Advanced Infantry Training School School of Infantry Training Command MCB Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0161

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The key takeaways are the procedures for employing the AT-4 anti-tank weapon, including preparing the launcher, determining target speed, safety considerations, and methods of destruction.

The steps to prepare the AT-4 launcher for firing are to perform a function check, attach the sight, and load the round.

An infantryman determines the speed of a vehicle target by observing how much of the vehicle passes a chosen reference point in one second - if less than half passes, the target is considered slow.

UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Advanced Infantry Training School School of Infantry Training Command MCB Camp Lejeune,

NC 2 !"2#$%&%

Direct The Employment of an AT-4 ISLC 4 ! LESSON PLAN Infantry S"#a$ Lea$er Co#r%e &!'&('! &

''''''''''''''''' Chief In(tructor ''''''''''''''''' )ate

LESSON TITLE) )irect The *mployment of an AT#" TOTAL LESSON TIME) 2+!$ RE*ERENCES) ,M,M 2#%% Anti#armor -peration( page( .#%2 to .#%& INSTRUCTOR PREPARATION) %+ *n(ure that the cla(( commander pa((e( out the /I0,1(2+ 2+ *n(ure that the computer i( in proper 3or4ing order+ .+ *n(ure that the Monitor (eat ha( a copy of the training (chedule, copie( of the detailed outline and (tudent outline+ "+ 5(ing the computer, 6ring up the pre(entation in po3er point+ !+ 7ave (tudent( open their (tudent outline in preparation for the ne8t period of in(truction+ &+ *n(ure that the (tudent( have their inert AT#"9( SA*ET+ PRECAUTIONS) %+ *n(ure that the po3er cord for the computer i( not a (afety ha:ard+ INTRODUCTION LECTURE ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER & ON. &0 /AIN ATTENTION) ,ir(t introduced into modern 3arfare during ;orld ;ar I 3ere tan4(+ They 3ere very effective at that time+ 7o3ever, tan4( are not a( (afe a( they once 3ere+ Today1( infantry unit( have, at the 6attalion level, the )ragon, and at company level 3e have the $.$$ infantryman and a 3eapon made (pecifically for him, the AT#"+ The 6enefit of thi( period of in(truction to you i( that upon completion you 3ill have the 4no3ledge to engage target( 3ith the AT#"+ !0 O1ER1IE2) <ood morning=afternoon cla((, I am ''''' and I 3ill 6e the >rimary In(tructor for the ne8t period of in(truction on )irect The *mployment of an AT#"+ The purpo(e of thi( period of in(truction i( to teach you ho3 to employ the AT#" in a defen(ive or offen(ive environment+ I 3ill accompli(h thi( 6y covering ho3 to prepare the launcher for firing, ho3 to determine vehicle (peed, employment con(ideration(, and mi(fire procedure(+ Thi( le((on relate( to anti mechani:ed operation(+ ,- MIN.

INSTRUCTOR NOTE Rea$ the learnin8 o69ecti:e,%. alo#$ an$ e;plain the o69ecti:e% to the %t#$ent0 Chec< for #n$er%tan$in8= a% nece%%ary0 30 a /%2 ;ith the aid of the reference, given an operation order, plan for an AT#" engagement, per ,M,M 2#%%+ /$.%%+$"+$&2 60 ENA4LIN/ LEARNIN/ O45ECTI1ES0 /%2 ;ithout the aid of the reference, given a li(t of choice(, (elect 3hich i( N-T an AT#" method of engagement, per ,M,M 2#%% page( .#%2 to .#%!+ /$.%%+$"+$&a2 /22 ;ithout the aid of the reference, given a li(t of definition(, (tate in 3riting the AT#" engagement (afety con(ideration(, per ,M,M 2#%% page( .#%! to .#%&+ /$.%%+$"+$&62 40 MET7OD'MEDIA) Thi( cla(( 3ill 6e taught 6y lecture and the u(e of the computer and computer generated graphic(+ The practical application portion 3ill 6e conducted during a live fire range and during the >*?=,*?+ Tho(e of you 3ith I0,9( (et them a(ide and fill them out at the end of thi( cla((+ LEARNIN/ O45ECTI1ES0 a0 TERMINAL LEARNIN/ O45ECTI1E0

INSTRUCTOR NOTE) E;plain to the %t#$ent% the proce$#re for completin8 the In%tr#ctional Ratin8 *orm% ,I*R.0 Inform %t#$ent% that the I*R% >ill not 6e collecte$ #ntil the entire perio$ of in%tr#ction= incl#$in8 the a%%ociate$ e;amination= i% complete$0 -0 E1ALUATION) @ou 3ill 6e evaluated in the form of a 3ritten e8amination and a performance evaluation+ The performance evaluation 3ill 6e conducted during the live fire range, during the >*? and the ,*?+ TRANSITION) No3 that 3e have read the TL- and *L-( and you 4no3 ho3 you 3ill 6e evaluated, 3hen you 3ill 6e evaluated, are their

any Aue(tion(B If there are no Aue(tion(, 3e 3ill 6egin di(cu((ing the method( of engagement+ 4OD+ LECTURE ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER & O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ! ON. &0 MET7ODS O* EN/A/EMENT0 /$.%%+$"+$&a2 ,!7RS ! MIN.

a+ Single ,iring+ In thi( method, one man 3ith only one (hot engage( the target+ Thi( method (hould only 6e u(ed at 2$$ meter( or le(( 6ecau(e getting a hit at further range( u(ing vi(ual range determination i( very difficult+ Then range ha( 6een accurately determined, you can tru(t a (hot out to .$$ meter(+ Thi( i( a valid method 6ecau(e there 3ill 6e time( 3hen only one AT#" i( in a po(ition to ta4e a (hot at a target+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ! O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3 ON. INST05CT-0 N-T*C 0*,*0 T- SIN<L* ,I0IN< )IA<0AM+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4 ON. 6+ SeAuence ,iring+ In (eAuence, firing the target i( engaged 6y one (hooter that ha( t3o or more AT#"9(+ 7e prepare( 6oth AT#"9( 6efore firing+ After hi( fir(t (hot, he correct( hi( point of aim for the (econd (hot+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER - ON. INST05CT-0 N-T*C 0*,*0 T- S*D5*NC* ,I0IN< )IA<0AM+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER - O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ? ON. c+ >air ,iring+ In pair firing, t3o or more (hooter( have t3o or more AT#"9( each to engage a (ingle target+ *ach (hooter prepare( (everal AT#"9(+ The fir(t gunner (ee( the target, identified it, and announce( the e(timated range and the lead u(ed+ *8ampleC BM>, one#five :ero meter(, fa(tE and fire(+ The (econd (hooter o6(erve( the firing and announce( a revi(ed


e(timate of range and lead and fire(+ They continue until they get a hit+ -nce the target i( hit, 6oth (hooter( on command 3ill engage the target until it9( de(troyed+ Thi( method i( 6etter 6ecau(e it9( a fa(ter change of information+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ? O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER @ ON. d+ Folley ,iring+ In volley firing, a (ingle target i( engaged 6y more than one (hooter ma4ing the (ame (ight data to fire one or more AT#"9(+ A fire command i( given to direct the fire+ Thi( i( u(ed 3hen the range i( 4no3n+ Thi( method 3ill increa(e the pro6a6ility of a 4ill+ A ne3 command mu(t 6e given for each round fire+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER @ O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER A ON. e+ Com6ination ,iring+ Any com6ination can 6e u(ed 3hen firing the AT#"+ @ou could u(e (eAuence or pair firing to find the range, and then u(e volley( firing to de(troy the target+ D5*STI-NC ;hat range (hould you u(e in the (ingle fire engagementB ANS;*0C Single fire engagement method (hould only 6e u(ed at 2$$ meter( or le(( 6ecau(e getting a hit at further range( u(ing vi(ual range determination i( very difficult D5*STI-NC ;hen a (ingle target i( engaged 6y more than one (hooter ma4ing the (ame (ight data to fire one or more AT#"9(+ ANS;*0C Folley firing+

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the method( of engagement( for the AT"+ At thi( time if there no more Aue(tion(, 3e 3ill move on and the ne8t item 3e 3ill di(cu(( i( armor vulnera6ility+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER A O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ( ON. !0 ARMOR 1ULNERA4ILIT+0

Armor u(ually ha( the heavie(t armor on it i( front (lope(+ By compari(on, the (hooter (hould try for a hit on the top, rear, (ide(, or 6ottom+ The 3ea4e(t point 3ith the mo(t ma(( i( the (ide+ There are three type( of 4ill(+

a+ Mo6ility Gill+ The vehicle ha( (topped moving 6ecau(e a trac4 or 3heel ha( 6een 6lo3n off or it ha( ta4en a hit in the engine+ The vehicl.e can9t move, 6ut it can (till (hoot+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ( O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER & ON. 6+ ,ire >o3er Gill+ Thi( i( 3hen the main gun can9t fire 6ecau(e of a hit in the turret+ The vehicle can (till move, 6ut can9t (hoot+ c+ Cata(trophic Gill+ The vehicle i( completely de(troyed+ To do thi(, you (hould 6e prepared to fire a (econd and may6e a third (hot+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER & O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER && ON. d+ An armored vehicle 3ithout infantry i( ea(y pray, 6ecau(e 3hen 6uttoned up, it9( field of vi(ion i( very limited+ Thi( provide( an opportunity to get an armor#4iller team 3ithin 4ill range+ e+ Any 3ay you can get the vehicle to (lo3 do3n, (top or 6ypa(( o6(tacle( you can achieve a fir(t round hit+ Al3ay( 6e ready to fire a (econd or third (hot to ma4e (ure you get a cata(trophic 4ill+ D5*STI-NC ANS;*0C D5*STI-NC turret+ ANS;*0C ;here i( the 3ea4e(t point 3ith the mo(t ma(( locatedB -n the (ide+ ;hen the main gun can9t fire 6ecau(e of a hit in the ,ire >o3er Gill

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered armor vulnera6ility+ If there are no Aue(tion(, then let( loo4 at tactical con(ideration( in the offen(e+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER && O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &! ON. 30 TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN T7E O**ENSE0


In the attac4, AT#"9( (hould 6e availa6le to influence the action 3here nece((ary+ )ue to it( (hort range, the AT#" (hould 6e (pread throughout the maneuver element+ The AT#" i( primarily u(ed again(t light vehicle(, 6un4er(, or cre3 (erved 3eapon po(ition(+ TRANSITION) That concluded the (ection on con(ideration( in the offen(e+ If there are no Aue(tion(, 3e 3ill no3 tal4 a6out tactical con(ideration( in the defen(e+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &! O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &3 ON. 40 TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN T7E DE*ENSE0

a+ Al3ay( con(ider the 6ac4#6la(t 3hen a((igning and con(tructing fighting po(ition(+ >rovide t3o or more AT#"9( to each po(ition that 3ill u(e them+ @ou 3ant to po(ition them to achieve flan4 (hot( on the avenue( of approach+ The traditional approach of (ee4ing flan4 (hot( i( a method 6y 3hich per(onnel po(ition antiarmor 3eapon( (y(tem( on the flan4( of the a((aulting enemy force and it i( not al3ay( fea(i6le+ MA; and LA; (y(tem( reAuire flan4 (hot( to 6e effective, (ince their chemical energy 3arhead( are (ignificantly degraded 6y compo(ite and or reactive armor+ Ideally the di(po(ition of 7A; (y(tem( 3ould provide flan4 (hot(+ Al(o, con(ider di(per(ing them to get o6liAue fire po((i6ilitie( and mutual (upport+ 6+ 0emem6er, you can u(e the AT#" at night under illumination+ If you can9t get indirect fire illumination, you al3ay( have the M2$. (tar parachute+ The illumination (hould 6e placed a6ove and (lightly in front of the target+ D5*STI-NC locatedB ANS;*0C )uring offen(ive action, 3here (hould the AT"9( 6e Spread throughout the maneuver element+

D5*STI-NC *mploying the AT" in a defen(ive environment, 3hat i( the fir(t thing I 3ant to con(iderB ANS;*0C Al3ay( con(ider the 6ac4#6la(t 3hen a((igning and con(tructing fighting po(ition( for the AT"+ TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the tactical con(ideration( in the defen(e+ If there are no Aue(tion( then no3 3e 3ill di(cu(( (pecial operation(+


a+ The AT#", 6ecau(e of it( light3eight i( ideal for com6at patrol(, am6u(he(, and armor#4iller team(+ 0aiding partie( can u(e it again(t command po(t, communication in(tallation(, and (upply dump(+ 6+ Armor Giller Team(+ Armor#4iller team( in 6oth the offen(e and defen(e can u(e the AT#"+ The(e team( are generally employed during period( of limited vi(i6ility and in area( 3here cover, concealment, and 3ithdra3al route( are readily availa6le+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &4 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &- ON. The team a( a minimum (hould haveC /%2 Leader /22 Security *lement /.2 Anti#armor 4iller element+ ,our men (hould do the attac4+ The 6e(t method for (hooting in thi( (ituation i( the volley method of fire+ It provide( high volume fire a greater pro6a6ility of hit( and target de(truction+ D5*STI-NC ;hy are the AT"9( (o ideal for the offen(ive actionB

ANS;*0C It i( light3eight i( ideal for com6at patrol(, am6u(he(, armor#4iller team( and raiding partie(+ TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the (pecial operation(+ there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 di(cu(( the general characteri(tic(+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &- O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &? ON. ?0 /ENERAL C7ARACTERISTICS0 If

a+ The launcher and roc4et, "mm, M%.& 7*AT, i( a light3eight, (elf#contained, anti#armor 3eapon+ It con(i(t( of a free flight, fin (ta6ili:ed roc4et pac4ed in an e8penda6le

launcher+ It1( man porta6le and fired from the right (houlder only+ It1( i((ued a( a round of ammunition and the launcher (erve( a( a 3atertight container for tran(port and (torage+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &? O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &@ ON. 6+ The AT" i( u(ed in addition to the individual 3eapon+ It (upplement( other anti#armor 3eapon( and provide( anti#armor capa6ility for the rifle (Auad+ It can al(o 6e u(ed again(t 6un4er( and other hard po(ition(+ It can 6e u(ed in any 3eather condition(+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &@ O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &A ON. c+ Technical )ata+ /%2 ;eightC /22 Cali6erC /.2 LengthC overall # &+ roc4et # %+ "mm %$2$mm, "$ inche( 2I$ meter( per (econd, I!$ feet 4ilogram(, %! pound( 4ilogram(, " pound(

/"2 Mu::le FelocityC per (econd

/!2 -perating Temperature 0angeC #"$ degree( C to &$ degree( C /#"$ degree( , to %"$ degree( ,2 /&2 0angeC Ma8+ 0ange#2%$$meter( Ma8+ *ffective range#.$$ meter( Minimum arming range#%$ meter( /..ft2 Minimum target engagement range training, .$ meter(


;hat i( the overall 3eight of the AT"B %! pound( ;hat i( the mu::le velocity of the AT"B 2I$ meter( per (econd, I!$ feet per (econd

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the technical data+ If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 di(cu(( the component( of the AT"+

,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &A O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &( ON. @0 COMPONENTS0 a+ Tran(port Safety >in+ >rovide( (afety for tran(portation+ It9( attached to the launcher 6y a lanyard+ 6loc4( the movement of the firing rod and prevent( it from (tri4ing the percu((ion cap+ 6+ Coc4ing Lever+ Coc4( firing mechani(m+ It

c+ ,ire Through Mu::le Cover+ It 4eep( out moi(ture In addition, prevent( foreign o6ject( from entering the mu::le+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER &( O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ! ON. d+ Color Code Band+ Color of the 6and indicate( the type of roc4et+ A 6lac4 6and i( 7* anti#tan4+ A gold 6and i( a tracer trainer, and a 6lue 6and i( a field#handling trainer+ e+ Sight(+ The front (ight ha( a (ight 6lade 3ith a center po(t and a right and left lead po(t+ The rear (ight ha( a (ight 6lade, range (etting 4no6, range indicator, 2mm peephole and a Hmm peephole+ f+ Fenturi+ It protect( the 3eapon from damage if it i( dropped and it direct( the flo3 of the 6ac4 6la(t+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER ! O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !& ON. g+ 0ed Safety Catch+ It mu(t 6e fully depre((ed and held 6efore firing+ It provide( the final (afety+ h+ 0ed Trigger Button+ It fire( the 3eapon+

i+ Shoulder Stop+ the (houlder+ j+ Carrying Sling+ launcher+

It help( (ta6ili:e the launcher on >rovide( a mean( to carry the



4+ ,iring Mechani(m+ It include( the trigger 6utton, enclo(ed firing rod 3ith (pring and the three (afety device(+ D5*STI-NC ANS;*0C The color of thi( 6and indicate( the type of roc4etB Color Code Band

D5*STI-NC Thi( item 6loc4( the movement of the firing rod and prevent( it from (tri4ing the percu((ion capB ANS;*0C Tran(port Safety >in

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the component( of the AT"+ If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill move on and di(cu(( the (afety )evice( found on the AT"+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !! O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !3 ON. A0 SA*ET+ DE1ICES0 a+ The tran(port (afety pin 3hen in place, prevent( the firing pin from moving and 4eep( it from hitting the percu((ion cap+ 6+ The coc4ing lever i( attached to the firing rod+ ;hen in the (afe po(ition, it prevent( the rod from moving to the rear+ ;hen pu(hed for3ard and right, it allo3( the rod to go to the rear 3hen the trigger i( pu(hed+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !3 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !4 ON. c+ The red (afety catch i( the final (afety, and i( attached to a rod that goe( do3n the firing mechani(m and 6loc4( the rear3ard motion of the firing rod+ ;hen you pu(h the catch to the left and hold it there, the 6loc4 i( removed, and the 3eapon 3ill fire+ TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the (afety device( found on the AT"+ If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 di(cu(( Servicea6ility in(pection+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !4 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !- ON.




The AT#" i( i((ued a( a round of ammunition and i( completely (ealed, (o you can only chec4 the e8ternal component(+ 7ere i( 3hat you chec4+ a+ The tran(port (afety pin (hould 6e in place and fully in(erted+ The lanyard i( attached+ 6+ do3n+ The coc4ing lever i( in the (afe po(ition and folded

c+ The fire through mu::le (hould 6e intact+ If it i( torn cut it a3ay and gently (ha4e out any foreign o6ject(+ d+ The launcher ha( a 6lac4 and yello3 color code 6and+

,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !- O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !? ON. e+ f+ g+ h+ i+ j+ The (ight( 3or4+ >op them up and (ee if they1re damaged+

That the red (afety catch doe( not move 3hen depre((ed+ That the rear circular >le8igla( (eal( i( not 6ro4en+ That the (houlder (top i( 3or4ing+ That the carrying (ling i( not frayed or torn+ That the launcher 6ody ha( no crac4(, dent(, or 6ulge(+ ;hat function doe( the tran(port (afety pin provideB


ANS;*0C ;hen in place, prevent( the firing pin from moving and 4eep( it from hitting the percu((ion cap+ D5*STI-NC ANS;*0C Should the red (afety catch move 3hen depre((edB No, the red (afety catch (hould not move+

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t di(cu((ed ho3 to in(pect for (ervicea6ilityB If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 move on and tal4 a6out preparing and firing the AT#"+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !? O**.



7ere i( ho3 to (et up one AT#" for firing+ a+ 0emove the launcher from the carrying po(ition and cradle it in the left arm+ 6+ 0emove the tran(port (afety pin+ Ma4e (ure the lanyard i( attached+ @ou may need to rein(ert it+ c+ d+ >lace the launcher on the right (houlder+ 5n(nap and unfold the (houlder (top+

INSTRUCTOR NOTE) *or a$$e$ %ta6ility= 8ra%p the carryin8 %lin8 near the m#BBle >ith the left han$ an$ p#ll 6ac< on the carryin8 %lin8 #ntil the %ho#l$er %top i% pre%%e$ a8ain%t the ri8ht %ho#l$er0 ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !@ O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !A ON. e+ 0elea(e the (ight(E pre(( do3n and (lide front (ight cover to the rear and the rear (ight cover to the front+ The (ight( 3ill pop up+ f+ Coc4 the launcher 6y unfolding the coc4ing lever 3ith the right hand+ >ut the thum6 under the lever and (upport your other finger( in front of the firing mechani(m+ >u(h the lever for3ard, to the right and let it (lide 6ac4+ )o not refold the coc4ing lever+ g+ Before pre((ing the (houlder (top 6ac4E chec4 your 6ac4 6la(t area+ <ra(p the (ling near the mu::le 3ith your left hand and pull 6ac4+ h+ Set the (ight(+ I 3ill cover thi( later in thi( cla((+

,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !A O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !( ON. i+ 5(ing your right inde8 finger pre(( the red (afety catch to the left and hold it do3n+


j+ <et a good (ight picture+ inche( from rear (ight+

>lace right eye 2+! to .

4+ ,ire the launcher 6y pre((ing the trigger 6utton 3ith the right thum6 and pre((ing (traightfor3ard in a (teady (mooth movement+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER !( O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3 ON. l+ If for (ome rea(on, you don9t 3ant to (hoot, you can return the launcher to it i( carrying po(ition 6y doing the follo3ingC /%2 0elea(e the red (afety catch+ /22 0eturn the coc4ing lever to the (afe po(ition and fold the lever do3n+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3& ON. /.2 0emove the launcher from your (houlder and 4eep it do3n range+ /"2 0e#in(ert the tran(port (afety pin+ /!2 Ma4e (ure rear (ight i( (et at 2$$ meter( and clo(e up 6oth (ight(+ /&2 0efold the (houlder (top+ 3ith mu::le do3n+ 0eturn to carry po(ition

D5*STI-NC ;hat (hould you chec4 6efore pre((ing the (houlder (top 6ac4B ANS;*0C Chec4 your 6ac4 6la(t area+

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered preparing the AT#" for firing+ If there are no Aue(tion(, let( loo4 at ho3 to determine (peed+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3& O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3! ON. &&0 DETERMININ/ SPEED0

To accurately engage armored target(, 3hich are u(ually in motion, the gunner1( a6ility to determine (peed i( ju(t a(


important a( the range+ Con(tant practice 3ill help acAuire thi( (4ill+ 7ere i( one method for determining the (peed of a targetC ,SUPPORTIN/ SLIDE 3! O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ SLIDE 33 ON. a+ *(timate ho3 far the vehicle move( in one (econdC /%2 Count one thou(and one+ /22 Start 3hen the front end of the vehicle pa((e( a cho(en o6ject+ /.2 If le(( than half the vehicle pa((e( the o6ject, e(timate a( (lo3+ If more than half the vehicle pa((e( the o6ject e(timate a( fa(t+ 6+ *(timate vehicle (peed a(C /%2 Slo3 for all o6liAue vehicle( moving %$ mph or le((+ /22 ,a(t for flan4 vehicle( moving fa(ter than %$ mph+ TRANSITION) Thi( complete( thi( (ection on determining (peed+ If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 di(cu(( the rear (ight+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 33 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 34 ON. &!0 T7E REAR SI/7T0 ,3 MIN.

a+ ;hen the (ight pop( up it i( on 2$$ meter(+ *ach clic4 of range i( !$ meter(+ Turning the range 4no6 for3ard move( the range up+ Moving it to the rear 6ring the range do3n+ *ach clic4 of range i( !$ meter(+ The (cale goe( from %$$ to !$$ meter(+ To return the (ight to carrying po(ition, it mu(t 6e at 2$$ meter( again+ ,SUPPORTIN/ SLIDE 34 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ SLIDE 3- ON. 6+ >eephole on the rear (ight+ The 2mm peephole, i( u(ed under normal light condition(, i( drilled in the leaf that


cover( the Hmm peephole, 3hich i( u(ed under limited vi(i6ility condition(+ D5*STI-NC ANS;*0C D5*STI-NC ANS;*0C 5p ;hat i( the range (cale of the rear (ightB The (cale goe( from %$$ to !$$ meter(+ Turning the range 4no6 for3ard move( the rangeB

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the rear (ight+ If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 di(cu(( the firing po(ition(+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3- O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3? ON. &-0 *IRIN/ POSITIONS0

;hen firing the AT#", you may u(e one of four po(ition(+ The po(ition( vary 6it 6ecau(e of the difference( in the (hooter1( 6ody+ Any po(ition may 6e u(ed for (tationary target(+ The 6e(t po(ition( for moving target( are the 4neeling and (tanding 6ecau(e of the movement nece((ary 3hen trac4ing+ a+ Standing po(ition+ >lace the launcher a6out (houlder level pointed at the target and (tep under it+ ;ith your feet a comforta6le di(tance apart, 6alance your 6ody 3ith the hip( level+ @our left hand hold( the launcher+ Both el6o3( are tuc4ed in+ ;hen trac4ing, rotate at the hip(E do not move your feet+ 5(e (ome (upport if po((i6le+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3? O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3@ O**. 6+ Gneeling >o(ition+ The 4neeling po(ition can 6e done t3o 3ay(+ -ne 3ay i( to (it 6ac4 on your right foot+ The other 3ay i( to 4eep your right thigh vertical+ The (econd 3ay i( 6etter for moving target(+ @our left foot (hould 6e pointed at the target+ c+ Sitting >o(ition+ @ou can (hoot cro(( leg or open leg po(ition for the (itting po(ition+ Ju(t remem6er to 4eep the launcher pointed do3n range 3hen getting into the po(ition+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3@ O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3A ON.


d+ >rone >o(ition+ To get into thi( po(ition, lay the launcher on the dec4 pointed at the target+ Lie on your (tomach at lea(t a I$#degree angle to the launcher to 4eep clear of the 6ac4 6la(t+ The launcher i( placed on your right (houlder 3ith el6o3( 6eneath it+ Thi( i( the lea(t (ta6le po(ition+ D5*STI-NC ANS;*0C D5*STI-NC targetB 7o3 many firing po(ition( are there for the AT"B ,our, (tanding, 4neeling, (itting and prone+ ;hat are the 6e(t po(ition( for engaging a moving

ANS;*0C The 6e(t po(ition( for moving target( are the 4neeling and (tanding TRANSITION) Thi( conclude( the firing po(ition(+ If there are no Aue(tion( then 3e 3ill move on and tal4 a6out the mi(fire procedure(+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3A O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3( ON. &?0 MIS*IRE PROCEDURES0

Since training and com6at are a 6it different, there are t3o method( to handle a mi(fire+ a+ Training+ /%2 Shout KMi(fireK+ /22 Maintain original (ight picture+ /.2 relea(e the red (afety catch+ /"2 0e#coc4 the coc4ing lever+ area and try to fire again+ Chec4 the 6ac4#6la(t

/!2 If it fail( again, repeat (tep( one through four+ If it fail( a third time, relea(e the red (afety catch and put the coc4ing lever in the (afe po(ition+ /&2 Ta4e the launcher off your (houlder 4eeping the mu::le to3ard your target+


/H2 0ein(ert the tran(port (afety pin+ / 2 ;ait t3o minute(, then carefully lay the faulty launcher on the ground, mu::le to3ard your target+ /I2 )i(po(e of, in accordance 3ith your unit S->+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 3( O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4 ON. 6+ Com6at+

/%2 Immediately rechec4 the coc4ing lever+ Chec4 the 6ac4 6la(t area, aim, fully depre(( the red (afety catch, and pre(( the red trigger 6utton+ /22 If the launcher (till doe( not fire, maintain your po(ition and return the coc4ing lever to the (afe po(ition+ 0emove the launcher from your (houlder and rein(ert the tran(port (afety pin+ Lay the launcher a(ide, pointing at the target+ Immediately u(e another launcher to engage the target+ D5*STI-NC After performing immediate action t3ice and the launcher 3ill not fire, ho3 long mu(t you 3ait 6efore ta4ing actionB ANS;*0C @ou have to 3ait t3o minute( and then you 3ill lay the launcher do3n pointed do3n range+ D5*STI-NC If the launcher fail( to fire, 3hat mu(t 6e rein(ertedB ANS;*0C Tran(port (afety pin

TRANSITION) ;e have ju(t covered the mi(fire procedure(B If there are no Aue(tion( 3e 3ill no3 loo4 at engagement area (afety con(ideration(+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4& ON. &@0 EN/A/EMENT AREA SA*ET+ CONSIDERATIONS0 /$.%%+$"+$&B2 a+ Bac4 6la(t Area+ In training, the entire &! meter( (hould 6e clear 3hen (hooting+ The (hooter (hould chec4 6efore he fire(+

/%2 )anger :one AC Thi( :one e8tend( ! meter( to the rear of the launcher+ It mu(t 6e clear of all o6(tacle(+ /22 )anger :one BC Thi( :one e8tend( an additional &$ meter( 6eyond :one A in a I$ degree fan from the rear of the launcher+ In thi( :one, danger e8i(t( from heat and flying de6ri(+ 6+ 0ange firing >recaution(+ Launcher (hould 6e covered to 4eep them out of the (un for a long period+ ;hen it i( 6elo3 free:ing, dou6le all 6ac4 6la(t dimen(ion( and (hooter( (hould 3ear a protective ma(4+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4& O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4! ON. c+ ,iring from *nclo(ure( /com6at only2+ The(e condition( mu(t 6e met 6efore you (hoot from an enclo(ureC /%2 *nclo(ure dimen(ion(+ /a2 /62 /c2 /d2 Ceiling heightC H9 0oom (i:eC %!9 8 %29 Fentilation to rearC 2$ (Auare feet Mu::le clearance from 6uildingC &L

,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4! O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 43 ON. INSTRUCTOR NOTE) An open $oor 3 feet >i$e 6y @ feet hi8h >ill pro:i$e a$e"#ate :entilation0 /22 The 6uilding (hould have (trong 3all(, large dimen(ion(, lac4 of de6ri(, and plenty of opening(+ /.2 The 6e(t place to 6e 3hen (omeone i( firing in(ide i( right ne8t to the launcher+ )o not (tand in corner( or again(t a 3all+ 0emem6er, if you are in a 6uilding firing an AT#", you pro6a6ly 3ill get hurt (ome 3ay+ D5*STI-NC 6eB )uring training ho3 large (hould the 6ac4 6la(t area


ANS;*0C D5*STI-NC 6uildingB

&! meter( ;hat are the con(ideration( 3hen firing in(ide a

ANS;*0C The 6uilding (hould have (trong 3all(, large room(, lac4 of de6ri(, and plenty of opening(+ TRANSITION) That conclude( the portion on engagement area (afety con(ideration(+ If there are no more Aue(tion( then 3e 3ill move on and ta4e a loo4 at method( of de(truction+ ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 43 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 44 ON. &A0 MET7ODS O* DESTRUCTION0

There are three method( to u(e if de(truction i( called for 6y the C-+ a+ ,iring+ Thi( i( the Auic4e(t and ea(ie(t 3ay to di(po(e of a (mall Auantity of AT#"9(+ 6+ Burning+ >lace com6u(ti6le material li4e 3ood, paper, or rag( around the AT#" and (oa4 them 3ith ga( or oil+ Ignite the ga( and ta4e cover 6ecau(e the round can go off at any time in any direction+ c+ )emolition+ >repare a M pound charge and tape it to the rear of the AT#" ju(t in front of the rear venturi+ )ual prime the charge, ta4e cover, and detonate it+ Never try to (ma(h or drive over the AT#" 3ith a vehicle+ D5*STI-NC ;hat i( the Auic4e(t and ea(ie(t 3ay to di(po(e of a (mall Auantity of AT#"9(B ANS;*0C ,iring the launcher+

TRANSITION) At thi( time, thi( conclude( thi( portion on the method( of de(truction+ Are their any Aue(tion( pertaining to thi( portion or any other portion of thi( period of in(tructionB ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 44 O**. ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4- ON. PRACTICAL APPLICATION



N-N* ,- MIN.

OPPORTUNIT+ *OR CUESTIONS) &0 !0 C#e%tion% from the cla%%0 C#e%tion% to the cla%%0 7o3 do you lead a fa(t moving vehicleB

Due(tionC ANS;*0C

>lace oppo(ite lead po(t center ma(( on vehicle+

Due(tionC ;hen firing the AT#", the gunner noticed that le(( than half the vehicle pa((ed the cho(en o6ject in one (econd, the gunner then e(timate( the vehicle1( (peed a(B ANS;*0C SUMMAR+) )uring thi( period of in(truction 3e covered the (tep( to prepare the launcher for firing, the procedure( for determining (peed, ho3 to lead 6oth fa(t moving and (lo3 moving vehicle(, concept of employment and function chec4 3ith the AT#" tracer trainer+ >lea(e re(pond to the Aue(tion( or ma4e comment( on your In(tructional 0ating ,orm(, a( appropriate+ -nce you have completed the form(, hand them into the cla(( commander+ The remaining of you may ta4e a five#minute 6rea4+ INSTRUCTOR NOTE Pro:i$e the %t#$ent% >ith in%tr#ction% re8ar$in8 >hat to $o an$ >here to form in preparation for the ne;t trainin8 e:ent0 ,SUPPORTIN/ PAPER 4- O**. Slo3


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