Parle - G

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A report on Parle-G






A report on Parle-G

Since the few years the business world has completely changed. There has a rapid development taken place in India changing the past independence period industriali ation in the country which has made India one of the industrial powers of the world. !evaluation in the field of commerce and business has changed many lives in India. The avenues of economic liberali ation and globali ation have invited certain change and business enterprises are now able to face challenges at competition from multinationals.

Practical knowledge is the essential for facing all direct circumstances. "nly in industrial visit tells us make deeply how we should apply doctrines in real life because industrial visit is over all practical information about on industry.

Reading Gives Theoretical knowledge. But visit Gives Practical Knowledge

A report on Parle-G

I am very proud to be out of the training of the industrial visit organi ed by my institute tot Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td. %any people have made their contribution in marketing this visit a success. I am very thankful to all of them. &irstly' I am very thankful to the director of our institute shri.-------------- for making this visit possible for us. Then I e(press my gratitude to Prof A)IT S"$A*+I for great help in making this report. $ast but not the least. I am also thankful to the attention and co-operation of the half of ,Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td.- to us during our visit I must thank them for king support and their attention as well as guidance. I have been learning many things men. &inally I e(press my gratitude towards all the persons also directly and indirectly supported me in preparing this report. "nce' again I would like to thank those people who has helped me in preparing this report.

A report on Parle-G

Name: - Bhoi Kalpesh K.

Roll No:-11 3



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Introduction to Comp n! 1) H*%#o+, 2) M*%%*o"- V*%*o"- O./$0#*1$% 3) A22+$%% o3 R$(*%#$+$2 o33*0$ ) Bo'+2 o3 D*+$0#o+ 4) A22+$%% o3 #!$ &l'"#% 5) L*%# o3 6+o270#% 8) M'*" A0!*$1$9$"#% o3 Co96'",

;8 ;< ;= 1; 1 14 15 1=

2) Introduction to production M n "#m#nt &+o270#*o" &+o0$%% T,6$% o3 R': 9'#$+*'l% 1) U#*l*#, 2) 6o:$+ 3) :'#$+ 2; 21 2 24 24 24

A report on Parle-G

) G'% T!$ >7'l*#, 0o"#+ol &+o270#*o" 0'6'0*#, C!'+# o3 &+o270#*o" 9'"'($9$"# 24 25 28 3; Introduction to Hum n R#$ourc# M n "#m#nt 3) 1) To#'l N79.$+ o3 E96lo,% 2) To#'l S!*3#% 3) O+('"*?'#*o" %#+70#7+$ ) So7+0$% o3 R$0+7*#9$"# 4) &+o0$%% o3 S$l$0#*o" 5) T+'*"*"( 8) E96lo,$$ .$"$3*# @ %$+1*0$ 32 33 3 34 35 38 3< ) Introduction o% M r&#tin" M n "#m#nt 1) B+'"2 N'9$ Pricin" o% t'# Product 1 Promotion$ 1) A21$+#*%*"( 2) S'l$% &+o9o#*o" &7.l*0 +$l'#*o" M'+A$# +$%$'+0! 6+o0$%% D*%#+*.7#*o" %#+'#$(, &$+%o"'l %$ll*"( 4 4 5 8 < = 3= ; 4) 5) 31

A report on Parle-G

I96o+#-EB6o+# 9'+A$# &+o270# 2$9'"2 4; 41 42 8) <) =) 1;) Soci ( R#$pon$i)i(it! S* t An (!$i$ Conc(u$ion Bi)(io"r p'!

4 45 4< 4=

A report on Parle-G

A report on Parle-G

A long time ago' Parle.s first factory set up in %umbai in /010 to manufacture toffees. The #ritish ruled India a small factory was set up in the suburbs of %umbai city to manufacture sweets and toffees. The year was /010 and the market was dominated by famous international brands that were imported freely. 2espite the odds and une3ual competition. This company called Parle Products survived and succeeded by adhering to high 3uality and improvising from time to time. A decade later in /040 Parle Products began manufacturing biscuits in addition to sweets and toffees. 5aving already established a reputation for 3uality. The parle brand name grew in strength with this diversification parle glucose and parle %onaco were the first brands of biscuits to be introduced which later went on to become leading names for great taste and 3uality.


A report on Parle-G


To meet the need of the hour and find better ways to offer cost effective solution.

To emerge as the per fared supplier Parle

#iscuits in India and also establish a strong market presence in the middle nice and India market. To establish Parle #iscuit $td. Is world class business organi ation comparable to the best in the food and bakery business.

A report on Parle-G


#a$e: Registered O%%ice: Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td. *irlon 5ouse' 167-#. 2r. Annie #esant !oad' 8orli' %umbai-799916' %aharastra' Tel- :911;704/<7/. &a(-:911;7044=49. >ontact Person? %s. >eline 2.Sou a. &orks: $ao %ore Parle #iscuits Pvt. $td. *ear Gayatri %andir

P r(# Bi$cuit$ Pri+ t# Limit#d,

A report on Parle-G

Plot *o @ /9/9-# /9//-A' Phase @7 G.I.2.> @ *aroda. Ahmedabad. 'actories: Parle Products Pvt. $td. TeApal !oad' *orth level' >rossing' vile-Parle :B; %umbai @79996C' %aharashtra' (ontact Person? %r. !.S.*evatia. )*+ort,in%or$ation? %r.2.*.+ulkarni. Regional "ales O%%ices: 2elhi Parle Products Pvt. $td. PankaA Pla el Site *o @ 4CD4<. Plot *o-/6' &lat *o-/9=D19=' $ocat shopping center' +alkoyee'

A report on Parle-G

*ew 2elhi @//99/0 Tel-:9//; =7C1<<7' (ontact Person: %r. !aAiv Selot. Branch in Gu-arat: Ahmedabad *adiyad #havnagar #huA Branch in !ndia: GuAarat %umbai !aAasthan #angalore Ettar Pradesh %adhya Pradesh %aharashtra Tamilnadu Andhra Pradesh +arnataka 8est #engal

A report on Parle-G

#ihar 5aryana +olkata

(o$+an. +rogress out o% !ndia? ESA Australia 2ubai Sri $anka South Africa


A report on Parle-G

Board of directors
)ust as your family has many special loved one. Parents Grand Parents #rother and Sister

u$/ai 0illage Parle, 1PRO OT)R"2

/; Shri Sharadbhai >hauhan 1; Shri !ameshbhai >hauhan 4; Shri FiAaybhai >hauhan Production aintenance anager: Shri 2hiranbhai Thakkar anager: Shri %ukundbhai Goswami.

A report on Parle-G


/. Shri !aAkumar Ghumanani :2eputy 2irector; 1. Shri Finodbhai Ghumanani:2eputy 2irector; 4. Shri %anoharbhai >hoithai:2eputy 2irector; 7. Shri Sadhubhai :2irector; 6. Shri 5arishbhai >helkani :>o-"rdinator;

Address of the plants

Parle #iscuits Private $td >ompany manufacturing Parle #iscuits in very large portion so we select this company to get information about Parle #iscuits >ompany. So we went its branch at *aroda G.I.2.> in Ahmedabad. The location of factory is very good manufacturing the product because *aroda G.I.2.> is a industrial area where many industries are located. >ompany was started in /00/ with a view to meet the need of the hours and find better ways to offer cost

A report on Parle-G

effective solutions. This company faces no difficulty to start its new plant at *aroda because it was famous all over the country and its reputation is very much good. These entire factories are located at strategic locations. So as to ensure a constant out put G easy distribution.


Fun C#ntr#

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A report on Parle-G

Ro(- -Co(

M ri# C'oic#

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M#(od! C nd!

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TYPES OF PRODUCTS -: BISCUITS :/; Parle-G 1; Si(er 4; +rack-)ack 7; >heeselings 6; )eff.s =; %ilk-Shakti C; *amkin <; %arie choice 0; 5ide and Seek :>hocolate and #iscuit;

A report on Parle-G

/9; Parle-G %agi( :choco and !eal >hoco; //; %onaco :Salt')eera' %ethi; /1; &un->eter:Pineapple'orange'elaichi'chocolate; /4;>ruchy %unchy:>ashew and #adam'Toofy &uri;


/; kismi Toffee 1; +ismi Blaichi 4; >hintu +ismi Toffee 7; %ango #ite 6; "rangee =; Poppins C; Tangy <; &ruit 2eops /9; >ho(

A report on Parle-G

//;>afechino /1; Pick-*-Pack /4;!ol-A->ola /7;%angoli /6;Smootnie /=; 2airy fun

Main achievements
Parle-G has been awarded at the monde selection international institute for 3uality selection 1994. 42 " OOT5!)": Grand Gold %edal 62 82 O#A(O 1B!"(7!T"2: Grand Gold %edal AR!),(5O!() 1B!"(7!T"2: Gold %edal AG!: 1B!"(7!T"2: Gold %edal

92 PARL),G

;2 '5#,()#T)R 1B!"(7!T"2: Gold %edal


A report on Parle-G

<2 (5O(O,LAT) 1B!"(7!T"2: Gold %edal


A report on Parle-G


A report on Parle-G


!aw material Testing %i(ing %oldings #aking >ooling $ast @Packing !ntroduction: Production is the conversion of raw material in to finished products and is also spaken of as manufacture good. The plant is organi ed and operated primarily with obAect of producing goods. The company has wide range of products. There are items which are available in si e.

A report on Parle-G

Basic raw,$aterial 8heat Sugar Fanaspati %ilk Salt

%anufacture process in the unit is very advanced and scientific.

Process o% Production:
The raw-material re3uired by Parle Products is as under. "tart: /. !aw %aterial Testing? After re3uires the raw material all the materials are testing in the deb. 1. %i(ing? After testing the raw material all the raw material are mi(ing by machine process. 4. %olding?


A report on Parle-G

8hen the process of mi(ing after this product molding in the die for Parle-G 7. #aking? 8hen the process of molding after this biscuits own in the burner machine. The machine is /66 feet long with = burners. 6. >ooling? 8hen the process of baking is over after this biscuits provide in cooling one this biscuits cooling in 4 min 7 sec. =.Packing? 8hen the products process are finish that they were arrange the product and the all product are packing in the bo(es

A report on Parle-G


Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td. Production is the conversion of rawmaterial in to finished products and is also spaken of manufacture good. The company gets raw materials from GuAarat and any other state company is checking of the every raw materials.

Basic Raw


&heat: &or proteins that will help you grow wheat 0anas+ati = "ugar:&or energy. "alt> 0ita$ins and

inerals?&or development used.

ilk: &or calcium to build health bones.

Bvery raw materials use for Parle #iscuit Product. There is

most important material making biscuits process.


A report on Parle-G

142 &ater:
The daily water re3uirement of the production is not by the supply of water made by the G.I.2.> to the industrial users.

162 )lectricit.:
The electricity is procured via GuAarat Blectricity #oard.

182 GA":
The daily Gas re3uirement of the production is not sufficient by GuAarat GAS $td. The provide the gas supply through well maintained pipelines.


A report on Parle-G


Parle Products has one factory at %umbai. That manufactures biscuits and confectioneries while another factory at #ahadhirgarh in haryana manufactures biscuits. A part form this Parle has manufacturing facility at *eemrana in !aAasthan and at #anglore in +arnataka. The factories at #ahadugarh and *eemrana are the largest such manufacturing units for biscuits and 6 manufacturing units for confectioneries on contract. %anager has to keep at all production process control. All Parle Products are manufacture under the most hygienic conditions. Grate care is e(ercised in selection and 3uality control of raw materials packing materials' rigid 3ualities standards are ensured at every stag of the manufacturing process. Bvery batch of biscuits G confectioneries are thoroughly checked by e(pert staff using most modern e3uipment.


A report on Parle-G


Parle #iscuits Pvt. $td. India.s highest production capacity /' 99'999 tune per annum. The company.s total turn over per year is /19 corers tunes per year. Per day the company turns over 4= tune corers. The company.s total turn over per month is 0.69 corer turn. Parle is a large selling #iscuits. Then company.s total production per day of #iscuits 6< to 60 lake. Bvery day 4.6 to 7 lake packes are pre paid.


A report on Parle-G

Amount per /99g Total >alorie 769cal >alories from fat /1=cal Total fact /79g Saturated fat =.7g Poly unsaturated fat 9.<g %ono unsaturated fat =.<g >holesteral 99. %g Total carbohydrate C6.1g Sugars 1=.9g 2ietary fibre 1.7g Protein =.6g Sodiam 1C9. mg >alcium /6.9mg Iron 1.9mg

H2aily Falue 11.6H 1/.9H 1/.9H 0.9H /.1H /9.1H 9.9H 16./H <.CH =.9H /4.9H //.H /.4H /=.CH



A report on Parle-G

Production Capacity
1200 1000 800 600 840.25 806.93 jan 400 200 0 Feb Mar Apr May un u! Au" 1021.25 1019.2 917.45





A report on Parle-G


Production 2epartment Production %anager 2eputy %anager B(ecutives Supervisor 8orkers


A report on Parle-G


A report on Parle-G


The over all responsibility of manufacturing are interested to vice president who is supported by different functional health leaking after oral solids' 3uality control production planning and control and utilities. Personal department is the main part of the each and every company without the person company can do nothing and can not earn profit. 42 #7 B)R O' ) PLO?))":, As the company employees are the main part of the company of how many number of they are in the factory is very important Parle.s total employees are /19 which permanents. The company provides them good atmosphere and salary. The company has good relationship with his employees. It provides them insurance also company tries to give them basic facility. Bvery employee gets uniform from the company. Aim to increase employee.s salary. /19 people working in that department most of them are classifies in three different groups' supervisors' engineers' workers.


A report on Parle-G


Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td. There are two shifts to take work from the workers and they are in very proper time. It is /1 hours and the workers have to work during that period of shifts only. They have not a continuous process. The times of the shifts are also very properly because they set for the help of the workers. They are as follows /st S5I&T <?99 A.%. To <?99 P.% 1nd S5I&T <?99 P.% To <?99 A.%

A report on Parle-G

ORGA#!@AT!O# "TR7(T7R)

M'"'(*"( 2*+$0#o+ D*+$0#o+

G$"$+'l M'"'($+

M'#$+*'l H'"2*"( 2$6#) M'"'($+)

G+*"2*"( 2$6#) O33*0$+

&'0A*"( 2$6#) O33*0$+

S'l$% O33*0$+

H$'# #+$'#9$"# D$6'+#9$"# o33*0$+

A%%$9.l$ 2$6'+#9$"# O33*0$+


Wo+A$+%C S7.o+2*"'#$%


A report on Parle-G

Parle #iscuits Pvt. $td. #ranch of Ahmedabad is located in *aroda G.I.2.>. is a industrial area and near the Ahmedabad city. So the employees or engineers needed are easily available. To recruit new employees they give advertisement in Parle related newspapers and finally they get best employees to work every member of employees comes to the Ahmedabad city area. Parle staff members and workers are provide clean aprons caps' uniforms and foot wears. The company gives good salary to their employees and maintain good relation with them' separate growing rooms are providing before entry in to the plant.


A report on Parle-G

Process of Selection?

Selection is process of finding the right man for right Aob. Selection is re3uire on different stages like receipt or application' primary interview selection' taste ' final interview ' physical taste and appointment . Selection is the process of picking individuals with re3uisite 3ualification and competence to fill Aobs in to organi ation. Parle.s selection and recruitment is very effectively. Parle company give advertisement in newspaper and radio and other sources and also company have certain policy of selection and recruitment advertisement is given within the period of /6 days the candidate are called for an interview.


A report on Parle-G


&or the purpose of basic training. The bulk desperation is given before the assignment of the Aob. The key personnel are sponsored for training schedule by out side institution. Agencies for the purpose of training necessary follow up is taken form. The training so as given the benefits tot other effective working in the same factory 8hen there is new employees come to the company. So employees provide three days compulsory training. Then personal concerned are kept under the constant supervision and guidance subAect to e(amination from time. They have full facility training room at *aroda and they give class room training and also practical training to them.


A report on Parle-G


A 3ualified person is appointed to visit the factory daily. Bvery different and indirect employee is subAected to techni3ues. The medical report shall cover various aspects vi ' eye sight' blood pressure' physical fitness etc. The personnel is where respect the medical e(emption reports not found satisfactory i.e The physical fitness of the personnel is not as per the re3uired standard are to be duet with by affecting necessary trades or other wise as deemed fit in to the conte(t at the circumstances. The company provides them good atmosphere and salary. Bvery employee get uniform form the company. Aim to A increase employee.s salary.


A report on Parle-G

A report on Parle-G

Brand name
#rand is a name' term' symbol or design or a combination of there to identify the goods or services of one seller or groups of seller G to differentiate them from those of competitors. The Parle company sells its entire product under the brand name ,PA!$B ,. Parle Product has been India.s largest %anufacturer of biscuits and confectionery' for almost <9 years. %akers of the world.s largest selling biscuit' Parle-G' and a host of the very popular brands' the Parle name symboli es 3uality' nutrition and great taste. 8ith a reach spanning even the remotest villages of India' the company has definitely come a very long way since its inception. %any of the Parle products - biscuits or confectioneries' are market leaders in their category and have won acclaim at the %onde Selection' since /0C/. 8ith a 79H share of the total biscuit market and a /6H share of the total confectionary market in India' Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar company. 8hile to consumers itIs a beacon of faith and trust' competitors look upon Parle as an e(ample of marketing brilliance.

A report on Parle-G


Parle #iscuits captured not only nation but international market of starch. It has a large field of market. "ne of the most important and critical areas in marketing management is the pricing of products decisions on pricing have considerable effect in marketing. A wrong pricing can nullify the effect of all right decisions relating to products physical distribution and promotion. 2ecisions relating to price reflect many things. 5ow consumers perceive the product. Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td. manufacture of #iscuits product decides their price of different #iscuits on the basis of certain things such as 5ow many buyers are thereJ 8hat is the demand of their product in the market competitors. price' cost of materialsJ

A report on Parle-G

Product ABiscuitsB Parle G Parle G Parle G +reck Aack *amkin %ilk Shakti %arie >hoice 5ide G Seek %onaco Salt )eera "nion %ethi >runchee %anchee >ashew G #adam Tutte futte Fun c#nt#r Pineapple Blaichi >hocolate $emon

&eight AG$ B /99gm 69gm 16gm C6gm C6gm /99gm /99gm /99gm C6gm C6gm C6gm C6gm C6gm C6gm C6gm C6gm /99gm /99gm /99gm /99gm

Price ARsB 7.69 !s 1.99!s /.99!s =.99!s =.99!s 6.99!s 6.99!s /6.99!s =.99!s =.99!s C.99!s C.99!s C.99!s <.99!s /9.99!s <.99!s <.99!s <.99!s <.99!s <.99!s

A report on Parle-G

Product 1To%%ee2 +ismi toffee +ishmi eliechi bar +imi toffee bar %ango bite Poppins %inipoppins %ay fair 2airy >ateching >ho( !ola cola %anagoli Smootte

Prices 14 +iece2 /.69 !s. /.69 !s. /.99 !s. 9.69 !s. 1.99 !s. /99 !s. 9.16 !s. 9.16 !s. /.99 !s. 1.99!s. 199 !s. 916 !s. 969 !s.

A report on Parle-G

I# 9$'"% '0#*1*#, #!'# 0o997"*0'#$ #!$ 9$+*#% o3 #!$ 6+o270# '"2 6$+%72$ #'+($# 07%#o9$+ #o .7, *#) Co96'"*$% 9*%# 2o 9o+$ #!$" 3o+97l'#$ (oo2 #!$, 97%# *"3o+9$ 0o"%79$+ '.o7# 6+o270# o3 .$"$3*# '"2 0'+$37ll, 6o%*#*o" 6+o270# *" 0o"%79$+ 9*"2) To 2o #!*% #!$, 97%# %A*ll37ll, 7%$ #!$ 9'%%6+o9o#*o" #ool% o3 '21$+#*%*"(- %'l$% 6+o9o#*o"- '"2 67.l*0 +$l'#*o")

A report on Parle-G

Advertising is the important of %arketing advertising is the process of communicating persuasion information about a product to target market by means of the written and spoken word' and by visual materials. 8ithout advertising is not possible of the marketing. There are many types of advertising likes as economics times' website' television' radio and banner' etc. !unning a business without advertising is Aust like looking at a girl in the dark you know what you are looking but she doesn.t know.

A report on Parle-G

&+o9o#*o" *% #!$ '0#*1*#*$% *"0l72$ :!*0! '+$ 2o"$ #o '96l*3, #!$ %'l$%) I# *"0l72$% '21$+#*%*"(- %'l$% 6+o9o#*o" '"2 67.l*0 +$l'#*o") I# *% 1$+, $%%$"#*'l 3o+ '", 0o96'", #o $%6o7%$ #!$ 6+o9o#*o" #o +$9'*" *" #!$ 9'+A$# o+ #o 3*(!# :*#! #!$ 0o96$#*#o+%) &'+l$ $"('($% *" #!$ l'+($ %0'l$ o3 6+o9o#*o" *"0l72*"( '21$+#*%*"( #!+o7(! TV- 9$2*'"$:%6'6$+%)$#0 T!$+$ *% ' 0'7(!# #!+o7(! 0o96$#*#*o" .$#:$$" &'+l$ @ S7" 3$'%#)

A report on Parle-G

The Parle name conAures up fond memories across the length and breath of the country. Public relation usually comes under the heading publicity which is concerned with the natural understanding between an organi ation and its public. The consumer is the focus of all activities at Parle ' %a(imi ing value to consumers and forging enduring customer relationships are the core endeavors at Parle . "ur efforts are driven towards ma(imi ing customers. satisfaction and this is in synergy with our 3uality pledge. ,Parle products limited will strive to provide consistently nutrition.s and 3uality food products to meet consumers ,Satisfaction by using 3uality. It is given as per the order placed ant the technical e(pertise been re3uired for production and lastly the rate promotion since they think is in well established brand in the industry so good public relationship is establishing in company.


A report on Parle-G


2efining the Problems and !esearch obAect 2eveloping the research Plan >ollecting the information Analy ing the information Presenting the research plan Implementing the research plan Inter Prettying and !eporting the &indings.

A report on Parle-G

The Parle #iscuits is world number on selling. This #iscuits is sweet and healthy. The company appointed so many distributors in foreign countries like ESA' Srilanka' 2ubai' South Africa' and Australia etc. %ost the company.s products are e(ported to foreign buyers either directly in case of big orders of through distributors. 2istribution channels are in company to retailers. >ompany to distributors' distributor to agency provide agency to shopkeeper and also provide shopkeeper to customers. The stockiest will be provided to retailer.


A report on Parle-G

5owever vivid the message put over by advertising there is no substituted for the final face-to-face meeting between the buyers and the seller or his representative advertising creates the interest and there desire but personal selling clinches the deal. There desire industrial markets personal selling plays an even more' e(tensive role' for the moment let us consider the basic sale process. /; Bstablishment of customer contact 1; %aking proposal for sale 4; !etaining the business 7; >reating a preference for product


A report on Parle-G

Parle is not only nation market but international market of starch. It has a large field of marketing the international business also improves the financial conditions of the country. The Parle products is not only sold in India but also in other countries ESA' Australia' 2ubai' Srilanka' Bven the more sophi sticated markets like ESA And Australia' now relish Parle Products. Parle #iscuits and confectionaries are fast gaining acceptance in international market. %any Parle products have also won gold' silver and bron e medals at the monde selection Parle has initiated the process of getting IS" 0999 certification *ow using more modern techni3ue for capacity e(pansion. 8e have begun spreading our wings and are going global.

A report on Parle-G


A report on Parle-G

Parle@G has been a strong house hold name a cross. India the great taste high nutrition and the international 3uality makes Parle@ G a winner. *o wonder it.s the India putted leader in the #iscuits category for decides. Parle@G is consumed by people of all ages from the rich to the poor living I cities and in villages while some have it for break fast for others it is a complete whole some meat for some it.s the best accompany for chill while for some. It.s a way of gating charged whenever they are law on energy. It.s also often highly recommend by dieticians and medical practitioners. It is widely a likely and eaten across India be any city village town etc.

A report on Parle-G

Social responsibility

Parle Products with its wide platter of offering of biscuits and sweets like Parle-G' +rackAack' %onaco' %elody' %ango bite and many others since /010 is also actively engaged to change G uplift the social face of India. As a part of >orporate Social !esponsibility Policy Parle is keenly involved in the overall development of younger generation with focused endeavor to built *ew &ace of India and spread happiness G Aoy all over. &'+l$ C$"#+$ o3 EB0$ll$"0$ '% '" *"%#*#7#*o" *% 2$2*0'#$2 #o $"+*0! #!$ l*1$% o3 6$o6l$ #!+o7(! 0o"270#*"( 1'+*o7% 07l#7+'l 6+o(+'9% '0+o%% 'll +$(*o" #o 3'0*l*#'#$ #!$ 'll +o7"2 2$1$lo69$"# o3 #!$ 0!*l2+$") E1$+, ,$'+- &'+l$ o+('"*%$% S'+'%:'#* V'"2'"' *" #!$ %#'#$ o3 W$%# B$"('l 27+*"( #!$ 3$%#*1'l o3 S'+'%:'#* &7/'- *"1*#*"( %0!ool% 3+o9 'll '0+o%% #!$ %#'#$ #o 6'+#*0*6'#$) T!$ $1$"# *% o"$ o3 970! 3'"3'+$ '"2 0$l$.+'#*o"- A$$6*"( 'l*1$ #!$ 07l#7+$ '"2 #+'2*#*o"% o3 '($%) O7+ *"1ol1$9$"# *" 07l#7+'l '0#*1*#*$% !'% %$$" #!$ *"0$6#*o" o3 Gol7 G'l'#' *" T'9*l N'27- !$l2 27+*"( N'1+'#+*) I#% (*1$% ' 6l'#3o+9 #o 'll #!$ 9$9.$+% o3 ' !o7%$!ol2 #o %!o:0'%$ #!$*+ 0+$'#*1*#, '"2 .$*"( /72($2 ., *99'"$"# 6$+%o"'l*#*$%)


A report on Parle-G

T!o7%'"2% o3 families participate and celebrate the occasion on a grand scale. These events give us a chance to interact with children on a one-toone basis' and promote our belief of fun and health for the whole family. Parle @ The world of 5appiness.


A report on Parle-G

"&OT A#AL?"!"
S8"T analysis means' ST!B*T5S 8BA*BSS "PPE!TI*ITK T5!BATS In Parle biscuit Pvt. $td. Swot analysis all four premises are included.

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The high strength of parle product is that they are India.s largest %anufacture of biscuits G confectioneries for the almost <9 years. Parle-G' a host of other very popular brands' the parle name symboli es 3uality' nutrition of great taste. 8ith a reach spanning even the remotest villages of India' the co. has definitely come a very long way since its inception.

342 W# &n#$$

A report on Parle-G

As such Parle co. is not having any weakness. Parle co. very well knows how to treat their customer in a very good manner. 352 Opportunit!

The Parle name conAures up fond memories across the length of breadth of the country. After all' since /010' the people of India have been growing up on parle biscuits G sweets. Today' the parle brands have found their way into the hearts of homes of people all over India G abroad. Parle biscuits G confectioneries' continue to spread happiness of Aoy among people of all ages. The consumer is the focus of all activities at parle. %a(imi ing value to consumers of forging enduring customers relationships are the core endeavourers at Parle. Their efforts are driven towards ma(imi ing consumers satisfaction of this is a synergy with their 3uality pledge.



#eing a best a largest selling brand in the %arket' there are many competitors like #ritannia' and many new upcoming brands G Parle has to struggle to maintain the stable position in the market of try to produce to taste according to the consumers or the demand.


A report on Parle-G


A report on Parle-G

&inally I considered that this practical at Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td was a great e(perience. It was very wonderful e(periences for me form this proAect. I learned about the particular aspects of the private sector. Parle #iscuits Pvt.$td. is one of the leading #iscuits of the world by careful analysis at this report it is found that Parle is developing at very fast rate and that days are not far when Parle will become the leading Parle #iscuits in the world.


A report on Parle-G


&e/ "ite: Book: Principal of %anagement $.%.Prasad.


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