The Real Biefeld Brown Effect

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The real Biefeld Brow n effect

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06-04-2014 19:28

The real Biefeld Brow n effect

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Analysing the real Biefeld Brown effect

By Engineer Saviour - Blaze Labs Note: In the following discussion, all equations have been derived from well accepted conventional physics laws and equations. The main difference you will find is in the interpretation of such equations, enabling you to understand better how many physical effects may relate to each other. Introduction to the theory Biefeld Brown effect analysis Biefeld Brown thrust calculations Newton vs Einstein laws Spacetime warping Speed of light in dielectrics Energy storage & flow within dielectrics Symmetric vs Asymmetric energy fields Biefeld Brown craft efficiency Introduction to the theory

Working in conjunction with Dr. P. A. Biefeld, Thomas Townsend Brown found that highly charged capacitors, when properly suspended, showed a tendency to move relative to the gravitational force. When the poles of a freely suspended charged capacitor (even in vacuum) were placed on a horizontal axis, a forward thrust would be produced which would move the capacitor in the direction of the positive pole. The direction of thrust would reverse in conjunction with a polarity change. This is the phenomenon known as the Biefeld-Brown Effect.


Anti-gravity was demonstrated by placing the capacitor on a beam balance and charging it. When the positive pole pointed upwards, the condenser would move to a point of equilibrium. When the positive pole was pointed downwards, the balance would show a downward deflection. Experiments show the intensity of the effect to be dependent on several factors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the the the the the surface area of the plates voltage differential between the plates proximity of the plates to each other material mass between the plates dielectric capacity between the plates

Biefeld Brown effect analysis

The main problem in analysing the real Biefeld Brown effect, is that when tested in air, these devices will be acted upon by the air ions, which will contribute to thrust and thus result in erroneous results of the measured thrust. Testing these charged devices in vacuum is the only way to separate the ion thrust from the effect under study. As you may note all points (1-5) mentioned above contribute to the total charge stored in a capacitor, which is the total charge flow that occurs in the capacitor during its charging process. When a capacitor is connected to a dc supply, the positive terminal will attract electrons from the negative terminal (even through vacuum). The electron flow stops when the electrons on the negative plate repel other electrons and stop them from reaching the plate. At this point a capacitor is said to be fully charged. No dielectric is a perfect insulator, and so a charging current will always be present, with the greatest flow occuring during initial charging. Biefeld Brown thrust calculations In many of Thomas Townsend Brown's patents we read that it was not unusual to perform the tests at 300 kV and even Megavolts. Why are such high voltages required? If a device can produce 1 N of thrust at 300 kV then why should it produce no thrust at all (in vacuum) at 30 kV ? Assume two opposite plates are being charged from zero to a high voltage. Electrons leave the metal surface on the negative plate and are accelerated towards the positive plate. As the electron accelerates, its speed increases steadily to very high values until it hits the opposite surface, at which conservation of momentum makes the positive plate acquire the kinetic energy of the electron. Let's analyse this mathematically: Electric field energy E=qV , where q = electron charge and V = potential difference.


Lets assume no losses, and that most of this electric energy is used to accelerate the electrons, resulting in kinetic energy. E = qV = 1/2mv2, where m = mass of electron, v = velocity at positive plate. Velocity acquired v = sqrt(2qV/m)

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06-04-2014 19:28

The real Biefeld Brow n effect

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06-04-2014 19:28

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