Excel Training For Analysts

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West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts


West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

Table of Contents
CONVERT NUMBERS STORED AS TEXT TO NUMBERS................................................................................3 CONVERT NUMBERS STORED AS NUMBERS TO TEXT................................................................................3 CONDITIONAL FORMATTING...............................................................................................................................4 IF FORMULAS.............................................................................................................................................................4 LIN ING CELLS.........................................................................................................................................................! LIN ING CELLS.........................................................................................................................................................! FILTERING.................................................................................................................................................................." AUTO FILTER............................................................................................................................................................." FILTER FOR UNI#UE RECORDS..........................................................................................................................." $IVOT TABLE RE$ORTS..........................................................................................................................................% VLOO U$S................................................................................................................................................................&' (LOO U$S................................................................................................................................................................&4 $ROTECT S(EET.....................................................................................................................................................&) LOCK ALL CELLS .........................................................................................................................................................1 LOCK SELEC!ED CELLS.................................................................................................................................................1 MANUAL CALCULATION......................................................................................................................................&! VALIDATION.............................................................................................................................................................&" C(ARTS......................................................................................................................................................................&% #UIC TOOLS..........................................................................................................................................................&*


West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

EXCEL TRAINING FOR ANAL+STS ADVANCED SESSION Con,e-t n./be-s sto-e0 as te1t to n./be-s
Occasionally# n$%&ers %ay &e for%atte' an' store' in cells as text# ()ic) later can ca$se *ro&le%s (it) calc$lations or *ro'$ce conf$sing sort or'ers. +or exa%*le# yo$ %ay )ave ty*e' a n$%&er in a cell t)at (as for%atte' as text# or t)e 'ata %ay )ave &een i%*orte' or co*ie' as text fro% an external 'ata so$rce. ,$%&ers t)at are for%atte' as text are left-aligne' instea' of rig)t-aligne' in t)e cell. Wit) error c)ec-ing t$rne' on# t)ey are also %ar-e' (it) an error in'icator. .o$ can convert t)e% to n$%&ers &y $sing t)e follo(ing ste*s/ 1. ". 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6acSelect a &lan- cell t)at yo$ -no( )as t)e Gene-al n$%&er for%at. 0n t)e cell# ty*e &# an' t)en *ress E,!E1. Select t)e cell# an' t)en clic- Co23 on t)e E04t %en$. Select t)e cells t)at contain t)e n$%&ers store' as text t)at yo$ (ant to convert. On t)e E04t %en$# clic- $aste S2e54al. Un'er O2e-at4on# clic- M.lt42l3. Clic- O .

Con,e-t n./be-s sto-e0 as n./be-s to te1t

0f yo$ 'on7t (ant n$%&ers to &e calc$late'# yo$ can for%at t)e% as text. A n$%&er t)at is for%atte' as text (ill &e left-aligne' instea' of rig)t-aligne'. 0t (ill &e store' as text an' cannot &e incl$'e' in any calc$lation. 1. ". 2. Select t)e cells t)at contain t)e n$%&ers t)at yo$ (ant to for%at as text. On t)e Fo-/at %en$# clic- Cells. On t)e N./be- ta&# clic- Te1t in t)e Cate6o-3 list# an' t)en clic- O .

T42 Alternately# yo$ can a**ly t)e Te1t for%at to t)e e%*ty cells an' t)en ty*e t)e n$%&ers. !o $se 'eci%al *laces in n$%&ers t)at are store' as text# yo$ %$st incl$'e t)e 'eci%al *oints ()en yo$ ty*e t)e n$%&ers. 6ac-2-

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

Con04t4onal Fo-/att4n6
.o$ can create con'itional for%ats for selecte' cells $sing t)e follo(ing ste*s/ 1. ". 2. 3. . Select t)e cells t)at contain t)e n$%&ers t)at yo$ (ant to for%at as text. On t)e Fo-/at %en$# clic- Con04t4onal Fo-/att4n67 !o $se val$es in t)e selecte' cells as t)e for%atting criteria# clic- Cell Val.e Is# select t)e Co/2a-4son $8-ase yo$ (ant# an' t)en ty*e a constant or a for%$la.
Co/2a-4son $8-ase Constant Val.e

Clic- Fo-/at. Select t)e for%atting yo$ (ant to a**ly ()en t)e cell val$e %eets t)e con'ition or t)e for%$la ret$rns t)e val$e !1UE.


!o a'' anot)er con'ition# clic- A00# an' t)en re*eat ste*s 1 t)ro$g) 2. .o$ can s*ecify $* to t)ree con'itions. 0f none of t)e s*ecifie' con'itions are tr$e# t)e cells -ee* t)eir existing for%ats. Note9 Us4n6 /.lt42le 5on04t4ons 0f %ore t)an one s*ecifie' con'ition is tr$e# 8icrosoft Excel a**lies only t)e for%ats of t)e first tr$e con'ition# even if %ore t)an one con'ition is tr$e. 6ac-

:IF; Fo-/.las S3nta1

IF9lo645al<test#,al.e<4f<t-.e#val$e:if:false; Lo645al<test is any val$e or ex*ression t)at can &e eval$ate' to !1UE or +ALSE. +or exa%*le# A1<=1<< is a logical ex*ression> if t)e val$e in cell A1< is e?$al to 1<<# t)e ex*ression eval$ates to !1UE. Ot)er(ise# t)e ex*ression eval$ates to +ALSE. Val.e<4f<t-.e is t)e val$e t)at is ret$rne' if logical:test is !1UE. +or exa%*le# in t)e a&ove exa%*le if A1< 'oes e?$al 1<< an' yo$ enter @E?$al to 1<<A in t)e Val$e:if:tr$e arg$%ent# t)en t)e 0+ f$nction 'is*lays t)e text BE?$al to 1<<B. 0f logical:test is !1UE an' val$e:if:tr$e is &lan-# t)is arg$%ent ret$rns < 9Cero;. !o 'is*lay t)e (or' !1UE# $se t)e logical val$e !1UE for t)is arg$%ent. Val$e:if:tr$e can &e anot)er for%$la. -3-

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

Val.e<4f<false is t)e val$e t)at is ret$rne' if logical:test is +ALSE. +or exa%*le# if A1< 'oes not e?$al 1<< an' yo$ entere' @,ot e?$al to 1<<A in t)e Val$e:if:false arg$%ent# t)en t)e 0+ f$nction 'is*lays t)e text B,ot e?$al to 1<<B. 0f logical:test is +ALSE an' val$e:if:false is o%itte'# 9t)at is# after val$e:if:tr$e# t)ere is no co%%a;# t)en t)e logical val$e +ALSE is ret$rne'. 0f logical:test is +ALSE an' val$e:if:false is &lan- 9t)at is# after val$e:if:tr$e# t)ere is a co%%a follo(e' &y t)e closing *arent)esis;# t)en t)e val$e < 9Cero; is ret$rne'. Val$e:if:false can &e anot)er for%$la. 6ac-


West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

L4n>4n6 Cells
1. Clic- t)e cell t)at contains t)e 'ata yo$ (ant to lin- to# an' t)en clic- Co23 on t)e Stan'ar' !ool&ar


Clic- t)e cell yo$ (ant to lin- fro%# an' t)en $n'er +or%at# clic- $aste S2e54al.


Clic- $aste L4n>.

Note/ !)e val$e in t)e lin-e' cell (ill no( c)ange ()enever t)e so$rce cellDs val$e is c)ange'. 6ac-

(32e-l4n> Cells
1. 0n t)e so$rce (or-&oo-# rig)t-clic- t)e text or gra*)ic yo$ (ant to re*resent t)e )y*erlin-# an' t)en clic- (32e-l4n> on t)e s)ortc$t %en$. ". Do one of t)e follo(ing/
!o lin- to a location in yo$r c$rrent (or-&oo-# clic- $la5e 4n t84s 0o5./ent $n'er L4n> to.

!o lin- to a location in anot)er (or-&oo-# clic- E14st4n6 f4le o- ?eb 2a6e $n'er

L4n> to. 2. 0f yo$ c)ose E14st4n6 f4le o- ?eb 2a6e# locate an' select t)e (or-&oo- yo$ (ant to lin- to# an' t)en clic- t)e Boo>/a-> &$tton. 3. Do one of t)e follo(ing/ 0n t)e list $n'er Cell Refe-en5e# clic- t)e s)eet yo$ (ant to lin- to# an' t)en ty*e t)e cell reference in t)e T32e 4n t8e 5ell -efe-en5e &ox. Clic- O .

0n t)e list $n'er Def4ne0 Na/es# clic- t)e na%e t)at re*resents t)e cells yo$ (ant to lin- to. Clic- O .

!o assign a ti* to &e 'is*laye' ()en yo$ rest t)e *ointer on t)e )y*erlin-# clicS5-eenT42 an' t)en ty*e t)e text yo$ (ant in t)e S5-eenT42 te1t &ox. Clic- O .


West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

+iltering is a ?$ic- an' easy (ay to fin' an' (or- (it) a s$&set of 'ata in a range. A filtere' range 'is*lays only t)e ro(s t)at %eet t)e criteria yo$ s*ecify for a col$%n. 8icrosoft Excel *rovi'es t(o co%%an's for filtering ranges/ A.toF4lte- an' A0,an5e0 F4lte-. Unli-e sorting# filtering 'oes not rearrange a range. +iltering te%*orarily )i'es ro(s yo$ 'o not (ant 'is*laye'. W)en Excel filters ro(s# yo$ can e'it# for%at# c)art# an' *rint yo$r range s$&set (it)o$t rearranging or %oving it. 6ac-

A.to F4lte!o $se t)e A$to +ilter co%%an' on a s$&set of 'ata# fro% t)e Data %en$# clic- A.to F4lte-. .o$r s$&set %$st contain Eea'ers for t)e A$to +ilter to (or- *ro*erly. W)en yo$ $se t)e A.toF4lte- co%%an'# A$to+ilter arro(s a**ear to t)e rig)t of t)e col$%n la&els in t)e filtere' range. !o a**ly a filter# clic- on an A$to +ilter arro( an' select a categoryFval$e to filter for. !)e A$to +ilter arro( (ill c)ange to a &l$e triangle to let yo$ -no( t)at a filter is a**lie'. TI$9 .o$ can filter %ore t)an one col$%n at a ti%e

!o a**ly a C.sto/ F4lte-# clic- on an A$to +ilter arro( an' t)en [email protected]/7A. 0n t)e C$sto% A$to +ilter &ox# $se t)e 'ro*-'o(n %en$ to select yo$r criterion. .o$ can $se %ore t)an one con'ition to filter yo$r 'ata. !)is exa%*le filters for n$%&ers greater t)an 1" an' less t)an "<. Clic- O 6acto a**ly t)e filter.

F4lte- fo- Un4B.e Re5o-0s


West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

1. ". 2.

Select t)e col$%n or clic- a cell in t)e range or list yo$ (ant to filter. On t)e Data %en$# *oint to F4lte-# an' t)en clic- A0,an5e0 F4lte-. Do one of t)e follo(ing. !o filter t)e range or list in *lace# si%ilar to $sing A.toF4lte-# clic- F4lte- t8e l4stC 4n= 2la5e. !o co*y t)e res$lts of t)e filter to anot)er location# clic- Co23 to anot8e- lo5at4on. !)en# in t)e Co23 To &ox# enter a cell reference.

!o select a cell# clic- Colla2se D4alo6 to te%*orarily )i'e t)e 'ialog &ox. Select t)e cell on t)e (or-s)eet# an' t)en *ress E12an0 D4alo6 . 3. Select t)e Un4B.e -e5o-0s onl3 c)ec- &ox.

Note Once yo$ filter for $ni?$e val$es# yo$ can co*y t)e% to anot)er (or-s)eet an' t)en arc)ive or 'elete t)e original (or-s)eet. 6ac-

$4,ot Table Re2o-ts

Use t)e follo(ing ste*s to create a Pivot !a&le 1e*ort/ 1. O*en t)e (or-&oo- ()ere yo$ (ant to create t)e Pivot !a&le 1e*ort an' clic- a cell in t)e list or 'ata&ase. Note/ Eac) col$%n in yo$r s*rea's)eet %$st )ave a )ea'ing in or'er to *ro'$ce a *ivot ta&le. On t)e Data %en$# clic- $4,otTable an0 $4,otC8a-t Re2o-t.



0n ste* 1 of t)e Pivot!a&le an' PivotC)art WiCar'# acce*t &ot) of t)e 'efa$lt o*tionsG8icrosoft Office Excel -H-

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

list or 'ata&ase an' Pivot !a&le. ClicNe1t


0n ste* "# %a-e s$re t)e range of yo$r 'ata is correct. Excel (ill c)oose a range &ase' on )o( yo$r s*rea's)eet is set $*. ClicNe1t.

0n ste* 2# acce*t t)e 'efa$lt o*tion of *lacing t)e Pivot !a&le in a ,e( (or-s)eet. ClicF4n4s8.

A ne( s)eet (ill &e create' (it) a &lan- Pivot !a&le si%ilar to t)e one on t)e next *age.


West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

List of +iel's Clican' 'rag to Pivot !a&le

4. +ro% t)e $4,otTable F4el0 L4st (in'o(# 'rag t)e fiel's (it) 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to 'is*lay in ro(s to t)e 'ro* area la&ele' Dro* 1o( +iel's Eere. 0f yo$ 'on7t see t)e fiel' list# clic- (it)in t)e o$tlines of t)e Pivot!a&le 'ro* areas. 5. Drag fiel's (it) 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to 'is*lay across col$%ns to t)e 'ro* area la&ele' Dro* Col$%n +iel's Eere. H. Drag fiel's t)at contain t)e 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to s$%%ariCe to t)e area la&ele' Dro* Data 0te%s Eere. 0f yo$ a'' %ore t)an one 'ata fiel'# arrange t)ese fiel's in t)e or'er yo$ (ant/ 1ig)tclic- a 'ata fiel'# *oint to O-0e- on t)e s)ortc$t %en$# an' $se t)e co%%an's on t)e O-0e- %en$ to %ove t)e fiel'. - 1< -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

I. Drag fiel's t)at yo$ (ant to $se as *age fiel's to t)e area la&ele' Dro* Page +iel's Eere. !o rearrange fiel's# 'rag t)e% fro% one area to anot)er. !o re%ove a fiel'# 'rag it o$t of t)e Pivot!a&le re*ort. !o )i'e t)e 'ro* area o$tlines# clic- a cell o$tsi'e t)e Pivot!a&le re*ort. !)e follo(ing Pivot !a&le exa%*le s$%%ariCes t)e n$%&er of e%*loyees &y Jen'er an' Ko& !y*e/

!)e follo(ing Pivot !a&le exa%*le s$%%ariCes t)e n$%&er of CL e%*loyees &y 1ace# Jen'er an' Pay .ear !y*e/


- 11 -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

Searc)es for a val$e in t)e first col$%n of a ta&le array an' ret$rns a val$e in t)e sa%e ro( fro% anot)er col$%n in t)e ta&le array. !)e V in VLOOKUP stan's for vertical. Use VLOOKUP instea' of ELOOKUP ()en yo$r co%*arison val$es are locate' in a col$%n to t)e left of t)e 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to fin'.

VLOO U$9loo>.2<,al.e#table<a--a3#5ol<4n0e1<n./#range:loo-$*; Loo>.2<,al.e !)e val$e to searc) in t)e first col$%n of t)e ta&le array. Loo-$*:val$e can &e a val$e or a reference. 0f loo-$*:val$e is s%aller t)an t)e s%allest val$e in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array# VLOOKUP ret$rns t)e L,FA error val$e. Table<a--a3 !(o or %ore col$%ns of 'ata. Use a reference to a range or a range na%e. !)e val$es in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array are t)e val$es searc)e' &y loo-$*:val$e. !)ese val$es can &e text# n$%&ers# or logical val$es. U**ercase an' lo(ercase text are e?$ivalent. Col<4n0e1<n./ !)e col$%n n$%&er in ta&le:array fro% ()ic) t)e %atc)ing val$e %$st &e ret$rne'. A col:in'ex:n$% of 1 ret$rns t)e val$e in t)e first col$%n in ta&le:array> a col:in'ex:n$% of " ret$rns t)e val$e in t)e secon' col$%n in ta&le:array# an' so on. 0f col:in'ex:n$% is/

Less t)an 1# VLOOKUP ret$rns t)e LVALUEM error val$e. Jreater t)an t)e n$%&er of col$%ns in ta&le:array# VLOOKUP ret$rns t)e L1E+M error val$e. Ran6e<loo>.2 A logical val$e t)at s*ecifies ()et)er yo$ (ant VLOOKUP to fin' an exact %atc) or an a**roxi%ate %atc)/

0f !1UE or o%itte'# an exact or a**roxi%ate %atc) is ret$rne'. 0f an exact %atc) is not fo$n'# t)e next largest val$e t)at is less t)an loo-$*:val$e is ret$rne'. !)e val$es in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array %$st &e *lace' in ascen'ing sort or'er> ot)er(ise# VLOOKUP %ay not give t)e correct val$e. .o$ can *$t t)e val$es in ascen'ing or'er &y c)oosing t)e So-t co%%an' fro% t)e Data %en$ an' selecting As5en04n6.

0f +ALSE# VLOOKUP (ill only fin' an exact %atc). 0n t)is case# t)e val$es in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array 'o not nee' to &e sorte'. 0f t)ere are t(o or %ore val$es in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array t)at %atc) t)e loo-$*:val$e# t)e first val$e fo$n' is $se'. 0f an exact %atc) is not fo$n'# t)e error val$e L,FA is ret$rne'. TI$/ .o$ can $se a for%$la to *revent L,FA val$es fro% a**earing. !)e follo(ing is an exa%*le of one s$c) for%$la/

D4f@4sna@,loo>.2@A'CS8eet&EA9DC4CFAADt-.eC;Val.e Not Fo.n0;C ,loo>.2@A'CS8eet&EA9DC4CFAA - 1" -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

!)e for%$la &asically states t)at if yo$ 'onDt get an exact %atc)# ret$rn @Val$e ,ot +o$n'A# instea' of L,FA. Re/a->s

W)en searc)ing text val$es in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array# ens$re t)at t)e 'ata in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array 'oes not )ave lea'ing s*aces# trailing s*aces# inconsistent $se of straig)t 9 7 or B ; an' c$rly 9 N or @; ?$otation %ar-s# or non*rinting c)aracters. 0n t)ese cases# VLOOKUP %ay give an incorrect or $nex*ecte' val$e. W)en searc)ing n$%&er or 'ate val$es# ens$re t)at t)e 'ata in t)e first col$%n of ta&le:array is not store' as text val$es. 0n t)is case# VLOOKUP %ay give an incorrect or $nex*ecte' val$e. 0f range:loo-$* is +ALSE an' loo-$*:val$e is text# t)en yo$ can $se t)e (il'car' c)aracters# ?$estion %ar- 9O; an' asteris- 9P;# in loo-$*:val$e. A ?$estion %ar- %atc)es any single c)aracter> an asteris- %atc)es any se?$ence of c)aracters. 0f yo$ (ant to fin' an act$al ?$estion %ar- or asteris-# ty*e a til'e 9Q; *rece'ing t)e c)aracter.

Vloo>.2 E1a/2le fo- E1a5t Mat589

- 12 -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

Vloo>.2 E1a/2le fo- A22-o14/ate Mat589


Searc)es for a val$e in t)e to* ro( of a ta&le or an arrayRavascri*t/A**en'Po*$*9t)is#7xl'efArray:17; of val$es# an' t)en ret$rns a val$e in t)e sa%e col$%n fro% a ro( yo$ s*ecify in t)e ta&le or array. Use ELOOKUP ()en yo$r co%*arison val$es are locate' in a ro( across t)e to* of a ta&le of 'ata# an' yo$ (ant to loo- 'o(n a s*ecifie' n$%&er of ro(s. Use VLOOKUP ()en yo$r co%*arison val$es are locate' in a col$%n to t)e left of t)e 'ata yo$ (ant to fin'. !)e E in ELOOKUP stan's for BEoriContal.B S3nta1 (LOO U$9loo>.2<,al.e#table<a--a3#-oG<4n0e1<n./#range:loo-$*; Loo>.2<,al.e is t)e val$e to &e fo$n' in t)e first ro( of t)e ta&le. Loo-$*:val$e can &e a val$e# a reference# or a text string. Table<a--a3 is a ta&le of infor%ation in ()ic) 'ata is loo-e' $*. Use a reference to a range or a range na%e.

!)e val$es in t)e first ro( of ta&le:array can &e text# n$%&ers# or logical val$es. 0f range:loo-$* is !1UE# t)e val$es in t)e first ro( of ta&le:array %$st &e *lace' in ascen'ing or'er/ ...-"# -1# <# 1# "#... # A-S# +ALSE# !1UE> ot)er(ise# ELOOKUP %ay not give t)e correct val$e. 0f range:loo-$* is +ALSE# ta&le:array 'oes not nee' to &e sorte'. - 13 -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

U**ercase an' lo(ercase text are e?$ivalent. .o$ can *$t val$es in ascen'ing or'er# left to rig)t# &y selecting t)e val$es an' t)en clic-ing So-t on t)e Data %en$. Clic- O2t4ons# clic- So-t left to -468t# an' t)en clic- O . Un'er So-t b3# clic- t)e ro( in t)e list# an' t)en clic- As5en04n6. RoG<4n0e1<n./ is t)e ro( n$%&er in ta&le:array fro% ()ic) t)e %atc)ing val$e (ill &e ret$rne'. A ro(:in'ex:n$% of 1 ret$rns t)e first ro( val$e in ta&le:array# a ro(:in'ex:n$% of " ret$rns t)e secon' ro( val$e in ta&le:array# an' so on. 0f ro(:in'ex:n$% is less t)an 1# ELOOKUP ret$rns t)e LVALUEM error val$e> if ro(:in'ex:n$% is greater t)an t)e n$%&er of ro(s on ta&le:array# ELOOKUP ret$rns t)e L1E+M error val$e. Ran6e<loo>.2 is a logical val$e t)at s*ecifies ()et)er yo$ (ant ELOOKUP to fin' an exact %atc) or an a**roxi%ate %atc). 0f !1UE or o%itte'# an a**roxi%ate %atc) is ret$rne'. 0n ot)er (or's# if an exact %atc) is not fo$n'# t)e next largest val$e t)at is less t)an loo-$*:val$e is ret$rne'. 0f +ALSE# ELOOKUP (ill fin' an exact %atc). 0f one is not fo$n'# t)e error val$e L,FA is ret$rne'. 6ac-

Tools $-ote5t S8eet Lo5> All Cells

!o *rotect yo$r (or-s)eet &y loc-ing all cells# co%*lete t)e follo(ing ste*s/ 1. W)ile in t)e (or-s)eet yo$ (ant *rotecte'# go to t)e Tools %en$# *oint to $-ote5t4onC an' t)en clic$-ote5t S8eet. ". Acce*t t)e 'efa$lt c)oices of @Protect (or-s)eet an' contents of loc-e' cellsA# @Select loc-e' cellsA an' @Select $nloc-e' cells.A 2. Enter a *ass(or' t)at yo$ (ill re%e%&er an' clic- OK. 3. Enter t)e sa%e *ass(or' on t)e next screen an' clic- OK. 6ac-

Lo5> Sele5te0 Cells

!o loc- certain cells (it)in a (or-s)eet# co%*lete t)e follo(ing ste*s/ -1 -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

1. Select t)e entire (or-s)eet &y clic-ing t)e Sele5t All &$tton 9t)e gray rectangle 'irectly a&ove t)e ro( n$%&er for ro( 1 an' to t)e left of col$%n letter A;. ". Clic- Cells on t)e Fo-/at %en$# clic- t)e $-ote5t4on ta&# an' t)en clear t)e Lo5>e0 c)ec- &ox. !)is $nloc-s all t)e cells on t)e (or-s)eet Note 0f t)e Cells co%%an' is not availa&le# *arts of t)e (or-s)eet %ay alrea'y &e loc-e'. On t)e Tools %en$# *oint to $-ote5t4on# an' t)en clic- Un2-ote5t S8eet. 2. Select R$st t)e cells yo$ (ant to loc- an' re*eat ste* "# &$t t)is ti%e select t)e Lo5>e0 c)ec- &ox. 3. On t)e Tools %en$# *oint to $-ote5t4on# clic- $-ote5t S8eet# an' t)en clic- O . Note 0n t)e $-ote5t S8eet 'ialog &ox# yo$ )ave t)e o*tion to s*ecify a *ass(or' an' select t)e ele%ents t)at yo$ (ant $sers to &e a&le to c)ange. 6ac-

Man.al Cal5.lat4on
0f yo$ are (or-ing (it) large a%o$nts of 'ata (it) t)o$san's of calc$lations 9es*ecially Vloo-$*s an'For lin-s to ot)er (or-&oo-s;# yo$ %ay notice t)at Excel (ill @slo( 'o(nA in or'er to *erfor% all vloo-$*s an' ot)er calc$lations. One (ay to eli%inate t)is *ro&le% is to set Excel to 8an$al 1ecalc$lation %o'e. !)is can &e 'one &y co%*leting t)e follo(ing ste*s/ 1. On t)e Tools %en$# clic- O2t4ons# an' t)en clic- t)e Cal5.lat4on ta&. ". Un'er Cal5.lat4on# select Man.al. C)anging t)is o*tion affects all o*en (or-&oo-s. Clic- O . 2. !o calc$late all (or-s)eets in all o*en (or-&oo-s *ress +I. !o calc$late only t)e active (or-s)eet# *ress SE0+!T+I. 6ac-

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West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

!o %a-e 'ata entry easier# or to li%it entries to certain ite%s t)at yo$ 'efine# yo$ can create a 'ro*-'o(n list of vali' entries t)at is co%*ile' fro% cells else()ere on t)e (or-s)eet. W)en yo$ create a 'ro*-'o(n list for a cell# it 'is*lays an arro( next to t)at cell. !o enter infor%ation in t)at cell# clic- t)e arro(# an' t)en clic- t)e entry t)at yo$ (ant. !o create a 'ro*-'o(n list fro% a range of cells# $se t)e Val40at4on co%%an' $n'er t)e Data %en$. 1. !o create a list of vali' entries for t)e 'ro*-'o(n list# ty*e t)e entries in a single col$%n or ro( (it)o$t &lan- cells. Note-yo$ %ay (ant to sort t)e 'ata in t)e or'er yo$ (ant it to a**ear in t)e 'ro*-'o(n list. ". 0f yo$ (ant to $se a 'ifferent (or-s)eet in t)e sa%e (or-&oo-# ty*e t)e list on t)at (or-s)eet# an' t)en 'efine a na%e for t)e list 90nsert# ,a%e# Define; 2. Select t)e cell ()ere yo$ (ant t)e 'ro*-'o(n list. 1. On t)e Data %en$# clicVal40at4on# an' t)en clic- t)e Sett4n6s ta&. ". 0n t)e AlloG &ox# clic- L4st. 2. !o s*ecify t)e location of t)e list of vali' entries# 'o one of t)e follo(ing/ a. 0f t)e list is in t)e c$rrent (or-s)eet# enter a reference to yo$r list in t)e So.-5e &ox. &. 0f t)e list is on a 'ifferent (or-s)eet in t)e sa%e (or-&oo- or a 'ifferent (or-&oo-# enter t)e na%e t)at yo$ 'efine' for yo$r list in t)e So.-5e &ox *rece'e' (it) an e?$al sign 9=;. 3. 8a-e s$re t)at t)e In=5ell 0-o2=0oGn c)ec- &ox is selecte'. . !o s*ecify ()et)er t)e cell can &e left &lan-# select or clear t)e I6no-e blan> c)ec- &ox. 0f t)is &ox is selecte'# $sers can leave t)e cell &lan-. 4. O*tionally# 'is*lay an in*$t %essage ()en t)e cell is clic-e'. !o 'o t)is/ Clic- t)e In2.t Messa6e ta&. - 15 -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

8a-e s$re t)at t)e S8oG 4n2.t /essa6e G8en 5ell 4s sele5te0 c)ec- &ox is selecte'. !y*e t)e title an' text for t)e %essage 9$* to "" c)aracters;.

5. O*tionally# yo$ can s*ecify )o( yo$ (ant 8icrosoft Office Excel to res*on' ()en invali' 'ata is entere'. Clic- t)e E--o- Ale-t ta&# an' %a-e s$re t)at t)e S8oG e--o- ale-t afte- 4n,al40 0ata 4s ente-e0 c)ec- &ox is selecte'. Select one of t)e follo(ing o*tions for t)e St3le &ox/ o !o 'is*lay an infor%ation %essage t)at 'oes not *revent entry of invali' 'ata# clic- Info-/at4on. o !o 'is*lay a (arning %essage t)at 'oes not *revent entry of invali' 'ata# clic- ?a-n4n6. o !o *revent entry of invali' 'ata# clic- Sto2. !y*e t)e title an' text for t)e %essage 9$* to "" c)aracters;.

Note 0f yo$ 'on7t enter a title or text# t)e title 'efa$lts to B8icrosoft ExcelB an' t)e %essage to/ B!)e val$e yo$ entere' is not vali'. A $ser )as restricte' val$es t)at can &e entere' into t)is cell.B 6ac-

.o$ can ?$ic-ly create a c)art in 8icrosoft Excel &y $sing t)e C)art WiCar'. 0n t)is (iCar'# yo$ can c)oose fro% a variety of c)art ty*es an' s*ecify vario$s c)art o*tions. Alt)o$g) (or-s)eet 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to *lot in a c)art can &e locate' in ro(s or col$%ns# so%e c)art ty*es re?$ire a s*ecific arrange%ent of t)e 'ata &efore yo$ can create a c)art. 1. ". On t)e (or-s)eet# arrange t)e 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to *lot in a c)art. Select t)e cells t)at contain t)e 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to $se for t)e c)art. T42 0f t)e cells t)at yo$ (ant to select for t)e c)art are not in a contin$o$s range# select t)e first gro$* of cells t)at contain t)e 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to incl$'e. Eol' 'o(n C!1L# an' t)en select any a''itional cell gro$*s t)at yo$ (ant to incl$'e. !)e nona'Racent selections %$st for% a rectangle. 2. 3. Clic- C8a-t ?4Ha-0 on t)e Stan0a-0 tool&ar# or clic- C8a-t on t)e Inse-t %en$.

+ollo( t)e instr$ctions in t)e C)art WiCar'. +or infor%ation a&o$t t)e C)art WiCar' o*tions# clic- (el2 in t)e title &ar of t)e (iCar'. - 1H -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

T42 0f yo$ $se a s*ecific c)art ty*e fre?$ently ()en yo$ create a c)art# yo$ %ay (ant to set t)at c)art ty*e as t)e 'efa$lt c)art ty*e. !o c)ange t)e 'efa$lt c)art ty*e/ 1. Clic- any()ere in t)e c)art area to select t)e c)art. ". On t)e C8a-t %en$# clic- C8a-t T32e. 2. On t)e Stan0a-0 T32es ta& or C.sto/ T32es ta&# in t)e C8a-t t32e list# clic- t)e c)art ty*e t)at yo$ (ant or acce*t t)e c$rrent selection# an' t)en clic- Set As Defa.lt C8a-t. 3. Clic- +es# an' t)en clic- O . . 0f t)e A00 C.sto/ C8a-t T32e 'ialog &ox a**ears# ty*e a na%e in t)e Na/e &ox an' a 'escri*tion in t)e Des5-42t4on &ox# an' t)en clic- O . Notes

W)en yo$ create a c)art# t)e C8a-t tool&ar is 'is*laye' an' t)e C8a-t %en$ is a''e' to t)e %en$ &ar. .o$ can $se t)e tool&ar &$ttons an' %en$ co%%an's to %o'ify t)e c)art. +or exa%*le# $se t)e tool&ar to select s*ecific ite%s in t)e c)art# c)ange t)e c)art ty*e# %a-e for%atting c)anges# s)o( or )i'e t)e legen' or 'ata ta&le# or s(itc) &et(een 'is*laying t)e 'ata series &y ro( an' 'is*laying it &y col$%n. !)e C8a-t %en$ allo(s yo$ to %a-e c)anges to t)e so$rce 'ata# a'' 'ata to t)e c)art# s*ecify n$%ero$s c)art o*tions# c)ange t)e location of t)e c)art# an' a**ly 2-D effects. !)e C8a-t %en$ 'oes not# )o(ever# *rovi'e a co%%an' for creating a c)art. !)e C8a-t tool&ar can also &e 'is*laye' 9or )i''en; at any ti%e &y *ointing to Toolba-s on t)e V4eG %en$# an' t)en clic-ing C8a-t. 0f yo$ 'is*lay t)e C8a-t tool&ar &efore yo$ create a c)art# yo$ can $se it to create a c)art. Select t)e cells t)at contain t)e 'ata t)at yo$ (ant to $se in t)e c)art# an' t)en clic- C8a-t T32e on t)e C8a-t tool&ar. !)e c)art (ill &e 'is*laye' in t)e selecte' c)art ty*e on t)e sa%e (or-s)eet. 6ac-

#.45> Tools
Excel )as a ?$ic- tool feat$re t)at (ill ena&le yo$ to fin' t)e s$%# %in# %ax# co$nt an' average of selecte' cells (it)o$t entering any for%$las. Once cells (it) n$%&ers are selecte'# excel (ill calc$late an' s)o( t)e res$lt at t)e center of t)e &otto% tool&ar.

!)e 'efa$lt for %ost excel (or-s)eets (ill &e t)e s$% f$nction. !o c)ange t)e calc$lation# rig)t clic- on t)e &otto% tool&ar an' c)oose t)e 'esire' statistic 9see next fig$re;. .o$r c)oices (ill - 1I -

West Virginia University

Division of Planning

Excel for Analysts

&e as follo(s/ NoneG'oes not *erfor% a calc$lation A,e-a6eGfin's t)e average of selecte' cells t)at contain n$%&ers Co.ntGco$nts t)e n$%&er of selecte' non-&lan- cells Co.nt N./sGco$nts t)e n$%&er of selecte' cells t)at contain n$%&ers Ma1Gfin's t)e largest val$e of t)e selecte' cells t)at contain n$%&ers M4nGfin's t)e s%allest val$e of t)e selecte' cells t)at contain n$%&ers S./Gfin's t)e s$%%ation of t)e selecte' cells t)at contain n$%&ers Anyti%e yo$ select %ore t)an one cell# excel (ill calc$late yo$r c)oice on t)e &otto% tool&ar. Note/ Excel (ill ignore n$%&ers t)at are store' as text.

R468t=5l45> 8e-eC t8en 58oose one


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