PTTing risk-free. Also ideal for receiving SSTV from the International Space Station ISS! Is why by default Robot-36 mode is used. However, the program will detect any available SSTV-mode that it receives and activate the automated saving process. You wont miss any received images.

What does RXSSTV Do? Automatically saves received SSTV-images (any supported mode is detected automatically too) Uses the powerful MMSSTV Engine JE3HHT - Makoto Mori Easy to use and specially designed for SWL's or HAMs who don't need TX or for anyone who just like to monitor SSTV signals. Adjustable DSP and Spectrum settings. It decodes well even under noisy band conditions! You can copy/save/edit the received SSTV images (JPG or BMP) Unlimited history storage. No cumbersome TX com-port settings, just connect your soundcard to your receiver, tune to a SSTV frequency and your set!

Supported SSTV Modes MMSSTV Engine, hence RX-SSTV supports the following SSTV modes: B/W 8 B/W 12 Robot 24 Robot 36 Robot 72 AVT 90 Scottie 1 Scottie 2 Scottie DX Martin 1

Martin 2 SC2-180 SC2-120 SC2-60 PD-50PD-290 P3, P5, P7 MP73,MP115,MP140,MP175 MR73,MR115,MR140,MR175 ML180,240,280,320

RXSSTV Technical Features . Automatically detect SSTV mode . Automatically save received SSTV images Unlimited history buffer. . DSP capabilities Multiple soundcard support. Threshold adjustable noise activated squelch control. SSTV Signal strength/quality value available for squelch and display. It decodes well even under noisy band conditions! Soundcard clock error measuring and compensating capability. A fast AFC mode can be used to track doppler shifting signals . Ability to read and write and edit BMP files. Color settings of spectrum and Waterfall. . Save images as JPG (with definable compression) or BMP files Easy to use!

Connection Interface You need to connect your soundcard's LINE IN (or MIC IN) to your receiver to be able receive SSTV-signals. There are several kits available on the Net, or just connect your soundcard with a shielded cable to your receiver (not recommended because it does not isolate your PC from your transceiver/receiver).

What is Slow Scan TV? Slow-scan television (SSTV) is a picture transmission method used mainly by amateur radio operators, to transmit and receive static pictures via radio in monochrome or color. A technical term for SSTV is narrowband television. Broadcast television requires huge 5, 6 or 8 MHz wide channels, because it transmits 25 or 30 pictures per second (in the NTSC, PAL or SECAM systems), but SSTV usually takes up to only 3 kHz of bandwidth. It is a much slower method of still picture transmission, usually lasting from about eight seconds to a couple of minutes. Since SSTV systems operate on voice frequencies, amateurs use it on shortwave (also known as HF by amateur radio operators), VHF and UHF radio. SSTV uses analogue frequency modulation, in which every different value of brightness in the image gets a different audio frequency. In other words, the signal frequency shifts up or down to designate brighter or darker pixels, respectively. Color is achieved by sending the brightness of each color component (usually red, green and blue) separately. This signal can be fed into an SSB transmitter, which in part modulates the carrier wave.

There are a number of different modes of transmission, but the most common ones are Martin M1 (popular in Europe) and Scottie S1 (used mostly in the USA)[3]. Using one of these, an image transfer takes 114 (M1) or 110 (S1) seconds. Some black and white modes take only 8 seconds to transfer an image. A transmission consists of horizontal lines, scanned from left to right. The RGB color components are sent separately one line after another in the order R, G, B. Some Robot modes use a YC color model, which consists of luminance (Y) and chrominance (R-Y and B-Y). The modulating frequency changes between 1500 and 2300 Hz, corresponding to the intensity (brightness) of the color component. The modulation is analogue, so there is not a defined number of pixels in each line; they can be sampled using any rate (though in practice, the image aspect ratio is conventionally 4:3). Lines end in a 1200 Hz horizontal synchronization pulse of 5 milliseconds (after all color components of the line have been sent).

Did you know that: - thousands of pictures can be received every day on your receiver? Whether it is on long- or shortwave, on CB or VHF and UHF, you can come across them everywhere. - They can be received on HF (e.g. 3730 kHz LSB, 14.230 MHz USB, 21.340 MHz and 28.680 MHz) and on VHF (e.g. 144.500 MHz FM) and UHF frequencies like 433.400MHz FM.... - SSTV was used to transmit images of the far side of the Moon from Luna 3! - SSTV was used to transmit images from inside Apollo 7, Apollo 8, and Apollo 9, as well as the Apollo 11 Lunar Module television from the Moon, see Apollo TV camera. Why send pictures over the radio? The ancient Chinese proverb, "A picture is worth a thousand words," is just as true today as it was thousands of years ago. Vision is our highest bandwidth sense and the primary source of information about the world around us. Material is easier to understand and more enjoyable when images accompany verbal descriptions. Would you watch television with your eyes closed? Do you look the other way when talking to someone in person? Why not make your ham radio contacts more interesting by including pictures?

SSTV Frequencies

Frequencies Using a receiver capable of demodulating single-sideband modulation, SSTV transmissions can be heard on the following popular frequencies:




80 meters 3845 kHz (3730 in Europe)


40 meters 7170 kHz (7043 in Europe)


20 meters 14230 kHz


15 meters 21340 kHz


10 meters 28680 kHz


2 meters

144.500 Mhz FM 145.800 Mhz (only RX! from ISS)

Note: This list isnt complete, only the most popular bands are listed.

Setup SSTV Engine
This function opens the dialog box, with which the user can control the parameters of the engine. Several functions are discussed here, but I would like to recommend to visit http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca to find all the details of each function (or in the MMSSTV help), MMSSTV and the engine itself. SSTV Engine SSTVENG.DLL = SSTV Engine JE3HHT - Makoto Mori (MMSSTV) http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca

This function opens the dialog box, with which the user can control the parameters of the RX-SSTV program. Most functions are self explanatory. Default save format Is the format of the pictures that are being saved. Can be JPG with adjustable compression/quality ratio or BMP (best quality, but largest). This can also be selected during saving at any time. Embed Date/Time Picture This will paste the current system time and date into the image itself (bottom) when the image is received. The format is: RX-SSTV year-month-day hh:mm:ss => 2008-Dec-25 19:30:10 Can be set to always to embed date/time on all saved images or only when saving in history, or disabled by selecting Never. Include SSTV mode in stamp Enable to allow RX-SSTV to paste the SSTV mode of the received image into the time stamp. Example: RX-SSTV | Robot 36 | Date & Time Remember screen position Will place RX-SSTV on start-up at the screen position it was last closed. Save last received image With this option enabled the last received image will be saved to the hard disk (in the folder where RX-SSTV is installed). It will always save the image with the same name: RXSSTV-Last Received.JPG Function? For example, allowing a FTP upload program to use the last received image of RX-SSTV and upload it on a website automatically. Use IrfanView In menu Edit will appear an option to paste and edit the active image to irFanview. IrfanView is a freeware imageviewer: http://www.irfanview.com/ Reset This will Reset RX-SSTV and the SSTV engine to their defaults. Use in case of trouble, malfunctioning, experimenting with settings etc.

Automatic detect (Setup->RX-SSTV) When the Auto button in the RX (Start) mode pane is depressed, MMSSTV automatically starts the receive operation in response to the start trigger signal. The start trigger signal is called VIS signal, which consists of the 1200Hz marker signal and the SSTV mode code (1100Hz and 1300Hz FSK). RXSSTV detects the signal by using a resonant FSK demodulator, and automatically starts the receive operation if it finds the mode supported. Tip: squelch level can reduce false starts: Squelch (Setup -> SSTV Engine -> RX) Four levels (Lowest, Lower, Higher, and Highest) for the trigger threshold can be selected. Lowest makes RXSSTV trigger with the weakest signal. Highest makes RXSSTV trigger with the strongest signal. In other words, only the strong signal can kick off the receive operation. The automatic detection is always ON, unless you manually change it in the Setup RX-SSTV menu. There you can disable it: Auto Start/Detect SSTV Modes JPG Also found in Setup->RX-SSTV:

Mode Buttons Quick Access User-definable SSTV Modes Manual start In case RXSSTV does not automatically start receiving, or you want to force receiving a picture that is not at the beginning, push one of the mode buttons (or the drop down list which contains every available SSTV mode of the MMSSTV Engine). Then click RX-button to start decoding in your selected mode. Tip: In JA, HL, and US, try Scottie 1. In EU, try Martin 1. However, normally it isnt a big problem as the software will auto detect the mode used, switch to that mode, and decode the picture. Remember that the modes where the 5 buttons are set up in can be changed in the Setup -> RXSSTV menu. Also the default mode can be assigned to any of these 5 mode buttons. DSP AFC Enable/Disable AFC. This is the automatic frequency control of the synchronization signal frequency to which the AFC of the engine locks. The default frequency of the synchronization signal is 1200Hz, but it can be changed by AFC. LMS Enable/Disable the LMS filter mode which can reduce de noise (noise smoothing) and/or improves the notch capabilities BPF Enable/Disable the Band Pass Filter. It switches between OFF (no bandpass filter) or a very sharp bandpass filter [0-OFF], broad, sharp, [very sharp] Tip: These and many other addition DSP settings can be changed in the Setup->SSTV Engine

Slant Adjust Even if you have the sampling frequency accurately calibrated, the other station might not have it done correctly. To facilitate the slant adjustment, you can activate the automatic slant adjustment function. To activate this function: Click "Slant" button in the RX window, or go to Setup SSTV Engine: RX -> check Auto Slant. It should be noted, however, that this function will not always give a satisfactory result when you have multipath or QRM, which causes jitters in the synchronization. ReSync RXSSTV automatically gets the receive operation synchronized with the transmitted image except in case of AVT90. However, at times it fails to do so under very bad RX conditions (image looks wrongly colored). If this situation happens, try clicking ReSync button in the RX window History Storage The RX history is also used for a permanent buffer, although unwanted pictures can be deleted, or even the entire history contents. To save an image manually (can be at any time during reception) click the Save into History button. Remember, when in automatic mode (by default) received pictures are automatically saved in the history folder with a date and time stamp in the filename. Stored images in the history (or in the save folder when using Save As button) can be copied (to the clipboard), deleted, or edited. In Setup RX-SSTV this automatic saving mode can be disabled Auto Save Received Images. Saved images can be JPG with adjustable compression/quality ratio or BMP (best quality, but largest). This can also be selected during saving at any time. BMP format: It should be noted that one image requires about 200KB disk space, and thus 256 images require about 50MB. Pay attention to the disk space of your PC.

Default Filenames "[Countrydate]_[System Time in mm.hh.ss].bmp" Example: 24-10-08_11.16.20.BMP <Date> = the current date is saved in format: dd-mm-yy or mm-dd-yy according to your PC settings

UISS For those who dont know about UISS, in short: This program has been designed for packet communication with ISS (International Space Station), PCSat, ANDE or 'compatible' satellites with ease... Download it here please: http://users.belgacom.net/hamradio/uiss.htm How to run RX-SSTV from UISS? There are several ways to do this: 1) In UISS: go to Setup->Extra->Run Application on StartUp there you can browse to the RX-SSTV folder and let UISS start RXSSTV automatically. 2) To add the following parameter to UISS icon please right-click icon for properties, and add the following at the end of the Target-string (properties-box): /RUN[path] example: /RUNd:\ham\rxsstv\RXSSTV.EXE of course you replace the above with your rx-sstv path! After this UISS will run RX-SSTV as it starts 3) copy the contents of the RX-SSTV folder to UISS \ExternalPrograms folder. Next time you start UISS youll see RXSSTV in the Launch-menu. Calibration The easiest way is to use Auto Slant in the SSTV Engine Setup (RX). This is set by default. The program will try to auto adjust slanted images. Setup->SSTV Engine->RX->Auto slant However, the best way is to calibrate RX-SSTV to a WWV signal (10Mc, 15Mc etc.). This is how:

Go to Setup-menu->SSTV Engine->Misc and push "Adj" button near the bottom left Next you can select full screen for best resolution. The screen should be mostly all black to start.. Right clicking the screen anywhere near the white line will position green to help with the alignment . See the example screen with the diagonal "slanted" white line. You should receive the WWV signal that sounds like CW (although its coordinated universal time) for a little while Full screen will get you the highest resolution. This may take a few minutes. You should start seeing a reasonably straight white line but it may be on an angle. Single click on the very bottom of the line and then again at the very top of the line. The dialog box should close and a new clock number will be set. You may need to repeat this operation a couple time to get the hang of it

If you get a line with a lot of slant, you may need to do this procedure a few times. The more vertical the line gets after each adjustment, capturing more of the line will get you the highest accuracy. (points further apart from each other will get the highest accuracy) Full screen dialog box with a full length line from the top of your monitor to the bottom will get you the best results. Right click on the screen to get the green positioned near the white line to check vertical alignment for best results. Once the line is as vertical as you can get it, you have now corrected your sound card crystal frequency. Your receive crystal is now corrected.

TX? No TX. Why? Because there are many many SSTV programs that do a great job receiving and transmitting SSTV, but none for the SWL (short wave listener). Because SWL's don't need TX this part of the program can be left out. No settings for com-ports, ptt interfaces and no transmissions by activating the TX by mistake! A totally harmless program for even the youngest of SWL's who want to discover the world of digital communications, like SSTV.

Legal- And Donation Info

RX-SSTV is NOT public domain, but it is for free!!! Released as FreeWare. There is no registration and no payment. The author keeps the copyright and all other rights. Permission to sell RX-SSTV for profit is prohibited. Please contact the author for permission. It uses the freeware engine: SSTVENG.DLL ( MMSSTV Engine JE3HHT - Makoto Mori Any support you can provide for the RX-SSTV project is greatly appreciated. If you find it useful and would like to make a contribution please send it to my address (to be found at qrz.com), or via my PayPal account Without any additional cost for international money transfer, even the smallest donation is useful and will be most appreciated. UISS-MapView is Freeware, NOT public domain and is Protected By Copyright Laws. Can Be used only in Radio Amateur Stations by Radio amateurs. Commercial Usage requires The Author's Licence. You don't have the right to change any aspect of the program that violates the copyright, that belongs only to me. You have the responsibility to use the program according to your local law. All the products and their trademarks that are referenced are proprietary of their owners. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR (ON6MU) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR: LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF CONFIDENTIAL OR OTHER INFORMATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, PERSONAL INJURY, LOSS OF PRIVACY, FAILURE TO MEET ANY DUTY (INCLUDING OF GOOD FAITH OR OF REASONABLE CARE), NEGLIGENCE, AND ANY OTHER PECUNIARY OR OTHER LOSS WHATSOEVER) ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE COMPONENTS OR THE SUPPORT SERVICES, OR THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PROVISION OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL , EVEN IN THE EVENT OF THE FAULT,TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT. RXSSTV is Freeware. There is no registration and no payment obligated. The author keeps the copyright and all other rights!

It is not allowed to: - Modify or patch the program, or in any way disassemble or change anything. - distribute the program without all the matching files - Distribute the program under another name than RX-SSTV*.* only the extension (*.ARJ, *.LZH, *.ZIP and others) may vary. - Ask money otherwise then the real costs of transport. Asking money for each program is strictly forbidden under this concept. It is permitted to: - use this program freely - make as many copies as you like and give them away, if complete with: FILE_ID.DIZ RXSSTV.EXE SSTVENG.DLL ( MMSSTV Engine JE3HHT - Makoto Mori) SSTVENG.INI README.TXT MANUAL.PDF


By using the program you accept these conditions. NO GUARANTEE ! The one who thinks of any action on behalf of local regulations, then it is not allowed to use this program!

Hardware/Software Requirements At least a 486DX3, Pentium recommended Windows 95/98Me/NT/XP/Vista/Windows 7. Soundcard that support minimum 16bit 11025Hz mono format... A receiver...

History and whats new in this version Version 1.3.1 'Windows 64bit error SNDVOL.EXE: now new method in detecting windows versions hence solving the SNDVOL not found issue Version 1.3.0 On some Win7 systems the error SNDVOL32. Fixed Add sstv mode to image timestamp (In Menu Setup RX-SSTV. Optional and default enabled) Save last received image to a fixed name (RXSSTV-LastReceived.jpg), for example: upload on a website Manual now in PDF format Version 1.2.2 RX-SSTV" was forgotten in timestamp utc Looks for RX-PSK31, if installed then user can run it from the file menu Slightly improved program icon Version 1.2.0 Use local time or UTC time in the default filenames and in the embedded date & time stamp IrfanView awareness: If IrfanView is installed on your PC then you'll get an extra option to choose between IrfanView instead of ms-paint to edit right-mouse-click options in the picture window some options in the menus were enabled in sections (RX or History tab) where the option(s) was not applicable: fixed last image viewed in history remains selected after switching between RX and History some minor bugs fixed Version 1.1.0 New: JPG support (XP/Vista, win 95/98 users probably need to download Microsoft gdiplus): choose JPG compression/quality choose between bmp/jpg as default or during save New: remember last screen position (optional enable/disable) Bug fix: blanc/or same save when RX was running and user is in History Error 380 fixed and improved error trapping Saving format is now yyyy-mm-dd_hh.mm.ss => 2008-12-25_19.30.10 New: Embed date and time into picture (optional: never, only when saving in history, always) In History and want to save the image, then the viewed picture filename is used by default (not current date/time) Renames automatically files in existing history for compatibility Reset RX-SSTV and the SSTV engine to their defaults (Setup) Version 1.0.1 Icons in tab-window were to large on some systems: fixed Tab order of the keys fixed

Help now contains calibration explanation

Version 1.0.0 Mother of all versions ;-)

At Last...The End For the newest version you can look at my homepage: http://www.qsl.net/ON6MU

Many greetings and God Bless! Guy, de ON6MU Belgium

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